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Independence, 2027488002. Is d party, that number green party, libertarian party, 2027488003. cspanwj. Tweet and paul from monmouth arsity in new jersey poll from Monmouth University, this one coming on wednesday saying 2016 brought out the worst in people, more than two voters in three voters say the race has brought out the worst in people and they disapprove of the campaigns harsh rhetoric. Dissatisfaction rather than anger is the work to best characterize feelings of voters about the federal government. The results show the opinion on terrorism has not changed much. Even after the recent bombings in new york and new jersey. They say that 70 of American Voters say that this years president ial campaign has brought up a worse in people. One more article on that, Huffington Post this morning, a lot of people are getting into fights over the election is the headline. Just a quick look at that, they say if you have not noticed, this election is divisive. More than one third of americans have gotten into a fight with a friend, family member, or coworker about the campaign of according to a new poll. 26 of americans say they have argued with a friend about the election this year, 23 of market with a family member, and 11 of people have got into a fight with a coworker, no word on if it involves fists or just verbal. Your thoughts this morning on the tenor of the political campaign, has it brought out the worst in people . Militant in philadelphia, democrats line. Caller thank you for taking my call, it has gotten worse, especially from the right, especially rhetoric from donald trump. The derogatory statements about the minorities. Mexicans in particular, muslims. It has gotten worse and it started with him and he is not doing anything to help bring it down. Especially when talking to immigrants about immigrants. Host what about your friends and coworkers which was the focus of this monmouth poll. Caller i got into disagreements , especially with a neighbor who is supporting donald trump and i do not know how you can support racism. Given his statements about people. I cannot understand it, especially if you are asian, minority come africanamerican or latino. I do not know how you could support this bigot. For 2027488001 republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. Independence, 2027488002. Monmouth University Publishing the poll this week. We are joined by timothy tracey, two is a Research Associate with the monmouth polling institute. What was the rationale behind looking at this, how people are reacting or talking to each other about this campaign, what is behind that . Guest we were thinking of ways to measure the divisiveness a lot of people have been talking about regarding the campaign. Thinking about the best way to measure that. We came up with these questions. I think it is it has shown that there is not a love optimism among voters in this election in terms of what they think about politics or washington and what they think it has brought out in people. As you mentioned, 70 of American Voters say it has brought out the worst in people, brought 4 say it has out the best and 5 said it has brought out both the best in people and worst in people. Feeling that it has brought out the worst in people permeates party identification. And 65 ofcrats republicans and 66 of independent say it has brought out the worst in people. It does not matter your political affiliation, it seems like all people think it has brought out the worst in people. Host is this the type of poland that monmouth has done in the past poll that monmouth has done in the past . Guest we have done quite a bit of polling around that polarization in america these days. Asking whether or not they think the rhetoric the harsh rhetoric used is justified. For instance, we had 65 of most American Voters think the harsh rhetoric in this campaign is not justified and 30 say it is. This is unchanged from when we last asked this in august. It is something we explored before. We have been interested in this over the course of the election. Host tell us about the survey size, how many people did you interview and what age range . Guest 102 American Voters. In our sample, one in four between 18 and 34. 25 between 35 and 49. 28 between 50 and 64. 22 65 and older. The did you look at rationale or the reasoning behind the way people feel in this campaign in terms of the tone of the campaign . Guest there is Nothing Specific in terms of why they think it has brought out the worst in people. Whether or not they think whether or not there is specific language. Again, one of the things we wanted to look at was whether they felt the rhetoric they used were harsh and the poll said American Voters said it is harsh and not justified. Regardless of political affiliation. Host timothy tracey, one of those behind the Monmouth University poll looking at how people feel about this campaign in terms of the rhetoric and viewers and listeners can take a look at that poll at monmouth. Edu pollin thank you for joining usg. Guest thank you thank you for joining us. Guest thank you for having me. Host lets go to howard. Caller i am going for donald trump and there are a lot of good reasons. Has notot destroy what been destroyed in this country, Hillary Clinton did. I do not understand why people think she is a better candidate and donald trump is a racist and bigot, all donald trump wants is peace so he can live in this country. On the other side of the coin, they want globalization and everything to change. We the people do not want that. Of can see it in the amount people who show up at a donald trump rally and the amount of evil that show up in a Hillary Clinton rally. Sometimes she is not even there. Host starting the program asking you has campaign 2016 brought out the worst in people . Democrat line, shelley, kentucky. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan and the program. Host you bet. Caller my comment is, i believe youre trying to find out if people have talked to other people about the upcoming president ial election. And either agreed with them or disagree with them. Is that the topic . Host yes, sir. I am for caller Hillary Clinton very much. I have been in the Democrat Party in the state of kentucky for many years and in the state of ohio. She has many good attributes. She is experienced in government. I think she would be a very good president. And i attended both of bill clintons inaugurations and when he opened the library i was there seven days and evan days each time in washington. And seven days each time in washington. Host is it hard to be a supporter where you are, hard to be a hillary supporter where you are . Caller it is not hard for me to be in this coal mining area, is has cutry out the cold but i believe the reason for the cold is like a coal is lack of market. I believe power plants in this area failed to put in the scrubbers in the fire plants in order to burn different types of coal. I am for Hillary Clinton 100 . I tell a lot of people that if they will let anybody that will vote for donald trump, to take a baseball bat and break both legs below the knees before they get to bones. Host a number of tweets in. Carol, she said i would never talk politics with any people that i do not know felt like i do. One says i never have seen it so bad, people are losing their think and act rationally. We have been prodded in this direction by the gop. This one saying, gop the party where the haters congregate and talking politics among friends and family show the prejudices that they carry. It has opened many eyes. Earlier this week on washington journal we are joined by the executive director of the National Institute for civil discourse. She talked about the state of political and civil discourse in the United States. Heres what she had to say. People say doesnt civility mean being nice to people . Not at all. It is the point where you can be disagreeable, passionate and in terms of this agreement without being disagreeable or without attacking the character of your opponent. This is not about how we can tear each other down. This is about how we can build this country up. Host talking about the 2016 campaign, 7 of people have ended friendships and 70 of the people say it has brought out the worst in people. Independent, patrick in oxford, ohio. Haser i believe that brought out a lot of the negative but i refer back to the first caller and the guy from kentucky. Likee speak halftruths where the guy claimed donald trump spoke about all latinos when he spoke clearly about illegal immigrants. Or the guy in kentucky who makes a comment about all a donald Trump Supporters should have their legs broken with a baseball bat. Inflammatory comments come from the left and put a lot of people like myself in the middle and right, you know, on the defensive. It is disturbing. That is why there is a lot of hostility coming out. Host lets hear from sherry in indiana on the republican line. Caller i am a donald trump supporter and i do think this has brought out a lot that in people. In people. Bad democrats are angry and i do not understand why people think donald trump is a racist and a bigot. What he said about not letting muslims in the country was to make sure they are embedded vetted properly and we will let them back in. People do not get their news from a lot of sources and need to be better research. We are all americans and in this together, lets get along. Host where do you get your political news . Bbc,r i do a lot of cnn, even fox. Abc news. I get it from a lot of different sources and figure out for myself what is sounds more logical. Host i appreciate the call. We are asking the question because of a Monmouth University poll. 7 of voters have ended. Riendships over the election they write that the polarizing clash between Hillary Clinton and donald trump has brought out the worst in people, even to the point of severing friendships. In 10 registered voters say the election has brought out the worst in people and has andght out the best in 4 saying this election has brought out the best in people. The majority of respondents maintaining that the harsh rhetoric in politics is unjustified. Hopefully go says safety 5 says the german language and politics is unjustified while three in 10 say it is justified given the current state of the nation. There is a deep divide among supporters of whether the language is justified. What is 7 of donald Trump Supporters said it is, 17 of clinton supporters agreed with that. Of donald Trump Supporters said it is comes 17 of clinton supporters agree with that. Caller i think a lot of it started way back with obama and elion gonzales. A love of my friends are closet racist, in denial. The boy that called from florida must have been 14 when the clintons were around, i do not know what he would know about the clintons have destroyed come it looks like america is doing pretty good. It they do not like it, leave. People think the devil will come back in a red suit with a tail and a trident. If you go to church, and you vote for donald trump, you just voted for the devil incarnate and you just may gods color process a whole lot simpler. Host linda in oklahoma, republican line. What are your thoughts . Caller we are clubbing each other over the head. We are divided. The good news is we are talking about it. I think that shows someone is paying attention. I have never seen a so riled up. I have a good friend, very intelligent, she was born across the pond in the uk. Bearing ourwe are teeth at each other and i got to the point for us that we do not live under the king anymore. But it is ahing little scary. It is like we are following children, the rhetoric does need to stop. I do not know where i stand where anyone stands regarding the issues until i get on the internet. Host are you afraid to talk president of politics with your friends and neighbors . Caller absolutely. I am now. In our home, there were the two things you never talked about, marital affairs, and politics. That is the way it was. I am a child of the 1960s. When that came about, we were very free and all my friends are of that same age, we were very free to voice all of our opinions. But now it seems like we are beating ourselves up. We are in a brick wall situation. Now we are clubbing each other to death. We are divided and when we divide we will be conquered. The good news is we are talking about it. So, everyone keep talking about it and yes, i think, when i go to the polls, i am a republican, and i will vote that way. I think we have had enough of number 42. Addy add at that that. Caller i will put my club down. Host you want the shoes to be mend shoes. Thank you for your call. Carol agrees with some of what you say in terms of your statement on talking politics. She tweeted, never a good idea to talk religion or politics with anybody unless you know they think like you. In terms of the tone and tenor of the campaign, some tweets from donald trump stirred things up yesterday and made a bit of news. Still reaction in the news today. This is front page, one of the tweets this morning, a look at the front page of the new york post. Donald, get off twitter after a new 3 00 a. M. Rant, the allies begged him to get off twitter. Lets look at the Washington Post. They say trump triggers new round of gop jitters. They said Republican Leaders and strategists are unnerved by Donald Trumps erotic attack on a latina beauty queen and other outbursts this week, increasingly fearful that the gop nominee is damaging his white house hopes and doing lasting harm to the party in the campaigns final stretch. They said Party Officials are embarrassed by his impulsive behavior and exasperated by his inability to concentrate on his change message and frame the race as a referendum on democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, according to interviews with more than two dozen of them. I will look at some of the tweets. They came in early yesterday morning. We may not have seen them on the washington journal yesterday. Dollop from known for sleeping not that much but these came in in the middle of the night. For notd trump known sleeping that much but these came in the middle of the night. Floated Miss Universe as an angel without checking her past which is terrible. He tweeted, did crooked hillary help discussing, check out sexy and pass, her become a u. S. Citizen so she could use her in a debate. Also from donald trump yesterday , anytime you see a story about me or my campaigns aim sources said, do not believe it. There are no sources, they are made up. One more came in the middle of the day yesterday from donald trump. For the few peoples knocking me for tweaking at 3 00 in the morning, at least you know i will be there awake to answer the call. There was a response from Hillary Clinton on the tweets and we will show you them in a few minutes. Lets get back to your calls and hear from mark in illinois from illinois. Independent line. Caller good to see you looking healthy and strong. Trifecta because i have lost friends in real life, i have lost on most all of my republican facebook friends except for one. Work but in my family life, my nephew is doing a protest vote against hillary because he is such a Bernie Sanders fan that he will vote for donald trump. He is a marine. Wearing myave been hillary for president hat or tshirt out. Illinoisgh i live in and that is a sure state for her. Facebook,mentioned how many folks have you unfriended . Caller i have not unfriended anybody but i have had 14 people , i only have a few republican facebook friends but i had 14 people unfriended me. Because i have been such an outspoken supporter of hillary since he announced in april of 2015. They get upset when i pull out actual fact. When i cite my sources or pull up something from political political act about donald trump, we get in and the namecalling and everything until they unfriended me. I go out with my hillary stuff on and i have had a woman kicked me or step on my foot. I have a couple knock my hat off. Host you are not going to a donald trump rally . Just out in public . Caller in walmart, a casino, eating dinner at applebees. Host somebody knocked your hat off . Caller they did and it takes everything i have got to physically respond. Host sure. Caller i have been called a mongrel. And the n word because i am biracial. Host i am sorry to hear that. Guy camehis one black up to me in walmart and told me she is voting for donald trump because he thinks he is in a crisis and he will bring about the rapture. When i said, if you look at a at herand melani past, you say you are a christian man, how can you support somebody like that . He said, i will go to heaven, i do not know about the rest of you. Host thank you for sharing your story. Back to the twitter storm from donald trump. This was the reaction from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Her first one said that this is unhinged, even for donald trump. She followed that up with what kind of man stays up all my to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories. Baton rouge, democrats line, has campaign 2016 brought out the worst in people . Caller it brought out the worst because to understand what is going on in america today, you have to go back to the past. , it during the civil war was a divided country. When you are on top all the time, and you talk about a change, when barack came on he talked about change, bringing all people together and for america, it was founded on christianity and politics of the fathers were politicians. The main party is that race in america, people do not want to expect except that race exists in america because race exists in america, therefore we will always be divided. America is a country for all people by the people for the people. Mr. Trump is talking about divide and conquer. Conquer have divide and , you will always have disagreements and people against each other. Racism did not start when obama came into office. Racism in america was legal in 200 years before that, the dutch brought black into america in the colonies. Host that is michael in baton rouge. We appreciate it. Janice, republican line in alabama. Good morning. Caller good morning. Want tont is, people call donald trump a racist. Nothing was ever said about donald trump ever being a racist until he got into this campaign. And because he wants to keep our borders safe and keep illegals and anybody could come through the southern border. Anybody in the world and we do not want that. We want to keep our country safe. That is why he was labeled with all of this. These people that are talking ,bout who will go to heaven they need to get their bible out and read it. I do not think the baby killers are going to be there, i am sorry. Host thank you. Joe trippi is a democratic strategist and contributor of fox news. He has worked on a number of political and president ial campaigns. He had an article at foxnews. Com in january, the headline was like 2016 will be the most negative, nasty president ial campaign in modern american history. Just a little bit from his article on that. The 1980s,ce Campaign Staff and consultants have known something about us, we are less interested in positive information about candidates and have a harder time recalling or retaining positive information about candidates. On the other hand, we Pay Attention to negative information, and not only have an easier time retaining it but we are more likely to spread negative impressions of a candidate. Back to calls, englewood, new jersey, christopher is on our democrats line. Good morning. Caller good morning, sir, thank you for taking my call. It has brought out the best in humanity by getting people more involved in politics lately which i think is really impressive. I think what is also important is candidates address other issues as well. Not just the ones that are most us like foro example the rights of people with special needs. I am an advocate for born with autism, great concerns of how this election will turn out. In the next debate, if they should address this matter very strongly. I have been talking with friends on both sides and they agreed that this election is has not brought out the worst in humanity but the best in a lot of people. To mef them have said that when i told them about why i am voting for Hillary Clinton, many of them believe that i am doing the right thing by saying that from Winston Churchill that there is something going on in time and space and time and space beyond time and space, whether or not we like it it is felt obligation. We have an obligation to listen to the candidates and listen to their platforms for what future they want and i think it is important that we set aside our differences and vote for what is right for this country. You know . Host appreciate your comments. Hillary clinton is using the rhetoric of donald trump, using his actual words in her recent campaign advertisements, including this one that came out this week. Donald trump thinks that Climate Change is a hoax perpetrated by the chinese. I think it is real. I did not say that it all of this with the Global Warming. A lot of it is a hoax. You suggested you would try to negotiate down the National Debt of the United States. Wrong. If the economy crashes, you can make a deal. I was against the war in iraq. The record shows otherwise. The record shows that i was right. , if there were nuclear war in east asia, well, you know, that is fine. A recent advertisement from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Many soundbites from the opening debate this past week in hempstead, new york at hofstra university. The Vice President ial debate is coming up this tuesday. It is october 4 in farmville, virginia at Longwood University. Live coverage on cspan, cspan. Org, and you can listen to it live on the cspan radio app which is free to download. As the has the campaign brought out the worst in people . Curtis in our independent line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I am a thirdparty voter and one of the reasons why, initially, i was a democrat a long time and i jumped on the donald trump bandwagon when he first came out. I thought i liked him because he is a straight shooter but after listening to what he says, it just bothers me. I think America Needs to wake up and we need to find a thirdparty because the democrats and the republicans do not have our best interest at hand. I have noticed on social media that people can post whatever they want without researching the facts. And it is negative, negative, negative, negative. I am willing to discuss positive test politics with anyone, i respect everyones opinion but that does not mean i agree. Trying to talk over me, i call them keyboard commanders on facebook try to write over me does not mean youre right. This has become such a dirty and nasty election. It is disgusting that this is what our politics has come to. Like i said, i am willing to discuss it with anybody and i respect everyones opinion. If i do not agree with you, that does not mean you are right. M,st lets hear from ji republican nine republican line, delaware. With the am disgusted way the press has been covering this entire election. It seems like there is a concerted effort to stay away from the issues and delve into this tabloid nonsense. I think this is brought up the worst in the press. There seems to be this free ride for hillary where she cannot run on anything she has done. She cannot run on the record of. Bama which has been deplorable she cannot run on her own record which is deplorable. Everybody concentrates on the snippets. You have this venezuelan girl who has been involved in quite a few bad things in her life. They are putting her up as the beacon of womens morality. It is kind of sad. We do not talk about what hillary has done, we just talk about the snippets of possibly negative things about donald trump. It is wearing me out. Host thank you for your call. Her comments reflected in an opinion piece this morning in the wall street journal by taking in and. She says the mains peggy noonan, she says the main street minimum donald trump they say is so appalling as a political figure, if rick would pull some political figures that theyre just five showing day by day not only opposition but other antagonism toward him. It surely has some impact on what sheyanne conway goes undercover donald trump voters. She writes that they know what polite people think of them and their support carries a social stigma. I saw acn and anchor levitate with anger as she reported on donald trump, i thought she would have an out of body experience and start floating over the shiny glass desk. She knew she would pay no price for her disdain and might gain twitter followers. This is not helping, right taking in and. This is not helping, writes peggy our question for you, has campaign 2016 brought out the worst in people . Caller i think it has brought out the worst in people. As there is as long divisive language being used by all people, that we will continue to see this kind of political garbage can if you will. We have got to find language that is not necessarily floral but we have to express ourselves without being this tasteful and how we do it. That thoseunderstand of them who have mentioned the bible, you have to understand that the bible says let him without sin cast the first down. Plainly put, i am a democrat, i am going to support hillary. However, it even she is not squeaky clean. None of us are. If we are looking for our political figures to be perfect, we should just keep looking because that person does not exist. Because of that, we have to choose the lesser of the evils. One thing that has impressed me as far as hillary is concerned, while she has had to be on the defensive and a lot of times i feel with how she is handling this whole president ial race with donald trump, because he said things that have been inflammatory and those people who have supported him, they do it with whatever right they have. That as long as there are people who use language like the way things were. As long as there are people who use language that would suggest that one way of thinking or one group of peoples way of thinking is correct, we will continue to have this. It will do our countrys it will do our country a great disservice. Host as the campaign brought out the worst in people has the campaign brought out the worst in people . Joe trippi predicting it would the most Nasty Campaign in history come he said do not blame the donald trump or Hillary Clinton or barack obama, he said do not blame the media or facebook or twitter, it is us, we respond to negative news and negative attacks. We discount or pay little attention to positive information. Joe trippi, Democratic Political consultant and fox news contributor. We showed you Hillary Clintons most recent ad. Here is what donald trump has out in the last. Hey were to day or two why am i not 50 points ahead . Flex your policies have led terrorism to spread. Or maybe because you call americans deplorable. You can put half of Donald Trumps supporters into a basket of deplorables. Why arent i 50 points ahead . The really need to ask do you really need to ask . I am donald trump and i support this message. Broughts the campaign out the worst in people based on a Monmouth University poll saying 70 of people think it has brought out the worst in people and 7 of people saying that they have broken up friendships over the political campaign. Looking at comments on twitter, from edwin who says it proves the old saying that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. He says that donald trump does not bring out the worst in people. He simply brings the worst people to his rallies. About donald trump tweaking early is that he would be a wake at 4 00 a. M. If the 4 00 a. M. Call came in, the bad news hes he would be awake. Lord help us. One says yes people have become so nasty during the election, i blame donald trump for turning america we can donald trump for turning america ugly. Mississippi, good morning. Caller i think this whole thing has turned into a circus. Hass amazing to me what it brought out is the idiocy of a lot of the people that live in the United States. They do not care about the country. They care more about what happens 20 years ago to some silly Miss Universe. It is amazing. We are going bankrupt. It is obvious we need a financial person to get us out of it. It is a big circus and i want to point out that you can play most of it on the liberal media. Ons you can blame most of it the liberal media, including you, you are obviously biased toward hillary this morning with all of your comments and all of your reports that you have been giving. Thank you news media for destroying the United States of america. That is what you can go to bed tonight and think of yourself. Host the Los Angeles Times have a piece this past week we published in the Portland Press herald about the history of Nasty Campaigns. The headline saying nasty rhetoric nothing new in u. S. President ial elections. That theybit about point out that Thomas Jefferson campaigned, he lost the 1796 election against john adams, a campaign that she campaign formidably against the income it, he printed and antifederalist and antiatoms article and prices on campaign. Host some history of the nastiness of campaigns going back to 1796 and 1800. Democrats line, pennsylvania, go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. I wanted to address the fact that donald trump is a narcissist. A lot of people seem to fail to recall that. He is very arrogant, selfcentered come all the traits you would find in a narcissist. He is cold and calculating, the child is tempered tantrums. , let alone get along and try to run a country with someone like that. I know because i speak with experience, i am a freelance writer. Narcissistics, have over 20 24,000 people on facebook, 45 Countries Worldwide and 45 different languages. I have attempted to have this debate on my own page since he is a narcissist. I have attended his rallies in pennsylvania. You do see a lot of that hostility, the anger. I think people want change, they are fearful. They do not know where the country is going next. What i have seen is that a lot of the people want the change but do not know how to get it. I am on the fence, even though i am a registered democrat, i am on the fence with both candidates because i think there is good and bad in both. I do not know if donald trump can run the country with the constant bickering and fighting and all the bigotry she brings with him. People like him needs the constant spotlight and constant attention. I do not know if that is what we need in our country. I am a welfare recipient, freelance writer, unpaid, i have worked for 12 nonprofits. After dealing with a narcissistic left homeless and bankrupt with three children. Host we have been talking politics about the tone of the campaign. Line have anews piece earlier this year about civility in general and a survey they did. It said americans believe civility is on the decline, a survey by the Associated Press and center for Public Affairs found that 74 percent of americans think manners and behavior has deteriorated in the United States over the past several decades. A couple more calls, south carolina, robert on the independent line. Caller i have a question rather than a comment. What if donald trump is looking at the presidency as a Business Opportunity . Host answer the question yourself, what is your concern over the . Caller there are people he does not pay, that work for him, he does not take him is that not correct . Contractors for contractors that built buildings. Host levels charges were leveled, do not know if it was proven true. Caller 60 years ago i was watching the Television Newsreel about a political rally overseas. Aboutellow made a comment the position and the crowd knocked him to the ground and kicked him to death. That seems to me like it is permeating our politics. Host does that feel like it could play out today . Caller yes. Host we go to brian in houston on democrats line. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I was not going to call this morning but there was a guy, i think jeff spoke earlier about where this country is headed. He is a republican, i am a democrat. This all started when Obama Took Office and our real problem in america is congress. Mitch mcconnell and those persons who stand behind the microphones like they are dignified and so, so what is the word they have no morals. They are some worked people in congress warp people in congress and they are destroying the countryed. Those types of comments, lets make sure he is a one term president , they created the situation, it is a fact. And mexicans are no longer the minority. White. Ority is the that is the reality. So fearful because the obama election proved that. , that is whatitch is happening. It is hard for some to accept minorityes are now the and that is the facts. To the media, where it comes villa lysing making clinton and obama the villains, they have done it so long, most americans have felt for the okeydokey. Host that is brian in houston. Appreciate your comments. More calls ahead. This past week, the fbi released figures showing an uptick in the amount of Violent Crime in the. Ted gest from the crime report will join us next to talk about that. Later, a discussion on the Obama Administrations recent announcement of more troops heading to iraq, we will talk to a military times reporter for the details. That is ahead on washington journal. Ahead of the tuesday Vice President ial debate, we will look back at the candidate, virginia senator tim kaine and indiana governor mike pence. Using the cspan video library. I have seen this story before. I have seen the bad news of a shooting, or a weather emergency or a famine. I have seen the stories and there will be more stories. There was something in the story yesterday that was different and it was you. Your spirit up, even in a dark day, optimism and community and hope. The presidency is the most visible thread that runs to the tapestry of the american government. More often than not, for good or ill it is the tone for the other branches. It spurs the expectations of the people. Its powers are vast and consequential. His requirements from the outset and by definition impossible for mortals to fulfill without humility and assistant contingent to its purposes as set forth in the constitution of the United States. A look at tim kaine and mike pence ahead of the Vice President ial debate monday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan. Watch anytime on cspan. Org and listen at 8 00 p. M. Eastern with cspan Radio Network that radio app. What makes movies or stories about people in crisis or in a crisis, and the crisis either changes them or changes everybody else. If you do not show conflict ad if you do not show flaws and someone growing out of their flaws, you are seeing something you cannot connect to and it does not have the same impact. Tonight on q and a, the editor of commentary magazine and movie reviewer for the Weekly Standard talks about the movies he has reviewed, ranking from lincoln, spotlight, two straight out of compton. Classic ans a update of the classic showbiz story of how the band got together and recorded its big hit, pretty strikingly effective. Tonight, at 00 eastern on cspan 8 00 eastern on cspans duende. Q and a. Released a report on Violent Crime in the u. S. Showing the number went up from 3. 9 . Our guest is ted gest from the crime report and he will talk about those figures and the issue of crime and punishment in the news and in the political campaign. Ted gest, what is the crime report as who uses it, who . Eaves it reads it is ar guest it website, i had a group of journalists who cover crime and justice. And a group called the center for media crime and justice which is based in a place called John Jay College of criminal justice in new york city which is a Major Educational Institution that trains people in criminal justice and other areas. We have a website, anyone can see it. We like to think that the general public sees it but it is primarily aimed at people who are in the criminal Justice System. Journalists who cover criminal justice and all of us are involved in criminal justice, unfortunately there are many crime victims and people in the public who have contact with the Justice System. It is a general website but we try to cover policy issues. We are not trying to cover every single major crime. We concentrate on policy issues such as the ones we are discussing today. Host talking about the rise in Violent Crime, the headline in your piece and the fbi report showing is up 3. 9 compared to 2014. , theis National Crime data fbi saying it included a 10. 8 rise in murders, bringing the total to 15,696. Robbery crimes down 2. 6 . Property crimes were down 2. 6 . Rationalebi had any or reason behind what is causing the Violent Crime rate to have gone up in 2015 . No, the fbiler compatibles compiles the data, generally the fbi does not analyze these things, the director has been quoted on the no, this is a compilation. There are many different analysis by criminologist and police and journalists and other people. There is no consensus about why crime suddenly went up last year after having gone down generally for the last two decades. Otherd news is that predictions have projections have been that crime will continue to go up this year. We should note because viewers may be confused, this fbi report talks about data from last year, 2015, compared to the Previous Year but we are already near the end of 2016 and several private entities, police chiefs, private groups have done projections saying crime will continue to go up this year. This is a serious problem. Host the data that comes up m the fbi on 2013, why 2015, why did it take them until september to release that . Caller good question, there has been criticism and we should have more up to date data about crime as we do on unemployment and finances and other things. Because we have about 17 or 18 17,000 or 18,000 Police Departments and each does their own compilation. This is based on reports on citizens. It takes many months to put this together. I do not think it should take that long. For years it has taken that long. We are dealing with dated information. Host talking with ted gest about the fbi report that came out this week on crime, and particular, focusing on the Violent Crime rate having gone up nearly 4 in 2015. An estimated 1. 2 Violent Crimes across the u. S. , approximately 16,000 murders and 90,000 rapes with 300 with. 327,000 beries with 90 that 2027488001, republicans. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents and others, 2027488002. In terms of the murder great going up. You mentioned the murder rate going up, other groups are projecting for this year that that rate, the numbers in up, is, the rates are the reasoning behind what is causing the murder rate this year in cities like chicago and philadelphia and other major cities . Caller no, this is a puzzling thing, experts cite many factors, many of which are ,ongterm, like poverty problems in the inner cities were a lot be murders take place. However, this is a fairly new development as i am sure a lot 2014 when now, since the shooting and ferguson, missouri of Michael Brown got so much publicity, and since then, of unarmedtings black people in many cases have gotten lots of publicity, lots of attrition, videos of these things. There have been disturbances in the areas where these have taken place. One theory is that that has had to do with rising crime. There has been a phenomenon called the ferguson effect, a lot of people do not like that label but the idea is that a lot of Police Officers in quebec are being unfairly a lot of Police Officers think they are being unfairly maligned. They have beent pulling back on enforcement and that gets criminals the idea that they can do more. I want to emphasize that that is a theory and no one has proved it. You talk about the fbi, the fbi director james comey has said he thinks there is some credence to that. Host is part of the ferguson theory also the fact or the reported incidents of you were africanamericans reporting crime fewer africanamericans reporting crime after incidents in their city, the reporting of crimes in those areas has gone down. Caller there have been surveys taken saying that there is less trust of the police particularly by africanamericans and bite people in general. We should emphasize all of these figures we have talked about our reported figures. Crimes are reported and many crimes are not reported, particularly rape and robberies. Most murders are reported, those figures are fairly firm. The crime problem could be worse than this data indicate because some people do not report crime because they think, nothing will be done so i will not reported. Abouti want to ask you this at the a report, 2015 Violent Crimes, aggravated assault 64 , robbery 27 . The report says firearms were used in 71. 5 of the nations murders. 40. 8 of the robberies. 24. 2 of aggravated assault. Is that up or down from 2014 or do they say . Caller i do not know that but i think the figures have been steady over the years. This has been true over the years. I do not think there has been a big change from year to year but that is why gun control is a huge political issue around the country. Host lets get to calls, vicki in mississippi. Caller hes talking about taking our guns. Is he going to give his guns up . How are you going to defend your family if somebody comes . How are you going to defend america . Guest im not sure i caught that. Caller are you all going to give up your guns . How are we going to defend america . And these immigrants, theyve got to go home. Theyre here illegally. What you all are doing is illegal. Im a chaplain. Youre asking why theres crime. You wont put the people to work, and they the government workers are letting who they want to work and taking the cash, sending it overseas. Our people have no food. Host tell us about your i think ive lost her there. We go to steve in virginia. Ndependent line. Caller its not necessarily illegal aliens that are the problem. Its the criminal aliens that are the problem. And we have criminal people who are americans. So we need to concentration on criminals. And then of Course Police have been so kowtowed by the policies of this administration, this is a deliberate and purposeful elevating of criminal activity. Everybody knows what will stop t. Everybody know what is will prevent it. And we spend 1. 6 trillion on Global Warming which is everybody know what is yet to pass the scientific method. Theres a 1930s scenario that has never been proven. There has never been any kind of actual scientific evidence. Guest weve spent a considerable amount on crime but billions of dollars both in Law Enforcement costs, corrections costs. The court system. Again, this has been going up and theres a big question about how effective this has been what we call the criminal Justice System. But its a very complicated system with all these various entities. The federal government is only a part of this. The federal government has its own criminal Justice System but it also gist grants to states and localities for crime fighting. We have a policing program thats gone on since the bill Clinton Administration of the 1990s, that has been adding, helping local Police Departments hire. But its a complicated yes, we spend lots of money on it the u can question criticism isnt that the Justice System isnt lowering the crime rate. The crime rate is going up. But its a complicated issue. I dont think the system is broken necessarily but thats what a lot of the commentary says. Host with the murder rate going up, is there a corresponding rise in the arrest rate and the prosecution rate for these individuals . Guest yes. Well, prosecutions i think have gone up in recent years, which is why you might ask i said earlier, the crime rate in this country generally has gone down for the last two decades. Yet the in prison number has stayed very high. The reason is, as you imply, is prosecution has gone up, as we have a lot of sentencing laws that call for a long prison sentence. So that is why we are where we are right now. Host lets hear from new jersey, republican line. Caller ive been watching for ast leer two years now the crime rate especially the hispanics that have been suffering at the because of the fact of being jumped. And all you have to do is watch the spanish station 41 and it gets ridiculous. Because on the one hand the other day they quoted hillary on the debate saying that she that crime had gone down. The crime rate. And then on the other hand we watched the news every time that we watch the Spanish Language news we see crime going on every single news item. Theyre jumping on hispanics. You know. Robbing some of them, killing them. Attacking them. And one of the sad cases and i saw this in what when i was working, also. One of the sad cases is you notice on one time on thanksgiving day three young hispanic bodies were found alongside of the church where i was. Ok . And it made national headlines. And i cant understand why that they dont bring it out. Are they afraid to admit that the reason why so many blacks are attacking hispanics is because of the drugs and the drugs are coming across the border and the gangs are coming across the border. And you have more kidnappings and you have more killings of people in the cities, people fear the hispanics live in fear. And trump wasnt wrong. Host ok. Any thoughts about whats behind . Is he right in terms of the drugs, et cetera behind these murders and Violent Crime . Guest again, we dont have a precise breakdown which is one of the big problems here, analyzing why crime is going up. But clearly, yes. Drugs have a lot to do with it. And gangs who deal in drugs. Of course thats been true for many years. The question is, is that really the cause of what is going on right now . And basically experts really dont know. As i said, they always list these different factors. And as the caller pointed out, drugs are certainly part of it. Its hard to parse out. He talked about hispanic. Its true that some minority groups are more involved in crime both as perpetrators and victims than the white population. Thats certainly true. But its pretty hard to make jen ralts about generalities about hispanics. Yes theyre involved in some crimes. He also talked about the Media Coverage of crimes. Thats a whole other issue. Yes, we in the news media cover crime a lot. But thats not necessarily in conjunction with what the crime rate happens to be. Thats been true for a long time. Host focusing on crime policy. Our caller, new jersey also mentioned the debate and comments on crime law and order was the focus for donald trump, in particular he talked about the efficacy of the former stop and frisk policy in new york city. Heres some of what happened on tuesday night. Stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in new york because it largely singled out black and hispanic young men. Youre wrong. It went before a judge who was a very against police judge. It was taken away from her and our mayor, our new mayor refused to go forward with the case. They would have wanted it repealed. If you look at it throughout the country. The argument is its a form of racial profile. No the argument is that we have to take the guns away from the people who have them and are bad people that shouldnt have them. Host what are your thoughts from what you heard . Whats your reporting say . Guest the effect of this is not as clear as he seems to say. Now, its true that new york city engaged in a lot of stop and frisk before this judge did rule it was unconstitutional. But that ruling was appealed. And then the appeal was dropped. And its true that crime went down during this period. The big question is, was that a cause and effect . Around studies have not established that, that there was a cause and effect. More stop and frisk, less crime. Thats one of the problems with a lot of commentary on crime. People make a statement that something caused crime to fall, but its not necessarily correct. Host donald trump supporter, former mayor rudy july ni has a piece. Trump is right about stop and frisk saying its based on an 81 decision of the Supreme Court. That ruling hasnt been overturned or even modified by the court since it was handed down in 1968. Writing, were talking about the rise in the crime rate, the Violent Crime rate, in 2015. Isaac in texas. Go heard. Caller i had a quick comment. I was watching some statistics and i watch several different news programs to get some facts and try to find some truth in there. One is that thrfs 715 Police Homicides last year. And 174 of those were black. Im like how can they even twist that around to make it a majority of blacks are being shot by Police Officers . And the other comment about why theres so much Violent Crime. I dont know if you watched the bet awards but one of the gentleman was jumping up on a police star saying we hate popo. And the demonstration at the super bowl. They dont want to bring race equality into this. They want to bring violence into it. And it starts at the white house. You want to know whats happening to our country . Read the Weather Underground nd find out what the politics. Theyre not wanting the truth. Thank you. Host i want to bring up something you mentioned earlier in terms of the murder rate for this year. This is the wall street journal also reporting this past week. They write focus on chicago. Guest theres obviously a big progress there. They have a particular problem with gangs and crimes committed by gangs also drugs as we talked about earlier. I think its sort of puzzling why is chicago so bad on crime this year compared to other cities. I think theyre puzzled about it, too. Mayor rahm emanuel has been trying to grapple with this. Again, part of it, a lot of this is interrelated, as i said, a part of it may have to do with their Police Department which has had, unfortunately, a bad reputation. I know there are many good Police Officers out there but some of them have been involved in some of these unfortunate shootings of unarmed people, which has gotten lots of publicity. The Police Superintendent there was fired by the mayor because one of a g of teenager. And again theres speculation that this is all interrelated, that that has to do with the fact that criminals feel more emboldened because of bad policing, bad relations with the Police Department. So theyre trying to grapple with it. But its still something of a mystery of why chicago is so much of an outliar compared to other cities. Host New York Times ago. Ing a week or so back to texas, kelly, independent line. Caller ive always voted for he person. I voted for obama the first time, but the second time i voted for mccain because first obama didnt do what he said he does. And i live below the poverty level. I am disabled. And some of my benefits were ut back. There has been more violence within the last 12 years. And even in a town as small as my own where we never even had standoffs, we had one just three weeks back. Ith guns involved. Ive got to admitted, im scared. Host tell us where in texas is weatherford. Caller were close to fort orth and dallas. Guest i want to go back to something the last caller talked about, we shouldnt let this go. He said, i think that it was incorrect to say that a majority of people being shot by police are black. I think thats what the point ere trying to make. I think we should keep in mind that this whole discussion that as bad as the crime situation is now in 2016, the overall situation is much better than it was in the 1990s. This country had a much higher crime rate, including homicides, than we have now. So we should keep that in mind. Now, the big question we have to ask, are we headed back to the 1990ings . We do not know that. I dont really think we are. But its hard to tell from were talking essentially about two years worth of data here. Last year and now these projections from this year. So the trends are not good. But were far from the situation we were back in the 1990s, when the problem was much worse. O we should keep that in mind. Business insider has a story on that point. A couple of tweets and comments n twitter at c span. A topic we havent talked about yet. Guest the rate theres been many different ways to measure this. But one figure thats been used for many years is that people who get out of prison, there might be up to a twothirds stint that an individual who gets out of prison is going to come back at some time. Again, you can debate the individual figures but yes that is a big problem. That at large proportions of the crimes are committed by a small portion of people. So thats the thing. Yes, we should be paying more attention to what are we doing about these people who are in prison. Many of them dont get very many services, drug treem, education, training, theres longstanding debate going on should we be giving more attention to these people, which i think we should. Or, to use this cliche, lock them up and throw away the keys. Should we be throwing people in prison for longer periods but not really helping them. Theres been a big debate about that for the last i think since 2004 weve had a federal law, the Second Chance act, which goes back to former president george w. Bush, in which the federal government is giving out grants to various entities to basically help people who have been imprisoned for crimes. But its still a little early i think there have been some successes there but unfortunately the problem is the rate is still very high. As the caller says. Host lets get back to calls. Stockton, california. Rob on our republican line. Caller i have about four points. Number one, to win a war or win a war against crime youve got to have the guts and the fortitude to see it through. Number one, the judges that are letting these guys out, they ought to make a law that they have to serve the jail time when the guys apprehended on the second crime and brought back into jail. If they have to serve the same time as that criminal they let out, maybe a whole lot less criminals would get set free on the streets. In california, Governor Brown cut so many criminals and almost borderline violent courages back out, and weve got gang shootings all u up and down this state. Criminals in gangs to me is almost like warfare. I think there should be special federal tasks and also state tasks that go around and just take these gangs out, period. You fly in to malaysia and they give you a paper saying if you have any drugs, its going to be a death penalty. Our country really does not put the foot down on drugs. We just play games with it. So if we would get serious, bring back also public hanging for murderers, i think you would see this stop pretty quick. What do you think . Guest well, a couple of points there. Its not correct that judges are the problem here. Yes, you can always say we just said its very high. So some judges have, quote, let people out who have committed new crimes. But the judges arent the problem. Because releasing people is really an issue of the laws in which they were sentenced. Probation and parole laws. That kind of thing. So the judges are not the problem here. He brought um california. Thats an interesting case. California used to be the one of the nations leaders in imprisonment but the Supreme Court said their prison population was too high. A lot of people were sent from prisons to local jails and were released. But heres the big but. The crime rate in california has not gone up any more, to my knowledge, than anywhere else in the country. So in a way that policy has been successful largely. Again, theres a big problem but the general policy of treating more criminals at the local level and not just throwing them into a state prison has been experimented with in california. So i think we should take a closer look at what has happened out there. Again, the final verdict isnt in but a lot of people are watching it closely. Host our california caller also called for some fairly harsh measures against those using drugs, using and selling drugs. An article in the Financial Times about the effort being ade. Sam from baltimore. Independent line. Caller good morning. Is this a reportable item . The rape kit testing in the various cities across the country. Its my understanding that the Police Departments have backlogs in rape kit testing because they dont have the funding or the expertise to in fact do the kits that are coming in. And therefore its a backlog. Is that a reportable item in your crime report . Guest yes. Weve done a lot of reporting about that. And it is a big problem. In many areas there have been thousands of these rape kits which are basically the evidence in reported rapes which have not been tested that are sitting in various laboratories and warehouses. A lot of jurisdictions are trying to deal with this. I think in detroit its been a big problem and at various other cities. There are actually this is an area that congress has taken action in and has provided some funding to help states and localities deal with this. But as the caller says, there is not enough funding so it remains a problem. Now, we should keep in mind at just examining, analyzing these rape kits doesnt mean a case is going to be solved. It could mean the case is going to be solved, so we should do it. But we shouldnt assume that just because a rape kit has been analyzed that means the crime is solved. Host alabama, republican line. Ller i want to say number one, on this crime thing. The reason you cant get nothing done, everybodys political. [inaudible] and pass laws, you cant turn around and kill everybody ecause they are doing drugs. [inaudible] Something Else about Hillary Clinton. When she lies she smiles her way out of it. Theres real people, real working people that this country was built on. Host arlington, virginia, independent line. Caller good morning. Im a little sometimied by your guest. Your facts are wrong. Im a journalist. I focus on wall street and wall street crime. My data facilitated terry mccallive effectively giving back Voting Rights to felons. What ive written about and studied is why wall street doesnt go to jail. So your guest has focused in on people who have gone to jail paid their time come out entitled to vote. Ive brought in the other side of all the rules and procedures that wall street created that allows their criminals to plead without admitted and denying versus the felons who go to jail and are only allowed to plead guilty and not guilty. These documents are put on the website the founder for the center of corporate integrity. Ive also built a crime lab. So when i listen to guests like yours who are working off of stats without digging deep into documents theyre doing a disservice to your listeners and to your show. I should be a guest on your show. Gladly will bring out showing documents and explain to your audience why questions asked at the hearings, for example, this week the wells fargo testimony and the questions ten plus years after mad off was that i found why these people dont go to jail. Mad of told the truth he said he knew. Host were focusing on the f. B. I. Violent crime report. If you want to be on the Program Contact our producers. But any response to her comments . Guest shes bringing up a whole different area of which as you say really wasnt part of the discussion. But about white collar crime. How many, bateable whether white collar criminals have been sent to jail as they should have been. Again, you could argue that the federal government, which is the main prosecuter of white collar crimes like this, has been stringent enough in bringing these cases. In the defense of the government they say its sometimes hard to prove who exactly is responsible. Its easy to say bankers havent gone to jail, enough bankers, who have caused mortgage fraud and committed other crimes like that. And you can talk about individual cases. But yes its certainly debateable. I dont think theres a consensus on that. Host she mentioned the hearing this week with the chairman of the wells fargo, that house hearing this week, the Banking Committee hearing. We will reair that on cspan. Look for that on our schedule tomorrow, i believe. A couple more calls. Texas. Good morning, democrats line. Caller good morning. Ive heard several times the mention of the Violent Crime connection. I want to know what the reports. Y about drugs in our country given the fact that the people serving these crimes for these drugs, what does the report say about this . Host some of that broke up a bit. Guest she mentioned cocaine. Yes, a big problem. The really big problem right now are oippeds which are involved in the huge number of Drug Overdose cases around the country. And again congress is trying to deal with that appropriate some money to deal with that. Most is a state and local issue. And a lot is in the midwest. One thing thats been true of this whole program drugs keep coming up as an issue. Some of the callers think we should throw them in prison but thats what weve been doing for many years and that hasnt solved the problem. So drugs keeps coming up as an issue throughout this whole thing. Host drugs are used more connected to property crime theft robberies and things like that which according to the report went down or stayed the same in 2015. Correct . Guest property crimes have gone down. But drugs are still an issue in and Violent Crimes. Still an issue generally. Yes. Its good that property crimes went down but this is again only 2 . Theres still a lot of property crimes out there. Host one more call from pittsburgh. Caller a couple of things. Ive been noticing on the tv, i would like to know, the black population is roughly 20 of white. I would like to know what the percentage of crimes they commit compared to the rest of the country. The other thing, i have to take youre saying judges. Its judges, mayors and governors. In pittsburgh weve got a new mayor and hes following deblasio. He has the same type of chief of police and hes saying how the theres less complaints now. But when i turn on the tv in pittsburgh in the morning it looks like a crime show on the black entertainment channel. Theres one a couple months ago five blacks killed with 40 black people, nobodys seen anything. Host does the report address black on black crime in terms f the rates of crimes . Guest yes, it does. I have a figure on that here that well, generally homicides are more intra racial. In other words, people more often are killing each other within a race. Whites killing whites, blacks killing blacks. But according to this report black homicide victims again talking about last year went up by 15. 5 while white victims went up the number went u up 8. 5 . So clearly the homicide problem is more concentrated among blacks. That is clearly true. But most of those cases, i dont have the precise figure here, unfortunately are blacks killing other blacks. This is a problem within race. But its true that its more of a problem in the black community than in the white community. Host our viewers andeners can find out more. Thanks for being was this morning. Up next well focus on iraq. The past week president obama announcing some 600 more troops ill be sent to iraq. This week cspans nakesnakes interviewed the president newsmakers. The Service Employees union talks about the Campaign Activity this year. You can see the entire interview sunday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern and 6 00 p. M. Here on cspan. Made a decision to go into the battlegrounds earlier than weve ever done with Community Partners in latino, african american, and asian communities. And now we are moving our blue states into the battlegrounds through a Weekend Warrior Program just last weekend there were 800 people from new york in philadelphia and i was door knocking with them. This next weekend im going to New Hampshire and our california members are moving into reno and las vegas. Are there any races that youre particularly focused on in kentucky and missouri it seems that an outcome in november regarding the house and regarding the governorship in missouri are really going to affect whether those seats eventually go right to work. The president ial debate tends to focus us only on that one office. But i would say our members are as as motivated by school board races, city council and state legislative races. Because in illinois were trying to make sure that we have a vetoproof majority in the house and illinois so we can push back on what the governors been doing to home care, child care, and Public Employee work in that state. So those elections matter. And we can connect the dolingts for people and then lift them up to why voting for the president also matters to their future. So in oregon we have taxing corporations on the ballot which we want them to pay their fair share. In california our entire agenda in criminal Justice Reform is on the ballot which is highly motivational to our members. So those are just three examples. But in every state i could give you examples of how both Ballot Initiatives and downballot races are motivating our members to act. Host so the idea of a possible turnover. Are there possible races youre paying attention to . Guest illinois were in. Weve worked hard with katy mcginny. In pennsylvania were concerned about the Nevada Senate race and have done a lot with the gnat no vote and the filipino vote, in las vegas with Community Partners. So we are deeply concerned and all in to make sure that we do retake the senate. The next president making appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States will be president donald trump. With Hillary Clinton in the white house the rest of the world will never forget why theyve always looked up to the United States of america. Campaign 15e6 continues on the road to the white house with the Vice President ial debate between mike pence and tim kaine tuesday night live from Longwood University in virginia. Beginning at 7 30 p. M. Eastern with a preview of the debates. Then at 8 30 the predebate briefing for the audience. The 2016 Vice President ial debate. Watch live on cspan, any time on demand at cspan. Org and listen live. Washington journal continues. Host this past week president obama announced that the u. S. Would be sending 600 additional troops to iraq in an effort to help take back the city of mosul from isis and more. Our guest is Andrew Tillman who is a pentagon reporter with ilitary times. On his reasoning for the extra troops coming to iraq. Its the nature of the role that has changed rather than how i assess it. I am always mindful that any time our men and women in uniform are in war theater there is risk. Although when i came in to office we had well over 100,000 u. S. Troops. Now, we have about 15,000 between iraq and afghanistan. Each one of those individuals are still carrying out a critical mission. They are engaging in a fight that is dangerous. We are grateful for the sacrifice. And i never forget it. So that each and every time we make a decision, i want to make sure that the pentagon is describing how it is that those folks are going to add to our ability to dismantle isil in a smart and sustainable way. Host the president saying theres a nature of the u. S. Role in iraq in particular has chaked. With some specifics. What is the u. S. Role now . Iraq . Guest well, the u. S. Role in iraq or what will soon be about 5200 troops there, is primarily to support the iraqi force and the Kurdish Peshmerga force in their night against the islamic state. The pentagon and the white house have been very clear that the iraqis are in the lead, the iraqis are really driving the timeline on these fights, the iraqis are driving the strategy, although with a lot of u. S. Input. And really, these are they emphasize over the pentagon that these are combat advisers. These are not frontline troops that will be the theyre not the first ones kicking down the door and going into these buildings. They are holding back and letting the iraqis do that mission and theyre sort of standing by to provide advice and Logistics Support and intelligence support and trying to improve the effectiveness of the iraqis as they push forward. Host with this uptick of 600 troops, is the number you said 50200 . Guest from about 4600 now to about 5200. Host what do we know about the size and effectiveness of the iraqi army . Guest thats really good question. I think a lot of people at the pentagon are asking that question, too. First theres a lot of different facets to what we call the iraqi forces. Theres the iraqi army proper which is their effectiveness is really up for debate, to be honest. Theres been a lot of money invested in training them and they still seem to move kind of slowly and are not quite as effective as the pentagon would like. The Kurdish Peshmerga, probably the most reliable u. S. Allies on the ground. Then theres also these groups of shiite militias that the u. S. Doesnt really coordinate much with but they tend to be involved in some of these operations, whether we like it or not. And they are effective to some degree. Host so these additional groups, advisers, coming in to help aid the iraqi forces in this takeback of the city of mosul and other actions i guess against isis. When is that supposed to get under way . Not that military forces project their plans. But what do we know of when that will start . Guest iraqi Prime Minister abadie has indicated that he would like to get this done before the end of the year and hes suggested that he would like to begin in october. Thats kind of what weve heard also from u. S. Military officials that they are ready now just in the past couple of weeks weve heard top u. S. Officials say that they think all the people and things are in place to begin this operation. And that the iraqis will probably go ahead and get the green light for this some point this month. Host you spent two years in the middle east reporting for stars and stripes. Were talking about the additional troops headed to iraq announced this week by president obama. Here are the numbers to call. The Washington Post in a lead editorial looked at the aftermath. The potential aftermath of this fight in mosul saying, the administration is pushing iraq. What can you tell us about what the administration plans to do if and when mosul is taken and isis is defeated there . Guest when you ask what the administration intends to do, unfortunately you get back to the philosophy underpinning obamas strategy, and thats to really leave a lot of this up to the iraqis. Thats a big concern, unfortunately, when youre talking about the aftermath in mosul. A couple things could happen. When you look at an example like the city of ramadi which was basically flattened. Its really unclear how many people are living there. Ramadi was taken by the iraqi army with u. S. Support six or eight months ago. And the damage was catastrophic. A lot of people havent returned. So thats a situation you could have in mosul. You could also have situations where there are fights among those various iraqi factions that i mentioned over who really controls mosul. Is the iraqi army going to go in and control on behalf of the government . Are the curts going to try to control part of it on behalf of the kurdish intnt authority in the north is there going to be some effort by is the shiite militias to gain territory . It could be chaotic in a number of levels. Host you covered the middle east in 20052006. Now that youre with the military times have you been back to iraq since . Guest ive been back a few times for kind of formal visits with the secretary. I havent been back to do the kind of on the ground reporting that i did with stars and stripes back then. But thats mainly because theres not as many troops to do that. Host talking about the additional troops headed to iraq. Lets hear first from tony in maryland. Caller i have a couple of points. One is if another country came to this country to try to do whatever, i think the American People wouldnt care what that country called, people would try to fight back. We could be called isis, al qaeda, whatever. And thats all thats going on there. These people dont want us there. And were labeling them terrorist soss we can stay there. I dont see any evidence whatsoever. All i hear are people talking. Where is the evidence that isis is doing all this nonsense for us to be at war constantly theres never going to end. There is no evidence. You see videos of everything that takes place as far as crime is concerned. Police killing people, people killing people. Its all on video. You dont see one video. The only video ive seen of isis is when they have their parade. Host to tonys point they dont want us there. Whats the Iraqi Governments view in serms of our support . Guest the iraqis have a very iraqi Prime Minister in his administration have a very careful balancing act. They like the American Military support, they like the American Financial support. But they also have a lot of other factors theyve got to consider. Mainly iran which has a lot of influence in baghdad. And iran doesnt like the United States being too involved. So i think right now the Iraqi Government is trying to sort of carefully calibrate this taking the u. S. Military support where its been official to them but not taking it so much that the iranians are troubled by that and begin to destabilize the political situation there. But i also think to tonys point as well. Isis is to some element there is a foreign fighter faction of the leadership. But to a large degree what were calling isis is the sunniarab population of iraq. I mean, that is where isis has taken root. And i think a lot of your questions, back to your question of what happens after. Its a question of to what extent the people who are second, third, fourth generation mosul residents, to what extent they were complicit and supportive of this regime thats been there the past coup ol of years. Host we see a great deal of refugee problem out of syria. Has there been a big influx or outflow out of iraq . Guest i dont think its been quite as bad out of iraq. What you have is a lot of internally displaced people. A lot of people coming out of the isisheld territories and going into the kurdish parts of iraq. So iraq is certainly destabilized and chaotic and theres a lot of people leaving their homes. But theyre not leaving the country in waves like they are in syria. Host a reminder we do have a line for iraq vets. Youre on the air. Go ahead. Caller why do we have to how s send a message as to many troops we are sending to any place . What does that help . Who does that help . Host what sort of what was your question . Caller i listened and this happens quite a bit as far as we let people know what we are going to do and when we are going to do it. Host kind of like the question i asked you earlier about the plans for mosul. In terms of coverage of the war. I mean, i would assume that the forces inside the isis forces, they watch the media, they read the reports. Its hard to have an element of surprise in that case. Guest it is. We talk about that sometimes in the press room over in the pentagon to what extent these guys are kind of talking to isis through us as american reporters. I think theres sometimes a little element of that. But theres also just i think primarily theres a question of transparency. I think that after 15 years of war and the past operations in iraq were so controversial that theres a real element to be transparent for domestic political reasons and to try to be clear about what were doing and why were doing it and not really avoid the situation where theres this sense that the military is doing more than theyre letting the public know. Host jason, an iraq vet. Welcome. When did you serve . Caller i served march 2003 for the ground war. I want to talk real quick, i hear a lot about this trigger word transparency. We want the Obama Administration to be transparent but were dropping supplies to isis oh its an accident. Oh, were letting 400 plus vehicles fall into the hands of our enemies. Oh. And then at the end of the day were just going to spend more Ground Troops to reacquire those supplies and to get more people killed. If you really want the Obama Administration to be transparent, well, youre living in a fantasy world. We need to get troops on the ground over there, we need to kill them, stop them, and stop media on tv talking about transparency with the Obama Administration. Its frustrating. Host response . Guest well, i think that thats the position that this administration has taken, that this level of transparency is important to them. And i think that as far as there being equipment thats fallen into the hands of isis, it has, because we equipped the Iraqi Security forces with all this americanmade military equipment. That was a pillar of the policy under past administrations that we were going to give them millions and millions of dollars worth of military gear, and the fact is a couple years ago a lot of that gear was abandoned. Isis is riding around in americanmade humvees. I just saw a picture this week of some isis guys carrying what are clearly Defense Department assault rifles. You can see these guys holding them, on the rifle is the label that indicates that it was a Defense Department owned piece of equipment. So thats just a fact of this fight, unfortunately. That a lot of isis units are equipped with american gear. Host on the political front, president ial campaign, the issue of transparency revealing military plans came up from donald trump when he spoke to the values voters summit last month in washington. Heres some of what he said. Can you imagine the great junl douglas mcartsdzier, can you imagine the great general George Patton or one of our great generals that we have today, which he is some place. I love general flynn. But can you imagine these people saying i mean, theyre basically giving out the strategy. There will be no boots on the ground. If you dont want that i fully understand. Dont say it. Dont say it. Can you imagine macarthur saying were going to fight the enemy and were going to move our troops in about a month, were going to hit from behind . Were going to hit them front the front. And everything they say turns out to be true. I hate to say this because we have a lot of evangelicals in this room. Maybe we shouldnt be so honest when it comes to military strategy. Does that make sense . Host wrerp talking about that a moment ago. Talking among your colleagues. What have we heard from donald trump in terms of laying out any policy towards fighting isis . Guest well, its been pretty vague. Hes talking about wanting to knock the hell out of isis and how that policy would differ from the Obama Administration is not really clear. Were currently mounting air strikes and providing these sort of combat support. I mean, i think hes signaled that he would like to do more. But i think most people that really track the situation over there closely understand that its a very tangled political situation. And just pushing more military might into that situation is not necessarily going to solve the problem. Theres no question that if the American Military wants to destroy something or eliminate a group of people they can do that. But the situation over there is a little more complicated in the political dynamic and speaking of longterm stability is really a complicated problem. Host another iraq vet from georgia. Matthew, good morning. Caller i might getting a little emotional during this. But i served during desert storm. All the stuff bush did bad. He sent us over there and brought us back, im thankful for that. My brother is one of those 600 going over there. I think we need to either pull all the men out and let those people do their own fighting and dont send them any money. Or either let our troops go in there and in mass amounts and take care of the problem and get it done. If obama thinks a few men should be able to doo that he needs to go over with his golf club in the front lines and have Congress Stand behind him washing dishes and setting up tents. Host imentioned your brothers going over there. What sort of role will he serve . When does he leave . Guest hes leaving soon. Im going to say that back during world war ii they used to say loose lips sink ships. Today with obamas open policy saying were going to send five guys into the tent at 10 00 and theyre going to have an m16. Given all the information, they shouldnt give out information. Not the American People dont need to know a lot of things about war. Everybody says we want everything to be clear. Theyre screwing up the plans of what theyre going to do. You dont tell the enemy how youre going to attack them, how many men youre going to send over, what area theyre going to be fighting in. And here weve got a president that gives all the information and his cabinet tells all the host matthew, thanks for calling. Any thoughts . Est i think that this comparison to macarthur and how things used to be is kind of apples and oranges. That was really a fullon conventional war where the two sides were almost equal. And the question about the battle was which side was going to prove to be more powerful. Here youve got a situation where tens of thousands of troops from the iraqi army and the entire backing of the u. S. Military is going up against who is in mosul . I think the recent estimate is about 4,000 isis guys, maybe 10,000 at its peak. This is not a particularly large force. I think that allows for a totally different political dynamic where the military both the iraqi and the u. S. Military can say this is what were going to do because when the time comes to do it theyre going to be victorious. Theres no way that 4,000 isis guys in mosul is going to be able to rep el the force lining up against them. So i think while macarthur might not have signaled when he was going to launch division size attacks, i dont think thats really whats going on here today. Host barbara, florida, republican line. Caller good morning. I really respect the dedicated men that ive heard on the line this morning serving our country. Im one of those women that his husband that served country. I want to say theres other areas weve got to look at, also. The men are trained to go to war. I wasnt as a wife. The military should keep their information. Not secret. I mean, the admirals know and the ones in charge of the military in various parts of the country. But it doesnt have to be advertised and told out to the public every instant. Another thing is that hillary what, ing over ok, triple amount of refugees coming. We have got to look out for the health and welfare of our country. Because i have heard on the tv just night before last that the tv tuberculosis, cases have been innd in colorado, right florida, my state. There are cases of tb that are active. You go there. Let a little offtopic. In terms of the additional iraqs coming headed to in the next few weeks, president obama announced yet this week. I wanted to share some comments from Hillary Clinton p rich she additionalbout troops. Heres what she had to say. [video clip] puttingnton we are not Ground Troops into iraq ever again or into syria. We will the seat isis without committing american Ground Troops. Those of the kinds of decisions a have to make on casebycase basis. Remember, when i became 200,000y of state, troops deployed to iraq and afghanistan. Ive very grateful that we have brought home the vast majority of those. ,e have a residual force as you know. Up severalilt thousands of those serving in the fight against isis, but it is in our National Interest to to see isis, and i intend to make that happen. Host she says we will never have forces in iraq ever again. For the obama has not said that, obviously, during his eight years in the presidency. That is drawing, i hate to say this, another line in the sand. Guest there are a lot of semantics here. Hillary said there, we will not. Ave Ground Troops in iraq if you asked certain people in this administration, they will say, we dont really have ground ,roops, combat troops in iraq and they follow along with this idea that what is happening now is just combat advisors, logistics, and support. Of a semantic game that has gone on for years now. Clearly, we are going to have 5200 troops there soon. There on the ground. Islary, what she is saying she will not have the same level of commitment that we saw during the Bush Administration. That may not. That is one policy. Misleading to not believe we have any forces on the ground. Host she also talks about a residual force on the ground. How big is that and what is the role c . Guest right now, there are about 10,000 troops in afghanistan. That will come down soon to 8000, i believe. That mission is similar to what we have in iraq. This idea that we have a relatively small number of troops there providing logistic support, intelligence, and advising in combat operations host but not leading . Guest not at the real tip of the spear. Host this is claudio, on the republican line. Caller good morning. Say, a coupleto of callers back, where he said ,nformation being put out calling for those people to get ready. This administration does not thisze that, by having transparency crack, what they peoples is costing lives. Youle get killed when advised the enemy about what you are going to do. Obviously no one in the Administration Knows anything war, the military, fight. Why dont we send the senators lynch and seemrs. What happens. Host cloud you about comments from earlier around transparency and announcing plans. David next from akron, ohio, it line. Caller i totally agree that the time for transparency is not once the battle begins. Then, you dont want to give your plants your opponent. That weant to mention should keep in mind, we would not be having this conversation if we had been transparent at the beginning of the war. We were told there were weapons of mass destruction on the heels of 911. Richard clarke said that the Bush Administration came to him to find a connection between iraq and 911. We live in a democracy. If the American People if they had been transparent to the American People right from the getgo, then there would not have been public support for the war and weve not even be having this conversation. I think it is important to keep in mind that the time for transparency is at the beginning of a conflict. Host thank you, david. Guest the caller makes a really good point. The whole situation with the bush and administration and the invasion of iraq and the of masson of weapons destruction that do not appear to be there, also, after the invasion, the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld denying any sort of insurgency going on, when clearly there was. That has left this incredible sense of a need for transparency in a lot of places. There is another interesting point. The Obama Administration has a careful legal situation on its hands, in the sense that we are still working under the same authorization of use of force that we had back then. This transparency is obama saying to congress, congress has on thisken a vote particular war against isis in iraq. President obama has asked them to, but politically, they do not want to. He is announcing specifically what we are doing in iraq is really a political dance that he is doing saying, congress, this is exactly what i am doing, if this is a concern for you, you need to step up and do some oversight on more war operations, which is pretty much in the constitution, but congress has not done that. There is a dynamic in washington of announcing what we are doing see have at least implicit from congress. Host a headline from one of your pieces earlier this week, the military still whacking bares in iraqs an province. Host we have been focusing on troops, but what is the status of the u. S. Air campaign overall against isis in iraq tackle guest that is one of the things that i found most interesting this week. We have been so focused on osul, a very big city, iraqs secondbiggest city. This announcement that they will also be sending a fair amount of troops to alassad in anbar province. A kind of reveals the fact that fightis not the only in iraq. Isis still controls a good amount of territory, and there are security concerns far beyond mosul. If you look at the map, this air ,ase that they are building up to me, it looks like they are beginning to look again towards syria. Ul will point, mos fall and they will have roc aqqa over in syria. I think alassad will give them a real base of operations to pivot towards other strongholds in syria. Host a couple of comments on twitter. We are at cspanwj if you want to send us a tweet. This one says, if the iraqis really wanted to get rid of i is, wouldnt they have done it already . This one says, the military contractors i worked with think trump is unreliable, and they are not convinced he will rebuild the military. Arthur is on the democrats line. Caller good morning. How are you doing . Host fine, thanks. Caller i just want to speak on iraq. The bush and administration, if it were not for the Bush Administration, there would not be such a thing as isis. It is the old al qaeda and taliban. That is all it is. President obama has done all he can to get this country straightened out again. Everything he do, the republicans blocked him and everything, but i think he has done a tremendous job. You stop blaming obama for everything. Host lets ask Andrew Tilghman of the makeup of isis. He says it is just old al qaeda. True . T guest i think that is largely true. You always had questions about the connection between Osama Bin Laden and al qaeda and the insurgency in iraq. They were always very separate. We ended up calling back in 20032005, the problems in iraq,e called it al qaeda in iraq not necessarily the most accurate way to describe them. They are essentially sunni arabs in iraq, who are mounting an insurgency against the government and baghdad in baghdad. This is the same as that territory, and specifically, the leader of isis was very involved in what we called al qaeda in the in the latter part of early iraq war. It is a very similar problem i think. Robert in is massachusetts on the independent line. Go ahead. G. I. R im a retired i remember when i was in the service, i made a comment every squadron could be issued a lawyer it has gotten down to the flight level. Very flight has a lawyer you have to get the lawyers out of the field. This is ridiculous. You have to of channel everything before they even pull the trigger. If you kill the enemy, you make them want to quit and they get out of the field. Iraq, as obama running when bush was there, he might have been wrong going in there, but he did one thing he was very successful at, he won the war in iraq. She would you have to look at where iraq sits. We controlled the entire middle east. To the north, iran. To the west, syria. To the south, israel. To the east, saudi arabia. We were right in the middle and controlled everything. The idiot president we have now let it go. That is all you have to say. Guest just to his point on lawyers, i think he is absolutely right to some degree. There are lawyers 24 hours a day in the air Operations Center over in the middle east. All of these airstrikes that are literally sometimes doesnt the day, they are approved in realtime by military lawyers. Fight, the nature of the the nature of the mission they given. En it comes back to the safety of that somehow if you bomb the wrong people, if you bomb civilians, you end up feeling fueling anger and resentment that creates more resurgence and becomes a political went for the in for the isis crowd. This is not world war ii or general macarthur. Host i want to go back to the conversation on al qaeda. You reported this week on another islamist terror group in africa. Where doesa this alshabaab get their firing orders . Guest that is a really good question. They are fighting an insurgency against the government in somalia. They have they are an Islamic Extremist Group and have pledged allegiance to al qaeda. I dont think there is much command and control over this group. This is the classic situation we have with al qaeda and these groups these days. They are not theres not much of a central organization. They are very diffuse in terms of their operation. We call them and al qaeda organization. Have the affiliation there and sympathies, by dont think theres anyone in afghanistan or that is issuing instructions to those guys in terms of where they might go on a weekly or monthly basis. Host a few more minutes here. We go to florida and keith on the republican line. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking a questions. First a couple of quick comments. On the start of the iraq war, there was a little bit of halftruths. I believe president bush asked mr. Clark if there were any connections with 9 11 with Saddam Hussein, and they did find some, but they turned out to be about al qaeda. The second one is Saddam Hussein lied so good and put out so much evidence, is fueled world intelligence. There was not like about weapons of mass destruction. Saddam hussein was protecting himself against iran and f ooled the world. We never did know what the convoy going to syria was. Now they have chemical weapons. There is a question for you. Recruiting tool for and a perverted look koranation of the core a isnt that the real recruiting tool here . Guest there is no doubt that this extremist view of islam is a recruiting tool, but i also think one of the other recruiting tools in iraq these paternal tontially eternal to iraq. If you look at isis territory it is essentially the territory. I the shiites from the south of the country have largely taken control. If you look at what was going on a lot of theiving rankandfile isis fighters to be taking the fight to the iraq he army, it was really a political issue inside iraq. There are a lot of different views and interpretations of that. The islamic extremist element was one of them. It is important to remember the domestic part of it. The tim is on from republican line. Go ahead. I have two quick comments. I dont mean to be discerning to people. The american public, especially the democrats need to understand that, if i am correct, i believe there was a terrorist attack in 1998 under two clinton bill clinton. , undert believe that george bush, 100,000 people died in syria and the effect of the u. N. Really not doing anything to stop this. This is carnage over there. They always want to talk about subsaharan africa, and all this kind of stuff. If people knew what was going on, it has been going on for years, and will probably continue. Ets not blame bush he could have gotten Saddam Hussein. That was in the files. We know that. It is ridiculous that people aep saying obama has done great job. He has no military background. He knows nothing. He will not listen to anybody. That is his main problem. Host we will wrap up. The president announcing 600 or so more troops. If this expected to be the last announcement from the Obama Administration . Guest i think it is. It will be the last one in the osul. E of m i think the aftermath, that will be the primary issue as the president leaves office. I think there will be new questions for the new president and there may be reason for the plymouth after that, but it is a for bet that this is it president obama and iraq. Host Andrew Tilghman, viewers and listeners can read your reporting from military times and also on twitter. Thank you for being with us. We turned back to politics next, in particular, a poll out from Monmouth University saying that 70 of those polled believe the present shall campaign has brought up the worst in people. What do you think . I will bring up the phone lines. Republicans, 202 7488000. Democrats, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7458002. If you are a thirdparty supporter, that number, 202 7488003. Your calls ahead here on washington journal. Ahead of tuesdays Vice President ial debate, we will take a look back at the candidates. Virginia senator tim kaine and mike pence using the video library. Have turned on the television and seeing the news of a shooting, whether emergency, or famine. I have seen these stories, and there will be more stories. There was Something Different in the story yesterday. It with you. The presidency is the most visible thread that runs through the tapestry of the american government. It setsen then not, the tone for the other branches. Are broad. Mikelook at tim kaine and pence, ahead of the Vice President shall debate, monday night on cspan. Watch anytime on cspan. Org. Listen on the cspan radio app. The next president making appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States will be president donald trump. With Hillary Clinton in the white house, the rest of the world will never forget why they have always looked up to the United States of america. Cspan campaign 2016 continues on the road to the white house with the price president ial debate the between mike pence and tim kaine tuesday. Ight in farmville, virginia at 8 30, the free debate racing for the audience. At 9 00, like coverage of the debate followed by fewer reaction. Watch live on cspan, watch live cspan. Org,emand at and listen live on the free radio app. Washington journal continues. Up thee will wrap program talking about present to politics. In particular, is the president ial campaign bringing out the worst in people . We asked the question because of a poll that came out this week from Monmouth University. Just some figures from that poll , some 7 in that poll said that they have lost or ended a friendship because of the contest. 70 in the poll saying it has brought out the worst in people in 2016. Join the conversation, 202 7488000 for republicans. Democrats, 202 7488001. , 202 7458002. Thirdparty coun candidates, 2 7488003. Huffington post went a step forward with their headline saying, a lot of people are getting into fights over the election. Host what do think . Charlie is first up on the independent line. Caller it is definitely divisive. I do not think that is a bad thing. We cannot let donald trump get away with this. He is very divisive. Liess been allowed to tell. The lies he is telling about the immigrants, that they are on welfare, is ridiculous. In fact, the opposite is true. They take Social Security numbers and put into Social Security without taking it. In a way, they are holding up Social Security, which is kind of crazy. Im just thinking down the line. A lot of people like donald trump want to get rid of Social Security. This attack on immigrants is a way of doing it. I dont know for sure, but he has deftly lied about things and skip road people. Host lets hear from the democrats line. Grace, are you there . Go ahead with your comments. Caller i think it is terrible what people are saying about each other. It has caused fights and families. So far, all my family is democrat. I just do not understand the rhetoric coming out of donald trump. It is not a man that we want for president. He is not intelligent. He is a bully. People beingrstand for him. Are you afraid to talk about politics and roger family or friends . But i not my family, live in an apartment for Senior Citizens and we cannot bring up any politics. I do not want to. I have two friends here who are democrats. We do not even discussed the election because we are so fed up with the way it is going and what is going on. Host gary, next up. Go ahead. Folks out there, please, chillout. Going atis not worth each others throats for. Were supposed to be a peaceful nation, civilized individuals. Fight about these kinds of things. I want to speak to the lady, the minnesota. People have brought out the worst candidates. That is the problem. If you are listening, here is what the answer to your question is. People who want to vote for trunk, its like people who go out and buy north face and other brands, they are paying for the name. That is why clinton and trump have come about, people are voting for a name. John kasichnk about versus joe biden, that is to two monday and for people. Host comments from facebook more at facebook. Com cspan. We touch but the overall issue of civility in the United States, the broader issue of civility with the expected director of the National Institute for civil discourse. They just came out with a study on this earlier. Here is what she had to say. An importanthis is point. Sometimes when im speaking, people ask, doesnt civility just mean be nice to each other . Not at all. What civility is about is you without beingate disagreeable or attacking the character of your opponent. This is not about how we can tear each other down. It is about how we can build this country up. Host has campaign 2016 brought out the worst in people. Our question of this morning. Republicanhn on the line. The reason this has happened, lets not forget, is because the bottom line, these people have been here for hundreds of years. You have literally millions of people who are disgusted with the situation at hand, real things that affect people. Like immigrants being deported or other bad things that have happened in america. That things bring out the worst in people. If you wantine is to get rid of the worst in people, get rid of all of the bad elements. There was not one terrorist that killed a woman and beheaded her in oklahoma city. Lets not forget about that. Now look at what has happened. Host looking at the senate race, the wall street journal writing this morning about an. Ver closer missouri race host here is what the latest ad, including the ad mentioned in the article looks like. [video clip] i am jason campbell. Senator brunt has been attacking the on guns. Volunteered to i be an extra gun. In the state legislator, i supported gun rights. I also believe in background checks of the terrorists cannot get the hands on these. I approved this message because i would like to see senator blunt do this. Some people can put together a gun blindfolded, some do it really fast, some, really really fast, some do it upside down and blindfolded. Only one of these is a Hillary Clinton National Campaign chairman. Only one supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. When it comes to the u. S. Senate voters know poll reported by a anthony on the independent line. Good morning. Caller how are you doing . Host fine, thanks. Caller im puerto rican from york. We have been voting democrat our whole life. We are election, divided. We have been paying attention this time. Now we are paying attention, the divided. Ily is one side is with trump, one side is with hillary. We have to Pay Attention. We have been paying attention now, and i have to tell you the truth. If Hillary Clinton wins the election, this country will be destroyed. I have two boys, and i have to look out for my boys. Hillary clinton does not look out for my kids. That is my opinion. Thank you so much. Host i appreciate that. A writer for fox wrote earlier this year why he predicted this campaign would be the most negative, nasty present shall campaign in modern american history. Host that is from joe trippi. Here is pat, republican line. Caller to the gentleman who says he has two sons and knows that killer clinton is not looking out for him, kudos to him. This has been the most divisive president in the history of our country. This woman, Hillary Clinton, mean,he will spend i she will continue his policies. If you think that is good for you, then you see what is happening in our streets today. Backing blackt by lives matters. This woman is the worst of the worst. Almost 30en politics years. Go back and review history. People are not reviewing history. They dont know why this happened. It is not trump. People are listing to trump because of common sense. Host this is chelsea clinton, front page of the Green Bay Press gazette. Chelsea clinton my mother is not a quitter. She spoke in green bay just yesterday. Wseumis courtesy of the ne here in washington. Robert, good morning. Caller good morning, how are you doing today . Two points for the quick really quick. Conservative radio has been spinning everything. Everything negative. Whistles, horns, black people, mexicans. They have been driving this negativity for the last eight years. Theyre the ones blaming obama for everything. That is the first point. The second point is donald trump has become the icon. He is the Rush Limbaugh of today. We have to say, what is going on . Why are we so polarized . Radio,onservative talk they talk 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are putting so much poison, everything is negative, everyone is bad, the world is dying. Host that is robert, a democratic caller. Republican line, we hear from wanda next. You are on thea, air. Clinton, if she gets elected, she wants to bring 500 more experienced to this country. I think we have had enough. I think that is one issue that hillary flunks out on ph she says that Angela Merkel is her most admired for leader. Look at what Angela Merkel has done to germany. If Hillary Clinton is going to imitate Angela Merkel, please, we cannot stand that. Host headlines from the Oakland Press on Donald Trumps campaign. He gave the audience something to cheer about on friday night. He took to the stage, rallying showcase inring a novi. Going to virginia, next up, we hear from john. Has this campaign brought out the worst in people . Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Action, it doesnt matter. The problem is, we, as americans, usually washington journal continues. The politicians , they do what they need to. The problem is, people do not understand that this is the greatest nation. In this is a heaven world, america is the heaven in the world. What will happen is we are fighting between democrats and republicans. Remember, when we buy a house, we do not say, im going to buy this house, and that is it. You go and find different houses and make a choice. Our country is better buying a house . Why dont you do the research to see who is best for the election. Furthermore, i do not believe that republicans are bad people. Republicans, they are good people in bad situations. What has happened in republican parties is a disgrace. There is a lot of good republicans who can bring this country together. We say, the more you insult the people, the more we vote for the people. Im an immigrant that came to years ago. Y this is the best country to be in. Host where did you immigrate from . Caller im originally from somalia. I know what this country can do for the people. You want to know what you have . Interval once a year, appreciate this country. Host thanks. More of your calls in a moment. Cspan citiesthe tour takes cspan on the road to pueblo, colorado. Today it known, all of our programming in one block including an interview with Matthew Harris about what the founders thought about the intersection of religion and government. [video clip] they did not talk about religion at the convention. You do not have to believe in the bible or christianity to hold a public office. There would be no religious litmus test, which is interesting. That would have a lot of pushback. They did not talk about religion a lot. I think they understood how divisive it was. A lot of the folks who were there were strong personalities who wanted to separate church and state. Some of the more committed christians like patrick henry, if he were there he did not go, but if he did go, he would have insisted that there was some expression of christianity in the final document. Im certain of it. Host watch today at noon as we feature pueblo, colorado, and to travel along with the cities tour. Here on washington journal, as you about the campaign and whether it has brought out the worst in people. This is based on a poll that came out earlier this week. A couple of tweets on the topic. This one says, i refuse to unfriend anyone on their political views, adults can be friends and disagree. Saying, the American People are just following the example they see on tv every day. Peter, thanks, go ahead. Caller this is where im coming from. And mrs. Clinton had , havedown to walter reed to seeimate physical what we are dealing with. They both look a little off. Give my best to mr. Kane the physical they gave mrs. Clinton and mr. Trump were half assed. You go to nyu or new york presbyterian and it is the real deal. I dont want another crazy man or woman taking this country down. I love this country. My old man, may he rest in peace , five battle stars. And, my godfather is a navy flyer. This is like off the wall. Host thank you for sharing your story. Catherine on the republican line. Caller thank you for taking my call this morning. This probably is the Worst Campaign ever that i have ever seen in my 67 years. I think it is money. Look at how much money hillary has campaigned for money so that psychologists, upchiatrists, people looking dirt. I think this is what the problem is. They have too much money to work with. They have all these advisers advising them on how to run the campaign, instead of just being who they are. As real. T come across people have said that hillary looks like a robot. Well, she is because she has everything written for her. We are not getting a true picture of who she is. , on the have trump other hand, who is real, but yet, the media just crucified him every chance they can. So, bad election . Yes. This is really down in the gutter. Im just so disgusted by the whole thing. Host i want to share with you a tweet from james. Outtweet says, it turns that trump was right about the bad microphone at the debate, these people will stop at nothing to derail the train. Here is the story from the New York Times. Host we want to let you know that this tuesday night will be the Vice President shall debate between mike tens and tim kaine. We will have live coverage for you beginning at 7 30 here on cspan and also online at cspan. Org. , this is anna on the democrats line. Yes, good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I have three adult daughters and two adult granddaughters. My oldest daughter is not voting , and of story. The other four nominated Bernie Sanders. I questioned that he could they have always been you know, hillary has always worked for children and womens rights and all of that. I just questions them. We did not get into an argument or anything. They said they would not vote for her just because she is female. I said, im not voting for her because she is female, im voting for her because out of the two people running for president , she is the most qualified. History tells us that businessmen make the worst president s ever. My youngest daughter worked for and theye big banks are not supposed to show their passwords. There was an issue that came up, and one of her coworkers called her and said, this is important, and eat your password to correct home, my daughter was at and gave her password, then, out, and shed her lost her job. Therefore, that is her reason for not nominating Hillary Clinton. She thinks that because hillary emails, she should have not nominated her. I just said, all it could say was, im very disappointed because im not voting for her because she is a woman, but because she is more qualified,. He has had more experience they are going to vote for hillary. I said, we are forgetting congress. Congress did not work for president obama. You think congress will work with donald trump . Hillary clinton is a known team player. Host do you think congress will work with Hillary Clinton . Caller i think they will work with her that it than they would ever consider working with donald trump because he is just off the wall. She is a smart lady. She has held all of these offices and done all this stuff. She quit the secretary of state job due to some of the email situation. Host before they work with either Hillary Clinton or donald trump, congress has to work with president obama one last time, when they return after the elections. A headline from cq this morning says, a difficult lame duck lurks for lawmakers in november. Caller i have an example that is really unsettling. Im on the independent sign. I cannot vote for donald trump. His behavior outrageous. Im also not comfortable voting for Hillary Clinton. Im not sure what i will do yet. I was in a class at the building were cspan is in. One of the esteemed guests was ,ormer democrat, jim around from virginia. He was commenting on voters their owninst interests. He was talking about voters in appalachia. When i tried to point out that they are in trouble because of the coal mining industry, hillary and obama have not come out as procoal industry. This is a population, they are trumpst blindly following. In the experience, the Current Administration and hillary have positivecoal industry remarks. They want jobs. They do not just want handouts, so to speak. They want jobs. When i began to try to point that out, i explained, im not a child supporter. Its interesting because jim or ranch, he really shut me down. Saying,lmost hostile, young lady, i think i will take the floor back because they are paying me to talk. I said, fine. Its interesting because on the subject of polarization, which up brings up host brought during the class a number of times, they polarized themselves. They get themselves into polarization, and do not even realize it. It is as though they cannot handle an opposing view, even if it is politely raised. Polarization occurs with these people in esteemed positions, people thought to be thought leaders or Even Former Congress people. In my spirits come of being an independent, mike spirits is , people with al more liberal viewpoint are more hostile to those who oppose them. They speak in very critical srms of Trump Supporters. That is my comments. Host i appreciate that. We speak to rose next on the republican line. Caller good morning. I would just like to say it is always a hot discussion in my household. Im a republican and my husband is a democrat. I just wish that the black people, the hispanic people, and the white people stop being so emotional and phone for their. Nterests Hillary Clinton should be in jail. I dont know how she is allowed to be running. That james comey gave her a free pass. If anybody had done what she had done, they would have been thrown in jail and the key would. Ave been thrown away somewhere. Eople, stopping emotional lets just vote for trump. Host i want to bring you news about a former presence of candidate. On the front page of the New York Times. New jersey will increase gas tax . 23 as long political stalemate ends. Host lets hear one more view from a thirdparty supporter, don in north carolina. Who are you supporting and what are your other comments . Caller im supporting the. Ibertarian party, gary johnson i think the world has been negativity. Too Much Negative when you see something positive, people do not trust. When you have two governors that have responsibilities in , they are actually people over politics. People, i dont think, understand positiveness anymore. I appreciate the comments. On tuesday night, the Vice President ial debate will have a , andr governor, Tim Kaine Mike pence, the governor of ,. Diana here is the remainder of the schedule for the president ial debates. Coming up next sunday at Washington University in st. Louis and the final debate at vegas,versity of las nevada. We will have all of the debates on cspan and you can listen live anytime from the cspan radio app. I want to let you know about tomorrow mornings washington journal. We will take a look at some of the key senate races. Book. Paul taylor on his of the Harvard Institute politics director will talk about millennials. All of that starting tomorrow 7 00 eastern. I hope you have a great weekend. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] next, a house hearing on Cyber Threats to the u. S. Elections. Then, Hillary Clinton campaigns in florida. Later, we profile the Vice President shall candidates, tim kaine and mike pence. Now, state and federal election and photo registration officials discussed attentional Cyber Security threats to the u. S. Election. This examines the security of Voting Machines and other election equipment. This is just under two hours. The subcommittee on Information Technology will come to order. Without objection that shares authorized to declare recess at anytime. I like to inform everybody that we will probably be interrupted

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