2001, where you were on that day, what you were thinking, and how do you think this country has fared since that day . Here are the numbers to call. If you live in the eastern or central time zones, 2027488000. If you live out west, its 2027488001. And if not by phone, you can check in at social media, of twitter cspanwj is our handle. We look forward to hearing from you. Here are what the new york papers are saying today on the 9 11 anniversary. The editorial in the New York Post says that 15 years after the planes hit the twin towers, the pentagon and a field in pennsylvania, many wounds have healed, though some never will, particularly for those whose loved ones names are once again read today at ground zero, something well see later today. Yet, as many as a quarter of americans are too young to remember that day, slowly, but inevitably, its becoming history that most only know through books and video, not by having watched the news live. Yet remembering the attack and marking vital, not only to honor the nearly 3,000 slain, but because it altered history, but also to never forget the islamist enemy who remains every bit as hateful and as dangerous. Heres the front page of the New York Daily News this morning, have we forgotten, sort of a tapestry of the faces of the people lost in 9 11. 15 years ago, we stood as one and said wed never forget, but can this divided nation ever hope to be that united again . Also in the daily news, amid 9 11 unity, america is divided by us versus them, they write. Heres a little bit from the iece today host lets go to your calls on this 9 11 anniversary day. Wake forest, north carolina, good morning to you. Caller good morning. Five years ago, there was a book written which sort of revealed that what happened on that america hing had been warned about for years. Its called the harbinger, and it showed that this country was great because god blessed it. Much like israel 2,500 years ago, israel was warned to turn back god, and america did not do that. Nd then this 9 11 attack was revealing god has removed his level of protection from america. God always sends a warning before he sends judgment. So i read this book a couple of years ago, and the facts in here about the twin towers and even a tree that was brought down by one of the steel girders of the tower is just startling. I just wanted to comment that every american should read this book. Again, it was written five years ago, and theres even companion books. Its a very sobering book. That would be my comment. Host david, thank you for calling. Santos is calling from denver, colorado, this morning. Santos, what do you remember about that day, and what are your thoughts at the present moment . Caller well, my thoughts are is, how long will we allow one day to define our entire lives and our future . Were in at that timers because of the aftermath of 9 11. We have sacrificed our freedoms, our privacy, our happiness, because the aftermath of what has happened since 9 11. We are less free, and we are less safe, and the only thing that can save us is the nonaggression principle. I hope that people will check out thelibertarian. Com for the only thing, the only philosophy that can get us through this. Please visit votedifferent. Us. Lets make real change in this lets not succumb to fear, because we live in what hunter s. Thompson calls the kingdom of fear, and we have to get out of this. Host from denver to georgia. Were taking calls on the 15th anniversary of the september 11 attacks. Eric is on the line from cedar town. Hey, eric. Caller hey, how you doing . You know, this is what i like say. Id like to give an example, and just let me complete t. During Ronald Reagans time, people talk about his strength. Ronald reagan, during his time, beirut was born, lebanon, you know, and beirut. Hundreds of roinians was killed. He actually sold iran weapons, missile systems, which were used to bring down the plane. You know, the lockerbie plane. And during reagans time, but during obamas time, if you see things, things happen. Tip oneill came together with ronald reagan. They investigated to try to find out what was going on. They didnt need political points. What you see the Republican Party do, this is the only way that they can actually win, win elections now, with scare tactics, fear mongering, these investigations which dont get anything. The country is divided. But we need to come together, the democrats will actually come together for the country and help the country. This is what im talking about. You know, think about it. Ronald reagan also granted amnesty to millions of illegals, but now the republicans are against it. History is why the country cant come together, because of the Republican Party. Nancy pelosi actually worked with president bush during this time. She did not shut down the government. We was not for a lot of those things. And what you see now is dividing the country. You didnt have to see the hate. They didnt have to expose themselves until president obama came in office. Host eric, want to get other viewpoints this morning. Thanks for your comments. Stephanie now from north carolina. Stephanie, good morning to you. Caller good morning. Host your thoughts on this morning. Caller well, i work for the airlines in charlotte on that day, and i got to tell you that the silence, because you just heard planes all the time, the silence was just unbelievable, the shock of all the employees. It was i dont know. It was unbelievable. And it was just a difficult day, and i remember, i feel guilty about it now, but when they released the names of the airlines that were involved, personally i was like, oh, thank god it wasnt ours. Host stephanie, how do you think this country has fared since then . Caller i think, under the circumstances, its done well. I think the fear, i mean, you can walk outside and be gunned down or have a heart attack or whatever. You just cant live in fear all the time. Host cnn story recently, looking back at 9 11, americans fear, anger, and they worry. They write here that 15 years after the attacks, americans are increasingly worried that terrorists will strike in the days around the anniversary, and they are more likely than five years ago to feel fear and ang when her they think about what happened on that day, this according to a new cnn poll. Half of americans say that acts of terrorism in the u. S. In the days around september 11 this year are at least somewhat likely, up from 39 who felt that way around the 10th anniversary of the attacks in 2011. Host john is calling from california. Caller hi, good morning, and thank you for cspan. Host thank you for calling. Aller iraq was a mistake. An obstructionist congress, Republican Congress has been divisive. The wanted to talk about experience. I was living in new york at that time in queens. I went into the city on thursday to work, and i ended up at the Javits Center and helped out with the distribution of medicine and that. But i recently bumped into somebody that was in building three, and he and i talked for 20 minutes, 30 minutes about his experience. Just come out. You know, he was there for Lehman Brothers training, and he was out of the city the next week. And he has ptsd from that, and he suffers from it. And our experience is different, because i lived and worked in the city, and that was my neighborhood. I had worked in the buildings there in the World Trade Center. That was home for some people. And they can never forget. There are still businesses in that area that they live in that area, and they will never forget, because that is their home. And theyve done a wonderful job with the memorial and all of that. But, you know, our experiences are different. The closer you get to ground zero, the more personal it is. And, yeah, every year, i stopped working like year on 9 11. I dont go into work. If i have to make an excuse, make something up, i dont go in. It is visceral. Its something that strikes you, you know, to me, every year. God bless the survivors of that, the people and community there of new york city. The nation. Well come together as a nation , and we have in certain areas. Its just you know, there is listen, im going to tell you, i think it was an inside job, and there is a billboard next to the garden, Madison Square garden, architects for that, and that gets little coverage. And i wish everybody a good day today. Host all right. Thoughts there of john in costa mesa, california. Well continue to look in at new york and the memorial there, and we saw some shots there of the freedom tower, which replaced the twin towers. Theyll do what has become an annual reading of the names of the victims of the terror attack in new york. That will start up about an hour and 25 minutes or so. So well continue on with the program and your calls until that point. Well be going to new york, and a little bit later, about 9 30 or so, well be going to the pentagon for the Memorial Service there, which will feature remarks by president barack obama. Also on to shanksville, pennsylvania, later today. If you miss this live, well show it throughout the afternoon and the evening hours here on cspan. Kathy is calling now from indian head, maryland. Good morning, kathy. Caller good morning. Host go right ahead. Caller i watched this live sitting at a desk at my house. And since then, in the 15 years, im now retired, ive seen so many things, they dont have to attack us, were attacking ourselves. Theyre taking the in god we trust off of money and everywhere. And our children, because im sure its a telecast of other countries, are taking guns to school and killing each other. And thats the way i feel. Theyre just sitting back watching us do it to ourselves. And thats how i feel today. Host all right, kathy, lets move on to dawn in hopkins, minnesota. Its the 15th anniversary of the september 11 attacks. What are your thoughts this morning . Caller hi, im 60 years old, and i was living in india when i heard about it from a phone call. I didnt have tv access at that time. And i could hardly believe that such a horrible thing could happen like that. Ive actually voted for president obama, but i must say that im really disappointed. I feel like our country is concentrated on trying to save the whole world and thinking about everybody else, and we the americans have been forgotten, and thats why the message of donald trump has caught my attention. And i feel like hes right, we need to stop immigration and concentrate. We have plenty of people here. We need to concentrate on fixing up our own country and the new people that are here, and the fact that hillary is talking about bringing in so many more syrians just terrifies me. In minnesota, the somalians, i heard a man say minnesota belonged to somalians, a somalian man, and they act like we owe them everything. They have special privileges for cars, for apartments, for everything, and they act like we owe them to take care of them. I really dont think that that is what our American Society should be like, and i just im glad that i just recently found cspan, and i really appreciate your program so much, because we can see things, we can watch government things. We can see everything real and not all this interruption of reporters and their opinions. Host dawn, thank you for becoming part of our viewership. Thanks for watching. Enjoy your day. Jodie writes on twitter that today is the same kind of day as it was 15 years ago. Crisp and clear, not a cloud in the sky. The only thing that is the same. Hudson writes, a very sad day for america, and a day of celebration for terrorists. They pulled off a fantastic attack on america. The more they see our suffering, the more motivated they become to try Something Like that again. And the Washington Post this morning has this story, america is safer, but jihadist threat is greater. Its the lead story in the post today. Nine days after the attack, president bush outlined a twopronged response to historys deadliest attack, dramatic improvement in security at home and an allout assault against what he called a fringe form of is trappist extreesmism at war with the west. 15 years later, the first goal arguably has been met, as almost every measure are safer today from another 9 11 than in 2001, yet the struggle to defeat the Global Network of violence antiwestern group has recorded far fewer successes. The problem appears to have grown birg. Al qaeda, once led by osama bin laden, has been decimated and is no longer capable of orchestrating a sophisticated transnational plot on its own, say terror experts. Al qaedas branches in north africa and yemen have also been weakened by strikes and ongoing fighting with rival factions, but they write al qaedas powerful and locally popular Syrian Branch commands an army of thousands of trained fighters and now serves as a base for senior al qaeda operatives experienced in making explosives and carrying out terror attacks. U. S. Officials and terrors say they split with al qaeda, but u. S. Officials say the claim is not credible. The islamic state, despite military setbacks has demonstrated a growing capability to direct or inspire simple but lethal terrorist attacks around the world. Thats how the Washington Post puts it this morning. Susan from washington now, good morning. Caller good morning. Host your thoughts today . Caller i was telling the gal who first answered my call, on 9 11, i was in my family room, and i was working on a sampler for people who dont know what that is, its a type of embroidery that are that our small children made like in the 1700s, 1800s. I was working on one. My daughter called me from arizona, and she said, mom, america is under attack. And i turned the tv on, and working on this sampler while these things were going on, i was doing a blood red flower at the top of the sampler. And every time i look at that ampler, i remember 9 11. And i am i am so worried about our country. We have turned away from the lord. I know that there are people out there i dont understand why the people who dont like the pledge of allegiance or dont like monuments having anything to do with christianity or any other religion, why we have to back down to please them, when i would think that the majority of us have god in our hearts, and we need we need to take back america. We need to get on our knees and pray for our lord forgiveness and thank him that he gave us his only begotten son, even to ie for these terrorists. And we havent come that far. Weve healed, i dont think so, and i dont think that we remember. Long time ago, i heard somebody saying, if you dont remember history, it tends to repeat itself. And i think people come together very quickly, and then it kind of lulls like the waves lapping at the shore and going back up to sea. Host susan, thank you for adding your voice to the program this morning. We have plenty more time for your calls. In about an hour and 15 minutes or so, were going to go to new york and washington, the start of the ceremony there. But want to show you a piece, its about eight minutes long now, so well gather your calls while were watching this piece, and well certainly hear from you after those eight minutes are up in a live setting, but this was september 12, 2001. We opened up our phone lines here on cspan the day after the attacks, and heres the ery fist call we received. Host our first call comes from new york city. Good morning. Youre on the air. Caller hello. Host yes, sir. What would you like say . Caller oh, wow, i didnt think id get through, amazing. Host youre on. Caller when the first plane hit host tell us where that is. Caller two blocks out from the World Trade Center. Host two blocks south. What were you doing there . Caller believe it or not, i was meeting a Deputy Commissioner of the limousine commissioner to get a job as an instructor. And it just was amazing. Everybody was looking up, and i didnt at first see what it was. And then i looked up, and i saw what looked like a huge hole in the World Trade Center. And i was trained as a paramedic. Im not currently licensed, but i saw i started walking towards greenwich street toward the World Trade Center. I saw arms and legs and pieces of bodies and just a lot of really bad stuff. I put on my latex gloves, and i walked up and there was this guy from fema, the federal Emergency Management agency, and i said, listen, im not licensed, but im trained as a paramedic, and he just said, well, that doesnt matter now, come on in. So we went in, and we went under the basement to the other side of the building, and basically what we were doing was people were coming down the stairs, the Fire Department was arriving in groups, and they were going up the stairs. And there was a group of us, and what was happening was people were leaving out the exits, and they were getting not killed by debris that was falling. So what we would do is corral people in groups of 50 or 100, and wed go out the door and look for debris. And and and then wed tell them go, and theyd run out in groups, and we just did that 15 or 20 times when the second plane hit. And at that point, i started cursing, and i turned to an f. B. I. Agent, wheres the air support . Arent we supposed to be prepared for this . And the guys from the bomb squad came in, and i said are we looking for secondaries . My first thought was that they missed the first time, theyre not going to miss it the second time, theyre definitely going to bring it down. My thoughts were that the planes were just a distraction, they probably had bombs actually in the garage or whatever again, and thats what their main intention was. And during a lull, the people coming out, i turned to this guy, one of the f. B. I. Agents that was there, and i looked him in the eyes, and i said, you know these things are going to come down, dont you . He looked at me and said, yeah, yeah, they are. And none of us were there made any attempt to leave, and they just knew the building was going to come down, and they stayed. And i dont think the firemen, the looks on their faces when they went up the stairs, i dont think they thought they were going to get out either. I think everybody just knew what was happening. We were just trying to get host how did you get out . Caller there was a nypd captain with intelligence, and he came up to me and said, look, youre a paramedic, right . And i said yeah. And he said this is for police, im sorry, cs job, thats thats the very East Entrance to the trade center, and he said go there and help. And i said, look, ill stay with you, and he said no, go. I went down the escalator, went out the door, and i crossed the street, and i came up to the paramedics that were there, and i said, listen, you guys need any help, and theyre like are you kidding . And we started triaging people. Just then, i couldnt have been out the door three, five minutes, there was this explosion, and i looked up, and debris was falling on us, the whole thing was just coming down on us, and we all ran. I ran east, about a block. And then i kind of went to my right, and i was by some pillars when it came down. And it was like a huge the biggest pipe bomb in history, because all the glass and all the metals just kind of formed shrapnel. And just about everybody that i was running with didnt make the right, i think they just all got killed. There were cars exploding. And i just happy to be alive at that point. And then the cloud of dust came, and i covered my face with my jacket. And i just knew. I just knew it was a chemical weapon, because, you know, that was our thought. And one of the federal agents in the building said that they were expecting chemicals, they didnt expect any kind of plane or whatever. And i just remember from training that you breathe in, and then you cant breathe out, and thats like the last thing that happened. And every breath i took, i was waiting not to breathe out. I crawled on my hands and knees, and i crawled over people that were dead. And finally, i guess i hit a wall or something, and i felt with my hand, and i felt glass, and i was pushing on the glass, and i ended up in a revolving door. I guess it was over by chase bank or something. And i went in, there was a guy from fema there, and we dialed the white house. And there was no answer. It was on answering service. We just looked at each other and said, well, i dont think thats ever happened before. And then somebody told us the pentagon was hit. And we thought the white house had been hit. And there were a lot of reports. We just everybody was saying everything was hit. And we really thought we were in trouble. My girlfriend works at n. Y. U. Hospital, and shes not medically trained, and she works there, and i told her from training, i also knew that hospitals could be secondary targets. I said leave. My mom is on 86th and park, just walk, and ill meet you over there, just walk. Dont go near grand central, especially not the u. N. , and just walk up. And some of the paramedics were going to go back out and help after the first building fell, and i said, look, just stay here. Two separate planes, two separate buildings, one of them fell, you know the second one is going to go. If you go out there, youre going to get killed. And we waited, and then the second one fell. And then we called out, we triaged who we could, we helped who we could. And then the most beautiful thing in the world is we heard the jets, you know, not the terrorists, but our jets. I guess the f16s or whatever, and we all cheered, because we knew we were safe at that point, because we actually had some kind of air support and nothing was going to get near us, you know . And eventually, i just started walking north, and i walked all the way to 86th street. Thats maybe 10 miles or something, i dont know, and i just stopped every half a mile or so to tape my shoes, because my shoes were falling apart. And then i saw president bush on tv. And a semblance of calm came over me when we saw the president was alive and he seemed like he was in the oval office. I dont know if he was or not. And the amount of people at delis were taking out their water. They were taking out all their water and bringing them out. They were bringing out sandwiches. Peep were drinking coffee, people were drinking coffee. Ive never seen so many new yorkers act so bravely and so kindly to everybody in my life. It was just an amazing experience. But its just i know that all the guys, the Fire Department officials that went up, all the federal guys, the Port Authority guys that i was standing with in the beginning, i know theyre all dead, because theres no way they could have lived through that thing coming down on them. And most paramedics, i think theyre dead, too, because i dont think they made the turn. And i just dont even want to think. I dont think anybody above where the planes hit made it out, and i mean, we got thousands of people out. We did. But [crying] host thanks for sharing that with us. Host that was september 12, 2001, the first phone call we took here on cspans Washington Journal Program following the previous days attack. Youre looking at live pictures now from new york city. There is the freedom tower, and well be live there in just a little bit more than an hour for the official ceremony, the beginning of it anyway, as well start reading the names. We do plan to leave new york at about 9 30 to go to the pentagon, where theyre having their annual Memorial Service there. President barack obama expected to speak. We also have pictures up now from shanksville, pennsylvania, where we sent a crew to shoot a ceremony thats going to happen there, the flight 93 memorial. Well go there after the pentagon. Its a whole morning of live coverage, and well replay all of this as this day goes on. We have billy on the line now from new jersey. Billy, we understand youre 12 years old, is that right . Caller yeah. Host so tell us first why you called in this morning. Caller because i just am sad about 9 11 and stuff. Im just sad. Im almost crying right now because of all the people who died. I just cant control myself. Its horrible. And i think that if we have hillary in office, theres going to be more of these types of attacks, because shes letting in all the Syrian Refugees. And if we have trump in there, he wont let in. So i think trump is the best. Host billy, let me ask you, how are you learning about 9 11 . Youre 12 years old. Caller school, school. Host how are they teaching it . What are they doing . Caller telling us all the stuff that happened. I read books about this stuff. Host you live in jersey, probably not too far away from the memorial there in new york. Have you had a chance to go out there, billy . Caller up to new york . Yes. Scommoip what were your impressions of what you saw . Scommoip what were your impressions of what you saw . Caller i was just sad for all the people that died in the towers that day. Host thank you for calling, billy. Melissa, buffalo, new york now. Thank you for waiting. Good morning. Caller good morning. I dont really know what to say. When 9 11 happened, i was 20 years old. The night before, i was out with friends, looking up at the stars, and i remember commenting on how many i couldnt believe how many planes were up in the sky right now, and it was the night before. And ill never forget that, and the phone call the next morning i got telling me that the World Trade Centers had been hit, and i was woken out of a dead sleep, sat in front of my tv, and i just cried. Host what did this all mean to you as the years went on, up to present day . Caller i mean, i didnt vote for obama, but im thankful that we havent had as because of a terrorist attack as we had as 9 11, but what concerns me, number one, all these small air tax that are going on in all these different places. The other thing that worries me is im seeing a lot of white washing of history. Ill talk approximate the Confederate Flag and issues, and i think that if we do that with 9 11, its going to cause a lot of problems, and were going to forget exactly what happened. So i think the thing we need to emphasize is who did this and why they did it. And the fact that the hatefulness is still going on. And the within other thing that i remember is, this was before the age of social media. So we didnt get to keep up with everything the way we can with twitter or facebook or instagram, things like that. I was listening to the radio. I was at work trying to figure out what was going on, when news was trickling in, because the big one of the people who was the First Casualty that was taken out was father mike judge, and he actually graduated from the university in my hometown, which was st. Bonaventure university. He graduated from there. And there were two other people, robert and amy who also graduated from that university. And they have a memorial there or them today. I think thats a really valuable tool that people might take for granted, and i hope that, you know, these young people like billy and other students who are kids entering freshman year are learning about this as a History Lesson and not as a moment in their life. And hopefully theyll never know the hell that everyone went through that day. Host thanks for calling, melissa. Keith is on the line in richmond, virginia, your thoughts on this september 11 anniversary. Caller yes, thank you for taking my call. I just wanted to say that, give voice to god this morning, and im glad that im on your program so that we can speak to the nation and all that are listening. You know, we call ourselves a christian nation, and i want to let everyone know that we use the term, a lot of politicians will use the phrase God Bless America. And that term is used so loosely now that i believe it is something that displeases god. You know, the bible says that god will not be mocked, and so what we do, when we use his name loosely like that, were actually taking the lords name in vain. The bible says in john 3 16 that god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who soever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. So the scripture that i want to give to the nation this morning comes from second chronicles, chapter 7, verse 14, and it says, if my people, which are called by any name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my faith and turn from their wicked ways, then will i hear from heaven and forgive their sins and will heal their land. And i just want to let everyone know that weve got to stop taking gods name in vain and saying God Bless America and expecting us to stand up in the eyes of god and really be blessed, and so that is my comment this morning. I want to ask everyone this sunday morning to pray, pray for not only our nation, but pray for the world, pray that we come together, pray that we put aside our sins and our evil ways, and we love one another, because thats what jesus said. He said by loving one another, this is how men will know that we are god, not by being republican, not by being democrat, but by loving one another, not only loving one another on the shores of america, but loving throughout the world. That means we need to we need to accept other people. We need to be able to reach out to other people in a loving way. We need to stop fighting with each other. Host thank you very much for calling this morning. Do want to get some other voices in. Again, youre looking at shanksville, pennsylvania, there on the left. New york city in the middle. The pentagon on the right. Well be live from all three of those places. This is the 15th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. 2,996 people killed, over 6,000 others injured. 10 billion in property and frain structure damage, 3 trillion in total costs, according to some reports. Ben is on the line now from springfield, massachusetts. Good morning, ben. Caller good morning. Thank you for accepting my call. I am an old dude. I lived in new york in the 1960s, and i watched from my , fice from the 29th floor went on Church Street as the foundation for the World Trade Center was being developed and the heliport and the hudson river. One of the things that i was impressed by is that something that a woman said earlier, as ive been waiting. She talked about, if we dont understand history, were subject to repeat it. And the gentleman who just completed it, im not coming at it out of a religious kind of a standpoint, im coming at it as a practical standpoint, because if there is a god, god has given us some wheels, some ability to think and to do things for ourselves. We have to look at history and understand how all of this came about. It didnt start, it didnt the day that it happened. We have to go back, we have to look at what we do in the world. We have to understand what actions we are involved in and how they affect other people and how we build up the animosity toward our nation from other people. We have to think about who we support and nations across the world, and how the animosity develops that allows for people to think this way. And part of it mean that we have to deal with history and understand. Sometime people think that we are weak when we try to get along with people in the world. Several people who have called already have put the politics in it, talk about what trump would do, what hillary would do. We need to think about what history will do, what we have done and what the result of our policies over years. And if we do that and understand that and try to develop a relationship with other people in the world so they will not hate us. And its not just because are primed to hate, its that they are reacting to something that was done to them. Host thank you for weighing in. Cynthia on the line from jacksonville, florida. What do you remember about september 11 . Caller good morning, and thank you for taking my call. Host you bet. Caller i pray that you give me as much time as the last two callers. I was shocked when i turned cspan on this morning and saw the call you had from the first call after 9 11. And i listened intently, and what i want to say is, in the months after 9 11, cspan would get a barrage of calls from the people that said, read from a canned script about the phony 9 11. And i noticed,y been watching cspan for 30something years, and i noticed that whenever the call like that would come in, your host was just dismiss and i have hang up on them, and i thought, well, thats odd, cspan doesnt do that. So after a while, i started to look into the truth about 9 11 on my own. I had never had any interest in it before i noticed cspan dismissing these callers. And i went on a journey on the internet and watched videos and read articles and watched amazing footage, actual footage of the radar. And i found out so much information. I probably spent 200 or 300 hours doing my own personal research, all i could tell people, i dont want to tell them what to think, i just want to tell them, do the research. Look online. Come to your own conclusions. But we have never been told the truth about what really happened. And i think cspan for hanging up on those callers and motivating me to look into this on my own. Thank you very much. Host thanks for calling. On to victoria now in georgia. What are your thoughts this morning . Caller good morning. The day is very personal to me. Im First Cousins to somebody who was an attorney for the Port Authority. Its very hard for me to hear the politics and the opinions of all the people 15 years later, because for myself and my cousins who were the is a s, my cousin reader. He has been a reader in the past of the names. I tuned in this morning to see if hes reader again this year. I forgot to touch base with him. For all the people out there who have all the opinions, just remember, for those people, all the family members, its a fact. It hurts every day, and today it hurts worse. And my husband is a police officer. Hes at work. I live with it every single, solitary day. I have always. I bought into that, because i married a police officer. But when my cousin was killed as a lawyer, he was an attorney for the Port Authority. Thats just not supposed to happen when you wake up in the morning and go to work. That you never come home. Host victoria, thanks for adding your voice to the program. Lots more of your calls coming in. Usa today, another publication, talking about newly published notes recounting 9 11 aboard air force one. They write that a newly published account of the events aboard air force one provides more behindthescenes detail about the harrowing day. Ari fleischer, who was press secretary at the time, provided six pages of handwritten notes to yahoo and reuters, and as the yahoo reporter writes, notes reveal or at least remind how uncertainty racked the country and, of course, air force one, on an hour by hour basis with false reports that the president s plane was a target, a car bomb was at the state department, and a plane had crashed near camp david. Fighters scrambled, escorted down plane near washington, fleischer wrote at 10 20 a. M. The comm equipment is good, but not great, authorized shoot down if necessary. He writes that bushs chief of staff reported the plane was heading up to 45,000 plane. They claim we can outrun anybody, fleischer said. The notes recount how bushs daughters were moved to a safe house and how bush inquired after his dog, barney, hes nipping at the heels osama bin laden, he was told. The notes also reveal his steely determination to go after the terrorists responsible for the two hijacked planes and felling the World Trade Center towers, another at the pentagon, and a fourth crashing in the field in pennsylvania. We are at war, bush said at 9 45, minutes after the pentagon explosion. Thats what were paid for, boys, were going to take care of this. When we find out who did this, they are not going to like me as president. Somebodys going to pay. They point out here that mr. Fleischer released the notes the first time to mark the 15th anniversary of the attacks. That version of the story in usa today. Livingston, new jersey about, a halfhours drive from new york city. Josephine is on the line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I just wanted to tell people, yesterday in jersey city, the firemen and police had a commemorating of what they did that day. Contrary to what somebody running for politics said, they ran in with their fire trucks into the tunnel to get to new york. Triage on here for jersey city. They were all there helping the injured. There was no protest. There was no such thing. Thoser us who were around saw the love, not hate, so i dont understand how this candidate could lie about what jersey city did to respond to that tragedy. The other thing is, sadly, i hate to bring politics in. It was in the news yesterday to remind us. Governor pataki at the time in new york, there was a fund set up to help people whose and one were damaged, individual took advantage of it. I hate to say it. Trump got 150,000, not one of his buildings, not one of his buildings were affected. What a disgrace. What a shame. I just dont want to say anymore. Thank you very much. Host all right. That was josephine, who did mention trump. We should point out where they are today. Trump will be at the ground zero memorial. Theres a piece from the hill. Hes expected to visit today. After his visit to the memorial, donald trump is expected to visit a nearby firehouse. Hillary clinton, the story points out, is also set to visit ground zero today and will take part in the moment of silence ceremony at 8 46 a. M. , which well see live on cspan. Thats the time when the fist plane hit. Trump is a native new yorker, and clinton served as senator for new york for eight years. Both candidates, they point out, will suspend campaigning for the day today. 15th anniversary of the september 11 attacks. Mike is in modesto, california. Thank you for waiting. Go ahead, please. Caller hello. I just see all these people calling about how this is gods punishment. They do this every time, the hurricanes, everything, they me up, its gods punishment for samesex marriage. Now, im a skeptic. I dont know, you know . I think we just go to sleep at the end. If i wake up in front of a hopefully loving and judgmental super being, i might be in trouble. Anyway, people just keep saying that they know what god if god is punishing us for anything, perhaps it was what we did to the native americans, black people, mexicans. I mean, i dont ascrabe to that theory either. We reap what we sow, and were doing our best. But anyway, god bless all of the family of those folks, and its just almost too sad to contemplate, and God Bless America. Floip modesto to wisconsin. Hello, keith. Caller hello, good morning. Host good morning. What do you remember about 9 11 . What are your thoughts now . Caller well, i said then and ill say now that there are three things that are going to get us all killed, and thats god, country, and capitalism. And i agree with ben. It took you 40 minutes into the show before somebody said something actually rational. We should look at what we have done in the past, our foreign policy. It was only a couple of months before the attacks on 9 11 that the United States bombed a Pharmaceutical Company in sudan, and that was a horrible atrocity. And then we hadnt heard anything, nothing. I thought if anything good can come out of this, we might learn something about foreign policy, maybe people would tart to inform themselves, read different people, but they havent. They just go to the scommall shop and buy junk that they dont need. So i really fear that we are going to have a nuclear war someday, i really do. Its going to be because people are not informed. They dont understand whats going on in the world, and they dont care, really. So god, country, and capitalism is going to get us all killed. Host bill is calling from bridgeport, West Virginia. Hi, bill. Caller yes, good morning. How are you this morning . Host doing fine. Caller well, i had to remember it. It was a sad morning. I was working, building a federal prison on one of the highest points in West Virginia. Of course, the skies went completely quiet. Usually you have planes flying over West Virginia all the time. And up on top up there, we had the planes fly over, and that morning it just got erily quiet. It was kind of one of those dramatic thrillers. You watch in the theaters. But the day just got really quiet. And then there was actually no air traffic. So we heard on the radio up there, we were out in the fields, and one of the workers up there, his family owned the shanksville farm. And he wasnt able to contact them. So, of course, we let him use one of the cell phones to contact his family up there, but they locked our job down because we were up at a vantage point. But we heard more news about what had happened. It is a sad thing that happened to our country. Today, as that day there, that day that happened will live in infamy to quote our famous politician. Host dorothy, clinton, michigan. Good morning to you. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Host sure. What do you remember about 9 11, and how do you think the country has fared since then . Caller well, in the beginning, pretty good. I dont think its faring so well now. But what i remember is that i sent my oldest off to oklahoma, so having Oklahoma City being bombed prior to that, i was frantic, you know, when it was all going down. And my husband was selfemployed, and some of his workers came home, and we just sad around. I tried frantically to reach my daughter. I couldnt even get through to oklahoma. It was really crazy, very scary. And then since then, you said how things are faring. Theyre saying that, you know, that our country wont be destroyed by the outside, but by the inside. I watched a documentary, a couple of them, i live in the detroit area, and michigan used to be 90 polish. You can 90 , i guess say muslim, but theyre from all different regions over there, so its not just all coming from pakistan or something. And then theres the thing that they call resettlement where all the Syrian Refugees are being resettled in certain cities across the country. Youre talking thousands at a time. And then michigan, for some reason, we just keep getting a bunch of them, and its worrying, worrying to me, because of everything thats happened over the past 10 years, not only in our country, but in france and other places as well. Host thanks for calling, dorothy. Bob graham, who was a former senator and chairman of the intel can he the intel committee, writes in the New York Times, the questions of 9 11 still unanswered. He writes, in july, after approval from the administration, congress released a 28page chapter of previously classified material from the final report of a joint congressional inquiry into the 9 11 attacks. Saudi arabias foreign minister said the document had ruled out any saudi involvement in the attack, the matter is now finished, he declared. Ut it is not finished host the chapter focused on three of the 19 hijackers who lived for a time in l. A. And san diego. The pages suggested new trails of inquiry worth following, including why an al qaeda operative had the unlisted phone number of the company that managed the colorado estate of prince bandar, then he saudi ambassador host thats an oped piece by former senator bob graham of florida. Theres a live shot of the pentagon this morning. Well there be at about 9 30 eastern time for the Memorial Service there, including remarks by president barack obama. Well also be in shanksville, pennsylvania, today. Well do after the pentagon ceremony, the flight 93 memorial. A crew of our own out there today. Of course, in new york city, weve been watching a lot of this morning, be there in about 40, 45 minutes or so. Theyre going to start with bagpipers and drummers at about 8 40. The brooklyn youth chorus will perform. There will be a moment of silence. Really, within about 10 minutes of the start of that event in new york, theyll start the reading of the names. And well watch a good part of that on cspan this morning, but bring in other locations as well. Heather is calling from california. Caller yes. Host thanks for getting up so early. Caller yeah, im awake. I always have the tv at night. And that morning, i had been raised in new york. When i immigrant, and was in this country. I loved this country. My father worked downtown, like two blocks from 9 11, the twin towers, and my husband worked there as well. And i used to go i saw the buildings built, the twin towers, and i used to go in there so often. And many, many times before 9 11 occurred, i used to stand at the windows of the observation tower, and glass from top to bottom, and i would think to myself, oh, my god, what if these windows crashed open and somebody would fall out. Nd 202 stories falling down. How horrible it would be. And then my worst nightmare, i was in washington, d. C. , and on 9 8, a few days before 9 11, i was at the white house, and there were about 22 other people in front of the white house praying, and we were kneeling and praying, and we were warned that we would be arrested, and this man who was the leader sat up and said, he with america, the officer the big hat, you know, like the police officer, said, this is our third and final warning. And the director of operations said sit up and america, this is your third and final warning. He ill not be mocked, and shall be reaped. And then we all got arrested. And then its easy to get in d. C. , you just paid 50, and thats another story. But the next day, everybody left to go back home, and i was leaving on the 10th to come ack to california. So i went to the Holocaust Museum on the 9th with several of the people, and once again, i had been there tons, and once again, i was crying for all the terrible suffering and the loss f life at the Holocaust Museum and what was done in world war ii. I was in world war ii. So i just was weeping and weeping. And on 9 10, i flew back from d. C. To san diego, and i got in about 11 30 that night. And when i went to bed the next day, i woke up at 6 00 in the morning, and im watching the twin towers im seeing that one plane had flown into buildings. And i see another plane flying and im saying, this is surreal. Is this a movie . I thought i had cspan on. And i see that both the second plane hit the other tower. And i just began to sob and weep and weep. And continuously watched. And my husband and i my husband was born in the bronx and we were raised there, went to columbia university. And i just we were new yorkers at heart and we just we want and we want and we want. And that day, i couldnt stop watching and we couldnt stop sobbing and sobbing. And that afternoon we went over to the church and we were just on our knees praying and repenting and thank asking god to forgive this nation to the evil its done, especially with the 60 million children that its killed. And people were not repenten. They were saying God Bless America and all the senators were out on the steps of the capitol, which i had just been there two days before, and they said God Bless America. And im saying why should God Bless America when we have been o evil in this nation . You mentioned the members of congress coming out. There are images from that day. Very, very impromptu. We remember that congress was in that day. Then the attacks happened. Toward the evening. They all came out and you can seem some of the familiar faces there from september 11, 2001. And members of congress came out this past friday at a short ceremony to do the exact same thing. Heres a brief look at that. That was this past friday on the steps of the capitol as members came out following a brief ceremony. They were also finishing up some legislation regarding 9 11, actually a bill called the justice against sponsors of terrorism act. Perhaps you saw the house debate on friday a bill that he Senate Previously passed. Good morning. Guest good morning. Host so tell us about this bill. The house has passed it, the senate has passed it. What does the bill call for . Guest basically, the bill allows people in the United States relatives of victims of 9 11 and other whose have some sort of a direct stake to sue saub, the government of saub saudi arabia for alleged role in the 9 11 attacks. So how how did the votes line up in the house and the senate and was leadership initially behind this bill . Guest well, the Senate Passed it unanimously and it passed overwhelmingly i believe in the house as well. My understanding in the house there was more hesitation by the leadership about bringing this to the floor. But that paul ryan the speaker recently had met with some victims families and others and there was a sense that maybe they should do this ahead of the anniversary. There was a lot of pressure. But that being said its important to remember that theyre passing this bill knowing that the president is planning and threatening to veto it. Host what are the president s concerns . Guest well, what this bill does, its very contrary to normal american law which doesnt allow people to sue governments of foreign countries. Foreign countries have whats known as sovereign immunity in this country. So you cant just, with very limited exceptions you cant go and sue another country. And the idea behind this is that the u. S. Doesnt want to have similar lawsuits against it in other countries by people in other countries that say that the u. S. Is responsible for death and destruction or other misdeeds. So what the president is warning about this law is that he says about this bill is that he says if we pass this bill, it will open the u. S. Up to similar legislation in other parts of the world. And the that in the long run it could really erode this concept of sovereign immunity. Host how did the bill come about 15 years after 9 11 . Guest its taken a tremendous amount of time. A number of victims families and others have been trying for a long time to go to the courts to give them the leeway to sue under existing laws. But the courts have repeatedly rejected their ability to sue. Because of the sovereign immunity rule. But over time theres just been a lot of pressure, a lot of lobbying. And the idea that the lawmakers support this as who led this charge saying that this bill is very narrowly taylored and its going to affect saudi arabia in this one instance. So they feel like its worth going ahead and doing this. And then i think with the anniversary of 9 11, that that added to the momentum to get this bill passed. I just want to add one thing. Its important to note that the Saudi Arabian government insists that it has nothing the to do with 9 11, that it was not at all involved and u. S. Government and officials have repeatedly said in the past that they have found no evidence whatsoever of direct saudi government involvement in the attacks or officials that would indicate there was a government plan out of reawe yaud to attack the United States back then. One more point then back to the president. How is he going to handle this . What are you looking for here . This is very interesting because one of the ironies of all this is that the Saudi Arabian government snot a big fan of president obama and president obama is not a big fan of saudi arabia he does not care for the religious intolerance that saudi beliefs have often inspired around the world and have often funded. But he really believes hes really concerned about the sovereign immunity issue and the idea that the u. S. Could end up being exposed to similar lawsuits elsewhere. So he will likely veto this the bill. If it reaches his desk. If theres not some sort of legislative issue ahead of time. I dont foresee there being one. But that sets up whether there could be a veto override. And that would be the first of his presidency. He normally doesnt veto much. Its not very often that he vetos anything to begin with. But the idea that the lawmakers could wind up overriding him is also very, very unusual. And it also, its interesting because theres a lot of unhappiness with saudi arabia right now in washington, increasing unhappiness. And the saudis are trying very hard to fight back against that. And theyve also said they might sell a lot of their assets in this country if this law if this bill becomes a law. And whether that happens, that really could wind up putting more tensions between the relationship. Host thanks for the update. Well see how this plays out. Guest thank you so much. Host live picture now from shanksville, pennsylvania. At area where flight 93 went down. This is the boeing 757 aircraft which left newark at 8 42 on its way to san francisco. A crew of seven, 33 passengers not including the four hie jackers. Passengers attempted to subdue them. This plane crashed into a field in the township near shanksville at 10 03 a. M. So were going to watch ceremony there a little later today. After we go to the pentagon and watch new york. In about 25 minutes or so. Heres the daily news. Front page. Have we forgotten . 15 years ago we stood as one and said wed never forget but can this divided nation ever hope to be that united again. Wes, thank you for waiting. Guest well, i have something to say but im kind of moved by the people who lost their lives that day. It changed our country in a lot of ways. I was in the house. I remember watching on the tv. I dont know what to say. But i was 34 at the time. I knew that we had i felt as though to some extent this would happen because we had this country had allowed an embass yill and his allies george w. Bush to come to power and i knew something bad would happen to us i really did because they had lied their way. They lied their way into iraq, too. But my heart goes out to the people who lost their lives that day and the families that are hurt by them. As far as what we can do now im not really sure. It seems like this kind of fanatic religion is what it is. Its just religion on steroids in a way. I dont know. Its transformed a port of the world into thinking that by murdering others and by killing others that somehow they could be saved. I dont know. I dont know. Like i say, just watching the thing i dont mean to get all political but i think theres a consequence when as a untry idiots in charge i dont know. I dont know what to say. My heart goes out to those who were lost on 9 11. Thats about all i can say. Host you did mention the Bush Administration. Dick cheney under george bush and his wife write, dangers rise as america retreats. They do right that our next president must recognize that islamic terrorists pose an existential threat to the u. S. Mike, good morning. Caller good day. Im scratching my head and wondering here. Because if you remember right, bin laden was one of the original investors in the Carlisle Group under the Reagan Administration in the early 80s ich invested in military and contracts and oil and gas. The summer before 9 11, if you remember, the Cheney Administration was at the ranch the whole summer leading up to 9 11. And during that summer the went throughout the middle east setting up offices, f. B. I. Offices and law offices. I think saudi arabia, the united emirates, yemen, jordan, a few others. Nd then after 9 11 weve got the patriot act. The Bush Administration came in wanting to create chaos throughout the middle east. So its like a disney production wrapped around the twilight zone. Thats why im scratching my head. You have a good day. Host louisiana, good morning. Caller i think the timing is perfect. Thank you for taking my call. The last caller was interesting. If you dont know the whole story, you dont know the story. Id like to go back before 9 11 and go back to the summer of 1990. We are one week before Saddam Hussein invaded kuwait. Do you remember that . Host keep going, dan. Caller heres the deal. A week before Saddam Hussein invaded quate he called our une kuwait, he called our ambassador. Her name was april glass pi. He called her in for a meeting. Look ive got problems and im paraphrasing. Ive got problems with kuwait, theyre doing this and that. Im fitching to go in there and fixing to go in there and spank them. Do you have a problem with that . As a representative of the state department, the white house, april glass pi responded back to Saddam Hussein and said, it is not the business of the United States to get involved with arabtoarab conflicts. Host im going to let you go. Lets watch for a minute. Host well continue to watch and take some calls here. Ill from south carolina. Caller i dont know why everyone should be surprised. Just a few years before, our extreme court passed the abortion bill, kills 90 million babies, weve allowed them to start men being women and women being men, im not surprised to anything because i really believe god is passing judgment on the United States of america. Thank you. And have a good day. Host we have elly on the line from north carolina. Caller good morning. This is a sad remembrance and i hope that we as a people can learn from it, both from the terrible 9 11 and the terrible things that people are saying and manipulating for their own purpose. I want to say a couple of things before i talk about my own very ironic association with 9 11. And i would have to bring in the press and the need of official officials Public Officials to look like theyre taking actions to the public and those actions often have unintended consequences. R example, supposedly, after 9 11 there was communication among our intelligence agencies and other agencies. So they diverted funds and they built a Huge Department of homeland security. It wasnt necessary. You cant legislate people to talk with each other and to collaborate. As weve learned even trying to information. Et so i would ask people to be reasonable. I would ask the media to really be journalists again, with some integrity. Its been a long time since weve had any real journalism. A uld ask cspan to be little more cautious in some of e really stupid and virl comments that some of the people i thaug used to think that people who watched cspan were pretty smart. But the level of the audience level is really slipping. And thats scary. Maybe people have too much time on their hands. But going back, i think one of the reasons for 9 11 and one of the concerns i have for our world is the great disparity between the haves and the havenots. Not only in our country and in the world. And water is a huge issue. And energy is a huge issue. Were not dealing with water and the scarcity of water in our own country. Were not dealing with it in africa and other areas. And that is going to be a big insurgents. Tinued as far as where i was on 9 11, i headed up the federal aviation departments agencys Information Security awareness program. And we were doing 13 large programs across the country in all of our regions and centers. Our last program was on november 11th at our Technical Center in Atlantic City. At about 10 minutes before the program was supposed to start at 9 00, a few of us including the f. A. A. s chief Information Officer found ourselves gathered around the tv set and we knew that he was going to have to start the program with a moment of silence. And he did. And as we continued the program , buzzers were going off and people were leaving to do their jobs. These are people in secured positions, these were people doing security, these were people who were doing air traffic. We continued the Program Including hearing from new jerseys state Police Detective talking about personal security when we got the request to stop the program and that federal employees were to be sent home. Well, six of us got in the car to drive back from Atlantic City back to d. C. Never knowing are we going to get to a bridge and we cant cross the bridge, whats going to happen, how do we get back into d. C. , and some people lived in virginia, some of us in the car lived in maryland. And i remember being dropped f at the utmost metro center in maryland and going into d. C. As far as the metro would take me. And people were at 14th street and pennsylvania avenue and we grouped together tried to find home. And i got and of course the skies were quiet as some people had said, and then i remember two or three in the morning hearing jets flying over and it was one f the most erie scary sounds that i had ever heard. Host thank you for weighing in. Weve got some other front pages we want to show you today. Remembering the day that the world changed. A shot here of an Emergency Responder carrying a baby out. As smoke billows. You can see that in the background there. The ways well never forget. Host floyd from virginia. What are your thoughts . Caller i thank you for taking my call. I hope you give me time to talk. What i was going to say was those people that lost loved ones during that time, i pray for them and i hope other people and christians are praying for them. Because they still i know feel at loss and everything. The thing about it is those people are not dead. When they leave this world, theyre gone but they go to be with the lord in heaven. And theyre all there. Even her loved ones are waiting judgment. It will come. Thats whats going to happen. What a lot of people dont understand, ive heard a lot of people talking. What a lot of people dont understand is there is evil in the world. And thats what the problem is is the evil in the world. To e got satan, he came eve in the garden of eden and a lot of people say well, eat an apple. The able was the snake. That was one of his names. And he beguiled eve. And he they she had a baby by him. Two of them born at the same time. Themp twins. And those people are still in this world today. Theyre called cainen United States. Host thank you very much for calling. Hillary clinton in the shot. Looks like shes talking to Chuck Schumer there. Well watch this for just a couple minutes. Well continue to look in. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton with the ceremony expected to get under way in 1015 minutes. Well watch live before going to the pentagon. Dan from georgetown, massachusetts. Aller good morning. Theres only been a couple callers here that seem to be brave enough to speak their mind and one of them was a woman who called, i forget where she was from, where she congratulated cspan for how many times they were hanging up on people trying to put facts out there surrounding the events on 9 11. It encouraged her to spend i believe she said 200300 hours of her own time pro bono to ook into this. Because things werent making sense to her. I can say the same thing, i spent hundreds of hours looking into this before i came to any kind of a judgment. And since that day, basically everything i looked into months after the event that happened rang true even more. So i guess you know, of course 9 11 bad day a lot of innocent people died, but as americans, i feel like we have a duty here to not just trust whats been told to us but to verify things that happened. And if we just take a short look at how this all went down, weve got a narrative right from the beginning. Everybody you know, marching in step. And weve got this narrative about this story. And then as it progressed, you know, we had this 9 11 commission report. And it turns out that a lot of the information in the report came from prisoners that were being tortured. They were under duress. And this is all Public Information now. That some of these people were waterboarded daley for more than a month. And this information is being touted to us as fact. When the fact is that information couldnt even stand up in american courts. So maybe thats why all the confusion about guantanamo and the americans, these people have been sitting there with no charges against them. And s sad that politics narratives ruled the day on 9 11 and facts and science took a back seat. With your ans deal cognitive dissidents and look into it. Whether or not it hurts to look into it, look into it. Host thanks for calling. We have a caller from the u. K. As we continue to look outside at the 9 11 memorial in new york. Donald trump on sort of the left side of the screen there. You can see mayor jewel ni, peter king. Former new york police commissioner. The taller gentleman in the back is bill deblazz yo the current mayor of new york city getting ready for the ceremony. United kingdom calling. Go ahead, sir. Caller what i would like to say on this day, this very momentous day, is that we have to be able to legitimately indulge in selfdefense. But the real problem is that we must, in my opinion, have a balance. And i would hate for the United States to go the way that france has. Where were banning people having particular types of swim suit. With k my input certainly regard to the cover f covering is i feel uncomfortable if i see somebody whose wearing a full Face Covering. But i would be very, very uncomfortable with stopping somebody having a particular type of women suit on a beach. Host let me ask you. Youre in the u. K. How does the u. K. Mark 9 11 each year . What do you see over there . Caller well, i think that were very aware that we lost many british people here. But we have a long history of friendship with the United States. And certainly the older generation my mothers generation is going to remember the war and remember that the United States came to help us. That was you couldnt say anything against your country to my mother. Simply because she was there in southern england when she was and r attacks over i would like to have a balanced view and i have american friends. Some of the people i work with are very, very weary of muslims. I feel that weve i think that we have to have a cultural combalance in the fact that balance in the fact that my son is a lawyer and he was in court the other day. And the jury was being sworn in. And the judge said that there was a lady there she had a full Face Covering and was not allowed to sit on the jury and i think thats quite right. But i think if we go the way of france, my feeling is that far. Has has gone too i think its right that you should be able to see peoples face certainly if somebody is excuting a very important job such as a juror its very important that their face should be seen. Host were going to let you go. We have a couple more minutes for a few more calls. I want to lead you to this story, too. The terror continues for many who survived the attacks. Richard from lake placid, florida. Caller good morning. As much as i learn about 9 11 and the facts, i just ive been i was in the air force and worked on aircraft. I have a degree in aviation technology. I just the less i believe what with the story of really what happened. I will give an example. On the twin towers, a weak spot. You cut a tree down, you cut a wedge out of the tree, you want it to fall in that direction. When those aircraft hit the twin towers they created a weak spot on one side of front and back instead of the twin towers coming straight down like it was a demolition, it should have fallen towards the weak spot. However, it looked so much like a demolition when it came down. Another was building number 7. It wasnt hit by the aircraft, didnt have any serious damage coming down from the buildings, from the twin towers. And yet it collapses. And the only thing basically they say the cause of the collapse was fire underneath. It was a paper fire. These buildings are built to withstand a lot more than a paper fire. If you think about world war ii we bombed out cities and still you saw buildings standing and the buildings which are a lot weaker. Another is the pentagon. You see around the pentagon, there are power lines and trees that were not dropped down. And i cant imagine a pilot who has never takeen off and had a landing on an aircraft that size to hit a pentagon that was what maybe 50 feet high make a perfectly round hole in it. You dont find any engines, you dont have any tail section. Find very little like it was hit with a missile instead of an aircraft. And it continues. These misconceptions. And here we have our military over there looking for bin laden and all of a sudden they not a right turn into saudi arabia but afghanistan iraq. Im sorry. And we find out later that iraq had nothing to do with 9 11. Host richard from florida. Heres the New York Times story. They have a shot here of a space. Native new yorker. They basically cannot find a picture of this man. And ten others. And theyre trying to finish up a gallery of grief and loss and life and joy in new york. Its part of the museum effort there in new york city. You can read about the biographies of the folks who they just dont have pictures for yet as they try to put this or finish up this memorial for these folks. Going on to new york in a couple of minutes. Robert from massachusetts. Good morning. Caller good morning. I would like to pay homage to the stewardess on that airplane betty i dont think who stayed on the plane yonk who stayed on the plane and described the events. She was disconnected two or three times but she reestablished that connection during the flight. And described all the situation. She described a person in first class who the boston globe i think later described as a Jewish Military person or a former military person, that he was sitting in between the two rows of seats that the terrorists were occupied. And had his toe cut. And that caused me to think about, was he a hero . What, was he trying to disrupt the flight . What was the purpose . And there are other things about this 9 11 thing that bothered me. I was reading about the people over new jersey dancing on top of a van and filming 9 11 even before the planes strurk 9 11 struck the twin towers. It made me wonder about the whole scenario, what would really is going on here. Host thank you for calling. 8 38 30. So in about a minute they will start the ceremony. You can see the dignitaries all lined up there. The official reading of names will begin. Just after 9 00. Just before 9 00. They will do a moment of silence as well. The brooklyn youth coryuss is going to perform briefly. Theyll start with bag pipers and drummers. We will say good day to you folks. Thank you for calling in. Well be back tomorrow 7 00 eastern and we will just watch the scene in new york as they get raidy for their official ceremony. And reminder we will go to the pentagon in about 50 minutes and then shanchingsevivel, later today. So enjoy the rest of the day. Shanksville

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