To call, democrats at 202 7488000, republicans at 202 7488001 and independents at 202 7488002. Can also share your thoughts with us on social media. Spanwj. Very handle is c the story but the ceasefire that the New York Times front page this morning. The it is u. S. And russians reach new agreement on syria conflict. Have agreed to try to reach to antical settlement increasingly complex conflict that began more than five years ago. It is greatly largest refugee crisis is world war ii and turn syria into a time recruiter for the islamic state. The story goes on to say it a seven dayith continuous reduction of violence according to secretary of state d,hn kerry, and broa unrestricted humanitarian access to the ravaged city of aleppo and other besieged areas. If that works, they will establish a joint Implementation Center where they will share targeting data and begin to coordinate the bombing to militants. The key element is that russia must then restrain forces from conducting any air operations over areas held by the nusra. The United States hopes his will and the indiscriminate dropping of barrel bombs that have punctuated the conflict. The United States is to persuade the opposition groups mr. Assad has attacked many of them on the pretense of attacking nusra fighters. Sayse Washington Post, it as secretary kerry negotiated officials at the pentagon and some of the white house did little to hide their skepticism about the proposed deal. Some argued that moscow was trying to run out the clock until the end of the administration and hopes from a better deal from obamas successor. The secretary of state john kerry has spoke publicly about the deal recently. He was what he had to say. [video clip] the United States and russia together are calling on all sides to recommit to a nationwide cessation of hostilities and to honor its previous terms. This will be effective at sundown on september 12. Ais is the beginning of holiday. We can think of nothing more appropriate than for all the parties to come together and make it more meaningful to the people of syria and the region. All requires halting attacks, including aerial bombardment. Additionals to gain territory at the expense of the party. It requires unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access to all of the besieged and the hard to reach areas, including aleppo. As we stand her,e we know that aleppo continues to be the besieged and bombarded city taken on by the regime and its allies. Wealeppo is at peace, believe the prospects for diplomatic solution will bright. Continues to be torn apart the prospects for syria and its people are grim. Host that was secretary of state john kerry speaking yesterday about the new ceasefire agreement with russia that hopes to bring some level of peace in syria. Calls thisng a phone morning. Columbia, maryland, on the democratic line, what do think about this new agreement . Caller i will tell you this. They will never honor this agreement. Host whyd you think that . Caller they cant be trusted. Putin is behaving like a dictator. I dont think america has nothing to do with it. We should be planning ahead for the next president to do with russia and a more direct fashion. It should be. They should cooperate with the this is an evil empire. Right, that is from columbia maryland. Lets hear from lee in clearwater, florida also on the democratic line go ahead. Caller hello, thank you so much. I am so happy. I really, really appreciate president obama and his cerebral, deliberate just sty le. I am a retired military myself i served over 24 years. To see what he has gone through with the republicans and listening to it makes me angry about them burning for a guy like donald trump who took five deferments and took we ars a hat that says make America Great again. Host lee, do you have hope that this temporary ceasefire will hold . Caller absolutely i do. Likeresident doesnt speak they want him to speak. He sits back and takes his time. This is why things work. The world sees this man. He is a great man. From that is lee, clearwater, florida. Were taking your calls, democrats at 202 7488000, republicans at 202 7488001 and independents at 202 7488002. We want to know what you think about this new ceasefire agreement between the u. S. And somea that hopes to stem of the violence in syria. U. S. Russiasue of relations has been a flashpoint on the campaign trail. Our trump has been criticized for his apparent praise of Vladimir Putin. Heres a story from the Washington Post that says donald trump is not alone in the gop with his praise for putin. Afterticle said that donald trump proclaimed that Vladimir Putin was a stronger leader than president obama many republicans quickly condemned or distance themselves. But by friday it became clear that a significant number of republicans agreed with him. Mike pence, once a harsh critic of the russian president said it was in arguable that putin had been a stronger leader than obama. A conservative radio host who helped moderate several primary debates went on msnbc and twitter on friday to label p man who had nonetheless served his countrys interest better than the u. S. President has served his. This is a far cry from four years ago when the gop rally to run mitt romney after he declared russia to be United States number one geopolitical thug. Nd called putin a our next collar is on the republican line, go ahead. Thisr i think administration is late in trying to resolve this problem. I dont think this is the republicans fault. I put this squarely on the shoulders of president obama. Host all right, that is cheryl from livingston, alabama. Came underp also fire recently for going on russian tv. Here is a story from cnn politics. Trump says it is unlikely that putin is trying to sway the election. The television station broadcast by the kremlin. King on an armry of governmentfunded tv. Trump said it would not be appropriate if Russian Forces were looking to influence the race. He also suggested that the allegation was politically motivated. I think it is probably unlikely, maybe the democrats reporting that out. If theyre doing something i hope somebody will find out so they can end it. That would not be appropriate at all. A trump spokesperson said it was recorded as a podcast as a favor to mr. King. And mr. Trump was never told it would be shared later anywhere else. For russiabsite today included some reaction to Donald Trumps appearance on the station. The headline from their story is the russians are coming, twitter flips over trump interview with larry king on rt. Social media clutches its aarls after donald trump did phone interview with larry king moreaired on rt america, proof that the russian government is meddling in the election. Shortly after that aired, russian tv began trending on twitter thanks to the mainstream media. Andre from maryland is our next caller. Dont i want to say, i think the cease fires going to last. Very strategic on what they mean to do. Sidesee that from their believet go ahead and a and leave assad in place. They need the u. S. To coordinate more. I believe the ceasefire will ru exactly the minute after ssia needs us. Host all right, entree from columbia, maryland. Next call of from arkansas on the independent line, what do you think . Caller i am on the air . Host you are. About ok, i am concerned our president ial candidate in without theh russia u. S. That is already been involved with the nato nations. I think it would be a dangerous effort to go outside of the United States diplomatic efforts. I think that donald trump should put us careful and not in any dangerous positions with russia before the United States has already dealt with their diplomatic efforts. Host does this affects does this affect which way you might lean for the election . Caller i have been looking at both sides, and how careful they are in making decisions. I am not comfortable with a rash decisions. I am watching how both sides deal with the diplomatic efforts that have already been in place. Dorothyl right, that is from arkansas. The next caller is from fort lauderdale, florida on the democratic line. Caller good morning. It is stronger. States, the united there is your red light. Obama said that. What did happen . Obama stopped. Where washington had so much power. I understand obama is a good president first of the reality, the could not side with russia. It doesnt make sense. Lets Work Together. Have work to see if we can a better world. If we try to put issues with impossible. Is politicians always talk. The best thing we can do, lets be united. Lets fight isis. Host i guess the bigger question though is, even if the u. S. Makes positive overtures can the u. S. Trust russia to be a partner in good faith . Caller listen, i think we need to be united. United cannot fight with russia, period. They know there is no way they can fight russia. You have to do this with russia. Host now, ohio calling from the democratic line, good morning. Aller good morning, i am huge fan of cspan. It is the only source now for me as far as getting my political information. President obama and john kerry for their efforts with russia. Admire the diplomatic approach, the fact that we will try to save lives over there and work diplomatically with russia. I do want to make a comment that ketead of talking about john rry and president obamas week,s agreement this cspan has mentioned the name donald trump i lost track of how many times so far this morning. I think we should keep our conversation focused on the administration right now and what theyre doing and not the comment of donald trump who is not well versed on this topic at all. Thank you. Host all right, that is susan from ohio. Now, calling on the republican line, what you think . Caller i think they need to get off of trump right now for one thing. In the to deal with the ceasefire as far as in good faith with putin. In syria, i think we get too involved with other countries, and that has also helped give money to terrorists. That is obama and clinton, both are complicit in that. The ceasefire is a good idea. But, what does syria have to say about it . Russiait the u. S. And coming to a ceasefire . I understand russia has people about the Syrian People . What about them . What do they have to say about this . More alright, here is some information from the New York Times story. The syriansat among the latest plan was greeted with wariness typically particularly among opposition groups. The story goes on to say but how little trust syrians have been the International Community after the shortlived ceasefire in february. It is clear with the lukewarm initial reactions to the deal. Even though it holds the possibility of a potemkin temporary stopping of violence. It is a time when the United States has little leverage over russia. Released recent poll in august from the Chicago Council of global affairs. It shows the level of support americans have for various levels of engagement in syria. You can see there is relatively strong support amongst both republicans democrats and independents for conducting airstrikes against the violent islamic extremist groups. The majority of people in all parties said they would support that action. There is somewhat less support for sending special operation. Orces into syria about half of americans said they would support enforcing a nofly zone over parts of syria. That includes bombing syria air defenses. Only about a third of americans say they would support negotiating a Peace Agreement that allows president assad to remain in power. Republicans expressed the least amount of support for that with 22 to saying they would support and deal allowing them to stay in power compared to 39 of democrats saying they would be in favor of such a deal. The least amount of support among americans came for sending armed supplies to antigovernment groups interior. Robert from florida is up next on the democratic line. What do you have to say this morning . I [indiscernible] the asked him to compare trump to putin. There cant be any comparison. Anyone disagrees he just wipes that out. All reporters with the controlled press. [indiscernible] you cant compare the different types of governments. Host robert, given the level of destruction within syria, do you think that it is worth trying to work with russia in order to reduce the level of suffering we have seen inside syria . Caller yes i agree with that. Ok, that is robert from florida. Up next is mike from charleston. On the democratic line, go ahead. Caller can you hear me . Host we can. Caller ok, as it relates to the on the campaign trail i am not a trump supporter. I think he is onto something with warmer relations with the russian civilization really. There is no reason we cant work if it is in our national interests. We were allies with them in world war i and world war ii. I live in the middle east, russia is a great civilization that provides order and stability. We need to pursue mutual interests with the idea of pursuing hours. That is my comment. I think hillary is getting too leverage byal demonizing putin, farther rather than looking at the russian interest as it aligns with ours. I think trump should pursue this line of thinking as it relates to foreign policy. Host all right, mike from West Virginia. Here is an op ed that ran on the wall street journal on september 9. This is by the managing director andhe Washington Institute from 20052008 you worked on middle east issues at the National Security council. He says what the u. S. Wants from russia is clear, syrian step aside. Sad to president obama has said that if it were not for the russians wouldssad and the regime not be able to sustain its offensive. He also wants you rushed wants russia to avoid bombing u. S. Backed rebels. What russia wants is less obvious. Moscows aim appears first and foremost to be propping up the regime of assad. The u. S. Is doing little to interfere. Even if russias true a more as it is to fight terrorism, the bulk of u. S. Military efforts is already dedicated to just that. Talks must lie elsewhere. A listing lifting of u. S. Sanctions imposed over russias actions in ukraine. Putinpossible that mr. Seeks victory in both theaters rather than a tradeoff between them. They hope to keep u. S. Hopes of a deal flickering to the mr. Obama can adopt a more muscular policy. They want to resolve vital issues and to humiliate washington. Earle beach, South Carolina is calling on the independent line. I agree with the last caller about russia. I dont think a lot of people realize how Many Russians died in world war i and world war ii. They are the master of the deal. You just stated it i,ittle history, world war Woodrow Wilson a democrat, fdr a democrat. Korea, harry truman a democrat. Kennedy, ahn f. Democrat. Now, need i say more . Wake up, america. Host all right. Gary from orchard park new york is calling on the democratic line. Go ahead, gary. Caller it is about time that the syrian conflict will be settled after 200,000 deaths. Let me throughout something which the American Media hasnt picked up. That is that we, the United States in that syrian conflict were on the wrong side of International Law. International law clearly specified that a sovereign government which the Assad Government is, no other nation has the right to fund and encourage and supply rebel movements and a sovereign government. In fact, i would suggest one shouldtep that cspan set up a program, you might talk to someone about setting up a letting the American People know what programs of the United States government are in accordance with International Law and what is in violation of International Law. Host all right, gary from new york on the democratic line. Spoke during his News Conference yesterday also about the success of the administrations actions in syria. [video clip] i want to emphasize these measures can only be implemented effectively if all the parties live up to their obligations. If a groups within the legitimate opposition want to retain the legitimacy, they need to distance themselves in every way possible from this and daesh. Russia will ensure that the Syrian Government will adhere to all of its requirements about the air activities and about the access for humanitarian deliveries. Building this based on trust. It is based on a way of providing oversight, and compliance through mutual interest and other things. We are determined to explore every single avenue possible for progress. If this arrangement holds, then we will see a significant reduction in violence across syria. We will see humanitarian aid deliveries go forward in aleppo, wherever the need is the greatest. After a period of reduced thelence, then we will see United States and russia taking coordinated steps to isolate and defeat the terrorist to groups that have added immeasurably to serious of suffering and misery. Suffering and misery. Texas, good from morning to you. Nicer i thought it was myself. If we can talk to russia and work with that, i dont know but i think if they Work Together to get settled it would be better than to keep fighting. Host all right, next up john from West Virginia on the democratic line go ahead. Caller yes, thanks for the call. My opinion is, most americans fear russia. It would be nice to become an ally for us. I think we could Work Together. [indiscernible] are part of the country. Host do you think that russia can be trusted to be a partner . Caller we dont know unless we try to work with them. You treat say what they do about putin. You will not be able tow ork wto work with him. You have to be able to reach inside. Host all right, john from West Virginia. Heres a comment from twitter, russia has an interest in syria and was invited by the legitimately elected government. We are funding terrorists by supporting terror. Isistopher from california calling on the independent line. Christopher, good Early Morning to you. Caller thank you, good morning. Host what are your thoughts . Caller my thoughts are this we must defeat terror. Russia is not americas enemy. The problem in syria is not assad. The only way to defeat isis is for the United States and russia to Work Together with the assad military. Have government in libya and it backfired. You want to do the same in syria. Out we areipe talking about assad. Anybody. Not anti he is a dictator. We trying to remove him from power . Of the nexttcome caller from flint michigan on the democratic line, go ahead. Caller hello. Host good morning. Caller good morning. And iot trust putin, never will. The to the russian people do not like america. I dont know why all these people from america are calling and saying we should be friends with russia. The russian people dont want to be friends with us. Power, theyre not a world power. They are mad about it. Their country broke up into pieces. Tryow youre doing a lot to to help the ceasefire. I hope it works for the Syrian People because i hate to see the pictures of the little boy that was really sad. Do withknow what to that situation. I do not trust putin, or the russians. They dont like americans and they never will. People saying we should be friends and work with them, they are they were going after the rebels fighting against assad, not going after isis. They dont care about that. Host here is a story from the daily beast, the deal brings peace but dont hold your breath. The presssays conference in geneva that most were so sure would never happen he began ordering pizza and champagne secretary state john kerry mapped out this fingers crossed bilateral plan of action. Had repeatedere qualifications and conditional tenses as he described an agreement that if the planets and lamented in good faith if the stakeholders to the things that are available to them to do and are being called on them to do, this can be a moment with the multilateral effort of the diplomatic people could take hold. You can provide the people of syria with a transition. That is the end of the quote. The reporter says that nobody really believes that. Ford,ing to robert reduced hostilities if they last will ease the human suffering and that is a good thing. There is not, however, any visible road forward to a political bill that would resolve the root causes of the syrian crisis. John from Staten Island new york is calling on the republican line. What do you think this morning . Caller i think it is a good idea. We should be working for peace around the world. The man who blamed the wars and ot involved ingpo world war i because the banks had loaned 2 billion to the french and british governments to pay for the war. Pressure was put on the legislature and the president of the United States to get involved with the war because the big banks were worried about their 2 billion first of do a little research, it wasnt the president s us involved in those wars. Thank you. Right, next caller from philadelphia is on the independent line. Bob, good morning. Caller how are you doing . Host good, how are you . Caller good. If they took the time to educate themselves they wouldnt be ouring and looking like Education System really failed to back in world war ii we actually teamed up with stalin to defeat hitlers. Can i ask one more thing, when people call in and say trump is racist or lies and says that can you please ask the caller to give an example . Dont let them spout off without a little bit of a challenge. That is what i would like to ask you today. Thank you very much. Host a lot, the next caller from mississippi on the democratic line. Just wanted to know,rump airlines and owns casinos he went bankrupt. What makes us think he is such a winner . I would be afraid to put him in the white house. Host all right, ok. There is still a little bit more time to get your phone calls in. Here the numbers if you want to share your thoughts on the u. S. Russia ceasefire. Democrats at 202 7488000, republicans at 202 7488001 and independents at 202 7488002. You can also send us your thoughts over twitter. And were on facebook. At his press conference yesterday secretary of state john kerry also spoke about north korea and its recent tests of a nuclear bomb. Here is what he had to say. [video clip] thee have made overtures to dictator of north korea. Weve made it clear to him we are prepared to talk about peace on the peninsula and normal relationships with the world. Nonaggression pact. Of different ingredients and he will ignore all the cheese prepared to the table and nuclearization and the response to the whole world. He has refused to do that again and again. Indeed, the last round of sanctions was the most biting to date. As you recall, it took a number of years and a fair number of ratcheting up to bring iran to the table. Ultimately they came to the table because they realized it was the responsible thing to do. Our hope is ultimately we can get back to talks. We are prepared to go back right away. Un has to do is say hes willing to talk about uclearization. And said, he does the opposite and continues to explode and shoot missiles and threaten people and be provocative in the region. In the why every country region, every neighbor of his in the region and outside the region are opposed to what he is doing. He stands alone and invites greater isolation. Host the wall street journal put the story on the front page this morning, Nuclear Tests with pressure on the u. S. Calls for punitive action echoed around the world as the test on friday. The narrow scope for cooperation against pyongyang is putting pressure on washington to act on its own. The story says the south korean president would seek stronger sanctions through the Un Security Council and the top u. S. And Russian Diplomats called for discussions about a course of action. But this depends heavily on china. Sparred withsingly washington over Security Issues including tensions in the South China Sea and on the korean peninsula. We are taking a few more of your calls this morning on the ceasefire agreement in syria that literally to the negotiated between the u. S. And russia. Here is paul from wisconsin on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host youre on the air. Caller [indiscernible] it is coming around. It is the rise of the east. Host are you still there . Ok, you move on to tim from massachusetts on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead with your thoughts. Youre on the air. Caller thank you. Good morning. Host go ahead. Caller good morning . Good morning . Host we will move on from tim to kimberly who is calling on the republican line. Kimberly, go ahead. Thatr hi, it amazes me when we have a chance to be working with a major country that we are spitting on them, i would trust putin more than iran, period. I would like to see america and all the majors china included everybody to fight this together. Who cares about the dirty laundry . America has enough of it. We are have been hacking into them all along as well. Host kimberly from pennsylvania , some more information about that hack. Tribune,in the chicago Vladimir Putin says the hack was a Public Service and that russia did not do it. They said the emails and documents or a service to the public but denied u. S. Acquisitions that the russian government had anything to do with it. Putin said in an interview that the important thing is the content that was given to the public. The u. S. Blames hackers guided by the russian government that resulted in wiki leaks publishing 20,000 private emails just before Hillary Clintons nominating convention in july. The document showed attempts by Party Officials to undermine her chief democratic rival, Bernie Sanders that led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman schultz of florida. George from Brooklyn New York is our next caller. Go ahead, george. Caller i want to thank cspan first of all. This is exactly what makes america and exceptional country. People can call in, some are more informed some are less. As for as the russian ceasefire , we just have to see. Wooten has a tendency to talk out of both sides of his mouth when he says one thing and does another. That looks good and slick. Some may say it is smart, but we have to see. Mind what a man does. Firstes into syria, the thele ghe bombs is opposition was a donald trump strategy or his slogan is make America Great again. Could we just find out from you, cspan, when was that exactly . When were we great . Not under the last eight years, we know that much. Host next up is mark from canton ohio on the republican line, go ahead. Caller good morning. Yes, you just had secretary kerry talking about the north korean dictator and have the standalone and sanctioned and so forth. But i wanted to say is, north korean dictator is not a dictator. He does not stand alone. He is a puppet of the chinese government. This is a fact. It is not a theory. Many people in washington would agree with me. You have had them on your program. My point is, china uses the north korean dictator as a cats on to test the world different policies. It tries attention away from the South China Sea and the International Water they are grabbing up and holding with their bases on the fiery cross reef. That is in order to expand their effort to get oil and other precious things out of that area. China continuously, they could in a new yorkator second if you told china none of your trade, none of your ships to come to the United States are coming over anymore until you take that korean dictator away. Host that is mark from ohio. One last caller for this first 45 minutes. That is jim from portland, ohio calling on the independent line. Go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. Something i havent heard this morning was that in 2011, theident obama, he thought ac was not open and said to russian leader after i am reelected i can be more flexible. Since then, russia has done whatever they wanted to do. We have not said anything about it. Aboutent condemned putin it. He is moved into syria and is in iran now. Look at all the forces he has on the border. We wouldnt even give them defensive weapons against putin. Here he is, bombing the people we are supporting. Been goingct has on for hundreds and hundreds of years. How can we go in there and make some kind of deal to settle everything . I dont think it is possible. Host that ends our segment on the ceasefire deal for syria. Coming up next we will talk about campaign 2016, discussing the election was to reporters. With two reporters. Later on we are joined talking about the state of the rands nuclear program. He will be right back. Nuclear program. We will be right back. This weekend, we look back 15 years to the september 11 terrorist attacks and strokes of americans at the white house and u. S. Capitol pentagon and the skies above washington dc. Today we hear from john jester former chief of the Pentagon Defense Protective Service and the former chief of staff to senator Edward Kennedy and a former aide to Vice President dick cheney. Before the second plane hit, i went down to the Vice President office to check. Secondhere when the plane hit, and we knew this was not an an accident. It was an act of terror. Andn sunday, the u. S. Navy former Senate Majority leader tom daschle and a former white pilot and a former f16 flight 93 is not in the near vicinity and able to prosecute an attack at that part of time. We need to get back and make sure we can play the short game now. When we returned back to d. C. , that was when things began to settle down. Flight 93 wasnt there. , the discovered later passengers on that flight were truly heroes. Sunday evening, on american artifacts, we will tour the Visitor Center of the flight 93 national memorial. The final resting place of 40 passengers whose actions prevented hijackers from crashing airplane into its likely target, the u. S. Capitol building. Flight 93 represents a lot aout what makes america fantastic country. Onset of 11th, 2001, the people on board flight 93 were everyday ordinary people, citizens of the globe. A shows that you can make difference no matter how big or small. Our complete schedule go to cspan. Org. Host right now we will talk about campaign 2016 and our guests are ashe, a commentary writer for the National Examiner editorviously was a web and communication structure at the heritage foundation. Carpenter who zoe is associate editor at the nation and previously worked at Rolling Stone magazine. I get so much for being here this morning. You i want to start with and this Washington Post poll recently came out that shows that Hillary Clinton has a when yoummanding lead look at the number of electoral votes and the math. But his Donald Trumps path forward at this point . Guest i am not sure he really has one. He is workingin some battleground states. Recently havent been that great for clinton. She is up in pennsylvania, or florida, and tied in ohio and pennsylvania is close. Makingtrump can keep inroads, he may have a chance. Host zoe, do you agree . Is this raise over . Race over . Guest the traditional battleground has shifted slightly in the sense that certain states in the midwest like pennsylvania or michigan are perhaps more competitive than we might expect whereas states like even arizona and for trumpht be worse the might expect. It is definitely different, it is a new race. Our clinton the comes down to turn out and enthusiasm. She is up among latinos more than obama was at this point. Host Hillary Clinton has tried to address this in the past we can make yourself more available to the media, launching a new campaign to makers of more personable. Hows that going . Guest it depends on which voters are receiving them. Her message about being caught between competing demands on her as a female candidate in particular is an argument that will resonate with many female voters. Women who are in public life feel that strain between eating to be warm and personable and smile more but also to prove they are serious and perhaps more domineering than men to make up for their femininity, so to speak. Continue tors will see her as cold because we have decades of her appearing that way. Host here is a little bit from was released that on friday that attempts to make that more personable pitch to voters. [video clip] over the months people wanted to know how i was doing. Im counting on it. She doesnt have to do that. Host ashe, what do you think when you see that ad . Guest i think it does make her look more personable. This also occurred at the dnc were person after person came forward and said she visited me in the hospital and was the first person to call me after i had my child or surgery. She does need to keep doing things like that and it might actually work. Said we have decades of for looking cold. It is a high hurdle for her to overcome. Host our viewers can call in and join the conversation with ashe and zoe, here are the numbers, democrats at 202 7488000, republicans at 202 7488001 and independents at 202 7488002. Tweets. Ading your we are also on facebook. Areas where the donald trump has been struggling to build up support is among collegeeducated white women. What is his campaign doing in order to reach out to those voters . Guest i havent seen a whole lot. Outve seen him try to reach to black voters, but not a whole lot of outreach to the collegeeducated white women. So, i believe it might be coming. There might be more coming. Beenanne conway has so far a pretty good job of reining him in and not letting the whole trump be trump situation go on. She has aimagine plan. Dont have much time left. We need to see it now. Guest it is hard for him to recover from other things he said about women in the things he has done. He example, lately, what said about women in the military. Blaming the incidents of Sexual Assault on the fact that women and men were serving together even now they have done that for decades. Continues he is even continuing to bring them back up. I think he just doesnt get it. That is going to damage any attempt to recover. Host lets bring in some of our collars now. First color is calling from coconut beach in florida on the democratic line. Caller yes, it is a shame, the same commentary. We dont have two good choices. I wanted to talk about how the media is giving clinton a free pass. When there was that recent town who was thett lauer moderator, during that time, she was talking about libya. Americanshere were no who died in libya. Ok, will a few months ago on the Chris Matthews show, he was goingg about her position into these countries. He mentioned libya. She said no one died in libya. I thought this woman is so callous, she forgot that the wasssador Chris Stevens sending the state department emails, 600 of them during the benghazi hearing. That. Attention to i realize the republicans were right. She was not answering her questions. There we knowg hours she was on the stand that chris knew the danger he was in and the risks he was taking. It was her idea to send him there. You are calling in on the democratic line, you dont, get supporter of Hillary Clinton. What does that mean for you and how you will vote this november . Caller well, myself and many people, total frustration. For many ethical reasons, i cannot vote for her. Koolaidhe clinton in the 90s. They realized how much damage his policies did to the average american. Host all right, that is marge from florida. Guest i would be interested i dont know she still on the line to whether she thinks that trump answers questions directly when he is asked of them. If you compare the two especially at that nbc roundtable what you heard from trump was zero policy details. If recent answers about everything, for example, just direct lying on his record on the iraq war. Disagree that clinton is the one given a free pass. Guest were not hearing their policies, not hearing that. I think it is pretty equal at this point. That is what people historically dont like either of these candidates. Hillarys you do here policies. She has extremely detailed policy ideas. She responds to journalists questions perhaps not on the record, but her team does. When someone asks a Fact Checking . Team does get back to them. Trump has this disregard for the will of the media in pressing for details. Can find details about Hillary Clintons policies you cant about trump mostly speaking. You are a column recently criticizing Hillary Clintons lack of accessibility to the media. Do you think shes made efforts to turn that around . Guest she made an effort but it was a very poor effort. Her first attempt when she popped in on a plane. Wasnt really a press conference. With a couple of questions that left. I think her team said she was coming back and then didnt. Members of the media said can we really reset the clock on her . Chance onnother thursday. She came out and did the podium and had that. She took like six questions. Look at trumps last press conference he sat around for it was 80our and questions asked. But i that this is her attempt to get out there. Most of them were easy, simple questions allowing her to just attacked trump. I dont think shes that much more accessible. Again, part of this is on the media. They finally had a chance to ask her questions and didnt ask them. Now, minnesota, brad is calling on the republican line. Caller good morning, ladies. Done, so waswell hillary. I have to tell you this. Dont ever, ever let anyone tell you obama hasnt been the greatest to give. The house, the senate, the governorships, the 900 states the Democratic Party is dying and they dont see it. Are worried about is the big prize for the guess what, it is done and over with. Accept it. Host that is brad from minnesota. Lets hear from one more call it coming here for our guest. Matt is on the independent line, go ahead. You, lets leave aside the fact that hillary has committed perjury by lying to congress and obstructing justice. That is put aside because we all know she is above the law. Points that are pertinent here that you the trouble with the voters on, number one she is against School Choice for poor, innercity. Supports thise failed president s sanctuary city policy which alerts convicted felons, by the way, thousands of which obama has allows them to roam free. Host all right, matthew i think we hear your point. Zoe, would you like to respond . Guest first about the emails, i guess i would ask the caller and others, do they think the fbi is incompetent or corrupt . Legal ally committed ofegal acts it is a critique the fbi if the caller really think she did something so illegal. They absolutely think the fbi bungled this. Guest right, but there was a totique a reluctance critique Law Enforcement and the fbi which i think its interesting. Of whether this is all over at this point, i think it is too soon to say that. I do think he has a point about the down ballot races. The democrats have allowed themselves to lose control and state houses and governors mansions. That is on the conservatives have worked for a long time to gain power at the state level. I think that is really something to watch in the senate races and how things are getting set up for 2020 and redistricting. Also, the School Choice stand. With that as important as to why there are so much opposition it seems in the Democratic Party to be against School Choice. It could help young innercity kids. Also, sanctuary cities where we someone killed in a century city by an immigrant who had been deported monde number of times. That is something trump talk about. He did the kind of well talking about these deaths that have occurred. He wasnt saying at that point he has been talking about deporting everybody. In that moment he was talking about lets focus first and foremost on the dangerous people. I think that was something good of him to say. Im not there with the whole lets deport them all, but definitely speaking to the idea that we are not effectively policing and protecting our people. Century city issue is one that speaks to a broken immigration system is. That cities must craft their own policy because the federal response is so broken. Keep familiesg to together. If you deaths that have occurred are tragic but are very few. There is little evidence that is related to the policy of century cities. Thehe education front, voucher question in School Choice question is a huge and complicated policy debate to try to put it briefly, the problem the School Choice is that not everyone has equal choices. Even if he can them all vouchers, not everyone can drive all the way across town to get to the better school. If you only answer is yes, you now have the privilege to drive a child us were that leaves a certain number of families usually in the poorest and most memorable family still stuck in bad schools. Unless you focus on strengthening the public Education System you always have a stratified system. Both . Couldnt we do guest because what School Choice does is it leeches resources from the schools that needed the most. They are in fact contradictory policies. Host lets turn now to fairfield connecticut, go ahead. Morning, no offense to the ladies on the show, but all through the campaign we have had, it is coming on tv saying trump is this and that. Come outad polls claiming one candidate is ahead. During the primaries, the polls wound up being wrong and pundits were wrong. Why shouldfairness, we be paying attention to your ladies . Host lets play little bit of doldrums recent remarks here in washington. At the value voter summit this is what he said about social conservatives. [video clip] one of the greatest privileges of my journey has been the time i have spent with the evangelical community. And the support they gave me in those primaries was absolutely incredible. [applause] all across the nation. People wondered if i would get the evangelicals. I got the evangelicals. [applause] i will make it up to you to, you watch. Guest the polls during the primary did show trump ahead. They didnt quite sure whether he was going to win specific demographic so when that have aspect the caller was correct. We dos one poll, and if is tightening. T it is always been kind of close. Believechoose to polls or not. Pollsnd in 2012 a lot of were wrong. The polls havent been that far off for u. S. President ial elections in recent memory. Guest i dont have too much to add to that. Polling is an inexact science. Reporting political reporting what people make generalizations based on interviews and some going to be inexact sometimes too. We do our best. Host here is the latest polling average from real clear policy showing Hillary Clinton with 45 of the vote and donald trump with 42 of the vote. That leaves Hillary Clinton with a 2. 7 point lead. Now the democratic line, tracy go ahead. Caller i want to talk about i am the thing that a supporter with her all the way. The challenge i think that she has is that she is trying to appear president ial and smart and educated while not appearing to out of control like most people want her to be. As somebody who was a professional woman and was a career woman, it is always this level of where people want you to act but the new want you to stand. Takingud her for always the high road in being a lady in professional. Trump if she is out there spitting and yelling and cussing , the two ladies on this panel would be appalled. I think that this is a double standard. This week with matt lauer. How he treated her completely coweredtly the way he with trump. You need to go ahead and look at the character of the person. That is a big part of it. Lets talk about polling. We all know that the poll is based on who answers the phone in the middle of the day. My phone rings up the book. I dont Pay Attention to polls, other networks was that i appreciate the integrity. When it comes to this election people need to get off of the airways. Host all right, that is tracy from virginia we hear you this morning. Guest that is a good point, it is usually some landline not a lot of cell phones. People just dont answer. So, they are difficult to get younger voters. Again, they dont go out to the polls at the same rate. To an earlier point about the way the want hillary to act versus the way she does that is really the case for every politician. Trump your being boorish and awful that he doesnt act that way and we dont Pay Attention to his speeches then he goes back. Whatever will get in that attention. It is an incentivebased thing. We get that with every politician. Guest kind of, but it is so much clearer with clinton. Especially because we can look at her career, east had ropes she has had to walk which was criticized for saying she wasnt going to just sit around baking cookies. I really agree with the caller said, her trying to talk about the different direction she is pulled. Host lets talk about the relationship with the media. That plays into how they present themselves and how they are perceived by voters. Donald trump has been has had ore have is a real adversarial relationship with the media. How do you think that has affected his campaign so far . How do you think Hillary Clintons reluctance to engage directly has affected her potential candidacy . Guest they both had trouble with the media. Hillary seem to little odd considering so much of the media is more on her side. Order to kind of push them away and not want to speak to them when she does has always been odd. Media doesntthe seem to have done anything. He is still getting tons of airtime. He was still in the primary he got 2 billion worth of free airtime. That was with him banning people. It really didnt affect him in his ability to generate headlines so much. The same thing with hillary, the only problem is neither of them wanted some of the headlines that were generated. Trumps think relationship with the media is really troubling if it think about him being president. In russia, where there is a much more close attitude towards press freedoms and internet freedoms, and the way he treats journalists is you can expect the same from a trumpet administration, the idea of banning certain journalists and wanted to shut down freedom of speech is a very serious policy. He hasnt stated it as a policy but if you think about it if he continued to act the same way that is very worrisome. On the other hand with clinton, she also has this close attitude towards the press which would also be an issue she were in office. Host now to augusta, georgia, on the republican line, go ahead. Caller i wanted to let miss carpenter know i am a retired sergeant major, ok . Women and men have not been combing gold comingled for decades in the combat arms. When herke to know candidate in the Democratic Party is going to explain how theyre going to comingle women in tanks and artillery units and infantry units where you must carry 150 pounds on your back to go of a mountain up a mountain. Guest i dont know we should ask Hillary Clinton to make policies about womens physical fitness for the military. I think i am confused about the connection between the Sexual Assault and womens fitness for combat role. Those are two separate issues. The Sexual Assault issue regardless of whether women are integrated in combat, they shouldnt be sexually assaulted. That seems to be clear. Host and georgia, and the democratic line, go ahead. Caller i have a lot to talk about, number one, to reponds to the gentleman and augustine, the integrated women just fine into their military. That is not an issue. This race is effectively over barring something catastrophic. I think look at the polls every day. Aboutnot about this is the Electoral College. If you look at the various states, this race is over because Hillary Clinton is leading in more than enough states to get 270 Electoral College vote it is just that simple. You can discourse about polls being a horseis race to keep people interested. But, it is over in less hillary really screws up or something comes out that we have not found out yet up to this point. Aret i agree, the polls we looking at our national polls. Some of the state are pretty close and many seem pretty decided. It is an Electoral College so i completely agree. Still too early to say that it is over. I really am hesitant to call the race because there is time left. There are International Events that could happen. It is a question about turnout. Who comes out to vote on election day and the early voting before. Voter id lawsith and who gets access to the ballot, those questions we dont have the answer yet. Guest we are seeing more enthusiasm from a certain sect of Trump Supporters versus not that much enthusiasm on hillarys side. Host what do you guys think of what happened with footer turnout . Will we see lower numbers than we saw in previous president ial elections, or different groups be more represented than they were in previous elections . Guest i it is hard to speculate. There are certain groups of voters who are highly motivated. Motivated against from pan for Hillary Clinton, they see her as a role model and sharing some of their concerns. In the workingclass white men were motivated for trump and latinos were more motivated against trump. Demographics are having motivated. Certain demographics are highly motivated. It also there are others that are not being spoken to, like the very poor. We hear a lot about the middle class and the white working class. There are black people in the working class as well. There are people not being spoken to. The Enthusiasm Gap could be greater for them. Guest we might have a depressed turnout. Baby from 2012 numbers just because these candidates are so historically disliked. Every year we say we hate both of our choices except maybe 2008, but usually this is the best of the parties could do. This year, really seems to be proving that. 6070 dislike. I think possibly we might have theher 19921996 where person who becomes president doesnt get 50 of the vote. Gary johnson, if he can improve on his 2012 numbers, that is almost likely at this point. Host here is an update on some news all around the voter id laws. The u. S. Appeals court on friday blocked an effort by alabama, georgia, and kansas to need proof of citizenship when registering at the polls. Which they said disenfranchise certain voters. Elsewhere, voters only need to say the our citizens in order to cast a ballot. Caller is on the democratic line, what is your thought this morning . Caller good morning, ladies. Donald trump is a good ol boy of power and privilege. He should lose because he is a racist. But he wont. He should lose because he is the most incompetent candidate ever to run for president. But he wont. Donald trump will lose because he represents instability. 008 crash america has no appetite for instability. You dont know what is going to happen. Guest that is the general fear with trump. He isng called this coming around to adopting a few more policies. Taken to National Security policies from the his listfoundation and of Supreme Court justices from the federalist society. He is starting to listen to other groups and kind of get around on to some policies. An, again, obama was also empty suit back in 2008, but was more firm. I think this remains to be seen. Know much ofont what trump will do. The howd you guys rate performance of the candidate at the nbc commander in chief forum held earlier this week . It was a fairly standard performance for both of them. Hillary clinton was calm under pressure and some pretty what she probably thought was ridiculous questioning. Rambling his usual nonspecific cell. About the policy point is that is interesting he is just getting them from standard conservative groups. His ideas are the same conservative ideas with hard for many years. Newas this persona of being and saying what he means but has old ideas. They so does hillary when are standard democratic policies. Any candidate will do that. Guest but she is not pretending to be an outsider who radically transform things the way that trump is. Guest right, but do we expect anybody to come in and have these different ideas . Everybody will have their parties ideas. Guest it is interesting trump says he will do that. Will changeays we things up in washington and stop the status quo, they all say that. Guest but it is an example of people not pushing trump on his claims about himself and what his presidency would look like. How much could anyone that is in the white house could do if congress is indeed divided again . Ine, how have republicans the senate races and congressional races how ar they distancing themselves or not from donald trump . Guest some are, some arent. Sell one end up losing after she endorsed trump. We dont have a lot of examples of them. We cant say if there is any sort of trump virus out there. Ofer is in the white house the dont have complete veto proof control of both houses they really arent going to be able to maneuver a whole lot. Obama was able to in his first two years many people didnt like what he was doing during that time that is why republicans came in with the house. They got scott brown in the senate. Even if trump wins, he would not have a vetoproof majority. If Hillary Clinton wins she will not. Im not sure how much anyone can do anything and come in with these policies but without complete support in the house and senate they wont be able to pass them. With military action, congress is supposed to as weve seen, they havent been willing to step in and assert their authority in that area. Guest obama just went ahead. Guest they declined to vote on authorization on these military force that of the dont want to be on the record on things like that. The domestic agenda will have a hard time getting through, we tend to forget that these the executive does have a lot of control over the international. Mosts going to be the judicious use of those considerable powers . Now, our next caller on the republican line, go ahead. Caller hello . I am one of them little boys good ol boys. Did you hear bill clinton the other night spewing hate towards other people . Guest i didnt did you want to explain what you are referring to . Caller what i am referring to is you said they gloss over like peoples lives dont matter. Maybe when it happens to your did,y, you said, yes you like it doesnt matter. Wantally, like clinton, we innocent people you go there werent many people that died. One life is enough for me, lady. Guest i do think those lines are tried it tragic. They do matter. Careful about sorting out what actually caused to such depths. And what the policies are for. It is also tragic when children who are u. S. Citizens lose parents to deportation. Compassion doesnt have to be ofited to a certain sector the people that live here in this country. The People Better than deported departed for Violent Crimes for the ones killing and try note them to break up the families. They are two separate guest there were mistakes that were made. That man should not have been released. , the failing to the system worked because it was a century city. There were mistakes that were made. To say that it was because of the century city sanctuary city is inaccurate. Caller hi, ladies. Host good morning. Caller i want to speak on some and that is very important. Problemore of our gettinglks about children in school which is fine. How will these poor communities get their kids over to the Charter School . Even in the white, appellation states. That equalrget opportunity in education is the start. How will they get host zoe . Guest education is an issue many people care about. That is on the Hillary Clinton has been running pretty strong on. This issue of how you get more support into the school struggling is a really tricky one. Part of it is the way we fund our schools so that areas that have a lower tax base a less money for their schools. It is set in the schools up to be unequal, essentially. Schools do more than just provide education. Thisis what gets lost in discussion post on having one in your neighborhood there are other benefits to that besides 8 00 a. M. To three clock p. M. Education. Theres neighborhood cohesion and things like that. Guest i think he brings up a good point which zoe brought up early which is how do we get some of the poorest students to the better schools. That is selling politicians that talk about School Choice have to address. Whether you will want to somehow create more funding or programs or figuring out how to use Public Transportation if a parent is comfortable sending their child that way. Maybe, mobilizing some volunteer groups of parents who do have the time. Up with wayso come that we can have School Choice for everybody. In ohio is our next caller on the republican line, good morning. Caller first of all, both of these women on here i heard them say about the uneducated white male in the educated women. My wife is educated with a college degree, she is voting for trump. I have a college degree, i am voting for trump. I want to make a point here. Up had a black man call recently just a few minutes ago talking about how trump is racist. It is like if i started calling names to hillary youd immediately hang up on me. Why did you let this stuff go on for the other candidate . He is not racist. As for as the schools go, my children went to public school. Both of them ended up going to college many other students in that same school are whining right now about they do not get a proper education. Maybe if their parents went to the meetings with the parentteacher conferences, maybe if they went home and did their homework they would have got the same education that my kids did in a public school. Their parents were there. Their parents were there. Host youngstown, ohio. Guest i do not believe i said anything about uneducated white then but i do think it is important to note that not every educated white woman is for Hillary Clinton. We talk about maybe a majority are but not everyone in every block. There is hispanic people for trump, lacks for trump. There are educated white women who are not for hillary and maybe for trump. When we talk about these blocks, it is a generalization. As this college has demonstrated, it is not everybody. Host that is the danger with this type of political commentary is that we may generate test generalities based on data points. For efficiency sake we have to do that and we have to look at trends but there are of course variations and different Life Experiences that direct their preference is. There is an upcoming president ial debate. How do you think that could change the momentum of the race . 2012, the very first debate was clearly mitt romneys when people were not expecting that. Obama came off thinking he had one because the media has always been in his pocket so it did not seem like he needed to do a whole lot, and he turned it back around the next couple of debates and ended out ended up pulling out the election. We have such a low bar for trump that if he just coasts through it it is going to look like he has done very well whereas Hillary Clinton, there is a much higher bar for her to overcome whatever trump says to her. I think it is going to be very difficult in that first debate for hillary to win it. All trump has to do is kind of appear reasonable and he will have come out looking like a winner. Guest i think it depends on how the moderators handle it. If it is allowed to be a personality contest, if trump gets question about Life Experience and questions like that i think he will ask appear much stronger because the because he has the naturally at ease rapport with the camera that i think hillary struggles with. When followup questions are asked i think hillary will shine examplere because for if trump says, i have a secret , of courseeat isis he is not going to give us the secret plan but the moderate the moderator can ask about the plan. These things that he says that are hard to fact check because there are such opaque claims, you can question enough to know whether he really has a secret plan. Host charlotte from new orleans, louisiana on the democrat line. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Following the Obama Administration the past couple of years, it seems like it has been one nightmare after another. One strange movie. You have james comey going in, doing this investigation, finding all these things that she did wrong and come out to say that he did not find anything. Is letting all these immigrants come in. I think Hillary Clinton is being forced to run for president because he has taken all this money from all these other countries. Host at the charlotte from new orleans, louisiana. Lets turn to indianapolis, indiana from brent on the republican line. Caller i appreciate you taking my call. I would just like to say these two young girls that you have on relayhow, i would like to and express myem opinion to them. , there may be if victorious, is there will only be, there is a lot of people who will not feel that way. But if donald trump is defeated we will all be defeated. Are all, man, woman, child host why will we all be defeated if donald trump were to lose the race . Because we will not have the inner cities rebuilt. , we will notave have the inner businesses taxes. Ated through lower host brent from indiana. Where cspaner found these young girls to be on their panel. To behe caller seemed saying was that the promise of a Trump Presidency would be quite hard to realize with his policies, are they going to have it . That is in some ways a weakness that he has but some people do not care about the specifics. Guest i am not sure that is what he was saying. He was saying if trump lost we would lose the lower taxes and the ability for businesses to thrive. If hillary one then we would not have low taxes. We would not have the ability for businesses to rebound. Regardless of what the unemployment number is, which is a lot of a lot to do with people dropping out of the workforce, people still do not feel like we have fully recovered from the 2008 recession. I think he may have been speaking more to the ability of businesses to continue trying to get out of that and if hillary were to win, it would be much more difficult for them to do so. Host rhonda from freehold, new jersey on the democratic line. Caller good morning, america. I hope everybody is doing fine. I would just like to make a comment about trumps speech on his Immigration Reform plan. It was the most racist speech i have ever heard in my life. Host why did you feel that way . Caller because it appeals to my soul. When he talked about these dreamers not being able to become citizens of the United States when they went to school here and college and fight in our war, it just broke my heart because this is not who we are as americans. This man terrifies me. Think the dreamer issue, it is one that i kind of struggle with, with following the laws versus these children. They knew growing up they were citizens and it does become difficult but when he think of funding, it is a little bit difficult. I disagree that trumps speech, especially that night was incredibly racist, but she can have her opinion. Guest i think this is one of the central debates we are having, the politics of divisiveness versus the politics of inclusion and that is the difference between the two campaigns. Can we be creative enough in our policymaking and work hard enough to be a country that continues to welcome immigrants as we have since the very beginning of this country . Or do we have to drive people out and do we really not have space for certain groups of people . That is one of the big questions. Both candidates are definitely alienating people. Hillary clinton says that her Favorite Energy favorite enemy is republicans so is she not going to govern for 50 of the population . She recently called Trump Supporters a basket of deplorables. How is that going to help heal the country . Host we spent a lot of time this morning talking about Hillary Clinton and donald trump but another president ial candidate eight some news. Gary johnson made some news. Tweetohnson, hear his a he sent out tweet after his interview. How much influence will gary johnson have on this election . Could this incident actually provide a boost to at least his name recognition . Guest i think it provides a boost to his name recognition. In certain states it appears he is getting some support, i do not know if it is away from trump, but people who would normally vote for the republican candidate. In utah i think he has Something Like 20 . That number is not exact but it is a surprisingly large margin of support. It varies statebystate but in areas where traditionally Republican Voters are off put, he will do better than expected. Guest he could pull some hillary support as well. There is still a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters that are not happy with that and may not see jill stein as a viable second option. Club,ak to Gary Johnsons i feel like a whole lot of the electorate probably also did not know much about aleppo so he mightve connected to them. He addressed it, he did not double down, he did not get combative. He said, i made a mistake and that was dumb and now im going to read up on it, which is not something we can expect from hillary or trump to admit. Hillary continues to eventually hershe made a mistake in email and yet she does not want to answer questions about it. She becomes very combative when asked about it. Think ifody really trump said something wrong he would say, my bad, i will read up on it. Gary johnson handled it in a way that was refreshing for president ial candidates. Shirley is on the republican line. Caller thank you for taking my call. What i want to talk about is mr. Trump. He has so many good points here that i hope that people in the United States wake up before it is too late. There is just too many to talk about. First of all it is the obamacare and lets talk about that. You might as well say that is done, we are done without. Then you have got education. He is talking about the voucher system. And theychildren graduate during seventh and eighth grade work graduate doing seventh and eighth grade work, the schools are not up to their potential. Kids are graduating and they cannot even make change in a store. That is a shame. Are vouchers, if your kids not doing good in one school you have the option of taking them out and putting them into a school or maybe they will be able to get their education. Host that is surely from pennsylvania. Lets hear from one more caller and we will have our guests respond. John calling from silver spring, maryland on the democrat line. Caller thank you for taking my call. It is mindboggling. I am not blaming donald trump what is going on, i am blaming the media. When you are not asking the candidate direct questions and answer the question that you are asking, it is going to be a mess. I am watching the last debate thursday night and he is asking direct questions. And this man is walking away about the question. The reality is this donald trump, he lies about when he says he sent investigators to hawaii to find Barack Obamas birth certificate, which turned out to be a lie. He said something about 9 11 muslims were celebrating in new jersey. We find out that is a lie. He is insulting megyn kelly, insulting the pope. We are talking about hillary mantons emails but this day in and day out everything that comes from his mouth is lies. Host that is john from maryland. As the media been doing its job so far this Campaign Season . Guest there are people doing their job and people letting trump slide. I will say that trump has gotten a lot of free passes throughout the primaries, all that free coverage and with softball questioning. Host one last caller, lisa from blue hills, West Virginia on the republican line. Caller i would first like to thed morning to these strong women panel, instead of girls. Trump wanted to say about , i have been a republican since i was old enough to vote when i turned 18. This will be the first time that i vote for a democrat because i vote foring myself to a pathological liar who might possibly get us in the next war. I have got grandchildren who are coming up and i have got to think about their future. You have to have someone capable in the white house. As far as the emails, it is a nonstarter for me because i know what she was doing. She did not want her private Life Captured on state servers. Position, iher would not have wanted my private life out there either. Host that was lisa from West Virginia. Guest it was more than just her private life she did not want on the servers, but i understand her frustration and i know theres a lot of republicans who do not want to vote for trump for many reasons. I am not sure whether Hillary Clinton is not going to get us into any wars. If she tried what she tried on libya and yemen, they were both kind of failures so im not sure that she would not she has made the promise not to put boots on the ground and im not sure she can actually promise that between what happens between now and then. I would not that my hopes on hillary not starting another war. Host thank you guys also much for joining us this morning. Coming up next we are going to talk to Anthony Cordesman at the center for international and Strategic Studies Center for strategic and International Studies around the iran nuclear plan. We will be right back. Cspan created by americas Cable Television companies and brought as a service by your Cable Television provider. Tv brings youbook 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors and here are some of our programs for this coming weekend. Not he at 9 00 eastern, or lopez talks about starting an innercity middle school in her book the bridge to brilliance, how one teacher in a tough community is inspiring the world. Then at 10 00 afterwards, former u. S. Attorney general Alberto Gonzales talks about his life during the george w. Bush administration. He is interviewed by brent kendall, wall street journal Legal Affairs reporter. There have been several memoirs written, peoples perspectives are out there and i thought it might be important to add mine for my sons sake quite honestly. There has been a lot written and said about me, some of it true and some of it not true and i wanted them to get my perspective about the events that shaped me and affected their lives as well. Eastern, gary 45 trudeau discusses his next book, e g he speaks in washington, d. C. Douglas combs on the lessons the u. S. President s learn in their first year of presidency. John straw spot and greg lake malvo john straw small and gregory malvo. Sunday march the 15th anniversary of september 11 and cspans live coverage of the events begins at 7 00 a. M. Eastern during washington journal where you can join the conversation. Join president e obama live for a moment of silence at the white house. Go to0 a. M. Eastern we the september 11 memorial at the pentagon with remarks from president obama and at 10 00 we will be at the flight 93 national memorial. We were returned to new york for the remainder of that ceremony. The 15th anniversary of september 11 on cspan, the cspan radio app, and cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Host joining us now is Anthony Center forfrom the strategic and International Studies. He was the National Security assistant to senator john mccain of the Armed Services committee, and director of intelligence assessment at the Awkward Office of the secretary of defense, and a civilian assistant to the assistant secretary secretary of defense. U. S. here to talk about payments of 1. 3 billion to iran recently. Anthony cordesman, thank you for joining us. Guest it is a pleasure host . Host what was this money supposed to be for . Guest technically it is tied to the fact that when the hostage crisis began, we cut off all arms delivery. Host the hostage crisis of . Guest this was in 1979 and 1980 during the fall of the shaw. Inre was a long, long period which this became an area where we had essentially not delivered weapons that we had essentially been paid for. And where interest technically began to accumulate on the fact that we had seized the money. Iran in turn had its own problem because it was liable for the hostage crisis. We reached an agreement to. Elease the Embassy Hostages it is important to note in doing so, we actually gave iran a significant payment back then, something people often forget about. But they had set up a kind of court of arbitration to reach an struggle on this between the United States and iran, and it went on year after year after year. In 2015 whereriod the Nuclear Agreement was being negotiated, the question began to arise, the u. S. Had a legitimate debt. It had paid money for the arms we never delivered. But there was a real question about what this arbitration decision would be, how much interest would be charged, whether that would be penalties. So the question really became for the United States one of, can we reach a settlement at a reasonable cost . And that settlement was tied to a figure of 1. 3 billion, which was arms sales original of around 400 million. The problem that often gets lost years this was also the time we were negotiating the Nuclear Agreement. Situatione facing a where some americans were essentially being held in iranian prisons, not necessarily as hostages but on charges which quite frankly did not make any legal sense. , not of a matter of record but just of speculation, that on the day after we formally recognized that iran had met standards in terms of Nuclear Agreement standards and terms of the Nuclear Agreement, we transferred the forced first of these payments, 400 million in foreign currency to iran. It is very likely that there was linkage between the ryan compliance with the Nuclear Agreement and the payment. At the same time, we had clearly linked this payment to the release of four american hostages. As that is a question here to whether you want to talk onehis as some kind way or another we had to make the payment. The other factor is the primary linkage is not to the hostages but to irans compliance with the terms of the nuclear arms agreement. Host when you say hostages, you are referring to the four prisoners. Guest right. Host lets take it back a little bit here and go to why the u. S. Never delivered the arms to iran in the first place. Why did we end up owing them this money . Guest we ended up calling them this money and the reason way suspended the transfer of modern arms to iran, was there was a very brief period after the fall of the shah it looked like it might be a moderate government. Host this is in the 1970s . Guest this is actually now 1980, the year in which he fully consolidated. Early on it was apparent that he was referring to the United States as the great satan having , to restore theshah after a radical politician had become Prime Minister. It was obviously faced a serious enemy and someone hostile to the United States. And then you had irans government tolerate a seizure of the entire and the c compound and all u. S. Entire Embassy Compound and all u. S. Diplomats and hold ms hostage. That was the reason we put sanctions and embargo on all arms shipments, worked with our allies, particularly britain and france to halt all arms transfers to iran. It was not just the United States that did that and eventually it became under different circumstances, a u. N. Mandate to limit arms transfer. So you had a lot of advanced aircraft, things that iran mightve used against its neighbors, used in hostile ways, and we essentially had already been paid and we suspended all deliveries. And basically, iran has had very little access to modern arms from anyone ever since then. Host explain to us this International Court that was set up in the process of arbitration that followed after the hostages were released. Guest the process was grindingly slow and quite frankly, it got caught up in the nuclear issue. It was delayed by the fact there was a war between iran and iraq that lasted until 1988. And technically, it is still not over, there is only a ceasefire and not a Peace Agreement. You had iran emerge basically as a source of extremism, terrorist movements. Attacks at like with iran and hezbollah and saudi arabia and elsewhere. Iran constantly charged that the United States was conspiring ininst it, had backed iraq 1987 to 1988. We had a forgotten war. The United States agreed to protect the tankers coming out of kuwait and going through the straight at the far end of the gulf that separates the arab world from iran. The United States ended up in a shooting war between u. S. Navy. Hips and iranian ships there were mayans involved, there was an aircraft mines involved, there was an aircraft shot down. It went on and on and the arbitration process was never really going on or functional. Until you got to the point where you began to have serious negotiations over the Nuclear Agreement, which came largely when european sanctions and u. S. Sanctions on the nuclear weapons. Host is that why in 2015 the u. S. Decided to move toward attlement versus to continue process they had been undergoing already for years . Guest it is a very good question but the fact is we do not have an open record on that. We really do not know the exact level of negotiations of countries level of negotiations. Other countries like oman were involved. They involved other Key Countries in the u. N. Socalled five plus one. Diplomacy of this kind often has quid pro quos where you do not really announce any of the details. Host so it is possible that the mean it is does that possible that the decision to move toward a settlement and a payment could be linked to the Nuclear Agreement . Guest it is almost certain that there was some clear linkage. If you ron had not been willing to reach a Nuclear Agreement if iran had not been willing to reach a Nuclear Agreement with the countries involved it is almost certain it probably would not have had a settlement on this arms sale issue as well. Host we want to let our viewers know they can join in the conversation with Anthony Cordesman as well. Democrats, your line is 202 7488000 independents, 202 7458002. Our twitter handle is cspanwj. We will be reading some of your messages there. Lets turn to indiana. Alan is on the line. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. I love the show. From my memory of our thinkonship with iran, i remember try to history, at one time, iran had a democratic government, but they decided to nationalize the oil fields, or something that British Petroleum had been interested in, and they were against it. In the 1950s, britain and remer history, at one time, iran had a democratic the cia, and eisenhower actually installed theand shah for the next 20 years. Iranians in this country were demonstrating against the shah. Moneyhavee in the United States, and after he was overthrown, the andrnment froze the assets we have been holding onto that ever since . First, one has to be a worde careful with the democracy. The Prime Minister you are referring to was deposed. Often land on the United States. Certainly we financed it. The role of Great Britain is stronger than iran would like to discuss. It was a product of the political time in which you had extremist groups dominating a good part of the politics in the arab world. When the shah came back and you are absolutely right using he did create what was at least a semidemocratic structure. That was probably know more or less democratic than the government that elected under our s standards, it was not all that democratic here you looked on the line and see what has happened since, and i think that the truth is it is very difficult to talk about iran you hadrealizing that the image of a democracy, but you could not be a candidate unless you were chosen by religious body that was often rejecting half the people who wanted to run. You did not replace the shot with a democracy, you replaced him with a far more repressive government under a religious figure. You not only controlled security forces, the justice system, virtually everything. Despite the fear, there was an suppressresident that the rights of women, basically change the whole pattern of social life in iran. I think you have to keep this fully in line. Host bob from illinois is up next on the republican line. Good morning. Caller my question is about transparency. President obama, 7. 5 years ago claiming his government would be the most transparent. It is now up to 33 billion, as i understand. Go tore any way we can the treasury or find the somewhere where he has made all the these payment to iran . Guest all the payments are a matter of public record. If you go to the state department website, you can find it. If you go to congressional hearings, which examined the you are not talking about 33 million. I think there is a lot of confusion here. This is money that is iran could not simply moved or spent because the u. S. And the European Union had locked access to the International Banking community. A lot of that money simply has not been freed. One of the problems and you raise transparency quite correctly here this is not just the u. S. This is involving sanctions on the part of the European Union and the u. N. It is also something involving the fact that the International Banks are not willing to take a risk and free the money where the u. S. Has no sanctions or controls on it because they are afraid of what will happen in transactions. I do not think any of this is hidden from anybody. It is extraordinarily complex. Your question is quite a good one. When you start adding the European Union, the u. N. , and this was part of the International Banking system, it is almost impossible. Host you mentioned earlier, if i understood correctly, that the payments were unlikely to be made if the Nuclear Agreement had not then reached. Said thislicans have essentially amounts to ransom. We have a clip from a hearing on thursday talking about this issue. [video clip] merriamwebsters definition of ransom. Money that is paid in order to free someone who has captured or kidnapped. The American People want to know , did this administration pay ransom . Does it meet the Legal Definition . If it doesnt, did the actions of this administration end . Cally achieve the same ntat is to and sent ince terrorism, to put a price on the head of every tourist, sailor, airman and marine hoosiers or visits overseas. Transaction legal . My guess is is any private citizen had done what is administration had done, they would be indicted on money laundering. Instead, the Administration Calls it diplomacy. Host we are talking with Anthony Cordesman. How do you respond to the statements . This will not come as a shock to most of your viewers but this is an election here. I think of you want to criticize the administration, you will make the best argument you can. The reality here is, however, what has happened with these payments is something we have been dealing with for decades now. Toalmost certainly is linked the Nuclear Agreement. The primary issue here was probably the implementation. That implementation day may not mean too much to your viewers but heres what happened. The one reactor they could have used produced plutonium. They had to give up all of their highly enriched uranium. They had to limit the low enrichment uranium. They had open up facilities to to new levels of infection. They curtailed a centrifuge program that they used to produce uranium. All of this activity came under one dayht controls before this other agreement was reached and the hostages were essentially free. If you are in the u. S. , laughable negotiate as rod of the agreement as you can. You are going to try to include american citizens who have effectively been made prisoners on false charges. The fact is the chairman is quite right about one aspect. Iran did not change its behavior. , it has gone out longrange missiles, it has greeted new areas of confrontation in areas like lebanon, iran, syria. It has created tensions, basically shadowed u. S. Ships in the gulf. It has not basically arrested more americans. It has arrested citizens with dual nationality and citizens from other countries. Some of these, i believe, do have u. S. Passports. This is not something that came out of the payment or agreement. It is something simply that reflects a deeply divided iran that it is now a massive confrontation with its arab neighbors and particularly with the u. S. As primary ally of those neighbors in the gulf. The mark is up next on republican line. Go ahead. Caller good morning. We i do not understand is consider iran to be the axis of evil. Our country has labeled them, the world knows it, Everybody Knows it. Possess a president like president obama to negotiate unilaterally through congress to do what he did and put more lives at stake and to destabilize the region even more with the country labeled as the axis of evil. Just remember those words. Axis of evil. Here we are, giving them money, more power, and i dont think we got anything in return. In the process, obama has neutered the United States congress and made the will of the people, spit in the face of the will of the people. This should have done a treaty through congress, not in the dead of night. Thet none of this was in dead of night. Congress was informed and took political action. It was not an american agreement basically at was you and brokered agreement with the primary negotiator was actually on the western side, from britain. It is also true that calling for country part of the axis of evil in one president ial speech is of fourlanced judgment iran is like. Like i said, you have a country moving to try to develop and Deploy Nuclear weapons. Now, for at least a century, it will not be able to do that. If you look at what has happened in north korea, you see just how dangerous it can be when a country does proceed to carry out and Test Nuclear Weapons and actually build them. In fairness to the demonstration, it has continued the same policy that really began under president nexen. We are followed by the first president bush, and to some extent, after that, president clinton and younger george bush. We have put a massive effort into checking the military buildup, attempting to limit expansion of influence and power syria, and lebanon. We have provided massive arms transfers to countries like saudi arabia, jordan, as well as established very strong air and naval peasants and the ability to deploy ground force. All of these steps have been based on the reality that iran is a potential very serious threat and the u. S. Has to back allies in the region as well as have its own military capability. You can certainly argue the nuances here. This not a country which can be labeled as if everyone in it is part of an axis of evil. You cannot say the country did not inform the congress about this agreement, or for that matter, the media and the American People, or the it has not checked iran in terms of the other threats it poses. From the next caller comes michigan. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Voice offreshing someone who is knowledgeable taught thank you for explaining to the obama haters ist this money that was paid actually irans money. That recently president obama was on a trip overseas and was met with many. Nsult you know, the insult with putin. The military has been antagonized and harassed by boats and the navy. I would like to know if you believe this mistreatment of america, the mistreatment of the president by foreign entities is letter that 47he republican senators actually signed cents to the ayatollah wall the president was negotiating the Nuclear Agreement. Therepublicans inviting israeli Prime Minister here to insult our president. I am an american citizen. Can you tell me why this is not treason . Very we need to be very, careful. Partisan politics are partisan politics. It is a very rough game and often played two extremes. That is done by both party. Both parties. Some Historical Context is important. First, the tensions we have seen centered around china and other powers there. The problems we face in the middle east. The reason reassertion of power in the middle east, all of these are consequences of the United States. They reflect the goals and figures of leaders like china, iran, north korea, russia. A lot of them have Different Levels of competition and cooperation with the United States. The idea that the u. S. Was going and is going to live in a world where we do not face these challenges is simply not realistic. If you look at the planning guide, it clearly recognizes this and it does not tie it to the actions of any given leader. When you look at the actions of the Supreme Leader over the last year, they are tied much more to the fact that what they had from would be a major flow new oil sales has not,. There also tied to the fact that the United States is an ally to the gulf states. The major source of the tension in this region is not between the United States and iran, though that is real, it is between iran and saudi arabia. It is a massive struggle of power and influence. As americans, as we look forward to the National Security issues that we face, we have to remember that we are strongest when we do not find partisan causes or look for conspiracy. We try to find Solutions Based on bipartisan effort. I think there is still a strong element of that, not necessarily in the president ial campaign but president ucture of shall political power. Host we have been talking during the segment about the money that the u. S. Owed to iran. The story says that iran also u. S. Some money. It says they have a significant counterclaim against iran arriving out of the foreign sales program, leading to , but theyl damages left their own counterclaim for future litigation. We do not know whether the wedted states code iran o iran anything at all. Can you talk about these claims and counterclaims . Guest this is one of the reasons why iran had to settle they for much less than were asking for. They quoted figures like 10 billion rather than 1. 3 billion. It is so difficult to litigate. There is no fixed figure. You are essentially saying, and you have justification for this, property took american and goods. Under some conditions, you have a potential claim here. The problem is that you would have to litigate this on the basis of whatever figure you wanted to present. The question then would be whether iran never paid. This is not the kind of thing where you are sort of litigating in the u. S. Court. It is a body which can reach a decision and have both sides promptly ignored. I think it would be nice if we had that level of International Law, particularly if it operated to american legal standards. We dont. Yes, there is always the counterclaim argument. It is valid to some extent. The administration did make a deal. If you look at this deal and say, well, it includes a nuclear side as well as the particular arms issue, and it also andntially has some savings uranium claims. Then you come down to virtually everyone in the United States attempting to be their own arbitration in court. When people talk about transparency on the settlement, in u. S. Tothat mastic law, when it comes to corporate responsibility, we almost never make clear the issue of personal liability and in having athere corporate zone. Host lets hear from gerald, calling on the republican line. What is your thought a question this morning . Caller i have one question for him. Earlier that hearings on the, especially how Financial Committee feels about payments. , with all the ,conomic issues we have today actually, we sunk a lot of money into that region. It is part of the reason why we have the deficit we have now. I guess my question to you is why are we still paying these countries anything . That is my question. Guest again, the problem with iran was a fundamental issue centered around the risk of having iran becoming a Major Nuclear power. You talk about the economics of it. You have 17 Million Barrels a. Ay moving through growing their economy and our economy is based highly on the stability of those flows. Not because we import that oil but because our major asian trading partners are completely dependent in terms of that energy supply. Basic american strategic interests. What do you have to be careful about here is we do to play deploy u. S. Combat forces. We have provided support to forcesrebels and iraqi to deal with isis and the other threats there. Side, the basis that are provided in the gulf are not cases that we really pay for. We have sold well over 50 billion dollars of arms to air rab gulf states since 2000. The actual u. S. Expenditures here are relatively limited. You raise a very good point about the burden of National Security. I think most americans are not aware that we are now spending well under 4 of the economy on every aspect of National Security. During the cold war, when we were at peace, the burden was 7 of our economy on average. Fromnnot divorce ourselves the world, from our allies, or from security. I wish week lived in a better world or somehow we could separate ourselves. As americans, we have to face the fact that some National Security efforts are vital to our own safety. From alexandria, virginia is on the line. Go ahead. Caller i was wondering, can you tell us, do you know what type of military equipment we were going to build . Some there has been military competitions recently. Thehe reason for that frustration with the fact that there are still sanctions on certain aspects of their money . Guest i think first, we talk about this, the immediate issue is combat aircraft. What happened was we suspended. Ales of all weapons from the iranian viewpoint that meant that you had no more combat aircraft, no modernization of the aircraft they bought from us. No modernization of any land weapons or ships. No modernization of surface to air missiles. They still have had no supply. They will not get any under any of the existing sanctions and agreements which are still in place. Moneymediate issue of the over the sales will focus more on care than the other aspects. There were additional sort of arms transfers involved. The basic thing though is, when you look at what is happening this is internal conflict. These incidents are not incidents between major combat ships, there are essentially small combat ships used to harass american vessels basically getting too close. These are political issues where to saudiis beholden arabia and the Supreme Leaders. Using the card, these incidents, way justifies his own repression of his own people. Host we have time for one more caller. Calling fromchris maryland on the republican line. Go ahead. Good morning. I want to ask him whether he russia and china check our syrian policy. Does he think that benghazi gig was paid by iran . By isis . Sailors taken the last one i love. Iran and russia will end up fighting over the caucuses . Host that is a lot of questions. Your final thoughts . Guest i think that russia and iran have yet to show they can have any sustained cooperation. They have had problems in syria. They certainly did not to all that well in sharing in air base. We have their a question. When we talk about iran, iran basically has not expanded any of its territory. It has influence in syria, iraq, lebanon, but it has also countered by arab states and outside power. I do not think there any ties you can find to what happened in libya. These are power struggles in all of the air move ins and have nothing to do with iran. It has never really been operational. It is not the only threat we , to put it region mildly. I cannot say it is a power that y to live with. It is something we have to be strong and dealing with. We also have to be careful not exaggerating its capability. Host Anthony Cordesman is from the center for strategic and International Studies. Thank you for taking time to talk to us this morning. Theng up x, we will open up phone lines to you for your comments on the issues of the day. Here are the lines. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, your number is 202 7488001. Independents, the line is 202 7458002. Of course, the twitter handle is cspanwj. First, lawmakers join together in a moment of silence in remembrance of the terrorist attacks from september 11, 2001. Here is a bit of the room and. Of the remembrance. [video clip] standing here, recalling that day, i cannot help but think of my own children. And, all the children born in this country after 9 11. Do they fully understand what happened that day . Will they ever . Can they . They can watch the old footage, of then see the clips towers falling, they can hear the great roar as a landmark comes crashing down, and with era. N can they actually feel it . I have had so me questions with my children about this. About the shock, the terror, the outrage. Can they feel the sense of loss and the reason that bereavement at losing 3000 americans in one single morning . I dont think they can. That makes it are generations burden. We lived through that terrible day. We will never forget that terrible day. We are not here to relive that tragedy. We are here to remember it and to honor its memory. As we humbly visit the sacred ground of 9 11 this year, we continue to marvel at the heroism of our First Responders and the families who turned their grief into actions to make america safer. Because of them, 9 11 does not belong to fear. It belongs to kurds. It belongs to compassion. It belongs to the First Responders and those who rushed up the stairs to the passengers who charged up the aisle. To the men and women who stayed to help strangers to safety. Because of them, out of the ashes of the fallen world trade center, the crushed concrete of the pentagon and the word and burning field in pennsylvania, americans raised united. As we salute all of those, we must also salute those who lost their lies in the years since. We must remember the ongoing struggles of the thousands of heroes who, years later, i stopped by devastating illnesses exposure to the fallen buildings. Meet ourontinue to commitment to the health and compensation needs of our heroes and loved ones. Will be opening up the phone life to you for the rest of the show this morning. Again, the numbers are 202 7488000 for democrats. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, your line is 202 7458002. You can call in with your thoughts on the news and the issues of the day. Here is Little Information about ballot elections happening this year. Heres is one from bloomberg politics. It says, facing a tough toomeyion battle, pat knows that he has a donald trump problem, he just hopes that his opponent has an even bigger Hillary Clinton problem. As the only endangers republican incumbent yet to back or reject his partys nominee, he is campaigning as an independent. He is trying to find the middle trump without alienating s passionate backers. Also, here is a story in a newspaper from wisconsin. Republicans seek to out documents they say would boost claim Russ Feingold broke the law. Assailed thehey state department, for claiming any were not released election day request for documents. Finally, a congressional database out of connecticut. Candidate shaban opens Campaign Office in bridgeport. Bridgeport is a port city and the Congressional District include some of connecticuts wealthiest towns. Is inadquarters bridgeport, an overwhelming democratic city with no elected republicans. Brenda, good morning. Caller good morning. I am braindead. Im calling because i was listing to report this morning about a statement that Hillary Clinton made last night at a fundraiser about some of Donald Trumps supporters. Believe she is correct barackre equally hard on obama. They found racism to go against him. Something that he put out there to see how would go. I mean, just to buy anything that anyone says. Had he thinks that affected him as his president and his family to try to dismount him as a u. S. Citizen. Talkingthink youre about this story. Hillary clinton said on friday that half of his stories supporters could sit in a basket of deplorables. From maryland is on the line. Go ahead. Caller i was actually hello . Host you are on the air. Go ahead and turn down your tv. Caller i ask a called in for the last guest about the fact that the u. S. Actually supplies most of the arms to all of these Different Countries that we were just talking about. ,t is a really big issue that if the u. S. Is applying arms to all of these countries and the u. S. Is the one making sure their planes stay in the air, the u. S. Is making them able to fight. We cannot really have an issue with the fact that these countries are doing so many horrible things because we are enabling them. It is like saying someone with a heroin addiction, we are the ones prescribing them prescription pills. Then, we are like, how did they get addicted to this stuff . Also with the Fourth District from connecticut, richard duffy, i was looking up him. He is actually with the green. These two candidates that we have, between donald trump im an african male, and im not going to lie, i have not met a single black person who even jokingly said they would vote for this guy. Hillary clinton seems to be our only option. For those of us who actually read her policies and watch her record, it is laughable that this woman is the only candidate. Ones waiting for list with to through in her hat. I voted for Bernie Sanders. These two candidates are just garbage. Electionunderstand fraud, i do understand that. The ivan from texas is on republican line. Good morning. The racial card, and everything. Im so tired of it. I have a mixed grandson. Wake up, america. Close your eyes and walk around. See who is racial then. There is no color at all. Called bless you all. Im tired of it. Hillary clinton with the whitewater deal that everybody forgets. They talk about racial, racial, racial, and she ripped off so many of the people of arkansas. God us you all. Wake up, america. Host lets go to richard from ohio. Go ahead. Caller it seems like there are a lot of lessons we have to learn to be ready for the next 9 11. Look at the problems we have in the things that happened 9 11. The cancer and everything else. We give them millions of dollars of cash that we cannot track. The other one is sanctuary cities. If i were criminal and i had to take where i would go, i would go to a sanctuary city where they will not bother you. Or, isis will go into that city, where they cannot touch you. The third one is the dream act where people can come one day, or in 20 years, but in that mix, there could be isis. Again,ere to do 9 11 these are three things that we could look at. Host lets move on to gail. Caller hello. Cordesman who you just had on was so refreshing. He gave fax. He did not have an ax to grind. He was a real journalist. Some of the comments i have heard in reference to Hillary Clinton and in reference to immigration, it is like cartoonish. Iwatch news a lot. I watch the cable news, national news, and if we had more people like mr. Cordesman, i think we informed andmore we would not look at our fellow citizens in a cartoon kind of way. I think this country would it so much better. Basically what i want to say is thank you so much for having that gentleman on. And he gavess act us information on a very difficult topic. A very confiscated topic. I think this country needs more people like mr. Cordesman. Thank you so much. Ost thank you john is calling now on the them credit line. Go ahead. We finally have you. Good morning. Thank you for taking my call. My main concern is that we have an american tragedy when it comes to young africanamerican employment in the United States. Especially for boys between the age of 18 and 25. I think our political leaders veryot taking this tragedy seriously. We cannot have a National Average of 5 unemployment and have the nation at 50 unemployment for africanamericans. This is a tragedy. Host what do you think should be done . Caller what i think one of the solutions is is starting right from high school. We do have problems in our community, in terms of parenting and other things. People have difficulties with economics. The high school system, we should be able to care enough money to teach, educate, and youngate africanamericans to the society by showing them how to apply for a job, search for different professional opportunities. Technicalmpanies have positions available that no one can so. They cannot fill these jobs. Lets educate. Thats go to chicago, new york, ellie and integrate the process of being able to apply for employment in the future and being able to integrate into the society rather than standing at corners, not doing the right because there are no opportunities. 50 , that is ridiculous. That is worse than third world countries. Host the next caller is jack on the independent line. Mind this your morning . Caller there is one thing that nobody is talking about. Im a vietnam eracaller there t nobody is talking about. Im a vietnam era that. Hello . You are on the air. Go ahead. Caller im side. In the news recently, president obama and his administration went to vietnam. They are going to try and pass this tp p bill. He just gave away 70 billion to vietnam, he said, to clear up i thought it was curious because you have it 70 million tove vietnam. It is like a bride. From connecticut is on the line as well. Go ahead. Good morning. I would like to comment about is ang set donald trump racist. The real racist is Hillary Clinton. I saw her on two or three with blackccasions groups saying, we must unite, come together, weicanamericans, latinos, must stop White Privilege. Im a 71yearold white male. If that is not racist against me and all caucasians donald trump speaks for all people. Even sheriff clark, the black sheriff said to hillary, the only White Privilege are people like you. Its not host all right. Anita calling on the republican line. Good morning to you. Caller hello . Host you are on the air. Caller i just want to make a comment about Hillary Clinton im so upset about Hillary Clintons comment about trump ofporters being a basket deplorable people. Notch unsupported and im the deplorable person. Be ashamed of herself. Host all right. Anita in florida, we hear you this morning. Here is the front page of the journal. Trump the headline here. Robert for massachusetts is on the line. Caller thank you for taking my call. Hillary clinton makes a very good point. Donaldes saying is trump is deplorable. People are following a guy speaking with a boot in his mouth. Putin is a guy that he admires. A guy who called mexicans rapists. People have to understand, when Hillary Clinton mentioned that, she is saying, we cannot follow a guy who creates that kind of atmosphere for the country. You say you will make the country great again, you have to respect other people. What have we got to lose . We are shooting each other. This is a guy that people are following. To make America Great again, you have to unite people and respect people. This is what we are facing. We cannot raise a guy that is speaking in code. This is what they mean. Thank you. Host that is robert from massachusetts. Here is a related comments from twitter. Are proposing to represent all americans, you dont insult and label segments of them. Rufus, go ahead. You are on the air. Caller [indiscernible] ist i want to talk about 9 11, what happened when all the people got killed. Got killed, men four people, or something. What has donald trump done . He thinks that black the mexicans will vote for him. You dont talk about people and expect they will like you. I dont understand host that is rufus in north carolina. Here are a few other headlines for you this morning. The Obama Administration orders north dakota pipeline construction to stop. He would not authorize construction on the critical stretch of Dakota Access pipeline. The administration said construction would halt until they can have more environmental sustenance. It is a major water source for rock tribe. Sioux House Republicans took the first awkward step towards avoiding a Government Shutdown on friday as conservatives clashed behind closed doors. A small group of conservatives pushed ryan to back a longterm deal. Ng most of the republicans who stood up to speak seemed to. Upport a shortterm stopgap that position already endorsed by the senate gop, congressional democrats, and the white house, for lawmakers more time spending deal of all of 2017. Scott is on the independent line now. Good morning. Fromr finally got someone out west. Thank you for taking my call. I want to tell you how grateful i am for cspan. I watch it all the time. I cannot find any contemporaries out here who watch it. They dont seem to know what it is. Cnn . Ask, is it i say, no. I love booktv and senate hearings. I wish they would not just sit there and watch fox news and spread rumors from one person to another. I really enjoy the individual that you had on their to state the true facts of the iranian deal. Instead of just talking most talk about generalities and fight with each other. Bipartisansd more to get together and solve these things. Is donna now from hampton, virginia. Good morning. Caller good morning. I love your show. I watch it every day. I actually have a comment to make about hillary and her basket of deplorables. I happen to be one of those in that basket, and im very proud of it. I thought she would not degrade trump. That was the big thing yesterday on the news. Mer and going to be cal about issues. What did she do last night . I think she shot herself in the foot, really. She will lose anybody thinking of going to her for that statement. Thank you very much. Host next up is terry, calling on the republican line. The morning. Taking myank you for call. I just want to say that we did not get to where we are overnight. I am a trump supporter, one of the deplorable. The people in office now our professional politicians. They have done they have got us where we are now. Maybe trump will not be the best, but why go down the same road doing the same thing . We have a chance of recovery. If hillary gets is killed, like she did in benghazi, we will not recover. The other thing i want to say is the money that these people are spending on these elections is deplorable. Just a fraction of that money could rebuild the southern part of West Virginia, could help the drug epidemic across the nation. It should not take his amount of money to elect the president in the United States. Thank you. On the democratic line now, and he is calling from baltimore, maryland. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. Thent to speak about Republican Party reaching out to africanamericans. The reply was to not speak on it. I would also like to speak on hillarys comments last night. I think what she was saying is the same thing that Eddie Murphys brother said, not all people who follow donald trump istsraces, but all rac follow donald trump. I think the conversation needs to be about race and we need to get really deep into this conversation. Donald trump is helping the rise of the area nation, which is a global movement. In this country are supporting donald trump. He is selling cryptic messages to them. Colleenr next caller is from harpers, new york. Go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. I am a chum supporter. They not believe all of policies, b but i do believe he really wants to make a difference. When he is talking that immigration, he is not saying the all mexicans are bad people. He is saying that some people take it over, and lets with a grain of salt, there are many transferring drugs to this country, many of these people that are coming over here and doing horrific things. You cannot go to mexico without having some kind of a passport, or what ever, and do it legally. That is what he is trying to point out. For that ends our show this morning. You can join us again tomorrow. We will have a special show to remember the terrorist attacks 9 11, 2001. It is the 15th anniversary. We will be take your calls all morning with your memories in your thoughts on those attacks and what has occurred since then. At 8 30, we will be joining president obama lies in the white house for a moment of silence. Then, we go to new york city for memorial. At the 9 11 at 10 00, we will be in pennsylvania for the 9 11 commemoration. You can follow our coverage of the 15th anniversary of september 11 on cspan, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. We will see you back here tomorrow. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] next, an assessment on security in afghanistan. Then, secretary of state john kerry on efforts to get a ceasefire in syria. After that, Hillary Clintons remarks following a meeting with National Security advisers. Later, Donald Trumps speech at the value voters conference. Now, retired marine core general and other analyst on the situation in afghanistan. This is one hour and 40 minutes

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