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First halfhour is open phones. Here so you can give us a call. Republicans,for 2027488000 for democrats and for independents 2027488002. On a social media pages you can do so on her twitter page at cspan wj. If you want to like us on face the, facebook. Com cspan. A breakdown of the Washington Post taking a look at what has been gathered and spent. When it comes to mr. Trumps campaign, his Campaign Race 64 million through online donations and direct mail in july to most small contributions that would be directed to his Committee Rather than his party. Donald trumps campaign. Rtages 36 million and looking at mrs. Clintons campaign, they raised 62. 3 million in july, and including more than 30 million raised. Nearly half of mr. Trumps spending, eight point or Million Dollars was direct one company, a Web Design Firm whose president serves as the trump campaigns digital director. Also one of the things coming out of the sunday shows mr. Trumps immigration. Saying that this is jay solomon writing about it on the wall street journal, again we have open phones in this halfhour. Republicans, for 2027488000 for democrats and independents 2027488002. Virginiacome republican line. Caller if clinton becomes president russia and china will do whatever they want. A do whatever they want with the black in office. Imagine what they will do with the 70yearold grandfather. Our National Debt under Hillary Clinton will go to 30 trillion. If you want Hillary Clinton to be president i watch the collapse of this whole country. We might even be invaded by russia and china. Democrats line, good morning. Caller good morning. Frustrated because i dont feel like there is anybody to vote for. I dont like hillary and i dont like trump. I have to vote for hillary, but i dont like her either area its just bad when it is the lesser of the evils and you can vote for someone you believe in. Host whats the main reason that you dont care for Hillary Clinton . Caller caller i dont think shes honest. I think she is too much above the i dont think she will do anything to help the or or middleclass or anybody. Thats lori on the phone joining us here today is the 20th anniversary of welfare reform that was signed by president linton in 1996. President clinton in 1996 through. Taking a look at the anniversary of the welfare law anniversary. 9 00 tonight. You can watch that special on cspan and learn more about it at cspan. Board. Diane good morning, from arkansas republican line. Caller i want to refresh peoples memory if they were alive that time. It werent for the republicans being in this would have never passed. It took him three times to get in. They got around it by having the doctor i had a childrens store at the time. I talked to a lot of mothers. They would take their child in to adopt and to get the doctor to deep clear them to declare them learning disabled. Doctor andgo to the tell him to act crazy. This is a six or seven year old kid so the doctor would say he had a learning disorder. Thats why autism has grown so much in the last two years. They are still on the dole. It was republicans that put this through. Whenat time, every year the budget would come up with a what automatically give the welfare 5 . More on alive then, 5 the budget for welfare. Host jody adding on twitter this morning sun by a democratic president adding who is responsible for welfare reform . That takes a look at the signing of the law at 9 00 tonight. Stephen, minnesota on the independent line. Your next. Go ahead. How are you . Caller caller six weeks ago you had a max boot . Name i would like you to pull up his remarks on who he said was was possible for hitlers abney and the holocaust. Host why do you think thats relevant. Glenn, union washington. You are up next. I love this program. I watch it pretty much every morning. The segment onad welfare reform. I want to mention that i think a very important art of the system is all the fraud on disability. Park,y i lived in an rv two of the people were on disability, one person sat on his rear all day long. The other was a woman who was distraught because she is no longer in our relationship so she claimed disability. The government pensions need to be addressed. We have 63 trillion of of hundred liabilities are government pensions. So i have tooyed match all Social Security. The taxelieve that instead of income tax which is pyramid of two reduction should be a federal sales tax here at if you buy a sweater you pay. 2 of the purchase. Level,any certain income saving their receipt so they can get their reimburse. The less point is we need constitutional amendments to korea correct the system. We cant depend on politicians anymore. Thats why im voting for donald trump. He cant be bought by special interest. I would suggest campaignfinance reform. We have email today. You can hear from any of your representatives through the computer. Next would be term limits. Host glenn mentioned welfare reform on the 20th anniversary. The governor of ohio and john kasich talked about the needs to changes to part welfare systems, saying the root of the challenge is a disconnect when worker training. Our caller, glenn, also mentioned lobbyists as far as changes he would want the. Said the clinton and pain is looking at the possibility of Hillary Clinton being more open to lobbyists in her administration. Part ofyists who are clintons deep network of washington contacts have raised millions of dollars for her campaign, suggesting that she might open to appoint a more decision in her administration. Occasion beenn able to hire the best people. All, you saidof 30 minutes up calling time. Thats not true a cusp you talking and reading the newspaper that 15 minutes is cut good 15 minutes. If its going to be free call and time let us call in an you be quiet. Secondly, when it calls comes to donald trump when is it going to be made known to the media that donald trump is in bed with salernoyork mafia, tony , would somebody in the media these check that out. And check that thank you. Host jim from texas on the democratic line. Caller good morning. The very kindess response to that mr. Trump made. Is this the same party that [indiscernible] that is obama [indiscernible] is this the party that called president obama a liar . I could go on and on. The day that we vote for trump will be the day that the jews vote in hitlers. Host george in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, on ahead. Caller i want to make a comment about donald trump. If everybody is concerned about what a typical white man would say, take donald trump right there. What we need is a decent white people to step up to the late. Thats what black lives matter is all about. We know that black people are decent. Trump, i think he has a good chance at it. Everybody loves the typical white man. The typical white man has been in the United States. Host the chairman of the Republic National committee rants grievous was on the sunday shows. Was on the sunday i think it is had a great week and we have been on messages. He has shown maturity as a candidate. He is getting into a groove at i think he likes the new style that he has been out on the campaign trail producing and speaking of it i think what you will see is these polls will begin to tighten in the next couple of weeks and by labor day i think you will be back to an even race if we continue down this path. Host ginger from minnesota on the democratic line. Caller mi on . Ok. Am i on. Trumps a con artist. Hillary clinton didnt lie about her emails. They didnt have the confidential label on. Hundred 10 emails did not have a confidential label on she didnt know they were confidential. Plus the extra three that is talking about. We have founding fathers, we have 200 years of fathers of our country. I want my country to have a mother. Thank you. From fayetteville, new jersey on the independent line. Caller thank you. Im just calling because i am listening to all this. I have been watching this race for whole year. For donald trump and for people who think trump will change because he is reading from a written speech is kind of crazy. I will be voting for Hillary Hunton fraud the fact that i have seen that what she has some. She has it been record. There isnt anyone out there that doesnt have some kind of fault with them. For this man to think that she will be the next president is kind of funny. When it comes to Hillary Clintons record what stands out in your mind . Caller i watch her getting ,ealth care for children helping out with the veterans. When she was a senator of new york she was good. They voted or her twice did for people to come up and say there is something wrong with her and then to keep repeating the lie that she is untrustworthy. Tell me what she is untrustworthy about. They have had a hearings for benghazi and she left right in their faces. I dont think she did anything wrong. Theres no president , go back to george bush. They started all of this. Thousands of people died and i dont see anyone going to trial that. Subject topp is several stores is mine. A look atials taking what is happening in congress. The likelihood of its ratification in congress appears we. Dent u. S. Ould credibility. If you go to the business section of the New York Times is morning, just saying that come this fall a push on getting that passed saying that mr. Obama ratified for the record accord. Fairfax, virginia, republicans line. Your next. Caller just wanted to comment on donald trump business practices. I am one understood 100 for him. Upre are some new people there that our employees that dont understand how a business is run. They are not run in a black and white fairytale way. It is for the good of the business sometimes you have to lay off workers. You have to file bank sees or the good of the business. Bankruptcy for the good of the business. Complaining that he didnt pay a few people. If he did that the whole company would be at risk. You would jeopardize a lot more job. Udall you dont always hit a home run as a business owner. You keep fighting and moving forward. Thats the thing people dont understand. You can be a hall of fame based on player if you only get three out of 10 hits. You still go to the hall of fame if you strike out sometimes. If you are looking for someone who never make your living in a fairy tale. Thats how businesses run. Hopefully people will realize that. Fight for the country and treat the country as a help theand do well to country. Caller i would like to make two points. There are so many opinions coming into the middle mix. In 2015 we hads five local elections. Decide whating to to do with two tons of chemical waste. Span could find a and a vote of confidence website where the president or any member of congress or any judge, people can call in with their computers and give a vote ,f confidence or he down vote at least that way people would know what is going on. Before you go can i ask your question . Thatentioned third parties you yourself like a third hardy candidate over mr. Trump or mrs. Clinton . Caller i had a difficult time for that. I dont want my vote to be wasted. Both of them have good ideas but i would be scared to death to have donald trump in if theres not a vote of confidence website that he will honor. Host among gary johnson and stein whoe, jill do you like . Caller i dont. Later on in this program youll get to meet an independent residential candidate that just enter the race in early august. He will tell you about his candidacy and why he is running 9 15 easternon at standard time. From holiday, florida on the demo rats line. Caller the only thing i want to say is for the people that want to know the truth go watch bob hartley on free tv. Why do you think they tell you the truth . Caller he will tell you what is going on in the Republican Party. Lillie in hollywood, florida, joining us on the line for dumb rap democrats. Three months after the u. S. Supreme court to seek out a compromise on the Birth Control mandate and obamacare, the hasnistration is saying asked the public to weigh in next month on ways to ensure women get access to contraceptives. From salem, oregon, ron on the republican line. I am a republican. I think that Hillary Clinton would be a great candidate for the tv show american greed. I really do. She is the worst. Why dont people open their eyes. Donald trump, the way he talks i am confused. But the better of the two evils has to be donald trump. I have to vote for him. Crooked. S so they didnt help the blacks. They lied. Ony put them behind them stage. It is so funny. Have you ever considered a Party Candidate in the mix . Caller est they that never works. It would be great if it would. They have no chance. The Clinton Campaign announced yesterday that it would not accept foreign donor nations if Hillary Clinton was elected president. Ok not ok to take the money as president but yet still take the money when the policy existed when she was secretarys of state. When the rules were put in place they were a big burden on the foundation. Important to remember what the foundation does. Over 10 Million People around the world get aid and light saving medication because of the foundation. It has reduced the cost of malaria drugs by 90 . It is important work. There was some foreign governments like australia and norway that had existing donations to the foundation. The foundation wanted them to be able to follow through on their commitment. It was an unprecedented step they took in 2009. The foundation said they are prepared to take this step should hillary become president to further disclosure limits. Is this the right policy now why not do it now . Why wait until the idea of her being president . Inthe foundation is doing it new orleans and it takes time when you are in a number of countries around the world to retool, refocus the mission and adapt. They receive a great deal of funding through these and it will take some time for them to readjust. More call, beaumont, texas on the independent line. I just wanted to comment on the fact the loose ship that donald trump is taking right now in an effort to try to gain the africanamerican and hispanic community. After eightk that or nine months that he his statements against hispanic it and talk down to the africanamericans. Why would any black or suntrust him right now that he would be sincere enough to support their vote . Host that was the last call for the segment rate Internet Access segment we will have a discussion about emails that were sent Hillary Hunton during her tenure at the state department. During herclinton tenure at the state department. Later on in the program how are young voters responding to this years president ial candidates . Washington journal continues after this. Tonight on the communicators virginia Commonwealth Attorney Mike Doucette and aclu attorney on how long was meant uses cell phone tracking to find criminals and terrorist suspect. The way they operate is by impersonating a cell phone tower. Gatherws police to information or serum numbers and not just in the target zone but all target zones in that area. I can think of one gruesome homicide we had and let berger couple of years ago, where the case was resolved by cell tower information, but it broke the case. We would have never found the suspect. It can be helpful. Watch it tonight on a eastern on cspan two. Cspan2. 100 years ago president Woodrow Wilson signed a bill creating the National Art Service and thursday we look back at the past century of these caretakers of americas natural and historic treasures. Beginning at 10 00 eastern and throughout the day we take into sites across the country as recorded by cspan. At 7 00 eastern were live from the National Heart services most visited historic home, the robert e lee memorial. Join us with your phone calls as we talk with robert stanton, former Park Service Director and brenda buys the former arlington who will oversee the restoration of the mansion. Thursday, the 100 anniversary of the National Park service life from arlington house since 7 00 eastern and American History tv on cspan three. Greece cspan3. Washington journal continues. Host joining is tom fitton of Judicial Watch. For those who folks who dont know what is your organization. Guest it is a nonprofit foundation. We find out what the government is up to and tell the people about it. We do that by the freedom of information act. Theet documents about what government is doing great if they dont turn over the documents to you or a new ignore you you can see them in federal court. , that process is one of your claims of fame with Hillary Clintons emails. Guest we were asking things like benghazi, the special gamete government employees. They were not giving us clintons emails. We had this revelation through the benghazi litigation where we pushed for the documents and they finally admitted there were documents, and it turns out it was clintons emails. ,ne of our cases was reopened which led to discovery and texted by clinton aides and state departmentish officials. Written testimony was released through Judicial Watch. Host the headlines from one of those stories said the judge would not allow the upper deposition of mrs. Clinton. Looking for that because it is the best way to find out information from someone. Other officials had already testified. It was a commonsense request to ask for her testimony. I thought the judge realized official,as a high its not exactly everything we wanted but certainly it is more what mrs. Clinton wanted to do. Now she has to answer questions under both in written forms. We will be submitting russians to mrs. Clinton and she has 30 days to respond. Host will this information then come out to the public for election day . Guest presumably. We will be filing with the court as well. It will be available to the American People area host what are you looking for . What is it about this process that is different . Ofst the freedom information act would have covered mrs. Clintons email. Itre was a problem getting search. The court has been upset at the way the law has been a banded i mrs. Clintons email practices. It, it is of interest to the court. Host our guest joining us to talk about the process you have heard about, if you want to ask them questions it is 2027488001 for republicans, for democrats 2027488000 and for independents 2027488002. The judges decision and about secretary clinton in providing responses, we want to get your response. Deadlinee judges set a whereby the group in question did submit those. Will get toecretary work right away on answering them. Lets step back and look at the origin of all of this. The right wing and republicans in congress are not fans by what the answer that the career professionals and the Justice Department gave us. They said there was no case. This is an example of a right wing group trying to keep the questions coming here the American People have all the information. The emails have been released. They have enough to make a judgment at this point. We at the Campaign Want to talk about the issues that people care about, like jobs, College Affordability and health care. That some like a note. If the judge asked her to answer the question she will get to work right away to get the questions answered. That people have all the information, how do you respond to that. Guest the clinton camp try to make this argument to the court. And the court rejected it. What i hear there is no wiggle room as to whether they will even respond as required by the court. Isont know, the other thing that we have all these emails coming out that led the Clinton Foundation to say eventually they will stop taking donations. Thats a result of email disclosures by Judicial Watch. Juvenile anding is a surprising. I dont know why theyre screaming about Judicial Watch when it is the court requiring them to answer the question. We have to make sure we have all of our ducks in a row. We will look at those very carefully and recognizing theres a 30 day window for mrs. Clinton to respond. We will move quickly. Host is her process that she can hold off . Guest it sounds like theyre objecting to some of the russians and we may not get the answers to what we were seeking. Objecting to some of the questions. Lets hear from pat from florida, democrats line. Hearde on with tom fenton. Caller Judicial Watch, thank you for your work. The frosting on the cake for the clintons. Any other realistic election 20 years ago, 15 years ago, she wouldnt have a political life are there would be nothing that she would probably be indicted for these things. I come from a back around 60 years ago to be able to vote in therado and i went through , tophone playing president put a line through glasssteagall. Here are emails that blatantly show that the foundation took foreign donations when she was secretary of state. There is no way on gods green earth this would have been allowed in any other era. This fish stinks from the head down. If she is tied to blame all the subordinates below her, the dnc in the Foundation Managers for doing this, this will be a disaster for politics in america. Host thank you. Its interesting that theres concern about mrs. Clinton, we have seen that a lot, people of the left that were not concerned about the government who had concerned about concerns about her. Real law has to apply whether or not they are running for office. Host from michigan, independent line, steve is up next. Good morning. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I wanted to ask is german what his gentleman what his career is. Everybody that crosses the committing the suicide or in a plane crash. Im not worried about that. We have been battling clinton corruption since the 1990s, as she will be happy to tell you. Mrs. Linton is someone who scares people sometimes because of her misconduct. Im not terribly concerned about that. Host democrat from windsor, maryland. Caller im at first a christian. What you guys are talking about this is a way to derail mrs. Clinton. Are you just doing this so you can get a little bit more work nottrump, why are you guys investigating mr. Trump on the university . Can you tell me one single thing clinton has done that has given somebody who lost a job i will take my answer from you are you this is all a creation of mrs. Clinton appeared we did not know about the emails. It was the revelations last year that led to our pursuing this. We were not sure if she was running or all this. We had a right to these records whether or not she ran for office. It is mrs. Clinton was trying to offend the system, and the state department is slow walking the release of these records. The election is intruding on the rule of law here. We are trying to stop that from happening by getting answers in a timely way that we should have gotten in some cases years ago. But she hid her emails and these are the concert wants is for when you do something wrong or it when you do something wrong. These are circumstances of her own making. We are always looking at mr. Trump. He will see what happens there. I dont find many complaints about his university. Lawsuit a class action which deserve skepticism. He has testified on the under a. Under both. Both. As things come up in the news we are looking at them and trying to eager out what it is we can do to uncover government documents of his operations or conduct. Host massachusetts on the republican line. Pam, go ahead. I want to thank tom for everything he is doing. One of the conversations and names that came up between the clinton, the state department and the foundation was. Who is he and why is the important . Guest hes a lebanese Business Plan businessman who paid 10 Million Dollars to settle charges of political malfeasance who was a major donor to the Clinton Foundation. He pledged one Million Dollars for a Global Initiative row foundation. Obal he tried to get a meeting with a top official in lebanon and the state department. He got special attention from the state department. Host guest mrs. Clinton made some promises relating to keep a separate wall from the foundation and state department business. Question where it was illegally used to benefit a since the man or the foundation. Host the Washington Post editors said the behavior depicted in the emails they conduct of diplomacy. Guest thats just a naive point of view. Everyone knew policy and to the Clinton Foundation and by giving money directly to them during her tenure. Thats why her fees skyrocketed while she was eight. Thats why her foundation increased its activity. Politicians abroad see this as an opportunity to reference through accessing our uranium market. Releasingaterial today showing that crown prince of bahrain went through clinton in order to obtain a meeting with clinton. Is essentiallye a foreign head of a government. She couldnt get a meeting through official channels and had to go through the foundations. Billion to the Clinton Foundations Global Initiatives. Host what happens today . Has uncovered emails that this is clint that mrs. Clinton tried to hide from the American People. They promise to give them priority because we have freedom of information act pending. 50,000 emails were released. We will try to get the documents and see how ugly the government is willing to turn them over to us. Anything of particular interest to you . Host we dont know what they are and. Be howthe debate will quickly they can be released or in. Now we are talking potentially every 15,000 more emails being subject to review. David from vermont, independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I just wanted to ask about not tor, is decision recommend an indictment when he couldnt show intent. All classified information sent to her knowingly and willingly unsecured and unauthorized email server which we know because the ag of the state department told us to achieve knowingly told her subordinate in the state department to ,emove classified information to have it sent to her email server which she knew she did not have permission to have. She claims she didnt send or receive less a fight information but we have an email showing to send it to her emails. You. i agree with the investigation that the statement was half a. It was political. He essentially concluded she violated the law but she shouldnt be prosecuted because it wouldnt a fair. I dont understand how that should be the appropriate response to the misconduct. Host oklahoma, democrats line. Glenn, good morning. That hillary is guilty. Government, especially obama is helping her. He is covering up so she can get the president. Host thats glenn in oklahoma. Guest i agree politics are intruding on the administration of justice by the state and often times you see the department of justice and the state of art meant trying to defend everything mrs. Clinton did. Republican line, tom in virginia. Youre next. Caller ive been following Judicial Watch for a long time. Going and doing the work you do. Guest thank you very much. Supportunded with the of the American People. We have 400,000 supporters. Can go to Judicial Watch. Org and support us that way. Judicial watch. Org and you can find more information about that. A couple of members of the house are taking a look. What do you think about judiciary chairman and the oversight chairman on this. Do you think that will get anywhere . Guest i dont know if it will get anywhere concerning the Justice Department. Lynch meetingta bill clinton is so much consternation. This is a good example of why the f investigation was so half a. Half baked. They have to come back and asked them to do an investigation 101 that they should have done initially. I think a new Justice Department will have to look up his criminal conduct potential criminal conduct of mrs. Clinton. The state department should do it. Justice department. We have to have an expectation that an independent serious criminal investigation due to the allegations it. Is from bothon Political Parties is it doesnt matter who is in office. There is an x lactation expectation that it should be done and that justice is being fully administered. Just because mrs. Clinton wins we should not assume that there wont be a further investigation by the Justice Department. Wisconsin on our democrats line, diana. Caller i kind of think it is a sad day for our country when you have a group of people such as that you do, which im sure you mean well, but you question the integrity and the honesty of an f ei person who has been elected by republicans and democrats. You question everything. The only thing you dont question as far as im concerned is donald trump. If he is supposed to be president why are you not pursuing his taxes . Why are you not looking into sexual allegations . Why are you missing this university inc. Thats a rip off to the American People. You should be pursuing this as strongly as you are all the questions that people are throwing out there about donald trump. You are looking at the screen right now and years filing like this is funny. Its not. Important decision for the people in this country. I think you need to take as many days or months or years or whatever that you have since 1990 you said you have been filing questions. On one side of your face you say that in the you said we just found out about this. You cant have it both ways. You cant say you have been pursuing her sense 1990, or both of them since 1990 and then recently found out this or that. Spent a getting at is lot of time on donald trump, please. Host mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. We have the vehicle to access that information. My view is that we dont just go after someone or maketh equivocation between conduct is a politician. Talk about mr. Trumps University Issue may be interesting in a political way, but the rule of law was complied with the administration by the United States of america. And by Hillary Linton who was secretary of state. Mr. Trump was never a government official. It is much harder to get conduction about his than it is mrs. Clinton. In the clinton years when we were founded in 1994, people said we were anticlinton. George w. Bushs administration twice as much as the clintons administration. Believe me, depending on how the out, we willn continue our Government Accountability activities no matter who is in office. We are not naive that a change in party will lead to a change in the culture of corruption. Of information were you looking forward the former Vice President cheney . Guest we challenge the administrations policy on security. He brought in Energy Lobbyists and all sorts of people to energy. He discussed operations. Litigation before judge sullivan , a judge appointed by president clinton himself. We fought and won and lost and we lost before the Supreme Court but we got tens of thousands of documents out of the administration. It was a victory for george bush. It made a change in the freedom. F information or act it made it more open. There was good reason president obama ran to be the most transparent president in history, promising to be, because of the bush secrecy. Unfortunately, it turned out president obama has been about as secretive as you can get. Host when you make a request how long does it take to get a response . Guest it depends it depends onw forthcoming government wants to be. Under law, they are supposed to respond within 20 days or so. Wait we are willing to wait a few months because we know that government takes a long time. To getwe have to sue them to tell us yes or no. The more politically sensitive the request, the more difficult it is to get information in a timely way, and that is why we are often in court. We sue to the and them the administration over 300 times to get information under the act. Host is it highly redacted . Guest it depends. Topic of National Security, it will often be highly redacted. That is something that is the administration is not required to do, but they choose to do it. Host this is dena on our and underline. Independent line. Caller those emails the clinton has, are even though they knew that she was deleting emails and had privilege to confidential they hadon even though the capacity to get into those emails. The second question is, with the benghazi emails that she sent her daughter, chelsea, telling her that we were under attack and that night, the people, was in that enough information to get her indicted . I think it was scandalous, but not enough to get her indicted. Her lawyers arguing on her behalf also looked at the emails, and i dont know if they deleted them or not. They did have access to the emails the caller was concerned about and other people expressed concerned about their access and whether they should have had the access that was given. Evidently the Justice Department does not think that is a big deal. Host the written statement you received from mrs. Clinton, did she pen it herself . Guest my guess is the lawyers would help her, but in the end, she is responsible for them and it is for the purpose purposes of the court and it should be assumed that when she gives her answers, they are her answers under penalty of perjury. She is directly responsible for her answers. Host richard in louisville, thank you for calling, republican line. Caller when bill clinton was president , there was a guy named rich, mark rich, who fled the country. I dont know what his crimes were, but it was bad enough to where he had to leave his country and go overseas and couple of days before bill clinton left, he pardoned the guy. Now i find out that there is a am id security saying that right . Guest i think so. Caller a Business Partner of that Business Partner of rich . Guest i have read reports about that. Caller that this guy is a partner of mark rich, and now he is making millions with Hillary Clinton while she was in the state department, and gave money to the Clinton Foundation. This past january, i changed parties. I was a democrat for 44 years and i changed parties so that i could vote in the republican primary in kentucky. I voted for ted cruz, but i promise you i will not vote democrat because of this terrible way that bill and Hillary Clinton have treated this country. I was aamed to say that democrat, thank you very much. Guest it is interesting that this is someone that bill clinton may pal around with, let alone the state department would give the time of day to. Host to the meeting ever take place . Did the meeting ever take place . Guest we dont know. Query said the she was going to reach out to this gentleman, and he said at our Member Meeting with him or that it happened, but in our view, we want the documents, so we are asking documents about that meeting to see if it did happen. Host line for democrats. Melvin from south carolina. Caller good morning. And i am anrat, american, part of the American People that you are talking about. Talk aboutu guys these emails, the more you make us vote for hillary even more. The lady has been on there for 11 hours, and you guys just pick and pick and there is nothing there. Are you guys that big of a sore loser that you cant accept defeat . Andnot leave the lady alone we could be doing progress with this country. People need to get on and get a life. Guest we think the Public Interest demands accountability for ms. Clintons misconduct on this email scandal, and partisans who support her may be turned off by that, but this is a nonpartisan enterprise, and we would be doing this whether or not she was running for office, and i have a feeling we would have an easier time getting access to these emails if she were not running for the presidency, but as a result, it is impacting the process. Host he called your efforts a waste of time. Guest it has led to the shutting down of the clinton Global Initiative, that was announced after the release of a little the foundation announcing it was no longer take for donations, there has been a lot of back and or the about whether that is a serious proposal and why they did not do that before. If it was just Judicial Watch, and we did not have anything to back this up, why would the clintons personally change their foundation in response to our disclosures . It is a testament to our fine work, admittedly, but its also a testament to the fact that these emails are really concerning to people across the political spectrum and you see editorials and it was the boston the pro alled on foundation to shut down completely and stop taking donations. Host texas, independent line. They wanted to bring i hader poll numbers, but a bet with a friend of mine, thee does the where to attack take place, was of the cia headquarters or a safe house . There was an attack at a special Mission Compound that was a cause id have diplomatic facility and later at the cia annex that was supporting our operations. Was everything was there ever a stand down order given . The cia security people said there was a standdown order and the military was never deployed. You dont need to tell someone to stand down if you dont tell them to get going. Caller who was the order giving body . Guest allegedly by the chief of also inx, and there was benghazi, we found through mrs. Ls recently that clinton and the Obama Administration was offered libya to be devoid in immediately after the attack took place, and it was not taken up in a timely way and arguably, those troops could have gotten there in time to support the men who came under attack several hours later where just for men were killed. Host james is up next from washington state, democrat line. Guest good morning. Caller good morning. Im wondering how many positions you have made to the clintons. Guest dozens, at least. The clinton email issue has led to many requests under the freedom of information act. Im not embarrassed by our record going after clinton corruption. During the clinton years, you had abuse of the irs and issues with foreign threats, threats and intimidation against witnesses who were seen as adverse to the clintons. Abuse of the fbi, a terrible record of corruption and one of the things we highlighted when mrs. Clinton came in was warm the administration and warned the American Public that this corruption would continue she was made secretary of state and we were proven right. Host georgia, sam, good morning. Caller good morning and thank you for taking my call. Thank you for your work. I have a couple of statements. I was in the military for 24 years and when i got access to classified it nation, i had to do sign a disclosure statement and or ever the phone the form, but it said if i mishandled information about the subject to 10 years in prison, when ms. Ondering if clinton was signed into secretary of state if she had to sign Something Like that. Guest i dont member if she signed it, initially, but i am hesitant and saying it on tv, but she may have sign something, initially. There is also leaving the agency form, which has similar type language, and she did not sign that one, going out. She took those documents and she had no right to take them. Just an unbelievable violation of law, and you call it right in the sense that lowerlevel officials have suffered severe consequences for arguably lesser crimes related to the mishandling of government information. Host former secretary of state how secretary of state powell you should not have been doing government business on his private email account, either, but that was a yahoo type account. He did not set up a server to do his private business or government business. When mrs. Clinton came into office, they had a nonclassified email system for her to use, that she could have used, but she declined. Host do you think we will see practices of private email use change because of this incident . Guest i hope so, but it continues. You have ash carter who was caught doing it after the scandal broke. You have jeh johnson and the department of homeland security, given waivers to access personal emails be a government computers, despite security concerns. The government does not want you to know what they are doing and that is true of either a republican or democrat administration. The widespread use of email and other internet media like text messaging is a challenge, because the government officials know there are ways eating things from us, so we have to keep on tracking it. Host we will take one more call for our guest, sam from georgia on our line or republicans. Republicans four republicans for republicans. Independentton has Classification Authority and that means on her own, she needs to be responsible for recognizing anything that is classified. You dont get that by playing ignorant to what information is classified and what isnt. I think it is called original Classification Authority and not many government shoals have it, but among like mrs. Clinton is someone who is supposed to recognize classified material to maket it accordingly sure that classified materials are handled appropriately. Host what walk us through what is next. Guest we will be composing and sending questions, we will be debating with the state department how quickly we get the emails that the fbi recovered and there will be more emails coming out, this week, talking about the Clinton Foundations connections to the state department and that will only add to the questions and concerns. Before a judge today, we are going to talk about the emails that the fbi recovered from mrs. Clintons evil deleted emails and found elsewhere that she did not turn over to the state department. The fbi has turned those over. The state department is supposed to turn them over to us under litigation and we are wondering when we will get those emails that is what we will talk about, in court. Were talking about at least 15,000 documents. Host president of Judicial Watch and website if you want to look at what they are doing and the things they have done with secretary of state clinton, judicialwatch. Org. Guests say, her has to go to court to take care of these things. We will continue with called you concerning the email practices of the former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. He will not be here to respond, but you can make comments about them. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Ndependents, 202 7488002 you can make comments to the email practices topic and even though our guest will not be here, and still make your comment or statement. We will continue on our conversation with gwen from alabama, democrat line. Thank you for calling. Caller good morning. They have been after the clintons for years and it is nothing new. Like Bernie Sanders, i am sick and tired of hearing about the emails. The fbi said she did not have anything to be prosecuted for and when he made the statement, they have been a the clintons not whetherut it is or not she has been accused of murder, its whether they have been convicted of murder. Hillary clinton has not been convicted of any crime that these republicans and Judicial Watch have brought up against them. Hillary clinton will not be prosecuted for these emails, so the they need to move on. I dontcan party know why these people that are calling in dont see this. We need something done in this country. When you something done for poverty, we need something done for roads and infrastructure and bridges. We dont need a lot of these charges they keep trying to bring up against the clintons. Lets hear from sean, florida, independent. I really wanted to talk to that guy. To go to court, but we are continuing the conversation. What is it, Judicial Watch . Because i am an independent, so i am no fan of clinton, im no fan of donald trump. I am no fan of the left or the right. Is thing i wanted to ask him from my standpoint, the whole everything is messed up. These are people that make deals that affect money all through their careers, then they get out of their career and they make a bunch of money, because all the deal they made while they were working, and a lot of them doing do it while they were working. N, it not just congressme is president s. Nobody talks about all the money george bush made when he left. That is what everybody should be having a big deal about, i think that guy should be brought up on charges. He started a war for nothing. Nobody even says anything, but that is how wifes people why people are so frustrated. People are talking about somebody who did emails in a couple of people got killed at an embassy, which is bad, but people got killed that embassies while george bush was in charge. Host we go next to dorothy in oregon. Caller i was listening to that is if he is not partial, then so is david duke, because everything he had to say he did not verify anything, there was no contrast to anything he ever did as far as republicans were concerned. If he was nonpartisan, why is it that everything is on Hillary Clinton, and they have been watching her for what . 11 years . It is just ridiculous. It sounds to me that they loaded the phones again with people, i was a democrat for a 100 years and i quit because hillary. Hillary has done nothing compared to what the republicans have done to us. Look at the thousands of people george bush and cheney got murdered over there in a war because somebody insulted his daddy. Look at donald trump doing deals with the russians, and he will mention that, does that not matter . He is asking to be president of the notice states and he and his he and his cohorts are doing deals with the russians and the russians are acting on their behalf supporting them. Give america a break. This man was so corrupt and i dont even understand why you guys had him on the show. Host david from new york, republican. I have a real big statement and i think that the Justice Department is crooked. Putink that the people that to me in charge of the fbi and the investigation came straight out and set we have the evidence , but we are not going to prosecute, and it has to fall down on the Justice Department, the Justice Department has to take this seriously, and prosecute without any judgment toward anybody or any bias towards anybody, and just look at the facts and prosecute, thank you. Host james comey the topic of a editorial the came up came out on august 29, august 19 and the editors of the Los Angeles Times say the understand why he departed from the usual axis of going public, not to recommend any charges against london, exercise and transparency and continued with his parents last month to answer questions about his recommendation. Secretary of state clinton is after all a candidate but he komi indulge congress too much by turning over the emails, a step that is unusual, even if the information is not lead to a big yes running the issue, turning over to a highly politicized committee, the content of fbi interviews could make witnesses and sensitive cases think twice about cooperating. Woody from california, independent. A lot of people are overlooking that the reason why she cant answer any of these questions about the emails or anything else is if she let the fbi director no for a second that she understood something as basic as what a classified document looked like, she would be guilty of the crime everyone is accusing her of, so she literally has to play dumb and she has to continue to play dumb all the way to the white house on knowing what a classified document looks like, otherwise she is guilty and could go to jail and it is kind of a sad for the first woman president to have to play dumb, but it is what she has to do to stay out of jail. Host los angeles, good morning to larry, one for democrats. Lying for democrats line for democrats. Caller im calling in on the democrat line, and i am a democrat, but i dont care where the corruption is coming from, whether it is democrat or republican. Im willing to look at the evidence and let the chips fall where they may. Clintono say that mrs. I worked for the government for 30 years, six in the military and also about 28 years as a contractor, and i had to sign a nondisclosure document, and it is called a form nine, and you can be fined or even you incarceration if violate that act, and there are things that you do not discuss or put on emails. People talking about classified, that is wrong, you were not was to come close to discussing or smitting any you know when you are coming close to that line, and i was on duty 20 47 24 7. Sounds like you are supportive of activities such as Judicial Watch. Caller look what happened to mid mr. Richard nixon. He denied all the way to the point where he was firing people to keep people from disclosing information. You have to be honest, come clean and one last thing i would like to say. They put so much emphasis on the presidency and the president doing this, that and the other. When you get down to it, all three branches of government have to be held accountable for a lot of the missteps and things that go wrong in this country. Host again, getting your thoughts on the practices of email by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Gail from kentucky, republican. Commenti just have to if there is not anything in the emails that proves she is guilty, why did she hide them . Why did she try to get rid of them . Why doesnt she just bring them out and prove that everybody is wrong . Host we will take one more call. Mark, independent in ohio. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. I get here anything. Host you are on. I cant hear anything. Host you are on. Caller everybody who looks over one of the most important pieces of evidence and that evidence is the fact that the republicans shut down security, they voted againsfurther security for benghazi. You dont think with all the hacking going on with our Great Computers that the other side found that out and took advantage . Powell andhat, colon Condoleezza Rice all did the same thing. Isis, which dick cheney and george w. Bush created. How many tens of thousands of people, innocent or not, have died because of that . This guy talks about clinton and corruption. There has never been in any corruption found in the in anything they have gone after. This guy is the most partisan person that you guys keep bringing this subject up and we need to move on. Lets talk about something that will enhance our country, such as unconstitutional school funding. Now we will change topics, and talk about young voters in election 2016, the issues resonating most with them. We will learn more from k Keller Shema Ginsburg k fromei kawashimaginsberg. Discusses why he is in and what he hopes to achieve. All of that as washington journal continues, next. Today marks the 20th 1996 welfaref the law, passed by a Republican Congress and signed by president bill clinton, our program looks back at the Senate Debate over the 1996 law. The current welfare system has failed the very families it was intended to serve. I dont know many people who want to humiliate themselves standing in a line, waiting for their welfare check. There are some cheats out there, they are out there, no question about it. , are of those people simply people who have not discovered a way out of their misery and poverty. Thatve decided that the states and governors and legislatures out there in america are as concerned about the poor as we are, as concerned about their wellbeing and is concerned if not more so than we are about the status of welfare in their state. Includes discussions on how the changes impacted the four. From now on, our nations answer to this rate social challenge with no longer be a never ending cycle of welfare. It will be the dignity and power and the ethic of work. Today, we are taking a historic chance to make all fair what it was meant to be, a second chance, not a way of life. Tonight at 9 00 eastern on cspan. Washington journal continues. Host we say hello to the director of circle, the center for information she serves as their director, good morning. Guest good morning. Host tell us about your organization. Guest circle is a nonpartisan independent Research Part of the that is college of civic like civic life at tuscan university. We focus on studying and understanding and promoting young people civic learning and engagement. Our backers are primarily Foundation Grants and federal grants. As part of the college, we receive support from the families that support the whole college. Host as far as this election, what is of most interest to young voters and could you describe what you mean by a young voter . Speaking, wheny young people are discussed, they usually mean citizens under 30, but we also focus on millennials who are now turning 34 or 35. Millennial,ou say there was a recent headline in the Washington Post and i want to read it to you. For millennial voters, the clinton versus trump choice feels like a joke. Do you get that kind of sentiment . I want to start by saying that young people are not just one group had the same opinions and behaviors. There are certainly young people who would sharply disagree with that view and feel that this choice is important and relevant. There are young people who really feel that this political system, especially at the federal level, has been alienating and distant, and so whatever they do will have no impact on what is going to happen to the nation and particularly who is going to run the federal government. Host we will continue our conversation about young people and what he described as millennial voters in campaign 2016. We want to give the phone lines if you want to call in. If you fall00 between the ages of 13 18 and 35. Or all others, 202 7488001 could you talk about the candidates, specifically . Lets start with mrs. Clinton. How is she doing amongst young people and can you contrast that with how president obama did . Guest ms. Clinton has been doing what she can to regain support and trust from the young people. Season, onary average, she gained 28 support from young voters who participated in democratic primaries, compared to just about close to 70 that mr. Sanders got. Her support was significant significantly lower. She received 56 on average from the overall voter electorate. Really largegap is and unfortunately, it did not shrink over the primary season. We tracked all the way to West Virginia when she gained 25 support from young voters and much higher from older voters. Now that the polling is happening after the convention, young people do seem to be planning to vote or mrs. Clinton , especially compared to donald trump, the support for mrs. Clinton is far higher, especially for africanamerican youth and young women. Compared to president obama, the support he received in 2008 was a little more enthusiastic. That said, young people make decisions about later than older voters, so although it is august and it seems like the election is right around the corner, mrs. Clintons campaign and her supporters have a lot of work that they can do in order to regain support from the young people. Host how does donald trump do . Guest he is doing quite poorly among young people. There are few young people who participated in the republican primaries, but about 35 of them actually did vote for mr. Trump, but those are very partisan voters. When we look at the National Voting trend for young people and what they plan to do, mr. Trumps support is far lower. The tracks around 20 among young people compared to mrs. Clinton. There are a large number of undecided voters, but he is very unpopular, especially among minority youth and young women. On thisrcles research is available on their website if you want to find the specifics. Could you talk about the reaction donald trump gets from the people you talk to and why do you think that is translating to the numbers he is seeing . One of the markers of the millennial generation is that this is the most diverse and a military and generation of all time. When you contrast what they say about how they see themselves and a generation, which is that they really embrace diversity, they embrace friends and family who are different from themselves, of different racial backgrounds and religious backgrounds, they have grown up with that ideology and that is how they see the United States. Withdonald trump comes in his rhetoric about restricting the doors to the United States, hoping that the United States will become the way it was 30 or 40 years ago, many young people feel alienated from that in fact, about 20 40 of Young Americans are nonwhite, meaning they have some, minority background and about 20 have immigrant backgrounds. Host when it comes to mrs. Explain howd, she gets those typical type of voters to come to her. Guest there are a segment of young voters who are passionately supporting Hillary Clinton and want to volunteer for her campaign and a really hoping that she will make their vision of the future come true. The skeptics are coming from different places. Part of the skeptic skeptics would be senator sanders supporters to feel her all of his were not progressive enough. They really need to see at least some aspect of their vision of the future, realized in her policies. For others, it is about having an impact in the national politics, and hoping that their votes count, but also their voice really matters and how she makes decisions with her colleagues, and that trust, and the way that she talks about herself and how she keeps her promise and stays accountable to the public really matters for young people. Host your first call is from a win in connecticut for those, 18 to 35. Caller i wanted to make a comment about some of the attitudes towards young voters. Ands such a loaded topic people expect me to vote a certain way because of my age and where i live, and i think that is one of the main things that attracted young voters to Bernie Sanders was that he wanted to of the minimum wage and that is one of the major things that young voters care about. In germany, all the Unemployed People are considered retired. Somebody who works 40 hours week does not have to rely on a government check, every year. That is one of the Major Driving point of this election. We talk about the minimal wage, we should be talking about a maximum wage. You make 100 million a year, is that not enough . People and went to college with you go we make enough money if you make 100 billion a year per company that you own. Host what is your thinking as far as who you will vote for . Caller im supporting Hillary Clinton at the moment. I think that she is the better option of the two. I dont support all of her views, but you hear the lesser of two evils. It is still your civic duty to vote, even if you are a young person good morning and thank you so much for your comment. I cannot agree more, but there is a strong sentiment among young people about the economic inequality and economic mobility and how difficult it has been for the millennial generation. They were graduating from high school and college when the Great Recession hit, so they had a very difficult start. Career, a family or managing school and finances every day, and that struggle continues because the youth Unemployment Rate continues to be high. In addition to things like College Affordability, which has been discussed heavily, other everyday issues really matter for young people and this is what i mean by young people being diverse. Some people care about college debt and College Accessibility and others care about rental leave and minimum wage. They are in different places and different issues matter. Host new york, on our caller i agree with the previous caller, that a lot of young people are primarily interested in minimum wage. They want to know that they can go to work and make enough money to be able to take care of themselves or for to go to school a lot easier and the second biggest thing is to be able to go to college like we used to do. I came to new york from florida when i was six years old. Middle two years before the civil rights were enacted. We had all kinds of programs and people could go to college for free and get at least a twoyear degree. Situation wasic tight enough, you could still youve even get a fouryear degree for free. You have to be very poor, nowadays or you will get sacked with debt. Art school for two semesters ran up 20,000. Young people cant survive with the incomes that we are getting nowadays in this job market with that kind of debt, so they would be more interested in things like that, as well as the minimum wage, those are two issues that will impact it a lot. Young people who may also make above minimum wage still have continuing issues with things like underemployment, or young people are having to take what is called gate economy jobs. They may drive uber as a parttime worker or do Graphic Design on a contract to contract basis, or work for starbucks, parttime. Many of these jobs, some come with benefits and some dont. When you think about the longterm economic wellbeing of young people, we have to think about how we are supporting people, not just raise minimum wage, what support Workforce Development and labor. The twolisten to callers, we really understand that young people do need more support and making a Better Future for themselves, not just in the wage. Host do social issues come into play . Guest absolutely. That people are paying attention to income inequality, but also racism, Police Brutality has issue for young people, it is becoming stronger ands younger. The most recent poll conducted shows that that was actually a top issue for people under age 30, especially for africanamerican, latino and asian youth. That is another area where young people are starting to see how the race politics impact everybodys peoples everyday lives. Nathan8 to 35, this is in indiana. Caller my primary concern with this election is with the lack of Media Coverage with the progressive and independent hearties. The candidates dont really have an option to go on public debates with the republican and democratic parties unless they reach a certain level of acceptance in polls. A lot of people our age some of the know much about these invisible polls, and i dont think it is right that they should be pretty much left in the background, rather than be able to stand up on equal ground with the republican and democrat parties. Host who is your candidate of interest . Caller jill stein. Host thank you. Guest it is a great point that you bring up, and the polls of young people actually show that about 80 of young people dont know enough about joel stein or gary johnson to answer questions about whether they like them or not. Look at the ideological distribution of the young people, it is much more complex than republicans or democrats. A good chunk of young people have progressive views in terms of things like gay marriage, but also conservative views when it comes to policy, so some of these young people feel themselves in between two parties or do not feel as though they have a ideological home in a democratic or Republican Party and might find that jill steins policy or Gary Johnsons platform is more attractive and it is true that they have not had an opportunity to find out more. Host if youre interested in finding out more about them, our Newsmakers Program has conducted on interviews with both. You can see jill stein, as well as gary johnson. You can go to our website at cspan. Org and find not only those interviews, but other interviews and forums conducted with those candidates. Roger is in indiana on our others line. Thank i would like to all the young people for voting and i wish there were more of them. The more people that vote, the less likely there is a chance for everything to the rigged. To be rated. I have rigged. I have been a lifelong democrat but after these last two elections, i have become independent. Trumpsn, i like donald immigration policies because i oure are losing american way, to immigrants, it seems like they are colonizing us and i am not immigrant against Legal Immigration and i am for hillary because of her economic views so it is a tough call for me, thank you. Guest i want to react really quickly. The sentiment that you have about feeling perhaps threatened by immigrants and people coming from the south, some of the young people feel the same way. I have to emphasize, not all young people are democrats and many did support donald trump and others who are looking for much more restrictive measures to regulate immigration and se young people do in fact and we have to remember that even more relevant as if people are trying to get into college, in affirmative action, it has been an issue, recently are trying to get into the workforce and just looking for every entry rtunity into caller i agree that the issue for my generation is social as well as economic, and student loan debt, but i feel that our generation is also more informed, and when i think my foot to people in my age group, a lot of us believe that both candidates for the main parties represent oligarchy and that is why we supported Bernie Sanders. In thes no alternative sense of third parties that can win, due to the first past the post system that we have. I know a lot of people that just arent going to vote. Host the people that are not going to vote, do you get that sentiment as well from people you talk with . Guest that is one of the things we worry about and it is one of the things coming out as a possibility. This is what i say about the campaign having such a huge opportunity to really Convention People to make the choice. I would also say that it is not just about the president ial election. While i agree that many young people feel that the escrow candidates on the tickets may not represent either of their views on what they want to see, but some of the changes really happen at the congressional level and the local level and those candidates, if we take the time to find out more about them, they would have more opportunity to show what they can do, but also young people have an opportunity to really change what they think about you and people and their votes, because they the of peoples vote counts more at the local level the young peoples vote counts more at the local level. How is that information being pretrade . Where are they going for their sources . Sourcethe most common that people that young people find their news from is their peers. That is partly because they trust peers more than Mainstream Media in some way. They of course trust the authority of major outlets, but at the same time, they have a sentiment that they cant just take the information as it comes and it cant be fed to them. They had to make a judgment about what they can believe in what they can trust, and some of them really feel that there is little they can trust, so their friends are one of the few sources that they can really trust. Host the organization known as the center for information and research on to the learning and engagement, circle and our guest is the director of circle. Civicyouth. Org. If you want more information that they provide on young voters. Fill in pennsylvania, on our line for others bill in pennsylvania, on our line for others. Caller the youth has to come up. You have to raise your kids in the right way. We dont have any fathers and mothers. Most of these kids wind up in jail. When you have four or five kids you family on welfare and are going to kill society. When you have a sovereign country, you cant have an open border. We have immigration people and immigration is great in this country, it is what built this country. Saying to getot rid of it, he just wants to make this country great again. The parents have to be responsible. The government does not have a right to raise your kids. Thank you for the call and thank your for your candor. What he is saying is that donald trump to really fix the country and that is what we hear. At the same time, i wonder if parents can play a role in doing a better job in creating active citizens. It is a small thing, not a big thing about having a lecture about how to vote, it starts much earlier with every day dinner and breakfast where parents and grandparents and caring adults can really to kids about what it is what the responsibility is to have a voice and those things are the Building Blocks of civic engagement. They dont just turning the voters when they turn 18. That training, so to say, starts when they are little. They really need to change the way we think about educating young people or civic life, and it is not just about these civic election cycles, it is much bigger than that. Asks on twitter, a viewer it collegeeducated youth are more likely to reflect the political views of their professors. Guest that is an interesting question. College is a really formative time in young peoples development, and College Education is not really about just hearing what College Professors think about specific issues or which party they belong to. It is about challenging what they come in with, and in fact many come in thinking a lot more like their parents, but this is when they start to solidify their civic and political identity, through courses, discussion with friends who are different from them in terms of political ideologies. It is not just about learning to be like telling professors, it is about developing their own view based on solid information and really active discussions about civic and political lives. Host we will hear next from ross on our line for 18 to 35. Caller hello. David duke was stealing for a long time, and [indiscernible] host that was the previous topic, next we will hear from jeff from nebraska on our line for others. I just hope that the Younger Generation understands schools dont teach history, any longer. The colleges and universities are absolutely no doubt, owned by the progressives and it is they are learning what their friend or cohorts they are learning in these universities. Obviously, they are not learning the correct history. Internet,e them the for instance, right now they that is absolutely Accurate Information about americas history. It is called hillarys america. Im not voting for hillary or trump, but im telling you if you want to know the truth, that is a very good documentary to get information from and i just hope and pray that the Younger Generation goes back and looks 1880 andstory beyond the reconstruction and what and what used to be the democratic party, because we dont have a democratic or Republican Party. Guest thank you for sharing that information. This is what it goes to, saying university and colleges are a place for active and diverse discussions. At the same time, institutions do have a responsibility to offer a different perspective to young people. Inviting speakers from different partisan ideologies is one way, showing a documentary like that, that may provide a different perspective than what you and people are used to seeing, those are the good for discussions about what they agree or disagree with, and that is what i mean by forming political ideology. Host talking about campaign 2016 and the youth vote. If you want to call in, for those 18 to 35, 202 7488000. All others, 202 7488001. You said earlier that not all young people vote democratic, that is far as trends go, what is the average . In the last several elections, young people have been mainly democratic. Support young people for democratic Party Candidates pete, 66 voted for president obama. In 2012, it was 60 . Before that, the balance of votes was really more even. Host from nevada on our line for others, brad is next. Caller good morning. I would just like to say i am very proud of our millennials, this year. The Bernie Sanders followers, even though they came into it with a open mind and i hope i do not give up on it. Dont say just because these two candidates you have to vote one of the other. You may be the generation of voters that actually brings us back to a democracy. Get rid of the superdelegates that take your voice away. I dont know how you will work voters are you intelligent enough that you can do this and i am proud of you guys, just dont give up. Guest thank you for that comment. I really share that sentiment. I think young people really Pay Attention to their impact by doing what theyre really good at, which is that they feel passionate about an issue or a candidate, and using their technological proficiencies, they really organized quickly, they really quickly,ir voice very their Movement Really grew, and away that we cannot imagine 10 years ago or even five years ago. A way tomorials have change the way politics operates. But they have to start with voting. That is how their voice starts to count. What do you think will be the longterm impact of Bernie Sanders . Guest some of it is to be determined on how the actual president is going to respond to young people. Young people do need to see the impact they can make and the federal government needs to be more relevant to them if they were to continue to participate. Time, young people could be doing what they can to promote the local state candidate they can believe in in order to start the change for the position of who is making the decisions about what rules are passed in the federal and state levels but also start to think about running for office is themselves if they have a different vision of how the politics should be. We need to be supportive of young people who can do that. Host darryl is from fayetteville, North Carolina on our line 41835yearolds. Caller thank you both for taking our call. I had a response in reference to the disconnect between millennials and baby boomers. Recognize the difference in the economy has actually affected peoples interaction with their children so a lot of older people say this generation has babies and kids dont go to school and have time to get education but the reason that happens is because you have selective interaction between the baby boomers and their children because they were constantly working. You would have baby boomers working past their retirement age because thats what they know so they didnt necessarily have time to influence whether or not their kids would be involved in politics or have a social aspect or build networks and understand how adulthood actually works so now you have the downfall of a lot of younger peoples understanding of politics, unless they had the natural interest. You supposed to repair that disconnect or fix it without time . Guest thank you for that and you make a really good point. It is true that modern family life has become so busy that it is challenging for many, especially middleclass working parents to take the time to even have dinner with their children on a daily basis. Many researchers point out that places where young people used to grow up in the community, those were places like religious congregations, Community Centers and for young adults labor unions, those institutions that made civic life alive has been a running overtime so they used to be many places where young people could interact informally with older generations to talk or just to get to know them so they are not so isolated from each other. Today, those places are few and far apart. Formal and set a up conversation to talk about politics. Be a few minutes when you run into your kids or when you are in the car with the kids trying to get to the practices or in your busy life. There are ways in which a radio show can incite a conversation. Kids might be curious and parents should really not be afraid to have that conversation and should not be afraid to share their views. Second, schools, especially in there can be as, lot in educating people for sick civic life. Teachers are afraid to talk about politics because of the backlash they get from the community about this is asian of brainwashing their kids. It really shouldnt be that way. The teachers should have the opportunity to talk about politics in a way that is nonpartisan and opendoored. Teachers need to feel safe to do that. Host of the group circle, she is there director. Missouri, our line for others, richard is up next. Caller good morning. I want to make a comment. I was raised as a republican. That was the way we were going to vote because that is the way my parents voted. I look back and it was wrong. Wrong oninwashed was Social Security, medicare and all this good stuff, that is great and good for civilization i turn opposite of what my parents were because they were wrong. So these young people, i hope today. E what is going on today all you hear is guns and abortion, that is all you here. Those people in louisiana need help. So Social Security isnt bad. It is good for everybody. One thing you said about socialism is it is interesting. Young people were really not at all turned off by that term. That is one of the things that was early on surprising about young people and how older people felt the young people were different. That translated into their support for Bernie Sanders in some way. They are not turned off by his label and they are willing to listen to what he had to say about his policy and his ideas and young people were the early starters in Bernie Sanders rise. In him and older people started to get inspired by young peoples energy. It really tells us about what young people can do. One is to be really open to different ideas but also to inspire other generations to think differently about politics. The caller has talked about being different politically from his parents. Does that happen on a frequent basis and what happens to conversations about politics when there is a difference of opinion . Guest the data does support that. When we look at student voting data in many great schools, students is endless kindergartners do elections in their social studies class and try to imitate what the president ial election is going to be like. When we look at the Elementary School, middle school and high school data, you start to see the kids in Elementary School in middle school vote like the state voting trends but High School Students start to be more progressive. You can see there is some divide in that age where young people are going through adolescence and starting to disagree with their parents. ,here there is a disagreement there are many ways to deal with that. Some parents can shut down the conversation to say i am right and i know. That is not the right way. Try to model how we can try to understand each other and who has a different opinion and why, where they are coming from and what is the common ground. That starts to let the kids know what it is like to practice democracy and what it is like to be in that conversation that might be difficult. Actually a positive end to that such as a better understanding or a better opinion. That is how our democracy has survived. Virginia, 1835. Caller how you doing . How informed about millennials are. My first know my personal a relatively low information, emotionbased conversation happening talking about how donald trump is mean and Hillary Clinton should be in jail. But talking about trade laws, and the current tax they donte gain any traction. How do we engage our peers on substantive policy topics . Guest i think that is one of the cons of social mediabased news which is it is in anonymous. You have friends who you only know from social media or dont see very often but it also creates uncivil conversations that really arent about different opinions. It can limit the range of topics and opinions. One way is to expand the kind of friends you have and actively seek different opinions. One could sign up for different topic groups to see what you can get from that. Another important thing that we tend to neglect is how important it is to really have a facetoface conversation with people you know and care about. Having a conversation about political issues in person is very different from having a twitter feed conversation or a Facebook Exchange about what you think of an opinion. It is hard to deny someones opinion when you are looking at them in their eyes. You need to go back to building relationships in person and using that relationship to really start to understand each other instead of relying on social media to hope that we have that relationship and conversation. Host terry from california, line for others. Go ahead. Disagree agree and with some of your statements. College is a formative. Of time for kids. But the brain doesnt form until you are 25 and kids dont like to be ostracized. Other and if you dont want to go along with the crowd, you are an outsider. 27 is a cheap concert and pizza and a few beers. Then come the midterm elections when you dont see them. That is what happened during the obama elections. And votedout in mass for him. I dont agree that colleges should have president ial candidates proselytizing on their campuses. I do not feel that is the place they should be and that is a good, quick way of gathering voters and taking these kids who are very emotional along and waving the banner and getting them moving. , my formerk to them students knew nothing about this mans background. They only knew what they had learned on social media, they had not vetted the other candidates, they had no knowledge and that really bothered me, that we have this lack of educated voters who are, perhaps, going out to change the results of an election and then disappear because that was then when i was in college and wasnt that fun . And now that i am paying my own. Ills, i have no for that i think classes in high schools and colleges where kids can learn to think individually is the best way for them to make important decisions and teach vet. How to they dont want to do the research. I actually agree with that. I think colleges and universities shouldnt be just about the president ial elections. That is the point i want to emphasize. They should have political conversations about civic life and Community Life every day. Andhould be part of College Students daily life where students can find opportunities to talk about the issues that matter to them. Smallunger kids it is things like what is offered at the school cafeteria. Are the options healthy . Those are the points of politics. Aboutllege students it is how the administrations are run, how the students voices influence the students. So those are the kinds of things that i talk about when we talk about Good Practice of civic life. It is not just about president ial elections. Said, president ial elections is an opportunity to start to get young people interested in even thinking about politics. I hope this is going to do that for a generation of young people as well. What kind of information will you be seeing between now and election time and will you also include independent candidates . We will be in fact surveying young people twice, right before the election and also right after. We are interested in issues that young people are interested in seeing president s address but we are also interested in thinking about how young people see themselves in this particular time in history. What is their political power . How are they seeing their political education . Those are the surveys we will be doing. Trying to figure out where young people vote and how people voted and how much they voted, as soon as we can find that information as well. Host the organization is known as circle, we have been speaking with kcal shema ginsburg. It was a pleasure. Feature republican, democrats, libertarian and green Party Candidates on this program. Next up, you are going to meet evan mcmullen, who joins us as washington journal continues. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] booktv is live, beginning at 7 00 p. M. Eastern at politics and prose bookstore in washington for race in america. A Panel Discussion examining the relationship between police and the africanamerican community. Washington bureau chief april ryan and author of the presidency in black and white moderates the discussion. Other panelists include msnbc correspondent joy and read joy ann reid. Princeton center for African American studies chair eddie s jr. , and julianne m alveaux. Istopher murray, officer author of standard ground and f talkinghigginbotham about ghosts of jim crow. Watch live on cspan two. For campaign 2016, cspan continues on the road to the white house. We need serious leadership. This is not a reality tv show. We will make America Great again. Live coverage of the president ial and Vice President ial debate on cspan and cspan radio app and cspan. Org. Monday, september 26 is the first president ial debate and then on tuesday, Vice President ial candidates governor mike pence and senator tim kaine debate at longwood university. Washington university in st. Louis host the second president ial debate leading up to the third and final debate between Hillary Clinton and donald trump at the university of nevada las vegas on october 19. Live coverage of the debates on cspan. Listen live on the cspan free radio app or watch anytime ondemand at cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Joining us now is independent candidate evan mcmullin. You have people asking who are you and where you interested in being president. Why is that . I believe the two candidates that we have before us that have been nominated are woefully unfit to lead this country, especially at this time, so like Many Americans i have waited for someone else to step forward and that didnt happen. Sensing that it was the last minute in which somebody could offer some competitive edge, i decided to do it myself. Host who got you into this . Guest i would not describe it as being recruited. They were working on finding someone for some time and they were wellknown people. I reached out to them a few weeks ago, realizing we were nearing the end of a window, the last window when someone could actually challenge both of these nominees so i reached out to ifo see if they find they had found somebody but the answer was they still were working. They asked me if i would consider it and i did. Consideration, i decided it was the thing that needed to happen. Campaign strategy infrastructure, do you have any of those . Guest today marks the second week. We finished two weeks quickly. Have started gaining some an incredible team, lots of donors contributing to our cause, mainly people across the country and regular people chipping in. Also, larger donors maxing out as well. Thisve been encouraged by incredibly positive response from millions of americans who are eager for something new, another option. We have had 100,000 people donate or sign up to volunteer, over 600 people have applied, over 600 people have applied to quit their jobs and join our campaign on a fulltime basis. The response has been incredible. The defining thing that separates you from Hillary Clinton and donald trump . Guest i would say two things. I am a person who will put this country and the interest of this country first. I believe both cant candidates have put their own interests ahead of the American People. I have never been that way and that is not the kind of president i would be. I believe this country needs a leader that can unify it. Longve been divided for so along so many different lines between races and along ideological lines and religions etc. We have one candidate who seeks to divide us further through his destructive rhetoric, which i from a is harming us prosperity perspective as well as a National Security perspective. I believe Hillary Clinton advocates for continuation of a strong centralized government in washington that isnt accountable to the american rests farwhich power away from them so that their voices are deluded and too often unheard. These things divide us and i am a supporter of reforms that would return more power to the people and unite this country. Host if you want to speak with our guests, 2027488000 14 republicans. What state you come from . Guest i was raised outside of seattle. Host did you seek advice about this run from mitt romney . And i havent spoken directly, but i did not see his input or i did not talk before running. Feltis something i strongly about doing myself of course we would love to have mitts support. This is something i felt strongly about doing on my own. Has mr. Romney hinted at support . Guest it is too early to say. We would welcome his support and a range of other people support but for us the most important support is from the American People and we believe we are getting that at a shockingly fast rate. It has been truly encouraging to see the response of the American People. Host there was a recent letter to the editor in the Salt Lake City tribune about you, saying that he is running as a spoiler, a candidate that might give you talk to Hillary Clinton. Guest i am more focused on who wins the white house. We believe that we can prevent either Hillary Clinton or donald trump from achieving a majority. We need to move quickly to do that to galvanize the support of people who want a better option. Let me Say Something about donald trump in his viability. He is performing terribly. 14 . Rginia, he is down by if you are going to be down by 14 you are, 12, not going to win the presidency. When i entered he was down by 10 . Donald trump is not a viable candidate. He is doing enormous harm to this country. He is ensuring that Hillary Clinton takes the white house. If we want to stop if the conservatives and people in this country on both sides of the aisle want to stop Hillary Clinton from taking the white house, we need somebody who can actually compete with her credibly. All donald trump, it is about his latest controversy and the latest terrible thing he has said. Republicans and americans are not going to win that way. If you want to ask questions, the numbers will be on the screen. We will start with hawaii on our line for democrats. Doing up thism i early . It is 3 00 a. M. Thank you for taking my call and thank you for cspan. Host thank you. Face, good to be with you. Caller i have one comment and one question. Hillary clinton not what people say she is. Her age and unfortunately, she has been demonized her whole life for being a progressive woman. That is my comment. I dont think that is nice to do that to women anymore. Number two, dont you think that remembered in history as the next ralph nader if trump gets elected . That is my question. I would say of all again, i believe donald trump will not reelected. He is not a viable candidate. Hat is just the reality of it i am not concerned about electing donald trump. I intend to do everything i can to ensure he is not elected and the same is true with Hillary Clinton. My issue with Hillary Clinton, i want to make this clear, is nothing to do with her it does have to do with political positioning but more than that it is about her belief that she is unaccountable to the American People. Oflive in a time when 82 americans feel this country is on the wrong track. Americans consider themselves independents, only 28 consider themselves members , 28 ther Political Party on the democratic side. Both of these major candidates have skyhigh negatives. The American People are desperate for better leadership. I dont believe Hillary Clinton is doing that. I dont believe her positions on issues does that and that is why i am opposing her as well as donald trump. , louisville, ann kentucky on the independent line. Guest i disagree with what this fellow is doing. It is a selfish thing to do. He doesnt have a chance. Donald trump was not my first choice. I like ted cruz but now it has come down to two candidates and i have to go for donald trump because Hillary Clinton will be disastrous. He doesnt have a chance and all he is trying to do is take votes away from donald trump. To try to is selfish do this. If we dont get behind trump, we are going to be stuck with four more years of destruction in this country. More liberal judges on the Supreme Court. The selfishness of this guy and the rest of these republicans, it just makes me sick. I would say that donald trump has no chance of winning this election. Entered the race again, donald trump was down by 10 in the polls. He is still down by a significant amount and he is doing even worse. People are supporting donald trump hold onto to him, the worse off we are. He has no chance of winning and sooner or later, the country is going to come to grips to that. That hillaryg clinton take the white house and the polls reflect that reality. If you could veto tpp, would you win . Vow to vetot tpp because i support free trade. Economy ofave an opportunity for all and people who are struggling at probably cannot have an opportunity economy if we continue to grow at 2 or less. Series of make a reforms so our economy can get back on track and grow at a faster clip. Part of what we need to be doing is trading. 95 of the World Consumers are outside of our borders. Anyone who advocates against more trade is someone who doesnt understand that or is being honest with the American People. This is where i differ with some of my conservative fellows. I do think we need to do more to help people who lose their jobs or who have negative pressure on their wages. That is the reality. Over the last decade or so, the last average manufacturing worker has only increased by about a dollar after you adjust for inflation. These are real issues and there are things we need to do to improve their wages, improve their opportunities, be more serious about them, be more effective in that way to help them and help people who are losing their jobs. But we have to keep trading if we are going to have this economy growing at the level we needed to grow. Host do you think it has enough in Worker Protections . Guest we need to ensure that there are that our workers and workers overseas are held a similar standards. Weve got to be better at enforcing our trade agreements. We can have countries manipulating their currencies. I actually side with donald trump in the sense that i dont believe we have been the best negotiators out there. Executive branch to be much better negotiators of trade deals. That is something that i would hope to bring to the white house myself. But we have got to trade our companies our companies have got to have access to foreign markets. Too often they are denied access and that hurts jobs. Host from minnesota, democrats dawn,don, good morning good morning. Guest why arent you bringing up the fact that if you Google Melania trump, she was a nude model. The rest of the world is looking at them and people are going to be laughing at this country even believeause they dont we have morals in the United States and that is actually going to hurt our country even more. Why isnt this being brought up . Going to comment on Donald Trumps wife but i will say that i share your concern that donald trump is bringing about or helping divide and destroy certain qualities like common decency in the way that we treat each other and a way that i think damages our culture in a serious way that needs to be opposed so i agree. Go on to North Carolina, grace is on our republican line. Go ahead. Call,l go to the next delano from missouri, democrats line. Like to knowld what you would do about Flint Michigans water condition. Guest thank you for the question. These wein crises like have to make sure that local governments have the resources in thein case cases where they dont have them to ensure that peoples immediate needs are met. It is unacceptable that the people of flint, michigan would be Drinking Water that is unsafe to drink. We need to the states need to issue. On this also, federal Government Agencies failed as well. There needs to be accountability. In these crises as president , i would ensure that local governments and state governments have the resources they need to respond immediately. Then we have got to look at reforms that ensure that these things dont happen again. The reforms should happen at the. Ederal level too flint was a disaster across all of of government, federal, state, local. We need to make sure those fixes take place after we take care of the immediate needs of the people of flint. Part of the cia and also worked with the Investment Banking division at goldman sachs. He is evan mcmullin. What do you see as deficiencies currentrrent in intelligence gathering . Guest the real problem is our National Security policy. Our Intelligence Services are capable of doing great work when they are allowed to do it and when they have a strategy in place that involves them. Right now, with the case of isis and elsewhere in the middle east in terms of challenges we have that dontdictators have the best interest of their people in mind, these are challenges our Intelligence Services should be leading the way on. Dont have a comprehensive strategy, nor do we have the commit and required. Commitment required to defeat isis. That shouldlan involve a heavy intelligence our servicesllows to go out and recruit sources and support Friendly Forces on the case of in syria, moderate syrian groups that have struggled under a lack of support that they have wanted from the United States. In the process, isis has the case of syria, moderate syrianexpanded s contrasted in different areas. Services i have a lot of confidence in them, i spent 10 years working at the cia, i have a lot of confidence in what they can do, but it is not a lot about that. They can do what we need them to do as long as our strategy and leadership in the white house will allow them to do what they can do. Has promotedtrump an idea of extreme vetting for refugees. He is promoting a whole thing from migration from certain parts of the world. Guest to be more clear about what he has suggested, he has suggested that we block all muslims from coming to the United States and i think that is destructive and runs counter to our ideals. We are a pluralistic society. We are a nation of 330 Million People, we come from all kinds of different backgrounds, religions, ethnic, racial, the idea that we would just say that a group of people based on their religion cant come i think is a terrible thing to suggest. Certainly, the policy would be terrible. It would have negative consequences for our National Security is of the reality being that we depend on our muslim partners to help us be effective in the war on terror. Muslim governments, individuals who decide they are going to work with us and help advance our efforts, and that is on the battlefield. In terms of fighting the ideology, we also need their help, we need their help even more. Going tothat we are treat all muslims as though they unwise terrorists, it is and damaging to our National Security. Silly policy idea because how do you actually administer that policy . It presupposes that a terrorist coming to the United States knowing this restriction on was looms traveling to the United States would admit that they are muslim. They could simply say they are of a different faith and what would we do . Just an of idea from limitation perspective but also in terms of its violation of our ideals. Good morning. I have a practical question. For 20been a libertarian years and im planning on voting for gary johnson. I know the struggles the Libertarian Party has had to get on the ballot in all 50 states. Weont know the details that have only gotten on the last couple of election cycles. There are a number of states where i think the signup date has been passed. How many states do you think you can get on . Point if there is no possibility . Ballot,re not on the and you want to get a message out, great but i dont get it. Guest there is a lot of how aerstanding about candidate can appear on the ballot. It is difficult and in many states the requirements are designed to take thirdParty Candidates prevent thirdParty Candidates from being on the ballot. That is a problem we need to as 42 of americans consider themselves independent theyou can petition for ballots, you can get on through third parties who have ballots or president ial ballot lines. Here is also a legal option we plan to challenge the requirements in certain states and also there is a right in possibility. Only seven states dont allow the ballot. N for those states that deny it all together, we think that is honorable to legal challenge. There are a lot of things that can be done. In onen as many states way or another way as much as we can. There is no doubt about that. We are in utah, colorado, iowa and louisiana and we are already on those first states. We will be in as many states as we can. Our goal is to earn as many elect electoral votes as possible. Com is an mcmullin website where you can find out more about our guest and his bid. Policy papers, is that on your sites . Out a we will be rolling series of policy speeches in the weeks ahead and more information and we have been very active in the press and you can see many interviews online if you search and hear more about what my views are and we will talk more today. Host don in florida, democrats line. Caller i wonder if the candidate has any idea about changing the federal election law. It is the federal election law of 1871 that says you have to take a lot of bribes and become incorporated to be a candidate. That is why we have two multimillion dollar bride taking candidates. What are your thoughts about changing the law so that the constitution is involved, not just excluding . Guest i would say that i agree with the general idea that we need to open up a system so that third Party Candidates, independents and others can be a part of the process. Wherenow we have a system we have two major parties that exclude and have control over debates in many states at the state party level. They have succeeded in advancing laws that make it very difficult to get on the ballot. I believe we need to make so that there are more voices in the political system, not less. I wouldnt say that if 70 to 82 of the American People did not feel like the country was on the wrong track or 42 didnt consider themselves independents or if the two major candidates in this election cycles were not so historically disliked by the American People but all of those factors i think make it clear that the American People want other options and we need to respond to that collectively as a country. Host greg from North Carolina, republican line. Wondering, none of the president ial candidates so far has mentioned about the where obama has taken it all away, the wages away. You give them back . Will say that im in favor of ensuring that our seniors have what was promised to them and what they need in their senior years of life. There is no doubt about that. We need to make sure that we are meeting our obligations and commitments to seniors in that way. I understand also there need to be some reforms so that on a longterm basis, Social Security and entitlements are solvent. Now, they are headed to insolvency. This, weand we can do can ensure that our seniors have the support they need and that has been promised to them that they can pay into during their and still in her in the solvency of these programs through gradually phased in reforms that put these programs on a sustainable path. That is where i am on entitlements. Host what is chief among them . Guest i think in some cases, as Life Expectancy extends which i think thehing retirement age needs to gradually increase. I think we need to ensure that lower income seniors that they are protected first in our programs. Of medicare,e case i would like to see us go to a premium support model in which seniors get to decide whether they go out on the open market and get private insurance plans or if they can go to medicare. These are some of the reforms. Host floral city, florida, independent line. Jim, good morning. Caller thank you very much for taking my call. I have a couple of things. First, our biggest problem is not terrorism or immigration or any of those. Our biggest problem is the growth of government. Second, i just heard mr. Mcmullin make a statement about donald trump saying to ban all muslims. Donald trump never said ban all muslims. That is the line that the media and the washington elite has promoted over and over and over again. Ban he said was an them them until we get a way of vetting them and that isis stole all of syrias passport information, printing press, codewords, paper, everything. There is no valid visa from syria today and they should be banned until our leaders figure out what is going on. We dont have leaders that know what is going on. We have leaders that give away everything the United States has ever had. They dont negotiate for america. A negotiate against america. Guest thank you for your call and comments. I certainly agree that one of the major problems, and perhaps the largest problem the country faces, though it is hard to between thee various problems we face, but the size of the federal government is certainly a serious challenge to this country. It is a challenge in terms of what it does to our budget. The tax burden that then results on the American People. The Interest Payments on our debts are growing so quickly that in 10 years we will be paying more on our interests then we will be on defense. Power andoo much money in washington. Ofneed to decrease the size the federal government and transfer that power back to states where it is more accountable to the people. We need to make reforms to entitlement programs, mandatory spending that is on autopilot right now and reviewed on an annual basis by congress. We need to make these reforms actually atrump is candidate who has said nothing actually a candidate who has said nothing about serious reductions in government spending. He is somebody who i dont think is being honest with the American People. We must reform entitlements so that they dont bankrupt this they protecthat the interests of current seniors and people like my parents who are approaching retirement but so we are not drowning ourselves in debt. As far as Donald Trumps ban on muslims, he did say that he wanted to ban muslims. He then clarified that it would be until we could figure out what was going on with them. It away, that is what he intends to do, ban muslims. It is a terrible policy. It file its our core ideals. The ideals that give us great power and opportunity of across this world. We need to push back when leaders or would be leaders like donald trump violate these principles. For what is the plan improving the economy and job growth . Guest there is so much to that. Needf the first things we to do is lower the Corporate Tax rate. It is Inspiring Companies to base overseas. We use most of the Worlds Largest companies in the United States and so many have left because of the super high tax rate. Also, youre going to inspire more companies to invest their capital in better equipment that improves worker productivity, which then allows companies to pay their workers more and allows companies to want to be here, to hire more workers and that is a very important thing. From my time in the private sector, over regulation is a huge problem but it is not just over regulation. We need to rethink how it happens. Now, the executive branch is violating the article of the constitution that says legislative powers rest solely with congress. Regulatorys uncertainty that comes from an administration that isnt friendly to business and therefore friendly to jobs. Presidency, the Business Community and workers also would understand that i am we are going to be open for business. We are going to have policies in this country that make it the best place on earth to start and manage a business and hire people to work. That among many other things, education is another piece of this. We have an Education System that was meant to help us transition from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy and we are so far beyond that it is 100 years old weve got to make reforms so that we can compete. There is a range of things that need to happen. Host some parallel to donald trump . The tax rate . Donald trump says there needs to be a moratorium on regulations. We need to go deeper. When you simply declare a moratorium on rulemaking, than once that moratorium is lifted it all comes back. Weve got regulations that are impeding the growth of the economy now. We need Structural Reforms on how regulation happens. There is a bill in Congress Called the reins act, which i am a supporter of which basically says that if the federal government is going to make a major rule, a ruled that the omb says would impact the economy or have an impact on the economy of over 100 Million Dollars, that needs to come to congress for approval. I support at least that and other reforms too. The threshold is a good one but there are rules and regulations that also should have thatessional approval dont necessarily make that threshold. The point is, americans elect their representatives to legislate and they are empowered solely to make the laws of this country. So over time, that power has transitioned to a variety of laws that congress has passed decades ago and through decisions and court decisions. Tot power has transitioned the executive branch in a way that i think is inconsistent with the constitution and harmful to our economy and to the American People whose voices are not being heard by this government. Lets hear from donny in kentucky, democrats line. Aller i would like to comment say he woulddid ban all muslims. My ears dont live for me. Dont lie for me. He needs to watch the news. Donald trump, everything he has done or said has been bad. Host do you have a question for our guest . Int understand know you are running but i dont know much about it. Guest thank you donny. Live, madison wisconsin, independent line. Caller my question is on the tpp issue. Going back to nafta, one of the things in the agreement was that each country in nafta was able to sue the other countries if they took jobs away. The United States our , their jobs had been moved to the United States. The United States has not sued any other country. , whichorward to the tpp is supposed to be evolving from the nafta, is that agreement in there and are you allowed not only to sue but be able to sue the companies that leave the United States under this freetrade agreement. Guest thanks for the call. That freetrade is the reality is that i dont think the idea that we are going to sue other companies or countries as jobs transition from one to the next it is just not a part of how trade needs to happen. We also have the opportunity to win jobs. We will gain more jobs by being able to reach more customers overseas. Consumers arelds overseas, beyond our borders and behind tariff walls that we cant get to or make it hard for our American Companies to sell their products to these people. These trade deals we are advancing break down those tariff laws and allow us greater access, which improves our opportunity to produce jobs in the United States. Thated to make sure Companies Stay here and we need to lower the Corporate Tax rate. Other reforms need to take place in concert with these trade deals. That is the advantage and the opportunity for us. I want to make it very clear that there is a reality that some people, jobs have left and gone overseas. That is a reality. Another thing that is happening and something nobody talks about that needs to be talked about more is that due to automation and technology advancements, other people are losing their jobs and there has been a shifting from one place to another. That is part of the challenge too. In this dynamic economy, we have got to be better about helping people who lose their jobs transition into those new jobs. Programs have been very effective in helping people who have lost manufacturing jobs get experience in another type of job. That is what we need to do. We failed miserably in helping these people as the economy grows and develops, helping these people who face challenges as a result transition to better opportunities. Presidency we would make that a focus. Host steve from new york, independent line. Caller i would like to ask in the context of your support, your stated support for reforms that reduce the size and overreach of the federal government, if you are aware of the Grassroots Movement called the convention of states, which seeks to use article five of the propose and to ratify amendments that would limit the scope and power of the federal government and require a balanced budget . If so, would you be willing to state your support for such a movement. What i will say is this. I believe the states need to have more power. Our founders envisioned a country in which states would have far more power than they do. They would carry the bulk of the power in this country rather than the federal government. Right now it is totally lopsided. It is a really important issue, far more important than most people realize. Our country was founded with the purpose of allowing its people to presume that pursue happiness which means they need a say in their government. Their voices need to be heard. Youve got a centralized government in a country as diverse as ours, it is hard for individuals voices to be heard and the government is so unaccountable to the American People. Im in favor of a variety of things, their ideas out there and i have heard some that you have mentioned. Re are ideas that would one that i am familiar with and that i have done work on that would give states the right to , for example, an executive order from the president if they voted by two thirds to oppose that executive order. That that would overturn that executive order and the same could apply to a rule. That would give states additional power. I am in theory support of those ideas and its practices. And of many others but i think the states need to be much more empowered so that the people in this country are empowered. Host our conversation with evan mcmullin. Thank you for your time. Another addition comes your way at 7 00 tomorrow morning. 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