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Other things, that he was unfit for presidency. On president obama, whether you agree or disagree. For republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488002 for independents. Facebook. Heres the headline from the Financial Times this morning talking about that exchange that took place at the white house yesterday. Obama brands trump unfit for presidency. This happened during a meeting between obama and the singaporean Prime Minister. Heres what president obama had to say about donald trump. [video clip] , thedent obama yes republican nominee is unfit to serve as president. I said so last week. He keeps on proving it. That he would attack that had madeily such extraordinary sacrifices on , the factour country that he doesnt have basic knowledge around Critical Issues in europe, in the middle east, in asia, means that he is woefully unprepared to do this job. Host if you agree or disagree with those statements, let us know what you think. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488002 for independents. The Trump Campaign put out a paper statement. In short, it says president obama has been a failed leader who created a Foreign Policy that has destabilized the world, made it an unsafe place. Alan in brooklyn, new york. Our line for democrats. On balance come i thought it was perfectly appropriate, but for perfectly narrow reasons. If any president had said that about any candidate from another party, without the exact circumstances we have now were other republicans have come up forcefully against the statements trump has made time if there were oncorresponding agreement the substance come it would be a daring thing for any president to say any candidate is unqualified to serve. This is only working because hes calling for consistency with their own pronouncements and not making a judgment independently without reference to those other pronouncements. So much of that basis relies on the outrageous nature of comments trump has made, offensive remarks to people personally and i dont think obama would have had leeway to make a similar kind of statement about his lack of qualifications purely onon ability, training, experience command education, background, knowledge. Should we revise the standards for the presidency to go beyond merely saying youre a natural olderitizen 35 years or to some sort of Educational Qualification . Joann in North Carolina. Independent line. The previous caller said it so much better than i can say it. ,iven the circumstances president obama did exactly the right thing. We cannot have trump in the white house. Host do you think the president s statement was appropriate . Caller yes, i do, given the circumstances of our country in peril right now. We can have someone who doesnt variances to be in the white house. Host john in chesapeake, virginia. Republican line. Caller i agree with the first caller. He sounds more like a republican than a democrat. Dont see where the president has the right to weigh in on a candidate anyway. Nobody weighed in on him when he got in there. He hasnt done too well. What have we gotten in the last eight years . To go around to mistake around congress when they are off, he does these little deals around the world and we always end up with the short end of the stick. What kind of deal maker is he . Host as far as the actual statement the president made monday you agree or disagree made, do president you agree or disagree with that . Caller i totally disagree. He never talked about Hillary Clinton talking about jews and that sort of stuff. Yet, he can talk about donald trump who wants to get us jobs and make us great again. Thats what im all for it you can history up and get this guy out of the white house. You can just hurry up and get this guy out of the white house. Donald trump was asked this is from the bill oreilly program. Had to what donald trump say when asked about the president s statements from yesterday. [video clip] donald trump hes one of the worst president s commitment be the worst weve ever had in the history of our country. Hillary clinton has the potential to be even worse. She will be terrible. Look at the lie over the weekend that she told about the fbi director. Such a lie. It she hasg to the potential to be even worse. Host judy in olympia, washington. Democrats line. What the you think . Caller i thought it was absolutely terrible, to tell you the truth. Obama has deceived all of us as far as i am concerned. That wead everything did not want him to do and hid behind everything to do it. And theseracking terrible trade deals that will sell out our freedom. That we have make decisions for ourselves and our in our own country. Rottenestat is the president weve ever had and i am completely disappointed with him and ive been a democrat all my life. Host was it wrong that he said it or was it the content . Caller it was wrong he said it. Ive never heard a president in my life ever get up and take a political view against someone running for president. That clinton bunch is completely corrupt. I just think it is absolutely gross. Host you think donald trump is fit for the presidency . Caller i do. What has obama done except celist down the road iselle us down the road sell us down the road . Im voting for trump. I just couldnt believe he would there in front of a diplomat from another country and trash somebody like that. Its gross. Caller dan in georgetown, massachusetts. Democrats line. I think that move by says something directly about what he said. Based on his comment, that makes him actually unfit to be president. Come up from the opposite party, using the bully pulpit, call someone unfit to be president . It is unbelievable. Lets do a short little history about obama and the white house and what has happened. Ng drones to kill people this carrying on of war on where it seems to be more of an excuse. Act whiched the smith now gives our Government Authority to propagandize american citizens on american soil. We dont even know what we are watching on tv come all these big events could very well be created by our own pentagon with our own tax dollars because of this law that went back in 2012. Georgia. Iah in democrats line. I think it is truly appropriate what he said. Host why so . Caller im not saying donald Trump Supporters are racist, but all the racists are supporting donald trump. I remember when they bided invited the president from israel to come and speak without the president being invited. Himmember when they made denounce his pastor. They asked trump about the leader of the ku klux klan and he acted like he did not even know who the man was. President bush had this country in such a mess and you all you racists are the one to put them in office. Are the ones who put him in office. Host 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488002 for independents. George w. Bush making statements about Donald Trumps policies. This was at a fundraiser that took place in ohio. A story in the wall street journal this morning. Without naming donald trump, the former president delivered a critique of his policies of isolationism, nativism and protectionism. Patricia in minneapolis, minnesota. Good morning. Caller good morning. I think it was completely inappropriate for president obama to say that at that podium. It does not surprise me, though. He will go down as the worst president weve ever had. The candidate that is unfit is of the lying, crooked Hillary Clinton. She can even tell the truth about her name. She said she was named after a mountain climber, a famous mountain climber. He only became famous after she was born. She lies constantly. Put our nation at risk with her shenanigans, her private servers , everything got erased. She believes she is above the law, and she is. Regularlaws for us folks and then there is special treatment for the likes of crooked hillary. Host what makes it an appropriate linda in new jersey. Caller hi. Host you are on. Go ahead. Caller i think it is a disgrace, what obama did. In front of another foreign leader. Host why so . Caller why . He is supposed to be the president , you are supposed to show an example. Other foreign leaders are listening. I wish somebody on the other i take offense to what that one guy said that everybody who would vote for trump is racist. That is the problem here. Thats why there is so many problems. Why is it inappropriate for a sitting president to make comments about a president ial race, especially against the other candidate . Caller you just dont talk like that in front of other foreign leaders. He wants his legacy extended. We are down to a 1 economy. Here . Ore do you want the media is very biased. Im independent. Now, im voting for trump because this is really a disgrace. Nobody is bringing up about clinton what she did. How many times does this woman have to lie . Watch the movie. It eventually will come out about her emails and obama knows about it. He knows about it. They are both covering for each other. President you heard the one statement about his saying donald trump is unfit to be resident. President. [video clip] president obama i did not have a doubt that they could fight for president. I think i was right in mitt romney and john mccain were wrong on certain policy issues, but i never thought that they could not do the job. Had they won, i would have been disappointed, but i would have said to all americans, this is theyresident and i know are going to abide by certain and common sense , will observe basic decency, will have enough knowledge about Economic Policy and Foreign Policy and our constitutional traditions and rule of law. Workour government will and we will compete for years from now to try to win an election four years from now to win an election. That is not the situation here. That is not just my opinion. That is the opinion of many prominent republicans. There has to come a point at which you say, enough. T karen from twitter asks todaynt page of usa looks at staffing changes at the dnc. Dacey and two other top officials are leaving their positions. Betsy in North Carolina. The request line. Go ahead. Democrats line. Go ahead. Caller i think what the president did was right on time. Donald trump has a foul mouth. Nothing is said about it. He says anything that comes into his head. I really think he is unfit to the ladies had a while ago about the president talking about him that the lady said a while ago is the president supposed to show an example but trump does not . How come he cant show an example . The way he talks, anybody can hear it. Why doesnt he be an example . Ive never seen a candidate like him. Why dont they ever speak out their route . When all those soldiers were killed in that bunker do you think the president should have used the platform he did yesterday to make the statements . Caller everything that a white president does is ok and soon as a black president does the same thing, they got to comment about it. Having donet nothing, he couldnt do nothing because congress refused they forget that. Linda is next from louisiana on our independent line. Caller good morning. Donald trump is a crazy lunatic. He says anything and everything he wants to say and people want to vote for that . You are off the grid. Host you thought hi the president s statement was appropriate, then . Caller it is his job to tell us that we are in terrible danger and that is what he means. Because donald trump is unfit. He is mental, he is a bully. He doesnt care about people with different color. That is ridiculous. There is good in everybody. Theres good people that are black, bad people that are black , good people that are white and bad people that are white. Nationalities,r there are good and there are bad. He is not fit to be the president of the United States. He is not. As far as hillary, i dont know if wehink about her dont want neither one of them, we have an alternative, gary johnson. Anald trump wants to destroy republican committee. He says he can win without the gop. Host judy is up next in paris, florida. Republican line. Caller thank you for having me. I think our president should stay out of the politics of the future candidates. I think it is wrong, what he said yesterday. I think what he said by supporting hillary i grant but ie is a democrat, think a standing president supportot be allowed to their party candidate, i think they should stay out of running around and supporting them through public speaking and i think yesterdays comment was totally wrong. Said the same thing at a rally, it would be appropriate, then . Caller i dont think he should be at rallies. Donald trump is a man who speaks what is on his mind and i think people misunderstand him with regards to the fact that i come i, asormer new yorker a former new yorker, still attituded the new york where everything is very quick, fastpaced and we speak sometimes without thinking the statement out. That is donalds problem. Racism,eed to get off they need to look at the actual country and see what the problems are and how we are way behind the way we were. I feel sorry for the young. Eople of today life 40 years ago was good. Not perfect, but good. Now, i feel sorry for the youngsters. The other stories that came out yesterday reflected in the headline from the Washington Post this morning. A couple of stories stemmed out of that from the hill newspaper. A meeting between senator mccain and mike pence. T amid a public the senator and president ial candidate. They discussed a variety of issues. When they take a look at paul ryans primary coming up next rachel,story by ken and taking a look at former staffers from Donald Trumps campaign who left the story goes on to talk about the number of trump workers in wisconsin. You can see that on the politico website. Paul ryan has a campaign ad out on his primary effort. The United States is an exceptional nation. Every one of us has the opportunity to live, work and worship as we see fit. That is freedom. People around the world dream of it. Attacks have shown us that terrorists want to destroy our freedom and security. Love this country and i am committed to supporting our military and intelligence officials and im committed to securing our borders. I am paul ryan and i approved this message. Host several congressional primaries took place yesterday. Theansas, one defeat for representatives camp. He lost to a political newcomer on tuesday in the republican primary. He was elected in 2010, earned a utation for pressuring frustrating republican leaders. We will talk more about that result later on in the program. Louisville, kentucky. Immigrants line. George, hello. Democrats line. George, hello. Caller its obvious when you look at Donald Trumps demeanor, his body language, his eye , he doesntis clear even know how to present himself. What the president said was accurate and what Everybody Needs to be saying. This guy is a buffoon. The a gop the gop and has producedowd donald trump, the believe that profit motive should run our commonwealth. The more billions you have, the more fit you are to run anything. The worst of business has produced donald trump. Washington. From republican line. Caller hello. Thank you for taking my call. I hear lots of people talking. Donald trump will not be our president ,. Be ourresident president , period. President obama has to stay out it is totally unfit for him to act like that. It is ridiculous that he is while heis unfit thing is the most unfit president in history of this country, maybe , looking atesident he is a totally irresponsible person. This guy just endorsed Hillary Clinton. Be much more unfit should he . He endorsed someone who is under investigation by the fbi. The first time she spoke about her emails, she lied to congress. Who just endorsed the head of the snake . Barack obama. We want him to leave. The sooner, the better. Im hearing some of these people talking about Hillary Clinton, supporting her she is totally unfit. It is pathetic that the democrats dont have anyone else but Hillary Clinton. Im still waiting for julian assigned to release Julian Assange to release some of these emails. People will see how corrupt and totally unelectable she is. Host upper marlboro, maryland. Independent line. I find a bit of a double standard of however one is aning obama was appropriate in what he said. I remember him running in 2008 and have one was saying he is unfit. At this time, he was a junior senator and he had already participated in local congressional office. What people misunderstand mothers things that you learn going through life misunderstand, theres things that you learn going through life in local office that trump does not have. Not tosinessman, it is help the poor and less fortunate. They are going to be left out. Electiony out of this and may wait for the next johnion or might write in kasich. I just see a double standard. Kasich, to me, makes the most sense. I believe that he will just get things done. He doesnt just go for whatever the party wants them to do. It is the best thing to help the country out. It seems to me like john kasich is the most common sense type of politician. Host the lower court overturned North Carolinas voter id law, prompting a response by the governor of North Carolina in todays usa today. He said North Carolina took extra steps to ensure that all citizens could exercise their right to vote. Joseph in florida. Democrats line. Talking about president obamas statements about donald trump. Caller good morning. Democrat and i do agree with what the president said, but i disagree with the idea is using the bully to sendf the president an election. Listen, we have two candidates from the major parties, couple of minor parties, they have been elected, lets move ahead, have the debates, have the election and try to continue to make this a better country for our children. We could do inng the future to try to make things better because congress obviously is totally inefficient and nothing is getting done and this is why people are frustrated should either eliminate the filibuster or udalls attempt to change the filibuster to a. Ore sane procedure host host on twitter this morning kathy is up next and middletown, new york. Middletown,ne in new york. Democrats line. Caller it is a good thing that obama got up and decried the trump. He will that tomorrow, get up and decried the Democratic National conventions behavior. Suppression the next day. Andy day, he will get up condemn something else. I think it is a great idea that he is going to get up and address all these ills in our government. Texas. Ean in houston, democrats line. Republican line. Caller i am a republican. Partieve the political about the president supporting his party should not happen. With him standing up and saying donald trump is unfit, i dont think you should say that, either. I notice the lady earlier said that why does it have to be black and white . With ouroncern relations now, the u. S. Is in a bad time and i believe our economy, our immigration and all this should come first. Obama believe president has no clue on how to fix all of this. He just made things worse for us. Host you going to vote for donald trump . Caller me and my wife were just discussing that this morning. She has totally said she doesnt like some of the things he is said. With its not that i want to stay with my personal self, i believe some of the things he says is offthewall. If you can fix things, we need to back him. If you dont want hillary and you dont want trump, we are to go independent. Thats we have to go independent. Im still going to vote for him. If he steps out here anymore and does anything dumb like hes been doing i wish i could sit down and talk to the guy and say lets try to fix it and get the u. S. Like it is supposed to be. We need people in there that is proud to be with us, to fight for our country. Mary lives in fort washington, maryland. Good morning. Caller he is so unfit, it is disgusting. Im very glad president obama said he is disgusting and unfit. He is a narcissist, sexist and bigot. If you dont believe that the where have you been since june of last year . Our president and im glad president obama is going to continue to say this. This man is a chicken hawk. What is he going to do for veterans . He was vetted out of the military five times and now picks on women all day long . No way. Josephine in livingston, new jersey. Independent line. Caller good morning. The most important thing you should have alluded to was how the reporter asked the question to the president. They were very specific in their questioning and they began with mr. Trump is unfit, so they preceded the president s response back. Yesterday, he talked about the purple heart he got, that it was real he lied. Number three, more important, when he got the ferment while in deferment the while in college, they all did that. Againthat, he did it after college. He paid a doctor to say he has a problem with his foot while he was playing soccer and football. Line ed onur our line for democrats. Caller donald trump is stuck on age 13. He has never matured. That disqualifies him. , youat president obama have a bunch of ingrates who have been able to propagandize obama as a bad president. Hes the one that took us out of a depression. Our the one who recovered economy in terms of the car market. He also took out bin laden. Who will sayone anything that comes to his mind and he will respond like a 13yearold. That alone makes them inappropriate to run anything other than his business. He wouldnt have billions of dollars had he not been born with a silver spoon in his mouth to begin with. When are you going to request the donald trump turn over his tax returns . Why is he excluded from showing his taxes . Host dave from jacksonville, florida. Caller good morning. Have we turned into a country of idiots . Some of these people calling in with their profound support of trump, they ignore all the facts , just like the previous caller said. We were in a sad state of affairs when obama took over. Eight in a sad state of affairs, they would not approve of anything he wanted to do. He was correct in saying his opinion about trump. That is really all ive got to say. Host one of the things discussed at that same press conference where the president made his statements about donald trump was that of trade issues, specifically featured the transpacific partnership. In our next segment, we will take a look at the future of that agreement, where it stands, where the Obama Administration is on and and other factors. Hill. Fabian of the toer, comparisons made back 1968 when Richard Nixon was running for president and the current donald Trump Campaign. Continues journal after this. Book tv on cspan2. 40 hours of nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Saturday at 10 00 p. M. Eastern, l argues strasse that the left is using political the votingusurp process. Government abuse is onesided. Theres a couple of reasons for that. I care about free speech and the first amendment. I have noink allegiance to one party or the other. Ive written a lot about the abuses on the left. I was going to find a bunch of stuff on the right, too. I did not. Your calls, texts and email questions good he will be discussing his latest book, american heiress. Hes also the author of the oath. Inside the secret world of the supreme court. Too close to call. A vast conspiracy, the real story of the sex scandal that nearly brought down a president. , the peopleis life simpson and opening arguments. , the impact of Hillary Clintons presidency on america n hillarys the secret history of the democratic party. Washington journal continues. Host our next guest, jordan fabian of the hill. Covering the issue of trade. Talk about the press conference you attended yesterday and what you wanted to talk to the president about. Caller the white house gave me a 15 minute heads up. I wanted to ask him about the tpp. He met with the president of singapore yesterday. I wanted to ask the president about the fact that Hillary Clinton opposes the deal, tim kaine opposes the deal. Donald trump opposes it, to make. Opposes it, too. Will you get this passed before your successor takes over . [video clip] president obama right now, im president , and i am for it. I think i have the better argument. I have made this argument before and i will make it again. We are part of a Global Economy. We are not reversing that. It cannot be reversed. Because it is driven by technology and it is driven by travel and Cargo Containers and the fact that the demand for products inside of our country means we have to get some things from other places. Our export sector is a huge contributor to jobs and our economic wellbeing. Now manufactured products involved a Global Supply chain where parts are made in all corners of the globe and converge and then get assembled and packaged and sold. The notion that we are going to isl that up root and branch unrealistic. It is absolutely true, the that some past trade guilds have not delivered trade deals have not delivered on all the promises. , jobs were jobs created. People who experienced those losses with those communities did not get as much help as they needed to. Host what about members of congress . How do they take to this argument . Caller members of congress are taking cues from the president. Leaders in congress are not very sympathetic to this deal. Speaker ryan is the leader who he admits thatt is not in favor of this deal. You have centrist lawmakers in , butparties who support it if the leaders do not support it, i dont see how it moves in a lameduck session. Host give us the bullet points, the highlights. , north it is 12 nations america and asiapacific and it encompasses 40 of the Global Economy. Allow imports to and exports between all those countries to flow more freely by knocking down tariffs and other trade barriers. It contains protection for workers overseas theoretically, that will prevent u. S. Jobs from being shipped overseas. And also protect intellectual property. It is a really unprecedented deal. Is it youre thinking right now that it will survive . Caller i think there is a very slim chance because the leaders oppose it and whoever the next president is opposes it. Pushnk there will be a from president obama. Really think and that twomonth span, it will be difficult for congress to do it. There are certain timelines that need to be hit under the trade Promotion Authority. They have not even started those yet. If they want this to even happen in the lameduck, they have to ask him. If it fails, it is effectively dead. Caller lets say Hillary Clinton came into office she used to be in support of this deal. She helped negotiate it. She comes in and negotiate some some sitements somements negotiates Side Agreements host we have divided the lines differently. If you support the tpp, 2027488000. If you oppose it, 2027488001. Julius is up first from maryland. He supports it. You are on with jordan fabian. Go ahead. Caller thank you for taking my call. Yes, i am in support of the tpp. Does america need trade agreements . Yes, we do. We live in a globalized society. Previoushas shown that trade agreements have not been for the benefit of the american , but what the tpp has in terms of what it corrects in regards to the previous trade deals, this is what people need to research. No deal will be 100 perfect. It is something that needs to be worked upon. Political used as a support a lot of us dont even know what is in the packet. We get one or two extracts from it and people blow the whistle. I dont think that is the way it should be. It is open. The president also done with whoever from both political that them debate the package. Guest i think julius brings up a lot of interesting points. His statement that people dont know whats in it, pulling finds thats true. A poll in april showed 72 of registered voters either dont know whats in it or have not heard a lot about what is in it. It is an issue that has inspired a lot of passion. As far as actually knowing the specifics, there is a shortage this spans thousands of pages and it is highly Technical Details about the trade of beef and pork and car parts. Is s sort of become the it has become such a passionate subject and that is why donald trump and Bernie Sanders have been able to inspire this uprising against this trade agreement. Host illinois from our line for those who opposed the tpp. Robert, go ahead. Im similar to the previous caller. Is there a place where we can go to read this text . So that we dont get Something Like obamacare crammed down our throats again without knowing whats in it. I dont trust hillary. She will definitely reverse herself. The full text of the agreement is available on congressional websites. A lot of the websites have fact sheets summarizing it. There is information out there, if you seek it out. We are having this debate over this agreement and it has become this nebulous debate and we are not debating what are the actual economic benefits. A lot of economists believe the economic benefits to the u. S. Are not going to be so great. Even though Hillary Clinton has weighed in against she is there any chance might change her mind on the idea of how trade deals are conducted once she gets in office . Guest current advisors and herself have said she opposed the tpp, but a lot of people believe and i am inclined to believe that if she negotiates some kind of concessions with the other countries as a Side Agreement to the deal. If she identifies some areas like intellectual property like wanting stronger protections, if she gets that, that i can see her moving back into the support column. Host another person who opposes the deal, tony in florida. Deal. i oppose this we lost more than 60,000 companies to overseas countries like asia, Central America and mexico. Clinton [inaudible] she is a flipflop or flipflopper. It is bad news. Itwould keep losing jobs and is the worst thing that can happen in american jobs. 60 [inaudible] all of our american jobs are going overseas. It is common sense because it is cheap labor. Host we will leave it there and let our guest respond. Guest i think tony heads on the central concern of opponents of the deal that the deal is going to ship jobs overseas. Bernie sanders and donald trump oferated a big following people for which nafta is kind of the bogeyman. Did shift jobs overseas, but there are broader things of play. What supporters of tpp say is the labor standards in the agreement which include a higher minimum wage overseas and caps on the number of hours a worker can actually work will help prevent jobs from being shipped overseas because u. S. Manufacturers will have less they wont say singapore has really cheap labor to send and send all the jobs over there. Those provisions may not be enforceable, so this is a real point of debate. Host effect that you have the singaporean Prime Minister how does singapore benefit from Something Like that he the tpp and how does the u. S. Benefit . Guest the way Foreign Countries benefit is that tariffs on u. S. Goods are lower, so they can get cars and cultural products, food, clothes, anything that is made over here, over there, for cheaper. We get the same, we are breaking down these tariffs that make goods more expensive. I think the economic benefits of this deal can be debated all day. The bigger debate is the geopolitical debate. That is what the singaporean Prime Minister touched on. He made a point that of the u. S. Backs away from this deal, it would hurt u. S. Credibility overseas because we negotiated this deal, and now we are backing away from it. That is what the bigger debate about this tpp deal has become. Host from the line for those who support, North Carolina, here is kerry. Carrie. Caller i am calling as a free trader and i would support that negotiate with other countries who are interested in trading with us. After the nafta experience and as an independent watching both signstions, the multiple in the Democratic Convention that are antitpp with a high level of concern. We had president obama for two terms and he is not a businessman, and we have economists saying this is not going to be a good deal, and its almost as if he goes in front of the convention of his own party and is ignoring, by having the singaporean Prime Minister here, that we dont want or have high concern about this deal. We have had a president who is actually putting our government in a role of a businessman. He is making deals for all of us , but he is ignoring when his own Party Members are saying they are concerned about this deal. We do want to have participation in the Global Economy, but that dissipation is hurting our ability to fund the charity that the u. S. Citizens want to reflect in the Global Economy and have relationships with other countries. We are broke. Cannot support military operations, we can support our own inner cities. We cant support our own education for the future of our children, and these are business deals. Obamacare was a bad deal. It took over a huge segment of our own economy. I just cant understand why when i am trying to reserve my vote , and i am fully informed im waiting for these candidates to speak to these issues, i have a guttural reaction to Hillary Clinton not being followed where she stands on this. Guest she brings up an interesting point about the support of the tpp. The polls show the Public Opinion is mixed on this and a lot of people are just not following the issue. Opponents of the deal feel much more intensely about it then supporters then supporters than supporters. We saw at the convention, the antitpp signs. Bernie sanders have the biggest applause of the night when he said this deal must not get the vote. And make it hard for supporters of this deal to move it in congress. This is a larger issue and whatis really about china . Happens if this deal fails . Guest i would say the economic centerpiece of the president s pivot to asia. He wants to make the u. S. A major player over there and counter chinas influence. By setting up this free trade area in southeast asia, he is trying to do that. What supporters of the deal say is if it falls through, they will give china the rules of the road and they can set the tariff levels and etc. That remains to be seen, but that is certainly the warning signs that supporters are setting out. That is cutting undercutting donald trump saying that china is killing us in trade because president obama is saying it will be worse if we dont take this deal. For many oppose tpp reasons, but i want to make a couple of points. Lets take a look at nafta. We run 700 billion a year in deficit. How can that be good for workers in america . We took 30 million jobs out of this country. Tpp, we made a lot of mistakes in nafta and over no one is overseeing what is going on. How can taking good paying jobs out of this country, hiring our , howe back for 10 an hour is that good for our workers . We will not have good infrastructure in our country if we continue going in the direction we are going. When need to protect the American People and jobs to make sure they are in the United States of america. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with making the trade deal as long as it is fair, open and honest trade. Each party needs to come out in a good way. Right now, the u. S. Is getting screwed all over the world and president obama are saying lets keep on doing it. It makes absolutely no sense. If we use a Little Common sense, we can make this work. I dont see a lot of that up there. Host thank you for calling. Guest he brings up an interesting point about trade deficit. This is something that has become a flashpoint in the debate. Donald trump consistently sites this on the campaign trail. Running a trade deficit is not necessarily a bad thing. Some economists are concerned about the size of it. One thing the tpp does not really address is the trade deficit. It does not have any language about currency manipulation. This is what Foreign Countries do to make their exports cheaper , and it sort of jacks up the deficit for the United States and that language did not find itself into the deal. That is one area where you are going to see opponents of the steel hammer away if it does come up for a vote. Host can congress amend the deal . Guest they cannot, and this is something they agree to them last summers debate over trade Promotion Authority. This was a vehicle that they considered to bring up a broader heal itself and one of the roles they agreed to was that they could not make any amendments to the deal. Any changes are going to be made , they will have to be made by the next president and the other 12 nations. That will be difficult to do too manyf we push for concessions, we could see other countries drop out of the deal and that would certainly lead to a mass exodus and that would be very concerning for supporters of the deal. Host good morning, you are on with our guest. Caller good morning. I am against it and i was i am afta and democrat, but i vote with my conscious. Against the president who is president right now because of my religious beliefs on says if hisause he daughter got pregnant, he would take her there. The thing is, he is trying to do all of these horrible things and ard that even host will you like our guest to address . Caller i would like him to address that we are losing everything. All of our goods are going out of the country and we are getting all of these cheap goods coming into our country, and i mean cheap. The thing is, all of our great things that we used to make out of steel and all these other china and weven to are getting all of these junky things and there are bridges breaking and everything. Thet the expression of last couple of color callers, we are losing everything, not getting anything back. Does that play into the negotiations of this deal if it passes . Guest this deal has morphed into something bigger than a trade deal. It is a vehicle for people to express all their economic the zaidis because this is the biggest Economic Policy that is up for debate right now, so allare worried about that things, the study say this might have a negligible effect on u. S. Wages and jobs, but people feel that it is going to affect it, us that is what is spurring all of this opposition. Theyre worried that if we seen of a deal at nafta, it will happen all over again, even know there are differences between the two. Host who gets impacted the most if this deal fails . Guest i would say japan, because japan does not have a Free Trade Agreement with the u. S. And a lot of other countries do. Canada and mexico are some of the bigger partners in that deal. There are very high tariffs on u. S. Goods to japan and vice versa. It is physically impossible to buy americanmade cars there. Fails, and the Prime Minister has staked a lot of his political camp capital on getting this can this deal done. The is a point that singaporean Prime Minister said i think that is the country that gets the most. Host on the line for those who oppose it, california, mark. Caller i think this is far deeper than what the discussion is. This is a seismic shift. It is globalist versus american first. If you look at the clintons, the Mitch Mcconnells, the paul ryans, the john mccains, all for globalization, and individuals that want to have americas economy first, everyone is talking about free trade. It is not about free trade, it is about fair trade. Give to the world as opposed to the u. S. Eating treated fairly. There is currency manipulation that will not be addressed in these agreements because currency manipulation keeps the United States from being able to compete as it otherwise would be able to. We are the worlds currency, so we cant manipulate hours, and this gentleman who sits there and says that japan would be the one that hurts the most. How in the world can he make a comment that japan has been hurt by the lack of a Free Trade Agreement when they pour cars into the u. S. . Americarump represents first and it will be a loss of sovereignty for our country because we have to comply rules that are internationalist as opposed to hours. Guest i think japan would still get hurt. Their economy has been stagnating for quite a while, so they need this deal more than we needed need it. The caller is right in that this debate is more than about free trade. It is about our posture in the world, are we going to be engaged in the world economically, on Foreign Policy, on a bunch of issues, or are we going to take a more inward looking approach which is something that donald trump wants to do. This is a broad debate and it touches on a lot of different issues. Host he used the term loss of sovereignty. About there is a concern it is called the settlement dispute board lets say a company in the u. S. Is dealing in malaysia and malaysia wants to confiscate the companys property. Going before that come that countrys judicial system, you go in front of this international dispute board. Upon its of the deal are worried that this would cut into u. S. Sovereignty. Lets say a Foreign Company makes the same allegation about the u. S. , we would not be at the deal with this and our judicial system, we would have to go before a International Tribunal and what supporters of the deal say is we have won these cases pretty much every time. Jordan joining us, he covers the white house for the hill, talking about trade issues. Our next call is pennsylvania, bob, who supports the deal. Caller the reason i am calling is. Have you ever heard of sea . Ration from the how much terrorism has contributed to the cost of the National Deficit . States and russia back in 94 to 98 worked together in disaster related problems if they use this as a tool against terrorism, how much would we have to use to fight terrorism if the people in the countries that say hey wait a second, two big nations that were already fighting one another can work together. If they can do it, why cant we do it . Maybe we could be an example of the world to see, instead of looking at us as a police man breaking down your door, or a fireman to break down your door, to save your life. Which one would you look forward to having break down your door . The one trying to save you or the fear of somebody doing harm to you . I think the broader theme that the caller is touching upon is again, this issue of americas role in the world. I dont want to put words in his mouth, but it seems to me that he says America Needs to be a leader in the world, creating partnerships with other nations and that is what supporters of this trade deal want, that is what they think is at stake. With regards to the terrorists, i dont think there are any trade implications, but we certainly see it overseas in countries like france, terrorism hurting the economy. There is an economic impact. Host a question on twitter, who enforces the rules in tpp . How easy would it be for, a country to cheat . You have these International Tribunals and it is up to the individual countries, if we are talking about environmental and labor standards, they would have to pass laws in their own countries to enforce the standards and it is up to their governments to support it. There are mechanisms other countries could use to say indonesia is not part of the deal, you are not abiding by the rules, we will punish you. There is that mechanism, but it is not clear if the u. S. Or canada or mexico or another country would actually use it. Host rob in texas opposes the tpp. Because iam opposing it,t know a whole lot about but it sounds like it might be a good thing or might not. There was another thing about the deal. Suggests that he would put a 35 terror attacks on products coming in. What does that do, really . Is the consumer will end up paying that 35 . I think america has gotten. Poiled on buying cheap things [inaudible] we need to do a better job of buying our own goods. Thought. Ust a the first point is something we have not touched on which is this notion of what is Donald Trumps trade policy . He does not support that the tpp, and he is saying he wants to drag jack up tariffs. Some people think that could lead to a trade war and we could see countries saying if the United States is going to raise tariffs on our goods, we will raise tariffs on your goods. We could see the price of consumer goods go up and that would certainly not be great for american consumers. Host hello to clintons approach Hillary Clintons approach . Guest it has not been clear. Aside from opposing the tpp, she has said she is or freetrade. It is not really clear how she would proceed if she is elected. Unfortunately, we have not gotten to ask her a lot of questions for quite a while. Host jean in maine, opposes the deal. Caller i believe that these of thegreements are part Wealth Redistribution program that we have going. I think we have it in this country, but it is also part of agenda 21 with the unit united nations. We overregulated, making our products very expensive so that we by the imported products that are cheaper from other countries. They have the winning side of this because we want to flatten we want everyone to be equal, everyone in the world to be at the same level of economics. I think that is the plan, and the way that i think it could be changed are americans who want us to remain progressive not begressive, who want us to prosperous. The way to do that is to cut regulations. The regulations that are put in place are ridiculous. I just have a dairy farm in connecticut, and beef was always a very farmt on because you had animals that you have to get rid of. What happened when nafta went , we realized that beef was being grown in south america , and it was a lot cheaper because of inspections, so they put in some rules that made it harder to get beef from south america to protect the american farmers. Canada,o problem with so south america ship their beef up to canada, and then it was brought into the u. S. , much cheaper because the inspection process did not apply. Guest this is a legitimate roles inthat are the the u. S. Adequately balanced with the rules overseas, and this applies to beef, it applies to labor, workers, shipping jobs overseas. Supporters of the deal say we will create these Environmental Standards that would potentially mitigate some of these problems, but the questions about whether how would be enforced, strongly they would be enforced and whether the countries would actually follow them. Host is the deal based on agriculture . Is it industrial . What are the major elements . Guest it is everything. Dairy,s beef, pork, industrial products, intellectual property. We are talking about forcing partners of the deal to adopt ill actual property standards so that movies and songs cannot be you cannot be selling five dollar dvds on the street, basically. In new york, robert is next, a supporter of the deal. I have some points and i appreciate your patience. Start not we have to just putting pressure on the ,oliticians or local senators governors, but also the ceo of corporations. Lets face the facts, nafta and these trade deals are huge lobby groups that are promoting these trades for corporations. Americans working have to start to wake up, we have to put pressure on the corporations. Companies ican do you think it is the government the push that no, it is the corporations, these are huge corporations. New jersey, from also a supporter. Caller good morning. I support the tpp for two reasons and i have to go back to nafta. The only two of countries that benefited from nafta are canada and mexico. We have to take responsibility for that, because canada kept their jobs in canada. Mexico did not have to do anything because the american ceos shipped their jobs to mexico, so mexico made a profit. When we ship jobs to Foreign Countries, we have to ship our technology to show them how to make our products. In this country, we have to compete against that. In terms of tpp, it is a Global Economy and if we do not take part in the Global Economy, we are going to be all of those countries are not going to import goods from the United States. We waste so much in this country and if we cannot export of goods, we will have some big problems. It is not the government that is the problem, it is the ceos of the Big Companies who want a wider bottom line and they decide to choose the bottom line over the country. The tpp would be a good thing because it is global and if we are part of the Global Economy, we will have to be a part of the tpp. Guest the caller brings up an interesting point, which is that this is a limit is outside the trade deal, but in this era of globalization, how is the u. S. Adjusting . How are we replacing these manufacturing jobs because a lot of people recognize those jobs are not coming back. Policymakers have been slow to create new kinds of jobs to promote education and pass pro half programs that help workers who have been displaced. This is a major concession. It was not for nafta. In that trade Promotion Authority bill we talked about earlier, it included a Robust Program to assist workers whose and are displaced by tpp help them train and get into a new deal new field. That is of it is being talked about that is something that is being talked about. It is difficult to attract workers to sign up. Butll looks good on paper, can you convince the workers to join the program . Will the Training Programs be successful . How successful will they be, getting placed into new jobs . And if the companies are not making these new jobs, there is a myth a mismatch. Host that on the line for those who oppose the deal. Caller i would like host beth on the line for those who oppose the deal. Caller i would like to thank your guest for his knowledge of the subject. I do enjoy enthusiasm of our young people. I would like to say that there was a Company Called bethel steel. Now it is a casino. My grandfather was a machinist his whole life. His son, my father, worked nights and was able to fund his college education. He went on to become a phd in microbiology. His two sons, my brothers, one became a surgeon and the other one became a molecular biologist with the national in to health. That is what is possible in this country if we put our best interests first. What do you tell these retirees . The bench the pensions went bankrupt and they had to go to the pensions benefit fund which is now bankrupt from all the companies that have gone bankrupt. We need to put the focus back on what is best for us, and if we do that, we will be in a position like we were when george bush spent a lot sent a lot of money to africa to deal with the aids epidemic. We will be strong economically, and if you want to encourage people to go to College Without t, then these corporations we need to strengthen these corporations in this country, because they will provide opportunity these for people. They will pay their tuition. Education,er education and general is what is now driving the informationbased economy. That is a major gap that callers like that are beth are talking about. It is actually passing programs. It is a sad story that families who have worked for generations in manufacturing and those just go away, so what do you do . It is one of the most pressing issues in this economy. Host on our line for those who oppose the deal from georgia, steve, good morning. Caller i have a question. Hillary says if she is elected president , she will bring jobs back to america and she will make her husband over the jobs. She he is the one who sent them overseas. A verythat is interesting question, because it touches on how difficult it is for Heather Clinton to create this new political brand for herself. She is trying to pitch herself as a president ial candidate, but she is tied down by a lot of the baggage of her 20 plus years in the public eye, in washington. Like the caller said, though clinton is tied the nafta and all of that comes along with the good and the bad. How does Heather Clinton get Hillary Clinton get beyond that shadow and address voters and convince them that her policies are the right ones. Host from maryland on our support line. I think that donald trump, as well as Bernie Sanders and a lot of the American Public really need a unit test economic education. The fact of the matter is, when you look at all the countries that we have trade agreements with, and you can go to a Commerce Department and get that information, see our trade balance. What you find out is that the u. S. Actually has a trade surplus in manufacturing. Deficits on trade job losses, on trade deficits is just an erroneous argument. It is being put there because these politicians want to sew fear. Whatever one talks about manufacturing jobs going overseas, some of them go overseas, but some of them come here. Manufacturing output is at an alltime high. At the same time, employment is the lowest levels they have been since 1962. The reason for that is technology,. Simple. The tpp is going to make it easier for u. S. Manufacturers to sell products overseas. That is the main thing. We are already a freetrade country. I dont think there is any economic argument against this, and those who are trying to say, orders are taking our jobs and we are getting the shaft, they are just trying to blame trade the fact that Manufacturing Sector has not created a lot of jobs. The fact of the matter is, the Manufacturing Sector is not going to be creating a huge number of jobs over the next 20 years. It is not going to happen because of technology. Guest a very interesting point about manufacturers, which touched upon a lot of that we discussed, which is workers need to be retrained to work in hightech manufacturing and other jobs in technology fields. The trade deficit point is interesting. That is the main crux of the debate and a lot of these arguments about globalization and Foreign Policy have been lumped in, but this trade deal is just about knocking down these barriers, allowing u. S. Goods to be exported more easily. Host what is the white house strategy to promote this deal . Guest they have been kind of silent on it for a while as the campaign has taken over, and the president s comments yesterday and his visit with the singaporean minister was the first things we have seen in the last few months, as a big push for this deal. There is constantly conversation going on behind closed doors between the white house and leaders in congress and i expect those talks will intensify with the come back from recess. The problem is, lawmakers have been away from Congress Since late july, so the talks may be on hold for a while, but after the november elections, you can expect the president to get on the phone with Mitch Mcconnell at paul ryan to get these talks started again. Host what is the timeline on this for congress . Congress gets back soon after the election guest and the president takes this on in january. You are talking about just over two months where they can get this done. Fifth that is not a lot of time when you consider stuff like obamacare, wall street reform, the big types of legislation that take a long time to get passed. There is a certain time limit needs to be hit, but two months is not a lot of time. Host jordan fabian who covers the white house for the hill and the tpp. Thank you for your time and your information. Are thep, how similar themes between what we are seeing playing out in the donald Trump Campaign this year and Richard Nixons 1968 campaign . Some historians say there are several themes you can look at, including Ohio University repressor Kevin Mattson professor Kevin Mattson who is joining us washington journal continues. Coming up on American History tv, the life elected life and legacy of alexander hamilton. All the states were fighting together for the liberty of all. The debts of the 13 states and the federal debt. They would all be paid off at the same time. Author and National Review Senior Editor Richard Burr Kaiser on the economic achievements of alexander hamilton. On real america, the 1945 War Department film, the last bob documents the final months of the the 29th super fortress campaign against japan, including the 1945 atomic bombings of hiroshima and not a psyche. The third and final 2000 president ial debate between democratic Vice President al gore and republican Texas Governor george w. Bush. Lawabiding citizens ought to be a lot to protect themselves and their families. I believe that we ought to keep guns out of the people hands of people who should not have the. That is why i believe instant background checks are needed. Some common sense gun regulations are needed with cheap guns working there ways in the hands of people who should not get them. All of my proposals focus on that problem, gun safety. Thee figures he ran for presidency and lost, but change political history, saturday night. Smithemocratic nominee al and sunday, the 1940 republican nominee wendell wilkie. As i was driving up the , why is it that every vacantindow that is store window, had pictures of my opponent and his associates on the new deal ticket . I dont know of any more appropriate place to put those pictures. Complete American History tv schedule, go to cspan. Org. Continues. On journal host joining us now from athens, ohio is Kevin Mattson. He is a professor of contemporary history. Good morning. Guest good morning. Host your joining us to talk about comparisons that have been made to richard sick Richard Nixons 1968 campaign and what we are seeing out of donald trump. Before we talk about the gentleman involved, how does it compare to 1968 . What are the similarities and differences . Guest donald trump is trying to paint a picture of the country as falling apart and collapsing which is the sense that a lot of americans had in 1968. We are not near this domestic turmoil that you had going on in 68 without with assassinations and confrontational protest. Seem more like the country was falling apart back then, but that is one of the things that donald trump is trying to project. I do not think it works, but i can see why he would want to do that. Host why do you not think it works . Guest the tank the country is not as in as much invested turmoil. We do not see as many confrontational protest. The places where you can see some similarities is the violence that has gone on within certain communities between police and predominately african americans, but no level no word in the level which occurred in 1968, nothing of that level. Host as far as the messages coming out of both campaigns, donald trump has been described as a populist. How would you compare that to Richard Nixon . Guest i think he wanted to be seen as a populist. Richard nixon did not coin the term silent majority until 1969, but Richard Nixon saw himself speaking up for that silent majority, which for him meant middle america, people who are not protesters or africanamerican africanamericans rioting in the wheres and that is populism was a part of his campaign. The challenge in 68 was another very vocal populace and that was George Wallace who was using very emblazoned populist language. Richard nixon had to be careful to a certain extent because he could not run as a full populist campaign to steal the thunder away from George Wallace. Host you said that term silent majority. For those who do not know, what the you mean . Richard nixon claimed it in his speech in which he was asking for americans to back him up on the question of continuing the war in vietnam. Aboutbefore he was continuing the war, but about to expand the war and especially in the cambodia he gave them in cambodia. He gave a famous speech where he said the country is under siege, there are these angry and very loud protesters, but there is this thing called the silent majority, and they are people who are not represented. They are behind us and they do not want to dishonor the country. He used on her a lot in that speech about the silent majority to say that the student protesters, those writing in the cities and streets were dishonoring the country. Conceptually, it is a conservative term and made it sound like he was speaking for a large number of people whose voices had not been represented. Host we will take a look at Richard Nixon in 68 and compare and contrast that with donald trump in 2016 and we welcome your questions for our guest from Ohio University. If you want to call and make your thoughts known. For 488001 republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488002 for independents. In 68 that weerm are hearing from donald trump today, and we will let you hear a bit of the speeches. Let this message come through clear from what i say. Time is running out for the merchants of crime and corruption in american society. The wave of crime is not going to be the wave of the future in the United States of america. [applause] we will reestablish fear freedom from fear in america so we can take the lead in establishing freedom from fear in the world. Justice, justice for every american. If we are to have respect for law and america, we must have laws that deserve respect just as we cannot have progress not order, we cannot have order without progress. As we commit to order, lets commit to progress. Host we hear a theme of law and order coming out of Richard Nixon. We hear a similar theme from donald trump. Trump hasald recognized the fact that he is doing something we could call local speech borrowing. He has recognized the fact that he has gone back to that law and order speech that the next and gave at the convention, and he wants to appropriate it for his own political arguments. In many ways, the root of it is Richard Nixon. One thing we have been touching upon as we have talked about this, 67 and 68, you saw a rampant riots in predominately africanamerican neighborhoods. When you heard Richard Nixon have to say there are those who will say that law and order claims are basically cloaked racism, that is recognition that for a lot of americans, that was seemingly the case. It was always being pointed at africanamericans in inner cities as being the violent agents. Donald trump once the borrow from that. My personal feeling is that when you do such a thing, it can sometimes sound a little canned, and you can take the speech out of the Historical Context. The reason they think could make that work for him was because it did heal in 68 that the country was falling apart. Your specially saw that in the convention of the democrats in chicago, where they were massive riots and police violence. As much as i think donald trump may want to put americans in the mindset of 1988 and the fears, it is not quite as easy as he might think. Host was it fair to think that donald trump tries to take the argument about domestic terrorism and apply it to that kind of situation . Guest i cannot speak for him in terms of where he thinks the term can be applied, but i would assume that he has that in mind as well, and that is a place where i dont think Richard Nixon was worried about northern vietnamese citizens flying into the unit United States and creating acts of terrorism at home. That was something you would not see them play. This is some of the difficulties with different Historical Context in trying to appropriate language. Kevin mattson joining us to talk about these comparisons. Indiana,irst up from immigrant line. Democrat line. Caller another thing you have to realize. Whens racism back then nixon was talking about it. With the free trade deal, it is going to be racism against the American Republic itself for the reason that we are all going to be out of work. At the caller raises a good point, and i think it is that it is not really clear if all of these law and order issues and one thing to be a little bit careful about is that there is a racial issue going on in the contemporary situation, and that has to do with the relations between city Police Forces and predominately africanamerican communities. There is a racial issue, but the caller raises a good point. It is not clear that donald trump is going to be able to keep the focus on the law and order issue, because the economic issue is going to be so first and foremost in Many American voters mines. It is not clear that he will be able to play this language out and sustain it. It may be likely that we are going to be focusing on the state of the economy. Host anthony joins us from puerto rico, republican. Caller good morning. I would like to ask you say the country is not in turmoil. What is turmoil to you . Almost 10 officers killed in less than a month. You haveizens mothers and children living in shelters. What is turmoil to you . Guest i would not say that those situations are not turmoil. I dont want to sound overly critical and deny the right of justice on the part of people who are being violently attacked , but i do think that there is a difference when you look back at 68. One of the things that is clear is we have the assassination of two very prominent public figures, Martin Luther king and robert kennedy. Robert kennedy in the midst of a. Rimary in the midst o in the case of king, you had riots on a level that you just could not see today. Im not saying that there is not some turmoil in the country at this time, but i dont think you have a sense of the kind of National Turmoil that you had in the year of 68. Host independent line in california, mark, you are on. Caller speaking with the first racistabout it was a part of his speaking, it was and the College Students, make that if he could that he could really quiet the College Students down, so it was a racist thing, and it was a way from the College Students from getting out there and expressing their rights as far as protesting. Guest that is a good point. College students were definitely a part of those people that did not hit the silent majority. They were the ones who were loud, they were the ones who were in nixons mine, tearing down campuses and protesting the vietnam war. That was a crucial element of what Richard Nixon did. He did not think that protest was a good thing for the country. He constantly said the only people who can dishonor america are not the north vietnamese, but the people protesting at home, who are calling the countrys cause into doubt. That language of being opposed iotesting and dissent would characterize it as having a very authoritarian flair to it. It seems to be suggesting that those who are protesting a war they disagree with our necessarily dishonoring the country. That is not the way the protester saw it, but clearly nixons saw it could work to his advantage. College students and protesters and these things called hippies were something that fell outside of the silent majority for Richard Nixon. Host as far as who the candidates were directly idealing to, who was the voter that nixon was after . How does that compare to who is donald trump who donald trump is after . Guest this goes back to this problem that nixon had in 68, it was a two word problem and that was George Wallace. George wallace who had been a southern governor and very much opposed to the civil rights onement and very opposed what we can only characterized as racist grounds. He was running and 68 and where he saw lot of his supports were among northern urban workingclass white voters. One of the demographics that Richard Nixon really hoped to get in 68. Wallace did very well, but Richard Nixon thought he could get those types of voters. They were people, who perhaps lived in a place like chicago who were upset by the Democratic Convention and the violence that they saw against the Chicago Police even the most of the violence was on the part of the Chicago Police. Richard nixon hoped he could win into the republican fold. Of reagand to a lot democrats. He does not do as well in 1968 as he would in 72, when he does sees the urban white workingclass. It is clear to everybody who has been studying Donald Trumps campaign that he has seen himself as someone who could win the white working class. That is something for you can see a direct lineage between what Richard Nixon projected in 68 and what donald trump is projecting now. Host how did Richard Nixon used television and commercials . Use television and commercials . Guest one of the key commercials that nixon ran and 68 was that they simply used footage of the violence that had corrupted at the Democratic Convention. Was if they cant govern their own convention, how can they govern the country . It was a clever way to employ the kind of law and order argument, to spread a message through tv commercials to appeal to voters and say the country is falling apart, and we are the party who can put it back together based upon this vision of law and order. In many ways, it was a rather crafty use of commercial messaging, and whether or not donald trump the problem he is running into is he does not have as much cash in the bank to roll out a series of commercials. Host for context, here is that add from 1968. It is time for an honest dissent is a necessary ingredient of change, the new system of government that provides for peaceful change, there is no cause that justifies the resort to violence. Let us recognize that the first civil right of american is to be free from domestic violence. I placed to you, we shall have order in the United States. Host there is the ad. How was this perceived in 68 . I is an interview with the New York Times about these kinds of comparisons and one of the things i pointed out was that clearly, donald trump is taking that language of law and order every much and why . Because Richard Nixon won in 68. This was not a landslide, he got his landslide in 1972. A lot of americans reacted to that message with a great deal of endorsement of Richard Nixon. I think that talk of law and order can reach people and can be very effective at mobilizing them into the voting booths. Host here is what donald trump said about Richard Nixon in interview with the New York Times. Lets go to william, new york city, republican. Caller as you are speaking and talking about donald trump and am donaldates, i trumps age, almost. I dont know where this young and not trying, to demean him, but i lived through that as a student. Something about Hillary Clinton reminds me a lot more of nixon then donald trump, than donald trump. A lot of those riots across the country came about because of the murder, the assassination of Martin Luther king. These terrible riots happened only in the black neighborhoods across the country. There were fires. Some of us were studying. The university was like a gauntlet you had to walk through just to get from the subway to the music school because all of these leftists were taking over the university. University riots, taking over the university. Doing citizens. Taking spray paint and spray painting. You had to go through communist slogans to get to class. And i wonder, what were these guys doing in school . Not all of us fell into that camp. Host ok. What do you think . Guest a really good point and pointing to columbia is a good focus. The comparison of the feeling within the country is just not the same. Throughout the 1960s, it moved to confrontation or worse they called resistance. A represented that. That is until they were evicted by the police force and the police force in new york city was white and working class. And they saw the College Students as being snobs and elitists, of taking advantage of their education by not serving in the draft. So they were gleeful to get those protesters out of the buildings at columbia. Where ione of the cases just dont see the millennial today doing this sort of activity, what the protesters at columbia did. They are certainly active. But i think there is an enormous in awareness on the part of many young protesters, and i see them, as a history professor who has them in my classes, there is an awareness that there is a problem with backlash in this country. If you are violent and confrontational, it is likely that your message is going to fail. People reactse against rowdiness and confrontational as him. See the, i just dont same level of student protests in the United States at this time where you could make a good analogy with 1968 when there was a lot of protests and confrontation. Your collar is exactly right. Host david, hello. Caller hello. It is amazing how history repeats itself. I might add to the professor that history has a way of repeating itself. The extent of the presentday protests and reactions to a state that is failing the people, i think we are seeing the signs that things could get as worse as they were in the 1960s. Back in the 1960s i am from used tos policeman just pull over a black man and beat him on general principles. So when blacks began to assert rights. The was the reaction to crazy racist notion that was coming out of apartheid. Right . So when we talk about history and the strategy that always seemed to work with the white people and reacting to those who were fed up with having enough ,f oppression and brutality their reaction always seemed to pull out the tricks of racial identity instead of dealing with the issue at hand. Host we will leave it there, thank you. Let our guest respond. Actually, i agree with a lot of what the caller is saying. When we go back to the term silent majority that Richard Nixon used, i dont think nixon was a racist but i think he knew enter caller referred to the southern strategy, appealing to the Southern States because the democrats had become associated with the Civil Rights Movement which was fairly successful in tearing down some of the formal barriers for africanamericans. So i think that your collar is right. I think you could take a term like the silent majority and suggested that the locations behind the term is probably a group of people that doesnt include a lot of africanamericans. That it is racially coded. On that, no doubt. Polarization is the thing that Richard Nixon was notorious for employing. It was almost rhetoric. And i think the collar has legitimate points to make. This seemed to be a bag of tricks. Returned to and seemingly, it is a bag of tricks that donald trump is returning to. Headlines this morning, stirring relationships with trump and senator mccain and paul ryan. What was nixons relationship with republicans in congress . Mind one thing to keep in first off, another reason why this is a different context is because these are different people. Richard nixon had been in parliament and had Held Elected Office for quite some time. An unsuccessful governor bid but he had been in politics for quite some time. So in many ways, he was much more of a professional politician. Even if you wanted to use populous language. Donald in opposition to trump, who truly is an outsider. One thing about nixon, he felt that being a western republican made it difficult to crack into a predominant the eastern establishment wing of the Republican Party. So in some ways, although he held Critical Office and it is hard to describe him as an outsider, he certainly thought his western nests and noneastern identity as something that elevated his status. Al. from illinois, here is go ahead. Caller hi, bringing up the Democratic Convention again during i was arrested the convention. And i want to explain what happened. Theof the riots in front of hotel were antiwar and they were i was coming out of way far away, away from the hilton downtown, but i was coming out into a hippie area of the time. I was watching it and it is funny. Watchedts like that, i the police go by. And throwing rocks through windows. Protests bring out the bad people who want to get away with something. Out ande people coming going after these people saying yes, they came to the door and dragged us out. And i wasn to jail locked up, seven of us in a cell. And there were hundreds of people arrested. Was the happened then mccarthy lawyers came early in the morning to hear our stories. Thank you, for the story. Of the key things in contemporary history is that you hear from people who were participants. And it is always fun to hear not necessarily fun but interesting to hear what experiences are that we describe. The Chicago Convention was absolutely a mess. And one of the things that is important is that there were people who went to chicago who wanted a confrontation. There were plenty of people who went because they wanted to protest the vietnam war and they wanted to support a candidate who was opposed to the war. But there is also a clarity with the people who went to chicago with the confrontational mentality. They wanted to provoke the police riot. And when the police started to attack protesters on the streets and you have to keep in mind that these were illegal protests because they didnt gain a permit and police started to essentially beat up on the protesters, those who were watching would hear protesters chant the whole world is watching. Protesters saying that we would expose violence in society. But when people watch it on tv, mosul say they sided with the police and not the protesters. Fact thatoes with the there was a huge backlash against violent protests. The color makes a good point humphreys was going to be the primary candidate that Richard Nixon was going to have to take on and humphrey was tainted by his vice presidency is it maden johnson it difficult for people to believe that he would be adamantly opposed to the vietnam war. And that was one of the advantages for Richard Nixon. Host don, hello . Caller yes, i want to thank cspan. It is always fear that works. With terrorism and everything. Trump, i was for him until i saw the speech. He was talking about police but didnt say anything about on our slack people getting shot. Police, you are going after america, for any american its wrong. Isaw him to that speech and want to talk about mussolini. I watch a documentary about fiddler. His uniform on but he couldnt get elected. Democrat,me a social put a suit on said everything he wanted to hear and as soon as he got into power, he put his uniform on and that is what got me about trump. Just using fear. Absolutely. I will be brief here but two points to that. There is no doubt that fear is a in element that was present nixons rhetoric and donald trump now. I absolutely agree with the caller. Colorat you heard the talk about was the analogy to mussolini and hit left. And this is something that a number of people have made this accusation. Donald trump is a homegrown american fascist. I actually dont agree with that argument. A road apiece that tries to tear the argument apart. Tasht think donald trump donald trump does not have fascist politics. A glorification of the state or national community. In many ways, donald trump is too much of a narcissist to really be a fascist. Is cant say to people there a higher cause than me. And hitlers, as awful of a , hitlers hadas higher ideals than just him being the fuhrer. And i dont think donald trump has that within himself, fascist politics. Using the fascist cardica something that i think it is a bit dangerous and unfair. Guest previously taught at Record University and is the author of plenty of books. Professor Kevin Mattson, why the fascination with Richard Nixon . Extent, illertain waste think i have been stuck in my books too much. He is a fascinating character. In some ways, i would argue having studied his life that i think he is an emblematic american in many ways. He was a very successful politician. In terms of seizing power. So i think those things are enough in my mind. Hes a very complicated guy. Someone who you can still study on a psychological level and look at psychological problems and try to whose politics to those out. But basically, when people ask justy, i have to say he is a fascinating character. That doesnt mean hes a good character. One of the things that i think is funny as a talk about the analogies with donald trump Richard Nixon, lets be clear. One of the things donald trump is not talking about he used the silent majority and he has used law and order. But one of the things he will never talk about would be watergate. But i think one of the disturbing signs about Richard Nixon and one of the things that makes him fascinating is that he a fear of the executive branch. Lyndon johnson had this. And he really saw the need to project power from the executive branch. And i think in many ways, that created the water great crisis. Will is from North Carolina on the republican line, you are on. Caller yes. On the psychological problems with Richard Nixon and the fact that he used politics to try to straighten his own problems out. I am a republican and i will vote for donald trump because clinton is not an option. She is so far out there. Afraid. D im i think donald trump is so much like nexen because he uses the mental a bomb in its own people when he talks to people and about people. Nixon used the same kind of dominance on the people he interacted with. I believe there are a lot of similarities between them. Nixon hit his psychological problems but donald trump, he just puts it out there. He lets people know how he feels even when sometimes he may be should keep his mouth shut. Host thank you. Guest that caller raises an important point. Where people want to make direct analysis, we have to be careful. Think Richard Nixon had a lot more talent than donald trump does. You can talk about how he felt like he was an outsider Richard Nixon but he held office. He had had the role of governor down in many ways. So you know, one of the things about donaldling trump is that he is impulsive and he shoots from the hip. We have seen that recently where it has gotten him in a lot of trouble. I dont think he has the capacity that Richard Nixon did to be a little bit more careful ,hen you are in public light donald trump seems to not have that. I agree with your caller that in many ways what we notice is that very often, the projection of dominance can cover up an enormous amount of insecurity on the part of a politician. One of the things we know about while heixon is that projected dominance and while he was adamant against the people he considered to be his enemies, there was a profound insecurity that Richard Nixon had. And there is an irony in a studying people who protects dominance. Host linda from connecticut. Good morning. Caller good morning. It is funny because Richard Nixon and his insecurities, we know about them because of watergate and the exposure of the tapes whereas donald trump is putting it out there on social media. I dont think we would have ever realized how insecure nixon was and he was facilitated by hoover and the fbi. But talk about psychological it is a good discussion when we look at the violence and law and order. Two of the Police Officer anders were committed by i think we have to look at the psychological effect of veterans and how the war in vietnam or iraq there are similarities were missing that we could really use and may be have our veterans have a two week are and weeks rest and relaxation like astronauts do. It could really help our military, as well. Thank you for listening. Have a great day. Guest that is an excellent point. I think the problem of the returning veterans is something we could learn a lot from in looking at vietnam and the war today. Thathing to keep in mind im surprised people have not done more with is that 1969 was the year in which we would first hear more about this thing fracking low down in the military, trying to kill their superiors because they have grown so distrustful of the mission in vietnam. Being so opposed without being able to articulate it. And i think the notion that those people will be coming back into the country and how they are treated when they come back into the country is something that i think the country did a iod job of during vietnam and agree with the caller that we have not done as good of a job as he possibly can with the returning veterans of today. Host joining us to take a look at the compare and contrast of donald trump and Richard Nixon is Kevin Mattson of Ohio University. Professor, thank you for your time and for the insight into these two men. Guest it was a pleasure. Segment, we last will go back to the original question we started with. A press conference yesterday when the president was asked about donald trump being fit to hold presidency and president obamas response that he was unfit. Your response. Republican, 202 7488001. Democrat, 202 7488000. Independent, 202 7488002. Saturday, cspans issue spotlight looks at police and Race Relations. President obama at the memorial for five Police Officers in dallas. President obama when bullets started flying, the men and women of Dallas Police did not flinch. And they did not react recklessly. Senator tim scott giving a speech on the senate floor about his own interaction with police. Of thevast majority time, i was pulled over for nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or some other reason just as trivial. Includes onem family story about an encounter with police in washington, d. C. , followed by a panel with the police chief. Most people get defensive if they feel like you are. Offensive. So being respectful during encounters and requests if it is not a dangerous situation, requests versus demands. Those things change the dynamics. Watch our issue spotlight on police and Race Relations act 8 00 eastern on cspan. Day, theght on cue and civil war historian and professor discusses his book after the civil war. State allegiance was very deep. As theres far back were settlers in the country and i think one has to keep that in mind. Slavery is without question a major cause of the civil war but you can explain the actions of good, decent men they fight because virginia needs them. Not because they supported the confederate cause. On cspans q and a, sunday night, 8 00 eastern. Host the president was asked at a press conference yesterday about the fitness of donald of theo be the president United States, the president responding and it is reflected in many headlines this morning, and it is his opinion that donald trump is unfit for the presidency. Your thoughts on that statement. 202 7488001, republicans. 202 7488000, democrats. , independent. What do you think about the statement yesterday . I tell you, it was out of place. This guy criticizing a nominee from another party. I mean not only criticizing but suggesting that he didnt have the mental capacity. He thinkseminds me Hillary Clinton is just genius. People ought to know that she brought him to make a speech and later at the college during the 1960s, witnessed the black they murdered one of their members because they thought he had squealed to the cops. Hillary clinton organized a protest thedents to ernment or prosecute she was the organizer to help the black panthers. Host so charles caller these are documented. Host ok, wanda. Hello. Caller yes, i agree with the previous caller. Hillary clinton is unfit. Did you know she was thrown off people need to study the history of the clintons, they are just crooks. Host do you think donald trump can be president . Caller certainly. He doesnt have the tact of a sleek politician when he speaks but that does not mean that he is not fit to be president. He isnt trained. Host what do you think about the background he has makes him fit to be president . Caller he is an administrator. He is old enough to be wise. He doesnt speak like a dilatation like a politician. I think we need some nonpoliticians as president anyway. Politicians have screwed the country up for decades. Host the front page of the wall street journal show a look at payments the subhead says that there is a claim saying that the Obama Administration secretly organized the airlift of the cash to coincide with the january release of more americans detained. Arlene in san francisco. On the democrat line. Caller thank you for taking my call. Im concerned about Donald Trumps bromance with putin. The advisor worked for the russian president of the ukraine and Warren Buffett said the other day that he thinks donald s to release his tax returns which show that he has received loans from vladimir putin. Host would that make him unfit for presidency . Caller certainly. Because he is giving an advantage to putin, which is definitely not our ally. His statements about the how there are no russian soldiers in the ukraine are absolutely false. And he has no knowledge of even history. A businessman with no understanding of Foreign Policy of how to get along in the world and i think that is dangerous. Host mary, good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. I was on hold earlier for the nixon guest. And i feel like the media hated nixon and his is the same thing on donald trump. Huge machine behind clinton which includes the media. None of this has anything to do with his hair. Eating chicken with silverware. All has to do with taking him down as soon as possible. As an example, 19 trillion in it is never talked about. Obama has never been called on it. Bet that as soon as donald trump becomes president that the number will be on the front pages of the newspapers. What will you do about it . Although there is nothing said about it. The fundamental transformation of this country. Spirit of our question will you vote for donald trump . Caller yes, i am. Host what makes him fit to be president . Caller he is a businessman who knows how to create jobs. Lets compare the jobs he has created as opposed to Hillary Clinton. How many jobs as she created . Host what is it about the business skills that you think will apply to the political world . Caller it doesnt have to be the political world. Be about turning the country around. It will take a huge steering wheel. Roger, good morning to you on the independent line. Caller hi, how are you doing this morning . Problems ofith the our country, it is one of ignorance and a lack of knowledge. I agree. Ive listened to donald trump and ive listened to Hillary Clinton. And i listen to our president. Ive listened to countless sources and by their words you will know them. I have a message for christians. The masterowed what talked, none of this would be going on in our nation now. I cannot believe how many ignorant people are in our country. Informationthe available, why is it that they cannot sift it out . Host ok, i am confused. The president s statement what do you think about that . Caller he responded to a question. I thought the response was right on. I thought it was probably one of the most diplomatic ways that it could have been put. I would have put it in language that would not have been able to be broadcast. Host when it comes to donald trump, what makes him unfit . Iser if he is a socalled fourman then bankruptcy times i had to do that one time after Ronald Reagan took office because my carpentry business it was like somebody turned the telephones off at my business. Im still waiting for the trickledown to trickle down. I am a 60 twoyearold disabled carpenter. When i was working, i worked hard. I cant understand the bluecollars who would get behind a man who says he will create jobs but i guarantee none of them will be above minimum wage. Roger fromwas michigan. Next half hour we will take your thoughts about the president statement yesterday about donald trump in unfit for presidency. Republicans, 202 7488001. Emocrats, 202 7488000 independent, 202 7488002. On congressional primaries, when race that took place in kansas featuring the legislator from that state. Joining us on the phone for the results good morning. Guest good morning. Host could you tell us the response . Guest well, Roger Marshall won. Is much moreer than that. What you saw last night was a strong repudiation of Tim Huelskamps politics. Agriculture is the largest economic sector in his district it relies on legislation from washington at times and he has been removed from the house agriculture committee. And that came back to bite him last night. Marshall brought a message of compromise and being able to work with moderate republicans. Oftenp said Tim Huelskamp occurs with. And the message obviously resonated. Host how much did marshall win by . Guest by more than 13,000 votes and 13 percentage points. To the extent that there was any prediction about last night, it was that it would be close. That was what the polling had shown and what both sides expected. I spoke to both sides prior to expectedts and both a close race. It was not that close. A stunning victory by marshall. Host did we hear from Tim Huelskamp yet . Guest no news yet, it no press release. He briefly opened up his watch party to reporters last night but then had them removed pretty started as the results coming in. He asked reporters to leave. So his watch party was closed press. And i have not heard back from the many messages i have left the campaign. Host Roger Marshall tell us about him and his political background . Well, almost no political background, frankly. This is his first elected position if he wins. He is an obstetrician and a hospital executive. Again, no elected Office Background and he used that as many challengers do to his advantage. Making the argument that Tim Huelskamp has a 20 year career in politics and and marshall brings a needed fresh face. And it was really his argument on compromising. He wont be someone willing he will be someone willing to compromise. That was his biggest stance throughout the race. The two candidates essentially agreed on most issues. It came down to personality rather than policy. Ae issue of who would bring fresh look and work with the other side to actually accomplish things. It was not a question of conservatism. It was a very conservative district. Whewells camp said that district for a well. But his uncompromising nature is really a factor that brushed the win for marshall last night. Host on the phone talking about this now is justin wingerter. Thank you for your time. Guest thank you for having me. Host now back to your calls. The democratn line, larry thanks for waiting. Go ahead. Course i of agree 100 with the president. He has a con man. He is one of the biggest con men. Pat. We will hear from hello . Caller hello . Host you are on. Yes. R i would like to say that i agree with the president. The job now he would know what is needed. And i get so tired of the republicans calling in and talking about donald trump being a businessman. Not inted states is business. It is for the welfare of our citizens. Not just donald trump. Somewhere and apply for an engineering job see if you dont need a degree or some experience and a background. I am so tired of the republicans apologizing for a free slip up that occurs when hes talking. He means it. He means it. Hillary clinton has worked for the good of the country. Ever since she was a young woman. Produced any jobs because that was not her aim. She chose to go into public service. Bob is up next from virginia on the republican line. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I am a Senior Citizen and i have talked with a lot of people. That donald trump is going to selfdestruct. You dont have to worry about anybody helping him. And the republicans cant control him now. What do you think theyre going to have a problem with him when he is a president . And all he does is insult people . The Senior Citizens ive talked to are all staying home and we are not voting for either one. Hillaryediction is that clinton will be president. The republicans are going to lose the senate and they will keep the house. Inc. You very much. One of the battleground states being focused on is florida. Profiled this morning in the Washington Post sparring for the soul of florida. The immediate aim of making sure as many latino voters are reregistered or are registered to vote. A few hundred staffers are on the ground from the Clinton Campaign who are focused on registration efforts. Republicans have 71 staffers working out of gop offices. Volunteers the gop have knocked on 300,000 doors 400ewide, the work of neighborhood teams. So far, the rnc party in florida has spent 200 spent 2 million on voter outreach. Yes, i am going to vote for donald trump. Im voting for trump. I dont believe the president of the United States and a foreign country should be bashing an opponent. And also, i cant see how anybody can vote for Hillary Clinton. She put our country at risk with the emails. She has lied over and over again. If there was a monkey running the democratic party, people would vote for him. They dont care about the policies or the person. Donald trump has job experience that all clinton has been doing is living off the government. She is crooked. Crooked hillary. Look where our country is at. Look at the gdp. Horrible. Host gabriel from baltimore. I think th epresident was nice. Listen to him talk. He is a fiveyearold. He did well in construction. He should stay right there and he will do just fine. He said in one of his interviews years ago that he thinks the most stupidest group of people in this country are republicans. I am hopingsee they will not be that stupid to take this guy into the white house. Bring the entire Republican Party down to its knees. The president was very nice. He is comments on women, his comments on handicapped his, was on handicapped, his comments on muslims. Listen to that. What president speaks and react like donald trump . Tell me . Host jim jordan issued a statement reported by scott our colic is a fifthgeneration farmer and conservative republican who listed up for the values of the taxpayers. I times, his commitment to fighting has required him to say no to business as usual. Punished by the special interests that Republican Voters across the country rejected at the box office throughout the president ial nomination. Host debbie, go ahead. You are on from arizona. Obama tries so hard. But he gets it at the wrong time. He is worried about his kids. People understand that the world has changed. To be buildingg stuff like we did 50 years ago. We have to move on. We have to educate ourselves. People just dont know anything. But have access to so much donald trump cannot go in there and open up steel mills. They are owned by korea. And my husband works at them. And if people dont know that, they think they will get in there and open plants, that is not going to happen. Host pamela is up next from virginia. Good morning. Caller good morning. I plan to vote for donald trump. Sometimes, i wish he would not he so rude. Is, washington, d. C. Has a lot of smart people but i dont think they have anyone who has common sense. They need to find a good country boy who knows how to go a row of corn. This world is going crazy. Jobs and people not making a living. It is just everything. I dont understand nothing. It makes me want to stay home and not vote at all. It is sad that our country has come to this. I wish we would get somebody who cares about people and quit swearing about all the stupid stuff. Byt a story this morning brent stably taking a look at the backandforth going on between regulators and the Auto Industry over fuel rules. This is from Traverse City saying that the debates that normally occur behind closed emissions greenhouse spilled out into the open on tuesday at an automotive conference in the city. Represent that automakers argued that regulators have set standards that must be met by 2025 far too high. They say the regulations are out of step with the cost of developing the technology and what Consumers Want to buy. Regulators say automakers are capable of meeting those standards and potentially higher standards. Government regulators are in the middle of reviewing positive to regulations that will influence how automakers spend billions of dollars over the next decade. From florida on the independent line. Caller yeah. Mr. Just thinking about trump. Let me comment down. Businessman, a successful businessman. He did not touch his inheritance up to this day, he would be worth more money today than it has been. He stuck hundreds of under the sued overe is being the university. The question is, is it a university or not . And over and over again, this the bat earsn of 2008 and 2009, he was so far in debt that the banks would not foreclose on him because they couldnt afford to. Luckily, because they didnt foreclose on him, the country turned around thanks to obama and his defunct Real Estate Properties regained value. Guy discussed me and i cant say more than that. Host jacqueline from florida on the democrat line. Jacqueline . Caller if you are talking to me i dont know . Are you talking to me . Im from virginia. Ok. To stick to was whether the president was right hewrong in his saying what said about donald trump the other night. I think the president is our president. He has to protect us whether it is outside the country or inside the country. I think he was very complementary to republicans that are true, as we know. That each of us have to step up and say what is going on . What is going on with donald trump who has no idea of what hello, are you there . Oh, ok. Economy andhe anybody in the foreign country, where they are located. I would love to see his taxes. Sure i would like to make sure he has not gotten money putin. The gentleman who said he would like somebody who knows how to plant a row of corn does donald trump know how to plant corn . That is not what it is about. What is to be aware of happening around the world. I dont want the president planting anything. There are stories in the papers this morning about the hewlettpackard chief executive meg whitman saying she will endorse Hillary Clinton. The Los Angeles Times that she plans to fund raise for her, her net worth is about 2 billion and she plans to raise money for Hillary Clinton. She has already donated more than 100,000 to antitrust efforts but her decision to actively solicit donations for clinton is a major blow to trumps fundraising which has deeply lagged behind clinton. 90 month, clinton raised million for her campaign while much less he earned than that. Caller ok. Host you are on. Caller ok. That welly thankful have had eight years of the president we have. Skill toown me so much takele to analyze and appropriate action. Being a republican and a democrat and the independent have a deficit in terms of the number of people who have the skill or who are willing to step up to the plate. To provide the leadership we need. It seems like we need more help than we are getting. As far as donald trump is concerned poor fellow. He has a mental problem, that is pretty obvious. Host the Washington Times highlights an Insurance Company that is rethinking plans when it comes to the coverage they offer. Saying that the Aetna Insurance ceo saidays that the the company has to reevaluate sickarticipation after a or than expected pool of Exchange Customers lead to roughly 300 Million Dollars in losses this year. Are pleased with our Overall Results come in light of forted 2016 projections individual products and significant structural challenges facing Public Exchanges, we intend to withdraw all of our 2017 Public Exchange expansion plans and are undertaking a complete evaluation. Backed by data that the Health Insurance agency will continue to thrive for decades ahead. As a place where insurers compete for business. Florida on the republican line, this is david. Caller thank you for taking my call. When peopleting call in about the knowledge that they have, it confuses me because i do study it and keep up with it. Donald trumpp with and the four bankruptcies. I will take a 96 pass rate any day of the week in that world. Look at his company. Try to find people who work for him who dont love working for him. He treats them well. Look at his children. That is his route. I look at this like the apprenticeship program. Both sides did this. If you get four years, you will be around for another four years after that. Sunsetted, kiss people dont want him in washington because he will shake things up and the free ride would be over. People would study the fact. People are constantly bashing this man. It is like reading the bible. You shouldnt sit there and have biased opinions and never open your heart. Look at this stuff. Host there is a photo this the first obama, and lady, welcoming the Prime Minister from singapore and his wife. The former Congress Woman gabrielle gifford, and Craig Robinson were among others attending last nights event. To find out more about it, go to our website at cspan. Org. We can see the statements that he made that came out about Donald Trumps fitness for the presidency. See the event at cspan. Org. That is what we are talking about. Yes, i have a couple of comments i would like to make. One thing is to say that i the way president. Has respect. Whether or not i agree with the fact about whether or not he made the comments about the Prime Minister of singapore yesterday in the news briefing to necessarilyg fault him for that. I believe he has our best interest as a country at heart. I do notne thing believe donald trump has at heart. The man who was on their talks about judging men by the fruit ,f his labor his children ,he way they were raised up they know who signed their payday. So just sit there and say they are so wonderful, im not sure theyre saying theyre bad people but you dont see the full picture of who they are. You see the persona they want to show in public. And the fact of the matter is that i do not believe donald running theable of United States. It scares me of the citizen what he could do with this country. And the disarray he could set the world in. The man has built buildings and that is well and good. Therei have to leave you and i apologize for that. Thank you for calling in and to the rest another one comes your way at 7 00 tomorrow. Well see you then. Here is our schedule today on cspan. In a few minutes, remarks from Jonathan Jarvis on his agencys 100th anniversary

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