Hillary does not have a progressive agenda. Bernie is dragging hillary to the left. This is not in the center. The republicans have destroyed the middle. Noticed, ifve hillary gets in office and starts capitulating to the republicans, she will be a one term president. This is what i think she plans doing. Bernie will not cut social security. He will strengthen them. He will not agree in compromise with the republicans. That is not the compromise we want. He does faced a high bar to achieving the nomination. Would you support hillary in the general election . Guest if her Platform Supports what i want. She has to bring the public. She has to convince us voters to vote for her because she is going to do what we want. Host heres a clip of Bernie Sanders after he won the West Virginia primary earlier this week. Let me be as clear as i can be, we are in this campaign to win the democratic nomination. [applause] we are going to fight for every kentucky,in oregon, california, the dakotas. We fully acknowledge we are good at arithmetic. We have an uphill climb ahead of us. Fighting uphill climbs. [applause] we have been fighting uphill from the first day of this campaign when people considered us a fringe candidacy. [applause] our message to the democratic delegates who will be assembling in philadelphia is while we may have many disagreements with secretary clinton, there is one area we agree. We must defeat donald trump. [applause] [video clip] here is an article in the atlantic. Host the story says some supporters of the vermont senator insist they wont vote for clinton no matter what. See her as the port opposite. Weighte throwing their with you like a trail. We are taking your phone calls this morning on whether democrats can unify in november. Lets go back to the phone lines. Terry is on the line now. Good morning. Guest i am a hillary supporter. I want to bag the Bernie Sanders supporters to support her in the fall. Nominee, the the hillary supporters will support him. Of the thought of a donald trump presidency. He is a scary person. Take do you think it will Bernie Sanders supporters falling in line behind Hillary Clinton of the general election . Will it take that level of unity to defeat donald trump . , i think henk ernie will throw his support to hillary. He does not want a donald trump presidency. The 56,000 people that signed that pledge, i begged them to reconsider because of what it would mean if donald trump is elected. We dont know. He is so unpredictable. Hillary is predictable. Republicans have destroyed her with the negative campaigning, they have thrown everything at her. She is still standing. I hope that people will realize they should not fall for the republican line against her. The next colleges from michigan. Good morning. Guest good morning. I am a Bernie Sanders supporter. I have been a believer for 30 years. I have watched him on. His message has been the same for 30 years. You can see videos of him in the greenspanlling alan before and after the economic collapse. He knows what went wrong. He seems to be the only honest politician who has done what on what has gone wrong. He is the only one who is willing to go up against the corporatists and the bankers and the people who have corrupted our political system to the point where we are facing an oligarchy now. I think it ernies message appeals to people who are on the right. He is an honest person. He is speaking truth. Host you say you been supporting him for decades. Who will you support . Guest i will vote for hillary. Caller is from mississippi. Good morning to you. You said you are a sanders supporter. Guest hillary is close to a lot of the power structures and financial elites. Want her to start adopting seriously sanders position on breaking up these banks. We need to get that. Were just letting these Financial Guys were rolling the dice, they are taking their jobs to the extreme its not good for the country. We need some patriotic minded first,ons and americans democracy first and get some loyalty to our country and our people and start repatriating that money. They need to do it voluntarily. Host do you think that Hillary Clinton should do more to reach out to sanders supporters . She wins theif nomination that you will vote for her in november because she is a democrat . Way, lets put it this she can always do great things. If shes going to reach out to me, its going to be by actions. I am going to vote for her. The only way were going to be raining in this capitalism run amok thats turned into vampire capitalism. We are nothing but cash cows. Weve got to get rid of that capacity. Its not redistribution of wealth. Its a giving back what they took from us ever since reagan got in office. I dont know how republicans vote against their best interest. A few comments from twitter. Here is a clip of Bernie Sanders speaking at a town hall last month on whether or not his supporters should fall behind Hillary Clinton. We are not a movement where i can snap my fingers and i can tell you what to do. You make these decisions for yourself. If we end up losing and secretary clinton wins, its incumbent on her to tell millions of people who right now to not believe in establishment politics, who have serious misgivings about a candidate who is received millions of dollars from wall street another special interest, shes got to go out to i think the United States should join the rest of the industrialized world and take on the private Insurance Companies and agree to the Drug Companies and pass medicare for all. People, you should not have to leave college 70,000 in debt. Make publicto colleges tuition free. I think secretary clinton is going to have to explain to a lot of people that Climate Change is a real crisis and incrementalism is not going to solve it. [applause] she is going to have to come on board and say its hard and i will take on the fossil fuel industry. The point that i am making is its incumbent upon secretary clinton to reach out to my supporters and the American People with an agenda that they believe will represent the interest of working families, lower income people, the middle class, those of us concerned about the environment. Our question is can the Democratic Party unify in november. Our next caller is from georgia. You are undecided. Why is that . Guest can the party be unified in november. I voted for senator sanders in the primary. I knew he was not going to win georgia. With regard to the question, i am undecided as to whether the party can unify. I have confidence that it will because of the alternative. I have been to senator clintons website several times. I have looked at her policy positions. They are much more fleshed out then senator sanders in regards to what she desires to do and how she desires to get there. The question is will she show fealty to those relations what she is elected as president . Shehistory has shown that views to the side of our and the donor class. Rhetoric,s her whether thats progressive or not. Deal of a great confidence as to whether she will do what she says she will do, even though she has maintained relatively progressive positions. I do believe that the party will become unified in november. I dont think there will be a lot of confidence when she is elected president. We will get behind her simply of the specter of donald trump. Host color is beverly in North Carolina. She is calling on the clinton line. His beverly still there . Guest yes. I am voting for mrs. Clinton simply because she will be able to do the things that she is saying she wants to do. Do the thingsnnot that he says he wants to do. He is a good man. Its not in his power to do it. He cant do a lot of things. I dont have time to beat around the bush and vote for a person who is out there because he has an ego. Thats how i feel about sanders. Host do you think that Hillary Clinton should be doing more to reach out to his supporters . Guest thats a big problem with me. He wants her to reach out to his people. Is he reaching out to hers . He says awful things about her. Then he says i cant make my people vote for her. He is not a democrat. If these people want to go with Bernie Sanders knowing he cannot do the things he is promising to do. If these things could have been done, president obama would have had it done. Next up his buddy from illinois on the clinton line. Good morning. I am voting for hillary. At first he was ok. To he talks about hillary too bad. He is not going to be able to get the things done that hes saying. The republicans are not giving him anything. Go hillary. Thats all i can say. Here are a few thoughts from there. The next caller is on the sanders line. Good morning to you. Guest thank you for the opportunity. I went to indicate that if the establishment succeeds in , irdinating mrs. Clinton will not support her. I will not vote for her. I will abstain from voting. Says i support the africanamericans. Obamas ideas. He said lets go for change. Hope in the future. Yes we can. What is he saying now . You should not. You should not have hope. She is doing the ideas of the Democratic Party a bad service. Why would you support donald trump . On saying that i may, not that i will. This, whileying is mr. Sanders she says no we cannot win mr. Obama said yes we can. If everybody comes out to vote, this is a unique time for the possibility. Vote. All come out to it is doable. Host we hear you this morning. This is a story in the hilt. Exit polls after West Virginia show that half of supporters would vote for donald trump. Would vote for donald trump in the fall. That is according to exit polls. Were calling on the line for clinton supporters are in supporters. Guest just give me a second. Yes, he did say yes we can. He did not leave us. We left him. Sanders, bernie secretary clinton has never said that. There is only so much you can get done. Do i think that the party can be unified . Yes i do. Sandershink that bernie is really a hypocrite. Why has it taken him 20 years to run for president if he had all this passion . He keeps on saying he has all of these ideas. Obama had many of these policies and has worked on them. Hillary has always supported these policies. That is arcadia, louisiana. Goahead it, victor. Guest good morning. I support Bernie Sanders because i think he is a good candidate. I think his agenda means a lot to america. As far as jobs and the super pacs and all that, thats whats destroyed america. He is trying to make a difference to restructure this country to do something about making it better for people to get or jobs and more pay for women. Women deserve more than what they are getting. I am for that. I believe we need to back him. I do believe he is going to make a good president we need some of its way to be strong and determined to take a difference. Host if he does not receive the democratic nomination, would you support Hillary Clinton . Guest it depends. I believe whoever is the nominee, i think they are going to be determined to get america strong again. Im a big supporter. Its all about being able to get america believing that you can be strong again. Iowa on thep his line for Hillary Clinton. Go ahead. That i just want to say back when Bernie Sanders first , he said he is running his own campaign. He said that in people magazine. I want to know her that Bernie Sanders is. He is no better than donald trump. I used to call him the pied piper. Now i call him bernie trump sanders. He is not a democrat. Hillary clinton spoke earlier this week. I think everybody running for president should have to meet the task of what or not they are telling you about how theyre going to prove improve the lives of americans. . Hat of the positive results they will level with you about where they stand on all of the hot button issues. Theres a big difference between us. I will defend a womans right to make her own health care decisions. [applause] i will defend marriage equality. [applause] i will defend Voting Rights. [applause] i will work to end Citizens United and rid our political system of unaccountable money. [applause] i talked a lot about that in this campaign. I take it personally that Citizens United was a rightwing attack on me. It never gives up attacking me. I think they are going to throw everything including the kitchen sink this time. I have a message for them. Theyve host this article appeared in april in the hill newspaper. He headline, heres the quotes from Bernie Sanders. We are taking your phone calls on whether the Democratic Party can unify in november. Hi. R look, i am a hillary supporter. I think bernie has passion. But he really doesnt have any plans. Saying it so doesnt make it so. He just became a democrat within the last year or so. Hes been in congress for over 30 years. He knew what the ground rules were for the Democratic Party. So why is he complaining now . Hes complaining now because hes running for president. These objections he has to the process should have been voiced not during the president tial year when hes running but when he was in congress ten years ago, 20 years ago. But they werent. Hes doing it because he is running for president. To the millenials because i have one, there is no such thing as a free lutch. I agree, the Interest Rates should definitely be reduced. I dont think these kids should be strapped with all of this debt. And if you are given free tuition to for state colleges and local colleges, i want you to have to pay it forward in some kind of way. So after you get this free state tuition, join the peace corps, teach in an Inner City School for a couple of years. Nothing is free in america. We are not socialists, we are capitalists. Host do you think it would be incumbent on Hillary Clinton where she to receive the nomination to reach out to Bernie Sanders supporters ahead of the general election in november . Caller i think she should. He has a point there. However, Hillary Clinton was the one who nominated president obama on the floor of the Democratic Convention. Bernie sanders and supporters, the people in his inner circle, theyre talking about trying to woo over the super delegates even if they dont have enough delegate votes. Its just not right. Something is wrong with his whole process. And i say go hillary, go. All right. Thats stacy. Next up, wayne, calling in support of Bernie Sanders. Whats your comment . Yes. Look, that woman there just everybodys got an opinion. But lets put it this way. Nothing is free. Well, she ought to be on fox tv to start with number one. And let the man try. Let him have a chance. Let him try to do what he is trying to do here. And hes put it up there what he would do with the hedge funds and all that and all the oney overseas. I sure as sure as dickance dont want that. Like the other woman there she has a right to her view but capitalism, thats what is host so if Bernie Sanders doesnt receive the nomination, who would you support . Caller im going to write his name is. I will vote. This here election these super delegates is mall arky. I dont want to hear about he knew going in. Every vote counts. Every vote counts. Thats what im looking at. And god bless you. All right. Next caller is james from georgia on the sanders line. Caller yes. I want to say to the Hillary Clinton supporters how can you say anything is fair . This whole thing has been rigged in the bag for Hillary Clinton from the beginning. If they would have ran anybody against Hillary Clinton like any younger candidate or someone that could challenge her, i think she would have lost. And they know that. Thats why they rigged it. They thought Bernie Sanders was going to be a pushover and they got and got a rude awakening because no one really likes hillary. Hillary if her mouth is move shegs lying. Host theres been some reports that sanders supporters if sanders does not receive the nomination they might vote in favor of trump in the general election in instead. What do you think about that . Caller i will vote in favor of trump. There is no way on gods green earth i can support hillary. Im African American. Any African American that could support Hillary Clinton is to me is they need to get some psychological help or something because i dont get it. I dont get why African Americans are so loyal to the clintons. What have they done to deserve that loyalty . Host would your support for donald trump really be a vote against hillary or is it the actual support for donald trump . Well, its support for donald trump and his policies when he talks about trade. Theyre very close in trade. Look what the clintons did with nafta and the tpp. Hillary clinton, come on. She doesnt cafere about you or your job. She will say anything to get elected. Host all right. Here is a story in politico that looked at this very issue. This story says that trump wont get sanders supporters and the story details why they came to that conclusion. We are taking your phone calls on whether the Democratic Party can unify in november. Nevada on the clinton line. Good morning. A very good Early Morning to you. Caller yes. Im for hillary. Hillary is the best candidate out there running on both sides. Shes the most experienced and she has the record that proves she is for the working class people. Bernie, hes ok but hillary, she will make the better president than bernie. Host all right. Would you vote for sanders in the event of an upset at the Democratic Convention if he wins the nomination . Caller yes i would vote for sanders. Im a democrat. And theres no way possible that i could vote for trump. I dont see how anybody could vote for trump. Hes very disrespectful. Hes he has ties to the ku klux klan. He is sexist. Trump is a terrible canned dated. Host all right. There are still a few more minutes in this segment to get your thoughts in. Here are the numbers that you can call. Calling on the sanders line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Yes, i think that not only will hillary supporters unite behind bernie but i think when the real story is out when the press has no choice but to cover bernie because he is the candidate of our party that even people who support trump when they come to truly appreciate what he is all about will support bernie. This is obviously an election cycle in which the massive constituents who are getting involved are saying we want change. We want something new. We want a fresh perspective. Hillary just doesnt offer that potential. Bernie sanders does. And again, i really think that not only will hillary supporters but even some Trump Supporters and even some people who havent yet heard what bernie wants to do for them nationwide will come on board. And that will have a president Bernie Sanders. Host in the event that he doesnt win the nomination, would you support Hillary Clinton . Caller you know, for the first time in my adult life i am having to give that serious thought. The alternative donald trump is untenable. So yes i would vote for her. But you know, im so disgusted at what seems to be the game playing and rigging within the Democratic Party. Part of me wants to not, but as someone who believes so strongly in the power of our democracy i couldnt stay home on election day. But i think it would do irreparable harm to the Democratic Party were we not to make Bernie Sanders our canned dated because clearly the majority of people who are like we support Bernie Sanders. And thats been evidenced in not only the number of contributions that he has gotten but the fact that he has continued to run this show powered solely by the people. Host all right. A quick comment from twitter. Harry from florida. Terry youre undecided. Explain whats going through your mind right now. Caller well, i was undecided because i was very disappointed in the Democratic Candidates this year. Bernie sanders and Hillary Clinton. I do like certain things about Bernie Sanders take on wall street and the establishment. I think the establishment g. O. P. And democrats are not serving this country well. So i have decided to switch parties. So i could vote the florida primary. I voted for donald trump and i will be supporting him i think as well as many other democrats in this country. Host all right. Our last caller for this segment will be eric from california calling on the clinton line. Caller hello. Host Bernie Sanders supporters, you kill me. You would rather see donald trump in the white house . And hes not going to do anything that the democrats want. You would rather see donald trump than to see Hillary Clinton in the white house. That is not how its supposed to work. You didnt say oh i didnt get the guy i want so now ive got to go waste my vote on donald trump or not vote at all. Youre supposed to say at least let me get the next best thing to the candidate that i want. And voting for dommed trump or not voting at all that means youre not a true democrat because the hillary supporters if Bernie Sanders was the one who was in the lead we sure would vote for Bernie Sanders and we wouldnt vote for little kids. No. We want the best candidates out there. And its going to be bernie or Hillary Clinton and if Hillary Clintonry wasnt in the lead i would vote for Bernie Sanders because i at least want to get some of what i want rather than get nothing. Host all right. Well have to leave it there. We are out of time for this segment. Democracy now host and executive producer will join us to talk about her new book and the role of independent media in a corporate world. Later on, Judicial Watch president will be here to talk about his role on the Hillary Clinton email investigations. Well be right back. This book is not about me, its not about roosevelt or lit gating where he is on the political spectrum. It is a call to action. To me it is meant to inspire, motivate and remind americans of every generation what makes America Special and that it is worth fighting for. Some of us carried a rifle and many in this generation still do. But you dont have to carey a rifle to be in the arena. And its our job to instill in every generation a principle to perpetuate what is as you all here know an experiment, an experiment in human freedom. What should be a series of thoughtful activity on the which the future of the country rest is instead filled with bridget tight ropse, ethical disappearing acts and most certainly clowns. Instead it becomes three rings of horror. Were so fatigued by the time the mud is slung the skeletons have come out of the closet and election day is over that were often exhausted before they even had a chance to start their jobs. She recounts memorable political missteps in American History. This sunday night on q a hist torn adam hokesheeled and his book spain in his heart on the american involvement in the spanish civil war in the late 1930s. This coup attempt happened in spain where right winged Army Officers tried to seize power and in parts of the country succeeded in seizing power in 1936. He had sent a shock wave of alarm throughout the world because here was a major country in the world. The right Wing Military quickly backed by hitler and mousselini who sent arms airplanes tanks drivers sent 08,000 Ground Troops here was the spanish right making a grab for power and people all over the world felt it ought to be resistant if not here where. Otherwise were next. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern and pacific on cspans q a. Washington journal continues. Host joining us now amy goodman. Also the coauthor of a new book democracy now 20 years covering the movements changing america. Thank you so much for joining us. Guest its great to be here. Host start by telling us what democracy now is. Guest democracy now is a news organization. We started 20 years ago. We were the only day election show in public broadcasting in 1996. That was the election where president clinton was running for reelection against bob dole and ross perot. We thought we would pack our bags nine months later and move on to another project. But instead there was more demand for at the time it was a radio bro cast than there was before the election. And the demand just kept growing. Why . I think because we go to the grassroots. We well, i got the call to host the show when i was in the state house in haiti and i was covering what was happening in haiti when candidates would announce some political candidates would be gunned down. People face ednorms threats of violence at the polls but still the overwhelming number of people in haiti would vote. In the United States, that wasnt the case. Not eevep half the people voted. And i was interested, why . I never thought people were apathetic in this country. And i thought we can use the primary system as a way to go from state to state and see how people were engaged what they were doing. And its those authentic voices rather than what you get on the networks those pundits who get it so wrong. And so it just kept growing. And then by chance the week of september 11th, 2001, by chance, that week, we were going on our first tv station, it was Public Access in new York Manhattan Neighborhood Network and it became emergency broadcasting. We were the closest National Broadcast to ground zero at the time of the september 11th attacks. And then tv stations around the country, Public Access stations say can we run your show . Soon the fedex guys were coming to our studios and at the time it was video cassettes, filling their satchels their bags with video ca sets. And they would go out around the country and then more college and Community Radio stations who had watched on tv said can we run it. Then npr stations then pbs stations. We went from nine stations in 1996 to over 1400 Public Television and Radio Stations today in the United States and around the world. And our headlines are translated into spanish so available for Radio Stations to run. Just a testament to this hunger for independent voices. Especially in a time of war and election. We need independent media. When were covering war and peace we need a media thats not brought to us by the weapons manufacturers. When were covering Climate Change not brought to us by the oil, the gas, the coal the nuclear company. When were covering health care not brought to business the Insurance Industry or big pharma. We need a media that was independent. Supported by the listeners and the viewers. Host you said you go to the grassroots to tell your story. What makes your journalism different from what we see . How do you do that . Guest because were not going to your typical punddit. Were going to the people at the heart of the story. We im looking at the New York Times today, the top story. In democracy now the book but also in democracy now the news hour. Deal with the Death Penalty extensively. We talk to people behind bars. I mean, just on friday we were talking to a prisonner named kinetic in solitary confinement in alabama. So hes been in solitary for more than two years because he led a protest in 2014 and now theres just been another work stoppage protest there now. And the prisoners were protesting free labor, which is basically slave labor. If you are forced to work for nothing. But the fieser story, fieser prohibits use of its drugs for execution. One of the big stories we focus on the in the book and also on the broadcast, is the Death Penalty. The now it is increasingly difficult for states to get the execution drugs fieser prohibitting its use of the drugs. Its enormous. The u. S. Jockeying for drugs. In the book we were writing when california borrowed a similar drug from arizona, its under secretary of corrections and rehabilitation wrote, you guys in arizona are life savers and we focus on independent media. Like an exposee in the Colorado Independent that reported that the assistant Oklahoma Attorney general joked in an email with a texas colleague in 2011 that he might be able to help texas get the drugs, the death drugs, in exchange for 50 yard line tickets for a Top College Football game between the university of oklahoma and the university of texas. When troy anthony davis, a young man on death row for half of his life, put on death row 20 orgia, when he was years old, there were four death warrents issued against him. Three were vacated the final one he was excuted. September 1r, 2011. We went down to jackson, georgia, where the death row prison is in georgia. We broadcast for hours for more than five hours. We did not know what would happen, if his life would be spared. A former u. S. President , the pope, prosecutors, prison wardens were all calling for his life to be spared. 1,000 people were outside the prison. His family and the protestors. His sister, a remarkable woman fighting for his life and fighting for her own life. She was fighting breast cancer. Who is hailed as a Leading Light in washington. Along with nancy pelosi. So many others calling for troys life to be spared. He always insisted he did not commit the crime that he was convicted of 20 years earlier. So we just simply broadcast throughout the night not knowing what would happen. You know, frankly, i feel we should never be in the Death Chamber projecting an execution. I know this is controversial but i think if people saw the images that they would say no. We are so insulated in this country even though we live in a globalized world when it comes to understanding where we stand in the world. Like around the Death Penalty that we are so alone in the industrialized world in endorsing state killings. But state after state is now saying no. And were up to i think Something Like 19 states that have said no to the zetsdz penalty. Others because theyre finding it so hard to get these death drugs and now will be even harder because fieser is prohibitting use of its drugs are turning to other means like the gas chamber and firing squad. We as journalists must show the images sand then people can make up their own mind. Host we are talking with amy goodman coauthor of the book democracy now 20 years covering the movements changing america. You can call in and join our conversation. Here are the lines to do so. The numbers are on the bottom of your screen. Our first caller from arkansas. John is calling on the independent lifpblete good morning. Caller good morning. I wont be voting for Hillary Clinton. James from georgia had it dead on right. You cant believe a word she said. She will get out in front of any new wave of that the public is resonating thats resonating with the public. Bernie sanders is one of the most honest politicians we have seen in at least a couple generations. There are so many problems facing this country. Hillary said i heard her this morning say that shes against she wants to do away with Citizens United. But theres more to this whole issue. You have to listen carefully to the comments. The dark money sure but we should have public finances and term limits because these politicians, these professional liars will seek any weakness out and corrupt it. All right. We were talking in our previous segment about unity. How do you think the Mainstream Media has done . Guest i think they have done a terrible job. Just go to the kindle report 2015 they looked at the coverage, they compared the coverage of all the candidates. They found that donald trump got 23 times the coverage of Bernie Sanders. I think it was abc world news tonight that gave 81 minutes to donald trump and 20 seconds to Bernie Sanders. I wonder what was so news worthy that he did that got him the 20 seconds. Take one primary night. March 15, with five primaries. That was ohio, North Carolina, florida, missouri, and illinois. And lets look at how the networks covered that night. Wall to wall coverage which is good. Thats fine. That was the night that senator rubio pulled out because he lost his home state of florida. The night that governor kasich gave a victory speech he won his first primary his first home state of ohio. Senator cruz spoke. Hillary clinton had won florida, ohio, and North Carolina. She spoke then which was smart. She had three wins under her belt. But the next two illinois her home state of missouri were too close to call. It was clinton, sanders, clinton, sanders. So she spoke before the outcome. Then the networks waited for trump and they put that little square in the upper corner showing an empty podium and theyre filling the air time with the pundtri. Finally, after about half an hour he speaks for half and hour and they play the whole thing. That pretty much did it. Asich, clinton, cruz, trump, and rubio. Thats pretty much it for the night. Right . Well, there was someone missing. Bernie sanders. Had he fallen asleep . Had he taken the nightthey weree is Bernie Sanders . We are on a 100 city to her tour celebrating the democracy now news hour. And we be in chicago were just in arizona. We were in flagstaff, tucson, and phoenix. I met many people who were in phoenix at a Bernie Sanders rally, where thousands of thousands and thousands you know, his historically large rallies he was speaking. The networks didnt even show his speech. The networks didnt even show a minute of his speech. 8 00, weacy now at broadcast live trade can catch , and wemocracy now . Org decidedly that night, we are going to run an excerpt of Bernie Sanderss speech. Who wouldve thought it was a revolutionary act to run at served of a speech of a major Party Candidate on a major primary night, with a morning after . But thats what has become. The networks are simply trump land. They pump donald trump into everyones home is the other candidates trench from state to state. This is unacceptable. You ask how democracy now is different. I call for an electoral season without polls. The of with polls that are so often wrong. You tune into one of the networks, shes coming up on the right, shes got 20 , hes moving up on the left, it sounds like a horse race. Its mesmerizing. But what have you learned by the end of the day . What has democracy gained . The networks for those same resources investigation and energy into the records of these candidates and businesspeople. And compare them to their promises. Pollss the value of these that are so often wrong . Primary, even at the end, recently, you have victory. And its not consistent with the polls, so the candidates then the pundits spend the next time talking about how they got the polls wrong. The fact is, their own polls there are polls that are legitimate happening with every week, and they are the primaries and caucuses. These are factbased polls. These are very interesting. At the end of the day, after primary and caucus, you out who voted, who didnt. On the new voted, this is extremely important, mainly who didnt. In many cases we are talking about more than 80 of the people are voting. Theres a racial breakdown, and economic breakdown, the age breakdown, the gender breakdown. Fascinating and important. It is an speculation, its real. There are your polls. Whereen you have to ask does the money come from to do all this work . For the networks. Enemy have to go back to the candidates. They are raising obscene amounts of money. Thelast caller reached issue of Citizens United. But this is true for all of the candidates. Raising onndidates the campaign trail and off the campaign trail, having to raise millions and millions of dollars. People across the political spectrum are very frustrated by this. Bernie sanders on the campaign is 27. He average in march, he got 44 million. Hillary clinton, 29 million. He got more than her. And what is so interest in that case he is raising up from people who give and give and give, who are giving so little, they dont max out. Hillary clinton has a smaller number of donors, well over 6 million now. And number of the max out. She was just that a party and Laurel Canyon with George Clooney. The going rate at the head table Something Like 350,000. That was for a couple. Even George Clooney said when asked on the networks, think this is obscene. And he threw the party. But its not just clinton. So where is this money going to . Its going to the networks. They have to pay for campaign advertising. Tothe networks are not going raise this in a consistent way. 1200 people in washington got arrested protesting the corrupting influence of money in politics. This is very critical. We need networks they raise these issues, and whose pockets arent lined by the candidates raising this money. Thats why we need independent media. Host lets hear from some of our viewers as well. Clifton from oakland, california is next on the democratic line. Go ahead. Caller yes, good morning. Ms. Goodman, i have been watching your show for 20 years, its a thrill to me that im talking to you right now. You are right. We need a change. America is changing. Bernie is talking about a revolution. A lot of people that complain about what hes saying and where was he, and how come hes just not talking . I remember in the 60s when people talked like Bernie Sanders. What happened to them . They ended up being assassinated. Look at Robert Kennedy and john kennedy, look at Martin Luther king. I think bernie is a brave man, i think hes a brilliant man. And he has held this in for a long time, because now we doesnt get you doesnt care. You seem his family, youve seen his kids. He is telling the truth about america. We need a change, we need a revolution, and its going to happen. For these people who were just following hillary saying that she is good for black people or whatever. Im telling you, the clintons have done nothing for black oaks but lock them up. But lock them up. Look at the history. Hillary called our kids super predators. Lets be real. Its time for a change, its time for everybody. Look who we got. Donald trump. Lets be real. Host thats clifton from oakland, california. Lets hear from the more color. As is dan from dubuque iowa dubuque, iowa. Caller i was calling about closed primaries. The primaries are tax funded deal, i would like to know as far as all of these independence being shut out of the process before the general election. Host dan from iowa. Amy goodman from democracy now . Caller the issue of closed primaries guest the issue of closed primaries where independents can vote, but they can switch. For existence, new york, the closed primary, if you want to switch to vote in the democratic riemer from independent to democrat, you had to do that in early october. This was before any debate, before any primary. If people didnt realize it was going to be a real contest, they would not have switched. Its a very real issue where independents fit into this whole process. On the issue of linens and mass incarceration. This goes to the way democracy now is different from all of the networks. We cover the movements. What makents are history. You have young people who are part of the black lives matter movement. They are interrupting Hillary Clintons private Campaign Fundraising events, like one in South Carolina in charleston. Where a young africanamerican woman unfurled a banner that said i am not a super predator. She was referring to Hillary Clinton in 1996, after president clinton had signed the socalled anticrime bill that led to incarceration of people that we are seeing today. Population,rlds with 25 of the worlds prisoners. Two years later, Hillary Clinton would refer to black youth some black youth as super predators. Thats what these young protesters have been raising. Its very important. It has forced the candidates they also challenge at the beginning at a meeting of roots nation, a challenge Bernie Sanders as well. And then the issue of donald trump. The fact that you have the presumptive nominee of a major party, you have donald trump, Republican Party, who when asked by jake tapper on cnn if he would disavow support of an avowed white supremacist david duke, i cant member of he was the grand dragon, i often confuse their titles. Whether he would disavow his support. He waffled. He said he would have to look more deeply into it. When was the last time you heard donald trump said he had to look more deeply into anything before he spoke . On this issue, what was it he had to look more deeply into . Which klan chapter was supporting him . He didnt want to generalize . He goes further than that. At his rallies, you have one of his supporters sucker punches a black lives matter activist. And afterward says next time he would kill him. And then you have donald trump saying he will pay the legal fees of supporters like these. This is just astounding. I dont hold president ial candidate who has a huge rally of thousands responsible for everything that happens in the rally. They set the tone and say i do not condone violence. That is something the bernie if you said trade instead, not only do you say that, but you say you will pay the legal fees of supporters who are violence, this is very frightening. Thes ripping open underbelly of hate in america. Host do you think more attention to independent media would change the outcome of this election . Guest absolutely. I think independent media is not beholden to the very interest that are pouring money into these campaigns. Earlier, theout vast majority of the money that these candidates are raising are going to the networks to pay for campaign advertising. Are they going to bite the hand that feeds them . Host heres a chart we are showing our viewers right now, the value of candidates earned media coverage. Theres free media that they received by simply being mentioned on the air. Donald trump has earned media about 2. 8 billion. Hillary clinton, 1. 2 billion. Berniez, 771 million, sanders is estimated at 658 million. Next up in kingston, rhode island, bert on the independent line. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. You its wonderful to see and the unbiased journalism you do. I appreciate that very much. Thatf the issues for me is how modern governments, repressive governments are being described by the media. When i hear Claire Mccaskill saying we are going to throw the theyr and sickle at him would say that most oppressive governments are democratic socialist with a capitalistic economy. I think this is one of the major things that has been perpetuated on the American People, as the ideas regarding political systems. I hope you can comment on this. I am a strong Bernie Sanders supporter, ernie has been saying it for a long time. I remember when he confronted a man when he was in the congress a republican who was saying the word homo in congress. Bernie got up and said its a long time before anyone stood up. I will leave that alone and let somebody else talk. Have a good day. Guest thank you. You know, i think that Bernie Movement writing a that is coalescing. That is finding its voice. You asked how democracy now is different, and i said we cover the movements. So often, these movements have been emerging and coalescing for long time. We just dont hit the Corporate Media radar screen. Take, for example, the occupy movement of 2011. 2011 was a critical year, from the arab spring, egypt, tunisia, to wisconsin, the uprising of ,50,000 people, to the protests 1200 people got arrested here in washington protesting the keystone xl, concerned about Climate Change. September of 2011 occupy, thousands streamed into the county park and occupied wall street. I think a number of the pundits on television said that movement died. The police eviscerated the encampments, it was over. But hardly. When people streamed into the county park, and they challenged ,all street over many issues first the Corporate Media didnt even cover them. In that the media moguls and limousines going by, we are the media metropolis of the world. You had the elite journalists, theyre just not covering them. When they did, Aaron Burnett was just starting to show on cnn, and her first lease on occupy was called seriously . Then went from not covering it to mocking it. The overall idea of the networks was what are these people representative . Against Death Penalty, against war, theyre concerned about Climate Change, against racism, inequality. And i was digging oh my gosh, the medias listing. Thats exactly right, its all those issues. But they saw as their weakness. Cant they just choose one . But in fact, it was their strength. This goes back to dr. King. He spoke out against the war in vietnam, the day before he was assassinated, april 4, 1967, in new york. Even his inner circle said dont do it. Resident you have Lyndon Johnson wrapped around your finger, the most powerful person on earth or in uganda signed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights act. This is your war, dont do this. Hes on these issues is interconnected, the war at home and the war abroad. He talked about the triple threat of militarism, materialism, and racism. He said in the speech that he gave a Riverside Church at his country, the country he loved, the United States was the greatest purveyor of violence on earth eerie he was excoriated by the corporate press. I have the life magazine issue, time magazine, washington post, they said his speechs out of legos script out of radio hanoi, that he had done a disservice to his cause, his country, and his people, and he double down and spoke more frequently and louder against the war. Until he would be assassinated april 4, nations 68. All of these issues coalesce. If people think that the movement died, look today at 2016 at the people who are coming out for rallies for Bernie Sanders. It hardly died. They changed the language. They occupy the language. You say the word 1 and 99 , and everyone knows what you mean. You change the language, and you change the world. Host lisa from shreveport, louisiana on the democratic line is up next. Good morning. Caller good morning. Hi, ms. Goodman. I talked to Bernie Sanders last year on cspan, and he was so honest. Republican, ive changed a democrat because i like him so much. Tell people where to go get their research, because in the 60s, Bernie Sanders handcuffed himself to a black man for the civil rights movement. Also, ms. Goodman, tell them about when Hillary Clinton was in arkansas, how she defended a rapist against a woman and laughed about it. She is not for anyone but herself trade please tell them that, ms. Goodman, and please tell them where to go get their research to learn about bernie. I certainly do appreciate your time. Thank you. Guest thank you, very much. I dont go about the particular case she is referring to around Hillary Clinton, but it is very important to look at the records of these candidates. Them, to find out what it is they actually represent. Nothing less is than democracy at stake in this country. Host mark from eureka, california is up next on the independent line read good morning. Caller hi, amy. I have been a supporter of democracy now and free speech enjoy tell him happy retirement. Seeuestion is, i cant trump inhis not nut office, im a Bernie Sanders supporter, and he probably will not win. Liar and beat this nut the republicans have put up. . Host mark, we hear you. I wanted to share before here from amy goodman from democracy now , this comment on doldrums media coverage. He wrote that trump has seized much of the free airtime by doing many, many more interviews than his rivals and my driving the Campaign Dialogue as all candidates right to do but are usually too cautious or dull to pull off. Hardreporters have dug into his businesses and rhetoric and promises and contradictions. The stories and segments have done little to dent his lead. He is seemingly impervious to most media criticism, in part because his supporters dont trust the press, but its not for lack of trying. Guest there is something worse than negative coverage, and its the vanishing. You just showed free airtime and you saw how much more free airtime he got than others. I think its important the candidates open themselves up to interviews. Thats very important for all of them. I do think there is no question that the media chooses its favorites. When you have the example that i gave, one night, showing all of the concession and victory speeches except for one, this is acceptable. They werent being interviewed, they were giving their speeches. So you play all of the speeches. I also want to comment on something that the caller just said. Juan. To one hes talking about juan gonzalez, who just retired as a columnist for the New York Daily News after 29 years o. I cant talk about democracy now without talking about juan. He was inducted into the deadline clubs new york journalism hall of fame, along with leslie stole, charlie rose, and others. When he got up to give his speech, he put everyone to shame. He was the first latino journalists elected. He said i figured my modest contribution would be not writing about neighborhoods, but from them. Not after the fact, but before it, when coverage can still make a difference. I think that very much sums up our philosophy. Also it democracy now , his approach to journalism is to go to where the silences. Often, its not really silence. When the protesters here in washington, recently, from democracy spring and democracy awakening, were protesting the corrupting influence of money in politics, they were saying where is cnn . Where is msnbc . Wheres the coverage . They were well over 1000 people arrested. If there were 1200 people being arrested in havana, cuba, you would have all the Network Anchors flying down greatly cannot take a direct flight to say look at this repressive country. Here in this country, and the nations capital, it hardly got the coverage that it deserved. These are critical issues. Host mark from henderson, North Carolina on the republican line. Go ahead with your question or comment for amy goodman. Caller i have a couple of questions to ask her. First she started talking about mr. Trump disavowing david duke. Where was the coverage on hillary when she got endorsed during this election season in california . She was actually endorsed by the kkk in california. There was no coverage on that at all. Ive hardly heard anything, i had to begin up on my facebook. Also have another question. On the protesters you were talking about how great they are , how come youre not saying anything about george soros putting out ads on craigslist, paying these protesters to come out and protest . Contributed,has because these protesters now are getting a paycheck, and they are not on unemployment, theyre getting a paycheck i george soros. None of this gets mentioned were said or said. How you feel about that . Guest i dont know about any of what youre saying, i dont know that any of those issues, whether in fact they are true. Caller is cameron from louisville, kentucky on the democratic line. Go ahead. Caller how are you . Host good morning, you are on the air. Caller thank you. I just want to say about donald trump and his familys affiliation with the kkk. And how far back it goes. Arrested back in 1927, you have the Police Record , as far as being arrested with the clan klan. Why is it of that stuff ever brought up . Guest thats an interesting question, fred trump, that was a piece in the New York Times. Talking about him being arrested, that should be looked into. Host can you talk a little bit about how democracy now is funded . You mentioned you dont receive any advertising or any revenue from corporate america. How do you pay the bills . Caller the majority of our money comes from listeners and viewers. We also have some work from foundations and network fees for broadcasting democracy now . Host do you think there is a role for corporatefunded or commercial media in the country . You think the media in this country should be a nonprofit enterprise . Guest i think its very important to have nonprofit news, and that should be the vast majority of the news. We have documentary makers from around the world come to democracy now to see what democracy now is as a model for news in the rest of the world. Other countries, people are familiar with state news. When the state runs the newscast. They are familiar with private corporations, like we have in this country that run the news read but they dont know about that whole model of listener and fewer support. Important one. We have public media all over the United States. This public broadcasting, theres npr, there is pacifica radio. Democracy now originally comes out of pacifica radio. That was founded in 1949 by a war resistor, who was a Conscientious Objector in california. When he came out of the detention camps, he said theres got to be a media outlet that is run not by corporations, that profit from war, but run by journalists and artists. The five stations of the berkeley station, los angeles, houston, and here in washington, just to the fundraiser for the pacifica station here last night, wtf w wpfw. Within a few weeks, it was the only Radio Station in the country whose transmitter was blown up here at it was blown up by the kkk. The strap dynamite to the base of the transmitter. Right in the middle of arlo guthrie singing houses restaurants. I thought that was a good song. Weeks, they got back on their feet, they rebuilt the transmitter and went back on the air. In the kkk blew it back up again with 15 times the dynamite dropped to the base of the transmitter. It took a while for them to get back on the air. Pbf came inf 1971, to show the Phoenix Rising from the ashes. Arlo guthrie came back into houston, texas to finish alice restaurant live on the air. If it was theer exalted cyclops or the grand dragon, because i confuse their titles, but he said it was his proudest act. I think thats because he understood how dangerous independent media is. Dangerous because it allows people to speak for themselves. When you hear someone speaking from their own experience, whether its a palestinian child born israeli grandmother, and often afghanistan, and uncle in iraq, a kid from the south honks or from albuquerque, where we were just speaking at the high school, where the overwhelming majority of the kids are undocumented immigrant student, when you hear someone speaking from their own experience, it breaks down bigotry, it challenges the stereotypes and caricatures that fuel the kkk and other hate groups. Its that understanding, when someone describes their own experience you have to agree with it. But its that understanding that is the beginning of peace. I think the media can be the greatest force for peace on earth. Instead, it all too often is wielded as a weapon of war. Host we have just a few more minutes left in the segments, we will try and hear from some or viewers. Our next one comes from south jordan, utah. Stephen is on the independent line. Go ahead. Caller if you want to become a nation with democracy, we have to get back to the principles under god, we have to become a nation under god. The principles that god has given will increase the social, spiritual, and economic value of individual communities in this nation. At the principle of our shot not covet, we turned that into thou shalt covet. , theyear false witness kill, they lie, they steal, people commit adultery. We dont keep the sabbath day holy. The sabbath day is a rest day for man, its also gods environmental rest day for the earth. If you look in the bible, youll notice that satans favorite tool was covetness. Host we are on most of time. Go ahead, amy goodman. Guest i think its very important to maintain the separation between church and state. I have Great Respect for people of all religions. But speaking of religion, i just wanted to acknowledge two losses in the last few weeks of great people who have passed. One is the jesuit priest who died just shy of his 95th earth day, 1000 people packed into Savior Church Xavier Church in new york. And he along with his brother were the founders of the powershares movement, believing in beating swords into plowshares. Not far from here in 1968, they burned draft cards, hundreds of a1 draft cards with homemade napalm. And he wrote in his rationale for doing this our apologies, good friends, for the fracture of your order, the burning of paper instead of children, he said. Profit invoice of a this country, taking on war, taking on nuclear weapons. Its one that should have gotten much more coverage in the media. Another is someone who passed just this week. The great human rights attorney, Michael Ratner in new york city. Michael ratner was the head of the center for Constitutional Rights, he was a pioneering aman rights lawyer, who was person and part of a movement. Yes, he used law, but equally believed in people taking to the streets around the issue of war, of torture. And ultimately brought the case of the guantanamo prisoners to the supreme court. Not believing he would win, but purely on principle, that they should have habeas corpus rights. They should have their day in court. And ultimately, actually, he did prevail. The center for Constitutional Rights did prevail. These that need to be heard, the need to populate the media. Because i really do think that those who care about war and peace. Those who care about inequality. Those who care about Climate Change, the state of the planet, are not a fringe minority. Not even a silent majority. But the silenced majority. Silenced by the Corporate Media, which is why we have to take the media back. Last caller is anthony from north las vegas, nevada, calling on the democratic line. Go ahead. Amy, im a follower of democracy now , i really thank you for your news organization. Media isndependent very important, because you will find out stories they normally wont find out, that the Corporate Media wont tell you. Im a washer of cnn, but not as much of a washer now. Cnn, i found out that cnn is the Parent Company of Hillary Clinton and did not know that. I thought i got to Pay Attention to my new sources. This is huge. You would think that news outlets would really vet the candidates that are running for office. Never showed the civil rights story of Bernie Sanders. They waited until the election had been underway several months have passed trade i thought this is really corrupt. Host anthony, we have to leave you there, were just about out of time. Amy goodman from democracy now , your final thoughts. Guest just that people should turn to independent media. People should turn to a media that doesnt profit from war, from Climate Change. Should turn to a media that is honest and is going to the grassroots. Tune intoe people to democracy now , you can find out your station all over the country, public radio and television stations, Community Media this is the place to go to find the voices of people who are forming movements that are shaping america. I look forward to seeing folks in portland, maine later today and bangor tonight, bar harbor tomorrow, chicago next week. Check our website this 100 city tour. Democracy now . Org is the source of our daily news headlines, our indepth stories, we transcribe everything. A very content rich news website. Really focusing on these elections in united hates, and on movements all over the world. , executiveoodman producer of democracy now . Her new book is democracy now , 20 years covering the movements that change america. Thank you for being here. Coming up next, tom fitton will be here to talk about his groups role on Hillary Clinton email investigation. But first, the chairman of the House Committee writing legislation on puerto ricos debt crisis in our guest is our guest. Rob bishop takes a reporter about the status of the legislation. You will be able to see the entire interview on sunday at 10 00 a. M. At six apart him on cspan 6 00 p. M. On cspan. Newsmakers is Available Online at cspan. Org. I tried was several different versions of legislation to try and aid to the territory that is 70 billion in debt. What is the status of the most recent version of this, and is this something you think you can get past . In all the versions that have been out there that people are referencing, the fundamental issue has always been the same. It is to be some way of providing some kind of security. There will be an Oversight Board that will go down there and work with the government to come up with a plan in which they will get their financial house in order. They will be able to pay off their debts. Then they will work with the creditors who by and large want to stay in puerto rico, they want to get the money back. They will be able to come up with that plan. The board will have the ability of making sure that plan is adhered to in this followthrough. That gives the security to creditors that they can stay involved, they may have some readjustments or restructuring of the debt. Most of it will be voluntary. I think we can do some kind of financial order Going Forward hear. That basic concept of what we want to do has been agreed to by everybody. You have a lot of oppositions. Its been not to the central structure of the bill, but a smaller parts of it. Creditors are concerned they wont be a priority. The Obama Administration are concerned about pensions, democrats in congress are concerned about a couple of provisions involving lowering minimum wage for younger workers in a land transfer. What, my study made what compromises have you made to people who are concerned about this bill and do you think your final version will be able to make it through congress . Every discussion draft was somewhat of a compromise. The common bond is the underlying assumptions that we meant that there would be no bailout, no government money going down there. The taxpayers of america are going to be held harmless. But that everyone will eventually get paid. Investors will get paid, whether its pensions, whether , the general obligation bonds, all of those eventually will be made whole. Property rights will be respected and the constitution of puerto rico will be respected at the same time. All of those things have not changed. And thats going to be very base whats going to happen. Washington journal, continues. Host our guest is tom fitton, a group who has filed multiple lawsuits in the hillary email case. Thank you so much for being here this morning. Guest thank you for having me. Host tell us more about Judicial Watch and what it does. The nonpartisan educational foundation. We are conservative, but we are anticorruption and we try to figure what the government is up to. We use the freedom of information act, which is a federal law allowing access to government records, it also allows access to the courts if the government doesnt give you those records. We have many, many lawsuits against the Obama Administration, which is a terribly secretive and in violation of the law. In our investigations and requests for documents about benghazi and Hillary Clintons conflict of interest, we ran into really, uncovered in many ways the clinton email scandal. Thats why we are so involved with that. Host reminder viewers how you initially became involved and what documents you initially found. Guest we were asking for documents about benghazi. In 2014, your viewers may recall that we recovered this document out of the white house, it was the white house that was pushing out the false talking points the attack on benghazi facility was the results of a spontaneous demonstration caused by an internet video. The administration have been saying our briefings on that were based on our intelligence, she was relying on intelligence. Those with the talking points on this. Were the talking points for politicos ben rose, it was a completely political doctrine. We noticed in that litigation, even before the release of that document, which really shook washington, because congress had not been able to get it. In response, Speaker Boehner reported the select committee on benghazi. We noticed that Hillary Clinton email, where was the Hillary Clinton emails . I was thinking shouldnt do email. Be usual for someone in the position not to use emails. In the request. We got the documents in response to the lawsuit that we already gotten in the satellite about. The lawyers pushed back and said where did you look . We start getting answers saying other documents into review, the told the court that in february 2015, we give Judicial Watch everything, we havent reviewed yet. Leaks ineks later it the New York Times, there was Clinton Emails and all bets were off. Host what is the status of your request for information now . Guest the requests are ongoing. Now the argument is, we think we were gamed, the courts were gamed, some of our lawsuits, we are being told they did a reasonable search of her offices, didnt find anything. They never told us about the emails in which of the cases down. Two of them have been reopened, including the one where were asking about a special government job obtained by a top clinton aide during her time of the state department, now with the campaign, she was able to work at the state department and at the Clinton Foundation and another clinton entity. We asked for documents about that, and they said we looked, heres only found. Which of the case down. Turned out, all the Clinton Emails were there. It was reopened, the court in that case was upset by the evident lack of good faith and handling our requests. He granted us discovery, which means that were going to be able to gather evidence in testimony from officials in the Like Department and people cheryl mills, chief of staff who brought a state Department Political appointee in the i. T. Department, who was helping Hillary Clinton run her illicit email system. That testimony is going to take place by june 30. Host viewers can call in and join the conversation as well. We have traditional phone lines for the segments, democrats, call 202 7488000. Republicans, call 202 7488001. Independents, call 202 7488002. Tweet, also send us a cspanwj, and we are on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Heres beverly on the democrat equine. Democratic line. Caller this is nothing more than a witch hunt. Its a witch hunt. Host all right. Is this a witch hunt . Guest this is the Justice Department run by democrats thats investigating mrs. Clintons handling of classified these are fbi two federal court judges who Judicial Watch discovery. The first judge i reference as an appointee of resident clinton. President clinton. Witchhunts,lleged its one involving a vast conspiracy, including an agency led by political appointees of president obama. It doesnt bear scrutiny. The problem Judicial Watch has been facing if theres a democrat were going after, the democrats rally around the person of interest. When its a republican were going after, publicans rally around. Haveew is, if you corruption in your Political Party and you have politicians associated with your ideology that are corrupt, you need to make it clear you want no part of that, and you want the truth to come out. Because that is so harmful to have crooks being your standardbearer. George w. Bush, nothing he was personally corrupt, for his lack of transparency, something we ran into in a significant way was serious. The American People to not like it. Thats why obama ran as the most transparent, all that was a scam. He would be the most transparent of administration history. We see time and time again, the perception of corruption is a major issue for voters. It will get the politicians here to admit it, we should recognize it. If you are a smart Party Activists in either party, you should see that as a key issue for you to handle directly, rather than screaming its a witchhunts every time someone you like in your party gets criticized and put under investigation, with good reason, like Hillary Clinton. You aboutnt to ask this article that was in the National Review recently that criticized your Group Involvement in the investigation of Hillary Clinton, heres a little bit from that article. Its ever vomiting Committee Spokesperson are hailing the conservative watch grow Watchdog Group of drafting and the committees it best to get awake while claiming credit for some of its most important discoveries. The finalelease of report nearing, gop lawmakers, led by Committee Chairman trey gowdy are worried that the group will over politicized and much and just a group or much anticipated report. Theyve opened fire, keeping Judicial Watch of mischievous behavior. The two key instigators are now at each others throats, suggested deepening divide between Congressional Republican than conservative activist. The latter still hopes to wheel benghazi is a stake through the heart of clintons president will build. President ial bid. Guest we just seek the truth. This just shows you how effective Judicial Watch is. We are being attacked by the Republican Leadership of congress are doing our job and embarrassing them, and showing them up. The Benghazi Select Committee would not be there but for Judicial Watchs disclosures. We have had disclosures that weve all mades all that the committee has either not been able to get, or may have had but didnt disclose that werent being forthright with the American People and sitting on material. We have been critical when asked about what the Benghazi Committee has been up to comments is the payback. This to me as an extraordinary abuse of taxpayer resources to have paid staff of Congress Going around attacking a Transparency Group for doing its job. It, i dont believe even think the Obama Administration spends their time proactively calling reporters and attacking our work. Its just incredible. Lets hear now from someone on the republican line. Larry from washington, d. C. Is our next caller. Go ahead. Caller good morning. My support Judicial Watch, you are correct in your statement that because of the interactions with a lack of the spine of congress to do the job, the separation of power of the legislative branch to check made the executive branch Hillary Clinton is going back 36 years now that shes campaigning for president , her statement before the house for Intelligence Committee what difference does it make . It shows she doesnt care about a Pressure Forces man. She just has contempt. To the pathological liar, a mass murderer, and i think your day is coming. Thats my statement i wanted to make to the people want to apologize for her. Shes a forked tongue crook. Host thats larry from washington, d. C. Bill, northbrook, illinois on the independent line. Go ahead, bill. Caller thanks for taking my call. Going beyond the benghazi situation, the entire email controversy i would like you to answer what is wrong with my statement how can it be that it takes virtually a year, with , andi agents investigating yet, there is no conclusion . As if our me government must be inept if we cannot conclude this investigation, regardless of what it shows. To me, its appalling that this has taken so long to come to some answer more to get the information that is needed to make a decision. Host that is bill from illinois. We are speaking with tom fitton of Judicial Watch. Called, in the washington post, the benghazi scandal of conducting a secretive and bungled investigation. Why is that . Guest because its been going on for two years, the American People dont know when its up to. There have been few public hearings to educate the American People about the benghazi outrage. I believe the benghazi was a serious, serious abuse. We had lies by the president and mrs. Clinton, designed to keep them in office that placed human lives in jeopardy. I think because of the lack of accountability, the lies continued lives continue to be placed in jeopardy, and the Benghazi Committee has not done enough to vindicate those who have been killed in those who seek reassurance from the government. They dont know what theyre doing. They refuse to disclose to the American People Key Information they have had for years, it democrats you complain about republicans, that they are politicizing investigations. They are right. Policy the politics isnt the way the democrats think it is. The view one investigations is we dont like them, we dont think they politically work, so therefore, we wont do them. If we do them, well just do ugh to keep the gull lake people like tom fitton and Judicial Watch and concerned American Voters who are into this, happy. But not so much as to roil the waters. The benghazi investigation of perfect example of that. Host lets hear from Hillary Clinton, defending herself in terms of the status of her emails investigation. She was on face the nation last week. [video clip] no one has reached out to me yet. Last august i made it clear i am more than ready to talk to anybody, anytime a. I encouraged all of my assistants to be very forthcoming, and i hope that this is close to being wrapped up. No one said Hillary Clinton, wed like to sit down and talk to you. It would clinton not at this point. If there is this point where voters are thinking of you versus donald trump, some voters may be spaying attention now a different kind of way. What is your answer to the people who think fbi inquiry, thats a big deal. What do you say to them . Hillary clinton what have said for many lives. Its a security inquiry, i always took classified material seriously. There was never any material march classified that was sent or received by me. I look forward to this being wrapped up. People ask what she has been learned what she has learned. Hillary clinton that was a mistake. It seems like a convenient idea the time, that certainly wasnt. I always take classified material seriously. There is no argument about that im aware of her in i will continue to do so. Parameterswhatever are required for the president , which i know little bit about, having served with is an obama. With president obama. Host we are talking with tom fitton from Judicial Watch. William from quincy, massachusetts is on the democratic line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I was just watching, and tom said at the beginning that is watch Group Discovered the scandal. I would just like to say i dont he discovered it. The word that would be appropriate would be created. We have a chairman of the Benghazi Committee come out on National Television and state that this committee was put together for the sole purpose of destroying her reputation. He didnt get the speaker ship of the house like he was supposed to the next day because of that. Because he destroyed this entire Benghazi Committee. I personally think that the taxpayer should be repaid by the Republican Party for the cost of the Benghazi Committee. Host william, we hear you. Tom fitton from Judicial Watch. Didnt say we discovered it, we highlighted a key piece of information that the obamaryone knew clinton team was lying about benghazi. That was admitted to in many ways. But we had a documented proof. It wasnt trey gowdy who made that political comment about the committee, i think he was kevin mccarthy. Republicans, thats the mess they made, and thats what we do our own investigations, because folks like your caller responded republicanto quote investigations, and he gets bound up in politics. Judicial watch is nonpartisan, we just try to get the documents of the them out there for people to judge for themselves or if you dont think benghazi is a big deal, thats fine. But at least review the documents that we been able to uncover and look at the documents. The committee hasnt been able has kept free much all documents they have. They have released a few. We release everything we can we get them. After we look at them. And then put them out for the American People to look at. Judicialwatch. Org , look at the documents and judge for yourselves. Dont take partisan words for, for yourselves. Host a comment from twitter nonpartisan at your conservative Judicial Watch doesnt know what that person is. Guest nonpartisan means not associated with the party. We can have a conservative outlook and not be republican or democrat, or associated with a particular candidate. Nonpartisan means that we ask russians of both republicans and democrats, and the consequences negatively were positively for either party are inconsequential to us read we are principled. More information from a story in the washington post, this year that says Judicial Watch criticism is not surprising given its history that the group is mostly aligned with conservative causes, a push for Less Government secrecy has made an uneasy ally for republicans to its founding in 1994. Dick02, the group sued cheney and halliburton for a legit fraud, thing the company overstated its revenue under cheneys leadership. Around the same time, he teamed up with the sierra club to sue for records related to Energy Task Force run by cheney. The group has included republicans on his annual list of 10 most wanted corrupt politicians and cheered their legal defeats. Peter is calling on the republican line. Go ahead. Caller hi, tom. I saw you early on this morning i said i had to call in. You are a real patriot. The public doesnt really understand how important your organization is and the wonderful work that you are doing. If it wasnt for you guys, we wouldnt even know about Hillary Clinton. The thing that disturbs me the most about the media is that there are so many spinmeisters who are not interested in the truth and justice, they are interested in getting this one way or the other. They have got a special place in the constitution that they are supposed to inform the public about wrongdoing, they dont do it. At least during the watergate investigations, there were some republicans on board who wanted to know the truth about what happened. I cant seem to see any democrats who are condemning mrs. Clinton. Gender, mrs. Clinton is guilty of gross negligence. As just a fact. They just keep spinning this thing. I think trey gowdy and his organization is totally inept. They cant seem to get any information, and i think they are only interested in embarrassing mrs. Clinton, and not bringing her to justice. I talked right all the time, because you on television. I said i would to meet tom and shake his hand. Because they got he is there. Thank god he is there. Guest small world. I can tell you how my folks for media organizations, including wellknown Media Outlets admire Judicial Watch. Envious in a positive way of boy, i wish we could get the documents you are able to get. I wish we could commit our investigative resources to force the administration to be more forthcoming and follow the law and release documents as they are supposed to. From congresss perspective, members on both sides of the ande admire Judicial Watch their ability to get Things Congress cant. Speaker boehner is no longer speaker because members were tired of being shown up by Judicial Watch. Obamase going to stop lawless radical agenda, the least they could do was investigated, they werent even doing that. Thats why Speaker Boehner is no longer speaker, in some parts. Host how is Judicial Watch funded . Guest by voluntary contributions. We have over 400,000 supporters who write us checks every day. A widely supported organization, that an indication to me at least, and frankly, should be to politicians and the establishment class in washington that the American People are terribly concerned about government corruption, and figuring out what the government is up to. They host mary lou from california is up next on the independent line. Good morning to you. Scamr this man is another about hillary. He needs to do a witchhunt on donald trump. He is least qualified to be president of the United States. There is a lot to be said about donald trump. Hillary is the most qualified person to be president of the United States. Republicans are very jealous. They do all of these witchhunts. He is a republican. He needs to be honest, and forget about these judicial is talkingatever he about. He is all about making money online. On lies. Guest im not sure how to respond about that. Donald trump will come under Judicial Watch scrutiny the way that any other politician would. The thing with donald trump is he has not been an elected official, so he does not have as many records to get a hold of, as Hillary Clinton does. Host sherry from oklahoma is up next. Caller yes. Cspan, i cannot tell you how disappointed i am that you would keefe ar james o hack job. He is nothing but a republican hack job. Talk about the investigation of one woman. He has more than enough issues that he could be investigating donald trump, which he will not need. Host we hear you this morning as well. We are speaking with tom fitton of Judicial Watch. There are several investigations into Hillary Clintons email. What is the Justice Department looking into . Guest all we can guess is what the reports are. The fbi, one of the cases said they are looking into her use of the system, in the least. That is an issue for mrs. Clinton. It is not a security investigation. The fbi director said he had never heard of a security investigation. Hat is a madeup term it is a criminal investigation into her conduct in the conduct of her colleagues and the handling of classified information. The fbi is also looking into the Clinton Foundation and basically the clinton cash machine while she was in office as secretary of state. One of the other foil litigation cases that pressured the release of this information is our request of conflict of interest, and when all of this the fan, or at least the state department began getting nervous about this, we were getting and publicizing key documents showing that the clintons at the process was not all that ethical. President clinton sought approval for 250 speeches, and got approval for all of them and was able to earn money personally from the chinese government, other foreign entities. The state department did not care. Mrs. Clinton was benefiting from that too. The reports of Goldman Sachs after her six figures theyas secretary state, were giving her husband six figures while she was secretary of state. Her use of the foundation and the use of her position to take supporters,rs and she promised there would be a line between her and the would they would be careful ethical requirements to make sure there was no mixing of the two. What do the emails show . She was regularly getting advice from a Clinton Foundation employee. Advisingumenthal was mrs. Clinton on libya while she was secretary of state. She was actually banned reportedly from the white house. Mrs. Clinton did not want many people knowing that she was getting advice from sidney blumenthal. Was thehe top officials key cabinet advisor for mrs. Clinton. Sue on the phone lines is from kentucky. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . Host go ahead with your question. Caller i would just love to know if anyone is looking at donald trump and looking into his background. Be not seem to me to host go ahead, you are on the air. Seem tohe just does not me to be present much euro. Host all right. Lets hear from one more caller, and then we will go back to our guest, tom fitton. Line, davendependent. Caller thank you for taking my call. I just want to highlight, if you could i am left of center, but not a huge Hillary Clinton fan. I want to comment on something from the washington post. There was a piece of imagery korea. Rth here is something i know. Someone moved data from a classified network to an unclassified network. When you look at the freedom of information releases on the , mye Department Website question, if you know the information, the two ladies who sent emails to mrs. Clinton have security releases . Does anyone know who in the state departments release this information for to get moved to mrs. Clintons server . Guest i think the last question, that is one thing that the fbi and Justice Department are now trying to answer. I believe they have security clearances. Mrs. Clinton sending the. Nformation is gobbledygook initially she said it was not classified, then she said it was never marked classified. Was requesting documents materials that were classified. The markings recognized its classification. Whether it is marked or not is irrelevant. She should be able to discern whether it is classified or not. Saying it was not marked at the time has nothing to do with what the law is and what the requirements of the law are. The fact that she continues to lie about what the laws are and her obligations are is disturbing. That the Obama Administration continues the lies is even more disturbing. Host larry from tucson, arizona is on the line next. Go ahead. Caller hello . Air. You are on the go ahead. Caller i want to know, does washington journal in cspan have any responsibilities in who s . Ey choose for guest his comments and thought process is based on his knowledge. Many benghazi investigations have there been . Guest not enough. Caller you say. Guest you have a strong opinion too. Caller you are a conservative. Guest this is the typical response, unfortunately. If you dont like what someone is saying, they should not be on air talking. Folks like that are not able to trample on the First Amendment the way they would like to. Ost the next color is jeans good morning. Caller good morning. This is an honor. Thingh the first and god i watched the first benghazi hearing. Big,ught, this is something is going to happen. I have come to the conclusion, if you are going to be chair of the committee in congress, they on you. Have some dirt thank god for you guys. If i ever get any money, i will send you a check. Guest i think committee en are there at the benevolence of the leadership. Speaker ryan is responsible for how these things operate. Accountability for the failure to make this a more public issue and to vindicate the Public Interest in. Iguring out what went on we mentioned earlier the Benghazi Committee attacking Judicial Watch. Faith in thehave fbi director . Guest i think the interest is the establishment once mrs. Clinton indicted. The fbi will probably be interested in doing that. Frombi is too often in you criticism. I do not believe it is immune from criticism in the irs case. They were involved in getting irs material they were not supposed to get under law. Disinterestedt a party. They are doing the investigation, and surprise, surprise, there are no investigations coming of it. The fbi should we subject to the same scrutiny that every other agency is. Host we have time for a few more callers rebuts get and sue from maryland. Good morning. Aller good morning, tom i just wanted to make a couple of quick comments. Number one, i dont know if people understand the importance of foia. You cannot foia a private individual. Can is why Hillary Clinton be because she was part of the executive branch. I do not think people get the and how important it is. I also want to make the point that Government Transparency is not a partisan issue. If it was not for Judicial Watch, there is an amazing amount of information that the not have. Blic would if you are thinking of writing a judicialde it to the watch. You are doing great work. Keep it up. Guest that is an essential point. The freedom of information act is somewhat limited. I cannot get president obamas phone messages, at least not yet. The freedom of information act is not apply to congress. It does not apply to the federal judiciary. It is somewhat limited. It is remarkable, given the limitations, what we are able to do. A little bit of work can go a long way. Not rocket it is science. It is persistence and the willingness to ask questions and get accountability. Host the last caller will be donna. Go ahead. Caller hello. Host you are on the air. Upler i am just like fed with everything. I watched the whole thing. They should have had someone other than Hillary Clinton to be accounted for. Enough is enough. Alone. Er host we have to leave it there. Your final thoughts . Guest this is not going away. People are concerned about and ghazi, mrs. Clinton, Everything Else that the obama and mr. Is doing. Mrs. Clinton is going to have to account for her email scandal. Nd key officials this issue is not going away. Host all right. Thank you so much for joining us. Coming up next, we will be taking your phone calls. We will be right back. On American History tv on cspan3. , this committee has under taken this investigation. America the Church Committee gathered. Hey detailed fbi abuses days to do it. This has practical significance. Adams admits to excesses. 8 00, in lectures and history. They are the ones who sound the alarm. The university of georgia professor on the role of the coroner and emerging patterns of death in society. Sunday at school and 30, john kerry, who served in the vietnam war and later became a vocal shares his the war thoughts at the lyndon b. Johnson library. The fundamental contract and government was not honored. What other person sitting at home watched the speech . Story eisenhower. Keeping it recalled the former attorney general and said, what a fine speech he just delivered. He then called a former assistant and fred what an excellent speech Ronald Reagan had delivered. For ronaldd a plan reagan. The pivotal role that the former president played. For the complete schedule, go to cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Beer taking your calls on trending topics. Here is the story. Facebook workers continue to suppress stories interested to users, according to a former journalist who worked in the project. They prevented stories from the gathering, and other topics, even though they were organically trending among users. Host again, that is a story in gizmodo. Facebook has responded to the accusations. Here is the post from Mark Zuckerberg. He put this on his Facebook Page recently. Here is a quote. Host another facebook executive also posted this on his page. He says that facebook has in place strict guidelines for the topics for viewers. Host here are your phone lines. You can go ahead and start calling in. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. Ndependents, 202 7458002 you can share his thoughts on twitter, cspanwj. Lets get to the viewers. Joe is on the republican line. Caller thank you very much. Cspan for calling 30 years. I am a conservative and have 4000 facebook friends. Hank sullivan and i are working to elect taxpayer champions around the world. We put that on facebook. Also, we are encouraging junk people to get more involved in. Olitics i have been on facebook for four years and i am a strong conservative. I have never had any problem like cspan stopping my i was a strong supporter about ted cruz and put things on facebook about him. Facebook did not interfere with that. Host all right. Next up is davis. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I just want to say to my fellow liberals and progressives, i know you want to feel the way that i felt initially with the story that it is more conservatives whining about not getting their moments. Telling a conservative friend of mine, and he laughed at me. He said, you cannot see the other side, you cannot see these stories. They have to be hidden from you. You are like sheep that have to be brainwashed. Listeneds to him i to him. He told me some websites to go. O i started seeing stories that i had no idea. I thought they were jokes. Ogled them. The stories,ave but they never appear on the sites that i go to on the facebook feed. I will give you an example. For instance, this week or last week, there was a court that ruled against obamacare, saying on i foundled nothing about this elsewhere. Wase i did see it, it dismissed. Here is the best one. I will leave you with this. This is on one of the sites of friend told me about. The story about this whole thing that you are reporting on. It was trending on twitter when it was not appearing on facebook. How is it trending on twitter, but not facebook . Obviously because the editors it, andpulating manipulating against conservatives, which they do not care about. They know where to get there news. Thank you, so much, cspan. Host here is a chart from the showssearch center which the prevalence of news on twitter and facebook. From 2013 to 2015, twitter has for users. New source facebook have seen similarly a large increase in the percent of users who get their news from facebook. The use of facebook and twitter and the social media platforms as sources of news on on the rise. Surely from pennsylvania is on the line. What do you think . Good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Came uplad this topic to. Im going to tell you what. Im a little older and this business is the most disgusting thing i think we have ever had in our society. And put onon their all of their business. They literally sit there all day long. You say, im trying to carry on a conversation with you. I think it is disgusting. They need to shut the whole thing down. Host we hear your point this morning. Here is a comment from twitter. A person tweets, does anyone believe that a company like facebook would commit resources politicalating opinions . What nonsense. Good morning. Caller good morning. Newsfeed just the being manipulated. I know that Bernie Sanders groups happened shut down on facebook. Going back to when occupied started, that was a big thing. Roomsnds of us in chat were talking. One week or two, we were thinking, where is amy good , why she not following this one . There were literally hundreds of us going to democracy nows webpage and amy goodmans webpage and making comments. We would refresh the page in the comments would be removed that quickly about anything going on with occupied. There were hundreds of us posting messages on their pages, but they would be wiped pretty much instantly. Host all right. Just in case you missed it, we had amy goodman on earlier this morning, q can catch that segment on cspan. Org. Next up is mike. Caller good morning. Haveook, when you political news and right wing news, it is really all made of. Goes, as Hillary Clinton what is she supposed to do, call another airstrike in benghazi . What are they really talking about with the whole benghazi thing . All right. Here is some response from washington. The rnc chairman says that facebook must answer. Meanwhile, a senator from south statement. Out a his office also included a askingto Mark Zuckerberg him to provide answers to a list of questions. On tuesday, josh earnest also addressed this issue. Here is what he said during a press conference. [video clip] we are obviously all dealing with the rapidly changing news environment. Communicating more effectively with the American People is the responsibility that we all have. Obviously, we were pleased to see the statement from facebook, making clear that this is not something they engaged in. You can ask them directly for better explanation of what people may be seeing. There is no denying the kind of media environment that exists onay places a special burden consumers of news to seek out opinions that may differ from them. The nature of facebook is it helps people connect over large distances. It makes those connections based on shared opinions and shared characteristics. The media environment, the weight is structured now makes it easy for any individual to surround themselves with voices, perspectives, and opinions that they share. The president has given a number of speeches on how important it is for citizens across the country to seek out different opinions and challenge assumptions. Host we are talking about new allegations that facebook. Uppressed conservative news philip is on the republican line. Good morning to you. Caller thank you for to my call. I want to note that facebook uses algorithms. They are derived by individuals, and they have their bias. The gentleman you commented about who was the security representative, he is a donor to party. Ocratic Mark Zuckerberg on donald trump said they were neutral. They have 10 different Media Outlets that they use in terms of scrubbing information. Of the 10, it ate our leftleaning. Facebook could do a better job. Zuckerberg has a tough time here in the United States, i can understand how a government like of facebook,o part regardless of what language zuckerberg learns. He should be subpoenaed and respond directly to questions about what facebook does. The average american spends 50 minutes on facebook. They have a role to play in terms of explaining where they are coming from and what devices are biases are. Host next up is robert. Go ahead. Having the problem i am is we have lost a clear definition of what conservative liberal is. Your guest said he was conservative with Judicial Watch. We had a candidate running who sanders,ist, bernie and i think the word socialist could keep him from winning. On the other hand, what i understand is conservative are. Ree enterprise conservatives china, which is a communist country, they demand abortion and imprisoned christians. They are attacking us in cyberspace. I truly do not understand, when yetave these labels, and impractical reality, they support the very things that are attacking us. Hillary with benghazi is a serious thing. I hope it works out to find out what the socalled truth is. In the meantime, the danger that she poses is coming from communist china. Host we hear you this morning. Here are some comments from twitter. The political commentary is rubbish. Another person tweets, facebook is a private company, they can do with the ones, just like consumer of anything, dont put your eggs in one basket. Go ahead, john. Caller thank you for taking my call. I have a couple of different observations. You just mentioned the twitter feed. I would like to call on all americans to understand. This is a private enterprise. That business is going to do what that does this was just to and the strategies of it sees as beneficial to facebook. This information is very harmful. They can trend what people are buying, thinking. Covering how they would use this information for background checks. It is incumbent on us to not be ignorant of what is going gone. This is not a football game. We are not taking sides of any particular party. I heard one of your earlier callers say, leave Hillary Clinton alone. She ought to be demanding that she account. With regard to facebook, think it speaks to a larger issue. ,e sign up for these accounts that we agree to the user license agreement. I will be honest with you. The most people in listening audience, i do not sit down and read this stuff. I think the government ought to we trulyit so that understand what rights we are giving up when we hit submit. We ought to stop using facebook and these programs, and make them do what we, as a citizenry, think is just and we truly understand what right for the country. I appreciate your time. Thank you. From next up is robert california. Good morning. Thank you for taking my call. As far as social media goes, some people try to downplay it. It really is a big issue. Interviewing students, i find that a lot of them are not getting the news from television. They are getting it from social media, from twitter, and the facebook feed. It was leaked in the last year that sucker burke was actually situationa hot mic with angela merkel, saying he was going to censor comments in the facebook feed that were critical of the open border situation in europe. I do not think there is any. Peculation here this has been going on. From inside facebook. The severity of it is very evident based on the response. Rom zuckerberg they might back off a bit, but the truth is that facebook and the social media platforms are a type of ghetto. That is what was said in an interview earlier this year. ,e need to vote with our feet and start operating independently. Host where do you go for trusted news . , info warsdge report , project veritas. What they are doing is reminiscent of early 20th century investigative journalists, and finding these stories and whistleblowers within the industry. Host just to let you know, we had tom fitton on of Judicial Watch in the last segment. We are talking this morning about facebook and you allegations that it suppresses conservative news. We want to let you know about other programming coming got. Booktv, in Downtown Chicago for book expo america. Book and of the top author of events for the industry. Cspan representatives have been speaking with attendees about. He event today, we are participating in book con with the public. For more information on booktv, and follow itrg on twitter. Turning now back to the phone lines, john is calling from michigan. Good morning. Caller hi. That iwanted to say agree with the last caller the one before him. A business. Like any business, they have the right to do whatever they want. You cannot expect them host do you think that suppressing one viewpoint or another is good for business . No. Er i think fox is a good example of that. Fox news does exactly the same thing. They are all onesided. To have the right to do that. Host all right. The next caller is alex from missouri on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I posted something on facebook fan. Ime i am a bernie i have seen some stuff from the conservative side that had a bunch of points about hillary and a bunch of links to read about all of these different things. On facebook. St i tried to repost it again, and it was no longer available. I dont know if they did something or something happened, i tried to post something that was interesting, and it did not go through. I just dont know if they did it or something happened. Host we hear you this morning. There is still time to get your call and comment in. Here are the numbers. Emocrat, 202 7488000 republicans, 202 7488001. Ndependents, 202 7458002 we are also reading your tweets. The handle is cspanwj. We are on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Lets turn to the democratic line. Paul is calling from wisconsin. Good morning. Caller yes. I hear a lot of conservative radio in the milwaukee area. I hear it pretty much all over the country. Onneed progressive talk their shows. They want to get into everybodys stuff. They are holding this country back. They are not going to be able to stop progressives. Progressives need to be able to get speech on. Heir programs too we will see who is right and wrong. Hey want to do all the talking one more time, progressives and liberals lets them on your media. Challenge them too. Host are you on facebook . Caller no. I am, but just a little bit. I look at cspan and stuff. Yall have been having these conservatives on talking all this crap. I would like to see a show that is more challenging on both sides. Host we hear you this morning. Next up is stacy. Morning. Aller good morning mynk you for not muffling speech. I am a new republican. I have been democrat all my life. Im so disgusted with how the Democratic Party has running. His country i do think that facebook is suppressing republican news. It is obvious. Speeches throughout the United States, most of the people that have been giving the speeches are democrats. Hat is such a bummer the republicans are definitely. Eing muzzled this think about bernie not being out there and the newsfeeds, that is not true. He came not to long ago, just a , and no oneys ago suppressed him, but what is crazy is right before he went somebody wasy, trump the f donald shirts. He is trying to spread this hatred. He is a democratic socialist. If you look at info wars, these police cars,g over this is coming from those tshirts. Host where do you get your news . Caller i couldnt everywhere. I get it through cspan. I love you guys. I do not think you are very biased. You let people speak like this. I watch things that you put out. It is just amazing. Zuckerberg, he once free speech. He is acting like china. Host we hear you this morning. Wednesday, lamar smith from texas came to the floor to talk about these allegations. Here is a little bit about what he had to say. [video clip] detailsent story facebooks efforts to suppress conservative news and its trending news section. Censoring stories to fit a political agenda does a disservice to the American People. A recent study found that two thirds of American Adults use facebook to get news. Facebook has an obligation and a public responsibility not to silence conservative voices. Facebook should give the American People an honest appraisal of the news when it comes to deciding what is trending on the website. Anything less is intentionally trying to promote a liberal agenda. Host here is a recent story from the New York Times business section. Weeks, whatecent had been a worry among editors, has turned into. Laid off people, salon and buzz feedffs, was forced to that back bat back questions about revenue. Publishers say it is too full, the web advertising business is always unpredictable plateaued,ffic has in some cases, falling. We are taking your phone calls on new allegations that facebook suppressed conservative news and its trending topics feature. Lets turn to ohio, where fred is on the line. Good morning. Caller good morning, how are you . Whatld like to reiterate stacy said. A lot of trump voters do come from former democrats. The callers have not expressed the issue here. Progressives have also not expressed it. You enter into this agreement, agreeing that certain material will be allowed, and certain material will not. It is also implied, if not expressed that political views will not be suppressed. With zuckerberg is doing is what zuckerberg is doing is breaching his own agreement. Then, there is disclosure. The business discloses policies with you about what you are using. What he has done is without advising users of his product. This is a nondisclosure issue. There is another conservative principle, one that many in their greed and bigotry have abandoned in recent years. That is the concept of market share that is a corporation or company that has such a large such an impacts on society that they open themselves up to the government to protect health and wellbeing of the population. The argument by progressives that this is a private business sort of contradicts their own hugeogy, as facebook has a market share that is used by marketing and business and used to communicate by numbers of people. With those concepts, i do not see that zuckerbergs insertion speech isal admissible. Host have you felt that youve not had as much access as you would have liked to conservative new stories on facebook . Caller i do not have the time thehat would be considered analysis of this to spend enough time to be able to measure this. Facebook for communicating what i am doing artistically and sometimes politically. Issue understand as the is from those who seek out the news products from their site, that there is an overwhelming and aoward liberal views suppression of the number of views and Information Sources that would be critical of the Foreign Policy of the United States, as well as the policies of countries in which facebook is making a lot of money. Another question is whether zuckerberg is involved in doing a disservice to the customer in trying to promote his own position in countries in which he has a great deal of business interest. Host lets get in a few more call this. Virginia is on the line. Go ahead. Caller i love your show. I really do believe that you are like the voice of america. Whether i virginia agree with sr dont agree with them, the people who call in to your show are not asleep at the switch. I would just offer that. I wish, i really do wish you periodxtend the calling beyond 10 00. People have good things to say. I think that is how we keep people in line. , itou bring these topics up shines a light on where we have problems. The only other point is transgender issue, now, facebook media, of that is from which is put out as a distraction from the real problems we have in the country. One guy called and talked about info wars in some of these other news information. Watch you too. You can find so many different just have toou pick and choose what you think is logical and you believe. One other thing. There is a guy who talks about the economy all the time. It is the number one issue that no one is paying attention to. Noy could it gets attention on air. It would be great if you could bring him on. Host we have time for a few more callers. Next is joyce. Good morning to you. Caller thank you for letting me in. I know is close it is close to the end. I want to talk about the facebook thing. One very longwinded republican who was the second to last call had a whole lot to say about facebook, and then, after he finished saying everything wrong with facebook admitted that he basically does not spend any time on facebook. Lexmark him off as an lets mark him off as an expert. Onpent a lot of Time Facebook and belong to probably about 10 different Hillary Clinton support groups. The information that they say this appears is because of people like me. Guess what. Checker, a cspan lover. And find the truth. Unfortunately, too many people beating facebook are so naive naive and underinformed but so naive that they will believe influenced highly political opinion before they will believe a credible news salon. Com. E that makes me really sad to hear that because some of these Early Services were very good. Most of them are very bad. A word of advice. Out on theot find Facebook Page that posted something who the people are, look under about, and find out who they are, where they could information from. If they cannot source a factual basis for what they are publishing, then chances are it is absolutely a lie. Host we will have to leave it there to get in the last caller for the show today, patty, from florida. Good morning. Caller i use their . Host we are here. You have the last word. Caller thanks. From florida. Good morning. My problem is on the tv shows, news programs, it seems like everyone, the commentators, are all saying, go to facebook, go to facebook, here is our. Acebook page if it is being manipulated, we are promoting that bias. Even on cspan, it says, see facebook and twitter. Manipulated, that is not right. That is taking over our country. I think we have to stop it, or stop promoting it. Or theon the dow jones nasdaq. Why are they even promoting that . It does not seem right to me. Host all right. That was patty. That does it for our show today. Here is a look at the schedule for tomorrow. We will be talking with James Pearson from the wilson center. He will be discussing north korea. ,lso joining us robert costa discussing donald trump and Congressional Republicans. Brent glassclass will join us on his new book. We will see tomorrow. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] next, a House Oversight hearing on the future of the u. S. Postal service. Then, james baker and former National Security advisor

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