If not by phone, you can weigh isvia social media, cspanwj our twitter handle. You can leave a comment at facebook. Com cspan. Or, send us an email at journal cspan. Org. As you can imagine, the gripping headlines and photos continue today. The second full day after the paris attacks. , paris attack was the work of three teams. You conceivable a holes at a cafe you can see the bullet holes at a cafe. Aman grieving outside restaurant. There is the headline, isis according towar, the Washington Post. They write, the carnage renews military ander terrorism. Host here is just a taste of Hillary Clintons speaking last night on the security issue at the debate. [video clip] we can bring people together, but it cannot be an american fight. I think what the president has consistently said, which i agree we will support those who take the fight to isis. That is why we have troops in iraq that are working to train military,back up the so we can be supportive, but this cannot be an american fight. About question was isisis isis was underestimated . You have prescriptions for the future, but how do we know such prescriptions are any good if you missed it in the past. Happened, when we abided by the agreement that george w. Bush made with the iraqis to leave by 2011 is that left, trained was , unfortunately, the Prime Minister said about decimating it. Then, with the revolution assad, and i did say early on that we needed to very and equip moderates early, because i thought there would be extremist groups filling the vacuum. Yes, this has developed. I think there are many other reasons why it has. I do not think the United States has the bulk of the responsibility. I really put that on assad, on the iraqis, and the region itself. Host we will hear more from last nights debate plus republican speeches in florida as this hour continues on the sunday edition of the washington journal. The Washington Post reports franceows to help hunt down perpetrators of paris terror attacks. You can see a photo here of obama arriving in turkey for the g 20 talks. The agenda will change drastically. First call this morning, campaign 2016 and the National Security issue, an independent color from alabama. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. Saying that off by i do support france, and standby france at this time. They are on the front line of. His war with jihadists on balance, their good points made by all candidates from both parties, and senior officials from both parties. On balance, i think i would lean towards the republicans more. I listened to the debate last night with the democrats, and they make some good points on the middle east, but when it comes to other parts of the world two of the candidates, omalley and sanders, i dont. Hink they have a clue even on the middle east, when all three of them said some important things, i get hung up on they cannot just quite wrap their arms around the nature of that we are facing. I think the republicans get it more than the democrats. I think it is important to understand who your enemy is. It goes back to the ancient Chinese Military philosopher, know your enemy, know yourself, and you can win. I do not think we understand i dont think i understand understands who are enemy is. Ourave been too reticent in reaction to them. I will be the first to admit. About overreaction on the republican side. They get is a little too far. I still think they have a better grasp. Host what is an example of the gop side . Caller for example, i listen to lindsey graham. I love senator graham. I think he has a very good perspective on what is going on. I worry he could get us in a war very easily over there. You hear on the republican side the mantra, yes, we dont want to put boots on the ground a moment, i have always taken to conventional maneuver units. , weink, at least in iraq need that. In syria, i get reticent about it. I dont want to reach into another war where we get into , and nationp building. It is easy to say we would not get there, but our track record does not support that. Host thanks for weighing in from alabama. We have a second call from las vegas. Independent line. Go ahead please. Withr my problem everything we are doing, republicans and democrats can you hear me . Host yes. Caller when they created the state of israel, they created world war iii. This state of israel belongs to , not america. America pays for it, russia controls it. We have heard nothing from s meeting at putin all. After that meeting, russia invades syria. That is the problem, creating this fall state of White Supremacy in palestine. Host ok. Kathy is on the line now from maryland, outside of washington, d. C. , democratic caller. Good morning, kathy. Are you there . Caller yes. And here. Host go ahead, please. Caller you sent goahead . Host you are on the air. Caller i think the democrats yes, i am here. Host we can hear you just fine, go ahead and make your comment. , they aree democrats very cautious right now. They dont want to lose a bunch anybody on the other side. In the past, world war i, world war ii, they have had lots of americans the korean war, vietnam. We have lost so many of our soldiers. I just think the democrats are , not totious right now be ready to get into war. They have other avenues. They are trying to get the other countries involved. And london,ance they have been helping us in the past. They want help from everyone now. The democrats are doing a wonderful job at being cautious. Host thank you for calling. Which party do you trust on National Security is the question. As we mentioned, of the debate last night, it was front and center for the democrats. Republicans, for a couple days down in florida. More yesterday than friday, but there were comments both days on National Security. We have Facebook Comments coming in as well. Mike writes, the Bernie Sanders party is the one that he trusts. Kim writes, i dont trust parties at all, and i trust very few people. Jerry writes, republicans, trump call the they terror attacks what they are radical islamic terror. Omalley, mayor governor, talking last night about National Security. [video clip] libya is a mess. Syria is now a mess. Iraq is a mess. As americans, we have shown ourselves to have the greatest military on the face of the planet, but we are not so very good at anticipating threats and appreciating how difficult it is to build up stable democracies and make investments and Sustainable Development that we must, as a nation if we are going to attack the root causes of these sorts of instability. I want to add one other thing. Iowa, and alington, mom of a serviceman of ours said, governor omalley, please, when you are with your other candidates on stage, please do not use the term, foods on the ground, boots on the my son is not a boot on the ground. Soldiers, and we fail to remember that. Florida,o cindy now in democratic line. How are you . Caller fine, thank you. Host who do you trust, which party on National Security . Caller the Democratic Party, most definitely. Host how come . Caller they are very mindful of the fact that it takes the whole world to be involved in this fight against terrorism. They cannot just be the United States, or just a few countries, it has to also involve countries , their part ofld the world here they have quite a bit to lose. Succeeds, they need to be a very big part of this. I think the Democratic Party, the understand this, that coalition has to be more than it was. Be it has to be more inclusive, involve more countries. Chinaussia, and possibly because it could be them next. Host cindy from florida. Carol writes on twitter this morning, how can we support clinton who will say one thing and do another, she is comfortable with lies, but most of us arent. This is a News Analysis piece writing that the paris attacks will inevitably raise the question of whether to escalate american and western military operations in syria and iraq. Florida,t we have tony from democratic caller. Caller im just calling about. He first guy from alabama they dont worry about their kids, they worry about the money and their pockets. Thats all. Host all right. Rick santorum in florida at the gop Sunshine Summit spoke about the National Security issue. Here is a look. [video clip] Rick Santorum certainly our thoughts and prayers go out to our first ally, france. We will stand with them and pray with them. If we had better leadership, help them. That is the other points. Upset. Out here feeling isis is a creation of a political decision i Hillary Clinton and barack obama. [applause] iraq against all of our generals recommendations, against all of the policy recommendations. Barack obama and Hillary Clinton, under her watch, decided politics above the security of our country and the stability of the world. Isis,hat, was born who are now seeing the effects that domestic political decisions have on the world. We have a president who said yesterday that isis was contained. Yesterday, that isis was shrinking. He is either uninformed, delusional,r and probably all three. [applause] by thes a president way, Hillary Clinton, when she issued her statement, she called the enemy, violent extremists, never defined the enemy. Barack obama has spent his time talking about the greatest National Security threat to our country. . S it global jihadism no, it is carbon dioxide. Hold your breath, otherwise you will destroy the world. Clintonbama, hillary have created the most dangerous world that any new president is going to have to assumed the leadership of. Host former senator Rick Santorum there in florida at the gop Sunshine Summit, held over three days there, it ended yesterday. This, by twitter, what do republicans want to see done in the middle east that is not currently being done . Phil is calling from massachusetts now. Caller neither one of them are going to do anything real. They will talk, talk, and talk. What happens is we have nothing being done. If i was president of france, i would call up Hillary Clinton say, which video do you think caused the problem over here . Or i would call up mayor bloomberg, and say, these guys ak47s. Register their this is ridiculous. First, when he went over there, he tried to export democracy. You can export cars, lumber, steel. You cannot export democracies. We have to stop trying to change their way of life. It is crazy. Syria and said, we are going to draw a line in the sand. That was five years ago. I dont know how many hundreds of thousands of people are dead. Europe is being overrun by muslims. Overrun byg to get muslims. They do not understand our way of life. We are a western way of life, they are in eastern way of life. Somebody has to have the nerve and courage to stand up and say, this stuff has to stop. Phil. That was you can see the capital in the shot, a live look this morning. In flag is at half staff honor of those killed in paris. In paris, they are in the middle of a threeday mourning period. I understand that large gatherings are still banned. There is lots of talk of what to do on the borders. We are joined on the phone with Lisa Caldwell of the associated press. Good morning. Where exactly are you this morning . Guest im here in washington. Host Congress Comes back in for , thel weeks work president is away. What is your sense of what the dialogue and discussion will be here on the National Security matter . Guest certainly there is always the followup question. If it happened in paris, can it happen here . That has long been a concern be ahomegrown terror would jeh johnson has said that we are aware of the. Omegrown fighter issue the fbi says they are tracking , they believe, who have returned to the u. S. From syria and other war zones. Is there a threat . That is still to be determined. That is one of the concerns that i think lawmakers are scrambling to address, as is federal Law Enforcement. There is a concern about terror strikes in the u. S. We have had homegrown or lone wolf incidents here in the United States since 9 11. That is where the eye is right now. Host what is the level of contact now between the u. S. And the french, and other leaders in europe over the security issue how did this happen, how to prevent other evidence happening there, or hear . Guest from the Homeland Security department, which is where my focus is, they say they are in constant contact, along with the fbi. Physicalhas a presence in paris. Preventedhow it gets or what is the history of the attackers, i believe it is still being worked out. There are reports of one parisian being involved. Those details are being sorted out as we speak, is my understanding. Ast how about the posture Homeland Security reporter here in washington, new york, other large cities, have they made much of a change since paris . Guest there have been moments perhaps not moments, but a step up in security york city. That is something that happens often after a vince like this. They will often step up security efforts. Asked that people do games thisags into sunday. They will be on alert, obviously. One of the targets in paris was soccer stadium. Generally speaking, life goes on normally here, as normally as perhaps it can with people still shocked that it happened in paris, and the constant concern that it happened in paris, it could happen here. Host alicia caldwell, Homeland Security reporter for the associated press. Thank you for your time this morning. To lacey, a West Virginia caller, good morning. Caller with all the scandals with hillary and obama, why isnt anything being done about them . They are leading us into a situation that can be as bad, if not worse, as what is happening in paris, france right now. Host bob from georgia, go ahead. Caller i just want to mention that anybody who thinks we should reinvented the middle east, and if they are not prepared to advocate for a up, and havelck all American Families have skin in the game, and think that invading the middle east militarily will do anything to solve terrorist attacks, they are very naive. Into afghanistan,nd iraq, and wholesale invaded and pulled Saddam Hussein who, i will remind everybody was against radical islam. Host i think we lost bob there. Samuel, republican caller. ,hich party are you looking at what are you hearing that is especially important from the candidates right now . Caller i dont really trust either party our National Security. At least this year we are getting some candidates that. Ive me a little hope i look at Bernie Sanders, donald trump. I think they are at least focused on fighting isis. If you look at the other candidates, they dont even know who we are supposed to fight. Clinton, and marco rubio, and others, want to declare a nofly zone. That is my opinion. Host ok. Donald trump in texas yesterday said the paris massacre would have been much different if people had guns. Isis is theter, and obama. Inton mock the Rick Santorum Climate Change issue that has been coming up in democratic circles, largely. Bernie sanders was asked about this yesterday. Heres a look. [video clip] actf we do not get our together and listen to what science is saying, you will see countries all over the world struggling over limited amounts and you will see all kinds of international conflicts. Of course, International Terrorism is a major issue that we have to address today. I agree with what much of the secretary and governor have said. I have one area of disagreement with the secretary. I think she said Something Like the bulk of responsibility is not ours. In fact, i would argue, the disastrous invasion of iraq, something i strongly opposed, unraveled the region completely, and led to the rise of al qaeda, and isis. Do, and what we have to i think there is widespread agreement here the United States cannot do it alone. What we need to do is lead an International Coalition that includes the muslim nations of that region. Host we will do this for about 15 minutes more, and then we will talk to to journalists about campaign 2016, including National Security, and other issues. In the meantime, bob is calling. Good morning, bob. Ahead. Go caller i would like to put my support behind the netanyahu party. He was allowed to speak to all of congress. That was the day i gave up on my two party system. Host we are actually going 30 more minutes because we have so much material from the debate and from florida. We will do this until it 00 eastern time. Again, we are asking folks which party they trust on National Security. The numbers are 202 7488000 for democrats. Republicans, 202 7488001. Independents, 202 7458002. We look forward to more of your calls coming in. Writes,North Carolina can muslims also attack here, have we already forgotten 9 11 . A couple more headlines today. Om Washington Post, moscows intervention in syria does little to aid assad. Back to the new york times, they talk in detail about the french president , francois gunmene, and say the that forim out writing beenecond time, france has singled out, but perhaps on friday, no one was singled out more than frances leader, president hollande. They go on to write that his evoked. S a v you host that is in the new york times. Gary, atlanta, democrat. Caller i trust the democrats. Im a vietnam veteran. To some of the callers. It was the republicans who said he had to come to congress first. Then, when he went to congress, it was congress that said he did not have the votes. That is when Vladimir Putin took advantage of the opportunity. What i want to say is this, we spent a lot of resources on democracy, but the one thing that seems to trump democracy is race. 1950s orjust the 1960s. Now, the whole world sees us. The whole world is laughing at america. All this money, we spent on democracy, but all we care about is race. When the first but president president gets elected, everybody forgets about democracy, and goes into their little corners. I did not like nixon, but i went anyway. And i was loyal to him. We remind pray that republicans of how they treated barack obama. Democracy is going out the window. As far as love for the president , that is gone. Int on to scott, who is West Virginia now. What do you say . Commenti just wanted to about the fact that we are invading countries, and not we are basically shove democracy down their throats. Ive never seen a country invade another country without taking over that country. It ist understand why like we are fighting for democracy, but not really taking over the country. The soviet union, they would go ahead and just take over the country. To campaignhis 2016. Youre calling on the Democratic Party. What are you hearing and from whom that you like . Caller i like the Democratic Party only because they tend to lean towards getting us out of the problems that the republicans actually put us into. I feel like the republicans are like hawks, and we are doves democrats are doves, they want peace. The republicans, they go in all high and mighty, and all it did was cause more problems than it actually solved. I dont understand. Theess theres no plan for end. Theres always a plan for the beginning. They dont know how to really figure out how to finish what they started. ,ost robert now, florida independent. Caller hello, my brothers and sisters of the cspan nation. I guess i would have to go with the democrats. They are more levelheaded in this matter. The last caller pretty much stole my thunder. E need a draft and a war tax using a draft and a war tax would ever get approved in washington . But it wouldbt it, stop them, and make them think about what they are doing. They cannot keep sending these National Guard over there these idiotic tours, it is frying their brains. Im a vietnam war veteran. You get drafted 16 months, and youre done, thats it. These poor guys, they send them over and over, and it is killing them. Host jody writes on twitter this morning, only the republicans want to go over byre and be bested again ieds and roadside bombs. Back to the scene o in florida where Carly Fiorina spoke on this topic. [video clip] im profoundly disappointed that our own president cannot speak with the ase clarity and purpose president hollande and Prime Minister cameron. [applause] angry. Though, i am im angry that just yesterday morning our president , against all evidence, declared isis contained, and took a victory lap. Team. S not a jv they are not contained. They are at our shore, and measured their victory by body counts. Im angry that Hillary Clinton dares to ask, what difference does it make . Then, she tells us, after that terrorist attack that we must besides and empathize with our enemy. When the United States does not respond with a purposeful and powerful response of our own, and instead responds with a video, we invite more bloodshed. [applause] you, i am angry that president obama and Hillary Clinton declared victory in iraq, abandoned all of our gains, and leaving vast swaths of territory and weaponry to be gobbled up by isis. Im angry that president obama says we will accept 100,000 refugees while his Administration Admits that we cannot determine their connection to terrorism. Emanuel trusts the democrats. Susan says the only ones i trust are the military. Eb says trump or cruz does National Security mean preventing attacks on u. S. Soil because National Security has been clear in that matter. We have a democrat named eugene ,n the line now in fort myers good morning. Go ahead, sir. Caller i just think it is shameful that republicans are trying to politicize the deaths in france. Criticized the president for politicizing the numerous shootings in america, based on gun control. Seemsthe republicans to be ready to go to war all the time to spend more money, yet they complain about the National Debt in america. I dont know what they are thinking. War costs a lot of money, tragedy, and debt. I trust the democrats with National Security. We are not responsible with what goes on around the world. Thank you. Host thank you, eugene. Ben from massachusetts, democratic line. Caller i trust the democrats. Host how come . All,r i think we democrats and republicans, need to understand a little bit of history. Ways. Oes back a it goes back to the period of colonialism and the establishment of israel and the placement of these people who were displaced throughout the middle east and still carry drudges. I listen to the republicans who talk about blaming clinton and obama, particularly Rick Santorum. , or thee is an idiot most demagogue that i have heard. We have to stop blaming people and understand what is going on. Of emotionsting out , rather than understanding how things got started, who is involved, and how we need to deal with it. We are not the rulers of the world. No individual country will be that any in the future. We need to understand that, and plan accordingly. With peopleet along we sometimes disagree with. Ost thank you for weighing in back to the republican line, dennis and south dakota. Caller thank you for cspan. Think, i trust most, i is republicans, but especially for his foreignpolicy and domestic policy. Host how come . Rubio calls him an isolationists, by think he is the smartest one about us going occupying, and always , and going into these countries. There is nothing more that isis wants then for our troops to go there. It will be another vietnam again. Host what do you think rand pauls chances are of getting elected at this point . Caller i think israel small, but i dont understand why people cant understand where he is coming from. Host all right. Wall street donations and National Security all came together in the debate last night. You may have seen it, and exchange between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Standardly commented on it. Here is how some of it played out last night. [video clip] campaignunning a different than any of the candidates. We are relying on Small Campaign donors. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Look. Impugn my is to integrity. Wait a minute, said her. Not only do i have hundreds of thousands of donors, most of them small, and im very proud that for the first time, most of my donors are women, 60 . [applause] new york, and i represented in new york on 9 11, when we were attacked. Where were we attacked . We were attacked and Downtown Manhattan, where wall street is. I spent time and effort helping them rebuild. It was good for new york, good for the economy. Host making lots of news, that Exchange Last night, the second debate for democrats. Richard, often, texas, what do you say . Which party do you trust more on National Security . Democrats,rust the but i have called them and shoot them out for allowing them to do it. Richard koppel had an interview with the advisor to reagan, bush, and bush. This was in 1998, saying that they would put on hold their plans to invade iraq until after the terrorist attack. You have bill clinton in 1998 bag congress to improve and airport security, when we had money in the bank, and they refused. Al gore went before them and begged them, and again, they said no. In 2000, bush is recorded of saying, we still need a catastrophe to invade iraq. Now we understand when george bush, dick cheney, and Condoleezza Rice came out on 9 11 saying, no one has talked to them about flying planes into buildings. Cia releasehe reports saying they had been warned 23 times. Every bit of this is on tape. Abc news has it, showing that they deliberately allowed the attack on 9 11. They could have stopped it. Fighter was found at an International Airport in , the houston and oconnell airport in 1973, we no one cameons in. Easter airlines, who just had a high tech plane that flew to cuba with bank robbers was there. We were hired basically as the new tsa agents checking people going down. Host rock this up if you can, and move this forward. What is next . How do you see this issue playing out in the campaign . Caller the only problem of the america has got is when Ronald Reagan and george bush vetoed the key medication act communication act telling the news that they could lie for money. Host thanks. We give you a lot of time there. We want to get some other voices in. Stella is pushing back on some of the democratic callers writing, the democrats idea of fighting these evil people is to invite them here to kill us. More of the photos out there today, put out by reuters, and other agencies. Solidarity,f various pictures of nations illuminating their own landmarks in red, white, and blue. As we continue to look at these photos, we will take a call from dave, a republican. That the have to say republicans were not very great at defending this nation for quite a while, but neither were the democrats. None of these politicians today have been defending us properly. Cia and fbi his knew about these guys. They did not know when they would do it, or anything like that, but they did also know that the entire family of been left the day before they did it. Enforcementour law should have had their antennas up. The next day, they flew into our buildings. That would have aroused my suspicions. Host which party do you trust more these days . Caller the party i trust more these days is donald trump. He is much more than nationalist, similar to rand paul, and also believes, like Ronald Reagan, in a strong defense. That, to me, is the ideal defense, speak softly and carry a big stick. Host lets move on to john from poughkeepsie, new york, a democrat. Who do you trust more on National Security . Caller i find it disturbing that the president has not identified isis as a serious threat. He spends a lot of his time with domestic issues. You know, we have an issue with racist police officers, racist College President s, and then i see that the Justice Department and fbi are taking a lot of they look like teenage dropouts in alabama. They were going to rob the gun store, build an army, and start a race war. I find that i cannot take anything seriously when you have such a serious threat as i said, i think that deserves more attention. Host back to events in turkey, reuters writes that the fight against the isis state is dominating. You can see a shot of the president there. New summit has taken on urgency, they write, after the attacks on paris. They face the question of how the west should respond. Obama is seeking to cope, they write. Middleuropean and milit Eastern Countries into more tangible steps to show how military should react. On twitter that america should stop advocating for the removal of assad. We have under 10 minutes left of this segment. Here is the Current Governor of new jersey, chris christie. [video clip] shock, stillin coming to grips with the death of their countrymen. We stand with them and pray for them in this time of national mourning. Our outrage must turn into action and resolve. [applause] isis warned us that they would commit unspeakable carnage, and now they have. For decades now, we have seen jihadists,ere are ofy leave behind a trail despair and distraction. Kenya, london, baghdad, madrid, manhattan, washington, d. C. , shanksville, pennsylvania, for put, and now for the fort hood, and now for the second time in one year, paris. We must not allow this evil to take a hold. It is the antithesis of what it means to be a free american. [applause] on a day like this, we all see the desperate need for strong leadership. What does it mean to be a strong president . See, this government was designed to protect america and american interests. If we do not get that right, we cannot truly be strong. Always upholding and respect they are constitutional principles which start with our sovereignty, and our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Of course, that means law and order must be respected. It must be respected to ensure our way of life continues. Today, we see special interests working to divert our rule of law at the border with lack of Law Enforcement, and by brazen executive action. Host more from the gop Sunshine Summit in florida. You can watch any of these republicanom the candidates, there were, of course, many of them. We should point out that the full democratic debate from last hillaryhe one in iowa clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin Omalley will get two airings today. 4 00 p. M. And 9 00 p. M. Today if you want to see the full debate. Tyrone from new york, independent color. Caller. Caller good morning. I trust the democrats a lot more, but Neither Party is serving our interests. The republicans, i cannot believe the way they are going against the president , saying this is the president s fault, when we should be pulling together as a country. I do not think they should be putting our president down. When we seem divided, it makes isis stronger. That is one of the main reasons they are doing all of this stuff because they know they can get away with it. Also, these parties are embedded with saudi arabia and israel. Saudi arabia has funded isis. No one does anything about that. Israel is dictating our Foreign Policy saying the a thought must go. Assad does not need to go, he is life. G things in policy should be based on what is best for the American People, not what is best for israel or saudi arabia. I just cannot believe the way our Foreign Policy has been ran. Bin laden would really be laughing now because we played right into his hands. George bush started all this. The republicans, they are not taking any blame. They all voted for george bush to go in there and do all these wrong policies. They were warned that all of these things would happen. They are taking no responsibility. Now, obama comes into a mess that no one can fix. No one wants to send troops over there. They keep on putting everything hisim, and saying it is fault. I think it is very childish. I think the Democratic Party, and republicans too, are indebted to saudi arabia and israel. They will never get anything done unless they do what is best for the American People. Right now, i think we should get in with the russians. The russians want to destroy isis. We can come together, to big assadpowers, and leave u and power. Mentions russia, on russia, michael writes is the reason that obama is showing interest in syria. Good morning. Caller i would like to say that i support the democrats. I am really, really disgusted that the republicans would use spewragedy and france to more rhetoric. Put in the present putting the president down, i believe, is counterproductive. You know, we like to say that we are exceptional, and the greatest, etc. Then, you listen to the way we talk about immigrants, the way say,lk about i should the way republicans talk about immigrants, the poor. There is no charity. As far as evangelicals, what happened to the attitudes, what you did to the least of my brother and on to me . What happened to that . It is like we have to have an outside enemy that is evil. It is not these poor immigrants. The rhetoric does nothing more than make a summit we are selfish, spoiled, and not willing to care about others. I do not think that reflects most people in this country. Host thank you and thank you to everyone who called in. If he did not get in this segment, we ask you to stick around. We will have a political roundtable, and we will talk about the campaign. You can bring a National Security or any other issues that you like to. Lovelace will be ryan and jim newell. Atittle later, a look student activism. First, we want to give you a little preview of our newsmaker program. It runs at time on cspan at a reflexive 00 p. M. New hampshire has the nation has his first primary. With theam talks republican and Democratic Party chairs. National polls often these days. Here is a look. The whole idea behind New Hampshire and the early state is that it gives everyone an even playing field. So mike Carly Fiorina who does not have big dollars and was not well over known, can come to a state like New Hampshire and talk to thousands of voters over visit after visit and start to get the notice. Dont forget the media plays an Important Role on all of this combined with what were doing on the ground in New Hampshire. Whatf america to can watch happened. They come into our living rooms and backyards and town halls through the Important Role the media plays. We will continue to struggle and stay on top of it. It is an important part of staying president. Going down the main streets of New Hampshire and nevada, they really do make a difference. Becomes simply whoever is the Largest National celebrity on either side, what is the point . The point is we want to make sure whoever is elected really talk to real people and have real conversations. Candidates who think about running for president , i know the governor or senator or sitting Vice President or you have comeion you are treated a certain way. Dont come to the hampshire acting like that. At like youre running for school board in your hometown. That is what people in New Hampshire and South Carolina expect. They expect to be able to ask you tough questions and meet and talk with you. You ask any president who has gone through the process, it makes them a better president. Coming up at that 00, two hours from now, jennifer born and the Democratic Party chair. The newsmaker segment will repeat at 6 00 p. M. Eastern at 10 00 and 6 00 here on this network, cspan. Joining us now at the table, and jim newll. What were your big takeaways from the debate . It got a little frisky or p are a little more feuds between the candidates. It seems like Hillary Clinton was able to parry away some of the attacks to avoid truly embarrassing moments. Without a clean hit on her, it is probably not likely to change the contours of the race. Did you hear anything last night that gave you a sense of how the campaign will go . Clintone heard hillary briefly mentioned she is a child of the 1960s. If there is a younger candidate on the republican side, you will definitely her that come up. Calls for our guests, we will begin taking them in a couple of minutes. The phone numbers at the bottom of the screen or you can bring up any topic you like as it relates to the campaign. We look forward to getting you in. Send us messages via twitter and we will read at least a few on this segment. Bring up the National Security issue. It was so front and center and many are those suggest a lot of the dialogue will change now because of paris. A headline in the post says the message is putting pressure on u. S. President ial candidates. , who is best positioned . Aest you have to look at number of different candidates and how they will portray this as to whether or not they will get people to buy into their messages. There are a number of candidates, the executive experience elected leaders who will be able to more effectively use the National Security issue on the republican side to connect with primary voters. Ben carsonple like who do not necessarily have that world experience, might struggle to connect on that issue. I think it will heat up the rhetoric on the republican side and i think it is bad news for candidates like trump and carson who do not have a much experience talking about these things are they have been consistent hanging in their lead. It will also hurt rand paul because he had a very good week. Earlier this it will now call into question again his commitment doing military convention. On the democratic side, it clinton,lps hillary even though she is still a little bit questionably a little bit questionable for her support for the iraq war early. When senator sandys or governor omalley would go after her on Foreign Policy, she was able to deflect quick the by almost with her knowledge of Foreign Policy. It allowed her to escape situations a little easier. Host it was a big event in orlando. A lot of candidates. What did you see and hear their that struck you . There were a number of big moments, some of which before the paris a taxpayer before it, that is where we saw ted cruz and marco rubio really start to heat up their squabble over immigration. We saw them go back and forth. It was striking to see ted cruz atto florida and go right him and say, you know, marco tried to implement a massive plan and here i am standing against it with jeff. Host lets go to gym in pennsylvania, a in caller. Go ahead. Question, in the first Hillary Clinton took 1000 dollars and turned it into 100,000 in the futures market. Was she taking a bribe or laundering money . The second question is in terms of her integrity. If you cannot leave anything she says about the email server or fight information being on it, we are told she is sewed integrity so integrity challenged, why would you believe anything she says now . It does not sound like he will necessarily Hillary Clinton either way. There are questions that will come up about her integrity but she has been able to survive that so far. Scandalsespite all the she is stills, viewed popularly by democrats. She has persevered through a lot of us is over the years. I cannot think one item or the other will change that. I think she will connect with voters who may be independent, but in the democratic primary, there is a level of trust gop voters do not have. Allied on the line now for democrats. Ask about the to to thetes and the link campaign. Doesnt it take their toll on families and health and it also soundbites. To any candidate will have a range of stuff, useful stand but soundbites. It seems to be counterproductive and almost antidem of data the way this is conducted. Bet what do you think would that it for the campaign . Caller six months. Host including the whole primary and general election season . Thought itave not through that much. I do not want to just make a statement. This process is way too long for them. Is an interesting point and one a lot of people have been making. The important thing to keep in mind is on the republican side, the two people leaving have never held office. In a shorter campaign season, you will not have time to vet them in a way you would secretary denton, who has been in the public eye for so long. It is also important to keep in mind once these voters start casting ballots, it will move much quicker and things will happen where you will see candidates start to drop out and the race will become more defined area it is easy to get worn out early on because you are just seeing these candidates and no big moment is happening in terms of casting ballots but that will change soon area soon. Start to witness fatigue and some candidates who may be have not and through this before. Speech, about 95 minutes. It seemed like he looked fairly exhausted. Maybe he did have complete control over what he wants to say. I do not think it is hard to determine officially how long we can make the campaign. People declare their campaigns earlier, they will still be working, donors will still meet with voters, they will still do the same things you need to do to prepare to run for president. There is never really a stop. It just increases in intensity. Host Kathleen Parker in the post talked about trumps iowa meltdown. Of the us of how things he has said. How stupid are people it in iowa, talking about the fact that carson was leading there. His donald trump having a meltdown . Has donethink he himself some damage. It is difficult to say whether ultimately it will impact him that much. None of the marks he has remarks he has made that are similar had a substantial impact. It is just a matter of Public Opinion but talking to people in iowa, you hear them say it is just trump being trump and they give him a longer leash because they believe him to be authentic because his supporters will not turn on him no matter what he says. Guest mentioned vetting and the life of the president ial candidate, i want to play a clip from ben carson on being vetted by the media. Mr. Carson first of all, thank you for not asking me what i said in the 10th grade here and ive vitiate that. 10th grade. I appreciate that. [laughter] is, wet of the matter should vet all candidates. I have no problem with being vetted. I do have a problem with being lied about and then putting that out there as truth. [applause] i do not know if they do it with everybody like people on the other side but when i look at people like Hillary Clinton, who sits there and tells her thatter and government this was a terrorist attack and then tells everybody else it was a video, where i came from, they call that a lie. [applause] i think thats very different from someone interpreting when i said i was offered a scholarship to west point, those are the words are used. But i have had many people come and say the same thing to me. That is what people do in those situations. We have to start finding out what people really think and what they are made of people who know me know i am an honest person. What do you think . Guest welcome to the president ial race. I think he has never been through this kind of scrutiny before and that would rattle anyone. There have been questions about his biography, some better than others. Is one that said he fabricated a scholarship to west point. It seems like that turned out a little bit more like an embellishment or something they did not describe completely accurately. Someone said, we could probably get you into west point. Just because it was over so much in the beginning, it allowed carson to say look at what the media is trying to do to me. There were others with his connections with manic tech which offers supplements, what was he doing with this Snake Oil Company and this one, he will it complete propaganda he had any relationship to them and it wasnt. Anditched videos for them gave speeches. Was a relationship that lasted a long time. He is so wellliked by the republican base, it is hard for the criticisms to break through. The wall street journal, he says, is not a respected paper anymore. What happened this week . Criticize his economic policies, seeming to imply that the ttp, the Obama Administrations transpacific hardship trade agreement, did have some involvement with china directly. So he does not think they are a respected publication anymore. Pulitzer prize winner just last year. What we will see is these candidates attacking the media because it is a line that scores well with Republican Voters. Someone like ben carson to come out and the adamantly opposed to it, it makes sense. Realize if he to is going to make his personal votershis personality, caucus to vote for ben carson, he has to realize they will go after him for it and challenges policies. Donald trump did tweet wsj editorial is wrong again. Go ahead, please. Caller i have a few things to say. The United States needs to clean up their backyard before they start to clean up other peoples that yards. Violence is violence or they need to figure out a different way to take care of the problems instead of with violence. Also, our young people, graduating from high school, some of them illiterate. They go to work at eight dollars an hour. And have to take care of themselves. You to have businesses promoting education for energy, hnology, electronics, Younger Generation staff who in fact dont even vote. Then we spent the areas of dollars a year on incarceration and not rehabilitation. Then when they do get out of prison, they set them up for because they cannot follow the rules they set for them. Like i said, i think the United States of America Needs to clean up their own backyard before they start cleaning everyone elses. Cleaninghy laying out out our own backyard, speaking of domestic issues we have been talking about Foreign Policy. How will the candidates balance the two moving forward . Somethingwill be important to watch. I definitely saw the frustration from the young people who are not able to provide for themselves in a way other people have the opportunity to do in the past. Listening to candidates talk right now, you have got to be listening closely to what theyre talking about, a lot has been put on ben carsons personal story. We have seen him say completely Different Things and reverses vision on the minimum wage. That is a position that will impact the other people. Economic ladder out of places where opportunities do not exist where they do elsewhere. It is a relation issue and i think it will become more pronounced as it gets closer to voting and voters take serious home, domestic issues, more seriously. It has not happened yet. There are a lot of different points in the last call. I think it is interesting at least in terms of, she mentioned how people came out of prison and cannot get a job. This is the first president ial election. A prominent issue, talking about helping youngand people who have criminal records to get jobs. It will be interesting to see how long this can last because whenever there is a bit of violence in the city, it tends to make people retrench a little bit. It will be interesting to see how long this unfolds. It is also interesting last night to see in the debate about secretarym wage, clinton disagreed with sanders and omalley saying she is for a federal 12 minimum wage. Raise 15 ifs can they wish. She seemed to get away with that pretty well. Calling now from manchester in the u. K. Welcome to the program. Caller how are you doing . Very good. I want to ask about Donald Trumps recent comment. Recently, he suggested people within the theater and some people around the stadium word were concealed carry. If you look at the figures, between europe and the United States, you are more likely to be shot in the United States and you are injured in europe. Youre talking about hundreds of thousands around the atlantic. Does that make donald trump pretty stupid in front of the National Community and the think it will also play out well among domestic audiences as well . Thanks for calling. He says the paris massacre would have been much different if people had guns. What do you think . Isst his intended audience not the National Community right now. In an election, maybe he will look more that way but at this point he is trying to connect with gop primary voters, people who do support concealed carry. Think thatnd carrying a gun would have prevented those things. He is saying the things he knows his audience wants to hear, whether or not that hurts him internationally, i do not think he much cares. It is important to keep in mind this tragedy is still unfolding. We do not know all the details yet. Be difficult to know what could or could not have prevented it because we do not know all the facts on the ground about what specifically happened and what led to it and what could have prevented it. Host how much will guns be out there a band front in the rest of the campaign . Will it be there a lot . Guest it will because that is an issue where Hillary Clinton feels she can differentiate herself from sanders. Debates where Bernie Sanders, from a rural state, and therefore he has a little bit of a looser viewing gun control than where the Democratic Party is right now, in each debate when he seems to try to explain the past vote, the crowd is not with him. Hillarysomething clinton has brought up relentlessly and will keep bringing up whenever she needs to get a little separation. Host there is a tweet for you in the first debate . I did not write the piece on the first debate. Thought she seems to be the smoothest on the stage in the first debate and seemed to have the best understanding of the issues, even if maybe she said some things that were not consistent with her previous positions. She does tend to change with the times. She seemed she was most comfortable in that setting. Last night, it was a little more difficult for her. Both are omalley and centers coming after her pretty hard at especially on Foreign Policy. She did not seem to have her for howwers in place her record as secretary of state may have led to where the middle east is right now. Those are things she will have to work on. At least in the first debate, she did show why people like turn the first place. She had some good experience. To throw this tweet your way, who has the most policy that, answer the question in my question is, does it matter . Guest four Republican Voters, it does not matter. Maybe it will when casting but trump ballots, and carson do not have experience and they are putting forward them now and it contradicts things they said in the recent past just a few months ago. The most policy expertise, people who have been in the senate, they are firstterm senators and you have to look of the governors. Jeb bush is probably the governor who has around the longest in republican mind. In this antiincumbent year, though jeb bush is not incumbent , it will be a liability for him , something none of the other republicans have to worry about. Host republican caller. Caller how are you doing . I was calling him concerning the paris attack and the war on terrorism. Before i get to that, i want to throw in quickly, you know, in this election and this campaign, our overall country is probably more in the fog. So manythe earliest people are paying attention. It says a lot about whether americans are really paying attention to all the issues. That is really key. Should payrybody attention to both parties and candidates on both sides regardless as to who you are , whether it be you are a hard republican or a hard democrat. Everyone is to Pay Attention to what all of the candidates are saying because one of the candidates will be our president. I want to throw in also real quick about our minimum wage. So much focus is on the minimum find ahere we need to way to actually reduce the cost of energy. If we reduced the costs of energy, the minimum wage dont actually have to go up. People will have more money and companies will be spending less on bills and everybody would prosper. Host thanks for calling. Last point about the price of energy, it is a good point and we have seen as oil prices have gone down, people have had a lot more disposable income. Peopleflipside, it makes harder to start enterprises. It is a bit of a mixed question. We really do, it is very important to Pay Attention to the policies of all of these candidates even though some of them may change as time goes on and the issues change. On each side,ing there is a lot more similarity than you would think given all the focus on how these camps are going after each other. Most of the candidates on the republican side, there is a debate on how they want to reform the tax system, but there is a widespread agreement that they should go down. Agreement onspread Foreign Policy that now we have to go harder on isis. On the democratic side, there really are not a ton of policy differences. Sanders represents more traditional left challenges in the mainstream Democratic Party, for a singer pair singlepayer health care system, where secretary clinton wants to maintain the Affordable Care act , but naturally, because the process is so long, and every issue is talked about over and over, it is natural there will be a focus on personalities a bit more over policy. Back to tuesday nights Republican Debate,s aching of differences here. Rand paul criticized colleagues talking about defense spending, prioritizing over debt reduction. He talked about marco rubio specifically care lets play the clip in and get your response. Mr. Sanders they are relying on Small Campaign donors, 750,000 of them, 30 per piece. Ms. Clinton wait a minute. He has basically used his answer to in pure in my integrity. Lets be frank. Wait a minute, senator. Have hundreds of thousands of donors, most of them small, and i am proud that for the first time the majority of my donors are women, its the 60 . Nt [applause] new york on 9 11 and we were attacked in Downtown Manhattan where wall street is. I did spend a whole lot of time and effort helping them rebuild. It was good for new york and the economy and it was a way to review terrorists who had attacked. Entry. Host we will get to the gop clip in a minute, but what did you hear in that exchange . Guest that is the most talked about moment in the debate so far, also the one where secretary clinton was the most on the ropes. Senator sanders had a strong moment there and probably the hardest thing he hit Hillary Clinton with so far in the campaign, saying you had gotten all of money and donations from wall street over the years. I think they are expected to get something out of that. Secretary clinton seemed to, and these were widely mocked online, first, saying most of her donors big round which got a of applause, and then she seemed to play the 9 11 card a little bit, and say, so much favor with wall street because you know, because the attacks were in Downtown Manhattan and she was the senator there. There may be a kernel of truth to that, she was a senator representing new york. Naturally, she will get a lot of donations from evil on wall street. But also, she got a lot of applause for their, but it seemed to be read a little more mostally that this was the direct response to what sanders was saying can also important to note the clintons have had close ties with wall street since before 9 11. They were very close during the administration when president clinton deregulated but wall street. It is not like they start this relationship after 9 11. Host i promise i will get to that clip that i just want to get in another call first. Democratic line. Good morning, tim. Myler thank you for taking phone call. Ill get right to the point. You have Hillary Clinton, i am just looking at the campaign. Hillary clinton is galvanizing and solidifying the obama americans,f african hispanics, younger people. Republicanat the the people who are running, and i look at them and i say, we can talk about the the 600differences, but pound gorilla in the room is donald trump and his attacks on the hispanic community. This lled them rate criminals, operation baghdad. The attack ads right themselves on this. I wonder if the Republican Party is concerned he will lose hispanics for a generation when he talks about not only , but their children as well who are american citizens. I think the Republican Party has a lovehate relationship with donald trump. There is more interested in this campaign than there has been before. I think you have to attribute a lot of that to donald trump being able to go out there and run a large Mass Media Campaign that attracted the attention of people internationally. When they hear those comments, i think the elected leaders in washington have a problem with him. Come out and ryan say Donald Trumps proposed immigration is would never get through congress. We hear from voters all the time who are somewhat concerned with what he is saying. It will be something he has to face if he gets to a general not have but they do to be concerned about it in the immediate, urgent future. From a republican caller tennessee, good morning, byron. Caller one thing i have not , the anyone talk about Democratic Party, i listened to them last night, it seems like they are on the progressive agenda. Progressives and socialists are the same thing. Communist, socialist, and progressives are all the same thing. No one seems to talk about that. Capitalism,ttack on what is driving a lot of these debates. Im really disappointed in the Republican Party which did not come out and talk about socialism and communism, exactly the same thing. If you do not believe it, go to the communist party usa and read their propaganda. They call themselves progressives and socialists. I would like to hear the Republican Party come out and talk about attacks on capitalism. Host lets hear first from jim. Little bitsagree a in that i think you will hear a lot of republican attack socialism and attacks on Bernie Sanders for being a socialist. A democratic socialist, which is not quite the same thing there it he is not trying to nationalize the means of production. It is interesting to look at the democratic side and see how they navigate questions about capitalism. There was a question in the like,debate, something will you defend capitalism . Did, but it ison definitely a little more of an open question now, how much you want to defend capitalism while saying that the Current System needs more reforms. Tost i think you are going be hearing that. The Republican Party criticizing the other side for socialistic policies and socialism. Therek right now because is such a wide variety of opinion and different the proposals, people moving up and down and tons of candidates in their, not just three evil like we saw on page last night, i do not think you will be hearing about that. I think you will hear about the differences between these candidates as they differentiate themselves. Back to the intraparty debate over defense spending, here is a piece from tuesday night classes Republican Debate from rand paul on defense spending. Marco, how is it conservative to add a trillion dollar expenditure to the federal government that youre not pay for . How is it conservative to add one trillion dollars in military expenditures . You cannot be a conservative you will keep promoting new programs you will not pay for. [applause] mr. Rubio let me respond. We cannot have an economy if we are not safe. There are radical people beheading people. Radicals trying to get a nuclear weapon. Is ielieve the world know the role is a safer and better place when america is the Strongest Military power in the world. [applause] i do not think we are any safer from bankruptcy court. As you go further into debt, we become less and less safe. It is the most important thing we will talk about tonight. Conservative and be liberal on military spending . Can you be for unlimited military spending and say, i will make the country safe . We need a safe country but we spend more on our military than the next 10 countries combined i want a Strong National defense but i do not want us to be bankrupt. The nature of the debate has changed even since that moment because of the terrorist attacks. The crowd was in marco rubios favor to begin with. You heard large applause that for rand paul. After the attacks, the message marco rubio articulated will be echoed in already has invite all the other candidates. What you are going to see is more fat and i think it will resonate with a lot of people. When they see those images coming out of france. Host michigan, democrat. Hi, henry. Caller i would like to remind theAmerican People that Republican Party, in my eyes, is the party of treason. I will tell you why it say that. 47 republican senators signed a leader of iran trying to undermine our sensitive,uring nuclear negotiations. Also, the republicans invited a foreign leader from a foreign senate to come into our and speak on national tv during prime time to the American People, spitting in the face of our president while our president went to the g 18 summit, some foreign summit he was going to and i have never in theife heard or seen American People, voters, act this way. Host thanks for calling. The caller called the republicans the party of treason. Rhetoric. T is heated what the gop will be doing is taking that kind of criticism headon. In the past, a lot of the criticism i hear from voters is they were upset with the niceness of candidates like mitt romney, people were very polite and do not always go on the attack. I think a lot of Republican Voters hear that and rather than sit back and saying we do not need to address the criticism and we can let it slide, they will go at it now like they have never before. Guest those two incidents he referenced back when the Iran Nuclear Deal was being negotiated and 47 republican thetors sent letters to ukrainian leaders, warning them a deal first have to go through republicand then leaders also invited the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to give a joint a just to congress. I would say those two things were two of the best things that couldve happened for the Obama Administration doesnt look like they were looking at it overplayed his hand and we got some demo at to support the iran deal and sort of come around and defend the president. Ken, cincinnati, republican. Wbbz. the radio with one of the things i want to ask is someone brought up the fact they were searching or the truth and vetting our candidates. Why dont we have the same search for the truth with Hillary Clinton . It seems as if we are giving her a free pass. We hold everyone else accountable. Why isnt she being held accountable . Guest i question that a little bit. Like there has been a lot of reporting and looking into Hillary Clintons email issue. It was a story broken in the times. In a new york the Mainstream Media has been on these stories. Determineome hazy to clearly what should have been done and what should not have been done and i think secretary clinton is benefiting from that, but in general, we have seen a as we look at ben carson and other republicans background, sharp questions they had at the debate, a lot of complaining from the right side not doow the media does this from democrats to know a lot of democrats who would take issue with that. It is interesting to see last night there were a lot of pointed questions from the and the candidates struggled a little bit sometimes and had to think about it sometimes. Afterwards aear loud uproar about how the moderators route to get the candidates. One last call, sheila, new orleans, democrat. Good morning. Caller how are you doing . How the understand world is sitting here listening to donald trump with no plan. He is just speaking, talking out of his head. He has not given us one policy, one standard good policy. He says he will bomb syria and bomb isis and he will do all of these things. Tell us, how are you going to do it, whose money will be spent to do it . Tell us how youre going to take it out of four peoples pockets. I am on disability. I cannot even feed myself, and yet you want to go over there and spend money on a war that has nothing to do with us. I think he would counter that he has put forward ideas but a lot of them are eight generalities. He comes forward with a lot of are brought oh is not as much substance behind it. I think when he is forced to confront a democratic opponent if it ever gets to that point, dealay see him have to with those issues. I think she is making an important point about how voters need to be concerned with these actual, substantial ideas. In this social media campaign, a do notthese viral clips necessarily allow for that. One more headline written by jim newell. Democrat cannot muster that much enthusiasm for 2016. It is kind of early but this speaks to participation and potentially turn out here at what are you writing . This was a look at a survey, a credible pollster. A Democratic Firm serving early state democrats. It was showing that the people paying the most attention to the our seniors,w conservatives, self identify demographics, seniors, conservatives, white men, demographics that generally vote very strong republican. If you look at the bottom of groups that were paying, they were most excited and paying the most attention. You see minority groups. You see young people. See unmarried women as well. These are the three groups most critical to the Obama Coalition the secretary clinton will try back together when she runs. It is a big question right now. Can she do that, can she have as much enthusiasm . For all thelook at, talk about how republicans are having all of these to base and they are fighting and bickering and look silly, this is what a lot of people on the democratic side will say, they are getting tens of millions of people to watch their debates and see them here they are excited and they want to take back the white house, very much. Democrats had two debates. As a writer, i understand why it is more entertaining to write about the republicans widen Pay Attention to it. Do you see them as motivating the gop side . People tuning 22 in to see the fighting in the bickering and the entertainment value. Voters who sawof them come out in 2014 who want to take back the white house. They are much more energized and you can get on the ground in the early states. It will be interesting to see what happens. Our guests have been Ryan Lovelace and jim nowell newell. We have a short break and then we will shift gears and talk about College Campuses around the country and everything going on there with the protest but look at it from a Historical Perspective third our guest will be Angus Johnston, professor at the city of university of new york. All persons having business before the Honorable Supreme Court of the United States, draw near and give their attention. Tonight, our country faces a grave danger. We are faced with the possibility that it midnight tonight, the Steel Industry may be shut down. I am taking two actions. First, im directing the secretary of commerce to take steel mills and keep them operating. In 1952, the United States was involved in a military cant north korea. At home, a dispute between the Steel Industry and the union had come to a head. The korean war was a hot war and a needed steel for tanks, jeeps, for all of those things that you needed in the Second World War as well. Went on anl industry industrywide strike, that would be a problem because it was basic to the things the army and navy and air force needs to fight a war. To avoid a disruption of production crew crucial to the military, harry truman seized control of the mills and a pending strike was called off and Steel Production continued. Ohiod to the company in that disagreed with the action and took the lawsuit all the way to the supreme court. We will examine how the court and the impactse on president ial powers. Joining our discussion is michael gerhard, president at the university of North Carolina law school and author of power of president. And william howell, Political Science professor and author of the wartime president. Congressional checks on president ial war powers coming up on the next landmark cases live monday 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3, and cspan radio. For background on each case while you watch, order your copy of the companion book available. Or eight . 95 plus shipping host we opened with one of the many pitchers out there of College Protests around the country. At the in usa toDay University of wisconsin at madison. We have heard so much about the university of missouri and columbia. Other schools out there part of the seemingly recent trend of major protests. There is a lot of history behind withl and we want to talk Angus Johnson now who joins us from new york city and is a so how far back does student activism go . Give us history. Long ast goes back as there have been colleges in the United States and even before the United States was the United States, there were student protests during the american revolution, conditions on campus, there was one large riot at princeton over the serving of rancid butter in the dining halls. Host how do you define student activism . How has it been looked at . Guest we tend to think of student activism as student protests and rallies and marches and building occupation spirit it is much broader than that. There are all sorts of different kinds of student organizing, lobbying, and government work, or active involvement in the universitys administration and governance itself. Have protests always created significant change . Do and some dont but it is the case Higher Education in the United States has been shaped throughout activism andudent student organizing. Students are the reason why we have universities. Are, in numbers, the largest constituency within the university, the largest in numbers member of the university community. It makes sense they would want to and at times exceed in shaping the university to fit their interests and desires. Host we invite folks around the country and elsewhere to phone in with questions for Angus Johnson at the City University of new york. We are taught about the history of student activism in light of some of the most recent headlines out there. We will keep the phone numbers on the bottom of the screen and get to your calls in a minute. Have these issues over the years always in what might be described as labor liberal or are they more broad than that . We see some conservative student activism throughout the year. A lot of organizing is not what you describe as partisan at all historically and a lot of it is around conditions on students on campus. Dining hallthe riots at princeton. Fights overe free speechghts to on campus over the curriculum, all sorts of questions is physically oriented around how the university works. Think of 1968, something in orangeburg, South Carolina, a massacre. Can you give us the history . You are putting me on the spot here, but it is one of several incidents in the late and otherre Police Officials of government and Law Enforcement actually opened fire on student protest. And penn at orangeburg state in 1970 and jackson state in 1970 as well. Host remind us the history of penn state. Guest what was happening at that time was there was a National Student strike against the escalation of the war in vietnam and the invasion in cambodia. Hundreds of campus is, students walked out and stayed out. Many of the campuses were shut down. It chose to stay open and in the onrse of a protest, march the quad, National Guard troops opened fire on student were, at theho time, hundreds of yards away from them. In the end, four students, including some who were just why standards, were killed and several others injured. We know most recently the big issues that have come up our are race. At missouri and elsewhere. Also College Costs and college debt has come up. Can you bring us history . Education is far more expensive in comparison to income and savings, as it has been anytime in the past. Both private and public. Time, many public Higher Education institutions were free. The university of new york where i teach was free for quite some time. University of california was as well. Is thishave seen picture over the last few ofades in which the costs Higher Education have been rising at exactly the time the average demographics of Higher Education have in changing in the opposite direction. More students are poor and workingclass and have it in the past. Fromstudents are away home, returning students and older students paying their own way. More students are supporting families than ever before. Thehe mist of all of this, cost of Higher Education has risen. Host a lot more history to walk through with our guest. We have ron on the line from indiana now on the democratic line. Good morning, ron. Morning. Ood my concern, and i wanted to address this to your gas, what happened at the university of thisuri, do you believe was somewhat of a wakeup call to other universities . Not all but maybe others . Resigneddent that admitted he was part of the problem and not part of the solution. Thinking what happened at the university of missouri may be a wakeup call for other colleges and universities. Host thanks for calling as we take a look at some of the protest in missouri. One of the things we see in missouri as the president of the system and the campuses self has been in battle for quite some time and they have been under criticism not just from students but from faculty and some of the administration for quite a while. It is fascinating that the moment at which these resignations happened came so of firstn the heels the students to enter into a Hunger Strike, and in the Football Teams decision to essentially go on a strike and refuse to practice or participate in games until the demands of a Hunger Strike were met and the strike was over. These resignations came very soon after. We have seen a lot of students organizing and protest that campuses around the country for the last six years, growing gradually over time in the last year or so. To have this victory, which was quite extraordinary, with bestie does high profile administrators resigning in what appears to be a direct result of student pressure, i think we are seeing on a lot of campuses now, a sense that the potential to actually have an influence on the direction of the university, it seems a bit more realistic now than it may have a couple of weeks ago. Is missouri the first the first big example in history of a sports team, an guest it is the first example in a simple decade and the most highprofile example. Athletes protest in a variety of ways over time. We have seen silent protests in relation to the black lives matter movement, but it is kind of a strike by a division i Football Team in the southeast conference. It is absolutely unprecedented in the history of modern campus sports. Int lets go to aileen california. Democratic caller. Caller i wanted to thank both of you for talking about this issue. I think young people to not get enough pats on the back. I wanted to add that historically there have been thannt protests younger college age, for example, the Civil Rights Movement. They were Young Children out in the streets protesting because their parents, who could not afford to risk their lives, could not do it and children were on the front lines with the dogs, water hoses, and they do not get the recognition they deserve. I think a lot of those kids set it up to when they were older, they wrap lunch counters and so forth, so i wanted to give a shout out that anyone can make a difference and Young Children need to be recognized for the part they played in the Civil Rights Movement. Host thank you. Angus johnston . Guest absolutely true. In addition to the stuff the caller mentioned, high school and Junior High School student protests have been a feature of student activism throughout history. One of the most important and least often told stories of the Civil Rights Movement is the story of a girl of 15 years old, claudette, who refused to go to the back of the bus in montgomery, alabama. Nearly one year before rosa parks. She was not made the sort of figurehead of the movement or the rallying point of the movement for a variety of reasons, including her youth. Oftenkinds of stories are slept under the rug. I think it is really important to bring them back out. Host alan is calling from spring, texas. We are talking about the history of student activism. The morning. Caller good morning. Regarding as you see activism rising and working through the technologies we have , what i have noticed is certain business interests or political interest, financial interest trying to look at political activism in the campus when they try to central political policies. For example, politics in the u. S. In general, and that would like to give you an example. Sidney sheldon, pretty much trying to control the policies andhe republican candidates party, recently lost the campaign against student advertisingsically to corporations, companies, and giving, by name, which i think is slanderous to the students and objectionable in terms of freedom of speech, the identifying students by name and identifying them as terrorists for engaging in activism on campus and advertising this to potential employers. Specifically, he was targeting and this is where you will get other callers tried to call me names and i would ask you to have them present their facts but he was targeting students who are taking actions in protests of the policies of occupation of the palestinian territories. My question is are you aware of this . Is there anything that Students Court universities can do to protect their freedom of speech and themselves from slander . Host thank you for calling. I have seen an increase in the past few years of protests against israeli occupation, costco at the calder protests for what they call the bds. They have endorsed this and they have seen a lot of pushback and, in some cases, public criticism. Athink this is one part of larger trend which i have been talking about a lot in the last week, which is what would have been a few years ago, what if an political protest, which is not visible to or known to just about anything beyond the campus community, now is frequently national news. The individual students who are involved in this protest can wind up really under a microscope in ways that we are very, very rare, in as little as eight years or 10 years ago, and i think in terms of what can be done to protect these students rivacy, not very much in an institutional way. When you are choosing to go out in public, you are going to be public. To are going to be subject all kinds of scales, but i think there are two things that can be done. One is that students can train themselves and learn about how to be more cautious about how to be more aware of the repercussions of their actions, how to present themselves on this national and global stage in a way that will not open themselves up to some of the kinds of attacks that we have seen. I think the other question really is a question for the media to look at for themselves. I think there are really significant questions to be asked about how do you report the stories and which stories the report. Because there is a tendency to pick either the most dramatic, outrageous, or stories that in a magazine that just cannot, they referred to us living in a golden age for confirmation bias because we can scour the internet and find evidence to support. I think there is a real question to be asked in the media and among the rest of us who are reporting on these kinds of protests about what kind of information we choose and how we choose to foreground it. Host independent caller for Angus Johnston in new york city. Good morning, chris. What would you like to ask our guest . Caller i want to say it is a pretty sad day when the fight for equality equals a fight for free stuff, and it is sad to see so many children and their children, because they are definitely not men and women, completely misunderstand where stuff comes from. Host what do you mean staff . Stuff . Aller anywhere from free College Education, wanting other people to pay for their stuff control, education, everything. It is sad for people not to understand that stuff costs money and someone has to pay for it. Host any reaction . This i think i said earlier, but the average College Student in the United States is actually older today than they have been at any time in American History. They are also more likely to be , ande workforce, have kids there are many of these students were protesting today. I would consider somebody who was a College Freshman who was 18 or 19 to be an adult, but there are many who are older. They have been working for a while, helping out either with children of their own court with their own siblings or parents. I would absolutely reject the idea that student protest on campuses is being led by kids. There are a lot of kids doing interesting stuff, but we are mostly talking about host sorry, go ahead. Guest as far as free stuff and free tuition, the price of Higher Education is far higher than it ever has been before. There have been times in the past when many public Higher Education systems were free or close to free. I think that it is a serious question. When a College Education is more necessary for success in the workplace and more broadly available and broadly accepted, i think it is a serious question to say, how should we be funding this . Should we be funding the primarily through tuition or making a joint and public commitment to public Higher Education. Is there a different host is there a difference between public and private schools in terms of protesting . Guest we have seen a lot more private education then we had previously. Students at private colleges and universities are asserting more demands in terms of their role in university government. 1970s, students at public colleges and universities won a lot of freedoms, control over student activity fees, trustees, committees on campus, lots of autonomy in some respects in terms of selfgovernance in the variety of different ways. A lot of those reforms from the passed private students by, and we are seeing more education for those kinds of rights in the private University Systems that we have in the past. Host we can imagine that the message for organizing and protesting with each other have changed quite a bit. Leading up to present day with social media, but how have they changed over the years . Guest there has always been an Informal Network throughout the country for students that have operated in a variety of ways. In the 1960s, the first lunch counter sit in, which the caller mentioned, february 1, 1960 in North Carolina, and it was for students from one college who went and sat down. Four black male students who sat down at a lunch counter and refused to move. Within a few days, that protest began to spread throughout North Carolina and direct the south. And within weeks, throughout the south. Faster thanding Media Coverage. Students were communicating in a variety of ways through formal networks and informal relationships. Clearly, those kinds of communications are a lot easier to engage in right now. It is far easier for students who are far removed from each other, and even students on the same campus to get the word out for each other and to organize together and make plans together. Twitter and facebook, as well as email and 1960s,paring it to the the ability to make phone calls over long distances was prohibitively expensive until the 1970s, so students across the country who were involved in National Movements often communicated by mail. Rather than getting on the phone because it was too expensive to organize projects by phone. Host speaking of twitter, rick says College Students have always lived away from march. Oro to selma also, war protest were conducted from campuses. Studentg says the protest on campuses during the vietnam war played a big part in stopping the war. Lets hear from an independent. Good morning. Caller good morning and ui for the program. Theyre interesting. And thank you for the program, very interesting. She was forced to be thethanded, she was hit by religious authorities of where she attended school, and because of that, she became dyslexic and she never learned the whole aspect of the english language. This is demonstrated somewhat by the kings speech where Queen Elizabeths father was forced to be righthanded and he became a dere. My deceased wife, after being beat by the nuns, she decided she was not she was only in the second grade in this happened she actually put her hands underneath her armpits and forced the nuns to call her family. Fortunately, this girls mother stuck with her. She said, she will not learn to because she will not take her hands from underneath her armpits. Do you have any history on that and how long that happened where lefthanded people workforce to be righthanded . Host is that something you can speak to . Guest yes, it happen for quite a while. Im lefthanded actually, and my mother. I remember hearing stories from my mother about some efforts her,were made to correct nothing so severe as what is being described here, but it did die out sometime during the 20th century. You raise an interesting point, which i think is significant. Schools andt colleges and universities play in interacting with people who have disabilities, learning disabilities, and Mental Health issues, and those kinds of things, what were seeing now is a shift away from a punitive approach to a lot of these kinds of issues, not just lefthandedness. Who,onclusion of students in previous generations, may have been trapped out of Higher Education. In which that is playing out in the classroom in the context of demands for trigger warnings in context of concerns about spaces for people with Mental Health issues, all thee kinds of questions, fact that people with disabilities are still struggling in the United States today. To carve out the full seat at the table host in american education. Back to the universe seat at the table in american education. Host back to the university of michigan of missouri, do you feel like colleges have significant racial issues these days . Guest i think that there is a withf the stress and anger students of color around the country and the ways in which they have been treated in the kinds of experiences they have had on College Campuses. With some respects, there may be indications that the Campus Climate is getting worse. I think for the most part, unless the conditions are deteriorating, the students are being more assertive in standing up for themselves, or assertive and more vocal in saying what they have experienced and demanding the universities take steps to address these kinds of problems which have existed for a long time. Thisre is a tweet viewer writes that student protests used to be about the desire for free speech. These new protest are a desire for closed speech. What do you think that person is saying and what do you think . Guest we have seen a lot of this criticism over the last few months, this idea that students are demanding that speech that they dont like being censored or shut down. I think there have been instances which fit that description. For the vast majority of cases, i will take issue with that description. Many of the incidents and many beene protests which have described as being focused on censorship or shutting down speech, i would describe as robust criticism of speech. A call for a trigger warning in the classroom is not a call for the curriculum to be censored. It is a call for a certain kind of a relationship between it isy and students, and a criticism of faculty practices in the classroom and criticism of faculty is a right that students have. Cases, many of these what i am seeing, is that robust, aggressive, vigorous criticism of the speech of people in power is being characterized as somehow hostility to free speech. As i say, in the vast majority of cases, i think that is an unfair and an appropriate characterization. Host one more to create how do you gauge of a student is whining and has a serious concern . Possible to the whining will damage the system and possibly fire innocent people. You can answer that, but my question is what is your sense of the radars for lack of a better term to understand and realize that things are going on that they should be responsive to . Guest i guess you could say eye of the in the beholder. I think that the idea that whining or defense or whatever it is with lead directly to somebody getting fired is, in most cases, giving students a lot more credit for having institutional power on campuses then they may actually have. There are very few instances in which students actually make hiring and firing decisions. About ae talking situation where somebody is fired as a result of student protests, what we are really talking about art students effectively either leveraging some kind of institutional power , or in most cases, making an argument against a persons behavior or conduct, which the people in power in the university find compelling enough for whatever reason that they are going to agree to the things that have been demanded or requested. Host mike from wales, thank you for joining. Go ahead. Caller thank you. We appreciate you taking my call. My question is in relation to the notion of freedom of speech. With freedom of speech, things like freedom of religion, etc. , whereas in the european system, after 1948, and the european human rights charter was written to deal with the horse in world war ii, the horrors in one or two, it was in law with things like religion, people were told that just because you have religious police does not mean you are allowed to say what you want to say. That is a belief. I think what has happened in the United States is that because a lot of people view religion to and do hateful things and because you have the same protection of religion and freedom of speech, it basically has made freedom of speech a it is note point of as important to protect freedom or religious freedom. I think perhaps the United States need to look at europes example more and say, look, if you say anything where you continue saying these things, then we will just stop you and have the Legal Framework in place to do so. Whatnk it is absolutely the United States needs to do. It will help the United States and 70 different ways. Host lets you from our guest. Guest i think it is important to note that when we are talking about criminalization or penalization of speech, which is regarded as offensive or hate andch, in very many cases, by quite a few metrics, the majority of cases, the speech which is most likely to be ofpressed is not the speech members of the majority, but members of the speech that is engaged in by members of disenfranchised minorities. I think that one of the reasons why i am a fairly zealous thatate of protection is the first amendment, when it is weak, the people who are most likely to suffer are the people whose voices are already not being heard. Howink that the question of we ensure religious freedom and sensitivity to various religious groups in the United States is one that is a serious one and a difficult one. I think that in most cases, penalizing speech, which is directed at members of a religious minority, is not likely to be in the best interest of that group. Host the last caller was from the u. K. How about other countries . To they tend to protest a lot there . Guest we have seen far more radical student protest in other places than the United States. We have seen National Student strikes in recent years in a variety of countries from greece to canada and even in the United States, although not in the 50 states, but puerto rico. In many of those countries, there is a stronger tradition of radical protests then the United States. One of the things interesting going on in britain right now, which is where i initially saw were the last caller was going, the question of warming. A phrase that refers to either an Institution Organization deciding that they are not going to give a platform or share a stage or offer a stage to people who hold certain beliefs, and there is a lot of criticism and controversy over this. I think that it provides us an opportunity to think about this question of free speech because free speech, if it means anything, it means that i have the right to decide whos speech im going to promulgate, whose i am going to lend the microphone to. If we see that the university is discriminating on the basis of content and who they allowed to speak, well, that is a freespeech violation. If we see an organization declining to give somebody a platform or students protesting somebody being made a Commencement Speaker at a university, i would consider that kind of protest to be well within the bounds of protected speech and appropriate speech under the first amendment. Wouldat twitter, how smearing feces in the shape of a swastika on someones door or threatening to shoot someone freespeech . We have james on the democrat line. Good morning. To our particular call. Great topic. Thank you for taking my call. Great topic. I have tried to be a nonracist person. I spent a time in rehab back in i was ins from dwis, house with a lot of africanamericans and they there on became a chemical dependency counselor for st. Peters hospital for over 10 years and a lot ofth africanamericans, keeping them out of jail and getting them into rehab, but i have to admit that i have never followed up on any of my relationships with africanamericans. America inural upstate new york, and there is not a lot of blocks that would around me. That livef blacks around me. I believe we are more trouble than anything else. We seem to stick with their own. Where we end up crossing the line is when we impose our belief system on another culture. Host thank you. One last call from dan and a final comment from our guests. Dan is a republican caller in new jersey. Caller i am a veteran of the 1960s student revolution and i have to say that what is going isnow and what went on then a different level of depth because in the 1960s, it was the freedom to support the freedom of Civil Rights Movement. How, it is much subtler and smaller issues that are really andinvolving everybody everybodys issues. This is where you are going to more harm than good. It should be discussed fully, but should not automatically be taken as the real issue. If it wasnt for the football what theont know College President would have done. The Football Team got him to resign and it raises public questions about what the university is for. Host thank you. Guest i would like to respond to each. First, i would say a threat to shoot somebody is actionable as a criminal act, smearing swastika in feces is an active vandalism and an active hate, so i would not describe either of those as protected speech. As far as the question of tribalism and people sticking to their own kind that is another way in which the and people of today are changing for previous generations. There is far more interaction andss lines of the city race and religion, far more dating, friendships of those kinds. I think that is shaping the nature of the protests. Finally, in terms of contrasting the protest of the 1960s with those of today, and i know we are running low on time, so one example the late 1960s was the gay Rights Movement, the modern gay Rights Movement in the United States when it again. 629as i believe 1968 or 19 that the first Gay Student Union on american campus was founded at columbia. A fight against what a lot of people would describe as hyper aggression. The kinds of casual insults, casual comments which were very calm and then against gay people , gay men, lesbians and transgendered people were a crucial element of the struggle for gay rights. The fightament of the for respect and inclusion is not one i would describe as trivial. I think that what were seeing now is student activists really challenging previous generations and conceptions of what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. We can agree or disagree, and i would hope argue, over the specifics of some of those demands. I think the demands and the discussion itself is a healthy one. Host Angus Johnston is at City University of new york in new york city, a on student activism. Two are for your time this morning. Thank you for your time. Guest thank you. Host we have under a halfhour left on this edition of washington journal. When they come back, we look at headlines like these this is accompanied by a photo from a College Football game yesterday. The headline is the question are you fearful terrorists could strike care . We are could strike here . We are also hearing about up in at Football Games today. The question for you is are you concerned about a possible terrorist attack in the u. S. Following the story out of paris . Democrats can call 202 7848000. Republicans, 202 7848001. Independents, 202 7488002. Outside the u. S. , 202 7488003. We will be right back. American history tv today, our new series road to the white house rewind. Kids . Inst the no, i missed. Let them have it. I dont know if you made it. That is what you said. I just do and i am told. A look back at the 1992 president ial campaign of bill clinton during a visit to Franklin High School in New Hampshire. On real america, marking the 70th anniversary of the nuremberg trials. The 1945 u. S. Army documentary on not to concentration and prison camps on nazi concentration and is in camps. And continuing on oral histories. After dday, they had enough Beach Landing to justify it and my captain, under captain on the job, kimmitt said, you stay here. Said, you staynd here. It was one of those times when somebody reached out and i was left. Off they went and it was several days later when i rejoined my outfit. An interview with benjamin, a former chief prosecutor for the United States, born in transylvania to a jewish family, emigrated to america, and he reflects on enlisting in the u. S. Army after law school and being assigned to set up a War Crimes Branch to investigate nazi atrocities. Watch American History tv all weekend, every weekend on cspan3. Get a complete schedule at www. Cspan. Org. Washington journal continues. Host the question again in light of the situation in paris, are you concerned about the potential terrorist attack in the u. S. . Phone numbers on the bottom of the screen for democrat, republican, independent, and folks outside the u. S. This headline obama dallas in an effort to eliminate the Islamic State and a g20 discusses seeks, in syria strategy. We have greg jaffe on the line. The g20 meeting is underway in turkey, what was the main agenda going to be and how has the agenda now changed . Guest i think the main agenda was primarily going to be focused on the refugee crisis a main focus,y or so i dont see it shifting in a huge way. I think the conversations will be even more pointed at this point. Host the leader of france will not be the, does that change the dialogue . Guest im not sure it does. Im sure that point of the will be represented, particularly if you are looking that isis in iraq and syria, the big players will be there. Host back to the refugee issue, it is big and important right now, what are the various countries of the g20 saying right now and do they differ in any significant way . Guest to be honest, i am not sure. My sense is that the refugee crisis at this moment will take a backseat to the broader isis issue. I think one of the concerns probably has to be, and this is a touchy subject, whether isis was able to move people into those refugees and get people into the west and how to guard against that . How do you ensure that the people coming through our refugees who need shelter and aid . Host back to the terror piece of one of the riders this morning, suggesting the president will have somewhat of a difficult challenge to get other countries on board with doing more in syria, iraq, elsewhere regarding terrorism. There are calls for socalled boots on the ground, what is that, going to be like . Guest im not sure. I think we dont know. The big places they would like to see more participation are not necessarily from the nato countries who have many of the same limits we do and perhaps more so. Their militaries have shrunk substantially for the last decade. I think it would like to see more help participation, particularly from the sunni and their allies. Isisey are going to march, is a good putting pressure on them, not just in iraq and syria but throughout the middle east. Sunni andlot of the arab allies will do more. Host one facet of these type of g20 medians or these private meetings that take place between leaders, doing of the president s meeting or planning to meet with and on what topics . Guest he has a bilateral meeting with the turks and that will involve a lot of this. If youre the turks have been a big proponent of nofly zones buffer or six own areas saison areas and they are being needed for that, so i assume the president will be discussing some of that with the turks. In the past, he has passed on the option or the white house has passed on the options because [indiscernible] although Hillary Clinton, the democratic president ial frontrunner, has advocated for it. It looked like this morning he had kind of a side meeting with Vladimir Putin and that will be as russians are now engaged in syria. I think the white house would like to see the russians should their attacks. Right now, a lot seem to be focused on moderate syrian rebels, some of whom we are supporting rather than isis, so i think that would be a major focus of the discussion. Host two meetings like this often resulted in major decisions or announcements being made . If they dont, what is the purpose of these meetings . They do, butmes usually those are set in the months leading up. I do not think we are expecting, with regards to isis and the pair attacks, to seek major announcements or shifts coming out of the meeting. Chancest get a lot of to have these kinds of dialogues with this many world leaders. I think they can start to set the agenda and you can start to see things happening in the next weeks and months out of them. Is the whiteffe house reporter for the Washington Post. Thank you. Jack is on the line from california, democrat. Are you concerned and how concerned about the potential terrorist attack in the u. S. . Caller i am concerned. Statementimportant and please, do not cut me off. I will try to be brief. As a vietnam marine veteran, and i would be on the ground and i know what war looks like, what concerns me is that when you look at all of the networks and you hear the pontiff come on and a lot ofs are them are the u. S. Needing to step up their effort against isis and it calls for boots on the ground, but what i never , and even from the community [indiscernible] the reporters ever why . Hese people why not United States and other European Countries in the region were isis is an asking for them to do more, for them to put boots on the ground. I see a lot of women and children but a lot of those people are men. What dont those people stay and fight for their country . Why does it always have to be american boots on the ground . Victoria ingo to florida. The toy is a republican. Caller good morning host the torilla is a republican. Caller good host victoria is a republican. Caller good morning antilife or cspan. I am not the least concern. I am a christian and believe in uses christ who crucified for me and my sins, and for those who love and worship him, we are not concerned because we are told to mention on this earth for a little while. These terrorists have been around for ages if you go back to history, and there have been conflicts like this all over the world from the very beginning. Survived through world war ii, my great grandparents the world war i, and i dont put my trust in man, i put my trust in the lord jesus christ. Host i think between the left us there. I think victoria left us. I want to remind you about the lines, if you are democrat, called 202 7848000. Are ar death if you republican, call 202 7848001. Ndependents, 202 7488002 for outside the u. S. , 202 7488003. Homeland security says there are no Credible Threats on attacks on the u. S. That came up earlier and their closely monitoring the situation after more than 106 people were killed in paris. Of caution,undance the a consulting with state and local Law Enforcement in the u. S. , and we have joe on the line from West Virginia, democrat. Caller how are you . Cspan. U for these are very important shows. I wish more of america watched cspan instead of the national media. Host glad you are watching. Caller i am concerned about the terrorist attack in america. I am concerned about West Virginia, in particular, but the United States in general because of the lack of jobs, things that are important to us. In thetuck our nose mideast for so long that we disrupted that entire area and there is no way to fix it, i am a democrat and i am going to support Bernie Sanders. I truly believe he is on the right track. We need to fix america, care. And there is probably 2 trillion worth of liability these companies and there is no money to fix it. Industrial revolution from West Virginia and we are suffering from it. 700es we have over military bases overseas. Lets take some of that money, even the 4 billion we get to israel every year, over the 2 billion we give to egypt or the 2 billion we get to jordan, lets just get a little of that, even though it is 1 of our budget, to places like West Virginia. Host lets hear from partition now on the democratic line from euston. Lets hear from patricia now on the democratic line from houston. How concerned are you . Caller the concern i have is we are america has done this to ourselves. Arabia, the countries in all ofdle east, kuwait, this countrys muslim countries. Saudi arabia cut heads off every day, but we are friends with them. When we went to war in afghanistan will we went to war in afghanistan and iraq, we disrupted the middle east and you killed and we killed a lot of people over there. When you hear people talking about the people who were killed, they talk about americans. What about the millions of muslims that were killed . They are never mentioned. You have to realize that when you do things, they come back to haunt you. Werican people i believe are going to get an attack because the American People are going to pay for when our government did. Andthe republicans let me add fox news, everybody on fox news that puts barack obama down every time they can, even when he killed osama bin laden, they did not want to give him credit. Husband hasld my soon as the attack happened in paris, they will blame barack obama. Did he killed jihadi john . Ahead of crisis in libya . You dont hear them talking about that because they want to blame him. Host lets go to Fort Lauderdale with a republican caller. Sarah, what would you like to say . Caller thank you. Here we go again. The same people, jeb bush has the same people who got us into the iraq war. Andas john bolton, cheney all thinking around the background and advising him again. All they think about is going to war. To the question, are you concerned about the terror attack in florida . Concerned for this region. I do think most americans are not stupid enough to want to kill themselves and blow themselves up to be with virgins in heaven or whatever. Most are black, white, spanish, whatever, however, the reason im concerned is i think we could talk. I think we could get together with all the arab nations, france, england, germany, everybody at the table and decide what we can do to save this. Actually, a d was keeping them from doing this in syria, he is bad news, yes, but whoever gets in the cannot control the actions unless they are from people. When we take out saddam, he was controlling the people that are doing this today. Isis really is saddams army. When we went in, we would not let them join with the other sunni and shia, we divided them and we did not let them join in with the army and they got no money or anything and they were mad. Now they are trying to pay back and they are getting young people who do not know what they are doing. Host two r, sarah. Ruth wrightson twitter, ites on twitter we are visiting four universities and this week in the state of florida and we will be interviewing policy experts. The segments will happen starting tomorrow at 9 15 a. M. Eastern time. That will be the time each Day University of florida on tuesday, university of Central Florida on wednesday, and university of miami on thursday. A nice tour coming up with a lot of policy interviews on the program, washington journal. Jeremy calling from maryland. How concerned are you about an attack . Caller good morning. Im concerned only just a bit. We have to think about what is a terror attack . Are they going to retaliate for the things we have been doing for generations overseas . I dont think that any country or anyone would just attack the babies the biggest and baddest dogs for no reason. Ont want anymore lives but we have killed hundreds of thousands of people overseas, women, kids, and it is going to come back here. We do that because war is nothing more than big business. Been worn offas since the days of eisenhower. Killedt civilians get and the people are upset, of course they want to fight back and we label them as terrorists or anyone who goes against americas interest are known as terrorists. On another note, what happened in paris is an awful, awful thing. But what about more Media Coverage of the 147 people were killed in kenya . Host thank you. Pat is on staten island, democratic caller. Caller thank you for taking my call. Host are you concerned . Caller i am concern for different reasons. Most of your viewers realize that anyone, even on the terrorist list, and obtain. Eapons at any time unless they have committed a crime or it is known that they had mental incapacitys. They can go into a gun shop born of those gun sales and pick up weapons. [laughter] what is going to happen when these wackos, i should not say that, but when these terrorists decide, but do damage in the u. S. . I wonder what the republican candidates will say to that. Host up in york city do you do anything different since 9 11 . Do you plan on doing anything different in the days and weeks ahead because of paris and have you changed your life in any way . Caller no, not at all. I have full confidence in our city police. No, i dont. I just hope it does not happen. I am aware of it after 9 11, but no, i am not concerned. I am concerned with the proliferation of the weapons, yes, that concerns me. Host thank you for calling. We will do this for several more minutes. Looking for to hearing from you. You mentioned the National Football league. Sunday is a big day for them and we are reminded that millions of people attend nfl games every year, and nfl put out a statement that was published on nbc. The safety of the fans, our priority, and security of the games is robust. Our procedures have been certified and designated the department of Homeland Security since 2008 as effective antiterrorism. Double layers of perimeter security, external to the stadium is a card fans, and the stadium from threats. Carl in michigan, independent caller. Caller thank you particular call. Im sure we have a consensus here that there is nothing to work about. Why should we worry . The president told us a long time ago that isis was a little Junior League group, nothing to worry about, and he has done wonderful things for us. Look at our medical now with 10 Million People that did not have insurance and now they have insurance. Course, he is a brilliant man. He told us that he was going to change our country, and he has. Nobody bothered to ask how he would change it, what will you do, and he is the most elliott man with the highest iq of any part the most brilliant man with the highest iq of any present we have had, and he does have a nice squeeze in this [indiscernible] we dont get to see those because why would you show your grades to somebody . My point is we are making our own bed and we will have to lie in it. Virginia,ll in republican caller. Caller good morning. What a horrible thing for the parisians to have endured. Once you lose a child, you live in hell constantly, all the time. Because it would be so easy, so outrageously easy to do things in the United States. Byolice have been spat on those who determined they are not worthy and not whether they have done by a wrong, but it matters that they are the only thing between us and the whole horror that could take place. We need to honor our placement on a constant basis. My mother said you cannot go wrong being kind. Have done politicians the most horrifically sinful thing. No wonder all of these nations look on us as a bunch of hedonistic, permissiveness promiscuous rascals. I hope somehow we can mentor our children and try as hard as we under have People Like Us so they dont want to harm us. God bless to all and i hope yall have a wonderful day and thank you particular call. Host back to twitter, kathy writes that American Leadership puts the citizens of this Country First before a change before worrying about refugees. Angus, democratic caller. Go ahead, sir. Caller it is nice to think about terrorist it is nice to think about paris, but we need to think about our own country. ,e need to establish ourselves what it did to chicago, [indiscernible] church, what they did in the school appear, it is a terrible thing for us to think about what is going on overseas and not concerned about what is going on in america. Host thank you. Manhunt,on post, police are on the trail of the th assailant. Suspected getaway car found, suicide bomber named, victims identify, 129 dead, 352 injured, 99 are critical. Seven aree that detained in belgian. Ralph is calling from michigan, republican. Caller what about the domestic onrorist that are being College Campuses today . [indiscernible] they just think they can get away with anything and they are allowed to get away with anything. They protest, it doesnt matter, everyone folds, they got their resign,he president s they dont care, they have got the cash. It is just a giant joke. Maryland, call, leo, democrat. Caller how are you . Host doing well, go ahead. Ourselves need to ask as to why the people in the middle east do not like america. There must be a reason why do we need to answer that question. I remember when i was in the was theast, america most beloved country, people used to brag about being an american citizen. Right now, you brag about it and somebody will stop you in the back. And look why do people hate on us so much. Thank you. Host to write to everyone who called in. Washington journal will be back tomorrow at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time. We will look at the headlines, take moreuests calls and comments next own newsmakers, it is gushing on the 2016 president ial campaign with the chairs of the republican and democratic New Hampshire parties. After that, a forum on police and improving community relations. This week newsmakers, a conversation with the chairs of the democratic public authorities in New Hampshire. We will begin by talking to jennifer born. She is joining us from her studio in New Hampshire. Matt, you are up first. Matt thank you for coming today. I wanted to ask you a little bit about the relevance of the primary. Candidates are trying to get bumped in the national polls. So they can be of the nationa

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