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To support the nominee. Horrific owing the situation across europe. Migrant miseryhe is hunting the continent. We want to begin with your on the Iran Nuclear Deal. And 027488000 2027482002. D join us on j and facebook. Com cspan. How the president was able to 34th vote. Just after the senate left tone or the august recess, a dozen or so undecided democrats met in capitol with senior diplomats the delaware democrat said they basically unanimously that this a deal as were going to get and were moving ahead with it. And we wont join you in reimposing sanctions. Message that solidified their decision leading the froze et the votes he needed to put the agreement in place over ierce and united Republican Opposition. Ts on the front page of the New York Times. His came as john kerry delivering remarks in philadelphia. Heres a portion of what he had to say. You probably heard the claim our strength and because of the power of our banks all we americans have to rejects this plan is return to the bargaining puff out our chests and demand a better deal. I heard one critic say he would to give iran a choice between having an economy program. A nuclear well, folks, thats a very byte but it has no reality. Any as dick said i was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when our nation came to enact round of round of economic sanctions against even the toughest restrictions didnt stop irans program from speeding ahead. Rom a couple of hundred centrifuges to 5,000 to 19,000, there. Lready been if this agreement is voted down, be e who vote no will not able to tell you how many entrifuges iran will have next year or the year after. If its approved, we will be exactly what ou program s on irans will be. Ost john kerry yesterday in philadelphia. Full speech available on the website. Sanctions is the next likely pass. Story from inside the New York Times. Headline as republicans wage new ways. Pointing out that republicans thinking through alternatives for months knowing able to obama would be override efforts to veto vetoes host well, republican president ial candidate marco rubio weighing in. All his Senate Republicans opposing this deal. Heres what he said yesterday on news channel. They dont have the votes to pass it. Votes to sustain a veto. Irrespective where this ends up vote nfident that theyll to reject this deal. Heres a broader point. This is not a treaty. There is nothing about this that is binding on the administration. If im president of the first day es and my in office well lift what the president is doing. Sanctions and ill ask congress to increase sanctions and back it up with military threat of force. So the votes to override a veto are not there. So in essence this is a done deal, senator. Its a done deal for the next 18 months, but again its not a treaty. Legally binding about it. Usepresident has decided to the National Security waiver and hes going to use that waiver to iran. Anctions on when im president of the reimpose ates well those sanctions and ill go to congress and increase those anctions and ill back that up with a credible threat of military force. Build a weapon well destroy your program. Rubio appeared on Fox News Channel yesterday. Think . You have your views changed on this. Ur phone lines are open 2027488000 for democrats. Fo 22027488002. Iran gets to keep iran hostages power. Velop nuclear a im elate to giving peace chance. Its a bad deal. Ere going to trust them with nukes and theyll be checking themselves . Bad. Bad. Bad. Carolyn brown says its the best deal on the table as has none. De nd saying, no proud to move on for strongly to support democrats who champion diplomacy. Rick from new york city, democrats line. Your thoughts on all of this. Rick, good morning. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. That at this ink point we have no other choice forward with this plan because i mean what is your ultimately . Youre talking about beating the with of war like we did iraq and Sadaam Hussein and into a hat country wasteland . What do we want to do . A we want to turn iran into wasteland and start in to and turn hundreds of thousands bomb iran and of thousands of people killed, fleeing the country, fleeing into europe. Do we want more homeless fleeing war torn country . Work. Ave to try to make it this is the best deal that youre going to get right now im not saying that if the iranians will turn we to be wise guys that cant be tougher on them in the future. We can be real tough and there thats the easiest thing for us to do. This is something thats hard for us to do. And we should go forward with it. Rick, thanks very much for the call from new york city and carroll has this point on our twitter page. It was a s thought lousy deal but lets hope it works. Dems voted for politics and for skraouples. 34th senator to agree on the deal. Rob is next from richmond, california. Good morning and welcome to the program, rob. You know this only kicks the can of military action the road and the persians will cheat. But on the other hand, secretary kerrys masterful resentation that you showed an xcerpt of swayed me to myself even though i oppose that it is the best that can be done now the military action down the road. Military ve to take action. But for now its okay. I mean, have even have hostages now, 3 or 4 of them, like that go back thousands of years taking enforce tvarious to enforce and agree to agreements. Regime andoutrageous hopefully will be overthrown. This is the gamut and this is what we got to go with and i support it. To delay going military action however. Thank you very much for the call. Appreciate it. Speaker john boehner weighing in on this tweet. Saying why should iran should be rusted to do its own nuclear inspections. It tried to hide from the world. Heres some of the headlines washington, d. C. The iran deal clears a hurdle. Denver post a Foreign Policy victory for the president secures the 34th commitment. Republicans unable to block the deal. And from the hartford current, wins a key iran tax support. Way, later in the program what to k through expect. As we said the house likely to the up the measure and then senate the following week. Live coverage here on cspan and cspan two as the Senate Debates the issue. The is joining us on republican line from nebraska. Good morning, dave. Morning. Good how are you today . Host how are you . Caller i want to thank the for this new deal that he gave the iranians. Amazing how corrupt this government is from the top down. A more s never been corrupt government in the United States in history. Know i want ody to to thank the Democratic Party for putting an end to israel. Thank you. Bye. Says, i guess the g. O. P. Feels war is the best option. Not their boys being sent in. Next istheresa, good morning. Thank you for taking my call. Just have this comment. To secretary of state john kerry in its entirety. Certainly is substance and depth to what they are proposing. I just have this comment to make. Havent heard that kind of a presentation from any opposition. Seems to be only surface rather than ents indepth explanation as of state presented. Entire stening to his tory, i kind of agree that first of all, diplomatic pportunities are far better than a military conflict. That. Tainly agree with host have your viewss involve did it change over the last couple of days . I would say it has changed i listened to the state. Ary of host okay. Theresa, the president also delivering a month before he went on vacation at American University outlining his support agreement and also refuting republican charges against the agreement. Thats part of the video prairie at cspan. Org. Democrats line. Have your views changed over the last few weeks, toni . Caller my views never changed. These people should not be iranians. They are persians. Confused witht be the iraqis next door. They are excellent people. They are well educated. Theyre not like the dumb ass pardon my french. Iraqis nextlike the door. They are well educated. Be called persians. Wonderful people. I studied with them at the niversity of illinois and they they be given the duo should be called persians. You been to iran . Caller never. I have traveled all around the world. As a former Flight Attendant i met many friends at the university of illinois, and ill bad you what, theyre not people. Give them a fair shake and dont dont em iranians and confuse them with the iraqi dumb allers next door and thats i have to say. Point . Ur last caller i think this is a good obama will go k down on a good legacy and thank you for taking my phone call, sir. Host thank you for weighing in this. Inside the Washington Post, no carden on the or iran vote and Available Online washingtonpost. Com. Providing the final vote needed the he president to secure iran deal. To wrestle with the deal. Support consumed him for much of the past month. Cardin goes to the synagogue he hears about it and about itinner he hears and sees his grandchildren he hears about it. Hes not going to be able to escape. They have no idea where he stands. Is he republican line josh next from texas. Good morning. Good morning. Yeah, my comment was you know, i this going to effect the oil field in texas and here the ently im working in oil field and been struggling a lot if this bill gets passed to be its just going to plunge a lot. People will be out of work. You know thats another thing people got to think about. Mean, i understand the bviously in iran and the nuclear bomb and everything, but i just dont see why we got to into the deal at all. Thats just my opinion. Host josh, thank you for the call. Washington post has a list you kn undecided senators. Cardinon the list senator ut like colorado, new jersey, washington state, north dakota virginia and michigan and virginia and oregon. Washington m the post this morning. And the list of the republican the senators and all of the house members opposing the deal. Only Democratic Senators announcing publicly that theyll heard from eal, we enator bob menendez and Chuck Schumer from new york. Antiokay, ic from california, your take on this. Aller i support because we should back the president. Kerrys presentation was excellent. Host well go to this tweet rom John Kirby Ronald from foxborough, north carolina. Welcome to the program. Caller good morning. Listen, i think this is a good deal. Iom the first time i heard it thought it was a good deal. Is a great deal. The other side of the aisle they call it all kinds of witch doctors and death to old people. They came up with all kinds of things to say bad about it. Its a great deal. They are very mad. Hit obama from different direction and always come up empty. Boy, marco rubio that ou showed the clip of him on fox news. I remember me Elementary School me, the biggest word in the dictionary is if and he didnt use it. Im president im back and then he turned and then he said if which changes it. Becomes president of the United States which i dont think so. Hes got to beat donald trump first. Way, donald trump will have a News Conference and 2 oclock live at eastern time on cspan Networks Online cspan. Org. From ten to brian massachusetts. This is a good deal. Rupert murdock on fox news they dont believe jews. Sus, the they want to wipe out all their neighbors. They want them all crawling in begging for food. Over in the people iran, they dont have single with drugs. Roblems i mean, this countrys going drugs e tubes because of and single parents. I mean, were going down the theyre doing great. Says this, look at the bright side. If dictators kill their people people around the world so do we. Wars. Oint, no more front page of usa today has agreement and r Senate Action on the front age. And below that is the story is he tragedy and crisis at europes doorsteps and some of the most heart wrenching pictures of ading young boy who was picked up off turkey. St in this is a photograph front page of usa today. Phil from silver spring, maryland. Good morning. Independent line. Caller yes. Good morning. Host good morning. Caller just before i left my this morning, i saw a congress should the Iranian Nuclear deal. But its reported that the deal been clinched by the Obama Administration. Why the commercial still running . Its highly unlikely that the change their minds. This question is not for you per believe sincerely those who spend the money could friends, ing their is going host you know though that Senate Republicans will try other actions including putting iran. Ons on so this is a continuation of the see this month. Caller yeah, that is true. They can still put sanctions. I sincerely believe if iran does stupid, sanctions can be snatched thats fine. Ut at the moment there is no ay in which the deal can be stopped based on the numbers that we have. There are maybe 9 or 10. However, they need seven of those ten to not be able to up at all. Ote but for now i do understand iran manages thats a fact. Matter is th of the if iran begins to do anything tupid, well, ill wholeheartedly support congress back some et sanctions. So i dont know. All i have to say. Host if the president gets 41 hen they can block this from coming to the senate floor under the rules. Some other headlines we want to front page of the money section of usa today ocusing on the feds saying the economy is expanding slowly and tomorrow eport out could be a factor by the fed on when to raise interest rates. The president who is pack in three ton today after a day trip through parts of alaska, the first sitting president to travel above the as he takes a message where the change is rapid. In this photograph of the president in a small town of for the ut a third president s speech. The New York Times china announces it will cut its military by 300,000. The military has more than 2 million members at the moment will mean there will be more Specialized Forces within the chinese military. Go next to betty republican line. Have your views on this deals or changed over the last couple of weeks . Really. Not and i just realized thats what the question was. Its a terrible deal and i think that we are not well by congress at all would vote ody who for that without reading any of the ideals. A congressman last night who said that he had not seen it and it had not been given to him. And i think thats ridiculous there are ree that lots of probably the majority of persians and re ive known some they are nice wonderful people. But theyre not the ones who are in charge. Its the real radical thats are charge. Well have our trouble. Host your final point . Well, my final point is the president laid i the islamic side over america, thats what i think. Being the president . Caller he being the president. Host thank you for your call comment. Popposing this agreement from the very beginning. Vice President Biden will be peaking to a group of jewishamericans in south florida. Manhunt continues for the three suspectses. Figured out who was responsible for the shooting of the Police Officer. The wife of the Police Officer saying her husband was the love of her life. Chicago ne from the tribune as fox lake mourns a fallen officer as the hunt continues. James from cornell, illinois. Good morning, democrats line. Caller hello. Good morning, jim. Caller oh, yes. I just want to say how many of people running and going a d b214 is bill have hat served this country in a capacity that was a life and death situation. Heard one or seen one out has a dv 214 and thats of every republican running and democrats. E i think the more the people thats been there should be able up more. What do we want a war for . I hope that made sense. It upsets me. Are you referring to . Your i. D. Is that number . What is that . Caller its a service number. Once you serve this country and rotect this country and swore to kill or be killed, to protect a way of life and the constitution, thats what it is. Dv 214. Ouve been in the service and youve been there and youve seen it and you felt it. These people have not. I lost a lot. Theyve lost nothing. Theyet theyre tearing down president that wants to prevent a war. You for the call. These are three headlines Vice President joe biden. He biden boosters are racing for democratic donors. Getting fired up for biden and this story from the washington says the ears are open for a biden president ial run. Pittsburghaveling to on monday for a labor day event which well be covering and then on the Stephen Colbert show later next week and making decision by the end of summer which presumably will mean now and september the calendar u follow the officially ends. Paul from lincoln park, michigan, good morning. Caller good morning. Host how are you today . Good. pretty the question was has your attitude changed . Idea. A bad it was always a bad idea and it will always be. About i have a question. Somebody pass a constitutional amendment while i wasnt paying attention that means the senate does not have approve a treaty anymore . Mean, the socalled bill doesnt override the it . Itution, does this is just obama whatever his around theying to go constitution again. This tough is really getting old. Okay. Paul, thank you for weighing in on this. We appreciate it. Daniel from houston, texas. Good morning, dan republican line. Caller good morning. Obama and kerry are trying to convince us and theyre running that er the world to say e should not be concerned with the iranian deal. Very, very simple. Suppose theyre wonderful people nd on the agreement for ten years and eventually they get the bomb anyway no matter what say. Do or lifetime of the country and nation, ten years is nothing. Very, talking about a very short time. Even if they dont cheat, they dont have to cheat and i can opinion, that y they will not cheat. Theyre going to be very good all of their terror organizations theyre supporting anyway, getting all this money eventually theyre going to get the bomb anyway. About wasting all this energy on cheating doesnt mean anything. Irrelevant. S theyll get the bomb anyway. Thats a problem. Host daniel from houston, texas. Some of your comments as well on facebook. Linda says joe who says joining us s roy from sun city, california, democrats line. Good morning. Morning. Ood i like to echo the sentiments of about tleman that asked the dv 214. Im a veteran. Country for 20 years. Nd all these shade tree diplomats are willing to send ur youngsters into war is ridiculous. Hey have not offered any alternative to avoid this deal. The difference if we eventually go to war, we can do fact n 1015 years if in they dont live up to the agreement. I dont understand this alternative ishe war, believe it or not. Thank you. Headline from is the washington times. Eeking out a senate victory. Joining us, were focusing on the Iran Nuclear Deal. The entire Republican Senate and house in opposition of this agreement. Sky who is mccull stepping down the end of next year. Political note from the New York Post and the headline s assert his fifth amendment right and not testify before the house select benghazi. On the attorneys sent the committee their client g would not testify at the hearing that is planned for next week. Subpoenaed him last month and the letter was first eported last night by the Washington Post. This reaction from the top he crat on the committee, onfirmed that tagly on no did send the letter and hes called unsubstantiated statement. From the republican line, jim. Nuclear on the iran deal and what happened in the senate yesterday. Caller yes. Hello . Morning. S, good caller yes, okay. Im a veteran nd what the previous veteran aid is disgusting saying if they get the Nuclear Power ten ears down the road is ridiculous. Theyve been slowly gaining more leading always been a sponsor of terror and they need to be destroyed and not and not given the ability and money from our power andto gain more do more evil. We either im against war, have to go outou and take care of things. Evil. Ou cannot avoid their they are the ones who want war. Theyre the ones who have publicly to destroy america and kill americans and israel. America and all this is being done and all are being iations done while american hostages hostage from iranians. This is insane. Deserves the most stiffest penalty for this and kerry complete is is treason. Why would you negotiate with holding hile theyre hostages . America one in negotiate with someone while they hold a kid of theirs down the road e maybe theyll act properly. Or you say, will you release something. Hen ill do there is should be no talking with them. There should be action, firm and permanent action. They have been for decades the of terror. Nsor host thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. If youre interested, the done a ton post has breakdown of where things stand in the house and senate and what still trying to do to secure more democratic to ort in the u. S. Senate prevent of course he has the to prevent veto override. Ou can read it online at washingtonpost. Com. J street has sent out his tweet get more information by logging jstreet. Org. Ohn sent us this tweet is next from los angeles. Democrats line, good morning. Hello. Host good morning. Caller yes. Am i on . Host you sure are. Go ahead. Caller yes, thank you for cspan this morning. I think its a pretty topic. Ting listen, first i want to say just veteran,y the previous is a 214 form officially release from active duty form. Its ot a discharge paper just to state youve been in service and verify you have been been released. Etting back to the deal itself i was skeptical so i some have to the at least prior signing of the deal. But now that the deal has been a lot of i gave it thought it made me think that iranian people also had a voice in this. This is what really to even make a deal such as this. It may not be the best deal but the people in iran probably feel like some of us feel. Tired of fighting and fussing over this. The hard liners on both ends are being very stubborn. But you got to remember the of our relations with iran goes all the way back to were they felt like they deceived when we had a puppet and so if there, there was any distrust, it may end. Been on our america has a tendency to not have to things that they done wrong in the past such as slavery and other such things that we have done. We call ourselves a democracy, theres a good reason why the liners dont trust us. But now that we have this deal, least give it a chance to work because i feel this ranian people want deal. The americans i feel were tired we got to at least do our part to own up to what we did in the past and give them a little trust. Work out we got all the nations that have sat table and to make and we got good deal them backing us up. To what would you say critics of the deal including netanyahu who says we cant trust iran based on the and has andrhetoric continues to hold american hostages. That . Ould you respond to i say lets own up to what we and give it a chance because we know theyre headliners. Host thank you for the call. Rom los angeles, peg has this point, we cannot pick good or bad guys in the middle east. Power and consider control between all of them. This story is dominating many of the headlines around the country including this front page of the dispatch as the president gets a key victory on the iran deal and national tweet. Has this if reagan were here he would tell president obama no better than a bad agreement. Locks r ledger, obama deal. Votes for a nuke went after ry critics of the agreement israeli the government. I take a backseat to no one in my commitment to the security of israel. A commitment i demonstrated years in the plus state and as secretary of isra im fully conscience of the existential nature of the choice israel must make. I understand the conviction that israel even more than any other afford a mistake in defending its security. Respectfully disagree with Prime Minister netanyahu of of the agreement i do not question for an instant concern or that of any israeli. But state im also convinced president obama and our Senior Defense and even many aders and israeli officials that this us on the right path to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. The people of israel will be safer with this deal and the same is true with the people the region. Host the comments from john kerry and front page of the l. A. Im also this headline burt is next from kingston, rhode island. Line. Endent good morning. Caller good morning. I whave changed my mind. I think we need to do like the great Ronald Reagan and give hostages and then hostages at guantanamo can also be released. This is really ridiculous. Bush and cheney took us to a war that destroyed the middle east and now refugees are swarming into europe. Ridiculous. Ly ar is not good for anybody, especially kids and world peace. Going on too is long. The rest of the world is into the deal, do it already. Ridiculous. Bye. Have a good day. Thank you for cspan. You do a good job. You for the call. Front page of the washington ost and many newspapers including usa today and papers across europe. Of the body of a child that was washed up along turkey just a symbol of the situation as it unfold and well on that coming up later in the program. T says, Congress Returns from summer recess this next week bringing with it enough votes in the nature to ensure the president to win a nuclear deal iran. Yet the irony that is while the officials trumpet nuclear deal it washingtons efforts to assure anxious allies focused on bly efocus its capacity to engage iran military. Arthur is next from memphis, tennessee. Program. O the caller yes. I just want to say this is an deal. Y, this is a republicans didnt understand that. Cheney is e dick against something you better deal. Ve its a good thank you. Call. Thank you for the lets share with you what senator said. She said she would be the 34th senator agreeing to this. She said, no deal is perfect especially one negotiated with the iranian regime. Plan of action is the best available to block having a nuclear bomb. Ill vote in favor of it, but we must call. Lets share with you what senator said. She said she would be the 34th senatorreaffirm our commitment. T teddy on the republican line. Good morning. Doing . hi, how you host fine, thank you. Caller whats on the table from after they of the get the funding i agree with caller from oklahoma that were dealing with people that have hostages american hostages. We didnt do anything to get hem out but we gave them the terrorists that we had at bay. Anamo im wondering whats the consequence for them backing out of the deal . It doesnt make a lot of sense to me and i agree with the vet from oklahoma. Host thank you very much for the call. If youre interested. Is keeping track. Hat is Available Online at thehill. Com. President ial politics and a in new yorkng place between donald trump and rnc chairman requesting that the candidate sign a pledge to he ort the nominee whomever or she is. Roger stone, former senior joining us live from new york and later well bill fraylik. Migrants from syria and middle the continent. Youre watching and listening to cspan washington journal. Were back in a moment. Q a, day night on Stanford Law School professor the about her book, trouble with lawyers which takes a critical look at the Legal Profession in the United States of law schoolsst and the lack of diversity in the procession. Different model of Legal Education. Ones that include one year programs and two year programs is an option for people who want to do something specialized in the third year years for people who want the full general practice Legal Education that we now have. But its crazy to train in the way somebody who is doing routine divorces in a small town midwest and somebody who is doing murders and acquisitions on wall street. We have this one size fits all Legal Education and average ebt level for law students is 100,000 and that assumes that do can train everybody to everything in the same way. Im licensed to practice in two and i wouldnt trust divorce. O do a routine washington journal continues. Host joining us from new york stone, a long time republican strategist, veteran and nixon an administrations and former advisor to donald trump. For being with us of the we appreciate it. Having me. U for host politico reporting that there is a meeting scheduled etween donald trump and the chair of the national committee. The headline is that the want loyalty pledge signed by all the candidates. Move s being viewed as a to box in donald trump. Will say u think he today . First of all, i think its mportant to understand why donald trump has left the option a Third Party Candidate open. Ine New York Times reported a very important piece that three of the major candidates, just behind hree trump in the polls that would be ubio, bush and walker, were engaged in talks regarding debate in the fox event that trump was in the debate. 15 or 19 states the republican bosses and establishment can keep him off primary ballot with the stroke of a pen. Would only id he anticipate running as a Third Party Candidate if he didnt get a fair shake from the Republican Party. The fact that he was in the fox cnn e and hell be in the debate and the National Party coming to see him today that indicates that he has which is a he wanted level playing field. The logistics f of running as a third party honesty, in all within less than 60 days trump to change his new york state Voter Registration in order to be ligible in a number of states part as a third candidate. Actually enormously expensive and time consuming process. Now. Would have to start the truth is i think trump has and given he wants up nothing and strong frontrunner. Sign the hat hell pledge today. Host you called donald trump, bold, progressive and interesting. But is he president ial . Is. Eah, i think he i mean, he is different than your other president s, but the have now is different than our other president s. Life figure than and i think voters are passion, his his patriotism and cando spirit. We can build a administration and have a boom economy and have again. Hes very much like ronald kennedy. Nd jack is he an eccentric, on some things he is. Had a number who are eccentric. Greatest president s of my lifetime were the two that of politics those being Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Is not a career politician. Hes not part of the washington system. Hes not beholden to any special interests. Host when did you first meet donald trump and how long did for him . Lets see. 1979 when d trump in i sent to new york to organize ronald mer governor reagans campaign for president. From given a card file nancy reagan, one of those recipe box thats had index cards of the reagans friends in new york. The people in the cards were dead and the others were those prominent but among a a card for mr. Cone ixture in the Legal Profession and major power broker so i made appointment to see him. One of the first things i told finance to set up a committee. And he said do you know fred and donald trump. Donald trump. Of of the fred was one original gold water financiers. Developery successful of housing in the outer burrows and built a ght substantial fortune as a line per, was a real hard conservative republican and personal friend of Barry Goldwaters and son donald was in on manhattan real estate. O i had the fortunate to meet them both. He joined our finance committee he was helpful to the campaign. Company told us there would be a delay in phones and he made a hone call and those delays disappeared. It was very last minute effort from all over ns the new york westchester, long area, and trump lent us petitions o file the reagan y less ronald would not be on the ballot. I was founder of our irm, trump was among first clients. I handled some currency ransaction issues that pertained to his casino empire dredging permits for the bay f f. A. F a. A. In e height of his sky scrapers. Host what happened when you campaign. You said you left and he said were fired and you continued real port him whats the story . Well the New York Times and politico both confirmed with three separate individuals that my d confided in them decision to resign and i had letter. Y resignation i have enormous affection for donald trump. To run for d him president literally since 1988 for the chamber to theerce to invite him luncheon speech. He crowd was huge and he got enormous press and i think george h. W. Bush had been at the same forum two weeks before and 2400d 400 and we had about people or 2500 people. It was a smashing discuss. Friends of mine very nthusiastically organized a trump for President Committee the first known. But it was too early in his career. He was still focused on building his empire. 2000 i was the chairman of the exploratory looked at n which he the possibility of seeking the part nomination. E was not very impressed with george w. Bush or al gore. Hey were qualified for federal matching funds so it was an opportunity to run a campaign on money. Peoples and im glad to say that he did at the ard look at it conventiony national in michigan that year. 2000 he won that and run. Mately did not thr three years ago, he looked again for running and he did not think much of the republican field. Decided to endorse mitt romney which he regrets. Think trump would have been a better candidate than mitt romney and that brings us. Resigned because i didnt feel i was having the impact on the campaign that i could have. Campaigns are about ssues and broad ideas and not sha and i minute tphaourb felt like i could have a rofound impact working as i have pro bono. Im entitled to be in touch with trump. We have been friends for 35 years. He wept to my wedding when i wife and i went to two of his weddings. Father a funeral funeral and mothers and wake. So i resigned. And. E is no hard feelings spoken to did ndonald trump. I think hes the only figure independence cial and guts and passion and the hands on cando spirit to take i believe is a corrupt system. I want to get your reaction to this. Ikki haley making a reference to donald trump and his approach to the voters and on the issues. Heres what she had to say. What i will say about mr. Smart s hes a businessman. During omplished a lot his career. It accomplishes nothing to get criticizes dy who you. Very time someone criticizeds him he makes an attack back. My south what i want carolinaians to do. Thats the part yesterday i think they actually were talking issues and i got excited because they were talking about policy. Thats what americans want to here is policy. Theynt it want to hear how offended you. They want to know theyre up to the white house who is calm and cool mad at and not get someone because they criticize them. We would really have a world war happens. Host how would you respond to that. Your reaction. Yeah, i think the American People want toughness in their president. Tired of get e rolled at the negotiation table by the chinese and by the and by a number of other countries. Donald trumps anger as it were a controlled anger. He does it for effect. A piece that to they wrote in the Weekly Standard where trump was enormous group in orange california, california, punches you mebody you punch them back only harder. That is his mantra. From the very, very tough world of manhattan real estate. Real ople of manhattan the idea that trump is somehow out of control or that he does not do these things for affect idea is wrong. Above all right now, we need justice. Who will not be rolled by our adversaries around the world. When he leadership. All of this talk about party unity is great but george bush attacked Ronald Reagan and Ronald Reagan attacked george bush. Very, very tough competitor. Host let us get to our phone calls. Gary from new york outside of buffalo, good morning. Caller good morning. Mr. Stone, i am a democrat that happens to support donald trump. Here is the way i see mr. Trumps problem. His most difficult achievement will be to get the gop nomination. Hehe a, which is that if accomplishes that, i see a tremendous amount of support for trump on a National Ticket with democrats like me. What is your assessment . Host before we get roger stones response, can i ask you questions . Did you support barack obama in 2008 and 2012 . Caller yes i did. Host what changed your thinking about the Democratic Party and moved into Donald Trumps camp. Caller one of the most important was the fact that like a lot of people, we are waking up to the fact that candidates are bought and sold through this Campaign Finance system. Donald trump is a billionaire. He is financing his own campaign. As far as i know, nobody has bought him yet. I could go on with two or three other items. Host that is one of the big ones, the fact that he is funding his own campaign is a big one for you. Caller absolutely. I am sick and tired, like a lot of my friends, with candidates being bought and sold. Host thank you. Roger stone. Guest i agree with gary. I think one of the mistakes analysts make is they look at the republican primary electorate as monolithic. It is not monolithic. There are all different types of republicans. Trump has said a number of things that would appear to violate the republican orthodoxy, but i think he appeals to a populist conservative within the republican ranks, the same that reagan appealed to. Trump is the candidate of main street, not wall street. He is not the candidate of the financial or political elite. He does have a fight on his hands for the republican nominations because the republican establishment is quaking in their boots. Here is a guy that cannot be bought by the lobbyist, special interests, the billionaires, the super pacs, or the special pleaders. He is financially independent. Donald trump cannot be bought and believe he cannot be bullie. It is interesting to me that each one of these candidates that has come out and attacked graham,k perry, lindsey and others, is that as soon as they attacked trump, they dropped like a stone. That tells us a lot. He has the ability to assemble the old Reagan Coalition in a general election, meaning the republicans as a base. A recent poll showed he is getting 79 of the republicans in a twoway race against Hillary Clinton. He was only trailing Hillary Clinton by six points, which is extraordinary. That 79 of republicans has to go to the 80s for him to win, but it is clearly headed there. He has to break out to the socalled reagan democrat, the White Catholic conservative democrat, and independents. That coalition can be reassembled, but only trunk and reassemble it. Host the also has to get a fair amount of the hispanic vote. Something that mitt romney failed to do in 2012. When he criticizes jeb bush for speaking in spanish, does that help or hurt if he is the nominee in trying to secure a significant portion of the hispanic vote next fall . Guest i think the key to the hispanic vote is going to be economic opportunity, job opportunity, prosperity. Those who are here as legal immigrants are just as upset about Illegal Immigrants as all americans. Trump has to make and will make an extraordinary appeal based on his ability to write this economy right this economy. He is a job creator. He is a businessman. He knows how to look at the bottom line. If you think there is no fact and federal government, then your smoking something. Like trumpe summary with trum to streamline the government and cut out hundreds of millions if not trillions of dollars worth of waste to get the economy moving. Hispanic voters want the same thing the all voters want. They want economic opportunities, jobs, a solid future for their children, good schools, safe neighborhoods. Donald trump can and will appeal to hispanic voters on that basis. Host this tweet from a viewer. Would you serve . Guest i do not think i am cut out for government. I will pass on the opportunity. Very much like president eisenhower, trump does not intend to be an expert on every subject. What he does is he finds very good people, he gets educated, and then he hires good people, and then he supports them. This is one of the secrets to his business. He is an extra array ive for an extraordinary eye for talent. To send jack wells with the chinese, maybe we come back with a win for a change. Maybe america can start winning again in a donald trump administration. Host from nebraska, then is next ben is next. Good morning. Caller good morning. Because he waser the one that watched out for the military complex. As far as reagan, he was a disaster. Andot 250 marines killed, we went to hundred years before we ever knew what a trillion dollar debt was. Reagan was irresponsible. When he left, he had a trillion dollar debt. There are too many stupid people in the United States. They dont even know what stupid means evidently and they vote for the wrong people and listen to all of the baloney. If you want to respond, i will listen. Guest i dont think we have ever had a perfect president. Ronald reagan won the cold war, which costed hundreds of millions of dollars he restored our. Confidence abroad. Eisenhower was the greatest president in my lifetime. It would be hard to pick a president who did everything perfectly. Ronald reagan certainly made mistakes. Just a member, one mans baloney is another mans filet mignon. Next. Host i would love to see a leader cut waste in the tweet. Ent, from a book, two things are outlined that i think interesting. There is approximately 1 trillion sitting in federal Bank Accounts that every president up until barack obama has swept into the general fund. Obama is the first president who has not touched those funds. Before you talk about cutting Social Security or medicaid, let us weve all of the funds that are already in the federal hands and use them for these programs. Secondarily, trump identifies in his book 122 Inspector General reports about waste or fraud, which could be a savings of hundreds of millions of dollars approaching one billion. It would take someone with a sharp scalpel and someone not afraid to gore oxes. Trump has the guts to take on the status quo. I have no doubt he can trim the federal budget and a way that no president has ever been able to do because he is not beholden to anybody other than the American People. In the New York Times, a look at what to expect when donald trump releases his own tax proposal. It is called a things to watch for in Donald Trumps tax plan. Ralph joining us from battle creek, michigan, on the democrat line. Caller maybe you can to me more about this deportation plan of donald trump. I hear the number is anywhere between 11 million illegal aliens. Donald seems to think in his mind that there are 30 million. Dispute. Bit of a would be to port 30 Million People would he do port 30 Million People . Would they be rounded up by police door to door and put into holding places like camps and orn run them to the border to the guatemala border or to the nicaragua border . The revoking of the citizenship. He seems to think the 14th amendment does not apply anymore. It does not apply so the birthright citizenship is not accurate or not enforced. Deport how do por much money would it cost to hire agents to deport millions of people and tearing up families. Explain to me how that would work. Guest there are at least four questions there. Let us take them one at a time. There is nothing in the 14th amendment that guarantees with my citizenship. That is done statutorily. Legal scholars have profound disagreements about exactly what the 14th amendment. It is absolutely clear however that el chapo, the mexican drug lord, his wife was struggled into the United States to have her baby so that baby can be an american citizen and later be eligible for all of the social services we guarantee americans. We have an epidemic of this. The cost will ultimately break us if it is not breaking is already, so it has to be dealt with. This is typical boldness by trump. In terms of expelling people, the most fundamental piece of trumps Immigration Reform is to seal our border. Our border is porous. There are people coming over it every day. Some people like jeb bush say it cannot be done. Trump has built some architectural masterpieces and he says it can be done. I believe trump. How you go about deporting 11 Million People . I think this is really more of a question of using our Computer Technology to track people. As Chris Christie pointed out, we can track Federal Express packages through drivers licenses and other databases. We can find people. People who leave voluntarily i think should get priority about their return. The idea is to start over. The details of the program are not fleshed out by trump. I think symbolically within the context of the Republican Party, he has hit a very important cord. The logistics of actually doing this, that is something that will have to unfold in the campaign. Todaya contributor to usa and also a Fox News Channel analyst has a piece this morning in usa today, and i want to share a portion of what she wrote. Basically, she says religious voters need to wise up. Votersi think religious who take jesus christ as their personal savior believe in redemption, and they believe in change. Donald trump is what he is today. He believes what he believes today. He is completely forthright about the fact that there was a time he supported abortion, but a very close friend of his late in life had a child, thought about aborting a child, did not abort that child, and now that child is thriving and is the absolute centerpiece of this family. He changed his mind. People are entitled to change their mind. Ronald reagan was a divorced president. Divorce is a common day thing. No american is perfect. No christian thinks any individual is perfect. I take trouble at face value in terms of what he believes today. I am not sure what she is driving at in terms of criticism butnd the prolife issue, trump did in iowa bring a photo of his first communion. Trumps have always been religious people. I will not question another mans faith. Host robert from brooklyn, new york, on the independent line. Good morning. Go ahead. Caller i am calling to correct a statement made by mr. Stone. He said Ronald Reagan came from outside politics. It was governor of california became he became president. Terms,yes, he served two but a majority of his life he spent as an actor and union leader. That is where he came from. Twotermeing a governor of california, donald trump has run a billiondollar , probably asrprise challenging as running the state of california. I am talking about where these individuals originate. It would be foolish to say eisenhower was not political. His politics in the army. One does not become a fivestar general overnight. They still came from a discipline outside of politics. They were good at politics when they got there. I still believe eisenhower and reagan were the two greatest president s in my lifetime. Host ralph is joining us from hartwell, georgia, on the democrats line. Caller good morning. I just want to say that i have talked to a lot of democrats in georgia, and i went to see trump in greenville. I think the Democratic Party is very solid with trump. It is time we get a Business Plan into the white house that will run our government like a business. On the immigration situation, if someone broke into your house them, wouldught you call a contractor and build a room for them to live in the rest of their life . Let us do something about making this country great again. Host thanks for the call. Renewed speculation on joe biden. What is your sense . Will he jump in or stay on the sidelines . Guest i do not think it matters. He is in a credibly weak candidate. Last time he garnered 1 and dropped out. I think he appeals to exactly the same people that Hillary Clinton appeals to. Hillary clintons vulnerability lies to her left, although there is not a lot of room there the way she is moving. In a matchup with elizabeth warren, she comes out on the bottom. I still think there will be another candidate for the democratic nomination. Mrs. Clinton is very severely damaged and getting worse every day. Every day, there seems to be a new revelation, a new development regarding her email scandal. Watergate. Ough the difference between the and and Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton destroyed the evidence. And did not and have brought him down. Host anthony on the republican line, good morning. Caller please let me get everything out. First i want to commend and congratulate mr. Stone on being employee of the year. He is certainly disconnected from mr. Trump but did it in a classy way, did it with respect, and space favorably of his former employee. I think we need more stories like this in america. On trump, you can argue with your delivery, you can argue with his sense of humor, you can argue with whatever you can argue, but you cannot argue with his poll numbers. You cannot argue with his wealth. You cannot argue with being politically correct. It is time in this country to call anchor babies for what they are, undocumented illegals. Indiaina, mexico, outsourcing for what it is. That brings me to cspan. I am watching cspan all the time. I see everybody gets republican coverage, and i dont see much trump on cspan. I want to visit a challenge to cspan. Back in 2008, Hillary Clinton went on cspan and said iowa picks corn and New Hampshire picks president s. If there is the next Hillary Clinton debate, i would like this to be played by cspan and see how that could be addressed. Thank you. Host thank you for the call. I will let roger stone responded to your first point. Clearly, if you have been watching this network over the last few months, we have been covering donald trump. We were with him in alabama and we are covering him today with a News Conference at 2 00 eastern time. You can check out all of our event coverage with all of our candidates on our website cspan. Org. We have been providing the most comprehensive unfiltered coverage of this campaign and will continue to do so over the next months and years. Nobody else will provide you the depth and breadth of coverage that we do. I take umbrage at your one point because we have and will continue to cover donald trump and the rest of the candidates. Your thoughts . Guest i appreciate the callers sentiments. I do not believe in getting paid and then trashing your client. I think it is exceedingly unprofessional. I have not changed my views whatsoever on donald trump. I was honored to work on his book in 2000. I was honored to be the chairman of his president ial Exploratory Committee that year. I was very honored to work on his current book time to get tough. I think i have a strong Institutional Knowledge and where he is on his issues. I think he has evolved. As i look at this crop of establishment politicians, i do not see anybody who is bold. I see people operating on the basis of polling and focus groups and careful calculations. Donald trump is a man working without a net. What you see is what you get. He is completely spontaneous. He is unscripted, unhandled, unmanaged. He is the strategist in his campaign. This has always been the case. He is a voracious reader. If you have something you feel strongly about, write him a memo. Keep it short and to the point. Sometimes he will agree with you and sometimes he will disagree with you. There is no doubt in my mind that were he president , he would be the boss. Host let us go back to your expertise working with Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. This is a piece by bill kristol in the Weekly Standard. Let me just share with you a portion of what he says. Politicalld trumps appeal a Cartoon Version of Richard Nixon . The current candidates are understandably struggling with coming to group with the phenomenon of trump. None has put together the pieces as reagan did. Your response. Guest i read that piece yesterday and tweeted bill kristol gets with the program. I think what he is saying is trump is a pragmatic conservative. He is not a purist. He believes we should Tax Hedge Fund managers who are currently avoiding millions of dollars worth of taxes. Trump gets no advantages. He pays an enormous amount in taxes. The average businessperson in his country is paying a high tax rate. Why should this special niche of Financial Operators making millions not pay . That violates the orthodoxy. I went to a very nice dinner this past saturday and many people there were aghast at this idea. I think this idea will sell to the American People and populist republicans. I think it will sell in a general election. I will give you another example. He did propose in 2000 that there would be a one time surtax dedicatingr wealthy, all that money to deficit reduction. Knock out the entire deficit one fell swoop, one time. That violated the public orthodoxy because he was taxing the super rich. Rich. E wealthy, the super from would have owed an additional 450 million in additional taxes under his own plan. He was prepared to play it. Had we done so, we would be in stronger shape today. The deficit has ballooned since that time. Today, trumps proposal would not just equate or financially be possible. It was able proposal at its time a bold proposal at its time. He wants to do what will work. I think this comes from being in business. Host a preview of the next debate will take place in less than two weeks at the reagan president ial library in california. Kathleen parker yesterday in herpes in the Washington Post telling republicans it is time to take the gloves off and go after trump. Karen is next from norman, oklahoma. Good morning. I keep hearing them say the women that come over and comebabies or people that over a legally have to wait five years before they can get any benefits. That is not so. All they have to do is be pregnant or get pregnant as soon as they get here. Then they are available for everything. That is one reason we cannot afford to build roads and bridges and take care of our events and own people. We have to stop rewarding people. Rom having baby after baby then they say they cannot afford and we have the taxpayers pay for them. Host thank you. Did you want to respond to that . Guest it was more of a statement than a question but i think she put a finger on is that they would telling the trump campaign. Let us take the issue of Veterans Health care. Nobody suggested this to donald trump. Did not come out of some poll or focus group. As he has moved around the country, everywhere he goes, he is besieged by veterans. They are telling him Horror Stories of other inability to get health care. They are very angry. They are angry at barack obama, but they are particularly angry at john mccain. He has been a member of the Veterans Affairs committee in the u. S. Senate 30 years. 1000 veterans died waiting for medical care. The administration tried to hide that. To this day, nobody has been held responsible. Is a lot like benghazi. So many screws up, some americans die, but nobody is held responsible. Donald trump hit upon this issue based upon talking to average americans. Were Veterans Health care in this country is a disgrace. Does anybody think donald trump could not build the greatest Veterans Health Care Hospital system in the world . I believe he can. Host next is clipped from maryland. Good morning. And yeti am a democrat, i am very excited about donald trump. I think it stands for a couple of reasons. First of all, i loathe the thought of Hillary Clinton. I voted democrat my entire life but i could never vote for her. I am excited about trump. May be your guest will want to comment. I read a number of articles uneducated angry white man. I have a graduate degree from an ivy league university. I have been working for 30 something years. I am not going to sit there and say i am angry. I am probably more angry at the Democratic Party. Eight years of barack obama and office, and what do we have . We have Hillary Clinton as the lead nominee. I am very excited about trump. I do not take all of his rhetoric seriously. This is the politician coming out. How many politicians promise this and that and then they do not do it when they get in and face reality . I do resent the idea that because i am some kind of ignoramus supporting trump. I think he is tapping into something. I hope you can take it all the way. Thank you, cliff. Roger stone. Guest there is a growing trend in the Mainstream Media to try aslampoon trumps supporters white supremacists, rednecks, angry white males, yahoos. It is false. It is a caricature. Interviewi did an with talking points memo, and about several was a premises to came forward and said positive things about trump. I have met people at across the country across the country who are from supporters and our college graduated. They tend to be employed, the quiet people, the forgotten americans, the silent majority. They are angry. They are angry because they do not like what is happening to america. They do not like the direction we are headed. They realize we are headed to fiscal calamity. We have a looming debt. We are falling behind militarily. Inare being made a fool of trade negotiations with countries like china and mexico and others. Trump sums this up saying when is the last time we won . When will america go back to winning. Trumpet is a winner above all. In the real estate world, he is associated with excellent. I think he would return excellence to government. I want somebody who is looking out for the United States. Who is looking out for our bottom line. Trump has made himself an enormous amount of money, whether it is 9 billion or 11 billion, it is a moving target because he is a moving target. He can now make the American People rich. He can make your family rich. He can make my family rich. He can restore the american dream. Opportunity will be the key to this election. I think people are ready to return to this being a prosperous and productive country. Only donald trump can do that. Host in that talking points memo article, it indicated you are still advising donald trump. Wanted to reconfirm that is the case. Guest that is not really what it says. It says i still talk to donald trump. We have been friends for 35 years. Cordial. Rsation the cornea i have no formal or informal role in his campaign. I know him uniquely. I have known him for 35 years. I have huge affection for him come and i know his strengths. I really want to educate people as to why i think, having worked closely with him, he has the potential to be a great president and save the country. I have no role in his campaign. Host the great thing about the Video Library is you can check many past appearances. In 1992. [video clip] it was here at wharton in the 1980s that the students the named the banking club the unindicted. [laughter] keptall of fame pictures of donald trump, glorified the art of deal without relatively. And michael melton. On display until one went bankrupt and the other was on his way to jail. Host that was from 1992. Your comment . Guest bill clinton is a last person in the world who should talk about unindicted. Anyone who read peter schweitzers book will realize the clintons have been lining their pockets using the state department and the clinton foundation, which is a fund for grifters to enrich themselves and create a Luxury Travel service for themselves. Secondarily, donald trump never went bankrupt. He used to bankruptcy laws in atlantic city. Companies into bankruptcy, which is a completely legitimate financial technique. In all honesty, he saved himself hundreds of millions of dollars. That is the guy i want running the federal budget. Somebody who is tough and smart and knows how to save money. I think it is not dumb. I think it is smart. Bill clinton really is the last person in the world that should be commenting on responsibility. Host karen is next on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Nice to talk to you mr. Stone. I am a strong supporter of donald trump. What caught my attention was making America Great again. Some of us have lived in the america where we could do everything. There was not anything we could not do. Unfortunately, either people have forgotten our america or they never lived in the cando. All they hear is they cannot do this or cannot do that. It is too long or too confusing. Everything is a down. We cannot do anything. What i admire about mr. Trump and i pray he does get elected is because finally, we have somebody who loves america and wants to make her great again. Go to the say we can moon and we went to the moon. We want to integrate and we integrated. We want to win world war i and world war ii and we won. We want to take care of our vets when they came out, and we did it. We built housing in hospitals and everything that we wanted to do. Unfortunately, today people have to come to certain places. They are too used to being told we cannot do anything. We are getting that again from even the Republican Party when they talk against trump. It is too expensive. How dare he think of a dream. How dare he have a dream to make America Great again. This is exactly what the american heart wants. We want america again. We want to be able to be proud. We want to not make excuses for what we do. Donald trump embodies everything that the american spirit is. I am so proud to be supporting him. I voted i am ashamed and embarrassed to say that i voted for obama. I do not vote already people. I vote for the person. I vote for the issue. At that time, i was blind and i thought we needed obama to straighten out the bush problems. Host thank you for the call. We will respond. Guest the sad truth is the policies of the clintons and bushes and obamas are identical. I have come to the conclusion that after many years as a republican and a former Republican National chairman, i had the privilege of working for three republican president s, but the truth is the two parties have morphed into one party. It is a Big Government party. It is a big war party. It is the erosion of Civil Liberties party. It is the big debt party. It is the big spending party. , they try to rhetorically sound different, but they are jointly responsible for the decline of america. Personally, i always wanted donald trump to run as an independent candidate so he can criticize both parties. I am happy he is running now as a republican, although he is running against the republican establishment. He is still the outsider in this race. He puts his finger on it when he says our leaders are weak. We are in the position we are in because our leaders have been weak. They have made bad deals for the United States. They bought into the idea that we are a country in decline and things can only get worse. Things cannot get better. No president has disagreed with that since the Ronald Reagan. I appreciate the callers sentiments. I think she is typical of americans who are fed up and want this country to be great again. Host do think he has staying power moving into the fall and winter . Caller i do guest i do. I think that is up to him. That its been for the discussion of his economic plan. I am very optimistic about that. He will have to ultimately talk about his worldview. He has only laid out one set of policy and that is on immigration, and that has dominated the political debate so far. The great thing about trump is he is always interesting. You never know what he is going to say. He is not scripted. As long as he is interesting to the voters, as long as he is engaging the voters in a way otherf the candidates can, he has staying power. This is a 100 million endeavor at a minimum in my opinion. When he files his Financial Disclosure form with the federal election commission, he shows he had a net worth south of 10 billion. More importantly, he had very little debt and 358 million worth of cash or cash equivalents. He has the money to do what is necessary. It is money with no strings on it. Jeb bush has 100 million, but that is wall street money. Every dollar in that account as a string on it. Donald trump is exactly right about that. Host as you might imagine, a lot of political junkies watch this network and work here. One of the questions everybody asked before we sat down to talk with you this morning is your tattoo. I want to ask you because you tweeted it out. Is it real. If so, when did you get it . I actually have a tattoo of Richard Nixon on my back about the size of a pineapple. Is equal distance between my shoulders. Here is why i did it. Is not an ideological statement. They said was a pragmatist. It is a dealer might or that in life when you have setbacks, when you get knocked down, when you face disappointment, when bleak, youhings are have to get back in the game. He was an introvert and and at an extroverts business. He opened the door to china and segregated public schools, reached armscontrol agreements with the soviets, put money into the Africanamerican Community to develop black capitalism, the first real Environmental Protection that we needed. He was in many ways a great president despite his many problems and failures. It is a personal reminder. I got the tattoo, which is a good likeness of him, in california from a tattoo artist there at the ink monkey. I did a lot of research before i chose somebody to do the work. I saw a tattoo this particular artist had done for someone else. It was a tattoo of general patton. It was a great likeness. I knew i found my man. It was very painful. It is a daily reminder that you need to have the same kind of resilience, the same kind of indestructibility as Richard Nixon. Philosophically, i am more of a reagan republican. What i admire about nixon is his tenacity. To a very different and long career, he got knocked down repeatedly but he got back up. Host was Richard Nixon alive when you had the tattoo put on your back . It . O, did he see guest unfortunately, he had already passed by the time i got the tattoo. I did it in remembrance of him. He was a good friend and mentor of mine. It was president nixon who introduced me to the reagan people and got me my job with president reagan. I worked on governor reagans andpaigns in 1976, 1980, 1984. Richard nixon gave me my start in politics, for which i will always be grateful. Host mr. Stone, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. Guest great to be here. Host we will have live coverage of Donald Trumps News Conference from new york city at 2 00 eastern time on cspan television. The Washington Post with wrenching photos driving home the tragedy of the syrian refugee crisis. Coming up, bill frelick will be with us. On, what the Iran Nuclear Deal means now that the president has 34 democratic votes. Lawmakers return next week. This is cspans washington journal for this thursday morning september 3. We are back in a moment. With a sudden death of president harding, Vice President Calvin Coolidge takes office. Grace coolidge was a very enormously popular first lady. She became a style icon. She noticed a man known as silent cal. She use her office to bring attention to issues she cared about. Grace coolidge the sunday night on cspans original series first ladies, influence an image, examining the public and private lives of first ladies and the influence on presidency from Martha Washington to michelle obama. On American History tv on cspan3. A signature feature of book tv is our allday coverage of book fairs and festivals from across the country with top nonfiction authors. Here is our schedule. Beginning this weekend, we are alive from the 15th annual National Book festival from our nations capital. We are in new york for the brooklyn festival celebrating its 10th year. In early october, it is the southern festival of books in nashville. The weekend after that, we are live from austin for the texas book festival. New the end of the month we will cover two festivals on the same weekend. The wisconsin book festival in madison. On the east coast, the boston book festival. In november, we will be in portland for word stock followed by the National Book awards from new york city. At the end of november, we alive for the 18th year in a row from florida for the Miami Book Fair international. That is a few of the fairs and festivals this fall on cspan twos book tv. Washington journal continues. Rightsill frelick as a Program Director for the Organization Human rights watch. Good morning and thanks for being with us. I want to share with you the independent, which is a british publication. It has a photograph with the situation along the turkish border. It reads the following. Let us begin with that question. Guest it is a good question. The last time the debate was precipitated was with one of the massive drownings on the mediterranean in which hundreds of people were killed. We have been looking at numbers, numbers, numbers. , seeing the image of one child one person and saying this is not just about numbers, this is actually about individual human beings. Each one has their own story and their own reasons for having been forced out of their homes or chosen to leave their homes in some cases. We need to look and understand why they are leaving and that they are human beings that need to be treated in a decent way. Let us agree on that much and we can sort out how they are processed and who is doing the processing and all of the other questions that come up. Host an estimated 350,000 have come from syria in the middle east since generate. If you look at these numbers, 4000refugees refugees a day in germany and greece and italy. 1000 or 2000 and Great Britain. How did it reach this point . Guest in the case of syrians, you have to look at the point of origin for this massive this placement of people. At the point of origin, you have a very violent war that has been going on since 2011. Continues government flying helicopters over places where people have been internally displaced. There are about 8 Million People this placed within syria itself, dropping barrel bombs on them, pushing them to cross difficult crossings into jordan, lebanon, and turkey, where there are now more than 4 million refugees in that region alone. Putting into perspective the number that actually reached the European Union, while that is a large number of people, relatively speaking, most of the people are still displaced within syria or are in the immediately surrounding countries. Others have continued to move on from there. The numbers when you actually begin to think about what will happen if this conflict continues unabated israeli something that is really something you should take pause and think about and should be addressed at its root. Why people are fleeing from syria. That is not the end of the story. We still have afghanistan, somalia as major producers of refugees. Those conflicts have been going on for 30 years. There is also economic migration coming from africa and other places. That needs to be sorted out. Host do you think the situation longterm would be taken care of in syria, with these refugees go back to syria or will they remain in europe . Guest prior to 2011, there were no syrian asylumseekers or economic migrants. They were not coming to europe. They simply were not they were living at home. They were living peaceful lives. Crisis a precipitated by violence and conflict. I have spoken to syrians in turkey, jordan, lebanon, serbia. Many of them say they are committed to going back to their homes. They want to go back to their homes. They love syria. Stress. T under the they have been uprooted and their homes have been destroyed. They are committed to going back, but they cannot go back now. It will depend who is in control. Well isis be in control . Assad . They need some sense when they can go back to a place and live normal lives and feel like it is a place they can raise their children and that they can live peacefully. Host the channel which connects france to Great Britain has been shut down over the summer during different periods of time because of the influx of the refugees trying to move from france into southern england. We have seen the pictures over the last 24 or 48 hours in stations havein been shut down to try to stop the flow of refugees. Overall, the response by the european government in general and individual countries in particular. Guest within the European Union, the word union is becoming quite strained. It is each country for itself. Toy have agreed in principle a set of common standards for asylum, the cedars, the way to handle this issue. They have a system for deciding which country is responsible for examining the asylum claims. It is a system that in some ways unfair. P that are dublin says the responsibility for examining a claim rests with the country where you first entered, where you first set foot. On its face, it is an unfair set up. It insulates the countries on the interior like germany and sweden and puts the onus on countries on the external borders of the European Union that often have the least capacity to actually receive people and treat them in a decent way. Host countries like bulgaria and greece. Let us bring in our viewers with bill frelick. Larry, you are life. Live. Caller you are on speaker. The situation in the middle east with the civil war in syria, iraq, and africa. Isis stated they want to flood europe. You also have the tourists coming in with them. Germany is brewing angela merkel. Events a watershed because Americas Coalition will collapse. When it does, the world will behold the fourth reich. The middle east is not going back together. This is a very dangerous situation. Watch the mechanism of europe change rapidly because of these asylumseekers and the terrorists behind them. This will be a watershed event 2016. 5 and guest no one one minimizes terrorism. Trying to understand where terrorists come from, how they arrive we have homegrown terrorists. If you are a wellfunded terrorist, the last thing you will want to do is risk your life going on a boat somewhere. There are easier ways to get into the European Union if you have the resources to do so. Threatr the terrorist represents, that needle in the haystack is extremely difficult to find. It is extremely important to find it, but you should not have to throw the haystack completely. There are innocent people far more innocent people whose lives are at stake here. To stigmatize them with overwhelmingly these are people who are fleeing isis and fleeing repression and somalia. Lshabab in these are people that want no part of that. They want to go to a place that people can feel they are safe. Host you can user description heart wrenching or horrific. This is a photograph in the Washington Post. The body washed on the turkish or. This is a photograph of him when he was alive. You can see quite the difference and it drives home the point that he was with his family off the coast of greece when the boat capsized. His body washed ashore. This picture capturing social media yesterday and generating a lot of attention in coverage. Guest we actually have researchers that are on the ground working there. I am heading off on saturday to join them. They really debated do we put this up on our twitter feed. Said he could not look at this image of this child without thinking of his own children. He could not think of his little aboutwithout thinking what he does in the morning putting shoes on his children and getting the left shoe on the right foot and this kind of thing. ,s horrible as the image is people need to see it because what is more horrible is the reality that it represents. Host it also represents the utter fear these folks must have and the determination to flee the country under some horrible situations. We saw what happened in austria. 70 were on a truck and they all died. Guest it is unimaginable to think to suffocate and die in that way in a place like that, but that does indicate the desperation. It indicates that people who have refugee claims, and i am not saying everyone has a legitimate claims, but those with refugee claims and do not have a safe Legal Mechanism for entering the European Union to lots of those claims and make those cases, what they face rather than orderly mechanisms for entry are more and more obstacles to entry. What that does is it forces them into the hands of smugglers. There are people that run trucks like that that have rickety boats and overload them. They are putting their lives at risk him up with a are taking a risk because they feel desperate and because they feel they have nothing to go back to. Host our guest is with the Human Rights Watch. G. E website is hrw. Or we will go to dorothy in new york good morning. Caller good morning and thank you for taking my question this morning. I have been following this and my heart breaks for these people. But for them to escape the tyranny of their country to wind up in europe like in a place like hungary who does not want them, why are they not expediting it so they can go on to germany and the other countries in europe that have open doors that are expecting them, that is willing to help them. I am so angry when i look at that. Let them go. This is not fair. That just escaped to come there them. You to do this to thank you so much. Host thank you. Guest the European Union has place called the dublin regulation which says the country when you first enter is the country responsible for processing the claim. They would not be able to under that rule go to germany. To her credit, chancellor merkel has criticized that rule, even though the consequence of breaking the rule is people going to her country. She projects there will be 800,000 asylum applications pending by the end of this year. She has not panicked. She has not started building fences or anything of the sort. She has called pensioners to come back to silva service. They will hire 700 new adjudicators in the final claims they will. Harm this out within germany among the states, among the municipalities so not one party overwhelmed. S the idea is hungary should not be overwhelmed by this. Greece or italy should not be overwhelmed by this. It should be a shared responsibility, and it can be shared in a responsible way. You look at the gdp and population density and the capacity to process the claims. You can manage the problem. Host turkey, greece, and spain are the main entry points. This is a map from the recent addition of the economic magazine. Gregory is next from virginia. Good morning. Caller good morning. What i was wondering is because have done well explaining the policies and stuff like this, but this has been going on since i was a kid. Refugees fleeing wartorn areas to others. This is the systemic attitude the world has in general that has not evolved generally. We still have a problem and it comes from a race issue. If these immigrants were coming from other countries and were under different circumstances, we would not have these issues. You do not hear these issues with immigrants of different ethnic qualities. You only hear these issues with immigrants who areissues with ih different ethnic backgrounds. Has anyone looked at that . Has anyone address that on a global scale . I think once that issue is resolved, simple racism, then i think that will be the watershed moment that we will all have to get past all these minor problems like these refugees. If you look at who the refugees are in the trouble they are having i think that is the issue that no one wants to speak about, and i want to know, even though germany is taking the forefront, has any european country really addressed this . Host thank you greg. Guest first on the history here, we are looking at the High Commissioner for refugees, and currently almost 6 million that is refugees, internally displaced people. This rose by about 10 million just in the last year. It is the largest number of refugees in the world since the end of world war ii. So well this has been going on for decades we actually have reached a point now where the numbers are unprecedented since the second world war. The ethnicn from all refugees come different kinds of backgrounds, so i wouldnt characterize them as coming from one area or another. On the other hand i would not dismiss the colors concerns oflers concerns in terms sensitivity. I think there is a sort of whole us them mentality of basically relating to people that they can identify with. You see people more willing to open their homes and to provide assistance and support to people that they can relate to. I think this picture, this image of this child may help people to actually recognize the humanity, the common humanity. Whatever the ethnic label that is put on a child or the religious label. I think in the case of europe i would not points to race, per se, but i do think that religion, many of these people are muslims coming from conflict and phenomenally muslim countries, is something that in a predominately Christian Europe has been a cause for some of the tensions and some of the concerns. This has actually been articulated by some of the leadership in slovakia, for example, saying they will take refugees that only christians. Host and many of the point our this morning is available in an essay he has written for nbc. This is what it looks like. Crisis is getting worse, here is how to fix it. Available at msnbc. Com. And bill frelick, it is being reported that a great number of is from iran and iraq. Thats the tweet. Is that true . Iraq numbers have gone down somewhat but they are going up again. Much largerll a number of internally displaced people within iraq, that is people that are predominately , for example, fleeing from predominately sunni aryans into fromminately phenomenally sunni area into predominately shia areas. In the case afghanistan of afghanistan, yes. Afghanistan has been consistently producing refugees since the 1970s, the end of the 1970s. Themany many years countries of the world that hosted the most refugees were iran and pakistan. Those were largely afghan refugees. Worldthe country in the that host the largest number of refugees of any country in the entire world is turkey. That represent subtly to 1. 9 million Syrian Refugees that are in turkey but a very large number of afghan refugees as well, not to mention somalis and others. And it ised estimated at just under 350,000 since january of this year. We have had one caller trying to andg race into the problem, a tweet that says it is about war and poverty, not race. Guest i would agree with that. This war and poverty is motivated by what we would call ethnic cleansing. , wherethe in yugoslavia they were all white again, it is not race per se, but people are targeted for persecution on the basis of their ethnicity and their race. That can be a reason people sleep. I can be a reason for becoming a refugee. But political conflicts, indiscriminate violence, these are also reasons for people to flee involuntarily. People are not making a choice economicng for an opportunity but are people who have been rendered homeless by violence. Comments fromr the earlier point, this is from mary, she says something has to be done. The smugglers need to be captured and jailed, tried for crimes against humanity. The rest of the European Union needs to step up. Lets go to timothy, in boston. Good morning. Caller good morning. Ok we will move on to peter from salem, new york. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you very much to cspan for giving americans of voice. It is so important to us. My question is this. Guest used an expression which indicates to me he is aligned with the u. S. State department there to their attempt which basically narrative which basically delegitimize is the aside government. Government. I believe they are trying to do the same thing in syria, undermine the legitimate government there for geopolitical reasons. They created a tremendous chaotic situation in the middle east. Host thank you. Well get a response. Watch first, human rights and me personally are not in any way, shape, or form affiliated with the state department. We are completely independent. We take no government funding and we answer to no one. We are completely independent. Look at our webpage, look at the criticisms that we have made of the u. S. Government, and my entire career has been quite critical of the u. S. Government on many, many fronts. With respect to the question, by humanocumented rights watch, my organization, as one of the leading causes of death in the country. In fact the only party to the conflict that has the capacity to fly helicopters and drop bomse bonds, they bonds bs, they are filled with metal , and indiscriminately they kill and maim everyone in sight. Again iterday mentioned my colleague who is actually in the region right now he was talking to a syrian dr. Who has spent the last war years working in this Little Village passing people up, keeping below live. Working heroically despite all of the problems and all of the conflict there, stuck with it until he finally reached the point where he was talking to a friend of his, a bond came down bomb came down, it hit nearby, and the man he was talking to was killed right in front of him. At that point he was so traumatized that he decided he had to leave the country. My colleague at just spoke to him yesterday in the train station in hungary where he is at the moment traps. He is trying to get to germany. This is a man who was committed to staying in syria, wanted to stay in syria, is a doctor who had a great deal to offer, and yet was forced out by these bonds bombs. His specific, individual testimony about that is what propelled him out. Asking thisis question. What can or what should the usa do about the situation . U. S. Is a leader when it comes to humanitarian systems and refugee protection generally. United states has provided about one third of the humanitarian funding for the syrian crisis. However, the u. N. Appeal for this crisis has only been one third mess. In other words, it is an over 4 billion appeal. Think about i think about 1. 6 billion has actually been committed by the countries of the world, of which the United States is funding one third. The u. S. Does this sort of on a formula basis. Under the circumstances it could do more, that it really needs to be pushing allies to pony up as well. The other part of it is the sharing of the human burden. Here the United States i think has really fallen short. Since the beginning of the conflict in 2011 the United States has resettled only 1000 1200 43 Syrian Refugees since the beginning of the conflict. 1243 Syrian Refugees since the beginning of the conflict. The quota worldwide is 70,000, which is not often met, but that is the capacity of the United States. Those are recommended to the United States and the High Commission and others as being among the 6 million refugees out their the ones that most need to be brought out of terrible situations. So the United States is to do more on humanitarian front, on the Refugee Resettlement front, and ultimately we are talking about conflict resolution. We are talking about diplomatic failures as the Security Council level that have enabled these conflicts to drag on. Seenis where we have not as much effort as we would like to see on the part of the United States. The u. S. Has held back. I think under the Obama Administration consciously so. We have reached a point where the sibley cant go on. The u. S. Really needs to assert leadership here and needs to rally allies and government set are not considered to be allies to basically say, this cant go on. This needs to be resolved. Host we should point out yesterday the Washington Post pointing out the u. S. Beginning drum strikes in syria. Britain takes and so refugees from so few refugees in syria they would fit on a subway train. Lets go to glenn and connecticut. We are talking about the situation across the continent of europe. Good morning. Caller good morning and thinking taking my call. But i would like to say what i would like to say is when this conflict started president obama made a call to the world to get involved in forcing the syrian leader out diplomatically. No other nation wanted to even get involved, so the United States was left making threats. President obama got in trouble with the congress because he did not send in a troops, which was the first thing that the of the congress wanted to do. All i am saying is we have no a president ial candidate, donald trump, who is talking about building a wall on the southern borders of america to keep refugees and immigrants from coming into this country from south america. I dont understand why it is always america that has to be a leader as far as accepting or giving other countries getting other countries to do things that would help solve a situation. Host thank you. Well get a response. Guest well, the United States, for better or worse is the major superpower in the world today. So it has influenced. It has power. It can convince, using bully pulpit, using funding, providing Refugee Resettlement. These are tools that the United States has used for decades. This is nothing new. This goes back as long as you can count in any of our lifetimes. Looking at any number of , the United States basically in a refugee flow sets up to the plate and convinces allies that they need to take refugees. We will take refugees. We will take more than our fair share at times. It has actually served as well. Refugees have done well in this country. I have seen the kids that have come in with their parents as babies and end up being valedictorians at their high school graduation. This is not an uncommon theme. You have, i think, benefited from a lot of this diversity. I think part of the message to europe is that you can be welcoming here and it is not necessarily going to hurt you. This is something that you have to get over. There are bumps in the road. Once you integrate people into your society they may have a great deal to contribute to that society if you give them the opportunity, you give them the chance. Earlier aboutd the situation in hungary, and this is a photograph from the Washington Post. Theives you the sense of magnitude of the problem at one major transition in hungary. Guest one of my colleagues was in that transition and she at a certain point put down her notebook, as a Human Rights Watch investigator, and she started handing out blankets and handing out water to people that were in that transition. She herself is gary and hungarian although should her parents although her parents fled hungary and she grew up in sweden. So she actually returned to hungry, works for human rights but at a certain point both her identity as a human being and as a hungarian trumped the role of Human Rights Watch. She actually changed from a human right worker into a humanitarian volunteer trying to welcome them in just a human way and connect to them and give them food and water and blankets. Pointbill makes this saying that russia does not taken Syrian Refugees. It could help humanity by doing so. Guest russia, saudi arabia, i could add quite a number of countries to the list. Yes. By all means. We think that this is an international responsibility. The European Union, which is a which havetates certain rules for sharing the burden, if you want to put it that way, which i actually would put it that way. We are talking about a burden here. But responsibility for refugees are a global responsibility. There is no reason that by lebanon, geography a country of only 4. 5 million , should have to carry the burden of the influx of 1. 1 million refugees. That is 20 to 25 of the total population. It is an enormous burden for a country that is economically and politically itself teetering precariously. Russia and any number of other countries have much greater capacity to come in to help both financially and ensuring the human burden. Host from michigan, laura is next. The republican line. Caller good morning. You know, this little discussion about russia i find quite upsetting. You know, in the history of europe americans are so ignorant about what is going on or what has gone on historically. Offended bylarly our intrusion into the ukrainian situation. Crimea belongs to russia three centuries. Tsar had a palace that he visited often in the warmer weather. I find it is offensive for us to be intruding into all aspects of , inciting people against russia. I happen to be russianamerican. I was born in america, my parents were born in russia, but i have studied russian and id like to think i know a little bit about history. I have visited the country many times. You are saying now russia should help. Why are we going against the russian populace . Have all these different rules and regulations against russia. I have many friends that are and russian and ukrainians are like brothers and sisters. Host we will get a response. Thank you for the call. Guest well, they may be like brothers and sisters but a lot of those brothers and sisters are displaced within the ukraine. I have had to flee from crimea, they have had to flee from the east. Very large numbers of ukrainians who have lost their homes and have been pushed out. There are also refugees that have fled the country entirely, most going east and west. That means russia itself is host to ukrainian refugees and there are ukrainian asylumseekers in the European Union as well. The point that i was making earlier is simply that russia is part of the community of nations. Ofis a responsible member the community. It has responsibilities as a member of that community. Help under as to refugee emergency. My point is that it should not be simply a matter of geography. If you happen by misfortune to be located next to a country that is in conflict look at a country like jordan or like turkey. For years they have suffered waves of refugees. Jordan, you go back to the palestinians from 1978. Then you have the iraqi conflict , hundreds of thousands of iraqi refugees. Now you have Syrian Refugees. Over half a million in jordan alone. Because jordan happens to be situated geographically where it is they are the ones to bear the brunt of this. All im saying is that those countries that are part farther afield, not in the region itself, they should offer a helping hand. Russia is no exception to that. Host our last call is from minnesota. Jack, independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning gentlemen. I would like to echo the feelings from the caller from new york and the last caller from michigan. You seem to be waltzing around the main culprit of this and the main culprit is us. Our modus operandi in the world is pretty well known, economic warfare, subversion, etc. And of course the last of these means is overt invasion like we did in iraq, which was a war of aggression. A war of aggression, by the way, is the Supreme International crime according to the nuremberg charter. Theontains within itself accumulated evil of the whole. And part of the accumulated evil is the of people we are calling causing in syria. That is us. That is our allies that fomented that. In libya, in iraq, we are the cause of all of this as far as im concerned. You is uestion to so burning u. N. Resolution, 1973, acted as isiss force in libya, destroying the country which had the highest involvement in africa and has now created an absolute chaotic evil state from which all of these people are trying to escape. Way, 500o bombs by the ,ound, thousand pound bombs what the hell is the difference between those and be the barrel bombs . Guest hardly know where to begin on that one. It is a bit of conspiracy theory. As i said, the u. S. Is the world super leading superpower in the world. But i think to attribute every displacement, every refugee crisis to the hand of the united intos is playing conspiratorial thinking. You actually have to think when you talk to refugees as well, i it iswe need to look important to look at the causes and try to understand those causes, but i would encourage a more pragmatic way of basically saying you can keep digging into economicper motivations or whatever they might be. At a certain point you have to resolve conflict. You have to have enemies sit down with each other. For example there are many external actors, i ran among them, as well as russia and others, that attract different parties to the conflict. I dont think that it is to focus on helpful that. I think we need to pragmatically look at how we can get them to get through this to find a thatution resolution will be acceptable to stop this killing from happening. Whether the killing front comes whether the killing comes bomb, fromg, from a isis. We want to stop that killing,. Our conversation with bill frelick. He is with Human Rights Watch. And you for adding your perspective. Inls lesniewski is waiting the cspan greater. All thingsall of congress and will be joining us to talk about what is coming up next especially now that the president has the votes he needed he needs to block Republican Opposition to the iran deal. We will be right back. The cspan cities to her, working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. This weekend we are joined by Charter Communications to learn more about the life of Grand Junction colorado. The mining of a certain mineral had a longterm importance to this part of colorado. All over the Colorado Plateau and especially here outside of grant option Grand Junction we are surrounded by morrison rock. We find a mineral that contains three different elements. It contains radium, which is radioactive and was used by marie curie to help solve and fight cancer. It also contains an element which is used to strengthen steel. During the buildup to world war ii and during the war itself, that was of extreme value. And it also contains uranium. Is one ofs we know, the best sources for atomic power and atomic weapons. Colorado congressman Wayne Aspinall was responsible for the areas development. He fought the battle to preserve water for western colorado by making sure that we got our fair share. How did you do that . Well, beginning in his state career and then going on to his federal career he climbed up the ladder of security and was able to exercise i think more power than you might normally have, certainly in the United States government. He was able to make sure colorado and western colorado would be treated fairly in any divisions of water. His first major success was the passage of the Colorado River project in 1956. See all of our programs from Grand Junction saturday at 7 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan two booktv. As sunday afternoon at 2 00 on American History tv on cspan3. Washington journal continues. Host we want to welcome back Niels Lesniewski who follows all things congress. Guest good to be here. Host let me begin with the enough and yesterday by house , a few hoursader after Senate Democrats announce that Deborah Mikulski was the 34 vote in the senate. What is going to happen in the house. What are we going to see in the house . Guest what we are going to see as mccarthy announced they are going to take up a resolution of disapproval against the Nuclear Agreement with iran and that is probably going to be at least some democrats will vote for, but it will move through the house with a largely partisan vote. That is going to happen simultaneously to the start of the Senate Debate on effectively the same measure. The speculation in the last 24 hours is that one of the reasons why the house may want to move forward at the time they do is to make sure that they have a vote before the potential filibuster happens in the senate. There is increasing speculation there are not even going to be the 60 votes needed to get over procedural hurdles in the senate, which would be really ought if the house were to not vote on the disapproval resolution against the iran deal before it was already blocked in the senate. It would seem to be a moot point at that point, which may contribute to why the house is going to act so quickly. And we see a members letter by nancy pelosi, basically telling those who have not yet announced their support or disapproval saying it is time to speak up. Guest i think that is what we are going to see very quickly with a lot of members. Not necessarily everybody, but we are going to see a lot of lawmakers who are going to want to make a decision fairly quickly. We have been seeing this little trickle effect on both sides of capitol in the last couple of weeks. I would not be surprised there may be another briefing or something that happens before this, but i would not be surprised if there is a day lose either over the Labor Day Weekend or in the first couple of days after that. Is the story this morning, front page of the New York Times, pointing out from a delaware democrat who said that that there was a meeting that took place before the august recess with diplomats basically saying there is not going to be a better deal. We are not going to a back to the negotiating table. This is it. Host guest right. And i talked with chris coons, the democrat delegate from delaware, and he said that that was sort of a moment for him where he had been a bit of a skeptic among democrats over the agreement, that when it became clear that the other negotiating europeans, in the particular, were not going to be , it to a renegotiation really became a situation where this became more of an all or nothing deal that he had thought. Host senator mikulski yesterday became the 34th senator. Running for reelection. We still dont know about senator hardin, correct . Jacket . Cardin guest thats right. He has been doing events with undergraduates for the past few days. He was at Johns Hopkins in baltimore. He has been talking to college students, but he is one of them who has not announced a position yet. Key vote as is cory booker, the junior senator from new jersey. Richard blumenthal of connecticut, those are three of the democrats we are watching was carefully in terms of whether or not we are now going harry reid, the senate and if there are the 41 votes that are necessary fromck the disapproval advancing in the senate. Host and this is from barbara perfect, no deal is especially one negotiated with the iranian regime. I have concluded that this joint cover has a plan of action is the best option available to block iran from having a nuclear bomb. However she said Congress Must also reaffirm our commitment to the safety and security of israel. Guest yes. That is going to be a recurring theme. We have already heard a little bit from bob corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations committee, who opposes the deal. He will be leading the floor debate against it. However, even as he is doing that he has already sort of see the writing on the wall and is already telling folks back home in tennessee that he is looking forward to next steps that will lead to enforcement. So there could be some kind of i partisan consensus that emerges in the weeks bipartisan consensus that emerges in the weeks after the blowbyblow over the deal itself. Host so again in terms of title ix timeline, the hustle to get up next wednesday and maybe a final vote on disapproval on friday. The senate would then take it up the following week to meet the midseptember deadline. Guest yes. There is a dual tracking here. In effect the senate will be debating the same thing the house is debating next week, although the key senate votes, which will likely now be on a motion by Mitch Mcconnell the majority leader to limit debate to cut off a filibuster threat, that key vote probably wont happen until the second week of the session. Host andy, rhode island. Good morning. Democrats line. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say how pleased i am that president obama has the support necessary to implement this deal. Especially after having read the Associated Press article last week that Benjamin Netanyahu had, on a number of occasions, tried to get israel to bomb iran over the last few years. He is a warmonger and he has been playing the United States for years. Thats really all i wanted to say. Host thank you. Guest one of the things that we had is a lot of members of Congress Going to israel. One of the things that will come out of this agreement that i am not sure, in particular, now that it has the support would be what the lasting repercussions may be for israel and its relationship with the democrats in the United States. Part ofwe will see that will be determined by what happens in terms of the legislation that moves forward after the disapproval both are toe in terms of enhancements israels security. Including, as chris coons suggested a couple of days ago in delaware, maybe some offense of sort of capabilities. Or at least capabilities that are not purely defensive in nature. Host on the republican line, sylvie is next in north carolina. Good morning. Caller good morning. Yeah. There should not be a deal with iran period. The democrats that have signed kerry,al, obama, john appendages will have a full head of blood on them. Inse people they voted obama they just wanted something for nothing as they are going to get what they deserve when isis and iran comes over here because of obama said he was going to fundamentally change america. Good job ofa damn destroying america and the people. He dont care about the black people. He doesnt care about the white people. He cares about his agenda. That a president that is supposed to be working the democrats and the republicans and they dont give a shit about nothing. Host ill stop you there. Obviously very passionate about the issues. We do ask that you refrain from any profanity. Guest i think that this will be the question that is determined not only in this election in this election cycle in 2016, and subsequent election cycles, because the odds that we really doingxactly what iran is and if they are complying with the agreement by the 26 election, who knows. Remember, senators serve sixyear terms. Fact irane that if in is not complying with his this agreement that that would come back to bite people politically in the cycle ahead if that were to happen. Host we shared a tweet from speaker of the house john boehner who is been very critical of the Iran Nuclear Deal. He said why should iran be own nuclear do its infections at a military site in trying to hide from the world . That is one of the most significant arguments for those who are against the deal. He is reporting what critics have called side agreements between iran and the International Atomic energy agency, they are another one of these flashpoints in the debate. Therenot clear entirely are conflicting reports about what exactly was agreed to in terms of who would conduct inspections. That is another reason why some people are skeptical. One of the reasons why people are skeptical is not necessarily partisan. Host dana is next in los angeles, democrat line. The morning. Caller good morning. I think the point that was made 1 partners not willing to go back to renegotiate the deal is the fundamental point of importance, because the detractors can say we can go back and put the sanctions back on, but we dont have anyone else to go with it at that point. In essence if we decide to back out of the deal we will be doing it alone. Host thank you. Guest right. The issue that the caller raises there is an important one. If you have the United States itself trying to reapply sanctions, the take here is that while the u. S. Banking system is a very important thing to have access to in a global economy, if you have companies in european countries, british companies, french companies, German Companies that were willing to do business with iran , that might not be nearly as effective as when you have u. S. Partners and european not able to do business with them either. Host our next caller is from ellis, virginia. Democrats line. Good morning mary and marion. Caller thank you for taking my call. I just have a couple of thought that i am wondering if im correct. , nowems Like Netanyahu that we are going to get israel 20 billion, is getting a little bit less combative about this iran deal. Then i was again also that often times war makes money. In a capitalist society anytime you make money that is morally correct. It is all just really about money. I guess that is my question. Itsounds to me like iran is no threat to us whatsoever. Is this really about the Industrial Complex needing another war . That is the way to make money. That is capitalism. If you could just comment on that. These are just the thoughts that keep coming through my head as i do my daily chores. Host thank you. We appreciate it. Guest the one thing that i would say about that is that to the extent that israel is getting additional, or will be getting Additional Support for ilitary development wouldnt necessarily say anything to be a fact that people are looking to the effects that people are looking for war, but it would be fair to say that of israel is getting more money from western countries for defensive capabilities than that probably means there will be more money for defense contractors in the United States selling weapons and systems. Host kerry is next in wisconsin. Good morning. Caller good morning. I have a statement and a question to ask. ,he thing is, this iran deal the senate they finally made it. 34. Oh my goodness. Not a word about the house. Has the house got nothing to do with the . I dont understand this at all. Nothing is ever explained about the house. Host we began our conversation, remember it is going to come up in the house first. The question is whether he will make it through the senate because of the procedural the senate. Caller i dont understand that at all. The other thing is there is a new book, exceptionalism here cap exceptionalism. He claims that he things obama is apologetic to every country because america was nasty to everybody and he thinks he has muslim leanings on account of his kenyan upbringing. Id like to hear about that. Host why dont you just excited plain to him again what is going to happen. Guest i will take the first part of that and say i will probably get some criticism for people who might be watching for saying this about the house, this is not always true of the house but in this case house does not really matter. For withere looking either chamber the house or the senate to have enough democrats to be able to sustain of theby president obama disapproval resolution against the Iranian Nuclear deal. Once it became clear that it looks like the senate was going to be the one that was going to be able to do that. You need 67 votes to overcome a president ial veto. Once it became clear that we were inching towards 34 votes against the disapproval resolution, or in favor of the deal in the senate, the focus went to the senate because either chamber could cause the blockade here. Is niels guest lesniewski who writes for roll call. Yesterdayhed a story from an interview that Mitch Mcconnell conducted with nyt myt tv. [video clip] we have some big differences about what we are going to spend. The Senate Democrats have a big enough number to prevent us from doing things. They have prevented us from doing any of the bills we want to do, thereby forcing the negotiation when we go back in after labor day, which i will be engaged in with the administration and others to try to sort out how much we are going to spend and where we are going to spend it. ,ost and Niels Lesniewski based on this, he goes on to say that to prevent any Government Shutdown there will be a debate over planned parenthood. What can we expect . Guest what it looks like were headed toward and senator mcconnell was fairly straightforward in that conversation with the television station in Eastern Kentucky is that there is going to be some kind of highlevel negotiation over what the top line funding level means needs to be from october 1 onward, and those negotiations are probably going to start fairly quickly once Congress Returns next week. Now who exactly will be in these negotiations . We dont know yet. Mitch mcconnell is usually one of the players involved and now he is the majority leader so that is all the more likely. The onene of these that is probably the most notable in recent years involved Vice President joe biden as mcconnells dancing partner in the administration. I have no idea if, given the sort of recurring speculation about whether or not the Vice President is going to run for president , whether or not joe biden will be the one at the table or talking with Mitch Mcconnell. Thate are going to have sort of negotiation going on on one side. The other piece of this is the planned parenthood funding debate. What we are going to see their mcconnell said at least, it is that he does not have the votes. There is no way to get 60 votes in the Current Senate for a rider of an appropriations bill defunding planned parenthood. That issue really waits to see if we get a republican president in 2017. The conservatives saw this, saw other reports from this interview with kentucky, and sort of went crazy perhaps rightly so saying we now control the house and the senate and yet we still cant do it. So that will be the big fight. Is mcconnell and also speak or boehner on the , how do they get past the planned parenthood bait without having a Government Shutdown come about . Host in addition to your work that is Available Online, how can people follow you on twitter . I think it has probably been on the bottom of the screen at some point, but my. Witter handle is my full name if you see the name on the bottom of the screen you can just push it all together. That is where i am. Host and we go to bruce in missouri, democrat line. Good morning. Ruth. Caller thank you for taking my call. This is quite embarrassing. It saddens me to hear the statement that, that are being made by these people that are not qualified. They are uninformed. Reagan tradingut behindthescenes, his deal with the hostages in 1979. Forget about irancontra. Breaks that people are not qualified. This is an agreement between six nations, the iaea. The these people took two years to make this agreement. It saddens me. It breaks my heart to think that people are so hateful. They hate this president. Administration if they remember, we had all these ,efugees floating into europe babies, children, women dying because of the wars that were brought on by the last administration. Do they forget . Are they so illinformed and misinformed . It saddens me. I dont know what else to say. It breaks my heart to listen to cspan because i hear these collars and i hear these i hear these callers and they dont make any sense. They are full of hate. We need to get our history lessons back in school. We need to get people informed correctly. It breaks my heart. It really does. , toaddens me to hear cspan hear the comments that people are making. I dont know what else to say. Thank you for cspan. You for adding your voice to the program. I hope you will continue to watch us. We will get a response. Supportivele who are of the agreement, that is one of the things that they are saying. We are going to be looking towards this as we look toward a week from wednesday when this rally is occurring on the outside of the capital building, not far from where we are sitting right now. There is going to be a rally against the iran agreement. It is going to feature president ial candidates ted cruz, the senator from texas, as well as donald trump, perhaps the most notable of the republican president ial candidates are now, along with a number of members of congress who are against the deal. But that is the sort of thing where you are going to see people who are against the agreement or youre going to see people who are for the agreement is starting to say, look at the people who are against the agreement. That is going to be one of the themes that i think we will see more in the coming weeks. We have seen it from the white house already and i think we will see more. Host well be covering early next week, september 9. It will be on the cspan network and you can also view it listen to it on cspan radio. Arizona, ishandler, next. Independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I want to talk about our president. I cant understand what is wrong with him. All these migrants with no place to go, sitting around there with no place to go. That little kid that drowned yesterday. I dont understand why we dont take our air force over there and just blow air blow isis up the the map. Our president is over there trying to put his hand on oil. Are getting too many irons in the fire. Host we will get a response. Thank you larry. Guest one thing i might suggest to larry is he sounds, in some ways, i kin to what senator Lindsey Graham who is one of the 17 running for president on the republican side he sounds similar to what senator graham has been saying, although senator graham also says in order for a campaign against isis of that sort to work it is not just air power but he wants some 10,000 or so u. S. Forces involved in that fight as part of a coalition. Ofre certainly are people larrys point of view who are out there, and im sure we will hear more of that as the president ial contest goes on. Host you have a fan in Felicia Davis who says on twitter, excellent on all things congressional. Go to todd in blacksburg, virginia. Republican line. Good morning todd. Caller good morning todd good morning. Why dont we hear a little bit more about bob corker who helped change the rules in the senate so they could get a simple vote on this. And mcconnell is going to do the same thing harry reid and all of them did, cram all of them together and say that is the best we can do. Yall have a good day. Host thank you todd. Guest i will take both of those pieces. The first thing is is what happened with the initial resolution or the bill that provided the way to get the disapproval about, the disapproval vote, it then became that you can have this disapproval vote be showed the toad vetoed. To some extent was the president determines that this was an executive agreement rather than a treaty the leverage of senator corker and others was significantly limited. I saw this morning a tweet from arkansasom cotton of suggesting and i have heard others say suggesting that is an affront to congressional prerogatives in the constitution , but i would remind everyone that the constitution allows the two chambers of congress to set their own rules. Whether or not you like the way that they took this approach it is certainly within the purview of the rules for them to do that. And then to the other point about senator mcconnell and the clip we had earlier from the station, thision is where we are at this point in terms of needing to cram together a bill at the end of the year. We saw this one coming. When the democrats decided not to allow any of the appropriation bills to move at the level that mcconnell and company wanted to see them move, it was inevitable that we were going to have one of these temper showdown yet again september showdowns yet again. Of ourn fact one marvelous producers is pulling up that tweet, calling it an insult to the constitution. Ands go to george wisconsin, independent line. Good morning. Caller i bring up some interesting tidbits. First of all, the clerics. The religious leaders of iran. They have a prophecy. They believe that they have to kill the jews and they have to kill the great satan, which is the United States. Russia right now does not have a lot of money so they are making a deal with iran and selling Ballistic Missiles iran. What is going to stop putin from in the future because iran will have the Ballistic Missile they already have the south the subs eventually they could give them Ballistic Missiles. For the call. I going to add his voice and also some others, jeb bush. He said a tweet that reads the partisan minority should not block a bipartisan effort to stop a bad deal that will fund mullahs, destabilize region, and paid irans path to the ball. Bomb. The balm host that is person part and parcel to the argument we have been hearing. We are going to hear more of that. But the other thing is that senator mcconnell at least in visions and visions env isions having sort of a grand old School Debate in the senate chamber. Senators are sort of sitting at their desks and actually listening to each other, which is something that viewers notice is not often happening. If that happens the questions we will have coming out of that will be what is the level, the tone and the rhetoric that people who are in the senate use when making their arguments on the floor . Host and one of our viewers saying tom cottons presence in the senate is an insult to the country. Will senators be seated during the debate . Is that what the is hoping for . Guest that is what mcconnell is hoping for. Whether that actually plays out we will have to see. But if the majority leader has his way we are going to have a debate where he does not want committees meeting and he does not want people to have a lot of other business going on. It could be a rather unusual debate to watch. One thing that i would say is that if people are in or around the nations capital, or coming this way, as much as it is interesting to watch on , they are, on cspan not cspan cameras. There are a lot of things that go on in the chamber that you cant even see on cspan. If you are around if in fact this debate happens, it might be a good time to visit your senators office, get a pass, and watch the proceedings in person. Host that is an open independent invitation. Of course if youre not here in washington you can watch the Senate Debate on our companion network, cspan2. Another tweet from senator Lindsey Graham who said the only reason the ayatollah and arch dancing in the streets of tehran is they dont believe in dancing. Yesterday, theet democrats own it. Iran is a done deal. Guest that links to my story, i might add. That is going to be the argument for the campaign trail. Whether that is the president ial campaign trail or also remember that in the 2016 or also remember in the 2016 map, we are looking at the republicans seeking to hold the senate on somewhat unfavorable territory, states were either obama one or either states are more favorable to democrats in a lot of cases. So that will be one thing where it will be interesting to see how it plays out. That is why the republicans will be arguing so much that it is the democrats who control this deal. The have been no republican senators coming out in support of the agreement. In fact, my understanding, at least according to the Portland Press herald up in maine, she may be the only . On the republican side the only

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