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[indistinct chatter] okay, folks, here we go. Good morning, i am dave cook. Thank you for coming. Our guest this morning as world dr. Jim young kim. We are honored to host a number of his predecessors starting back in 1971. We appreciate dr. Kim taking time out of his busy schedule. He was born in south korea and moved to iowa with his family when he was five. He and a bachelors degree from Brown University and a medical degree and phd in anthropology from harvard. Nonprofit ed the partners in health, which provides health care in poor communities on four continents, and was a leader in fighting hiv in developing countries. In 2003, dr. Kim joined the the world health organization, becoming director of the hiv and aids departments. Along the way, our guest helped a number of partnerships that distinguish medical institutions including harvard medical school. From 2000 92,012, he was the 17th from 2002 to 2012 he the president of the department. As always, we are on the record here. Please, no life blogging or the breakfast is underway to give us time to actually listen what our guest is saying. To help you resist the selfie urge, we will email several copies of this to you after the breakfast. Well start out by offering our make s the opportunity to some opening comments. Thank you again, sir, for doing this. Thank you so much for having me. It is a great honor to be here. This breakfast has a long do know that we starting with many president s have been here. Something that is on the top of peoples mind is the ebola epidemic. First of all, let me start by saying that i have been watching carefully what is going on in new york city. A couple things are very striking to me. This was a city and a system that was extremely wellprepared. A lot from learned dallas and looking at the response from the governor, the mayor, the health officials, control, r for disease it was very impressive. The other thing that i would like to stress and we can talk more about is that we all have spencer stand that dr. Is a hero. Exactly what is needed to actually bring the epidemic to an end. And that he went and did the one thing that we need to do in order to stop more cases here and everywhere else. We need to have experienced Health Workers. He is erstanding is that in the emergency medicine, which is good training for this activity. We need Health Workers. There is tremendous work being done, especially by the us and the uk, and building facilities. But it is still not clear where the Health Workers are going to to provide the treatment that we need right now. The epidemic is still growing. Get exact ly hard to numbers on where we are in the three countries, but it is still growing. Any numbers you might hear, them are about are oriented around how to plan. How big her to get. So it does not make any sense for me to tell you how big it tell you but i will for sure that if we do not improve our ground game quickly, lots of things and a practiced a month half if i look back just a month and a half, there are so happening on the ground. There are concerned that we build facilities and then do not have the workforce. With that, let me stop and headed back to dave. Im going to do one or two and then were going to go to mark, hannah from reuters, brent from politico to start. Let me take you back to something you said last week. He said the Global Response to ebola, we are not close yet. Has that assessment changed . We are closer now than we were last week. Facilities are getting built. We are looking at every single option. I just spoke with Margaret Chan this morning she calls me to tell me e needs anything and she called me to tell me that they had a very successful meeting on vaccines. There are several vaccine candidates. Let me just dress, there is no let me just ne stress, there is no proven vaccine. The one thing that is clear is how the vaccine trial would be worked out. Just yesterday, they had a meeting with the uk officials from the private sector to work that out. So things are moving day today. One of the big issues is, how do you pay for healthcare workers. On y are working Electronic Payments for healthcare workers. Told me this morning, and what still remains true, is that we do not have enough Health Workers. My guess is that you are to get asked about the us let ct by other people, so me ask something that may not come immediately to mind and what do you see of the role of fear and the media and all this. We quote that the crisis are watching unfold spreads because of misunderstanding. And hat is the role of fear media in this . The media has varied tremendously. I have seen extremely high quality reports that going to the virus is how transmitted. Very i have seen sensationalist media reports. We take this very seriously from the perspective of economics, what we have learned is that 80 to 90 of the Economic Impact of these to do with fear. The virus can have a relatively limited impact, than the fear has a huge Economic Impact. Is of the things that really, really critical is to accurate nd be really and specific about how these things evolve. That is what they did in new york last night. In watching, at least part of press conference, i thought there was very clear explanations both on the part of the Public Health people. Having people there clearly what the facts are and then reassuring the population was very important. Well see what happens today new york, but i thought that handling of the information was extremely good. Finally for me, there was a study of the world bank on the Economic Impact. Several different cases. One case of 1. 3 billion, the is a 2. 6 billion dollars. Of the Economic Impact globally changed at all . That all depends on if we can get the response in place. If you take the perspective of important the most thing right now is to stop it where it is spreading quickly. There are still parts of the three countries where it is spreading quickly. Really only one wayto stop this from continuing all over the es to redouble hat is and redouble and redouble again our efforts on the ground. The agencies that are supposed be working on this the health organization, the un, the us government, france, and other governments have really stepped up their response, but unfortunately we were late. Few dozen having a cases the largest outbreak in date has been 425 cases the past there are more Health Professionals who have been infected than the number of cases of the largest epidemic previously. Is we are behind because it but while quickly, there is optimism about what has happened, there is still a long way to go. You have been watching a portion of the monitor breakfast that took place on here in orning washington dc. We apologize for the 12 minute delay in the start of cspans washington journal. Technology gremlins sometimes get in the way. Washington journal starts right now. Good morning. Before week and two days the Midterm Elections and early taken place, the candidates already taking making the candidates their final statements. Coverage debate and inues this afternoon live coverage in the georgia debate. Todays line in Washington Post americans of fight in vil africa. And the president needs to broaden the fight against the islamic state. The first issues in 20 minutes of washington journal with your calls and comments. 2026241115 for democrats. New phone lines. First, a look at the other sunday morning programs. Be heard later n today on cspan radio, xm 120. Good morning, nancy. Good morning, steve. Topics include the government the ebola virus. You can hear rebroadcast of the program on cspan radio beginning at noon eastern time. And ts include rob portman dr. Rick sacra, the us dr. Successfully treated for ebola. Pm we talked to a leader from the cdc. Chairman of the committee and the michael the national or of terrorism sector. At 2 00 pm, it is fox news sunday. Guests include governor christie. At te of the union follows 3 00 pm with feinstein. Chairman ie schultz, of the Democratic National committee. Appearance by dr. Fauci, along with mike rogers, chair of the house intelligence committee. These shows about you as a Public Service by the Public Network and cspan. Again, the shows begin with a rebroadcast at noon eastern. The state of the union at 3 00 pm and 4 00 pm. Listen to them across the country on xm satellite radio. Find assigned channel 120. You can download our free app. Let me again apologize for the late start of todays washington journal. Set of four fferent lines. The numbers will be on the bottom of the screen. 2026241111 for republicans. 2026240760 four independents. 2026241115 for democrats. Looks at ine story are doing in thousands more are on their way. The collection of doctors and nurses and scientist, aviators, and volunteers. Including doctors and nurses from the littleknown health services. Operation united assistance. This does not qualify for pay. Coming up at 10 oclock eastern guest is rob engstrom. Looking ahead, postelection, one of the issues congress to these two addresses immigration and whether or not some of the candidates supports the chambers view on immigration. Today, with regards to immigration system, we have amnesty. Traveled to 68 press conferences across the country and a number of different house faces, as well. What i know and what i believe in my private discussions is that there is a recognition from members of both Political Parties that we have a problem that needs to be fixed. Theyre different solutions, there are different there are es, different constituencies in each of the states and i ngressional districts, but plan a straightforward and that is the ability to get something done on immigration. We need to secure the border. Democrats and republicans agree must secure the border to gain some momentum. Second, we need to retain the talent that we are educating rate in the United States. Expand the number of h1 visas. Air he full interview will at 10 oclock eastern time. Campaign inflation. The cost of campaigns have been growing at a staggering clip. Back in 1984 when jesse helms was seeking a reelection, the total cost of the campaign was 20 million. Same state, 100 million. The phone lines are open, we have a new set of numbers. We will go to gladstone, virginia on the democrats line. Good morning. Youre on the air, go ahead. I would like to say that the Supreme Court e to, basically, take off limits on Campaign Contributions was, in my opinion, a big mistake. Second of all, i feel like even money is being that we as choices voting citizens does not benefit any of us because i think that the candidates running in these elections they base their decision strictly along party lines. This seems to be no independent thoughts and actions. Had more that if we candidates that were not tied to parties or choices, we would all be better off. In virginia, in particular, i think that am a democrat i feel that our representatives are giving us faqs on to what it is. Basically to improve our economic situation. Your final point . Im sorry. They carry much. Thank you very much. And in virginia, the two running for the seat, the surprise defeat of the incumbent republican leader. The dispatch Political Center of the universe as it moves into the headlines. You mentioned the Supreme Court, and evidence that we covered that will also be this week with three Supreme Court justices. Thing in e another all graduates re of yale law school. Chase is joining us from albany, new york. How are you ing, doing . Today is about law ition between and rcement, corrections, the legal system. This is also connected to the voter id thing. It is just crazy how i golf tournaments the corrections and animosity they had towards black and brown people in this country is amazing. The governor right now is keeping a prison open just because, for some reason, he cannot lay off firing corrections officers. So they are in upstate new york guarding an empty prison. There must be a very powerful lobby. I think that voter id is nothing but a poll tax. Thank you very much for the call. Politico reporting that mark is slightly one percentage point. Leaving by one point, well within the margin of error. Conducted tuesday through thursday. The senator was given first to politico. Our guest last sunday, future today and time magazine. His new book on his own terms. And a look at the relationship, between rockefeller and how that reshaped the gop. James is on the phone. Actually, next, well go to matthew from emerson, new jersey. Good morning and thank you. Comment on the subject is the majority of americans want to fight stopped from the ebola infected countries. By the way, even the african nation to stop these flights. And obama is unnecessarily as americans, in potentially getting this disease by his arrogance and refusing to stop the flights. Obvious that mr. Obama safety t care about our from his actions because it was week reported this past about ric holder lied releasing illegal aliens who are murderers, gang members, and drug dealers. So matt, on the issue of should the that he hasnt done, outside of the travel ban that you just mentioned . I think that most americans want to fight stopped. He should employ common sense. That is why the african country stop these flights. For some reason, he is refusing y, as i said, to do so. Thank you very much for the call. Speaking of ebola this morning, york page of the new times comparison to how dallas reacted. The headline as ebola spread york owned its protocol. From boca is bob raton, florida. For cspan, mr. Scully. I am also disappointed in the government over this ebola matter, especially this doctor from doctors borders to come backand not be held in quarantine for 3 to 4 weeks. Think that is what guantanamo can probably be used for, but not on our soil. This fellow, with all his good intentions, to come back to this country and not properly self quarantine and to go get on the train it is for a run outrageous that this doctor, and any healthcare professional that is listening, they ought to be shut in for 3 to 4 weeks. Thank you for cspan. Thank you for the call. Last week in ber candidate the declined the meeting and then accepted. Morning, endorsing bruce braley, calling him the better choice. An nk you has been american f has been an exhibition of american politics at its worst. Over the months of campaigning writes bruce braley, this mornings register, say that the candidate has taken positions that they do not embrace. The full week of schedule still to come. You can get all of it on our website cspan. Org. Live coverage tonight and the the georgia governors race. The democratic candidate is the grandson of former us president jimmy carter. Live debates all week here on and cspan 2. In the u. S. Served massachusetts for two years before moving to New Hampshire where he is challenging Jeanne Shaheen. Polls showing that shaheen is up two percentage points. Lets go to the issue many of you are talking about which is the president and ebola. He had to say. In new york city, healthcare workers moved quickly. The city and state of new york have strong Public Health systems and they have been prepared for this possibility. Because of the steps taken in recent weeks, cdc experts were already at the hospital. Patient was even diagnose, we deployed one of our new cdc Rapid Response teams. I assured the governor and the mayor that they will have all the support they need. More broadly, this week we continue to step up our efforts across the country. New cdc guidelines improved health g and protect care workers. New travel measures are now travelers from the three western african countries to five us airports, where we are conducting additional screening. These travelers will be required to report the symptoms res and any on a daily basis for 21 days. My new Ebola Response correlator is working to response across the government. We will continue to work with state and local officials to take the necessary steps to of ure the safety and health the American People. First, you cannot get ebola easily. It through get casual contact. Even duncans family, who helped care for him, do not get ebola. The only way you can get this disease is by coming in direct contact with bodily fluids with someone of the symptoms. The president in his weekly media address. In the ont page story Houston Chronicle the race for governor between greg abbott and wendy davis will be looking at the ads in that race and other ads later on the washington journal. From charleston, South Carolina, joe was on the phone. What is happening down there . Good morning. We have tim scott and, of course, lindsey graham. Haley will, of course, retain her governorship. A general make statement and kudos to and washington journal but every time we turn on the show, and immediate problem in the face country stares this country in the face. We have three numbers. I love your wrong, show. Least a third party to guarantee adequate checks and balances. Go back to 2012 of let me take the Point Independence with you because there could possibly be for in the u. S. Senate. Do you think that would change the dynamics in the senate . Yes, i do. They could swing the balance between republicans and democrats, but what we have up there money dries everything. It is a shame that everything be this country, you have to connected to wealth. The major debates which occur to elect a time president i go back to 2012. You had people own your tv show. It was all tied to money. In the house, the blue tshirts get the big ordeal. Red and blue reversed here. In the senate we have the democrats with the blue shirts and they win the tugofwar. Us around this country feel like we do not have anybody to represent us. Shame and a travesty that we cannot get a Viable Third Party candidate. Joe, for your call. And thank you for being a loyal viewer. This morning, dan who is in denver writing about the race. And all what happens in 2014 chances rtend the gops in 2016. This question by wolf blitzer to republican scott brown. When the president does something right, i will support them. When he does not do something right, i will make sure he knows that. Voted with my party and the other side about 50 in my entire career. That being said, as an independent senator, i can do that. When we Work Together on an Insider Trading bill, i worked to bring them over. At the signing ceremony to give veterans jobs and get a little bit of a tax credit. The Arlington Cemetery bill to make sure our heroes were buried properly. In a mulch pile. I think senator shaheen had voted for that. You want good luck, then send senator shaheen down there. An you want somebody who is independent Problem Solver and is also been named, wolf you can reference, the most bipartisan senator in the senate, then im your guy. Your response . Yes. You why the Koch Brothers are spending 2. 6 million to support his campaign. Think it is because they think is going to go down to washington and support Small Businesses. I think it is because they know hes going to go to continue to nd support subsidies to the large oil companies. He wants to give them over 20 billion in subsidies. I do not think that is good for New Hampshire. Once again, she is that even the ill democrats voted against. She has her groups, we have our groups. They have no control over any other messages. We have an said, opportunity because the people in New Hampshire are very smart. They understand that senator shaheen does not help. They understand that when she went to washington, she changed. With respect, i have been down there fighting for Small Businesses. That is why having a rating from the National Federation. Again, the National Federation has members here and i appreciate what those numbers but the fact is like his so many ways they are funded by the Koch Brothers. We need somebody in washington who is really going to support Small Businesses. From last weeks cnn debate in New Hampshire Senate Debate. York times, e new article on e Jeanne Shaheen and scott brown. A couple of other stories this morning. This from the New York Times the next big storm, as the anniversary of sandy comes up this week. And from the outlook section of in his hington post own words, the editor on why journalists and politicians lie. Michael is joining us in ithaca new york, independent line. Good morning. Thank you to you and everyone behind the cameras. Sorry for the technical glitch. Im glad to be back you have moved. Been have actually relocated three times. To caused a hernia and i had get through some readjustment stomach and my esophagus. Oh my. It hasnt killed me, it has only made me stronger. The reason im calling is that i really hope that people get out and vote. Bloomberg term which is extralegal. Voted in two ad referendums to have only two terms for the mayor. Had to step aside. Of the city peaker council basically used discretionary funds to get both appointments of mr. Bloomberg on the ballot. When the election came, mr. Bloomberg can i get into one penny of his money. Even with all the talk of the Koch Brothers we know who last way to in the cycle mr. Bloomberg had 13 of the vote. Thompson got 12 of the vote. Of the registered voters stayed home. I would just like people to get out and vote. If people did that especially those socalled on the left look at whether you agree with them or not. Tea party has the done in the last few years, just organizing and getting out and putting the folks in. I will use one example in new york and then move on. Al lewis got 55 and put the green party on the ballot. The gentleman from South Carolina is very right. What we need to do is look at 5 of the constitution at changing the senate and get more proportional representation be more d then we will balanced out. But al lewis got the green party on the ballot. The green party in new york is running for governor now, but they could have run a person in every single district. We have to stop being a country of only pointing fingers at the problem. Start from the solution and the solution starts with all of ourselves. And vote all go out for whomever. That is the beginning of a change. Much chael, thank you very for the call. I am glad you are doing better. This morning, the New York Times sunday magazine, the fountain of youth is the cover story. The Washington Post magazine the future of candy. The next battleground for Americas Health or. At Weekly Standard looking the home stretch. Writes that this is everything about an editorial. Magazine rotten apples it is nearly impossible to fire an ineffective teacher. Her to oing to do with the roundtable reporters in just a few minutes. We go next to the republican line. Good morning. Good morning. A question for you. The lobbyists came from . Where the term came from . Yes. If im correct on this, when lincoln came to washington, many of his lobby lobby of ere in the the hotel and that is where the term dry from. He like to sit in there and smoke cigars and drink his bourbon. I just thought that was interesting. Most people do not know that. Do you have a comment or did want to play trivia . No, i just wanted to pick your brain. Have a question next time i call. Okay. Politics story about and shiny objects. The short Attention Span has made the election the study object. There has been an explosion of one crisis after another, each of with demands an enormous amount of media attention. From the secret service to isis ebola to race relations, candidates and the president to react to rced the incidents. We go to canyon lake, texas. The republican line good morning. In oted straight republican the early voting. I do not think i could vote for these democrats, including obama. It is amazing. You know, i listen to some of the things they say and i cannot believe they are those people that they are. Weve had democrats in america from the beginning, and they have always been on the wrong side of everything. Just like they are on the wrong side of iraqi freedom. Their freedom rights. They released every legal thing they could think of that could murder, rape, and steal from americans. It is just how obama thinks and his democratic party. They have always been the oppressors and the bigots and the races. The kkk went to when they murdered black babies. We all know who the democrats are. The cant fool us anymore. Arent bad. Mocrats obama is just a typical bought and paid for democrat. So obvious, you know, he is like a puppet. Just a master of the democrat party. Okay, thank you very much for the call. In the go back to peace Weekly Standard the big networks seem to agree that the elections are boring. Newscast of nbc, cbs have barely found the Upcoming Elections were the of notice. World news tonight and not run a single story between september 1 and october 20. Over that seemssevenweek the cbs evening newscast ran just 11 and 14 stories respectively. The probably goes without other that the democratic triumph much more interesting. By the way, if you want to get of the formation on some nailbiter races, some of the watch a november 4 arizona second district. A ther races were keeping close eye on between brad snyder and bob dole. We discovered that race last week. And the firstcongressional porter in a tough reelection battle. Lets go back to the phone calls. Richard is joining us from myrtle beach, South Carolina. Good morning and thank you for taking my call. Cspan is one of the greatest services that america has. I do have an issue at the end with cspan. That i called about is have noticed that we have come to the point with these elections and with politics that it is not a dirty little secret anymore. Several occasions what is supposed to do but lie. Heres my position. Mr. Victor said you have to do you have to do, so we have put ourselves in the positions where we finally feel that the ends justify the means. Is okay to lie. Obama came out and said that he doesnt mind if these people distance themselves. Then it turned into that we are lying to get off the black rope. Okay. If you are lying to get out the black vote, why are you doing that . They tried to distance from an es africanamerican president in order to get the very vote that want to have, but they have to lie to do it. And heres the other thing i want to mention about lying. There are consequences about lying and sometimes people pay a heavy price. Martha stewart went to jail for lying. Went to us jail for Insider Trading. She went to jail for lying. President s clinton was impeached for lying. Think it is m to okay, so i will tell my children, listen, the next time something that is untrue, just tell me that in are going to go to college to be, politician. Okay. Thank you very much for the call. An article earlier this week where he talked about politicians more often not lie. Owhen we come will darlene super bowl and margaret talev. Some of the worst and best campaign ads. But first, jim mauer and steven king asked about immigration. Heres an excerpt courtesy of iowa public television. Do think that the diversity were seeing here and maybe lot more in iowa is something to be embraced, or something to be resisted . I think that if one looks back at my record, we succeeded in establishing the official language in iowa. I am a lead sponsor in congress. When that moment comes to pass that legislation, i am hopeful we are able to move that through. Common language is the most Unifying Force throughout history. Common language is a linkage of success and achievement. I just congratulated the young citizen is an american arrived from somalia. Cheerleader a great for Legal Immigration and i congratulate all those citizens. Hear the unusual to senator speak because he is not leading, he does not have any plans to fix our broken immigration system. I hear him use this language, that is not the right leadership be leaving in congress, but i think that if you turn around for a moment, youll see that no one is following him. You define hateful language . Most people think have heard his language talking about immigrants. It has received national press. That does not move or conversation forward. We have a broken immigration system in a country. I support the reform bill that passed the senate. It will put an additional 20,000 boots on the border. Support of chamber of commerce. He does not have any plans to fix the emigration system, he just has an empty record. That was not an answer to i will estion, dean, point out. I have brought a number of legislation pieces forward. You have to have the will to enforce the law before you have an effective immigration system. Building a fence along the southern border. Not a full 2000 miles, just before the start going around the ends. The new idea act, which eliminates the federal from eductible in the wages and benefits that are paid to illegals. That shuts down the job to secure e and help our borders. These are issues that will see no. Even governor perry in texas said that building wall is not the right approach. The people advocating it do not understand the challenges we face. Is, fegley, the to a 21st ry solution frankly, a 20th century solution to a 21st century problem. These debates available at anytime on cspan. Org. Tomorrow evening, beginning at 7 oclock eastern time, live coverage of the Massachusetts Governor debate. Debates from the minnesota 10 oclock at eastern time and the hawaii 11 oclock time at eastern time. Our sunday roundtable with superville, White House Reporter let me begin with who is doing better, obama or bush . Where obama is now and where president bush was in 2006. They are both in a really bad spot. Think that president bush, the dissatisfaction was so focused around the iraq war. Everything else wouldve emanated from their. With president obama, it is so widespread. Economy igration to the to the economy to the economy and foreign policy. In 2006, when he won his term for governor of course, president obama is privately for governor most of his activities behind the scenes, raising money. That is right. The lifeblood of politics and he has been raising money and helping the dnc get out of debt. Your candidates have to have to run the y campaign, so you he has been doing a good other. This headline uneasy show obama the taillights. Famous encounter with allison who has refused to answer who she voted for in 2008 and 2012. Of inning with you, in terms the candidates reluctance to talk about the president. It is indicative of his country rity across the where democrats are trying hard to, for example time to unseat, and that is why she is refusing to say. What does that say inside house and all this . The census, on the one hand, it is all unfair. Place that ances in president obama did not win anyways when he was more popular. It was an uphill climb and i think the white house feels they are being scapegoated for of the democrats frustration, bbut at the same time the recognition that this is not matter. He does not want to do more harm than good, so he will stay outskirts and raise money and do some of the targeted work with minorities. He does not want to cause more problems, even if he is feeling little bit to find which is what we heard a couple weeks not on n he said he was the ballot. Was a tactical air. He said it again in an interview with al sharpton. He said it again and saying it again did bring up all of the bad feelings from what he a couple weeks ago. Follow the leader despite the campaign trail, most have been in lockstep with president obama. Kay hagan is in a tough reelection battle, up slightly. North carolina is not the worst problem the half. Races always get more expensive, and that is what is happening now. Some of these contests are getting close. Georgia, maybe has been playing defense the cycle. Walk me to the president schedule. Where will he be . And, more significantly, where will he be avoiding . The final week before the midterms and he has to go out. To go to e is going milwaukee to campaign for mary burke. Going to go y he is to maine. Will be in he michigan for the gubernatorial the senate here and candidate there. Then he will also go to philadelphia. These are not exactly hotbeds. What does that tell you . He can go to the places that everybody, but he cant help. These are gubernatorial candidates and states that he wanted 2008 and 2012. So he is still pretty popular in those places. Look, sending any politician youre the president and you are the democratic candidate and you want to keep the senate in control of the hands of the democrats. Why are you going to mess things up just to prove that you can . He understands. Our sunday roundtable. Our phone lines are open. A different set of numbers. They will be on the bottom of the screen. Wayne is joining us from harrisburg, pennsylvania. Democratic line. Good morning. Okay, ike to know democrats won the president and the republicans are so that they are saying they will do anything to bring about a down. And i feel i have talked to people this is a black and white thing. To ant like these two women comment on that. On the polling, it does largely breakdown along both gender lines and demographic lines. Always had bama has stronger support in the black community and among women. These trends are just being exacerbated now. The numbers really do matter because it matters who talks to and how he talks to them. Decide the elections in kentucky, without male white vote is fairly important, you are right. But it is also politics, right . If a republican has the white house, the democrats are going to say they are going to do anything they can to change. A graduate le was i did not have any vested interest in protecting obamacare. Book is coming out that is an issue. I am with margaret. I do not any vested interest either. Some relatives the day were bashing obama he n one stood up and said had not had health care for until obama came along, and that stopped the conversation. Has been really robust. The problem has always been how much you are covering policy versus the politics. Of the politics overshadowed the substantial it gets to consumers. And now the story has played on the news cycle. Live in state x, on the the situation market exchanges . This will still be important for those relying on the system. New he headliner from the says, excbs reveals how the liberal media protects obama. That the my sense president himself keeps certain questions in the corner of his is driven by it. If the white house believes that there is a liberal media protecting them, they are not acting like that. I do not think this story will how the white house the racts with the media in next few years. This is the time of year when all the books people gearing up for 2016 come out. My sense is that people take it in stride. The publicity around a lot is just so oks great. Look at the publicity around the leon panetta book a few weeks ago. Columbia grad and maryland on this sunday morning. Do not hang up. We want to hear from you. It is always ng. From these ar beltway pundits, discussing this guy made himself an the Midterm Elections because he has done things that are so damaging to the country terms of Health Insurance which ever it will get whether want it or not. This will totally collapse private 1000 nce. If they think a month premium and the 6000 deductible is insurance for a makes 16,000 ly a year, they are insane. It is going to come back to washington. A response . Im not sure what the question was there. Its a comment. You guys are why obama is such an in the Midterm Elections. He and his party have been very very damaging things to the country. Did not personally he has done guy but things and taken unilateral action that no republican would been allowed to take by democrats. That is one view but there is certainly another view for a segment of the population, which is that he not done damaging things and his policies have been helpful. He made a reference to the a ltway pundits, which is reference to charles krauthamer. Wrote an article called barack obama, bewildered bystander. Quote he has an president for years but insists be the shocked o observer. This occurred with the Veterans Affairs scandal, for example. Fair criticism . It is a criticism that Many Democrats share who are on the block on november 4. Scott from ann arbor touched on that hing real which is pres. Obama contributed to the defensive position the democrats are in because of the of the problems with act, and with e for r stances like pushing immigration policy when unaccompanied minors are coming across the border. A lot of it to do with the explanation much as olicies as anything else. The president has struggled with how to react these situations that have taken him a little bit by surprise, whether the islamic force being a more potent that first believed, or anything else. Im not sure is a partisan issue as one, as an international as with ebola. These are i think t problems and that because the president has struggled with interpersonal with his own party, when things like this happen this is a natural criticism comes home to roost. All accounts indicate that seats in will lose the senate. The question is how many. President obama has a different personal styles im be the e it is going to same message. If the democrats to lose seats in the senate, an acknowledgment of that but will not see a white flag of retreat. The present strategies to be more tant passion to say, strategy is to say, enough of the drama, let us move on. If they lose control of the senate, they will lose control of the well as the accomplishments. Expect a news conference, i get up the president to say that he had acknowledges what happens. I expect him to say i am willing to work with republicans. He do l probably try to Something Like that. We will have to wait and see. I do not think we will see invitations to play golf, or things like that. No, those have been rare during his presidency. The White House Press secretary has indicated he will stay. Been chief of staff for about two years, which is a etty much the life span of chief of staff. So there are questions about whether he will heading for the exit. And it also has to do with whether the senate flips and goes republican. I do expect him to stay on the less there is some way for these guys a lot of are tired. They have been serving since the beginning. The names that come to mind include dan viper and ben they may very well many people say, these guys are exhausted, but they are still here the person serving in the special counselor role for a year has brought expertise from his previous position. I do think the white at se is looking to fill spot. I wonder whether they will be looking spots for new f people. Listening to we are talking to two women on the white house jimmy on the line, what is your question . My question is about the role of the president. I wonder about our guests think the inating the role of president in elections. That of president be the leader the United States. He should be leader of the country. He not, in my view have to a point where we can stop doing politics all the time . You, some let me ask have the oposals serve a six rvey and not seek reelection. Would that help . Absolutely. The corporations but the little person too. Look at time magazine. Election arisons of costs. 98 million spent in the new york senate race and winning in that race, and 100 million spent in North Carolina this year on one race. Some of ys court these Court Rulings liberating spending as a form of have contributed to the reality of campaigning. President obama it he did not like fundraising. A nuclear arms race. Nobody wants to be the first one to stop. Tag was an the price estimated 2. 6 billion. Astonishing, considering what other problems are d be dealt with. There new ways of reaching out to voters, with social media. To pay for that. Things are getting more and more expensive. Lenny on the line. I want to get one thing the health care is known as obamacare, but originally the model came from the group vative think tank the Heritage Foundation. I wish this channel could get somebody from the Heritage Foundation to the Affordable Care act. Fact we have clips, and they are available on our website. I watch the show all the time and it is ridiculous that keeps being brought up. The just overseeing a alth care, it is still private industry program. I want to get this straight finally. You for the ank call. Actually, it is true. We seeing a surge in the election for buying ad time. Is a real effort by some republicans to make a what they are saying. They want to repeal obama care also want to reinstate the popular policies affecting thousands of their constituents. More than a is website, is the vehicle by kentucky y people in get Health Insurance. If you political leader, even if you disagree in principle, you think about the issues. When you ask people what they think about getting coverage theyve not have before, people like that very much. I wont say the polling is inaccurate but it depends so much on what you are it is that asking people. In the morning post. Obamas halfhearted punch. It obama needs to broaden the fight against the islamic state. The president , as this editorial concludes, needs to broaden the us approach. Turkey wants things from the not willing us is to provide, such as a buffer which s a syria order, would involve more military involvement in the us is willing to provide. The of course theres question of the kurds. 100,000 foot fly this is how the march for ground happens. Partners say you are not doing enough,and at some point the way to do that is through a military presence. And it sounds like the country is not willing to go there. L. A. Times this morning wrote that the president is putting key priorities on hold until after the midterm clearly he needs to elect a new attorney general. A decision on the keystone xl a lot of and through obamacare are important issues. If republicans take over the will he try to during a h this lameduck session, or wait till next year . It will be really fascinating to see what will happen. Post Election Agenda priorities . We are here talking about obama and his role. All these in part to put off senate get g the in issues around immigration, and other issues. Issues could be huge. Terms of impact on 2016, immigration debate is huge. Was running, ma this was a theme. There can be bipartisan agreement. Obviously will not happen now. The hispanic vote is something the been able have always use to their benefit. As pattern gets locked in it is getting harder and harder republicans to change that. If obama issues an order that has a major impact on immigration the United States, can he do so much to help he actually hat hurts democrats, or will it help . Races, georgia and be decided in l january. To more time for joe biden be on camera, which i am really looking forward toward. Louisiana has an interesting in georgia is changing time for 2016, definitely 2020. Us from claremont, california. About the liberal bent of the media, you listen and every debates on a rat running republican proposal. Nobody admit that obamacare sucks. There is nothing going there are no jobs. Obama is more interested in pandering to leftwing base than to the american to the current d like an t, carter looks absolute genius. All these saying we are Martin Luther matter more ctions than appearances. And with this country is going downhill. He is ruining the constitution and starting a between blacks and whites, and having immigration trying to ere you are send kids to certain communities. Why cant you criticize obama . Would you like to respond . I think we have been critical. He brought up the issue of the Affordable Care act. Of can read the endorsement a candidate online. Bruce braley. Available on our of site. How big of an issue been in rdable care act these campaigns . With all the of isis and ebola, how important is health care . This photo on obamacare was the hardest vote that bruce braley had to take. Now we have a ebola that is campaigns so some it is a mixed bag. Share with you heather, you probably saw this few weeks ago, but mitch his nnell who has not an ad on since 2004, had in kentucky. Here it is. I am not barack obama. I disagree with him. Mitch, this is how you hold a gun. You are trying to run the minority leader record. But there is a very image of this woman wielding this gun and saying, i am not barack obama. Is very stark and tells you about the politics in that state. Election like the one from 2004 with bush or is a with etely different, questions of ebola and other International Concerns . During clintons presidency house were gained in the because of overreach. Again i go back to this. I are two things these ing. Number one is National Demographic trends, which the democrats believe forward in looking president ial elections, which is not something that president bush had on his side. And with obama, a more widespread but superficial dissatisfaction, whereas with president bush decided to with the war and people concerned about the war. Line, e on the democrat upstate new york. Role of the is the with dent is to negotiate and senators. If anyone had a minimumwage job performed like they do, they would be fired. You dont you dont hear about the 45 Million People killed in iraq war or the billions of people who need to be taken in their old age. The war will not continue when leaves the white house. We will still need to pay for it. Bad there is a distribution of federal funding. Any response . I am not sure how to respond. Moving on to jackie from ohio. Corporations and big business have made more money last two years than in a and long time. Big profits with the oney. Even down turn on the stock market they are still rolling in dough. The middle class is screwed every day and here and take t it. But mr. Obama has had the to work isive congress with and the pundits on been the most e divisive. Might question to you the truth come in . There are so many facts that are halftruths and we truth from g for the the press. We are just not getting it. Wheres the courage . I actually would be really in what jackie thinks are the two or three most prevalent issues on which to judge this presidency. I think one of the challenges is that sometimes it takes time and distance from the administration to understand impact of a l or not pursued the president ess obama is going to be judged on some ealth care expansion, Climate Change stuff, maybe some social policies. Some controversial decisions relating to the use of drones spring agement of arab might be criticized. But all years to ngs will take play out. During this time of the united llapse states, the way we judge him on the short midterm is on the basis of the economy i think in the long term he will be judged on his other issues that take a time before they crystallize. The pew at front, from research center, leading to issues you just mentioned. Democrats have the if you health care but move down, there is a huge advantage of the democrats in terms of willingness to work with the other party. That tells you nothing. What voters are saying is that we want people to Work Together. But how they are is not that way. Branding goes to issues because republicans are down in the polls, but they are such a diverse group. Who to blame . Could blame you speaker boehner, mitch people might me even blame romney for not a few g a Better Campaign years ago. The New York Times is reporting this morning about the africanamerican vote which is key for the democrats if they have any hope of keeping the u. S. Senate. Walt joining from pennsylvania on the republican line. Since jimmy carter, which rich ave never have never helped poor people. The i want to talk about women women. I have six in my family. They have lost jobs. Also racism. Lets compare obama with teddy roosevelt. Lets move to the independent line with craig. I een watching this obamacare go through and my belief is isis a top with of concern republicans and democrats. The example is during the et debacle when they had to thought hold the session hostage to get has all one. But what this done . Create more debt . It success e suppose of the two parties, and of the oligarchy or ruling class. The corporations able to shift medical coverage from employees. The wall street out and said ome a windfall profit unforeseen for corporations now. Lets give our panelists a chance to respond. Hear a lot of frustration the politics affects individuals, middleclass and working class people. That is real. If you are a middleclass person who not have Health Insurance, maybe you like obama care you that Health Insurance. Or maybe not. I did is a secret ere machiavellian agreement between and the insurance companies. You do see machinations to change the policies available. Are a frustrated voter, which party should be more concerned on election day . I think being frustrated is motivator to going out to change your circumstances. I do not know which party. We have to acknowledge that there were good things that that brought people together. White votes were for to. We all came together his term n. During things changed especially with obamacare, but we have to that things were added in there that made both sides should not agree to. Maybe we can Work Together on the good things that have taken, place and be less critical. It is some kind of t health care went forward. Lets do what we do best and be innovative and make it work. What jane said is really interesting because is exactly the polling right now why republicans are worried. People express concern over obamacare but then want to repeal it. That is the reality now. Republicans still lean toward repealing but elections in this country are decided by the swing, and the swing wants to keep it. Was heres an email that you printed yesterday which of ounted that at the end the Carter Administration he went up to jody powell, the White House Press secretary, and said thank you, and was responded to with bitterness. All the folks nolan and tom defrank, are such icons that listening to them and many other longterm veterans who spoke yesterday, you really saw the progression and change the from which we have taken not just the chief of staff but whether policymakers. Think there has been a calculation across party lines the reagan era that there is more control and less access, and that has had a tremendous impact on the way the news is covered. That will be available for you later on our website. Did you want to respond . I just want to add that honored are duals wonderful people. But we are constantly butting heads with the white house over getting into the oval office. This week the president met with the dallas nurse who was just declared free of ebola, it was could go in at she but only with photographers, reporters or tv cameras. We should be able to go in and not just see photos on twitter later on. We want to to ask the nurse a two. The response was, she already talked to nih. We are at the white house and she is coming to the white is a huge ebola issue. I still not think there was good issue for that. This is an ongoing debate we are having the white house about the can ity to negotiate who enter a room. This will be an ongoing push going into 2015 to have as much access to ask the president questions as possible. From tennessee, on our line for independents. I see that stats on the economy are better now than the president re. To join arab countries us too. Also with Health Care Many people more covered. Why are democrats running away from the is there that i a good reason for that . The would not say that statistics are false. The economic picture is looking up but if you look at what is in individual peoples lives, and what is happening in individual states, reality may be in some way those ent from what bigger numbers show. And that is why the candidates are away from the president. He may be unpopular in states or people might not of a particular policy. On the line for democrats. Hello . My comment is, the president done a good job. He is only one person. Is the think it president s fault. I did not know why the Democratic Candidates would run away from the president. I do not t to to say it is embarrassing, really stop ld grinning. It looks silly. There are many people in the the way you do l but the democratic concern is out at people will turn the polls. The president has said that democrats sadistically do not vote at Midterm Elections. He has been on africanamerican radio shows to encourage the africanamerican and other minority votes at the polls. There is a big effort in georgia to register a lot of and firsttime into glitches run and trouble. There was an but i do it by did not think it was done well. Here is how snl opened their program at 11. 35 eastern time. As you know, another american in new york was diagnosed with ebola. Some to criticize our administration. But i assure bad it was nowhere near as handled the isis situation. I did not know if remember, but the obamacare had some Serious Problems too. In fact, if you at my second term, the ebola situation is probably one of my better accomplishments. What will the next two years look like for this president . In terms of arse accomplishments. The goal will be to lock in the accomplishments of what he wants his legacy to be. The expansion of health care, the of the on of some policies. He as a to be remembered transformational president. If you could sit down with the president this week, what would you ask him . In some quarters hes that as a ing lameduck. Two years is a long time in politics and ask what he i would get done beyond immigration. What else can he do . Is in the Senate Republican hands,is that liberating for the president . Not think it would change views of him. Reporters from the press and bloomberg news, both on the white house beat. We are going to take a short break and when we come back we will look at the best and Worst Campaign ads of 2014. Who are watching cspan washington on this sunday morning. With the 2014 midterm over a week away, cspan Campaign Coverage continues. Cspan 2014, when 100 debates more than 100 debates for the control of congress. We are going to turn around have a broadcast option. We have the green hill report which values the spectrum. Those numbers have really turned the discussion from a policy discussion to a business i cision, which is where needed to turn. We are excited about both options and it will a winwin situation for everyone. Roundtable number two, focusing on campaign ads. An effective political spot . These days when theres so much advertising in different ways, and effective advertising one of two things. It also reaches d it the target. It is hard to do that these days. I think trust is important. That connection with viewers. If you can build up that trust and confidence through the camera it makes in the feel like you are living room, and that is how you are able to connect with them. In terms of getting the voters attention beyond the voiceover and music, do you look for . Way ou have to figure out a to cut through. You have to look for something humorous, a little outside the box. We we are on tv, t we are not running against but against ates by er advertisements, gatorade and other companies. Ad from a an gubernatorial candidate in texas. Is an effective ad. It that tells uineness people who telling in a broad way. It both introduces him and connects voters with him. Could you imagine 70 years doing an d roosevelt ad like that . No. Times have changed. Voters want to know they are voting for. This is a struggle that this candidate overcame and it is a he faces every day. This is why he was able to come across to viewers as somebody who gets it. We have a new set of phone numbers the sunday morning. The numbers are on the screen. Them on the bottom there see you can take note and and o you can take note begin to dial in. Should point out that ad at davis stood by that a news conference. What they were trying to do with that ad is speak to his hypocrisy. I think in responding to his opening of the campaign, he push back and say, he hypocrite and here is why. It is tone deaf. I have been more effective. It did not need to start with the wheelchair. From standpoint the first ad got a lot of attention. Few weeks later talk about that wheelchair. It seems so off the mark. Good morning. Personally i learned more about the candidates from a oneonone interview with a member of the press, or with from small l, then soundbites and video bites without a tv screen for two seconds. Are you watching the debates . Not think the debates gave the candidates enough time questions put the i them. The last interview was impressed by was a onehour network w on another and it was oneonone, just the person asking the questions and dr. Carson getting answers. I learned more about the man that then from sound bites. He sat down on cspan2 and talked for a while. It would be great if every candidate had the opportunity to have a detailed conversation usually press but that does not happen. There are just so many campaigns out there and campaigns really have to work out on their message their own. Coming up with creative and connected they have g is what to do. An ad that was put democrat by an alaskan going after his republican opponent. Are you familiar with this ad . Was quickly pulled down. The mark. Ironically many stories were written abouthow he had been of the better been igns. Some things had tremendous such as his mention passed father who had in a plane accident. But i think when you stretch and go over the top you get slapped back. They were also some errors in the ad. If you do not like this you want to make sure it is buttoned up. I have one question. Is the that wendy davis lied . More think im talking about the tone. You start with image of the think she is getting backlash. Think it missed the mark. Ad from the Mitch Mcconnell campaign. A candidate manize running for reelection . To connect to and a broad based audience. Yet in that race there is still very much a margin of error. With joe. I think a fantastic ad. It was somebody else telling a story. Here with two consultants, republican and democratic. A caller from california. Question is about the people care and about heads cut off overseas. What are we planning to do . Think every campaign is and the issues are you will see are ads that are very specific. In paigns are trying to hone that voters are concerned with. Back in 2012 according to time magazine, about 426 dollars spent in early for the in total. 337m senate and 154m for the house. This past week the washington sat down with two leaders, and said that when he ran he spent 70,000. Times have changed. There are more channels and more ways people are getting information. Learning things in different ways. From dallas, texas. Have a plan, is one another is why they degrade each other. I turn the to hear ecause it hurts them coming out with all those each other to ut make themselves look good. Point us take up that about the degrading commentary. I think that over Time Campaigns have gotten more negative. Like to make one comment about that monkey ad. Have a monkey on somebodys they are talking spending in washington and tying it to peoples votes. Are shaking your head. To be hink you have really careful with creative when you try to do showy ads, there are a home run you hit strike er times when you out. This one struck out. You think about this one . Home run or strike out . Think david purdue is very on camera. When you an assertion against a candidate, you have to make you have s credible. To dig in, and i do not know if do it in a way like that. With the compare it nunn one, is Michelle Purdue e for what dave claims she is . It this this people are tired of seeing them. I did one for a democrat that was running against congressman john shaddok in arizona. And the person that was running on the democratic ticket came out of lyndon la rush land but he was calling him congressman value jet shaddock due to the fact that he had not not backed we will put it this way. He helped loosen or lower the funding for the f. A. A. And i got a c and d on it like anybody that does commercials is a badge of honor, a cease and desist order but nevertheless, it realized that the money is going to the broadcast stations. Just to be clear, you did the voiceovers for some of these spots . Yeah. Before i got my dentures, yeah. Too much information, but we get the idea. You can do anything. From using creative music. I used music for hang em high, an old Clint Eastwood movie host right call. And the key is to get the candidates not sound like idiots. Its tough sometimes. Stay with us for a moment. Okay. Dont hang up. We will show an ad from the Michigan Senate race and we will come back to you and get your assessment. Lets watch i am jeremy, congressman gary peters and his buddies want you to believe i am waging a war on women. Really . Think about that for a moment. I approve this message because as a woman, i might know a little bit more about women than gary peters. Okay. Martin. What do you think . Right. Real light. Not it doesnt really hit the mark. It seems it seems conciliatory. I am not seeing the message, and i am not seeing i dont see it. I dont get it. Host thank you for calling in. We appreciate it. Caller thank you. Host light, ineffective. Terrible ad. Host as a republican, you are saying that . Guest that was an add, maybe 15 seconds, it might have been a good ad but one of those things where you get in a room, put something down on paper and nobody stopped the process, but thats not an effective ad. I will go back to what martin said about the fact that he has a tremendous voice, would be a great voiceover person. With or without . Guest he made an important point on the amount of money t. V. Stations are making. There are some stations across the country right now that are putting more commercial breaks into their hour programming or their news programming so they can get more money. The lowest rate per candidates pay well but a lot of candidates are paying double or triple the cost of what it would have been three or four months ago. And then you have the outside groups coming in and spending more not to say anybody should feel sorry for candidates, campaigns or the outside groups. Its just there are millions upon millions of dollars being made by t. V. Stations right now. They are making their money. Host good morning democrats line. , lou easy. Caller you had a Young College republican president on, alexa smith. They showed an ad against governor Charlie Crist and it showed a young girl picking out a Wedding Dress with her mother. Host right caller the girl went for the modern dress and the mom wanted this frumpy, with longsleeves and all kind of lace but the message was that Charlie Crist was outdated. He was out of date, and i am thinking to myself, this was a perfect ad to show why one shouldnt vote republican because it is a very elitist type of a commercial. So many young girls and couples today cant even afford to go to a salon to pick out a Wedding Dress. It just shows out of touch, how much the republicans are and its the issue of dont raise taxes and which the job creators have kept saying and let me tell you something. The bush tax cut of eight years did not create jobs. Just the opposite. This ad was perfect to show how the republicans are totally out of touch with their message. Host say yes to the dress. Others used that same theme. We dont have it available but your thoughts . Guest i do not like those ads at all. They missed the mark. Its when you are trying to be creative but you dont have the substance to back it up. I feel like those didnt connect in a real personal way and again, you can try and be cute but i think the best ads connect and we are showing some that just dont. Host you might want to call this part 2 of joni ernst and her spot where she said let them squeal, a lesson on cutting the pork. There is the second version of that for the general election. Its a mess, dirty noisy and sticks. Not this lot. I am talking about the one in washington. Too many typical politicians hogging, wasting and if you will of. Well lets just say bad ideas. Its time to top spending money we dont have and balance the budget. I am joni ernst. I approve this message because cleaning up the mess in washington is going to take a whole lot of iowa common sense. Let me ask you about that ad because last week on bloomberg politics, mark halprin called it ineffective in saying this should not be your Closing Argument. I dont know if it is. They have another week left. The other thing, though, i do think it is effective. I mean just in all candor, we had one of the candidates in the primary against joni ernst. The folks at Something Else strategy put it together, have done a lot of big campaigns, marco rubios stuff, the ray souton in illinois. To get, i think, this ad in particular is bringing people back to what kind of caught lightning in a bottle with that first spot. I think it is effective. The point that i would make all the way back there where they did the first spot and where they are now, the metaphor, the pigs, hogs. You dont have a lot of people in the country that are going across and want to defend washington. So, i think it is a good metaphor to use. I think they are using it effectively here i think it also brings back some of the lightning in the boggle that they caught during the primary. Effective . Ineffective . Guest i think mildly effective. It plays to the base for sure. But i dont know that the ad, itself, plays to everything. Right . It goes back to base voters to on voted with her at the beginning. I dont know they are really as folks have said, really makes that Closing Argument and connects with folks on the issues that they are really making decisions on. Lets go to phil joining us from oregon up early on a sunday morning, republican line. Welcome to the conversation, phil. Caller yes, good morning. Thank you. Host sure. Caller the question is what creates a cease and desist order since all of the ads are lies and trying to put the best presentation . Does it vary state to stay . Host good question. You are getting a response. Guest its the t. V. Stations. If you look at a lot of these ads. They are bakus, they have to go to t. V. Stations when they are running, baku thats provided sometimes you see sources that are on the ads, along the bottom of the screen. But there is a lot of work that goes in, and from a legal component as well as Research Component to back up some of the assertions an claims that are in the spot. Host becky from stanton, michigan good morning. Caller good morning. Host how are you . Caller peachy. I cant believe i am wasting my sunday. Host why do you say that . Caller its a silly subject. Host okay. Caller but i am telling you, ive got an ad. Gary peters did an ad. Host uhhuh. Caller it was talking about how cheap he was, and the family did it as he says and the reason that i did this ad is because my family did it for free. A and they are showing all of these, you know, like the shirts that he wears that are comfortable and have holes in them. They are from college. But the point was, and he did make make one, too. I was wondering, myself, that evidently, half of the money that was given to him to run the office, he was able to give back. And host good points. Becky thanks for calling in. We appreciate it. Wasnt trivial at all. We will get a response. That ad is a good ad. Is disconnect and shows voters that he is frugal and looking after their money and, you know, doing it in the right way and it personally connects the voter to him by showing family and showing his values. Its. Its a humorous ad, too. Yeah. Humor can work if its done the right way, executed right. The other thing, though, is you dont have to take our word for it. The woman, the caller basically just went through the entire ad. Thats exactly what you are looking for. Laughing as she is describing it. Thinking of using children in ads, this is from a Northern Virginia gun buyer, in his bid for a house seat. Lets watch. I am done buyer. I approve this message. I want clean air. I want clean water. A cleaner place. Its only fair. The threat of Climate Change is real. Some people dont want to talk about this issue, but its a crisis and requires leadership. Thats why i support a carbon tax, the best solution for controlling greenhouse gasses. We need to act now while there is still time for them. Whats a carbon . Your response . Nice ad. You know, it effectively packages a message an doesnt do it in a drab way where you can just put somebody on screen talking above peoples heads. I think that they, you know, using the children and using them effectively was a good way to package this up. People like kids in ads. I think its a way of talking about serious issue but in a positive way. Host let me go back to what you are looking for in an effective add. You reflect on the 2014 Midterm Election, this campaign is about what . I think that this is different in different places. I think in some places, this is about, you know, healthcare. In some places, this is about effectiveness. In some places, this is about, you know, making sure that people are tacertain care of. Right . So its a lot of different issues and you are going to see different takes on it in different campaigns. I dont feel like this is unthere is one thing. Daniel allen, the last word . I think its important. I think its a matter of trying to connect with people and showing them that you are not washington. You understand their concerns. You can do it in humorous ways. You can do it in ways that connect through testimonial ings. There are a lot of ways to approach it. I think the over lying thing is to show that, hey, you get it. You understand what they are going through on a daytoday basis and you are there to work for them. Dan allen who works for scott hall company as a principal, a republican consultant and gerald fuld with the campaign workshop, a democratic consultant. Gentlemen, thank you for being with us. We appreciate it. Thank you. Cspan radio carries sunday morning programs beginning at noon eastern time. Todays topics include ebola and Midterm Elections. We are a week and two days away beginning with nbcs meet the press, 9 00 oclock on the west coast. There is an editorial this morning we wanted to share with you in case you missed it from Nicholas Christoph called the American Dream is leaving america. Here is a portion. He rights, quote, a new pew survey that americans grief the greatest threat to be the growing gap between the rich and the poor. Too often americas Education System amplifies not opportunity but inequality. I want to get your thoughts on this. Is the American Dream leaving america. Our phone lines are open. A new set of numbers on this sunday morning that question with Nicholas Christoph. This is what it looks like this morning, the American Dream is leaving america. He focus on education. Its in the New York Times. We want to get your reaction to the prem is for his essay. Back in a moment. You are watching and listening to cspans washington journal on the sunday morning with the 2014 Midterm Election just over a week away, cspans excampaign debate coverage continues. The Illinois Senate debate with senator dick did youban and jim overweis followed at 8 00 with live coverage of the Massachusetts Governors debate. And then at 9 00, the georgia Senate Debate between david perdue, Michelle Nunn and amanda swafford. At 10 00, the minnesota debate with senator al franken and Mike Mcfadden and at 11 00 p. M. Eastern, the hawaii governors debate between david egay and duke iona. Tuesday evening at 7 00 p. M. Eat earn, life kornlingz between senator tim scott, Joyce Dickerson and jill bosssi followed at 8 by the new jersey Senate Debate with corey booker and geoff bell and wednesday night, live coverage of the Senate Debate between three candidates, maryland drew, bill cassidy and rob maness. At 9 00, the main Senate Debate with senator Susan Collins and shana bellows and at 10 00, the texas Senate Debate between john corn bein and david alamilo. Cspan, 2014, more than 100 debates for the control of congress. Washington journal continues. Again, the question we want to ask for the next 25 minutes or so here on the washington journal is the American Dream leaving america . The premise is this mornings Nicholas Kristof peace in the New York Times looking primarily at education and a couple of points, he says, quote, the United States is devoting billions of dollars to compete with russias military, but maybe we should try to compete educationly. Russia has the largest percentage of adults with a University Education of any industrialized nation. The other point that Nicholas Kristof makes is the way we pay for Public School education saying that the property tax is a way that creates a huge disparity between wealthier americans and those living in more urban areas and, also, those areas that are stricken with poverty. Thats a question is the American Dream leaving america . Mike is joining us on the phone from michigan good morning to you. Republican line. Good morning. Good morning. I wanted to comment b the American Dream leaving america. Sure. I think that the American Dream is leaving the minds of our young folks. Ive got a 39yearold daughter who is struggling with a Small Business being taxed to death to pay for, you know, government pensions and every time time you turn around, there is more government workers. Uhhuh. Government workers have the dream going on. But the taxpayers, they are losing the ability to dream because they are being taxed to death. So the fight continues. Same ol argument. Okay, mike. Thanks for the call. Here is another excerpt. In effect, the United States has become 19th century britain. He says we provide superb education for the elite, but we falter at mass education. The question is the American Dream leaving america . We will go next to a viewer from west village, our line for democrats. Good morning. Welcome to the program. Good morning. Good morning caller you know, a dream about education, whats the use for everybody to get a College Education if there is no jobs . And, you know, you are talking about everybody wants to talk about Small Businesses. They are the ones that are going to hire everybody. Why dont you bring up the statistics of how many Small Business fail because nobody will buy their product . Everybody wants to talk about thats where all of the money is going to be coming from. Host okay. Caller it failed host what have failed . Caller how many of these Small Businesses failed . People lose everybody they put into their job. Host thanks for the call. Weekly standard looking at the home stretch and steven hayes whoize about what this campaign is all about saying it is a significant campaign. Bob inc. Strom on newsmakers, Vice President and political director for the chamber of commerce. The full program airing at the top of the hour, 10 00 oclock eastern time. Among the issues, immigration and what we can expect after the Midterm Elections. Here is a portion. Today, with regard to our immigration system, we have a status quo is amnesty. I have traveled out of 68 press conferences across the country. Every major senate race but nebraska we are going to do shortly and a number of different house races as well and what i know and what i believe in my private discussions with 150 candidates is there is a recognition from members of both Political Parties on all ends of the spectrum that we have a problem that needs to be fixed. Now, there are different solutions. There are different perspectives. There are different geography, different constituencies in each of these states and concongressional districts but our plan is simple and straightforward. I believe there is an ability to get something done on immigration. I think that the problem requires us to have the courage to address it and the first is that we need to secure the border. Democrats and republicans agree that we must secure the border to gain some momentum and to begin to address this issue. Second leg of the stool, we need to retain the talent that we are educating right here in the United States and sending home to compete against us. Its a need to expand the number of h 1 b visas that the country, the smartest people around the world. Rob eng 12r078, political directory for the u. S. Chamber of commerce at 10 00 oclock eastern time, 7 ol on the west coast. From bloomberg, this comparison between george w. Bush, and barack obama, who is doing better at the 6 year mark . The point includes this. Right about this time, eight years ago, Charlie Crist was a republican closing in on a victory to sus sealed jeb bush. Crist snubbed george w. Bush until pensacola florida to be in west palm beach. Today, he is a democratic candidate for governor and with a week and a half to go until election day, florida is not on the list of six governs races is planning to campaign in. The full story Available Online at bloomberg. Com. The question we are asking our remaining 20s minutes, is the American Dream leaving america . In particular, education. We are asking the question because its an extensive piece this morning by Nicholas Kris f kristof. The American Dream is leaving america is his prem is. Its Available Online at nytimes. Com. Gerald next in petersburg, virginia. Good morning. Sxwint line . Good morning. You know, the reason the middle class and the lower class believe the dream is gone is its shipped to china. They are the ones. Thats because of the large corporations been deregulated just like we have to watch 100,000 commercials on the t. V. Now that its being regulated. Tell us whats going on. Host thanks for the call. A new set ofmez. Thats why its a little bit different than numbers you might be familiar with. 202 is the area code, 6241111 is our line for republicans and 2026241115 for democrats. If you are a member of a third party or independents. Number is 2026240760. We will share two excerpts from Nicholas Kristof s piece in the New York Times. First, a basic element of the American Dream is equal access to education. But he says the American Dream seems to have integrated because many countries do bid earn the United States. A new pew sir vay says americans consider the greatest gap to be the growing gap between rich and poor. Too often americas Education System amplifies not opportunity but inequality. Next call is robert from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller hi, there. I have a problem. I have thought about this a long time. I think we need to change the name of this whole country. I think we should eliminatedun frighted it and call it america. There are it no two states in this country that are united. Every state has a Different Program. I dont see where we have unity here and i just wonder, even politicians there is no unity. What is united about this country host next is leslie from burlington North Carolina the. Is the American Dream leaving america . Caller no, it is not leaving america. First of all, Nicholas Kristof is sitting in new york somewhere writing this article. It depends, i believe, on whether or not a person what is their American Dream . If the American Dream in my view, if you work hard and actually treat your neighbors fairly and kindly, your American Dream is here, is achievable. I also, really, think that its changing for young people. Young people, i believe, arent as materialistic. Many of them. The people i know as their parents were. So they dont necessarily want a giant house with a dog and two kids. They might have two kids but they want an apartment or a place that they can live that they dont need two cars. And just because their American Dream is different than their parents American Dream doesnt mean the American Dream is actually leaving america. As far as education goes, the property taxes we equalize property taxes in the state of michigan where every inner city person in detroit gets 14,000 a year for their education just like the suburbs do. Every state probably has a Different Program to try to equalize inner city, but the spending in education is not the lack of money is not the reason education isnt working in this country. And the program in itself, but, no. I dont believe the American Dream is leaving america, and we are the United States of america for the man that just spoke because we actually, hopefully, still believe that if you work hard in this country, you can succeed. Thank you very much. Host thank you. Let me read another excerpt from Nicholas Kristof. He makes a reference to the escalator, he said fixing the Education System is the civil rights era. We owe children access to education escalators. Lets fix the escalator. Following the leader, despite campaign disavows most democrats have been in lock step with the obama agenda and inside, standing by their man and a picture of kay hagan with the president of North Carolina and, also, you can see bob casey, senate from pennsylvania as the president made a visit there earlier this year. John in fairfax, virginia, is next. Good morning. Caller good morning, steve. The American Dream started to go down the tubes well Ronald Reagan and his trickledown theory. And the thoeft of the election by the Supreme Court and george bush and eight years of war to pump up the deficit and cutting social welfare programs has been disastrous for our nation and we need to make sure that republicans get as few votes as possible because they are controlled by big money and have no interest in the working man. Thank you, steve. Host thank you. Next is carol from indiana, line for republicans. Good morning. Ca carol, good morning caller good morning. Host you are on the air. Go ahead, please. Caller i think part of the problem we are encountering with education is that we are trying to put too much money in to educating people who do not speak english. We are importing more pour people. These young people from the south america that, for instance, that came in with absolutely little or no education or background and here we are pouring tons of money into their education instead of focusing on educating our own nativeborn english speakers. Okay. Carol, thanks for the call. Education was one of the issues in a debate put together by wgbh last week between charlie baker, the republican candidate and martha cokely, the democratic nominee. Polls according to the boston globe shows baker is moving ahead. Here is a portion of the debate where the focus is on taxes education and states priorit s priorities. Lets watch. I have been straightforward in saying i think in order to move forward, we need to invest in this statement we need to invest in businesses. We need to invest in our kids. We need to invest in our Workforce Development because otherwise, you are missing that that equation. What charlie has prop posed is at least 3 million of tax cuts. Maybe 600 million according to the boboston globe. He said i will find that money somewhere. Thats okay. Go find that money somewhere. He talks about all of the kind of things he wants to do now including Workforce Development. So where does that money come from . I at least am saying i know what my priorities are, investing in kids, investing in schools, investing in roads and bridges is why i support the indexing of the gas tax. If you had to raise taxes, quoting yourself, what would those revenues be that wouldnt increase the burden on the middle class and lowincome residents . They would be taxes a people who are at the top 2. How do you do that . How do you do that with no income tax . We are it will exploring ways to do sgrad waited income tax. Legislature has done a study on that every four years people say someone is not going to raise taxes on the middle class. Gas tax, middle class. Sales tax, middle class. Satellite t. V. , middle class. Registry fees, middle class. Most of these increases, fees for after school sports, all of this stuff lands on the middle class. Thats one of the reasons why i said i am not going to raise taxes. Because i think the middle class feels strapped already and the last thing they need is another four years of getting nickelled and dimed again. The latest in the rates for a Massachusetts Governor and that debate took place last week. We want to thank wgbh and all of the television stations and our Cable Partners that have allowed us to carry more than 100 debates in the most important house, senate and government races and you can check it out online at cspan. Org. We are asking you about the person in dream. Is it leaving america . This is a piece from Nicholas Kristof. He said we have constructed an Education System depending upon local property taxes that proichz Great Schools for the rich kids in the suburbs who need the least help and broken dangerous schools for inner city kwhoirn desperately need a helping hand. Is the American Dream leaving america . Maurice from cleveland, independent line, good morning. Caller good morning. I dont think that the American Dream is leaving america. But i do believe that it has become more difficult to achieve. Case in point it means the unemployment situation. I mean not the unemployment. But the minimum wage. Here, you have a person thats live okay minimum wage alone is livetion below the poverty line. I am a retired veteran host thank you for that caller thank you. Its been a pleasure. I work parttime. I was only able to get a minimum wage job. Thats an insult but thats the way life is. I thank god that this 8 or 9 an hour i make for four or five hours a day is not my only source of income, because i would be living on the street. And when i look at the political when i look at the political picture and i see people thats advocating not raising the minimum wage and give their reasons why because its going to stifle jobs and all of that other stuff, you know, when i look at that person thats making an argument, i feel like rick perry did when he made the statement back during the elections in the debate, a person not having a heart if they are willing to turn people away. I have served this country for 37 years. I am proud to be an american. America is the best nation on this planet. Host uhhuh. Caller and we are the chinaing beacon on the hill. If we achieve to be that, equality across the board is what america is all about. Unfortunately, we dont have that here the gentleman who mentioned earlier about the states not being united. He doesnt see any unity, i can understand his particular point of view because you see, i would say until the Obama Administration came in, me, personally and i have been following politics for years. I served under seven president s including president obama am but until president obama came in to office, you never i never heard i am not going to say you never heard or it would never. I do not recall so much of an argument about states rights trying to trump the u. S. Government or whatever the reason is. What those reasons are, some people will say its racial. Some people will say its ideological. I dont know. But that has happened so much over the past six years to the pint that congress, as we awe see, has stagnated. There is no cooperation there. The American People real frustrated with republicans and democrats and to the point that the younger generation, when i observe the younger generation, they dont have goals. Host host okay. I will move on. Are you still with us, maurice caller i am. Host we have to move on. Thank you for joining the conversation. Caller thank you for having me. Host in washington d. C. Is the annual marine corps marathon. 30,000 runners in our nations capitol. An sxwoshsment we want to put to your attention, Bruce Braille e, the better choice. We mention this because late last week, joni ernst cancelled her editorial meeting with the des moines register. There is no direct reference to that but to her policies. The register did endorse her in the republican primary. Again, this morning, Available Online. Our question this morning is the American Dream leaving america . And one of our viewers saying the American Dream is dead. On our twitter page action go to ann on the republican line from tennessee tennessee. Good morning. Caller money is not the problem. You look at washington, d. C. Who spends the most per pupil for education . And when the superintendent of school showed up, she went in one clam. There was three and another one there was like 4 and the same all the way down the hall. She asked one teacher whats going on. She says, well, its friday, and its raining. Our schools are being asked to do so much. I know here in tennessee, they have done a bunch of somalis. My daughter lives where they are a lot of horse barnes. The next cans and the somalis were fieth over the barnes. We find out in texas when that duncan fellow came in, how many lie beernz there. This monday, obama opened the door for a flood of haitans and at a time south americans kids has to take them in and educate them. We need to get back to being america and having a boarder and people get out and work for a living instead of expecting somebody else to give them something more. We have become a welfare state and you cant be a welfare state and have open borders. Host hot thanks for the call. On the campaign road, democrats show obama, a piece written by Jonathan Martin pointing out as candidates avoid the president s, the distance between the president and his party grows, saying optimistic democrats say they have little more than a 50 50 chance to retain the senate majority. Senior elected officials, strategists and donors have begun to openly criticize the president contending his low popularity proved toxic for candidates trying to distinguish themselves to the president to appeal to the swing voters. This morning from inside the New York Times and the editorial we are asking you about this morning is from Nicholas Kristof 3467 folk united stating on education saying there is a despair teen between wealthier americans and those in poor communities around the country. This question is the American Dream leaving america . Joining us from flint, michigan good morning. Good morning. You are on the air. Go ahead. Yes. I am calling to say that i have come to realize that there is no real equal justice and no real access to the courts. Here in the state of michigan, we have legislators passing laws that violate our first amendment, fourth amendment, fiftfifth amendment, fourteenth amendment rights. I am disturbed to find so many innocent citizens in america that have been caught up in using the legal system and wrongfully imprisoned. And these prisons are violated. They do not receive equal access to the court and able to get adequate legal representation. We have no opportunity to participate in the American Dream. When we dont have judges who will follow the United States constitution, you dont have judges who will uphold their oath of Office Contract to protect the civil rights of all citizens. Host thank you. We are short on time. Thank you very much for the call. From michigan you mentioned justices. Three current justices of the u. S. Supreme Court Gathering at yale law school, they are all alums of that university. Samuel alita and sotomayor. They reflect on their career postyale and Clarence Thomas says, i must admit, i did not get as much out of law school as i should have. And that was simply because of my attitude. Our last caw on the question this morning is the American Dream leaving america . From nebraska . Andrew is on the phone. Good morning. Caller good morning, sir. I live in south city nebraska. I graduated here in 1986. Midwest values, hard working people. South dakota two years ago, i brought my son back. I am a single father. I have raised my son since he was two years old. Its now 17. He attends high school here in a recent survey done, over 90 of the student body is spanish. Now, i am by no means racist. My sons not raised that way. We are not raised that way. However, when i go to the local store or the local walmart and stand in line surrounded by 90 of spanish or other than i guess caucasian races and i am standing in line while the ebt cards are being used. They cant speak english, yeah, i would say the American Dream is being lost and with these borders being open like they do and you just come over to our country and if you make it here, we will let you in. And, you know, you can have an ebt coard, housing, whatever yo want. I mean illegal is illegal. Host thank you for the call. Final point from Nicholas Kristof as he looks at the disparity and how we stack up around the world. He says, the u. S. Was preeminent en masse education, now, we are being eclipsed. You can read the full story online at ny times. Com. And we will continue the conversation tomorrow morning as we do every day at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time, 4 00 oclock for those of you on the west coast. James oliphant, white house correspondent, the impact of state judges running for elected offices, our topic at 7 45 eastern time

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