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We will wait and watch and see what happens when the house comes in at 9 a. M. Eastern time. The senate is also in session. You can watch that on cspan2. We want to get your thoughts as we continue into day 11 of the Government Shutdown. The lines send us a tweet or post your comment on facebook. Com cspan. You can also email us, journal cspan. Org. Joining us is steven dennis. We should not call them negotiations, should we . Guest it depends on the meaning of the word negotiations and what they are negotiating about. The president has made it clear many times that he will not negotiate over some kind of ransom. He has been open to talking about setting up a budget process, some kind of framework, for getting a bigger budget deal done. That seems to be where they are going. Opening he provided a few days ago at his press conference, and it is one they thereontinued to put out as a way to give republicans some assurance that the negotiations would be real and substantive and cover the issues they want to cover. The real question is not just the short term debt deal, which is starting to look more and more like something that is cake, and whether they can reopen the government on tuesday after the holiday on monday. That is something that, if you are taking the temperature on capitol hill, there is enormous political pressure on republicans to find a way to reopen the government. Two major polls in the last two days hummel one from gallup, one from nbc in the wall street journal showing republicans of the worst poll rating they have had, the worst poll rating that any Political Party has had in those two polls going back for decades. That is not what you want to see. Host this is from the last time the government was shut down 31 blame the president this go round, 53 blame the republicans in congress. The positive rating for republicans is at 24 . That is not even a majority of the minority. The is it is a minority of a minority. You have to do better than the democrats to keep the house. At least be in shooting distance. What you are seeing on capitol hill as this is playing out with a lot of republicans looking for , weexits on the shutdown have talked to a number of Senate Republicans in recent days who are desperately trying to find a way to reopen the government. They are not in love with what they saw from House Republicans yesterday, which was a plan to keep the government closed while they extended the debt ceiling. That is a not enough for a lot of the Senate Republicans. If they did not hash something out, i have spoken to some staffers morning and they sort of are still ash we will let you know when they are they are still in the we will let you know when there are so the to know stage. Senate republicans are going to be meeting with republicans today. There is a possibility that democrats who try to reach a deal with Senate Republicans who are eager to end the shutdown this weekend and then try to send Something Back to the house , something that is hard to resist. That there is a lot of pressure on the republicans to find a way to save some face, move on, and maybe salvage something from this. One of the things you saw a couple of days ago in the wall street journal was paul ryans letter to the editor, talking about everything but the reason why we have a shutdown, which is obamacare. That is something that leadership wanted to be discussing all along. A lot of them see obamacare is a box canyon. Let me show our viewers this blog, it is a blog you contributed to jack hutton on twitter wants to know this is that true . Guest its not really true. The way the speaker made the proposal yesterday, he made it d conditional that is something democrats were not happy with yesterday. I asked harry reid when he came out of the white house is today after meeting with the president , is there any chance you would negotiate on reopening the government . He said, not going to happen. Clearly they are talking. There is some negotiating going on, according to the republicans. Here. Is a path it seems to me if you have some kind of budget sidecar where the president can say i didnt pay a ransom, the healthcare law remains intact, but i wanted to give republican some assurances that i am going to negotiate over the healthcare law with them, im note im going to igotiate with tax reform, think there is a way to give everybody something to point to and say we are going to make a goodfaith effort over the next month. Possible,ink it is given the politics of the situation, for there to be real negotiations while the government is shut down. Democrats are going to look at these polls and say, hey, we are on the side of the angels. We are more popular than the other guys position. They are going to have to break, whether it is monday, tuesday, or wednesday. The other thing is you are seeing people on capitol hill, they have stocks just like everybody else. People are donors. They are calling and saying, hey, lets end this shutdown. There is a minority amount of pressure to find some way out of this situation. What have you heard from senator ted cruz, from Tea Party Groups about this latest offer . Guest i think this is the idea that you would extend the debt ceiling for six weeks but keep the Government Shutdown is something that ted cruz and Heritage Action and some of the ,onservative bloggers have said we will keep fighting obamacare over the budget and wont have this risk of default. It has been something they can countenance. The whole up with enchilada where the government is reopened for at least five or six weeks and the debt ceiling is extended for at least five or six weeks. November 22 is the date we are hearing. Obamacare is not really part of the discussions. Thing thee of the appropriations chairman toles when he came back from the meeting in the white house. Obamacare wasnt a big part of the discussions. Understanding that the president is not going to keep on that issue. Have understood that for months. That is why they try to get their members to not have the ation they kind of got railroaded into demanding. Gy of will wait and watch and see. Thank you for your time. In at 9 a. M. Eastern time on cspan. The senate is in as well over on cspan2. Go to our website to find out our coverage of all of the events happening here in washington today. On twitter what is your take on this . Paul is a republican in tennessee. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. Shot ake to give a shout out to the fisher group for stepping in and doing what obama couldnt or wouldnt do. I believe this man is trying to rip us apart from the very seems that were put together he would not spy on americans like ocean it, right yet though she wouldnt bring like what did it right . Like bush did, right . Now the Muslim Brotherhood of egypt, we send 500 million to them and everything is ok. Republicans we know what the democrats are up to. They have two games, blame and race. They are already blaming us. Before long it will be throwing that race card at us. That is why the republicans are not catching the fire. Become the cans out here know the democrats are up to. Republicans out here know the democrats are up to. If it had been me, i would not the splintd obama off the end of my fingertips. He has absolutely turned his back on us. He said he would not negotiate on a failed policy that is going to force americans to buy Health Insurance. Fi do we have soldiers ghting for freedom when this man is not going to fight for story the stock market reacting yesterday to republicans on how site meeting with the president , coming out of that meeting and talking in positive tones. , stocks wereacted sent soaring. Mike from georgia, democratic caller, hello. I am unsure because i am not a republican. [indiscernible] you are one of the most partisan moderators on the show. I might speak with an accent that i serve my country as well. Republicans, the first thing they want to say is wrapped themselves in the flag and act like they are a patriot. I serve my country, as well. I am proud of that. They are not the only ones whose opinion should rule the land. Theyre not the only americans. When you bend over backwards so much, because that is this president has done everything in his part to please the right to the absolute annoyance to those of us on the left. Finally maybe he has some backbone to stand up to this white to these rightwing extremists. If they dont get everything their way they are going to bring the foreign down paper this president has done everything to please them. They cost this shutdown. Host is the president standing up now . Lets move on. Michael from new york, independent caller. Caller you are a great host. Cspan is truly a national asset. And i senior professor have 250 students in my graduate class. I want to give you a quick observation of the discussion of the two hours yesterday. The Social Security pays, on average, 30 per day. At food stamps it is six dollars. You cannot even buy cheerios at that price. Obama a seven president oks a 250,000, for each soldier for one year in afghanistan, the war is lost and they want us out of there. Give does not even want to an increase to people on Social Security. My mother is on Social Security, she makes 872 per month. Is 829. She has no money to live on. Obama signs a budget, the 16 billion. We have enough armaments to destroy the entire world. Detroits 16to million bankruptcy, he gives them 200 million. We are 27th in taxes. Germany is number one. They pay their people on retirement Something Like 3000 a month. We rank 49th in health care. France all ofand eight years longer. They have government systems. The private system has brought us to a point where our Life Expectancy is 49th. Are the editorial boards weighing in on this latest from republicans to extend the debt ceiling for six weeks. The wall street journal says the New York Times also waiting in also waiting in eighing in usa today the opposing view written by a republican from florida lets go to john next, a republican caller. Caller i am ashamed of the leadership. I think boehner caves in every time. That doeslegislation not have a chance of passing because yes to deal with harry reid. Harry reid is due the president s wishes. He has got to get blame for anything that the democrats done democrats have done that people do not like. The president is behind all of this. He is the commander in chief. To bed he have to wait shown the derelict in his duties . He couldnt care less about the military. You saw that with benghazi. He did not lift a finger to save those guys that were fighting for their lives and a loud over 30 people to leave libya. The president is a villain. I would not give him a dam thing. Give him money when he has added 7 trillion to the National Debt in less than five years . That is like giving a kid a credit card with an unlimited amount. That is who he is. Host you and the previous republican caller, both angry with president obama over this. Latest upset with this from your own party, from House Speaker john boehner . Caller i dont care what he is doing. He is doing it he is not doing the right thing. I was there in the Senate Chambers and they treated me like a bum because i am 70 three years old and have white hair and i was wearing a Navy Baseball cap. They told me i could not sit in the front row. There were only a dozen people in the gallery at 5 00 in the morning when this filibuster started. Take notes, out to you could not take notes, they took your cell phone away. This is not america. This is more like the ussr. And speaking of the ussr, they have edward snowden, why isnt this country is so screwed up that we have to have a whistleblower stay in russia to be protected from this despondent president . He is a hateful guy. Everything he has done is out of spite. Host we understand where youre coming from. The caller mentioned House Speaker john boehner. Here is the hyatt a ohio dispatch. A tweet the two newspapers this morning featuring congressman paul ryan some are saying it was paul ryan a in negotiations with the president who reached out and said lets move forward, lets try to come to some sort of deal. E some sort of deal. Asked thewill be values at the values voter summit. A gathering of social ond serve is of consult of social conservatives. We are covering the values summit when other ebbers of congress are slated to talk. Live coverageite, on cspan three starting at 9 a. M. Eastern time. That is the roster for todays voter summit that is happening. Continues over the weekend. Tom from washington dc, democratic caller. Caller thank you for taking my call. Civics anymore, this is why Many Americans do not know what is going on. Is following congress through this whole thing knows that this should not be taking place. There should be a budget in place that would prevent a continuing resolution. We should not shut down government because of one group that decides it wants to take control on a government it does not have control on. I would like to bring up the point about cspans coverage last week. Unfortunately, its almost impossible to listen to the washington journal anymore because there is a group of evil that has taken control of the phone lines last week. They were calling and as democrats, as independents, and they were voicing the opinion of a radical rightwing conservative group. When one of the most important Democratic Institutions of america is able to be taking control of like it was last week , it really is a shame. I hope we can figure out a way that we can fill to the phone call so that people who actually are in these parties, who are anependent, can voice opinion on cspan and give honest and truthful ideas of what they consider to be a problem in washington dc. Forum. T is a town hall we do not have any sort of delay in our system. We are on the honor system. Youre calling up and telling us what party you are on. If there are violators, if people calling more often than we would like them to, we want you to wait 30 days before you call up again. We are able to see that. It is the honor system. We hope that people play by the rules as well. We hope you will call in on the party line you belong to so we can get an idea of what people think outside of washington. That is the whole point of the washington journal. We are letting you know what people are reading in the newspapers this morning and we get your take on outside the capital. Catherine is an independent caller. Concerning our National Debt and the u. S. Yearly budget, it would seem to it would seem there are two choices, raise the debt ceiling or cut spending. I think there is a nether issue of issue at play. There are thousands of nonprofits, environmental, political, educational, religious groups, offshore companies, none of which contribute to taxes sustaining our economy. To change. Who pays taxes and who doesnt pay taxes . We need to broaden the base of taxpayers. Why should taxpayers get an irs deduction for charitable contribution . I would like to know how other industrialized countries handle these issues of taxation. In other news this morning, front page of the detroit free press, another headline, courtesy of the museum in the Virginia Senate race color hear from the Washington Times senate race, here in the Washington Times on the other side of the newspaper is this on the bp trial, happening in new orleans, front page of the Houston Chronicle this is the case happening in texas. There is another trial happening in that oil leak case in new orleans. This from the companies and the markets section of the Financial Times this morning. Of the Financial Times this morning we are getting your take this morning on the latest on the budget impact. House republicans met with the president at the white house yesterday. They have pushed the idea of a shortterm, sixweek debt ceiling extension. No idea on whether or not the government remains closed during that time. Senate republicans are heading over to the white house today to meet with the president. We will see what they have to say. Cantor here is eric after yesterdays meeting with the president. Clarks [video clip] we had a very useful meeting. It clarified to both sides where we are. Our teams arewas going to be talking further tonight. We will have more discussions. The president said he will go and consult with the administration folks and hopefully we can see a way forward after that. Kathryn from gainesville, texas, what are your thoughts . I watched president obama on cspan on october 8 when he made his speech. He said the messy process of american democracy i do not appreciate that statement. This aually every term ministration has dismissed the ideal of negotiating with the opposition this administration has dismissed the with thef negotiating opposition. Resolutionontinuing on the floor of the house. It is not just the debt. It also has the obamacare in obamacare in their. Me, fore is affecting sure. I am 76 years old. It is changing everything about my medicine. My Insurance Company said it is a stepping stone to a one payer system. That is what obama wants. He will not negotiate. He is ruining and has ruined the character and morality of that country. Host democratic caller. Caller good morning. Our republican leader has stated he will not do business with this man. Right now things are not getting done. People are saying im going to let my caro but payment go bad. We cannot let any of our payments go bad. Both things are compromise will. Around and blame him for that, it is absolutely absurd. They need to work with them as a person. Theyre still getting paid to debate in my question is how why should they get debate why should they get paid to debate . Host you are referring to treasury secretary jack lew. Before testifying to a Senate Committee about the debt ceiling and what happened, many republicans are saying we do not have to default. We need to prioritize our debt. Heres what the secretary had to say. [video clip] i dont know how you could possibly choose between Social Security and veterans benefits. These are obligations we have made. We would not have the money to necessarily pay our troops in full. We would not have the money to pay our veterans the benefits in full. Our system was not designed to not pay our bills. Our systems were all designed to pay our bills. The legal issues are many. I did not know how you can make the decisions. I do not think the legal authorities are clear at all. I do not think the Administration Process would allow this to work. We write roughly 80 million checks per month. The systems are automated to pay because for 224 years the policy of every president is we have been paying our bills. Cap ecretary lou secretary jack liu testifying on capitol hill. He talked about how we pay our bills on this country. He had some interesting testimony on the Automated System and how to the kilt and how difficult it would be to reprogram the computers. In other news, on twitter, this story was lighting up this Nobel Committee has awarded the peace prize in 2013 as the latest this morning. That announcement are being made this morning. Here is from the associated s halley is a independent caller. How we is an independent caller howie is an independent caller. The problem lies not with the republicans or democrats but with the baby boom generation that has run this country into the ground over the last 25 years. As far as being on topic, so far as who is winning this thing, i remember when they pulled Saddam Hussein out of the rat toll in iraq. Right now i would say the republicans are Saddam Hussein and the democrats are the soldiers. This thing will get settled in the next couple of days. I think the republicans will cave. Tohave got to find a way reduce longterm, the entitlements and Social Security being number one. People retiring every day for the foreseeable future. I think we ought to raise raise the entire meant raise the retirement age. Host we will go to rusty, nashville tennessee. Caller good morning. Totally blame obama he is not our king, he is an elected person. He should have to deal with his own obamacare. The budget should not be raised. We, as individuals, need to he need to pay our bills. We cannot just print money. He printed six times the amount of cash flow that was out on the market. It appears he certainly intends to use every dollar of it. You dont give a key to a liquor store to an alcoholic. The debt should not be raised. He does not know how to control his spending. Tweet, echoing what you had to say terry in california, democratic caller. Caller good morning. I do not agree with kicking the can down the road and approving an extension for six weeks. Is embarrassing to watch the republicans continue to be obstructionists. The Health Care Act is law. Seeepublicans want to sections change they should go through the regular systems. They should do it that way rather than try to shut down the government. Their agenda was to make them a onetime president. They have done everything, including shutting down the government. The only reason they have made it so difficult for this president , who has tried everything to work with them, the only reason they have tried to make this president looks so bad is because they are trying to make it so that no matter what we will not elect president s that are African American again. A story tweeted out from the Associated Press wire yesterday usa today reporting this we sit down with the top democrat of the Foreign Affairs committee in the house for a newsmaker program, that airs on sunday at 10 a. M. Eastern time and 6 p. M. Eastern time. In the papers this morning on the Government Shutdown is this fullpage ad, taken out by in thes and this is New York Times this morning one of our producers got a cup which the starbucks employees had written on it come together. And independent caller come together. Dave, an independent caller. What are your thoughts . Caller i am a retired physician. When i was practicing back in 2008, this country was going through this fiscal crisis, i was talking with a farmer who pulled out an old wrinkled piece of paper. On its was written dont spend money you do not have. The next thing is that james was verya very important in forming our constitution. I cannot remember the quote entirely. He was saying if all men were angels there would be no need for government. If you do have government you need to have angels as your elected officials. The problem is taxation turns all angels and men. Host we will go on to a republican caller in texas. Good morning. Caller let me thank you for c span. It is a wonderful media. All my family in pennsylvania are democrats. They have been since the 30s. They still are. We have to get back to where our representatives are worried about their constituency and should face the almighty dollar the way they do. I understand they want to get reelected. I understand they make 174,000 per year. What a lot of people do not understand is each year our seniors to not get an automatic pay increase. Now there is an automatic increase of over 3000 given to anybody serving up there. Sort of represents the fact that what we need to do is get back to a maximum of two terms. Thank you for listening to me. On the National Park shuts shutdownstional park about 700,000 People Per Day would have been at the parks at this time per year this time of year and theyre losing 76 million in spending each day. Here is usa today. Usa today reporting that. Talks m debt that that fix talks have begun. A democrat from tennessee, what do you think . I am disabled and in the hospital right now. The question that keeps coming back to me is why when i discuss cuts and spending, why do they start from the bottom up . Why can we not start from the top down . I believe that the definition of insanity is keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. I think that is what were doing with our government. Think that the less fortunate should not be the scapegoat for our countrys spending problems. Host we will bring up those issues and others as we continue our conversation on day 11 of the Government Shutdown. We are going to talk to two members of congress coming up next, Leonard Lance, a republican of new jersey, and later George Miller, a democrat of california. We will be right back. Booktv is live in nashville for the southern festival of oaks. You can kick off the festival at 1 p. M. Eastern as we webcast the first day events first aid of events exclusively on c span. Org. Sundays coverage starts at one and includes panels on mental health, and justice in the jim crow south. The festival of books live on c span two and cspan2. Post your thoughts any time on our book club chat room, booktv. Org bookclub. Sheefore she was first lady taught at the Clarke Institute for the deaf. She talked about educating the needs of the disabled. Watch our program on first lady breaks coolidge first lady grace coolidge. We are at the Lou Henry Hoover house on the campus of stanford university. This was the primary residence of the hoovers. She was the one who designed it. She had such a strong grasp of design and how she wanted a house to look, you good though she was not an architect and we are lucky to have a lot of the original drawings, documents, and correspondence of how she wanted the house to look. Lou henrys influence came from her travels in the southwest the United States. It is a great legacy of lou henrys. She designed the house, she created it. It was inspired by her ideas and she had very close involvement in all aspects of the houses creation. Hoover on cspan and cspan three. Washington journal continues. Congressman Leonard Lance is here to take your questions and comments as we enter day 11 of the Government Shutdown. Possibly a deal insight. Let me show the viewers the Richmond Times dispatch. You on a possible six week extension . Would vote for that. I had anticipated that the white house would agree to that last might in the meeting that occurred between our leadership, Speaker Boehner, and the president and vice president. I understand that discussions are still ongoing. We heard from congressman paul ryan that he did not say yes but he did not say no. Does the government remained closed airing the sixweek extension . Guest i hope not. I want the government up and running as closely as soon as possible. I would like to think that the government might be up and running sometime next week. Perhaps that is optimistic but that is certainly my point of view. Regarding the debt ceiling issue, jay carney, the path jay carney, the press secretary, the president would agree to it. I certainly hope that is the case. Host if the president votes for a extension at the same time were you vote for a clean cr tied to a debt ceiling extension. Guest i would hope that the cr would contain medical device tax repeal. I am working with others on that aspect of the situation. That is bipartisan in nature. The proposal is authored by a democrat from wisconsin. This is attracting bipartisan support not only in the house but also in the United States senate. I know Susan Collins is working on it as well. If it does not include a medical device tax, explain why that is important to you. Does it keep the Government Shutdown . Keep thedo not want to Government Shutdown. If there were some sort of provisions available, i certainly would look at that. A medical device tax is very onerous to the people of the United States. It is a gross tax, it is not net profits. It is harmful to the medical device industry. I do not think we should be taxing pacemakers and other matters like that. United states senators have indicated they do not favor the medical device tax. An excellents negotiating point. Susan collins has a proposal working. It would open the government, extend the debt ceiling for six weeks the Washington Post close code reports post reportsgton hostguest i think that would bn excellent compromise. It is a direction in which we are moving, those of Us Associated with the proposal as i am. Think youru colleagues support this proposal . Aest we have not had discussion in our conference on that. I would advocate as forcefully as i could for it. I think it moves the ball forward and it does modify obamacare. Obamacare has been modified 19 times since it was originally enacted. A modification that was supported overwhelmingly by understood wehen had the opportunity and obligation to explain it to the American People. Word from leadership that you would come up from come up with some sort of plan . Perhaps there are ongoing discussions were the leadership might return to the white house. I do not know that yet. Might i suggest that it would not be inappropriate for the president to come up to capitol hill. I am currently reading a new biography by scott berg. Or is a wonderful biography by john milton to prayer from the university of wisconsin. Woodrow wilson came up to capitol hill to negotiate with congress. I dont think pennsylvania avenue is a oneway street. I would encourage the president to do that. Certainly i encourage the president to engage in negotiations. House democrats are meeting behind closed doors. Senate republicans are meeting with the president as well. The Washington Post says this are you ok with keeping sequestration in place until at least march . I am. I note that is a challenge but i think we need to reduce levels of federal spending. I think that is appropriate. Edna in tennessee, a republican caller, hello. Caller thank you for taking my call. I have a couple of remarks about obamacare. That will amend that will eliminate the care rl or that will eliminate the care our elderly will get. Be aovernment needs to small businessman. I dont spend, it. I dont buy a new record when i do not have the business to pay for. Correctly, this president has put us the per in debt anybody in the past. It doesnt matter if he is a democrat or republican, he needs to host thank you for your call to did it is always a pleasure to speak with somebody from tennessee. My wife and i met at vanderbilt while Vanderbilt Law School in nashville. I do think we spend too much money in the federal level. Our deficit is 700 billion. It has been as high over the last four years. It has been over 1 trillion in each of the other years of the first term of president obama. That is why i support paul ryans budget support paul ryans budget proposal. He is doing an excellent job at the moment. A need a glide path back to house budget. I am committed to working with others in congress to achieve that result. Thank you for your call. James from seattle, washington, a democratic caller. You are against immigration, youre against womens rights, [indiscernible] and theput a surplus in next year we give it all array all away. To the democrats come he have to stand strong if you want us to come out of this. This paul ryan budget of which andhave agreed to cuts gdp Discretionary Spending from 16 down to four percent. Government is in the bathtub. The government funding level is already a compromise by democrats. The number is way below what they wanted and what the president had wanted. Good i think that is a point. Inc. You for your question. The fact that there was a surplus. Thank you for your question. The fact that there was a surplus, i think the democrats should be giving credit. I think there should be bipartisan credit. I also agree with you that we should move in the direction of balancing the budget. I hope that we are able to do that. Onarding the points you made womens issues, i have voted against i voted for the proposals for the violence against women act. I believe we can move forward. I voted to make sure that women are paid equal amounts for equal work. To work in ave bipartisan capacity. You indicated that the president won the election, absolutely there is a republican majority. The majority of the house. We have to Work Together to achieve what is in the best interest of the American People. Host this on twitter. Guest i do not think so. I think it would lead to less economic activity. As economy is not as strong any of us would like. I did vote for the compromise at the beginning of the year that extends the bush tax cuts for 90 of tax filers. It did not extend the limited for the top 2 of filers. 98 ofs an extension for the tax filers. That has wrought in more revenue this year and our deficit is still too high. It is a lot better than 1. 4 trillion. Is next,s next mike independent caller. Caller i am a libertarian. In my view the republicans have failed to explain a context for the budget debate. What percent does the government levels, theall cost complying with regulations 54 of national income. Ask your colleagues what percent is acceptable . Their answer to that if they are forthcoming is going to be higher than 54 . They are going to be uncomfortable in answering that question. Context is decisive. If you can frame the debate in terms of what percent the government should take is a political winner. Thank you. Guest thank you. That is an excellent point. Widget base it on the context that we have to make sure we reform the cost drivers in the federal budget and paul ryan is attempting to do that. He had a wonderful oped piece in the wall street journal two mornings ago. Time, wext period of should begin to consider what congressman ryan is saying. We have to reform these programs that are the cross drivers in this economy and i am committed to do that. Host what have you heard about timers been ryans congressman ryans role . Guest i have not spoken with him this morning. He was at the white house yesterday. We have to make sure that Social Security and medicare are preserved for the next generation. Reforms were made and they worked for an entire generation and we have to reform those programs further and i think we can do that in a bipartisan way and congressman ryan is taking the lead on that. Host richard is next from minneapolis. Caller good morning. I have been voting republican for maybe 40 years. I think the sequester is good. On a local level, our governments are spending too much, especially the city of minneapolis. I believe the republicans should get away from paul ryan. He lost the election for you. He attacked Social Security. You cannot win elections the way he did it, attacking Social Security. That scared the hell out of people. The republicans now as a strategy, you are scaring the hell out of the Financial Markets and the rest of the world thinks we are nuts. Host who do you consider leaders of the Republican Party . Caller i would like to see donald trump run. The republicans forced bill clinton to give china a Free Trade Agreement that took a lot of our jobs. You could afford you would have more people paying into the government and you would have more of a based to pay some of the things. I do think the spending at the local levels are way out of control. Guest thank you for your question, richard. I agree with you that we should not engage in scare tactics with the Financial Markets either here or across the globe. I favor never defaulting on our debt and on any other of our financial obligations. Paying those with whom the federal government contracts. We have a legal and moral obligation to pay all of our bills and to pay our bills on time and to pay them fully. I think that is the essence of my being a republican. I believe we should pay our bills on time. You mentioned your support of donald trump for president. I would like to see Chris Christie for a candidate in 2016 for president. He is up for reelection and i think he will win on tuesday, november 5. Theuld urge him to seek republican nomination for president. Bring toe would washington the type of negotiating skills that would move the country forward. Host sounds like governor christie is your guide for 2016 is your guy. Guest absolutely. Host you might be a little biased. Guest i think he would be an excellent president. Host an email from one of our viewers. Guest it was included because taxes, medical devices it is a gross tax and not on net profits. I would point to the person who 79mented on this tax that members of the senate have indicated they are in opposition. It is very bipartisan in opposition to it. I do think our proposal to make sure those of us on capitol hill and the white house comply with going into the exchanges is something the American People overwhelmingly believe we should do. I do not think that is inappropriate at all. On the individual mandate, we had suggested to not go into effect for a year. The white house has given big business and exemption for a year. The legislation has already been modified or suspended in 19 cases. I think the medical device repeal is a white forward. Host another email. Guest i agree with that. I would like to see an extension longer than six months. Regarding the debt ceiling perhaps until the end of 2014. Regarding a continuing resolution, six months or a year would be fine with me. I think some democrats would be objecting to that. Host arnold from tennessee, democratic caller. Caller good morning, sir. White. Is Arnold Joseph i live in smyrna, tennessee. I would like to invite you to read a book that i have online that is free. The website is love god islove. Org. Is a church story. It is a true story. I think the only hope is a simple word, it is love. Love is the answer. Is the only thing that is going to get us out of the situation. Like to inviteld you to read my book. God and god is love. Guest let me say that i agree with you that god should be an important part of our lives. Washington to be moderate in how i speak about other members of congress and how i speak about the administration. I think we should all aim toward working together. That doesnt mean we have to violate our fundamental principles regarding our positions on public policy. I expect congress as an institution. I respect the presidency as an institution. I think we have to do a better job of working together and lower the temperature, the heated rhetoric is inappropriate and we should all be conscious of the fact that we represent the American People. Host starbucks has been weighing in on policy debates in washington. They have a fullpage ad in todays the New York Times saying washington needs to come together. They are writing come together, and heres what it looks like with the words come together on it. Don, you are on the air. Go ahead, don. Caller good morning. Iery senator and congressman have ever seen on cspan has said Social Security is solvent. Bernie sanders yesterday said there are so many millions in the trust fund and we can pay the recipients for the next few years. Man edward say if we do not increase the debt ceiling, Social Security will not be paid out. Will use plain how that works . Will you explain how that works . Guest i am confident Social Security will be paid. Regarding the solvency of Social Security, i think we have to reaffirm reform it long time. Senior citizens will be receiving Social Security checks as the years go on. I want to make sure those who come after Senior Citizens and young people will receive their Social Security. It was reform by president reagan and tip oneill. And i think it can be reformed again to make sure he continues to exist for future generations. Host what about the republican strategy so far . The government has been shut down. We are in day 11. A could continue if the republicans stick to their stand. But the government remains closed. Is that a Winning Strategy . Guest i want the government to open up as quickly as possible. The proposal but Speaker Boehner relates to the debt ceiling. I hope there are discussions this weekend about opening the government. Host how does it all work . Guest i hope it happens today and tomorrow. I do not want to continue the shut down. I think it is detrimental to the American People. Host the house in at 9 00 a. M. This morning. Watch here on cspan. They will be in over the weekend. The house will be in next week. Chuck in ohio. Caller hello. Good morning. I am a republican. I am a very upset with the Republican Party. They get paid to do a job and they are not doing it. Work, im supposed to get paid. These guys are going into work and doing nothing. You talk about entitlements. Your pension is an entitlement. Why dont we do away with that. Youre supposed to have another break . Youre not there have to the time. When are you going to do something . Guest i am working as hard as i can so that we do not default on our debt. I am working to make sure the government reopens. I think that we should be working 100 of the time. We will be working this weekend, as we were working last weekend. We will not be in our districts this coming weekend. We will be here. I intend to work as long and as hard as im able to do so to make sure we do not default on our obligations. Host i want to get your reaction to what harry reid had to say after he met with president obama yesterday. This is after the republicans floated the idea about the six week extension of the debt ceiling. Here is the majority leader. [video clip] it has been clear you had a clear position, the president had a clear position that we need a clean cr. It was pretty clear earlier today. They want to negotiate before you reopen the government. Not going to happen. Host you heard it very clearly. Not going to happen. Guest i hope the majority leader changes his mind. The president would likely support the proposal of Speaker Boehner, according to jay carney. I hope they modify his views based on what was said at the white house. It is the proposal of Speaker Boehner. Host edward is next from maryland. Caller good morning. Span. Thankful for c i think it is a good thing we have here. I am very concerned as a scientist, ph. D. Scientist, democrat. Congressman lance, you are a breath of fresh air to the Republican Party. Republicansrty, the and the democrats so we can Work Together to lead this country and make sure we do not dive down into oblivion. The Clear Channel of this information across the country, they are blasting our system. They are harming our system. We are hitting our Senior Citizens, the women, the children, and all the people in the nation. The dollar is at risk. If we lose the power across the thed everybody uses dollar to trade. If we lose that, we can spin down and the nonexistent as a power. Host congressman . Guest i admire anyone who was achieve the level of ph. D. I agree that the world relies on our currency. I think it is preferable to any alternative. That is why i do not want to default on our debt. I mean not only Treasury Bill interest but also the regular payment that we make to those with whom we contract. I do not want to default on any aspect of our financial obligations. That is why Speaker Boehner has put forth his puzzle. A previous caller discussed six weeks. I would like it to be as long as possible. I think we need to have stability. I am strongly conservative fiscal republican. I believe in fiscal responsibility. We are americans first. Lets make sure we are conscious of that. The american nation is the greatest country on earth. I hope that we can continue our leadership across the globe. That will require responsibility here in washington. Host one last phone call from new york, independent caller, ej. Caller good morning. Good morning to you and mr. Lance. I want to let you know that i think medicare and Social Security should be left alone and it should not be part of a bargaining chip. It is automatically taken out of everybodys pay once a week, once every two weeks. This has been something that has been put away for us. There are so many people that are ablebodied workers that do not hate taxes into the system that collect medicaid. Ok . I lostwent disabled my right leg. I applied for medicaid. I was not approved for medicaid. Prescriptions and Doctors Office visits comes out of my pocket and i live on Social Security. Host i am running out of time with the congressman. Guest thank you, ej. We should root out any fraud that exists regarding medicare and Social Security. You are right that the American People pay into those programs. I want to make sure those programs are preserved. Duringas a reform president reagans era with tip oneill. Host congressman Leonard Lance represents the seventh district jersey. Sir, thank you for your time. Guest thank you very much. Host our conversation continues up next with democrat George Miller. We will be right back. The house has adjourned and the senate has adjourned. He comes across from the house over to the senate chamber. A perch or cain with a gold knob at the end. Preston books guest to sumner and says, mr. Sumner and he raises his cane. I have read your speech over twice. It is a libel against my state and my relatives. Brooks comes down on the top of his head. It would take Charles Sumner three years to recover from that beating and would take the country have a step closer to civil war. Part of a threeday Holiday Weekend on American History tv 3. Is weekend on cspan top nonfiction authors including ee dee meyers. Until i call my editor and say i would write a book and she said ok. All of us are subjected to judith taxes, being ignored tenets of taxes, being ignored by the liberal media. Were all in the same boat no matter what color we are and that is the real problem. Ofwe are marking 15 years booktv on cspan2. Washington journal continues. Host we want to welcome back congressman George Miller from california serving in his 20th term. We appreciate your time this morning. What is your take on the offer from the House Republicans for extending the debt ceiling for six weeks . Guest it is a beginning. It is an offer that i think is not going to be sufficient. The idea youre going to take this country and put us on the six week lease is inconsistent with our, role in the world both in the financial world and the international world. I think you weakened the country and you weakened the presidency and the secretary of state when youre in that situation. It is a beginning. We are happy to have that offer but i do not think it is significant for the needs of the country. Host you negotiate first and opened the government. What will democrats insist on . That i think the idea youre going to keep the government closed until you that an agreement, whether is the budget conference between the house and the senate of the appropriations numbers between the house and the senate, the idea to keep the government closed is not acceptable, and i think the president has made that clear. The democrats in the house and senate have made that clear. There is no need to keep the government closed if these are in fact good faith negotiations. We have negotiated in good faith and you get it done. You do not need to punish the people who work for the government. Some of the losses are starting to mount in critical areas of the government, Scientific Research and programs like that. Were you and others marching forward on a discharge position that would force the house to have a vote on this idea of opening the government, a socalled clean cr. Do you continue with that effort . Guest absolutely. There is been an approach that there can be no government opening until you clean up obamacare. We know there were somewhere between 25 and 30 republicans who say they want a clean funding resolution to open the government. We do not know where this is going to go. Keeping the government closed is not acceptable and it is growing in terms of the congress and the senate. Petitionwe will sign a and then it will be available for the republicans to sign. Againstbig list sort of your own leadership. At some point reason has to prevail. Group holding the government hostage and that is unacceptable. Beenis a tool that has used in the past to make sure a bipartisan majority cant express their will. Can express their will. Host how many times has a discharge petition been successful . Guest the leadership have brought that to the floor seven or eight times. In many cases they can see the handwriting on the wall. A discharge petition can be a powerful weapon in the hands of the democracy, of the members. Sometimes you are at odds with your leadership. This is a way to express that. This is an offer. Host Susan Collins is working with some democrats crafting a proposal that would raise the debt ceiling, opened the government but would require some concessions from democrats. It would include the repeal on the medical taxes and new Income Verification procedures for people who receive tax subsidies insurance onealth the exchanges. Could you vote for that . Guest no. We want to review the sequestration and see where were going for the next year. You only to the people in the it to the yo uou owe people and the military. The medical device how are you going to pay for that . How are you going to pay for that . I think it is in play. There are other versions in the senate. Well have to wait and see. There are probably seven or eight plans to open the government. They have clearly lost their patience with the idea that they are being held hostage by this extreme approach. An do is nothing you ca before you repeal obamacare. Host Senate Republicans will be meeting with the white house later today. First for up congressman miller. Caller good morning. I am sorry to say my employment has been delayed. I am a Telecommunications Engineer and i am set to work a contract in afghanistan. Every civilian who works in afghanistan has to have a military issue id card. And you leave your residence and ofto a camp outside indianapolis and spend a week there, give them your paperwork and then you get on a plane and go to afghanistan. I was hired and went to the camp and went in on the first day to do my processing and they said we are sorry we cannot give you your id card. The individual is not working because of the shutdown. I have to turn around and fly back to my residence. I am sitting on my couch while there is work to be done for National Security. You are going to see more of this. People are supposed to be working in National Security and health care and Cancer Research because one bureaucrat is furloughed, the whole thing stops and it is going to snowball. Guest i could not agree with you more. Members of congress from time to time are very cavalier about this idea. The government does not do anything anyway. The government does do a lot of things and it enables people to do things. Whether it is to allow you to go to afghanistan or a scientist working for medical research or whether it is a schoolteacher that is funded under title one funding. These kinds of approaches all right denial of the role of government. We can argue over the size and efficiency of government. You have this suggestion that some out this is a foolish decision. We know some of this is about security, about who you are. Are you a chested individual . Trusted individual . People are not on the jobs in terms of the immigration service. The cavalier notion that you can keep the government closed and that some out we would keep the government closed for another six weeks or five months while we negotiate the budget Long Term Agreement is just unworkable. I am sorry you have had to have this kind of hardship in the interest of our nation. Host next from new mexico, democratic caller. Caller good morning. Thank you for taking my call. This is very much affecting my state. We dont have a number of the unemployed but there are many contractors that have been laid losfrom loss alamosa alamos. We are right at the day this week when many actual Government Employees will be leaving our government lab. We are raising a white flag and saying we are not the leading nation to look to for innovation because that is what is going to spur the economy to the next level. Remember the pc and the iphone with the next big thing. I am shocked and appalled and health care is not the issue. The republicans are greedy. They do not care for anyone but their own Bank Accounts and their own selves. Guest my district is right next to the livermore anlab. These are some of the most important assets we have as a nation. It leads to jobs and economic growth. Iny also do basic Research Terms of our National Security. The idea that you can shut them down and it doesnt make a difference it makes a huge difference. Integrity ofthe the research if you cannot attend to it in real time on an ongoing basis. This is thousands and thousands of jobs in new mexico and california around these labs in the government sector and much of this work is done by the private sector on a contract basis. It brings together people from corporations around the world to engage in this research. All of this has crippled because you decide it does not make any difference to shut down a government. It makes a huge difference, to the economy and the future to have the Government Shutdown in such an arbitrary manner and it should not be allowed to continue. Host this is from the wall street journal this morning. Guest well, yes and no. In some states it is going rather well. There are clinches. Glitches. Are i would say your stock would go share on wall street. We are going to work every day. The government has supplied additional people. The wait time are getting reduce. We have to make sure it is a clear shot to be able to secure health care that they cant afford. That is just the process. We have not tried anything like this since Social Security or medicare where you open enrollment to a nationwide consistency. Tweet. E have a guest he knows the answer already. Yes, i have been briefed in california, including by a number of the competitors in the private sector that are offering insurance. I would say they are encouraged by the number of people who are enrolling and how the rollers are playing out across the competitors that have offered Health Insurance in california through the exchanges. Host are they on track in california . Guest we have such huge demand on opening day. We are working through that. All the information we are getting back is Getting Better and the late times are dropping dramatically. Host referring to healthcare. Gov. Guest i am also talking about the california exchanges. We have our own staterun exchanges. The federal government was caught offguard by the states that were not going to participate. This is not an active effort to obstruct. That was the hostage the tea party was holding. You see the support for that waning dramatically. Host so the staterun exchanges are doing better . Guest kentucky is doing well from day one. Host we will go to pat. Caller good morning. I want to share a remedy that will prevent future shutdowns. It does not leave the American People in the hands of anyone with any agendas. There was a clip of nafta and netanyahu. If the representative could not agree on a budget then a budget is automatically put into place that is 112 of the previous years budget for the first month and this goes on for the second and third month. If they still have not gotten to an agreement by the sixth month come they go to elections automatically. Host what about the idea . Guest that may work for the israeli government. It is a different size than the United States. We have talked about these automatic things. Automatic does not necessarily work well. We have had automatic sequestrations. Automatic cuts in the military. We cannot sustain our military if the cuts continue. We are elected to do a job. You make your best offer and be candid with the people across the table from you and you work out your differences. That has been my history. Reform underion george bush. I was not a big fan of george had an but i felt we obligation and that is how this process if you start taking hostages, you take the budget process hostage. We have had budget resolutions since march waiting and trying to go to conference. They refused to go to conference. This is a budget you past. Go hammer it out. That is the process. I need a guarantee before i go in the room. That is not a democracy. We all represent different regions of the country. Different philosophical approaches. You bring those to the table. You got to be able to listen to the other person and know where you can move and make concessions to make it work. I have seen more automatic ideas that you can turn on and turn off if congress does not do its job. The real accountant is the elections. People can then express their views on how the representative did or did not do. I think youre seeing that playing with a changing view in the house with senators on both parties who have been irritated over the past 10 days may be coming together and leading the way on some of this. That election out there will be to years is a sober reminder do your job for the people you represent. Host the polls showing republicans are bearing the brunt of this Government Shutdown. A says on twitter guest we must negotiate with them. The conditions under which we negotiate are important. We will not negotiate while the government is shut down. I appreciate they think that gives them great leverage. It does great harm to the country. You cannot start negotiations with the idea that you do not have to give up anything. You have to figure what works. This is not a football game. That is the final score and that is over. Today you win. Tomorrow somebody tries to modify it. That is the dynamics of a democracy. A democracy is a little messy. A dictatorship is pretty neatly packed. A corrupt government is neatly packed. A democracy is a tough thing to do because everybody has a vote. They have their say. Members of congress represent one district. You have to pull that together. That is what leaders are supposed to do. The process was hijacked since the election by the tea party with a completely unattainable goal that the president would disavow, repeal the Affordable Care act before they would discuss the needs of our country. It was completely unsustainable and what you see in the polls is collapse. The rest of the country is repudiating it. The only good thing is increase the and this their to get these negotiations going. Circumstances in terms of the feelings of the tontry have moved the party get the negotiations going. That is part of a democracy. Host front page of the wall street journal does show the president is getting blamed for the Government Shutdown, as well. There is some blame for the president and the democrats. If republicans say we will open the government and we will extend the debt ceiling for six weeks, what would you give in return at that point . Guest why would i say that now. Politics is not a mindless game. Right now we know negotiations are underway and have been throughout the night between the administration and the congress. Intends negotiations going on in the senate and some in the house. The idea, the president has made very clear. We are not going to negotiate with the idea that you can negotiate on the debt limit, that some out you can hold the full faith and credit of the United States hostage why you get what you want. You are supposed to report a budget. We did not do it all the time when we were in charge and republicans have not do that when they were in charge. We have asked 20 times to go to conference on the budget and they refused. Now paul ryan says he wants to take the republican budget, the house budget and meet with the senate. This is all encouraging. Host House Democrats are meeting this morning behind closed doors at 10 a clock eastern time. What advice would you give to your fellow members on Going Forward . Guest we now have a political opening. Previous administration of the republicans in the house has been discredited within their own party. The reason were doing this petition to open the government is we know between 20 and 25 members of the Republican Caucus and put a clean funding vote. Tion on the this is a real opportunity. Democrats have to be part of that opportunity. They are not going to go in the negotiations with the government remaining closed. There is no reason to inflict that pain on our economy and the people on the receiving services from the government. Host we have a tweet. Guest they are not going away absolutely. That is not what i said. They have lost their grip on this issue. Is harmful to continue the idea that youll harm the full faith and credit to the United States because youre not getting your way on obamacare. Maybe youre hold your breath until you turn blue in your family. This is about the government of the United States. They are talking about they will be more robust. They have a huge amount of money, most of it secret. They are threatening members of the Republican Caucus with primaries. They are worried about these primaries. That is the tool of the tea party. Whether that allows them to continue or whether it is a growth factor, that is the genius of the american democracy. I do not get to make those determinations. That people will make those determinations. That is our system. It is great. Host lets hear from philip. Caller hello. Hello . Shutdown guest yes. Caller go ahead with obamacare. That is going to have another bite of that apple. Changed the law. Down. T hurt from the top raise the debt ceiling. Every member of Congress Lose 10,000 of pay. I think everybody will start working together for the better of the country. Guest that is an idea, philip. Those role excuses for congress not doing its job. We got elected and campaign about how we can get a job in washington. Recognizing the wide philosophical differences between the tea party and the Republican Party, we still have an obligation to get our job done. You cant withhold all the pay and still not get the job done. I do not think that is good for the country. We have to understand our obligations here. People have simplified it doesnt mean anything if the government is shut down. Oh, yes, it does. These things are important to running the country. We can debate these projects and make sure they are working and efficient and are costefficient for the taxpayers. It is the denial of American History. There is a new book that points out that in the iphone that so when people love, the seven major features that allow the iphone to function in the manner it does it was al long way from the market. The government plays an important role. Not a perfect role. It can be modified. Hitting people with a sledgehammer, we just do not do that. It has not been productive for the country. Thank you for the question. Host we have less than 10 minutes before the house comes into session. They will be in an hour early this morning. Our guest, congressman george. Iller, th democratic caller. Caller hi. With obamacare, i do agree everybody should have obamacare. I am fully agreed on that. I feel that they should try to reevaluate people on Social Security. People on high, high Social Security in ohio and west virginia. There is a lot of people that i know that can work. Ate inband has a metal pl his head and he is a construction worker. Host are you talking about disability fraud . Caller yes. Guest inside of the Affordable Care act, known as obamacare, there are increased provisions on fraud and abuse. This administration under these new powers has brought about a record amount of penalties, billions of dollars in fraud that has been recovered. We had some bad Business Practices in people trying to cheat the system in terms of getting benefits when they were not entitled to it and then contractors trying to sell goods and services and they were fraudulent systems. Ilkingere building b 60 billion a year in medicare. The administration we gave them additional authority. Prosecuting fraud is rising dramatically. When you have medicare or Social Security, is there for the benefit of the nation now for people to defraud the program and engaged in illegal activity. We have to be vigilant about that. That is our obligation as members of congress. Thank you. You raise an important issue. Host for leisure from texas felicia. Caller good morning. I have issues with democrats and republicans. Like theyre not going to be heard. There will be any room for negotiations if they let the shutdown stop. I am not for the shutdown. There has to be some common sense within our representatives. Common sense is not very common anymore. We have to stop worrying about the parties as far as the rich and lobbyists and start warring entitlementsr and and the all or nothing scales and come together because it is going to be difficult. We are going to have to roll up our sleeves like we did when we made this country and built this country from the ground up. Guest i couldnt agree with you more. When we do not do our job and doing my job does not mean i get everything i want the way i wanted. This is a big, diverse country. When we do not do our job, we make life more painful and difficult for millions and millions of americans and millions of american businesses. They want to be able to count on the future. They want to be able to look at the direction the economy is going, the opportunities that are presented. That is our obligation. That is the mandate to do our job. When we do not, it is not without consequences. It spills over almost immediately. There are contractors and not a Government Employee but the Government Employee theyre working on the gentlemen talk about going to afghanistan. He cannot carry out the mission. He is not a Government Employee but he has been harmed by that. That is what we have to think before we shut down the government or say we do not need the full faith and credit of the United States. That is an interesting point of view but not very helpful and turns out to be harmful to average citizens and businesses. Host youre just talking about the har introduced is why we the petition to open up government. That would give a Bipartisan Coalition a chance to cast a vote. Otherwise we cannot get that vote. Very difficult to do. Sometimes you have to stand up and do what is right. I think what were seeing is the country is putting a premium on that. That is reflected in the polls that is starting to reflect a movement taking place in the house and the senate and the administration. In some way this is all sort of encouraging. President met with the only this week, House Democrats did. Guest i did not have words with the president. We had newer members ask questions of the president. He took the position he would not negotiate with a gun to his head. He thought it was unfair and thought that was a precondition. The debt limit is even more threatening in terms of job creation. You simply cannot negotiate on the debt limit. It is ruinous to the economy. I think people discovered that was a fact and they see it reflected more and more in the markets. He was very strong in that meeting. Host are democrats split on the debt ceiling, whether it needs to be longterm or shortterm . Others are open to a shorter deal. Guest i think you want s as long of an extension as you can. Six weeks sounds like a long time to an american family. To other people, six weeks vacation would be a lifetime. And congress, this is a tough democratic system. Six weeks is a short period of time. We should not be jumping from debt limit to debt limit. Host can you get a deal done in six weeks . Guest i would hope so. But i do not know the limitations on the deal. Host congressman George Miller is the top democrat on the education and Workforce Committee and in his 20th term. We want to thank you for talking with our viewers this morning. The house is coming early this morning, nona clock a. M. 9 00 a. M. We will bring you live coverage on cspan. Thank you for watching today. Enjoy your weekend. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers room, washington, d. C. , october 11, 2013. I hereby appoint the honorable doug collins to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, john a. Bane he shall, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the prayer will be offered by the chaplain, father

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