The speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 357 the nays are 0. 2 3 being in the affirmative affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 the chair will postpone further proceedings today on additional motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered. Or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20. Any recorded votes on postponed questions will be taken later. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I move to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5978 as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5978, a bill tie mend title 14 United States code to clarify the function of the chief acquisition officer of the coast guard and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from california, mr. Hunter, and the gentleman from california, mr. Garamendi, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Hunter. Mr. Hunter i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks an include extraneous material on h. R. 5978. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Hunter thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Hunter before we talk about h. R. 597 , id like to talk about what is not in this bill which is probably one of the most porn things that it is my duty and mr. Garamendis duty and the coast forwards duty to get done, to build a polar ice breaker breaker. Let me tell you why theres no polar ice breaker language in this bill. Because the c. B. O. Couldnt get their act together in time to score this one way or another. So again, this body is held ransom by the Congressional Budget Office not scoring something one way or another, whether its good to go or not. The reason its so important that we have more polar ice breakers and that we included the language that passed the Transportation Committee last week is this. We do not have 247 poe lohr polar ice break, 365day polar ice breaking ability for the arctic. The russians have over 40 polar ice breakers. Over 40. Some of which are even nuclear. China has got more than 20 now. The United States only has one thats capable of crushing heavy ice and even thats not available 247, 365. The high latitude Region Mission analysis revealed the following coast guard readiness, marine waterways and security in the arctic were sig cabotly impacted by the gap in this mission performance. This is these gaps and the knowledge that when the polar star reaches the end of its extended service life well have a period where the coast guard doesnt have a heavy ice breaker at all, let alone what it has now which is limited capability in the arctic. Progress is being made on the acquisition front. Mr. Garamendi and i and the Transportation Committee granted the coast guard the capability to do block buy which is what the navy has, where you can purchase more than one vessel at a time which saves billions of dollars. We also gave them the ability to have lead time material which means they can buy the terrell base in advance which would save tens of millions of dollars. They have the coast guard now has this ability for the f. R. C. And the o. P. C. We want them to have it for the ice breaker as well but because of the c. B. O. Not scoring this, we werent able to get the language in. Heres the specific language hat is missing from h. R. 5978. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman will suspend. The house is not in order. If members would please take their conversations from the floor. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Hunter thank you, mr. Speaker. The commandant of the coast guard, subject to the availability of amounts specifically provided in advance and subsequent appropriations act may enter into a contract for the acquisition of no less than three heavy polar ice breakers and may enter into a contract for acquisition of additional polar ice breakers, except that the total number of ice breakers acquired under this subsection may not exceed six. Were talking about three, right now we have one. Such acquisitions may be made through block buy contracts, may be incrementally funded, may include combined purchases, also known as economic or quantity purchases of materials and components and long lead time materials and may include advance construction funding. This is what the navy has for every ship they make. His is one reason we created a joint Program Office between the coast guard and the navy so that the navy can push the coast guard to do the right thing. The navy let it be said at the best, the coast guard, excuse me, has been dragging their feet an acquires these ice breakers. Theyve been pushing back against Congress Every inch of the way on this. In my point of view, this is just like u. A. V. s. The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles we have now. Preddors predators and the like. Congress earmarked those because the air force did not want pilotless airplanes because then youd have to get rid of pilots. The air force pushed back day and night in the late 1990s and this congress earmarked predator drones. Thats why we have predator drones this emil tear pushed back against mine resistance ambush protected vehicles, m rap vehicles which have mrap vehicles which have saved thousands of lives in iraq and afghanistan, pushed by congress, not the military. Congress is able to see things outside the box which the coast guard cannot in this case. With that, id like to yield to my good friend, the gentleman from california, mr. Garamendi. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves this egentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Garamendi thank you. The gentleman from california, mr. Hunter, has been an extraordinary leader on trying to address a critical need that the United States has. The arctic ocean is opening. Theres not only a Northwest Passage, theres a Northeast Passage and this year, just a couple of weeks ago, less than two weeks ago, a cruise ship passed through the Northwest Passage without the aid of an icebreaker. We absolutely have to have a polar ice breaker. As the chairman said, we have one ice breaker today. And it is going to go in for overhaul. When it does, we have no heavy ice breaker either for the north pole or the south pole. Were in trouble. We have to have this. The u. S. Navy has to have it. U. S. Security has to have it. And certainly for the commerce in the arctic we have to have it. Its a reality. The arctic ocean is opening. Commerce will take place. And it will also need military availability in that area. The legislation that is before us today does not have the proper language in it because of c. B. O. Sitting on their duff, sitting over there and doodling numbers when we know we need this language. The Senate Appropriations bill has a billion dollars for ice breakers. But there isnt a there is no authorization. Without the language in the bill, unfortunately, strog strip it up because of our rules here, we had to strip the language out. Not later, we hope to now later, we hope to put the language back in. But its not there today. We have to have this. We go back, meeting after meeting, hearing after hearing, year avenue year, four or five years we have be weve been working on this, then at the last moment c. B. O. Cant get its act together. Im sorry, c. B. O. , we ought to waive the rules and get on with what we need to do, to provide the authorization. The language the chairman has worked out with me and with others would not only provide the authorization, but would do it in such a way as to give us the very best possible financial deal on the construction of ice breakers. That is a block buy. And also authorizing, should the money be available in the future, authorizing an additional three lighter ice breakers beyond the three heavy ice breakers. Not to say were going to build it all at once but the authorization is in the law. That then allows the coast guard to properly line it up for the very best deal we can get. Maybe one at a time, maybe two or three other a five or 10year period of time. Unfortunately, that language had to be stripped out. So when the chairman started his explanation of this bill , he did so to call all of our attention to what is not in the bill that should have been in the bill, but for c. B. O. And the rules that we have that require us to have c. B. O. s accounting before we move an authorization. Thats where we are today. Unfortunately, its where we are. So were going to move this bill along. Well probably, hopefully come back before this session is over in the lame duck and write this thing properly. Unfortunately today were not there. Theres more to be said about the rest of the bill but at this time, i yield back to the chairman and thank him for his good work. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Hunter i thank the gentleman. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Now were going to get back to h. R. 59 8, a very good bill in and of itself. But once again, it doesnt have the language we tried to get in it. H. R. 59 , the coast guard maritime crppings amendments act of 2016 is a catch all bill that addresses a number of different coast forward and Maritime Transportation issue. The bill involved improvements to the coast guard acquisition authorities to ensure the acquisition programs, keeps in mind the needs of the coast guard operating units when acquiring assets this provision also requires an analysis on the use of multiyear procurement and block buy authorities related to the purchase of Fast Response cutters, offshore patrol cutters and polar ice breakers. But just a report, we already know from watching the navy do, you know, business from the last few decades of block buys, save hundred of millions of dollars. At the request of the g. A. O. , the bill repools the g. A. O. Report regarding disbursements from the Oil Spill Liability trust fund, the information collected by g. A. O. Will be incorporated into an existing coast guard report. Due to certain recent weather events affecting the coast forward pier in wilmington, north carolina, the coast guard is required to issue a onetime report to detail how to to maintain the pier. Theres a if the service does not issue the program by january 1, 2017 which is hopefully the case, which the bill would provide a threeyear window for industry compliance from the kate the coast guard issues the program. Its been a longterm interest for many, including Ranking Member garamendi, who has been instrumental and i would say more instrumental than myself, frankly , in preparing the language including in this legislation that there be a reliable landbased positioning navigation and timing system to complement, supplement and back up our tpwhrobal positioning system that we now use. The g. P. S. Weve all seen what the chinese can do now in knocking down satellites. If our g. P. S. Goes out, theres no other way for us to fwave fate navigate the oceans or the land. The new system does this. To ensure the continuous availability of noncorrupted signals for military and civilian users. The bill instructs the coast guard to build and maintain such a backup system. Aids to navigation allow vessels to safely navigate waterways. It would allow the commandant, subject to appropriations, to reimburse a nonfederal entity for costs incursed by the entity to construction and establish an aid to navigation that would otherwise be constructed by the coast guard. Specific conditions for reimbursement are outlined, reimbursements for a single project are limited to 5 million and the authority expires four years after the date of enactment of the bill. There are concerns with the coast guards western alaska captain of the port zone approving alternate planning criteria for areas covering only a portion of the zone. This would create two adjacent areas with different level of prevention and response preparedness. This bill requires public otice, lastly, the bill makes a variety of technical changes, two provisions in enacted authorization acts. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Garamendi thank you, mr. Speaker, i reserve what time i might take here and also ask that my comments be amended as necessary. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Garamendi i want to join chairman hunter in strong support for the legislation and to advance this new policy initiatives to improve the oversight of the coast guard and major acquisition programs and to advance the safety and security of the u. S. Maritime industry. The coast guard Maritime Transportation act is a bipartisan legislation. We talked about the provisions that are not in the bill and ill try to talk about those in the bill. Preserves the robust support from both members from both sides of the aisle. Mr. Hunter, i thank you for your support of the coast guard and the work we are able to do together with the members of the committee. Great significance this , the ation will address fact that g. P. S. , Global Positioning system has been identified for nearly 20 years as the single point with serious implications for our National Security and economy. I know we are not able to use these little machines called cell phones on the floor, but if we could, they are totally reliant on g. P. S. Go down to the a. T. M. And will not work without g. P. S. Our systems of navigation including such things as positive train control, totally dependent upon g. P. S. Wall street, totally dependent upon g. P. S. Iming, andahalf gation and countries have backup. Why are they building a landbased backup to g. P. S. . They know if theres trouble the first thing thats going to disappear is g. P. S. Right now, g. P. S. Can be knocked out by somebody driving down the freeway with 18wheeler and using an antiradar device. You might ask what happened at the newark airport. G. P. S. Was knocked out by someone on route 95. It is a weak signal and extraordinarily important signal. This provides for a backup system and we have go round and round the bush i guess thats the right thing without no action. This bill would push this forward to give us an opportunity to establish a backup system, which is actually very old, but will be updated with the enhanced loran system dating back to the 1940s, which was the first navigational system we built in the United States. Much of the system is already available. Tours and location. This would authorize a Public Private partnership. I wont go into it anymore but high time we get on with this. The chairman laid out how its going to be done in his talk and hopefully we can finally get this under way. There are many, many other pieces that are in this legislation. We talked a little bit about the coast guard icebreakers. We do have a study. Oh my goodness, another study. Best we could do at the moment that the chairman and i talked about what we would like to do. We have to do it and hopefully we will. There are other things in the bill that the chairman has described and wont go into them in my more detail but in my written statement, it will be covered. One more thing, the backup to g. P. S. , i would like to introduce in the record about 15 years of studies by federal Government Agencies that all say weve got to have a backup system and the eloran is the best. And i ask these documents be entered into the record the speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Garamendi shall we continue on and say lets pass the bill. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california yields back. The gentleman from california is recognized. Hunt hunt i yield three minutes to mr. Farenthold. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Farenthold i rise in support of this bill. There are a lot of good things in it for the nation. As a former computer technician there is nothing worse than a single point of failure. Eloran is a must have. We can talk about whats not in the bill as well. But i want to talk about a section that is important to the district i represent. Section 202 grants the authority for the coast guard to reimburse nonfederal entities for the cost of navigation. These projects can move forward in a timely fashion. We are aware of how slow the government can be especially when it comes to funding projects. So we are coming up with a way to work with nonfederal partners to improve the safety of our navigation system. The nonfederal partners put in the equipment up to coast guard standards with coast guard approval and get it down now and when the coast guard gets the money and the red tape moves through the procedure, they can get reimbursed while mariners enjoy the enhanced safety and the parts enjoy the enhanced Economic Activity to traverse channels. Its safety and good for the economy. In fact, one of the problems that brought this to my attention was when there was a project in corpus cristy, somehow the age to navigation never got built even though the channel has been dredged. The pilots say it is unsafe to use in lowlight conditions. Well, the port is willing to pony up the money today and the coast guard said we will give it back. This piece of legislation allows that to happen. Along with other pieces of this legislation, something we need to pass and i urge my colleagues to get her done. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Mr. Hunter i yield back. We have no more speakers. I will conclude and yield myself the balance of my time. We need polar ice breakers. This body is going to push mr. Garamendi and i are going to push and push until we have polar ice breakers and we have at least 1 40th the capability of russia. That is a pretty low bar we are setting for ourselves but we are going to set it right now right here in this body. Lets have 1 40th the capability of russia. Build those polar ice breakers. And with that, i urge all members to support h. R. 5978 and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 5978 as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from indiana seek recognition . Mrs. Brooks i move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 5509. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk a bill to name the department of Veterans Affairs temporary lodging facility in indianapolis, indiana as the dr. Otis bowen veteranouse. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the house, mrs. Brooks and the gentleman from california, mr. Takano, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from indiana. Mrs. Brooks i ask unanimous consent that members have five legislative days to revise and stepped their remarks and insert extraneous materials on the bill the speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Brooks i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Brooks i rise in support h. R. 5509 which will rename the home for families of veterans undergoing medical treatment in indianapolis as the dr. Otis bowen veteran house. This is the least we can do to repay an individual who gave so much of himself to serving our nation and providing care to his neighbors as a family physician and supporting our veterans. Dr. Bowen was born and raised in indiana and received his bachelors and medical agree from indiana university. As a newly minuted doctor, d omp c as he became known, served in the u. S. Army from 1943 to 1946. During his service in world war ii, he bravely attended wounded servicemen during the first wave ofal lied troops in japan. Dr. Serving his country, bowen came home and set up a medical practice. During his 26 years of private practice, he delivered over 3,000 babies in a town with a population of just over 4,500 people. It was during this time he also became involved with indiana politics, rising all the way from local coroner to speaker of the Indiana House of representatives and eventually one of our states most popular governors, he won the trust and respect of hoosiers with his bedside manner. He drew upon his war experiences as a combat physician to improve Health Care Services in indiana by pioneering a statewide Emergency Medical Services system. Upon leaving office in 1981, dr. Bowen served as a professor of medicine at the i. U. Med center in indianapolis. He returned to Public Service in 1985 when he answered the call of president Ronald Reagan to became the first doctor to serve as secretary of the department of health and human services. There he spearheaded the federal governments response to the spread of aids, promoted Public Awareness of the dangers of the disease and worked towards its eradication. Throughout his career, he was active in our community as a force for good and advocate for others. Most notably, he was an active member of the American Legion post for 59 years. He was a member of the v. F. W. , the American Medical Association d he sat on the board of the Philanthropic Organization based in indianapolis. Through his leadership on the board of the lillian endowment, the department of Veterans AffairsMedical Center secured a 9. 9 million charitable grant to construct a home for the families of veterans undergoing surgery at the center. As a doctor, he knew that love is a vital component of the healing process and that a family cant dedicate their time and energy to the Recovery Process when they have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or where they will be sleeping. He passed away at the age of 95. Throughout his career, he touched so many hoosiers and worked tonrich the lives of others through selfless sacrifice and dedication. Perhaps the ueling sums up his life most eloquently when he said and i quote, he only sought to work for others. He took the talents and gifts god gave him and used them to its fullest. This a lesson we can learn from and im proud to support this bill. I thank all of my hoosier colleagues who signed on and supported this bill. At this time, i would reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from indiana reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Takano i yield myself as much time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Takano im delighted to join my colleague,