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Can he do more policy oriented speeches . When he starts having more details, there will be a lot more actual conversations about how he might approach and administration, for example. Host mitt romney sang one of these candidates should get out. Saying one of these candidates should get out. Right now, what mitt john kasichying and ted cruz are fighting over the same faction of voters. As they go with this stop trump campaign, they would like to have all their energy go to one candidate and john kasich is only won one contest. States it is his desire to continue to campaign and say im here through the convention. This is not something he has been planning for his team had a big meeting with a couple of operatives in washington to get more support, more money. New work, new jersey. James, a democrat. Caller how are you doing . Ianory short, in 2002 rge w. Bush got to be pals me and george w. Bush got to be pals. 2003 coming Hillary Clinton was senator in new york city. We got to be friends for a while and he got kicked out he wrote me letters host we have to get to your point here. Did oneHillary Clinton thing for wall street, one thing for the people. In rhode island. Independent. Caller good morning. Im calling because this whole delegate situation from both the extremelyc have been disturbing to me. I do agree with the Democrat Woman who called from south carolina. A rhode disturbed as , in york, that today it is a closed primary. I am not a trump supporter at all, however, he does speak to the facts of the situation. Island, not only do we have a better, more , when we go into primary, we get to affiliate with either a democratic ballot or a republican ballot. Host do you think this could hurt donald trump . I dont think this necessarily hurts donald trump. It hurts Bernie Sanders. Hes relied more on being able to turn over independents to his side. Donald trump has been able to attract different factions. But, this is an issue in york. Its about Bernie Sanders. This is an issue in new york. Florida, bob is a democrat. Caller good morning, ladies. Make a statement and ask one question. You girls remember back in 2012 when all the polls were showing obama was going to lose he gave the exact percentage and picked every senate race exactly. Hes become known as the genius. He was getting his information from the online betting odds. Over and ago, i went made a bet. , hillaryone, the odds clinton has led every day from the day she started. ,ight now, for several months rubio was against hillary. ,lthough it was her and him they called if the election was today, they give percentages. She always had at least a 10 int percentage right now, they are saying if it is trump and hillary. Is clear it is going to be she is going to win. Hillary clinton is going to be the next president. Host john in glen cove, new york. How are you voting today . You are an independent. Caller im not allowed to vote. I would love to support sanders in the election. The deadline was back in october of last year. I missed that. Of these party rules are kind of bizarre. The race in iowa was a tie and that somehow put clinton ahead. In New Hampshire and that somehow increased her lead. Guest different states have different rules to vote. The iowa caucus, if there is not a winner, they are flipping a coin. I was in des moines for the iowa caucus and it is ive never seen anything like it in my life. Part of it is state rules, part of it is about rules and how this proportioned election cycle has empowered regular citizens and people take you live now to president ial candidate Bernie Sanders and you see our road to the white house. And our New York Primary coverage starts right here on cspan. Cheers and applause] out of the last eight aucuses. Getting nervous because when we began this campaign we were 60 points behind and in the last couple of weeks, the national. Olls have had us in the lead [cheers and applause] and to getting nervous because democratic voters know because every National Poll we beat donald trump [cheers and applause] senator sanders and the American People are catching on if we are going to prevent trump from occupying the white house which would be a disaster for our country, we have got to campaign that that does not happen. [cheers and applause] senator sanders this is the campaign that has the energy, that has the enthusiasm and that in november, will create the will f voter townout that not om allow us to the senate and do better in the house [cheers and applause] senator sanders as many of you know, there is as we speak, right this moment, there is a democratic primary taking place in new york state [cheers and applause] senator sanders now the polls dont close there until 9 00 p. M. So we dont know who is going to be wing or losing but a are going to do better than lot of people thought we would. [cheers and applause] chanting bernie] senator sanders and i want to thank all of the people in new york that are giving us support. One of the themes though are iving us, is the need to reinvigorate american democracy. Right now in america, we have one of the lowest national one of the lowest National Turnout rates of any major country on earth. And i want us to change that. I want to see more of our people actively involved in the political process regardless of their views. [cheers and applause] senator sanders and in that regard, i would hope that in future primaries, electrics in new york state, the officials there make some fundamental changes about how they do business. [cheers and applause] senator sanders today in new york state, if you can believe this, in new york state today, those voters are cant participate in the republican or democratic primaries because they have chosen to list themselves as independents. That is wrong. 3 million ll thon people cant vote in that state and that has to change in future elections [cheers and applause] senator sanders it is absurd in brooklyn, new york, where i was born actually, tens of thousands of people as i understand it have encouraged have the voting roles. And it is a little bit crazy that in upstate new york, they opened the polls at 12 noon. What happens to people who get up early and have to go to work and despite all of that and despite that secretary clinton has won elections for the u. S. Senate and she beat senator obama by 17 points, guess pite the fact the entire the new york is cratic establishment doing with her, we are going to do just fine in new york [cheers and applause] chanting bernie] senator sanders and the reason we are going to do as well as we will, is because we are doing something radical in contemporary politics, we are telling the truth . [cheers and applause] senator sanders and the truth is and people understand it whether you are conservative, progressive or moderate is we Campaign System that is undermining american democracy. [cheers and applause] senator sanders democracy is not a complicated process. Not one person, one vote, billionaires and their super pawcs buying their elections. And when i talk about revitalizing american democracy, if any of you are interested in running for office, i want you to fight for our points of view and run for Office Without wealthy people for Campaign Contributions sclams [cheers and applause] senator sanders im very proud. When we talk about a Political Revolution, we are already accomplishing that in terms of the way that our campaign is raising money. We are virtually the only ampaign that does not have a superer pac. [cheers and applause] senator sanders we made a decision early on that our campaign does not represent the brillion air class and does not Corporate America or wall street and we have chosen not to take their money cheers and applause] senator sanders instead, what e have done is we have done is unprecedented. We have reached out to the middle class and working families and if you want a candidate who is prepared to so up to the 1 who have much impact over our economy and our political life, support us. [cheers and applause] and unbelievably, a million years i would have never present dibblingted this would have happened. Ith we have received 7 million individual Campaign Contributions. [cheers and applause] senator sanders that is more Campaign Contributions than any candidate in the history of our country in this point in an election. Cheers and applause] senator sanders and what we have shown uniquely is that we can run a Winning National campaign without being dependent on the big money interests. Cheers and applause] senator sanders anyone know ow what the average Campaign Interest is . 700. Of that is pretty good. Secretary clinton has chosen another approach. He has a number of superpacs and in the last filing report listed 25 million in special interest funding including 15 million from wall street. Now in addition to that, as some of you know, secretary clinton has givin speeches to wall street firms for 225,000 a speech. What i have said is that you are going to get paid 22,000 for a speech must be a pretty good speech. [applause] applause enator sanders must be an earthshattering speech and on the global cries sees that we face and must be a speech written in shake pairian pros. [cheers and applause] senator sanders i cant imagine that. If its not that great. If that speech is as great as it must be, the secretary must release the transtrints. Transcripts. [cheers and applause] now secretary clinton has said, well, she wont release those transcripts if other people do the same. Are you ready for a dramatic announcement . Commaupchaup senator sanders this is an historical moment. Tonight im announcing that i will release all of the transcripts of all of the speeches i have given to wall street. [cheers and applause] and because i believe in transparency on this matter, im going to make all of those transcripts able to you. Are you ready. No speeches. No transscrints, not for. 25,000, not for 2 but im keeping any cell phone on, because im waiting for that phone call from jpmorganchase or Goldman Sachs saying bernie, we want you to give a speech. But i would 2, like to speak to wall street and i will tell you why. [applause] senator sanders because it is important for somebody to tell wall street that their greed, their recklessness and illegal behavior seriously hurts the lives of millions of our fellow americans sclams. [cheers and applause] s a result of their actions, their illegal actions, millions of americans lost their jobs, their homes and their life savings and many of those people have yet to recover. Now the other point that i would like to make to wall street is when congress, against my vote, bails them out when congress bails them out because the major banks were too big to fail, turns out 3 out of the 4 are bigger now than when we bailed them out because they were too big to fail. Urns out that five major banks couldnt pass a living will process telling us how they would break themselves out. Turns out, turns out also that in the last week or two, Goldman Sachs, one of the large fin shal nstewings reached a 5 billion settlement with the United States government. You know why they reached that settlement because they acknowledged because they were selling worthless packages of subprime Mortgage Loans and they werent the only bank. Point number one and i want you to think outside of the box. This is the most powerful entity. They have political power than any other entity and yet it turns out that the Business Model from a Major Financial Institution is fraud. [crowd is booing] senator sanders and three out of four, when we bailed them out because they were too big to il, we have to break them up [cheers and applause] senator sanders here is another point that gets the American People that gets them cynical and angry. Ne citizen was picked up for marijuana. That kid will have a criminal record for his entire life. [cheers and applause] senator sanders but turns out that if you are an executive for a major wall street firm whose illegal behavior destroys the lives of millions of america, is compensation our package and we are going to ing justice back to a broken criminal Justice System [cheers and applause] senator sanders i dont know, but maybe thats why they have not invited me to give that speech to wall viet. Could be wrong. Is campaign is doing as well as it is because we understand that not only do we have a corrupt finance system, we have a rigid economy. [cheers and applause] senator sanders and let me tell you what you arent going to see on television or read in the papers and that is in America Today we have more america and wealth inequality than any major country on earth and it is worse than 1928. I want you to think about it. Baugh this campaign is thinking outside of the becomes. Its is not accepting the status quo because it is the status quo but about stallinging the status quo. [cheers and applause] senator sanders what this campaign is saying loudly and 1 10 of 1 owns is not an economy or is moral, sustainable american. [cheers and applause] i say to the world, get off f welfare, start paying your employees a living wage cheers and applause] senator sanders when we talk about the economy, it is not just a very unfortunate and grow tech diss tricks of wealth and has to do with income. You patrolly wont believe it. Google it. Wait a few minutes. Check this one out. 40 years ago, before all of the technology and all of the robotics and all of the cell phones and the global economy, guess what. 40 years ago, one person in a family in those days, most often a man, could work 40 hours a week and bring in in ever enough income to bring in. Today after an explosion of worker productivity and explosion of technology in almost all families, mom is working, dads working and the kids are working and less disposable income than they did 40 years ago. And in fact, im going to give you some news that together we are going to have to address. Young people, you ready for this. Wuck will up, because we are going to change it. If we dont transform this conomy, the young generation today, well have a lower standard of living than your parents. Booing] sand savend unless we turn around this economy, we are looking at the end of the American Dream and we will not allow that to happen cheers and applause] senator sanders my family never had any money. But my father worked hard and my mother worked hard and the expectation is that their children would do better and thats what the American Dream has been around for tens of millions of america families. Your generation will not do better than your parents and that is why we will transform this economy cheers and applause] it senator sanders it is not just rigid economy, it is a broken criminal Justice System [cheers and applause] senator sanders i hope all of you know that in America Today, we have more people in jail than ny other country on earth. 2. 2 million p. M. In jail spending 80 billion a year locking them up and that is why we need real reform in our criminal Justice System [cheers and applause] enator sanders today, youth unemployment is off the charts. Africanamerican youth unemployment for high school raduates is 5 . Atinos, 36 and our jobs is to make certain that our young people, we are going to invest in jobs and education and not jail and incarceration [cheers and applause] cheering bernie] senator sanders and we are talking about reforming local Police Departments all over this country. I was a mayor in burlington, vermont. I worked with the police and i worked with the police all over this country. The vast majority of Police Officers are honest and hard working and have a difficult job to do. [cheers and applause] senator sanders but like any other public official when the Police Officer breaks the law, that officer must be held accountable. [cheers and applause] senator sanders we need to dema materialize local Police Departments and should not be looking like armies. We need to make Police Departments to reflect the communities they serve. [cheers and applause] senator sanders we need to make certain that every Police Officer in this country understands that leelingth is the last response not the first response. We need to end corporate ownership of prisons and detention centers. [cheers and applause] senator sanders we need to rethink the socalled war on drugs. [cheers and applause] senator sanders in the last 30 years, last 30 years, millions ever amendment cans have received Police Records as a result of possession of marijuana. [crowd booing] senator sanders and many lives this is destroyed and a racial issue and the black and hithe community falk about but blacks are four more times to be arrested. Today under the federal control substance act, marijuana is listed as a schedule 1 drug. Booing] senator sanders right along side hirn. And we must take marijuana out f the federal controlled Substance Abuse act. [cheers and applause] senator sanders in my state of vermont and all across this country today we face a very ser every e crisis and single day people are dying of drug overdoze he. If we are going to be successful, we need to understand that Substance Abuse and addiction is a health issue and not a criminal issue. Cheers and applause] senator sanders and that means a revolution in the way we do Mental Health treatment in this country. Cheers and applause] senator sanders we have got to make Mental Health treatment vale to people when they need it, not six months away [cheers and applause] senator sanders this campaign is going to win because we are listening to ordinary americans, not just wealthy Campaign Contributors [cheers and applause] senator sanders and qua working people are telling me from one end of the country to the other, 9 cant make it from 8 to bucks an hour. We need to raise the minimum delrsage and that wage is 15 an hour. It is not a radical idea to sult that if you work 0 hours a queek ou should not live in poverty. [cheers and applause] senator sanders a great nation s judged by not how many millionaires and how many Nuclear Weapons it has but how weakest and queck most vulnerable amongst us. And right now, in pennsylvania, and until vermont and across this country, we have millions of seniors, disabled seniors who e strugming to get by on 11,000 a year Social Security. And you know what this you cant by on that Social Security. Now republicans, their spodges to this crisis is to say ok,. Ets cut Social Security well, i got some bad news. We arent going to cut Social Security. We are going to expand Social Security [cheers and applause] to campaign is listening women cheers and applause] and women are telling me they are sick and tired going to work 79 inding they are making cents on the dollar to men. [cheers and applause] senator sanders women of this ountry want the whole damn dollar and they are right cheers and applause] senator sanders and i know that every man in this arena will stand with will the women in the ight for pay equity [cheers and applause] senator sanders this campaign is listening to young people [cheers and applause] senator sanders when we began this campaign, the kind of analysis was, well, young people, they arent interested in politics and too busy with their video games or whatever they do. Turns out not to be quite ccurate turns out that young people fully understand they are the future of our country and they want to help determine the future of this country cheers and applause] senator sanders and wherever i go, people say, our parents told us, go out and get a good education. R teach rs said, our whole community said we are living in community, go ic out and get that education. But then, young people come up to me and said we did what people told us what to do. Nd we are 70,000 in debt and the question is why are we punishing millions of young doing what we asked them to do . [cheers and applause] berne re] ting senator sanders we should be rewarding people for getting an education, not punishing them. Thinking outside of the becomes. And think outside of the status quo. And what our options are. You all know if this country is to succeed in the future with a strong chi, we all need to have the best education possible, am i right . [cheers and applause] senator sanders education is inherent in who we are as human beings and educating ourselves until the day we die. [cheers and applause] senator sanders it is lit rail insane to be punishing people that you could be paying off our stooned debts for decades. A dream was to go to medical school and 300,000 in debt. We need more den activities in this country. And 00,000 in debt. Talk to a guy in nevada, 55 years of age has been paying off. S student debt, 25 years that is not only unfair to the individuals, it is absurd when we talk about the future of our economy and when we talk about Public Education today, it is not good enough to just talk about free Public Education, first grade to 12th grade. The economy has changed. People need more education now an they did 30, 50 years ago [cheers and applause] senator sanders and that is why when we think about Public Education, we have to think about making public iversities, tuitionfree [cheers and applause] senator sanders with nil i dont know, sir of people being crushed with student debt, we have to reduce that debt significantly. And we do that by allowing people with the ability to at the lowest interest rates. Im being crilt sized for thinking too good. Bernie, you are santa claus and lower student debt, how are you going to pay for all this stuff. Number one, in the last 30 years, there has been a Mass Transfer of wealth to the top of 1 10 of 1 . Trillions of dollars going to the wealthiest people. Second of all, back in 2008, 2009, this country bailed out wall street after their illegal ehavior helped destroy our economy. I believe that now is the time impose a tax on wall street speculation [cheers and applause] if we can bail out wall street, now it is wall streets time to help the nid will class and if hich do that, we will make colleges and universities free. Ion tuition this campaign is about transforming our national priorities, not accepting the status quo of today. [cheers and applause] senator sanders this campaign s listening to the Africanamerican Community and theyre asking me, a very simple and profound question. Bernie, they ask, how does it happen that wife trillions of dollars to spend on a war of iraq that we shouldnt have we en into but somehow have seen not to have enough money to build our inner cities. [cheers and applause] senator sanders they are absolutely right. I have been to flint, michigan and what i have seen in michigan is unspeakable and their. Hildren were being poisonned [but not just flint. I was in detroit, their School System is crumbling. All over this country, rents are unaffordable, unemployment rates are off the chart, too many people are being arrested and being sent to jail. We have got to invest in inner cities in this country and rebuild our infrastructure. Cheers and applause] senator sanders if we can rebuild the infrastructure in iraq and afghanistan, we can well damn rebuild the infrastructure in america. [cheers and applause] senator sanders and by the way, when we build our inner cities and rebuild our roads and our bridges and our Water Systems and our rail systems and our airports, we make america safer and stronger and create 13 illion decentpaying jobs. [cheers and applause] senator sanders this campaign is listening to our brothers and cysters in the latino communities. [cheers and applause] senator sanders today we have got 11 million undocumented people in this country and many are exploited and when you dont have a legal right, your legal employer can do anything. And we are going to possible comprehensive Immigration Reform nd a path to citizenship snm this campaign is listening to a people whose voices are never heard and that is the nativeamerican community. [cheers and applause] from before, this country became a country, when the first i lers came here, the navy haveAmerican People were lied to and treaties were broken. We, as the people owe the native americaamerican community more than we can every repay. [cheers and applause] some of the best aspects of our culture come from the nativeAmerican People. As human beings, we are part of nature. [cheers and applause] senator sanders that we have t to live with nature, not destroy nature cheers and applause] and yet today, despite they have l given us and you see terrible, terrible poverty, suicide rates, horrific. If elected president , we will change our governments relation to the nativeamericans [cheers and applause] senator sanders i am a member of the u. S. Committee on the environment and in that respect, i have meant with scientists all over our country a here is the simple truth, Climate Change is eal [cheers and applause] senator sanders Climate Change is caused by human activity [cheers and applause] senator sanders and it is already doing devastating to our country and much of the world. And here is the scary truth but truth nonetheless and what the scientists telling us is wife a very short window of opportunity to transform our Energy System way from fossil fuel cheers and applause] senator sanders and in my view, in my view, we have a moral responsibility to make certain that the planet that we leave our kids and future generations s healthy and habital [cheers and applause] senator sanders and what that means politically, what that means politic keam is we have take on the nd fossil fuel industry and tell them that their shortterm profits are not more important than the profit of our planet [cheers and applause] and by the way if we are prepared to think big and think of a clean sustainable system where our homes are efficient and our transportation is energy efficient, where we move gressively to talk about the technologies, we can create can create millions of great, green, paying jobs. [applause] let me repeat now what i have been criticized for saying on ma occasions. Let me be Crystal Clear and say it again. Is, it is my view, that health care is a right of all people, not a privilege. [applause] [chanting bernie] now, the Corporate Media does not talk about this a whole lot. They are too busy getting as from the insurance and the Drug Companies. Let me tell you what they may not see on tv. We are the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all all as a right. They do it in the u. K. , france, germany, scandinavia, holland. At 50 miles away from the canadian border, they do in canada. Now, as a result of the gains of the Affordable Care act, we have made some progress. We have 70 million americans who now have Health Insurance, who rigorously did not. We have done away with preexisting conditions. [applause] many young people are now able to be on their parentsinsurance plan. [applause] all of that is good, but it is not good enough. People have noon Health Insurance. Even more, including many here tonight, are underinsured, with high deductibles and copayments. Here is getting ripped off by the Drug Companies charge us the highest prices in the world. [applause] and despite all of that, we end up spending much more per capita on health care then do the people of any other major country. View, and this is thinking atside the box, envisioning new america, in my view, we need to pass a medicare for all, singlepayer program. [applause] think of in america where every person has health care as a right. America where you can start your in business without having to worry about having Health Insurance. [applause] and if youre a Small Business person, you dont have to worry about how you will provide Health Insurance to your employees, because they will already have Health Insurance. [applause] everybody here understands that what American History has been about, is the understanding that real change, real change, never takes place from the bottom top on down, always from the bottom on up. [applause] that is the history of america. Think back 100 plus years ago. Country, forced to work seven days a week, 12 hours a day. Children working in factories. People could be fired arbitrarily, they had no rights on the job. We workers stood up and said are not beasts of burden, we are not animals, we are human beings. Formnt dignity, we will trade unions and negotiate contracts. [applause] think back several hundred years ago. Abomination of slavery, African Americans and their allies said, we will struggle for as long as it takes, to end racism and segregation and bigotry in the United States of america. [applause] millions of people wanted in america not based on racism. About 100 years ago. Not a long time from a historical perspective. 100 years ago today, women did not have the right to vote, to not get the education they wanted. But women stood up. [applause] they stood up and they said, aint good enough, it is unacceptable. And women and their male allies said in this america, women will not be secondclass. [applause] and on and on it goes. That is how change takes place. Think about this, if we were in this room 10 years ago, which is no time at all from a historical perspective. 10 years ago, somebody jumps up and says bernie, i think that gay marriage will be made illegal in this country in 50 states by the year 2015. Do you know what the person next to her would have said, you are crazy. You are thinking too big, it cannot happen. But what happened is the Gay Community [applause] the Gay Community and their made at theies claim that became impossible to is thatainst, and that people have a right to love each other regardless of their gender. [applause] that is how change takes place. Always takes place when people stand up and reject the status quo and come together. I will give you one more example, five years ago. In his room five years ago, somebody jumps up and 7. 25 an hourhis minimum wage is an outrage, people cannot live on it. We have got to raise that to 15 per hour. Hour,e will say 15 an you want to more than double the minimum wage, you are nuts . You are thinking too big, too radical. Maybe eight dollars, maybe 10, you cannot go to 10 15 an hour. But workers in the fast Food Industry went out on strike. [applause] and they said to the american onple, we cant make it 7. 25 an hour. In seattle, washington, they 15 ana 50 per hour hour minimum wage. Here is my point. , it isor crisis we face themselves, it is the belief held everything will they buy the establishment, the media, the congress, that you cannot make change. This is the status quo, the way it is, and the way it always will be. It does not matter what you and that is what this campaign is challenging. [applause] and that is why we are going to win this election. [applause] [chanting bernie] because change takes place when people look around them and say, what is going on, this is not acceptable. And that is what is happening in America Today. Seele all over the country that the grotesque level of inequality, itth is going to the top 1 , unacceptable. People are beginning to see that are thesurd that we only major country on earth not to provide aid family and medical leave. People are asking, how come every other major country on earth can somehow provide health care to all of their, but we cant do it . Unacceptable. How does itsking, happen, why does it happen at that our infrastructure continues to crumble . Why does it happen that we have the highest rate of childhood property of any country on earth . Why do we have a corrupt Campaign Finance system that allows billionaire to buy elections . More people in jail . School kids graduating in debt . Those are the questions that people are beginning to ask. [applause] and as soon as they ask those questions, they quickly realize that establishment politics and establishment economics are not going to solve those problems. [applause] i am the only candidate for president to tell you a simple truth, and that is that no president , not Bernie Sanders or anybody else, can solve these crises alone. People,a millions of including many people who have given up on the political process, who have turned away from the process in disgust. We made them back into the system to reclaim american democracy. [applause] we need young people. [applause] many of home, may never have sayd in our life, except to the decisions you make now will impact me and my kids for many decades. You better listen to what we have to say. [applause] but what this Political Revolution is about is the understanding that no president , not Bernie Sanders or anybody else, can do it alone. The only way we go forward and rebuild america, and create the economy that works for all of us, the environment that works for all of us, is when millions of people stand up and say clearly, enough is enough [applause] [chanting bernie] and if we do not allow the Donald Trumps of the worlds to if we understand that our strength is in our and if we stand and if we demand a government that represents all of us, and not just the 1 , when we stand together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. [applause] next tuesday here in pennsylvania, there will be an enormously important democratic primary. What i have learned so far from this campaign, is when voter turnout is high, we win. [applause] when voter turnout is low, we lose. Tuesday, let us have the highest voter turnout in pennsylvania history. [applause] and let pennsylvania go forward and tell the world, you are going to lead this country into a Political Revolution. [applause] thank you all. [applause] [chanting bernie] David Bowie Starman by bowie quite senator Bernie Sanders making his way out of the arena there at pennsylvania state, penn state college, to a david song. Song bowie we will have result of the New York Primary and about 40 minutes or so right here on cspan. Senator ted cruz is holding an event in philadelphia in advance of the pennsylvania primary. That is with mark lee and carly fiorina. We will have the speeches and all the coverage we can bring you starting at 9 00 right ear right here on cspan. Our live coverage of the president ial race continues for the new york state primary. For us at 9 00 eastern results and viewer reactions. President obama delivers his last speech to the white house Correspondents Dinner at the end of this month. This coming weekend, we look over the previous dinners. Here is a portion of what you will see. All in all, we are proud of the change we brought to washington. But we have a lot of work left to do. Like to talk a little bit about what my administration plans to achieve. A second 100 days we will design, build, and open a library dedicated to my first 100 days. [laughter] pres. Obama i will learn to go off the prompter, and joe biden will learn to stay on the prompter. [laughter] in the next 100 days, my partisan outreach will be so successful, even joe mainer will consider becoming a democrat. After all, we have a lot in common. He is a person of color. Color thatt a appears. Come even see the entire speech on saturday night, starting at 10 00 eastern here on cspan. Also, with remarks by Steven Thomma of mcclatchy news. This will take place april 30, and we will take you there live starting at 6 00 p. M. Eastern. It is one of the biggest social events here, and the final one by obama, as president. Saturday, april 30, cspan provides coverage of the 2016 Correspondents Dinner, one that typically has prepared remarks by the president of the United States. Coming up in just a few minutes here, were going to show you the last white house Correspondents Dinner speeches from president s reagan, both bushes, and clinton. But first, we will discuss the annual washington event with mcclatchy White House Correspondent, Steven Thomma. Attendw long did you these events . 28, 29, could be 30 years, plus. Since reagan. Bob how have they changed . Steven they have become much more crowded, weise wheezed more tables into the same ballroom. A lot more celebrities, we have always had them, but more. Bob what about the length of the president s speeches . Ronald reagan does about eight minutes. George w. Bush goes about 20 minutes. Clearly, the speeches are getting longer. What can you tell us about that . Ronald reagan, particularly at his last dinner was hitting up there and ready to go home. 20 minutes is about the average now. All the president s, one of the things that they insist on, they want to get out of there and get home. Schedules,ing on the the white house always remind 10 45ey want that done by or 11 00. Bob do they take a different approach with each year . Do they get more comfortable, enjoy themselves as the years go by . Steven absolutely, they get more relaxed. You can see the changes, particularly in the last couple president s. Barack obama at the beginning also told jokes that stung a little bit, using them to really go after his political rivals were enemies. As each of them goes on the become more relaxed, more egalitarian, make a little more of fun of themselves been them than their enemies. Bob what about the first ladies . Steven they have been attending for decades, though none before kennedyn john f. Insisted he would not come unless they opened it to women. Come. Ave all nancy reagan went to the microphone once, it was a great moments when president reagan called her up to say if she had anything nice to say about the media. She took a long cause and said, i am thinking. George w. Bush stepped aside, and she actually delivered the monologue on his behalf when youre. Bob what is going on at the tables . Our reporters working the room at all . Have you had an example to talk to an Administration Source and try to get a story during the event . It is not a story, getting contact and getting as much information as you can. Other than getting a drink and a few laughs, hopefully you are working your sources or meeting new sources, absolutely. We tend not to take celebrities, but people in politics and policy. Memorable orone fun moment that you can relate to us . Is a littleosition different because i was president of the association. The unique moments tend to be presiding over the dinner and having dinner with the president for three hours. This conversation is off the record. The white house make sure he can relax and chat a little more. I will say, we talked about golf , i know what he shot, which is kind of a state secret, the white house is not reveal his golf score. And we talked about some things ,hat have since become public worries over where he would live after he left the white house or white house. We talked about other issues , and most memorable tooktainer joe mckale, who told some jokes were a little offcolor. I was wincing. I apologize to the president , but he said steve, dont worry about it, i have for it so much worse. Steve, the White House Correspondent for mcclatchy news. Thank you so much. Now we will show you the last white house Correspondents Dinner speeches from president reagan, president george h bush. We start with Ronald Reagan from 1988. [applause] thank you. Pres. Reagan thank you, very much. Thank you all, i am delighted to be here. What a crowd. It looks like the index of larry speaksbook. [applause] it is good to see your incoming president , jerry oleary. In his book, larry said that jerry would line his coat pockets with pastries. Jerry denies it. Earlier tonight, just to be safe i told him, keep his hands off my dinner roll. Larry also said that preparing me for the conference was like reinventing the wheel. That is not true. I was around when the wheel was invented, and it was easy. [applause] president reagan even howard baker is writing a book about me. It is called three by five, the measure of a presidency. [laughter] mike in his book he said that i had a short attention span. I was going to reply, but lets move on to something else. [laughter] [applause] now, i forgot to acknowledge yakov smirnov, i have heard him before, he is a very funny man. I just have an idea why dont you and i have fun . How would you like to go to the summit as my interpreter . [laughter] [applause] the media certainly has had a lot to report on lately. I thought it was extraordinary that Richard Nixon went on meet the press and spent the hour with chris wallace, tom brokaw, and john chancellor, that should put an end to the talk that he has been punished enough. We are going to break away from this recorded event to go live to philadelphia with ted cruz, introduced by former candidate carly fiorina. Part of our road to the white house coverage here on cspan. [applause] sen. Cruz thank you so very much carly for your incredible friendship and leadership. God bless new york and god bless commonwealth pennsylvania. [applause] i am so excited to share with you what america has learned of the past few months during months. It has nothing to do with a politician winning his home state tonight. It has to do with what we have seen in the town that have been riddled with trouble, joblessness and fear. What we have learned from looking at factories closing, and hearts closing. We have learned america is at a point of choosing. The media will say it is about choosing a president. But it really is not. Our real choice is personal, and every generation must make the same choice. Will we continue to live in the past with what we know no longer works, or will we move forward to a new and better place . The people in state after state have made it clear. They cry out for a new path. This is the year of the outsider. I am an outsider, Bernie Sanders is an outsider. Diagnosis,he same but both with very different paths to healing. Millions of americans have chosen one of these outsiders. Arecampaigns dont find fueled in special interests, but rather directly from people. Age,ideeyed use of any who have not given up on the hope that tomorrow can and will be better. Ronald reagan and a jack kennedy were outsiders. They both represented a whole new vision and vibrant vibrance, a whole generation of activities. Forward,edy looked instead of the last halfcentury of world war. He knew america could dream and build up we were set free. Buttax tanks for work, explorers. Reagan looked to us, the most powerful force for innovation the world has ever known. There we found new tech pioneers like bill gates and a young steve jobs. They had vision, and the freedom to build a new world, that at the time, only they saw, because they were free. They challenged the way and changed the way all of us lived, worked, and interactive. Interacted. Now it is our turn. We must look inward to see who we are after years of being beaten. Down years we were told we couldnt, shouldnt, or wouldnt. This generation needs to answer a new set of questions, can we, should we, will be . Are we still those people, those dreamers and doers . Are americas greatest generations in our past, or are best days ahead . We must unite the republican already, the first step toward uniting all americans. The question is not whether or not all americans will agree all of the time. The question is whether a majority of americans is hungry to rally around a set of principles larger than any single issue a politician may use to divide us. Tonight, i am speaking to you from philadelphia. It is natural, when we talk about our nations earliest days, that we focus our attention on the declaration of independence and the constitution. [applause] and we can learn a great deal about a path forward by focusing on the passionate disputes and disagreements among our founding others. S. Fatherw aside because of the price to be paid if they failed to rise to the task. Republicans, we agree on a lot. And it sure, areas of lesser agreement exists as well. But on the fundamental question, are we satisfied with the current direction of our country, we speak with one voice. Thell on you as jfk did in 60s, and as reagan did in the 80s, to chart a new american , one that is not led by me or anyone in washington, but by you. And millions of just like you. We choose to concentrate on what we have in common. Others up and believes in the rights, responsibilities, goodness, and strength of all mankind. Binds uso much that together, our families, our work ethic, our ability to dream and build, unlike any people in history. But most of all, our charity. Fellow men andr women, and willingness to sacrifice for those in need. Let us unite on the things that have always made us great. We are great because we are good. Because over and over again we have chosen coverage in the moment of crisis. Freedom in the face of compromise. And hope in the face of challenges that everyone told us could not be overcome. President ran on a slogan that should have been a great first step. It promised us, yes we can. Now is the time to take that slogan and put it into action. Yes we can, was a recognition of the hope that we can and should recover. The problem was, that barack prescriptions at to more elitist control from washington, and less freedom for the people. But now is the time as americans, once again, to read aim that hope. Two take another giant leap for mankind. To speak the words with all the power and might the we can muster, and use the words that change the world time and again. In andds that the slaves to hear from the American People, and abraham lincoln, when they cried out for freedom. The words that england and britain hard, when they cried out for help in defeating the totality it totalitarians a 1940s. And a half century later, the first man to reach the moon. Decades later, two men in their garage came up with apple. They are the words that will help our tattered spirits, and our economy. They are the words that will vanquish evil, and return the rule of law. They are the words, that when americans come together and say with conviction, they change the world. They are the vision of this campaign. Now, yes wean, but will. [applause] we will restore our spirit. We will free our minds and imagination. We will create a new and better world. We will bring back jobs, freedom, and security. We will find new wise ways to ignite a Technology Revolution and greater choices. We will defeat the evil of islamists and isis. We will live in peace once again. Sick. L heal the silk we will restore our rightful place in the world. We will live for others. We will change the world through the hope of freedoms enduring promise, and our unrelenting spirit. You can be empowered. In the digital age, it is all the easier for your individual voice to be heard. Your choices, to govern your work, your education, your future. If only washington would get out of the way. Journey, of on this less talk and more action. More solutions, because i know you. You may have been knocked down, but america has always been best when it she is lying down with her back on the map, and the crowd has given the final count. It is time as us for a nation to shake it off and be who we were destined to be. Dont let anyone try to convince you otherwise. Here is the truth. You dont need me, or any politician. But we do need each other, all of us. Coming together as one, as we the people, because not only do we say yes we can, beginning here and now we pledge, to each and every one of us, yes we will. [applause] and now, my friends, onward to victory. [applause] [country music] [country music] only in america music]try texas senator ted cruz in pennsylvania with an eye on next weeks primary. Earlier tonight, we are from senator Bernie Sanders, down the road at Penn State University in university park. John kasich. Ohio cs eyes are on your, with pans live coverage. In the next hour, we expect to hear from donald trump and secretary Hillary Clinton. And your phone calls. Kyle is joining us from lake city, florida, democrats line. I definitely think it is going to be close against hillary and bernie. I think she may have an advantage there. I also think that Bernie Sanders has new york values, and i think he is more popular when it comes to that. But i think Bernie Sanders might come out on top. Kyl, thank you for the call. And were live in manhattan where trump is expected to speak. And Hillary Clinton is in midtown manhattan as well. Now, alonghome town with her husband, bill clinton. The speech ran about 20, 25 minutes. Weekss an eye on next binary and caucuses. Needed in order to get the nomination on the first ballot. A winner take all for the congressional districts across new york state. If donald trump when 50 or more in those districts, he gets all of them. Or whoever gets up to 20 could pick up a handful of delegates. Albany, an area where governor kasich was doing well. Also, buffalo and rochester, new york. Us from paris,g california, democrats line. Good evening. Caller good evening. Im calling because we really want trump in the white house. Host why . Caller 30 years in this country, and we were democrats. We want toth trump, have him in the white house because we know that he is the who can make this country go up again. Host mabel, thank you for your call. In the iowa caucuses, a narrow win on the democrat side with Hillary Clinton. Now, eileen is joining us from denison, iowa. Yes, i am democratic, and i am for Hillary Clinton. In,pe trump does not get because i dont think he has experienced being a president. And he is really, how do you say, it seems he just wants to get in, but does not care about the people. Host why Hillary Clinton, what is it you like about her over Bernie Sanders . I just like the way she talks, and i voted for her husband. I thought he was an excellent president. People,lso helped the if theyationalities, were a citizen or not, he was out there helping everybody. Say, he was just out there to help the people. Host eileen, thank you for the call. Secretary of state, whatry clinton, declaring many polls have been declaring, a victory in new york. We are also at trump tower in midland manhattan where donald trump spoke earlier, the synagogue not far from his apartment home. Ast a couple minutes, politico will be joining us to talk about what this all means. Republican line, good evening. Caller yes, just a bit frustrated out here. Anytime someone sticks a trumps face, you have to see it. I flipped over to here and not what i wanted to watch, a true conservative. But Hillary Clinton and donald trump on an empty podium, waiting their arrival, it is frustrating that a true conservative cannot get any airtime. Host lets talk about senator cruz. If you see him in pennsylvania, he has already conceded that he will not win philadelphia. What is his path forward . Caller basically, everyone that is having buyers are more spore jumping on the trump bandwagon early on will come with him on the second boat. I dont think anybody will not want to steer clear of trump after that first vote. Host thank you very much for being with us. Jack, from scranton, pennsylvania. Independent line. A big primary there, what will happen . Will do athink trump good showing. And bernie, if he is still in the showing, he will do all right, too. I am torn between the two, but the reason i am picking trump is that i am wounded in vietnam, and i know what it is to fight for your country. I think we have to secure our borders nothing to do with antihispanic, people can come in legally, but we need our border secure. We dont know who will be coming in. Host are you going to vote . Caller not in the primary, but here for the general election. I will probably vote for trump. Host that is one of the issues in new york, because only democrats can vote for democrats, and republicans for republicans. Bernie sanders indicated he think he can win new york, but added that since independence cannot vote for him, it is hurt for him in his birthplace, born in brooklyn. Caller it is a shame. Brooklyn, andd in he cannot even it is ridiculous. Host we are keeping an i on donald trump headquarters, he could because early as 9 00, and about five minutes in new york. Jeffrey is joining us from connecticut, another primary state in one week three jeffrey on the republican but line, will you vote . I will vote for donald trump. That people are upset over his business situation, but what people need when obama did deal with thed to foreign a situation, the military, everybody else. He had to put all that underneath him. I do believe donald would take care of Foreign Affairs and ,axes that people are paying and everything else. The president is en route to saudi arabia, returning to the white house late monday evening. Joining us from offices in virginia, senior politics editor for politico. Com, thank you for being with us this primary night. There are two states in new what you looking for tonight . That is an excellent point. They described it astwo new yorks. If you look on the republican 2012 if you judge from republican primary result, more than 85 came from outside new it shows you where the population is located in new york state. Be inicans tend not to the city, but the upstate area. Some of the places i will look at, the two counties of long island, those should be interesting. Suburban counties are a little different. A some ways, national was machine that dominated state politics for decades. A model of republican, suburban machine. Other counties used to go there see how thisout to nonurban machine worked in operation. It has a long, storied history. What is interesting is this republican model of a suburb that is changed over the last 20 years to become less republican. The county chairman has supported donald trump, who is decidedly not a partybuilding figure in any way. So i will be watching the county pretty closely. The new york results will be fascinating to see, what are the hillary precincts, the burning precincts. Bernie and harlem, the clintons have a warm relationship there. It will be interesting to see what kinds of returns we see. And once you get beyond the city, be curious to see how Bernie Sanders does their. Looking atlks are the 2014 gubernatorial primary in new york for a model of where Bernie Sanders might do well, because there was a progressive candidate who ran against cuomo there, fell short, but provided a map and guidelines. So i will be interested to see how closely Bernie Sanders results follow steve it is all about delegates. It is at 6 00 this evening, john kasich was in maryland. We heard from Bernie Sanders at penn state. We just finished live coverage of ted cruz. All with an eye on next weeks primaries. We will hear from donald trump and Hillary Clinton when the prodesk pulled close. Polls close. You want to see where the winning and losing candidates are giving their victory or losing speeches from. You dont want to be in the place you lost. You want to leapfrog one state ahead. For venus for Bernie Sanders chemicals have not whats great for him. The polls have not looked great for Bernie Sanders. Next tuesday is what some people are calling me seller court or my mary

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