The chair on this vote the yeas are 175 and the nays are 247 the amendment is no adopted. ThUnfinished Business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number 24 printed in the house record 114259 by the gentleman from coloro, mr. Polis, on whh the proceedings were postponed and on which the noes prevailed byoice vot the clerk amendment number 24, printed inrouse report house report 114359 offereby mr. Polis of colorado. The chair a recorded vote has been requted. All those in favor of taking this vote by the yeasnd nays will rise and remain standing unt counted. Those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise anbe counted. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electroc device. This is a twominute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the csedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedingfor political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibitedy the. S. House of representatives. ] the cha on tte the yeas are 206 and the nayare 216. The amendments not adopted. The Unfinished Business is the request r a recoed vote on amendment number 25 printed in house report 114359 by the gentlen from texas, mr. Barton, onhich the oceedings we postponed and on which the yeas prevailed by voice vote. The clerkills remain dis will redesignate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 25 offered by mr. Barton of exas. The chair a recorded vo has been requested. Those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. A sufficient number having arisen, a record vote is ordered. Members will record their votes bectron device. This is a twominute vote. [captioning made possible by the nationalaptioning institute, inc. In cooperation with thenid stat housef reprsentatives. Any e of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedis for politil or commercial purposes is expressly prohibity e u. S. House of representives. ] the chair on this vote the eas ar 254 the chair vote the are 254 the chr on this vote th yeas are 5, the nays are 168. Amendment is adopted. Or what purpo does the mrupton i move the n rise . Committee do now ris the chair the question is on the mion th the committee ri. The in favor say aye. Those opsed, no. The ayes have it. E motiois apted. Accordiny,he committee rises. The committee of the whole house on the state of the union, having had under consideration h. R. 8, directs me to report that it has come to no resolution thereon. The speaker pro tempore the chair of the committee of the whole house on the state of the Union Reports that the committee has had under consideration h. R. 8 and has come to no resolution thereon. He house will be in order. The house will be in order. Members, please take your seats. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise . I ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute for the purpose of making an announcement. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Sessions madam speaker, today the rules committee issued a Dear Colleague letter outlining the amendment process for h. R. 2310, the red river private Property Protection act. An amendment deadline has been set for monday, december 7, 2015, to 12 00 p. M. Amendments should be drafted to the text as reported by the committee on Natural Resources and is posted on the rules committee website. Please feel free to contact me or my staff for any questions. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore without objection, fiveminute voting will continue. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the question of adoption on the conference report on the bill s. 1177 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk senate 1177, an act to reauthorize the elementary and secondary education act of 1965, to ensure that every child achieves. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the adoption of the conference report. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] on this vote, the yeas are 359, the nays are 64. The conference report is adopted. Without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house the ollowing enrolled bills. The clerk senate 11 0, an act to amend title 39 United States code to extend the authority of the United StatesPostal Service to issue a semipostal to raise funds for Breast Cancer research nd for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom north dakota rise . I ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourns today it adjourn to meet at 9 00 a. M. Tomorrow. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Pursuant to House Resolution 542 and rule 18, the chair declares the house in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for the further consideration of h. R. 8. Would the gentlewoman from tennessee, mrs. Black, kindly esume the chair. The chair the house is in the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for further consideration of h. R. 8 which the clerk will report by title. The clerk a bill to modernize Energy Infrastructure, build a 1st Century Energy work force, bolster American Energy and diplomacy and for other purposes. The chair when the committee of the whole rose earlier today, amendment number 25 printed in house report 114359 offered by the gentleman from texas, mr. Barton had been disposed of. It is now in order to consider amendment number 26 printed in out report 114359. For what purpose does the gentleman from north dakota seek recognition . Mr. Cramer i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will report the amendment. The clerk amendment number 36 printed in house report 114359, offered by mr. Cramer of north dakota. The chair the gentleman from north dakota, mr. Cramer, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from north dakota. Mr. Cramer this amendment authorizes the voluntary, and i stress voluntary, Vegetation Management within 150 feet of the exterior boundary of the right of way near structures on u. S. Forest service land. You know, the former Energy Regulator and utility commissioner, i know there are many threats to power lines running across this country and most of the time this comes down to vegetation, as odd as that might seem, but especially in areas where there are a lot of trees and remote areas that are hard to get to. Right of way Vegetation Management on these lands are the responsibility of the United StatesForest Service but for any number of reasons, they arent conducting this critical work to ensure the reliability of our electricity. Utility companies dont want to do the work off their right of way due to the lack of clarity in their legal liability. Or a striket liability standard this amendment provides that Legal Certainty and holds the utilities accountable for gross negligence or criminal misconduct. Lastly, its important to note that this bill, this amendment, demonstrates that this is not, and i stress, is not a back door to logging and prevents the sale of the vegetation by the utility and clarities clarifies it shall be the property of the United States. Madam speaker, i would also emphasize that the Edison Electric institute and the American PublicPower Association support this amendment. I reserve the balance of my time. I yield to the chairman. Mr. Upton i want to emphasize that this is voluntary Vegetation Management, and limits legal liability. I think its a good amendment. I urge my colleagues to support it and yield back to the gentleman from north dakota. I reserve. The chair the gentleman from north dakota reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . I rise in opposition to the amendment. The chair the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Pallone thank you. Thank you madam chair. The managers amendment to h. R. 8 already includes a provision which would hand over management of vast swaths of u. S. Public lands to private corporations and other utility providers under the guise of preventing forest fires. This provision was inserted in the dead of night and the full house wont get to vote on it and this is a terrible way to treat our public lands. As if this werent enough, this amendment would go even farther, allowing electric utilities to clear cut a swath of forest adjacent to utility right of way. It would also shift liability for fire damage from the utilities to american taxpayers and thats not right. The Forest Service and b. L. M. Are already working with utilities to improve right of way maintenance. Both agencies testified that Prior Agency Approval is not necessary for emergency vegetation maintenance work. Mr. Huffman offered a commonsense amendment atmarkup which would have required proactive planning by utilities in coordination with land managers to aeent to identify and address potential fire threats. Every republican voted against it. Instead theyre supporting legislation which would lead to less responsible stewardship of americas peoples forests. According to the natch interagency fire center, power lines were responsible for closing only 0. 03 of forest fires in the past five years. If republicans are serious about preventing and fighting forest fires, theyll work with us to adequately fund the Forest Service and work on the problem of fire borrowing which burned up 52 of the agencys budget. But this isnt about solving a problem, its about control. Its regrettable that House Republicans seek to give away the peoples land to private interest. Its outrageous that this would happen. Madam speaker, i urge a no vote on the amendment. I yield back i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from new jersey reserve. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Cramer i want to correct a couple of statements made sincerely by the opposition to this. I want to be clear that the cost of this is born not by the taxpayers, but by the utility themselves. And the reason that theyre not able to do it now, of course, is because of liability, lack of clarity in the Liability System of this clears that part of it up. And again, i want to get back to, i was a regulator for nearly 10 years and some people may remember not so many years ago, a major rolling brownout that led to blockouts in the northeastern part of this country. All of that was caused by trees growing into transmission lines. It has a cascading effect. Yes, when those trees, if its a large forest, those trees are in transition lines can transmission lines can create forest fires. This is a very basic approach. Most of the arguments the gentleman raised are to the underlying bill, not this amendment. This amendment is very straightforward. I urge a yes vote and i reserve. The chair the gentleman from north dakota reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Pallone i yield back, madam speaker. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Cramer i urge a yes vote and yield back. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from north dakota. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. Mr. Mr. Pallone i ask for the yeas and nays. The chair in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. Pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from north dakota will e postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 27 printed in house report 114359. For what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition . Mr. Duffy i have an amendment. The chair the clerk will report the amendment. The clerk amendment number 27, offered by mr. Duffy of wisconsin. The chair the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Duffy, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from wisconsin. Mr. Duffy today i rise to talk about my commonsense amendment, an amendment that takes aim at excessive bureaucratic rule making at the e. P. A. The e. P. A. Has long been known to issue onerous and costly rules with little regard to the impact on american businesses and the families who run those businesses. According to some estimates, 17 of the e. P. A. s major rules implemented between 2000 and 2013 have imposed an annual Economic Impact of 90 billion. A 90 billion annual impact per year. Which means real jobs and a real impact on our economy. Adding to the frustration, it often ignores longstanding executive orders requiring them to improve their own regulatory coordination planning and reviews. These executive orders were issued under the clinton and Obama Administrations, two administrations that have a very positive outlook toward the e. P. A. By no by no stretch of the imagination do we consider them conservative. These require departments departments, but not agencies like the e. P. A. , to follow guidelines on rules that would have an impact on state, local or tribal goth or private expenditures in the aggregate of more than 900 million a year. Those big rules have big impacts. The mercury rule is a prime example of that. It was going to cost 10 billion. The u. S. Supreme court struck down that rule because the e. P. A. Unreasonably failed to consider the cost. My amendment would require the e. P. A. To follow existing requires requirements to improve regulatory planning, coordination, and reviews. American businesses and families cant afford the e. P. A. To continue with duplicative and overreaching regulations. The e. P. A. Should have to follow the same rules other departments must follow. I reserve. Mr. Upton i want to say, this amendment requires the e. P. A. To satisfy regulatory planning, review requirements, comply with y both the competing executive orders. Lets avoid this possibility by defeating the executive mendment. Mr. Duffy lets have the e. P. A. Implement ruelings with no comment, no transparency and no input from the American People. Thats not what our founders envisioned. They envisioned a form of government where it was transparent. We all had a say in the process. These arent radical ideas. This is common sense. Listen, a quote, regulation shall be adopted through a process that involves public participation. That wasnt from ronlt reagan or george bush. That was barack obama. Each agency where feasible and appropriate shall seek the views of those who are likely to be affected. Not ronald reagan. Not george bush. But barack obama. This stuff makes sense. Open the process up. Let the American People see the impact and the rules that are being proposed. Just like in every other government agency. The e. P. A. Shouldnt get special treatment. Transparency, Good Government, american involvement from the people and the process is what this amendment is about. I would encourage all of my colleagues to support Good Government and a great amendment and i would reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Pallone madam chair, let me just say that this process with the e. P. A. Is very transparent. They do consider cause and i disagree with the gentleman. I would urge opposition to this amendment. I yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from wks is recognized. Mr. Duffy i yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from wisconsin. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 28 printed in house report 114359. For what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition . The clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 28 printed in house report 114359 offered by mr. Gosar of arizona. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 552, the gentleman from arizona, mr. Gosar, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona. Mr. Gosar thank you, madam chair. I rise today to offer a commonsense amendment to h. R. 8. He gosarbriden gosarbridenstineyoho amendment limits attorneys fees for such challenges in order to discourage frivolous lawsuits and foster American Energy production. This amendment will streamline the process and encourage production of natural gas, hydropower, clean coal, geothermal, solar, oil, biomass and all other sources of energy that are produced on federal lands. Specifically this amendment requires the u. S. District courts to hear and determine covered civil action challenges as expediently as practical. And that all covered civil actions be filed within 90 days of the final federal Agency Action. This amendment is responsible, commonsense step that a government accountable to the people should take to show proper stewardship of the publics dollar, time and resources. If you support transparency and cutting red tape that is holding up energy development, then you should support this amendment. Just this week the house passed legislation unanimously in the form of h. R. 3279. The open book on equal access to justice act. This bipartisan bill tracks how much money is paid out under the equal access to justice act and from which agencies. This legislation was necessary because while congress used to track such information, these practices were stopped in 1995. The gosarbridenstineyoho amendment improves on this excellent bipartisan work by limiting attorneys fees and frivolous lawsuits against covered energy products, including renewables. While no one knows the exact cost of eaja payouts as they have occurred untracked and in e dark for 20 years, the Government Accountability office last reported in 2009 that special interest washington, d. C. , lawyers were billing the federal government at exorbitant rates as high as 750 an hour. It seems only appropriate that h. R. 3279 should be signed into law. Those reporting requirements should kick in and our amendment should be adopted before the federal government squanders more taxpayer money, paying out d. C. Trial attorneys who specialize in holding up American Energy production. House Natural Resources chairman rob bishop supports our commonsense amendment. Our amendment is endorsed by the americans for limited government, the American Petroleum institute, angulars united inc. , arizona builders alliance, the arizona farm bureau, arizona liberty, arizona pork council, arizona bass federation, concerned citizens for america, gavel resources, grand Canyon State Electric cooperation association, shake, rattle and troll radio, the Yuma County Chamber of commerce and countless citizens throughout the country who are tired of the red tape and bureaucracy, holding up American Energy production. I thank the chair and Ranking Member for their tireless efforts on north American Energy security and infrastructure act and i strongly support h. R. I urge my colleagues to support the gosarbridenstineyoho amendment and with that i reserve. I yield. Mr. Upton i just want to say, i thank the gentleman for the amendment. Weve talked to the Natural Resources committee staff. Obviously something that obviously its something that chairman bishop supports. This amendment does ensure the timely review for legal challenges, for Energy Projects. Its a worthy amendment. I would urge my colleagues to support it. I yield back to the gentleman from arizona. Mr. Gosar i reserve. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Johnson i rise in opposition to the amendment. The chair the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Johnson thank you, madam speaker. I rise in opposition to h. R. To this amendment to h. R. 8. And this amendment is another example of procorporate, antienvironmental legislation designed by large corporations to restrict access to the courts for the average citizen. The gosar amendment ignores separation of powers by telling the federal courts how to do their jobs, restricting the type of relief a court can grant, and penalizing successful challenges brought under the equal access to justice act. This in turn limits access to legal reliefor those challenging government decisions. Now, lets say youre a farmer or a rancher or a landowner and you live adjacent to federal land that is being leased out to an Energy Company for fracking. And youre worried about whats going to happen to your drinking water. Youre worried about the price of your house and youre worried about the health of your children. Well, this amendment will greatly interfere with your ability to challenge the decision of the federal agency , it will e permit tie the hands of the court in terms of deciding the case in a fair and justice way just way. For nearly 70 years the administrative procedure act or a. P. A. Has served as the foundation for Administrative Agency action. And ensures that Agency Action taking place in the rulemaking process is fair, efficient and flexible enough to accommodate the myriad of Agency Actions that governs, along with the challenges of daily life. Judicial review of Agency Action is a hallmark of the a. P. A. And its critical to ensuring that Government Action does not harm or adversely effect the public. The gosar amendment would discard decades of wisdom and jurisprudence, preserving the right of judicial review. First, it would reduce the statute of limitations for judicial review of Agency Action under the a. P. A. To 90 days. This is down from six years for most claims brought against the United States in cases involving onshore and offshore energy leasing, development and transmission on federal lands. This razorthin window for review would effectively immunize Government Action involving Energy Projects from public accountability, allowing those agencies to opt out of our Civil Justice system. Second, the amendment limits a judicial stay of final Agency Action by requiring courts to only consider whether relief would be the least intrusive or narrowly drawn relief possible to correct a violation. Courts, however, typically consider other things such as where the Public Interest lies. The sweeping limitation would dramatically interfere with the courts ability to provide relief, tilting the outcome against the Public Interest. Lastly this amendment slams the door to the courthouse by prohibiting access to funds under the equal access to justice act. By enacting the equal justice equal access to justice act, congress recognized that individuals and organizations should not be deterred from challenging unjustified governmental action simply because it costs too much. For three decades veterans, seniors, persons with disabilities, Small Businesses and nonprofit organizations from across the ideological spectrum have relied upon the equal access to justice act to challenge illegal Government Action. This amendment would cripple the rights of those concerned or opposed to an Energy Project by preventing those who cannot afford to litigate a case against the big corporations from recovering fees, expenses and court costs when they win. Its time for this congress to tand up for Everyday Americans and i would urge my colleagues to stand for the rights of the individual and local communities and oppose this misguided amendment and ill reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from arizona is recognized. Mr. Gosar madam chair, this amendment is simple. Either youre with American Energy producers or youre with overpaid, highpriced washington, d. C. , attorneys. And extremist special Interest Groups holding up American Energy production. This amendment still allows the public to seek assistance in federal court and actually encourages that an up or down review of the legal challenges occur in a more timely manner. This amendment does not affect nepa or environmental requirements whatsoever, all American Energy producers will still have to go through the full Environmental Review and permitting process. As i mentioned earlier, in previous amendments, that process takes an average of 1,709 days to complete and allows input public input from all americans. And with that, madam chair, ill reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman serves, the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Johnson youre either with regular people, land owners, regular people, or youre with corporations, pillaging the land without any drawback of having to be brought into the courthouse to deal with what you have done or what youre about to do. With that, i yield back. The chair the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from arizona is recognized. Mr. Gosar thank you, madam chair. The amendment encourages an all of the above strategy and ensures it applies to coal, natural gas, thermal, and any other source produced on federal land. It embraces and supports those folks out there in meck. In america. With that, i ask all our folks to vote for the gosarbridenstineyoho amendment. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the wrelt from arizona. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. He amendment is adopted. It is now in order to consider amendment number 29 printed in the house report 114359. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Upton i ask unanimous consent that i be able to offer the jenkins amendment. The chair the gentleman will be a designee, the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 29 printed in house report 114359, offered by mr. Upton of michigan. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 542, the gentleman from michigan, mr. Upton, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. Mr. Upton this amendment requires the department of energy and the department of commerce to conduct a study regarding the legal and regulatory barriers that delay, prohibit, or impede the eblings port of Natural Energy resources. I would ask unanimous consent that mr. Engines, the sponsor of this amendment, that his remarks be put into the record. The chair the request is covered by general leave. Mr. Upton and these instructions, this study, it can come in the form of, as it focuses on this, the amendment instructs energy and commerce departments to conduct a study to figure out which regulatory barriers may be prohibiting, delaying or hindering americas Natural Resources like coal and natural gas, it can come in the form of permitting requirements, regulatory red tape, Market Forces and more. I urge my colleagues to support it and yield back the balance of my time. The chair for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Pallone i claim time in opposition. The chair the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Pallone i rise in opposition to thement to this amendment which would require the department of energy and the department of mers to conduct a study on the legal and regulatory provisions that delay or pribt export of Natural Resources. This is another example of an amendment in search of a problem. The majority is once again making pie per bollic claims about the federal government blocking Energy Exports but this is simply not true. To cite the example of l. N. G. Export the department of energy currently conducts a public attempts eview of all a export to a country without Free Trade Agreement with the United States. They act expeditiously. To date, d. O. E. Approved nine final authorizations on seven projects. To imply theres a barrier in this case is not true. Further, any socalled barrier usually hases has a specific purpose, for example, taking time to ensure the Public Health is protected that safety an voirptal concerns are evaluated, that the exports are in the National Interest and that consumers are not adversely impacted. Finally, the amendment does not define barrier so would other rules constitute a barrier . Im not even certain the d. O. E. And department of commerce have the necessary expertise to judge these barriers. I urge my colleagues to vote against this amendment. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. He amendment is agreed to. It is now in order this consider amendment number 30 printed in house report 114359. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . I rouzer mrs. Chairman, have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 30, offered by mr. Rouzer of North Carolina. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 542, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Rouzer, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Rouzer thank you, madam chairman. I rise today to offer an amendment to the north American Energy security and infrastructure act. In early march of this year, the e. P. A. Published a final rule establishing new regulations for wood heaters. Manufacturers and consumers across the country are concerned about the negative impact of these new regulations, in essence these new requirements will increase the cost to the point that wood heaters may be priced out of the marketplace. Best case stair yow is that consumers will be paying more. Madam chairman, neither is a good outcome. According to reports 10 of u. S. Households still choose wood heaters to keep their energy costs as long as possible. The number of households that rely on wood as their primary heating source, get this, rose by nearly one third from 2005 to 2012. Its important to note that several states have worked to protect their residents from the consequences of these new regulations. Wisconsin, missouri, michigan, virginia and my home state of North Carolina have all introduced or passed legislation that prohibits their respective environmental agencies from enforcing these burdensome, unnecessary regulations. The reason is, they know the cost of additional regulations are always passed town to the consumers. Simply put, the federal government has no business telling private citizens how they should heat their homes. Think about all the folks in the midwest and northeast who will need and want a wood heater. After all, this is america. If you want to have the opportunity to buy a wood heater, you ought to have that opportunity. It shouldnt be priced out of the market. Now, mr. Chairman, or madam chairman, i need to yield two minutes and would like to yield two minutes to my good friend representative smith of missouri. The chair the gentleman from missouri is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Smith i thank the gentleman from North Carolina. The e. P. A. Has decided that 12 million wood burning stoves in 2. 4 million households across america need to be regulated. In fact, back in the eighth district of missouri, about 30,000 households use wood heat to warm their homes. Census data showed that households used wood heat in 34 of the homes from 2000 to 2010 and that low and middle income households are much more likely to use wood as a primary heating fuel. A given home in my district is five times more likely to be heated with wood than the national average. Constituents i talk with daily are sick of this administrations war on rural america. Rules like these disproportionately hurt rural areas which use much more wood heat an urban or suburban environments. 57 of households who primarily use wood for heat are in rural areas. 40 are in the suburbs and only 3 in urban areas. Times are already tough enough back home. Folks should not be punished for their selfreliance and their fore thought to take advantage of an abundant, ecofriendly wood like fuel like wood. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this rule and i yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Rouzer i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from North Carolina reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Pallone to claim time in opposition. The chair the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Pallone i rise in opposition to this amendment which would delay e. P. A. s important standards for wood heaters, finalized in february 2015 that would help improve air quality, especially in communities where people burn wood for heat. E. P. A. Updated these standards because the clean the e. P. A. Required them to set new standards for fuels that cause or significantly contribute to air pollution that may endanger Public Health and welfare and the law requires them to review the standards every eight years. E. P. A. Issued the first standard in 1998. They amended it in 199208 prohibit the sale of wood heaters to consumers. If theyd used an invalid test to obtain certification that the heater met the requirement. The 1998 amendment did not change the original rule. This means the standards for wood heaters have not been updated in nearly 30 years. E. P. A. s standards reflect significant outreach to the public, interested stake holders including consultation with state, local and tribal governments and the Small Business advisory review panel. The new standards will provide tremendous Health Benefit biscuiting harmful air pollution, including particle pollution and air tox ins. Parolical pollution affects a range of Health Issues like asthma and heart problems. The cost of these will be 7 billion annually. For every dollar spent to manufacture cleaner wood heaters, well see up to 165 in Health Benefits. Blocking this rule, mr. Speaker, mr. Chairman is fiscally irresponsible. Some may claim the rule will require those who use wood heaters to replace the models they currently use but this only applies to new manufacturing of wood heaters. Doesnt require anyone to replace a heater they already purchased. Let me repeat. E. P. A. Is not going into anyones home and forcing them to replace a heat they currently have. The final rule also have has a yadgeule phase in to allow manufacturers time to adapt. If this amendment were to become law and e. P. A. Is unable to implement the standards, manufacturers will be able to continue producing outdated wood heaters that pose risks to our air quality and to our health. E. P. A. s rule is a reasonable one thats long overdue. It has important benefits and should be allowed to be implemented. I urge my colleagues to oppose this amendment and mr. Chairman, i reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Rouzer thank you, mr. Chairman. This is a commonsense amendment. Put forward in order to address an onerous, unnecessary rule. My question is, what are we going to try to regulate next . Fireplaces . Next on the list it seems like to me. Mr. Chairman, again, i ask for support for this amendment. I think my i thank my colleague from missouri for having the for being here to offer his words of support for the amendment. I yield back the remainder of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina. Im sorry, the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Chairman. I urge opposition to the amendment and yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from North Carolina. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. The amendment is adopted. Mr. Pallone i ask for a recorded vote. The chair pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceed thonings amendment offered by the gentleman from North Carolina will be postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 31 printed in house report 114359. For what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Ms. Castor i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will report the amendment. The clerk amendment number 31 printed in house report 114 will have 359, offered by ms. Castor of florida. The chair the gentlelady from florida, ms. Castor and a member opposed each will control phi minutes. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Castor my amendment is a great opportunity to put solar power within reach or of more families and Small Businesses across america. It amends the public utility regulatory policies act of 19 under which Congress Directs states to consider adopting certain regulatory policies. My amendment directs states to consider Solar Projects up to two mega watts in size to be connected to their Power Distribution system and that utilities allow the electricity produced by the communitys solar facility to be credited directly to each of the consumers who owns a share of the system, thus offsetting the cost of the electricity that would normally be billed by the utility to the customer. Have policies in s place. My amendment would encourage other states to implement to promote projects. 49 of households are ununable system or they do not have sufficient roof space. Or they live in buildings with too much shade to host a photo vol tayic system. And 48 of businesses are unable to host the solar array. Shared sole air could represent half of the market in 2020 ding 5. 5 of solar capacity across our country. One good example that is happening, the Orlando Utilities Commission has developed central the solar farm. The Community Solar farm gives residential and Small Business customers without the hassles and costs associated with installing panels. Of 540 ces an average ,000 kilowatts. This has great promise and Great Potential for families and small usiness is and i urge an aye vote. The chair for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Upton mr. Chairman, this amendment requires states to consider electric utilities to allow projects up to two megawatts connect to the electric grid. Seriously they are considering. And we support their goals but we have concerns with the amendment, namely as grafted, it could violate some electric service laws while potentially being redundant of federal standards currently imposed on states but because it is not a mandate and uses purpa for states to consider, we can accept the gentlewomans amendment and i yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back. Ms. Castor i thank the gentleman for recognizing the solar potential for families and thank him for an aye vote. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlelady from florida. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. He amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 32. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Chairman, i have an amendment at the desk the clerk amendment number 32 printed in house report 114359 offered by mr. Did he seanier of california. The chair the gentleman from california and a member opposed each will control five minutes. Mr. Desaulnier this amendment requires the department of ergy to see the crude oil by rail. This common sense approval is in residents while it is industrialized is urbanized. The area i represent has five Oil Refineries and two dings facilities. In 2008, oil traffic has had increased over 5,000 along rail routes to refineries and hubs along both coasts. As traffic increases, so does derailments. Crude oil is considered more vulnerable and is important safety implications. They have issued safety alerts that crude oil being transported may be more flammable. In fact, highly volatile crude oil from this region has been compared to jet oil and that can ignite. Several communities have been forced to evacuate or sustain property damage. And there have been instances of severe injuries or even deaths. While the Obama Administration has taken steps, more must be done to ensure that americans living near railways are safe. His requires to accept volatility. And i would my colleagues to accept this commonsense amendment and i reserving. Mr. Upton i would seek five minutes in opposition. The chair the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Upton i support the amendment. This amendment requires the department of energy to study the amount of volatility that is acceptable. We want the safe transportation of all of our Natural Resource is. Rail transport is getting larger and larger and we need to make sure it is safe and i think it is a worthy amendment and i yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from california. Thank you. I would yield what time is necessary to mrs. Lowey from new york. Mrs. Lowey mr. Chairman, i rise in support of the amendment. But at the outset, i want to thank my friend, the distinguished chairman, for your wisdom in supporting this very important amendment. This year, derailments in north dakota, pennsylvania and West Virginia destroyed homes. We must protect those who livener americas expansive railways, including my constituents in rockland county, new york where every week, 0 highly rry highly volatile crude oil. In 2013, a Freight Train pulling truck, ollided with a averted disaster because the cars were empty. This was not an isolated incident. Vehicles are struck owe train tracks that carry crude oil. Just last month, a Freight Train collided with a car. We cannot afford to risk our next time. We need scientific information to determine what volatility levels of crude oil can be safely shipped, which would be provided, if this amendment passes, to protect those living near rail ways with the dangers associated with a crude oil derailment. I urge support of this amendment. Nd i thank my colleague, mr. Desean year and it looks like we are going to see important action on this important issue. The chair the gentlelady yields back. The the gentleman from california. I yield back. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by amendment offered by the gentleman from california. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it and the amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 33 printed in house report 114359. I have an amendment at the desk. The clerk amendment number 33 printed in house report number 114359 offered by mr. Deutch of florida. The chair the gentleman from florida and a member opposed will each control five minutes. Mr. Deutch thank you very much. R. 8, the was crafted to support the modernization of our nations infrastructure. The deutch taky amendments has kineticmarine and hydro energy. And and this amendment would support the work done by institutions done by across the country in my district. Im proud that we have been the leader harnessing the clean power of our oceans to bring america one step closer. The research being done in brured county has shown the energy to produce Reliable Energy without engaging our beaches or ocean. These research and centers will serve as the industry by providing best practices information on developing and managing these projects so others can learn from the work being done from nationwide. Rine projects generate projects. And they also can generate energy from rivers, lakes or streams. The projects generate power without the use of a dam. Accordingly, the projects have little or if any impact. Waves, tides have a produce. Harnessing only 15 of the energy would produce as much electricity as we currently produce from dams. It has been estimated the amount that can be produced along the u. S. Coast could provide power to 67 million homes with more than 50 of our nations pulation living within the coastline and transmitting the energy to our cities and neighborhoods are cost effective. The department of energy has estimated it can provide up to 25 of our nations power. California, washington and oregon could have up to 0 of their electricity requirements generated from waves. While hawaii and alaska get all of their energy. This bill in developing technology is in the process of being commercialalized. Have e, they get energy roviding power to 25 to 30 hours. In hawaii, the first to be connected to the electric grid. And these are the beginning steps for commercial louisianaing this energy form and provide grid. Importantly, this amendment will improve the regulations improving the licensing of marine. For projects seeking a license and the agencies involved in reviewing the licensing process so projects dont get caught up. It will provide a continuous and clean source of energy. It will have research and Development Projects that work from ocean waves, tides and it would improve the regulatory barriers that slow the licensing process. Marine is a source of energy we need to develop, and improve to provide our communities with the electricity they need. I would like to thank my colleague for all of his hard work in support of this and for his support of this amendment. And i strongly urge support. I reserve. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Upton i seek five minutes in opposition and would say that im convinced that this is a good amendment and i will be in support of the amendment. We have me members that members that are strong supporters of hydropower. This promotes the Marine Technologies and improves the regulatory process and as such we support the amendment and yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from florida. Mr. Deutch i thank my friend. And i yield back. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from florida. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it and the amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 34 printed in house report 114359. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Mr. Grayson i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 34 printed in house report 114359, offered by mr. Grayson of florida. The chair the gentleman from florida, mr. Grayson, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The gentleman from florida. Mr. Grayson my amendment would require standards for the smart meters on peoples home that are part of the smart grid. As of 2013, nearly 52 million smart meters have been installed in the United States. This amendment would prohibit locally publicly owned electric utilities, electrical corporations or Gas Companies from sharing, disclosing or otherwise making accessible to any third party a customers electrical or gas consumption data. It would require them to use reasonable security measures and practices to protect them from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or exposure. I reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Upton i seek the fife minutes in opposition to the amendment. The chair the gentleman is recognized in opposition. Mr. Upton i use my time to support the amendment. Is does set up privacy standards for smart meters, i think its brilliant. I yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from florida. Mr. Grayson i yield back. The chair the question is on the amendment of the gentleman from florida. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 35 printed in house report 114355. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 35 printed in house report 114359 offered by merchandise jackson lee of texas. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 532, the gentlewoman from texas, ms. Jackson lee and a member opposed each will control phi minutes. Ms. Jackson lee i want to take a moment, mr. Chairman, as we have been debating Important Energy issues on the floor of the house to offer my deepest sympathy to the families that have lost loved ones in San Bernardino and hope we will come together as a country and find solutions to this terrible tragedy. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce this amendment because it talks about the goodness of this nation and the wonderment of our youth. My amendment is called the youth Energy Enterprise competition and it asks the secretaries of energy and commerce to jointly establish an Energy Enterprise competition to encourage youth to propose solutions to the Energy Challenges of the United States and to promote youth interests in careers in science, technology, engineering and math, especially those fields that relate to energy. As a member of the United States congress i have had the privilege of being on the congressional awards board that provides medals to young people across the country for their public service, for their volunteerism. I can see then they come to washington the excitement and the future of this nation. I truly believe that the future of this nation is in energy independence. Economic growth, National Security, and expanding opportunities. And diversifying the Energy Sector work force are Critical Issues we must invest our time and talent in. Across america, colleges, community colleges, high schools, middle schools are talking about science, technology, engineering and math. Were trying to introduce our children to the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and math. I do it by introducing my young people to nasa. Nasajohnson. Inviting them down to the space center, watching their eyes open in amazement. Or my annual toys for kids effort, Big Christmas party, in the most popular and the most popular entity is the astronaut in the space exhibit. I know it is in our children my amendment is consistent with the administrations commitment to promoting national and economic and Homeland Security interests and empowering our youth. It asking the energy department, secretary of commerce, to develop a challenge so that our young people can compete with their ideas about the Energy Challenges of america. It is a good approach to getting ideas to those of us who are policymakers. Or maybe even to the world of the energy industry. From those in soil con valley and when i say that dealing with high tech to the hardnosed energy in the midwest and certainly down in houston, texas. Where were dealing with l. N. G. , natural gas an oil. And looking for new ways to produce that product in a safe and environmentally secure way. I think this competition will bring forth new ideas, excited young people, maybe starting from elementary or middle school, certainly working with young people in high school and rewarding them for their talent. Mr. Speaker, this is a number of pictures from my district. Garden. Bits a community really its teaching young people about soil and the idea of how you raise trees and dealing with the science of farming. And then you have them also dealing with a drone, knowing the technology of that. Using it in a good way. So i have faith in americas youth and i believe that this amendment will help us bring to the forefront their talent, and brought new ideas to make this nation the kind of strong and powerful nation that we know it is, but more importantly, using the genius of our youth to face the 21st Century Energy challenges. With that, i ask my colleagues to support it and i reserve my time. The chair the gentlelady reserves. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Upton i ask for five minutes in opposition to the amendment. The chair the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Upton but theres no way i could oppose this amendment. Let me just say from the beginning. It directs the secretaries of energy and commerce to jointliest tably an Energy Enterprise competition to promote youth interests in science, technology, engineering and math, especially as those fields related to energy. I heard from one of my heroes today, dean kaman. Probably one of the best inventor of our time. He is on his own he has on his own started just a Wonderful Program employing hundreds of thousands of youth all around the country, all around the world. Competition called first robotics. To get high school and middle School Students invested in looking at the science of so many Different Things in competition that i participated in. My governor who is in town, Rick Schneider tonight, was honored as i think the number one guy in the nation earlier this year in michigan. Were going to have the National Competition in detroit, i want to say new york two years. But ive been at the regional competition for this. You know, kids an mentors and companies are investing, this is the future of science. So many Different Things. And this is a great amendment. I would urge all my colleagues to vote for it and i know that as i look at my friendship with dean kaman hell probably never talk to me again if i oppose the amendment. Its a great amendment. Should have been done as part of our committee markup. I look forward to working with the Education Committee an appropriators to make sure its funded. Its a good thingened and i urge my colleagues its a good thing and i urge my colleagues to support it. I yield back. The chair the gentlelady yields back this egentlelady from texas is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentleman from michigan. I yield to the distinguished gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pallone. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pallone i want to thank my colleague from texas for coming up with such a Great Program for young people. Just listening to her and the sense of optimism about the future which i think is what we need to encourage in our young people. I was so pleased to see that the chairman of our Committee Also supports it. So i would like to lend my support and urge the amendments adoption. I yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back. Ms. Jackson lee i thank mr. Upton for his enthusiasm. Dean kaman is a hero of all of us and as i said, the greatest joy ive seen in my young people when i invite them out is going to nasajohnson in houston and as well when i bring the astronauts to their schools or when nasa goes to the schools but when i have this Big Christmas party, santa claus comes but i will tell you the astronauts are enormously popular. I want to thank mr. Pallone as well for being committed to the energy and the dreaming and the inspiration and talent of our young people. Thats what this amendment is about. I hope we can Work Together to find the funding but more importantly to get our young people engaged. I think theyll have a lot of answers. I ask my colleagues to support this amendment. I yield back. The chair the gentleladys time has expired. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentlelady from texas. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair this ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 36 printed in house report 114359. For what purpose does the gentlelady from new york seek recognition . Ms. Meng i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment nurment 34 printed in house report 114359, offered by ms. Mention of new york. The chair the gentlelady from new york, ms. Mention, and a member opposed each will control phi minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlelady from new york. Ms. Meng this bipartisan amendment is simp. It seeks to strike the word oriental from federal law in the last two remaining instances where it refers to a person in federal law. I thank my colleague, chairman oyce, for sponsoring this with me. As i hope my children will not be referred to as oriental by thinkteacher at school, i we should strike this word from two sections of federal law written in the 1980s that fall under the jurisdiction of the energy and commerce committee. Congress once found it appropriate to pass laws such as the chinese exclusion act and the geary act but we also found it appropriate to repeal them. Times change, what is acceptable changes, and this congress more often than not yields to that change. I call on my colleagues to join me in striking the legal use of outdated outdated terms many in the community would find offensive. I thank the rules committee for making this amendment in order. I thank the chair for allowing me time to speak on what is an important issue to my district. I thank mr. Royce for his cosponsor hipp of cosponsorship of this amendment. I reserve the balance of my time. The chair for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Upton i ask for the five minutes in opposition but again i strongly support this amendment. And delighted that you brought it to our attention. Mr. Royce is a very dear friend. I know we all share the same thoughts. I want to just thank pete sessions, chairman of the rules committee, for making this amendment in order. I urge my colleagues to support the amendment and appreciate it being offered tonight. I yield back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentlelady from new york. Ms. Meng i thank the gentleman for his kind words and yield back the remainder of my time. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlelady from new york. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 37 printed in house report 114359 for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Pallone to speak in support of my amendment. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 37 printed in house report 114359, offered by mr. Pallone of new jersey. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 542, the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pallone, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Chairman. Despite original efforts to pass a bipartisan bill to address our Energy Infrastructure needs, h. R. 8 has become an attempt by the Republican Party to create backward facing legislation that replaces many good provisions with legislation that would continue to reward polluters and contribute to our Climate Change issue. In yesterdays debate on the c. R. A. s we heard time and again the that Climate Change is not a priority for republicans because they are more concerned with the economy and jobs. Unlike the rhetoric that they would have us belief, a good economy and sound Environmental Policies are not mutually exclusive. Weve actually experienced a boost in the economy under the clean air act. However, Climate Change is having a real effect on our communities with more frequent extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy to the extreme drought in california to the floods experienced in florida. The emotional and economic tolls of these events have been great and will continue to increase the longer this congress ignores these pressing issues. Mr. Chairman, we cannot continue to ignore Climate Change and disseminate this information. Were putting ourselves on a track toward irreparable damage. Climate change and energy are inexorably linked, each are a facet of the other. Energy is contributing to 4 of u. S. Greenhouse emissions. Its critical that legislation that is focused on developing u. S. Energy policy moves the country on the right path by helping to reduce carbon pollution, not to increase it. Ts imperative that u. S. Energy make all energy use more efficient and necessary tep so tongue the impact is to have the energy bill scored before it is enacted and my amendment would do just that. It would be submitted who would determine the impacts of the bill on u. S. Greenhouse gas emissions. The bill should not be enacted until such an analysis is complete. We know the higher levels of Greenhouse Gases will per tush our climate and Public Health. The responsible choice is to ensure we are not contributing to the problem. As members of this congress it is our responsibility to protect the ins of interests of our americans and protect americans from Climate Change. And this amendment will allow us to do just that by giving us necessary information to analyze the effects of this legislation. I urge my colleagues to vote for this amendment and i reserve. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. Mr. Upton i would seek five minutes in opposition. This amendment as properly stated would provide if the bill should not take effect until the study has been prepared. In essence, it would delay implementation of the bill indefinitely and we believe that would be a diversion as the focus of this bill is to modernize our Energy Infrastructure and ensure access to affordable and Reliable Energy as fast as we can. An economy provides the means for future generations and the economic strength to respond and adapt to future challenges. Particularly true when it comes to Climate Change, the bill promotes technological innovation and infrastructure and Strong Economy to withstand economy events and delaying measures denies the public a direct path to a more resill ept Energy Infrastructure. Because of those reasons, i urning my colleagues to vote against my friends amendment. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone i yield myself such time as i may consume. The score that im asking for that would be done by the Energy Information administration would not indefinitely delay the bill. They have the ability to do the scoring. This is an agency that was created on a bipartisan basis and nonpartisan and collects data and once the score was attributed, the bill could move forward. But the point is we need to know what the impact is going to be on the environment, on air pollution and Climate Change. My concern, of course, is that this legislation will score negatively and thats the reason why i think we need to have a score. Its not going to delay the bill indefinitely as suggested by the chairman. I would urge a vote in favor of this amendment and yield. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new jersey. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. Mr. Pallone i would would ask for a recorded vote. The chair further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new jersey will be postponed. It is now in order to consider amendment number 38. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . I have an amendment at the desk. The clerk amendment number 8 printed in house report number 114359 offered by mr. Norcross of new jersey. The chair the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Norcross and a member opposed each will control five minutes. Mr. Norcross i yield myself such time as i may consume. The chair the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Norcross i appreciate the chairman and Ranking Member for bringing this bill to us. As we know and the title indicates, energy security. Well, my amendment is very simple and direct. We are urging and specifically telling and directing the secretary of energy to study the tential cybersecurity on smartmeters and report back in one year. What is a smartmeter . For the consumer it is the box by their panel which provides savings to the consumer and to the utility its about providing energy. Ure and reliable these meters were designed back before the world as we know it today. We have to think of things very differently and think of them before they happen. What are the risks . The g. A. O. Revealed the vulnerabilities in these smart meters. 40 million to 50 million that are installed on hospitals, churches, homes, industry that could potentially be a target for hackers. The c. I. A. Spoke about that activity against i. T. Systems and Power Systems overseas. Our society has become so reliant on the very electricity that we are standing under today that those who would damage to our country might have a vulnerability here and we need to act before they do. And this is why i bring this amendment forward. I started out as an electrician and i ups the power side of it. I sit on emerging threats. I hear the threats each and every day. We have to make sure that we have to keep our homes and businesses and most importantly, our military safe. We are talking at least damaged equipment, potentially massive blackouts, not just the ones we had in new york city a decade ago but potentially taking down our entire grid. Smartmeters is what we do day in and day in. And this identifies those vulnerabilities and i would urge members to support this and i reserve. The chair the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Upton i would seek the time in opposition. I support the amendment. This is a smart amendment. A little while ago we realized this is a great amendment and study rm weaknesses and smartmeters to mitigate those weaknesses and we want every home to be safe. And whether it is the individual billing or whatever it might be. Its a good amendment. And told mr. Grayson, brilliant, smart. Appreciate the gentlemans amendment and urge my colleagues to support it. The chair the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey. This is one of many items we look forward to. I appreciate it and i urge passage of this amendment and i yield back. The chair the gentleman from numing yields back. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. For what purpose does the gentleman from seek recognition . Mr. Upton i move that the committee do now rise. The chair those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted and accordingly, the committee rises. The speaker pro tempore mr. Chairman. The chair the committee of the whole house on the state of the union having had under consideration directs me to report it has come to no resolution thereon. The speaker pro tempore the committee has had under consideration h. R. 8 and has come to no resolution thereon. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. The clerk leaves of absence requested for mr. Cuellar for today and tomorrow and mr. Payne of new jersey for today. The speaker pro tempore without objection. He requests are granted. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 2015, the gentleman from texas, mr. Gohmert, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. Mr. Gohmert there are those in to media that think its fun belittle people who express the great sympathy, thoughts and prayers for the victims, victims families out in san bernandino, california, right do those of us who care extend our thoughts and prayers for those people. We dont know quite yet who the perpetrators were, but i think its important as we have been Syrian Refugees the last few weeks, the president s intention to bring Syrian Refugees into our country, our friend, senator Jeff Sessions, provided a list of 12 vetted refugees from areas where we actually had material, had information, unlike the Syrian Refugees, the f. B. I. , Homeland Security felt they had plenty of information to vet these individuals, did vet them, thoroughly checked them out and then brought them into the country. This article dated 24 november, 2015, he mentioned that senator Jeff Sessions is out with a list of 12 vetted refugees who joined jihad plots to attack the United States. He is spotlighting the refugees turned jihadis because he is trying to turn leaders in giving the president huge leeway to import refugees into the United States. Obama says the new refugees will be vetted. The top scurelt Officials Say the syrians cant be vetted because the u. S. Doesnt know what they are doing before they applied for refugee status. Many of the attempts are launched by the children of andim refugees and migrants in wo brothers who bombed boston and who was killed by the missile strike. That means the americans federal government is actively importing National Security problems that will cost of bill i dont know, sir of dollars to manage but cannot be eliminated. And this list, only covers 2015. There may be many more from 2015. There are many more from prior years. But here is just soffer of the individuals that this administration completely vetted, made sure they were not a threat to the United States and our people and yet brought them in only to find they were and are terrorists. On january 29, 2015, a federal warrant was unsealed for the arrest of libin haji mohammed who sources indicate came to the United States as a refugee, adjusted to lawful permanent resident and subsequently applied for and received citizenship. Mohammed is believed to have left the u. S. On july 5, 2012, with the intent to join al shabab in east africa. Mohammed previously lived in the metro d. C. Area and worked as a cab driver here and is believed to have snuck across the boarder to mexico after being placed on the nofly list. The special agent in charge of they have washington, d. C. Field office emphasized the importance of locating mohammed, quote, because he has knowledge of the washington, d. C. Areas infrastructure, such as shopping areas, metro, airports, and government buildings. This makes him an asset to his terrorist associates who might plot attacks on u. S. Soil. One refugee, second refugee, february 5, 2015. Had a native of somalia, came to the United States as a refugee, this was done under the bush administration. Abdenazir mohammed ibrahim, came at the age of 22, 2007 and then was later adjusted to lawful permanent resident status. But february 5, he was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for conspiring to provide Material Support for al shabab, designated foreign terrorist rganization. He lied on his application for citizenship. Lied on his request for refugee status, and falsely claimed, these are what he was convicted of, charged with, falsely claiming that he was a member of somalia and in subject to persecution by the majority clan. However, he was actually a member of the clan that was the persecutor and not the ersecuted. Abdenazir ibrahim. In missouri, a native of bosnia came to the United States as a efugee, completely vetted. Adjusted to lawful permanent resident status. Was made a citizen in 2013. Five years into the president s administration. But hes been named in an indictment with five other individuals as terrorists. Hes thought to be dead but the others listed provided material who allegedly ro went to the United States to left the United States to go to syria to fight with isis just 11 days after becoming a United States citizen. Hajak a so ramid native of boss neea. Hes a purported bosnian war hero, came to the United States as a refugee. Charged with conspiring to provide Material Support and resources to terrorists and providing Material Support to errorists. Wife o have sadina hajik, of ramis hazik, also a nate f of bosnia, came to the United States as a refugee. Charged with conspiring this year to charged this year with conspiring to provide Material Support and resources to terrorists and prviding support to terrorists. , he you have armin harcevik came to the United States as a refugee from bosnia. Subsequently had that adjusted to lawful permanent resident status. Hes charged with providing Material Support to terrorists. He collected money from third parties and wired it and his own funds to terrorists. Rizik, also have nihad a native of bosnia, who sources indicate came to the United States as a refugee. He applied for and was granted citizenship, has been charged with conspiring to provide Material Support and actually providing Material Support to terrorists. He is a truck driver, former mixed martial arts fighter. He previously had been charged with endangering the welfare of a child after punching the woman in a face while she punches a woman in the face while she held a charge and in a separate incident was charged with assault after allegedly beating his girlfriend. Then you have but apparently nothing came of those charges until he was charged with upporting terrorism. Sakavik. Edi came to the United States as a refugee. Applied for and was granted citizenship. Also charged with conspiring to provide Material Support and resources to terrorists and providing that support to errorists. He was formerly an employee with a Cargo Company that deals with items coming in and out of Chicagos Ohare International airport. Another refugee. Alleged by this administration to now be a terrorist. Jasminka ramik, native of bosnia, came as a refugee, applied for and was made a citizen. Charged with conspiring to provide Material Support and resources to terrorists and providing that support to terrorists. Y this administration. Aburahm born in a refugee camp in kenya, came to the United States as a child. Subsequently adjusted to lawful permanent resident. Charged with conspiracy to attempt to provide Material Support to isis. E and another individual alleged to have driven from minnesota to san diego to attempt to get passports to cross the board for the mexico and fly to syria. So this year, you have rulid ali omar, born in a kenyan refugee camp, came to the United States as a refugee. United states gave him citizenship. This administration has charged him with conspiracy and attempt to provide Material Support to isis. Another one of his brothers, Mohammed Ali Omar was accused in march of threaten federal agents when they came to the residence to interview galid omar. U. S. Attorney for the district of minnesota said omar never stopped plotting and had previously attempted to leave the United States. Another one of the refugees turned u. S. Citizen. All the while, at least part of the time, terrorist. Hen also this year, in august, urbanov f uzbekistan came as a refugee in 2009. Found guilty on charges he conspired and attempted to provide Material Support to a designated foreign terrorist organization. Possessed an unregistered destructive device. U. S. Assistant attorney general john car lynn state head conspired to provide Material Support to the Islamic Movement of uzbekistan and procured bomb making materials in the interest of perpetrating a terrorist attack on american soil. Press reports he began his life as a muslim. Supposedly faced persecution when his family converted to christianity. And came to the United States with his family as a refugee. Turned out he is islamic and radicalized. It is interesting, this administration assures us we have nothing to fear, nothing to be concerned about, im not afraid. But i am concerned about the oath that every one of us take. Were supposed to provide for the common defense in this country. Its an obligation we have. I think its the most important obligation we have. Were supposed to protect the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. As Andrew Mccarthy pointed out this past week, in one of his articles on National Review online, it should be important not merely to check to see if we have any information about an individual wanting to come here as a refugee or with obtaining a visa, however they intend to come, illegally as millions have. More are every day. Its important to ask not simply is this person a terrorist right now . But it would also be important to ask, are you one of the 2 3 or so that have been reported to be in the United States or wants to come into the United States as a muslim who believes that sharia law should replace the constitution. Because if those reports are accurate, the 2 3 of the that 2 3 of the muslims here believe sharia should replace the constitution, and theyre immigrants, they become citizens, that means they absolutely perjured themselves in their oath. That should be grounds for evoking their citizenship. And if it cant be used as such, we need to make sure it is used as such by what we do here in congress. In the meantime, since weve heard ben rhodes and so many others say, oh, yeah, no, the f. B. I. , Homeland Security, theyre going to be able to vet everybody really well, f. B. I. Director comey has made clear publicly, regardless of what he said privately, that thats not that does not change anything he said publicly, publicly hes made clear, yeah, well vet them. But when you tell us their names, weve got nothing to either verify or disprove what theyve said. Weve got nothing. We dont have any records from syria. We dont know if theyre even from syria. We dont know. We dont have the information to vet them. F. B. I. Had more information to vet people coming from iraq. And we know that they missed a couple of terrorists that were in kentucky they were allowed in, i think it was 2009. And turns out they just missed that their fingerprints, at least one of them, was on an i. E. D. In iraq. The guys a terrorist. So despite what this , ministration tries to aswage the brders are open. Receive Syrian Refugees that the president is bringing in to the United States. Even when governors say, we understand, you cant vet these people so youre not bringing hem into our states. Then i see this afternoon that the governor of my stating greg abbott, has sued the administration because the administrations made clear we dont care what you think. We dont care that your governor of your state that youre governor of your state. We dont care about the 10th amendment. We say were putting Syrian Refugees in texas and theres nothing you can do about that. Mr. Speaker, that kind of reminds me of the kind of things that king george and his bureaucrats used to say before the before the revolution. When when king george decided he would put his british soldiers anywhere he wanted to and there was nothing the people here could do about it. Hed put them in their houses. Didnt care what it did to their property values. He didnt care anything about that. We dont need a revolution, we hold eed to have congress the president accountable