The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 413, the nays are two. 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Without objection, the title is amended. He house will be in order. Members, please remove your conversation from the floor, into the appropriate cloakrooms r off the floor. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on the motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered. Or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20. Any record vote on the postponed question will be taken later. He house will be in order. The house will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from utah seek recognition . Mr. Chaffetz i move that the house suspend the rules and pass senate bill 1170the Breast CancerResearch Stamp reauthorization act of 2015. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk senate 1170, an act to amend title 39, United States code, to extend the authority of the United StatesPostal Service to issue a semipostal to raise funds for Breast Cancer research and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The ant to the rule, pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from utah, mr. Chaffetz, and the gentlewoman from california, ms. Speier, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from utah. Mr. Chaffetz thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Chaffetz i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Chaffetz i rise today in support of senate bill 1170, the Breast CancerResearch Stamp reauthorization act of 2015. It is sponsored primarily by senator Dianne Feinstein of california. The bill extends the requirement for the United StatesPostal Service to produce and sell a specific semipostal stamp with the proceeds going to fund Breast Cancer research. Importantly, all of the funds collected must be used for Breast Cancer research and senate bill 1170 includes explicit language to ensure that this is the case. Since the stamp was launched in 1998, it has raised nearly 82 million for Breast Cancer research. This money is sent to two Research Programs. The bulk of the money, 70 , goes to the National Institutes of health, and the remaining 30 goes to the medical Research Program at the department of defense. We hold both of these organizations to be accountable and should continue vigorous oversight of them. Both the n. I. H. And department of defense selects specific programs and proposals to receive funding and report on these programs each year. These funds raised by the stamp have helped make meaningful advances in the fight against Breast Cancer and i urge members to support this bill. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentlelady from new jersey. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i might consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in strong support of s. 1170, the Breast CancerResearch Stamp reauthorization act of 2015. I thank senator feinstein of california for her leadership on the legislation and her commitment to funding Breast Cancer research. Mrs. Watson coleman this is very important this is a very important bipartisan issue and 25 senators have joined senator feinstein in sponsoring this legislation. I also want to thank my colleague, representative speier, also from california, for introducing the house companion bill, which has 59 cosponsors from both sides of the aisle. And i thank chairman had chaffetz for bringing this chairman chaffetz for bringing this bill to the floor and for his support of this crucial legislation. S. 1170 would extend the authority of the United StatesPostal Service to issue the popular semipostal stamp that raises funds for Breast Cancer research. Currently Postal Service customers can choose to buy a 60cent Breast CancerResearch Stamp. The extra 11 cents above the price of a regular first class stamp my news the Postal Services administrative costs go to lifesaving research. Since its First Issuance in 1998, the Postal Service has sold almost one billion Breast CancerResearch Stamps. Generating nearly 82 million that has gone directly to the National Institutes of health and the department of defense to fund vital research. In a 2014 report to congress, the National Cancer institute of the n. I. H. Has concluded, and i quote, having this additional funding has furthered the Cancer Research communitys efforts to exploit increasing knowledge of genetics and biology, to develop more effective and less toxic treatments for Breast Cancer. Research funding from this semipostal stamp is critical in the fight against Breast Cancer, as one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive Breast Cancer during her lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2015 about 400,000 women 40,000 women, excuse me, will die from this disease. If we do not pass the measure before us today, the authorization for the Postal Service to sell the Breast CancerResearch Stamp will expire by the end of the year. So i therefore urge my lleagues to support 1170 and reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from utah. Mr. Chaffetz mr. Speaker, i have no additional speakers but i will continue to reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. Mrs. Watson coleman thank you. Mr. Speaker, id like to yield six minutes to the gentlelady from california, ms. Speier. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Speier i thank the gentlelady. I thank my colleagues for joining in this effort tonight. Id like to thank my colleague and coauthor of the house version of this bill, h. R. 2191, didnt in a lummis of wyoming Cynthia Lummis of wyoming, for her support and leadership on this issue. I want to also thank senator diane sign if stein. Senator fine Dianne Feinstein. Senator feinstein was the original author of this legislation back in 1997. Cancer, theres not one person probably in this room who hasnt been touched by Breast Cancer. Either themselves or through a Family Member or through a friend. Our colleague, courageous colleague, congresswoman wasserman schultz, congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee, senator high camp, house spouses of many spouses of many members have all been impacted. My mother survived Breast Cancer. One of my best friends did not. My colegislate i assistant to work on this measure lost her mother to Breast Cancer. She was only 13 years old when her mother died. This is an important bill. Whats most important about it is that we have made some progress. But still, one in eight women will develop Breast Cancer in her lifetime. It is still the second leading cause of death for women in this country. Whats really important about this legislation is the genesis of this legislation. Its an allamerican story. It reminds me of the quote by margaret immediate, never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has. In this case, its the story of an immigrant who came to this country, got elingted here, became a doctor at 26, became a Breast Cancer surgeon in sacramento, california. His name is dr. Ernie badai. He was concerned and frustrated by the slow pace of Breast Cancer research. And all the surgery he is found himself doing other and over again. So what did this Breast Cancer surgeon do . He came to congress. He made 15 trips to congress he spent over 100,000 of his personal money. To convince congress to pass a Breast Cancer stamp. And in so doing, was able to generate over, as weve heard already tonight, 0 million. In fact, we are coming close to having cold almost a million stamps in this country for Breast Cancer research. One man had a vision, he came to congress, it took him over two years to convince us to do it, but we did it. And its time now to reauthorize the legislation and im hopeful that we will do it because it has in fact shown to be very effective. In fact, its been used in finding genes that are protective against Breast Cancer, linking treatment outcomes with certain genes, and identifying women with a low risk of recurrence who can be spared chemotherapy. So my colleagues, this is an important bill to reauthorize. The deadline, as weve been told is fast approaching. Lets continue the search for a cure. Lets be part of that search by buying Breast Cancer stamps and by reauthorizing. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from california yields. The gentleman from utah. Mr. Chaffetz i do have an additional speaker. Im pleased to yield to the gentleman from wyoming, mr. To the gentlewoman from wyoming, mrs. Lummis. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Lummis i want to thank Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy for bringing this bill to the floor tonight so we can see this through before the end of the calendar year. Im proud to join my friend, jackie speier, my friend from california, and other house colleagues, as well as senator Diane Feinstein and my senator hense of iend, mike wyoming. E stamp says, qund the fight fund the fight, find a cure. Thats why were here. This is a budget neutral way to fund Critical Research to treat and hopefully one day cure this disease. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in proud support of the Breast CancerResearch Stamp reauthorization act of 2015. To have over 80 million raised since 1998 from this stamp for Breast Cancer research and have it be budget neutral is a wonderful way to acknowledge the importance of what we can do as private citizens once the government authorizes and empowers us to Fund Research through something we would buy every day anyway, and that is stamps. So once again, its so important that we continue to support this funding of medical research and doing it in a fes callly responsible way that could save hundreds of lives. Who knows, maybe that one little book of stamps that you buy that helps fund Breast Cancer research will be the one that finds the cure. Funds the fund the fight, find a cure. Mr. Speaker, again, i want to thank my colleague, jackie speier, my committee chairman, jason chaffetz, the majority leader, kenn mccarthy, and even who has cosponsored this bill, worked on this bill, brought it through the senate and brings it to the attention of the house of representatives tonight. We can fund the fight. We can find a cure. And tonight, this is the best way to move forward with that goal in mind. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman from wyoming yields, the gentleman from utah reserves. The gentlelady from new jersey. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from utah. Mr. Chaffetz i want to thank all those involved because every life across this country and across this world has been touched by Breast Cancer. I lost my mom to Breast Cancer. Lost my dad to cancer as well. Colon cancer. And this is a program that seems to work. Its been in place since before the year 2000. The numbers are quite startling. Instead of paying your 49 cents for a stamp you pay 60 cents and that money accumulated over time has generated tens of millions of dollars. Its something that is worthwhile. I appreciate mr. Mccarthy and his passion for this issue, appreciate mrs. Lummis and her dezero to tackle this. I also appreciate what ms. Speer, jackie speier, and mrs. Watson coleman have addedo this discussion and their passion in tackling this issue. It is truly it transcends everything we do. It touches every life and its something we must win and must overcome. This just happens to be one of those Government Programs that actually works. So were suggesting to our colleagues that we vote aye and support this and allow it to continue. Its one of the good things we do. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass senate 1170. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 being in the affirmative mr. Chaffetz mr. Speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those in support of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. A sufficient number having risen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceed option this question will be postpone. For what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition . I seek unanimous consent to have my name removed as a cosponsor to House Resolution 2646. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. The chair lays before the house a communication. The clerk the honorable, the speaker, house of representatives, sir, i, kevin bradying am submitting my resignation at vice chame they have vice chairman of the joint Economic Committee, j. E. C. , effective immediately. It is it has been an honor to serve on this committee. I look forward to my new role and chair of the ways and means committee. The speaker pro tempore without resignation is accepted. The chair announces the appointment of the following member on the part of the house to the joint Economic Committee. The clerk mr. Tiberi of ohio to rank before mr. Hay amash. The speaker pro tempore the chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois rise . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise this evening to highlight november as epilepsy awareness month. Tragically, across our country today, thousands of families dealing with epilepsy and other debilitating seizure disorders have been forced to uproot their families as they travel to states where c. D. B. Oil already is legalized. Mr. Dold especially in children, mr. Speaker, c. D. B. Oil helps reduce the amount of dureation of seizure. But over and other again the government has stood in the way of access to lifesaving care for these children. Chern across the country, like sophie weeks, deserve better. Sophie is an inspiring young woman in my district who suffers from a severe form of epilepsy. Without c. D. B. Oil suffers upwards of 200 seizures every single day. For sophie and children suffering like her, i introduced a bill to stop the government standing in the way of this lifesave regular leaf. I call on my colleagues to join me so we can pass the charlottes web medical help act of 2015 and ensure that no other families has to endure the loss of a child as they wait for the approval of this natural, lifesaving option. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from peevel seek recognition . Im sorry, texas seek recognition. Without objection. Mr. Speaker, since the passage of the american safe act, the constituents i serb have reached out to me through phone calls, emails and social media to voice their concerns. R. Veasey i did not vote view the safe act as a vote against syrian refugees. But it is the duty of me serving the constituents in congress to share some of the views that they called me about. One resident said that previously taught syrian refugees, share support of this bill and the accompanying shameful Public Comments make us less safe and respond from fear and not strength. Messages in support of refugees continue to pour in, stating loud and clear that america cannot turn its back on refugees. I want to thank the constituents i serb for their continued feedback and tomorrow ill be addressing the house once more about this subject at length. I dont want to remain silent about this issue because the district i serve has made it very clear that they care very deeply about it. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. As cochairman of the bipartisan career and Technical Education caucus, i rise to emphasize the importance of quality c. T. Programs which allow students to succeed in areas that keep our nations nation competitive in the global economy. Last week i visited a lab at penn state where three dimensional printers were used to create parts for a wide variety of industries, including those which support our national defense. These students were among those leading the way in creating metal parts which once could only be fabricated at powdered metal plants. I was also proud to see very similar programs being offered at the high school level. I spoke to the superintendent of st. Marys School District in elk county and was pleased to learn the students there are graduating with many of the skills needed to succeed in these growing vocational and technical to fields. Im hopeful with the next reauthorization of the carl d. Perkins career and Technical Education act we can enhance the partnerships that bridge the gap between high schools, technicals, colleges, universities and employers. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield become the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Roslehtinen thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in recognition of officer verna tai, recently named officer of the third arter of 2015 of my hometown village of pine crest police department. During one particular incident earlier this year, verna showed brilliant Situational Awareness in helping to investigate the burglary of a local business. Responding to the scene as a backup, vernas proactive efforts led to the capture and arrest of two subjects who were involved in the crime. I commend officer day for her impressive actions in support of the safety of the people of my hometown, the village of pine crest. Vernas continued dedication and service help make sure our hometown remains a safe place in which to live, raise a family and conduct business. Congratulations once again to officer verna gay on this welldeserved honor. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom kansas seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for bhin. Mr. Speaker, i rise to honor the service and sacrifice of my friend who passed away on november 21, 2015. Mr. Yoder he was a world war ii veteran, fought bravely in the battle of the bulge, was captured by German Forces and spent many months as a prisoner of war for which he was awarded the purple heart. After world war ii, don worked for the Chrysler Corporation as a zone real estate manager for 27 years. Throughout his career, don found several ways to continue to serve our nation and fellow veterans. He was commander of post 370 and Second District commander of the american legion, trustee of the veterans of foreign wars post 846, and was serving as local chapter commander of the american exprisoners of war when he unfortunately passed away. He also served on my Veterans Advisory Committee for more than five years, providing great insight to issues involving our armed forces, veterans and their families. Mr. Speaker, without dons service and sacrifice, along with all the men and women of the greatest generation, our nation would not be as resilient as flourishing as it is today. We remain ever thankful for their service. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Paulsen mr. Speaker, medical Technology Makes a huge difference for millions of americans by giving them access to lifeimproving and lifesaving technologies, devices and treatments. With new developments we should be encouraging the use of these innovations, to achieve Better Outcomes and lower longterm health care costs. However, the agency that oversees medicare has continuously made decisions that threaten the use of this technology. As yogi bera once said, its deja vu all over again. First the agency proposed rules that would limit access to critical speech generating devices. Then it was patients that used lower limb prosthetics that could see reduced access. And recently weve seen proposed rules now that would limit access to compression pumps for those managing a condition. And those using individually con figured complex rehab. Configured complex rehab. Congress has been forced to take action on some of these instances. But the series of proposed rules are now alarming and if they will raise longterm health costs and have worse outcomes. We need to look at a path forward. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. The clerk mr. Defazio of oregon for today, mr. Farr of california for today, mr. Ruppersberger of maryland for today through december 3. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the requests are granted. Under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 2015, the gentlewoman from illinois, ms. Kelly, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Ms. Kelly thank you. Mr. Speaker, i ask that all members be given five days in which to revise and extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Kelly mr. Speaker, tonight is a night of action and reflection for this congress. This evening the Congressional Black Caucus will take a look at a number of significant events that have occurred this year. And discuss the urgent and pressing concerns of today. In the a winning weeks of 2015, we will have this moment of reflection in order to examine the issues that have caused our community the greatest concern. This conversation must be had, so we have to have an honest and impactful dialogue that will help congress engage communities and act to we can create a Better Future today. It is said that the blood brother of apathy is the inability to prioritize that which is important. Congress cannot afford to be apathetic any longer. We must get serious about the issues that threaten the True Potential of our nation. Issues like gun violence that empir you will our safety and security imperil our safety and security. Joblessness and race discrimination. Issues like restrictive voting laws that are fundamentally contrary to the democratic right of american citizens. And concerns with bad Apple Community police. The Congressional Black Caucus has come to this very floor numerous times to address many of these issues and sadly this body has yet to act on many of these concerns. St week in my home district, chicago was rocked by a disturbing video that was released that showed a Police Shooting of a 17yearold. He had been shot 16 times by his arresting officer, most of the shots were fired when mcdonald was no longer standing, through entered through his back. I cannot some entered through his back. The video is nothing short of horrific fpblgt and tonight i want to express my horrific. And tonight i want to express my condolences to the mcdonald family. There is a role that representatives in congress can play in putting the issues of violence in our communities in the forefront, we have chosen not to. As horrifying as the video of mcdonalds death is, it needed to be made public because the lingering question surrounding this case and cases like the death of walter scott are equally disturbing. In reflecting on this tragedy, i want to take a moment to give my thanks to the many activists in chicago who he is who express their outrage in a civil and productive way and particularly the young activists. I remain encouraged by those who have been at the forefront of the call for justice for mcdonald and their positive and Productive Movement for change. It is an example, i hope all me example i hope all american will follow in helping to create a fairer, more equitable system of justice for us all. In that vein tonight we will have a conversation about how in the midst of these tragedies and national adversity, the Congressional Black Caucus is working and achieving positive and productive moments of change. In this hour, youll hear from my colleagues about efforts the c. B. C. Has led to usher in criminal Justice Reform, about the work of the c. B. C. In increasing diversity in the tech sector, through our tech 2020 initiative, about the c. B. C. Brain trust work and Health Disparities through the release of the 2015 kelly report. About how we are raising awareness and working to bring back victims of boko haram in nige and how the c. B. C. Has been a critical broker in numerous legislative efforts before this congress. There is much to discuss this evening because theres much worth reflecting on and celebrating. Mr. Chairman, this is mr. Payne and my last special order hour for the year. I must say that while this time has flown by, its been an honor and a privilege to represent this distinguished caucus. I want to now yield to my very distinguished partner in crime for this past few months or year, actually, the distinguished gentleman from new jersey, mr. Donald payne jr. Mr. Payne thank you, mr. Speaker. I would like to thank my dear friend and colleague, congresswoman kelly, for anchoreograph the final this final Congressional Black Caucus special order hour. Thank i would like to congresswoman kelly for coanchoring all the special order hours with me throughout 2015. It has been my real honor and pleasure to spend all these bringing h you, in our sues that matter community. I would also like to thank the b. C. Chair, congressman g. K. Butterfield, for his outstanding leadership this past year. I appreciate you choosing me to coanchor these congressional special order hours with congresswoman kelly. It is a great honor and we are a body of 40plus. So, to have that honor to be chosen means a great deal to me. And i am certain that 2016s coanchors will proudly serve as we have. As congresswoman kelly mentioned, we are here to reflect on all the work that the Congressional Black Caucus has done throughout the year, to look at the accomplishments. In february we kicked off the c. B. C. Special order hour by reflecting on the 50th anniversary of the march on where re we were we are today and where we are headed for tomorrow. Through this hour, we were able to set the tone for the Congressional Black Caucus agenda, with our leader, g. K. Butterfield at the helm. We remembered all the strides that were made by place americans to the that we are today. We reflected on the word that is being we reflected on the work that is being done right now through the caucus in the house of representatives. And most importantly, during that hour, we looked toward the future. We intend to put forward the to make t in order sure that africanamericans are well represented and afforded in all phases of these United States. Monday after monday weve addressed the many challenges and inequalities that face africanamerican communities. Weve contributed to this country with blood, sweat and tears, hard work and entrepreneurial ideas and inclusiveness. We are t owed anything, a significant thread in the cloth that makes this United States grow. We have talked about criminal Justice Reform, economics, unemployment, underemployment, ncarceration, Voting Rights, felony disenfranchisement and Health Disparities. And those are just a few of the issues that we have tackled this year. So, as we have been known to be called the conscience of the congress, we continue to put relevant s that are and prevalent in todays society. So i have just been honored to , to rt of the spokesteam bring awareness and raise these issues on a week to week basis. And with that i will yield back to my colleague, congresswoman kelly. Ms. Kelly thank you, congressman payne. And thank you for those kind words. Its truly been an honor serving with you. At this time i would like to introduce the esteemed chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, the gentleman from North Carolina, congressman g. K. Butterfield. Mr. Butterfield thank you, ms. Kelly. Let me begin this evening by first thanking congressman donald payne jr. From the 10th district of new jersey for his friendsship and for his tireless work on behalf of the congressional plaque caucus and on behalf of the people black caucus and on behalf of the people that he represents back home in the great state of new jersey. Thank you, mr. Payne, for your work and thank you for the kind words that you had to say about me this evening. And to my other colleague, congresswoman robin kelly from the Second District of illinois , not only do you manage the floor monday night, ms. Kelly, on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus, but you also are the chair of our c. B. C. Health brain trust that does so much for so many. And you also have carved out a niche. Youve begun to focus the attention of the nation on the issue of gun violence in our country. And so i want to begin this presentation this evening by thanking both of you for your work. Many of my colleagues here this evening may not especially the newer ones to this body may not fully understand what the c. B. C. Is. But the Congressional Black Caucus is an organization, is a caucus of africanamerican members of congress. We were founded in 1971. But that does not mean that 1971 was the first year that this body had africanamerican members of congress. Actually, the first africanamerican was elected to congress in 1870. There was some 21 africanamericans who served in this body during reconstruction and postreconstruction. But the c. B. C. Formally organized, mr. Speaker, in 1971 , with 13 members. And over the years those 13 members have now grown into 46 members. And i might say that two of our two of the founding members of the c. B. C. Continue to belong to this body, they are congressman john conyers from michigan, who is actually the dean of the house, as well as congressman charles range federal the state of new york, they were two of our founding members. The c. B. C. Has 46 members. One is from the other body, the United States senate, and 45 serve here in the house of representatives. One of our 45 members is a republican member of this body, our dear friend from utah, ms. Love. So it is absolutely correct for us to say that we are bicameral and fer bipartisan. Collectively, we represent 23 states, in addition to the District Of Columbia and the Virgin Islands and collectively, mr. Speaker, we represent more than 30 million people. And i might say, of the 21 Standing Committees that we have here in the house, seven of those 21 committees has a c. B. C. Member as the top democrat on the committee. We call that the Ranking Member. And the gentleman who was speak who will speak in just a moment, mr. Scott of virginia is one of those Ranking Members on the committee on the education and work force. But mr. Speaker, the this past year has been very demanding. On c. B. C. Members. We have been busy. We have consistently fought back every day and every week against republican attempts to balance the budget on the backs of hardworking americans, not just africanamerican bus hardworking americans, black, white, and brown. The struggle continues. We as the c. B. C. Have been focused on many different things. I will just mention just a few in the interest of time. We have been focusing on criminal Justice Reform because that is so important to the Africanamerican Community. Weve been protecting our trying to protect the social safety net that many of our vulnerable communities depend on. Weve been trying to enhance Educational Opportunities for africanamerican students and rengthening and preserving hbcus, historically black colleges and universities. Weve spent considerable energy this year trying to have full enforcement of the Voting Rights act. As many of my colleague mace know, the u. S. Supreme court decided in a decision some year ago, four years ago, actually, in 2013 it was, that the Voting Rights act, at least part of it, and that part that deals with free clearance of voting changes, that that section could not be enforced until this congress redefined the formula for determining which states or which counties should be subject to that part of the Voting Rights act. And this congress has not acted this Congress Continues to not fully enforce the Voting Rights act. We have exposed that and we continue to fight. We are talking about diversity in corporate america. And we are going to hear more about that in the years to come. And finally, we have talked about investments in underserved communities. Mr. Speaker, we have attempted to carry out these priorities. This year, the c. B. C. Launched the c. B. C. Tech 2020. This initiative brings together the best minds in technology and nonprofit education and the Public Sector to increase africanamerican inflution at all levels of the technology industry. In addition to outlining best practices, diversity principles, c. B. C. Tech 2020 has empowered our members to provide resources for africanamerican students and entrepreneurs through the introduction of legislation focused on increasing stem education. And i would hope that every american would embrace that concept of stem education, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Stem education and work forest development. Cybersecurity and copyright and patent reform. In august we traveled to silicon valley, talked to the Technology Giants like apple, google, bloomberg and intel about their diversity efforts. And we were pleased with their response. This year, their response and their willingness to improve the diversity within their companies. This year, we revamped the biweekly c. B. C. Message to america. Now broadcast across several digital platform, emess abblings to america have been highly received. They have been widely watched. Some of our most popular messages focus on criminal Justice Reform, police violence, poverty, education reform and the importance of hbcu and ending the stig moof racism in america. Fenally on august 6, the c. B. C. Recognized the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights act. In the two years following the Supreme Court ruling to overturn it, Voting Rights have come under assault. New voting restrictions have been put in place in 22 states, making it harder for millions of eligible americans to exercise their right to vote. The c. B. C. Has been very vocal on these efforts including outreach in wisconsin. We filed an amicus brief in the state of wisconsin and North Carolina and alabama. The c. B. C. Aer ised for years that black americans are unfairly treated and disproportionately exposed to the criminal Justice System. Police bias and excess i use of force are real and part of the Africanamerican Community. We must restore the american Peoples Trust in our criminal Justice System. Finally, we have worked to expand the Economic Opportunities for africanamericans. The c. B. C. In coordination with the joint Economic Committee and democrats have held two Public Forums in baltimore an harlem, titled entitled the American Dream on hold economic challenges in the Africanamerican Community, where we discussed with those communities the impact of economic challenges and persistent inequities facing africanamerican communities across the country. Mr. Speaker, theres so many more things that i could say about the work of the Congressional Black Caucus. We are busy. We are engaged every day, not only representing africanamericans, but representing every american who is affected by some of the policies that have been enacted by this congress. Thank you for time this evening. Yield back. Thank you, mr. Butterfield. Thats just some of the things you have been able to accomplish. Ms. Kelly thank you for your leadership and making sure we get some of these things done. Mr. Butterfield i believe you mentioned to mr. Payne he was your partner in crime. I want those who may be watching this on television, that that was really a joke. Ms. Kelly of course. Mr. Butterfield thank you, i yield back. Ms. Kelly at this time its my pleasure to swro deuce the congressman from virginia, mr. Bobby scott. Mr. Scott i want to thank the gentlelady from illinois and the gentleman from new jersey for organizing this special order tonight. It takes a lot of work and a will the of time to organize these efforts. I want to thank them both for the time and effort theyve put into this. Weve heard a lot about what the Congressional Black Caucus has done over the years, but there are two areas that ive been personally involved in with the c. B. C. Effort, the areas of education and criminal Justice Reform. Both have, weve worked hard and achieved bipartisan support. The elementary and secondary education act which is a civil rights bill, making sure that the admonition in brown v. Board of education becomes a reality. It says that no child shall reasonably be expected to succeed in life or thenied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity must be made available to all on equal terms. And thats what the brown decision held. But we know that we dont have equal necessary america because we fund it primarily through the real estate tax, guaranteing that wealthy areas have more resfors education than low income areas. So 50 years ago we passed the elementary and secondary education act which provides funding directed primarily to help the challenged in educating low income children and particularly in areas, concentrated areas of poverfi. No child left behind a few years ago added to that by making sure that we ascertained whether or not there are achievement gaps in certain groups and requires action to be taken to solve those achievement gaps. This week, we should reauthorize the elementary and secondary education act to ensure that the needs of all children are addressed. That legislation has just come out of conference, it came out of conference with an overwhelming, almost unanimous vote, bipartisan vote, and so we look forward to the continuation of the elementary and secondary education act. The next area were going to be working on is the Higher Education act, also originally passed 50 years ago, when president johnson signed that bill he pointed out that every child should be able to go any college in any state. Thats back then that was actually a reality because a low income student with a maximum pell grant and a summer job could virtually work his way through college with no debt. Now, because the pell grant, the buying power of the pell grant has eroded to instead of 75 of the cost of education, now its down to about a third. And the rest has to be picked up with devastating student loans. We need to pass a Higher Education act that makes access to college a reality, not just a dream. We can do that and theres bipartisan support for that effort. So in education, were making progress with the Congressional Black Caucus and weve been able to achieve bipartisan support. Its interesting that we have also been able to achieve bipartisan support in the criminal Justice Reform efforts. We have a problem in criminal justice now because for decades we have been passing these slogans and down bite sound bites particularly mandatory minimums that have run the incarceration rate up to number one in the world, by far. We have 5 of the worlds population, 25 of our prisoners, several recent studies have pointed out that our incarceration rate is so high that its actually counterproductive. That is were weve got so many children being raised with parents in prison, weve got weve got so many people with prison records that cant find jobs and the prison budget and department of justice is eating up so much of the budget that the things that can reduce crime dont have the funds they actually need. One bipartisan effort that we were able to achieve late last year was the deaths in custody reporting act which requires any deaths in the custody of Law Enforcement, thats a death in jail, death in prison, or death in the possess of arrest, will be reported to the Justice Department so that the discussion about all of these deaths can be based on facts. Not just speculation. We also are in the process of trying to pass criminal Justice Reform. The Judiciary Committee and a subcommittee Task Force Led by Jim Sensenbrenner from wisconsin and myself had an Overcriminalization Task force. We noticed, one thing we noticed was that 30 states were able to reduce incarceration and reduce crime at the same time. One example was texas. Texas was faced with a 2 billion request for prison expansion to keep up with the slogans and sound bites theyd been codifying over the years. 2 billion. Someone suggested that instead of spending 2 billion, how about trying to spend a couple hundred million researchbased, evidencebased, targeted expenditures to actually reduce crime and maybe they wouldnt have to spend all 2 billion. Thats what they did. They intelligently spent. With research and evidencebased approach to reduce crime they made those expenditures and looked up, they didnt have to build any new prisons at all. In fact, they were able to close some of the prisons they had. Over 30 states have reduced crime and saved money. Just using the same strategy. And so, as a result of the Overcriminalization Task force we created a bill, a comprehensive criminal justice bill that starts with investments and prevention and early intervention, has diversion to drug courts so people with drug problems can have their problems solved rather than just spinning through the criminal Justice System, a significant reduction in mandatory minimums so it will be reserved for true kingpins, not people caught up in the conspiracy, like girlfriends and things like that. Only the true kick pins would get the mandatory minimums. Every else would get a sentence that makes sense. If you go to jail, you should be rehabilitated, not just warehoused, and we should have funding for Second Chance programs. The savings, the beauty of the bill is that the savings in prison space by the reduction in mandatory minimums will create, will be redirected to pay for the prevention and early intersession, the intervention, the drug court the Prison Reform efforts, and the Second ChanceProgram System of all those programs are paid for. We also have significant funding for Police Training. As we go through the trauma of these trials going on as we speak in baltimore and chicago, when you get to a solution it will undoubtedly involve Police Training and probably body cameras and those are funded in the safe justice act by diverting money from the savings and mandatory minimums to those rograms. We have broad bipartisan support and many are supporting the safe justice act and other criminal Justice Reform efforts and the Congressional Black Caucus should be proud of the efforts we have put in. I would like to thank the gentlelady from illinois for all of her hard work and the gentleman from new jersey for their hard work and pointing out many of the good things that the Congressional Black Caucus has accomplished, many things they have accomplished this year and a lot of things we are working on for next year. So i thank you for your hard work and dedication and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition . Pursuant to clause 7 of rule 22 i present a privileged report. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. The clerk conference report to ccompany a bill to authorize elementary and secondary education to ensure that every child achieves. The speaker pro tempore ordered printed. He gentlelady from illinois. Ms. Kelly thank you, congressman scott, i think youre happy what was just introduced. Mr. Scott thats the Conference Committee report that came out with an overwhelming bipartisan vote that will ensure that young people will have their Educational Needs met. I want to thank the gentleman from minnesota for his hard work and cooperation on that bill. I yield back. Ms. Kelly thank you for the information about the safe justice act. Our young people have more skills and are educated, i think well see less crime and we always say in my area, nothing stops a bullet like a job. Thank you for that information and your hard work. I would like to introduce the gentlelady from northern california, a woman of great knowledge and experience, congresswoman barbara lee. Ms. Lee first let me thank congresswoman kelly for those very generous remarks and also r your tremendous leadership and really speak to truth to power on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus and congressman don payne for your leadership and rising to the occasion on so many issues in the very short time you have been here. You have hit the ground running and made a tremendous difference. I wanted to speak for a few minutes as it relates to the review of the Congressional Black Caucus for the last year, two years, and i have to just say, our leader, mr. Butterfield, has been a very bold and tremendous leader. We have accomplished quite a bit and we have a lot more to do. While 2015 has been very challenging, i believe that the Congressional Black Caucus has really stepped up and made a huge difference not only to the Africanamerican Community and communities of color but for the entire country. It has been an inspiring year, we have seen the black lives movement and witnessed powerful and moving protests across the country in places like missouri, new york and even in my district in oakland and berkley, california, where people of all backgrounds and ages coming together to demand justice and exercise their democratic rights. Im proud of the young activists who are standing up and asking for an end to injustice and bringing the Civil Rights Movement into the 21st century. And they have allies here in the peoples house. For too Long Congress has ignored or brushed aside issues affecting the Africanamerican Community and communities of color. Its past time that everyone steps up and does the good work that we were sent to washington to do that the Congressional Black Caucus has done for many decades. We need to Start Talking about and look at what has happened to the Voting Rights act. As you know, this year marks the 50th anniversary of this landmark legislation. According to a report released earlier this year excuse me, the Voting Rights act was gutted by the Supreme Court excuse me. It was the shelby versus holder decision and of course republican state legislators have fallen all over to restrict Voting Rights across the country everywhere. These dangerous restrictions come in the form of voter i. D. , the requirement that eliminate sameday Voter Registration and really severe reduction in early voting efforts. We must call these efforts for what they are. The republican attempts to take away one of the most fundamental rights. But we will not let this happen and im so proud of the Congressional Black Caucus, swam terri sewell, mr. Lewis and mr. Clyburn. H. R. 2867, the Voting Rights advancement act, and this bill would restore the preclearance provisions of the Voting Rights act that have 15 or more Voting Rights violations in the preclearance process. As dr. King just said, give us a ballot and we will fill our legislative halls with men and women of good will. We can fill this body with those who really want to see democracy fulfilled. So we need our young people to keep up the street heat and demand that congress act. Its past time that we get serious about restoring the Voting Rights act and ensuring that all americans have free and unobstructed access to the ballot box. Also, the serious economic disparities that are in the Africanamerican Community are very, very evident. According to a report released earlier this year by the joint Economic Committee led by Ranking Member congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and the Congressional Black Caucus and we learned and its very glaring that more than one in three black children are born into poverty and the africanamerican poverty rate is three times more than white americans. Black students account for 42 of preschool student expulsion accounting for 18 of enrollment. That is preschool expulsion. Every time i remember this and say this, it really makes me very terrified about what is taking place with young black kids, especially young black boys because no kid should be expeled from preschool. That is ages one to four. Thats outrageous. Im a mother of two fabulous great black men and im the grandmother of two black boys and i find a statistics like that very, very troubling. For africanamericans we allowed our School System to be turned into a pipeline to prison. We must act now to address issues facing our education and our criminal Justice System. And i want to applaud congressman bobby scott and congressman conyers because they have worked on criminal Justice Reform and we are beginning to see some progress. Our criminal Justice System is broken. It needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. So along side our c. B. C. Colleagues once again, we are calling for comprehensive criminal Justice Reform. Also i wanted to mention our effort which i cochair with chairman butterfield, our tech 20 20 initiative. Licon valley is next to my the tech n california ndustry hasnt worked with communities of color. m pleased that the tech 20 20 has been nashted. We are working with our great leader renched Jesse Jackson with insideoutside strategy and many of the Tech Companies understand what is taking place and need to be an industry that is inclusive of everyone. So the black caucus along with rainbow push and the Tech Industry are working on a variety of strategies to make sure that this industry which provides goodpaying jobs and opportunities is an industry that is inclusive that does not discriminate and includes the diversity of this great country. So i have to say to congresswoman kelly and congressman payne, thanks for the chance to talk about the issues we have been working on like cutting poverty in half by 10 years. We have legislation h. R. 258 to do that. Pathways out of poverty h. R. 2721, we now how to provide opportunities. The Congressional Black Caucus is leading on these fronts. Its a big agenda but makes our country stronger. Thank you for the chance to be with you tonight. Ms. Kelly thank you, congresswoman lee, and you brought up so many issues that are interconnected, education expeledchoolers getting and what message does it send to that little boy and that little girl and all of the things you talked about, Voting Rights, are interconnected and we need to accomplish all of those goals for a better america and not just for africanamericans but for everybody. Ms. Lee thank you very much. I think what is reflected in the Congressional Black Caucus agenda and the work we have done for so many years is an effort to show if there is opportunity there for everyone including communities of color and people who have been shut out and marginalized our country becomes stronger. This is for the entire country. Thank you again for your leadership. Ms. Kelly thank you for your leadership and the work you have done to make congress stronger and the caucus stronger. I would like to recognize our colleague from the great state of new york, from brooklyn, new york, that keem jeffries. Mr. Jeffries i thank the distinguished gentlelady for elding and my good friend, congressman don payne from across the hudson river who does a great job of representing the people of newark and essex county. It has been an honor and privilege to watch my colleagues preside over the special order hour giving us an opportunity to share with the American People some of our thoughts and ideas and the issues we are working on to improve the lot of those we represent in the Africanamerican Community and. L across this great mosaic the Laquan Macdonald case out of robin kellys hometown in chicago. About a year ago, many of us were on this very house floor talking about the failure to indict in the killing of Michael Brown and in the same week, three days later, the failure to indict in the strangulation of eric garner, who, of course, was put into an unauthorized choke hold and killed as a result of allegedly selling loose cigarettes. It highlighted the problem of africanamerican men being killed at the hands of Police Officers, which is a decadeold problem that hopefully here in america well find the courage to one day confront. Now we are compeled to come to the house floor to deal with the tragedy of the Laquan Macdonald case. 17yearold, shot 16 times in 15 seconds by an officer who had 20 prior civilian complaints filed against him. Those numbers simply do not add up. The tape comes out and we see what occurred. An individual, laquan, who was walking away from the officers, not towards the officers. And there is no reasonable circumstance, i believe, that led to that individual being dog on the ke a streets of chicago. The officer has now been indicted 13 months later and hopefully the Justice System will run its course and the officer will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But im here today to talk about briefly another troubling issue that relates to this problem of the police use of excessive force. And thats not just the bad apples who engage in this behavior, but the fact that far too often the Police Officers in the department who may not otherwise engage in excessive force, but who have grown up in culture of a blue wall of silence, who support these officers either with their inaction or in some instances, by actively participating in a coverup. I know thats hard for americans to hear. I also believe that the overwhelming majority of officers are hardworking individuals who are there to protect and serve. And i dont take lightly the fact that im here, concerned on the house floor, that far too any officers stand by, tolerate, enable the excessive use of force. Sometimes resulting in american citizens being killed. Without justification. But this case actually highlights the problem. So laquan gets killed. If you look at the reports in the immediate aftermath of his death last october, and i just pulled a few, heres what we were told. The suspect fled and officers gave chase. Police said. When the officers confronted him, near 41st street and pulaski road, he refused their orders to drop the knife and began walking toward the officers, police said. Pat camden, spokesman for the chicago fraternal order of police said the teen had a criesed crazed look about him as he approached the officers with the knife. That was reported by cbs. Lets go to nbc. Responding officers found the 17yearold boy with a, quote, strange gaze about him, who was carrying a knife and wouldnt drop it. When Police Ordered him to do so. Fraternaled or over Police Spokesman pat camden said. Other officers used a squad car to try to box the boy in against a fence near west 41st street and south pulaski road. An officer shot him in the chest when the teen didnt drop the knife and continued to walk toward the officers. Police said. Wgn tv, chicago Police Officers shot and killed a 17yearold after a foot chase. Near 41st and pulaski. Officers shot the teen after he waved the knife at them. In the interest of time, let me just read one more. Officers got out of the car, this is the chicago tribune. Officers got out of the car and began approaching mcdonald, telling him drop the knife. The boy allegedly lunged at the officers. And one of them opened fire. When police tell you to drop a weapon, all you have to do is drop it. Shakespeare would be proud of the fiction that was put out there to justify the murder of this 17yearold. Heres whats worse. Its now been reported that in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, four or five officers went to a nearby burger king and asked to view the surveillance tape. The manager at burger king gives hem the password to the video. They spend a couple of hours in burger king. I mean, a couple of hours in burger king. Allegedly. And then they leave. And then internal Affairs Officers come in the days after and they pull the tape and guess what . 86 minutes are missing. It happens to be the 86 minutes that cover the period of time killed. Uan mcdonald was and so when we come to the house floor and people across the country say black lives matter, and theyre concerned about the lack of justice in the system, understand, its not just the excessive use of force. Its the fact that far too many officers, Law Enforcement folks, participate, actively, in covering up what has occurred. Until we teal with that cancer of the blue wall of silence, were going to continue to have to come to this house floor, youre going to continue to see individuals be killed as a result of the use of excessive force. Its an american problem that we should confront and we should confront it boldly and directly and without hesitation. If we really want to uplift the best values of our great democracy. I thank congresswoman kelly, i thank congressman payne for their tremendous leadership and yield back. Thepayne id like to thank gentleman for his profound remarks on this occasion. I had my own remarks in reference to what happened to this youngster and thats what he was a youngster, a child. I have 17yearold triplets. God forbid that my children find theirselves in that predicament. To match not even try the remarks by the gentleman from new york. I think hes stated the case clearly. Black lives matter. And i know theres a segment in this country that gets upset when they hear that. But you need to understand what theyre saying. To why is there no worth africanamerican lives . Whats what theyre asking. Why is it so easy that we continually find people of color n the wrong end of these weapons . And then to have it covered up in the manner in which the gentleman from new york stated, 86 minutes. Now my children love burger king. But you only need 20 minutes, if theres a line. In burger king, to do what you need to do. But they spend hours there spent hours there getting their story right, making sure everybody would corroborate what they were going to say. Thats why black lives matter exists. Thats why we continue to bring these issues up. Thats why we will not let it go quietly into the night. Everybody has seen that videotape. When did he lung . When was he shot once in the chest . When did any of those things that were reported occur in that video . He was walking away. He did still have the knife in his hand but he was walking away. And most of the shots that were he into his body were after was on the ground and the officer feared for his life. Black lives matter. And i will yield to the gentlelady from houston, texas, wonderful, e, namic, one of my sheros, the honorable Sheila Jackson lee. Ms. Jackson lee i thank the gentleman from new jersey and the gentlelady from illinois, but i want to specifically say chicago and i join my colleagues. I think this is, again, an important statement of the value of the Congressional Black Caucus. Im glad our tone is such that we are compassionate. We have emotion. But we are detailed. So i know with the remaining time, let me try to be concise on the value of the Congressional Black Caucus in american history. Its place in this congress. To be the provocative orators and articulators of the conscience of this nation. I mean let me first of all say that i have been privileged, but certainly have mourned may 15. When all of us have paid attention to fallen Law Enforcement officers who are honored here in the United States capitol. Any number of us have gone to the grounds and we have hugged those from our district. We have honored families and we have recognized the pain. I think many of you recall that there was an assassination of sorts of a Deputy Sheriff in houston, a number of unfortunate assassinations or shootings of police in new york. I saw the nation mourn. I think its important to say this because often when we say black lives matter, it seems conflicted. People raise the issues that africanamericans or the nation seems to be hesitant about law ep forcement officers and that is not true. I want to thank the Congressional Black Caucus and chairman butterfield because we started out this year with the criminal justice agenda. I want to quickly go down memory lane or reflection very quickly to say that it was the leadership and the combined members who raise a number of issues that have brought us to the point that weve actually passed in the senate and in the house Judiciary Committee criminal justice sentencing legislation. Were not where we need to be. And that sentence reform act will reduce mass incarceration by 11,500. Of our currently incarcerated. It will give retroactive relief, an additional 4,000 will benefit each year. It will be 50,000 people over 10 years. Were beginning to look at the criminal Justice System in a way that speaks to the whole idea of black and minorities, hispanics an others being the fodder for the criminal Justice System. In my district in houston, tbs, black and hispanic youth make up over 75 of the male population aged 10 to 24 years but they make up, black and hispanic youth account for 85 of youth admitted in our detention centers. So were work the reduction of sentencing. I think with the help of this Bipartisan Legislation initiated and brought to the attention of this congress by members of the Congressional Black Caucus, working with other members of this body, both republicans and democrats, we have legislation that should pass. But as we all know that we have been mystified and mourning this tape that i know that congresswoman kelly and her hometown has been a champion for justice along with her fellow colleagues on the Congressional Black Caucus, bobby rush and danny davis, theyve been front and center on these issue. We must continue the journey dealing with the juvenile justice and might i say that i hope we will come around the issues of the raise act, the fair chance act, and the law enebb ending solitary confinement for young people in the juvenile Justice System. Banning the arrest record and of course giving altern tiff sentencing to these young people. But i want to quickly get become to this horrific shooting because what black lives matter speaks to is coming together around an improved Law Enforcement system. And thats why i came to the floor today. To be able to say, unless we move forward on legislation that deals with best practices in our police departments, we are going to continue the tension that should not exist. There is no explanation or no answer to the video that has been shown. I wonder what the sentencing or the reaction or the ultimate results would have been if there was a video of Darren Wilson and Michael Brown. There was not. I still believe that Michael Brown, an unarmed youth, should who ve been his actor happened to be a Law Enforcement person, should not have gone unpunished. In this instance we see a vo that was completely mischaracterized or in essence the story was characterized in a complete contrary to the video that was shown. So what is the answer . Law enforcement officers that i work with all the time will indicate that there are bad apples an they are right. Then work with us to pass a Law Enforcement integrity and trust act. Which provides the road map and the incentive for all of these departments to be accredited and to have officers go through the specific training that documents how you address the question of the street. It includes video cameras. It includes Community Oriented policing. It includes grants to incentivize better training and better training practices. But we must find an answer in this term of congress. We should not end this Congress Without a complete and reformed criminal Justice System including dealing with Law Enforcement. Which is clearly what the Congressional Black Caucus has been working on. So i am hoping that we can find this Common Ground because there is no explanation that is reasonable or rational of the actions of the officer in hicago. There is no reasonable explanation in the sandra bland case and they have yet to come up with an indictment or response or yet to have an answer that it was an embarrassment. The District Attorney has yet to come forward in the bland case. The lawyer doesnt know whats going on. And we met with those individuals not to direct them, but to ensure they were going to respect this death. Nothing has happened about the stop that we saw in the video. Nothing has happened about the jail incarceration. So i simply have come to the floor to indicate to my colleagues, republicans and democrats, to work with us on a number of issues that those in the Congressional Black Caucus reach out in the spirit of bipartisanship dealing with, as i close, the Voting Rights reauthorization of section 5. Providing opportunities for historically black colleges and we have been at the leadership realm of that, making sure that the criminal Justice System as i said addresses the overincarceration of our youth, deals with the question of policing for the black lives matter speaks to it eloquently, and we should not be condemned for the massive protests of 10,000 people down this wonderful Michigan Avenue as there they go again. We have got to find a place at we table to be reorient how do policing in america. I would ask my colleagues that we move swiftly in this term, in this congress to be able to address this. Let me finish on this one last point, the violence of guns are outrageous. And i want to speak very quietly about the planned parenthood incident, because i dont want to provoke, but i believe its important to note, we always say for those who do not want to hear us talking about banning the assault weapons, which the individual had, however it plays out, the individual may be determined to have a Mental Health concern or condition, but he had an automatic rifle of some sort and unfortunately we lost several persons in the course of the incident, although the investigation is still going. It also happens in blackonblack crime. But my friends, our community does ignore what we say. Guns are involved in most of these deaths and not only that, not only guns are involved, but we must understand that when a gun is used by an officer, it is distinctive from blackonblack crime because it is under color of law. The Congressional Black Caucus comes to the table to ensure that these very sensitive issues are handled with the greatest delicacy but with the greatest commitment and compassion that we want to stop the killing and death and have the decency to reflect on a parent like mr. Payne, a parent like ms. Kelly, a parent like myself, black lives matter and the Congressional Black Caucus wants to work to make sure that the American People have asked us for and they deserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 2015, the gentleman from ohio, mr. Johnson, is recognized, as the designee of the majority leader. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself as much time as i may consume, because of the number of members wishing to participate this evening, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the topic of this special order. Mr. Speaker, as the house begins to consider and debate Important Energy legislation this week, i want to take just a moment to reflect on the opportunities america has in energy development. Our Energy Landscape has tremendously changed in recent years thanks to new Innovative Technologies we have gone from a nation of scarcity to one of energy abundance. Our new and existing Natural Resources have created jobs, lowered energy costs and spurred new investments in manufacturing and chemical industries. Today, the United States has an opportunity to take advantage of this era of energy abundance. But Congress Must first ensure our laws reflect this new energy abundant era so we can fully harness the worldsdom energy superpower. The legislation we are considering this week will allow our country to do just that. Unfortunately the rules and regulations coming out of this administration conflict with this type of Energy Independent and secure vision. Most concerning is the office of surface and minings proposed rule to further regulate the coal Mining Industry, which has already lost more than 40,000 jobs since 2011. If the administration allows this rule to go into effect, an additional 40,000 to 78,000 coalmining jobs will be at risk. Dubbed the stream protection rule, this regulation will amend or modify 475 existing rules and add new rules on top of that. And make no mistake about it, this is not an effort to protect streams. It is an effort to regulate the coal Mining Industry out of business. In fact between 95 and 100 coal Mining Operations in the United States that account for 75 of the nations Coal Production have no offsite impacts. What does this rule accomplish . This rule means increased energy costs for families and small businesses. At least 22 states, including mine, ohio, rely on coal for their primary fuel source. Not surprisingly these states electricity prices are well below the national average. I fear, however, that will no longer be the case if we allow this rule to go into effect. Con see quenl, companies will be forced to pay more for their energy bills instead of hiring additional employees and families will be forced to make tough decisions as well, like paying the increasing electric bill or putting food on the table, clothes on the kids and providing for their education. Furthermore, u. S. Household income is stagnant and the economy remains meyered by sluggish economic growth. We need to be enacting policies that encourage an economic recovery, not promoting further stagnation by shutting down access to americas most abundant and Lowest Cost Energy resource. Whats worse, this is not the only regulation currently threatening our energy security, reliability and low electricity costs. The Environmental Protection agencys Clean Power Plan will also change how we generate, distribute and consume electricity by forcing states to comply with c. O. 2 targets by take over of electric Power Generation and it is for this reason that i will be voting in favor of Senate Joint Resolution 23 and 24 this week. These resolutions of disapproval send a clear message to the president that the majority of the senate and the house and america do not approve of higher electricity prices and an unreliable electric grid. Mr. Speaker, america was built on ingenuity and resourcefulness. Unlike the Clean Power Plan, h. R. 8, the north American Energy security and infrastructure act will encourage that entrepreneurial spirit, not hinder it. It will pave the way for resurgence of manufacturing where new Innovative Products are designed and built right here in america. And it will keep america in our rightful place as a leader in the global economy. Im proud to support this legislation which the house will be considering this week. H. R. 8 will modernize our energy infrastructure, protect the electricity grid and the delivery system, improve Energy Efficiency and strengthen our energy diplomacy. Based on language that i have introduced and that was previously passed, the house with bipartisan support, this legislation includes a streamline process for natural gas export projects currently pending before the department of energy. This language will help strengthen americas standing as a world class exporter of natural gas, create tens of thousands of new jobs, add billions to our economy and help our allies abroad by providing a reliable source of energy. Im honored to lead this special order that will highlight the houses approach to a truly all of the above Domestic Energy strategy, a strategy that focuses on a secure and Reliable Energy sector with affordable electricity rates for Hardworking Taxpayers as well as small businesses. I thank you, mr. Speaker. And with that, i now recognize my colleague from the great state of colorado, congressman tipton. Mr. Tipton i thank my friend to be able to provide some remarks this evening. It is no secret that american Coal Production and coal power plan and generation is xpressing regulatory and obstacles at every turn. The president outlined an Energy Vision which he stated if someone wants to build, they can, its just it will bankrupt them. The administration is not seeking to encourage Coal Production, indeed, it is just the opposite. The Environmental Protection agency just finalized its socalled Clean Power Plan, the rule that will force states to submit complex plans to meet emission goals. The e. P. A. Estimates that the annual cost of this rule to be 8. 8 5. 5 billion to billion. Other estimates are much higher from 2017 to 2031. Why is this important . When we are talking about fees, about taxes that are going to be applied, we assume that someone else gets to pay them. Heres the real reality. These costs are being shouldered by hardworking americans who will see their energy bills increase. The impact the most Vulnerable People in our society, including Senior Citizens and lowincome families who will have to make a tough decision in that budgets just to be able to heat their homes. In my district, upwards of 500 coal mining jobs have already been lost and more are threatened due to anticoal lawsuits. Another 220 are threatened in two other counties for the same reason. There is no shortage of examples such as these in the coalproducing states. I think we need to be very clear. As americans, people in colorado, we want to be able to see blue skies and clear streams. Heres the opportunity for us to be able to demonstrate we can create a winwin with the technologies in place. If you want to be able to see blue skies and the Clean Power Plan come with me and visit craig, colorado and see hardworking people in the coal Mining Industry and coal power plan to do it the right way and providing affordable electricity for the citizens at home. The department of interior has announced it will be reviewing the public is receiving a fair return on Coal Production when it is the federal governments own policies and the actions of its lawsuits that are suppressing the production of coal and its associated revenues. Proposing to raise the royalty rate which cuts into the profitability of Coal Production and makes it less attractive to mine while pushing other policies like Clean Power Plan to make coal less attractive, will mean the death of the industry. These are the same industries that are providing tax revenues that help support our childrens schools, help support the public library. In rural areas like mine to provide the receive news that are needed for the volunteer fire departments. Let us not forget that those royalties are only a portion of the receive news and benefits that are generated by esponsible coal mining. Again, higher demand will result in higher bonus payments and annual rental fees as well. State and local goths also accrue revenues through their own assessed taxes, fees and equipment and production. The employees are a boon to local economies. Coal production contributes 2. 2 billion to colorados economy and contributes to its electricity. While its true that our Energy Portfolio is made stronger through diversity, coal can, does, and must continue to fill a vital role in that equation. Responsible Coal Production provides a reliable fuel base for base electrical generation. Its low cost equates to savings for average americans on Monthly Energy bills and especially critical consideration as i mention for lower income families, for seniors and others on fixed incomes and its abundance domestically contributes to American Energy security. Its well worth the meetings i have had, and i know my colleague from ohio has as well, looking into the eyes of families that rely on the coal industry to be able to provide for their families. Theyll do it right. Theyll provide low cost energy to be able to support this country in that all of the above strategy. During the course of the next fedes, i look forward to a robust debate on the floor this week as we continue to push for policies that will secure all of the above when it comes to establishing American Energy independence. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Again, id like to thank my colleague from ohio for this opportunity to be able to address an important american issue. Jobs and affordability. Yield back. I thank my colleague. I am reminded that even this week our president is in europe trying to advance his Climate Change agenda. Mr. Johnson i too was in europe back in may. Talking to some of our key friends and allies within the european union. And surprisingly to some, we learned that some of our friends in europe in those countries, theyre actually going back to a higher mix of coal in their Overall Energy profile. Because their rate payers, their manufacturers, their consumers, their small businesses, their residential customers, have finally reached the Tipping Point where theyre no longer willing to pay the exorbitant high prices for alternative sources of energy. Oal remains the most lowcost, affordable, reliable form of energy on the planet. And it is essential that coal continue to be a part of our energy profile, along with oil and gas and nuclear and all of the Energy Capabilities that america has. And with that, mr. Speaker, im proud to recognize my friend and my neighbor from the great state of pennsylvania, mike kelly. Mr. Kelly i thank the gentleman. Mr. Chairman, id like to pursue an Energy Agenda that maybe makes sense for america. A triplea energy. To be sustainable and reach americas goals. Lets not turn away from all of the below strategy that makes sense for america. Truly unique and makes us totally energy selfsufficient. Energy below that is abundant, accessible an affordable. Centuries worth of coal, oil, and natural gas. That lie just below our surface. Energy that makes america the energy envy of the world an creates thousands of jobs. Not just republican jobs or democrat jobs, red, white and blue jobs. Jobs that truly make us energy selfsufficient. Jobs that let us rebuild our families, our towns, our churches, our schools. And make us strong again in the world resm build our national security. As we speak here tonight and as the gentleman referenced, our president is in paris, kicking off the paris protocol. Again, he promises to reshape americas future. Through upside down policy thats cost would be beyond astronomical, according to bill gates. This is another example of an out of control executive who has placed his legacy above the wants and needs and the safety and security of the American People. The people he serves. Its not the other way around. The paris protocol must be a treaty. It cannot be another executive agreement. And let all those who participate in the paris protocol know that without the advice and consent of americas senate, the hard working american taxpayers moneys will not be squandered on an illfated agenda that the resident lays forward. Timetables and targets, targets in direct defiance of americas future. In direct defiance of americas well being. In direct defiance of americas economic recovery. This is another example of a president who is not only out of touch, hes out of control. Hes lost his vision of what made America Great and what will keep america strong as the future goes on. Bout american jobs and about american selfsufficiency when it comes to emergency. These are truly renewable sources of energy. And what do i mean by renewable . They renew our economy. They renew our towns, our communs, our family and our future. This is the Renewable Energy that America Needs. This is the energy that america has. This is the energy that America Needs to make the most of. Thats why myself and senator mike lee have introduced a concurrent resolution, one that says no moneys, no moneys can come out of the pockets of hardworking american taxpayers will be squandered on this agenda. Unless it comes with the advice and consent of the senate, there is no agroment, there are no moneys, there is no way this president can promise other countries that these dollars will be coming. With that, i yield back and i thank the gentleman on a very timely issue, an issue we must win if we are to maintain our national security. Mr. Johnson i thank my colleague for yielding back. I thank you very much for your passion on this issue. You understand it as a former business owner, Current Business owner, actually. You understand how important this is. I yield. Mr. Kelly you and i done just talk this, we walk it. We have gone into the mines with these people. We have seen communities that are shout dun. Not just mines shut down but communities shut down. Families that have been shattered and scattered across the country. People who have lost jobs that were generational jobs. Coal, americas work force has had its back turned on by this president. We must reclaim it. Mr. Johnson absolutely. Absolutely. You hear some of those in opposition to using fossil fuels talking about how they would allocate taxpayer funds to retrain people in those communities like Coal Production communities. Well, my question is, where are the jobs going to come from to retrain them into . These are communities that have had coal miners for generations, as representative kelly just talked about. So i thank him for his comments. Mr. Speaker, with that, i would like to now yield to another friend and neighbor from the great state of pennsylvania, mr. G. T. Thompson. Mr. Thompson i thank my good friend from ohio and its a real honor to join you here this evening. Thank you for hosting this special order. Its such an important topic. Energy. I rise this evening in strong support of jobs. Consumers and homegrown American Energy. With the construction of the worlds First Commercial Oil well in titusville, pennsylvania, in 1859, Energy Production and Natural Resources have long been key pieces to our economy in the fifth Congressional District of pennsylvania which i have the honor of representing. We have been fortunate to produce oil, natural gas, coal and various forms of Renewable Energy. Were also home to the worlds first nondefense nuclear reactor. In recent years, the development of the marcellus shale formation has been a game changer for pennsylvania. The marcellus formation contains upward of 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This amount is more than enough to meet the current demand for nearly 100 years, if not longer. It also means significant Economic Opportunities for the state and for local governments. As well as the creation of tens of thousands of families familysustaining jobs throughout the region. According to the Pennsylvania Department of labor and industry, as of the fall of 2014, roughly 250,000 pennsylvanians were employed by marcellus shalerelated industries. The average wage and core marcellus industries remains constant at 94,000 a year. Which is more than 43,000 greater than the average salary for all industries throughout the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Developing this resource means good jobs, both direct and indirect. Lower Energy Prices for american consumers, and increased revenue for state and local governments. One of the greatest challenges we have right now in pennsylvania is unnecessary processes and arduous federal roles rules. Regulations that are both ineffective and inefficient. Another key challenge is moving this natural gas to market. Specifically, we do not have the adequate infrastructure and pipelines to move this gas. Basic way we can address this challenge is by streamlining processes and reducing unnecessary red tape. This week the house will consider h. R. 8, the north American Energy and security infrastructure act of 2015. This legislation will address these issues by accelerating the apursuant to the rule process for pipelines and hydropower projects. The bill requires the administration to designate at least 10 new Energy Corridors in the eastern United States to help prioritize construction. The bill also requires the Energy Department to make decisions on applications that have been submitted with the export of natural gas. In addition, well also be voting this week on legislation disapproving the Environmental Protection agencys regular ligses on both existing and new power plants. My district has been hit hard over the past several years by regulations by the Environmental Protection agencies regarding power coal power plants. I have opposed these unrealistic regulations. When a coal power plant is forced to shut down it has a devastating effect which extends far beyond the men and women left jobless, to the trucking and mining jobs that have connected to it. Many of these are family supporting positions which communs have depended on literally for decades. I whole hortedly support these resolutions disapproveling of the emissions rule in now power plants. The protection of the environment is an important goal yet these regulations are not a solution. I thank my colleagues for being here tonight and im certain he going to urge a yes vote on all three of the bills that will be before this body in the days to come. I thank my good friend from ohio once again for hosting this important topic this evening. Mr. Johnson i thank my league from pennsylvania for those eloquent remarks on a very, very important subject. I know you have a lot of other things you could be doing tonight but this is important to you and i appreciate you being here. Mr. Thompson if the gentleman will yield, whether were talking families or businesses or schools, hospitals, you know, personnel, people obviously are first. But after that the second most important thing that people think about are is energy. Energy costs. Having access to affordable and Reliable Energy. And god has been good to the United States of america. With what we have been blessed with. Weve been blessed with these Energy Sources. But weve also been blessed with the technology now in 2015 to be able to access those Energy Sources and to utilize them consistently as good stewards of this earth and this veerment. Mr. Johnson if the gentleman would yield. You and i took a trip not too long ago from here in our Nations Capital to a Conference Meeting over in pennsylvania. We stopped at a Little Service station a gas station owned by a veteran. Out in the middle of nowhere. You know new york rural america, those communities are powered by small businesses. Small businesses can only thrive when they have affordable electricity. The area of the country where you and i live and much of appalachia is a manufacturing belt. A lot of that manufacturing has left because of the downward pressure from washington, d. C. In regulations of all shapes and sizes and now with the threat to shut down the very source of energy, i know ive had manufacturers that have come to me saying, theyve been approached by Utility Companies saying, can you idle your plant for a day because we dont have enough energy on the grid to be able to meet the peak demand, in the dead of winter, in another polar vortex or ie