The Capitol Hill Police overseeing security today on the capitol lawn for the National Memorial day concert honoring the military service of men and women in uniform. Those expected to attend include colin powell, lori asked if on gloria estefan, Laurence Fishburne and gary sinise. Another event taking place tomorrow is the annual wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National cemetery with president obama. Will have that live at 10 30 a. M. Eastern. We asked how you felt the u. S. Was taking care of its veterans and heres what some of you had to say. [video clip] caller i thank you for cspan. Im a vietnam era veteran and the biggest part that problem i found with dealing with the va topheavy with administration. The goal is to deny better and services. 29 Veterans Services to deny Veterans Services. When people getting in the service get into the service side of vet administration, you get Better Service because the people who were actually there are there because they care about veterans. The layers in between is what is destroying the system. You have all these topheavy administrators, all these people with great ideas but no realworld experience dealing with the veterans. When you talk to them about posttraumatic stress and issues you may be dealing with, they do not have a clue so they cannot relate to it. When you get down into the weeds of trying to get into a program that is when you are having a lot of problems. The people up top are out there to denied veteran services and benefits. Being in the army is a lot different than being in the marine corps or any other organization because the army was the largest portion of veterans. We do not have the individual care from our support group what the marines or the navy do. They follow their people right on through. Caller i am not in active military person but i used to i have a lot of veteran friends in military friends. I firmly believe that the v. A. Is inadequate. I do not understand why, with obamacare being a Government Central program, that they dont have a special option for veterans because the idea that you dont have any options actually sounds like a communist environment. My other concern or comment is, when a person in the military who works for certain area leaves the military, they have to get a new certificate to work in that same area in the Public Sector. I think the military, the whole system, should provide training so that they can get that certificate to work in the Public Sector so they can transition faster. Caller if you listen to stories of veterans that have come back every story seems to have the same theme, that when people come back and get out, they are at a loss. I dont feel the intensity they felt as being part of an important group. That happens to a lot of people, whether you have been a nurse a long time, something where you work in intensity and you are needed. That is the key. We need to need our people. Why arent our veterans let out so early . Why cant they be kept paid and see what they want to fix up . Paid to fix our infrastructure if they were engineers. Paid to be teachers. Paid to still be a part of something that is important. When you lose your sense of being in a group that is why so many reenlist to go back. You are lost. We dont use that in any of our country. To take people and use them. Life is important here. We have got such problems. We need all of our people and to make them feel the same intensity. Some of your comments this memorial day weekend from the washington journal. You can continue the conversation online by going to facebook. Com cspan or posting a tweet. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother, be he never so vile shall gentle his condition. Gentleman in england now a bed shall think themselves accursed that they were not here. One drop of blood, drawn from by countrys was him was bosom should be the more than streams of foreign gore. Michael whitmore talks about shakespeare and how politicians use quotes from the playwright in their speeches. Sometimes you have to go with the music of the words. The poetic images. The sound of the rhymes and also the way and wakes the way in which senator byrd did, youre able to linger over a long phrase and stop and keep going. I think he is using the rhythms of the language which is something shakespeare did so brilliantly, so that they can take english and put it into high gear at one moment and slowdown. That is something shakespeare lets you do if you are a politician. Tonight at 8 00 eastern and pacific. Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley delivered this years commencement address to graduate at the university of South Carolina. Governor haley is currently in her second term. She is the 116th governor of South Carolina and the first woman to serve in that role. Her speech is 15 minutes. Ms. Haley i want to thank the board. As daughter of indian parents, i want to say if you know in the indian community, your parents want you to be one of three things, doctor, a lawyer or an engineer. I can tell them i made it, i am a doctor. Im incredibly honored. To members of the faculty and staff, trustees, families, friends and most of all to the distinguished members of the university of South Carolinas classic 2015, let me say this, it is a great day in South Carolina. [applause] ms. Haley i say that often. The wonderful thing about our state is that each day brings with it a different reason to celebrate. It is something i never take for granted. Something we should all be proud of. Today is different. Mark twain once said that there are basically two types of people, people who accomplish things and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded. Because of the people filling this arena, your dedication, your sacrifice, your talent, we have made mr. Twains first group more crowded. The faculty, let me say thank you for shepherding through this Wonderful University the next generation of South Carolinas leaders. Thank you for being a tutor, a mentor, a friend. The Great American poet and educator robert frost said i am not a teacher but and awaken er. You have awakened in young minds and ability to achieve and a capacity to lead. Today is your celebration too. To the parents and grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunt and uncles, i can feel pride radiating from you. It should. Nothing of great consequence is ever realized alone. Make no mistake, earning a degree from such a Prestigious University is an act of great consequence. Youll hear from graduates today but you will hear it from me as well. They could not have done this without you. The support of family means everything. To the graduates, the class of 2015, from this proud clemson tiger, i say congratulations. [applause] ms. Haley i knew youre going to boo me on that one. For the last few years, youve called the university of South Carolina your home. It has been a place of challenge and success. Of friendship and heartache. Of lesson after lesson both inside and out of the classroom. Over these years you have grown. You have changed and now youre graduated. You have completed this part of your journey and now the world awaits anxiously to see what you will do next. Believe it or not it was not that long ago that i sat where you sit, faced with the choices and challenges and uncertainty but most of all, the opportunities that lie ahead of you. I have long believed in the benefit of reaching out to those who have been where im going. What walked in the path im soon to travel. Anytime someone can save me a few steps or even better, the pitfalls beneath them, i take that as an opportunity of valuable advice. On this day of celebration for you, for your family and friends, i would like to share some things i have learned along the way. First, trust to you are. The first female Prime Minister of israel once said trust yourself. Create the kind of self you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. You dont need to look anywhere outside yourself for confirmation. Your gut matters. You know yourself better than anyone else does and that will be true forever. You know what is right and what is not. You know what will make you proud and what will make you strong. That knowledge is a wonderful thing if you trusted. If you trust it. Dont shy away from who you are or what you know. The intuition your core beliefs drive mean something. Trust them. Trust your gut. It will serve you well. Second, push through the fear. Life is easier within our comfort zones. It is also a lot less interesting. In the 1960s, my parents were living in india, both born from families of privilege. They were well educated, secure and had all of the comforts upper class families had in that place and time. Life would have remained fine for them had they stayed. They wanted better than fine. They knew america was a place of unlimited opportunity and they wanted those opportunities for their children. Even if it meant starting over. So they left, going into the unknown with just eight dollars in their pocket, moving first to canada and later to the small town of bamberg, South Carolina. I dont pretend to know the depth of the fear they felt when they landed in columbia, across the world from their home, away from friends and family, a place different from any place they ever experienced. Nor what it felt like waking up each day in bamberg the only indian family and that smalltown. Mom determined and dad proud. I know whatever fear they felt they pushed through it. They raised four children, made friends, grew business, build a life. A little more than 40 years after they arrived in bamberg my parents stood on stage and watched as their daughter was sworn as the 116th governor of the state they adopted as their home. [applause] ms. Haley i learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it, said nelson mandela. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear. Dont be afraid of being afraid, push through it. Find the fear and conquer it for if you are not putting yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable, you have got some living to do