Hartman, pace communications, kelly services, thank you, carl for everything you do, the independent womens forum, Arizona State university, the aerospace corporation, and the [inaudible] [inaudible] and the Thunderbird School of Global Management and the National Aeronautics association. Our sponsors, lets give a round of applause for all our sponsors. We have a terrific lineup over the next two days. We will have conversations on the new administration and congresss first 100 days, we will look at the prospects for bipartisanship or as we heard earlier, bipolarship. The outlook for tax reform, immigration, infrastructure, a few little issues we are dealing with as a country. We will take a step back from Public Policy and discuss issues of Corporate Governance policy which has been a long focus of cd and our colleagues at the host it. E will we honor ambassador Barbara Barrett and we will present her with the leadership interest award followed by a conversation with barbara about her career in civic work. Maybeou know that we can turn the microphone down here. This is the 75th anniversary, we have been here active on public house issues since our initial work which started with the development of the Marshall Plan plane 1940s and in the 1940s and our involvement in the fred woods agreement. Everybody goes, yeah, right. But we are. And we are proud of that. Everything we are doing today is on the record. We are being broadcast by cspan so the cameras in the back our cspan. If you wave you will see yourself later on television through the repeats and if you stay up all night you will see it twice. We also are on twitter. Tagyou use the hash ceduptake. Are only tweeting good things about the conference. That you only thing are doing on your phones so we allow it. We are pleased opened todays session with a conversation about the new Political Landscape and what it means for a partisan policymaking. A monopoly onas good ideas and that is especially true when you consider these enormous issues that we are dealing with today. We are very pleased to have a great panel this morning and here to lead the first discussion is the computing editor to the atlantic and one of the countrys most esteemed, one of the countrys most esteemed magazines for commentary on politics, culture, and technology. By lisa nelson, the ceo of the American Legislative Exchange council. And weeporter from cnbc keep trying to get more cnbc involvement. Our member bob walker. From then there, i will you take it away. Thank you. Thank you. Here to talkare about the nittygritty of the new Political Landscape. This is usually a great event and part of because of at the end we toss it to you everybody has great questions. Sure indig down i am specific areas as this progresses. I want to start with the banquet a picture question for you. You have been around town a decade or three. Or four or five. What has struck you about the Political Climate in the early trump era in terms of, what about it looks like the same old same old if anything, what about it is particularly unusual . I use my state of pennsylvania as the example. When pennsylvania was not expected to go for donald trump, this is the first time in my 50 year history of politics in pennsylvania where the rural areas. Eat their urban not because the urban areas did not turn out their vote. They thought they would lose pennsylvania because they would not turn out the vote for philadelphia. 450,000 people in philadelphia which is what they needed that they were overwhelmed by what happened in the rural areas. What was that . If you notice to of the earliest members of congress who endorsed donald trump where tom marino and lou barletta. They are. From small towns in have aennsylvania that constituency for different than suburban philadelphia or pittsburgh or the cities themselves. Those are towns that were affected by illegal immigration, towns that lost jobs, they were towns that have a strong nationalist leaning. That is the constituency that donald trump brought to the forefront and that helped elect a republican senator that was considered to be in trouble and also elected dozens of members to the fence of a net legislature. We have an overwhelming republican edge in the legislature. The question is measuring those constituencies against what will , becausese in 2018 Donald Trumps constituency, those people he brought in think he is being overwhelmingly successful. Wellthink he is doing very on the jobs front. He has used a lot of microtargeting to tell them that i saved jobs at ford, i saved jobs that carrier. They believe he is doing well there. They believe he has shut down the border, that it is down for to a trickle and he is winning on immigration and they love the tough talk he is doing on foreign policy. That constituency they think he is being successful. If you go to the rest of the republican constituency, they have concerns about donald trump. Trump constituents have some concerns about the Republican Congress. They do not think he is doing very well. You have the whole Resistance Movement out there, people who are angry about the fact that they were sure they will win and they did not. There are a lot of crosscurrents in politics right now that are running but the people who do not watch morning joe in the morning are people who believe that donald trump is doing quite well. Policymakersalk to , other people around, what is ir sense of being able to i understand the microtargeting and white rural pennsylvania voters think this is going. Republican lawmakers think it is going well or the glitches that cropped up, are they optimistic that this is going to iron itself out or are they anxious that this is kind of how it is going to be Going Forward . A little bit of both perhaps. Anould agree with bob that washington, d. C. , any member of congress is going to look at how is what donald trump is saying and doing going to impact me in my race a year and a half from now question it will have to measure their activities and temperature around their support. Around their reelection. That is the name of the game. Where i said is with the state legislators around the country. It is an interesting juxtaposition working in the beltway but also talking to the state legislators on a regular basis around the country. I would say just like bob talked about in terms of the heads of in your example, we had a pretty good sense at my organization that donald trump was going to win just because we were hearing from the state legislators i see the numbers in wisconsin and it is looking good, i see the numbers in michigan, it is looking good. On Election Night i was texting with the majority leader of michigan, the majority whip in wisconsin. I. E. 30 p. M. They knew they had the states locked up. A similar story to bobs and it was tracking the different turnout models to i was thinking about this before we walked up having been a part of the 1994 contract with america and the takeover of the Republican House back then. It is an interesting comparison to see because that was as equal of a shakeup i think in d. C. As this election in terms of a wakeup, more than a shakeup but it was a wakeup call. Contract with america had the first 100 days and that was one of the first policy initiatives that laid out things that the new Republican Congress was going to effect and pass and the first 100 days. I do not think this president or speaker ryan or Mitch Mcconnell were prepared for the first 100 days in the same way that the Republican Congress tried to prepare themselves back then. Youre seeing some of this play out with their inability to get a Health Care Bill and i know health care is a panel down the road. When i talk to my legislatures legislators, they want to find solutions, they want to be productive and my legislators are republicans and democrats, more republican than democrat because we are free market and limited government. We have legislators who want to work with this congress and this administration on the issues that are playing out but they are having a hard time figuring fans are shifting as they offer up their support. D you want to jump in . I will comment on a couple of things. I will say we did not see the trump wave coming in november. Even so, the thing that has struck me most as we near the first 100 day mark is that even , senate,ified house and white house, there is still remarkable divisions within the Republican Party that seems to have hampered the economic agenda that the president and the Republican Leadership had hoped to push through. That once the president , once donald trump elected was donald trump elected for his policy or because he was giving voice to frustration that was being felt workers and who have felt left behind by globalization. Casee latter was the he can continue to be that mouthpiece, identify with that worker. He was elected on the jobs record so look at the far, it does not seem like it has truly panned out. Donald trump does not have a higher policy record, a prior voting record to contend with. He is someone who is interested in making a deal. When you look at paul ryan and the Republican Leadership, they operate from a comprehensive policy framework that limits their ability to make the compromises needed to pass a Health Care Bill. I think that political opportunism that donald trump was able to use to create a new that took him to the white house, it is running against policy principles in congress that might limit how far they can actually go in achieving some of those. This is a question for everybody. I focus primarily on congress and when i talked to the republicans on the hill, they are not all that upbeat about things so far. There are very anxious and there is a range of opinions of what can be done. What are you hearing in terms of where they think this is going and it has been very bumpy from a policy standpoint. You cannot overestimate what a spectacular epic feel it was not to repeal obamacare when they said they would. The Republican Party is going through growing pains and they learn how to govern. Theheard the rumbling that spending bill they may punch down the road. The timeline for achieving some getting pushed back and the question becomes ,rom our Networks Perspective at what point do you start to doubt whether or not these come through it all and the president has said, the treasury secretary has said they look at the stock market as a scorecard, another measure of potential success, stock markets are starting to flatten out and people wonder if the trump trade could be over. That is another thing that gives them pause especially when you look at the cabinet and administration when it is filled with wall street bankers and a number of people from goldman sachs, etc. They are attuned to those dynamics perhaps in a way that previous administrations may not have been. If you are a republican on capitol hill and you are not concerned, you had better get concerned. They are being assessed in a far different way than the president is being assessed and he is being assessed by a constituency. Hat he put in place for a lot of those people who voted for donald trump were also traditional republicans. The folks on capitol hill are used to talking to those traditional republicans. Many of them are unhappy with what they see happening and the coalitionle in that are unhappy with what they see happening. There has to be concerned. You are dealing with the white house where the president said in the midst of the health care debate, who knew it was this complicated . Anybody who is has spent any time knows it is a complex issue and he said you pull out one part, the whole thing collapses, that is the problem. In the health care arena. They are faced with the fact that the Health Care Bill was needed in order to do the tax bill. The tax bill that will be more complicated than the Health Care Bill was. Hereave a series of things that the Administration Needs to get on board with. The Administration Needs to decide whether they will work with republicans who are divided in their own conference or go to a more bipartisan formula. Donald trump does not care, all caps about at the end is his success and i think one of the interesting things happening in town is this administration trying to figure out who it is they are so they know where they go to make their deals. The one thing that i would i agree with all the comments that have been said in terms of the Health Care Bill and the failure that took place, we would hope that because of Donald Trumps message and the outreach of the forgotten man and the worker, at least their message of devolution of power and shrinking the federal government could start to be an underpinning of how they might take the next step on health care. Someve been talking with of the governors of the National Governors association and trying to figure out a way that may be the state legislators on both sides of the aisle, the governors can get together and to, lets find a way for us seek the waivers that have been waywn around, figure out a on the states that have taken medicaid, figure out a way to address the fact they have taken it and the other states that have not taken medicaid, coming up with a waiver so they can come up with their own policy. I would hope at least that there would be some commitment to at least addressing the balance of power and trying to devolve some of that power down to the state level. Michelle bring it back to the bloody politics of this all, as you noted, trump in the Republican Congress are being assessed somewhat independently. Usually the situation is that if you break it, you own it as a president during a particular term. This president has a particular gift for you know, blame the Freedom Caucus for when the bill fails or blame the democrats. How nervous are the Republican Congress members about whatever happens, they wind up blamed for it. If you want someone less popular than trump, you on the have to look at the speaker of the house, whose numbers are in the toilet. Ylan i was looking at some polling numbers coming back on recess. Lisa it was interesting to me and a low bit surprising that the polling and the recess experiences at the Freedom Caucus members are having is better than the more moderate republicans who are willing to go along. On the Health Care Bill specifically, this base that bob was talking about that elected trump and many of the kind of new members participating in the Freedom Caucus i think our kind of cheering them on, which is a little bit nerveracking. When you want to get something done and you might want to compromise with whoever comes to the table, i think they are going to be coming back from recess with a lot of different opinions on how to move forward and paul ryan is going to have to figure that out. Ylan if you want to consider nervousness, look at the elections in kansas and georgia, which was much closer than anyone had necessarily anticipated. The other thing to think about is that we have spent so much time already talking about the forgotten man and the base that helped put trump in the white house and elected him to begin with and how they sort of were voicing that frustration. A number demographic that you can remember that will be critically important in 2018 are the folks in the suburbs, the affluent suburbanites who where they voting in november as an antihillary clinton vote and sort of holding their nose and voting for donald trump or was the rhetoric and sort of vision of america that he was putting forth, was that something truly appealing to them . It was interesting to me that brian fallon, Hillary Clintons former spokesperson, tweeted out after the georgia lecture that the path to success in 2018 is through the panera bread of america. Is the Democratic Party going to rekindle that spark with role america or go after the College Educated centrists who might feel they have a better chance of winning over . It will be really interesting to see where they focus those efforts. Lisa i think thats going to be a case by case basis in each district. We are talking about 2018, right . We know there are a lot of senate races on the block. When you start to dissect statebystate and look into what is the political dynamic in wisconsin, is it going to be tammy baldwins year to get reelected . Theres already four or five republicans in that race. They see some elements or at least expressing interest in that race. They see some elements of an opportunity there. On the congressional side, i just think that each house member is going to have to play their cards the way the district would read out. Theyre going to maybe have to step aside their loyalty to the white house and actually play out their own district as they should. Bob look, paul ryans numbers reflect the fact that a lot of people think that the speaker of the house can simply tell his members what to do and they will do it. It doesnt work that way. So he is dealing with the Freedom Caucus and the tuesday group and a whole bunch of factions inside his conference. The fact is this constituency out there that trump appeals to seize paul ryan also as being someone who the president lied upon to get the Health Care Bill passed and he didnt do it. Some of those numbers are driven by that fact as well. There is time yet, but the republicans need to figure out a way to govern. Republicans are great at opposition and going out. We are not so good i governing. At governing. That is the frustration this administration is going to feel and the frustration that many members of congress feel. Michelle that begs the question of the next president ial election is an eternity away. The midterms not so much. What will Congress Need to get done bottom line in order to not have the wrath of voters come down on their heads . Bob i think they have to come up with some kind of health care solution. It wont necessarily be the bill that paul ryan wanted. I think lisa has identified one way in which they could begin to do this by default in power back to the states and making certain that everybody is covered, but covering them under the Medicaid Program largely run by the states. There are solutions out there that might even attract some bipartisan support in the congress. I think they have to get something done on that front. I think they have to get something done on the jobs front, on Economic Growth. They have to come up with some kind of a tax reform package. Again, it may not be the big tax reform that people have talked about. It may be a series of smaller tax changes that they ultimately are able to pass. I think in those two areas they have to perform. And they need to have something to keep the government up and operating. They have to pass a budget that keeps the government in place and assures that people are not adversely affected by a Government Shutdown or a government unable to meet their basic needs. Michelle i think we would all like to avoid the Government Shutdown this month. Ylan this is sort of an out there question. Do republicans have to do anything an order to see success in 2018 . Meaning do basically have to avert disaster of a Government Shutdown, disaster of nuclear war with north korea, for simple . For example. Basic things here in order to be successful. The economy is doing a lot better. We are seeing estimates for Economic Growth at 2 or perhaps even better. The Trump Administration will tell you it will be 3 even. Perhaps if they get some small tax cut through, that could temporarily boost gdp. If americans were voting on the economy in november and sort of adding up all the angst that they had gone through during the Great Recession and the long and slow recovery, we are kind of back. If we are kind of back, is that enough in itself in order to hand republicans another victory in 2018 . Lisa i would think it would be a huge disappointment if there was not a tax bill that was kind of transformational. It is a huge disappointment. 80 1986 was a long time ago and that was the last time we had a big package tax bill. Do i think it is going to happen, probably not. It is such a missed opportunity likewise,ke light for them to get their big banner topics and issues done but i would think the Health Care Bill and the tax reform are some elements of tax reform, i would add to robs list potentially some infrastructure and that is element of his message. I would add that infrastructure package is talked about on health. That is right. Republicans are indecent political shape. We talked about the divisions about the republicans because they are the governing party but the democrats have huge divisions they are resting with. It is not clear that you can anger thate kind of is driving some of the special elections right now. In decenticans are shape. A lot of their seats are safe, even some marginal losses will keep them in place. Win several senate seats, they have a good chance to do that based upon the numbers. Good, atmosphere is not they will have a if the atmosphere is not good, theyll have a problem winning those additional seat. A Strong Economy will make for a much better election season, but a Strong Economy will depend upon getting some of these tax changes because the economy right now is getting some momentum just out of a belief that some of these things are going to take place in washington and will improve it. The one thing trump is doing at the present time that he can do with executive orders is a lot of work on regulation. And that will help keep the economy going because a lot of the changes in the regulatory atmosphere will make a big difference for companies being able to keep jobs on board. What do you think democrats , besides march around with resist signs . Besides organizing another womens march, right. This goes to the question of, to what extent does the politics shaped policy . If the focus is going to be on that bluecollar worker, then the policy agenda or the economic message to your voters is going to be very different than the one you deliver if you are trying to reach suburban soccer moms who drive a minivan. It seems likeink democrats are trying to figure that out, going to the two most recent examples. It was interesting to see that the democratic challenger in kansas is someone who was a Bernie Sanders supporter who had ,eceived funding from daily kos had that progress of appeal, whereas in georgia, it was a very different situation where a lot of the money was outside National Money that was coming in. That candidate was considered much more moderate. Both candidates really onsidered much more moderate, a sanders. Ite or it is interesting in georgia to have the party that is going to empower women running viciously against the woman who is the republican with a candidate who doesnt even live in the district. He was on msnbc and specifically called out women as a key demographic he was trying to win over. What wasnt, he . 5 million came in from outside the state of georgia for that race . 8. 5 million came in from outside the state of georgia for that race . Wearing my state legislative hat, i would implore everybody to remember what is going on in that base. When bob says the Republican Party is doing well, all you have to do is look at the map that i passed around on the table that shows that the republicans right now have 69 chambers of 99. Is our state legislative chambers across the country. Is 99 because nebraskas unicameral. You can drive from key west, florida to the border of canada and not leave a republican trifecta state. That means governor, senate, and house in the state. That is a Pretty Amazing statistic. I think this is probably a High Water Mark for state legislative control. That, for what the democrats may need to be focused on, is something i know they are looking at, and i know they are thinking about it. It seems to me that as you look 2020, the redistricting year, but that becomes a whole other element of all of the moving parts we have to think about in terms of how things are going to play out and what is going to happen. Redistricting is going to become a huge issue on all sides. The fact that those maps get drawn every 10 years and will be drawn again, if this map i headed out stays the same by a mostly republican membership and or legislator legislature. And all the state legislators for office right now the democrats are an agent party that lacks a farm team, which is an ongoing problem for them they are going to have to solve. Thehat banks the question, coasting question and the weighty maps are drawn, i dont think anybody is looking the democrats to retake everything in 2018 because the math is so prohibitive. Do you wind up with a situation where republicans control everything in washington and they cant get anything past . Youre left with similar complaints to obama doing everything by executive order cant truncate repeal regulations, but you cant get a major tax ill done. Cant get a major tax Major Health Care overall done. How big a concern is that . You cant do Immigration Reform without legislation. This is another big item that is out there. You cant get to that issue without doing the legislation. Some of it can be done by a thicket of order infrastructure is going to require it will require a lot of money in specific target. And got a try to tackle entitlement reform. Anything substantial would require something going through Congress Like that. Right now they are having trouble. On some level, will the voters care if they have still got trumped up there cheering and they are still being told that carrier is getting a few thousand more jobs and stuff like that . At what point do they care . Going back to your previous connection and connecting it to what democrats need to do in order to see progress for their party in 2018, there is a real question for a lot of democrats over how much to cooperate with the president , how much to cooperate with Republican Leadership. Of thatecome part coalition that allows them to do some of the things which democrats have wanted for such a long time, such as Infrastructure Spending . But i think there is a warning there which we saw over the past week. President trump had come out and changed his position on the staying on the campaign trail, that he was opposed to it, and then meeting with some Business Ceos and democrats coming now saying he sees a use for it. Nominating people to push it forward. That is Something Like someone like Heidi Heitkamp had been a very vocal advocate for, but once he nominated the people for the board, turns out they were people who had opposed it and were extremely conservative. They actually put forth a bill that would have eliminated it. The point of this is that someone like a high cap mp, thereike a heitka might be a doubleedged sword in trying to cooperate or be willing to come on board with some of these republican proposals. Is a perfect example of his ability to find the deal wherever it is. Im sure a lot of people are upset that he flipflopped on his position on that, but i am sure he will try to figure out a way to split the baby and say, i came out and learned a few more things, but now i have put some going in place that are to try to dismantle it in a different way or use it in a different way. It is an interesting having somebody who is a deal maker and a negotiator by trade is a very different thing than having a classic politician that has come through the ranks. This is one of the real failures of this ministration thus far, and that is to get their personnel in place. Everyone in washington knows that personnel are policy. The fact that some of these departments, the only top political appointee that exists in the department is the secretary, and the assistant secretary, a lot of them have not been put in place yet. This ministration is going to have trouble moving its agenda forward and negotiating with the hill on the agenda so long as you dont have the people. And there was a little bit of discussion among pentagon folks yesterday that maybe if they had everybody they needed in place, they wouldnt have lost an armada. Just saying. [laughter] we probably have time for one more thought from you guys before we toss it to the audience. Is there anything you put the girly think has been agenda you particularly think has been an agenda controversy . Something that can be politically problematic, but really arent. I think the russia issue is an interesting one because i dont know that you will ever find a place where the trump people were directly involved. Has you have is russia interfered in other peoples election. They are interfering in the fridge election, the german election at the present time french election, the german election at the present time. I think that one has maybe spent time on the front pages that is not werent it given the realities of it. I would say in general, the aretics of disruption really hurting this town and the people who work in policy, the people who are in the jobs running Government Relations for the companies. What is goinglain , that is an orchestrated attack over there, those guys justake news over here, the general politics of disruption and orchestrated and calibrating that is going to become i have called it the new normal, but it is really sad that it is. Watching is,i am what is businesses influence in washington . Obviously this is a president that has welcome ceos to the white house multiple times, made a big show of it each time. To what degree does the business populist,temper that nationalist vein that trump attacked during the election cycle from cap trump trump tapped during the election cycle. Anything that you want to ask the esteemed experts here . Bread up front. Right up front. Good morning. I am from the university of central florida. My question to you is on your point of this hippocratic oath of do no harm. The president put forth his guidance for the fy 17 spending, which next week is going to be the first time he is required to sign a spending bill, which is interesting because the guidance , he proposedd cutting nih by 19 . If there is one agency that is sacrosanct in the federal government, it is the nih. To what extent do you think congress is going to have to throw himself on the sword and push back on the president . That going to be so teflon whatever happens is going to be congresss fault . I dont think there is going to be a problem with regard to 2017 spending, which is what the bills are that are coming up in the next couple of weeks. Those are pretty well cooked at the present time. The question is for 2018, where they put in a lot of these cuts. I think in all honesty that that no way you are going to cut these agencies by the numbers that are in their, but it will allow them to negotiate more across the board reallocations. This administration is going to look to changing some of the administered to structures in order to change some of those savings. I think that is going to be a negotiation pattern during the next few months. The democrats are never going to get behind cutting 54 million 54 billion out of nondefense so we can have more in defense. They would have to find a way around that. It will get very heated and will break down from what he is wanting, so hi. Economic consultant. What is the likelihood we will move back towards compromise consensus, or will we move more towards continuing with this partisan where youth are whatever party is in power out over time and back and forth, publishing very little . Who wants that one . [laughter] we live in very difficult times for a lot of people out there. The way in which people have adjusted to it is by moving into their own tribes. Our Information Sources at the present time allow you to do that. If you are one side, you watch msnbc. If you are on the other side, you watch fox news. You get your opinions reinforced constantly. So long as the country is reacting to world events and to National Events from their tribal positions, it is going to be difficult to change the nature of politics. Part of this is to open up the debate more in the congress and do some congressional reforms that make certain that all the sides get expressed and come to a conclusion. There are some active attempts underway to deal with the whole issue of congressional reform fact, think could, in make congress somewhat more responsive than its been the last few years. Thats a very long way of saying, dont start your bipartisan club right now. [laughter] right next to him. Im alice with the american payroll association. My question is, we seem to focus on the republicans versus democrats, but yet when you look at the number of republican governors who dont support trump and still dont support hama, with trump who ran under r the previously ran under d, do we really have a Republican Party . Or do we have a whole bunch of different parties just under the r heading . Its not just republicans. The democrats have a problem as well. There are divisions within their own parties that prevents them from finding government. Donald trump is a phenomenon. He caught a wave of anger and frustration in the country. People had him in their living rooms for 10 years and if i really want to shake things up in washington, heres the guy. He doesnt have much in the way of partisan loyalty. I dont think he will govern very much as partisan. He will govern in ways that advantage the Trump Administration, and if that means unifying the republicans, he will try that. If it means seeking help from democrats and putting together a coalition that is very different from one that the republicans would be comfortable with, he will do that. You dont even have to go to the governors or the white house for that question. I spent a lot of time talking to the house Freedom Caucus members, and before trump got sworn in, mark meadows assured me they would be giving trump the same work over that they gave obama when it came time to work through a lot of these bills. I doubted him, but sure enough they stuck to their positions for the health care debate. Talking with house leadership, they were pretty confident in the name of opportunity, this was going to be the Republican Partys big opportunity to come together and put aside their small differences and move forward. That may happen, but right now no one is terribly optimistic. The failure of the obamacare replacement bill makes it really tough for them to do a big tax reform. The odds of that have gone up. The odds of that have suddenly gone through the floor. You have not one Republican Party even within, say the house conference. That doesnt mean they wont him together on certain things, but the answer to your question is they started out thinking oh my god, this is it. We can do this, so everybody is going to pull together, even if they dont like every clause of the bill. They are going to put that aside and pass it and that has not happened. They are not talking like they are looking at that happening in the next couple of revolutions. I would say identity politics is playing out. Donald trump i think is an evolving political figure. It is safe to say that he is still learning on the job a little bit, and whether he knew he was a republican or thought he might be a republican he solve some poll numbers in new york when he was thinking about potentially running for governor, and said, why dont you check it nationally and see what it would look like . He tapped that nerve and saw saw this political, this base. I havent seen the figures, but i would venture to guess that a lot of that base we thought were traditional reagan republicans are reagan democrats that maybe went back to being democrats and have been the forgotten guy for a while. He was elected with a lot more of a broad base than i think a traditional republican candidate. There are ideological differences within the white house as well. When you think about the bannon versus kushner divide, it seems like the president and white house can settle the differences between some of the factions that can be difficult for what happens in other elections and down the road. That is a good point. The treasury secretary says he does not like to play with the debt ceiling. He thinks it is absurd that congress has played with the debt ceiling as political football. Mick mulvaney is the person who really likes to play with the debt ceiling and has made it his signature issue. There is no ideological core within the administration. I would venture to say the president does not want that. Hes looking for all of these crosscurrents to play themselves out and he is going to take the best deal he can get or in the last person who talk to him, but a lot of managers like a little chaos in their Senior Management team, because they want people to get out and really argue for their positions. He might just be managing in a similar type fashion. I cant see them. Blinded by the light. There we go. Excellent panel. Bob, you started out your remarks saying, how overwhelming the rural and smalltown response was in pennsylvania for thinkent trump, and i that has been replicated all over the country, yet theres more polarization that has become evident. One is the rural urban the other is big business and small business. And of course wall street versus main street. I am pulled i am puzzled given the fact that this population gave overwhelming support to President Trump, how come there is no rural Reinvention Program going on . Something like a New Homestead act or trust funding of millions busting ofrust millions of farmers on both sides of the border. I dont see anything about the current agriculture secretary saying we need to prepare these to repair these broken down factories or storefronts or causing an increase in health care costs. That is a lot to say in a few minutes. How come there is no Development Project going on in the Current Administration . Bob on the agricultural side, we havent got an agriculture secretary yet. He is one who is sitting in the senate to get confirmed. Secondly, i do believe the infrastructure bill they come up with ultimately will be very different than some of the infrastructure bills in the past, and it reflects the need of the small cities and communities across the country. Rather than being simply an urban infrastructure program. From what im hearing, we are going to see an infrastructure bill that is far broader than weve had before. I would add to that keep your eye on secretary carson. I think youre going to see an agency that is overlooked and not followed. I do think he is putting in place a good team and hes got the ear of the president right now. Some of the urban renewal projects, whether they are folded into the infrastructure or not, they are going to start to get some traction. The democrats have made clear they wont sign and infrastructure bill that is just soliciting private investors for toll roads or things like that. They want something more comprehensive as well, so that will be one of the more interesting projects. That is outside the traditional republican comfort zone, major Infrastructure Spending. Talking to conservatives on the hill, they flip out when they when you talk about the 1 trillion price tag and they talk about how they will make up for that and keep it budget neutral, but it will be one of the more interesting areas when they get around to that, so nobody really knows. First of all, President Trump says he will bring back coal jobs. That is one way he is trying to address the needs of rural voters. That might not be done necessarily through comprehensive legislation. That may be done through deregulation instead. That is one area where he doesnt need to worry about trying to get democrats on board. He can start the process of repealing some of the environmental regulations, the waters of the u. S. Act. He has started on that. There are other avenues for him to address it beyond pushing legislation through congress. I think you will have to have the last word because we are out of time, but thank you so much. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] announcer karen harper royal at georgetown universitys slave sale dedication. Naming these buildings for Isaac Harkins and annemarie craft is the beginning of our journey together towards the healing from the jazz with of georgetowns legacy of slavery. Announcer pennsylvania congressman Matt Cartwright holding a town hall meeting. We have moved the needle on this discussion. It used to be, no waiting, knowhow on anything like the aca, but now it is, lets make it work. Announcer marlo lewis on science and Public Policy. To the extent it is possible, Scientific Research should similarly be separated from government. Then you would not find Climate Science in particular being a faction written factionridden, orthodoxy in forcing political movement, but rather the quest for knowledge. Announcer treasury secretary steve mnuchin. The objectives are simplify personal taxes, create middle income tax cuts to spur the economy, and make our business taxes competitive. Announcer former ambassador to afghanistan brian cropper. We have got to work with the afghans to stabilize the situation against a taliban onslaught, and then move ahead with a political process that is going to have to include pakistan. Announcer attorney general Jeff Sessions on transnational crime organization. If you are a gang member, we will find you. We will devastate your network. We will starve your revenue sources, delete your ranks, and sees your profits. We will not concede a single block or streetcorner to your vicious tactics. Announcer cspan programs are available at cspan. Org on our homepage and by searching the video library. Tonight on cspan, a look at the first days of the trump presidency. Then, foreignpolicy experts discuss global challenges and what role the u. S. Should have in world affairs. , educators,tists and environmentalists hold a rally on the National Mall to highlight the importance of science and research. Earlier this month, former white house staff from the next and, carter, and reagan administrations spoke about the first days of the Trump Administration and how it compares to previous administrations. This was part of a daylong forum at New York Public Library cohosted by the Ethics Center and the Carnegie Council for ethics and international affairs. It is in

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