To washington anytime, anywhere. Now lawyers react to the Supreme Court decision striking down the reaction of universities. The group is responsible for filing the lawsuit her by the Supreme Court against harvard and university of North Carolina counting their race conscious admission policies. Are you guys all right back there. Thank you for coming. Let me introduce the participants of this press conference. On my far right is calvin yang. Calvin is a participating member of students for fair admissions. He was rejected from harvard a few years ago. So my right is thomas mccarthy, typical spelling. Thomas,thomas, mccarthy. Tom is the Founding Partner of the law firm and our chief trial counsel in students for fair admissions versus the university of North Carolina. To my left is adam, and r, ca ra, adam is with the law firm formerly with bartlett beck. Adam is our chief trial counsel in students for fair admissions. These discriminatory admissions practices undermine the integrity of our civil rights laws. Ending racial preferences in College Admission is an admissie of the vast majority of all americans, of all races will celebrate. A university doesnt have real diversity when its simply when it simply assembles students who look different, but come from similar backgrounds and talk and act and think alike. Moreover, these up ins reestablish the founding principles of the 1964 civil rights act, which clearly forbids treating americans differently by race. Let me quote, at the signing ceremony of the act on july the second, 1964, president Lyndon Johnson made these remarks. Quoting now. The purpose of the law is simple, it does not restrict the freedom of any american, as long as he respects the rights of others. It does not give special treatment to any citizen. Im going to read that again. It does not give special treatment to any citizen. It does say the only limit to a mans hope for happiness and for the future of his children shall be his own ability. Beginning today, americas colleges and universities have a legal and moral obligation to strictly abide by the Supreme Courts u Supreme Courts opinion. These obligations compel the removal of all racial and ethnic classification boxes from undergraduate and postgraduate application forms. Furthermore, the Administration Administrators of a Higher Education must note, the law will not tolerate direct prophecies for direct classifications. For those in legal positions at public and private universities, you have an obligation to follow the letter and the spirit of law. For decades, our nations most elite universities have given preferences to the children of alumni. Faculty and staff. Athletes, and most notably, substantial donors. These preferences have been vigorously defended by these exclusive schools, even though Court Records reveal that they have diminished individualized Student Diversity at nearly every competitive university in the country. The elimination of these preferences is long overdue. And sfsa joses opinions will compel Higher Education institutions to hopes these opinions will compel Higher Education institutions to uphold these practices. They are closely monitoring the changes in admissions procedures should the court reach a decision like the one today. We remain vigilant and intend to initiate intend to initiate litigation should universities defiantly flout this clear ruling and the dictates of title vi and the equal protection clause. Finally, this organization is deeply grateful to the lawyers who have pursued this litigation with such skill and commitment. And finally, we are grateful to the dozens of young courageous men and women who joined sfsa as High School Seniors after they were rejected from harvard in the university of North Carolina. Their dedication to the principles of equality is inspirational. Thank you. Calvin . Calvin good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is calvin yang, and im a member of students for fair admissions. For so long Asian Americans have strived for acceptance and recognition. Four contributions to building the foundation for contributions to building the foundations of this country to be acknowledged. And for us to take up our rightful place within this society. Todays decision has started a new chapter in the saga of the history of Asian Americans in this country. It marks the promise of new beginning, a resurgence of the principles of the american dream, and a return to the gala terry and principles egalitarian principles for all in a city on the shiny hill. Any people have asked me why i chose to speak out publicly for affirmative action. Especially amidst potential backlash. My answer is simple. If no one is standing up to speak out out against the injuss faced by our community, then our welldeserved rights will never be realized. Todays victory transcends far beyond those of us sitting in this room today. It is to thousands of sleepless High Schoolers applying to colleges. It belongs to the overachieving son of a recently unemployed West Virginia coalminer. It belongs to those with the last names of smith or lee, chen or gonzales. It belongs to all of us who deserve a chance but can now rejoice over the fact that at least our kids can be judged based on their achievements and merits alone. Most importantly, it belongs to all of us who believe that if we work hard enough, we all can have a chance at getting our own slice of this grant american grand american dream. I firmly believe that diversity is important for education. The future leaders of america need to have representation across all backgrounds of society. This is why, affirmative action is a wellintentioned idea that is poorly executed in reality. Thus, it is my hope to see a renewed College Admissions system that recognizes and rewards the multifaceted talents and diverse perspectives that each individual can bring to the table. Together, led us in bark on this transformative Journey Towards a a fair, more inclusive, educational landscape with the potential of our nations youth where the potential of our nations youth knows no bounds. Thank you. Good afternoon, just a few quick words. On behalf of counsel mccarthy, we are very happy first students for fair admissions today and for the thousands of students and families who make up the membership across the country. We are very pleased that the court vindicated the promise of equal protection for all americans. And its a little bit it her suite today because my partner, friend and brother will thats is not here today, but i know he is very proud of our team and its very much his brilliance and hard work that is in large part of being in for the result today. And i have precious little to add to the words that were just spoken by elegantly by edward, calvin and tom other than, i also think tom mccarthy for what they have managed to achieve. Opening their doors in the their doors in the representation it took for students of in missions in one of the first cases it was involved with and filed was students for fair admissions against harvard. It has been nine years and this firm has accomplished a great deal. I would like to thank my former partners at one of the nations most premier law firms. Not many big premier firms like that would take on a cause like that and promote and devote millions of dollars in attorney time in six lawyers to try this and they were brave enough to stand against what mightve been woke corporations and others telling them not to do it. They took a stand and did it. Im happy for my four chinese nieces and nephews and my filipino godson. We will take a few questions if anyone has a question or two. Whats your reaction to Justice Roberts [indiscernible] . We have not dug deeply into this opinion, yet. Yet. Im going to defer answering a question like that until weve had a chance to really go through the opinion. Sometimes the representation of what is written can be read a number of different ways, so im not im going to decline answering that question for now. This goes be on the scope and the account that i think we all need to read the opinion. But could the same logic applied in this case also be applied to scholarships and other internal benefits . Do you want to . Adam, why dont you take that . Yes. I couldve done i couldve. Im glad you and tom are here. Any other questions . I want to say on behalf of Asian American communities, over 350 nationwide [indiscernible] thank you. The decision today explicitly carved out saying it does not apply to the countrys military academy. Is that the next phase of this. Will you attempt to apply a similar theme to the military academy . Go ahead. We are still digesting the opinion in future plan for student submissions and its not up for discussion today. You mentioned legacy admissions in your statement. Something that universities should get rid of. Youis that something you are thinking of doing for litigation for . . Speaking as a nonlawyer, legacy preferences are not actionable in court, if they were, i wouldve expected our friends at the naacp or aclu to have brought these lawsuits. Challenging that years and years and years ago. What about standardized tests . Is that something you are focused on at all . We are not going to be litigating the elimination of standardized tests. Im curious about the provision of colleges [indiscernible] including about race in their essay. Are you worried about it [indiscernible] i think i answered that in my statement in which we will be monitoring direct proxies for race. And if any aspect of the College Admission process devolves into a direct proxy for race, then that is something we would be very we would be very mindful and against. Anybody else . [indiscernible] i think my previous answer to the chronicle of Higher Education is applicable to what you just asked. That is, direct proxies for race is something we will monitor. If we feel that a college or university is using something that basically mirrors a racial classifications, that something that we would object to. Thanks, everybody. Appreciate you coming. Cspan is your unfiltered view of cspan is your unfilterd view of government, we are funded by these Television Companies and more, including comcast. You think this is just a community center, its more than that. Comcast is partnering with a thousand Community Centers to create wifi enabled listings so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. Comcast supports cspan as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. Order your copy of the 100 18th congressional directory, now available at cspan shop. Org. Its your access to the federal government with bio and Contact Information for every house and Senate Member and Important Information on congressional committees. 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