As senator from massachusetts, can i ask the initiation without objection and i ask unanimous consent that within the requirement be divided equally between the two parties. Like to address the motion to override the president s veto of the senate bill which would force approval of the construction of the Keystone Pipeline to transport heavy oil from canada to the gulf coast and we will be having that vote in just a few minutes from now. My key consideration today is what would contribute to Global Warming . What would the impact of this bill be on Global Warming . The reason that is the core question i am raising is that already, we are seeing excessive damage to our rural resources all over the world. We are seeing this in organ and our future economic prospects. We are seeing this in oregon and our future economic prospects. It is damaging in our farming and fishing. By many estimates to contain Global Warming to two degrees celsius, which is almost four degrees fahrenheit, we must transition aggressively and rapidly from convinced from burning conventional fossil fuels for energy to the use of nonfossil and renewable energy. This shift is well within our power. It is well within our technology. But do we have the political will to make this happen . And that test is one spent for us in the road we are taking today. Building the Keystone Pipeline opens a faucet to rapid exploitation of the massive, new unconventional reserves and it takes us in exactly the opposite direction from where we need to go. Indeed, the pipeline blocks is in utilizing the dirtiest fossil fuels on the planet for generations. It accelerates human civilization down the road toward catastrophic climate change. Thus, building this pipeline is a mistake. And there is a lot to be concerned about. Global warming is some imaginary scenario 50 years from now about some computer model that predicts something bad will happen. No. It is about facts on the ground, right now. The warmest 10 years on record for a global average surface temperature have occurred in the last 12 years. 2014 the calendar year we just passed, was the single warmest year on record. While some senators may come to this floor and say, well is this an anomaly here or an anomaly there . It is not. The facts are in. When you have 10 of the 12 warmest when you have the 10 warmest years on record within the last 12 years, you know something dramatically is happening to the globe. The average forest fire season is getting longer. Since the 1980s, this season has grown from 60 days to 80 days. That means with each year that is passing, the fire season is growing by an average of about two days. Under the number of acres consumed annually by wildfires has doubled to more than 7 million acres. This is an enormous impact in those fires that put additional Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, so we start to see a Feedback Mechanism that is excelling us down this road to catastrophic change. The snowpack is decreasing in our oregon mountains. The cascade mountains, which means smaller and warmer streams which certainly are not good for trout. But it also means less water for irrigation. We have, right now virtually no snow in the cascades. At this point, we should have a substantial snowpack. The possibility of yet another major drought faces us this coming summer. Now we had the worst ever drought in a large agricultural base in Southern Oregon in 2001. We had another devastating drought in 2010. Near worst ever drought. Another devastating drop in 2013. And here we are this year, with virtually no snowpack to provide Irrigation Water during the summer. That is a very big deal. And it isnt just farming, and forestry street, it is also fishing. The Carbon Dioxide we are pumping in the air is absorbed through wave action and combines carbonic acid. You can envision mankind pouring vast bats of carbonic acid into the ocean. That is essentially what we are doing. If you think putting all that acid into the ocean is a bad idea and would have bad effects, you are right. The ocean has become 30 more acidic than it was before the industrial revolution, before we started burning coal and other fossil fuels as a major source of energy. You can start to see the impact. At whiskey creek, the shellfish hatchery on the oregon coast, we have a big problem. The big problem is that the baby oysters are having trouble pulling enough carbon out of the water in order to create their shelves because the water is too acidic. It is like a canary in a coal mine. If the oysters are having trouble, what other shellfish are being affected by the increasing level of acidity . As humans on our planet we have the moral responsibility to exercise wise stewardship of our resources. The responsibility that this generation and a profound responsibility to generations to come. Our youth tend to have a better understanding of this and then the lawmakers who come to the floor in the senate. Our youth widely ranked Global Warming as a major concern. The major issue they want to see us take on. They will face the challenges that we will leave behind, but he was the problem is we wait to tackle Global Warming until we have pages on the floor 15, 16yearold pages are on the floor when they are in their 40s and 50s, then it will be almost impossible to address this issue because of the feedback loops that are occurring. I was just watching yesterday, a time lapse series of ice in the arctic. And i can tell you that essentially as viewed from north america, there was a swirling mass of ice, and this is over several decades, and that swirling mass becomes less with every passing year. Two where pathways are starting to be ice free in the summer. That is a massive change happening with a single human lifetime, which is but a blink in time when you think about the age and course of this planet. So big changes occurring, and windows changes occur, we do have additional problems arise. And went additional changes occur, we do have additional problems arise. The ice reflects the sunlight and keeps the water cooler. Therefore, we have a magnification of the effect of Global Warming at the polls. This is not a good thing. Whether we are looking at the impact of farming or for us, which are burning or the impact of oceans and fisheries, which are becoming too acidic, we have a responsibility to address those issues. And that means we are going to have to not burn all of the fossil fuel that we have been clever enough to find in the crust of the earth. It is estimated that we would have to leave for fifth of the fossil fuels that we have already identified that are in the ground we have to leave it in the ground rather than burning if we are not going to exceed two degrees centigrade in Global Warming. That means we cannot proceed to build infrastructure design designed to accelerate the distraction the extraction of these fossil fuels. And the pipeline is exactly that kind of infrastructure. Have no doubt, i love the idea of the jobs and construction. That is why i am a huge supporter of the build america act. The build america act would create hundreds of thousands of construction jobs over the course of a number of years. That is a type of investment in jobs, constructions, and infrastructure that we should make, but we should not be investing in infrastructure that will do profound damage to our planet. That does not