Fabulous job they are doing. When the white house passed their Health Care Bill, a bill President Trump called mean, i thought it wouldnt be possible for Senate Republicans to conjure up a bill worse than that one. Unfortunately, that is what they have done. Can you read it . Do i have to color it in . That stands for emergency room, too. Hows that delight . Meaner. I have another career as an artist. Ok, the Senate Version of trumpcare is meaner than the house bill. Theres a lot to unpack but its general outline is very simple and very clear. Theyre saying its a draft but i asked Mitch Mcconnell on the floor is there anything i said which i say now that is not in that draft and he just sat down. He didnt answer, so my guess is, its all in there. The bill takes dollars out of health care for millions of americans and puts them right back in the pocket of the wealthy. It cuts health care for those who need it most, just to give a tax break for those who need it least. Senate republicans are proposing to defund planned parenthood, to drastically slash medicaid, which helps middleclass families with loved ones in a nursing home, and sends those dollars to the richest people in america. Senate democrats have been pouring over the bill now that its come out from behind closed doors, and here are just a few of the thing this is bill will do. First, it will cause Health Care Costs for middleclass and working families to go up. By cutting back on tax credits and making americans pay even a bigger percentage of their income for their premiums, theyre going to send costs soaring. Second, the bill will kick millions off medicaid by making even deeper cuts than the house bill. If youre a middleclass family with a loved one in a nursing home, the cost of that care will go up. Third, it abandons people with preexisting conditions putting at dire risk Maternity Care, Mental Health coverage by allowing states even more latitude to get out of covering essential health benefits. Fourth, it defunds planned parenthood, making it harder for millions of women to obtain the health care they need and deserve. Why are they doing this . To provide a giant tax break to the wealthiest americans. Simply put, the bill will result in higher costs, less care millions of americans will lose their health insurance, particularly through medicaid. Its every bit as bad as the house bill and in some ways even worse. The president has said that the senate bill needed heart. The way this bill cuts health care is heartless. The president said the house bill was mean. The Senate Bill May be meaner. The Senate RepublicanHealth Care Bill is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Only this wolfs teeth are even sharper than in the house bill. Somewhere in america, mr. President , theres a family who takes a trip each friday to visit grandma or grandpa at a nursing home, who sacrificed all of their savings to pay for their health care until they had no more savings and now they relay on medicaid to pay the cost of longterm care in the nursing home. Somewhere in america, President Trump, theres a father eaten up inside, watching his son struggle with opioid addiction who knows in his heart his son would go on and live a healthy and fulfilling life if he could only afford treatment to get him out from under the devastating addiction. Somewhere in america, theres a parent whose child has cancer. A mother and father who stay up late at night worried that their insurance will not be available or run out before their family needs it most. In that america, that my republican friends envisioned with this Health Care Bill, those americans and many more beside might not get the coverage they need we live in the wealthiest country on earth but surely we can do better than what the Republican Health care bill promises. Every american should be asking their republican senators one simple question this weekend why do the wealthy deserve a tax cut more than we deserve health care . Senator schumer, thank you, senator wyden. Today it has become abundantly clear why Senate Republicans have been hiding this trumpcare plan from patients and families from democrats and even many republicans because based on what we are now learning, their trumpcare plan is every bit as bad as what the house pass eded. Passed. It is mean, to quote President Trump, meaner. Its heartless and it is an enormous broken promise to people across the country. Theyre ashamedover of their plan and rightly so. After helping families Getting Better health care, theyre obstructing progress, playing partisan political games even when it hurt their own constituents, what Republican Leaders have put forth is truly shameful and it needs to be stopped. And i have to say it speaks volumes that only today with just days to go before they plan to vote on their Trumpcare Bill did Republican Leaders think it might be a good idea to release their plan which would impact the health and wellbeing of people nationwide and nearly a sixth of our economy. Just today. Now, of course Senate Republican leaders have done Everything Possible to prevent people from seeing their version of trumpcare there have been no hearings, no scrutiny, no public input, and its clear why. Because they did promise to lower Health Care Costs. And this plan will raise them, especially for seniors and those with preexisting conditions. They promised not to pull the rug out from under patients, this plan will take away coverage. They said under their bill no one would be worse off. Well, tell that to a woman who will have to pay as much as a thousand dollars extra for Maternity Care or will have to see the planned Parenthood Center shuttered. They said their bill would protect patients with preexisting conditions. Read the fine print of this bill. This plan is a back door way to put those patients fate in the hands of insurance companies. The Senate Republican trumpcare plan is every bit as bad as the version patients and families rejected in the house. And let me be clear, if republicans jam through this plan, they will own the consequences. Now i know many Senate Republicans who said they are not happy with the secret process. Republican leaders have been conducting. They want more time to review the plan and they understand what it means for the people they serve. Well my message to each of them is saying youre unhappy is not enough, saying youre frustrated is not enough. You have to power to do you have the power to do something about this i urge my republican colleagues to join democrats, tell leader mcconnell you want more time and you want an open debate. Do the right thing for patients and families like those that have come to the capitol to make their voices heard all of this week. All those people who called and emailed and posted on social media who deserve the opportunity to scrutinize this plan. We call on those republicans who just say theyre frustrated and this is a bad process do the right thing. Tell leader mcconnell to stop. Thank you. Thank you. The leader and senator murray have said it very well, and im going to make a couple extra points in my view, the Senate Republicans are trying to con americans into thinking that they are fixing problems here when in fact what theyre doing is causing new ones. The reality is, they basically doubled down on everything that the American People rejected the first time around. And whats clear and we saw it in the the discussion on the senate floor this morning, is that Senate Republicans are going to keep telling american ss theyre fixing their health care right up until the second when it gets taken away. Now the president said this was all about finding heart. That was what he really wanted to see in this effort in the senate. It doesnt strike me as heart to put at risk not just seniors who depend on Nursing Homes, but let me lay this out because this is my background. If you have a baby boomer, for example, who has had a stroke or maybe early on set of alzheimers disease, they are going to find it very difficult to afford longterm care and this bill is going to make it harder for them to get medicaid. Its not just seniors and baby boomers, but kids with special needs, disabled folks. I mean, thats what this country has always stood for, that we would be there for folks who didnt have clout, folks who didnt have powerful lobbyists on k street, we wont turn our back on them. I want to close with two last points, one deals with substance, one deals with the matter you heard about on the floor. The republicans have tried to twist and distort a provision that i wrote in the Affordable Care act to allow states to offer innovation waivers and there are very strong Consumer Protections, so that states are given the right to do better under current law. What republicans are clearly trying to do is to gut those Consumer Protections that we insisted on, and turn back the clock and strip americans of their rights. One last point deals with this morning. There were comments made to the effect that somehow democrats were disinterested in working in a bipartisan way. Thats what i made my focus in my time in Public Service is working in a bipartisan way and our colleagues very much on the finance committee wanted to work in a bipartisan fashion with respect to the Affordable Care act. We know that there are ways and the leader has outlined this with respect to the private Insurance Markets in which we can strengthen it. Not once, not once have i or my colleagues been asked by a single republican to work on this bill or discuss bipartisan fixes to the Affordable Care act. The statement this morning that democrats refused to work with the other side is not just a fiction, it is a gross fiction if you get any sense of the drift on that. Thank you, mr. Leader. One point id add to senator wyden, they put reconciliation in on january 4. They put in the budget they dont want republicans sorry, they put in the budget they dont want democrats to work with them on january 4. So much for bipartisanship. Reporter you mentioned that your concern is that this bill does not protect coverage for preexisting conditions. Can you talk about that more in specificity and why you believe your read of the bill my read of the bill is very clear. That people will not have the protections of preexisting conditions. There are opt outs in there so well go back to the time when people buy want to buy insurance and find out that it doesnt cover what they thought it did and believe me, people dont want to go there, or they will not cover preexisting conditions. In one way, by not covering them, in another way, by charging them more so all of a sudden you find out if you want to buy maternity coverage or Mental Health you have to pay as much as a thousand dollars for Maternity Care to get that coverage. That is not what we have today. Reporter propping up stability in the market. They put tens of billions of dollars for the next few years or states and counties. How do you address that issue to where those states and counties . They dont need that in the bill. Its common law. So its nothing new but second you cant destroy the foundation and then say well poke a hole in the wall. The whole construct will collapse around who need health care. Its not close to enough. This is a nasty bill and theyre trying to cover it up up here and there. So people, states that need additional medicaid and wont drop out until 2020 later. But they cut medicaid immediately. Theyre trying to disgiezuise disguise people say were cutting medicaid. Thats what they believe but they know the American People dont agree with that to they come up with subterfuges. Republicans that came out of the meeting saying that states can choose to keep the expansion if they want. They have to pay more. I wonder what the states will pay more for it and well have more analysis on this shortly, but overall, the medicaid cuts are deeper. This whole construct, this whole arrangement, is set up to give people a sense that they have fixed all this stuff to what went over so badly with the American People. And the reality is, that on key issues like medicaid and thats what i mentioned the kids and the baby boomers and all of those were walking on an economic tightrope. Overall the cuts are going to be deeper. I think people who have coverage say to help their Senior Citizen parents in Nursing Homes are going to say maybe the states will give it to us after we cut it off. Thats a small consolation. As long as you and i have been here which is a long time, both parties have been talking about entitlement reform. Theyve never been able to do it. Do you think the Program Needs to be changed and should it be done on the Health Care Bill sand there a way where theyre not hurting these moments. Theyre not trying to change it it. Weve done that. But this is not reform. Basically, if you talk to some of these people, the most conservative, they dont believe there should be medicaid and this is a step to eradicate it. Can i add one sentence to what the leader said . Not only are we open to reform but democrats if you look at the last few years have been supportive of the idea of introducing a bigger role for the private sector in medicaid so we have been there and that was why listening to all of this about how democrats dont give a whit about working in a bipartisan way is just a fiction. And on your point we have a history of working with republicans to a bigger role to medicaid. Democrats have talked about wanting to improve obamacare. Why havent democrats put forward their own plan with fixes . We have. Well send you a letter we sent a month ago signed by every one of the Democratic Senators saying work with us, here are the changes we propose to make the aca better what do you propose to make it better . We got no answer. He said there is no tape senator schumer. Do you have a response to that . Senate republicans released of theirssion Draft Health Care about replacement on thursday. The Congressional Budget Office will score the bill this week when the Senate Floor Debate is expected to begin. We posted the bill at cspan. Org. You can follow life Senate Coverage on cspan2, online at cspan. Org, and on the street cspan radio app. Free cspan radio app. Cspans washington journal life every date with news and policy issues that impact you. Riley, author of the book, black power, shares his views on white it founder of the 90s richie,irvana and rob on the organizations 25th anniversary and its election reform efforts. Then scott massi only talks increase in1 military pay in the 2018 federal budget. What cspans washington journal life at 7 00 eastern. Join the discussion. Recently on cspan, College Student separate would at a Judiciary Committee on free speech on college campuses. 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We have an executive from one of the five major corporations that has corralled 90 of our defense budgets. And on one of the major issues that this committee has had hearings about, has had markets about, as we recorded out our bill, you want to find out more information . Not a good beginning. Not a good beginning. Do not do that again, mr. Shanahan, or i will not take your name up for a vote before this committee. Cspan programs are available pagespan. Org on our home by searching our video library. Next, q a with litter prizewinning author robert caro. Queen elizabeth ii delivers a speech at the opening of british parliament. After that, members of the house of commons reacts to the queens speech. Q a, a littern prizewinning biographer, robert caro, talks about his audio project looking at the exercise of political power in america. Brian why did you decide to do, for the first time, and audio of what you are thinking is about publishing . Robert when you write your book , hopefully it indoors. Sometimes you