Transcripts For CSPAN Senate Ceremonial Swearing-In Part 1 20150111

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Planning within probably 400 or 500 yards of where my son lives. A very picturesque town in with its paris, which is also known for attracting hipsters. As you pointed out, it is one of those trendiest parts of paris. It is also it has also put Charlie Hebdo on the map. It dates back to the france revolution. I know that come in some anglo saxon cultures, that caricature has been a very lets remember that Charlie Hebdo was never an empty muslim newspaper. In one of his recent issues, they also had cartoons against the jewish leaders. So this is really part of a very french tradition of political cartoons. And these cartoonists were more than cartoonists. In the eyes of many french, they were of course journalists. As you look at the targets, we had journals, we had police officers, and we had juice. That sums up that story. The fact is we now have the french president saying that the army, if need be, well protected your sites throughout the city in the coming months. Not to mention that there has been a Record Number of french jews who have emigrated. Yes, so i was going to bring that when up because, obviously, we talked about a lot about frances relationship to the Muslim Community, but we also need to look at frances relationship to its jewish community. That is another hugely important topic that will come after that. An issue that will be discussed. I was based in jerusalem in 2004 when the then Prime Minister as a result of many protest being held in paris over the way in which the israelis called on french jews to leave france because it was not safe. As a result, he he got wrapped up. Just at this point, you can see members of the jewish and muslim communities he is a very famous jewish author who has written, by the way, a lot and islam, as well. And he is really involved in this dialogue. We have, as you said, jewish clerics. And to me, what was it sterner extraordinary to see something you never i think that is a very important part in that, as you said earlier, one of our purposes is to figure out ways to create a communication between different cultures. And what i have always said is that the most important aspect of that is not dialogue, per se because dialogue is doing things together. And it is accomplishing things together. I think that the fact that we see jewish leaders and Muslim Leaders and christian leaders here, side by side, doing some things, affirming some things on behalf of france and on behalf of antagonism that exists, i think that this is a very important symbol that is not only about symbolism, but also about the feeling of togetherness. The speaker who came out earlier said something very important. He said that the Muslim Community here oftentimes feels that they are friends, but that the other french do not feel that they are french. And i think that he is probably correct about that in many ways. The other french people here i feel often feel that the muslims go back home or they will someday take over france. There is somehow they are somehow antagonistic to france. If youre just joining us here on france 24, it is just about to turn 4 04 here in the french capital. Youre looking at pictures here in the streets of paris. Paris heating, really, as hundreds of thousands of people have turned out to take a stand against terror. As i say, were seeing hundreds of thousands of people. And we are also seeing dozens of World Leaders heads of states, head of government come to the french capital to commemorate and remember the victims of this weeks attack. Now, this unity march is heading for a site on the east end of paris, not far from where fridays hostage siege played out. And the site where for hostages were killed so brutally on friday near a kosher store. Our reporter is standing by at place de la nacion. Well, as you say, a great many people here. Thousands. A lot of people have not gone to the plaza where the rally began. They have decided to come here. It is Building Momentum quite quickly, in fact. An hour ago, it was quite empty. Now, lots and lots of people. I have just been speaking to one woman who tells me that she has come here to express solidarity with french people. Why are you here . Im here because i feel concern about liberty, democracy. Im french, and my family came from all around the world. Im a worldwide citizen and i do not accept this kind of terrorism and so on. I feel like old people in france or old people in europe could and have to come and show we are not w we are free. That is why i am here. Thank you. Well, marcus, i mean many people here expressing the same sentiment. Here to express solidarity, tolerance, liberty of expression. As you can hear, there is applause all around. The National Anthem is being sung, as well. We are expecting thousands more people today. The Prime Minister has called for at least 1 million, but more than that is the hope. So Building Momentum slowly, but surely here. The rally Building Momentum in eastern paris. This while the distance between is about 3 km or so. But to move hundreds of thousands of people is going to take a a ppretty long time i imagine, rochelle. Thank you very much, rochelle. We are going to come back to you throughout the afternoon, obviously, as this rally gets closer to the aplce de la nacion. Once again, we can look at these pictures. This had to be put together many of these people probably dont know exactly what theyre doing. The reality is that with all the security measures in place, you cannot expect all those people to move forward, i think, within that chart. Of time. I think theyre going to be staying put. I cant stress it enough, this is an area of paris which is normally, you know, full of traffic. Normally, it would take about two minutes to go, if indeed you are lucky, by car. But look at that shot. Look at all those boulevards. I understand it is the second alternative route. I think they have had to work out a number of routes. There are two main routes, indeed. Logistically, this is very difficult. And have shut down all the metro stations in that precinct, i think, at about lunchtime today. So people had to walk already a fair way in order to get to the start of the root. And this is a very traditional roots demonstrated in paris. Two very symbolic squares, with gigantic statues and those three words. And the nations great, it is of course, the square of the french nation. So many people. I cant remember seeing that. It is interesting because in the most recent demonstrations we saw were a year ago or so, and these were very polarized demonstrations aagainst gay marriage. Today, we see a completely different story. Something that clearly and visibly unites. Because france, obviously you were making a point there french people are used to turning out. The same numbers as we are seeing today. And it is another important word for people outside of people to learn today. We hear it a lot. I wouldnt call this a protest. It isnt a protest, it is a rally. But a rally that crosses boundaries and communities. I think so to find what you are saying i mean, if you are down there and started talking to some of those people on their views of gay marriage, youd get a wide selection of use. But this is one thing that, as i keep saying, the majority in this country i agree. It is very much to the glory of france because because of these incidents this past week, this is being shown on every country on earth today. And in many countries, it is being shown live. What are the people of the world seeing . They are seeing a defiance against terrorism, which is something in america that we didnt feel so concretely as the french are showing right now. It was unclear. Certainly, there was very little effort to bring in the Muslim Community into that this court at that particular time right after 9 11. Were also seeing kind of in identification of europe. Most of the leaders here are from europe, or from countries that are very attached to europe. Either because of colonial ties, or because of conflict. Were talking about niger, israel were talking about areas where they are links to europe because of recent past were there have been terrorist activities, and where france has become very, very big player. As were watching this rally take place, i have to say it feels good to see that this week we actually have a little bit of a happy ending after what has been a very difficult week in the french capital. At the same time, though, we need to say that there is an investigation under way when it comes to the attacks on the weekend. For more now on what the investigators are looking into it should be looking into, we can speak to doctor paul gale. He is with us on the phone from dublin, ireland, i believe. Thank you very much for being with us. First of all, were you surprised to see these attacks play out in paris this week . Or was it, to a certain extent, to be expected . In the past few years, if not the past couple of decades. That is right. I think over the past few months, especially, we have seen a far greater risk of these types of attacks coming through. And where is in the last year most of the noise that boys that have been willing to go on and do jihad he attacks, and willing to travel to syria. Much more recently, however, you have strategic leaders saying stop coming over here. Do something closer to where youre from. And that is what we have seen. A small uptick in the attacks. And this latest latest fatal attack in france. Do we know anything about these networks . Obviously, we know something about these networks, but how much do you know about these networks . For instance, the investigation into the attack of the brothers on Charlie Hebdo on wednesday seems to be sort of focusing more and more on yemen, on al qaeda, and the arabian peninsula. How much do we actually know about these networks and what they may be planning . Well, we know from previous cases that these guys in yemen have encouraged a number of individuals to go out into terrorism within the west. There was a case in 2009 were an individual tried to explode in id on a flight an ied on a flight. Obviously, it didnt work, but it wouldve caused a great number of fatalities. There was a religious Leader Associated with the group in yemen who had, until he was recently killed in a drone attack, called for attacks in the west. He was a sort of very charismatic figure that a lot of these individuals sort of downloaded his lectures and radicalized and things like that. Now, paul, is it possible tto stop this kind of attacks from happening . We have been talking about it here in the studio. French police, they were watching Charlie Hebdo. The staff of Charlie Hebdo were under police protection. And the Intelligence Services also kept tabs on the brothers, it has turned out. Saying that, it was impossible nonetheless to stop these attacks from happening. The question is can you stop them from happening . Okay, well, i think there are a few things that need to be addressed. It is an incredibly difficult job to detect and prevent these guys. Simply because there are so many individuals who hold a degree of danger. So how do you predict two or three individuals who are going to turn that into violent action . That is the difficulty. In the moment in france, there are an estimated 200 individuals who have spent time in syria and have returned to france. So following one individual for 24 hours around the clocks takes 20 members of staff. It is an incredibly difficult job that these guys have to keep up on everybody. Now what is intelligence agencies do is very similar to what happens in an accident in the hospital. Where you have a lot of people, aa lot of people are at risk, and you need to sort of triage who needs the most attention. Who needs the sort of quickest medical attention and when. To make those decisions, they rely on fragments of intelligence that are put in front of them. Now, the newspapers around the areas where the brothers had left. It turns out that a neighbor had grown suspicious about the individuals, broke into the apartments, and found a cache of weapons. When he broke into the apartment, the brothers had found him, basically threatened to and told him not to tell the police. Without those fragments of information, the Intelligence Community was acting with their hands behind her back. Simply because there are too many people who need to be looked at. Paul, a question that has been raised is the fact that the americans had put the two brothers on a no fly list, where the violence on them had somewhat been reduced in recent years. Obviously, this is the question of sharing information. Do think this is going to likely improve . A Common Thread happens in the aftermath where parliamentary reports is on the intelligence failings. And the number one recommendation, every single time is, we need to communicate more. Some of those coming vacations are transnationally, but sometimes it could be between communicating between different parties, please, member house services, and so on. So i think that is key. I think a lot of times when we look at these cases, all of the information is there. But it just hasnt been knitted together and centralized in one area. But communication is key. Okay paul from the university of london, i want to thank you for being a part of our coverage. We are getting some information from the news agency that at least half 1 Million People have turned up in the streets of paris the sunday. You can see that information at the bottom of your screen there. This, as were looking at pictures from the location where this unity rally started this sunday. Just a little bit more than an hour ago. Obviously, there are a lot of people there and perhaps somebody there who was feeling a little bit poorly, by the looks of it. As that person is being taken away. Obviously, there are a lot of people in the plaza the sunday. Only natural that that would happen. We are now going to go live to one of our reporters who is following all of this. My colleague, mark owen, is at a location overlooking the plaza, i believe. Mark, talk us through what you are seeing. Marcus, thank you very much. Let me just tell you that my camera meant, david, and i have been invited up to a fourth floor apartment of a family here who is pleased to help, please to be a part of this historic event. We show you the images. It is a remarkable crowd. At some point, it is starting to thin the little bit, but what that kind of means is that the other side of what were going to show you now is completely jammed. I think theres Something Like 500,000 may be a little conservative. Let me tell you about the mood here. It has been, well, multinational maybe the best way to use. But everyone crying out long live charlie. A lot of people here saying je suis charlie. Things moving extremely slowly over here, as spontaneous applause breaks out, as you may be able to hear, every now and then. But normally, if you know paris, you know that it is packed full of traffic normally. The worlds press is set up in one section. Youve got the leading voices, i suppose, chanting on the statue in the middle. And on the other side, as you can possibly see, the mass ranks of people carrying flags. I can see ukraine, canada, turkey, as well. Most of all, you can see the tricolor flag of france. Thank you very much, indeed. I know you will be continuing to follow from your vantage point. I dont know if you are able to spot she is also there. Were going to go live to him now. Clovis, talk us through what you are saying. As marquis say, you have the avenues filled with people. The movements people are moving extremely slowly. We can talk about the security. Security was of the utmost concern, obviously. Because the president s of the presence of so many heads of state and because of the sheer number of people. There are 500,000 people in the streets of paris, it could be more. We know there are at least 5000 policemen deployed around inside paris. All around Place De La Republique it should be about 2200 policemen. At least 250 policemen undercover, taking care of these heads of state. Heads of state who come with their own security. I can tell you we have also seen helicopters flying over the Place De La Republique and it areas leaving Place De La Republique. We have been told by the ministry of interior there are snipers on the roof just in case something would happen. In Place De La Republique people are slowly moving, but it will take time, given the amount of people who are here and wanted to be part of this historic moment, this republican march. Its rather emotional for the french. On Place De La Republique on the statue, you have demonstrators, french people some of which are of north african descent, waging waving flags. They are chanting with the crowd saying who are you, and the whole crowd singing back we are charlie. People in the statue saying terrorists are murderers. Theres a group of young people saying we are french, we are muslim, and we want to show our solidarity. Clearly the Muslim Community wants to share the world show the world that the french Muslim Community has no links with the extremist and carried out these unprecedented attacks on french soil. France has the largest Muslim Community, so this was a serious issue. And a lot of observers and experts, a lot of french people were worried that these recent attacks would only increase tension bequeath between communities. This march is designed to prove the opposite. To show the world that frances united, and theres a real sense of solidarity. A real wave of solidarity that started right after wednesdays attack on Charlie Hebdos headquarters. I witnessed these rallies people with candles and banners singing, chanting, and these are the continuations of those rallies. Clearly, and emotional moment for the french. Im from Place De La Republique and ive never seen as many people, not even when france one the first world cup. This could be said to be a more important event in comparison to even the victory of the french side in the 1998 world cup. We have been seeing people filing past, behind clarice. This is turning into a slow events, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of paris. It can only be the tip of the iceberg in some respects. We are getting reports from all around france that hundreds of thousands of people have turned out in the french cities, basically across the nation. Im looking at one line here from authorities. More than 60,000 people turned up in marseille. Around 200,000 people have turned out. We are getting news from bordeaux in the southwest of french southwest of france. More than 100,000 people have turned up. Im just receiving another line now from the news agency, that altogether, discounting paris on this day, more than 600,000 people have come out across this nation to basically express their disgust with these attacks that have been playing out this week. And to basically come out and defend it liberty, and the principles like freedom of the press. We now go to the studio, we are following events as they develop online. As we have been discussing, shawna, this has turned into a social media story from a certain perspective. Je suis charlie has become a very pop dealer popular hashtag. In addition to the hundreds of thousand people all over france, and in paris, there are even more who arent here who are behind their Computers Come on their smart, that are tweeting at uploading things. Lets start with the hashtag one of the most popular in france as we speak. We have 100 hashtags coming in every second. A lot of photos of the demonstration, someone saying i dont think ive seen every so many people gathering to march for something. Many people in other countries using that hashtag. The je suis charlie hashtag was rumored to become the most popular in history. Thats not true, but it has been used more than 500 million times since the attack. Theres another one that has been a rallying call in recent days, following je suis charlie and its je suis ahmed. He was a french and Muslim Police officer killed. As users that i might not agree with what you have to say, i will fight to protect your right to say it. That is the spirit behind the je suis ahmed. One of the thing that many people continue to be upset about is the content of the cartoons that were published on Charlie Hebdo. They are not met unanimously even though many people are recognizing that free speech, they still upset people. I have heard people saying i dont agree with Charlie Hebdo and i dont agree with what they have been doing in their cartoons, but i cant support them and their right to put them out. Exactly. I have chosen three of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons that were very controversial when they came out. The one of the left in pink, you have the prophet mohammed, cant deal with the fundamentalists and he says its hard to be loved by idiots. The one of the middle, Charlie Hebdo as a person, making out. Love is stronger than hate. The third one is the prophet mohammed saying a muslim elites, saying 100 lashes if you are not dead laughing. Theres also a lot of focus when it comes to this march on the International Leaders present. There are dozens and dozens of them. 11 of people are surprised by some of them especially, and their presence there. This photo has been making the rounds its president Francois Hollande comforting angela merkel, looks quite distraught. There is another photo making the rounds, is not a photo as much as the cartoon that has the international march, all of these hundreds of people in line marching along. You have the air force, their determination towards this breaking the guns in front of them, pushing them away. The guns right there, thats another strong image. Is important to note that Charlie Hebdo has been mocking putting out cartoons of a lot of political leaders as well. Its not only the prophet mohammed that has been satirized. Weve also seen Francois Hollande a lot of cartoons of him. Is important not to forget that. Lets move on to a slate article , the French Version of slate. Theres an article here that takes a look at the Reporters Without Borders report looking at freedom of expression around the world. It says a lot of the leaders of the countrys present are not the best at freedom of speech back home. Among the countries where the situation is difficult, we have this matter here. This is a Reporters Without Borders map. Its in french, but as you can see coming white, good situation. It goes all the way down to very serious. The message means that white means good black the colors are controversial. Lets take a look at the leaders present today. Have this map, and among the countries present, there is the united arab emirates, greece gambon in israel. The situation is difficult in those countries. You have somewhere as you say, the marker is black. Were is very difficult according to Reporters Without Borders. We have representatives from molly, jordan, russia, and turkey. We turn now to the je suis charlie phenomenon. The hashtag has spread enormously across the world in the past few days or so. It even a smartphone at. In the last few days, je suis charlie you can download it for free on the apple app store. It was paid for in part by apple , who put it really together its a very simple act. You upload it onto your phone,. You brought the application. You open the phone, you open the application, and basically you upload your location onto a map. It shows you the map of all the other je suis charlie people who have uploaded. It has 11,700, it only came out of data. Its around the world. If you move the map around, if it loads, i looked earlier in western europe, we had some. What is the most popular twitter hashtag . Paul tonko mileage four. Im afraid of Something Like i looked for it. Im afraid it Something Like lol. Something teenager he. Theres an article that is very timely in my opinion, especially for news channels they can always get in touch with people on the ground or even people on the ground at the demonstrations who cant find each other, how are you find people when you were in a sea of people . This article on this website talks about fire chat, which is a messaging system that doesnt use the internet. If you remember, fire chat was used in hong kong. The umbrella movement. The second piece of advice the article has is not to use the 3g networks if you can, avoid that going on to two g networks or even the 4g networks so that will probably help you communicate with the right people. Every newsroom every newsroom eads one of those for a reporters. Thank you for talking this through whats happening online and whats happening on social media. As you have been speaking, but just been told that we had been in touch with the interior ministry to hear a little bit about what they say about the number of people who have turned up here in paris and elsewhere. They are telling us at this hour they simply dont have any estimates of this point, how many people might actually have turned up due to the fact that they are overwhelmed when it comes to accounting. That really tells you the story this sunday, as we are looking at these pictures of paris, the french capital, coming out in full force after what has been a pretty horrific week in the french capital. That almost feels like an understatement. Hundreds of thousands of people are taking part in this unity march. How many hundreds of thousands of people, we simply cannot tell you at this stage due to the fact that it is so difficult, and there are so many people out there walking this sunday. As you can see, the boulevards streets, completely rammed with people. Let me just tell you so you understand what youre looking at, these are streets and boulevards where cars usually dominate. These are streets that are usually packed when it comes to vehicles. Now they are packed with people today. People holding up the banners like je suis charlie, as you can see on the left side of the screen. Basically, people coming out in full force to express their contempt for what has been happening in france. Remember, 17 people have been killed, in three different attacks in the french capital this week. On wednesday, of course, we saw 12 people being killed in and around the offices of the french satirical paper Charlie Hebdo. On thursday, we saw a policewoman killed in the south of paris in the suburbs. On friday, we saw four People Killed in a hostage drama that played out in a kosher store on the eastermn fringe of the french capital. The attackers themselves, three men were also killed by Security Forces in their respective standoffs. We are now going to cross and told to our reporter rachelle ferguson, standing by at place de la nacion. Rochelle talk us through what you are going through. Placed a lot place de la n acion is filling up. Its turned into a huge thing. Plenty of different banners as well, je suis charlie which has become a universal symbol. But equally, lots of cartoons around. Equally calls for the liberty or freedom of expression to be respected. If i can just turn to speak to one of the people here who joined the march, tell us why you joined today. I came here because here, today, the french are sad. But is not only the french, its the world. No religion, nothing, we are human. We talk about liberty of expression, but thats not the true subject. The true subject is the terrorism in the world. They attack france, they attacked europe, london, everything. I think this is the beginning that everyone has to realize we have to be ready for that. Thank you, very much. Its an incredibly emotional day , people swelling with emotion wanted to express their solidarity. The not refusing to be silent my terrorism. We have moments of silence followed by clapping. The french National Anthem being sung sporadically. Really quite an emotional time here currently. Rochelle ferguson there at place de la nacion. Theres a cartoon that was making the rounds after this week the famous gallagher character, and he said while punching in his own special way his enemy, he said je suis charlie which notes how popular this has become. The octogenarian cartoonist who has been drawing asterisk came out of retirement to draw that cartoon that you just saw their during that segment with Rochelle Ferguson from nacion. \ i cant help but notice that in looking at these glorious images just how amazingly resilient the french are. Lets just put this in perspective. Four days ago, to terrorist burst into Charlie Hebdo, killed 12 people, and then went on the lam. In the next two days, we had all of france fixated on watching whether or not these guys were going to be caught. That same afternoon, two days ago, we had a man burst into a jewish supermarket and take several people hostage. It ended with many people dying during that today two day period. And yet, here we are at a demonstration they cannot have very much security come only think about it. Its almost impossible. The people are not showing much fear of the fact that they themselves know they cant be protected very well. The french authorities seem cognizant of that. And yet, this defiance its not just a finance. Its much more than that. Its kind of song. Its a kind of song that says not only we are charlie, but we are france. I can tell you there is still thousands of people here at Place De La Republique in paris, despite the cold weather, despite a bit of rain earlier. Thousands are still here. At Place De La Republique on the statue, those who have climbed on the statue at Place De La Republique are still chanting. Weve had the french National Anthem the usual slogans weve been hearing for the past two days. Ever since the attacks were carried out against Charlie Hebdo these satirical organization on wednesday. Je suis Charlie Liberty liberty. The crowd doesnt want to leave. There are hundreds of thousands of people all across paris demonstrating their love for freedom of speech. And their love for the values that are so characteristic of france. Liberty, equality, fraternity. Those three words were pronounced by a lot of people here regularly. Everyone has come here was something, with a banner, with the poster, with a special flag, with the flag from their country of origin or from france, obviously. Still, lots of people here. This has clearly been a special day for the french people. Here, you dont just have parisians, you have other parts of france as well who wanted to be here. Earlier, i spoke to the publisher of the cartoonists who were killed in the attack against Charlie Hebdo. He was emotional, he said it was an emotional day for him. He says he believes that they continue, and they would be proud to see this. He also said this is very much about freedom of the press and freedom of speech. That is why obviously, people were showing pencils, waving pencils up in the air. A very special day. It seems that it has been a mass turnout with hundreds of thousands, we are talking about possibly more than one million now presumably, according to the latest reports, turning up at this republican march. Its very much a success. Indeed. Reporting from the Place De La Republique in central paris. As he was speaking, were just getting through one line from the afp news agency. They are reporting that more than one million turned up in marches, in french towns outside of paris. That is something we have seen through the day as well. We spoke at the unity march in paris, thats only the tip of the iceberg as we have seen hundreds of thousands of people coming up in cities across the country. Once again, you are looking at pictures from the Place De La Republique, and the monument to the center of that square. As people have come out of the thousands, as you have been seeing those pictures, desk dusk is starting to descend on the french capital, but the crowds are nonetheless still going strong. I just want to bring in a net annette, and talk about how can this be prevented these attacks. We heard from the interior ministers, weve seen European Union interior ministers meeting this sunday as well. Could you talk us through what came out of that . We are starting to get a few bits and pieces of what emerged from that meeting. I think the most important thing is what i said at the start of the broadcast this will now be a global summit in washington , with america and its allies. Dealing with the question of how to fight terrorism. We talked about strengthening european borders, that is a problem. You have the whole point of it being the freedom of movement. How do you ensure security for your citizens, while at the same time allowing freedom of movement from other parts of europe . That something needs to be addressed, no doubt in the next weeks and months, will be talked about. Along with sharing information about passengers on airlines. Think the bottom line is we had been talking about this over and over. Information and communication, the need to share. And how freely that information is being shared. And where to issues of sovereignty taken, and where do they not. I think the whole point of this episode in paris this week is that it resonated across the world. It comes in the wake of, albeit, slightly different but similar attacks in canada and australia. We sell in england that horrendous scenario where a british soldier was attacked. This is becoming Overwhelming International issue. It obviously affects jurisdictions, it affects the sharing of information. There is the need for some sort of global shared effort to work together. There has been a lot of talk about this in recent years. Weve seen that in the wake of 9 11. But there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. From france, and other words im trying to understand how those measures would have dealt with the problem that we had in france. In the fact with the americans that them on a nofly list. Obviously, as we were saying earlier, quite really coming off to have priorities. One can only do so much. A lot of the priority has been in north africa, and not so much in other parts the world. Its a matter of eurasia cooperating between these various intelligence issues. And no doubt the reason why this summit has been called. Frederick c davis, did you think these attacks could provide the impetus to make progress when it comes to intelligence sharing and sharing information . My think it will. There must be advances. They will remain a residual domestic issues. These people were french. They didnt come from someplace. But they had traveled abroad. Heres the question. Lets say the French Police knew all that. You cant arrest someone say i think you are going to commit a crime tomorrow. The French Policemen were quoted as saying it would put someone under surveillance, for every one of them, it takes 20 of us to put them under surveillance. You cant do that. Its a was going to be a difficult issue of providing Civil Liberties. And resources. With the need to prevent this kind of thing. And intelligence is part of it. I tend to think the most important thing in addition to intelligence is to develop a dialogue with the various communities so that the community is no longer our places that these people can hide a developed. If you look at new york, my hometown, new york cut by 90 the number of murders that have taken place in new york. In 10 years come or 12 years that was because of policing. It was mostly because the police went out of their way to develop relationships with the communities. They are hearing from the communities whats going on they listen. As much as anything else particularly in france, we have to see more of that. Just to talk more about one point, do you think that in the name of Civil Liberties, were just going to have to accept that some of these attackers will slip through the cracks . Crexendo is good to be a balance. But its always going to be a balance. But what im seeing is people are ok with losing their Civil Liberties. People get used to the idea that there are cameras were ever we go. Wherever we go. We are losing our Civil Liberties, people are aware of that to some degree and tolerant of it. There has to be a dialogue, there has to be transparency. We have to be aware of what we are doing. The people who lead up to talk to everyone else so theres a consensus behind it. Frederick t davis, thank you. You are a lawyer from a law firm here in paris. Apologies if i in any way mangled the name, once again. Thank you. We are going to turn now to our reporter, Rochelle Ferguson. She is that place de nacion. Shes been meeting with people who have been coming out today people who say its basically their duty to come out and to protest, and to take part in this rally. Rochelle, talking through what you are seeing hearing at the moment. Ally to you, its pretty chilly out here at the moment. That was important as its not stopping anyone at all. The gloves are coming on, the hats are coming out, and the place de nation is excellently absolutely packed. We have been talking a lot about the important figures who have been sharing showing the respect today. We are seeing a lot of smaller groups representing certain communities who have come down today. Again, clear to share this attacks over the last few days. Lets be to one of them now. You are part of the Syrian Community in france. What brought you dont today now here today. . Surely charlie represents us. We have been fighting for four years in syria for all types of freedom in syria. We have been paying a blood for four years in syria. That is why today we came out to support charlie is it supported us. We printed all the cartoons they have printed during the last four years, starting with this cartoon in since our 2011. We printed them, we said we are syrians, we are charlie as well. We are charlie, and charlie is for freedom. We are syrian, we exist in this world, we have people who are suffering in syria who are being killed and tortured. We have our kids in lebanon refugees who are dying in the snow in syria, no one is talking about them. We said that as well. There have been many charlies in syria. Just to deliver our voices well, to support charlie and the freedom of expression. Thank you. Marcus, we are hearing everybody feeling concerned feeling worried about what we have seen in paris over the last few days. Different communities here, but the message and the idea behind todays march absolutely, and equivocally, is the same. Solidarity. Thank you, very much. Rochelle ferguson, for now. I know you will stay there at nation despite the cold. We are seeing dusk descending on paris. We turn now to peter gumbel, and Time Magazine journalist joining us on the line. Peter, let me just put to the question i put to all of our guests in the past three hours or so. What your reaction is to the massive turnout of the streets of paris this sunday . This is the first march ever been on in my life where the crowd applauded the Police Helicopters overhead. The atmosphere was electric, marvelous. What was interesting was we had for five days now of fairly heated debate about free speech, and whether it should have limits. Where these killers came from, how they ended up becoming killers, all these issues. What happened at the march today, all of that was forgotten. It all boiled down to here we have fundamental values of france, which are under attack. The silent majority took the streets and said stop. We want our france back. It was a very emotional rally. Very calm, but very determined. I think tremendously impressive. It will be interesting to see if the politicians can now take the next step and capitalize on this mood of unity and determination, and move ahead with the measures that will be more effective in terms of dealing with the chosen threat. There is something were discussing in the studio. We have been talking about the issue of whether or not this unity will remain. What do you think of that, after having been in the streets of paris this sunday, do you think that this National Unity will remain in place . Will i continue . Everyone has coalesced around the idea that the fundamental freedom, a fundamental liberty a fundamental principle, like a National Identity is under threat. Its a very powerful moments frankly. I think its right to question whether the Political Leadership is Strong Enough and Strong Enough to be able to move forward. You have nasty undercurrents in french excited. You have islamic phobia, you have your lens antisemitism. You have to call that down a deal with that, try to deal with that, get the committee involved , thats the next step. The other next up is to what extent do Civil Liberties take a hit as the police and Security Apparatus try to focus on who these people are, and where the next dangers my life. When it comes to the biggest point you were making, obviously, there are fears this is going to lead to a backlash, among frances Muslim Community. Did you see any trace of that in the streets of paris today . The contrary. There were quite a few muslims out there, People Holding banners that said i am jewish, i muslim im ahmend. Thats the name of the policeman who was killed. It was very clear from what i can see that this was much more about the nation as a whole rallying around a great ideal of free speech, i didnt detect any malice at all in the crowd. That was one of the things that made it feelgood rally, thankfully. Eater gumbel, thank you very much. Its been interesting to hear your viewpoints, and your experience from todays massive rally. Michael, what do you think of what we just heard . The only other time of experienced in france that felt like today was the revolution rose. When everything seemed to be very optimistic and positive there was a change in society. I feel that we are possibly looking at a sea change of society. Politicians are going to take notice of this, for two reasons. Personally take notice because its a political message. As peter was just saying, the french people are saying we want this. We want this unity. We want this ability to move forward. We want to feel positive about our nation. On the other side, its also a message against radicalism. In other words, if the western countries can rally around this message, this sentence the ability a message to the terrorists that they cannot succeed. Number one. Number two comments as a hopefulness on the part of the young people who may be influenced by the terrorists that they might have a place in society in the western world. Which is a big part of the problem. That there is an alternative. Yes, that there is an alternative. It would be too naive to say this is all going to change is because of a rally in france. On a sunday in january. But, it certainly is the right kind of message that we dont hear very much from the western world. Michael, standby force. We are going to take a look at these pictures once again. As we are seeing once more tens of thousands of people in the streets of paris, and ive made the point before, but i think we need to bring it up again, how this is only the tip of the iceberg. As we are hearing from mignon frances second or third biggest city, we are hearing that 300,000 people were there about some turned over the city. Just to put that into perspective, that is around one quarter of the citys population. Were also hearing from other french cities, similar stories. Marseille, thousands of thousands of people. Im also seeing tens of thousands of people turning up in other european capitals like vienna theyre 18,000 people turning up, similar story in berlin, the german capital. This is obviously an International Movement at this stage. We are going to turn out to our reporter at Place De La Republique. Tell us where what tell us what is happening where you are, what you are hearing from the participants of this rally to. It is an important day for everyone here in france. You have all the religious communities here for this republican march. Im joined by a rabbi. Thanks for being with us. Rabbi you do extremely well one of the victims, one of the men who was killed. He was killed during the attack on the supermarket. You were also in close contact you still are, with his family. Can you tell me, do you think this type of march with somebody people turning up to pay tribute to the memory of those victims can that help in any way the family of that person you know who was killed . I was walking a few hours ago, we were working handinhand with jewish leaders am a christian leaders, arab leaders, and of course politicians. Walking together and affirming the strong message of not just solidarity and unity, je suis charlie, without any fear. [no audio] my father is the chief rabbi and the director of a jewish school. It still operating today. Theres a method we heard from the family. [no audio] you did to be proud of jews. You have always wanted used to be able to keep [no audio] as traditional jews do. From jews who were living in the [no audio] [no audio] in a muslim, islamic country. You should be able to go to synagogues, to have lunch, breakfast, dinner, with his wife and children on a restaurant on Place De La Republique without any fears. Tell me, do you think this type of march, this huge turnout will bring communities together in the wake of this tragedy . There is unity today in france. As the Prime Minister has said, when a jew was attacked, the republicans attacked. Its not a problem of jews, arabs, traditions regions its a problem with society. Jews were the first target. The nation chose today solidarity, to an open society to our freedom of speech freedom of expression, freedom of religion. We have spoken with jewish leaders and authorities the past few days. Today, once again, the security should be strengthened in front of jewish schools, synagogues, and all places where there are gatherings of the people. Today, we need a tolerant society, people should be able to recognize that there is one god in this world, as well as breach openness and that intolerance. Do not any extreme was in not any extremism or fascism. People were here in paris for this march. Collects im very proud that european leaders were here today, worldwide leaders today from the arab world or from other countries, from ukraine that were present today. Whoever wanted to join this march, join this march. Its a very important signal of unity, but most importantly, not just the leaders are marching, but the actions that they follow. What do you think about Benjamin Netanyahus comment when he called french jews to return to israel . As long as their jews today in france, they should be able to live their judaism openly fairly, and insecurity. This is the priority of the french government, its the jewish leaders in france today to make sure the jews can be proud jews in their society, whether it the friends in france, europe, or anywhere in the world. Rabbi, thank you. Have you seen a message of tolerance and unity today with this republican march, a strong message of peace of course. Thank you. We had some issues with the audio, but we chose to stay on it since it was so interesting to hear from the rabbi. To bring you uptodate with what you are watching, you are watching a unity rally in the streets of paris was hundreds of thousands of people marching around the french capital. Following what has been a difficult week to say the least for the french capital. We are getting some figures now which of an aggregated by the news agency ap afp. They are reporting that more than 2. 5 Million People have come out against terror crossed across this nation in different cities including paris, marseille, just to mention a few cities that we are getting reports from regarding the attendance of these unity rallies. Those were scenes from a rally in paris earlier today. The event was a show of unity after act of violence that began wednesday with a deadly terror attack on a french satirical newspaper. The Associated Press reports it was the largest and frances history, with an estimated 3 million taking part across the country. There is also support around the world today with rallies held in leases like madrid, jerusalem tokyo, new york. This one, the white house announced plans to hold a summit that would hope it focus on countering violent extremism similar to those events in france, and other attacks that were carried out in canada and australia. The summit will occur february 18 representatives from other countries are expected to attend. Although no names have been officially mentioned. Monday night on the communicators. The inventor of the cell phone on spectrum issues, and the efforts by federal agencies to provide for the growing needs of mobile phone service writers. The ultimate in the spectrum Efficient Technology is whats called dynamic spectrum access. That includes a whole bunch of things, it includes cognitive radio. You have heard a lot about that. It includes some new technology that is just starting to become laboratory available, where we can use satellites to actually create a model of the world, so that when summary transmits they will no whether they are they will know if they will interfere with someone else. You put all these things together, i hesitate to tell you how much more efficient we will be. You would left me out of this room. But were talking not about tens of times improvement, or hundred, with thousand, but millions of time improvements. And thats not as crazy as it sounds, because from the time of marconi to now we are one trillion times more spectrally efficient than we were in marconis time. So the thought of being one million times more efficient in the next 20 or 30 years is not as crazy as it sounds. Monday night at 8 00 eastern on the communicators on cspan2. Tuesday was the start of the 114th congress, where we saw members take the oath of office and ohio representative john boehner, like you to a third term as house speaker. Another tradition the ceremonial swearingin of house members. Here is Speaker Boehner participating in that. This portion is 35 minutes. Both parties over here. How are you . Everyone in the back. Left hand, here. Late. Thank you. Congratulations. Right this way. Now we can get it. Thank you. Right this way. How are you doing . Thank you. Your ego. Here we go. Bring them all in here. [indiscernible] right this way. Thank you. John, congratulations. Ok. Smile. Thank you. Thank you, right this way. Thank you. Turnaround from everybody. Young man, right here. He would go. Here we go. Thank you. Tell the speaker thank you guys. Thank you. There we are. Look at me, and a look at the camera. There we go. Thank you. For the first time i came. Thank you. Oh, yes. Right here. Right hand here. The look of the camera yet, now look at the camera. Oh my gosh. Right this way. [indiscernible] how are you . Good. Im all right. Year ago. Here we go. Now we look at the camera and smile. And turned. Thank you. Right this way. Your honor. Yes. Hello, speaker. Congratulations. Now look here and smile. There we go. Thank you. Right this way. Hi. [indiscernible] well, well, well. I raise my hand . Now we are going to look here. Right through here. Vicki, get over here. Allies right here. All eyes right here. Thank you. Right this way, thank you. Look into the camera. Thank you, mr. Speaker. All right,. Right. Look at the camera. Allies right here all eyes right here. You again. Whats that . Right hand. [laughter] all eyes over here. [laughter] hello, everybody. How are you . Right hand up. Look at the camera. Thank you. Thats not going to work. Left hand here. All eyes right here. Perfect. Right this way. My goodness. Congratulations. Look at me. Thank you. Hey there, how are you . Congratulations. Now were going to look here. How are you . Come here. Look at the camera. I got it, i got it, i got it. Look at the camera and smile. That is great and you can go right there. That is perfect. Cool. All right. Look at me. Now we are going to look at the camera. All eyes right here. Thank you. Thank you. Look at the camera and smile. Perfect. Lets have fun. There was also a ceremonial swearingin for senators tuesday in the old senate chamber. Vice President Biden was part of that. This is just over an hour and a half. Thank you. Thank you. You are standing right there. Do you solemnly swear youll support and defend the constitution of the eight years states against all enemies foreign and domestic. If you take this obligation freely and without any mental reservation. And that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office about which you are going to enter. So help you god. Congratulations. Say, can i talk to democrat . How are you . How old is charlie . . Early. We will do the other side. Ok. Dad come you stand by me. Dad, you come stand by me. Congratulations. We will do the other side. Ok. Good to see you. And the rest of the family. Good, good. Its good. [inaudible conversations] i think i think that you guys can. Okay. Here. Okay. Up there. Second level. At the top. Do you no what my dad used to say . [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] a couple of you. In the back. Over here . Stephanie. The family. Okay. Everybody, the cure

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