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Is in recess until early september. A National Referendum is scheduled for september 18 on whether scotland should end their 305yearold Political Union with england. British Prime Minister David Cameron is opposed to the nationaland Scottish Party leader is in favor of independence. This first ministers questions is one half hour. Thank you very much presiding officer. His plans forts the rest of the day. Presiding officer, yesterday, the governor of the bank of england said and i quote, uncertainty of arrangements could raise Financial Stability issues. The first minister is an option which has been called stupidity. A separate scottish currency, his own former advisor said it would be stupid for the first minister not to have a plan b. Aboutark carney talks confusion with currency, and the first minister tell us where the confusion could the coming from . First minister. The statement. I think it was a very effective statement to calm the Financial Markets and speculation. I think we should all appreciate the bank is made clear that these duties of the bank of england would be fulfilled. Secondly, i also welcome the , thethat yesterday suggestion by some in the campaign that said he was against the union was not true. The bank was neutral in the matter area they will implement the proposals that are agreed. , might it be because the United Kingdom westminster parties seem to have a vested interest in causing as much uncertainty as they possibly can. [applause] is the case, why have all the subjects will be say they would not renegotiate . Why have they ruled out the proposal for a Currency Union . Was that not about trying to create uncertainty . , i welcome the fact that the bank of england thernor has moved to numerous campaigns plan. [applause] the first miniature does minister may impugn the notminster party, but it is of the Westminster Party that the women of scotland are describing as dishonest. There also describing it as arrogant and ambitious. We knew that last week. When the first minister needs a reality check, because he welcomes a statement but doesnt listen to what the statement was saying. Lets look at what was actually said yesterday. The governor of the bank of thered made it clear that are crucial elements of sharing a country is sharing fiscal risk. Someid there should be form of fiscal arrangement. In response, the first minister what we willnight, control is 100 of our fiscal policy. That is simply not true. Mark carney said we would not. Is not the first minister deliberately misleading the people of scotland on the fundamental issue of the currency . Firstly, in terms of the suggestion i made that the unionist parties are trying to create instability, can i say that anmay i say article in the financial times, in most damaging prospect came own trade due to its and business activities. What about the political tactics involved . It would be tantamount to economic vandalism. It is not just the yes campaign that detract from the behavior of the a, a deliberate attempt to create uncertainty. Bedemic observers cannot impugned. They detect exactly the same thing. Polls aresufficient concerned. To find out what didnt get into the record pole. I think the answer might the on page 10, because the voting behavior of the thousand women that we pulled, we found that the Scottish National party could expect 43 support from the women polled. The labor party 27 . [laughter] , many people consider it to be unlikely that the f and p cs mp could ever repeat the landslide of 2011 area according to the poll, the snp support has increased. The labor support has declined. L on women. S of a pol if there were an election now, the snp could expect even more members and the labor party considerably less. No wonder why people call the first minister arrogant. He doesnt answer the question that was asked thomas a serious question. Quoted oneinister person. I was here all day quoting all those independent experts who is his lack of a plan b creating grave uncertainty for families across this country. John mcfaul, former chair of the treasury [laughter] order. Order. Forgive me. To quotely supposed people who agree with the first minister. Democracy, the rest of us are entitled to an opinion. Treasuryair of the committee, says the governor was asked about the potential for counter flight in the event of independence and said his contingency measures. He continued. It is clear that the bank of england is putting plans in place to prevent a run on scotlands bank that would be Alex Salmonds complete failure to present a credible position on currency. As we put the livelihood of millions of scots at risk. The first minister care that his plans for separation could lead to the devastation of the scottish economy . Or, is a former Deputy Governor of the bank of england right when he describes the first ministers currency plan is a huge deception . Than quoterather john mcfaul, why dont we quote mark carney directly . Hadlcome what mark carney to say yesterday because he is fulfilling his responsibilities in an impartial way as governor of the bank of england to calm Financial Markets. All this uncertainty has nothing to do with the campaign. She did like the quote from the principle of glasgow university. When, perhaps, shall we take a quote from the Better Together . No interest whatsoever in the project. Website said, Financial Market speculation could lead to capital flight and higher interest rates. Ultimately, if markets were calm, scotland would have to adopt its own separate currency in time of crisis. You and the Better Together campaign are involved in trying to create uncertainty. [applause] they try to create uncertainty in terms of investment. That is move to an alltime high since 1997. They tried to create uncertainty on jobs. They say jobs will be lost because of the referendum. What we have found is that we have record employment in scotland. And record women employment in scotland. Attempts to try to generate instability in the Financial Markets will fail as well. Thanks to the resolute intervention and action of the governor of the bank of england. The person charged with the responsibility who has fulfilled a responsibility, and i welcome mark carneys intervention. [applause] minister, his prospect of independence without knowing what the currency is is what is creating uncertainty. And only the first minister would blame those who write out as those craving uncertainty. For the rest of us, we want the best options for the people of. Cotland, keeping the pound order. Ing th is the best option. That is why the majority of doctors and women and people of scotland are proud to vote no to protect families across this country and in the future. The governor of the bank of england was answering a question about savers. Taking her money out of scottish banks and investing it in other countries, because alex salmond cant tell us what scotlands currency would be after a yes vote. Our carney clearly thinks the because he has revealed the bank of england has contingency plans for it. So before the financial crisis hits, shouldnt the first order. Futureas only your own at rest we would expect the kind of answer. This is a risk for families and the future across the whole of the rest United Kingdom. Scotland deserves better than catcalling from the back benches. Let me ask this question again. Before the financial crisis hits, shouldnt the first minister and they uncertainty by simply telling us what is his . An b the point about fear mongering has been made for me. Of course, we should all bow to the labor partys expertise and in financial crisis fixing. We will remember, the financial crisis was in analyzed by the former bank of england president who said it was a failure of the labor government to act that made the crisis much worse. Financial crisis is not the strongest suit of the labor party. What is certain is that the governor fulfill his responsibility yesterday, seeking to make sure that he was doing his job, doing his responsibility and stopping the instability, which i believe is a deliberate campaign tactic. England investment was led to be deterred, it hasnt happened. Just as these tactics have ailed, so have a we shall use the pound. That is why we are saying that, not because we want to get thrown into the game of the Unionist Party in attempting to create instability. I welcome the intervention of the government of the bank of and another one of the unionist campaigns foxs has just been shot. I will ask the first minute or when he will next meet the minister of scotland. The minister has heroically tried to spin the governors words as a win for him. It is not. Were the side that is advocating the best solution for scotland which is keeping the pound in its current stable form. Beside the backdoor banks having a trusted lender of last resort. We are the side that knows you cant get divorced and still keep the joint account. One who is throwing a hand grenade into this mix. He is the reason that the governor is now being forced to prepare contingencies and he is the reason why the headlines this morning are talking about capital flight and chaos. Independence, he claims nothing will change, he protests that somebody else should have to clear this up. We know that the first minister hates to take responsibility for anything. Is he really suggesting that this is the fault of everybody else . Im suggesting it is a responsibility of the no campaign who deliberately tries to create instability as a campaign tactic. Im not playing other people, im taking that responsibility to the labor party and the conservative party and their alliance in the no campaign. The action ofting the governor of the bank of england from fulfilling his responsibility and recognizing these responsibilities continued after september 18. Is exactly what governor of the bank of england is meant to do. Unionist parties to deny, giving the evidence ive quoted, that theyre engaged in trying to engender fear and instability is extraordinary. Say thathe exchequer there is no investment . What are the conservative party say those arty a lot of jobs . That they areence scaremongering scaremongering con founded . [applause] issue for the first minister is that he knows the Currency Union that we have right now, one that works only because we are part of the United Kingdom, is a very best option for scotland. The stability and the security of the u. K. Pound is trusted and understood the world over. It is why he is desperate to salvage as much of it as he can. The first ministers problem is not that he doesnt get it, is that he cant sell it. Every option that he has on the table from the currency deal without a willing partner to an 18 month transition to who knows what is something that is less than we have now. People of scotland understand that. Why should we settle for second best in a currency when a simple no vote will let us keep everything that we arty have . Already have . Wouldve had very substantial evidence from the social Attitudes Survey that having a union is the overwhelming choice of the scottish people. We are also advocating a Currency Union because we think it is in the best interest of the people of scotland. The majority said we also believe that is what will happen after independence, and their right to believe that. Why . We know the consequences of the unionist parties attempts to keep all of the Financial Assets of United Kingdom for themselves. If they keep the financial asp assets, they end up with liabilities. They end up saddled with the u. K. Debt. It is incredible to believe that George Osborne said we are not 20 take the several billions a year that the Scottish Government would take their share of the u. K. Debt . We dont want that. We will saddle that to english taxpayers. The inevitable con consequence of the refusal. Then we come to where people will say the decision should lie. Hought, when we had the when we had the comments of luke davidson. It was in the if best interest of the scottish people. I thought it was acknowledgment that theyonservatives find the scottish people as important. On september 18, the people of scotland vote for what is in the white paper and the proposals to keep the pound. That is exactly what will happen. Any scottish politician who doesnt recognize the solid choice of the scottish people will pay a heavy price. Incidentally, that is something that the conservatives are long used to. [applause] i will discuss matter of relevance matters of relevance to the people scotland. Bank of england governors tend to be cautious, so mr. Carney being open about a run on the banks is serious. Spent theminister has last 20 minutes talking and diving. Lets see if he can get a straight answer to this. Can you confirm that only with the vote to leave the u. K. Will those crisis plans needed . Be needed . The governor yesterday said his plans would not were in place regardless of the outcome of the referendum. That is exactly what the central bank will do and it is in its continuing role. It makes these plans to stabilize Financial Markets. As is quite simple. The unionist campaign Better Together are trying to destabilize Financial Markets. Of the bank of. Ngland is seeking to stabilize that is his responsibility. That is what people in scotland like myself will welcome the actions of the governor of the bank of england and desecrate the politics of the others. [applause] couldy the first minister claim a warning on the run on the banks was a triumph for his cause. Youre claiming credit for a caused makes him look like the old pretender. The governor of the bank of whoand is a cautious man the first minister has just praised. The governor has been open about his crisis plan b. Isnt it time the first minister tells us his . Of course, the governor was asked to contingency plan and said it would be helpful to spell out what the plans were because he is a responsible governor of the bank of england. Just in terms of mark carney, when he was shooting down the fears, to just except that the government has done an effective thatn stopping instability his colleagues are interested in creating. In terms of the Financial Stability question, this is the stability financial for some. Of time. They would just they were to Start Service bus abilities. I know there is a campaign and lets all enjoy next five weeks that were going to take art vigorously. There is a responsibility, a responsibility to explain to the people of scotland that everybody in this chamber should be acting as scotlands best in in scotlands best interest. That is what this government will do. I really wish and hope that the unionist parties can bring themselves to believe that this prosperous, independent nation is well capable of independence. We have agreed unanimously in this chamber last week, let it be reflected in the campaign rhetoric. [applause] thank you. Ask the first minister what the responses, will not be able to support the state pension. As one of the richest countries in the world, there is no doubt that an independent scotland will be able to afford a high state pension system. It has been for each of the last five years. I was interested in the responsible comments of the u. K. Pensions minister steve webb, who confirmed the state pensions ilda prior to independence would continue to be paid to the people scotland. The sixth of may, he said it is what you put into National Insurance system prior to independence. They are entitled to that money. For the first time, an thatent scotland means the pension will increase in line with the increase in average earnings, whichever of those are the highest. I hope Christine Grahame welcomes that reassurance as we seek to explain to the people of scotland that yet another a project fears is based on no foundation whatsoever. Pensioner, i welcome that assurance and i thank you for the competence of answer. However, private pensions paid now or in the future, which many does the first minister agree with me that these are a matter of contract and payable under the terms of contract whether in independent scotland or elsewhere. With a yes vote we have an opportunity to you scotlands wealth to develop sustainable and better pensions for scotlands pensioners now and in the future . A think i can claim an unimpeachable authority for tha. That is the daily mail newspaper. Ive seen a number of speculations in that and other newspapers about private pensions. One of the yes campaigners who wants to remain anonymous, probably because he is an ex , asksee of the daily mail about such claims and receive the following reply from the pension provider d m gt. I can confirm, should there be a yes vote in the 2014 scotland referendum, the benefits youve accrued in the scheme will be unaffected. If you have any further questions, please do not have a date hesitate to telephone me. I think we should all telephone the daily mail while their own pension provider is giving reassurance to the pensioner which is not yet prepared to give to the readers. [applause] said,tever the daily mail we have arty red with a cabinet secretary for finance said when he warned that the volatility of oil revenues would come from the affordability of pensions and independent scotland. Yesterday, we saw that oil revenues for last year were half with the Scottish Government had told us they would be. Doesnt that just show us how right mr. Swinney was to flag up the threat to pensions from a yes vote next month . Timing,nerring sense of iain gray has managed to make that point on the day that sir donald mckay, a 25yearold advisor 25 year advisor, the doyenne of Oil Economist in scotland has described the figures precisely wrong and produce forecasts which back the Scottish Governments assessment of oil revenues . Therefore, i welcome the answer that in gray wooden wish to welcome oil and is forecast. The difficulty for the unionist parties is this a part suggestion apparent suggestion that oil revenues are problem. Every other country in the world is a substantial asset. That substantial asset will continue. The best thing about it is that at last the resources of scotland will go to benefit the people of scotland, not the london treasury. [applause] the official Scottish Government pensions paper has 30 key proposals, but only four of those are costed. Given the importance of pensions and the people scotland, will the first minister agree to update his pensions paper and prove costings next to all 30 proposals . I dont accept the premise of the question. When paper was specific about the proposals. Again to the pensions would continue to be paid and why the explanation of affordability. The proposal of a triple on the consideration of the retirement age incineration, because that is an important aspect to the scottish population. That has ace significant body of work. I suggest a member he consulted because he was see the proposals and pension give more guarantees a more assurance and more fairness than anything that has come from tory or labour government. [applause] ask whether there will be food banks in an independent scotland. We will seek to eradicate the need for food banks, as one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, if their welfare system and to assure that many more people feel the benefit of that wealth. Enough or hundred percent increase in people using food banks in the last year. That includes more than 22,000 children, yet labor on sunday suggested that when the first minister raised is hugely important issue, she was just creating a distraction. I saw today that another labor commentator described the debate of the National Health service as another distraction. Has labor really got to the point that they cant face withoutike food banks calling them a campaign distraction . Address the issue, because it tells you that thousands of our fellow citizens are suffering and poverty by a that lessens the government that we did not vote for . I thank the first minister for his response. We on this side of the chamber are engaged in doing something about it. Order. Ning on monday morning, Nicola Sturgeon in an interview acknowledged that there would be food banks in an independent scotland. By lunchtime, she said there would not be any food banks at all if people voted for independence. Isnt it the case that countries like ireland have food banks where one in 10 people are living in food poverty despite being independent, demonstrating that it is a matter of political woe rather than constitutional changes . The bacon one that costed promises on welfare, at the same time are giving tax cuts to big businesses, but Nicola Sturgeons first answer is the right one. [applause] are we meant to say that our policies to eradicate the need for food banks in scotland has criticized s criticized for the labour party . I suspect that is the position that the a nap gotten themselves into. Quote, food banks in scotland are becoming a normal european country. Bringing sign of failure, they are an enriching example of human compassion, safe and social cohesion. Those on the essay to this campaign cannot believe that the huge growth in food banks in scotland is a sign of scotland becoming a normal european country. A seek and aspire to have society where justice and fairness is at the center of our social policy. We know that wont be implemented from westminster. Not from the tory government and certainly not from the labour party which has artie accepted the spending plan. Has the labour party so far gone that theyre prepared to see the expansion of food banks as a sign of success of this union. [applause] trust the first minister, how many twoyearolds from work less families will receive Free Childcare at the start of the new School Session . 400. Round 300 indeed, the first two euros to benefit started in nurseries on tuesday of this week. In total, we spent more than 8000 twoyearolds from work was households. They will get a better start to in education and the parents are much a much better chance of finding work. I think every Political Party in this chamber is on record supporting improved childcare provision. Is unclear that the Scottish Government has had to admit that local authorities cannot deliver the full commitment of twoyearolds from work less families in a timescale that they were promised. And i ask what information processes being used to advise these parents who were expecting to access these places. What will happen as to when they will get them . Again, i dont agree she said in the press release for in every one of these councils there is not a lack of capacity. Edinburgh has the capacity. Already done have that. There is no required requirement to use these facilities. Others are using family centers. In my opinion, theyre perfectly student perfect we suited for young children. There are a number of issues concerning education and the as an educational sports spokesperson sue said it was a recipe for confusion. A few months later it was successfully introduced. She said an examination that would be a success. Examsy have noticed that were followed this summer with some considerable success. I know she has been replaced as educational spokesman by the sunny optimism of mary scanlon. We welcome the replacement. Given what you is wrong about given that she was wrong about the examination, is it not possible she will also be wrong in her predictions about the lack of laces . The councils of scotland are working hard to fulfill theirs cacciatore responsibilities. That is exactly what they will do. Lets welcome the significant substantial expansion of nursery places for the people of scotland. [applause]

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