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[new york, new york] good evening, are you having fun . Melania and i had a great time last night. An unbelievable evening. Today has been a very special day watching my children put me over the top earlier. The partysgetting nomination, i will never forget it. It is something i will never ever forget. A little over one year ago i announced my candidacy for president. With your vote today, this stage of the president ial process has come to a close. Together we have achieved historic results with the largest vote total in the history of the Republican Party. This is a movement. But we have to go all the way. Proud to be you or nominee for president of the United States. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on thursday night on how we build a brighter and more hopeful future for all americans. It is an honor to run on a ticket with governor mike pence, who is an incredible man, and you will make a great and who will make a great expresident. Vice president. [applause] i will be with him in cleveland and again thursday night. And we are going to win the state of ohio. And also of course, we are going to win the presidency and bring real change and Leadership Back to washington. [applause] going to be in leadership, by the way, that puts the American People first. Were going to bring back our job. We are going to bring back our depleted military and take care of our great veterans. Youre going to have strong borders. Youre going to get rid of isis. We are going to restore law and order, and quickly. I will be discussing that thursday night. Importantly we are going to make America Great again. Have a fantastic evening. I will see you tomorrow night and thursday night. We will win in listen live on the free cspan radio app. Its easy to download from the apple store or google play. Watch live or on demand any time at cspan. Org on your desktop, phone or tablet where youll find all of our Convention Coverage and the full convention schedule. Follow us at cspan on twitter and like us on facebook to see video of news worthy moments. The Republican National convention all the week on cspan. The cspan radio app and cspan. Org. And on monday, watch the democratic National Convention live from philadelphia. We heard from two of the candidates children, tiffany and donald jr. Giving a personal perspective on the candidate. Please welcome tiffany trump. [applause] its so amazing to be with you tonight and say a few words about my father. Littleexcuse me if im a nervous. When i graduated college a couple months ago, i never expected to be here tonight addressing the nation. Ive given a few speeches in front of classrooms and students but never in an arena with more than 10 Million People watching. [applause] but like my father, i never back down from challenges so here i am a little new to the Convention Scene but incredibly honored and very confident in the good man america is coming to know. [applause] said that with enough effort and determination, you can do whatever you put your mind to but saying those words and living them are Different Things and my father has lived them. [applause] its one of his defining qualities and ive seen it in action all my life. Whatever he does, he gives his all and does it well. His desire for excellence is contagious. He possesses a unique skill in bringing that out and others. Hes always helped me be the best version of myself by encouragement and example. He motivates me to work my hardest and always stay true to who i am and what i believe. He draws out that howlands and dry talents and drive in people. Thats a great quality to have in a father and better yet, the president of the United States. [applause] as a recent college graduate, many of my accomplishments are still to come but my dad takes such pride in all and done so far no matter how big or small. I still keep all my report cards because i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. You mighto what expect from someone who places an emphasis on results, his comments often referred off into the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the classroom. Donald trump has never done anything halfway, least of all as a parent. My father always asked about my family in georgia to make sure they are healthy and safe. My uncle served in the anon and my great grandfather served in world war ii. [applause] to me, the measure of a parent is based on how they support and bolster you when you are down. A few years ago, someone dear to me passed away and the first call i got came from my father. Support and care for me, i dont know how i would have made it through. As too many know, it is the small loving acts that help run a norm is amount in times of grief. My father is good with advice but keeps it short and the take away is usually the same, to help us find our own way. Love, holdhat you nothing back, and never let fear of failure get in the way, you have figured out the trump formula. [applause] my dad is a natural born encourager. The last person that will ever tell you to give up your dreams. I always look forward to introducing him to my friends, especially the ones with preconceived notions because they meet a man with natural charm and no facade. In person, my father is so friendly, considerate, funny, real. My friends walk away with a glimpse of all he is, the strong, protective, kind, endearing man im so proud to call my father. [applause] i never pictured myself saying all of this to a packed arena but im grateful for the chance. I have admired my father all my life and loved him with all my heart. God bless and thank you. [applause] please welcome donald trump junior. [applause] good evening. Im donald trump junior. Thank you. Im the father of five young children. An the husband of vanessa amazing wife and mother and the son of a great man. Tonight, iican and want to talk to you about the country we live in, the country our children will grow up in. This is the most important election of our lifetime, one that will determine the future of our country and in turn, the future of the world. For too long, our country has ignored its problem, punting them down the road. In business, i was trained by my father to make the tough investments and decisions today to ensure a Brighter Future tomorrow. Weve actually started to believe that solving our problems is an impossible task. Thats why we need to elect a man with a track record of accomplishing the impossible. [applause] for the first time, parents no longer think their kids will be as well off as we were. Weve lost the confidence in our leaders and our institutions. Americans, we are still one country, and we are going to get it all back. [applause] we are going to get it back better than ever before. I know we will get it back because i know my father. I know that when people tell him it cant be done, that guarantees he gets it done. I know when someone tells him something is impossible, thats what triggers him into action. When people told him it was impossible for a boy from queens to go from red hat in and take on developers in the big city, rather than give up, he changed the skyline of new york. Ive seen it time and time again, that look in his eyes when someone says it can be done. I saw that look a little over a year ago when he was told he couldnt possibly succeed in politics. Yes, he did. For my father, and possible is just the starting point. Thats how he approaches business projects, how he approaches life. Whether its teaching his granddaughter how to swing a golf club or tackling the toughest negotiations, hes always fully committed. Thats why the person who would never run for office before stood on the stage 11 months ago in this arena with 16 professional politicians and this week, that same man will stand before you as our partys nominee for president of the United States of america. [applause] as a proud son and family member, it was one of the great honors of my life to be able to put him over the top in the delegate count earlier today. Is unrelenting determination why he will become our next president. You want to know what kind of president he will be . Let me tell you how he ran his businesses. Sitesby his side on job in Conference Rooms from the time i could walk. He didnt hide out behind some desk, he spent his career with regular americans, hung out with guys on construction sites, pouring concrete. He listened to them and valued their opinions as much and often more than the guys from harvard locked away in offices away from the real work. He has recognized the talent and drive all americans have. Hes promoted people based on their character and work ethic. Not simply credentials. Many of the top executives in our company are individuals that started in positions that were bluecollar but he started something in them and pushed them to succeed. As a leader is he sees the potential of people they dont see in themselves. [applause] the potential that other executives would overlook because their resumes dont include the names of fancy colleges and degrees. Individuals he had my siblings and me work under when we started out. He would trust his own childrens formative years to these men and women says all you need to know about donald trump. , weidnt learn from mbas learned from people with doctorates in common sense. [applause] vinny who taught us how to drive heavy equipment and operate tractors who worked his way through the ranks to become a trusted advisor of my father. Its why were out the only chilled we are the only children of billionaires comfortable in a d10 caterpillar as we are in our own cars. My father knew those were the guys that would teach us the dignity of hard work. He knows the heart of the American Dream is the idea that whoever we are, we can get ahead , where everyone can prosper together. Us other party also tells they believe in the American Dream. They say we should worry about economic inequality and immobility. They are right. But they dont tell you that it was their policies that caused the problem and their policies that have no accountability. [applause] us the worst immigration system in the world, one that import immobility, drives down employment and wages for hispanics, africanamericans. An immigration system that favors illegals over those tried to go through the process legally and at times, even over lawabiding citizens. It was Bernie Sanders who said a large tide of new workers keeps low and poverty high. The other party gave us Public Schools that far too often fail our students, as actually those with no options. My siblings and i growing up were truly fortunate to have choices and options that others dont. We want all americans to have those same opportunities. [applause] be anhools used to elevator to the middle class. Now they are stalled on the ground floor. For the teachers and the administrators and not the students. You know what other countries do better k12, they let parents where to send their children to school. Its called a free market and its what the other party fears. They fear it because they are more concerned about protecting the jobs of tenured teachers then serving the students in desperate need of a good education. [applause] they want to run everything topdown. They tell us they are the experts. The other party gave us a state. Ory and frank was 11 pages long its already 22,000 pages in regulations. Imagine trying to digest that before you open your doors for business. That doesnt help consumers. It the stories Small Business in favor of big business who can afford lawyers and accountants needed to comply. Dodd frank is Consumer Protection for billionaires. Produced the Biggest Network of influence in any country at any time in world history. Its composed of a selfsatisfied people at the top. We cant live that way any longer. Its too risky. Let me talk about risk. The other party is the party of risk. Many time with many great americans who have served this country and they know what is at stake. When we have a weak leaders and position of power, americans risking their lives are less safe. Almost daily i get a call or text from a real american hero. Im proud to call him a friend. Mark was part of the security benghazi. E annex in mark was one of the men who received frantic phone calls from his friends at the compound that pleaded for help. Calls he and his team tried to answer. Secretary Clintons State Department ignored their request for help on the night in question and in the weeks and months leading up to the attack. And one thatedy repeated should she when the election. Who will take that call our 3 00 in the morning . Ask yourself if you were in marks shoes that night, who would you rather call . Let me tell you something about risk. Were elected,nton she would be the first president who couldnt pass a basic background check. [applause] its incredible. She once to a port judges who appoint judges who will abolish the second amendment. Lawshow effective those have been an innercity chicago. Where over 3400 american lives have been lost since this Administration Took Office in 2009. Criminals by definition dont follow laws. [applause] rather than prosecuting real criminals, she would strip lawabiding citizens from the ability to protect their families. Rather than being energy independent, our country will be forced to remain beholden to her buddies in the middle east. Those are risks we cannot afford to take and when we win, we will not have to. There is so much work to do. We will not accept the current state of our country because its too hard to change. Thats not the america i know. We will unleash the creative spirit and energy of all americans. We will make our schools the best in the world for every single american on every ethnicity and background. [applause] we are going to put americans first, all americans, not a special class of elites at the top. We are going to elect a president who will work with everyone to pass legislation to make our country great again. Us asident who will give tax code that will free the American Economy and any special loopholes for the wealthy. Anresident who will give Us Immigration law that protects american citizens and gives them jobs. A president who will repeal and replace obamacare without leaving our most vulnerable citizens without health care and who will do it without destroying medicare for seniors like Hillary Clinton has proposed. A president who knows we cant simply delete our problems but that we have to tackle them headon. [applause] a president who wont allow pc culture to put the safety and security of our children at stake, a president who wont pander to nations who shudder at the thought of americas existence. Concerned withe the safety and comfort of his fellow americans than the feelings of those hostile nations abroad who if given the option would wipe america off the face of this earth. [applause] a president not beholden to special interests foreign and and one who funded his entire primary run out of his own pocket just to prove it. A president who will secure and defend the borders of the United States for judges. Who wont use the highest office in the land as a pastor personal pat to personal enrichment. A president whos actually created real jobs, who created a sign the front of a paycheck and doesnt talk about whon theory, a president has real people families and livelihoods dependent on his success and companies for decades. The president who speaks his mind, who doesnt have to run a focus group or use Data Analytics to form a simple opinion. [applause] who says what needs to be said and not just what you want to hear. [applause] unleash thewho will greatness and our nation and in all of us, who will give the hardworking men and women who built this great country a voice once again. That president can only be my mentor, my best friend, my father, donald trump. [applause] and when we elect him, we will have done all of that. We will have made America Great again, greater than ever before. [applause] thank you and god bless. [applause] meet with members of the florida delegation in cleveland. Watch live at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan 3. Later republican nominee donald trump welcomes mike pence and his family. You can site live at 2 00 p. M. Eastern here on cspan. The Republican National convention is live from cleveland this week. Watch every minute on cspan. Listen live on the free cspan radio app. Its easy to download from the apple store or google play. Watch live or on demand any time on cspan. Org on your desktop, phone or tablet where youll find all of our Convention Coverage and the full convention schedule. Follow us on cspan and twitter to see video of news worthy moments. The Republican National convention all this week on cspan on the app and on cspan. Org. Watch the democratic National Convention live from philadelphia. A lot of help. You know, we when we saw this phase people thought we couldnt transform it into media row. We brought in a different local companies. A Construction Company who put down the dry wall and nut the carpet and put in the lights. Then we brought in specialty design teams who built out everything else. So it took a lot of people to design this. This is the second level of the parking garage. Why do you have this . Why media row here . Well, you know, this is an interesting thing that has never happened before. With the influx of Digital Media a lot of people like snapchat, they dont have a flies operate. In 2012, you think about it, they didnt even exist. Snapchat didnt even exist. But now theyre utilized by melin yalls. They could ullity broost cast to do interviews. Weve knead face, main surrogate hub. We want to walk over here. It is a little bit bumpy. Its a parking garage. Give us a sense of who is here. Everyones here. Ou have cnn to google, youtube creators to traditional media. Probably 75 different radio stations to the be exack. A long with some of your smaller people like vox and side wire. Eople who are up and coming. Whats interesting is how different this place is from inside the cue. First of all, its a lot busier. We created this space actually something theus unique to have a different flow to it. And part of that is to create energy and excitement here because thats what it is. When you think of digital yall outlet, you think of fun. We are marketing firsttime voters. In terms of getting the message out what was the message behind this approach. You know, we if you look around the whole space no space. I think its going away from a trade show or tipingly the past and looks a little bit more innovative. You can do standup, we want it to be organic whetch we bring surrogates here, some of it is or niced. We wanted to be innovative for the Younger Generation and also be helpful to some of the traditional names as well. I want to ask you about your own roam in this because most recently you lived in georgia. To cut. And how did that come up. Weve been here since march. Ive seen quite a few different trance more fashion but i did all of the debase. So got a lot of experience and then got picked up to do one of the largest need in the year. Give us our audience of what is happening here . We are bringing all over v. I. P. If i they have the opportunity no matter where they want to hit a radio station, a platform hit tv. Bloggers. Online not all radio shows sbn tvs in one section. You know, everyone kind of gets the law. We dent try put never the front. When people go to different places, if theyre going to. All these smaller outfits that may bet the interview some of our v. I. P. Can you give us some perspective how its changed even in the last four years from that campaign cycles. I think google, they werent considered immediate enthusiasm in to 2012 ch now we, see them as one of the heart hitters. News and distributing news to millenial generations and to some people. This would not have you set the bar so high. We have to do to very forward. And if you cant know you idnt know tast parking large. Giving us a mark garage. We made it a nice acot dake. How long did it take you to transform this place. And then to tear it all down. It took us three weeks. And about a week for the Design Elements of it. So four weeks altogether. And it will probably break four days to breck it down. Thank you for your time. Thanks 1if6. Steve, i appreciate. Now we hear from congressional leaders from the convention as well as new jersey governor chris christie. [chanting] please welcome back the speaker of the house, paul ryan of wisconsin. Speaker ryan hey everybody. Thank you all very much. Hi wisconsin. Delegates, friends, fellow cant tell you how much i appreciate the privilege of addressing this 41st convention of the party of lincoln. And as part of my german duties, letme chairman duties, me thank everybody of this beautiful city for looking after us this week. [applause] all, i want to thank the men and women that are here from Law Enforcement for your service. [applause] standing up here again, it has a familiar feel. Students of trivia will recall that last time around i was your nominee for Vice President. It was a great honor. It was a great honor even if things didnt work out quite according to the plan. Hey, i am a positive guy. I found some other things to keep me busy. I like to look at it this way. There is a state of the union address, i dont know where joe biden or barack obama are going to be, but you will find me there right on the roster when Vice President mike pence and President Donald Trump [applause] [chanting trump] democracy is a series of choices. We republicans have made our choice. Have we had our arguments this year . Sure we have. You and i call those signs of life. Signs of a party that is not just going through the motions, not just mouthing the words from the same old stuff. Meanwhile, what choice has the other party made in this incredible year filled with so many surprises . Here we are at a time when men and women in both parties so clearly, so undeniably want a big change in direction for america . A clean break from a failed system. What does the democratic establishment offer . What is their idea of a clean break . They are offering a third obama term brought to you by another clinton. [boos] and you are supposed to be excited about that. Ready fortry so change, it feels like we have been cleared for takeoff and somebody announced we are all going back to the gates. Its like we have been on hold forever, waiting to finally talk to a real person and somehow we have been sent back to the main menu. Watch the Democratic Party Convention Next week. Day infomercial of politically correct moralizing. Itd it be a reminder of all that is at stake in this election. You can get through four days with a little help from the mute button. But for more years of it . Not a chance. Not a chance. [applause] look, the obama years are almost over, the clinton years are way over. 2016 is the year america moves on. [applause] from now until november, we will hear how many different ways progressive elitists can find to talk down to the rest of america, to tell us that the obama years have been good for you. And now that it is hillarys term. [boos] the problem is simple. There is a reason people in our country are disappointed and restless. If opportunity seems like it has been slipping away, that is because it has. Liberal progressive ideas have done exactly nothing to help. Wages never seem to go up. The whole economy feels stuck, millions of americans middleclass security is not just a memory. Our president likes to talk forever about property and if high sounding talk did any good, we would have overcome those deep problems long ago. This explains why under the most liberal president we have had so far, poverty in america is worse, especially for our fellow citizens who were promised better and you needed most. The result is a record of discarded promises, empty gestures, phony strawman argument that are put off forever. Shady power plays like the one that gave us obamacare. Constitutional limit rushed off as nothing. All the while, dangers in the world downplayed. Even express grow bolder and come closer. It is the last chapter of an old story. Progressives deliver everything except progress. [applause] we know better than to think that republicans when only been on the failures of democrats. It still comes down to a contest of ideas, which is good news. When it is about ideas, the avengers goes to us. Against the jury backdrop of pointless mandates, reckless borrowing, willful retreat from the world, and all that progressives have in store for us, the Republican Party stands as the great enduring alternative party. Ewe believe in making government as Ronald Reagan said. Not the distributor of gifts and privilege, but the protector of our liberties. [applause] let the other party go on making its case for more government control over every aspect of our lives. Mo texasre to pay, more debt to carry, more rules, more judges that make it up as the go along. We in this party are committed to a federal government that ask again as a service. Accountable to the people, following the constitution. Venturing not one inch beyond the consent of the governed. [applause] party offer fundamentals that go back to the founding generation. We believe in a free society, where aspiration and effort can make the difference in every life. Where your starting point is not your destiny. And where your first chance is not your only chance. Way for a better america with ideas that actually work. A reformed tax code that rewards Free Enterprise instead of just enterprising lobbyists. A reformed system that operates by free choice instead of by force and doesnt leave you answering the cold clueless bureaucrats. Renewed 21stto a century military, giving our veterans the care that they promised and were earned. They were promised and earned. [applause] and we offer a better way for dealing with persistent poverty in this country. Americans shows poor the world beyond liberal warehousing and checkwriting into the life everyone can find with opportunity and independence. The happiness of using your gifts and the dignity of having a job. None of this will happen under Hillary Clinton. Only with donald trump and mike pence do we have a chance of a better way. [applause] and last point, let the other party go on and on with its constant dividing up of people. Always playing one group against the other as if Group Identity were everything. In america, arent we all supposed to be beyond class . Beyond ethnicity . Are all these other lines drawn us to lock us into groups . Aal social progress is always widening of the circle of concern and protection. Empathyspect and overtaking blindness and indifference. It is understanding that by the true measure we are all neighbors and countrymen, called to each one of us to know what is right and kind and just. Everyone is equal. Everyone has a place. No one is written off. There is worth and goodness in every life. Straight from the declaration of independence, that is the republican ideal. If we want to defend it, who will . It, who will . D so much that you and i care about, so many things that we stand for in the balance of this coming election. We should not lack for motivation. In the plainest terms i know, it is all on the line. Way. S act that lets use the edge that we have because it is still what turns the trust. This year of surprises and dramatic turn skin and in the finest possible way when america elects a conservative governing majority. We can do this. You can earn that mandate if we dont hold anything back, if we never lose sight of the space and what is on the table. Our candidates will be giving their all and every one of us has got to go in to and do the same. So, what do you say . What do you say that we unify this party at its crucial moment when unity is everything . Lets take our fight to our opponents with better ideas, lets stay in the offensive, lets compete in every part of america and turn out at the polls like every last vote matters because it will. This thing through. Lets win this thing and show america our best and nothing less. Please join me in welcoming for the state of new jersey governor chris christie. [cheers and a plus] and applause] governor christie good evening. I am here tonight not only as the governor of new jersey, but also as Donald Trumps friend for the last 14 years. We are about to be led by not only a strong leader but by a and decentuine, person. I am proud to say the voice of the people of our nations being heard in this hall tonight and those voices want donald trump to be the next president of the United States. [applause] this election is not just about donald trump. It is also about his democratic opponent, Hillary Rodham clinton. [booing] past few weeks, we have seen the Justice Department refused to prosecute her. Over the last eight years, we have seen this administration refused to hold her accountable for her risible record as secretary of state so lets do something fun tonight. As a former federal prosecutor, i welcome the opportunity to hold Hillary Rodham clinton accountable for her performance and her character. [applause] now [chanting] we are getting there. Give me a few more minutes, we will get there. We are going to present the facts to you. You tonight sitting as a jury of her peers in this hall and in your living rooms around our nation. Since the Justice Department refuses to allow you to render a verdict, i will resent the case now on the facts against Hillary Rodham clinton. [cheers and applause] now, she was americas chief diplomat so lets look around the world at the violence and danger today in every region that has been infected by her flawed judgment. I am going to be specific so you can render your verdict tonight on the basis of the facts. Lets go to north africa. She was the chief engineer of the disasters overthrow in libya. Libya today after Hillary Clintons grand strategy, their economy is in ruins, there is death and violence in the streets, and isis is dominating that country. Hillary clinton as a failure for ruining libya and creating a nest for terrorist activity, answer may now, is she guilty or not guilty . Clintonia, hillary amazingly fought for two years to keep an al qaeda affiliate off of the terrorist watch list. What happened because of this reckless action by the candidate who is the selfproclaimed champion of women all around the world, these al qaeda terrorists abducted hundreds of innocent young women two years ago. These schoolgirls are still missing today. And what was the solution from the Obama Clinton team . A hash tag campaign. Lets decide Hillary Clinton as an apologist for now katie a an al qaeda affiliate in nigeria resulting in the capture of innocent young women, is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty. Governor christie she never fights for us. Threatsnt get the real that america faces so now lets go to china. Hillary clinton praise the Chinese Government for financing Barack Obamas bloated stimulus plan. She was so desperate for chinese cash, she promised to buy american provisions in exchange for the cash to finance a huge expansion of federal government spending. Hillary clinton putting Big Government spending financed by the chinese ahead of good paying jobs for middleclass americans, is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty. Go toor christie lets syria. Imagine this she called president assad a reformer. She called assad a different kind of leader. There are now 400,000 dead. Think about that. 400,000 dead. At the hands of the man that hillary defended. So we must ask this question, Hillary Clinton as an awful judge of the character of a dictator and butcher in the middle east, is she guilty or not guilty . Guilty. Iran,or christie next in she launched negotiations that brought about the worst nuclear deal in history. Let me be clear america and the world are measurably less dealbecause of the iran hillary helped cut. After she launched those negotiations, she became the biggest cheerleader for this agreement. If a deal that will lead to a nuclear iran and a much more dangerous middle east. An ineptlinton as negotiator of the worst Nuclear Arms Deal in american history, guilty or not guilty . Guilty. Next christie [chanting] the indictment is hardly complete. To russia. Go she gave them that stupid symbolic reset button. You know what i think that should have read . It should have read delete. Shes very good at that, by the way. [cheers] edit should have read delete because she deleted in four years the safety and security build in 40 to years. The next year, she said our goal, americas goal was to strengthen russia. Strengthen an adversary led by a dictator who dreams of free assembling the soviet empire. What an extraordinarily dangerous lack of judgment. As aagain, we need to ask failed strategist who has permit russia back into a major player in the middle east, Hillary Clinton guilty or not guilty . Guilty. Governor christie now we go to cuba. Hillary clinton supported concessions to the castro brothers and got almost nothing in return for ending the embargo. She supported a deal that didnt even require this murderous regime to return a cop killer to face justice. I know about this personally. He murdered a new jersey state trooper in cold blood, fled to cuba, and lives there under cuban protection to this day. I want to ask you, how can someone live with their own conscience when you reward a domestic terrorist with continued safety and betray the family of a Fallen Police officer waiting for decades for justice for his murder . Hillary clinton as a causal or of the brutal castro brothers and betrayer of the family of four and fallen state trooper or family, is sheis guilty or not guilty . Guilty. [chanting] governor christie finally here at home and one of the first decisions as secretary of state, she said of a private email server in her basement. Then she lied about it over and over again. She said there was no marked classified information on her server. Thatbi director said untrue. She said she did not any classified information. The fbi director said thats not true. She said all workrelated emails were sent back to the state department. So, the charge of putting herself ahead of america, guilty or not guilty . Guilty. [chanting] governor christie what is your verdict, guilty or not guilty . Guilty. Governor christie time after time after time, the facts and just the facts lead you to the same verdict around the world and here at home. In libya and nigeria, guilty. In china and syria guilty. Governor christie in cuba with black guilty. And lying to cover it all up guilty. Christie meant to obscure all the facts and leave you able to vote for her. We cannot promote someone to commander in chief who has made the world a more violent and dangerous place with every bad judgment she has made. We cannot make the chief Law Enforcement officer of the United States, someone who has raised americas egrets and lie to the American People about it day after day. Disqualify we didnt Hillary Clinton, the facts of her life and career disqualify her. Applause]d christie everybody in agrees. F greece decide the ones who will this election. We have an alternative. We have a man who is unafraid, a man who wants to lead us, a man who understands the frustration and aspirations of fellow citizens, a man who judges people on their performance regardless of your gender, race, religious background. I implore you, we do not need to settle for less in this election. We cannot reward incompetence and deceit. We need to demand more than what Hillary Clinton offers for america because we know what four years of Hillary Clinton will bring. All the failures of the obama years but with less charm and more lies. [applause] it is our obligation to stop Hillary Clinton now and never let her get within 10 miles of the white house again. [applause] it is time to come together and make sure donald trump is the next president of the United States. Thisproud to be part of team. Ladies and gentlemen please Welcome Senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. [applause] sen. Mcconnell ladies and gentlemen, i have been around a while. More than anybody should have to be. A couple years ago bill and Hillary Clinton out of my state, telling anybody who would listen. Tonight i am here to return the favor. I am a patient man, and the young child of the south. I was struck with polio in forced to stay off my feet for two years. That experienced tautly and abiding gratitude for my parents. And it also taught me how to wait, which comes in handy when you are the leader of the u. S. Senate. More than anything, my job has taught me the value of trust. How to distinguish between people who are interested to serve others, and those who are in it for themselves. I am here to tell you that Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get elected president. And we cannot allow it. American people are tired of hearing about the bounty of government while the cost of caring for a family or meeting daily expenses rose out of reach. Theythe past few years, have seen government abuse their office and get rewarded for it. They have seen the middle class actually shrink. And in the midst of this, they have raised a very simple complaint. Who is looking out for us . Its not hillary. I have had my differences with barack obama, but i will give him credit for this. At least he was up front about his plans to move america to the far left. Not hillary. July the about her emails. She lied about her emails, about her server, about benghazi. She even lied about sniper fire. Why, even she lied about why her parents named her hillary. So i ask you a simple question. Moment when so many feel betrayed by the government, why in the world would democrats put forward such a candidate . Has changed positions of so many times its impossible to tell where the conviction ends and the ambition begins. Around rich sat uranium. In 2014, she said she has already argued against it. Once a backer of the keystone pipeline, last year she opposed it. She used to be against sanctuary cities and claims she was for them. Now we are not sure where she is. Baghdad bob has there been a figure with base such a tortured figure with such a tortured relationship with the truth. [applause] fortunately there is a clear choice before us, and its not hillary. You know what the next four years will look like with hillary. And you know that if hillary is president , we will continue to slide, distracted by the scandal that follows the clintons like flies. Two years ago, voters delivered a clear verdict on the obama years by setting a freshman class of rockstar republicans to the senate. And delivering us a majority that i promised to make you proud of. We have never hesitated to confront the president. We also did the hard work of tackling urgent problems head on. We delivered on that promise. We put obamacare revealed on the president s desk. He vetoed it. Donald trump would sign it. [applause] we passed a bill to build the keystone pipeline. Obama vetoed it. Donald trump would sign it. We passed a bill to define the planned parenthood. Obama veto it. Donald trump would sign it. And on that sad day when we lost justice scalia, i made another pledge that obama would not fill that seat. That honor will go to donald trump this year. [applause] so with donald trump in the white house, Senate Republicans will build on the work we have done and passmore bills than any senate in years. We have already passed the first major education reform in more than a decade and ended common core. We have made the first significant reforms in Social Security in three decades. We passed a crucial Cyber Security bill and opposed sanctions on north korea. We has to first major highway bill in more than a decade. Pastor bill to combat the scourge of human trafficking. Just last week we passed the first major law aimed at confronting the heartbreaking explosion of her when an opioid abuse. Of heroin and will be would abuse. Keep the senate in republican hands and we will continue this work and the service i am proud to lead in the senate will not let you down. Put Hillary Clinton and i promise you this, she will double down on the cynical approach that Senate Democrats seem to revel in these days. Here is what i mean. As we sit here tonight, a terrifying mosquito borne illness threatens expectant mothers and their babies along our southern coast. Intonlast week, cl democrats in the senate blocked a bill aimed at eradicating that virus before it can spread. And they werent finished. They stopped a funding bill that would support the brave men and women right now defending us overseas. Wha in the worldt to these people think Public Service is about . I dont know. If Hillary Clinton is president , nothing will change. I ask you to let us continue our work. Let us put justices on the Supreme Court that cherish our constitution. [applause] let us keep the senate. And let us select a president and Vice President that really believe america is exceptional. [applause] friends, and god bless america. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please of alaska,ator joined by mitch mcconnell, and tom cotton from arkansas, steve james from montana, joni ernst from iowa, James Lankford from oklahoma, Michael Brown from south dakota, and thom tillis from north carolina. [applause] hello republicans [applause] i am dan sullivan from the greats date of alaska. [applause] and i am proud to be standing here tonight with my fellow freshman senators. This is who we are. Doctors, and educators, administers, ceos, and hog farmers, moms and dads. We have served in the u. S. Marines. And now we serve in the u. S. Senate. [applause] in 2014, you made this happen. [applause] republicans all across the country coming together, who wanted to energy in the senate and who wanted to fire harry reid. [applause] and that is exactly what we did. We need to keep that momentum going. We need to keep the senate and republican hands and win back the white house. We will put coal miners and oil drillers back to work. [applause] extinction,hem for as hillary has promised. We must reignite Economic Opportunity in the American Dream for everybody. [applause] this, together we will make America Great again. [applause] thank you. [applause] [chanting] please welcome back the speaker of the house, paul ryan of wisconsin. Speaker ryan hey everybody. Thank you all very much. Hi wisconsin. Delegates, friends, fellow cant tell you how much i appreciate the privilege of addressing this 41st convention of the party of lincoln. And as part of my german duties, letme chairman duties, me thank everybody of this beautiful city for looking after us this week. [applause] all, i want to thank the men and women that are here from Law Enforcement for your service. [applause] standing up here again, it has a familiar feel. Students of trivia will recall that last time around i was your nominee for Vice President. It was a great honor. It was a great honor even if things didnt work out quite according to the plan. Hey, i am a positive guy. I found some other things to keep me busy. I like to look at it this way. There is a state of the union address, i dont know where joe biden or barack obama are going to be, but you will find me there right on the roster when Vice President mike pence and President Donald Trump [applause] [chanting trump] democracy is a series of choices. We republicans have made our choice. Have we had our arguments this year . Sure we have. You and i call those signs of life. Signs of a party that is not just going through the motions, not just mouthing the words from the same old stuff. Meanwhile, what choice has the other party made in this incredible year filled with so many surprises . Here we are at a time when men and women in both parties so clearly, so undeniably want a big change in direction for america . A clean break from a failed system. What does the democratic establishment offer . What is their idea of a clean break . They are offering a third obama term brought to you by another clinton. [boos] and you are supposed to be excited about that. Ready fortry so change, it feels like we have been cleared for takeoff and somebody announced we are all going back to the gates. Its like we have been on hold forever, waiting to finally talk to a real person and somehow we have been sent back to the main menu. Watch the Democratic Party Convention Next week. Day infomercial of politically correct moralizing. Itd it be a reminder of all that is at stake in this election. You can get through four days with a little help from the mute button. But for more years of it . Not a chance. Not a chance. [applause] look, the obama years are almost over, the clinton years are way over. 2016 is the year america moves on. [applause] from now until november, we will hear how many different ways progressive elitists can find to talk down to the rest of america, to tell us that the obama years have been good for you. And now that it is hillarys term. [boos] the problem is simple. There is a reason people in our country are disappointed and restless. If opportunity seems like it has been slipping away, that is because it has. Liberal progressive ideas have done exactly nothing to help. Wages never seem to go up. The whole economy feels stuck, millions of americans middleclass security is not just a memory. Our president likes to talk forever about property and if high sounding talk did any good, we would have overcome those deep problems long ago. This explains why under the most liberal president we have had so far, poverty in america is worse, especially for our fellow citizens who were promised better and you needed most. The result is a record of discarded promises, empty gestures, phony strawman argument that are put off forever. Shady power plays like the one that gave us obamacare. Constitutional limit rushed off as nothing. All the while, dangers in the world downplayed. Even express grow bolder and come closer. It is the last chapter of an old story. Progressives deliver everything except progress. [applause] we know better than to think that republicans when only been on the failures of democrats. It still comes down to a contest of ideas, which is good news. When it is about ideas, the avengers goes to us. Against the jury backdrop of pointless mandates, reckless borrowing, willful retreat from the world, and all that progressives have in store for us, the Republican Party stands as the great enduring alternative party. Ewe believe in making government as Ronald Reagan said. Not the distributor of gifts and privilege, but the protector of our liberties. [applause] let the other party go on making its case for more government control over every aspect of our lives. Mo texasre to pay, more debt to carry, more rules, more judges that make it up as the go along. We in this party are committed to a federal government that ask again as a service. Accountable to the people, following the constitution. Venturing not one inch beyond the consent of the governed. [applause] party offer fundamentals that go back to the founding generation. We believe in a free society, where aspiration and effort can make the difference in every life. Where your starting point is not your destiny. And where your first chance is not your only chance. Way for a better america with ideas that actually work. A reformed tax code that rewards Free Enterprise instead of just enterprising lobbyists. A reformed system that operates by free choice instead of by force and doesnt leave you answering the cold clueless bureaucrats. Renewed 21stto a century military, giving our veterans the care that they promised and were earned. They were promised and earned. [applause] and we offer a better way for dealing with persistent poverty in this country. Americans shows poor the world beyond liberal warehousing and checkwriting into the life everyone can find with opportunity and independence. The happiness of using your gifts and the dignity of having a job. None of this will happen under Hillary Clinton. Only with donald trump and mike pence do we have a chance of a better way. [applause] and last point, let the other party go on and on with its constant dividing up of people. Always playing one group against the other as if Group Identity were everything. In america, arent we all supposed to be beyond class . Beyond ethnicity . Are all these other lines drawn us to lock us into groups . Aal social progress is always widening of the circle of concern and protection. Empathyspect and overtaking blindness and indifference. It is understanding that by the true measure we are all neighbors and countrymen, called to each one of us to know what is right and kind and just. Everyone is equal. Everyone has a place. No one is written off. There is worth and goodness in every life. Straight from the declaration of independence, that is the republican ideal. If we want to defend it, who will . It, who will . D so much that you and i care about, so many things that we stand for in the balance of this coming election. We should not lack for motivation. In the plainest terms i know, it is all on the line. Way. S act that lets use the edge that we have because it is still what turns the trust. This year of surprises and dramatic turn skin and in the finest possible way when america elects a conservative governing majority. We can do this. You can earn that mandate if we dont hold anything back, if we never lose sight of the space and what is on the table. Our candidates will be giving their all and every one of us has got to go in to and do the same. So, what do you say . What do you say that we unify this party at its crucial moment when unity is everything . Lets take our fight to our opponents with better ideas, lets stay in the offensive, lets compete in every part of america and turn out at the polls like every last vote matters because it will. This thing through. Lets win this thing and show america our best and nothing less. Thank you and god bless. [cheers and applause] House Majority leader kevin mccarthy. Thank you. I am proud to be a conservative from california. [applause] that we have listened in you have told us enough. Washington bailouts and handouts and enough of feeling less safe and secure in a more dangerous world where the bad guys are winning and the good guys are losing. But i have good news. In 112 days, it is over. [cheers and applause] in this election, the stakes have never been higher. Do we settle for the path we are on or do we take a better way . Now, republicans believe families who work hard should get ahead. Americaans believe in that isnt divided by race, religion, gender. Republicans believe that america only works if we put your interests above the special interests. The lies we are told about obamacare, the destruction of jobs and entire industries, the n anderment of a ran ira the rise of isis. Republicans have a better way. We have a plan to fix it and and our agenda, our enemies will fear us. [applause] our taxes will be fair. People will be able to afford the health care they want. The peoples voice will be heard. Governments will help those who truly need it and it will allow everyone to rise. Behindse who are left the economic forces out of your control, we hear you. To those who are attacked for your beliefs, we hear you. To a nation that sees chaos spreading across america and the globe, we fear you. And for our men and women in uniform, we hear you. Now as a matter of principle, you will have the very best america has to offer. Those who have fought on the front lines should never have to wait in line. Way but thistter republican agenda can only be realized if we disrupt the status quo and lets admit Hillary Clinton is the definition of status quo. We need a leader who shapes the future. The democrats wont bring the future because they are stuck in the past. When innovation have brought more power to the people, democrats want more power for washington. When innovation advances technology, Hillary Clinton uses it to put american secrets at risk. This is not the path for our country. It means difficult times, i remember the words of Ronald Reagan when he described america as that shining city upon the hill. Electing a republican congress, donald trump, mike pence, we can build a better america and make that shining city on the hill right again. Thank you and god bless california Republican Party vice chair and california delegate to discuss the Republican Partys efforts to become more diverse. Review ofng us, the the recent events in the Republican Convention and with a look ahead as to whats next and the expected acceptance of the Vice President ial nominee. Be sure to watch washington journal at some 00 a. M. Morning. His warnings st ben carson spoke to delegates. Following his remarks, we also heard ofrom the senator from West Virginia and kimberlin brown, talking about Small Businesses. [applause] me in welcoming dr. Ben carson. [applause] [cheering] dr. Carson thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. [applause] dr. Carson thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. [applause] dr. Carson thank you. Right. Dont eat up my time. Thank you. [laughter] dr. Carson i want to thank you all for that very warm welcome. I have to start out by saying one very important thing. I am not politically correct. [cheering] dr. Carson i hate Political Correctness because it is antithetical to the founding principles of this country and the secular progressives use it to make people sit down and shut. P while they change everything it is time for us to stand up and shout out about what we believe in. [cheering] [applause] dr. Carson you know, i devoted my career to studying and operating on the human brain. Tos remarkable organ find our humanity. It gives us the ability to not only feel and observe, but to reason. When we elect a president , we need to use that power of theiring to look at history, their character, what. Ind of people they really are it makes all the difference in the world for us. It is going to be so critical right now. We must resist the temptation to take the easy way out. What isssively accept fed to us by the politically elite and the media. They do not know what they are talking about, but they have an agenda. [applause] waryarson we must also be of the narrative that is being advanced by some in our own party, the notion that a Hillary Clinton administration would not be that bad. The effects would only be temporary. [booing] dr. Carson they are not using their godgiven brain to think about what they are saying. It will not be four years or eight years. She will be appointing people who will have an effect on us for generations, and america may never recover from that. That is what we have to be thinking about. [applause] you know, interestingly enough, we have to start thinking about what would Hillary Clinton do if she was, in fact, the president. She would appoint Supreme Court justices, she would appoint federal judges, and that would effect forterious generations to come. Systemld continue with a that denigrates the education of our young people, puts them in a place where they are never going to be able to get a job, where they are always going to be dependent and where they can therefore be called debated for their votes. This is not what america is all about. This kind of deception. This is what we, the people, have the necessary obligation to fight. [applause] [cheering] now, one of the things that i have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heroes, her mentors, was salma linsky. [booing] senior thesisr was about some linsky. This was someone she greatly admired and that affected all of her philosophy subsequently. Interestingly enough, let me tell you something about him. He wrote a book called rules for radicals on the dedication lucifer,d knowledge is gainedginal radical who his own kingdom. Think about that. This is a nation where our founding document, the that version of independence, tops about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator. This is a nation where our pledge of allegiance says we are one nation under god. Nation [applause] this is a nation were every coin in our pocket and every bill and our wallets as in god we trust. So, are we willing to elect someone as president who has, as their role model, somebody who acknowledges lucifer . Think about that. [booing] dr. Carson the secular Progressive Agenda is antithetical to the principles of the founding of this nation. If we continue to allow them to god god out of our lives, will remove himself from us. We will not be blessed and our nation will go down the tubes. We will be responsible for that. We do not want that to happen. Trump, hed understands this very well. He understands that the blessings of this nation come with the responsibility to are availableey to all, not just the privileged few. This is exemplified by his willingness to take on the establishment against all odds. It is evident in his passion for the american worker, it is found in his desire to put his considerable skills to work on behalf of american interests, not his self interests. I am proud to support donald trump. He is an exterminator businessman, the right leader for a time such as this. [cheering] [applause] but you know what . It is not about donald trump. It is not about me. T is about we the people Thomas Jefferson said that we would reach this point because we the people would not be paying attention, and it would allow the government to grow to expand, and to assess the size, and to try to rule us. To metasticize, and to try to rule us. We would rise up and take control of our nation and i say, now is the time for us to rise and take america back. [applause] let me start out wa question. Are there any mountain years in the audience tonight . Im shelly, the first woman ever elected to serve this date of West Virginia in United States senate. We face challenging times. Times in which we as leaders must ask how can we secure a future that is brighter for next generation . Thats always the challenge of leadership and this election is no different. Talent comes opportunity and that is what i would like tos weak to you about tonight. Let me first tell you where i come from, the mountain state. Im a lifelong West Virginia in and with our tightknit communities, i say our state is one big small town. Thats never been more evident as westthe past month virginia was ravaged by flooding that upended our communities, displaced our families, and claimed 23 lives. The flood zones, i was inspired by people who despite losing everything sought ways to help and serve others. The stories are so tragic yet so uplifting. And i am so proud of my state. Communities,s and West Virginians work hard everyday and deliver results and in turn, they expect our countrys leaders to do the same. The constant refrain i hear back home is stop the bickering, improve the economy, and fight for our jobs. Let me tell you something, they are right. The greatest obstacle for West Virginia families and families across america over the past eight years has been a president that places left wing priorities and Campaign Promises over their livelihood. Hurt the obama has , are and soul of my state pravachol minors into communities where they live and work and pursue their happiness. His policy that ripped through the heartland, creating a cycle of pessimism and discussed. People around the country feel the Obama Administration has kicked them to the curb with a callousness that damage their ability to trust government. In 2008, president obama famously said if someone wants to build a coal power plant, they can. Its just that it will bankrupt them. It is safe toter, say his actions have matched his words. Realized when you bankrupt the coal company, you provide to pride communities communitiesdeprive of their livelihood. His recklessness has cost more than 60,000 workers their job since 2011. Thats 60,000 families without a work, without a paycheck. Not to be outdone, Hillary Clinton has already promised to put a lot of coal miners and Coal Companies out of business. She wants to put thousands more americans out of work. To devastatesed communities and families across cold country. Think about Hillary Clintons pursuit of an anticoal agenda, you know what i think about . About minor that wakes up before don every day to go to a 10 hour shift, that bus driver who drives the children to school, the nurse who cares for our retired miners come and the hundreds of coal equipment distributors. I weep for the fabric of my state. I weep for the fabric of my state. These men and woman take pride in their jobs that provide for their families and support their community. They worked tirelessly to power america. West virginia workers are the backbone of this economy and Hillary Clinton something to put them out of work. We shouldnt be surprised because hillary is understands coal miners in what follow workers as well as she understands secure email. Life of a coal miner and the day in the life of Hillary Clinton could not be more different. For over 25 years, she has thrived in a world where the rules bend to her. Recently, we learned she showed extreme carelessness with our nations secrets. For others, the consequences of misusing classified information have in swift and serious but not for Hillary Clinton. End of her husbands administration, she has profited from closeddoor speeches with fees that would buy several houses in the state of West Virginia. She out of touch, her attempts to reach out to the American People often reveal how distorted her vision has become. But what i find most troubling is that Hillary Clinton fails to recognize all caps related policies affect real people. Those who want to feed their family, own homes, pay for college, assume the American Dream. These goals should not and cannot fall out of reach. Like president obama air currently proclaimed he would slow the rise of the oceans. He introduced and implemented sweeping environmental regulations without Congress Approval and without any consideration for the economy. These unilateral actions are illinformed and frankly unconstitutional. , the burden of government regulations in this country amounts to 15,000 a household. So let me ask you a question. Are you ready . Is a burdening every household in america with the cost of 15,000 worth more applause lines at Campaign Rallies . Is burdening every household in america with 15,000 dollars worth more Campaign Cash . Is burdening every household in a fewa with 15,000 worth more oneliners . I couldnt agree with you more and im sure you agree with me about the importance of this election. [applause] one of the reasons this election is so important is because the democrats have nominated a candidate that americans overwhelmingly distressed daviistrust. At the state department was shrouded in scandal. A few weeks ago, the fbi director said secretary clinton was negligent, questioned her judgment, and revealed countless ways she has misled the American People. We know that the cornerstone of our Global Leadership is not not our awesome military, just our economic power, but our credibility. She has squandered Americans Trust and thankfully, the latest hasnt slipped past the attention of the American People. Recent polls show voters distrust of hillary was deteriorating her support. So it does come down to trust. She cannot be trusted with classified information or trusted to play by the same rules that you and i play by and without trust, we cannot feel safe and we cannot thrive. Trust ofo has lost the the American People should ever serve as our president. [applause] sen. Capito the only thing we can trust hillary to do is to double down on the same failed Obama Policies that are hurting americans that i just described. We know she will double down on that has madeenda the lowest workforce participation in decades. We know that she will double down on the war on coal. We know that she will double down on obamacare. We know that she will double down on far less Supreme Court nominees. [booing] sen. Capito we know that she will double down on the catastrophic Foreign Policy that she herself has orchestrated. [booing] sen. Capito the contrast between our vision for the future and that of Hillary Clinton is clear. Now is the time to turn the tide. Are you with me . Let us turn the tide. Nothat unelected bureaucrats longer mandate regulations that are disconnected from the realities of working americans. Tide from anhe executive who promotes radical that raisesl agenda costs across this country. Let us turn the tide from a washington that tells us who are doctors are and delivers a lower quality of care. Let us turn the tide to a government that respects the constitution and tax jobs protects jobs and the way of life in rural america. This is not out of reach. We can make these visions a reality. , we will officially nominate a candidate who received the most primary votes in the history of our party. A candidate who understands how to create jobs and grow the economy. Our party wants to allow businesses to create jobs, not regulate jobs out of existence. Understands the free market and does not try to control it. Stands up for hardworking americans might my hardworking West Virginia coal miners. [cheering] sen. Capito our party will strengthen our military to face growing threats. Tomust carry this momentum elect donald trump, who speaks directly to americans who have been devastated by the Obama Administration. West virginians know he understands their problems. Hares their concerns by golly, he is going to do things much differently. The American People know that Hillary Clinton has forfeited her trust and has broken her bond with working americans. So, let us commit tonight to bringing our country together in the months ahead. Mistakes are both clear and high. Take this energy from this takes are both clear and high. Take this energy to elect donald trump, who will make america please welcome acclaimed film and television actress, Small Business owner and avocado farmer, and berlin brown. [cheering] good evening. Many of you know me from one of your favorite soap operas, the young and the restless, the bold and the beautiful, and many other television shows. Since we only have one life to live, i decided to follow other dreams. I am now and avocado rotor, for all of you walk a multilovers. Yes, california avocados. And operate my own Design Business with my husband, gary. We just celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. Arebrown gary and i partners running a sportfishing business, return operation, rent operations and assorted other enterprises. Women across our nation, i have many responsibilities. Because we women have many roles in our lives, when the media and the democrats typecast us as single issue voters. We take care of our families, work, inside and outside the manageay the bills, we the home, take care of our ,arents, all focus on one thing securing the future for our families. [cheering] ms. Brown like so many parents today, you know, i have great concerns about the direction of our country and what it means for the future of my children. Election passhis by without doing my part and helping get us back on the right track. That is why i am so grateful and honored to be here with you all tonight. You know, when a look back at my grandparents, my mom and my dad, i realize that so much of their lives were devoted to one goal, tammy, my my sister brother chris, have every opportunity to succeed. I was always full by my grandmother that i put my mind to, and i did. I worked very hard. [cheering] ms. Brown we started businesses that have succeeded and still do. We have adventures that have not. We have created jobs and even more tax dollars. We have worked 80 hour weeks, and have gone without paychecks to keep our employees paid. You know, this is not unique to gary and me. It is the story of every Small Business owner in america. [applause] [cheering] ms. Brown i am a member of californias businesswomen for trump. And we are comprised of farmers, doctors, Small Business owners, attorneys, and women in just about every field, profession, race, and ethnicity. Women for trump. We are concerned about outofcontrol, unreasonable government regulations that to doingy add costs business and tie us all up in red tape. Dont get me started about the bewildering tax code and high taxes to boot. You know, this is not true just for Small Businesses. Its for farming as well. Business isek, our confronting a problem caused by obamacare. Thats a shock, isnt it . As a Small Business, we used to offer medical insurance to our employees. And for those who chose to be covered, we paid most of their premiums. And this quarter, we had several employees who worked over the 30 hour threshold set by obamacare and by the requirements of law, they must now senator when the approved health care plans. Our younger employees, they do not understand why they are getting forced off of their previous plan, which was significantly more affordable and tailored to their needs. Most of our employees are collegeage, and very healthy. Required to buy coverage that is not meet their needs and is too expensive for their wallets. One good thing, it has been a wakeup call to all of our young employees. They are all voting republican this year. [cheering] thirdown you know, one of Small Businesses are owned by women. [applause] ms. Brown and to the 9. 4 million Women Business owners who employ about 8 million 1. 5rs, a value of about trillion to our economy, i urge you to think about how important this election is for your future. [applause] ms. Brown who do you think better understand your

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