Want to capture, you take it off of your wrist and it is simple. It will expand and be as easy as gesturing. It is completely autonomous. There is no remote required. There is a direction and it will stay close. If you throw it, it will go further away. It is completely autonomous. David cameron takes questions from the house of commons, followed by an election preview. After that, a Senate Hearing on treatment for alzheimers. David cameron answered questions from members of the coalition ahead of the general election. Cameron announced his next turn would be his last. This is 35 minutes. Thank you mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker i know the whole house will wish to join me in offering our deepest condolences to the family and friends of all those killed in yesterdays airbus crash in france. It is heart breaking to hear about the schoolchildren, the baby, the families whose lives have been brought to an end. As the foreign there were british nationals involved. Three have been identified. The Foreign Office is questioning whether any further nationals were involved. Our ambassador is at the crash site. I spoke to merkel last night and made it clear that we are ready to offer any assistance. I expect to speak to the french president today. I had meetings with others and i shall have further meetings later today. I join the Prime Minister expressing sympathies to all families affected by yesterdays tragedy. In 2014 the number of people working on air contracts increased by 19 . Unsecured borrowing rose by 9 and the percentage living in relative poverty was at the highest level since 2001. Would the Prime Minister agree under his watch the future of our young people is only getting darker . What has happened under my watch there are 174,000 more people employed. Zero hours contracts account for one in 50 jobs. It is this government that outlawed exclusivity in zero hour contracts after 13 years of inaction from from the party on system in our own constituent i the claimant count has fallen 32 since the election that is the evidence that our economic plan is working in scotland and throughout the rest of the united kingdom. Thank you mr. Speaker. One of the most disturbing scandals has seen infection of thousands of people across the nation with hiv and hepatitisc through contaminated blood. Today lord pen rose publish as report which follows nearly 25 years of campaigning by members on both sides of this house to address the scandal. Could the Prime Minister as the last acts of his government ensure a full apology transparent and above all proper compensation for the families terribly affected by this scandal . My honourable friend is absolutely right to raise this with the penrose report published today. I can do all the three things that he asked for. I know many members on all side of this house raised question of infected blood. I spoken how constituents have been to my surgeries. Take account of these findings. Right to use this moment to recognize pain and suffering experienced by people as a result of this tragedy. It is difficult to imagine the feelings of unfairness people must feel, infected with Something Like help tights c or hiv as as a result of totally unrelated treatment within the nhs. To each and everyone of those people i would like to say sorry on behalf of the government for something that should not have happened. No amount of money can ever fully make up for what did happen. It is vital we move as soon as possible to improve the way payments are made to those infected by this blood. I can confirm the government will provide up to 25 Million Pounds in 201516 to support transitional arrangements to better payment system. Im committed if im Prime Minister in may we will respond to the findings of this report as a matter of priority. Finally, mr. Speaker, i know lord pen rose was unable to present findings of his report pause of illness and im sure the whole house would want to send him our best wishes. Ed miliband. Mr. Speaker, let me first say i fully associate myself with the remarks the Prime Minister just made about the victims of infected blood and we undertake today to carry these recommendations for word was well. I join the Prime Minister offering my condolences to those that loved loved ones in the devastating plane crash yesterday, especially remembering the three british victims. Our thoughts are with all the victims, families and friends. Mr. Speaker, on monday the Prime Minister announced his retirement plans. And he said and he said, he said [shouting] he said it was because he believed in giving straight answers to straight questions. After five years of Prime Ministers questions, that was music to my ears, mr. Speaker. Here is a straight question. Will he now rule out a rise in vat . In 43 days i plan to arrange his retirement. [shouting] i is right. Hes right. Straight answers deserve straight questions and the answers is yes. [shouting] let me say to him, let me say to him, nobody is going to believe it. And, nobody, nobody is going to believe it. Nobody is going to believe it, because extreme Spending Plans because his numbers dont add up and because he promised it last time and he broke his promise. Now, now if he is in the mood for straight answers try him on another one. Can he confirm that spending order. Order. Leader of the opposition will be heard. If we overrun so be it. Doesnt matter to me. The right honourable gentleman will be heard and the Prime Minister will be heard and every other member will be heard. Leader of the opposition. Can he confirm that the spending cuts he plans in the next three years will be greater, even than anything seen in the last five . He is wrong about that but look, straight answer from me. Of the straight question to him. I have ruled out vat will he real out National Insurance contributions . Yes or no . [shouting] he will have plenty of time, he will have plenty of time to ask questions after may the 7th. Im afraid to say im afraid to say, his own office of budget responsibility, his own office of budget responsibility says a much sharper tweak on real spending than anything the past five years. Next question. And this should be, this should be, this should be an easier one. Five years ago he promised to cut net migration of tens of thousands. Straight answer to a straight question. Is that a broken promise yes or no . Let me give him a second chance. I answered a very simple question about vat. I ruled out an increase. Let me ask him again, will he rule out an increase in National Insurance contributions . We all know, this is labours jobs pact. This is their tax of choice. This what they cover working people families enterprises with. Let me ask him again. Straight question, straight answer. Will he rule it out . [shouting] mr. Speaker, there is only one person who is going to raise taxes on ordinary families and that is him. He will cut the National Health service. And he didnt answer the question. Lets ask him a question about the nhs. Five years ago he promised no top down reorganization of the nhs. Now this is an easy one. Can he confirm that the broken promise, yes or no . Ill tell you what is happening nhs. Nine thousand more doctors, 7,000 more nurses and 20,000 more bureaucrats. But weve heard it now. A clear promise on vat from this side of the house. No answer on National Insurance from their side of the house. He goes to a bigger point mr. Speaker. He has had five years to come up with an economic plan. He has had five years to work out some policies for the future of this country. He has had five years to demonstrate some leadership and he has failed on every count. [shouting] known o nobody believes his promises on vat. Nobody believes his promises on the National Health service because he has broken his promises in this parliament. Try him on one more. Three years ago he promised, three years ago he cut top rate of income tax. Can he rule out under a tory government a further cut in the top rate of income tax . Richest in this country are paying more tax under this government than they paid under the last government. We set out our plans for tax cuts. If youre young work hard you get an apprenticeship. If youre a family well take you out of tax until you earn 12,500 pounds. I dont want to see middle income families drawn into the top rate of tax. We made our promises. Let him make a promise. Will he increase National Insurance, yes or no . Mr. Speaker, nobody believes his promises. He has had five years of failing working families. And worst to come more spending cuts, more tax cuts for the richest. More betrayal. This has been a government of the few, for the few. It is time for a better plan. Time for a labour government. [shouting] youve seen it all. Absolutely no ability to answer a question. This is a country where unemployment is falling, the economy is growing the deficit is coming down. Our nhs the operations are going up. More good places for our children Living Standards rising, inflation is zero. Record numbers at work. All of this could be put at risk by labour. That is the choice in 43 days time. Competence of a longterm plan delivering instead of chaos of economic crisis from labour. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, mr. Speaker, 13 months ago, my constituents lee smith, tragically lost her threemonth old baby beatrice due to a rare heart condition. In an effort to help other families avoid the grief and despair of losing a child mrs. Smith wants all schools to install defibrillators and to teach life saving skills. Will the Prime Minister offer his support for this vital cause. First of all, let me say to the my right honourable friend and his continue went there is nothing more heartbreaking than losing a child and everything we can do to help with this we should. The chancellor announced in his budget. A Million Pounds, 40 defibrillators including putting defibrillators. School. I want a situation, communities pubs schools, villages all have defibrillators. We can save lives this way particularly saving young lives particularly in his con at this time swents constituent case we must do better. Thank you mr. Speaker. May i express my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the tragic german air wings air crash. Mr. Speaker, there is one in the home secretary seat, yet 6800 people seeking sighs lump more than entire southeast of england. Were all proud of assistance that this country offers to those in need. Public services in rocks dale are already stretched and disperal of asylum speakers does not help the situation. Does the Prime Minister say that this is not fair on rochdale and what does he plan to do about this. He is right to raise this issue. What we inherited is completely unacceptable. The number of asylumseekers are down a third at the peak they reached under labor. Were fast tracking more cases. Were resolving more cases more quick i l i have to say to him the legislation governing dib shun of asylumseekers was put in pleas under the last labor government. Ive been following what the honourable gentleman is saying. He sent very goodies patches from the front in terms of knocking on doors in rochdale. Any labour politician that says he knocks own doors and ed miliband is popular he is. This north elite of the world doesnt play in rochdale or anywhere else beginning with an inside the 25. I like to encourage do more interviews. He would add reading redditch, reithdale, rochdale. Probably the way theyre going. [shouting] thank you very much about speaker. I dont think so love. [shouting] mr. Speaker unemployment is the exmining area stood at 1540. Today i had is almost a third of that to 580. Would right honourable friend agree with me the strong conservative government and conservative District Council with a longterm economic plan are able to succeed in bringing jobs and growth where the labour equivalent failed to do so . My honourable friend is absolutely right. In south darby shire since the election claimant count, numbers claiming Unemployment Benefits is down 68 . Those are just statistics but everyone of those people is someone a job, a live lie hood with a chance to provide for their families. That is what this election will be about. Young people that want jobs were offering apprenticeship. Young families want home we have help. Pension securities and we have pension benefits guaranteed. That is what is on the ballot paper. That is what i think people will choose at the next election. Thank you mr. Speaker. Following publication of the slack committeess report into the disgraceful on the runs debacle yesterday it has been revealed the man who went about distributing these letters to ira fugitives jerry kelly of sinn fein, has received the Royal Prerogative of mercy for certain crimes. Will the Prime Minister now list in the library of the house all those other sinn fein members and leading republicans likewise received a royal pardon so republicans in Northern Ireland can know which of their great stalwart leaders either begged or asked or received probably on bended knee such a royal pardon . And secondly, so everybody can know in the country which governments have been involved in such nefarious activities . All i would say to the honourable gentleman i will look very carefully at the ask he requests, what more we can do to be transparent this government not least holding on the run review have been transparent. But what i would say to him governments in the past have had to make difficult decisions with respect to Northern Ireland to try to bring parties together and produce a peaceful outcome that we have today. That has involved difficult compromises things he and probably i have found at times deeply distasteful nonetheless sometimes in the pursuit of peace some of these things have to be done. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Can i congratulate my right honourable friend and the Department Department of transport for their securing a 15 millionpound Rail Infrastructure improvement scheme in southwest trains which feeds my constituency. However, we still need better infrastructure additional track, flyovers and power supply if we to get longer trains and faster journey times to portland. Will my right honourable friend meet me to discuss this further to see if we can further boost the economy in south dorset . Always happy to meet with my right honourable friend and discuss these issues. I think this government done right by the southwest. Not least with the announcement the transport secretary made of additional 57,000 seats on southwest trains every week from december. 1400 extra car Parking Spaces at train stations across the region. We can only have this strong transport investment not just in the southwest but right across our country because we have a longterm economic plan that is delivering the growth this country needs. Thank you, mr. Speaker. How can the Prime Minister put himself on fixed Term Contract and isnt he now concerned it will be contract of [inaudible] very simple, what i have said. Answered a very clear question and maybe the leader of the opposition will have to answer clear questions. It is very simple. Two years, two terms, 10 years one kitchen. Mr. Speaker, will my right honourable friend alarmed as i am be heard. Is my right honourable friend alarmed as i am alex salmon is planning to impose a series of demands on the u. K. Government and will he confirm he will have nothing to do with such demands . Quite right. I think my honourable friend makes a very important point. As far as i can see alex salmon has taken entire labour party hostage, and today and today we have the ransom note. The ransom note is very clear. It says higher borrowing, it says uncontrolled immigration unfettered welfare higher taxes, and weaker defense. That is what is being demanded. And the british people have only one way of saying no to this appalling hostage situation and that is to vote conservative on may 7th. [shouting] mr. Jim dowd. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Can i ask the Prime Minister about the continually dire position at London Bridge station which is of course the major concern . Is he a aware the at that abysmal service and the chaotic things the company, Network Rails latest stage of development . Can i ask him to instruct the secretary of state for transport to personally take responsibility for resolving this debacle and for him to bring forward an early straightforward Compensation Scheme for the many tens of thousands of commuters who had their lives so seriously disrupted . Yes. Right honourable gentleman is right to raise this anyone seen the pictures what happens some mornings at London Bridge station knows the pressures are immense. With we need to do is make transport for london an the department of transport are working together as they are to bring about the best possible solution. What i would say though you cant not criticize this government for failing to invest in londons transport infrastructure. The cross rail scheme which i visited again a couple weeks ago is the biggest they we did that. They left an enormous bill. This government that actually put the government money in and got it built. It is one thing to promise something, but another thing to put the diggers in the ground and get it done. And thats what weve done. [shouting] mr. Speaker very easy to just say the word longterm economic plan. But in brighton, the last five years has seen sharply falling unemployment, hugely increased business startups and a massive 480 millionpound investment in a new hospital. Does the Prime Minister think that the sun will continue to shine on brighton . [shouting] well, first of all, let me pay tribute to my honourable friend who has been a real champion for brighton and he has campaigned so hard for the extra investment and the rebuilding of this hospital and im so glad that the royal success hospital sussex that redevelopment would take place. I would note claimant count for his constituency gone down 52 since his election. Youth claimant has gone down and i say the sun will continue to shine on brighton. I certainly agree with the i agree with the Prime Minister that the sun shines on brighton. Shines bright green on brighton today. Recently revealed in the state of a single month nearly 1700 trains between brighton and london victoria ran late but to add insult to injury, unfair Chain Company rules meant that passengers could claim compensation on just 59 of those 1700 journeys. Will he join me in backing the august Newspaper Campaign for a fair compensation system to put money back into passengerss pockets . I should have said, mr. Speaker, if my previous answer the only part of brighton where the sun doesnt shine very brightly the fact that local Green Council is incapable of emptying peoples dustbins. We need a tory gain there as well. But she is right. The she is right to raise the case of rail compensation. We are looking closely at the august campaign and what can be done to make the Compensation Scheme simpler and easier to deliver to people. That, mr. Spike. Thank you, mr. Speaker. For this government, thousands of constituents in Lincoln Shire now enjoy access to broadband breaching digital divide. And helping Small Businesses in the rural area benefit from the longterm economic plan. I would say, once, however as getting remaining public rolled out will be particularly difficult. Will my right honourable friend memeet with myself and other mps to ensure we get this delivery out as quickly as possible . Im always happy to meet with my right honourable friend who is always a champion for his constituents. He is right to put Rural Broadband in front of his campaign. Were investing 70 million to put broadband into 95 of u. K. Premises by 2015. That program is going well. Every day other rollout is reaching holes and businesses. This broadband has doubled under this government. That is what happened pause of the work that we put in. Were investing extra money to make sure we get to the most hard to reach premiseses and that will include subsidizing cost of installing superfast Satellite Services which will give access to those in the hard etf reach areas who currently have slower speeds. Thank you very much. [inaudible]. Mr. Speaker, young couple in my constituency order. Order. Both sides of the chamber. Discourtesy to the honourable gentleman and his constituency. The right honourables question will be heard. Thank you mr. Speaker. They were persuaded by steven on the Vice President of mortgages to put their house that they had into flat to rent in turkey for the agent. Got no flats. Lost 47,000 pounds. But Financial Service said they could not give any advice because it was unregulated advice. Does the Prime Minister feel that company should about the authority, to get such advice and for this problem . First of all can i pay tribute to the honourable gentleman standing down at election. He has been a member of parliament sorry. Well, let me rephrase that. Let me rephrase. I got so say i want, i want to defend the team. This is, my 146th appearance at the dispatch box doing Prime Minister questions. And, they normally get these things right. Let me rephrase. He, let me pay tribute to him anyway. And wish him luck in the current battle he has in his constituency. But he raises a case weve all had at our constituency surgeries, people who put money into timeshare schemes by companies turned out subsequently to be disreputable. We had challenges getting those companies properly uncovered and regulated. I will look into the specific case and write to him in his capacity as mp or whatever it is after the election. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister knows i have often been unhelpful to the government in Health Select committee but as member of the select committee it is my duty to be impartial. Let me share my concerns that the objective role of the select Committee System has been fundamentally undermined by labours refusal to even discuss a draft report. Having heard evidence of decreased admin costs in health reforms, privatization slowing since 2005 not posing a threat to the nhs. No charges [inaudible] dawes he agree order. Must be order. Remainder of the question, must be heard. Charlotte leslie. Thank you mr. Speaker. No charges have popped up introduced and no plans to. And does he agree to [inaudible]. In the face of our public. Prime minister. My honourable friend makes a very important point which this select Committee Report has been held back because labour members of parliament dont want to tell the truth about our National Health service. Theyre only interested, theyre only interested in trying to weaponize the nhs. The fact is, there are more doctors, there are more nurses. There are more operations being carried out. And that is what the truth is. And it is disgraceful that labour is trying to cover it up just as they did thank you, very much, mr. Speaker. No mp gain here. This is in fact my last Prime Ministers questions after 23 years in this place. But i do hope that my very good friend the former member for baykam will be rejoining this place in may. So can the Prime Minister please tell us which causes him more anguish his return or ed milibands departure. I was quite looking forward to missing you both. Obviously, can i pay tribute . I sat in this house for 14 years. All the time he has been a member of parliament i remember very passionate speeches not least on the iraq war. I remember some very passionate speeches about Civil Liberties in our country making sure we respond in the right way to terror. He always stood up for his constituency. He cares passionately about wales. Cares passionately about rugby and will be missed by everyone. Thank you mr. Speaker. On the very last day before the 2010 general election the Prime Minister, then leader of opposition visited montgomery. Joyous occasion which led to my presence in the house today. Well will the will the Prime Minister make another visit to see for himself the dramatic improvement in Business Confidence and dramatic falls in unemployment that have taken place in Montgomery Shire as a result of the governments longterm economic plan . It was a huge pleasure to go visit my right honourable friend just before the last election. I thought it was a bit of a long shot. Nonetheless he made it here and been a fantastic member of Parliament Standing up for his constituents. In wales since the election 22,000 more small business. Employment in wales going up by 52,000. Unemployment coming down private sector growth. We see Real Recovery in wales. It needs my honourable friend back here standing up for his constituents and for wales in the house of commons. I have here, mr. Speaker, a cutting from a york crest on the 24th of april 2010. Which says and i quote. David cameron last night dismissed claims the tory was put up the mps in the election november, last november. Why should the public believe promises he makes at this coming election . I have given the strangest possible answer. This time in government, we know what needs to be done. We know the changes and the truth is, both sides of this house have voted for a 30 billionpound adjustment. The labour front bench voted for it too. We have set out what needs to happen with departmental spending with welfare and with tax avoidance. The labour party said, half of the 30 billion must be raised in taxes. So we know it. There is a tax bombshell coming from labour and it is going to be, we learned today a jobs tax bombshell coming from labour. They wanted to do it before the last election. They want to do it after the next election. It would wreck our economy put up taxes for working people. There is only one group of people who can stop it. Many hundreds of [inaudible] would he agree measures to reduce the noise should be brought forward . Would he agree developers are trying to put sites up which use advantages of the reduce their profits in those sites from the noise reduction measures . I think i must say i think today is a good day to discuss to discuss noise pollution. I think probably very appropriate and quiet down to think about the subject for a minute. My right honourable friend consistently campaigned on this issue. This is big concern for his constituents. Were providing 75 millionpound for noise mitigation on our National Road network. Were resurface 80 of that network with low noise surfacing. That can make a real difference. I will look carefully for what we can do for his own con set when sy. Thank you mr. Speaker. Last week some of the rougher elements of the house chose to refer to the Prime Minister as chicken. I hope we have moved on. However, would the Prime Minister agree with me that it is entirely refer to him as a lame duck . I will tell him i will tell him what is a lame duck, that is trying to get into downing street on the back of Alex Hammonds coattails. They know, they now know they can not win the election on their own. So they are preparing to answer the ransom note of higher taxes more borrowing, weaker defense breaking up our unions, that is what we got to stop. Never mind talk of ducks. Im looking at alex sammons poodle. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. On friday, together with local businesses and local Enterprise Partnership i will be launching a new campaign gateway to growth calling for link road to the ring roads that will help deliver millions of in investments new jobs to the bristol area and provide the area with the access to the motor way it needs. As part of longterm economic

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