Course of far too long. Shoulda, coulda been done last year. But here we are. Thank the senate. I guess i should be a little more kind to the other house. Several months of negotiation with meshes of the Senate Finally conclude members of the Senate Finally concluded and this bill is deserving of robust supporter from from members on both sides of the aisle and urge its quick passage by the house today. So it can be enrolled and sent to the president for his signature. Chairman hunter, i thank you for your leadership and cooperative spirit in working with me and the other democrats to address our interests and concerns. The willingness of chairman hunter and his outstanding staff on the subcommittee to collaborate and work with the minority is very, very much appreciated. The bills not perfect. In, i havent seen one in the years ive been here, thats been a few years now. But thats the case with virtually every piece of Bipartisan Legislation thats been passed by congress. On balance. The benefits of this bill really outweigh any detrimental aspects. Im pleased this legislation will provide an increased authorized funding level for the coast guard for the next two fiscal years. Our coast guard is separate has suffered over the past three to four fiscal years due to insufficient budgets. The authorized funding levels in this legislation, along with the increased appropriation in the fiscal year 2016 omnibus bill, are a marked improvement. The importance of budget stability to the men and women of the coast guard cannot be overstated. Coast guard men and women are pressed daily to meet the arduous demands of the service, 11 statutory missions, which scatters them over the seven different continents and every ocean. In fact, last week i saw three of our cutters at the dock in bahrain. Working to preserve our interests in the gulf. In the persian gulf. The last thing our coast guard needs is to face re recurrent budget uncertainties, a circumstance that leaves the Services Leadership unable to know exactly what resources and capabilities they have to perform the National Security functions. Such as addressing port and harbor security, illegal drug and migrant interdiction, search and rescue, Law Enforcement, Environmental Response actions, and several other important activities. This legislation will also strengthen our National Security through provisions that enhance policies that govern foreign port assignments. Others that bolster the coordination of the International Port inspections conducted by the coast guard and our foreign partners would help better ensure that critical Maritime Infrastructure does not become a liability for National Security. Additional language included in the bill will strengthen the coast guard maritime Drug Enforcement authority, which should improve the federal governments activities in the western hemisphere to combat illegal drug trafficking, which has had a substantial destabilizing effect on several nations across the region. Im also very pleased this legislation continues to move the ball down the field in an effort to strengthen and recapitalize a new fleet of polar class icebreakers for the coast guard. Its clear that witnessing the opening of the arctic to maritime commerce, we have to do something. And this bill puts us on the road to do that. In the most challenging maritime environment, its vital that the service has the needs. Ers it well find out if the polar sea can be refitted. Additionally, this legislation authorizes funding to allow the coast guard to maintain progress in finalizing requirements and initiating preliminary designs for a new heavy icebreaker. And, moving to an end here, im pleased that the legislation includes language to continue to preserve the remaining infrastructure at the former sea stations. Until the time that the administration makes a final decision on whether to build an enhanced enhanced infrastructure as a reliable landbased, lowfrequency, backup navigation and timing signal for the Global Positioning satellite signal, which i think most of us know is the single point of failure for most of the American Economy and a good deal of our military. The g. P. S. Signal is fairly easy to corrupt, degrade or otherwise disrupt and therefore this for this reason, we need to think seriously about a backup and this bill sets us on the right course. This Administration Needs to make a decision on this and they should make it now. The language in this legislation ensures that we will have available in the future the remaining sea infrastructure. I look forward to working with chairman shuster and Ranking Member defazio on advanced and, of course chairman hunter, in advancing this initiative wherever and whenever possible. Again, chairman hunter, i want to thank him and his staff for their support for the coast guard and the u. S. Maritime industry and for their cooperation and leadership in pulling this bill together. And of course, congressman shuster, the chairman of the transportation and infrastructure committee, and Ranking Member defazio, also deserve thanks for their leadership and contributions. And i want to thank my staff and the staff of the majority for the work that theyve done. So, with that, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Garamendi, reserves. The gentleman from california, mr. Hunter. Mr. Hunter i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from california, mr. Garamendi. Mr. Garamendi i yield two minutes to my good friend from california, mr. Huffman. Mr. Huffman i thank the rank member and the chairman for the good work Ranking Member and the chairman for the good work thats gone into this bill. As someone who represents 1 3 of the california coast, obviously this legislation is important to me. But i want to especially thank you for one part of this legislation that has special significance to the people of marine county, who im honored to represent. Finaling Affordable Housing in the county is very difficult and its only gotten harder since the Great Recession and since the rebound in the real estate market. Thats had an impact on the families i represent, its had an impact on businesses and folks in agriculture who cant find the fulltime staff that they need because they cant afford to live in the community. Section 501 of this bill is going to help in a very significant way to address this housing crunch in west marine. It is going to take some coast guard property, thats excess property, and sell it at fair market value to the county of marine. This will be a winwin for the county of marine and also for the coast guard and i look forward to seeing the county begin working with local partners on repurposing this property for the Public Benefit of Affordable Housing. We still have a long way to go to make sure that working families in places like marine county and every place else have access to quality housing. But this bill is an important step for at least one community that i represent. So i want to thank the tireless group of advocates who have worked on this, especially west marine county supervisor steve kinsey, kim thompson and all of those at the Community Land trust association of west marine, and others. Finally, Ranking Member defazio and chairman shuster as well as the subcommittee members and staff. Thank you very much, mr. Garamendi. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Garamendi. Mr. Garamendi were prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Hunter. Mr. Hunter i reserve the balance of my time. Mr. Garamendi if i might just close by a special thank you to the chairman and his staff, my staff, david, and to my own team on this. And also this really was a bipartisan bill and so chairman thune and ranking democrat on the committee, bill nelson, for their efforts in putting together this bill. With that, lets get this job done. I yield back my remaining time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california, mr. Garamendi, yields back. The gentleman from california, mr. Hunter. Mr. Hunter thank you, mr. Speaker. In closing, the coast guard in the futures going to fulfill a much greater role than its filled since its inception. As you have weapons of mass destruction become ubiquitous throughout the world, the bad guys are going to use the same routes that they use to smuggle drugs and people to smuggle weapons of mass destruction into this country. Its my belief and mr. Garamendis firm belief that the coast guards going to play a major pivotal role going forward, after the iranian deal goes through, who knows whos going to have Nuclear Weapons . Its going to be the coast guard that interdicts and stops them on those same drug routes theyre going to be taking with those weapons of mass destruction. We need to make sure theyre staffed and capable and ready to do even if its different than what theyve con the last few hundred years. Id also like to thank my staff and mr. Garamendis staff and my personal staff for their time and effort and ill even squeak in a thank you for the senate for just finally getting it done. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and concur in the Senate Amendment to h. R. 4188. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the Senate Amendment is agreed to, and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise . Mr. Thompson mr. Speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. I deeply admire the service of police men and women serving across pennsylvanias fifth congressional district. But today i rise to note the service of lieutenant stu knaff who has been a member of the Police Department for the past five decades. The lieutenant was born and raised not too far from State College and joined the pentagon state Police Department as a dispatcher penn state democratic as a dispatcher. Hes filled many rolls roles. As a sign of his longevity with the department, consider that the Current Assistant chief went to high school with the lieutenants daughter. At a time when so many people switch jobs at the drop of a hat, stus dedication to the penn state Police Department and the university itself is highly commendable. The lieutenant isnt planning to retire soon. He says he still loves his job and embraces the opportunity to serve his community as a member of the penn state Police Department. And i wish stu the best of luck as his career continues. Thank you, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Poe i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one inute. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, while patrolling the blue South Pacific seas, two american stalian helicopters collided off the coast of hawaii. It was january 14, 2016. 12 u. S. Marines onboard perished. Despite rescue efforts by air and sea, the marines were never found. Their watery graves are only known to god. Major sean campbell, 41, and 23. Oral matthew, brown, major campbell over here with two of his children was a hard core marine. A graduate of texas a m and microbiology, he served three tours of duty in combat in the middle east. Recently, he was ordered to the states as an instructor pilot. Behind a ell left wife and four kids. Corporal matthew drown joined the marines right out of kline Oak High School in 2011. He was in the debate team. And a friend to everyone a friend everyone wantd to have. He was planning on reenlisting in the marine corps. These volunteers lived and died protecting america. They are the best that we have. Mr. Speaker, theres nothing like a marine. Ronald reagan said, some people spend their entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The marines dont have that problem. These men of texas, major campbell and corporal drown, are two of those marines. Now there are two more marines guarding heavens pearly gates. We pray for their families. Semper fi, marines, semper fi. And thats just the way it is. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise to tell the story of elvira lopez of texas. One of tens of thousands of women harmed by the permanent sterilization device esure. Her story began in 2011 when she sought a tuble lie gation. Mr. Fitzpatrick she was instead introduced to esure. After surgery, her health began to decline dramatically. Despite symptoms of confusion, low energy and constant pain, doctor after doctor told her that the device was not causing her health issues. Then in 2015 she had no choice but to undergo a hysterectomy as a last ditch attempt to get rid of the pain caused by this flawed device. I rise as a voice to say that the pain is real, their stories are real and their fight is real. Mr. Speaker, my bill, the efree act, can halt this tragedy by removing this dangerous device from the market. Too many women have been harmed. I urge my colleagues to join this fight because stories like elviras are too important to ignore. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Roslehtinen i rise today to once again ask the federal trade commission to uphold its responsibility to protect consumers from the harmful effects of the of deceptive imagery in advertisements. Along with my colleagues, lois capps and ted deutsche, im proud to introduce the truth in advertising act of 2016 to have ads. C. C. Study deceptive Research Shows a photo shopped body can lead to problems with ental health, leading to depression and other disorders. It may be contributing to the explosion of eating disorders in our country. With 30 million americans now suffering and nearly two dozen deaths occurring each day from eating disorders. Its time we all Work Together to stop these deceptive advertising practices and end their heavy cost on families and taxpayers. Hank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from New Hampshire seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman s recognized for one minute. Mr. Guinta last month in rochester, i visited hope on haven hill. They founded the charity to help pregnant New Hampshire mothers recover from heroin addiction. Neonatal abstinence syndrome, newborn babies addicted to drugs is growing at a fast rate as heroin abuse spreads across our country. There were 27,000 n. A. S. Cases in 2015, up from 5,000 just a decade earlier. Babies with n. A. S. Suffer from painful withdrawal. Treatment centers like hop on haven hill are working to prevent the worst kind. Another organization, hope for New Hampshire recovery, will also open soon. Melissa and dick are donating their time and energy to supply our state with more Treatment Options as federal, state and local governments develop better sloughs. In congress we created the Bipartisan Task force to combat the heroin epidemic to help develop these types of solutions and i praise these individuals for their selflessness. I thank you and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom michigan seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. I rise today to reflect on the career of an outstanding Public Servant in my district, mrs. Dunleavy, who retired at the end of of 2015 after serving Livingston County as their clerk for 19 years. Ms. Dunleavy has been responsible for overseeing elections in the county. She was first elected in 1996 and the voters of Livingston County chose her as their clerk in four additional elections. Her role as county clerk was not her first Public Service experience. She previously served as hartland township, michigans clerk and deputy clerk. She will be remembered as a hardworking, professional, ethical, clerk. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to work with her and wish her the best in her future retirement. Im honored to represent such a great servant in my district. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . I request unanimous consent to address the house and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Today i rise in support of the iran terror finance Transparency Act this important legislation prevents sanctions from being lifted from banks and individuals who are connected to terrorism or irans Weapons Development program. We do not need to be rewarding bad actors that are helping iran become a Nuclear State and continuing to be the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism. Mr. Allen recently, iran made headlines by conducting two Ballistic Missile tests, already violating the deal that the president forced on the American People earlier this year. Disappointingly, we heard nothing from the administration. This is the same iran who funnels money to hezbollah, to finance terrorist attacks and the same iran who awards medals for the capture of u. S. Soldiers. Despicable. Its abundantly clear that iran is not to be trusted and we must prevent rogue nations from becoming stronger. The Administration Needs to immediately reverse its course and hold those supporting terrorists efforts accountable. In the name of National Security, i urge my colleagues in the house to join me in voting in favor of this crucial and timely piece of legislation. Yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Richmond i want to take a minute to recognize a civil rights leader who recently assed away, julia erin humboldz. She was selected to be on the first freedom ride bus at the age of 18 which was fire bombed in aniston, alabama. She was not on that bus, she was n Orleans Parish prison, arrested for protesting outside a segregated wool worths department store. She is quoted as saying, i was the kind of kid who would move up the colored sign on the buses. I would use the white restroom or water fountain. If i got caught id say, flippantly, i just wanted to taste that white water. Julia passed away on january 26, in stone mountain, georgia, of cancer, she was 72 years old. Our country is a much better place because of the sacrifices julia made in her lifetime. Our sympathy and prayers are with her family today. I yield back, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I am humbled to represent thousands of teachers and firefighters and Law Enforcement officers across the Fourth District of texas who have dedicated their careers to Public Service. As the son of two School Teachers and as a former Law Enforcement official myself, i have a personal and deep felt appreciation for those who shape future generations by educating our children and protecting the communities where we live. But right now there are nearly 900,000 of these Public Servants who are being unjustly denied their hardearned Retirement Benefits through an arbitrary formula called the wind fall elimination provision, which can reduce their Social Security checks by up to 413 a month. Thats why i have cosponsored and why i strongly support h. R. 711, the equal treatment for Public Servant act, reduce and to eliminate the wind fall elimination provision and i urge my colleagues to take it up for a vote as soon as possible so that we can ensure that our Public Servants receive both the Social Security benefits and the pensions that they most certainly have earned. Mr. Ratcliffe i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from missouri seek recognition . Without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in admiration of a lead for the missouris Fourth District, mr. Darryl veach. Darryl has served tirelessly to provide reliable light and energy to missouri members of the Osage Valley Electric cooperative of which im a lifelong member. After 43 years, mr. Veach has resigned his position as general manager of osage valley in butler, missouri. His passion for excellence was seen throughout all of his work, from the beginning at Grundy Electric cooperative where he served as a clerk to his tenure as novet Missouri Electric cooperative, Human Resources association the Accountants Association and a member of the Public Relations committee. Mrs. Hartzler this year he was honored with the esteemed a. C. Burroughs award, given think Missouri Electric cooperatives for his leadership above and beyond the call of duty to strengthen and improve the Economic Conditions of his community. Part of going vont for darryl was being act of going above and beyond for darryl was being leader on the school board, the area chamber of commerce and his rotary club. Thank you for giving your life to the service of the citizens of missouris Fourth Districtism congratulate you on a Job Well Done and look forward to hearing of the continued impact youll have in and for our community. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back. The chair lays before the house the following personal requests. The clerk leave of absence requested for ms. Jackson lee of texas for today and mr. Heights of georgia for today and for tuesday, february 2. The speaker pro tempore without objection the requests are granted. Under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 2015, the gentlewoman from ohio, ms. Beatty is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mrs. Beatty thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members be given five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and add any extraneous materials relevant to the subject matter of this discussion. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Beatty mr. Speaker, it is an honor and a privilege for me to rise this evening as cochair along with my distinguished colleague who represents the eighth district of new york, congressman hakim jeffries, for this Congressional Black Caucus special order hour. An hour of power. Addressing the state of our. Nion, dr. Kings dream congressman jeffries is a scholar, a distinguished member of the judiciary committee, he continues to be a tireless advocate for social and economic justice. Working hard to reform our criminal Justice System, improve the economy for hardworking americans, and to make college more affordable for all. But most importantly, he is someone that i am proud to follow and he is my colleague. Today we come to educate and to discuss some of the many contributions and accomplishments in American History that africanamericans etched into the cornerstone of this america, mr. Speaker, that they helped change. The Congressional Black Caucus is and continues to be a part of that change. As we reflect on dr. Martin luther king jr. , whose holiday we recently observed, thanks to our Congressional Black Caucus colleague, congressman john conyers, the dean, who worked tirelessly to have the day recognized as a federal holiday, we pause to reflect not only to remember but to acknowledge our unfinished work. Congressional black caucus members and other colleagues with constituents across the country participated in holiday services, programs, marches, and many other events last week. This was not a day off, mr. Speaker. But a day on. In the spirit of dr. Kings legacy. Mr. Speaker, i had the opportunity to join some 4,000 constituents in my district for the nations largest Martin Luther king breakfast celebration. As i sat there i was reminded of his words that we live by and are guided by, faith is taking the first step, even when you dont see the whole staircase. Later, i had the opportunity to join hundreds of folks to march in freezing weather, singing we shall overcome. Today, we also mark the beginning of the observation of black history month, to celebrate giants in civil rights, in the civil rights movement, as well as labor and education, transportation, the arts, and the service movement. As we reflect on dr. Kings dream, just a few weeks ago, president barack obama from this house floor, mr. Speaker, delivered his final state of the union address. In his address, the president delivered a speech filled with the hope and optimism, reminding us that we the people emphasizing all people, want opportunity and security for our families. It was a message of a better future. Fairness and democracy for all americans because we rise or fall together, mr. Speaker. President obama continues to remind us that ours is a nation bounded by a bound by a common creed and that our American Values of equality, fairness, and justice should be available to all, not just a fortunate few. Far too long people in communities of color continue to be left behind when we discuss equality, fairness and justice. In the 48 years since his death, while we have made some strides in confronting injustices, and ending unequality treatment, there is still work to be done. Our nation is still plagued by the vestiges of segregation and unequal laws and policies evident today in flint, michigan, and its lack of clean drinking water. In it being harder, not easier, to exercise the constitutional right to vote through voter disenfranchisement. Black men being killed in ferguson, baltimore, chicago, and my state of ohio. Inequities in health care, poverty and in our failing schools. But, mr. Speaker, the time is now for us to Work Together to protect the most atrisk among us. To defend the foundation of our democracy, and to expand opportunity for all people. However, Republican Leadership fails to act and refuses to bring up Voting Rights advancement act, a bipartisan piece of legislation for an up or down vote, so tonight, mr. Speaker, we will hear from our Congressional Black Caucus colleagues on the state of our union and where we go from here. And i welcome the dialogue and the debate. Mr. Speaker, it is now my honor and privilege to yield to congresswoman barbara lee from the 13th district of california. We know her as a fearless advocate, fighting to eliminate poverty. We know her as someone who has a history of representing not only the people of her district, but the people of america. I have had the opportunity to witness this firsthand as i serve on her committee when she fights to end the war on poverty. It is my honor to ask congresswoman barbara lee to bring her message to us tonight. Ms. Lee thank you very much. Let me first thank you, congresswoman beatty, for those very kind and humbling remarks. But also for your tremendous leadership on so many issues. Not only since youve been here in congress, but before you have come, representing your constituents. And really looking out for, speaking out for, and working for the most vulnerable in our society. So thank you. Im really proud of what youre doing with the Congressional Black Caucus. Also, congressman jeffries, for telephone tennesseing to organize these for continuing to organize these important sessions really to beat the drum. And to allow our country to understand what the issues are that the Congressional Black Caucus continues to work on. Because if in fact we address those issues, as you know, that are dealing erable with each and every day, well strengthen america. And so our country will be stronger. So thank you both for making sure that were doing that. We celebrate tonight the start of black history month. But id like to reflect quickly again what were doing tonight on dr. Martin luther king jr. s dream of true democracy. In his famous speech, i have a dream, let me just quote here what he asked the American People to do. He said, to make real the promises of democracy, now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all gods children, and its the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of Racial Injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood, of course, and sisterhood. As i think about his powerful words going into black history month, and his challenge for america to live up to her highest ideal, we must reflect on how far weve come and where we need to go. Now, of course, the right to vote is the bedrock of our democracy. Which dr. King reminded us of, when he said, give us the ballot and we will fill our legislative halls with men and women of goodwill. In his honor we must pass the Voting Rights advancement act, h. R. 2867, introduced by a great woman, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, congresswoman terry sewell. In 1967, dr. King explained the underlying nature of the challenges facing our country in his, but where do we go from here, chaos or community semitalked about these triple evils. He wrote about, poverty he talked about poverty, racism and war. He said, theyre the forms of violence that exist in a vicious cycle in our country. He says, they are in interreled sther interrelated, all inclusive and stand as barriers to us living in the beloved community. When we work tromedy one evil, we affect all evil. So we must come together as never before to address these issues that infect our communities in order for our nation to move beyond the quick sands of racial and economic injustice. Of course the first of these evils is poverty. A harsh reality lived every day by more than 46 million americans. Our joint Economic Committee report championed by congresswoman maloney and the Congressional Black Caucus demonstrated and showed that africanamericans are disproportionately affected by the scourge of poverty. The poverty rates in our community is 27 . One in three africanamerican kids live in poverty. One in five kids in the entire country live in poverty. Poverty rates throughout our country are much too high for everyone. And we know how to eliminate poverty. Our system leader, member of the Congressional Black Caucus, great human being, who has worked so hard to eliminate poverty for so many years, has come up with a formula that would target resources to those rural and urban communities with the highest rates of persistent poverty. We have our half in 10 act, which establishes a National Strategy to cut poverty in half over the next decade. Thats more than 22 million americans lifted into the middle class and just 10 years by coordinating local and state and federal antipoverty programs. Also, our pathways out of poverty act. This is a comprehensive antipoverty bill that starts by creating good maying jobs while redoubling our investments in proven programs that enpoem that empower families to build pathways out of poverty into the middle class. Of course, dr. King mentioned the second evil, which is racism. While racial barriers and biases are endemic throughout society, theyre very and most apparent in our broken criminal Justice System. Its high time that we work to fix our criminal Justice System that far too often fails africanamericans. Yes, black lives matter. So today in america, an africanamerican is killed by a security officer, Police Officer or selfproclaimed vigilanty every 28 hours. Thats nearly once a day. One in three black men can plant a can plan to spend at least some part of his life behind bars and men of color make up 07 of the u. S. Prison population. Let me say that again. 70 of the u. S. Prison population are men of color. Thats simply outrageous. Weve ended legal segregation, our first africanamerican president is serving his second term in the white house. Our attorney general, loretta lynch, serves as our first africanamerican woman attorney general. But so much more must be done to achieve the dream of liberty and justice for all. Dr. King told us over and over again that we live into america, this was in 1967, in one of his speeches, the Commission Report still describes American Society today. Weve got to really look at our history and acknowledge and honor the legacy of thotion who really brought us this far. But when you look at the statistics and what is taking place now in communities of color and the africanamerican community, just shows us what we have to do. We have a long way to go. Dr. King finally spoke of war. He talked about the fact that our nation continues to be involved in endless wars and communities are suffering the cost. The pentagon consumes 60 of Discretionary Spending compared to 11 that we spend on education, job creation and resources to help our young people live the life that they so deserve in terms of being educated and providing work force training, housing, health care, all the opportunities that are the american opportunities to allow us to live the American Dream. Congresswoman beatty and jeffries, i just wanted to thank you for allowing us the time to talk tonight. We have Real Solutions. You have Real Solutions. Every member of the Congressional Black Caucus has Real Solutions to end poverty, to end racism, and to end war. And so during black history month, we need to recommit ourselves to all of the solutions, members of the Congressional Black Caucus and members of this body as a whole have if the political will is there. Were going to pick up that mantle and really address these triple evils once and for all. Thank you again. Mrs. Beatty beat thank you so much, congresswoman lee. For reminding us of the work we have to do to strengthen our america. And for giving us those facts that clearly point out the barriers that we have and also the disparities. When you look at 70 of our men being incarcerated, yet we dont make up 70 of the population. And thank us for reminding us of all the work and in the words of Martin Luther king. Because urso right. And to sum it up, in his words, an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. Thank you and we will continue that work. Mr. Speaker, it is now my honor and privilege to yield time to congresswoman karen bass from the 37th district of californiament and it is a great honor for california. And it is a great honor for me because shes certainly not only a leader but an advocate domestically and globally for young girls. As a matter of fact, twhi of her work across this nation in foster care, i call her the Sojourner Truth of foster care. When i think of her leadership, it is important for me to remind folks that she was the first africanamerican female to be speaker of the house of the great state of california. So today, it is indeed my honor to yield you your time. Ms. Bass thank you, thank you, congresswoman beaty. I want to congratulate you for your leadership that youve displayed since day one of coming to the house of representatives. And knowing of your leadership in your state of ohio, serving as the leader of the legislature in ohio. And want to acknowledge my colleague, mr. Jeffries, have always appreciated your leadership in the committees, as well as your leadership within the house. And glad that youre very much a part of our caucus. I know our theme today is the state of our union. Have we achieved dr. Kings dream . I have to say that the state of our union is a mixed bag. Have we achieved dr. Kings dream as a nation dream . As a nation, we veanlt. But if we look at the success of individuals, many individuals have achieved remarkable levels of success. While the success of individuals should rightfully be celebrated, until the richest nation on the planet in the history of the world has figured out how to address poverty, income inequality and provide opportunity for everyone to succeed in our nation, dr. Kings dream is a dream deferred. Dr. King would have been so proud to have been at the inauguration of the first africanamerican president. But he would have been horrified to see a man achieve that level of success, becoming the most powerful man in the world, and still be subjected to doubters who ask to see his birth certificate, questioning if he was actually an american. Obviously code for, he might be the president , but hes still not one of us. Asking to see his college transcripts. Questioning if his academic success was legitimate. Dr. King would be horrified to learn the number of hate groups, white is you premmist organizations exploded after the election of the first africanamerican president of the United States. He would have been shocked to hear that leaders in our country actually publicly stated that they would do everything they could, including hurting the national economy, to ensure that the nations first africanamerican president did not serve a second term. Dr. King would have been overjoyed when this president was reelected to a second term is so no one could say the first time was an aberration. Dr. King would have been so proud of the millions of people who with stood attempts to block their right to vote and to know that thousands were willing to stand for hours to make sure they voted and reelected president obama. Dr. King would have celebrated the creation of a program to provide Health Coverage for the majority of people in the nation. He would have celebrated the fact that this was accomplished in the first term of president obamas administration. Dr. King would have celebrated the fact, when the law was signed by president obama, for the first time Insurance Companies could no longer refuse to provide coverage for people if they had an illness, a preexisting condition, just think for a minute. Prior to the mr. Ford , Insurance Companies the Affordable Care act, Insurance Companies excluded you. Babies were born prematurity lturel, excluded from coverage, because their premature birth were considered a preexisting condition. And frankly, almost everyone after a certain age has one preexisting condition or another. Hypertension, high cholesterol, etc. Prior to passage of health care reform, aging essentially wases a reason to exclude individuals from coverage. While dr. King would have celebrated this victory he, would have been shocked to no congress has voted over 60 times to take this away. If the Affordable Care act were repealed, the parents of the premature baby and the 60yearold with high Blood Pressure would not have insurance. He would wonder how did his country end up incarcerating more people than any other nation on earth, and how sit that most who are incarcerated are poor and people of color. He would wonder what happened to the concept of redemption in our society . How did we become a society that punished people forever . What happened to the idea that if you paid your debt to society you were expected to enter into society with our full rights . How did we become a nation that said you are punished for your entire life. Are though 80 of people releaseed, we can take away your right to vote and take away your right to live in public housing. If your family lives in public house, you cant go home. Of course when you were released, youre then behind in Child Support and because youre behind, because you could not work while you were incarcerated we will not give you a drivers license and if you are from los angeles and cannot drive you can forget about having a decent paying job because those jobs dont exist in your neighborhood. And furthermore if you dont find a job, we just might violate your parole and put you back in prison because a condition of your parole is that you have a job, but then, since youre a felon we will not allow you to work anyway. In california until we changed the law, there were 56 occupations you could not participate in if you were a felon. One of those we trained you for when you were in prison. We have a school that trains prisoners to be barbers. But when you were released, we didnt allow exoffenders to have a license in the very occupation we trained you for, until we changed the law. I think dr. Doing bub dr. King would be confused by the contradictions hed see in the United States today. Successful people, africanAmerican People in all areas in society, there are successful individuals. Theres 48 africanamerican members of congress. The year before his death, there were only five africanamericans in congress. But dr. King would wonder, whats holding our nation back from making sure every american has access to the American Dream . With all technological advances, advances in science, education, how can it be that people are hungry in america, that too many people too many children continue to go to poor, segregated children. That there are homeless encampments that exist in most major cities. Though his dream for our nation is only partly realized, i believe its our responsibility to continue the work, to continue the struggle until theres no such thing as homelessness in the richest nation on the planet, until all children have access to a 21st century education, until poverty is eliminated and the safety net is Strong Enough that no one in our nation slips through the cracks. I also would like to mention that congresswoman Eddie Bernice johnson has a statement that she is entering for the record in regard to the topic tonight. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentlelady from ohio. Mrs. Beatty thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you again to congresswoman karen bass for reminding us of all the great riches that we ave in this society. It reminds us that our work is not finished but there is hope because we have learned that having a president who stands on the shoulders of another great man, Martin Luther king. Mr. Speaker, it is indeed my honor and privilege now to yield to congressman cedric richmond, who hails from the Second District of louisiana. He is someone who is fearless and not afraid to speak up, but he doesnt speak in vain. He speaks with a platform. Whether that platform is to discuss reforming our broken prison system, whether its to talk about hbcus or whether it is to be a role model. And he knows a lot about that because, you see, he is a natural leader. When he took office in the state legislature, he was one of the youngest legislators to ever serve. So it is indeed my honor to call him colleague and friend, congressman cedric richmond. Mr. Richmond i want to thank the gentlelady and scholar from ohio for recognizing me and putting on this series tonight. Mr. Speaker, just a few weeks ago on january 12, right here in this chamber, president obama proudly declared to the citizens of the United States that the state of our union is strong. With that, i agree. However, tonight, just as i did in new orleans on this holiday, i must stand here and give the state of the dream address. So today i stand in this chamber and report to the world that the state of the dream is in disrepair. Its in disrepair because of neglect by some and intentional harm by others. Let me first just state what i believe his dream to be. And this is in his own words. In accepting the noble peace prize, dr. The know belle peace prize, dr. King the nobel peace prize, dr. King said, i have the audacity to believe people can have three meals a day for their bodies, education for their minds and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits. Why do i say that dream is in disrepair . Inadequate fund, misguided policies, stand as a bar to many kids of color from getting a quality education, just like bull connor stood in the school house doors in the civil rights movement. Why do i say the dream is in disrepair . Because too many africanamerican children have better access to guns and drugs than textbooks and computers. Far too many of them choose guns and drugs. Why do i say the dream is in disrepair . Because the Supreme Court rolled back the protections for minority Voting Rights. Why do i say the dream is in disrepair . Because the Supreme Court in a Supreme Court hearing on minority admission policies to colleges and universities, one of our Supreme Court justices demonstrated his bias, his ignorance and his lack of understanding by trying to justify why blacks should go to lesser colleges and universities. Why is the dream in disrepair . Because the black Supreme Court justice sat there and said nothing. If i was in college and playing id say you cant count on him to hold up when the game starts. Why do i also say the dream is in disrepair . Because big wall street executives can steal millions and never get charged and never get held accountable, while young black kids who shoplift get prosecuted. And fill up our jails and our prisons and create what we call the prison industrial enterprise. Some ask, why do the poor and uneducated continue to steal and cheat . Well the answer is simple. Because the rich and educated keep showing them how. So as we stand here this month to celebrate black history month, we will not only describe some of the problems, but well go into some of the solutions that have been tested over time. Let me just say that dr. King and the generation before us did a great job of making this dream a reality through sacrifice, hard work, and commitment. But somewhere in my generation we fell off from that sacrifice, determination, far too many of us are let regularality shows and music videos give our children their misguided sense of morals. Too many of our africanamerican and white middle class families who have achieved the dream are excited that theyre there, but theyre telling the rest of the world to got it the betts you can. The dream can be realized when everyone realizes that youre not going to help minority communities in spite of minority communities, but were going to bring them to the table and let them be a coparticipant in drafting their accomplishments system of where do we go from here . We continue to invest in things that we know have proven leaders and proven ways out of poverty and ways to get ahead, like education. We have to invest in the pell grants in our historically black colleges and universities because we know that education is the best way out of poverty. We have to invest in summer jobs so that kids in urban areas and impoverished communities can get exposure to a different way of life so they can help themselves and we know that a summer job reduces the dropout rate by 50 . What else can we do . We can invest in job training, we can invest in disadvantaged business well, can do a number of things. The good part about it is we have a Congressional Black Caucus that can stand here and introduce legislation if the other side would meet us halfway. So the state of our union will continue to be strong, the state of the dream will become a reality, when people join hands together to make sure that the least of us have every opportunity in the world, and i will tell you that the dream was strong. The dream is the same dream that allowed my mother who is from the poorest place in the country, one of 15 children, achieve her College Degree and raise two sons who went off to moor house so the dream is real when i to morehouse, so the dream is real when i can go to morehouse, to tulane law school. So i stand here and ask that we do what booker t. Washington said, we may be as separate as our fingers but were as whole as our hands. This body has the obligation to come together as the hands and make sure we give every kid from every place in this country the opportunity to succeed. With that, i yield back. Mrs. Beatty thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you to congressman cedric for reminding us that you bring hope and your experience shows that there is opportunity because certainly we know that there are fewer black students graduating from high school and 16 of black dropouts compared to of our white counterparts. Mr. Speaker, can you tell me how much time i have left . The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady has 30 minutes. Mrs. Beatty thank you. Mr. Speaker, it is now my honor d privilege to yield to my colleague from the 10th district of new jersey, he is someone who is a great example of a committed Public Servant. He is someone who puts others before himself. He is someone when you want to call on someone that will sit and quietly listen to you, and then a few minutes later will give you probably one of the most profound answers that one could look for, im proud to not only call him my colleague, but im also proud to call him my classmate. It is my honor to ask congressman donald payne to bring his reflections. Mr. Payne mr. Speaker, let me begin by let me begin by thanking my classmate, congressman joist beatty, and congressman hakem jeffries, for anchoring these important special order hours for the Congressional Black Caucus. Congresswoman beatty, since her arrival here in congress has demonstrated why she was a leader in ohio and has become a great leader in he house of representatives. She envisioned for this nation a future of vast potential, a future future where every man, woman, and child would have the opportunity to get ahead. Free from constraints of injustice and intolerance. What we see happening across our country shows how far we still have to go to achieve dr. Kings from gun violence and lack of diversity to persistent poverty, there are issues affecting our communities that must be addressed. In 2015, there were at least 76 gun deaths in my district in new jersey, the 10th congressional district. Onethird of all the gun deaths in new jersey last year happened in my district. If we dont do something to tackle this epidemic, then we are failing our children and failing the next generation to give them the hope and the possibilities of being a positive

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