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Use a hand, and lets summon the spirit of togetherness that has always helped to kindle america as a shining example to the world. And lets honor those americans who protect that idea. Especially those stationed far from home for the holidays. Our men and women in uniform and their families sacrifice so much for us. It is because of them that we go freely, we can worship as we please, that we can come together on a night like this, strong and united and free. So on behalf of our family, happy holidays to all of you and god bless you all and may god bless the United States of america. Thank you very much. [applause] on the next washington groupl, the nature of the level of playing field, on opening up the debates to thirdparty candidates, and phone calls, tweets, and facebook comments. That is live on washington journal, on cspan. With congress on holiday recess, we feature a full lineup of primetime programming. Night, lara logan, sebastian younger, and other journalists who have risked their lives covering events in the middle east. Wednesday night, cspan archives with multiple public figures who died in 2015. A look back on the year congress, and on new years day Law Enforcement officials, activists and journalists examine the prison system and its impact on minorities. Fromnday night, memoirs activist, and a former White House Press secretary. When staff, author stuck about their books on science and technology. Thursday, discussions on isis and terrorism. On new years day, several of our in depth programs from this year. On American History tv, i cspan3, monday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, the 70s anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz. A ceremony on the 150th 13thersary of the amendment. Then a discussion on who would representative today, Calvin Coolidge or ronald reagan. Presentation of the special achievement award. For those are presented in primetime on the cspan network. On the roadkes you to the white house and into the classroom. This year our student cam documentary contest tells us what issues they want to hear from the candidates. Road to the white house coverage and get all of the details about our contest at cspan. Org. This year president obama presented the countrys highest civilian honor, the president ial medal of free to 17 individuals. This is 50 minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, the of the president ial medal of freedom. The honorable lee hamilton. Willie howard mays, junior the honorable barbra mikulski. Itzhak perlman. The honorable William Ruckelshaus. Stephen sondheim. Steven spielberg. Barbra streisand. James taylor. Lori yasui, accepting for minoru yasui. [applause] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States and mrs. Michelle obama. [applause] president obama hello, everybody. Please, thank you. Everybody please have a seat. Welcome to the white house, everybody. A bunch of people were saying i was pretty busy today, which is true. But this, this is a fun kind of busy, right here. Today, we celebrate some extraordinary people. Innovators, artists, and leaders who contribute to americas strength as a nation. We offer them our highest civilian honor, the president ial medal of freedom. [applause] let me tell you just a little bit about them, although i suspect people here already know their stories. Growing up in west virginia, Katherine Johnson counted everything. She counted steps, dishes, the distance to the church. By 10 years old, she was in high school. By 18 she graduated from college with degrees in math and french. As an africanamerican woman, job options were limited. But she was eventually hired as one of several female mathematicians for the agency that would become nasa. Katherine calculated the flight path for americas First Mission in space, the path that put Neil Armstrong on the moon. She was even asked to double check the Computers Math on john glenns orbit around the earth. [laughter] so if you think your job is pressurepacked, hers meant forgetting to carry the one might send somebody floating off into the solar system. [laughter] in her 33 years at nasa, she was a pioneer who broke the barriers of race and gender, showing generations of young people that everyone can excel in math and science and reach for the stars. In the early 1960s, a lawyer named William Ruckelshaus drove through indiana in a truck, taking samples from streams choked with dead fish. He called it a very good time. I think we have different definitions of a good time, but it was all part of protecting americans from big polluters. In 1970, when Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection agency, he made bill , a fellow republican, its first director. Under his leadership, the epa developed a new cleanair standards, banned the harmful pesticide ddt, and bill set a powerful precedent, that protecting our environment is something we must come together and do as a country. He became known as mr. Clean, and lived up to that nickname when he resigned from the Nixon Administration rather than derail the watergate investigation. He never truly retired. In recent years he has led the fight to protect puget sound, and has urged his fellow republicans to join him in fighting climate changes. He spent his life putting country before party or politics, and he reminds us how noble Public Service can be. Our air and water is cleaner, and our lives are brighter because of him. Back in 1966, plans were laid for a highway straight through some of baltimores most diverse neighborhoods. The new road it seemed like a go, and it was going to happen until it ran into a young social worker. Lets just say, you dont want to be on the wrong side of barbra mikulski. [laughter] she stopped that highway and jumpstarted one of the finest Public Service careers we have ever seen. For decades, barbra has been a lion, a lioness on capitol hill, fighting for working families, fighting for highpaying jobs, fighting for the prospects of americas women and girls. I could not be prouder to have her by my side as i signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act, the first law that i signed. Barbras legacy [applause] barbras legacy reflects her roots, a mom who offered Grocery Store credit to steelworkers on strike, a dad who greeted every customer with a friendly can i help you . You are all lucky that a that that is a question barbra has been asking and answering longer than any female lawmaker in our history. [applause] there are people in our countrys history who dont look left or right, just straight ahead. Shirley chisholm was one of those people. Driven by a profound commitment to justice, she became the first africanamerican congresswoman, the first africanamerican woman from a Major Political party to run for president. When shirley was assigned the House Agricultural Committee despite the fact that her district was from new york city, she said, apparently all they know here in washington about brooklyn is that a tree grew there. [laughter] but she made the most of her new role, helping to create the Supplemental Nutrition Program that feeds poor mothers and their children. Shirley chisholms example transcends her life. When asked how she would like to be remembered, she answered, i would like them to say that Shirley Chisholm had guts. Im proud to say it. Shirley chisholm had guts. At its best, lee hamilton said, Representative Democracy gives us a system where all of us have a voice in the process and a stake in the product. In his 34 years in congress, lee hamilton was a faithful servant to that ideal, representing his district, has beloved indiana and his country with integrity and honor. As head of the House Foreign Affairs and intelligence committee, he guided us through the cold war and into a new era of american leadership. A man widely admired on both sides of the aisle for his honesty, wisdom, and consistent commitment to bipartisanship. From serving as vice chair of the 9 11 commission to making congress more effective, lee remains a tireless Public Servant and a trusted advisor and friend to many. I am proud to count myself among them. We also celebrate those who have stirred our souls and lifted our spirits as icons of the stage, screen, and song. Born in brooklyn to middleclass jewish parents i did not know you were jewish, barbra. [laughter] Barbra Streisand attended her first broadway show at age 14. She remembered thinking, i could go up on that stage and play any role without any trouble at all. That is called chutzpah. It helps when you have amazing talent, all of which made her a global sensation, one whose voice has been described as liquid diamonds and whose fans have considered bronzing her used coffee cups. [laughter] she has sold more albums in america than any woman in history. She has collected just about every honor and award that there is. I could not believe she had not gotten this one. [laughter] off the stage, she has been a passionate advocate for issues like Heart Disease and womens equality. In an interview, violinist Itzhak Perlman was once asked what sound he loves. His eyes lit up, and he replied, the sound of onions sizzling in a pan. A man of large appetites, who knows how to live. He also happens to be a pretty good musician, and he persevered through childhood polio to become not only a virtuoso, but a powerful advocate for people with disabilities. He has played with every major orchestra in the world, conducted many of them, taught generations of young musicians. He has won grammies, emmys, performed with the greats, leonard bernstein, yoyo ma, sesame street. [laughter] what perhaps makes him the most beloved violinist of our time is that he approaches music the way he approaches everything in life, with passion and with joy. He lays bare the soul of a piece, and by doing so he makes the world a little more beautiful. Im proud to call the next honoree a friend as well. The truth is, a lot of people say that about james taylor. Thats what happens when you spend four decades telling people, just call out my name, and ill come running. [laughter] but thats the thing about james. You always feel like hes singing only to you. As a fan of his once said, james can turn an arena into a living room. Thats why he became one of the driving forces of the singersongwriter movement, and his honesty and candor about overcoming Substance Abuse has inspired not only his music, but people all around the world. So come fire or rain, come carolina, mexico, or a country road, james taylor is there to comfort us, to help us look within, and to urge us all to shower the people we love with love. On a miami night in 1975, a young woman named gloria walked into a wedding reception and saw a handsome young man named emilio leading his band. He was playing do the hustle, on an accordion. [laughter] im quoting her now. She said she found this sexy and brave. I mean, the brave part i understand. [laughter] but it turns out he had a few other things up his sleeve. He brought her up to sing a few songs that night, then invited her to join his band. A few months later, emilio asked gloria for a birthday kiss. It was not his birthday, but he got the kiss anyway, and emilio and Gloria Estefan have been partners on and off stage ever since. Sometimes people worried they were too latin for americans, and too american for latins. Together, their fusion sound has sold more than 100 million records, and as prompt you been as proud cubanamericans they have promoted their Cultural Heritage and inspired fans around the world. An awful lot of people have gone to musicals to forget their troubles, just like they were dancing to estefans music. Stephen sondheim, i think, is somebody who is not interested in that. As a composer and lyricist, a genre unto himself, sondheim challenges his audiences. His greatest hits are not tunes you can hum, they are reflections on roads we didnt take, wishes gone wrong, relationships so frayed and fractured that theres nothing left to do but send in the clowns. Yet stephens music is so beautiful, his lyrics so precise, that even as he exposes the imperfections of everyday life, he transcends them. We transcend them. Simply, stephen reinvented the american musical, which has loomed large over six decades in the theater. With revivals from broadway to the big screen, he is still here, giving us support for being alive. Heres how Steven Spielberg once explained his creative process. Once a month, the sky falls on my head. I come to, and i see another movie i want to make. [laughter] this sounds painful for steven, but it has worked out well for the rest of us. In his career, steven has introduced us to extraterrestrials, rogue archaeologists, killer sharks. He has taken us to neverland, Jurassic Park, but also the beaches of normandy and nazi concentration camps. Despite redefining the word prolific, a spielberg movie is still a spielberg movie. Someone is calling to see if they can book him for a deal right now. [laughter] they want to make a pitch. See, theres this really goodlooking president [laughter] [applause] a spielberg movie is marked by boundless imagination, worlds rendered in extraordinary detail, and characters who struggle to seize control of their destinies. All of that reminds us so powerfully of our own lives, and stephens films are marked most importantly by a faith in our common humanity, the same faith in humanity that led him to create the Shoah Foundation and lend a voice to survivors of genocide around the world. His stories have shaped americas story, and his values have shaped our world. So, we celebrate artists, Public Servants, and two legends from americas pastime. What can be said about lawrence yogi berra that he could not say better himself . [laughter] the son of an italian bricklayer, they called him yogi because he sat like one while waiting to bat. He was born to play baseball, but he loved his country, and at 18 he left st. Louis for the navy and found himself on omaha beach. After he returned, he embarked on a career that would make him one of the greatest catchers of all time. With the yankees, he played in 14 world series in 18 years, winning 10 world series rings and three m. V. P. Awards. He had, as one biographer put it, the winningest career in the history of american sports. Nobody won more than this guy. And he coached the game with as much heart as he played it. He lived his life with pride and humility, and an original open mind. One thing you know for sure, if you cant imitate him, dont copy him. [laughter] took everybody a while. [laughter] we dont have time to list all of willie mays statistics. 660 home runs,. 302 lifetime batting average. The list goes on and on. I wont describe that miracle grab at the hologram owns polo grounds either because willie says that was not even his best catch. I will say this, we have never seen an allaround player quite like willie before and we have not seen one since. He could throw and he could field, hit for contact and for power. He was so fast he could barely keep the hat on his head. On top of that, willie also served our country. His quiet example helped Carry Forward the banner of civil rights. A few years ago, willie rode with me on air force one. I told him than what i will tell you now, it is because of giants like willie that someone like me could even think about running for president. [applause] and finally, we celebrate those who have challenged us to live up to our values. Billy frank jr. Liked to say, i was not a policy guy. I was a gettingarrested guy. That is true. Billy was arrested more than 50 times in his fight to protect tribal fishing rights and save the same and that has fed the fed his family for generations. He was spat on, shot at, chased, clubbed and cast as an outlaw but he kept fighting because he knew he was right. In 1973, a judge agreed. They kept the promise to the tribes made more than 70 years before. Billy went on to become a National Voice and a warrior for the natural world. I dont believe in magic, billy said, i believe in the sun, the stars, the water, hawks flying, the rivers running, the wind talking. They tell us how healthy we are because we and they are the same. 23 years ago, Bonnie Carrolls was turned upside down. Husband, tom, a Brigadier General in the army, was killed in a plane crash along with seven other soldiers. Heartbroken, she began healing the only way she knew how, by helping others. She founded the Tragedy Assistance Program for survivors, creating a National Community to support the families of our Fallen Service members. Each year it holds workshops for military families across the country. Through their good grief camps, they bring together children to learn how to cope with loss, to honor the legacy of their heroes and to try to have some fun as well. As one gold star child said, because of them, i know someone is by my side. On a saturday night in march, 1942, minoru yasui left his law office to walk around portland, oregon. It was a seemingly ordinary act that the five the discriminatory curfew imposed on japaneseamericans during world war ii. He took his case to the Supreme Court and lost. A decision he fought for the rest of his life. Yet despite what japaneseamericans endured suspicion, hostility, forced removal, internment he never stopped believing in the promise of his country. He never stopped fighting for equality and justice for all. We believe in the greatness and the great ideals of this country, he once said. We think there is a future for all humanity in the United States of america. Today, his legacy has never been more important. It is a call to our national conscience, a reminder of our enduring obligation to be the land of free and the home of the brave. An america worthy of his sacrifice. So, ladies and gentlemen, these are the recipients of the 2015 president ial medal of freedom. Lets give them a big round of applause. [applause] and now have a seat. We are not done. They have got to get some hardware here. My military aides, lets read the citations. President ial medal of freedom citation. Larry berra, receiving on behalf of Lawrence Peter berra. One of our nations most beloved and quotable sports heroes, Lawrence Peter yogi berra was a worldclass baseball player and great spirit. He left home to join the navy, fought on dday and came home with a purple heart. As a threetime m. V. P. Major league catcher, he won 10 world series championships. As the manager of the new york yankees, he guided his team in the sport he loved with the wisdom that lives in our National Consciousness and taught us all that we can observe a lot just by watching. [laughter] it took them a while. [laughter] [applause] Bonnie Carroll. [applause] after her husband died in a plane crash, Bonnie Carroll channeled her grief into service. As the founder of the Tragedy Assistance Program for survivors, she has devoted her life to building a network to support families who, like hers, made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Nie has converted comforted the hearts and lifted the lives of thousands of families across the country. Her strength and generosity are testament to the enduring human spirit. [applause] andre dubois receiving on behalf of the honorable Shirley Chisholm. [applause] as the first africanamerican congresswoman and the first africanamerican woman to seek a major Party Nomination for president , Shirley Chisholm carried the torch of progress into a new era of american politics. From classrooms in new york city to Committee Rooms in congress, she gave voice to the plight of marginalized communities, built coalitions to expand social justice and denounced sexism and racism. By refusing to stand on the sidelines, never letting others define her limits and daring to be herself, Shirley Chisholm embodies the american spirit. [applause] Emilio Estefan jr. Gloria estefan. [applause] a native of havana, cuba, Emilio Estefan, jr. Rose to be a musician, producer and businessman. Bringing his sound to americas pop audiences, he proved the power of music transcends social , economic, and cultural boundaries. By using songs to elevate the accomplishments, he has Blended Cultures and created a wholly new american sound. [applause] with her infectious rhythm and iconic vocals, Gloria Estefan is a music powerhouse who has sold millions of records across the globe. Transporting the spirit of havana and miami to beyond, her music broke down barriers and established latin music in the american mainstream. A humanitarian and a devoted family leader, Gloria Estefan embodies the story of america and of a pioneer who will forever symbolize the potential of all those who develop their talents and build their dreams. [applause] . Pegan frank, receiving on behalf of billy frank junior. Billy frank junior devoted his life to protecting the rights of native americans and conserving our planet. For over 50 years, he tirelessly and fearlessly fought for the preservation of traditional ways of life and the protection of treaty fishing rights. He was widely renowned as an advocate for the physical and cultural survival of native americans. His legacy reminds us that the pursuit of equality and justice is the work of every generation. [applause] the honorable lee h. Hamilton. [applause] a leading voice on National Security and foreign policy, lee h. Hamilton has played a pivotal role in developing solutions to some of the most complex challenges of our times. His leadership in congress reflected his profound commitment to preserving the safety and integrity of our nation. And his role in promoting pacific engagement has made an impact for generations to come. Lee h. Hamilton has help steer the course of American History in a spirit of bipartisanship and he continues to strengthen the homeland and promote diplomacy. [applause] katherine g. Johnson. [applause] with her razorsharp mathematical mind, katherine g. Johnson helped broaden the scope of space travel charting new frontiers for humanitys exploration of space and creating new possibilities for all humankind. From sending the First American to space to the first moon landing, she played a Critical Role in many of nasas milestones. Katherine g. Johnson refused to be limited by societys expectations of her gender and race by expanding the boundaries of humanitys reach. [applause] Willie Howard mays, jr. [applause] born in segregated alabama, Willie Howard mays, junior grew up to become one of the greatest Baseball Players of all time. With his unmatched power and agility, he stepped into the history books as a twotime m. V. P. With 660 career home runs and 24 allstar appearances. Along the way, the say, hey, kid captured hearts across america. His story reminds us of the power of hard work and his legacy continues to inspire generations of americans. [applause] the honorable barbara a. Mikulski. [applause] for decades, barbara a. Mikulski has served the people of maryland and our nation with conviction, heart, and the spirit of selflessness. As a social worker, community organizer, city counselor, and the longestserving woman in congress, she has been a tireless advocate for families, women, children, and seniors. In the senate, Barbara Mikulski has wielded her power to fight for equality and fairness for the most vulnerable members of our society. Her example helped pave the way for other women in elected office, and her legacy will endure in all those who climb the ladder of opportunity she fought to build. [applause] Itzhak Perlman. [laughter] [applause] a teacher, conductor, and one of the greatest violinists of our time, Itzhak Perlman has brought joy to millions, inspired countless new artists, and earned adoration from global audiences. Born in israel, he has devoted his life to sharing his love of music. From tel aviv to shanghai, from london to moscow, he has served as one of the worlds most cherished cultural ambassadors as well as a tireless advocate for the disabled. Itzhak perlmans heartfelt performances on stage and dedicated efforts to educate the next generation will continue to enrich the human symphony. [applause] the honorable william d. Ruckelshaus. [applause] from his time as an Army Drill Sergeant to his service at the highest levels of government, william d. Ruckelshaus has served our nation with dedication and integrity. The first administrator of the Environmental Protection agency, he led the governments efforts to help community struggling with contaminated rivers and polluted cities. Years later, he returned to the helm to Carry Forward its mission of environmental stewardship. With conviction and courage, william d. Ruckelshaus continues to place principle over politics, continuing his lifetime advocacy on behalf of our nation and our planet. [applause] Stephen Sondheim. [applause] [laughter] an acclaimed lyricist and composer, Stephen Sondheim is a master of the american musical. His witty, poignant stories tell tales of misfits, romantics, dreamers, and lunatics. Each meticulously rhyme, many grappling with the dark urges or dashed hopes. Yet, his musicals are full of joyous energy, sustained by gorgeous melodies and turns of phrase. His astonishing body of work includes many of our nations bestloved, most frequent staged musicals, and people around the world know and love his songs. Stephen sondheim has forever left his mark on the american stage. [applause] Steven Spielberg. [applause] from e. T. And Jurassic Park to saving private ryan and schindlers list, Steven Spielberg has established his place as one of historys most influential filmmakers. He has brought entire universes to life, broadened our horizons, and ushered iconic american characters into being. Our world has been shaped by his stories and through his Shoah Foundation, he has helped thousands of survivors of genocide tell worldchanging stories of their own. He represents the best of American Culture and humanitarianism and we honor his timeless contributions to our national life. [applause] Barbra Joan Streisand. [applause] for six decades, Barbra Joan Streisand has used her extraordinary voice to bring life to the range and humor of the human experience. Her talent, authenticity, and bold performances have left an indelible mark an american film, theater, and music, inspiring generations of fans and performers. As a philanthropist and powerful advocate for womens heart health, she encourages others to use their own voices to make a difference. Barbra joan streisands legacy will endure in the american narrative. [applause] james taylor. [applause] for decades, james taylor has used the power of music to enrich our nation and the world. From longing and love to loss and renewal, his songwriting captures the heart of the human experience. Through fire and rain and so much more, each generation that grows to know James Taylors music will continue to be moved by his timelessness and enduring beauty. [applause] minoru yasui. [applause] from the fruit farms of oregon to the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court, minoru yasui devoted his life to fighting for basic human rights and the fair and equal treatment of every american. In challenging the military curfew placed on japaneseamericans during world war ii, he brought critical attention to the issue and paved the way for all americans to stand as full and equal citizens. Minoru yasuis example endures as a reminder as the power of one voice for justice. [applause] president obama ladies and gentlemen, give them a big round of applause. 2015 president ial medal of freedom winners. [applause] this is an extraordinary group. Even by the standards of medal of freedom recipients, this is a class act. We are just reminded when we see these individuals here on the stage, you know, what an incredible tapestry this country is. And what a great blessing to be in a nation where individuals as diverse, from as wildly different backgrounds, can help to shape our dreams, how we live together, help define justice and freedom and love. They represent what is best in us. And we are very, very proud to be able to celebrate them here today. My understanding is also there is pretty good food in the white house. So, please enjoy the reception, and congratulations to all the recipients. Thank you very much, everybody. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [applause] [applause] [applause] announcer president obama will be giving his last state of the Union Address on january 12. We will bring you live, andterrupted coverage republican response, and your calls on cspan. As 2015 wraps up, cspan presents congress, year in review. All of the news making issues, debates, and hearings that took center stage on capitol hill. Us december 31 at 8 00 p. M. Eastern as we revisit Mitch Mcconnell taking his position. Francis historic address. The resignation of House Speaker john boehner and the election of paul ryan. The debate over the nuclear deal

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