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Vice president bidens remarks were denounced. Moscow said it would safeguard interests in the face of unpredictability and aggressiveness. John is joining us on the democrats line. Caller good morning, thanks for accepting my call. Im a disabled veteran. I think this thing with russia, it is obvious to a blind man that russia is behind this and every time donald trump is presented with this he says, we dont know, it could be some that guy. We need to see his taxes. He has some types of ties to russia. He has too many people in his campaign affiliated with russia. Enough is enough. His supporters keep coming up with farfetched accusations against hillary and bill clinton. This is really getting ridiculous. Russia, putin would love donald trump to get in office. He will play him like a bass fiddle. This is a former kgb guy. He is a fool. I never seen a guy who could be this stupid. That donald trump has suspicious ties to the mafia. He should be investigated for connections to russia. You know what i mean . He talks about these other countries and he used to have affiliations with these countries. Host thanks for the call. Michael with this tweet. From catonsville maryland, john is on the republican line. Good morning. Caller i think this whole thing is a bluff by joe biden because he wants the Democratic Party to look tough in the military, respective of running things. Donald trump is seen as the more tough military man in the election. So, joe biden wants to make Hillary Clinton look like she would be tough against any kind of threat. This is just a Party Politics thing here, saying joe biden will go up against russia in some kind of hostile activity. Thank you. Host james, thank you for the call. 202 7488000, democrats. 202 7488001, republicans. Magazinepolicy writing about the threat. The dean of the Fletcher School of law and diplomacy at tough university. Saying, the first thing the u. S. Government will have to determine is if the russian actions rise to the level of an attack, which would require the u. S. Response. There are many examples of cyber infiltration that qualify as a nuisance activity or even gardenvariety activities in question cross an important political and operational threshold by attempting to influence the American Public on behalf of one of the candidates in the presidency. Most egregiously, the release of the internal Clinton Emails violates a wide variety of u. S. Laws. These are actions that affect the heart of the u. S. Democratic process. The political and symbolic meaning of russias actions elevate them to the level of something requiring a response. You can read the full update at andp policy four foreignpolicy. Com. Bernie joins us. Caller good morning. I dont think he is weak. He is showing determination that nobody is going to invade us, physically or by cyber attack. We should respond. The world should know, dont play unless you want to get burned. The United States does not have to take russias advances by attacking us with Cyber Attacks. We should stand up. This is america. Thank you. Host another viewer saying, we are supposed to risk world peace because of the exposed hillary lies . Caller on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. It is always hard to get through. I dont think donald trump has anything to do with this. If anything, they are trying to hack into these emails host let me be clear, we are not saying that. We are saying the russian government is behind this. Caller that is my point. He caller earlier said that thought that donald trump had something to do with it. Im countering his call. Host ok. Caller they are simply trying to expose, i dont know Julian Assange is involved. They are justat trying to expose the Mainstream Media that does not tell the American People what is going on. They cover every little scandal with donald trump and then these huge revelations, the Mainstream Media does not cover. We are not getting the news anymore. Host thank you for the call. This is from another viewer. Be wouldve guessed we will up to trump to preserve world peace. A hillary presidency will be world war iii. Reportedly russian tv is preparing the russian people for the possibility of a cyber attack. Be radio audience, it will completely in russian. Lets watch. [video clip] host again, that posted on the abc news website over the weekend. It runs about two minutes, from Russian Television on how russia is preparing for the possibility of a cyber attack against russia. We are getting comments from callers on this end a number of tweets, including this from a viewer. Finally, from dana lets hear from peak joining us from atlanta, georgia. Caller yes, i do believe that the russians are behind the leaks. Also, the American People are actually condoning russia breaking into our house and, for some reason, they see no problem with it. That is just amazing. Where has this country gone . These Trump Supporters are so sick that they are willing to sell out the country just to get that tyrant. If you look at him, look at his movements. I see the same fascist behaviors. Personeally see how a like mussolini or adolf hitler actually came to power. These Trump Supporters are sick. Host pete, think you for the call. This is a story inside the Washington Post on the hacked emails. A liberal group back channel advice to clinton. 2015 and thejune, political world was bracing for the Supreme Court to hand down a ruling on the Affordable Care act. That is this morning from inside the Washington Post. New wikileaks. Jerry is joining us on the republican line. Good morning. Good morning. Caller hi, how are you . Host good, thank you. Caller good. Can hear you. Turn the volume down on the set. Caller i just wanted to say, what does it really matter who hacks it . The point is that it is being , it is being hacked and whoever hacks it it is great. Im just glad it is coming out. Host the u. S. Should not have the russian to government, whether it is Hillary Clinton or donald trump emails . Caller not if it is exposing all this political corruption. That is the important part. Host lets going to kathy from michigan. Caller good morning, steve. Ive always had a fear i shouldnt say always, but for a while, that russia is such a loose cannon, just vladimir putin, he is not a nice man, his behaviors are pretty sick, that he could engage in nuclear warfare. It bothers me deeply. When i was growing up as a teenager in the 1970s, it was all about getting rid of all the nuclear weapons. Now we have just wrapped things up so much. My fear is that they would go after all of our banking with a cyber attack and our personal data and they could just really destroy the country or the world that way. I dont know really what the United States should do. Time for our good children to be growing up. It seems so all about hurting arch other each other. I went to a Birthday Party yesterday. It is one of my coworkers. Everybody works very hard at the hospital. They have had a family farm they have had for years. Down the whole road. This family is producing so much food to give to the food banks and those are the things we are supposed to be doing. We are supposed to be helping each other, not hurting each other. I hope, if the administration does do this, that they know that they are prepared for a counterattack. Host thank you for the call from michigan. Victor has this tweet. This from robert finally, karen. Amelia is joining us from california on the independent line. Welcome to the program. Caller good morning, steve. Thank you for cspan for letting me answer, you know, come on the air. Host we are glad to have you. Caller what im thinking is that if Hillary Clinton, when she was going against Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders is asking her to release the transcripts, all this would be history. It would be history. Would have been honest, released her transcripts, let america knows where she stands, this would be history. However, there is a concern about Cyber Attacks. China has tried it. Russia is supposedly doing it. The United States does need to protect themselves from Cyber Attacks. But attacking another country i think is a little risky. I think we should just focus on security in america. How did they get in . Lets stop it from happening again, lets put up some better firewalls. Instead of just saying, we are going to get you, russia, we are going to attack you because you are making Hillary Clinton look bad. These arehe truth, if real, from her speeches, what is the problem . Keep it real, hillary. Out in the next debate and say, you know what i did . ,his is what wikileaks said take accountability, take ownership, take responsibility, and then tell us what she is going to do about it to improve the country if she wants to be president. Host thanks a much for the call. The next and final debate taking place on the campus of the university of nevada las vegas. Our coverage getting underway at 7 30 eastern, 4 30 on the west coast. We will take you inside the debate hall 30 minutes before the Moderator Chris Wallace asks the questions. Once again, we will open our phone lines after the debate to get calls and reaction to the final debate. Full coverage on all of the cspan networks. Mark. S from there is this from doral. Todd says also join us on facebook, tom from boca raton on the republican line. Caller good morning. I would like to echo and agree with a few of our previous scholars and tweeters from both sides, who seem to agree that the really is not proof the russians are behind it. Quite frankly, it does not really matter, after what is being exposed. I just want to call attention to two things that have not really been brought up in the Mainstream Media. One being John Podestas acknowledgment that saudi arabia and yemen are key financial and silelligence supporters of i and others. Another mention by donald trump this week that this is a campaign against elitist, globalist corporationrun governments. That has been brought up several times this week. Host tom from boca raton. Im from chicago. Dont i personally believe the russians did it. But which is worse, russians emails orlarys america destroying iraq, libya, syria, venezuela . Hacking is nothing compared to all of the lies and the people who have died due to american policy. Hillary was a secretary of state when we invaded libya and syria. She has blood on her hands. The emails only told the truth. God bless. Host both Hillary Clinton and donald trump are off today on the campaign trail from events. Donald trump was in New Hampshire yesterday. We will share a portion of what he said yesterday. One of the events that happens every four years you can see on cspan in its entirety is the l smith dinner. Al we will have live coverage on thursday evening here on cspan and on cspan television. Hillary clinton and donald trump their attendance at the event. It is designed to be a more humorous event and it is a fundraiser for the archdiocese of new york. Real clear politics is out with a story from donald trump, who was in New Hampshire, saying that he wants to take a drug test and challenging Hillary Clinton to take a drug test before the third debate. Mr. Trump said yesterday in portsmouth [video clip] make them take a drug test. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. [cheering] why dont we do that . I dont know what is going on with her. At the beginning of her last of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning and at the end it was like, take me down. She could barely reach her car. I think we should take a drug test. Anyway, im willing to do it. Doll trump yesterday in portsmouth New Hampshire yesterday. This is from tommy tim saying this is a political diversion from the truth coming out about hillary and the Democratic Party being exposed for its corruption and lies. Her viewer saying from tj finally, from another viewer to jim on the republican line. Caller good morning. This is a very interesting topic. Just trying to think of it from a voter out in the country. Hillary had this computer in her basement. She was using it so it wouldnt be on public. The congress it should be a public record. The congress wanted it. The people we elected. The voters out here in america want to know what is on it. She destroys at all. Deal the people who have it now are the people who hacked it. It has obviously been hacked, they are coming out now. It is just not coming out in the media. Of a threat to our security it was for her to have this. The fact that no one ever hacked it is obviously not true. I just dont understand why the media has not made a huge thing out of this. Now, the whole thing seems to be that we need to know what the contents of those things work. That is what we as voters and the people and Congress Need to know. The democrats and the media want the russians being involved. It all seems so obvious to me. Host if you are listening on cspan radio or just tuning in, we are asking about the story that broke friday on nbc news and then in the New York Times, wall street journal and others, the u. S. Considering Cyber Attacks against russia in wikileaks and the the leaks of the Hillary Clinton emails and now some of her speeches she delivered on wall street. David has this tweet. Didi saying from tj, another response from our facebook page, tracy says, a better question, why would putin want trump to become president . Why did trump say he did not know putin until the video serviced with trump saying the exact opposite . Connor says but go to thomas joining us from holly hills, florida, reacting to all of this. Good morning. Caller yes, sir. Ive got a simple question. Like it, it seems to me is really onesided that they are doing all the hacking on the dnc side and not the rnc side. These are all diversions. Tv, you people there on the wall street journal, and other things should be concentrated about our why mr. Trump has not come out with his tax records. Being given a pass on it. I could not get away with that. You could not get away with that. This guy is running for the presidency of the United States. These stupid republicans, you need to think about that. Dont just think about, i want my way, i want mr. Trump in office. Think about what he is preparing for. What does he stand for . He stands for nothing. He stands for hate, he stands for somebody cheating on his taxes, he is a womanizer. Stuff, if hel this did not have all this body guards, he would run and hide like a little sissy. Host from the washington theafter trump hang onor choice could after. M sue, this tweet david saying russia is already influenced i read that one already. I apologize. Lets go to dennis from portland, maine. Caller hey, steve. Thank you for taking my call. I guess the point that i want to make to all the listeners out there today is why are we telegraphing the cyber attack to russia . Shouldnt we be doing it incognito . I mean, this administration has a tendency to always go to the media and tell the world what we are going to do. I mean, we did not do it when we to the wrong iran dismantle their nuclear capabilities. I just think we should be doing this under the table and then later ron, if they want to pat themselves on the back, they can tell the press and the American Public. Is goinghan gonzales to be joining us in about 10 minutes to talk about the house and senate races and how the trump and clinton candidacies are impacting the down ballot races. A cover story focusing on Hillary Clinton, her way the reckoning. Val is joining us from minneapolis. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. I would like to see the proof. That thethe proof Cyber Attacks are russian . This build up with iraq and afghanistan, why do we always have to be in a perpetual state of war . Certainly, people can sit down and talk and resolve things. I would like to see where the proof is. I think the media should ask all of these people, where is the proof that russia has done this. Host steve following up on an earlier callers question. We caught up with paul ryan earlier this week. Paths twisting, labored from partys standardbearer. A look at what is next whether Hillary Clinton or donald trump wins for the house speaker. Tony joins us. Caller good morning, steve. Thank you for cspan. Host thank you. Caller you know, i saw a clip on fox tv, actually on youtube, of jobs judge napolitano saying that his sources have are him that these hacks coming from our own nsa, Arrow National security agency. Apparently, hillary had done something in the past that revealed certain agents and operatives that almost got them killed and the nsa is putting this out there because they dont want hillary to be their boss. That is just what i heard. You can check it out on youtube and you can check out judge napolitano. That is what i think. It is all about the content. Not about who is releasing it. Host thanks for the call. Clinton and trunk campaign ads released on friday. [video clip] the clintons, from dead broke to worth hundreds of millions of dollars. How did hillary and that filthy rich pay to play politics. Hillary cut deals for donors. Sold out american workers, exploited haitians in need and even handed over american uranium right to the russians. She only cares about power, money, and herself. Im donald trump and i approve this message. [video clip] im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. What this showing up when it is time to vote actually mean . You care about protecting his legacy and our progress. You care about moving forward united as one. Because when we show up in full force and when we refuse to stand by quietly, we show what it means to be stronger together. [cheering] now some of the latest ads on the air in key battleground states from the trunk and clinton campaigns. Fox news writing about the u. S. Preparing for the possibility we want to underscore the possibility of a cyber attack against russia in the wake of the hack attacks. This from another viewer. James from newark, new jersey on the democrats line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Three months ago, donald trump, that russia should hack into Hillary Clintons emails, her 33,000 emails. He said it. I agree with joe biden. Our event should be done in secret. Nobody should know about it. I would not tell nobody, not even my girlfriend. I did tell the fbi one time about my government secrets and that is about it. I tell nobody else. Host james, thank you. The New York Times writing about Hillary Clinton attending fundraisers on the west coast over the weekend. Million a 150 warchest, twice the size of donald trumps. Edwin. Caller good morning. We need to do things very, very quietly if russia is doing any kind of hacking to actually sway the election. And to have the leading republican candidate saying that russia should go after Hillary Clintons emails and release them, that just fuels the fire between somebody covertly on that side doing anything, to do anything about the election which is so close from being completed. Host thanks for the call. I read this at the beginning of the program, but just to underscore what the authority would be of the u. S. Government, it is Available Online at and. Com. Mes nytimes it would allow the u. S. To make use of its newly developed arsenal of cyber weapons, which are under the control of the militarys cyber command, run in part by the nsa and the cia. From indianaatty on the republican line. Caller hi, thanks for taking my call. Republican, but i cant imagine that the Obama Administration would come out and say that they are going to , cyber war with russia, if there was not a real reason for it. I have to question is it that they are afraid that there is going to be more to come out about hillary and they want it stopped and they want it stopped now . That that they are afraid there is going to be something coming out about obama and the administration and they want it to stop and they want it stopped now . I cant imagine why obama and the administration would be so fearful about what has been anded about Hillary Clinton the administration in those emails that they would announce, to the world, that they are going to start cyber war with russia. I mean, this has to be serious. That the Vice President gets on television and smirks and says, weve we are going to do it. Do you think they are going to intimidate russia into stopping this . I feel that this administration is as close to russia and how russia behaves. I believe that there is not that much difference between the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party than what goes on in russia right now. Think they are trying to show that the Democratic Party and the Obama Administration are a bunch of hypocrites. They are really afraid of what is going to come out. Host thanks, we are going to join on move on to michael from south dartmouth, massachusetts. Your comment on all of this. Caller good morning, steve. Thanks for cspan. Could you imagine if during world war ii someone in our government went on tv or the radio or the newspaper and told the germans when we were going to invade on dday . That person would be tried for treason and probably labeled an enemy of the state. But anyhow, i just wanted the public to think of that. All the democrats are against trump and half the republicans are against trump. You know what that tells me . That he is the man for the job. Because they want the status quo. Donald trump will shake it all up. That is the only hope this country has, to have a businessman run it. Host lets go to harvey on the republican line. He gets the last word. Caller yes, im 75 years old. The cyber deal it brings back memories, the cyber deal. When the bear comes over the mountain, my mother used to say, when our country is in danger, if this cyber is from russia, which is the bear, it is scary. The other part is that they when theyk about, take us over and never fire a shot, im counting right now. My history teacher told me in oure said, they will government is getting ready to full. You may live long enough. They will waste the constitution and take socialism. Its get the fire out of me. Host we were losing you in little bit because of the connection, but i think we got the essence of what you were saying. Thank you for your calls and your comments. You can continue the conversation on our facebook u. S. Considering the possibility of Cyber Attacks against russia. Two other points. This is from elizabeth saying the media is not telling the American People what is really behind the russian nonsense. Finally this from richar

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