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Congratulations, fellas. Thats not bad. But theyre right here with us. Ill tell you, its an honor to have them. Were continuing our celebration of American Manufacturing and American Manufacturing and its been something very important to us. Made in the u. S. A. Made in america. And our tribute to the skill, dedication and grit of the american worker. Were showcasing products from all around the country that are stamped with the beautiful letters, made in the u. S. A. Today im proud to welcome three more great companies. Weve had quite a few wonderful companies, a little bit smaller generally speaking than yours. But every company is smaller than yours when you get right down to it. To the white house for really a major announcement. Youll be hearing maerk, pfizer and corning. These three companies are announcing that Pharmaceuticals Packaging will now be made in america. Thats a big step. Thats a big statement. Were very proud of that. Thank you very much, by the way. I know they wouldnt have done it under another administration. I feel confident. These companies have formed a groundbreaking partnership to create thousands of American Manufacturing jobs with its Innovative New product. An incredible product. These companies are coming together to create an advanced pharmaceutical packaging operations which include an immediate investment of at least 500 million and the creation of nearly 1,000 new jobs. And quickly. The initially investment will be spread across facilities in new york, new jersey, and a new manufacturing plant in southeast of the United States, theyre looking right now, which corning will be announcing in the coming months. And theres some pretty good competition. I know theyre going make a great deal. Eventually the companies here today expect a total investment of this initiative to reach at least 4 billion and create some 4,000 american jobs. Top s very innovative on of it. This initiative will bring a key industry to our shores, that for too long has been dominated by foreign countries. Were moving top of more and more Companies Back into the United States and theyre doing more and more of these products. That would have been unheard of even a couple of years ago. These companies have achieved a breakthrough in pharmaceutical Glass Technology that will be used to store and deliver injectable drugs and vials and cart rajs. This technology is not only great for american jobs and manufacturing, its great for patients who now will have access to Safer Medicines and vaccines. Its also great for the Health Care Workers who can administer the drugs, makes it much, much safer for them. And safely, without having any problems and worrying about vial breaking, which as i understand it is a tremendous problem that were not going to have anymore. I know that secretary price and the f. D. A. Are committed to working with Innovative Companies like these. We have tremendous excitement going on at the f. D. A. Amazing things are happening there. I think were going to be announcing some of them over the next two months. Were going to be streamlining, as we have in other industries, regulations. So that advancements can reach patients quickly. Youre going to see a big streamlining. I think you already have. To a large extent you already have. Very proud of that. I especially want to thank ken frazier, ian reid, and wendell weeks. The three of the great, great leaders of business in this country. Along with all of the great people at maerk, pfizer and corning for believing in america and the american workers. This announcement reflects a central theme of my administration, that when we invest in america, its a win for our companies, our workers and our nation as a whole. Every day were fighting to bring back our jobs, to restore our industry, and to put america first. Or, as youve heard, make America Great again. Thats exactly what were doing. Some people have heard that expression. Its been fairly well used, i think. I want to thank you all for being here and want to thank you for your dedication to made in america. Really appreciate it. Very much. And id like to have you say a few words. Come on up. Thank you. [applause] thank you, mr. President. For your leadership. Its an honor to be here at the white house. And im grateful for the administrations continued support for American Innovation and manufacturing. Maerk is proud to have collaborated with corning and fieser to modernize pharmaceutical Glass Packaging since the start of this project. Many maerk engineers and scientists work side by side with cornings glass experts to make this exceptional new glass a reality. Biologic medicines and vaccines remain on the leading edge of scientific innovation and this glass is a similar vadgesment in material science. Glass that is purposebuilt for these medical inventions. Occasional breakage and cracks have been a fact of life for our industry. Maerk has comprehensive Quality Control processes to deal with them. But when these defects occur, they can have impacts on us and, more importantly, on patients by interrupting supply. During our testing, it exhibited reduced damage and also allowed an increase in our processing rate as well. This innovation supports our manufacturing priorities of agility, Quality Assurance and supply predictability. Most importantly, it helps further ensure reliable access to vital medicines for patients. Were excited about our test results and we plan to convert several products to glass as soon as we work through the appropriate reviews with the f. D. A. And other regulatory agencies. Now its my pleasure to turn things over to ian reid, pfizers chairman and chief executive officer. [applause] mr. Reid its great to be here at the white house. Reappreciate this strong sfor for we appreciate the strong support for this effort. Pfizer makes about 25 of injectables in the United States. This is a really important advance for us. Id like to thank secretary price for his leadership in being willing to look at innovative ways to accelerate the approval of this glass. And im delighted to join with america and corning to a maerk and corning to announce this breakthrough that is a collaboration between three storied american companies. Each of us represent over century of innovation that has yielded significant benefits for patients, american competitiveness and the u. S. Economy through investment, jobs, capital, and a stream of highquality and safe productses. We believe that our collaboration with corn something a potential game changer and supports are focused on bringing the highest quality products to patients. The glass industry represents about 4 billion of expend it you are for the pharmaceutical industry. Expenditure for the pharmaceutical industry. Potential breakages, we have strong Quality Control to ensure that doesnt get through to the patients. But the subsequent costs are multiams of the glass costs to make sure that we deliver a high quality product to patients. So this is a major innovation and a major way that we can be more competitive in this industry. As an aside, to ensure we have an environment that supports innovation, and creates a positive Investment Climate in the u. S. , were looking forward to working with the administration on both its regulatory policy and its tax reform, to ensure we can be competitive. Thank you very much. [applause] youve heard heard the president , ken and ian describe this remarkable new product. Sometimes i think its better to show than to tell. Mr. President , if youll do the honors with me. President trump sounds good. Now, one of the many extraordinary features of this glass is this system. This helps protect patients and improve farm suit cap manufacturing. So what were going farm suit cap manufacturing. So pharmaceutical manufacturing. So what were going to do is start with a conventional glass vile thats been through a vial thats been through a typical manufacturing process. What this screen is going to show is how much force the president exerts before the vial so, mr. President. If you could please depress the lever. President trump ok. Press it down. Stop. You did ok. [laughter] to udible] now lets turn the new product that were now seeing today. This is cornings valor glals. Mr. President , if you just do the same thing, but this time, dont be afraid to lean into it a little. Go on. Eally. [applause] we dont normally measure things in kilogramses. The president just exerted about 1,000 pounds of force. That portant thing is ands vial is still in tact, is protecting the vital ingredients inside. Now, this next generation roduct requires a new advanced manufacturing platform. As the president has announced, we plan to build that platform right here in the United States. Thanks to our great customers, like merck and pfizer, with strong support from the administration, the office of American Innovation, and the f. D. A. s emerging technologies team. Were going to put this together and reindustrialize around next generation jobs and next generation products. Thank you, all of you, for making this happen. [applause] [inaudible] wanted me to 1,000 pounds is about the same as a punch from a professional boxer. [laughter] people never knew that about you. [laughter] some of them do. Exactly. [laughter] congratulations. President trump thank you, thank you. Inaudible] reporter mr. President [inaudible] President Trump thank you, everybody. Reporter mr. President inaudible] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] another one of the events at the white house this week on President Trumps made in america agenda, also happening at the white house, the deputy press secretary, Sara Huckabee sanders, finishing up her briefing. The Associated Press saying that the president , donald trump, has confidence, quote in attorney general jeff sessions. Look for that briefing later at cspan. Org. We are waiting to take you live to the Helsinki Commission and their discussion on the russian leadership on president putin. Well have that coming up at 3 30 eastern. Well have it live here on cspan. In the meantime, part of todays washington journal. Host freshman congressman jimmy panetta. Many of you are thinking that last name sounds familiar. The son of leon panetta. Thank you for being here. Why start this task force . Guest

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