That means out of millions of people, nobody voted for them. Go home, get out. They were among the nastiest of people. There were the nastiest ones. I had 38 . The hit 42 . I will never forget, one of the weree, i hit 42 and there like 10 people left. 42 , but hee hit cannot break 50. He cannot break 50 . People. Senators, governors. Ben carson, a great guide, he endorsed me. We love him. [cheers] carson, i get 42 and have he may have saying 42 , but he does not have 50. We have 10 people left. Heres the story. We get more and more and do a number and i will tell you what, it is a great feeling. A lot of feelings were hurt. Because people say it was the nastiest, meanest, hardest primary ever fought in the history of the country. My have been tougher before television, but how could it be . When you can Say Something on television, you reach everybody at one time. You call someone a certain name and everyone hears it. Some of these people have not recovered. But slowly but surely, marco rubio, he endorsed me last week. [cheers] hes a good guy and running for senate in florida and he will win. And i will win in florida. [cheers] i have to win here. Here, i get here and they are like saying, but donald trump never did this before. One of the people that was running has been out of office for a while and they said, he has only been office for eight years. And they dont say that about trump. Ive never been in office. They dont give me a pass. And nevergetting this down to the final struck. I get a call from a big reporter. The biggest. Happens to be a slight liberal. He said how does it feel . We have cut like this every night. What you have done has never been done before. And i said, i disagree. Matter whether you win or lose, you will be in the history book for what youve done. And he said, let me stop you there, if i dont win, if i dont be crooked Hillary Clinton, she is as crooked as a three dollar bill, if i dont be crooked Hillary Clinton, i will consider this a tremendous waste of time, energy and money. Believe me. [cheers] looking to be in the history book must throughout the top. We will make our country great. We will make america safe again. [cheers] so i found this and not a lot of people know it, but i think it is terrific. Remember this has to do with syrians coming across. I have a big heart. Zones in build safe syria. Want to get the gulf states to pay for it because they are not doing anything right now. Without us it would not be there for two minutes and they have nothing but money. Trillion, i will put my developer had to release other peoples money. Ands uild six owns safe zones will be funded by other countries with lots of money. And we will supervise it. Think of this, this is people coming in, we dont know who they are but we do know there will be trouble. It is only a question of when. On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tenderhearted woman saw a half frozen beautiful snake. In cried, i will take you and i will take care of you. You have to understand, this is a snake that is in bad shape and you have this nice woman and she woman sawnderhearted a half frozen snake. His pretty colored skin had been frosted with the do. She cried, i will take you in. And i will take care of you. Take me in. Take me for heavens sake. Take me in. Cozy anded him up all the curvature of silk. Then she laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk. Now she hurried home from work that night you see arrived as soon as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she took in had been revived. Take me in a tender woman, take me and for heaven sake, take me in a tender woman side broken snake. Bosom, clutched into her you are so beautiful she cried. But if i had not brought you in by now, you certainly have died. Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight, but instead of saying her ayou that snake gave vicious bite. Take me in a tender woman, take me for heavens sake, take me and said the vicious snake. Woman andu cried that you have it may, why . You know your bite is poisonous and now im going to die. Woman said the reptile with a grin, you need dam well i was a snake, before you took me in. [cheers] that is where we are. That is where we are. Watch, you watch. We dont want to be the stupid country anymore. We want to be that smart country. Were going to make great trade deals. It hundred billion dollars in trade deficits. Alone, the greatest abuser of them all, i dont hold it against china. I love china. I do business with china. I have the largest bank in the world. It is a chinese bank. The biggest in the world. Ofsell condos the bank america. The building of San Francisco is mine with a partner. 12 ninety ave of the americans. For the biggest buildings and manhattan is a mine is mine. We can do great with china. But we have stupid people representing us. Stupid, stupid people. Happen,what is going to we are going to build and bring our best. Look, we have the greatest Business People in the world. We dont use them. We use political hacks. Some of these Business People are not nice people. Who cares. Some of these people are vicious, horrible human beings. Who cares. Some of these people, they dont sleep at night, they twist and turn and sweat and their mattresses are sucked soaking wet because they are thinking all night about victory the next day against some poor person that doesnt have a chance. , unfortunately, i know them all, these people would love to represent us , against japan, gets all these countries. Mexico where they are killing us at the border and killing us in trade. We have a massive trade deficit with mexico, not including the drugs back up back and forth. That is not including the drugs. We have the greatest Business People in the world, they would do it for nothing. They love this country. They feel crazy, so angry. They cant believe the deals that are made. We can do things that have never been done before. We will stay open trade. One of the reporters asked me a couple weeks ago, mr. Trump, do you believe in free trade. I said yes. I believe in free trade, fair trade, i believe 10 other forms of trade. But the bottom line, my deal is that i just dont want labels. I want to make great deals with individual countries for our country so that we create jobs and we taken money. I want great deals. [cheers] that is what i want. That is what we will have. Free trade, interesting. But havee is wonderful free trade, we need smart people. We dont use the smart people. Or we use people that are totally controlled by lobbyists and special interests like Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton is bought and paid for by wall street. I put up almost 60 million for the primaries would sound like a lot of money, but believe me, others spent 200 million and lost. What would you rather do . Would you rather be on the side spent theson who least money and one where the money andd los lost . [cheers] we had people who spend much more money than me and came in seventh place. I spent relatively little money, i put it up myself and came in first place. Not only first place, for 2 Million People is the highest vote total in the history of the republican party. [cheers] want massive amounts of states. We ran the table. It was a beautiful thing. Look, we want to have free trade. Our Companies Want a deal. But you know that china sends other stuff and we cant send us that the china. We cant free trade and the currency manipulation is unacceptable and on top of everything else, in the south sound, they are building a massive military fortress that they are not supposed to be building because they have absolutely no respect for us. All that is want to change. Heres the story, when ready . We do not win as a country anymore. We used to win. When i was in school, like high school, they say we never lost a war. Our country never lost a war. Never lost of anything. Now we only lose. We go and fight these wars like iraq, we should of never got in. I said you will destabilize the middle east. I was a business guy. Nobody cared. It was just common sense. You had iran and iraq always fighting. Nobody moving. They were the same power. We decimated one power and now iran will take over iraq. Them. E it possible for heres the story, we dont win anymore. But we will start winning again. Our military is depleted. We are going to build it will be a thing of beauty. [cheers] we will get other countries and knock the hell out of my sister. Isis. [cheers] as part of our military are going to take great care of our wonderful veterans that are treated terribly. [cheers] were going to start winning with trade. We will make great trade deals. We will not let carrier airconditioners and all these others companies, we will not let them go to mexico and other countries, fire all their people, make their products and then send it back to our country and sell it. We get unemployment and no taxes. When they make their product and they want to leave and fire our great people, they can go and i will wish them luck, but when they send the product back into our country, they will pay tax for that product in a substantial tax and they will never leave in the first place. They will never leave in the first place. They will never leave in the first place. We will make great trade deals. We will save our Second Amendment which is totally under siege. [cheers] we will repeal and replace obamacare, so much lessexpensive. [cheers] we are going to terminate the horrible common core and you will educate your children locally. [cheers] were going to have powerful, beautiful strong borders and people are going to come into our country and it will come into our country legally. Legally. Legally. [cheers] we are going to start winning again. Thate going to win so much you are going to get sick and tired of winning. Make the denver team thatok like a doesnt even do so well by our winning percentage. We will win with trade, we will win at the border, we will win with the Second Amendment, we will win with education, we will win with everything. We will win for our veterans. [cheers] and all of my friends in denver, and all of my friends in colorado, youre going to come and say, mr. President , we would like to meet with you in the white house. President , your winning too much, it is no good. We are not used to it in our country. Wanted and now you are way too much. Mr. President , please dont win so much and im going to say, im sorry. Were going to keep winning. Were going to win win win. We will win so much and maybe will lot like it not like it but we will make America Great again, we are going to make before greater than ever , were going to make america safer, safer, safer than ever before. Thank you very much. [cheers] i love you. Go out and vote. [cheers] november 8, no out and vote. Go out and vote. [cheers] donald trump wrapping up things in denver, colorado where he began by talking about the Democratic National convention. Kim to yesterday in philadelphia. Including his ratings win over Hillary Clinton. Its an ratio nearly 2 million more viewers watched donald trump speech compared to last night with Hillary Clinton when she accepted her partys nomination. U. S. News World Reports has this turnout that shows more people tuning into the first three days of the Democrat Convention before the final night. Virginie covenanter Terry Mcauliffe was at the Virginia Governor Terry Mcauliffe was at newsmakers and shares his thoughts on tim kaine becoming Hillary Clintons running mate and the fallout over hacked emails of the Democratic National committee. He also talks about virginia status as a swing state. Atch the interview at sunday 10 a. M. And 6 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Were going to take a few minutes to talk about florida as a battleground state. Joining us is tim nickens from the tampa bay times. Good morning. Aorida is consistently battleground state. What changes now the cycle, than what we saw four years ago . Guest i think we still have the same challenges that we had four years ago. This is still a closely divided state. Its going to come down to the same issues always comes down to, and that is who can turn out the most voters and have the best ground game . How would you say the candidates are doing when it comes to ground game in the Sunshine State . Guest in most other states, the democrats are way ahead. The democrats are more organized, donald trump only recently brought in someone new to florida to get situated. He does have gov. Rick scott as part of his team, and the attorney general. We will see how much they are able to mobilize folks for him. Host as far as the demographics of the state, who does it benefit at this stage . Guest it benefits increasing the democrats. States are becoming more diverse and more hispanic. A lot of hispanics are no longer the conservative cubans in south florida, a lot of the growth is in Central Florida in the orlando area, among Puerto Ricans and other hispanics who tend to vote democratic and set of republican. Host we have heard something over the last few cycles called the ifour corridor. If you wouldnt mind expanding what that is, and why its important, especially to see where florida goes this time around. Sitting at the western guest im sitting at the edge r corridorerstate fou that runs the tampa bay area of the coast of daytona beach. This is the area where traditionally, swing Voters Decide elections. ,hey have strong turnouts here for rural voters. They are not particularly liberal. And they are not necessarily Tea Party Folks either on the other side. Theyre sort of centrist voters from both parties, and they tend to decide elections in florida. Host donald trump has a presence in florida, Hillary Clinton made her vp announcement in florida. How often are we going to see visits for both of these candidates, and whats in the near schedule . Guest donald trump had two fundraisers privately, one intent of a, one in south florida. I expect to Hillary Clinton to be back often as well. I think a lot of it will depend on the other states in the rust belt that donald trump is counting on, ohio, pennsylvania, to see how that works. But theyre never going to ignore florida. I think it will both be down here a lot. Retirees, what is their presence in the state, and how does it play out for either of these candidates . Guest retirees are still important part of the florida electorate. They tend to be the most loyal, reliable voters. And often, they tend to be a little more conservative. Page,from the editorial the editor for the cab of a times joining us on skype this morning to talk about florida. Mr. Dickens, anything you want to share with the audience, things you are watching for personally from either candidate . Guest in florida, we are looking to see how Hillary Clinton can mobilize folks, particularly younger voters, to get them out to the polls. We are seeing whether donald trump who won the florida primary against the florida senator marco rubio, whether he can maintain that support among a lot of skittish republicans. Turnout,e looking at and whether clinton can basically replicate what president obama did in 2008, with a huge turnout among south florida democrats. Host our guest on skype is tim nickens, the Editorial Page Editor as people about the Democratic National convention and the issues most important to them. Good morning, im a super delegate for Hillary Clinton from the great city of cleveland. Great state of ohio. It gives me pleasure to be a part of this historic moment. My first dimension was 2006 and had an opportunity to be a part of the convention to help nominate the first africanamerican president. Im looking forward to doing it again to nominate the first beam of president. Im excited about that. Go ohio. Go hillary. Fromllo, im a delegate the San Fernando Valley and los imles, telefonica supporting hillary. I cannot be more excited to support the first email candidate for president. I care about womens issues and italys politics and i know she is the most qualified. I cannot be more excited. Im here at the ohio delegation. The Supreme Court is the most important issue for me. The Supreme Court can last 102030 years. Who do we want to shape the laws. And our policies for the next generation. , district delegate from california. Congressional district 22. My delegate a spirit has been eyeopening. I feel like im witnessing the democracy. I do not feel included or that my voices heard and im very concerned for the future of my country for my daughters and granddaughters. The revolution continues. Im brian from california. Im having a great time as a delegate. Im here because of my grandmother, my mother, my wife, my daughter and of course my baby, who is six months old. It is so important, the selection to break the glass ceiling. Voices from the road on cspan. Coming up next, we will show you todays pentagon briefing on in turkeyted coup and then a look at the u. S. Response to the zika virus. After that, Hillary Clinton campaigns in philadelphia with a Vice President ial running mate senator tim kaine. And later, donald trump speech to supporters at an event in denver, colorado. At fridays pentagon briefing, several reporters asked about the state of u. S. Turkey relations after an attentive military coup earlier this month. He talks about the u. S. Strategy for combating isis also. This is one hour. Good friday, everybody. Got a quick statement and then i will get to your questions. I wanted to begin by drawing your attention to the statements released a short time ago concerning turkey and any suggestion that he supported be recent attempt coup. You have a statement refuting that great want to reiterate a few things, the United States has repeatedly condemned the in turkey and we continue to convey our support for the democratic we elected civilian government. Turkey is a close nato ally and a vital member to counter isis. U. S. Filter has worked closely with our turkish allies rebekah to counter a wide range of threats to our common security. At all levels of our military hierarchy, we are in regular training kicks with our turkish counterparts. Said, as a form on thursday, turkey has been an extruder in vital part in any port reports that show he supported it who undertook the illegal military action against the turkish government are factually inaccurate. Likewise, secretary carter made clear and he suggested that anyone in the department supported the coup in any way for would be absurd. Click for two continue cooperative with turkey. I also wanted to mention that centcom announced it initiated an assessment to determine whether a u. S. Airstrike conducted on thursday may have resulted in the unintentional deaths of civilians. That is in the early phase. We do not have any conclusions. Again, this assignment was triggered by centcom own internal reporting and highlights the seriousness with which our forces took the issue of civilian casualties and the obligation to protect innocent lives. We have taken exceptional measures to minimize the risk to civilians. Contrastaccording to important to contrast the issues with how we take care in our account ability and transmitted with the enemy we are fighting. Isis has launched a series of attacks in iraq and syria in which civilian deaths were not an unintended consequence. Civilian deaths were the intent. Isil has claimed responsibly for attacks this much which have killed hundreds of innocent civilians including the july 4 attack in baghdad that killed more than 140 people in the bombing took this week in syria that killed more than 40. And of course, it is also claimed responsibly for terror attacks outside of iraq and syria. We will continue to work hard everyday to execute our mission while doing our best to minimize the risk to innocent civilians in to be transparent and accountable about the efforts. We do not expect i sold to do the same. I sold to do the same. Isil to do the same. On the turkey thing, the general said some specific comments about his feeling about the impact of the military coup and said that he is concerned that the u. S. Has had relationships with a lot of military leaders from turkey and that his concern that the coup might have an impact on that. Are there concerns about the impact of it on it u. S. Relationships . As we pointed out, we have had excellent military relations with turkey for decades. We continue to have excellent military relations with turkey. When i think he was referring to specifically is that we are engaged in active operations right now with turkey, the counter isil campaign is the best example of that at this moment. As i heard his comments yesterday, he was referring to the fact that in some cases our thenterparts may not be in same positions to ensure that we continue to operate effectively with the Turkish Military. He was addressing the concern that that continue and he talked about the excellent opportunities in cooperation with the turks and making to the cooperation continues. So far, as he indicated, our continuing and i think understandably, the same compliment is responsible for the operations and was expressing the concern to make sure that there is nothing, that we dont miss a beat. I think that is what he was trying to convey. He specifically said, im concerned about what impact is on the relationships as we continue to move forward. Are you saying the secretary does or does not agree that theres a concern about the impact on the military relation . The concern that the general expressed is fair to say that we all share is making sure that our operations against isis are not impacted. The secretary received assurances from his counterpart at that is not going to happen. That the operational commander was also for centcom and with regard to the overall mission, he was pressing his concern about this not happening. He would share that concern. He has had assurances that that is not going to happen. We want this operation to continue seamlessly and that is what general hotel is espresso as well. Expressing as well. The u. S. Has been dealing with i do not know the disposition of everyone involved. He made another comment that seem to suggest that while power is back on and etc. , there are some outstanding issues that continue to be somewhat problematic there. Can you talk about what some of those may be . I will refer you to centcom. We have the concerns about the power situation. We are up and running again. At this point, we want to make sure that nothing in our fight against isil is interrupted. Where ourfrom Turkey Partnership with other coalition partners. I think that is the concern that general votel was expressing. We have an opportunity to truly accelerate the campaign and we ought to follow through with that. We believe all the members would like to do the same thing. We all share a common enemy. The russian into government and Syrian Government saying they want to be loud say passage. With the pentagon and coordination with russia, do you think this is a sincere effort as a way to get civilians out and then strike . We are not in negotiations with the russians. Secretary kerry has been a huge negotiating for the state department has been in the lead with regard to the conversations with the russians. I will even it to the state department to characterize those. Secretary kerry asked about this today. We do not have any coronation or understanding coordination or understanding about this corridor that is being discussed at the russians. Assessment, this is not the first time this month that there has been an assessment. The Usled Coalition airplane in the opposition has called for strikes to stop. I what point do you say lets stop and look at what the problem is and the move forward . Numbers forus, the the start to be taken place and for them to continue. A critical part of the effort right now against isil. We described how important managing manjib is would describe the situation of the forces taking on isil in the urban environment. The fact that isil has been dug in. Isil has and willing to place itself in and around civilians. This is a complicated situation. We will continue to apply the rigor that we always do in terms of minimizing the risk civilians , but we are supporting those forces because this is a critical moment in the campaign and a critical piece of we feely, a place where strongly that faisal has planned hasrnal attacks isil planned extra attacks outside of syria. Makes it important why those local forces you supporting can capture the we are supporting can capture the territory and remove them from the area. The requires air support, and we will continue to provide obviously this is a situation, the most recent one, at least for another strike where the credibility assessment has been conducted and determined to be credible that we are going to apply the rigor and the diligence needed to find out exactly what happened here. Take whatever lessons we learn from that and apply that to how we conduct our missions. This is a difficult environment. That, ther about urban environs are and the competent doctor about the enemy we are targeting and what theyre doing with regard to civilians around them. They are not taking step to protect innocent civilians. Why not get the assessment completed, learn from them and then make those changes and continue . If people are done on the ground, they will not be in support of the Coalition Strikes and not winning the hearts and minds. Does that seem like a smart idea . The local forces we are supporting that have a different do if we were not conducted as airstrikes. Those airstrike. I imagine you would be asking the same questions of those forces came under attack from my soul because we were not isil because we were not providing air support. Veryoalition is using careful scrutiny and how we conduct operation. We will continue to review these particular instances in which there is at least claims of civilian casualties. What in our operational system needs to be reviewed and looked at . We will continue to take the fight to isis and apply the airstrikes. We have had thousands of estrace at this point. Airstrikes at this point. We have taken every possible step we can turn is the risk of civilian casualties and we believe that track records is an excellent track record in that we have taken many instances in which the inaccurate up strikes because of the risk. Has now detached from al ,aeda and granted themselves will be dod continue to strike this new group and does that change whether the cap duration of weather will continue or that they need to be a state department designation . Just because they changed their name is not mean they have changed their actions. This will continue to be a group that will continue to focus our efforts on for the understand the reason that has in the past and continues to threaten the u. S. , american citizens in our interest. Actions,ange, its names and words. It remains, a terrorist target as it has been for some time. Clarifiers, the assessment that you opened with the july 23 strike, there has not been a third civilian casualty incident . Im referring to the incident that centcom issued a Statement Last night regarding airstrike around manjib that occur yesterday. This is a third incident. Shifting to turkey, there is protest outside, could you give us an update for the us personnel inside the base, do they have any ability to move in her out or out . They measures taken to protect the personnel. I will not get into all of the force posture, all the security conscience we have in place for our forces, but we have been at an elevated level for some time. We will continue to take every step needed to measure our personnel are safe as possible. Concernns a foremost and a priority for us. You will continue do so. Our operations continue. Can move in and out of the base . I when i get into the security conscience in place. Will not get into the security precautions in place. Statement about an f18 crash in california, reports that it occurred during a combat simulation . Can you confirm the reports . I will refer you to the marines. Tragedy tookthe place. The marines will have the best information in terms of what took place in the investigation surrounding it. The shiite cleric seems to have been taking a different tone in his public remarks lately. He has made specific threats to the u. S. Troops in particular since the secretary announced the additional courses point there. Forces deployed there. Is that a concern that he has a long history of being confrontational with American Forces there . Could pose a problem for the cap rises campaign counter isis campaign . Whenever we have someone fighting u. S. Forces, that is a threat. We are confident of art protective measures as was the relationship with the government of iraq with regard to the cooperation with the iraqi forces. We are working together to defeat isil. The common enemy of isis. We will continue to work closely with the government of iraq and seek their help to make your any issues are addressed. When we should expect is the civilian casualty assessment . I would imagine the credibility assessment, they. Enerally take a matter of days i will leave it to send come to give you the specifics. But i think a short amount of time from we will have a sense of the credibility assessment. I will leave it to centcom to walk you through the timetable. The actual formal investigation will be conducted as quickly as possible. They will want to get as many facts as they can from as they can be on just our own internal operations. I will leave it to centcom. Ofthe numbers, the number civilian casualties totaled aroundng around 55 and manjib, we believe the numbers from that of syria would be higher than all the deaths reported by the coalition in the last two years. More than 1000. Are you confident the reporting structure in place is capturing all the civilian casualties . Im confident that the structure we have in place is rigorous and thorough by which determining those issues is in which allegations of billing casualties can be deemed credible or not. Rigor that our forces apply to this, both in the original targeting and the assessment afterwards, when there are allegations, it is extremely strict and rigorous and will continue to be so. , 55he number you provided numbers, the same number i have. Any loss of innocent life and we will continue to do everything we can to minimize it in these instances in which their reports of civilian casualties will be properly scrutinized and you heard from the secretary at the counter i saw meeting isil meeting, that is a reflective of how we conduct ourselves in this conflict. A reduction of our values and respect we have for civilians these conflicts in the steps we try to take to minimize that in in those instances in which there are civilian casualties, we will be as transparent as it can be about how it happened and tried to let whatever lessons we can. Why are they dismissed allegations of civilian kansas is not being released . Released . Ies not been centcom is releasing instances of where that u. S. Has confirmed that they happened. But all the other reports of allegations of civilian casualties are not being released if they are dismissed . Because someone involved in the process has look at this to determine whether there is credible evidence to suggest civilian casualties in the process included that there was not a credible allegation. I will refer you to centcom with those instances in which you have questions. Ones try to address the that were brought to our attention and thank him has a strict processes. Were trying to respond to the instances in which there are credible allegations and we get there process in trying to determine what that is that includes not just our own operational evidence but things that might be collected outside social media, videos, personal accounts. This is a conflict zone. Our ability to collect information given the limits in terms of american personnel on the ground are not insignificant in some circumstances. That is also a factor. Up, ituld like to follow is not just the ones you deemed not credible, but the ones where you are able to come to no conclusion because of all the factors, this is a policy matter, that Central Command a base whatever dod policy is in the secretary talks about this all the time, can we circle back with you right now and ask you to take the question, how many in addition to the 55, how many other cases, how many other people, comparing apples to apples, how many others have you looked at and deems not credible and how many have you looked at and simply take him to no conclusion . Could you try to give us an answer to that. That is a department question. Anything you could do to turn your weight behind that and get us an answer. We will continue to be as transparent as we can be. That is why masking. We will continue to try and do that and respond as clearly as we can be we provided specific numbers. If you particular instances. I would like to see the overall numbers. I cannot give you time to in place because i dont know what else they looked into. On the basis of public transparency, can you get a total number for us, how many you deemedilians, the allegation of civilian casualty not credible . How many people civilians have not been able to come to a conclusion about one way or the ofer because perhaps a block information or data . We have no way of knowing what they are. Guys, this isou numbers. I will take your question and again, i will stand by the in thisthat centcom institution has had in place for some time in terms of the rigor in the numbers we are providing now if there is more transparency we can provide. We will try to provide a. We are looking for the other two thirds of the equation beyond the 55. Anything you could do to get that additional christmassy. Understood. Other questions, general some, he said he had concerns. It is our u. S. Military operation against isis out of presh bases 100 back to coup operations, activities . Any area in turkey where you are not back to where you were before the coup . At the general interrogated yesterday, it is back up and running. Our cooperation with the turks remains excellent and we continue our operations as we heard from the turkish minister of defense, their cooperation Going Forward in the campaign remains intact. The only concern that the general is exposing was concerned that there would be some sort of interruption Going Forward. We do anticipate or expect dont anticipate or expect. We are in a very complicated environment and now where we want to apply as much pressure on isil as we can it whether it is turkey or elsewhere, we dont want any interruptions Going Forward. What is the interruption Going Forward that worries you . The interruption at interlake. No indications of problems at this time. We would like to maintain that. Was is what general votel expressing yesterday. I see said public way, we have had excellent cooperation. We want to make that continues. We have every reason to believe it will. He was asked specifically if you are talking about potential future concerns were already existing concerns . The current existing concerns are about the impact on the relationship that currently, right now, he is concerned that the coup is impacting u. S. Military. He said relations and further clarified, military u. S. Turkish military relations. I think if you heard what he had to say, he expressed his concerns about the fact that in some cases, u. S. Military counterparts are not necessarily there to have the same correspondence they did before. Refer to other the point. We have excellent military cooperation and we have had for some time with the Turkish Military. If you are no longer able to talk to a counterparty of the with for some time, is a concern that there might be some breakdown of communication. We are trying to work through that with the turks and we have confidence we will do that. I think that this the general was speaking to. The confidence to be able to do that. Suggesting that there is a situation to be able to do that. The bottom line is that turkish , as ary personnel in jail result, he can no longer deal with and you are that relationship. Is that accurate . I will not characterize the disposition of all those people. I think at the turkish government has made clear, there are changes within the Turkish Military and we are in some cases, not United States, but other countries that may have had military relations with the turks may now be dealing with new individuals. We will work through that. That is what we are doing. Our military vacations with the turks will continue as they were finishing themselves. These are domestic issues for the turkish government. We will continue to work through that. We happen to be involved in a campaign now against isil with turkey and other Coalition Countries in which we do not want to see that campaign miss a beat. We are going to work as diligently as we can to make sure that does not happen. To questions. Isil. Enemy, [indiscernible] asiading into europe and and south asia. Department, where the 20 nations are meeting religious and ethnic minorities under isil. [indiscernible] obviously had a significant meeting at the state Department Last week in which we had both the defense ministers and the Foreign Ministers of all the Coalition Countries engaged in the fight against isil. As the secretary has said for some time, theres a military component to this campaign, but there certainly, that is not sufficient in and of itself to be with the threat posed by isil. Their efforts that we need to come in terms of both political and stabilization, economic efforts that need to be conducted in order to make sure that isolate is defeated and stays defeated. Their other efforts to reach out to addressworld questions about this hateful ideology and what can be done in isilg clear that i sold is a threat in terms of the message it is sending around the world. All things my colleagues are engaged in. We are focused here on the military campaign and very focused on it. Training and killing innocent people. [indiscernible] only are going after not their weapon caches, but the weapons that they been able to recover within syria and iraq taken. Rritory they had going after their finances. Going after their oil assets. Going after their ability to tax people. We are approaching it from each and every front. Including the weapon system. Situationgers of the on the South China Sea and China Investment those nations of the region after the outcome. [indiscernible] something going on in washington. Are,at is not something we theres plenty of reasons to believe that tensions of the seahside she south china that there is an opportunity from the countries in the world to resolve the differences peacefully. That has been our goal. A diplomatic resolution is the most appropriate way to result the issue. We dont take any to understand. We do encourage a peaceful resolution. This presents an opportunity for countries to pursue those kind of avenues and if anything, it should be an opportunity to reduce the tension. President obama, back to turkey, copywriters talk to each other top commanders and talk to each other and ensure the relations will continue. Why is the concern within the military that can do some people on the ground would affect the relationship between the two militaries . L i think what general vote dontpressed is that expect it will have an impact on the relationship and we certainly dont want it to. I think what we heard about the relationship is so extensive, built up over years, nato ally, and that there is significant interaction taken place over the years at low levels than the highest levels of the military. Expressedoncern being is that some instances a counterpart may not be there he worked with directly. 90 to find out who that new person might be. I think this is the operational flow of that engagement to make sure does not miss a beat. [indiscernible] the procedures are clear, wife the concern . You explain what we hope happens. That is what the general was expressing. Professional military relations between our two countries have been excellent. We want to make sure that they continue that way. You have heard that from the of the levels militaries. That is our goal. An important nato ally and a partner in a fight against isil and we do know what to see anything that might interrupt that we have no expectation that there will come especially in light of the comments and support from both books and position of power in turkey and Senior Leadership in. Claims, the general, and director of the cia, could you assure the turkish public that none of those people have relationships with the United States . I can assure you, any suggestion that any member of the department of defense supported were played a role in coup would be absurd to suggest that. It would be a concern if that suggestion is being portrayed out there. It does not reflect professional military relationship between our two countries. We have had excellent relations with the Turkish Military. Ad what im saying is suggestion that anyone from the department of defense, meet of the uniform officials you just referred to had any role or any support for what took place in turkey would be wrong. Of e condemned the care coup. You supported the government of turkey and we will continue to do so. We will continue to maintain the excellent military to military defense relationship. Thank you, peter. To south korea next month, do you know what purpose that is . Secretary fanning is making a trip through asia has several stops. I will refer you to his office in the army for his itinerary. Korea, he visited south [inaudible] i will leave it to the secretary and armitage to his exact schedule. Army to tell you his exact schedule. A plan for [indiscernible] site . Econd as we have discussed, with that deployment, the Alliance Decision to move forward with that at this point we are working through the issues with regard to the deployment and we are focused on that. Is the u. S. Find Strike Missions out of [indiscernible] yes. Based off of what is been fed votel in theeneral second committed to be brought into this. Does the u. S. Has contingency off . If interlake is cut as we have said, when we were not able to fly missions, we with e to make india and deal with instances where we are not able to fly from certain locations. We have the ability to adjust and accommodate that interlake is a critical location. We would prefer to fly from is anand we think it important capability and greatly appreciate turkey allowing those missions to fly from interlake. We have the ability to adjust. We did not have access it was conducted missions. We asked dissipate being in the delphi from and we continue to do so. Yesterday there were some protests sanded and not what the u. S. President there. Robert photos of people who had been killed by airstrikes. People who had been cut by airstrike. Is there any concern that the u. S. Access to interlake will be , notff in the near future just because of what is happening in the political instability, but because of a lack of public turkish support . The secretary has detail, he had a good conversation with his turkish counterpart in which they both agreed on the need to maintain the fight against isil and our continued cooperation. Tillich is a key part of that. We have no indication of anything other than turkish cooperation. Approach thedone u. S. About any changes of access or role or ability or any kind of parameters with the u. S. Military . We are fly missions as they were before. We are appreciative. Appreciative to the governments help in restoring the power and getting those bites back up and running. They are flying as we speak. Was if they have communicated with the u. S. Government about modifying that . The communication the secretary defense received from his counterpart is our cooperation from our efforts are focused on isis it will continue. Has there been another call since the july 19 call from kerry and his counterpart . Im not aware of the direct call. They have been other committee patients with the Turkish Military. That he called his attorneys and said he is being considered she is being considered the potential of indefinite solitary confinement because of her Suicide Attempt earlier this month. Department, can you run is through come if someone is a prisoner in a u. S. Military facility, a prisoner attempt suicide with some sort of illicit item, and legal item, is , forommon practice to then the punishment to be solitary confinement . Are you aware of the specific case . Im not aware. I dont know the exact protocol. I would refer you to the army on the first of all. Im happy to take the question but i think the army is the best bet. Given the highprofile nature of the case, is that something , the largerartment deity might get involved in . That she is doing her attorneys that shes been targeted because of her sexuality and nature of her crime and being treated fairly differently. And with a Suicide Attempt that because of that she is being treated differently. That is something the dod might get involved in. Im not aware of any dod involvement in the case. Im not tracking the specific from the individuals. I dont have a solid answer for you because they do not does the specifics. The army will give you details about how you will handle these cases and terms of people who are incarcerated and i will leave it to them to refer you to the actual protocols they follow. Considering how important it is for the United States to not kill or wound innocent civilians, considering how is, is therejib concern at the pentagon with the coalition calling a strike, have they been measures to retrain or double down on the effort on how they are conduct strikes and looking to civilians . Every time we conduct a strike, we are looking at the individual circumstances of each strike and the targeting to begin with. And each one of the strikes afterwards certainly instances in which they are credible claims of civilian casualties in will go through and carefully examine what took place to make sure and see there any lessons to be learned that can be applied to the future missions. At this point, we are the facts on the interview individual. Thewe will work through come as a have in the past, applied the knowledge what we are doing Going Forward. Toexpect their campaign continue in be a critical part of our effort against isil. Learnedtake the lessons as appropriate. Any immediate lessons . We continue with each and every one of the strikes. Circumstances on the ground at that particular moment in time, applying the normal set of test. The investigations are ongoing. Status of independence in turkey. The estimates them out. Voluntary evacuation Still Available . Those defendants have already left. We were told there were still about a hundred left. I will check and see if there has been any change. The master geordie dependence have artie left majority of left. Ents have already you dont think 100 are still there . That was my idea my three. Not clear on the connection of the secretary with the ministry of turkey. Hadonly contact they have was on july 19. A phone call that i dont know. They met shortly before that in person. Considering what is happened since, the secretary tried to get a hold of him now . As i said, he has an excellent relationship with the ministry of defense in turkey. An excellent conversation on the phone, an extensive conversation to discuss some of these issues and some of the issues they discussed have been resolved including the situation and intellect. We continue to have excellent military relationships with inkey and it various levels part because we are engaged in the campaign im not just a daily basis, that varies levels to make sure we are conducting this campaign as effectively as possible. No contact between the secretary of ministry . No conversation to read back to at this time. Beingh the accusations routed again so the top yes commander celebration we can figure out at what Level Communications are occurring between the government and military of turkey and u. S. Government and military given the importance. Substantial conversations. The chairman has had regular contact with his counterpart. These conversations continue at the highest levels. General votel referred to as conversations. This is an important relationship. We will continue to have these conversations and work through these issues. Anyone has had discussions today to help clarify or clear up some of the apparent misconceptions with what the general . He has issued his own statements to make clear some of the suggestions that came from his comments that were misreported were certainly misunderstood and i think you wanted to make that clear. Teeing up any conversations today do you know of any conversations today . Contacted at the highest levels of the u. S. Military with turkish counterparts and they were yesterday and it will be Going Forward. Nato. R it is part of we will continue to have those conversations. Are you aware of any u. S. Government department reaching out a reaching out to address general votelts is taking . We are trying to make it as clear as possible from here. You heard earlier this week at the chairman and the secretary talk about these issues in allegations the that general campbell played a role. I think we are been as clear as we can be about the department of defense and leadership here. Somehow the department of defense people within the department of defense news something or supported in any way especially inaccurate. Other, we have released at the to department there a conversation. I will even to the state department to speak for itself. I think the leadership here has been clear at this point and think the general has upset that they. Dod is putting out the statements, the turks dont seem to be disavowing the claims. There any effort to work with his close partners and encourage them to come out and this about the claims that they Senior Leaders and the head of all the National Intelligence were not behind the plot . What are the turks not coming out . Turksould leave it to the to speak for themselves. We will continue as best we can to make clear to a turkish people and anyone who cares to listen that again, our relationship with turkey remains a solid defense relationship. We look for to continue cooperation with this key nato ally Going Forward. We will make it clear based on of the appropriate relationship we have with the Turkish Military and that will continue. I will leave it to the turks to characterize it for themselves. Have hadls here who other suggestions, or as did not say clearly how important this relationship is and how we will continue to have those conversations to clear up any misperceptions that might be out there. Get back to us on any specific calls our conversations that anyone either in the pentagon or u. S. Military had ,ith the turks today other than i did they we can assume that the turkish people are reading the test statement, any sort of specific . Counting on you to spread the word. [laughter] assuming you dont rely on speaking to the media of another country. Sayyou get back to us and what specific conversations at a highlevel has had in the wake of these recent allegations . I want to make actually clear, these conversations happen yesterday, that whether books that you come to talk every day in some cases with a turkish counterparts, this is a relationship that is so in itsanding, so normal exchange of information and the exchange of information, the integration that we have with the turks. Intellect out of incirlick without the permission of the military. We do that everyday with the highest level. We have continued conversations with them. I will see if there something we will get for you. That is not unusual. That happens all the time and will continue to happen. How helpful is it, saying to know your place. Taking the side. How helpful is that . Todayhas spoken himself to make clear that any suggestion he supported would be actually inaccurate. I think cap to make that abundantly as clear as we can do to be as constructive as we can in terms of making sure our defense relationship, that there solid questions about the and importance relation of the relationship and we expect and hope to see for decades to come. This is quickly important because of the counter isil campaign. And both been longstanding data allies. One more question and then i have to go. Would you like to see turkish thatials disavow the idea we are involved in the coup . Every time the can suggestion comes up, it is not denied. We will let the facts speak for themselves. , as i said, and excellent conversation with the turkish counterpart because a girl of great relationship with him. We are confident with our relationship and it will continue and we will not be in any way impacted by this. The facts because themselves. We will let the general make clear there any misconceptions about our views on this. Return to be as Crystal Clear we can. We want to continue the military business that weve conducted for decades with the turks and every expectation we will continue to do so. All these calls going back that any of those calls do not with the general the coup . G alleged in we are conversations every day with the turks. Since the coup attempt, of course there have been conversations at the highest levels and in addition, not just us, president obama spoke with their president. And any allegations that he may have been involved. Say iack to us and just want to be clear so we understand. Im not referring to any particular, the general, since oup, there have been regular commute occasions at the highest levels with turkish counterparts. I know there have been some of the la 24 hours. That is not unusual. We are to them all the time. We have to be. Anybody in this Department Visa to claim that he may have been involved . He has repeated the claim publicly. The secretary or the chairman, directly or she did this to the turks . I cant answer that question because i dont know everyones phone calls. I will take the question. I can assure you that that message from myself and the podium, and others within the. Uilding and any suggestion such a great military relationship. I dont of the substance of every single call. No the substance of every single call. That is a hell of a call that i think the department would know was going to happen. Weather was the general or some on his behalf. Understand . We not asking for every phone call back and fourth. I would tend to get the answer. Try to get that answer. Just to rounded out. [indiscernible] i will leave it to the chairman and his staff to tell you about his schedule and itinerary. Thank you, everybody. Coming up this weekend on American History tv, saturday night at 8 00 eastern, lectures in history, Virginia Commonwealth University professor talks about student constructional films major the cold war after out of fear that the u. S. Population was falling behind us of a union. And sunday morning at 10 00, read to the white house the one, the 1952 in 1948 national convention. 1952, Dwight Eisenhower accepted the republican nomination and Adlai Stevenson received the democratic nomination. 1948, the first televised convention where president harry truman accepted his partys nomination. High prices, and housing. President requires that i use every means within my power to get the laws that people need on matters of such importance and urgency. At 6 00 on american artifact, we will take it early look at the new Smithsonian Museum on african American History culture with the director. The museum opens its doors to the public in september of this year. Amazingto get collections of movie posters such as the ones behind you. Oscar movie poster from the 1920s and this is part of our job to help people relate history they think they know. That movie paper poster is spencernt two williams. One of the most important black film directors. On the presidency, historians the process of writing a president ial biography. For our complete American History tv schedule, good to cspan. Org. Go to cspan. Org. Ofthe National Institute allergy and Infectious Diseases that the widespread outbreak of the zika virus is unlikely to occur. Day to0 become the first report cases of the virus being transmitted by local mosquitoes. He also talked about the virus impact on the summer olympics in brazil. From the bipartisan policy center, this is just over one hour. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the bipartisan policy center. Thank you to the audience today and everyone joining us on cspan. Im the director of the National Security program here at the bbc. Be asking, why someone for the National Security world introducing the guest about zika. About two years ago, when we were approached by two lines of lyons from the senate, they came to us out of concern that the one thing they were proudest of achieving good their political careers may not be replicable today. That one thing was the overwhelming bipartisan support of the creation of the present emergency plan for aids relief. Senators or in first were concerned that the bipartisanship has acted ebbed. That there is much less interest among the public and politicians of the plight and suffering of people around the world and among Global Engagement is discussed today, there always seems to be only a binary option. Military intervention or nothing at all. So senators challenge us to make a case for and similar programs environ. s political a Study Released last year introducing Strategic Health diplomacy. Looking at the impact we found that we improve peoples helped her medically, had few secondorder effects on public of pinion, social Economic Development in a state stability all of which in turn contributes to National Security. The fundamental idea of Strategic Health diplomacy was that healthier populations great more stable societies which create a more peaceful world. By doing good, the america does well. The National Security communities cant a compass much by working together. Was much accomplish much by working together. We are honored to have the doctor attend and discuss the report. We are honored to have appeared today to talk about the u. S. Response to zika which could be another case for future health diplomacy. He is the governments preeminent scientist of the last 30 years in a national treasure. Yesterday at the director of the National Allergy and Infectious Diseases 1984. He oversees an Extensive Research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, tightness and treat. Established Infectious Diseases as well as emerging diseases such as ebola and the gut. Zika. Es advised five president s he was also one of the prince sbar. To aitects of pep deliver a timely and effective presentation on sica and how we are responding. Following the presentation will have a moderated discussion. We will then open it up to audience questions. With that, let me encourage everyone to go to bipartisan policy. Org to check out the report on Strategic Health diplomacy and invite dr. Kouji fauci for his presentation. Thank you. It is a great pleasure to be with here here with you this morning to. Org about with what i think is a very timely topic. Something that i have described. Crazy, if you look at what is happened over the last several months in a few months ago, lasting till that yesterday, this is indeed a pandemic process. I became here very interested in this early on when i started to see the fact that we were seeing sica infections in the americas. Mainly south america. I wrote a paper early on in the beginning of the process. As you can see from the title, i called it yet another threat. The point i wanted to make because we are all focusing on one disease right now, zika over the last several years, we have seen in the americas think that we have not seen before mainly all the viruses and viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes and in this case, the mosquito in question is a mosquito that is very much endemic to the area where we are. If you look at what is happened over the years, viruses, all these viruses, what we have seen dengue, and zika. This is a process of emerging and reoccurred in Infectious Diseases which happens all the time. Sometimes it is a blip on somebodys radar screen as of does it is an Important Health problem that attract the attention and impacts us globally. With that as a background, i will to talk a little bit about each of the four bullets shown on the slide to give you an idea of where we are and where we might be going on this. Start off with a discussion on the back end of sica. By this time, given the attention by the press, theres probably a lot known about zika. For those of you who have not followed this closely, let me make it a few points that i think will help. As i mentioned, it is a virus. A singlestranded rna virus. The important thing is the second bolus bullet. Bullet. Virusesry similar to that we have a lot of expense with. Hivsnt a strange viruslike which came out of nowhere. It had a spirits with yellow fever. We have a good vaccine against it. And dengue. Apanese the bad news is it is here. The good news, we have done things that viruses like that including making vaccines. It is transmitted by a mosquito from a particular type of mosquito. A couple types of these mosquitoes. One of the things that reporters have asked from beginning when things, when did this start . It was isolated in 1947. Then the next question is, why were you not prepared . Was an, this inconsequential infection. It was discovered in the zika poorest of uganda forest of uganda. Until 1952 when the first human cases were reported in nigeria. It went under the radar screen with an occasional casing in africa and southeast asia. No major outbreaks that were recorded. Missed operates we outbreaks that we missed . Possibly. But no reported big outbreaks until the outbreak on the islands of micronesia in 2007 and then French Polynesia in 2013. This next slide is a revealing cap about the concept of emerging Infectious Diseases. If you take a look at what this is, this is an epidemiologist dream. That means the disease, this is a epidemiologist egg red flag. The things you teach and textbooks a public health. You can see how it has worked its way. Look at the dates on the slide. Across the pacific. Landed in aally place that had the right ingredient for a major breakout. A big country, crowded in certain sections, plenty of mosquitoes, tropical or semi tropical. Importantly, they never had an experience immunologically with sica before. It was a completely unprotected population. The perfect ingredients, perfect storm for an update. About we go further, what zika as a disease . Confuseshe thing that people. If you just look at it in a vacuum for someone who is a healthy 2534yearold man would say, what happens when you get it by mixing of bit by mosquito . It is generally mild and seemingly inconsequential. 80 of people get no symptoms. The 20 that do get relatively mild symptoms. Fever, joint and muscle aches, a rash, redeye or conjunctivitis. It usually goes away and 710 days and then you are done. That is why there was no attention paid to that. We will get back to something you are all aware of a while the sudden we are all paying attention to this. Lets take a look at the modes of transmission. Shown here on the slide. Majorerwhelmingly modality of transmission is by mosquito bite. Similar to other mosquito borne diseases. Im infected, a mosquito bites me, flies around in the bites you. If im infected, theres a chance that you will get infected. The deaconsat least skewness are terrible. I say this as tongueincheek, it is probably the worlds deadliest animal. If you look at the number of deaths per year resulting from year due, 725,000 per to mosquitoes. If you go all the way to the right hand side, there are 10 best the year from sharks wishing for every person, a kill killed, mosquitoes 72,500 people. They are rather nasty animals. The two major types of mosquitoes that are capable of aegyptiting our aedes and another. The purpose of the lecture, when you go out and read about things in a report about things, the 80s agility is a major 80s aegypti is thes major villain. This . We address with Mosquito Control. That is that thing we have right now in our hands that we can do something about. We are working on a vexing. Vaccine. Things like insecticides, removing standing water. The mosquito is a very resilient mosquito. Continue water, it does not have to be in a big pool. A pot, it can, or even larva caps all all caps. Bottle caps. In with this ino puerto rico signature schemes screens are sealed. Proper clothing. Insect repellent. 30 . Weneed to get over thinking that. Nsect repellent is toxic it is not even toxic for a pregnant woman. Ok. What about transmission. Obviously, transmitted from a mother into the baby. We know that from the terribly tragic situation we have seen we started in brazil and is in other countries that baby to have severe abnormalities. Particularly in the will are recognizable because of multiple pictures we have seen in the media of a baby with microcephaly. Transmission. This is an evolving thing. I sent an epidemic in process, this is what we mean. Cases, ifee enough of you have 10 cases and something occurs once every 5000 times, you will miss it. But when you have tens and hundreds of thousands of cases, you start to see things that are maybebut even may more common than you think. No doubt it is transmitted sexually from a man to a woman. We thought it was only a man woman because we were able to over many days following recovery of infection that zika virus was found in isolated from the seamen. Under most circumstances, you get it and later he clear the virus you are done. Many can stay in the seamen for a longer time. The longest it has been documented has been 80 days. The idea of guidelines for sexual transmission. We will get back to that. All of a sudden, we found it is not only from a man toy woman, but in rare cases, transmission from a woman to a man. The document it now. Welldocumented in new york city. That is why he had to Pay Attention and carefully followed to make sure you pick up the rarities, the oddities. Blood transfusion. This is become relevant as of last night. Some of you may have read what has gone on in florida. Clearly if someone has something and donate blood, it can be transmitted by blood supply. We know that because there was a blood screening going on a lot now, a blood screening back then and 3 of blood donors in the French Polynesia outbreak were found with symptomatic when they gave lie. There may be many more the population. They were able to show that they were demonstrating zika by pcr. Ular called then there are others. What others . Outliers that we Pay Attention to. You have heard about a lab worker in pittsburgh who actually was infected. That happens all the time. That happened to me in the past when i was in the laboratory. Now with sica but you get duck with things that get into difficulty. Caseon of a utah man, one of an utterly man in utah who is very ill and had the highest level of piracy of ever seen, what hundred thousand times higher than anything else weve ever seen, why that happened with this man, we dont know. It happened that his son, a perfectly healthy man took care of his father, the father died but he had intensive exposure to body fluids. The sun got infected. We dont see that a lot and we dont want people to be fixating on transmission from one person and another because we have hundreds of thousands of situations where people came into direct contact with people with sica and the transmission. We dont want to make this one case as a defining aspect. We do want to Pay Attention to it. Lets move on. What about the current outbreak and the caribbean and that in America Minas Puerto rico . Right now, there are over 50 countries and territories with active zika buyers transmission. 42 of them are in the americas. From our part of the country, this is our backyard. About peopleere, who are living in areas that are environmentally suitable for zika transmission, what do i mean . They had mosquitoes that are in robust enough populations that they could be transmitted. There are 300 Million People living in that area. About 5. 4 of them would be pregnant. Lets get to the game changer for sica. Why it went into perception historically of an insignificant disease to something that is causing a justifiable concern . That is the marked increase that was seen in microcephaly in brazil and other countries in south america as well as people who are now traveling. An increase shown by the bar. All of a sudden this. This is a picture of a scan of a novel baby extra baby with microcephaly. Formcephaly in his classic is an interference with the developing of the brain. The brain develops in the fetus in the first 1820 minutes weeks. When the brain developed, it pushes up the skull and gives the skull and nice smooth correct size contour. If you interfere with it, the brain does not push the skull up and you have a small head. Hence you see the pictures of the babys in the newspapers and tv with microcephaly. The virus can also directly attack brain tissue and sometimes the brain starts to develop normally and you get the structure of the brain and it collapses. That is some of the pictures you see of the old of skin on the inys head that we have seen front pages of various newspapers. What of the incidence of this . We still dont know. We are doing a major study that will take a couple of years funded out of nih in which we will look at pregnant woman. That womene shows who are infected in the first trimester, there is a 113 chance that the baby will have microcephaly. If ther, aggressively tip of the iceberg. That is a macroscopically visible abnormality. What you also have are other things that may not be percent for. Calcification, hearing loss, visual abnormalities, a variety of other things including joint involvement. I have hundreds of pictures of these. I wanted to show you one of something that is not the classic. If you look at the babys hands curled up, that is joint involvement. At the and morality. That is the baby. If you are not pregnant and dont get infected, is there any other danger to you . The answer is yes but it is really rare. A postinfection neurological syndrome can driveby paralysis which is usually reversible, we have seen it after influenza and after we know fromions, studies on going out that there is an association with this people have been infected with zika. Delays calculus was 24 per 100,000. Was 24 peralculation 100,000. The chances are that if you are not pregnant you will have a mild springs. Lets take a look at to get the United States. In the United States. Im including puerto rico. It is have an acers problem. There a major outbreak evolving and puerto rico. The last reports were that there were 1 of the population hitting infected. Getting infected. The reason we are concerned is the mosquito that transmit zika is the same as the mosquito that transmitted chikungunya. He turned the clock back and look historically. Chikungunya, when hit the storm and puerto rico, take a look at the map going from may 5 through june 4 through july 4 through august 12. The red coloring are the regions and puerto rico that have cases. At the end of the outbreak, 25 of the population of puerto rico got infected with chikungunya which tells us unless there is very aggressive mosquito abatement and even if there is, a lot of people are going to get infected with zika. Lets take a look at the continental United States. The potential for imported cases. I did not realize the numbers were as dramatic as these numbers are. In any given year, over 260 million passengers take journeys the United States to and from regions that have zika transmission. Landllion by air, 173 by and 9 million by sea. That is one ingredient for a possible situation. That we have, the maps shaded in blue, concentrate on the ones on the left, that is the more relevant one. Eye 80s and 50 aed aegypti mosquito. We know historically when there was local transmission of chikungunya and local transmission of dengue. Hardly anybody paid attention to it. It happened in florida and it happened in texas. Very aggressive Mosquito Control prevented the local transmission of those two infections from becoming dissemination. Reaches reverse reading stories about it. How do you get local transmission . If you understand what travel related means. Travel related means somebody either is here in the United States and goes to a region, south america, central america, gets infected, come back home and when they get home, they get sick. They get sick in the united but they really got infected some parts of. Or they got infected some place else and they moved to the United States. That is cap related. Travel related case. They look cases if im sitting here in washington dc never having left continental United States and a travel related case that comes, like that person and then writes me and i get infected. Im a local transmission. It is not cap related. Lets take a look at the numbers. The latest is that there are almost 1700 travel related cases in the United States. Several hundred of them are in florida. That is cap related. The United States territories, particularly puerto rico, there are over 4500 cases, most of them not travel. As to them occurred in puerto rico. Ofyou look at the number women who are pregnant who have ,een infected during pregnancy almost exclusively from travel related, 432 pregnancies now among women who have been infected. What is going to happen to them will require following her closely. 422 in the territories. What has happened . That whenu have heard the accumulation of travel later, cases, sooner or it is almost inevitable that we are going to see local transmission of zika because we have the mosquitoes, it is summer and we have a lot of travel related cases. Hammy miami has reported a travel related case. Soon thereafter, as of yesterday, and this morning, the department of health of florida confirmed that they have investigating for possible nontravel related cases. Mainly cases that are locally transmitted. I can tell you, im almost certain that were going to see more. The critical issue is how do you respond to that. If you go back in history and what the hell he responded to dengue and chikungunya, very aggressive mosquito abatement will prevented and i think we will from becoming sustained and from becoming dissemination. We know it is local. We just got to make sure it does not spread. If it is spread by mosquitoes, certainly want to make sure that pursue. The situation we let me close up and then will have a lot of questions. A little bit about the role of research and development and the kinds of things we have done. I wanted to my hat to the cdc because im not talking about ist they do, the partnership between muscle agencies. Multiple agencies. The cdc is doing an external or job extraordinary job in trying to help local authorities and internationally in control and public hlth. They need the support that we hope they get very soon the same way we need the support to do what we do for which is fundamentally research. Namely understand the virus. Why does it cost the effects . Importantly, developing country measures. Vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics. I want to talk briefly and then it will stop about two major initiatives going on now. When we initiated with a Child Health Institute in collaboration with our resilient colleagues. Zip. Udy called we going to follow a cohort of 10,000 pregnant women and we will follow them to see the incident of zika and we will follow the a b at birth baby at birth three months and six months in the year. We need to see that the baby could be board looking normal and have so defects they get infected. Curing of the mouth is. Visual abnormalities. Things like that. Are actively involved in a number of programs and projects to develop vaccines. As you probably know, vaccines take a while to develop. Fastt this on a really track. We have a number of vaccine candidates. The first one on the top is a dna vaccine candidate. We will be going into phase one trials in humans within the next couple of weeks. Sometime in early august. Stay tuned for that. We will do that criteria in the washington area. Well do it in about 80 individuals who are normal people from 1835. That is what you do. Make sure it is safe. Once you know it is abuse of the response, then you move on to a phase two and phase three study. The reason i say that this is to realize that we are on a very much fast track. Slidend with this last which is kind of a book and to one of the first slides. Yet again, another virus challenge

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