Please vote by a show of hands. All in favor of the secondary amendment substituted with the amendment. Votes. Ority, no we will record the notebooks. No votes. The amendment passes. [applause] will the clerk read the next amendment. 136 sponsored by Mary Kay Henry on page four, line 30. The proposed amendment is after the worst home Care Workforce words home Care Workforce. Raising wages, improving access to training and giving workers the opportunity to come together to make voices heard in response to a stronger system. You have the language before you, it has been read by the clerk, to we have seconds . Seconds. Ufficient are there any additional discussion required . Im trying to streamline this. We have seconds. Are we ready to vote . By division, all those in favor of this amendment, please raise your white card. I find a majority. Any wishing to vote against, i find none. Next, will you read the one. . Amendment 102 has been withdrawn. Amendment 64 sponsored by Chuck Paschal on page four, line 14. The proposed amendment is to amend the paragraph to read democrats believe socalled right to work laws are wrong for. Orkers and wrong for america we will continue to vigorously oppose those laws and other efforts that would eliminate jews, checkout procedures, attack prevailing wage standards, abolished fair share requirements, restrict the use of voluntary membership payments for political purposes, a texan yorty, restrict the process, and require annual recertification efforts. We oppose legislation and like regard versus teleporter which would strike down laws protecting the rights of teachers and Public Employees. The chair recognizes as a sponsor. Hello. This amendment merely adds a tack a texan yorty and due process protections to the list already in the paragraph. We oppose legislation and lawsuits which would strike down laws protecting the rights of teachers in Public Employees. The justification for this is clearly that public and teachers in particular are under a continued attack from our opponent, from antilabor forces and others who seek to weaken the profession and weaken Public Employee unions and who seek to weaken education. I would ask for support of the amendment. Boats the second are there votes to second . Seconded. For a is now open for debate. Open for 10 minutes. Five minutes in favor, five minutes against. Beginning with proponents. All in favor . Vote by show of hands. Majority has it. The amendment passes. [applause] amendment 167 has an withdrawn. Amendment 106 has been withdrawn. A memo on 25 sponsored by amendment 125. Is thisosed amendment amendment will make it the policy of the Democratic Party to guarantee workers at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave through an Insurance Fund. This amendment will also guarantee workers seven paid sick days. Insurance. R, at page four, line 31, delete allow and insert guarantee. Insertur, line 31, annually. The revised thing which should read democrats will make sure that the United States finally enact National Paid family and medical leave by passing a family and medical leave Insurance Fund that would provide at least 12 weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or dress and personal or family members Serious Health issue. We will fight the guarantee the right to earn at least seven days of paid sick leave annually. Thank you. From the great state of scotland. This amendment is a simple clarification. Adds three little words. Across the country people are fighting for paid sick days and they are winning in cities like san diego, newark, philadelphia, innercity, heating and states like massachusetts are carving and you. Opened tates have have found that mark funding mechanism by opening their current disability fund. That is the group they want to go in and see this type of mechanism created at the federal level as well. Senator gillibrand have offered andll called the family medical leave insurance act. This would accomplish this at the federal level. Insertnted to ensure these words. I moved to adopt the amendment. Second . That is sufficient. We are now open for debate. Yes. Getting aneally amendment we have agreed upon. On the particulars of the amendment, there is no disagreement. Workers should have sick leave and, of course, after we have been tried to get in a congress of the United States, family medical leave. To issue comes down particular rising how this is done. Example, the attacks workers. There may be other ways to do it. Fore might be other sources right or important benefit. Wayt, given the in which all of us to the allow, i hope we dont this particular notion how to do it whether through an Insurance Fund or an act of congress or through other ways of taxation. Such a taxing businesses and corporations, that is the kind of leverage that should be left policy is a. The proponents. Bill has over 20 cosponsors and the other bill has 120 cosponsors. The 2000 campaign to been working on this issue feel it is , i hope we can back them up on that. Many states have this a type of Insurance Fund and they differ. Some states with employer contributions and some places employer contributions. I believe washington, d. C. Is moving next on this issue cut it create this on the civil level city level. These can be greeted in any way that corresponds to create them. We are not tied them exactly how to do it. We are them in the right direction. Pointing them in the right direction. We cannot recognize this. Anyone else in opposition . Pro. Robert hurt, wisconsin. We agree strongly. There is no dispute about that. We know we dont have paid sick days and family medical leave. There will never be true economic highquality in this country and that we will also never deal with the pay gap for the fact that we have four children. Poor children. This is a cutting edge approach. Reason, by having a shared Insurance Fund, you make sure people work so all employers get covered. Cost and ofading covers all employers making the more competitive. It helps workers who are lowwage workers and have no paid leave at and need a shared pool Insurance Fund to do so. The best way to do is to accept the cinnamon. Thank you. This amendment. Thank you. I have a parliamentary question. Wheree are in a situation we have several on one side and one on the other, were getting ready to go back to the one on the other. You can come forward again. The gentleman has just made approachent for an that does not signify whether would be an act of congress. For example, very low workers. You take out wages of high income middle income workers, they dont feel it. But if you take it out of the wages of a minimumwage worker, that meets all the difference in the world. That is exactly the kind of issue that should be left to the states. Yes, this is a good way to do it. But when you consider the workers we represent, do you really want us to say that we look to deduct Something Else from your paycheck . Maybe so, maybe not. Give us that possibility. [applause] in favor . My name is eric kingston. It is hard to speak in opposition to one of your heroes comments. I want to just insane. Im a social insurance expert. The risk of requiring support for caregiving or loss of income because you are sick is a human risk, the same kind of risk that we insure under the Social Security program if a parent dies and leaves young children. We have Life Insurance Social Security. If a working person is disabled or fortunate enough to reach retirement. I see this as a strong addition to the nations Social Security program. The concept is that we ought not be one of only three nations in the world that do not provide a maternalenefit for care. We are in line with pop new suriname. Wering on this is an insurable event. It is appropriate to ensure through Social Security and if we made this argument and held that we should do it, we would then say we should not to Social Security either. This is basically a way of saying this is a public responsibility. Sensors to a brand has talked about. Senator gillibrand has talked about. Bring in caregiving out of the as the misogynistic weight has been kept in the closet. This is something we all face as human beings. I think its important. We have reached the time limit. Opposition. The platform should be aspirational. The current unamended part of this platform is aspirational. Details,get into the you are on a slippery slope and you are hitting issues to our opponents were unprincipled. The family medical leave act which this would appear to amend a mineral number of employees in a certain area before youre even covered in that statute. Is this country or local statute, we cant compel that. The federal government cannot compel that. Would be a federal statute, this and on aerful idea practical basis, it is irresponsible for to do this type of thing in the face of an election. Thank you. We have reached the time limit. Limit 125. Amendment 125. I would like to request a rollcall vote. A machine that please. Please. [indiscernible] 15 seconds. Five seconds. The boat is closed. Vote is closed. The amendment failed. Next amendment. Amendment 151. Four, line 48. Following equal pay section. The title would be held more workers share a near record corporate profit. Corporate profits are near record highs but workers have not shared the rising wages. Profitsharing is linked to higher pay and productivity. That is why democrats will work to create incentives for Companies Share to profit with workers on top of wages and pay increases. Working with business, labor and other stakeholders, we will develop incentives for companies that share profits with their employees while making sure we target the workers and businesses that need profitsharing the most. In favor, identify yourself. Kathleen kennedy from maryland. I very much in favor of this amendment. We have seen corporate profits at record highs. Executives, the top 1 had them very well. But the workers, they have not done well. Their wages have not gone up. They are suffering. The Federal Reserve just had a report recently in which 40 47 of americans cannot put together 400 if they needed to repair a car or a medical emergency. That is not the kind of america we want are the america we dream about. Need to earn a much better wage. Especially when the working of corporations morning earning so much money. This amendment says that earning corporations earning a lot should share some of those profits up with the workers in a fair amount. The Democratic Party can work with labor and heads of corporations in the communities in which they work and say were going to share with the people who actually do the work. When that happens, the studies have shown that workers do a better job and feel happier about their work and are more effective and innovative. It is better for them, better for the community and better for all of their families and country. Thank you. [applause] amendment . The hands up your that is sufficient. Hands up. That is sufficient. Those who would like to speak in favor or oppose . Are you ready for the vote . All in favor by show of hands. Opposed . 1, 2. The amendment 151 passes. Next amendment. Amendment 107. Page four line 41. Is tooposed amendment have the section read where the republican nominee rooted for the housing crisis, democrats will continue to fight for those my name is mark. This is a simple amendment. Erfect our vision and ethic a snapshot of us as a party at her best. Unfortunately, by naming donald trump in our document 35 times, not once like we did mccain, not 22 times like we did romney, but 35 times, we are turning this piecen elegantly written of attack literature. This is our aspirational document. [applause] mexican american. My grandparents immigrated and they do not immigrate as criminals as drug dealers, as rapist. They immigrated for a Better Future for our families. Times,ng donald trump 35 we memorialize him in the document that was said earlier will be a document that we have used can use for generations to come. Committee will move to strike his name because we him 35d 35 times times. [applause] and we list our candidate zero times. What if the amendment number . 107. All seconds. Debate, pro and con . Ready for the vote. All in favor indicate by hands. All opposed. Rollcall machine vote, please. 107. 30 seconds for a machine vote. Not yet. Now that. [applause] ayes have it. [applause] next amendment. Amendment 69. Page four, lines 19 through 22. The proposed amendment is to have these lines read the Democratic Party believes consumers and Workers Pension funds and investors who have been mistreated should never be denied the right to fight for fair treatment under the law including meritorious class actions. That is why we will support efforts to limit the use of restriction clauses in employment, service contracts, corporate bylaws or other agreements that unfairly stripped workers, consumers, and students of their right to their day in court. [applause] thank you, madam cochair. This amendment expands what is already in the draft by extending the scope of what is there to additional classes of people. As you know, big business through the chamber of Congress Commerce has been at having deny access to the court by virtue of predispute, arbitration clauses. These clauses have two effects. Number one, they denied the right to a jury trial in villages in the constitution. Second, they make it very difficult to bring class actions. The one leveling device the judicial system provides that puts us on an even Playing Field with wall street. What this amendment does is it expands the number of people and the kinds of people from the graph. It expands it. Ive been asked to read this, consumers, workers, students, tengion funds and investors. Union pensionver funds, public Pension Funds that provide benefits for state workers, cops, teachers, firefighters, investors and others dependent on the Financial System and need to address in appropriate cases. Thank you. Second, raise your hand. Sufficient number. The speaking in favor. We have some of speaking in favor. Would you like to speak in favor . Is there anyone who was to be heard in opposition . Do you still want to speak . No thank you. [laughter] all in favor of amendment do . Five in opposition. Thank you. You amendment passes. 69 passes. Next amendment. Amendment 30 has been withdrawn. Amendment 16 has been withdraw. 233 has an withdrawn. By bennie96 sponsored thompson on page five lines 15, the proposed amendment is to have this section read we must make sure that everyone has a fair shot at homeownership. Over the next 15 years, approximately 74 of all households will be from communities of color which typically have less generational wealth and fewer resources to put towards a down payment. We will preserve the 30 year fixed Rate Mortgage and the government guarantee that makes it possible. We will reduce taxpayer exposure and lower barber cost. Borrower cost. We will lift up more family thank you the Housing Market robust and inclusive by defending and strengthening the fair housing act. Resources on those who really need it. We will also support firsttime homebuyers, implement credit score reform and encourage the alternativemodern credit score and models to make the credit industry work for borrowers and not just lenders. We will prevent predatory lending by defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and we will help byerwater homeowners expanding mitigation counseling. The single largest investment most people make in america is in a home. If you can afford it. But we are proposing is creating vehicles so that we can begin creating wealth in this country for everyone. The vehicles that you see, a lot of those tricks have been used to prevent people from owning a home. This amendment addresses. Very simple. Ought to to own a home be for everyone. [applause] thank you. Second. Pro and con . 96 in favor of amendment indicated by a show of hands. All opposed . Three. The amendment passes. Next amendment. 190 on page five, line 17. The proposed amendment is on page five line 17. The place by defending and strengthening the fair housing act. By putting more americans to the financial position to become sustainable homeowners defending and strengthening the fair housing act, clarifying lending rules and ensuring that regulators have been clear direction, resources and authority to enforce those rules effectively. I would like to speak on behalf of the sponsor. As well an, i am sponsor of number 190. The clinton campaign, i support this amendment. The current draft reflects the democratic commitment to putting more families in positions of sustainable homeownership. It makes clear that we need a housing and Mortgage Market that is more robust and inclusive than it currently is today. The purpose of this amendment is amendment isth to chart a path forward it builds on the language. To increase the resources that regulators have complete determination and abuse. It call for clear rules of the road so that good lenders can lenders can make loans to all sustainable borrowers and bad ones will think twice before violating the rules. Urge a vote of yes. They have said homeownership is the key to prosperity. I would hope they would vote on this venture. Those in opposition would like to speak. Indicate in favor with a show of hands. Oppose. Next amendment. Amendment 17. Line 21. Ive, the proposed amendment is to add that we also believe that property and mortgage ownership belongs in the Public Domain, not a privatized database controlled by the financial industry which help lisa that secure errors, robust signings and improper foreclosures throughout the country. Property ownership is one of the highest values for most and asual citizens stewards of the public record, we must ensure the sanctity of these records by public officials, not corporations. With the sponsor like to speak . Im honored to be the chair of the colorado platform. This comes from that platform. Issue affect, health of the people in this room. 62 million mortgages are transferred into the domain of an organization. Took control of copy records out of the hands of county clerks and reporters across the country. Put them into the hands of the banks. That is when they have trouble sending problems. And it created a number of problems around the country, most states lost a lot of from filing fees. There have been a number of lawsuits filed about the. The bottom line is that im trying to get, Property Ownership records blog in the Public Domain, not the domain controlled by the banks dont always have good information. Thank you. Are therends seconds . He speaking in favor labor opposition, stand on one side or the other. Favor or opposition, stand on one side or the other. Im speaking in favor. This amendment help support local communities in combating light. When they dont have the owner or record for property, the government is prohibited from holding somewhat accountable for this home next door to you which may have overgrown weeds and broken windows. This is a commonsense measure to help increase visibility throughout communities in the nation. Thank you. Thank you. Opposition . Im from the state of north dakota. I understand the bill sponsors beingn with mortgages privatized. The opposition comes from lack of clarification on how the Public Domain would treat those consumers as well. We need to have some details on that to make sure those, i feel that working close families should have those protections in place. I think it is an interesting premise but i would like to hear some more specifics for that put that into a National Party platform. Favor . The point is it would go back to housing. It used to be before the bank took over. It would be the jobs of counties, county clerk, whatever. Summer jobs in every state. Not asking to create something new, we are taking what we have. Opposition. Im from idaho. Real estate is my business. Frankly, i do not want my neighbor to know how much i o, house. I owe. That is my private property. I dont want my nextdoor neighbor knowing how much i go on property and how much i pay. Ownerships of the status is already in the public recorder in most states i know of. I am opposed to this amendment. Anyone else in favor . I understand your point. I respected. The same time, we need to privacy with the real concerns of developing communities. When it comes to developing communities with measures like this, there should be no doubt that we needed. Normally, the corporations went to care. We know that they need to be public and i ask you to think about it and vote for the amendment. Thank you. Any further debate . Ready for the vote. Favor indicate by chopins. Show of hands. Rollcall clicker. Amendment 17. Hands down. Wait for the clock to be set. Polls are closed. 77 yes. 100 know. No. [indiscernible] , like to ask a question about the last book. It appeared to me that the screen was not empty yet when you call first to begin voting and im not sure if statistics of the previous but were mixed in. We will ask for clarification on that. Amendment 17. Cleared out and wait. Wait. 15 seconds. 100 days. Two abstentions. Next amendment. Number 85. T amendment is to change the line to we will fight every effort to cut, privatize or weaken Social Security earned a benefit. Max richman, washington, dc. The purpose of this amendment is to clarify that Social Security is a benefit that is paid for during a lifetime of work. It is an earned benefit. It is not an entitlement. Tos distinction is critical the overwhelming support Social Security enjoys across all age groups. Paid fored benefit is through the fica tax. It funds the 08 survivor and disability programs. Workers are paying for the insurance with each paycheck. And i security benefits think the amendment clarifies this, are not gifts from the federal government. The term entitlement undermines the earned right atrial Social Security. In the language around Social Security i believe is important. The bottom one, it is much more difficult to deny or diminish a benefit that is paid for and earned. Buyers the Platform Committee to adopt be amended. Hands. Nd show of those in opposition or in favor. Eddie to the vote. Ready for the vote. All in favor . All opposed. Abstentions . The vote passes. Amendment 85. [applause] amendment 28. Line 26. The proposed amendment is on page five, line 26. Change the following sentence. Democrats will expand Social Security so that every american can retire with dignity and respect including women who are shortchanged by the Current System because they are widowed or took time out of the workforce to care for their children, aging parents or ailing family members. It should be changed to the following. Democrats will expand Social Security so that every american can retire with dignity and respect including those who have been discriminated against in the workplace. Women and men have taken time out of the paid workforce to care for their children, aging parents or ailing family members and widows and other beneficiaries who are disproportionately poor. Thank you. Would you like to speak to this amendment . Eric kingston, new york state. This is a simple amendment which avoids us contradict in ourselves. Tothink democrats are proud be the party that created Social Security. The we end up saying, women who have been shortchanged. That line is important to get out. It is a critical distinction. But we propose to put in is that women, including does have been discriminated against in the workplace and the other piece, and men. Both men and women are often times women, i will admit that. But men and women and that if the change. Basically to clarify that the Democratic Party is not good to contradict itself into it is a great system, but we are toward changing shortchanging. Thank you. Seconds . 15. Any debate . Pros and cons. Opposition. We had democrats have always fought to protect Social Security but that is not the issue of this opposition, the opposition is to the manner in which the changes have been requested and what it may do to the intent of the original platform. I will make a disclosure that i have one that further clarifies it. What we have here is we are taking away and saying those who have been discredited against in the workplace which isnt necessarily a clear statement and we put men, not that they should not be treated as income up but this is an issue that has affected women threat the ages. This is something that has affected women. Especially in hawaii where we have a High Percentage of women who have worked who also leave the work force to take care of the elderly because of cultural reasons. This is been a major issue for that. Say andon in get and other beneficiaries who are disproportionally poor. Were talking about so many different classifications which i believe, it is the intent to have a policy statement that is clear. Beginning, it is for all americans. Picky. You have thank you. You have more time. This iseginning of democrats who would expand Social Security so that every american can retire with dignity and respect. That is a statement. This amendment as all these categories. The original platform calls out and i fully support is the fact that it is women who have taken the time out of the paid workforce to care for their children, aging parents and family members. That is so absolutely true. For that reason, out of respect, i would like to have this in the midreceded because i think it takes away from the strong statement that we are making about Social Security and for the women have sacrificed all these years. [applause] anyone speaking in favor . From the state of nevada. Im speaking in favor because it goes forward to recognize that we are forming our families and many different ways that. We have samesex couples. [applause] upre children are growing with two mothers and two fathers. We need Social Security to reflect this to reality. Thank you. The reality. New reality. Thank you. [applause] opposition. Favor. I am in favor of this amendment. I believe that while it is primarily women who are affected, men are also and i feel that it is somewhat reverse discriminatory to just say women here. Im asking for a second order amendment to split the question. I think some people like the first part and not the second part and vice versa. Im asking if we can split the question into the two different parts. Wait one second. What are you asking to split . We vote separately on the first part of the amendment andh includes and men then separately which includes the language about this proportionally poor disproportionately poor. Strikeamendment is to one section and insert another. Disagrees, youir think that is out of order. Of the biting is out of order. Division is out of order. Thank you. It had pros and cons. Ready for the vote. Pros. Favor ofed to speak in the amendment. It does include anyone has been discredited in the workplace, including women. The ting community the committees of color. Full debate. More. I like to mention that the National Organization of women. Not like the way which in there now. Respect toist talk about women primarily being caregivers, i totally agree. Ive been talking about misogynistic of caregiving, but do also helped bring with a white who had cancer for 3. 5 years and then give care of to women. It is a human reality and that is why we put it in there. We biggest piece here is dont want to contradict ourselves and say this is a thenrful system and contradict ourselves in the next sentence which the existing linkage does. Language does. Im stephen woodruff. Im not quite sure im speaking for or against. Mostly for this amendment. Womene of the men and portion. I think as a party we need to be very careful about as big a stereotypical classifications between men and women. With the violence against women act, it is interpreted to affect men. Men are and i am presently a victim of domestic violence. Economiccerns, social concerns we have. We need to be sure that we dont inadvertently discriminate just because of historical patterns. I think that is very important to include meant as well as women. It also looks like the recommended to the same subject matter. If the book gets confusing, but vote thats confusing, we may need to break apart the amended. We have a little more time. Said to have been raised, there is an amendment which will discuss how we are cleaning up this language. I think the policy statement is clear. Democrats will expand Social Security so every americans retire with bigotry. But the statement does is its beef to the special conditions of women. I think it is a policy statement and the public didnt we are making is that democrats stand behind Social Security and will expand it to that everyone can retire with dignity and respect. However, like many of the different issues we deal with, for times and times, we have to make up for those wrongs and women are the ones who have suffered, even the proponent says yes women have been the ones have sacrificed and that is what were talking about. This a policy statement that should be clear, concise and to the point. That is why i ask that the amendment be voted down and i will be back with the next amendment. Have concluded the debate. Ready for the question. All in favor of amendment 28 . A show of hands. All opposed . Details. It fails. Next and women. Amendment. Amendment 204. Page five, 926. The proposed amendment is to replace the sentence beginning with immigrants will expand with democrats will expand sick of security Social Security so that every american retires with dainty and respect including women who are widowed or took time out of the workforce to care for their children, aging parents, or ailing family members. With a sponsor like to speak . Does wethis amendment have are discussed. This also streamlined what was said before. It makes it very clear about the fact that democrats stand for Social Security and democrats will expand Social Security so that every american can retire with vicki and respect. And again, there is a specific reference to women who are will or took time out of the workforce to care for their children or parents. There is still a group out there who we have to make right. That is what this is about. It is qualified to linkage of the platform. Anyone speaking in opposition . Ready for the question . All in favor . Seconds, sorry. We have seconds. Now will have the vote. All in favor . All opposed. It passes. Thank you. Next amendment. Amendment 87 sponsored by max richmond on page five. The proposed amendment is to add after family members democrats will support a fully developed Consumer Price index for the elderly. The sponsored to speak

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