Gun violence in the United States. I think maybe so. Because ihere tonight think there is a real chance that history is about to be made. Gun violence in this country needs a turning point. And we democrats are going to stay here until it happens. Country. Led this a selma like moment. Countryence in this must be turned around and we will never leave here until that happens. [applause] many more speakers. My colleagues on both sides of the aisle, there have been a lot of stories told tonight and as you see behind us, of his beautiful young people. They all tell a story. All night you have been seen members hold of the signs with names of victims. This is my family story. This is brian, my address brother. In 1996. Nned down he left a daughter. A grown woman now and growth never knowing her debt. He left a wonderful family that loved him desperately and i hask that is part of what not registered with a lot of people with these moments of silence. Until perhaps tonight. Have carried the burden in my heart but ive been close enough to witness it. That is what we are fighting against tonight. That good forer has caused in this country far too many years. You to johny thank lewis. Havea rules guy and i enormous respect for this congress that im blessed to serve. So i had trouble with the idea of a sit in in the house of representatives of the United States congress. But, when they shut off this microphone and when they shut off the cameras and would not let members of Congress Stand up for the people who sent us here, then it is time to get into some good trouble. [applause] so john lewis, thank you for getting the right with the idea of a sit in on the half of people and famils have been victims of gun violence all these years. And what is really shocking when you think about it, what is is the modestg changes that we are asking in our gun laws in this country. On the three bills that i happen to be a cosponsor of, this whole thought this whole fight is about getting three bills on the floor and all we want to do is talk about them and have a vote on them. That is all we are asking. We are not forcing anyones hands. We just want open debate on the floor. The first bill is simple. Of pages. A couple it says that people on the terrorist watch list should not have weapons. [applause] how radical is that . To second bill says we ought check the background the people before they get weapons so that we can determine that psychologically they can handle the responsibility of having those weapons. [applause] bill, it says that on gun should do a study violence as a health issue because we are losing so many americans. [applause] i will be the first to admit that those three bills will not solve anything everything but they are a good place to start. The one thing in common, the one thing these spaces have in can speakese bases for themselves. That is our job to speak on their behalf. And on behalf of their families. Im enormously proud to be a member of this body. God bless you offer here and got blessed these United States of america. Bless his United States of america. These United States of america. The gentleman from indiana. Is privilege to follow someone who may have the remarks im going to mermaid. My only request is to not accept half measures. People who have lost their lives decemberolence since of 2014. We cannot bring them back. Im told the 89 people today, 89 people a day in the United States of america lose their lives because of gun violence. I was given a gentlemans name dont know anything about what his life was like, all i know is he doesnt get to live the rest of it. Bring any of them back. Body onof the greatest the planet earth and our responsibility is to those living today to make sure they lotalive friday morning and not lost to gun violence. Do not accept half measures. Bill, no break. From my perspective and i speak only for myself, it is not enough to just deal with the issues of the terrorist watch list, it is not just enough to make corrections and improvements of the background check, it is not enough to continue to try and improve Mental Health services in the United States. Simply doenough to with the approval of large capacity magazines. It is not enough to just deal as far aslt weapons the prohibition of their future sales, manufacture, importation. We need to take a holistic approach on this issue so 89 ofe people do not die gunfire was during these next to four hours. 24 hours. Two of the first three words of amendment, while ricky dated wellregulated. Regulate firearms well. Thank you very much. Florida, patrick murphy. Thank you for your leadership. I would you think all my colleagues for standing up for something that is common sense. There are certain amount of issues we deal with on a daytoday this is that are telling. We have ideological differences with our friends on the other side of the aisle. But there are things that are common sense. Closing the terrorist gun loophole is one of them. I think back to freshman orientation and look around the room and see a lot of my imates when we were want everybody that was better in that orientation, number 49 new members of congress. And we sat there at orientation and learn the basics of how to become a member of congress. What to do, how to vote, how to do an amendment. The basic stuff. Colleague stood up in tears and ran out of the room. We also getting alerts. Sandy hook had just happened. We all sat there. I still get chills thinking about that day. We are promised that at a minimum, we would focus on Mental Health, more funding, making sure we have background checks, make sure we reduce the magazine sizes, make sure we do something with these weapons that are meant for war and purely war. We have not had a single boat and the congress. Membersast let the speak. This is a peoples house. As of my colleagues referenced earlier, this is not normal. This does not happen enough. This passion you are saying is what is needed to get people to wake up. Here are some issues there are so many issues that we face. One of the committees im on is the intelligence committee. We spent every day and come up with the funding to make sure the cia, nsa, fbi, all Law Enforcement has the resources they need to protect this country. Ensure thatroud to american taxpayer dollars are going to do that. So then we identify the suspected terrorists and then we allow them to go buy a weapon anywhere they choose that a gun store on the corner. How the world does that make sense . There is no logic. These are common sense bills. There are a couple of the printer issues here that we can make a difference on. I sure hope our colleagues on the other side of the aisle do not continue to pander to the nra and interest groups. Larger responsible for the 32,000 best that happen every year. Look at these pictures. I think about what happened in orlando. Think about what happened around the country. Republicans for the to look at these families and tell them they cannot do something a little bit more to prevent this from happening. Steps tol incremental prevent this from happening again. We can do better. We only to the American People to do better. I urge you all to let this come up to a vote at a minimum. Iq. Thank you. [applause] thank you, mr. Larson. Hask you to john lewis who played such an Important Role today. Massachusetts, cap a car, nice to see you. Katherine clark, nice to see. I have been struck by how many of you have such personal stories of loss. All so much more real. After a number that week come back to the places in which these terrible times have taken place. A Movie Theater where any of us can imagine being. A workplace where we want our daughters and sons to go off and get jobs. In a church when so many spend sunday mornings. N school i dont think there is a person in this room that cant have the heart to lose their 60. The Lgbt Community was having fun at a nightclub. We have heard over and over lost on aple are daily basis. My constituents get this and see this and are so dismayed that we do not act. When they ask me for that is the case, i hesitate to give any hope. It is a wonderful and to be here today and i would be able to say we are standing up and demand in action. I remember john lewis as we were reform anealth care important vote that we were taking and mr. Lewis got up in front and said to all of us in the room, or many still struggling with their votes and i know youre asking why you are here and he said because history has called him here. He told, that is what were asking for today. The opportunity to use of voting card and register how we feel bringing safety and gun laws of the country. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. Thank you and all my colleagues for an incredible day. Over and over and over again, not just today, by democrats in congress, but by the vast majority of americans that it is long past due to make sensible or control and national priority. I represent parts of los angeles which has hadty 482 gun homicides last year and the cycle continues. Ago, officer ricky marine who had done a iraq,n afghanistan and had come back, join the Police Department and was sitting in andcar when a gunman came shot him dead. As we have been simply asking , i speaker to give us a vote divisionmed of the new of the Police Station in my , and another killing took place. A man had a rifle and was shooting it in the air. Another man came and asked him if he would please stop doing that and instead of stopping, he turned the gun on the man and shot him in the head and body. Reality is a reality that far too many families in my district and communities around everyuntry live with single day. Their parents in my district and whoow the sister of others are afraid to let the Children Play out in the yard because they may be killed by a bullet. They have them play inside the house, but even in the house they are not allowed to play by a window because a bullet may come to that window. Age, they teach their Young Children that the minute they hear anything that sound like a bullet, you drop to the floor. Family should have to live in fear this way. At the very least, the very today what were asking and what every american should be able to expect from their member of congress, that we will at least do everything we can to prevent parents from having a gun. We democrats are thating united to demand speaker ryan and House Republicans respect our right come out right as members of congress to at least have a vote on bipartisan, commonsense legislation that will help prevent gun violence. Democrats are ready to vote on bills to strengthen our background check system and to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists. , absolutelyexcuse none. [applause] clear and dangerous laws and our gun laws. No more delays. No more excuses. No more moments of silence. It is time for action. Democrats did together. We stand firm and we stand with our constituents. Fly, no buy. No no bill, no break. The American People deserve no less. [applause] from the great state of michigan, debbie dingell. Is there any member who has not spoken for the first time . But how about a round of applaus. [applause] i have been on the floor for and i cant believe, i never actually thought i would sit on the floor. It has been a tough day in some ways. Happened, i sat with another member and said, it will never change. Shooting, wefic are all going to say isnt this terrible and we will go back to going to normal. Whatever the normal is, we have come to accept. And waiting until the next shooting. And yet, today, we show that that is not what is going to happen. , so many of my colleagues have talked about, we dont focus on what is happening every day, we dont focus on the daily shootings or how our young people, but that is what happened. We dont focus on what is happening and who has access. This house is torn in a way that i feel torn. , he no how much i love john dingell. He is the most important thing in my life. Years, there has been tension between the two of us. Owner, responsible gun he believes in the constitution. I do want to take his gun away or anybody elses gun. House with an a man that should not have had access to a gun, i know what it is like to have bullets coming at you. I know it is like to pray to god to not let anything happen to me. We still live in a society where we will let a convicted felon, someone with Domestic Abuse get a gun. [applause] i have a million thoughts as i sit in front of you today. Labeledtuents who get list,e on the nofly protecting civil liberties. Common sense gun laws to make this safer. Were not going to accept the violence. Untilnot going to do it we start to change the dialogue. To the table and have the discussion. Enough is enough. I can talk about what i grew up with for many years. People knew i did not like guns. Child, many of you probably would have agreed with what i said. That we cant stay silent any longer. We have to do something. Unitedver seen us more than we are today. I love my husband with my whole heart and soul. He does not know im standing here right now. I love my republican friends. I love you all. Cant you come to the table. Can we have a discussion. Can we say enough is enough . Cant we have a vote. . [applause] she said she did not know whether she would want to speak or not. [applause] he has been here all day long on this floor. They make sure they took to the well and were filming this and stream and this on periscope. That is a new one for me. I dont know what periscope is. The periscope protest nevertheless. When the cameras were turned off and the microphones went down, scott peters and i and many others turned on our farms. Scott is streaming this on periscope. I am streaming this on facebook. Something that strikes me is not just the thousands of people who are watching what we are doing here, but that thousands and tens of thousands of and it is a debate that has critical urgency to it. I know the people who are here with us tonight, who are in the gallery, who are outside, have been having this debate for years. And they have brought an urgency to this debate. The only place in the country where we have not had this debate and where there has not been this urgency has been on the floor of the house of representatives. Until today and tonight, thanks to john lewis, thanks to katherine clark. [applause] and i have the honor to serve with them. My uncle was a sheriffs deputy. And his proudest achievement was winning the sharpshooters award. He was the person who taught me how to shoot. And that man loved his guns and cherished of the Second Amendment. Orourke understood you can defend the Second Amendment and still make sensible laws to protect lives and improve public safety. The people i represent in el paso, texas understand that. The people in america get that. But just in case i am wrong, i have got republicans in the chamber tonight. I have democrats in the chamber tonight. Some amazing americans are joining us in the gallery. So, let me ask you. Should the center of Disease Control be able to study gun so that members of congress can make informed decisions on gun safety . [cheers and applause] any american who wants to purchase a gun, no matter where from, shoulds it have begun through a background check. [cheers and applause] should we be able to protect the people who we serve, our fellow citizens, from assault rifles, whose only purpose is to kill and to maim . [cheers and applause] should we be able to keep the people who we think are too anderous to board a plane fly with us that come to our districts, or to come back home dc, us here to washington should be able to purchase a gun . [cheers and applause] one of the top of moments i had after taking this job threeandahalf years ago was putting my son ulysses to sleep. And i was leaving on an airplane to come back here the next day. And he said, dad, why did he want to take a job where you arent going to see us so many days, so many weeks, so many months out of the year . And that question has stayed with me every single day. What i do here, i want to be worthy of my son, my daughter molly, who just turned eight 35 minutes ago. Worthy of the people i represent, who put me in this position of public trust. And i have got to tell you. There has been no moments in the three and a half years that i have been here where i have thought that i am doing, and but we are doing together, is more worthy of that sacrifice that our family members make, and is more worthy that the trust that the people we represent place in us. So, thank you john lewis. Thank you for allowing me to join you today. And to my kids were home tonight, hopefully in bed, i dont know when we will be home, but i know it is ok and i know i can justify that to you. I know we wont be back anytime no billause [inaudible] [cheers and applause] theow, the speaker can turn microphone. And the figure can d and the speaker can deny us gun s safety, but you cant take our values away, what we stand up for, or who we stand up to. And we are standing up to the speaker and saying, get us a vote [cheers and applause] reeling from these attacks. Over 2000 people each year die from gun violence. Yet in the house of representatives, with the leadership of the republicans, it is business as usual. We are tiredo say, of silence. We want action. We are saying, enough is enough that is why we are following our great plan and our great colleague, john lewis, down to the four of congress. And those of us who know john know he will never give up. He will never stop. [cheers and applause] thank you for your wonderful leadership. Now, he the majority plans a recess. So, what are we supposed to tell the families of orlando and newtown . That they are too busy with th eir fundraising, with their meaningless bills, rolling that consumer protection, trying to roll back dodd frank. They are too busy to have the responsible vote we need on gun safety. Since 1958, more americans have died from gun violence than in all the wars in this countrys history. And is unacceptable American People want action. Lets give them that vote. Nofly no buy legislation is a nobrainer, keeping dangerous weapons from out of those who would do harm to others is a nobrainer. I was joinedyear, on the floor with many other senators. We should reverse the republicanled vote to deny us the right for the center of Disease Control to study gun violence. I would say there is no issue that is so controversial that it cannot be debated, voted on, and study in the united dates congress. How stupid can they be to deny us the right to study ways to make us safer . We study point safety. We study car safety. Why cant we study gun safety . [applause] now, if guns kept america safe, america would be the safest country in the world. Because we have more guns per capita than any other country in the world. [applause] but compared to other economically advanced nations, s country 001 and 2013, guns have killed more people than aids, war, and drug overdoses combined. Wonder we going to act . When are we going to act . E last 50 years, guns kill more people than our world wars. In all 23 of the most economically developed countries in the world, 87 of those children that were killed were american children. And now, 49 are killed and over 50 wounded at a nightclub in orlando. Now earlier, i represent new york. And just yesterday, they stopped a car because the window was broken. Of guns,found a cash oche machine guns, all kinds of guns. Where were these guns going . Maybe the next carbone have a broken window shield and wont be stopped. We have more guns per capita than any country in the world. Fly. O we say, nobuy no thatmerican people demand we acted to save their lives. The number one role of government is to protect our citizens. Why are we taking the guns out of the hands of deranged and mentally ill people with comprehensive background checks. If somebody is so dangerous and cant fly in america, they should not be allowed to have a gun. And so today we say, enough is enough. How many more people have to die . How many families torn apart . Until Congress Finally says, enough is enough. Must not leave washington without voting on commonsense gun violence prevention to keep the American People safe. No bill, no break. Bill, bnnots no break} new yorkers went to stonewall. That was the site of the modern of america. And i went down there with others to lay flowers and re member. And i thought, this will be the turning point. This will be the turning point and they will finally act. But they did not act after 23 children were killed. They did not act after people were mowed down in a Movie Theater or when our colleague had her own home town meeting, just like all of us are going to have this week and this month. Wont catact, want at but i believe today is the turning point because i will not leave the floor until they give us the right to vote. If they want to vote against us, but against us, but give us the right to vote. Give us the right to protect our people. Nofly, nobuy, no break. Thank you. [cheers and applause] i wanted to say to our colleagues here, after march we will be starting our second round. The second round [cheers and applause] i wanted to say, for people who have been on this floor s 15e 9 30, we have passed the hour mark. And there is not a fine of fatigue on anybodys face because our members have energized us with their stories. I will be very brief. It is an honor to be with you. I stand with you. On. He mic is not [laughter] it is an honor to stand with you. Two hours ago, i am told that the garage and went on National Television i him told that speaker ryan went on National Television and called this sit in a publicity stunt. It is not a sitin, it is a wake up call. Clearly, we need to remind him why we are here and why we wont allow this body to conduct business as usual. We are here because when 27 children and teachers are slaughtered in newtown and if congress did nothing, it was business as usual. We are here because when it 90 churchgoers were murdered when nine churchgoers were murdered in tarleton and congress did nothing, it was business as usual. We are here because 40 people were killed in san bernardino, which is close to my hometown in california. This congress did nothing and it was business as usual. We are here because 149 people 49e killed because when people were killed at a gay nightclub in orlando and i hate to say this, but my republican colleagues pretended it was not a gay nightclub. They blocked out the fact it was a gay nightclub. They glossed over the fact it nightclub and went to the talking point that it was about terrorism. It was a gay nightclub [cheers and applause] we are focused on gun violence. We are not dealing with the hate. That is for another day, but we have to deal with the hate and keep the haters away from guns. [applause] those 49 people were killed at a gay nightclub in orlando, this congress did nothing. And it was business as usual. We are here because every single day, small towns across this country, dozens of people succumb to gun violence. And if congress does nothing. And it is business as usual. We are here tonight because Mass Shootings and daily gun violence cannot be business as usual in america. It is time for this congress to do something. [cheers and applause] the American People are smart. They know that stopping dangerous people from purchasing infringe ons not the Second Amendment. They know that every purchase of a firearm should have a background check. [applause] they are hiding behind the ri ght to have a gun, hiding behind nra, hiding behind [inaudible]. Congress should be about the will of the majority. [cheers and applause] again, this is not a publicity stunt. This is a wakeup call. This is a reminder of our sense of duty to the American People. A responsibility we have failed to fulfill. No bill, no break. No bill, no break. [cheers and applause] let me give you our list of people in the order that they come and have asked to speak. If i have missed somebody who wants to go again, come back and see me. If there is anyone outside who has not spoken today, who would like to speak, ok. So now, we are starting on our second round [cheers and applause] thank you for what you have. One this meeting body elected to this in 1990. I joined congress in 1991. I had never run for Political Office before. A steep learning curve for me. I had never been part of a legislature. When i came here, i went to the canyon building to take my office. Ofassed by the Office John Lewis and i stopped. Life as the daughter of an immigrant would believe that i could serve. [cheers and applause] it is an honor to me. I love this job. It is an honor to serve. And when you listen to the quality, it makes you so proud. So proud that we have been given this body. Sincey not know this, but 1789, less than 11,000 people have served as members of congress. , a blessing and the people of this country have stepped up. Me, understand my needs, understand my familys needs, keep us safe, protect my harm. En, protect us from some Days Congress does exactly the opposite of what it should do. It has the potential to do great things, to transform peoples minds, to make a difference in their lives, and it has done that. They did that for Social Security and with medicare, with the g. I. Bill, with civil rights. We were able to send our kids to school. And we did that with the Affordable Care act. We have pushed the edge of the envelope. We have made this institution move in directions that our Founding Fathers believed it ought to move in. That is the power, the power, of this institution that we serve in. And today, the American Public us,lamoring to say, help prevent gun violence, save us, an. And we have that power to address this issue. Again, push the edge of the envelope and make this body reach its potential. We have a moral obligation. We have a moral responsibility to address the issue of universal background checks. To allow research to be conducted. Stake . At our families. It is about your safety. Also at stake is their ability to believe in this institution wants more, that we are here, that we are relevant, that we can respond to their needs. These issues of legislation because what we need to do is to tell the American Public that we deserve the privilege of serving here, that you have given us. We need to do this. It is a great institution. We serve at the will of the public. Let us do the right thing for the people [cheers and applause] i have come to the floor to act on the legislation. And then they are going to adjourn. 5. Then adjourn until july [cheers and applause] we will not tolerate that. [applause] [cheers] instead of pretending that the republicans could bring the terrible zika bill up tonight, declared this another day, vote on it in the middle of the night. And then they would leave town in a cowardly fashion without addressing business. They are shutting us dowen . Shutting us down . They are not understanding that they will abuse parliamentary procedures by denying democrats to continue what we are doing here today to open up to the American People how the house of representatives is not operating in the interests of the American People. Mean thate gentleman we came in last night for a vote . And we vote tonight, instead of saving and till thursday and friday, that we would then leave in the dark of night without taking a vote . Nofly, nobuy. No vote on the safety of the American People, while putting forward the dangerous zika bill, which we should all opposed and then leave in a cowardly fashion. I have no confirmation of that, but it is my understanding that those are the tactics they are using to shut us down, to shut us down, do shut down the voice of the American People on floor of the house of representatives. Well, we will be here whether they are here or not, is that not true . No bill no break no bill, no break break , no no bill, no break no bill, no break no bill, no break [cheers and applause] that is my understanding of what they are going to try to do. I hope not because that would be unbecoming. I wish i had my 10yearold son and on the floor with me. I would hate for him to see this. I wanted to see what really can do and accomplish, not for ourselves, but for them, the generation that is not voting yet, but some theday will. And we look back historically at what congress did during this moment. Whether they voted, or stayed here and did the peoples business. Many to stay for the fourth of july to do the peoples business. The house is officially back in session. Here are the house cameras. States ted with respect to these additional reviews, the statutory on junens providing 20 third, 2015 through july 4, 2016. [crowd clapping and cheering] this will accompany House Resolution 797. This is hr2527. The house of transportation and housing. [crowd shouting no bill, no break] referred to the house calendar. Texase gentleman from speak. I have a motion at the desk. The meeting adjourned at 2 30 a. M. On thursday, june 23, 2016. This session moves that when the house adjourns. Y the gentleman from texas. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Mr. Mcgovern i ask for the yeas and nays. I ask for a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman asks for a recorded vote. All those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. , those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. , this is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the house is officially in session right now. They are voting on changing the time when the house will come back for a new legislative day. I am going to put the phone numbers up. You have been with us on my for the most part. We want to get your reaction to what has been happening. For republicans and for democrats. A lot of questions and a lot of comments have been asked about the cameras. Who controls the cameras . Those were social media feeds by members of congress. We were taking notes and putting those on the air. Therefore, the cameras were shut off. Penned and they wrote to the speaker to his he if they could turn on the cameras. This was while the democrats were doing their sit in. And they were denied. The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 234, the nays 166. The motion is adopted. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Sessions mr. Speaker, i move the house do now adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from texas. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The gentleman from massachusetts. Mr. Mcgovern i ask for a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore a recorded vote is requested. Those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This will be a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore the ayes have 234, the nays are 173. The motion is adopted. Accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 8 30 a. M. Today. Jessica in california. Independent line. Tired ofo sick and hearing people on the right say, my Second Amendment rights, my Second Amendment rights. I have never heard anything in the last year that talks about common sense gun laws are not going to take away guns from people who are responsible gun owners. These gun laws are going to start the process of taking guns out of the hands of people who have no business owning guns. This guy was on the fbi watchlist three different times. There is absolutely no reason why this man should have ever had access to a gun. I have to protect my Second Amendment gun rights. The Founding Fathers insisted, in the 1700s, they were talking about muskets, they were talking about guns that could hold 10, 20, 30 rounds. It is absolutely rubbish what people say, im trying to protect my Second Amendment rights. How long have you been watching the feed tonight . Ive been watching on and off all day. Why . It is an issue that matters in this country. People deserve the right to feel protective. People deserve the right to own firearms, fine. But, when the cost just was written, there was no line there about driving. Driving is a privilege because it didnt exist back then. You should be able to own people. It because position, you were able to own somebody. We decided, at some point, that was not responsible. It is absolute rubbish and it makes me so angry. Heidi is in ohio on our republican line. Your reaction to the democratic sit in today . I think it is absolutely ridiculous. They are talking about what happened in orlando, florida, where some crazy islamic crazy people. Down 49 gay they dont talk about every day, where they are killing people in chicago. Gangland that is where the gun laws need to be perpetuated. That doesne crazy guy the Mass Shootings, but they do it every day in chicago. It is the perpetuating of the gun laws. Is people that have it not to stop the people that have guns to do bad things. It is a buzzword. We dont worry about people in chicago every day . Every weekend, 69 people are dead, nobody cares about that. The other thing that makes me crazy is that these senators and everybody in d. C. , they are all protected by guns. They can go and say guns are evil, but really, think about what is going on in our country. Do you know what im saying . Found tomocrats have continue have vowed to continue their sit in and their speeches. We will bring it to you on cspan. Kerry is in california. Independent line. What is your reaction to todays events . I have never seen the country so divided. We have people starving, war everywhere. I think the government should issue everyone it a 500 fine. Just go with your gun for a year, you wont want another one. . Orking with the military were you in the military . Yes. Did you maintain gun ownership after you left . Carbine for home. Rotection stephen, florida, democrats line. Bit of a rebuttal on the comment that was made a little bit earlier, as the gentleman says there were thousands of people on a nofly list when there is only 212 people on the nofly list. They get thewhere information, but the list was made available. Fact, one of them on there, which made me laugh, was actually a congressman who was on there by mistake. All he had to do was go in front of a judge as true but he was not supposed to be on it, and he has removed. Beelieve that there should nofly, no gun. Were going to go back to the house floor. These are the democrats on the house floor, a social media feed. So much more than thinking and praying. Continue to insist that half majority give us a vote. Happen, then we need to elect members of congress that are going to give us a vote. 9,the morning of november the American People will say, you take them both, because we will be in the majority. We must not relinquish this floor until we get this done. Obviously, the republicans are such cowards that they are not even willing to stay in session to do any of their jobs because, because, god forbid, they come to the floor and look them in the eye, look those mothers in the eye with lost their baby, and denied of the dignity, telling them that their child didnt die in vain. No bill, no break. Represented jackson lee as i was reflecting, i had to positive think that 49 days ago that 49 people lost their lives. Right now, over these days, families are burying their dead. They are crying, they are wondering what their life will be like, they are confused, they are in tumultuous conditions. One in particular, whose name i would like to call. Z, a mother whoue was outstanding with her beautiful 21yearold son. Imagine that picture, of a mother loving and dancing with her son. A mother of 11 children. And when those vicious shots man who would have been stopped by nofly, n obuy, someone who would have been stopped by the expanded by the expanded background checks. There is no passion for those who will not join us tonight to give us a vote. Let me say this. Many have come on this floor to talk. With two newlessed baby grandchildren, a boy and a girl, one years old. I have heard stories of children who now are growing up, not going to bomb shelters, but being taught to go down under the chairs for fears of guns. Do you want to remain in this kind of condition . Or, are we going to be able to stand to protect those children . Do we not want to bring an america where we can at least say we did something . Inthe name of this mother, town, aurora,ew columbine, san bernardino, where ourch you to beied, i ask able to be not a democrat or republican, but to be an american like john lewis and all of you who walked across the bridge. We walked not as democrats, we want as americans to be able to say that we stand in the house for democracy, and commit to freedom and justice. Is there anybody who is going to call and accept this call and do what is right we need do what is right . We need a vote tonight. My friends and colleagues, i want to begin by again thanking john lewis for bringing us together on the house floor today to talk about one of the most Critical Issues facing our nation. I came to this body 60 years ago 16 years ago or the same reason i believe we all came to this body, because i wanted to make sure that my children grew up in an america that was more prosperous, more safe, had more opportunities than the country that i inherited. I wanted to be part of that compact with the next generation that i that i inherited from my parents. We are passing on an america that is less safe for our children. Part of being a good representative is to step into the shoes of our constituents. Moment, just for a moment, i ask you to step into the awful, painful shoes of those who lost these children. Imagine the horror of the call they received that there was a childs at their school. Imagine the dread that they felt before they knew the fate of their child. Their child could be our child. The wonderfulave experience of taking my daughter to visit colleges. Again, i have to think, what are the chances of a shooting on this campus . This should not be a thought for who is doing the pleasant duty of visiting schools with their child. Or my middle school son. I have the conversation many parents had. We want to say, no, that cant happen here. But, of course, it happens everywhere, all over america, and it has got to stop. That is why i am so proud to join with all of you to bring about this extraordinary day in the life of this congress. The longestserving member of the house, he has never seen anything like this, he said. That is saying something. We have resorted to this extraordinary remedy, this, in effect, filibuster of the house, because we could not get the leadership of this body to even schedule a vote. Why . Why can we not get a vote in this body . It is because the Republican Leadership does not want to be held accountable. It is because of the stranglehold of an organization with three letters, nra. It is the same organization that came to this body more than 10 years ago and asked for something unthinkable. Immunity that no other industry enjoys and it got it. Leadershipnd this will do anything the nra asks. That has got to stop. It has got to stop. No bill, no break give us a vote give us a vote. Gerry connolly. Rep. Connolly it is a great honor to stand here tonight. I have to speak a little bit loud, and we may sound a little like we are shouting. I think our republican colleagues have decided to try to drown us out again. I represent the nra here in congress. There headquartered in the 11th district of virginia. F. Ry year, they give me an i am very proud of that f. Was chairmano, i of my county. We are a very wealthy county. At the time, we had the highest median income. Gun violence just didnt happen in my county. That day, i got a phone call that a mentally deranged young people atrdered 32 Virginia Tech in blacksburg, virginia. Ago, orlando two weeks that was the largest mass killing in american history. Communityeek, my buried five young people from that one shooting. Suddenly, this wasnt somebody elses problem. This was a problem that could affect us in our Community Like everybody else. This was an american problem. No other advanced country on the earth faces this phenomenon. Year, 33,000 americans die at the end of a gun barrel. 66,000. O years, that is more that died in the entire vietnam war. Think about the incredible disruption of the vietnam war years. It tore this country apart. It is no less so with this insidious phenomenon of mass gun violence in america. It must and. Must end. We took a sacred of to protect these United States and defend the declaration of independence and the constitution, which talk about inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thomas jefferson. Let me tell you something, if you are deprived the first one of those rights, the other ones dont matter. Without life, there is no liberty, and there is no pursuit of happiness. It is fundamental to being an american, a human being. This is not some poster. These are pictures of our babies who died because of gun violence. The madness must stop. The nra, which i represent, must stop. Somebody who wants to do something about this, and that is what were here for tonight. Realize that real americans have suffered real tragedies. We beg you, we urge you, we exhort you to join us in this incredible effort to turn it around and bring it to an end. Thank you. No bill, no vote no bill, no vote rep. Garamendi when i arrived here, the speaker gave me this, the constitution of the United States, the preamble. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and provide for the common defense. 42,000 americans have been killed with a gun in just the last year. Is that tranquility . It is not. Our republican colleagues, you are here in the house, join us. Join me in a debate about why you believe we should not, should not restrict terrorists from buying a gun. Stand here before us and tell us you oppose our proposal to restrict terrorists from buying guns. Us. Te with and then, tell us why, why you that there should not be universal background checks. If you go to a licensed gun , yes, there has to be a background check. But, you go to the gun show, do what you want to do. Tell us why. Tell us why 90 of the American Public is wrong when they want that, when they had the good sense to require those background checks. You, on the other side, come on down here. Opposed. Hy you are all you smile, all of you laugh running away from responsibility. To ensure domestic tranquility. I am so pleased that you have such courage. Come down and join us in this debate. Tell us why. Except to run away in the middle of the night. That is exactly what you are doing. 00 in the morning this is the same issue as yesterday, as the day before, as the year before, all the way back to 1989. California. Ct, in children were blown away on the playground with ak47s. We have a responsibility to the constitution, to provide for the domestic tranquility. Common gun sense laws, we put them on the books. Mike thompson put together a committee. The nofly, nobuy, it didnt come from it came from a Bipartisan Group of legislators here. It is not cleaned up. Our colleagues, democrats and republicans, said the loophole should be close. Gentlemen and ladies of both i want to know what your solution might be. The floor is yours. What is your solution . The podium is yours. Such courage. Yes, the American Public will be disappointed. The American Public will be disappointed that this Congress Ryan has refused to take up the issue of gun , not one vote in the whole committee, it has been there for more than a year. Such courage. Such courage. Wow

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