The war in iraq. I listened in 2002, very closely, very closely to what president bush [cheering] i think we do not know. Lets hold off. Not for sure. But back to 2002. And here is the issue. All of us know that there are no more important issues than the issues of war and peace. I know that as a congressman and a senator. Because when you vote for a war, you know that some of the young people in your state who you send off at deployment, you say god bless you, best of luck, you know that some of those young men and women will not come home. And i listened very carefully to what bush and cheney and all the rest were saying about iraq and not only did i vote against that war, i helped lead the opposition to that war. [cheering] sen. Sanders it gives me no pleasure, i wish i could tell you otherwise, it gives me no pleasure to tell you that if you go to my website, listen to what i said on the floor of the house in 2002. And much of what i feared about the destabilization that would take place in the middle east turned out to be true. On the other hand, secretary clinton, then the senator from new york state, she heard the same evidence i heard, she voted for the war in iraq. [booing] sen. Sanders and while we are on issues of war and peace, let me say this. We all know that not only should isis, must isis be defeated, isis must be crushed. [cheering] sen. Sanders but we also know that this country and our brave men and women in the military should not be involved in perpetual warfare in the middle east. [cheering] sen. Sanders now, i have heard many of my colleagues, my republican colleagues especially, on the floor of the senate, they are really tough. They want to go to war here or there. But let me tell you something, it is not their kids who are going to go to war. [cheering] sen. Sanders it is the children of working families in this country. [cheering] sen. Sanders so, we have got to understand that war and military force sometimes, of course, have got to be used but it is the last recourse, not the first recourse. [cheering] sen. Sanders there is another area where secretary clinton and i disagree. She wants to raise the minimum wage and that is good. She wants to raise it to 12 an hour. Not good enough. [cheering] sen. Sanders i am proud to have stood on the picket lines with fast food workers from mcdonalds and burger king and they understand that in this country we need a 15 in our minimum wage. [cheering] sen. Sanders and i will stand with those workers in that fight. [cheering] this campaign is asking the American People to think outside of the box and outside of status quo thinking. [cheering] sen. Sanders this campaign is asking people why it is that there is only one major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all people. [cheering] now, i have been criticized for saying this, so let me say it again. [cheering] sen. Sanders and this is a big, big deal. In my view, health care is a right of all people, not a privilege. [cheering] sen. Sanders and thinking outside of the box, ask us to think why it is that if you are wealthy in this country, you can get great health care, but if you are working class or poor, you may not have any Health Insurance at all or youre going to have very high deductibles and copayments. [booing] sen. Sanders we lose thousands of people every year who do not have the money to go to the doctor when they should. In my view, when we understand that 29 million americans have no Health Insurance, even more are underinsured, and when we are getting ripped off every single day by the Drug Companies who charge us for highest prices in the world for medicine. When we end up paying far more per capita for health care than do the people of any other major country, now is the time for us to go forward and pass a medicare for all singlepayer program. [cheering] sen. Sanders i want to think for a moment and this is thinking outside of corporate it is thinking outside of the status quo. Think what that means for america. It means that anybody in this country who gets sick goes to the doctor when they need to go. [cheering] sen. Sanders it means that if you get seriously ill or run up a big hospital bill, you are not going to go bankrupt. [cheering] sen. Sanders and this is what it also means, which is pretty revolutionary. It means that right now in america, we help millions of people doing jobs that they really do not want to do but theyre staying on those jobs because they may have a decent Health Insurance plan for their families. Think what happens to america when we unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of this country. [cheering] sen. Sanders when millions can go out and start businesses and know they will have Health Insurance for themselves and their families. [cheering] sen. Sanders that is revolutionary. This campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the africanamerican community. [cheering] and they are crying out for reforms of a broken criminal justice system. [cheering] i was a mayor for 8 years, and i worked very closely with my local Police Department and Police Departments all over this country. The vast majority of Police Officers are honest, hardworking and are doing a very, very difficult job. They deserve our support. [cheering] sen. Sanders but like any other public official, when a Police Officer breaks the law, that officer must be held accountable. [cheering] sen. Sanders we need major reforms of local Police Departments. We have got to start demilitarizing local Police Departments. [cheering] sen. Sanders we have to make local Police Departments reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. [cheering] sen. Sanders we need as a nation to understand that lethal force, the killing of somebody, is the last response, not the first response. [cheering] we need to end, and i have got legislation in to do this, private corporate and ownership of prisons and detention centers. [cheering] we need tos rethink the socalled war on drugs. [cheering] over the last 30 years, millions of people have received criminal records because of possession of marijuana. [booing] sen. Sanders today, today under the federal controlled substance act, marijuana is listed as a schedule i drug next to heroin. [booing] i have introduced legislation that will implement as president getting marijuana out of the federal controlled substance act. [cheering] sen. Sanders states, it is the decision of the people of the state to decide whether they want to legalize marijuana or not and more and more states are doing that but it should not be a federal crime. [cheering] and when we talk about drugs, in my state and all over this country, we are facing an enormous crisis with opiate addiction and heroin addiction. [cheering] sen. Sanders every day, people are dying from overdosing on those drugs. Now in my view, if we are going to deal effectively with that crisis, what we have got to understand is Substance Abuse and addiction should be treated as a health issue not a criminal issue. [cheering] and that means, that means that we need in this country a revolution in Mental Health treatment. [cheering] right now iners virtually every part of this country people who are suffering Mental Health crises, people that are suffering with addictions, people who are suicidal, people who may be homicidal, they cannot get the treatment they need when they need it. And that has got to change. [cheering] sen. Sanders you know, we spent trillions of dollars on the war in iraq. We have spent billions rebuilding infrastructure in iraq and afghanistan. And yet, if you look at the inner cities of this country, what you see is outrageous levels of unemployment and poverty, people who cannot find a form housing and youre seeing schools that are crumbling. If we can rebuild the infrastructure of afghanistan, we damn well can rebuild the inner cities in america. [cheering] this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the latino community. [cheering] there are 11 million undocumented people in this country, and i have i have talked to many of them. Theres one right here. [cheering] feel the bern. Feel the bernie [cheering] senator sanders when you are undocumented, and when you have no legal protection, that means that when you go to work, you are, can be exploited by your employer, because you have no leave employer, because you have no legal rights to protect yourself. [booing] sen. Sanders and that is happening all over this country, and i have talked to undocumented people who are scared to death that their families will be separated, somebody will be deported tomorrow. In my view, we need to move aggressively towards comprehensive Immigration Reform and a path toward citizenship. [cheering] sen. Sanders and if congress does not do its job in passing Immigration Reform, i will use the executive powers of the presidency to do all that i can. [cheering] sen. Sanders this campaign is listening to a group of people, a group of people whose pain is almost never heard, and that is the native american community. [cheering] sen. Sanders all of you know, all of you know that from before this country became a country, when the settlers first came here, the native American People were lied to, cheated and treaties they had signed a were broken. [booing] sen. Sanders all of you also know that we owe a debt of gratitude to the native American People we can never repay. [cheering] is they have taught us so much. And one of the important lessons that they have taught us, which we must, must learn, is that as human beings, we are part of nature. [cheering] sen. Sanders that as human beings, we must exist with nature, not destroy nature. [cheering] sen. Sanders and that takes us bernie, bernie, bernie senator sanders and that takes us to an issue not only of enormous importance for our country but of enormous importance for the entire planet. And that is as a member of the u. S. Senate committee on the environment, i have talked to scientists all over this country and all over the world. The debate is over. Climate change is real. Climate change is caused by human activity. Climate change is already causing devastating problems in this country and throughout the world. We have a moral responsibility as custodians of this planet to make certain that we leave this planet in a way that is healthy and habitable for our children and our grandchildren. [cheering] that means we must stand up to the fossil fuel and industry and tell them, and tell them their shortterm profits are not more important than the future of this planet. [cheering] now, i understand, and i understand that as we transform our Energy System away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency, to Sustainable Energy is like wind, solar, geothermal and other technologies, there will be economic dislocation. And there will be innocent people, people who want nothing more than to provide for their families who will be hurt in that transition. And that is why in the legislation i have authored in the senate, the most comprehensive Climate Change legislation ever offered in the senate, that we provide 41 billion to help workers who might be dislocated. [cheering] sen. Sanders i know that all over this country, there is a fear that donald trump will be elected president of the United States. [booing] i am here to tell you that wont happen. [cheering] it wont happen, it wont happen because in every National Poll that i have seen for a long time, we beat trump by doubledigit numbers. [cheering] bernie, bernie senator sanders but it is not only the polls. Polls go up and down. It is all the fact that the American People will not elect a candidate who insults every group you can think of virtually every day. [cheering] sen. Sanders we are not going to elect a president who insults mexicans and latinos. [cheering] sen. Sanders who insults muslims. [cheering] sen. Sanders who insults veterans. [cheering] sen. Sanders who insults women. [cheering] sen. Sanders who insults africanamericans. [cheering] sen. Sanders the American People understand that our strength is in our diversity. [cheering] they understand that when we come together as one people, black and white and latino and Asian American and native american, gay and straight, whatever we may be [cheering] sen. Sanders we are stronger. And the American People understand that coming together always trumps dividing us up. [cheering] sen. Sanders and the American People also understand that what america is about and which makes us great is supporting each other. [cheering] sen. Sanders that when your family is in trouble, my family and our country are therefore are there for you. When my family is in trouble, your family in this country are there for us. [cheering] sen. Sanders and the American People understand that supporting each other always trumps selfishness. [cheering] [cheering] sen. Sanders most importantly, i think the American People understand what every major religion on earth has taught us for centuries and that is that at the end of the day love always trumps hatred. [cheering] a [cheering] history has taught us one very profound lesson. And that is real change never takes place from the top on down. It always takes place from the bottom on up. [cheering] whether it is the history of workers standing up and fighting for their rights and forming unions. [cheering] sen. Sanders whether it is the Civil Rights Movement where millions of people came together and said we will end racism and bigotry in this country. [cheering] whether it is the womens movement. [cheering] people forget that less than 100 years ago, women in america did not have the right to vote, did not have the right to get the education or the jobs they wanted. But women came together and some of them went to jail. [cheering] sen. Sanders some of them went to jail. Some of them died in the struggle. But they and their male allies said that in america women will not be secondclass citizens. [cheering] sen. Sanders if we were here 10 years ago, no time at all, and somebody jumped up and said, i think in the United States of america by the year 2015, gay marriage will be legal in every state in this country [cheering] sen. Sanders most people would not have believed that that would be possible, but what happened . Is over the decades the Gay Community and their straight allies stood up, fought back and said that in america, people should have the right to love whoever they want. [cheering] that is the history of change. Change is about people by the millions looking around them and saying, the status quo does not work. The status quo is wrong. We are going to change the status quo. [cheering] sen. Sanders and today, all over our country, coast to coast, people are looking and they are saying, you know what . This grotesque level of income and wealth inequality is wrong. It is wrong that the middle class for 40 years has been in decline. It is wrong that people have to work two or three jobs to survive. It is wrong that young people are leaving school 50,000 in debt. [cheering] it is wrong that women are making 79 cents on the dollar compared to men. It is wrong that we are the only major country on earth that does not guarantee paid family and medical leave. [cheering] sen. Sanders or that all of our people do not have health care as a right. [applause] sen. Sanders and when people begin to look at those issues, they begin to challenge the establishment thinking. And when people begin to look at these issues they say, you know what . This is the United States of america. We can do better. [cheering] what this campaign is about is telling you that no president , not Bernie Sanders or anybody else, can transform this country in the way we need change all by himself. Cannot be done by one person because the powers that be on wall street and Corporate America and the corporate media, and wealthy campaign contributors, these folks are so to powerful that no one president can do it alone. What we need, and what this campaign is about is a political revolution. [cheering] what thatrs revolution means is that millions of people today are beginning to stand up and fight back and demand a government which represents all of us, not just a handful of billionaires. [cheering] next week, there is going to be of very important primary here in the beautiful state of kentucky. [cheering] sen. Sanders and what we have is and what we have learned so far on the campaign is that if there are large voter turnouts, we win. [cheering] sen. Sanders let us make certain that for the Kentucky Democratic primary, we have the largest voter turnout in history. Thank you all very much [cheering] [applause] [chanting bernie] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] our road to the white house coverage continues with a bipartisan look at the president ial candidates and contest for house, senate and governor across the country. We have it live at 8 45 eastern on cspan two. On june 23, voters in the United Kingdom cast their ballots on a referendum to leave the european union. Tomorrow, David Cameron meets with members of parliament to answer questions on the referendum. We have it live it 11 30 a. M. Eastern. We follow obama to flint, michigan. He will give a speech at Northwestern High school. That is that 3 55 p. M. Clinton talked to supporters in athens, ohio. Vitalize just revitalize communities in the appalachian region. Sec. Clinton over the past two days i had extra nara conversations. I met with coal families who want to be thanked for the word test for the work that they, their parents and grandparents did. I met with steel worker families who do not understand how china gets away with undercutting our jobs and businesses. I met with railroaders who have watched as the decline of coal and steel have led to cuts in rail service which cost jobs now and will cut the region off from more jobs later. Time toone who took the tell me about their lives, the good in the bad, i am really grateful and thank you. I will not forget that generosity. Thanks to you come ive learned a lot which is what i came here to do. We started in ashland, kentucky, where i met with dozens of steelworkers who were laid off when the factory where they work then we drove to West Virginia, a town deep in the coalfields where the community is working hard to build a diverse economy after losing hundreds of jobs. Today we had a conversation in charleston that was both us are full and inspiring with people in recovery for addiction, the doctors, counselors, Police Officers, recovering addicts and others who were helping them get back on their feet. Becauseing my trip here Small Businesses like jackie such ae what make this dynamic entrepreneurial community. We need more of that. [applause] sec. Clinton it should not have to be said but i will say it. Appalachia is a vital part of the United States. [cheering] all of you here today and people across this region are vital to americas future. I know that too often people feel like they are not treated that way. You should be. Someachia is the home of of the most resilient, hardworking people anywhere on this planet. You deserve every chance to get ahead and stay ahead in america. Our country succeeds only when working people everywhere can succeed, not just in big cities but in the hills of Eastern Kentucky, right here in southern ohio, deep in the coalfields of West Virginia, the small towns that. This part of america. We need to break down all of the Barriers Holding people back. Not just here in appalachia but across america. Everyone can share in the promise of our country. Families here like families everywhere want the same thing. Ood jobs that pay enough good schools for kids and opportunities. Safe and welcoming communities to grow up in an golden. Something less tangible but just as essential, faith in the future and confidence that your kids and grandkids will have all of the choices and opportunities they deserve. That should not be too much to ask. Especially for a place that has done so much for america. For generations, appalachia coal put the lights on in peoples homes and schools. Cap Assembly Lines rolling at factories. Steel plants helped to build our skyscrapers and wind and when world war ii. Madeachian chemical plants the products that shaped american life. These were tough jobs but they provided a ticket to the middle class. It was not an easy ride. More than 100 more than miners died on the job in the 20th century in america. More than twice that many succumbed to black lung disease. United mine workers put their lives on the line in places like Harlan County and Blair Mountain to secure the right to organize, bargain collectively and protect the wellbeing of minors on the job and in retirement. Their hardwon victories helped strengthen the labor movement. , not justworkers those in union, but countless workers have benefited in all kinds of industries. There is no question that the workers made america more prosperous and more secure. That legacy should be honored. Not only is a rich chapter in our history but as a debt we all must always strive to repay. I know that for a lot of people in this region, these words may sound nice, but it is not so easy to believe them. Have had a lot of politicians make a lot of promises to you over the years that they cannot keep. I am not going to do that. It i can promise you is this, have the honor of serving as your president , i will fight for you every day whether you vote for me or not. [applause] i will be your and i will not for one appalachia,up on not when your workers, children, your retirees or communities. Some of you may be wondering how can i say all of this . Here in ohio, a few weeks ago to the ohio primaries, it sounded like i says of the differently about coal miner jobs. To put it lightly i misspoke. One reason i took this trip to say that directly to the people who are affected, to make sure you know where i stand because i would never disrespect the people here. I know that some may say i am talking about whole country, steelworkers, the region because of the election. Lets be honest, and the broader this isnt one where a lot of democrats tend to win a lot of votes. Region,e people in this i had met with some of them yesterday who find it hard thinking about voting for any democrat or for me particularly. But i am going to keep trying to convince people otherwise. That is not what this trip is about. I am here because i do want to be your president , because i believe our best years can still be ahead of us. I am absolutely sure that. It is going to require, not just with the president does that what all of us do. It is going to require people being inspired by that spirit that has animated american that weat we job dont just diagnose our problems , we roll up our sleeves and solve them. Learning about the lives of people here and about what you want for your future is critical to what kind of president i would like to be. Theres nothing i take more seriously than that. Im going tople try to earn every vote i can. Even if people do not vote for me and he sent in november, im going to be with them and you every single day. Let me be clear, at a time when our Energy Sector is changing rapidly, we need to invest in Coal Community. We need to figure out how to bring new jobs and industries to them. We need to stand up to the Coal Company Executives trying to shirk their responsibilities to their workers and retirees. [applause] sec. Clinton the facts are clear, the Energy Market is changing here in america and around the world. But coal is still part of our energy supply. Although it produces far less of our electricity than it once did. Even china is starting to burn less coal, that is good for the planet, but it has hurt american coal exports from this region. And no matter what some politicians tell you, these trends are here to stay. Youve got solar panels, dont you . On top of this brewery. We are not going to go back to an Energy System that looks like it did in the 20th century. We know we need to protect our Childrens Health and futures by combating Climate Change and accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy. [applause] sec. Clinton but that is still a transition. Anyone who pretends we can flip a switch and be in the Clean Energy Future tomorrow is not being honest with you, either. We need to try everything we can to cut carbon pollution. That includes supporting cutting edge work being done right here in appalachia, in institutions, working on Carbon Capture technology. This is too important to take any possible solution off the table. I believe we are going to go around the country talking about the clean energy economy, which i have done for more than a year, then we have a responsibility to come to this region of our country and look people in the eye and talk about what that really means for your lives and livelihood. The impact on appalachia is compounded by other economic challenges. The chinese art dumping cheap steel in our market tried to fix their problems on the backs of American Workers. A lot of families still have not recovered from the great recession, which wiped out jobs, homes, and the savings. Yesterday i met a man named beau in West Virginia. He was a maintenance planner. He lost his job last fall. He showed me a picture of his three full children and the said he was trying to keep on a brave face for them so they would not know how worried he and his wife are. West virginians are proud people, beau said. We take pride in our faith in god, we take pride in our family, we take pride in our jobs. Take pride in the facts that we are hard workers. So why, he asked them are there not more programs in place already to help people like him . Why isnt there more help to turn to . How are we going to get new jobs there, not years from now but right now . I will bet everybody in here knows somebody in the same boat. And beau was clear, he is a republican, he is not voting for me. But i really do not care about that. We need to do better for beau and his family and families like his across appalachia and america, and that means [applause] sec. Clinton that means coming together, making a real plan to invest in the foundations of a strong middle class, namely, good jobs and quality education for our kids. And a level Playing Field for American Workers. That is what my plan for revitalizing communities here will do. First, we have to honor our obligations to miners as in present and stand with the Steel Workers who are fighting for their livelihoods right now. [applause] sec. Clinton for months i have been speaking out against the Coal Companies that have tried to shirk their responsibilities to workers and retirees. Miners, power plant workers and Railroad Employees earned the benefits they have learned and the respect of all americans. [applause] sec. Clinton and among the 100,000 miners who have died in the last century, we have lost miners in this century too who are joined with them and sacrifice. The 29 brave men who perished at the Upper Big Branch mine. The owner of that mine, don blankenship, had neglected workers safety for years. Because of weak laws, when he was finally caught, finally charged and finally convicted, he only received a oneyear prison sentence. One year for 29 deaths. That is totally unacceptable. That is why i support to bills i support to bills two bills in front of congress right now that share a reference. The miners protection act in the mine safety protection act. They are critical. [applause] they are critical to keeping faith with coal committees and keeping safety on the job. I hope the congress will pass them and the president will sign them as quickly as possible. By the way, i heard mr. Blankenship was outside my event yesterday, protesting me. [laughter] sec. Clinton well, if donald trump wants the support of someone like that, he can have it. [applause] sec. Clinton at a time when chinese cheating is killing American Steel jobs, i will not leave our steelworkers to fend for themselves. As president i will make sure we step up and initiate cases against china before jobs are lost, not after. And i intend to appoint a special trade prosecutor in push for stronger rule of origin standards so chinese steel does not have a backdoor to american markets. For example, as part of foreign cars. [applause] sec. Clinton and i oppose any effort to grant socalled market economy status to china because it would weaken our abilities to stop china from dumping cheap steel on the global market. It is illegal and it is hurting American Workers and we have got to make it stop. I am so proud to be extending to be standing up here with your senator because he has been on the front lines of this and together, we will make it happen. [applause] sec. Clinton second, we need to invest in creating more good thing jobs here in appalachia. We know this region is rich in assets far beyond coal. We also know Economic Development plans designed in washington without local input will not deliver results for you and your family. That is why i want to support locally driven priorities, not supplant them. My plan will create a new Coal Community challenge fund to support investments by appalachians for appalachians. When i was in mingo county yesterday, i heard from members of the community who talked about how they are trying to generate more Small Business to create more jobs. They started an incubator to help local entrepreneurs get new ventures off the ground. They knew that they needed better housing so they put people to work, refurbishing homes and businesses. They realized many other neighbors were struggling with opiate addiction and other Chronic Health issues like diabetes, so they opened a Nonprofit Health clinic. Meanwhile, the county there is stepping up by repurposing their abandoned mine lands for new Industrial Park lands that will bring in the potential for big employers. This is the kind of a locally driven development that i think can really work. The federal government should do more to support it. Across the river from williamson in kentucky, i learned about a company that trains former miners to be Computer Programmers and matches them to jobs in Eastern Kentucky. Silicon valley Tech Companies are learning about these miners technical chops and hiring them. This is not a Silver Bullet by any means, but it is helping, and we need to grow that kind of creative, entrepreneurial approach. Mix hardworking people with skills that are needed. Create those jobs, attract investments. With fast reliable broadband, we could do even more in this region. [applause] sec. Clinton i got to tell you, eight years ago i spent a lot time driving the road to West Virginia. I spent a lot time yesterday and ing the roads of West Virginia. And you are disconnected, you are disconnected. West virginia deserves just as much Broadband Access as anywhere else in america and so does southern ohio and Eastern Kentucky and all the rest of the region. [applause] sec. Clinton that is one of my goals. Just like we had to finish electrifying the country, because you know what happens. Utilities go with the business is. They do not want to climb mountains and get the rivers to get to 10 people, you to go to cities and suburbs where it is easy. They want to go to a Great University like this one where there is a lot of users. We got to finish the job of connecting up america. [applause] and i amton convinced, when we do we will see a whole bunch of new Small Businesses and Creative Ideas be put into action. And i do want to support what it learned yesterday, lets repurpose abandoned mine lands and power plants to support new jobs like the Industrial Park which makes would products on which makes Wood Products on the site of a former coal mine. And lets expand the new markets tax credit, something my husband started in the 1990s, to steer investment and private enterprise to appalachia. Having a good job is about much more than getting a paycheck. It is about dignity and a sense of purpose. I do not want young people to leave home to find those things. I want them to be able to state to be able to stay right here in this region, be near their family and friends and learn a great living. The able to give their kids a great life. You should not have to leave home when we are in such a connected world now. Lets connect ourselves up, lets get creative. I know we can create a really bright future. And the third part of our plan for revitalizing appalachian communities. Investing in education and training. It does not have to be college or university. It could be apprenticeship, Community Colleges, but it makes a real difference. Were going to make Community College free and give all young people [applause] sec. Clinton the chance to graduate debt free. [applause] sec. Clinton we will make it easier to pay off existing student debt and if you are an entrepreneur, we will let you defer your student loan payments and pay no interest for up to three years while you get your business off the ground because i want young people to take advantage of those opportunities. [applause] sec. Clinton i want to see young people be able to take advantage of incubators like the ones here in southeast ohio. [applause] sec. Clinton it supports up to 30 startups every year. If we multiply that, think of what we will create together. And we have to make sure that people who do not go to college get the education and training they need to get a good job. There are a lot of ways of doing that, but there are a lot of jobs out there. The last number i saw was 1. 2 million jobs with people for skills and traits. Skills in the trades. Welders, machinists and the like. Those jobs are not all in the same place, obviously, they are spread across the country, but the more people who have those skills, they can start their own businesses too. So we have got to look harder at how we give every young person the chance to chart his or her own future. That begins earlier with good schools and good teachers no matter what zip code your child lives in and that is [applause] sec. Clinton that is a particular challenge for a lot of communities in the region because when mines close, power plants shut down, mills go idle, School Districts lose tax revenue. Look at what is happening in waterford, ohio. After a nearby power plant shutdown, the School District lost more than 1 million out of a 7 million annual budget. They had to lay off dozens of teachers and that is just no way to give our kids the education that they need. I have been looking for ways that we could help. Back in the 1990s, when the Timber Industry was in decline in the pacific northwest, we started a federal program to keep local schools open as they faced the climbing tax revenues. Lets make a similar commitment to appalachian communities by making sure that as coal and steel and other factories have problems it is not taken out on , students and teachers. And we will take a look at retraining programs and make sure they are actually delivering results for workers. The last thing anyone needs is more retraining programs for jobs that do not exist. We have a whole bunch of those. Lets learn from programs that really work. Yesterday in williamson, i met a young man named brendan. Named brandon. He always thought he would be a minor, then his dad lost a job and the got brandon thinking about his future. When he was still in high school he learned about the training program. Workers there spent 33 hours a week on the job, getting paid , six hours in the classroom working towards an associates , degree. Three hours learning life skills like financial management. That is the path brandon is taking. When he is done he will have concrete skills employees want. A twoyear degree, money in the bank, and he will be able to build the kind of like he has wanted right in his hometown. Fourth and finally we have to invest in families. Raising a family is hard work anywhere, and i think it is harder today than it was not so long ago. I talked to a lot of young parents. I am really zeroing in on this is a new grandmother. This as a new grandmother. I pay a lot of attention to the struggles that young parents are facing, no matter what level of income and education, there are different challenges. And i think we have got to be more helpful. We make it just about as hard to balance family and work as we can in this country. That is why we need paid family leave that supports families [cheering] sec. Clinton taking care of their loved ones. And why we have to continue the work under the Affordable Care act to get the cost down, get more competition. [applause] sec. Clinton and we need to look at specific problems like too many miners with black lung disease have been denied the health care they need because coal funded lawyers and doctors withheld evidence or willfully misdiagnosed them. You i know a little bit about this because way back in arkansas, when bill and i were there teaching of the law school, he took on a bunch of black lung disease cases, about 100 of them as i recall. He and i traveled to meet with the miners and their families to see what could be done to help them. Unfortunately, the problem never stopped. We also know that this region loses too many young people. They go to college, they go for work, and they do not come back. They do not see a way to make a living. Others stay and it is a real struggle. Many people these problems are too big to bear. So we have drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and a suicide all on the rise across appalachia. And a shocking link them off especially middleaged white women, Life Expectancy is actually on the decline. Apart from times of war, that as never happened before in the United States. My husband and i have been talking about this for months when we saw the statistics. People are dying from opioid abuse, from heroin. They are dying from suicide. But build what is figure on it, he said you know what they are really dying of . They are dying of a broken heart. This is a problem that should concern every american. We need to make a national effort, we cannot go on like this. We have got to commit to treating Substance Abuse disorders and Mental Health issues. [applause] Hillary Clinton we should bring the same urgency and resources to bear as we do for Heart Disease or cancer. Addiction is not a moral failing, it is a disease. [applause] Hillary Clinton and Mental Health is just as important as physical health. [applause] Hillary Clinton that is what we have got to commit ourselves to doing. These are all complicated problems, they all intersect and there are no easy solutions. But we cannot just ignore them and we cannot deny them. We need a fullcourt press, government, business, universities, community groups, advocates, people pulling together, learning from each other, and that is exactly what i want to do. The ideas im putting out today are just a start. Im going to take everything ive heard these last two days, added to Everything Else i have heard over a lifetime, and work with leaders to come up with plans. It is truly not worth running for and a serving as president if you do not help struggling and striving americans get help. [applause] Hillary Clinton and of course, what is the other side offering . Unfortunately it is the same old trickledown economics that has failed us before. Donald trump does not talk about these issues on the campaign trail, but his tax plan would give 3. 2 trillion to millionaires and billionaires. The people in our society who need it the least. You know what we could do with that kind of money. We could make Social Security and medicare solid for the next 75 years, for example. [applause] Hillary Clinton we could repair, replace and expand our entire national infrastructure. I just dont get it. The other side wants to give that money to the rich. What a waste. And they do not even bother to come up with solutions to most of the problems people talk to me about. They say things like lets get out of the eba, lets get rid of the department of education. Closing the epa is not the answer for rebuilding a region as we transition to clean renewable energy. Closing the department of education will not stop the chinese from dumping steel or reverse the decline in jobs. It will not fix the roads or keep the schools open. We have got to stay focused on what we can do together and we know how to do this, my friends. I am absolutely committed to working with everybody. Per the job of being the president is to be the convener in chief. Bring people to the white house, sit around the table, talk and listen to each other. [applause] Hillary Clinton maybe have a can of jackie os beer to get things going. [applause] Hillary Clinton we do not have time to waste. People are discouraged, people are disheartened, people feel like our government, politics, and economy have failed them. Lets make the wealthy pay their fair share as that of giving them more tax breaks. Lets invest in appalachia, give the families here the opportunities you deserve. I want to close with a letter i recently received from another young man in West Virginia, also by the name of brandon. Apparently there was a. Of time when it was a popular name. His dad is also a retired miner. Here is what he wrote. The coal industry has always been up and down. We always made it through tough times because of the people around us. We note what it is to be a community here in West Virginia. We come together when someone needs help. It is not just a story, not just West Virginia, it is an american story. At our best, we pull together. We lift each other up. I think it really does take a village to raise a child, to heal a community, to restore peoples faith in themselves and our country and our future. We cannot allow ourselves to be divided against one another. To be set against one another. To have scapegoating and shaming and blaming and insulting instead of an honest, candid conversation about what we are going to do together. [applause] Hillary Clinton lets commit ourselves to make sure all of our families can live lives of dignity, security and opportunity, and we treat each other with respect even when you disagree. Because we are not always going to agree. And build a future that i see. To break down all the barriers that are Holding People back. I am very excited about this. People ask me all the time, well, how are you going to respond to all these attacks . All these names you are called . I said, really . Not like i havent been dealing with that for 25 years. Really . [applause] Hillary Clinton because it is not about me. It is about us. Im going to stand up and fight for you. Im going to be on the front lines for this country that i love that has given me and my husband so much. I want to make sure that i can look in the eyes of my absolutely adorable 19 month old grandchild [laughter] Hillary Clinton and i can say honestly that you are going to be given every opportunity. But you know whats great about this country, charlotte . Every kid is going to be given an opportunity. And we are going to build a future that will take advantage of the talents and the hard work of every single one of our children. Help me in this mission. Thank you, god bless you. [cheers and applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] during campaign 2016, cspan takes you on the road to the white house as we follow the candidates on cspan, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. Time to check in with an okeefe of the washington post, who has been keeping a close track on the delegate totals. First, lets talk about the democratic race. Who would have thought the republican nominee would be more in place, based on what happened in indiana and with all eyes on kentucky and West Virginia . Ed it will be embarrassing for the Clinton Campaign, looking for a way to see if they can wrap this up quickly. I heard your last caller get very excited about sanders. The math still works against him. He may want to push for a contested convention. He may fight for every last delegate. There are not that many left for him to have. He would need 2283 delegates to win the nomination. Clinton remains on track, even if she loses kentucky and West Virginia. Sanders needs a hefty supply of the 719 superdelegates. He only has 39. 160 have not publicly announced what they would do. That is not enough to make up the difference. Again, sanders people will be happy tonight and they should be. It shows vulnerability for clinton in midwestern states. His popularity is sustained tonight with younger voters. There are a lot in indiana, about one in five tonight. There is not a lot left for him to overtake the delegate lead. Steve taking that into account, as you look at the delegate math and momentum, why has Hillary Clinton had struggles . She won last week, the new york primary. The map seems to favor senator sanders. She seems to be losing momentum. Ed she has won the larger states, the swing states likely to be in play, with the exception of iowa, new hampshire, and possibly michigan. It was expected that in smaller, more rural states, the Clinton Campaign anticipated they would not do well. Similar things happened eight years ago. She was racking up wins at a time when obama was in the lead. Ultimately, obama held on. In california, i think that is the last one to look at. If he continues to do well in kentucky, West Virginia, does well in washington, the four, five, or six states that remain, and in california, if he has enough money to compete in california, that would be one to watch and certainly a setback for her. Again, in california, she has the lead. If you add up what is left, he cannot overtake her. Steve we are talking with ed okeefe. Lets turn our attention to the republican race. The headline is ted cruz suspending his campaign after losing indiana in a rout. There is this from the john Kasich Campaign. Chief strategist john weaver issued a statement that says in part, our party is facing a clear choice between positive solutions that can win in november, and a darker path that will solve nothing and lead to Hillary Clinton in the white house. The governor is staying in for the next couple of weeks. Ed read the next sentence. Steve the Kasich Campaign had secured a plurality of delegates as part of the prenomination process. Ed they also say, as long as it is possible, governor kasich will fight for the higher path. That is slightly different from what he told my colleague earlier tonight when he said absolutely he is staying in. That was about an hour or two before the rnc chairman tweeted out that trump would be the presumptive nominee tonight. He told us that kasich is absolutely not quitting and the campaign would continue until someone has 1237 delegates. Trump will have that soon. He will have to wait until california to really hit it. With cruz out, and he was doing well in places like nebraska and south dakota, with kasich having no hope in either of those places, at this point, it is all over but the voting. The delegate count will put trump just over the top if he wins the majority of the delegates in california. There is a chance that kasich runs house races in california. In california, you have to win every congressional district. If he was able to pull in half a dozen districts, there is a chance he could pick up delegates that way, especially among conservative republicans. We will see. It is all but said and done at this point. I think the real question we have to focus on is, at what point does the rnc start to take its grip off the balloon, so to speak, and allow trump to hold it . At what point do they give access to the voter files . At what point do they start coordinating fundraising activities . Trump has not done much fundraising. He has selffunded so far. The Republican Party could certainly use the money. There is no clear sense of what will happen. I was reading something a few minutes ago that pointed out that, at this point in 2012, mitt romneys joint fundraising with the rnc was already a month into its existence and had raised about 140 million by the end of june for the Romney Victory Fund and the rnc. Nothing like that has been set up between trump and republicans. Clearly, if trump is the nominee, the party is signaling that they would like to get down to some of those races. Steve we read this tweeted earlier that is one of the biggest stories tonight. The chairman of the Republican Committee saying it is time to unite and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton with the hashtag neverclinton. Then this headline, some are going to bolt the gop and back clinton. What is happening inside the socalled establishment . Ed you are seeing intellectual types announcing that they are due registering as members of the Republican Party or voting for Hillary Clinton. You will see the washington beacon or washington examiner, weekly standard, national review, begin to talk openly about bucking trump or voting for clinton. I am seeing it on twitter among republicans supporting cruz or someone else. The more intriguing part to keep an eye on is the National Security wing. Former cia directors, security advisers, ambassadors for the bush administrations. Do they break away . Do they say they will vote against trump . Will they support clinton . Or will they sit on their hands . There was talk of starting up an independent bid for james mattis. That was being driven by conservative folks that are concerned that donald trump does not have the temperament to serve as commanderinchief. There has been talk that perhaps Hillary Clinton needs to make a bid for those people, speak to republicans who are concerned. Look, i may have said something about your party in the past, but if youre looking for a serious commanderinchief, i am there for you. If that happens, it is difficult for trump to make a compelling argument to the americans that think about those issues when they go to the ballot box. Steve we are talking with ed okeefe of the washington post. This tweet saying ted cruz is heading back to houston after suspending his campaign. Final question for you. How does the party try to come together in all of this . Ed if i knew the answer to that, i would be a wealthier man at this point. It will be really difficult. We have two months until the party convention. That is a long time in american politics. A lot can happen. A lot of the panic and concern might dissipate. Eight years ago, there was concern about democrats that said, i can never vote for barack obama. Look what happened. They united and easily elected him president in 2008. We talk about the Republican Party and the need to unite. The democratic race continues. Sanders has made no qualms about sticking it out until the convention in july. We have to Pay Attention and scrutinize the situation as much as the republican one at this point. Like it or not, republicans are united around one guy. Two months is a long time. If you can put together a unified campaign, it could become easier for him. Certainly, there is a real crisis right now in the Republican Party about who it is, what it is supposed to be about. Who its leader should be. Do not discount the divides among democrats. Steve which makes this campaign one for the record books and one of the more interesting we have seen in our lifetime. Ed indeed. Steve thank you very much for being with us. His work is available at line. Are wrote to the white house coverage continues tomorrow with the bipartisan look at the president ial candidates and contests for house, senate, and governor christie country. On cspan2. Madam secretary, we proudly g ive 72 of our delegate votes to the next president of the United States after a secondplace finish in tonights indiana primary, ted cruz announced he was suspending his campaign. He made remarks at an event in downtown indianapolis. This is about 25 minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, carly fiorina. [applause] [chanting carly] ms. Fiorina hello hoosiers [applause] ms. Fiorina i know that i speak for the entire cruz family, the entire cruz team, when i tell you how many hoosiers we have fallen in love with on this campaign. [applause] ms. Fiorina all the wonderful people who have shown up at rallies across the states, the Retail Stocks where people let what looked like awesome food get cold, while we all stood and talked about the state you love and the state we have come to love, and the nation we all love. [applause] ms. Fiorina we came together as fellow warriors. Warriors and a cause to save the soul of our party, the character and the future of our nation. And that cause continues and you are warriors still. [applause] ms. Fiorina you know, you know what makes this country extraordinary. You know that we are extraordinary because while people are gifted by god all over the world, it is only in this nation that so many people have been given the opportunity to realize their godgiven gifts and we havent even at opportunity because we were founded on two powerful ideals. One, that each of us have a right to find and use our godgiven gifts. A right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. [applause] ms. Fiorina that those rights come from god and should not be taken away by man or government. [applause] ms. Fiorina and the other idea, that power concentrated is power abused. Too Many Americans and this nation suffer. And you know as i know, that in this nation, Extraordinary People step up. You have all stepped up. And it has been my great pleasure, my privilege, my honor, to stand by and fight alongside one of the great citizens of this extraordinary nation. [applause] ms. Fiorina the ted cruz that i have come to know, the same man that you have come to know. This is a man who favors substance over sloganeering. [applause] ms. Fiorina who favors respect over insult. Who favors positive policy solutions that will actually work over hand waving. It has been my great privilege and honor to get to know him as a friend, a husband, as a father, he is indeed a great citizen of this great nation. Fellow citizens, as we fight on for the nation we hold dear [applause] ms. Fiorina as we know that our history is long and our future is longer, still, please join me in welcoming a great man, ted cruz, his wonderful and brilliant wife heidi cruz, and the two girls i have come to love as much as you have, carolyn and catherine, a Great American family. [applause] sen. Cruz god bless the hoosier state. [applause] sen. Cruz let me tell you about the america that i love. Our nation is an exceptional nation. We were founded by risktakers and pioneers, brave men and women who put everything on the line for freedom. We began with a revolutionary idea, that our rights do not come from kings and queens or even president s, but from god almighty. [applause] sen. Cruz that everyone of us has an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And that to protect those rights, the constitution serves as chains to bind the mischief of government. [applause] sen. Cruz for more than two centuries, we have protected those rights. We believe in equal rights for everybody, that everybody deserves dignity and respect. Whether they agree with you or not. That there will always be evil in the world and injustice in the world, but america stands up to it and confronts it. [applause] sen. Cruz even from eight montgomery jail, our voice for justice and equality rings out for the ages. America is hopeful, optimistic. America is kind. We are not boastful or meanspirited. America is brave, we keep our word, and we believe in peace through strength. [applause] sen. Cruz we have spilled more blood, spent more treasure in defense of liberty than any country in history, yet we do not engage in wars of conquest. We do not seek to enrich ourselves at our neighbors expense. America is the land that gave my mom, an irish italian growth growing up in a workingclass family, the chance to be the first in her family ever to go to college. To become a pioneering Computer Programmer in the 1950s. [applause] sen. Cruz i love you, mom. America is the land that welcomed my father is a penniless immigrant. He had seen oppression and torture in cuba. For him, america was hoping opportunity. In 1957 if someone told a teenager that watching dishes for 0. 50 an hour, his son would be in the senate and he would get a chance to cast his ballot for his son to be president of the United States. [applause] sen. Cruz that teenage immigrant would never have believed it. And yet that is exactly what happened, only in america. [applause] sen. Cruz in recent months a lot people have been talking about what happened 40 years ago at the republican convention, our puppies last contested convention. When i look back at that convention, i look at the speech Ronald Reagan gave to our party. He spoke not to the next four will we pass on to future generations of land devastated and destroyed by the enemies of civilization . Responsibility with which we have been charged by history. This is our challenge. This is the fight that falls to our generation. When we launched this campaign 13 months ago, we saw a movement grow. Upon this, all said it was hopeless, but we saw over 300,000 volunteers all across this nation. [applause] sen. Cruz over 1. 5 million contributions averaging about 60 each. [applause] sen. Cruz many of those of volunteers, many of those contributions you never forget. Just a few days ago, two young kids ages four and six handed me two envelopes full of change. All of their earnings from their lemonade stand. They wanted the campaign to have it. Thats what built of this campaign, thats what fueled this movement. [applause] sen. Cruz thank you to each of you. Incredible patriots who have fought so hard to save our nation. [applause] sen. Cruz and i, with you [applause] sen. Cruz i am so grateful to you, to my amazing wife, heidi. [applause] sen. Cruz to our precious girls, caroline and catherine. [applause] sen. Cruz to my mom, the prayer warrior. [applause] sen. Cruz to my dad, who has traveled this nation, preaching the gospel. [applause] sen. Cruz to carly fiorina, who has been an incredible, phenomenal running mate. [applause] sen. Cruz what you have done, the movement that you have started his extraordinary. I love each and everyone of you. From the beginning, ive said i would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory. Tonight, im sorry to say it appears that path has been foreclosed. Together, we left it all on the field in indiana. We gave it everything weve got. But the voters chose another path. And so, with a heavy heart, but with boundless optimism for the longterm future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign. But hear me now, i am not suspending our fight for liberty. [applause] sen. Cruz i am not suspending our fight to defend the constitution. To defend the judeochristian values that built america. Our movement will continue. And i give you my word that i will continue this fight with all of my strength and all of my ability. [applause] sen. Cruz you are extraordinary and we will continue to fight next week, and next month, and next year, and together we will continue as long as god grants us the strength to fight on. [applause] sen. Cruz for one thing remains as true today as it was 40 years ago in kansas city. In this fight for the longterm future of america, there is no substitute for victory. There is no substitute for the america that each and every one of us loves with all of our heart, that we believe in with all of our heart, and together we will restore as a shining city on the hill for every generation to come. Thank you to each of you and god bless you. [applause] [only in america by brooks and dunn] that was ted cruz in downtown indianapolis where he announced the end of his president ial campaign after a secondplace finish to donald trump in indianas primary. His campaign lasted for 407 days. Tomorrow morning on cspan3, we start with a discussion on Climate Change in the zika virus at the brookings institution. Panelists will talk about how changing temperatures impact spread of the mosquito borne illness. We are live at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. Then a panel on economic challenges facing will exporting countries posted by the center for strategic and international studies. That is live at 11 00 a. M. Eastern, also on cspan3. Following a victory by donald trump in the state of indiana, ted cruz suspended his campaign for the republican nomination. At a victory speech in new york city, esther trump congratulated the senator on a wellrun campaign. This is about 20 minutes. [applause] [applause] thank you very much. I want to start by thanking my kids notife, my kids anymore. I want to thank my grandparents who are looking down right now, my brother looking down. My entire family, including marianne. It has been an unbelievable day and evening and year and i have never been through anything like this but it is a beautiful thing to watch and a beautiful thing to behold and we will make America Great again. [applause] so important, the people of indiana have been incredible. Know, not veryou long ago, and i was told i had a 20 point deficit. I went there and i worked very hard and i campaigned and i made losses teaches and met lots of incredible people, incredible people. You dont get better. And biggergot bigger and toward the end it was like i didnt want to leave i said, abi will just never leave. And weresonated somehow had a tremendous victory tonight. Knight, hehank bobby was incredible. [applause] i always say about people like that, there arent many, but its called tough, smart, and they know how to win stop that is what our country needs. We need to know how to win. We havent one. We lose all the time we cant beat isis, we lose with borders, with everything. We will not lose when we start winning again. So when i got back tonight, i started watching all of the different networks, i could hear immediately we were doing very well and it really looks like a massive and it looks like we want all 57 delegates. [applause] i must say, in saying various turned onindiana, i the television and all i saw were negative and, one after another, and i called my people and i said, how can we win . It was the same as florida. 60,000 negative advertisements. 60,000. Two weeks ago, 55,000. Ads,t is 60,000 negative most of which are absolutely false and disgusting. And i said, how can anybody endure this . I had one evening two nights ago where literally they had five ads in between segments of the show i was watching. And i said, thats incredible. And the people are so smart; they dont buy it, they get it. [applause] millions and millions of dollars were spent. They think it was probably 8 million spent. We spent 900,000. To me, thats the way it is supposed to be. That makes me feel really, really very good. Now were going to nebraska, where we are doing wonderfully. I look forward to that. West virginia, we will get those miners back to work, i tell you what. [applause] bewe are not going to Hillary Clinton we are going to beat Hillary Clinton. Last week she was talking about the miners as if they were numbers, and talking about how she will never let them work again. In me tell you, the miners West Virginia and pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, and ohio, and all over, are going to start to work again, believe me. You will be proud again to be miners. [applause] this tremendous run we had which started with new york at 62 , and that is with three people. 62 with two people is a massive landslide; 62 when you have that kind of a number with three people, its actually unheard of. And all throughout, it was 17 people, 15, 12, its tremendous. We are getting very high numbers. Some of the numbers in my opinion that i got in the early a statewhere id win with 32 but there were 13 people, i think that might be more and better than getting 62 in new york. But we never got credit for that, but now we dont need the credit, because we are going after Hillary Clinton. She will not [applause] she will not be a good president. She will be a poor president. She doesnt understand trade. Her, husband perhaps in the history of the world, the single worst trade deal ever done. Nafta. Cartagetness to the i havee last six years known all the different places i visited in new york and in pennsylvania and maryland, which treated me so great and the people are incredible, and all the different states, and i witnessed what it has done firsthand, and it has been indeed carnage. We will change the around. We will not let carrier and all of these Companies Just think they can move, go to another country, make their product, sell it back to us, and we only get one thing unemployment. Not. Going to [applause] happen anymore, folks. [applause] we are going to bring back our job said we are going to keep our jobs. We will not let companies leave. If they want to go to a separate state, good luck. Compete. But when they start going to different countries, and in many cases countries that devalue their currencies and make it impossible for us to compete, that is not going to happen, not going to happen. And if they want to do it anyway, there will because it cleanses, and there will be very serious consequences. [applause] to tell you that i have completed all my life. Life, i have been in competitions, different competitions, whether it is sports or business or now for 10 months politics. I have to tell you that i have met some of the most incredible competitors that i have ever competed against, right here on the Republican Party. We started off with that 17 number, and just so you understand, ted cruz i dont know if he likes me or doesnt like me, but he is one hell of a competitor. Hes a tough, smart guy. [applause] he has got an amazing future. Hes got an amazing future. I want to congratulate ted. I know how tough it is. Its tough, its tough. I have had some moments where it was not looking so good. Its not a great feeling. So i understand how ted feels, and heidi, i know how tough it is. It is tough. It is tough. I had moments when it was not looking so good and its not a great feeling so i understand how ted feels and heidi. Into their home, beautiful family. I want to say he was one tough competitor and i can say that for the others. I mean, chris christie, who endorsed. Incredible guy. Dr. Ben carson, who is right up there. One of the first. He just called me and said, it is a movement you have got going. We have got to do something because i tell you what, it is an Incredible Movement and dr. Ben carson endorsed me and i tell you what, he is an incredible man. And we want to keep him totally involved because we are going to win. Were going to win in november. [applause] mr. Trump and we are going to win big. Its going to be america first. They do not respect us and they do not take your of us and they do not treat us right in many cases. Thats not going to happen. Were going to keep things going very closely. Trillion now. 19 million now, but with the budget recently passed, it will be 21 trillion. We are not in the position we were in 30 years ago, 40 years ago with a lot of these things began taking place. We are going to have unbelievably good relations

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