Responsibility, therefore i will build a Global Response to this crisis at the g7 and g20 meetings later this year. I want to and with a plea to end with a plea. We cannot simply wait and see. We have entered the most dangerous time in our history. We cap unresolved we count on your resolve, thank you. Thank you very much, president of the European Council. President , we had a debate without british friends, which was tough and which took time. The negotiations were difficult. At the end of the day, we that europe isr, capable of making decisions even if the situation it is coping with is difficult. Tribute e to play pay tribute to president tusk who assisted the commission in concluding the debate with elegance and ability. I would address the same confidence to scholz on the european parliament, without whose inspiration the outcome would not have been what it was. Much. E achieved many of the other Member States offered as much as they could offer, which leads me to say the deal with the u. K. Is fair, with the and complies great principles of the European Union and takes into account the concerns, the errata, and suggestions of the United Kingdom. History,he course of time and again, we have said yes to the arrangements that we have arrived at with the United Kingdom. Day thatssion from the the british people approve those will passts legislative text to parliament and council, with regards to the social aspects of the agreement. The legislative proposals will come to you as soon as they have it wont tabled. It will escape you that the European Council confirmed what the European Council had decided in principle in the past. It is now a question of ensuring the decisions are appropriately imitated implemented. The 28 Member States will contemplate how we can quickly apply the protocol. The European Council has made it loud and clear that a european approach will achieve the objective. To succeed nationally will prevent us from doing that. That austria, a country close to my heart, this as action against austria. We are now attempting, together with austrian colleagues, to deal with this matter. I hope that we will be successful, thank you very much, president. [laughter] [applause] [applause] mr. Faber. Mr. President , dear colleagues, what situation we find ourselves in at the moment is that we have finwar in libya, the ukraine. Neighborin putin, a who is imperialist and aggressive. Many people in europe are looking for employment and prosperity. Across europe, it is very difficult. Council, iteuropean was difficult to see how Welfare Benefits or the city of londons concerns could be put on the European Councils agenda. My question is, should these be considered priorities . The british bodies and choose brought these issues to the table. I think it is very good that we have managed to come to an agreement. That agreement is on the table, and we can support it. David cameron but for his points and got a solid outcome for the citizens of the United Kingdom. We support the core of the agreement. What is clear is that if the people of the United Kingdom choose to remain within the find union, we will what we have to make clear is that that agreement will have to be respected. If people are being told in the to saykingdom, we have very clearly that the agreement on the table is the agreement. This is the agreement that the epp will support, and there will be no followup negotiations. This debate is now up to the british people. It is important to clarify the truth of the matter. Said the u. K. Can perform much better outside of the European Union. Why is it that the usa is asking the u. K. To remain within the European Union, because it is better for their trade . Because of its agreement, its membership in the eu, military leaders have spoken out against britain leaving the European Union. Nigel faro wants to pedal untruths. He is looking forward to a time , vladimir putin, they will split the European Union, to fragmented, to infiltrate better. We have to stop them from doing this. Lets do things together. We live at a time of major uncertainty and insecurity. We have to be sensible. A divided europe is weaker. It is weaker in terms of tackling these difficulties. Hopefully, the british will address problems together with us in the future. Migration, the president of the commission has that we are already confirmed. There is still a lot of egotism and Party Politics at work. If you look at things from a positive angle, you can see there is a clear commitment, to securing the borders of europe, to supporting our commitment on that front. Aleppople fling bombs in , the russian bombs as well, those people should not be. Eglected, abandoned we have to open the border, but regulate things at the greek border, for the humanitarian approach. The constant must act properly. We need to Work Together to secure borders, but at the same time, show a willingness to cooperate. We have to start acting. Mr. President , i would just like to say that a few days ago, there was a representative study published across europe asking these, not politicians, questions. 79 of people across europe want us to keep the freedom to travel. 60 of british people want to keep the freedom of travel. 69 of people want us to help refugees, to solve this refugee problem. Sometimes the people no more than the politicians, thank you. Than theore politicians. Thank you. [applause] wants to put a question to you. Can i just ask you to repeat what he said . In there some People United kingdom who are giving the impression to the british electorate that there will be a referendum that will come back, and there will be renegotiations. Clarity, will you confirm to the people of the United Kingdom that the renegotiation has been finished and there will be no further renegotiations . Thank you. If you need clarification of what i have just said, i am happy to do that. The proposal on the table, that is the offer from all sides. It is a compromise. That is what we have to take into account on both sides. We have made movement and come to compromise. We hope it cameron hope that cameron and everyone in the l be convinced lb theref there is a no will be no followup negotiations. On behalf of my group, the United Kingdom must remain in the European Union. That any possible brexit would have disastrous consequences, particularly for the brits themselves. The eye making them must rein in the union. We have a shared history and culture. Without london and the United Kingdom, europe is no longer itself, the same thing. The agreement on friday, and thanks to all of , and myo contributed council, the european let me add with equal clarity that we cannot accept being taken hostage. Balance within the british factory. For weeks to be spent discussing the banking union, the fracking it shows in legal terms the principle of Free Movement of citizens is not to be touched. Im not convinced by one aspect, and that is the social dimension. , the same job compassing work the same job, the same work. The british will have less rights than the others. That is discrimination. Though i very much hope that we will see this be denied, it will again be crucial that this come from the commission. There are certain principles for us, there are things that must be handled with great care. Theywise, the danger is can be likewiseve wires. The situation will intensify, and we will fight to make sure this is reversed. That with every respect, it is up to them, it is up to them alone to make their choice. Respectay with great that you have been leaders in the world, protagonists. The u. K. Has done so much. The best place to demonstrate is the European Union. At a time of exile and fear, tumultuous after the unity is aon, the tremendous source of strength, thank you. [applause] thank you very much. Thank you mr. President. I need clarification did i was listen to what you said. Correctly just got your gist correctly, you said there coul bd be no discrimination in civil rights. I think i believe you said something like, we will have to see what happens when the legislation comes through the parliament. Are you saying that this legislation could be different from the agreement . The agreement may have been changed . Or, previously, you have said it will not be changed. Could the parliament change it if it wanted to . And will it . Thank you. You know the rules of the house as well as anyone. I am not inventing anything. That thepressing now british will vote to maintain the United Kingdom in the European Union and the European Commission will meet for the floor of house and the parliament. At that point, we will be able to examine and make them and debate them. The pilots are free parliaments are free to come to their conclusion. We cannot secondguess those proposals. We shall examine them in a constructive spirit. We want all of them to remain with your opinion with the European Union. Thank you, mr. Fox. Thank you, president. The deal struck last week was hardfought by all sides. Many countries have concerns and objections, and im glad those hurdles were overcome, aided by willpower, sealed following a visit to the chip shop. We found an agreement that enshrines the United Kingdoms special status as a country never joining the euro and never. Oining kingdom as a country that does not want to be part of the ratchet of the european political project, that delivers a live and let live agreement, where the United Kingdom continues to play an active role in the european facingithout discrimination in areas where it wishes to keep national control. The pcr Group Welcomes the steel. Thise ecr Group Welcomes deal. I will be supporting the campaign to remain in the European Union. [applause] britains economic recovery so good is still fragile. I will not put at risk by tearing us away from this market. I believe my constituents will be safer at of my country more secure if we continue our cooperation. There are good people who disagree with. With me. If the british people decide to leave, we must respect that choice and make it work. There are also those in this chamber who would not respect other peoples choices. We hear them cheering behind me. Those who compare the eu to the soviet union. That is foolish and offensive to those who actually lived under the yoke of communism. [applause] unlike the ussr, any country is free to leave the European Union. That is the will of the sovereign people. Being in the eu is a choice and the conservative party will respect it. The voters in britain will exercise their sovereignty. They will decide whether to remain or to leave. In the u. K. , we can now look forward to debasing this subject for the next four months. The eu must face the migration crisis. The dutch Prime Minister had six ight weeks to save wasmigrant crisis exacerbated with merkel said they would take people without limits. People are coming without limits. When some people defend that. Rder, they are criticized when others breakables, they are when others break the rules, the y are applauded. We will prevent a silent sick ors moving around the prevent Asylum Seekers moving around the e. U. At will. We need to give priorities to those already in the camps with humanitarian aid. That the eurverse gives priority to those who cross the agean . I reccomend that for the next summit, you order Copious Amounts of chips and tell the e. U. Leaders to get cracking. [applause] mr. Fox, there is a question for you from mr. Colbert. X im delighted to hear mr. Fox say he is off the fence in favor of campaigning to remain i am delighted to hear mr. Fox say he is off the fence in favor of campaigning to remain in the union. Among the conservative mps, how many will be campaigning with your party leader, your Prime Minister to remain in the year union in the union . And how many will be campaigning to walk out on our neighboring countries . [applause] well, mr. President , if mr. Corbyn is so interested in the opinions of my colleagues, he should ask them. [interruption] that was an interesting question by mr. Corbyn. I think i can add something. There was also another question. . Adame yes, if indeed this is the you shouldrliament, look we should be looking at the questions between british neighbors and other members. These are british questions. I would like to put a question to easter fox mr. Fox. You. Ank the rule is that the blue cards are not distributed. Off. Orbyns was first i give them on a firstcome firstserved basis. Mr. Corbin had signaled before the speaker spoke. If that is the case, how can you claim any difference madame . Me,ell, colleagues, behind they can see as well as you can. Hand upyn had his first. Going further on the question of mr. Corbyn, i am simply wondering why you are now speaking . He does not know for the moment what he is going to do, and that is a better answer i think to n. E question of mr. Corby i have another issue. Thise to ask myself why deal was so vital. Not about europe. Honest. I may not k willn remain in the unionow, but i am sure of one result. Nite the toryeui party. What i am seeing is a glorified cockfight. I can tell you, i have seen a business politician. I myself anm one. This takes it to another level. Againstlondon acting the citizens of london. [applause] this is all for personal ambition, not for a better europe. Pathetic, i should say, that this is happening. It is dramatic for britain, especially. Kingdoms unity is under tretch. Americas cousins are saying, please, we will not make a trade deal outside the union. The special relationship between the u. K. And u. S. Is not so special today. That after a no, you can come back to the table. Some people are thinking, well, it is europe. Some people are thinking this is like denmark or the netherlands. That was about the constitution. Here, it is about in or out. One or the other. I see how the currency of britain is in danger. Alienated from the u. S. And how britain is stepbystep transformed a little england, i think they would be wise to stay in the European Union. Its also a dramatic debate and important for europe, because lets be honest, what we are discussing now is crazy. We should not be divided. The only ones that would gain from a divided europe would be people like vladimir putin, people like bashar alassad, is, and instead of discussing and how to stand up to them and develop a strategy, what we are going for at the moment is division. We are weak. Becameay, it clear that the ceasefire in syria happened and we were not around the table for such a crucial decision. And somen continue now are doing it to complain about the deal to the downsides of the deal. Everybody in the house is to do the opposite. Choose the deal to put europe back on track and make europe work again. Lets finally stop the standstill because of the british issue. Givingnothing against special status to britain if next time you agree also we can also go ahead with integration. The reforms we need to establish the more united europe because we need it to settle the crisis we are facing today and the refugee crisis. This is my last point we should do more also want a refugee crisis. Do as as much efforts to solve the refugee crisis as we have done to get a solution for the deficit. Thank you. [applause] so, thank you. There are seven people that have questions. I know your colleague has entered the chamber. Fromirst colleague is finland. Ber, bringh mem your question. Mr. President , thank you for your floor. I would like to make a question whom i know is a passionate european. Aware of the fact that made afrom your Group Campaign for the exit . Thank you. I cannot see the interest of campaigning for it. I think it is more interesting that the british people are deciding and politicians are taking positions. If there is one party in the britain will fight that remains in the union it will be the liberal democratic movement. [applause] therefore, the group, please. , thedies and gentlemen result of an internal party squabble, an essential pillar which supported the eu. The social pillar has been reduced. What will happen with the aaa . Up and say can pack that was it. Onould make the point where route for the eu coming closer. O the radical market resurrected. It was a monument in brussels for that affect. Hundreds of thousands of people in the last few months have come into greece and the eu is refusing to enter into its commitment to resettle those people. Thehave got the fact that unanimous decision at the last summit has disappeared. A day after the summit, nobody was talking about the borders sealed off. It was agreed that by the summit in march we should still have opening borders. Now we have a conference excludingn vienna greece, the main player. How do we come to a european solution . There is a hint of criticism going on in vienna in council or commission. You made a point what we decided needs to be delivered. That would be the first precondition for the quotas being allocated and greece being helped with the legal route to be created. Greece needs tangible help. We cannot go one as if the Member States were left alone. Member states are duty bound. This is a human duty. We will be giving up our values if we did not do that. Me say it loud and clear should we take an example from the new portuguese government . Toe offer from costas an tsipras that thousands of migrants can be taken from them or valencia will take thousands of immigrants. Why dont other Member States help . That is the basis on what we should be discussing. It should not be a powerplay between johnson and the cabinet, which has no impact on me or the refugees whatsoever. Thats what we should be talking about. 24 hours of drama in brussels drama. E has staged a we are doing nothing. We are not reacting. We are acting as if it will result on its own. Ladies and gentlemen, i say we need to act together, form a majority and spell out what is needed. [applause] there is a question from madame martin to you. Thank you very much, mr. President. I was listening very carefully who was asking for the refugees to be increased to be distributed in europe. That would be drama within itself. Why do you want the refugees to be discredited within you to be distributed within europe only . Why not across the planet, particularly the countries around the outside . Dear colleagues, we are members of the european parliament. For the voters and we need to resolve the problem that relate to europe. People are coming to europe with a you or others want it or not, they are coming. It does not help to try to close off borders. It does not happen to try to recreate internal borders within the European Union. We cannot look elsewhere and say you do this. We have the key to solving this problem and we have to Work Together to open the european door in such a way as to ensure this problem is resolved without threatening the lives of the people on route and complying with the international law. Thank you. Please. Colleagues, oft, staged to as always certain extent, but at this last European Council meeting, i got the impression actually that it has been described correctly. There was acenes, really serious negotiation going on. Should weircumstances consider this negotiation to be something that was planned in advance. It was actually a very difficult negotiation to keep europe together. My impressions from the summit i was only watching from the sidelines my impression was this summit saw many members of council looking around at what was at stake and were making it clear what actually what happened if one of the older members of the European Union were to leave the union. Dayers,against the doom that the conflict on this question actually helps the u. K. Decide what they want the European Union to the. Be. That would help all of us in europe. The discussion to a acknowledge what we have going in the European Union. People died in the making of , especiallyn union in the eastern countries. In the last few weeks, we have seen the beginnings of what could lay asunder. In, i can only imagine what he has to say on this debate. This process in the united being acould end up process which does us all good in finding what we have here. Union has become rather sidelined in many of the large world conflicts. The usa has mentioned this on several occasions. They dont necessarily want any difficulty. If the ukraine conflict, we saw very clearly what will happen to us if we cannot find Common Solutions together. If you look at the new strategy being adopted by the kremlin, and the conflicts arising in various places around the world, it is clear we have to Work Together with the United Kingdom. The European Union will be better with the u. K. On board. It works the other way around as well. The you the United Kingdom can overcome these crises if they are in the European Union. Of thenately, the issue very briefly. It was an extremely difficult issue to come to an agreement on. This is not just the case for the refugee crisis. We are seeing a domino effect and the results of getting our inability to get to grips of this crisis. Borders are being brought back in all over europe. They are thinking about having it militarily. Regarding the summit with turkey, i would say those who want to enshrine a fair refugee policy in the European Union, a fair approach with dealing with those in need in syria and around syria, i hope those people have great say in the negotiations because the topics are still the same resettlement within the European Union should be feasible because of you look at the actual figures, it is still feasible. Border management, it will cost a lot of money, but it is important and it has to be done on the basis of law. Nato can intervene, yes, but they cannot but troll the external borders of the European Union. The major support for these refugees are given by jordan and turkey. Thank you very much for your patience and attention. Thank you very much. A question. The tactics we are seeing, so thank you. I think you are giving me the things we have not done, but you mentioned the deal. View, it never had legal force. But it isis emergency not clear how it will be applied. My question to you is can you think of any concrete example that was actually achieved in this deal . You mentioned what was the most urgent idea. I can tell you im always open to compromise. Europe is always about compromise. We moved by compromise. In the long run, i will never from thekers coming Eastern European states are seen as secondclass workers. I hope that you agree with me on this. [applause] thank you very much. It is rather exciting, isnt it . It is referendum season and it is coming on april 6 in the netherlands where they will have a referendum on the ukrainian deal and opinion polls show they are going to reject it. Just today, the announcement of a referendum in hungary where they will have a referendum on whether they should be forced to accept mandatory migrants after the grievous errors of the eu common asylum policy and mrs. Merkels pronouncements. Overnight, we get a premier telling us it is in the Czech Republic to have a referendum on membership. I nearly forgot there will be a british referendum on june 23 on whether we remain in the European Union. At this point, it is a 40 hour summit with mr. Cameron doing his best impression of oliver twist and said please, sir, can i have more . He did not get very much, did he . Slightlye was ever so for the migrant benefits for a short amount of time. We are told in the future we will not be committed to a closer union. On the basis of all of that, we will have a referendum that the Prime Minister says in a deal that is legally binding. We are joined today and said that the deal was legally binding. To top that off, mr. Car ameron said he would launch the documents at the united nations, but frankly, you should might as well do a pair of socks because it is meaningless the fact you have launched a document there. Is this deal legally binding . Ecj themselves said in 2008 that the obligations imposed by International Agreement cannot have the effect of prejudicing the constitutional principles of the eu treaties, which means the ecj rules in favor of the existing treaties until we get a new treaty. Who is to say there will be a new treaty . Any new treaty would trigger more referendums and would not be favored for the big groups in this parliament. Of course, we have an emergency. That is being judged to be a great success. That happened, through secondary legislation to be voted on by this parliament. What happens . We have a referendum, we vote to remain and then we come back to this parliament. Is this Parliament Going to support british exceptionalism . I dont think we have heard voices today that make it perfectly clear that that will not happen. , if you, mr. Cameron are listening, is not legally binding in any way at all. I have to say the British Public will decide what is our safest option . Is it safe to stay within an organization where there are 3000 to 5000 terrorists who have come into our continent through the migrant crisis . Or is it safer to take back control of her own borders and democracy . I have decided to opt to vote for us to leave. [applause] thank you. There is a question. Please. Chairman. Ou, mr. We all know his willingness for written to leave happened 11 years ago. They have tried elections in the United Kingdom but the yet no six. Success. He went to the United Kingdom that was hardly a success. David cameron and the conservative party. In the referendum, which you always wanted, the majority of the british people saying yes, meeting to stay a part of the European Union. Would you retire from politics or would you want another chance to stay here and join the company of us europeans . [applause] know who hasnt been briefing you. You dont have a very good memory. Im not sure. In 2014 with 20 of the vote, they won the european elections, the First Time Since 1906. All the conservatives had won a National Election so i hope that brings you up to speed. As for the referendum, yes, i believe it is a onceinalifetime opportunity. Im certain if we vote to remain, we will unlikely get another opportunity and we will sink deeper inside this political union. Chance now, the momentum is on our side of the argument. And in ate to leave short amount of time all the british will be gone. I will about that how about that . [applause] thank you. Madam . Careful with the results, the analyses of respective countries. It went down to 22 in the last election. Vote, intera ct and the people should decide on the fundamental issues. It is democracy. Unanimously european and there will be a debate. Many will be involved. Now, freedom of opinion and respect for all opinion that goes to the heart of democracy. An opportunity for the u. K. To look back and see the benefits of joining up way back in 1976. They can opt for freedom, sovereignty. If they do that, they will find new ways of solving the problems. , the human rights the generation cannot subjugate. A generation of the british decided to join the European Union. That generation cannot impose on our institution our institutions to future generations and that is the lesson of democracy. On successivees generations. That is taken by elected people, usually the first proper. It may be out in the media. That goes to our rules and this legally making it illegal use of it. It is not going to change the reality any more than blackmail which is in the margins of the system. That was used by mr. Soros and others posed to referendum. You cannot refuse to be judged by the people. If necessary, sanctions that is the very essence of democracy. Brutal andt will be the british people will be freedom. [applause] mrs. Dodson, please. The United Kingdom look towards our very own Independence Day on the 23rd of june, we do it knowing the best efforts of our Prime Minister to deliver, the eu is neither willing or able to do so. The new settlements promised by David Cameron has been ditched. Our sovereignty will be continuing to be eroded. We will continue to send billions more to the eu than we get back in the fundamental flaws of membership will remain. Mr. President , even if we look what is being advocated, they bring no guarantees. There will be no guarantee of treaty change. This parliament can unravel it, as can the dcj. What we have before us is a an attempt to deceive the british people. My message to my constituents is do not buy it. Believe in our United Kingdom because in the words of the wonderful belfast author, there are far, far Better Things ahead than any we leave behind. [applause] mrs. Dodds, you have two blue cards. Will you accept them . President. U, mr. Could i ask if she would acknowledge the role of the European Union and the Peace Process because it did create a space for those who were in disagreement, to put it mildly, to actually negotiate and therefore, does she not see the value of the European Union in peace work generally, but in particular in Northern Ireland . We cannot interfere in the you u uk referendum. We do have to have a say and our voices need to be heard and i hope you will accept that. Thank you. [applause] can i say thank you to mrs. Mcginnis for her question . It is a very relevant one. I have always acknowledged the role that this parliament, this institution has built in making fundshere were peace available to northern island. Ireland. However, funds that Northern Ireland gets back on a cost to us. In terms of good relationships with our Good Neighbors in the that republic, i welcome today we have much better relationship that we ever had before. I hope and know this will continue. Future plea for any Prime Minister that what we need ireland is a debate and not the scaremongering tactics we have seen of those who threaten us with all kinds of things in Northern Ireland and we dont toe the european line. Thank you very much. Cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Tomorrow morning, green Party President ial candidate will join us live in the studio. Also, conservative radio host will be there to talk about his new book, the war on faith, family and your freedom to believe. Watch washington journal beginning live at 7 a. M. Eastern. Join the discussion. Campaign 2016 is taking you on the road to the white house. Saturday is the South Carolina democratic primary. Our live coverage begins at 7 30 p. M. Eastern with Election Results and speeches from the democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, to get your reactions and phone calls. Join us and bernieclinton sanders are in South Carolina ahead of tomorrows democratic primary. Theirl show you both of event from earlier today, next on cspan. More road to the white house coverage with donald trump speaking to an audience at Regent University in virginia. During campaign 2016 come cspan takes you on the road to the white house. As we follow the candidates on cspan, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. Democratic president ial candidate Hillary Clinton was in orangeburg, South Carolina friday or a Campaign Event with congressman james clyburn. He officially endorsed her last week and he gave introductory remarks at this event. It is just under half an hour. [applause] thank you, very much. I will not be here long as you can see or hear as my boys is not as my voice is not good. I dont need to be here long because the lady i am about to introduce has really introduced herself to this state and this nation for the last several years. As many of you know, when she graduated from law school, not clintonon then, came to South Carolina with the childrens defense fund. She came here on a mission to help young boys who were incarcerated but forest to serve forced to serve their sentences with adults. She came here to reform the system. She did not stop there. She went on to alabama and were undercover worked undercover to reform the School System which many of us remember was originally segregated. She did not stop there. She went on down to louisiana running an ageas program. She has been first lady of arkansas. She has been first lady of the of america. S she is been a United States senator. And she has been secretary of state. [applause] i dont believe that it can be contested successfully, when i say that nobody in the history gone foration has ever the presidency with a resume that this lady has. [applause] stand withm proud to her. I said to someone the other day, from day one, my heart has been with Hillary Clinton in this race. [applause] why, i saidas asked one word she is a fighter. Muche has suffered as castigation as this lady has suffered. She is resilient. Weathered those storms. About, when i think continuing the significant progress we have made since eight years ago, continuing to systempon a health care that is now in place, many of you may not remember, that a access tobefore, health care was called obamacare, they used to call it hillary care because back in 1993, my first year in the congress, she set out to establish universal access to health care. She did not succeed in getting it done. That program, came this ship. The state Children Health insurance program. Doingo me is going is a great job and is a Significant Development in our country. [applause] sincerely that this nation is well underway to ofeeming that great promise building a more Perfect Union from can think of no one the crop of people running today, better equipped, better prepared, more capable of getting us there then Hillary Rodham clinton, the next president of these United States. [applause] sec. Clinton hello, South Carolinas date. I am so South Carolina states. I am so grateful to be here and to have the opportunity to talk to you about what is at stake in this election and i want to thank congressman clyburn for. Eing here with me for his support and his guidance. If i am so fortunate to be the next president , i am going to be counting on congressman clyburn to help me make the changes that we need in washington. It is always a special treat to have mrs. Clyburn here as well. Thank you emily for being with us this afternoon. Aboutow, when i think this election, i really do believe that it is one of the most consequential we have had because there is no doubt in my mind that there is a big divide between what i believe, what president obama believes, what congressman clyburn believes and though many others and what you are hearing from the republican candidates. That is why getting involved is not only a good thing to do, it is essential. I want to make a few points to that itt why i believe is more important for young people to be involved this time the issues,any of their problems, the concerns that i hear from young people will either be addressed or their or they will be ignored. Let me start with the economy. I happen to think that we have got to create more good paying jobs, we have got to raise income, we have to give young people chances to start mall businesses, to be entrepreneurs, to start to chart their own future. Forths why i have put plans on how we can create more jobs in manufacturing, infrastructure, in clean, renewable energy. We can do that if we set our minds to it. It is also important that we provide more access to credit and more support for small businesses. Everywhere i go, can people say they have a great idea that they are burdened by debt and they do not know how to get the credit they need. We have got to fix it and i have a plan. We also have to raise minimum wage. People who work fulltime should not be mired in poverty at the end of the year. It is way past time to make sure that women get equal pay for the work we do in the workplace. Everything i have just said, the republic inns do not agree with. They do not believe we should be working together to invest more in new jobs. They say, leave it to the market. They dont believe in raising the minimum wage. They dont believe there is a problem with equal pay. That will be one of the biggest issues in this election and they will try to convince people that there philosophy of trickledown economics is what folks should vote for. Let me make two historical observations. We were on the right track in the 1990s when my president when my husband was president. Income went up for everyone, not just folks at the top. Middleclass families, working families, and where people were lifted out of poverty than at any time in recent history. What happened . Ae Supreme Court elected republican president and they went back to trickledown economics. They took their eyes off the financial markets. And the mortgage markets. In comes a new dynamic, and extraordinary young president , barack obama. What does he inherit . The worst financial crisis since the great depression. President elect obama calls me rtly after the 2000 and 2008 election to see him in chicago. I did not know why turns out wanted mebe to be to be secretary of state but the first thing he told me was that the economy was so much worse than what they told him. 9 million americans lost their jobs. 5 million lost their homes. 13 trillion in Family Wealth wiped out. President obama does not get the credit he deserves for digging us out of the ditch that the republicans put us in. I will tell that to everyone. Thatll wage a campaign on because if you listen to the republican candidates, they want to turn the clock back as if none of this has happened. Thanks to leaders in the Congress Like congressman clyburn working with the president , we were able to get ourselves out of that ditch, stand up again, get 40 million jobs back, save the auto industry, put the toughest new regulations on wall street and most of that did not get any help from the republicans. So, i am a proud defender of president obama. I was honored to serve as his secretary of state. We became not just partners, but friends. I am not going to let the republicans rip away the progress we have made under his leadership. I will tell you Something Else he did the Affordable Care act. The Affordable Care act which has moved us towards 80 universal coverage in our country. Democrats have been trying to do that since harry truman. President obama got that done. Congressman clyburn say it was called hillary care. I worked really hard but the companies stopped us. Createdned around and the Childrens Health fund. So thrilledi was when the president was wasessfully getting the successful in getting the Affordable Care act past. Passed. Republicans want to repeal it. I want you to ask what would they replace it with . You want to get rid of what we have that is helping all of these folks . The want to give it back to Insurance Companies so you can be denied Health Insurance for a preexisting condition, where for ourll pay more Health Insurance than men and young people will not be permitted to get onto their appearance policy up to the age of 26. We are not going back there, my friends. We will stand and defend the Affordable Care act. We will take it further. We will go after Prescription Drug costs which are out of sight. We are going to finally make sure medicare can negotiate for lower drug prices because once we get to care to do that, then prices will go down. We pay the highest prices in the advanced world for drugs we helped create through research with our tax dollars. We are going to take that on, front and center. We will work hard to make sure education provides a quality opportunity for young people no liver what zip code they in. I was over in williamsburg county, one of the county that is a long interstate 95. You may have seen a documentary from a few years ago that was called the court or up the corridor of shame. Downfilmed schools falling around the teachers and students. Terrible conditions. The Supreme Court of the state the legislature do something about that but so to, they have been unwilling act. I dont think it should matter where you live in South Carolina or america. To are entitled firstclass education. We will work hard to make sure that we provide support particularly for schools that are educating low income kids that need extra help and support. Weis also important that have more Early Childhood education because that will help us get more kids ready to succeed by the time they get to kindergarten or first grade. We are going to make college affordable. We are going to lower the cost. We are going to make it possible to go to college, debt free when it comes to your tuition. You will not have to our own money to attend college, a college like this that has such toried history s. I have a fund for historically black colleges and universities, public and private. [applause] because i know, i know how important they have been to educate so many leaders, so many professionals across the years. That they have been operating. We are going to do more to make sure that they keep educating young people, now and far into the future. [applause] i also want to tackle the problem of student debt. If you have student debt, we will refinance your debt and get the cost down. We will give you a chance to pay it as a percentage of your income and we are going to be sure that you get to pay it off at a certain time so we dont have young people burdened by debt. They will be able to get on with their lives the way many of us did when we had student debt. [applause] there are a lot of issues that we have to worry about. That i haveo know taken a stand against the privatization of Social Security. We are going to extend the Social Security trust fund. I need you to stand with me because republicans still do want to privatize it. They say that out loud and in public. We have got to defend Social Security. We also have to make sure that we do everything we can to protect and defend Voting Rights, Voting Rights are under attack across america. Got to stand against efforts at the state level to suppress the votes and restrict the votes. We have to go after citizens united, a terrible Supreme Court decision that opened the door to secrets, unaccountable money, and we will get Supreme Court justices appointed starting with president obama who is following through on his constitutional responsibility to nominate someone for the Supreme Court. [applause] and now, the senate needs to do is constitutional responsibility and consider that nomination. Get that cannot decision reversed, i will lead a constitutional amendment because we have got to stop the secret, unaccountable money that so many people are watching as it corrupts our political system. It is also important that we reformed our criminal Justice System. That we reformed our incarceration system. I have laid out very specific plans to do that and this is an area that i hope is bipartisan. I was with my friend senator booker yesterday in florence. He is one of the leaders in the Senate Working with republicans to make the changes that we need. It is also imperative that we protect the gains that have been ,ade, not only for women because believe me, they want to. Urn the clock back on us also i also want to end discrimination against the lgbt community. They deserve to have their rights and have their lives respected as well. We have work to do, my friends and it is important work. Work that i cannot do a loan. It would not be possible to do it alone. We need to do it together. That is why i am asking for your support in the primary tomorrow. I hope you will turn out and vote. I hope you will stand with me. [applause] day,se at the end of the it is important to get the nomination. I am doing everything i can to earn it but then we have got to turn around and win the election in november. I know that conventional wisdom is that South Carolina is pretty much in the republican column these days that i want you to leaders like with congressman clyburn and others in your state, in the state senate and house and at the county and local level, i want to help support the Democratic Party in this state so we can be competitive in South Carolina again in the future. There are so many issues that carolinians that are not going to be addressed by the other party. This Great Institution deserves a lot more help from the state legislature than it receives. What is the best way of getting that done . Elect people who can fight for you and get the numbers up in the state legislature to make that case. I want to end by saying this. Every day i am out here campaigning and making the case that i think is important for our country, i really remember how blessed i am. My grandfather was a factory worker, my father was a small businessman. My mother was out on her own at the age of 14 working as a maid. Every one of us has a story to tell. If we had the time, we could hear from every one of us. We have got to make sure that our country lives up to its promise. I want to break every barrier that stands in the way of any of american of getting a head and staying ahead. I know america cannot live up to its potential unless every person in our country has a chance to live up to his or hers. I hope you will join me and that you will be part of this effort to build on the progress we have made under president obama to go further and to make it absolutely clear that we are fighting to break down barriers wherever they may be because we know america deserves nothing less and americans deserve to have the future that we will create together. Thank you all, very much. Get goal here is to hear from the candidates about Social Security. What are they going to do to save at . It . It is important to get out and vote. It is the only way to voice our opinion. Senator Bernie Sanders was also in orangeburg, South Carolina on friday. His top at the University Interest includes introductory remarks from killer might. Mike. This is 50 minutes. [cheering] hello. Hello. Hello. You really judge a person by how they treat people when they do not have to treat them well and when it is in their best interest not to treat them well. I am going to repeat that. You should judge people by how they treat people. But people who they do not have to treat well. Re people that they could or people that they could well. T by treating Bernie Sanders is a white man in america. He does not have to care about anyone in this room, but himself. A fantasticrs is person in america. He can say that he worries about me. Young adult, and a he has fought for the rights of people who do not look like him, who are not from where he is from and who are not from his socioeconomic background. He stood on his integrity and depended onons and americans to be intelligent enough to be to say in spite took he did not take the opportunity to separate himself. That more than a grand introduction for a politician because that means when you are in office and have a hard decision to make, you will think about the people you talked to at these rallies. As president , he will think about womens rights before his own. As president Bernie Sanders will say publicly, police have no right to murder your children in the streets. As president , Bernie Sanders will make sure that people who work the least of the jobs among us will receive fair wages so they can be part of the economic climate that we enjoy in america. He will unify people based on our differences and not use them to separate. For the first time in my life, i am for the first time in my life, seeing what civil rights promised my grandmother. An opportunity to have someone that does not look like he, have empathy for me, but be willing to make policy that makes it fair even if it puts them at a regular persons level with me. I am looking for the first time in my life at a politician who despite popular demand says he will stand with someone on an peoplear thing because deserve free health care, free education, and people deserve to be treated as well as any white and in america. For the first time in my life, i am seeing a politician call for true equality by way of policy and not asking me to wait. For the first time in my life, and i am going to leave and introduce this guy soon but when you have an opportunity to tell two black girls to shut up and get off stage and you dont. And you shake their hand and you smile and you step to the side and you listen. Difference in turning around and saying to a little black girl, shut up. I will talk to you later. That theg to tell you proof is in the pudding every time. Protest and segregation. I know 51 years later you are willing soldier on, hold your head and listened to two black girls yell and scream as opposed to someone who will tell you to shut up. As opposed to someone who will tell you later. When it comes to your children dying in the streets. I know that the only person that i have the conscience to vote for is bernard sanders. I know that the only person that my logical, beautiful lack mind will allow me to vote for is senator Bernie Sanders. I want to tell the other side. I know from going around and shaking hands and hugging these beautiful black faces in south has ana, that firewall crack in it. I want to introduce you to the next president of the United States. [applause] [cheering] [chanting] sen. Sanders thank you all, very much. Thank you very much for being out here today. Let me thank representative bamberg and the senator and ander mike for their calm quiet introductions. [laughter] i want to just with killer mike here, you know killer mike is not a killer. For takinghank you the message of social and Racial Justice to young africanamericans, young whites, young latinos. That is what you have been doing for years, and i very much appreciate what you have been doing. From a to South Carolina state far, far away where it gets a little colder than it does here. You may want to visit us in the summertime. When we came here to south knew very few people. That is the simple truth. The first polls out there had us at about 5 7 . In the last nine months, we have, a long way because of your support. We appreciate it very much. Thank in addition , andpresentative bamberg senator turner and killer mike, ben jealous vangelis. Dr. Cornell west. People know cornell west . He is one of the important intellectuals in our country. Representative keith ellison. Cochair of the house progressive caucus. You all know danny glover. We have a young any glover on glover on our campaign. The actor has spent his entire career fighting for social justice. How about Harry Belafonte . Again, an example of someone who is not just an extraordinary singer and actor but he has been involved in the fight for peace and racial and social justice his whole life. Anyone here here the ad that spike lee did for us. ,e is one of the great producers in america. I also want to thank representative joe neal for their for his support as well. Let me make this brief. Our country today faces very serious problems. That is the truth. Does everyone agree . I think and the reason i am running for president is that i believe that it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics and the same old, same old. Ok . Country whichn a is the wealthiest country in the history of the world, but when it ismerican youth 51 . 51 . An africanamerican Child Poverty in this country, 35 . Countryare living in a where many of you who are going to college are going to leave School Deeply in debt. Is that the case . Weve got to do something about that. Surenly do we have to make that young people are not suffocated with outrageous level of student debt, we should be making public colleges and universities tuition free. [applause] providingbe substantial help to historically black colleges and universities who are doing a good a great job educating young people. What this campaign is about is taking a hard look at national priorities. 20 of theve wealthiest people in this country owning more wealth than the bottom 50 of america. 150 million people. Does anyone think that is right . We have republicans that want to 1 . Tax breaks to the top it does not make sense to me. So, this is what i think. Start, that when we have a lot of people in this country working or nine dollars 10 an hour. Does anyone think you can get by on that . Do you think we should raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour . Ok, let me say a word to the ladies. Earns nationally, women . 79 on the dollar compared to men. Africanamerican women earn less than that. Who thinks that is right . Are you going to stand with the women and fight for pay equity or women workers . Ok ladies, you have some allies. Hold them to that. Here is the story about unemployment. We have too much unemployment in this country. Millions ofreate good paying jobs. How will we do that . We are going to hire teachers, not fire teachers. [applause] i hope some of you here will going intot to teaching because we need Great Teachers in this country. Will give thought to going into childcare work. We need well paid, welltrained childcare workers so that the littlest children in the country get the start in life that they need. Let me tell you a story if i might. Michigan just, the other day. Everyone here know what is going on in flint, michigan . You dont know what is going on in flint, michigan because it is worse than you think it is. Worse thand belief you think it is. When you hear what the people of flint are saying as i did you would say wait a minute, what country and i living in . Am i really living in the United States of america in 2016 . Personality e my electrified personality has repaired the microphone. I want you to imagine this in flint, michigan. Has ake with a mother who nineyearold child. Nineyearold child, a couple of years ago, this kid was doing really well in school, outgoing, vivacious. Two years later, because of lead poisoning, that little girls intellectual development has been significantly diminished. Right now, as i understand it, she is in special education. Can you imagine the mother, watching this take place to your own a b. Your own baby. And on it goes. When hundredying 50 200 a month for water which is poisoning them. You have a School System which is totally inadequate, a Health Care System that is inadequate. This is taking place in the United States of america. The reason i am running for president is because i am ,repared to take on wall street to take on the big money interests who today are doing so much harm to our country. Let me give you an example. Question someone give me an answer. Somebody today in South Carolina gets picked up for possessing marijuana. What happens . You may go to jail. And no you have a Police Record. Question number two. You are a wall street executive. Whose greed and illegal Behavior Health destroying the american economy, caused millions of people their jobs, their homes, and their life savings. What happens to you . You get a salary increase. You do not get a jail record. That speaks to a broken criminal Justice System. You know what i mean by that . Is a broken criminal Justice System when a kid gets a Police Record what happens with that . It is hard to get a job. The kid gets a Police Record but the executive on wall street gets off scott free. Reaching ater settlement with the government for 5 billion. When we talk about criminal justice, what about the need for Police Department reform . What about that . Black lives matter. Sen. Sanders absolutely. Do we have in america more people in jail than any other country on earth . People in jail for a number of reasons but one of the reasons, and by the way, as areknow, people in jail disproportionately africanamerican, latino, and native americans. We have over policing. It turns out that whites and blacks smoke marijuana at about equal rates. That is a fact. Times are more than four more likely to be arrested for marijuana than whites. Do you know what i think about marijuana . There are one it is today part of the federal controlled substance act. It is a federal crime. It is listed right alongside heroin. Does that make sense . Going to take marijuana out of the federal controlled abstance act so it is not federal crime. State can make it legal or not but it should not be a federal crime. What we are also going to do is somebodywing if come when they are being arrested, is killed my a police arecer or dies while they in police custody, in every instance, we are going to have a federal department of justice investigation. [applause] if the police officer, and i am a former mayor and i have with Police Officers and most officers are honest, hardworking guys. Officer breaks the law, that officer must be held accountable. Going to all, we are demilitarize local Police Departments. They should not be like occupying armies. The function of the Police Department is to serve the people, not to be an oppressive force in the community. They are part of the community. Thirdly, we need great, young people are the way to think about getting into Law Enforcement because we need Police Departments around this country to look like the diversity of the communities that they are serving. [applause] fourth, we are going to do away with minimal sentencing. A lot of people get sentenced for too long because judges do not have the flexibility they should have. Fifth, we are going in this country, and in my state, we have a very serious problem with drugs, with opiates, and with alcohol. What we have got to understand is that Substance Abuse is a health issue and not a criminal issue. [applause] in other words, people who are addicted, and are trapped in drugs or alcohol, need health care to get off of that addiction, not to be jailed. Does that make sense to people . Are arrested and go to jail, one of the tragedies in this country is that many of them, when they leave jail, and up act in jail. They end up back in jail because they do not have the job training, the education that they need to go out and become part of civil society. Ive got to make sure will tell you a story. I was in iowa. He was arrested and spent time in jail. He was released and given a check for 75. Good luck. He ended up back in jail. We have too many people going in and out of that pipeline. We are going to make sure that people have the education and the jobs they need when they go back into society so they do not go back into jail. [applause] by the way. Unemployment for high we have got two choices. Build more jails and arrest more people. I think that is a stupid choice. Or else, we can put money into education and jobs. [applause] costs lesst that it money to send a kid to the university of South Carolina than it does to send them to jail. I would rather send them to the university of South Carolina or any other college for that matter. Country isn in this that we have a corrupt Campaign Finance system. Does everyone know what i mean . One i mean is that you have vote which i hope you will exercise on saturday, tomorrow. That there arete other people in this country that have one vote but they also have hundreds of millions of dollars to try to buy elections. Does that sound like democracy to anyone . Oligarchy, ruled by the rich and powerful. One of the reasons we have it is because of a disastrous Supreme Court decision on citizens united. United overturn citizens one person, one vote. I want to tell you Something Else. Myself. Hat i date i am old. I confess. You can love me. I am lovable. 1963, a long time ago, i was there for the march on washington with dr. Martin luther king. [applause] and all of you know, everyone knows, that what the struggle rightsut was the voting that everybody in america, no matter the color of your skin in america, has the right to vote. 1965, president johnson signed the Voting Rights act. A major breakthrough. A year ago, there was a supreme or decision that undermined a lot of the Voting Rights act and now you have governors and legislatures all over this country you know what they are trying to do . They are trying to make it forer for people to vote, poor people, elderly people, for people of color. I think that is cowardly and i will tell you why. They are afraid of a free and fair election. They dont want people who might vote against them to participate in the political process. That if someone is running for office or someone is governor, and they dont have the guts to allow a free and fair election, do you know what i think . They should get another job and get out of politics. [applause] i dont want to see people have you seen those pictures . People waiting in line for four hours to vote. We know what that is about. If you are 18 years of age in the United States of america and a citizen of this country, you have a right to vote. And of discussion. End of discussion. We will make it easier for people to vote, not harder. One of the differences between secretary clinton and myself, and you will have to make this evaluation and think it through. I do not have a super pac. I do not raise millions of dollars from wall street or powerful special interests. Money we raise our we have received 4 million individual contributions. More than anyone in history at this point in a campaign. The average contribution is 27. Secretary clinton has a super receives 15 million from wall street. I think that is wrong. I want to touch on another issue. A trade issue. Not a sexy issue but importance. South carolina devastated by nafta. Corporations in this country ask whether why would i want to pay a worker in South Carolina. I could shut down the plant and move it to mexico and china and bring my product back into this country. That has devastated the south and states all over this country. We have lost aliens of decent paying jobs. It is time for corporations who want us to buy their products to start manufacturing their products here in the United States of america. Another issue. Peoplenow on this issue may disagree with me but let me throw it out. All of us know that there are terrible crimes committed. We see it every day. Some lunatic goes out and starts shooting our people and we get angry. We say we want that person executed. I want to tell you something. I am opposed to the death penalty. [applause] not everyone agrees with me. Secretary clinton does not agree with me. I want to tell you why i am opposed to it. Number one, if you look at our history, there are a lot of innocent people, often people of color who were executed and then we found out years later they were not guilty. We have so much ugliness and so much violence in our society. I just dont think that the government should be involved in that violence and should be killing people. So, and i know people disagree with me. We see people do terrible things and we say we want vengeance. But vengeance is not the answer. People do something terrible, lock them up and throw away the key. Keep them behind bars. I do not believe that government should be involved in the taking of lives. Last point i want to make. , of which i know a little bit about, it is very easy to get votes by scapegoating minorities. It is easy to do. Right now, we seeing it on the republican side. We are seeing donald trump telling us that we are supposed to think that all of the people from mexico came into this country and they are rapists and drug dealers. All of the all of you know that that is nonsense and we will not succumb to that type of bigotry. Supposed to keep muslims out of this country and that is what it is always about. We play off one group against another. White against black. Nativeborn against those that came into this country. We will not do that. I want to talk to about what happened in 1996. There was a bill called the socalled welfare reform bill. And the idea behind this is that poor people were ripped off the welfare system. The end result of that legislature legislation, was that extreme poverty, the poorest of the poor, children who are hungry, extreme poverty in this country. Because of that legislation. I vigorously opposed that legislation. Secretary clinton supported that legislation. That is an important different difference between us. I want to and by thanking you all for coming out. I know that a lot of your friends, if you are young people, think you are crazy to go to a political event. They are saying get a life. Why are you wasting an afternoon by going to Bernie Sanders events. Veryt to say this profoundly. I worked in the United States senate. I see what goes on there. Now, if you do not want to leave School Deeply in debt, if you want to get a job that pays you a living wage, if you are a woman and you want to earn equal pay come if you are concerned about Climate Change and concerned about our criminal Justice System. If you dont vote and your friends do not vote, who do you think is going to Pay Attention to those issues . Do you think that Billionaire Campaign contributors are going to be worried that women in South Carolina are trying to raise their kids on eight dollars an hour . You think they are staying up nights worrying that we have a broken criminal Justice System . They are not. The only people who are going to the history of america, whether it is the workers rights movement, the civil rights movement, the womens movement, what is it about . People at the grass roots standing up and demanding change. It is always from the bottom top from the bottom up never the top down. That is what this campaign is about. It is saying that it is wrong in america when so few have so much and so many have so little. The only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all people. We dont have paid family and medical leave. We do not have a minimum wage which is a living wage. There is a lot of work to do. No president can do it alone. We need a political revolution. Are you ready to join in that revolution . That is what it is about. Trumpdo not allow donald to tell his friends to divide us up, if we stand together, we can do extraordinary things. Think think big of what this country can become. Welcome to the political revolution. Make sure you all vote tomorrow. Thank you very much. [applause] [cheering]

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