Meeting at West Running Brook middle school. They are making an appearance here tonight, we are watching the appearance here tonight, then interviewing some people. About 250,000 about 250 people are expected to attend. Joe adams and senator judd gregg. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, will you all please rise for the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Oorah you, jim. It is a pleasure for kathy and i to be here and very bank tonight. We are big fans in derry tonight. We are big fans of the robert frost home across the street. We have spent a lot of time trying to keep it preserved. It is a special night for us to be back in derry. It is an extraordinary night for us to have the opportunity to introduce to you two people. The first person i want to talk about is the person i think should be the next president of the United States. [applause] like all of you, kathy and i have been looking at all the candidates because that is our job. We are from New Hampshire. That is one of our jobs that as representatives of New Hampshire. We take it seriously as a state, and you folks do obviously, because you are here tonight. We put forth three tests. Number one, can the person when . I think it is time we had a republican conservative president. [applause] number two, is the person comes substantive on the issues . Does he have approaches to the complex things we face today, Like National security and how . E protect our Social Security and number three, can he govern . That is not standing in the corners and shouting, it is getting in the middle of the ring and working. Jeb bush beats all those criteria is in spades. All that criteria in spades. [applause] special is our privilege to introduce one of the great americans, somebody who has made a huge difference in millions of lives across our country, who epitomizes what it is to be a Public Servant along with her husband, and that is barbara bush. Let me welcome, on behalf of derry, barbara bush and her son jeb bush, the former governor of florida. [applause] ann plays] [applause] ms. Bush its great to be back in New Hampshire. Can you hear me . Yes ms. Bush great to be back in New Hampshire. We have had such wonderful times here. You have the values and beliefs that we bushes believe in. Givers, you are great. Just wonderful to be here with the worlds nicest man. [applause] greggsh to see the again, to see my friend nancy, and to see all of you, i did not plan on this, but jeb is the nicest, wisest, most caring, l, disciplined [laughter] ms. Bush not by me. [laughter] ms. Bush but he is not a brighter bragger. We dont allow that. But he is decent, honest. He is everything we need in a president. [applause] ms. Bush his dad and i are very proud of him. Ladies and gentlemen next president of the United States, jeb bush. [applause] mr. Bush thank you, mama. Thank you all. Thank you. You can sit. Everybody can sit. Thank you all very much. Wow. Mom, my crowd sizes normally or not this large. [laughter] i wonder why. It is such a joy to be with with my mother, who i adore, who is an inspiration. I cannot tell you in the probably 90 versions of town Hall Meetings i have done all across this state, how many times people came up and said, your mother, i love your mother. I love your mother. [laughter] [applause] mr. Bush over and over again. She is not as great as everybody thinks she is, i can tell you that, but [laughter] mr. Bush i jokingly say that were growing up that when we were growing up in midland and houston, mom was fortunate to not have a childabuse hotline available, because the discipline of learning right and wrong was her doing. My dad was this perfect, idyllic man who i would say is the greatest man alive. [applause] but she was the one who taught us right and wrong, i can promise you that. It has worked out pretty good. All the mistakes i have made have been my own doing. It is a delight to be with you all. To kathy and judd gregg, thank you for your leadership in this state. This is really the first family of New Hampshire. [applause] about people think who run to the challenge, or the people who cut and run. You can basically divide politicians into those two camps. John gregg is not a cut and run guy. He solves problems. If you can find a way to build a bipartisan consensus to fix something, you could he would do it. Difference in improving the quality of life of people in New Hampshire and the country, and we need to restore that sense of problem solving and washington, d. C. Again. Judd, i thank you for your leadership. [applause] needush because we do someone who actually has had some experience. Eight years ago, last monday, won the iowa caucuses. I was watching it at home with columba, i was thinking, wow, this guy can bring it. He can deliver a speech. Look, i am a committed conservative, but he spoke about no red states, no blue states, only the United States, and it was inspirational, and he won. In retrospect, now that we are in the eighth year of the Obama Administration, there was nothing in his background that would suggest that he was a leader. Think about it. He was a community organizer. He was a state senator. Great note. He was two years a United States senator with no bills or sponsorship or anything significant to his name. His life was organized around his own ambition, and he won. Instead of creating a unified purpose for our country, he divided us up. Today, we are worse off because of that. Less secure because of that. Income is in decline because of that. More people are living in poverty because of that. We need someone who has proven leadership to fix the mess in washington, d. C. Fastforward to three nights ago in the iowa caucuses, the three leading contenders on the republican side. They go about their proven record of experience. Donald trump . [faint chuckles] mr. Bush i will leave it at that. [applause] two gifted freshman senators who can deliver a great speech. Mey talented, dont get wrong. One is a close friend. But what in their background would suggest that they can make a tough decision . That they would run to a fire to put it out . That they would figure out a way to solve problems because they have been confronted with those challenges in their life . We are living in dangerous times. We need someone with a proven record who has a steady hand. We need someone who is serious about solving problems. We need someone whose ambition is to serve others, not to serve their own ambitions. [applause] mr. Bush and yet, i am part of the establishment. I am part of the establishment because i am barbara bushss son. I embrace that every day. That doesnt bother me a bit. [applause] mr. Bush i am proud of my dad, i am proud of my brother, i am proud of being a bush. [applause] like all families, we are a little different. If you have a sister and a brother, you are probably not the same. My life journey started out in a different way. I felt madly in love with coma from columba from mexico when i was 17 years old. I mean, head over heels, madly in love. We are now going on 42 years of marriage. [applause] mr. Bush my life can be defined a. C. , beforeand columba and after columba. Thank god the statue of limitations expired on the bc part. [laughter] has been built around moving to miami, starting a business that became the largest commercial real estate company. 32 years in the private sector, where i have learned to sign the front side of a paycheck and understand what government regulations mean, how hard it is for people to make ands meat, and how tough it has become within administration make ends meet, and how tough it has ome within administration with the Obama Administration. And i got recognized in a purple state, the largest swing state in the country, with lots of people moving in and out, and i applied conservative principles, sometimes when they were not popular. I stood my ground, i apply these principles. I brought people to my cause. The net effect was that people benefited. In florida, we have a balanced Budget Amendment. That works, i can promise you. When i left office, we had a surplus of 8 billion more than when we started, 9 billion of reserves. We need a balanced Budget Amendment for the federal government so that washington begins to live within our means, just as every other state has. [applause] in florida, they called me veto corleone, because i vetoed 29 line items in the budget. I was an equal opportunity veto or falls opportunity vetoer. A line item that did not go through the process, where it was working out, i featured that. They did not matter to me, because the basic concept is that government cannot grow faster than our ability to pay for it. If you believe that, we need a lineitem veto power in washington, d c [applause] in florida, we eliminated lifetime employment protections for state workers, which is the wrong approach, but it was dangerous to do this politically. I had thousands of volunteers who tried to defeat me in my reelection because god for bid that would spread across the land. You might see the tire mark here, the little scar. Taking on the aclu was not easy. But we ended up reducing the Government Workforce by 13,000, 11 . ,ut florida led job growth seven out of eight years. 1. 3 million jobs were created. Dont you want that in washington, d. C. . [applause] and the place that i would start is the department of veterans affairs. Heres the deal. [applause] of bush this bureaucracy 340,000 people, this is a monstrosity, the Largest Health care system in the world, and all likelihood, that is there to provide care for men and women in uniform who come back. Way itot working the should. Thats not to say there are not dedicated nurses, doctors, and clinicians in that apartment. There certainly are. There is atingly, shortage of care providers but massive numbers of bureaucrats. Last year, the Department Gave out bonuses for all sorts of reasons, including taking veterans off waiting lists. That sounds like a good idea he does that was a scandal from two years ago, where they had this big long list. Here is the deal. In some parts of the country, they waiting list was taken down, but veterans did not get care. Veterans died. And only three people have been fired. When i am president , heads will roll in the department of veterans affairs. [applause] mr. Bush a couple of weeks ago in a town hall meeting, a woman got up and said my dad had a heart condition, and it was dangerous, so i had to drive all the way to boston to get him tear because there is no veterans facility here. Expandonse is, we should options of private providers. If a veteran wants to see his own doctor, if he wants to go to an up if a veteran wants to go to a clinic in his own neighborhood, if a veteran has an emergency, they should be able to go to the emergency room that is closest. [applause] turning the culture in washington, d. C. Is important, because then people will be able to trust our government. If it is smaller and focused on serving the people of this great country, we will go back to the business of creating high sustained Economic Growth, which we need. I know how to do this, because i have done it in the private sector and i have done it as a governor. We toured on barriers. We led the nation in Small Business growth. The government grew by 2. 2 . People can pursue their own dreams. That is the american way. America does better bottomup and topdown, and we need to shift power away from washington as fast as possible and put it in the hands of families and businesses. We will rise again, i promise you that. [applause] none of this is going to matter unless people believe that we are safe. Today, we are living in dangerous times, and our country is not safe. We have a president who does not believe americas leadership in the world is a force for good. He is desperately wrong, because let me tell you, without american leadership, when we pull back, we see what happens. We talk big but dont act, we see what happens. When we call russia a regional power, and 30 days later we they invade ukraine because we have done nothing, we see what happens. When we say we are pivoting to asia, and the chinese builds a military facility 100 miles off the South China Sea because they dont see any pivoting, and our allies wonder why they are talking about pivoting, and the rest of the world is kind of offended that we pivoted away from them to go to asia, you see what happens. When you call isis the jv team and allow for a creation of a caliphate the size of indiana its the same size. [applause] unlike indiana, there are 40,000 apple tested terrorists that organized Battle Tested terrorists that organized to destroy western civilization. They attack our freedom everyday. In the past year, there have been 17 plus attacks in 17 countries inspired by isis, or directly organized by them. Isis is not the jv team. You cannot contain isis. You have to destroy it in the caliphate if we are going to be kept safe. [applause] look, i have had a front row seat watching history unfold. I am also a student of history, but i have this unique position. I have seen now it is done right. I worked for Ronald Reagan to get him elected. I worked and saw my dad worked to bring about the end of the see russia and germany unified in a way that has created stability for europe. I have seen my brother show his dog and determination to leave. Raq secure i know how to do this. It is not about press talking. It is not about talking about carpet bombing. For senator cruzs edification, needt bombing, you dont to do anymore. We have precision weaponry. You dont have to destroy innocent people. [applause] we have left the 1960s and 1970s. We are now in a 21stcentury world where we need military superiority based on technological advances. We need to make sure we rebuild our military in a 21stcentury way, where our special operators are given more resources, where the marines are given more resources so that more than half of them are defined as ready when they are based here in this country. We need to rebuild our air force. The pilots are younger than the planes. The b52 was launched and inaugurated in the truman era. This is a serious time, and we need a seriously or to rebuild our military not to use it, but a serious leader to rebuild our military not to use it, but to keep the peace. Ronald reagan was right in that the military is used to keep pace. [applause] makessh something that me take more than politics, its that i believe that life is a gift from god, divinely inspired. That we all have a purpose and a meaning in this world. Imagine a country where everybody reached their full potential. Now. Right now, somebody people are held back because of an addiction, or because of the ck of ability to rise up. Young people have student debt on their backs, making it hard to have the first step forward. Small businesses are closing rather than opening. If you believe like i do that this is divinely inspired, then it is the duty of people in public life to tear down the barriers, not to say get in line because life is not fair, you have liabilities, i will manage them. Another spending program. We will tax the successful people because thats why you are not successful. That does not work. We are spiraling downward with that philosophy. We need to build capacity so that people can earn success in all then fashion, and interaction amongst us will create more prosperity, benefits, love, and compassion than any other Government Program ever created. Thats what i believe in my heart. [applause] mr. Bush in order for that to happen, we need a servant leader. We dont need the big dog on the stage, barking out stuff, insulting people. We need someone who has a proven record, who has a servants heart. Last year, i met a young woman from jacksonville, florida. She told me her story. She was born on the other side , this terminology that i find so unamerican, to be honest. I youre in for i youre for the day where it does not i yearn for the day where it does not matter what zip code you were born in. [applause] the woman was a third grader when i implement at the policy that was considered radical at this time, but nobody has done it as dramatically as florida, which is ending social promotion in third grade. There is this idea that you are functionally illiterate as a third grader, you go to fourth grade, and somehow there will be some your goal that you will learn math even though you cannot read the book. You will learn history even though you cannot read. Many kids in florida at the time, more than 1 3 of the kids, were defined as functionally illiterate. Thes what my dad called soft bigotry of expectations. It is shameful. This precious girl was held back two years. But here she was angry, godmother found out about the florida Corporate Tax scholarship program, a floor a program that i created along with the Florida Legislature that is the largest Voucher Program in the country. 80,000 low income kids go to private schools because i took on powerful interests and i won. [applause] the girl got to go to a christian school. The first week, her teacher put her armor around her put her arm around her and said, i love you, you can do this. Jesus loves you. It was a christian school, so that is allowed. Still he is in florida. You can do this. We can do this together. You have the capacity to do whatever you want. And the girl overcame the two years of being held back. She was the first in her immediate family to graduate from high school and college. And now, she is getting a masters at the university of south florida. [applause] mr. Bush you know what . She is going to support me. I think she is. She campaigned here. In New Hampshire, you never know until the actual vote because you all wait until the last i amt, but in her case, certain she is going to support me. But i have never asterisk she is a republican or a democrat. Thats not the point. We need someone with a servants not focus group things, that does whats right, that focuses on Building Strategy so everybody can lift up again. By the way, the only way of a conservative is going to win the presidency is to campaign with their arms wide open, with joy in their heart, with a positive message. Thats the only way. [applause] mr. Bush if you are tired of the dividers, of the angry voices, of the profanity, of the loud voices, instead of uplifting messages that bring us together [applause] have thisthat you extraordinary opportunity. You would in New Hampshire. You can change the course of any campaign anytime you want. Say thet have to pundits have figured it out. In fact, you will figure it out for the pundits. That is the amazing thing. [applause] people in New Hampshire set the agenda for the next part of this phase, this journey of electing a president , and i trust you. I trust you because you take the time to learn. Of understand the heartbeat the candidates. You understand if they are sincere or playing games. You challenge of us. You frustratingly never commit when i asked. [laughter] you do, butmetimes a lot of times you dont. So all i can say is that i trust you, and i do have faith in you, and this has been annexed ordinary journey for me, and i ask for your support. An extraordinary journey for me, and i ask for your support. [applause] mr. Bush ok. We have a microphone there, and a microphone back there, and a microphone there. Yes, sir. Im going to hold it. Mr. Bush ok, so you will hold it hostage. To thankof all, i want you and your mother for visiting our town tonight. [applause] im going to start you off with a foreignpolicy question. This year, the primary coincides with the beginning of chinese new year. Please discuss your philosophy in dealing with a commerce and military perspective with china. Mr. Bush we need complete engagement. One of the things i think my brother got right was having across theue spectrum of all policy. My experience with china was imited to since 2007, started visiting there are three or four times a year to learn. I had never been there. I am kind of an oldschool guy. I dont like communists. [applause] [laughter] [applause] mr. Bush i had a hard time going to communist countries. Importants a very relationship. You can see how misunderstandings can create real problems. Here is a story that kind of exemplifies that. Right after president obama got reelected, he had a summit with in palm springs, and it was a big deal. I was there when the summit was taking place, right after that. Mrs. Obama did not go to the summit. That was a massive offense to the chinese. It waseeting i went to, like, why are you insulting our glamorous first lady . Why are you doing this . This is a big sign of disrespect. Mrs. Obama was probably taking care of her children in a Pressure Cooker called the white house, two teenage kids. There is a legitimate reason why she would not make it. My guess, i am almost 99. 999 sure that she did not organize this important relationship, but nobody thought that. They all thought the opposite. It in bed at me, this notion that we have to have full engagement it embedded me, that we have to have this full engagement with the chinese. There are lots of conflicts that have to be far worse if we dont engage. And again, we need to make sure if they do things that are egregious against our interests, like attacking into the office of personnel management, 23 million files in the hands of the communist chinese right now, that there are consequences. That we dont slap them on the hand. That we have the ability to use cyber warfare in the same way that they do, that they know that there will be a consequence , trythey take the action to steal our intellectual property, or hack into our systems. When they act provocatively, we need to engage with our allies. An important relationship as it relates to our own National Security. As it relates to the economy, it is also important, which is why trump toss idea of a 45 tariff across the board, give me a break. That would create a global depression. It will create a loss of millions of jobs in this country. It will destroy our economy. And it will be retaliated against immediately. This is not the kind of response to anything. We need to be serious about this. Perhapsit is important, the most complicated relationship that has to be managed going forward. Yes . I am a wildlife biologist in New Hampshire. Our moose numbers are down about 50 over the last decade as our winters have grown shorter. The female falls off in april, we are loosetch, until next winter. Also, today was 60 degrees. The it is above 20 degrees, moose lay down and do not feed, so consequently our female moose are producing fewer cabs. Calves. I am looking for a republican to vote for next tuesday who is willing to take Climate Change in a serious manner and be forward thinking. I am hoping i will vote for you. [applause] have four grandkids, and this is the third moose i have gotten in town Hall Meetings. [laughter] [applause] mr. Bush i need one more. I am looking for number four. This one is going to prescott in austin. George and vivian have already gotten theirs. The question is a good one, where i live in miami if you have four inches of rising tide, you have an impact on the quality of our water. Our water supply would be in peril. In high tides, you can have severe flooding. Is not as egregious as president obama talked about how miami beach is underwater. I guess he hasnt been down there, someone told him that may be. Its not that bad. Overall, if we dont plan for these things and adapt, there could be serious repercussions you know,tes different places will have different impacts. I think climate is changing. It is inconceivable to me that 5 billion people on this planet dont have an impact on that, and that we should be planning over the long haul to deal with it. Here is what i worry about. I worry about our plans, such as today that the president proposed i dont think hes doing this unilaterally he has proposed a 10 tax on a barrel of oil, all of which will be passed on. The people who get hurt by that are working people, who right now are struggling. The people who are heard by that are those with declining incomes right now. Disposable income in this country is down 2300. The challenge is to figure out we dont hurture working people in trying to solve this problem. The better approach would be for the government to spend money on research and development, to identify the next generation of renewable energies, or other Disruptive Technologies that will allow us to consume less energy and yield a good result. That is a better approach than trying to pick winners and losers in the market, or trying to pick through venture capital. That doesnt work. Emissions have declined by 10 in the last decade because an explosion because of an explosion of natural gas that resulted in call. That seems to be a good result, but nobody seems to celebrate that. You want to find Economic Growth and protecting the environment to be the intersection that you are trying to find. Thats what we did in florida. In florida, there is a bipartisan consensus about protecting the environment. Like here, you love your environment for two reasons. Is beautiful. The leaves changing in the fall, i have never seen anything like it. It is knockdown gorgeous, beautiful. Florida survives because of our Natural Beauty as well. We are stewards of our environment because 95 Million People come to them that come to visit us. It is the reason we dont have an income tax, probably the reason you dont have an income tax. People come to visit. So protecting the National Environment is important, because that is our responsibility. It is also important for economic purposes, and finding a is what we a winwin should be doing. [applause] what do you think . [laughter] mr. Bush im making progress . You are not ready to commit yet . [laughter] mr. Bush see what i say . Yes, sir. Weve got a mic coming. First of all, i want to thank you for falling out the respectability scorecard. ,econd of all, i wanted to know it seems that people with Mental Illness and the addicted are being treated by being sent to prison and jails instead of eating the actual help that they need. What would you do as president to change that . Mr. Bush great question. I am proud of my record, by the way, in support of people with disabilities, develop mental and physical. It is informed by my faith in many ways, and as governor of florida, we have made great progress. We were at the bottom of the pack, and we have risen up, and i am proud of it. Apologizedf my i when i called donald trump a jerk. [laughter] [applause] mr. Bush when he disparaged people with disabilities. It is not right. That is not the america i believe in. [applause] this challenge of addiction and Mental Health, it is important that you have both together. In my personal se are duallythe diagnosed. It is hard to know which is the catalyst for the other. And iurney that columba have done as loving parents with our daughter that suffered with you could go to one psychiatrist and get one , and go to someone who is equally smart at an equally good school, and you could have a dramatically different approach. There are people in this room who have gone through this challenge of addiction opiates,buse, heroin, these are troubling times. In middle health has a serious ailment as well. Thise we need to look at first and foremost as an illness, that it needs to be treated i think we need to look at this as an illness, that it needs to be treated, so that people who struggle with addictions need to have a network of people they can rely on. Secondly, our criminal Justice System has to recognize that there has to be second chances. Servingeople that are time in our federal penitentiarys are doing it for drugrelated crimes. Use. Nal and that has to change. And this is a place where you there are a growing people growing number of people on the right and left to want to change this you would think that if we have a leader who acknowledges that there are people on the right who agree, that they would posit this divide and go at it. A paid in slop slopshington a pig in in washington. . Hy would you wait instead, the president is using the clemency process, instead of going to congress, finding people who are conservative who believe it is time to modify our mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines. Huge numbers of people agree with that, but this is what the lack of leadership does. We can solve this program. I governor of florida, created a strategy. My first week in office, we had and wet of 500 people, had prevention advocates, treatment providers, Mental Health advocates, and Law Enforcement all in a room, and we created a strategy. Strategy. Ed on that we had action items, and every year we would adapt the strategy based on the results, and we measure the effectiveness. It was like running a business. If you dont measure things, you dont care. Theife was the madrena of prevention caucus. She created different coalitions, and it worked. We sought reductions. Expanded drugwe courts across the state. My daughter went to drug court. You know, i have been to a lot of graduations. Perhaps the most meaningful graduation for me was when she graduated from drug court, because it aint easy, but it gave her a second chance, because had she not graduated she would have gone jail. Having that consequence was a powerful incentive for her. Thankfully, like a lot of other people because of the health that we have provided and others has beenided, noelle drugfree for more than 10 years. [applause] governor, it appears accountability and Public Schools is in decline, both at the federal and state level. What is your vision for getting more kids to graduate Career College ready, one today the majority of them simply do not graduate . Mr. Bush i am being generous, about 40 of kids graduate 80 graduate with a piece of paper that says i am a high school graduate. Half of those are college or career ready. All down to make everybody feel good, but the net result is, check the remediation rate of entering High School Seniors into Community Colleges in New Hampshire, and you will find that it is not dissimilar to florida. More than 50 are we doing High School Map or high school reading. And career readiness, forget it. It is not remotely close. Politifafact i got cted, have you heard of that . The journalists are like judges, and they give you ratings. The ratings are like pinocchios. I got a couple of pinocchios for saying we are the best. Germany and luxembourg belgium and luxembourg are ahead of us. I apologize. Mightygize to the jurists who came up to that. Thats where we are. In florida, we challenged that by grading schools based on student learning. In florida, we challenged the notion that you are passed along even though you cant read. We had the greatest gains in reading of any state. Floridas hispanic kids are two great levels ahead of their counterparts in other parts of the country. There was a test called the nations report card, we were six out of 50. [applause] mr. Bush there is no one thing. We have the most ambitious School Choice programs, both public and private. We raised standards, thats important. We made assessment important, that you have an accurate assessment tool. Thats important. We were rewarded improvement. If you show improvement in letter grade, you get 100 per student more. It is amazing. You provide incentives for other people, people seem to get it. The largest Bonus Program for teachers in the United States is the School Recognition program. We turned the system upside down. We were 50 out of 50 and the graduation rate. We could not even say, thank god for phil in the blank for the worst state. Everybody else in the country said, thank god for florida, they are 50th. So we are now above the Natural National average. This is a state where 50 of students qualify for free or reduced lunch. The federal government can play a role in providing money for reforms, but it cannot be the ional school board. I am passionate about this. Ransited 250 schools when i in 1998. I learned so much about the dedicated nature of teachers, and i learned about the system that was economically organized around the interests of adults. It changed how i talked about this. It did not change my passion for disruption, because we need to disrupt as much as we can, reward the excellence that takes place, and have no tolerance for the mediocrity that takes place in classrooms. Assume that students can learn. It does not matter what zip code they were born in, every kid can learn. We should not lower expectations because we will get a bad result. But it is hard in the federal system to make this a national priority. You would think everybody would consider this the right thing to do. I know that people move to florida now because our schools were significantly better than they were when i started. Yes, sir. [applause] mr. Bush one other thing, people say, what about common core . , and core is on Higher Standards than the standard on highere is standards than those that existed in prior states. Heres what i believe about common core. It should not be imposed by the federal government. There should be no requirements from the federal government on content curriculum or standards, directly or indirectly. [applause] mr. Bush someone is smoking in here. Lighting up in the school. [laughter] how are you going to kill our countrys debt by the time you are out of office . If i can i dont know kill the debt. If you are looking for that, you are not going to find it. I will be honest with you. Of debt, you can reduce the deficit to the point where our economy is growing and our debt remains static, which means that ultimately we will be solvent. That will be the objective. You can do that in eight years if you are serious. What is interesting, this is my fifth town hall meeting in a row where a child, a young, smart person, has asked me this question, or their dad, on behalf of their two sons. It is the right question to ask at your age, because if we dont do anything, the debt will overwhelm everything else. It is the number one National Security issue. Theou are concerned about mentally ill, infrastructure, drug discovery, education. Whatever the program is, the 19 trillion of debt and growing deficit is the biggest problem we face. So i appreciate the question. Four things we could do to move toward a balanced budget high growth. 4 growth compared to 2 growth. We will create more revenue because taxes are by prosperity, right . And less demand for government, governmentdemands on. Secondly, we need to fix the entitlement programs. This is the time where i pull out the booklet. We have laid out specific proposals on how to preserve and protect Social Security for those who are counting on it now , and over a period of time make it solvent. Same thing with replacing obamacare and replacing [applause] mr. Bush with a conservative [applause] mr. Bush same with medicare, to protect it so it will exist 10 years from now, because it wont. We need entitlement reform. We need career Civil Services reform, which means that the all cost of government needs to shrink. It is hard to do that when you have protections. Government workers make 40 more than their private sector counterparts for lifetime jobs. That is not fair. I think we need civil reform. And finally, we need to shift im a 10thas amendment guy. Do you know what the 10th amendment is . Have you studied that . No. [laughter] go look it up. It is an important one. It basically says that states and ife power to govern, it is not empowered by the states, the federal government does not have the powers that they are given. We need to shift the power back to the states. Much environmental policy should be given back to the states. If you talk about the moose policy, i am sure people here care more about that than the people inside washington. Those are the four things that get us closer to a balanced budget. But i think we need a balanced Budget Amendment to the constitution as well, which would require the states to convene that. [applause] mr. Bush yes. Bdt mean . [inaudible] mr. Bush sounds like a good idea. Idea. Initely a good my husband was diagnosed with cancer 20 years ago. My son was recently diagnosed with the precursor that will lead up to colon cancer, am only to have surgery in the future. What will you do for research to help prevent cancer, ms, all those other diseases that need more research . There are a couple of places where i think we should be spending more money. For everything else, you have to figure out how to spend less. The place where we need just been more money is defense, National Security. It is research and development for alternative Energy Sources and drug discovery. And space. Ecause of National Security also, our country should be more aspirational. I think the Space Program theolizes that, technologies and discoveries that you can find in space have a direct that a fit for our country. Direct benefit for our country. It also has a natural National Security implication. The Space Program has been really good. Those are the places we need to spend more money. Discovery,es to drug there have been big increases in al institute of health. We need to restore those cuts. Can we be more efficient . Yeah, because the cost is doubling like, every 10 years, and the time for drugs to be approved is also doubling will stop that cost is borne is also doubling. That cost is borne by all of us. Apart from cancer, which my mom and dad had been actively involved in, the other places we need to spend money if you want a moonshot, a moonshot to the brain would be a nice place, to deal with addiction. Why are some prone when others are not . What about alzheimers and dementia . Just a share of hands, people that you know, family members who have dementia. Yeah its [laughter] law ish yeah, my mom in 94 years old, and she is just a total gift from god. She has dementia. Last time i saw her, she recognized me for the first time in 10 years. Sudden, she came back. When i get to miami eventually, she might not remember me again. Its a challenge. There are no new medications for dementia. How about autism . Measures for the brain, we are not advanced at all. All of these should be a commitment for sure, and i wish the boy well, and her husband. Yes . [applause] thanks for talking with us tonight. The internet has become critical to both our economy, and also doing well in school. What i am wondering is what you would do as president to make sure that all americans have access to highspeed internet at an affordable cost in both rural and urban areas. Mr. Bush the programs are available. They can be reformed. There are proposals under way. When i was in the private sector and not unemployed and running for president [laughter] mr. Bush i was working on working with Technology Companies in california turned to dramatically expand broadband in schools. Some states have done extraordinarily, others have lagged behind. It is uneven, to say the least. The National Effort like this could be done without a massive cost. This is not the hardest thing in the world to do. Strategy. Has to be a you have to go at it. The effort that i saw that would be the most Cost Effective was one that was based in San Francisco, where they had identified the shortfall. Sometimes, you talk about broadband into the school, but they have identified that it has to get into the classroom as well. That extra 100 yards can be more expensive, but you can do this wirelessly. You dont have to wire the classrooms again, and you can save a lot of money. What bothers me about the regulation of the internet is the Obama Administration postural about the obama le, using thens rural law to regulate access to the internet. I think that will stymie the investment in broadband. This control orientation of washington is dangerous. He problem did not exist they are regulating something that is now a problem, and now they are going to stymie tens of billions of mr. Bush yes, sir. Do you want to come shake her hand first . I would like to ask a question. I worked for myself for 50 years. Im still paying Social Security, taxes, and your talking about increasing the sisi curate he age Social Security age. When is somebody can Start Talking about that . [laughter] [laughter] taxes at 73d i pay years old so somebody can retire at 55 . [applause] mr. Bush here is the answer to your question. This will be a fight. Iran will not change because we legitimize the regime. Public unions will not give up what they have got without a fight. I will fight. [applause] what ih in your case, propose that hopefully will warm your heart is that once you reach retirement age, which you are way past [laughter] you are working for business, right . You are selfemployed. Whateverhe 13 or roll tax retirement age in my plan, you dont pay it. You keep it here and you already reached retirement age. [applause] mr. Bush i cant hear you. For federal employees to retire, its 55 years old. Mr. Bush we need to fight the public unions. Just by attrition, the federal employee maybe because they retire early you can reduce the workforce by 10 just by not hiring new people, just by attrition. A lot of the cost structure will go down as well, because this is not all performancebased. This is longevity base. You get Better Benefits by being there longer. I propose 341 deal. Reduce of the Government Workforce by 10 if you can do that. [applause] mr. Bush my name is james. My name is james. Im wondering which are going to do on immigration. Mr. Bush they said the ghana build a wall and make mexico pay for it, are you talking about that plan . That is not a plan. That is an emotion. That is appealing to peoples legitimate anger. We need a plan. We dont need people preying on peoples fears and anger. That does not solve the problem. [applause] mr. Bush any immigration plan requires controlling the border. There are two parts to that. The Illegal Immigrants come with a legal visa and overstay. A pretty extraordinary number if you think about it. You have to have intrigue and biometrics, which the congress has funded and the administration has not implemented. You need additional administrative capacities to identify where these folks are so they can be politely asked her to leave. , theyave a sixmonth visa should go home. If they want to come back, they should get another visa. On the border, we should build additional fencing where appropriate. Places on the border where if you build a wall, u. S. Citizens would be on the other side of the wall. Parts of our border are so rugged that you cant build a wall unless it was at an extra in a cost. Use gps technologies. There has been expansion of that technology. Use drone technology. Back to the public unions for one moment, the Border Patrol has negotiated agreements that make it hard for forward leaning towards the border. We have Border Patrol agents 40 miles off the border. They are not on the border. And let somebody can explain to me why that is a good strategy, changing that, so that we have more forward leaning nature. We can control the border. A strategy,reate invest in it, and act on it. We need to eliminate sanctuary cities. [applause] mr. Bush the federal laws ought to be upheld, plain and simple, particularly when by not doing it you are endangering communities. In San Francisco and many other cities, they are openly violating federal law because they can. That is just wrong. You can withhold federal Law Enforcement dollars. We need an deverify program that is verifiable, so that when businesses hire someone they know they are here legally. We need to narrow the number of today we have adult siblings and adult parents, and it is called chain migration. 85 of all legal immigrants come that way. Or itation can be a drain can be a contribution to our society. We should aspire to make a contribution, so changing that is part of it. [applause] finally, the part that gets people all riled up is what do we do with the 12 Million People here illegally. You can pound your chest or you want and say we are going to create an environment so bad for people that we create self deportation. I dont know how you target misery. Awill get to my plan here in second. To can say we are going deport them as one candidate says over two years, a half a Million People. We have half a Million People going through our Court Systems today. With double that, it would cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Or you could say come out of the shadows, pay a fine, learning words, work, dont receive federal government assistance, no crimes or you are deported, and over an extended time, you earn legal status. You dont earn citizenship. You arent legal status so that you dont cut and line. Is the conservative alternative, a practical conservative alternative they could be implemented, and that is what i believe and support. [applause] thank you for coming. That is my son connor. Ask your question and i will do the signatures. Lot ofve touched on the topics that are important to me, disabilities, increased cases of cancer and things like that. I dont want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but im wondering that if, when you become president , what we you do to make sure our foods are labeled properly so that people who want to avoid genetically modified foods can. Mr. Bush it is a good question. First of all, im guilty when im not home. I do the shopping. That has been broken since i havent been back in three weeks. Normally i go shopping and love to look at all the labeling. An explosion of new things. This is one of the examples that if people decide to do something together, the government has to react and adjust. Newnse just watching this kind of explosion of organic foods and foods that have all these different variations in the industrial model we are used to do, i dont consider it a conspiracy at all. I consider it growing Consumer Awareness, and that will change our behaviors about how we go about this. How do we do this where working people can ask the access the food . How do we do this so that it doesnt cost 30 more than the lower cost variation . The private sector will adjust and figure out ways to lower the cost, but i would not mandated because people are struggling now. We are to have 47 Million People from 20g food stamps, Million People to 47 Million People in 12 years. It has been an explosion. So anything you do to increase demand on government egos people cant afford what your mandate is, i would because his about that. I would be about increasing Consumer Awareness and health, exercise and food are the two things you can control to live a Healthy Lifestyle and not be sick. It is good for our economy when people arent sick. It is good for your pocketbook and youre not sick or it it is certainly good to have access to the kind of food that keeps you healthier. It really isnt a conspiracy. It is a growing movement i find really intriguing. Yes . You like that back there. I want to thank your mother for her early and unfailing support of family literacy. Mr. Bush yes. [laughter] i am a physician and i attended a conference this afternoon at the Baptist Church regarding addiction. I learned there that 40,000 people died last year of overdoses in this country. In a very rural area in virginia where we have a tremendous problem with addiction, both illegal and Prescription Drugs. Heavilyanies have been implicated in this problem. One of them is the manufacturer and they admitted they lied about the diction potential of their product and have pushed it on physicians and patients. This is one of the major Prescription Drugs that have caused overdoses. Of the three candidates i have heard, each of you have had a relative or friend who has been involved in drug addiction problems. Even to the point of dying. One of my family members also died from a Drug Overdose last year. The Second Corporation that is implicated in this is a megabank, and they have admitted to laundering money for the drug cartels to the point where they actually modified their teller windows to accommodate the cash boxes of the cartel members. I think you know the name of the bank. Mr. Bush no. Hsbc. Mr. Bush i do. Nobody in any of these companies has gone to prison or been prosecuted. I think this reflects a wider problem of whitecollar crime, and im wondering if you are point an attorney general and direct him or her to approach what color with the same seriousness and figure that they have approached the low level drug prosecutions . Mr. Bush that is a good question, both of those. [applause] mr. Bush the answer to that is, yes. Here is another challenge for your profession. Youve been told, and maybe can confirm this, that 90 of all the painkillers prescribed in the world are prescribed in the United States. And so, put aside i dont know the name of the manufacturer of oxycontin. It is prescribed by doctor. The fda allowed opiates to be prescribed for children. We have changed our attitudes about pain and how we have managed pain to the point where we have legitimized addictions that then create the escape into which now we see the heroin epidemic playing out. Athink there needs to be acrosstheboard review about deale do with pain, how we with companies that are abusing whatever relationship they have, hsbc. If the executives knowingly did this to profit, poisoning our communities, there should be more than a civil penalty. There should be criminal violations, for sure. That am i close to that . I believe this also reflects the corrupting influence of lobbying and money in the political process whereby these cutters mr. Bush doctors prescribing pain medication . Absolutely. With poor regulation, they are allowed to pay physicians to give supposedly educational conferences to push their products. It is a real problem. I think it reflects the general corruption of the political process in this country. Mr. Bush i would say that doctors have a disproportionate responsibility for this and that they dont have to prescribed in that they dont have to prescribe. They are creating this gate into heroin addiction that i think there should be growing awareness of. Here is one solution. We should have Prescription Drug databases that are accessed, protecting privacy and all that, where people can see, Law Enforcement can see we have it in florida, and we have seen octormatic reduction in dc and pharmacy shopping. Then it gets in the market, and they sell these pills are great profit. There are ways to monitor this so that the isolated cases that create a disproportionate amount of the problem can be monitored as well. Living on a border, as i did, we werent able to catch people who were crossing over. Mr. Bush thank you. Yes, maam. Hang on, we have got to i have been in medicine one way or another my whole life. Allowanceled at the of the internet and the tv advertising of Prescription Drugs. [applause] pers kitchen, drugs of all kinds, promises made to patients Prescription Drugs of all kinds, promises made to patients, put the doctor on the spot. If he does not prescribe the patient, the drug company loses. Theyve got pressure on the doctor to use that drug. But the doctor does it really want to. What if the patient comes back to him and says, so and so took it and she is cured . Why didnt you do it for me . And so the physician is caught i wouldertising like to see advertising of perception drugs eliminated. [applause] mr. Bush ok. That is a good point. All i know is that when i go see my doctor, i dont convince him of anything. [applause] [laughter] mr. Bush he tells me what im doing wrong, and i am supposed to salute. One more. Yes . Welcome back. Nice to see you. Ive missed you. I feel offended that you havent come to any of my events recently. [applause] [laughter] [indiscernible] mr. Bush he is a nice guy. He is unusual. He is a good man. [laughter] talked a lot about domestic events, but im wondering about your going which are going to do about the caliphate. I have heard that you are in favor of arming the terrorists. Mr. Bush prior to the attacks , soaris and San Bernardino i consider this to be an issue before it became the number one issue in the minds of voters. The strategy i laid out was to arm the kurds, but not with the kind of weaponry that would allow them to be more effective in their fighting. Didmbed our troops are there inside the iragi military, to give them training and a backbone, if you will, because ultimately win we leave when we leave the needs to be a secure iraq without ice is there. We need to reengage with the sunni tribal leaders that did create a partnership with american troops the surge that led to a fragile, but secure iraq. We need to get the war fighters off the backs of the military. Thatyou consider the fact there are multilayers of approval for launching ordinances, sorties when they leave the bases. Half of the missions go back without dropping their allnances because there are these additional approvals that i think are inappropriate, and so do the people who have advised me on this that understand how that part of the world works. ,e need a nofly zone inferior save stones in syria, to protect the innocent people in syria that are being starved to death by Bashar Alassad or enslaved by isis. This is one of the greatest that humanitarian tragedies that exist. 4 million refugees have left the country, grading and stability for the world. We need to deal with it there semiled army with the middle eastern support. You can have a stable, syria that would allow for this boy to be filled once and not for all with something more peaceful. We can win militarily, but will never win unless we create the ultimate stability, which requires american leadership. Americas the only country in the world and lead in this regard. Obamas the fallacy of the administration, incrementalism, the believe that we are part of the community of nations, no, no, we lead. We are not the worlds policeman, but we have to lead. No one else can do this. [applause] mr. Bush thank you all very much. God bless you. [applause] barbara ann plays] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] in derry, New Hampshire, where governor bush has just finished this event with his mother. We will talk with a reporter with the boston globe. It is down to the wire for these candidates. What did you see in the governors pitch . Enthusiasm a lot of in the room tonight. If you have an asset, this is the time to use it. Governor bushs asset is his family and mother. Was the tone any different with his mother there . One time he called donald trump jerked and apologized to his mother. Jerk and apologized to his mother. He was more upbeat, spoke from the heart, but there was more strength to what he had to say, more conviction and dedication in his voice. So your colleague tweeted that barbara bush is beloved, and i wonder how that will translate in the voters in the state next tuesday. Is her presence enough to convince those on the fence to vote for governor bush . Some people did not realize that she was going to be here. They were excited when she realized that she was going to be here when they realize that she was going to be here. They are fans of his brother, his father. The challenges to place well over the next couple of days . You heard the governor mentioned it himself, getting undecided voters to commit to his campaign, to decide on him. That it comessay down to the wire, so i think it is pushing to get those folks to decide in his favor. What would be your lead . It is all about barbara bush tonight. This mood in the electric is what as they go into the polls . There are a variety of words, angry, frustrated, some people are dispassionate. They dont feel compelled to vote for anybody, which is why they are so on the fence. You pick a word, i feel like i have heard it. The weather tomorrow morning. Everybody is hoping it doesnt snow next tuesday. Thank you so much for your interpretation tonight. Some of the talk to people in the room tonight. What is your last name . You are from londonderry. Why did you come tonight . Of 1. 3 main people has such a large essay in this process, and i love going to the events in seeing the candidates. Are you a registered democrat or republican . Registered republican. Have you not made up your mind . I have a couple. What about governor bush . He is more towards the middle. I am more to the right. That, yes, i am part of the establishment, and that did not go across well with me. Who is your top candidate . Ted cruz. What are you looking for to canada . He is a straight shooter and will back down. He is against the ethanol mandate. He is a likable guy. He has a lot to offer. He is the conservator direction i would like to see this country go in. Are you so glad you came tonight . Yes. Why is that . Liveam fortunate enough to in a state that has such a big say in this process. Are you New Hampshire born and bred . Ive been here since 2008, before that in massachusetts. Have you participated in every time and gone out every time the president ial candidates have been here . Ever since i was 18, i voted in everything. Thank you for talking to us. Coming up next, a mother and sign. And son. How old are you . 14. What you think about what you saw tonight . I like him. Isis. Ealism, taking down he wants to go forward into it more. Why does isis concern you . How old are you . 14. It concerns me because the freedom of them, they dont have as much freedom. If they come over here, we could lose our freedom. Go out andgoing to convince other people to go to the polls on tuesday . Yup. What even a say to them . Vote for jeb bush. He is the reason we came tonight. I did not want him to miss the opportunity. Does he have to become come because of school or because he was enthusiastic . Schoolinvolved at all. It was all him. What about your own interests . Did you know youre voting for . Undecided. I like what i heard from jeb bush today, and that pushes me a little bit more towards them. I dont have to make a decision quite yet. What you do for a living . Data entry. How are you feeling about the economy . In the greatest spot. I think it can get a lot better. If we stay with what were going to do now, its not going to. More taxes for more programs is not the answer. New hampshire has a lot of independent senate. In it. Your politics are where . Independent, but more towards the conservative side. There is a lot of conservative stuff i like. Fiscal policy . Social policy . Social policy. Actually, all of it. What we are doing now is not working. We know that these programs that give people everything, they dont bring anyone up. They keep people push down could we need to move to where were bringing as jeb bush said, start from the bottom going up. You only have a couple of days to make up your mind. When you going to do that and what will tip the scales for you . Asi am going tomorrow night see marco rubio and what he has to say. I will probably make up my mind at the polls. Are you going to go to the marco rubio in event even though your supporting jeb bush . Yes. Why . I want to hear what he has to say. It might make a difference in my thoughts. We are talking to people who have been at governor bushs event. Tell me about your own politics. Are you here as a republican, independent . I consider myself a conservative. I came to this bush rally two days after a donald trump rally. I was fascinated by how much. Omentum donald trump can bring it makes me wonder if donald trump can run a rally so smoothly and generate that momentum, i wonder what he can do for our country. I came to the bush rally thinking what can bush offered that trump did not offer, and i felt like the people tonight listen to what he had to say, but did not hear anything. Why did you come to that conclusion . Seems to that bushs be caught up in a cycle of memorize lines. I want a leader who says more through his actions than his words. And mr. Trump, have you made up your mind . I am constantly fascinated by him. Yes, i am leaning towards trump. He seems to be a leader who shows you who he is without these political lines, memorization. He seems to show you who he is and what he wants to do for this country in a meaningful way, and in sort of a trick way. He speaks what he believes. You mind if i ask your age . I am 19. This is your first election . My family and i have been coming to these rallies since 2008. We try to visit every politician, clinton, sanders, fiorina. We tried to visit all the candidates. Are you from New Hampshire . I am from dallas, texas. You have made it appear with your family to watch this. Sister goes to cambridge, harvard. So we stay there and travel up to New Hampshire to see how human the candidates are. How many have you seen so far . We have seen five, but intend to see them all. Thank you very much. Cspan will continue the coverage of candidates until tuesday. We invite you to watch the coverage we have been doing on a website. If you are undecided, you can watch the speeches in their entirety at cspan. Org. The New Hampshire primary is tuesday. On friday, our coverage continues with republican president ial candidate Carly Fiorina speaking to voters in manchester. That is live starting at 8 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan two. President ial candidate senator Bernie Sanders is also in manchester taking part in the politics and eggs breakfast. You can watch that live the 10 00 a. M. Eastern here on cspan. During campaign 2016, cspan takes you on the road to the white house as we talk with the candidates on cspan, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. Tonight, cspans road to the white house coverage in New Hampshire continues with governor Chris Christie in newport. After that, senator ted cruz talking about addiction and treatment. Later, donald trump visiting Police Officers in manchester. On the next washington journal, a history of the hampshire primate with adam Smith Andrew Smith at the university of New Hampshire. Senator gary lambert on his support for jeb bush. Er, bert on his support his support for Bernie Sanders. You can join the conversation with your calls and comments on facebook and twitter. One of the things that i saw throughout this entire timeline is that most of the Founding Fathers and early president s knew in their minds that slavery was wrong. They knew it. To they werent willing inconvenience their own lives to make that come true. Sunday night on q a, Jesse Holland discusses his book, the untold story of africanamerican slaves in the white house. They were all slaveowners. So they would bring in slaves from their plantation. George washington did this as well. He brought in slaves to new york city and philadelphia from out vernon. Firsterved as the domestic staff to the United States president. Sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on q a. Next, republican president ial candidate and new jersey governor Chris Christie talking to voters at village pizza in newport, New Hampshire. This is 25 minutes. [horn honking] mr. Bush thank you very much. We appreciate you hosting us. Nice meeting you. Mr. Bush nice to meet you. How are you . Thank you so much. I appreciate it very much. Good to see you. Hey, everybody. [applause] thank you for coming. Good to see you. I am doing all right. How are you . You want a hamburger . Gov. Christie we will see. I have a good tip for you. Gov. Christie what is that . Nice to see you. Mr. Bush how are you, sir. Good, thanks. Nice to see you. Governor, good to see you. How are you doing. Governor, how are you . Good afternoon. Mr. Bush good afternoon. Gov. Christie good to see you. Thank you so much. Gov. Christie how about you . God bless you. I hope we make it. Gov. Christie me too, buddy. [laughter] gov. Christie sir. Me and my wife. Yes, it was. We were both there. Youre right. Good to see you. Do i know you . Gov. Christie ve me thank you for coming. Thank you for being here. How are you . Hopefully this brings you lock. Mr. Bush yes. Gov. Christie yes. How are you . Where you from . All right. Thanks for coming. Thank you very much. Good to see you, governor. Irony met you. [laughter] a quick picture. Mr. Bush sure. Sure. Hristie could you sign . Gov. Christie i will. Thank you. Gov. Christie how are you . Sure. Thank you very much, sir. Thank you for the work youre doing. Can i have your autograph . Gov. Christie of course. Thank you, governor. Gov. Christie thank you. Thank you. Gov. Christie thank you so much. Ok, sure. Im the governor of new jersey. I know these things. Lancer alert. Thats where our kids went to preschool. Gov. Christie yes. Is. Ow where the preschool we had an apartment there for a couple of years. Our first house was in cranford on him street. Elm street. It was like a nightmare on and on street for us. Elm street for us. Good to meet you. Sir, how are you . Hi there. Gov. Christie sir . How are you . We want to take a picture with you. Gov. Christie you got it. I think so. I did it two times. Thank you. Thank you for coming to newport. Welcome to newport. Gov. Christie thank you. Good luck to you. You feel great, right . Im 70. Thank you for coming. Gov. Christie my pleasure. Thanks. Thank you for being here today. Got a tell the truth, man. Thats it. Let him have it. I want to thank you all for coming. Welcome back to newport. The nextoking at president of the United States. [applause] it is great toristie be in newport, Sullivan County. We are in the last five days of this campaign, and this is the most important time, deciding time. New hampshire residents have been shopping for a long time. Now you have some Big Decisions to make. We are going to keep working hard, like we always have, darn your vote, support, and confidence. There is a lot of work to be done. To beare a lot of votes swayed. We knocked on 11,000 doors last weekend. 50 of the people said they were undecided. So we have a lot of work to do. Anything for granted. Talk to neighbors and friends, tell them who you are supporting , urge them to get out and voted watch the debate on saturday night. It should be very interesting, as they usually are. Donald is coming back. We really cant wait to welcome him. [laughter] somebodystie unless insults and between now and saturday and he wont show up. [laughter] gov. Christie we will continue to talk about the things we need to talk about here it keep our nation secure, make sure we do better at Economic Growth than seven tens of 1 , which is what the president last quarter. And the make sure we pick the and that person Hillary Clinton never gets within 10 miles of the white house again. [applause] thats the right person right here. Gov. Christie we will continue to work as hard as we can, as hard as we have been working since we came here after we announced in june. My wife brings her regards as well. She is getting so famous up here after 50 days. She does events on her own now. She doesnt need me anymore. She and i will get together again later in the day for another town hall this afternoon. We will keep working, keep grinding. That is the way you win elections in this state, and its always the way ive won in new jersey as well. I cant thank you enough for your support. Remember, keep everything drowned out over the next five days. Youre going to get all kinds of crazy stuff from the media, chattering, heads on tv and all the rest. Do is decideis to who is the best person and vote for that candidate. They have a great history of upsets up and down the state, so were looking forward to doing very well on tuesday night. For all the folks in newport, you have been wonderful, and the haute town really, and Sullivan County has been wonderful to me and mary pat going back to the summer when we came here together for the first time. We are really grateful to all of you. We are grateful for the great courtesy you have showed us and how welcome you made us feel in New Hampshire. We really feel like we have so many new friends here and it is a really wonderful feeling, so were going to keep going could you keep going, too. We have work to do good we will make sure we make a difference on tuesday night. We are busing up a lot of people from new jersey tonight. New jersey is invading a hampshire. We have a lot of folks who will be working, hundreds and hundreds of volunteers, coming ,p to work these last 45 days so that a try to overwhelm the field a little bit with a whole lot of people, and i think looking to be really successful at it, so for all of you who have been supportive up to this point, thank you for your faith and confidence in your trust in us. For those of you we are still trying to persuade, after today, be for me and dont listen to anybody else for the next four days, all right . Thank you for coming. Enjoy your lunch. I just wanted to come here and say to all the folks in newport and the county, thank you for the support you have given me so for and thanks for the support i know you will give me on tuesday. Thank you. Have a great day. La

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