This announcement by expressing my deep gratitude and apleeshation, and of course our congratulations to our host, secretary of state, john kerry, and to you, the government and people of the United States, for this timely invitation to attend the summit. On an urgent issue focused on our oceans. As the secretary of state has said, it is our shared hope and the only one we have. Ladies and gentlemen, for far too long, human activities in the name of development and our single minded pursuit for shortterm gains and profits have had severe impacts on the health of our environment. Ese include illegal fishing, dumping of waste in the ocean, industrial activity which have caused excessive Carbon Dioxide emissions and of course the list goes on. In combination, these activities have greatly affected the health of our oceans and our planet and of course the ecosystems. These have results in what we see now. Completion of fishery stocks, acidification, Sea Level Rise, increased Ocean Temperatures and a change to our climate system. Never in Human History has the health of our oceans and our planet have been so challenged. My country, kiribati, referred to as a small island developing state, but in reality we are a very large ocean state and my people have been custodians over centuries of the surrounding ocean. Around 3. 5 million square kilometers, more than twice the size of the u. S. State of alaska. When i say the ocean is very much a part of our lives, our culture and our heritage, i do, of course, include not only my fellow Pacific Island nations but also the United States of mark. Kiribati and the u. S. A. Share maritime boundaries with kiribati waters, located as the u. S. Is part of the pacific. Furthermore, our ocean territory hosts part of the largest remaining tuna fisheries, through commercial supply chain islands to the United States businesses and consumers. In essence, through the oceans, kiribati and the pacific has not only direct linkage with the United States but also linked with the u. S. National security. Dies and gentlemen, for my country, this very same ocean and indeed the same case would apply to my colleagues in the pacific, this very same ocean has now raised a new major survival challenge. Our people are now facing major challenges never faced before from the rising sea levels. Over the recent past, at the beginning weve seen erosion of our shorelines caused by unusually high tides. In some parts of the country, our villages have had to be relocated due to erosion. Food crops have been destroyed, and the fresh water lakes contaminated by the rising sea levels. These are alarming new experiences for us and not part of the normal cycle. My friend from the Marshall Islands declared a state of emergency. The science and our experience on the ground have given us ample proof if we do not change direction it will be to our detriment. More so for our children and their childrens children. Very sadly, the face of Global Action in response to this major calamity nowhere measures the degree of severity of the survival challenges that Sea Level Rise poses for our peoples and countries. Climate change, as ive said time and time again, poses the greatest moral challenge of our time. It is about the survival of people, the survival of women, the survival of children, all communities, cities and nations. It is not just about economics. Not anymore. It is not a political football. It is not about the cause of who is responsible anymore. It is now about what we must do together as responsible global citizens. No one country can do anything on its own to affect the kind of changes required to deal or to address the challenge. It is our shared ocean and our planet and we need to Work Together to address these enormous challenges. The Early Warning the changing of the climate now facing the Global Community. We will fall but when we fall others will follow to be on the i line and they, too am advised that more than 70 of the cities and human settlements around the world are on coastal areas. They will be next on the front line. Ladies and gentlemen, one of our major hopes of responding to Climate Change lies also in the very ocean which is threatening us from Sea Level Rise. We are we host the vast fishery resources within our exclusive Economic Zones in the various countries in the pacific. Within our waters alone in kiribati, our fishery resources is valued around 500 million a value. The but this is no value to us because at the moment we are receiving around 8 of this amount. But given the amount of the value of the resources ailable to us, if we could have the value of that resource, it would provide us with the opportunity and capacity to become more climate resilient and to be able to adapt in the way that we need to adapt in order to address the challenge. I believe that there should be more equity and justice in the Business Partnership within the fishing industry. Custodians of such resources should be allowed greater participation in the industry for we believe that it realizing the resource to us that we can provide the muchneeded Financial Resources for adaptation to the change in climate. Ladies and gentlemen, we recognize the importance of our ocean and the resources within for the future of our people and accordingly, with the assistance of our partners, conservation international, and new england aquarium, we established in 2008 one of the largest marine protected areas in our part of the world. The Phoenix Islands protected area. Pipa was part of the World Heritage site in 2010. And its not only the largest Living Laboratory where scientists can study the ecosystem in the pristine stages, but its also a major spawning ground fortunea. Major ill have a conservation and for us it is an investment in the future. It is also our contribution to humanity, to the conservation and preservation of marine life. Not only for us but for the Global Community and for the generations to come. More importantly, it indicates our strong conviction to the Global Community that addressing the challenges of Climate Change calls for very serious commitment sand sacrifice. The establishment of pipa has not been done without sacrifices, and as a small economy, the projected initial loss in revenue weighs very significantly in our a ideration, but we made cision to persist with the sustainable strategies. Im very happy today to announce that at this conference that we have taken the position to fully close all commercial fishing activities within the Phoenix Island protected area with the effect from the first of january, 2015. [applause] we have not stopped there. We have also recently taken an initial step to declare the 12mile northern coast zone surrounding each of the islands group closed off from all from all commercial fishing activities to allow for the marine environments surrounding these islands remain in their current pristine condition. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, these efforts of conservation and Sustainable Management of our ocean and marine life is not kirbiton. Ned to at the Pacific Islands forum unanimously adopted the Pacific Oceans cape, a framework for targeted directions needed for our region to safeguard the health of our oceans. As a region, we take our obligations as stewards of one of the greatest National Endowments in the world very seriously. Our obligation to ensure that the Pacific Ocean sustains life on this planet not only now but for the days to come. Our continued commitment as a region will be reflected is reflected in the theme of the upcoming Pacific Islands Forum Meeting to be held in palau which is the ocean, our life, our future. Following endorsement of the Pacific Oceans escape, other Pacific Islands also declared designated marine protected areas. The cook islands declared 4. 4 million square kilometers. My friend from palau, the president declared all of palau exclusively closed. Other countries have done the same. And so this is the momentum that we want to carry on. Within the pacific, we have a number of arrangements in place to ensure that we do the job that needs to be done. The Pacific Region therefore has some of the more stringent and most elaborate conservation and management arrangements. Including through the Pacific Islands forum, the forest fisheries agency, the pacific community, the south Pacific Regional environment program, the western and Central Pacific tuna fisheries commission, the u. S. Multilateral treaty as well as a coastal Fisheries Resource, is subregional grouping of coastal Fisheries Resource owners and an agreement. Ladies and gentlemen, let me say that conservation and Sustainable Management efforts at the national and regional levels will be few tile if such if ts are not futile such efforts are not supported. Ensuring the to ensure they are sustainable will be will ultimately result in the loss of the entire ecosystem. Declaring closing for marine protected areas will have no meaning if the closure of these p. M. A. s cannot be enforced. The technology to ensure protection of the oceans is not something new but it has yet to be put into effective use. Such technology will implement and enhance several agreements necessary to ensure that our oceans covering some 2 3 of the earths surface is monitored and protected. Ladies and gentlemen, we, the Global Community, our partners, our distant fishing water partners, private businesses, individuals and those who can and who share the vision to also make similar sacrifices, including making contributions to the supporting marine protected areas, it makes good Financial Sense to do so. Ur presence here today is part of the necessary steps to which joint Global Action, joint global commitment and joint global obligation to preserve and save our home, our one and only home. Our presence here, this acknowledgment of our shared responsibility to ensure the health of our ocean and our environment. Let us not allow this momentum, let us not slow this momentum but lets continue forward, islands pcoming support in samoa as well as the Climate Change summit later this year. The preservation of our oceans and actions against Climate Change, our global obligations towards the future survival and security of our peoples, and i speak on behalf of my fellow pacific leaders in saying they should be given exclusive focus as we shape the post2015 development goal. We are one Global Community, and we have a collective responsibility to ensure that the planet, our home and our Childrens Home and their Childrens Home continues the sustained life as we know it today. We cannot afford to remain idle, to stand on the sideline. Let us pool our resources, our knowledge and our efforts to save this life source, this gift from mother nature. Inaction is no longer an option. Action is our obligation to our children and their childrens children. Ladies and gentlemen, let me conclude by sharing with you , may ditional blessings health, peace and prosperity be upon us all. Thank you. [applause] mr. President , secretary kerry, thank you very much for the inspirational remarks and for the amazing announcement that president tong has made. It shows very clearly the Critical Role our political leaders have in driving for an action to protect our ocean. Im now delighted to invite to the stage three leading Civil Society voices on ocean onservation, Philippe Cousteau enrique. T, and they will each present their thoughts on the theme exploring, understanding and conserving our oceans. And while they take the stage, the images you will see around the room are from one of the bestknown and most loved symbols of ocean science, the alvin submersible, which just turned 50 years old this year. [applause] lived a man who sailed the beach and he told his life in the land of submarines still we found and we lived beneath the waves in our Yellow Submarine we all live in a Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine we all live in a Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine and our friends are all aboard many more of them live next door nd the band begins to play we all live in a Yellow Submarine we all live in a Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine full speed rine head aye, aye, sir, fire as we live a life of ease everyone of us has all we need sky of blue and sea of green n our Yellow Submarine submarine ha, ha we all live in a Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine we all live in a Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine we all live in a Yellow Submarine it is now my blesh to introduce Philippe Cousteau. Hes an Award Winning television host, producer and an author. Hes also successful social entrepreneur. In 2004 he founded earth echointernational, an n. G. O. Aimed at equipping a new generation of youth to solve environmental challenges. Voyassey founded group to help corporations and n. G. O. s successfully implement their marketing and communications efforts. Philippe has taken his approach toward conservation to wall street where he partnered the global ecoexchange on the new york stock exchange. Philippe, the floor is yours. [applause] thank you, undersecretary, and of course, thank you to secretary kerry for working so hard to establish the ocean as central to global affairs. Now, i thought this morning it would be appropriate to open our conservation about exploration with a little trip down memory lane. A reminder of just how recently this journey began to explore and protect our ocean. So i brought here to share with you this morning a little clip, the first few minutes of the First Episode of the undersea world of Jacques Cousteau from 1968. Ets watch that. We will be having voyages and exploration and discovery in all the seas of the world. With endeavor to save magnificent creatures threatened with extinction. We will study the behavior of all forms of life in the sea. We will try to trace the history of the oceans from the rocks dating back millions of years. From cages made of plexiglas, we will film life that is sometimes serene, sometimes savage and always beautiful. We will explore the graveyards f the sea more precious than ship wrecks gold. Each time we enter the sea, we learn something new. We have never been better equipped to observe, to learn and to put our findings to scientific use. Over the years, our quests will lead us to confront the dangers and reveal the splendors of the sea. [applause] 1968 wasnt that long ago. And i always think its nice to think back and remember where things started to inspire us to go forward. But what many people dont realize is that this Iconic Television series was actually preceded by two decades of work. When my grandfather started his journey, exploring the oceans in the 1940s, it actually wasnt just about conservation. It was just about exploration. I remember i remember growing up with the stories from him about about how it took years for my father, philippe sr. , and my grandfather, as they watched from the 1940s to the 1960s the rapid postwar industrialization take its toll on the health of the oceans and the shift that they evolved from pure exploration to conservation. My grandfather said, for most of history man has had to fight nature to survive. In this century, hes beginning to realize that in order to survive he must protect it. Their personal journey from explorer to conservationists is the same journey that each and every single one of us has taken in this room. Each in our own unique way, and a journey that has led us here. And it is our collective exploration, which has led to a wealth of knowledge, not only about the ocean but about what humans are doing to it. From Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Debris to the impacts of carbon pollution, our understanding of the challenges facing the ocean may seem daunting but the good news from the words of my good friend, we can fix this. But doing so will require more than technological advances, new ways of doing business. It will require all of us to continue to elevate the ocean to its rightful place at the center of the global stage. As secretary kerry said earlier, the ocean is our planet. And so our job here is to help the world recognize the ocean is a fundamental solution to many of the greatest global challenges faced by humanity. From Climate Change to Food Security to providing sustained Economic Growth and prosperity and peace for countless millions. Every day i have the privilege of working with young people two of whom are represented here this morning at earthecho international. I had an opportunity to film documentries around the world on Environmental Issues and i see a growing chorus of people who are aware of the problems facing our planet and who are yearning for a reason to hope. To know that change is possible and that they can be a part of it. Theyre looking to you, to the world leaders, to the scientists, to the explorers, to the dreamers to lead the way. My father, philippe sr. , once said adventure is where you lead a full life. And i can think of no greater adventure than exploring our water planet in all of its mystery, its beauty and its wonder and then armed with that knowledge to have the courage and the audacity to build a better world. Enjoy the conference. Thank you. [applause] thank you, philippe, for starting us off with great inspiration. I am now delighted to introduce dr. Margaret, the director of the Scripps Institution of oceanography, one of the worlds premiere institutes. She serves with the marine science of the university of california at san diego. The doctor is one of the United States leading ocean scientists. Her research in the areas of ocean bigeochemistry and paolillo oceanography includes the study of ocean carbon cycling and the role of the ocean and planet. And is part of the geophysical nion, the largest geoscientist industry of the world. Doctor. Thank you, undersecretary. And thank you to secretary kerry for bringing us all together today. When i first went to sea understanding the ocean came in bites. We went to sea, we collected precious samples. We ran transsects, we brought the data back to the lab and worked on it there. Today we understand the ocean through observation in great gulps. From satellites, mornings, drifting systems and were going to hear a lot of concern over the next two days about fisheries, acidification and ocean pollution. But the key to these and our understanding of the ocean starts with observation, and for that we have an incredible Success Story. Id like to give you a couple of examples of both hightech and lowtech observation at global scales and very ilt mate scales. And just contrast how far weve come, the lines that you see on transect are the lines of the world ocean circulation experiment that started at sea in 1990 and wanted to get a snapshot of the physical ocean in the shortest time as possible. To fill out the work here took eight years, hundreds of cruises, tens of millions of dollars. In contrast, today we often study the ocean with small drifting bowies like the argo floats you see here, deployed from ships, they sink into the cean, go down to about 2,000 meters, measure temperature, oxygen, position, depth and then come back up to the surface and tell a meter that data back to us in our laboratories. These floats were developed by the Academic Community with funding from noaa, but subsequently, 30 nations have contributed floats to this to populate this system and the map here shows the population of those floats from 2000 until today. 3,500 drifting bowies, 2,000 ters bouyies, 2,000 meters, we get more data in one month than we did in eight years. An incredible Success Story in our ability to observe the ocean and from this set of measurements weve been able to quantify the warming of the cean and also show how its salinity has been changing. Course are a different kind of corals are a different kind of story. We know that coral reefs, important nurseries for fisheries and important habitat are under threat from acidification, from warming, from pollution, from disease and from physical disruption. These important habitats require a more important approach, a more intimate approach for observation and yet here some of the most exciting things are coming from the commercial community. Small inexpensive cameras developed for the recreation community, the go pro cameras, are used now to put together all of those photos with computer using computers to develop imageries like this from a recent shot to be able to go back to the lab and study the reef in exquisite detail. Now imagine being able to do that on a regular basis with scientists, with citizen scientists to be able to look at this area as it changes in respect with respect to different events. Weve now gotten used to being able to look at the ocean from satellites. This is sea surface temperature data from 1996 to 1998 through which there was a major el nino in the Pacific Ocean followed by the cool phase, the la nina. 50 years ago we couldnt even dream of being able to study the ocean in this way, and yet now we can look at a phenomenon that covers the entire half of the globe, look at it in detail and be understand how it evolves and what happens with t. On the screen you see a movie from an underwater microscope. The field of view is 2 1 2 millimeters. Those are two karls, two different species but never occur next to each other and youre seeing why the coral on is pouring st digestive enzymes all over the coral on the right. Thats why they couldnt occur together. These remarkable technologies give us insight into things we could never observe otherwise. New ways to observe the ocean. And finally, at even smaller scales this is a back tear yum palagibacter. Its the most abundant organism in the ocean and therefore probably the most abundant organism on earth. We didnt even know it existed in 2000. And we didnt find it in a trol or even by looking at a drop of water through a microscope. We found it by its genetic footprint in a bulk water sample from the sargaso sea. 50 of the cells in the surface emp rate ocean are palagibacter and had has an outside influence on the ocean because its a very efficient recycler of organic carbon, one of the major themes one of the major components of the carbon cycle in the ocean. So from spatial scales of the globe to the intimate scales of the ocean, our ability to observe is key to our ability to understand and key to our ability to provide answers to the challenges were going to hear over the next two days. Thank you. [applause] thank you, doctor, for showing us how cool science can be. Im now privileged to introduce our final speaker, doctor sala. Hes a National Geographic explorer, actively engaged in research, education to enhance Ocean Conservation. Hes currently leading the National Geographics pristine seas project, an exploration, research and myia initiative with the goal of finding, surveying and helping protect the last wild places in the ocean. In the last five years, pristine seas and their partners have inspired leaders to protect over 450,000 square kilometers of ocean in five countries. Enrique was a 2008 young Global Leader at the World Economic forum and won the 2013 Research Award of the Spanish Geographical society as well as the 2013 Lowell Thomas award of the explorers club. Enrique. [applause] thank you. Your excellencies, mr. Secretary, dear friends, thank you, secretary kerry, for organizing this Ocean Conference and inviting me to give this key note. Im not speaking just for myself, but of all of those here and in the field who make Ocean Conservation their life purpose. For all of us have witnessed dramatic changes in the ocean during our lifetimes. In my case, growing up on the mediterranean coast of spain in the 1970s and watching Jacques Cousteaus documentaries, i was saddened by the large fish that cousteau showed us when he was filming in the 1940s and 1950s. Andand how many of you have a similar story of loss . How many of you have seen the ocean now poorer than the ocean of your childhood . Raise your hands. And secretary kerry already reminded us what we have lost because of overfishing, pollution and the emerging threats of ocean warming and acidification. But today i want to show you what we have found, what i have seen in places that are remote and have not been affected by uman activities. Like thank you, mr. President , for making a great step in creating a Marine Research along these islands. And the u. S. Pacific remote islands. Diving in these places is like going back in time to an ocean with Crystal Clear water full of large predators and healthy corals. And these reefs, these pristine reefs, scientific studies show us not only healthy but more resilient to the impacts of global warming. So the question we need to ask ourselves is quite simple. How can we move Ocean Ecosystems closer to us, stay more healthy and more resilient . The solutions are many because so are the problems. We need to manage our fisheries better. Cap Greenhouse Gas emissions and reduce pollution. These are clear answers and how we will talk takle them, they will take time to have an effect but there are steps we can take right now that will have immediate benefits. We can create, as the secretary said, more marine protected areas. In particular, Marine Research that are close to fishing and extraction of marine resources. In the 1990s i came back to the mediterranean coast of spain and i dived in a Marine Research that had been protected for a few years. All the fish i still remember that first dive all the large fish that were absent from the ocean of my childhood were right there in this like this big grouper. I have a friend of mine who became a fisherman and he told me that he could not be a fisherman if it werent for the research. Inside there were so many fish. Many of them spilled over and helped to replenish the local fisheries around. And other people i knew developed thriving ecotourism businesses, creating hundreds of jobs and bringing 20 times more income than fishing to the local economy. Now, think of the i know that many of you have similar stories, have experienced personally the benefits of Marine Research that are well managed. And most of the ocean as Bank Accounts where everybody withdraws but nobody makes a deposit. Now, Marine Research are savings accounts with the principal set aside that produces interest that we can enjoy and protecting these precious resources is not a technical problem after all. Now, the science is clear and so are the economic benefits. Hat we need now is political will. Scientists can only do so much. Conservation organizations can only do so much. And the public, most people dont know how it is and when they find out they dont know what to do. So your leadership will literally make a world of a difference in working to create more Marine Research. You, leaders in this room, and all around the world have the authority to make this happen. We know what the benefits are. Because the more healthy and resilient the ocean will be, the more the ocean will continue to provide these goods and services that makes us healthier and richer. Thank you very much. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] and the Washington Post reports president obama will announce today plans to create the Worlds Largest marine sanctuary in the Pacific Ocean. 872,000 square miles in the pacific will be offlimits to fishing, Energy Exploration and other activities. For over 35 year cspan brings Public Affairs events from washington directly to you, putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings and conferences and offering complete gaveltogavel coverage of the u. S. House all as a Public Service of private industry. Were cspan, created by the cable tv industry 5 years ago and brought to you as a Public Service by your local cable or satellite provider. Watch us in h. D. , like us on facebook and follow us on twitter. President obama out of washington today. First in pittsburgh and then speaking to a Democratic National committee lgbt fundraiser in new york city. Well have live coverage of that on cspan 2 at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. General motors said yesterday would recall 3. 6 million defective cars worldwide. The c. E. O. Of general motors, mary barra, goes before a house subcommittee hearing. Shell testify about that recall and others over faulty ignitions in those cars unexpectedly shoulding off the cars engine, affecting the power steering. A hearing tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan3. The idea behind 250 and 250, instead of trying to tell the entire history of st. Louis as a timeline or sort of era by era we would absolutely miss vitally important things. Instead of trying to do that and failing, we decided, what if we gave snapshots of st. Louis history that would give people a glimpse of all the diverse things that have happened here and they could use their imagination to kind of fill in the rest. So we chose 50 people, 50 places, 50 moments, 50 moments and 50 objects and tried to choose the most diverse selection we possibly could. Were standing in the 50 objects section of the 250 and 250 exhibit right now. This is what most people would call the real history. This is where the object is right in front of you. Brewing is such a huge part of st. Louis history. Its an amazing story with lots of different breweries and of course the most famous became Anheuser Busch when they were the largest in the world. And in the era of Anheuser Busch talking about millions of barrels produced each year, you know, we think theyre producing so much beer, this is from an era when things were a little bit simpler and its fun to show people this object and kind of gauge their response. In the days before they had cans or bottle caps, they put corks in the tops of bottles and somebody had to sit on this thing and do it by hand. You can see its got foot pedals on the bottom. Thats where the operator would push down with his feet to give the cork enough force to go into the bottle and it has three holes for different bottles. The history and literary life of st. Louis, the gateway to the west, on cspan 2s book tv and cspan3s American History tv. The tv talk show host dr. Mehmet os talked on capitol hill about false advertising on weight loss products. One senator talked about weight loss pros conducts he knows are not true. Heres a preview. Now, heres three statements you made on your show. You may think magic is make believe but this little bean has scientists saying they found the magic weight loss cure for every body type. Its green coffee extract. Quote, i got the number one miracle in a bottle. To burn your fight. Its raspberry ketone. Cambogia, it a may be the thing looking to bust your body fat for good. I dont know why you got to say this stuff because you know its not true. Why, when you have this amazing megaphone, and this amazing ability to communicate, why would you cheapen your show by saying things like that . Well, if i could disagree about whether they work or not and ill move on to the issue of the words that i used and just with regard to whether they work or not, take green coffee extract, as an example. I dont know if it would pass f. D. A. Muster if it was a pharmaceutical drug seeking approval, but among the National Products that are out there, this is a product that has several Clinical Trials. There was a large one, good quality one that was done we talked about this in 2012. Listen i want to know i want to know about that Clinical Trial because the only one i know is 16 people in india that was paid for by the company that was in fact the point in time you initially talked about this being a miracle, the only study that was out there was the one with 16 people in india that was written up by somebody that was being paid by the company that was producing it. There was no one paid for it. I have the five papers plus the basic science papers on it as well. Senator, we can talk about whether they good or not. Should you be on a low fat diet, low carb diet . I spent a good career of deal of my career saying be on a low fat diet. We realized it wasnt working for our patients so it is remarkably complex, as know, to figure out what works for most people, even, in a dietary program. Within the practices of medicine, we evolve by looking at new ideas, challenging orthodoxy and evolving them. So when i hold these are the five papers, these are clinical papers, and we can argue about the quality of them. Very justifiably. I can pick apart papers that showed no benefit as well. At the end of the day, if i have clinical subjects, real people having undergone trials and in this case i actually gave it to members of my audience, it wasnt a formal trial. It was which one passed . The trial did you with your audience, you would not no. Would say would pass scientific muster . It was done under the purpose of guidance. I wanted to get a thumbnail sketch, was this worth talking to people about or not . I dont think this is a referendum of the use of medical therapies. I had folks come on my show talking about the power of prayer. Now, again, as a practitioners, i cant prove that prayer helps people survive an illness. You dont have to buy prayer. Its hard to buy prayer. Prayers free. Thats a very good point. Thankfully prayers free. But i see in the hospital when folks are feeling discomfort in their life and a lot of it is emotional, when they have people praying for them, it lightens their burden. My show is about hope. I wanted as you very kindly stated, weve engaged millions of people in programs, including programs we did with the c. D. C. , to get folks to realize there are different ways they could rethink their future. That their best years arent behind them, theyre in front of them. They can actually lose weight. If i can get across the big message, i actually do personally believe in the items that i talk about in the show. I passionately study them. I recognize oftentimes they dont have the scientific muster to present as fact, but nevertheless, i would give my audience the advice i give my family all the time and ive given my family these products. Specifically the ones you mentioned. Then im comfortable with that part. The i do think ive made it more difficult for the f. D. A. , in an intent to engage fures, i use flowery language. I use language that was very passionate but it ended up not being helpful but incendiary and it provided fodder for unscrupulous advertisers. So that clip that you played which is over two years old and ive done hundreds of segments since then, we have specifically restricted our use of words. I literally not speaking about things i would otherwise talk about. Theres a product i never talked about in the show that i feel very strongly about because i know what will happen. Ill Say Something very in fact, we did a show with the acone syrup. South american root that had a big study published on it. I think a high quality study. It showed it not only helped people lose weight but helped womens health. It was done in an academic center. Not funded by industry. We talked about it. I used as careful language as i could. And still there were internet scam ads picking one or two supportive words. Of course i support them. I wouldnt be talking about them. It still ended up out there. Im surprised that you are defending i mean, i tried to do a lot of research in preparation for this trial. The Scientific Community is almost monolithic against you in terms of the efficacy of the products you called miracles. When you call a product a miracle and something you can buy and something that gives people false hope, i just dont understand why you need to go there. You got so much you do on your show that makes it different and controversial enough that you get lots of views. I understand youre in base of getting viewers. But i really implore you to look at the seven i would ask you to look at the seven lists that the list on the gut check. Causes weight loss of two pounds or more without dieting or exercise. Causes substantial weight loss no matter how much you eat. Causes permanent weight loss, like you said. Looking to bust your body fat for good. If you just look at those seven and if you spend time on your show telling people this is the seven things you should know, that there isnt magic in a bottle, that there isnt a magic pill, that there isnt acai ind of magic root or berry or raspberry ketone that it doesnt matter that youre not moving and eat look of sugar and carbohydrates, do you disagree with the seven . I know the seven. I say those things on your why would you Say Something is a miracle in a bottle . My joob i feel on the show is to be a cheerleader for the audience. When they dont think they have hope, i do look everywhere, including in alternative healing traditions through any evidence that might be supportive to them. You pick on green coffee, tract. With the amount of information i have on them, i still am comfortable telling folks that they can buy a reputable version. I dont sell it and these are not for longterm use. With green coffee bean extract, its one pound a week over the duration of the different trials that have been done. That happened to be the same amount of weight that was lost by the hundred or so folks on the show who came on and they got fake pills, gave it to half the people, real pills the other half. If you can lose a pound a week more than you would have lost doing the things you should be doing already you cant sprinkle it on kilbasa and think it will work. If you get a few pounds off it jumpstarts you and gives you confidence to keep going and then you start to follow the things we talk about every single day, including those seven items, i think it makes sense. And, again, all of that hearing on weight loss product advertising coming up this afternoon at 5 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. The thesis of the book is there is a whole group of people in america, in fact, a big swath of america that is being ignored, left behind, not included in the discussion i think for either party. Particularly, though, i would argue the republican party. And thats i call a blue collar conservatives. The folks out there that are working people, most of whom dont have college degrees, folks that really still understand the value of work and the importance of work and the responsibility and people who understand the importance of family and faith, believe in freedom and limited government. So you would say, wow, those are those are conservative Republican Voters and in many cases theyre not. Enact, a lot of them arent voting at all because they dont see either party talking to them about the concerns they have in trying to create an opportunity for them to live the american dream. Former pennsylvania senator and president ial candidate Rick Santorum argues that working americans have been abandoned by both Political Parties and offers conservative answers to their problems. Saturday night at 10 00 eastern on after words, part of book tv this weekend on cspan 2 and this month on our online book club, were discussing the forgotten man. Start reading and join others to discuss in our chatroom at booktv. Org. Television for serious readers. U. S. House gaveling in next for a full afternoon of debate. 17 bills dealing with federal lands and postal facilities and a bill providing for the use of the Capitol Rotunda for presenting a congressional gold edal to the israeli president. And well likely hear about the in ure of the militants benghazi. The Senior Leader of the Benghazi Branch of the terror group alsharia in libya will, quote, face the full weight of the justice system. Lots of comments from members as well. Chairman of the oversight committee, darrell issa, releasing a statement saying in part that the arrests is long overdue and our military deserves credit. He also says the Obama Administration has an obligation to share whatever information he offers with chairman gowdy and the select committee about events before, the benghazi er attacks. John kirby, the admiral john kirby, will be holding a hearing momentarily. That will get under way in just a minute or two over on cspan2. Well take you live now to the house floor. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God of grace and goodness, thank you for giving us another day. Your divine wisdom and power are abundantly sufficient for our many needs. Endow the members of this assembly with the loyalty that never waivers and the courage that never falters as they seek to fulfill the high and holy mission which you have entrusted to them. May it be their purpose and all of ours to see to the hopes of so Many Americans that we you a thept kate the grandeur and glory of the ideals and principles of our democracy with the work we do. As the house returns from visits to their respective districts, may we all be mindful of and thankful for our fathers, for the men who were father figures for us, whose love and support enabled us to mature and become productive members of our american society. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch. Mr. Welch i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, e nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentlelady from North Carolina seek recognition . Ms. Foxx i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, president obama recently announced some changes to Student Loan Repayment programs. Keeping with the pattern of his administration, he has chosen to impose those changes via the regulatory process. For a while now, president obama has been fond of saying that he has a, quote, pen and a phone, end quote, that hell use to codify his version of hope and change. Perhaps the pen is sufficient. But the regulatory process will take 18 months. The house is reauthorizing the Higher Education act, working together student loan reforms could be considered passed and implemented much sooner if only president obama would pick up the phone, talk with members of congress and find common ground. But that takes effort and the president does not seem inclined to call. Mr. Speaker, it seems this president has become so addicted to the pen that he no longer knows how to pick up the telephone. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Wilson i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, rick renteria. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized revise and extends my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Wilson it is clear the president s failure to secure a status of forces agreement has jeopardized the progress our military made to promote democracy and peace in the region. Weve known for years that the Iraqi Government was struggling to implement democracy. Instead of offering help, the president ignored Lessons Learned of successfully maintaining peace with an American Reserve of air defense, as we have done in germany, japan, korea and now in kosovo. And even now, as the middle east watches to see how the United States will react to the current crisis, the president is putting our families at risk, as he openly negotiates with terrorists and communicates with israels enemies. The president needs to change course, recognize the growing threat of International Terrorism and understand that the failed diplomacy and inaction allows the creation of safe havens to attack us again. Peace can only be maintained by strength as the terrorists reclaim death to america and death to israel. They mean it. In conclusion, god bless our troops and we will never forget september 11 and the global war on terrorism which freedom will prevail. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Poe i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, crisis. I. R. S. Emails have vaporized. Where oh, where have the emails gone . Where, oh, where can they be . Another friday evening news dump, the administration anougesed that two years of lost of lois learners emails had vanished. Poof, gone. Thats not all. We learned the emails of six other prominent i. R. S. Officials involved in targeting conservatives have disappeared. Poof, gone. Isnt that an oddly convenient disappearance . Have they gone to the same place the missing 18 minutes of nixons watergate tapes went . And the i. R. S. Blames the welltimed fiasco on a computer glitch. Mr. Speaker, what do you suppose would happen if the i. R. S. Came to a citizens home to audit their taxes and the citizen said, sorry, the records were lost in a computer crash . The Tax Collector would laugh. Its time for a special prosecutor to investigate the i. R. S. And find out where, oh, where have those emails gone. This yarn by the i. R. S. Requires a willing suspension of disbelief. Mr. Speaker, that dog just wont hunt. And thats just the way it is. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom ohio seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise to bring attention to a serious and heartbreaking situation in israel. Mr. Johnson the kidnapping of three teenage boys. Gilad, iyal and neftali who is a duel israeliamerican citizen. They were last seen near the west bank city of hebron and it is strongly believed that hamas is responsible for their abduction. My prayer goes out to their families and for their safe return. Secretary kerry has called this a despicable act of terrorism and has offered americas full support. We must stand behind israels efforts to bring them home and hold accountable those involved. However, this act of terrorism further demonstrates why america should not be providing foreign aid for the unity government between hamas and fattah. Secretary kerry reiterated americas position that a mass is a terrorist organization that hamas is a terrorist organization. It is clear that american tax dollars are not being used to promote peace. It is time to stop funding terrorism aimed at one of americas closest allies. And with that i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Smith mr. Speaker, congratulations to the San Antonio Spurs on winning the 2014 nba championship over the miami heat. This is the fifth nba championship for the spurs under coach gregg popovich. Coach pop very much was also named is the seasons nba coach of the year. The entire spurs team, led by captains tim duncan and tony parker, played with determination to bring the championship trophy back to san antonio. The spurs also clinched the best record in the nba season with 62 wins and 20 losses. Also, congratulations to can why leonard who was named nba finals most valuable player. Leonard averaged over 17 points and six rebounds in the championship series with three consecutive 20point performances. Leonard also had the help of the spurs big three made up of tim duncan, tone i mean, anuein and tony parker manu ginobli and tony parker. So well deserved congratulations to the spurs for bringing the trophy back to the alamo city. As we say in san antonio, go, spurs, go. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Duncan mr. Speaker, president kennedy said in a famous speech at the university of washington in 1961 that with only 6 of the worlds population, we cannot correct every adversity or right every wrong and that therefore there cannot be an american solution for every world problem. Today we are less than 4 of the worlds population and we have a National Debt of a mind boggling 17. 17. 6 trillion. We simply cannot keep sending megabillions to corrupt governments all over the world. We should have trade and tourism with other countries and cultural and educational exchanges and of course diplomatic relations. But the people in iraq and afghanistan are going to have to solve most of their problems themselves. We cannot do everything for them and still do what we should do for our own country and our own people. Let me repeat those words of president kennedy. There cannot be an american solution for every world problem. This is not isolationism, mr. Speaker, it is common sense. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rom illinois seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize and congratulate dr. Ed hightower on his upcoming retirement. Many of you may know dr. Hightower from his time as a College Basketball referee, working 12 ncaa final fours and countless games for the big ten and the big east. He was also named the mens College Basketball official of the year in 1992 and was inducted into the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association hall of fame in 199. But off the court, dr. Hightowers a True Community leader and a Public Servant. Ed hightowers been an educator for 40 years, serving as a teacher, a principal and an administrator. Hes received three degrees from Southern Illinois university at edwardsville and a doctorate from st. Louis university. Mr. Davis in 1996 he was hired as the first africanamerican superintendent in edwardsville district sevens history, a job that he announced he is wrapping up at the end of the 20142015 school year. On dr. Hightowers watch, the Edwardsville School district saw incredible growth, doubling in population, requiring a new high school, a second middle cool scool and other buildings middle school and other buildings that weathered the economic crisis that challenged all the local school districts. Thank you, dr. Hightower, thank you for your leadership and your ability to always put the education of our Children First in all of your decisions. Enjoy your final year as superintendent and good luck in your retirement. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered. Or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20. Record votes on postponed questions will be taken later. For what purpose does the North Carolina seek recognition . I move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 14 43. The clerk a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 14 brad river avenue, north, in cold spring, minnesota, as the officer tommy decker memorial post office. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Meadows, and the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Med med thank you, mr. Speaker. I mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meadows i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days within which to renteria their remarks and include revise and extends their remarks and include extraneous materials on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i rise today to urge my colleagues to support h. R. 43, introduced by representative bachmann of minnesota, and on which to designate the postal facility located at 14 red river avenue north in cold springs, minnesota, as the officer tommy decker memorial post office. Officer decker served for six years with distinction as a member of the cold springs, minnesota, Police Department and on november 29, 2012, at just the age of 31, he was tragically killed while trying to prevent a suicide. He is survived by his wife, alicia, and their children. It is clear that officer decker touched many lives during his career. He received numerous awards and commendations for his hard work on the police force. At his memorial service, more than 3,000 police officers, friends and members of the community gathered to honor his legacy. Mr. Speaker, officer tommy decker made the ultimate sacrifice while trying to help and protect the residents of cold springs. He is a true American Hero and it is my honor to ask my colleagues to support h. R. 43. Mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch 00 we mr. Weapon much we support this. Im delighted to be here on an important afternoon to commemorate the lives of golden state americans with these postal namings which i hope we can do on a bipartisan basis. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows i thank the speaker. I thank the gentleman from vermont. I would like to yield as much time as she may consume to my distinguished colleague from the state of minnesota, mrs. Bachmann. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from minnesota is recognized. Mrs. Bachmann thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank you, mr. Meadows. And also mr. Welch of vermont. It is with great pride and also a great deal of emotion that i stand here today as the representative of the citizens of cold springs. In particular we are here to honor the memory of the fallen and that is officer tommy decker. On november 29, 2012, cold spring, Minnesota Police officer tommy decker was tragically killed in the line of duty. He is survived by his wife, alicia, a wonderful woman who loved him dearly and who tommy dearly loved. His four young children, beautiful children, kelly, jade, justin, and devon. His parents, john and rosela, pillars of the community of cold spring, who did a wonderful job raising their son and who, tommys mother spoke to, just briefly before he went on call for his final end of watch. For his siblings, his colleagues, and the community who dearly loved tommy decker, before his final act of service to the community that he loved, tommy served the communities of isle, watkins, kimble, and the cold spring richmond Police Department. He received several commendations and letters of appreciation for his exemplary work. How he died is testament to how much tommy decker loved his hometown of cold spring and the kind of man of character that tommy decker was. For a decade he bravely stood watch, he protected the citizens of Central Minnesota with both diligence and a sense of respect. The overwhelming outpouring of love and support not only from the cold Spring Community but all minnesotans in the wake of this unspeakable tragedy speaks of the impact that tommy had on countless lives. Well, there are no words that could ever properly honor him. Renaming his Hometown Post Office in his memory so that his children, his parents, his wife, his siblings, his colleagues can all point to this memorial with pride and say to their friend, father, our son, my husband our brother, our citizen was a hero in our community. He sacrificially gave his life to our community, and therefore, mr. Speaker, it is a fitting tribute to a life well lived and a man greatly missed. As the holy scriptures teach us, mr. Speaker, greater love hath no man than this but that he lay down his life for his friends. Surely this is what tommy decker did for the citizens of cold spring. I join the entire minnesota house delegation in urging our colleagues to support h. R. 43, to rename the post office in cold spring, mb men, in honor of office minnesota, in honor of officer tommy decker memorial post office. Though tommy is no longer with us, his legacy an example of courage and compassion lives on. Thank you, mr. Speaker. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, at this point we have no one else to speak on this particular so we would reserve. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from vermont yields back as well. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 43. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. The chair will receive a message. The messenger mr. Speaker, a message from the president of the United States. The secretary mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore mr. Secretary. The secretary im directed by the president of the United States to deliver to the house of representatives a message in writing. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1391, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 1391, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 25 south oak street in london, ohio, as the Lance Corporal joshua b. Mcdonls and Veterans Memorial post office building. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Meadows, and the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meadows i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i rise today to urge my colleagues to support h. R. 1391, introduced by representative stivers of ohio and on which would designate the postal facility located at 25 south oak street in london, ohio, as the london fallen Veterans Memorial post office. Our nations veterans have served our country and many have made the ultimate sacrifice for our defense and our freedom. Three years ago a young marine from mr. Stivers district, Corporal Joshua mcdaniels, was tragically killed while conducting combat operations in afghanistan on june 12, 2011. A native of dublin, ohio, he was assigned to the second combat engineer battalion, second marine division, the Second Marine Expeditionary force, camp lejeune, North Carolina, and he was only 21 years old. Men and women like corporal mcdaniels put their lives on the line every day so we could enjoy the privileges of living in the United States of america. It is all together fighting and proper we should thank and honor them, their families, and all the members of the armed forces across this great country. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to stand before this body and pay tribute to corporal mcdaniels and all the brave men and women of our armed services. Once again i ask my colleagues to support h. R. 1391, and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch we support this legislation. And thank the gentleman, mr. Stivers, for bringing this to the house floor for consideration. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from vermont yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows i would yield as much time as he may consume to the gentleman from ohio, mr. Stivers. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Stivers mr. Speaker, thank you. Id like to thank the gentleman from North Carolina for his help and the gentleman from vermont for his support of h. R. 1391. Its a bill that will rename the post office in london, ohio, the london fallen Veterans Memorial post office. This has been an interesting journey. It start add few years ago when i found out about the tragic death of Josh Mcdaniels. Lance Corporal Josh mcdaniels who served in the marines. We started a bill that would have named the post office after him, and then i heard from some of our Vietnam Veterans, 176 17 of whom were killed from London High School and that he made the point strongly and loudly that nothing had been named for them. While we can never go back and fix the inappropriate way that many of our Vietnam Veterans were treated, i thought it was important to move forward in a way that honored their sacrifice as well as Josh Mcdaniels sacrifice and many other individuals from london and Madison County. Throughout history citizens from london and Madison County have fought bravely to defend our nation and defend our freedoms. Unfortunately many of them have made the ultimate sacrifice and id like to read a few of the names here today. Of the most recent casualties in the wars we are in in afghanistan and iraq or have been in. First of course marine Lance Corporal joshua mcdaniel. Second army corps pral kevin prince. Army specialist jason lucas. Army specialist robert sveumy. And army chief warrant officer matthew rougher in. These are just the most resent members from that community to pay the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. This bill is a small step to honor the memory of those in Madison County who made the ultimate sacrifice, our Fallen Heroes, including the 17 who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the vietnam war. Again, while none of us can go back and correct the way our Vietnam Veterans have been treated, i think it is today an opportunity for us to recognize those 17 as well as all past and future Fallen Heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice by renaming the London Post Office the fallen Veterans Memorial post office. I want to thank my constituent, mary henry, who came up with the idea for this name. I want to make sure that we always remember the sacrifices of our brave men and women. I think this post office in london, ohio, can stand as a tribute to all of our past fallen veterans and the future veterans who will pay the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedoms. Thank you again to the gentleman from North Carolina and the gentleman from vermont. I want to thank chairman issa as well for allowing this bill to come to the floor in his support. I urge all of my colleagues to vote yes on h. R. 1391, to rename the London Post Office the fallen veterans the london fallen Veterans Memorial post office. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch i yield back. But i, too, would urge all of my colleagues to vote in support of this postal renaming. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i just want to thank the gentleman from ohio for his leadership on this particular issue. And specifically with regards to our Vietnam Veterans. Indeed it was a tough time in the service to our country, many of them never got the welcome home that they deserve when they came back. So on behalf of my esteemed colleagues here today and the gentleman from ohio, i would like to officially tell them welcome home. With that i would urge the members to support this bill and vote unanimously. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1391, as amended. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. Without objection, the title is amended. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1707. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 1707, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 302 east green street in champaign, illinois, as the james r. Burgess jr. Post office building. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Meadows, and the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meadows i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to urge support of h. R. 1707, introduced by the representative by representative davis of illinois, which would designate the postal facility located at 302 east green street in champagne champaign, illinois, as the james r. Burgess jr. Post office building. Mr. Burgess was born on december 19 of 1915 in all good, tennessee, and served more than 20 years in the army. Playing a Critical Role as a leader of the 761st tank battalion and the First American africanamerican armored unit to enter the battle in world war ii. At age 29, mr. Burgess was the First Lieutenant in command of one of the Six Companies who served under general George Patton in europe. Upon his retirement from the u. S. Army, he had reached the rank of major. E passed away in 1997. Mr. Speaker, mr. Burgess was a trailblazer, a leader and American Hero. Naming a postal facility in his honor is the least we can do to memorialize his service to our country. I urge the support of h. R. 1707, and i reserve the balance of my time. Mr. Welch i look forward to hearing from mr. Davis as he recounts the extraordinary life of and service and contributions of mr. Burgess. We fully support this bill and i will reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield as much time as he may consume to my distinguished colleague from illinois, mr. Davis. Mr. Davis thank you to my colleague from North Carolina and also to my colleague from vermont for their support of this piece of legislation. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to honor james r. Burgess jr. My bill, h. R. 1707, will designate the post Office Located at 302 east green street in champagne, illinois, as the james r. Burgess post office building. Mr. Burgess served more than 20 years in the army, playing a Critical Role in a larger unknown part of American Military history. He was a leader of the 761st tank battalion which was the first africanamerican armored unit to enter battle in world war ii. At the age of 29, mr. Burgess was a First Lieutenant in command of one of the Six Companies who served under general george pattin in europe. And upon his retirement from the u. S. Army, mr. Burgess had reached the rank of major. After leaving the service in 1962, mr. Burgess moved his wife and two sons to champagne, illinois, so he could attend law school at the university of illinois where he graduated three years later as the only africanamerican in his class. Mr. Burgess was elected the first africanamericanelected champagne county states attorney in 1972 and is still the only africanamerican to be elected to a Countywide Office in champagne county. Later, he was appointed as a u. S. Attorney for a large section of downstate illinois. Since mr. Burgess passing in 1997, many of my constituents in the 13th district and especially his son, steve, have been looking for a way to commemorate the achievements of his life. Two years ago steve approached me seeking my help to honor the life and legacy of his father. Its taken a lot of time and a lot of work and while im proud that we are finally to this point, mr. Speaker, i also have a heavy heart. Last November Steve burgess passed away suddenly. Steve worked tirelessly over the years to get this project to the finish line and its truly heartbreaking that he wont be able to see it completed. Naming this building after mr. James r. Burgess is but a small token of our gratitude for his rvice and an honor for his son, my friend, steve burgess. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. The emotion and heart of my colleague, mr. Davis, is evident today on this house floor. And far too often things are done here in a nonpersonal way. But i can tell you, for mr. Davis this is personal. And it is a great honor that i support him and h. R. 1707. But i also encourage all the members to support the passage of this bill and i thank the gentleman for his leadership and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h. R. 1707. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3472. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3472, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 13127 broadway street in alden, new york, as the Sergeant Brett e. Gornewicz memorial post office. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Meadows, and the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meadows i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days within which to revise and extends their remarks and include extraneous materials on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 3472, introduced by representative collins of new york. Which would designate the postal facility located at 13127 broadway street in alden, new york, as the Sergeant Brett e. Gornewicz memorial post office. Army Sergeant Brett gornewicz was killed on november 3 of 2012 in afghanistan. When an improvised explosive device detonated nearby. He was killed in the same incident as specialist ryan jayne who we are also honoring here today and Staff Sergeant dane taylor, another upstate new yorker from the over from whom the oversight and Government Reform Committee has reported a postal naming bill. A native of alden, new york, sergeant gornewicz was born in buffalo on january 6 of 1985. And after graduating from alden high school, he earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Buffalo State College. Sergeant gornewicz was a man of great humility. So great in fact that prior to his death, his family did not know that he had been awarded the bronze star with valor. For saving the life during a fire fight earlier that year. He was a brave man serving a tour in iraq and in addition to his deployment to afghanistan and performing the highly dangerous job of clearing roadsides of i. E. D. s. His example of courage and strength and character is one that we should strive to follow. Sergeant brett gore which its is rightly remembered gore which its is rightly is bered gornewicz rightly remembered as a hero. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this bill and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch mr. Speaker, im pleased to join my colleagues in the consideration of h. R. 3472, which would designate the United States postal facility located in alden, new york, as the Sergeant Brett e. Gornewicz memorial post office. And once again, were hearing the story of an extraordinary american and all of us are proud to be associated with memorializing that. I yield back and look forward to hearing from the sponsor, mr. Collins. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield as much time as he may consume to my distinguished colleague from the state of new york, mr. Collins. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Collins thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in support of h. R. 3472, a bill to rename the u. S. Post office in alden, new york, as the Sergeant Brett gornewicz memorial post office. It is an honor to sponsor legislation naming a post office in my district after a Hometown Hero who gave his life serving our country. I also want to take a moment and thank senator gillibrand and her staff for their introducing senate 2056, Corresponding Senate legislation to rename the post office. Naming a postal facility honoring sergeant gornewicz is just a small token of our countrys appreciation for a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom. In 2006, after being deeply affected by the attacks of 9 11, sergeant gornewicz enlisted in the Army Reserves following graduation from alden high school. From 2007 to 2008, he deployed to iraq on his first tour and courageously served our country. Upon his return home to the United States, sergeant gornewicz enrolled at Buffalo State College and obtained his degree in Mechanical Engineering. He was working as a computer designer and mechanical designer for a new york company when he again answered the call of duty, returning to afghanistan for his second tour. Sergeant gornewicz is described by many friends and family as a humble leader who always put the needs of others before his own. During his deployment, he displayed this selflessness when he risked his own life to save a fellow soldier during a fire fight. He was awarded a bronze star with valor for his actions. Tragically, during sergeant gornewiczs second tour in 2012, his unit was hit by an i. E. D. In afghanistan. The lives of specialist ryan jayne of corning, new york, Staff Sergeant dick cheney ven, and sergeant gornewicz were lost. At the time of the attack, sergeant gornewicz was assigned to the 444 engineering company. The companys primary mission was to clear roads of improvised explosive devices. Sergeant gornewicz was proud of the small town he came from, alden, new york. It is my hope that this post office will allow the people of alden and those throughout the 27th district to continue to honor the memory of sergeant gornewicz and ensure that his legacy of service and sacrifice lives on. Renaming a post office is but a small step in recognizing this soldiers bravery and ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Passage of this bill will exemplify our admiration for our countrys armed forces and will honor one of the many heroes who have sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom. I urge my colleagues to support h. R. 3472 and with that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman from new york for his leadership, not just on this, but for those in alden and throughout his district and i urge all the members to support h. R. 3472 and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch i join mr. Meadows in urging all of my colleagues to spospo to support the passage of this bill. Just to comment. Listening to you, mr. Collins, and to your predecessors, and were going to have a few more, its so amazing to think about these people that live in all of our districts and what they did quietly, with no expectation that anyone would notice or a post office would be named. And the thing i find inspiring as im listening to my colleagues is that its all really rooted in their local community, were naming post offices which is the center of activity for a lot of us, that recognizes the everyday accomplishments of people who consider themselves to be everyday americans, but who are quite extraordinary. So thank you, mr. Meadows and mr. Collins, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h. R. 3472. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1865. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 1865, a bill to designate facility of the United States Postal Service located at 35 park street in danville, vermont, as the Thaddeus Stevens post office. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Meadows, and the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meadows i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to urge support of h. R. 1865, introduced by representative welch, my good friend from vermont. Which would designate the postal facility located at 35 park street in danville, vermont, as the Thaddeus Stevens post office. Thaddeus stevens was born in danville, vermont, on april 4 of 1792. He attended a nearby academy and went on to study at the university of vermont and dartmouth. After graduating from dartmouth, stevens move to pennsylvania stevens moved to pennsylvania to study law. He practiced law in gettysburg and spent four years as a member of the Pennsylvania State legislature. Thaddeus steveness served in the u. S. House of representatives from 1849 to 1853 and from 1859 until his death in 1868. He is best remembered for being a fierce opponent of slavery and discrimination against africanamericans. He was instrumental in the passage of the 14th amendment to the constitution and fought for africanamerican rights during reconstruction. I ask my colleagues to honor the courageous actions and momentous contributions of this Great American by voting in favor of h. R. 1865 and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank my colleague, mr. Meadows. You spoke very well and eloquently about a vermonter that were very proud of,ed that us in Thaddeus Stevens. You gave so much of his biography, im just going to embrace what you said but im going to give you one pronunciation hint. Were going to bring you up there and show you where Thaddeus Stevens was born but thank you so much for your very gracious remarks about Thaddeus Stevens. In vermont for many reasons, vermont was the first state in its constitution that banned slavery. We were the 14th state, we were an independent republic. The First Independent republic to become part of the union. In our constitution we banned slavery. Ed that just stevens, wed like Thaddeus Stevens wed like to think carried on the conviction of freedom about men and women regardless of race. That was to fight against slavery throughout the most Tumultuous Times of our republic. The years going up to the civil war, the years during the civil war, and then the postcivil war reconstruction period. Some of the most important contributions of the United States congress occurred after the civil war with the passage, among other things, of the 14th amendment. And Thaddeus Stevens was a leading proponent of the 14th amendment that guaranteed due process of law to all of our citizens regardless of race. This has been extremely important in our constitution. He was a selfmade person. Goes to a local school. Goes to dartmouth, goes to pennsylvania to make his mark. Becomes a state legislator. Becomes elected to congress. In one party. He changed parties. He was in the antimason party and then later the whig party and then eventually the republic party. But all the while he was guided by a conviction that all men and women are created equal. That is the test that each of us faced, this is how can we bring to life that constitutional commitment that all of us have embraced. Id like to thank senator sanders for his leadership in working with the Danville Community to draft this bill. Senator sanders when he first moved to vermont he also was a transplant from brooklyn, new york. Lived up in the danville area. And he has been a lifelong admirer of Thaddeus Stevens. Senator leahy also, of course, was a steadfast supporter in the senate. Mr. Speaker, i urge the pass ang of this bill passage of this bill to acknowledge Thaddeus Stevens Public Service and the steadfast dedication that his life represents to the quality of all our citizens regardless of race. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. My apologies to the residents of peacham, vermont. I thank my good friend from vermont. I have no other speakers at this moment and i continue to reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I urge all members to support h. R. 1865 and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1865. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2112. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 2112, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 787 state route 17m in monroe, new york, as the National Clandestine service of the Central Intelligence agency, n. C. S. , officer gregg david wednesdayle memorial post office. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Meadows, and the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meadows i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 2112, introduced by representative sean patrick maloney, which would designate the postal facility located at 787 state route 17m in monroe, new york, as the National Clandestine services of the Central Intelligence agency n. C. S. Officer Gregg David Wenzel memorial post office. Mr. Wenzel joined the c. I. A. In the wake of september 11, 2001 attacks on his native new york city. Driven by a call to serve his country and a purpose greater than himself, he was tragically killed in a car accident in ethiopia on july 9, 2003. Leaving behind his parents, gladys and mitchell, three sisters, and brothersinlaws, and many nieces, nephews, and other family members and friends. Born in manhattan, he grew up in the bronx and then monroe, new york, and graduated from bingeamton Binghamton University and the university of miami school of law. Prior to his service he was a public defender in miami and worked for the Florida Bar Association where he tried Supreme Court cases. He was also a Police Academy instructor for the miamidade community college. Mr. Speaker, mr. Wenzel was a person of remarkable accomplishment. In addition to his successful career, he finished 10 marathons, three iremen competition, and was a world traveler. He was also affiliated with and volunteered for many organizations. I ask my colleagues to honor Gregg David Wenzels sacrifice and service to his country by voting in favor of h. R. 2112. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch thank you, mr. Speaker. Im pleased to join my colleagues in the consideration of h. R. 2112 to designate a facility of the United States Postal Service as the National Clandestine service of the Central Intelligence agency n. C. S. Officer Gregg David Wenzel memorial post office. I would like to yield to my colleague, the sponsor of this legislation, sean patrick maloney, such time as he may consume. Mr. Maloney. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Maloney mr. Speaker, i, too, rise today to honor the service and pay tribute to Gregg David Wenzel a National Clandestine Service Officer of the Central Intelligence agency. Gregg graduated from monroe wood Bury High School in my district and from suny binghamton. He went on to graduate from the university of miami school of law in the mid 1990s. Choosing a life of Public Service he worked as a public defender in miami before taking a job with the Florida Bar Association. After the tragic event of september 11, 2001, greg joined the c. I. A. He was a member of the first post9 11 class. Serving in his very sirs assignment abroad in 2002, at the age of only 33, he lost his life in service to our country in ethiopia on july 9, 2003. The c. I. A. Honored gregg and his service by placing a star on their Memorial Wall at the c. I. A. Headquarters, but of course it was not until later, 2009, that the full story of his service could be shared publicly. Gregg wenze lefment represents an entire generation who bravely served their country, who answered the call to Service Following the attacks of september 11. He saw the career at the agency for two reasons. To serve his country and to, quote, live for a greater purpose than himself. To live for greater purpose than himself. That is the legacy and expression of service that we can all learn from. Recognized as a leader by c. I. A. Director leon panetta and known for his sense of humor and his desire to make a difference, gregg served on the frontlines of our intelligence operation and ultimately sacrificed his life in defense of the freedoms we all too frequently take for granted. Our country owes a debt of gratitude to greg and his family, including his mother, his father, his sisters. With passage of h. R. 2112, a post office in monroe, new york, will be named in his honor for generations to come. His hometown lk reminded of his service will be reminded of his service and sacrifice, and my neighbors will continue to be inspired by this mans deep devotion to his contry. Although no one can ever fully repay his family for their tragic loss, i hope this bill will come as some small comfort and as a tribute to his memory. Mr. Speaker, with honor and respect for the life of greg david wenzel, i urge my colleagues to support h. R. 2112. I thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I have no other speakers at the moment and i continue to reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from vermont yields back. The gentleman from North Carolina is recognized. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I urge all the members to support the passage of h. R. 2112, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 2112, so many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid pon the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Meadows mr. Speaker, morph the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 1671. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 1671, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6937 Village Parkway in dublin, california, as the james jim kohnen post office. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Meadows, and the gentleman from vermont, mr. Welch, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Meadows i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Meadows thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in support of h. R. 1671 introduced by representative swalwell of california which would designate the postal facility located at 6937 Village Parkway in dublin, california, as the james jim kohnen post office. Dr. Kohnen was a long time leader in the community of dublin. He passed away on may 29 of 2012. Dr. Kohnen volunteered with the boy scouts, the league of women voters, served on the board of five local board of directors. Was an advocate for the importance of education. Dr. Kohnen retired from the u. S. Army corps of engineers as a colonel after 30 years of service. He was a graduate of the u. S. Army war college, and the Industrial College of the armed forces. Having earned six Higher Education degrees over the course of his lifetime, including two bachelors degrees, two masters degrees, and a doctorate in education, he became a High School Teacher of political science. Management and general science. Hes also served as a member of a management faculties of the university of phoenix and saint marys college. Mr. Speaker, the late dr. Kohnen lived a life of humility and service to his community. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this bill to honor his legacy. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from vermont is recognized. Mr. Welch thank you, mr. Speaker. I am very pleased to join my colleagues in the consideration of h. R. 1671, a bill which would designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6937 Village Parkway in dublin, california, as the james jim kohnen post office. Id like to yield such time as he may consume to my colleague from california, from that district, representative eric swalwell. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Swall well thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 1671, which would designate the u. S. Postal facility located at 6937 Village Parkway in dublin, california, as the james jim kohnen post office. I thank the chair and Ranking Member for bringing this to the floor today. On may 29, 2012, the city of dublin, california, and the entire tri valley community, lost a lifetime Public Servant in jim kohnen. Naming this postal facility after dr. Kohnen would be a fitting tribute to a distinguished Community Member and dublins modern day renaissance man. He retired from the u. S. Army reserve as a colonel after 30 years of service in the corps of engineers. During his service he graduated from the u. S. Army war college, the air war college, and the Industrial College of the armed forces. Through his work in the community, jim emphasized the importance of lifetime learning. His journey started with one of his earliest achievements, earning the rank of eagle scout. Jim never stopped learning. Earning multiple degrees, including two bachelor degrees, two masters degrees, and a doctorate in education. A constant advocate for education and its importance. Dr. Kohnen completed his career by serving as a High School Teacher where he taught political science, manage. Erser management, and general science. Jim kohnen also never stopped serving. Using his education and experience, dr. Kohnen served just about every local Community Organization possible. By volunteering with a variety of local organizations, most often serving as their treasurer, including the boy scouts, dublin Historical Preservation association, the league of women voters, the knights of columbus at st. Raymonds research. He also served as an elected or appointed official on five boards including

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