Just a bit that i have learned about politicians, and it will be my privilege to introduce the next president of the united states. First, why . I have been close to the presidency over many years, as most of you will know, i served the president in two candidate positions, dating back to ronald reagan. The weight of that office. I have been present when remarkably difficult decisions had to be made. I know it requires a person of sober judgment, temper, and experience. John kasich, and know him to be such a man. I worked with him when he was the chairman of the budget committee, and he balanced the budget the last time. [applause] i have observed him as the governor of one of the great states of this country, he is a man of great experience and he and my full support, as i know he does yours. [applause] i would next flight to tell you a bit about president ial politics that i have learned over many years and many president ial campaigns. Is, i believe that no candidate in this race will. Chieve 1237 delegates [applause] it will be a unique convention. It will not be the first time this has occurred. You may not know, it has occurred 10 times in the Republican Party, and 16 times in the democratic party. That in the 16w, times it happened in the democratic party, the person who occupied the lead position going into the convention, 17 times. Times, the person who was not leading, won. Republicans, the leading person, the person occupying Donald Trumps current position, only won 3. [applause] reason. A there is a reason that john kasich plays such a vital role. This party needs to elect a president. This party needs a candidate who hillarywill beat clinton and become the next president of the united states. [applause] please welcome with me, the next president of the united states, john kasich. [applause] gov. Kasich thank you, thank you. We are late, so lets get started. That governor you leavitt, this guy is really something. For those students who are here, if you dont go track him down and spend time talking with him, you dont know how to prepare for the next phase of your life. Because this guy is really something. He is a brilliant man, served this country in an incredible way, and of course, the governor of utah. He is absolutely the best. And, he is a visionary. Enoughcant thank him for his support. But how about a great round of applause . [applause] the reason why we are late is that this took us i think five hours to get here. And howall this wind, do deibert to tulsa instead of where we were going in colorado. And on the way over here on the airplane, i got a chance to watch the martian. [applause] it was really cool. Interestingo very where lately, everest, nobody thought they get climate, but it was just one step after another. Martian, movie the they caught that guy in space, just like the voters of the Republican Party are going to catch me and allow me to be the next president of the united states. [applause] but, i want to tell you, coming here, as we were watching the movie, one of the people sitting next to me said open the window. Shade,pened the window and it was unbelievable when i saw the lords creation, which never ceases to take my breath away or amaze me. High peakat all those s with the snowcovered mountains. Mesome respects, it reminded of the battle for the nomination of the party. When i looked, i could see the high, tall peaks that stood out and shown like a beacon. Do you know what is behind those peaks . Valley, i would peaks, note in the in the valley of american politics. I what you all to understand that. [applause] you all know by now, that what i like to say, except for the fact that at times i have to point things out that and thated to hear, does not take away from the neverophy of never taking the low road. I will run this campaign on ideas. [applause] let me tell you a couple things. Once again, i want to apologize for being late. I hate to keep any of you waiting. Let me say a couple things upfront and then we will spend some time on politics, and then on you. What i have found in our country as i traveled, that may be to some degree, people have lost confidence in their ability to change the world. For some reason, i dont know what it is because of the growth of big government, that many what cane sensed i do . I am just one person, Everything Else is so big. I know that the people of this that, believe in the fact the lord has made every Single Person special. No one has ever been made like you, no one will ever be like you again. My wife says, that is really great, john. But the fact is, we all have certain gifts. And those gifts are supposed to be used. Many of you will go on these missions, the fact of the matter is, by finding your gifts, and going out and healing the world as part of a community that knows we can make a difference, that is how you find satisfaction in life. And that is how you change the world. Just popping into my head right now, is, our people in utah changing the world . I went to welfare square. The are trying to change world, one person at a time. You dont have to change them one million at a time, you change them one person at a time. [applause] and i want you to know, that as i travel the country, i have talked about the bishops warehouse, storehouse. I have talked about welfare square, individuals trying to help other individuals get on their feet. The great tradition that it is a sin not to help someone that needs help, but it is also a sin to continue to help someone who needs to learn how to help themselves. And i think you ring the best of that philosophy. [applause] i also believe that the spirit of our country does not rest in the mike leavitts or john kasichs. The president of the united states, he or she should do their job. That is what you hire us for. Unfortunately, for whatever doing, they have not been their job. And the country has drifted. And in many parts of this country, people are frustrated. And they are frustrated number one, because they are not certain about the security of their jobs. Noter two, their wages have gone up and it seems like 100 years. And number three, it used to be that if you put your money in the bank you actually got paid by the bank for it your money, in interests, and they were increasingly concerned about children. The Great American legacy, our children do better than what we got from our parents, each generation does a little better. And they are very concerned about this. Some of them are very angry. Is that some politicians make promises that are just silly. In 2013 they said they would repeal obamacare. I dont know if you remember this, but the president s name is obama, and that is his signature legislation. There is no way they would be able to repeal that with him sitting in the white house. And yet, they told us they would do it. And then they got angrier and angrier. Is a problem when politicians promise things they can deliver, it develops cynicism in our country. [applause] be careful that the promises you make can be kept. Maybe once in a while you will fall short, but you have to be square with the people. Dont try to get them fired up and excited by promising something that is not likely to happen. Obamacare with the republican house, the republican senate, and can we restore it or exchange it with a system that will strive for complete transparency on marketdriven principles . Yes, we can. But we cannot do it with him in the white house. What is the answer to these about theirple have kids future and the wages . And the purpose of what politicians can do to create an environment for jobs . It is simple. Just a little bit about me. I come from a bluecollar, democrat plan. If the wind blew the wrong way, people found themselves out of work. Miner,dfather was a coal he died of black long while he lost his eyesight. My mothers mother could barely speak english, and my mother was the only one of four to graduate high school. They did not get any farther than the eighth grade. I came to realize that fulfilling the purpose that the lord has given us, many times is reflected in work what we do in our jobs. Because we were meant to work, created to work. And to work in such a way that we can bring healing in whatever way we can. Is so critical. I have always felt, that the single greatest moral purpose that i have is to create an environment where job creators can excel, where job creators are confident that they can take actions that will increase the number of jobs, or people who have this desire to even create businesses can have an opportunity to do that. Three or fourakes things. It is not that complicated. Number one, you cannot have regulations that kill small business. You,rantee [applause] there are people in this room who are going to start businesses. Entrepreneurship is alive and well in this state. I dont know if vacated in high school or college, but somehow, you all get it. You dont have to work for somebody else, you can increase your own business and have somebody work for you. That is a good thing. If you have a business, and they overregulated, they will kill small businesses, which is the most important engine of job creation in our country. So you cannot overregulated. And you it does not mean you have no regulation, of course you do, but it has to represent common sense and a reasonable approach. Understanding that the job creator can be put out of business and the people in our families will lose their jobs are not gaining job. Number two, you always have to lower taxes. The reason why you want to have lower taxes because it drives the country from the bottom up. When we have more power in our pockets, there is more we can do, rather than sending our iney to somebody, washington, it is opm, other peoples money. By cutting taxes for businesses and individuals we score Economic Growth. Need a, or thirdly, we fiscal path to fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget. 19 trillionmost in the hole, on our way to 20 trillion. Yearend 225 billion a paying interest on the debt. This, butromising you if we took 100 billion and helped to ease your student loans, you would like that, rather than paying for politicians that cannot control their spending. Am i right . [applause] need isr thing that we workforce. K12 and higher education, we are training on people for the jobs that exist people whoetraining are currently working, for the jobs that may be coming. Those things will work, and let me explain to you why. When i was in washington, i spent 10 years of my life balancing a budget. It was very hard to do. The reason it was hard to do is because you step on every toe. That is why the establishment is so much in love with me, because i really did not care what they said, i knew we had to fix it. Protechere to it things as they are. When we got the plan on the table to balance the budget and cut the Capital Gains tax and give family tax credits, we started to explode it got to a balanced budget for the First Time Since man walked on the moon. We paid down a half trillion dollars of the public debt, and balanced budgets for four straight years. Mark my words, Hillary Clinton will campaign this fall on the clinton economy. She will say her husband did it. I will tell you who did it. It was the troublemakers led by new gingrich, the republicans in the house and senate who had not been in charge for 40 years to create a dynamic for Economic Growth and forests a balanced budget agreement. [applause] i was on the Defense Committee for 14 years, i got the balanced budget thing done, we had a protected 5 trillion surplus, and i left the government. I did not want to be in the government any longer. My friends home, and at said now that your buddies are leaving congress, they will spend that surplus. I said, you cannot possibly spend 5 trillion. You would have to get up every day and think about how to do it. And you know who spent it all . You would think the democrats, dont you . The republicans controlled the house, the senate, and the white house. Let me let you in on a little secret. Democrats love to spend, republicans love to spend, too. They just feel guilty when they do it. That is why we need a balanced Budget Amendment to the constitution to force all politicians to do their job. [applause] and we will get that done. And then i was out for 10 years, and i was having the time of my life. I really dont like politics very much. It is just too goofy. It is a goofy business. But i got a call. Did anybody get a call . Who in here has ever had a call . A lot of people have had a call, and you cannot ignore it. Got amember when jonah call, and he ran the other way, and all hell broke loose. When you get a call, you have to respond to it. And the call was to me, i felt it. Got to go back. The state is dying, you have the tools. So let me tell you about ohio. Dont know much about ohio, we have ohio state, a great football and all that. You think about ohio, you think about cows and fields. In, we had lost, 350,000 families were on hard times. 8 billion in the hole. The credit agencies told me they would downgrade us and cut off our credit cards. Everybody thought that our best was really behind us. , ofg the formula commonsense regulations, lower taxes, and balancing a budget, let me tell you where we are today. I just got our latest jobs report. In the five, 5. 5 years i have been governor, we went from a cost loss of three to 50,000 jobs, and grown private sector jobs by foreign to 17,000 417,000 families being helped. Now we are 2 billion in the black. Our Credit Outlook has improved. Are secure, our wages growing faster than the national average. And we left nobody behind. Behind, i nobody dont believe that the mentally ill ought to be living under a bridge or sleeping in our prisons. [applause] mike, you wont believe this, but when we treat the jobaddicted in our prisons and release them to the community, we have an 80 success rate that they will never come back. [applause] and we are trying to help the working poor so that a mom with get saved pay raise cant take it because she loses childcare, to encourage the working poor to take a raise, a promotion, and escape property poverty so she can have a better life for herself and her children. [applause] and we are doing that. Economic growth is not an end unto itself. One more thing i will tell you and then we will go to questions. I want to take this whole formula back to washington. One of the most important things we have to do is shift power, money, and influence out of that bureaucracy and where we live. I believe that Education Programs should be returned to the states. The welfare programs should be returned to the states. [applause] the infrastructure programs, returned to the states. Health care for the poor are sent back to the states, and job training. Do you want to call somebody in washington to figure out how to train someone in utah . That is as absurd as it gets. You know what is interesting, mike leavitt had a lot of inch influence on this. I said what if we put it out there and things dont work as they should . He says, let me tell you something. The people of utah, the people of ohio, have a better chance of getting their hands around the ears of their state representatives, senators, and a chance ofen airing their grievances at the federal level. He is exactly right, and we will learn from one another. , and mike,ft power youre absolutely right. We will not hesitate to get that done with a plan that will be presented to the congress in the first 100 days. [applause] thank you. [applause] you must be having a lot of boring times, because you are so charged up this morning. But thank you. Let me go to you. I am the only one who wants to take lots of questions from the folks, and nows your chance to say whatever you want. I have done a lot of town hall , and they have all been pretty good. So lets not blow this one. [laughter] spoken several times about the lord and religious things. Personally, how religious are you . Do you attend weekly . All, i try first of not to wear this stuff on my sleeve. But i do believe, that there is a creator. What, summit he asked me, what are you talk about god more, you could get more votes . Ad i said, using god to get vote . I want to have a view of a golf course when i get up there, and i dont want to cheap in god. The most important thing about faith to me is, the foundation. Terrible things calm. They are inevitable in life. Michael novak, the great catholic theologian said, and i think he quoted from somebody else, that life is but a veil of tears, and sometimes it can feel that way. Faith in a higher power does not solve that. All the faith in a higher power youris, allow you to build home on granite, rather than on sand. But, i am not going to get into everyote a book, called other monday, i am doing the best i can down here. [applause] will vote myself. The only good thing about the way it works, i get a mulligan every day. I get a mulligan every day to get up and do a [applause] you know what happened in lebanon . They blew up our marine bar racks and killed hundreds of marines and we left. Civil wars are a place where we should not involve ourselves and then i think we have to be very, very careful. Im going to tell you about afghanistan. That cant go on forever. Were putting our resources and our flesh and blood over there for how long . At some point, they have to fight for themselves and we have to give them the equipment to do it and particularly they need aircraft to support air forces and if we see al quaeda or isis gathering, week use special forces to get rid of them. We cant wear our people out and that doesnt mean were aggressive when our interests are at stake. Let me tell you the thing i believe. We need shared intelligence around the world. They just caught one of the main fudge tiffs today fugitives today over in belgium thank god. They finally caught him. [applause] i think whats happening in the world we can take lemons and turn it into lemonade. The saudis and egyptians know they have a problem. Jordan knows radicals want to take them down. Did gulf states know whats at stake