Disambiguated when we speak in hebrew but it should not be translated like that. I must say that yesterday, i was asked why the president of the United States what i am going to do today. , first thing in the morning, i will be at the brooking institute. God bless all of you. I am ahave said before, jerusalem might jerusalemite. Ancestors came in 18 o nine 1809. Years before the Political Movement because we believe jews should not only pray three times a day because said to of the family us why should we pray three times . If we would love to go to jerusalem, lets go and we went. , theretime, jerusalem are very few people inside the walls. They welcomed us. Wasyone who was situated together and we have prayed in order to bring prosperity to jerusalem and try to bring it to become the capital of the believers of all the world. Is the ideaerusalem the jewish people have to return to the homeland. We were in very good friendship with all our neighbors, cousins. We have differences of opinion. The land of israel belongs according to a promise that we have to return because we have no other place to go to. A seventh born , now it is more than 12 generations because members theirily generations, every 20 years. We are very lazy so it takes us 30 years for each generation. We are the ancient families. One of them is the late president of israel, god bless his soul. 1939, aas born in century ago, we were in jerusalem in the land of israel only 200,000 jews. We leave together with an four years, there were an extra 200,000 jews from all over. 1948, we were 700,000 jews. After getting approval from the u. N. , they announced the state of israel. Conflict but the real tragedy between the People Living in the land of israel when hundred 50 years ago 150 years ago because people in israel believe on both sides that jews and arabs are doomed. It is our destiny to live together. This is the reality. We are talking about the state of israel. Aboutrse, we have to talk the conflict with the palestinians because jerusalem the microcosm of our ability to live together and be together. In the city, we have about 800,000 jerusalemites. We are all together living in the same city. A lot of difficulties. Tragedy goes because we have no confidence in each other, no confidence whatsoever. Discuss to be able to the tragedy, to be able to try and find a way to bring to an tragedy, we have to have confidence in each other and we have no confidence. Dont believe the palestinians, the palestinians reject from time to time the of the existence of israel as a state. That brings us all the time to ups and downs. Once we werego, talking about the palestinian president ut the changing his strategy and i believe he knows very well the future of the Palestinian People and i never was one who learned how to patronize anyone. Im not patronizing anyone whatsoever. Because of that, maybe members of the Israeli Parliament decided i would be the president because we dont agree about the idea. When i talk to them, never i patronize them. A few years ago, the hamas was a problem to the palestinian community. Unfortunately now, most of the thestinian citizens believe hamas is the solution and not the problem. That brings us to a very delicate situation and i would like immediately to go to the real idea of cooperation. I believe the breach, the foundation to bridge the gap between these agreements between us and the palestinians and a lack of ability to trust one another is to start and begin with the Israeli Citizens, arabs and jews altogether, because when they understand they are Israeli Citizens, they are part of the israeli environment, of the israeli hope. Of the israeli and willing to succeed as a human being, citizen, not only as a member of one of the communities. We had absorbed so manypeoples people came from all over. Communities, everyone had his own tradition. Prayone had his own way to and worship god. Everyone had his own food, his own habit. One another. Bed everyone absorbed the people who came after them. Building there jewish state. We are one community in spite of differences of opinion between right and wrong or left and believe wherewho we should be led to. Everyone really understand very well that we have to be together because there is no other way to succeed the idea of the jewish people going back to the homeland. We were 80 of the population altogether. We knew we had to serve in the army because there is no other want to protect us. It was our army. Own position in the army. We had the same idea we have to be together in spite of all differences of opinion. Jews cannot leave without a difference of opinion. The idea of our tradition is all the time up to debate. We knew we are one community. Reallyople who were brought up in the synagogue, did not know there were others. In every jewish person, there are three people goes to the synagogue, and that one goes to the next, and both will never enter the third. Of course we had the idea. There were minorities. We have established a democracy of israel and a parliamentarian way of active the democracy. And we could not achieve the and approveie down a constitution. Because we thought the majority the majority from the left to the right side, to whatever, we felt that without the understanding of the minority, we cannot actually bring to the approval any kind of constitution. Has ae the constitution role to keep the rights of minorities. We had two minorities. Israel and 80 of the idea of bringing the state to prosper, we were talking to the minorities. There were two. They rejected the idea that the israeli state would be defined as a Jewish Democratic state. Us, if we are to all in israel. We accept israel, we are citizens, in spite of the idea that our people are in war with the state. Ideae rejecting the very the people that would be defined as a jewish state. Because if it is a democracy, let it be the citizens. What would be the nation, but dont put it in a constitution. Once you have a majority if possible, to change the definition or to change the state to be a stay for all of the citizens, then we would not agree to give our support to any constitution that with a israel is a jewish state. We know the need for the next 200 years to remain israel as a jewish state because the jewish people have no other place. We have to keep in our hands, theonly prerogative to have right of return to a jew. We will not approve. We will not give our support to the idea that israel will be a jewish state defined as a jewish state. But israel is a state for all citizens. Minority the orthodox people in israel, 20 . Were talking about the power of voting most of them are participating in the election. The whole population goes with the 60 of the population going to the polls, they are going to once you decide on the future of the democracy of israel. They said u. S. , we understand very well what is democracy. You explain it to us. It is not too important for us, everyone has been keeping the rights of everyone. In god we trust from all others can be democrats. Us, we understand the meaning of democracy because you explain it to us. It is quite clear. What is the meaning of a jewish state . Holding to thete olocaust that was a rejection of until now about defining israel is a Jewish Democratic state. Defining a jewish state. Opinion, it is what every jew has to keep. I appreciate. Hand to thep my that all of the venues being appreciated by the taliban. At the time we were 80 . There were no tribes. There were communities. Communities that have a need to identify themselves and declare themselves something different, but they were only twice percent. 20 . They could influence the israelty, the atmosphere in israel, but they could not be decisive. , and they were secularists. When they were brought up, the first synagogue in jerusalem was an orthodox one. They understood that they new d that judaism has no problem to do whatsoever. They never were brought up in los angeles and new york, washington, were all over. What they saw until they found out they would like to not oldest ryone of the they did it according to their beliefs and their way of living. We are, and we went to different schools. We learned different programs. And now i only showed the people of israel the mirror of our community. Im not so sure that they have the solutions. I am not so sure that they have the idea of how we should solve problems. Said before, the population in israel is the idea that we are now, not minorities, because every one of the tribe is in the same they have the same size. Now i understand why have a diplomatic 50 fulle almost tribes. Everyone thinks differently. 80 have served in the army. Melting pot of the israelis. There were citizens that did not serve. Pot ofy was the melting all the majorities of israel. Now we have less than 50 to serve in the army. This is a problem. The only place that the israelis could meet was in five or six years or 10 years within one generation. Findmeans they will themselves strangers want to each other. They have to pay tax. The country will be about two past budget pass budget. The security and the building of security we are facing. Because of that, what i have done is to show the whole israeli people and populations. We have something to think about. Minorities andre majority. There are a lot of minorities. That is something we have to take into consideration. While i could talk about those problems for hours, i really believe that once were talking that the palestinians and the israelis the first way to build confidence is with Israeli Citizens and between the communities to let them understand that they have the same hope of every israeli. It is difficult to convince them not because it is difficult to convince because they dont want to listen, it is sometimes because you have no things to tell them. You say, lets go together. Buildingbelieve that the bridge with Israeli Arabs is necessary to show the palestinian that peace will come when we will be able to understand that we are living in the same space of earth with two state, one state, three states whatever. Sides ink on both there hope of the life to live together, nevertheless its not too difficult to live together. It brings an event it brings advantages. We hope that maybe it is in mutual interest to better the understanding that in order to bring to an end to tragedy that we are living in, is to cooperate and start to understand that we are not doomed to live together. It is our destiny to do so. It starts in israel. It starts with this problem to bring all of these tribes to become communities with different way of living. Nevertheless, they know that we are one embassy. We are one people. The hope of the people, the agenda of israel is the hope of every citizen of israel to the israeli dream part of his life. Thank you very much. [applause] i apologize. President ,ident, mr. It is a special honor for me in particular. Come iterusalem might is particularly special. You might not know the president is on of the biggest and of the soccer club fan of the soccer club. I was the president. I grew up right by the soccer field. It was a different team. President now we all have teams. He spoke about jerusalem and your family being there from the early 19th century come along before the modern zionist movement. There is trouble on peoples minds. When you look at the city, you look at the violence in the streets, but you look at the microcosm, these tribes, even or so in jerusalem, with about a third orthodox, a third arab, a third secular. What give you the most hope about the city. Where do you look forward to the city in 30 years . President the population in jerusalem in the israeli side believed we could live together. They had a hope. Theew that they Israeli Government is precise about it being united. We started to cooperate. We had ups and downs during the before theseturies times. We, as people who believe that we have united would get free refugee camps in jerusalem. We, after being intimidated by the need of security. We have made it quite difficult ites to fillm the rights of citizens of jerusalem. The mayor succeed at the time in majoritychieve a mass in the Jerusalem Party because more than 20,000 jerusalem people from the arab neighbors boarded voted for him because they said they have to decide upon their future, we would like to influence. Even at the time there was a gentleman. I was a member. If you are not going to return back from the idea of uniting jerusalem, or implementing the israeli law, im going to become the mayor of jerusalem. I said to him, welcome. Deputy like to be your in the recruit. They were annoyed about my announcement. I said if youre really supporting the idea of the jerusalem act, then i am ready to contribute. You will become part of the israelis expense experience. Part of the way of finding jerusalem. I welcome you. That brought us to the really we failed to find understanding and believe that we can live together. I believe that there are a lot of projects at the time. The Electric Company of jerusalem, east jerusalem. We thought that maybe we could combine them to the israeli electricity company. I said at the time, no, we have to keep the company to be operated by them. We need people from the palestinian side to have the ability to manage and be part of the people who are running ritualism. Jerusalem. They were hesitant. Most of jerusalem, the understanding the Palestinian People would like to design their nation themselves. They have their own selfdetermination about their nationality. Day byre talking about day life, and cooperation and the ability for everyone to cooperate with the hope he can achieve his needs as a person, as a human being, and when he goes to school, and goes to the university he can afterwards id is way find his way inside each inside the israeli environment then we can come to the idea that we are one community. Unfortunately for the time being, and as it is developing right now, the hatred and not today wemidation, only are in a position that he time that at the time, we need to find order to bring to an end the occasion that we need an understanding from both sides. Ar with egypt, we went to a negotiate. We managed to bring to fees peace. And live in peace for the last 40 years. Peace that brought us to the understanding that once were talking about fighting extremism. Fighting fundamentalism. We have to cooperate because it is the best interest of people. We can find a way to live together. E were talking about entrenchment in the facebook or internet. That is in every house of everyone of us. We find that we have no mechanism in order to bring to violencee riots and that we are facing in jerusalem. Only today my heart is with the, something happened in the vicinity of jerusalem. Those matters are bringing more and more disagreement. Jew thate if youre a an arod is a motor or an arab is a murderer were talking about educating our children. Is something that goes for generations to come. My hope is that everyone will believe that we can live together. They say to us, you have closed because it was your need to protect the burden of security and bring it to the idea that you have to build walls to bring the side. Sides. Israel. Of what possibilities do i have . Do i have a chance . Do i have hope . Can i go for my school to the Hebrew University . Go to find work and jobs . That is something that goes through the burden of the majorities. We have to find by all means the possibility to cooperate. When they say we do not like to cooperate with you because you are patronizing us, or you would like to impose on us the idea of israel, we have a problem. We are not going to give up the idea that israel exist as a jewish state. Canvery fact that everyone use the israeli hope that everyone can achieve the israeli hope is the real task, and the goal that we have to operate in order to find a way of cooperation between all people. It will be very tough. It is very very complicated to do so. We have to start with the first up. First step. Mentioned a scene of israel now this particular tribes that study in different educational systems. These systems do not meet. They teach different values. In one case, even differently bridges. Different linkages. Languages. This represents a change from a melting pot to a multicultural approach. How can this be done the challenge that you presented, how could that be met . Should languages be different . I know youre a proponent of arabic. Should these be merged . President when you are in a try, you live under the threat that someone wants to impose something you do not want. Principles, our values we can cooperate, but you cannot impose on us. What we find day after date is it is almost impossible to impose. If you impose something on someone, whenever it would be possible for him, they would rebel. We have to find the understanding. The understanding that we are living in communities. The communities need to cooperate. Were living also as one country. When people. One people. People with different approaches to life. Policent approaches to beliefs. We have to have common values. We have to have the understanding that everyone of us can live together with the other side. The melting pot has to be something which is found by everyone of us. Israelis knowab hebrew. Not fluently, but they know how to talk you grew. Hebrew. There are very few jewish people in the state who knows arabic at all. Their parents, some of their parents who came from arab countries, they knew. Once were talking about the people. At the time we were asking not shes tribes from all over. I, for example, i am a grandmother. Grandfather. I have nine grandchildren. Yemenite. M are no mistake when you see my grownup grandchild and grandchildren that are serving the army. They are related to me, but you are very sure they are yemenite. Their mother is so dominant, that there are two. He was note sure that after the election he would have two grandchildren that were yemenite. I have three iraqi and. One of the girl one of the boy. Wonderful children. Nothing to be mistaken about. Dont tell anyone, but i have another three, not everyone is perfect. The whole community of israel has changed. But we cannot bring together those communities who are they are not forced to live alone, their tradition, because one with Orthodox Police armyves that serving the would bring him to the possible hesitations about what he believes in and what he was brought up. In the meantime, the separation between the communities brings to run the security. Ultra see more and more orthodox youth joining the israeli army. After that, they can go to work. After that they are part of the community. They can keep their tradition. They can keep their beliefs. If you impose, they would say no way. We are living in a sort of different tribes, but the need of the unification of all of us for our mutual purpose, to become something that would be defined as an israeli hope for all of us that is the way to bring to understanding between all communities. That it is sure possible for peace. Say not too optimistic to to say the least not to politicallyt, nevertheless, i believe that without imposing they would understand the arab communities had at the time, 13 children, now the jewish people have 13 children. The arabs are living in a way they would like to give all of the abilities. I am not patronizing. They understand they would like to live according to the way that they can support and bring their children to the best chance that everyone has in order to progress in the life of a personality. Not imposing, but coming to understanding that this is on all of us. It is not something that you say, i am a minority. You have to take care of people. Minorities are saying we have to be protected by the majority. Now there is no majority. Every majority can become a minority in no time. Are we are four communities being led by 38 of the population is something that cannot be done. Once were talking about 20 years to come. Show each other that we can live together. To live together and separate. Separate and together in the same nation. In the same population. It isbelieve that something that would come to the minds of everyone out of necessity. It is something we cannot live without. Thank you, sir. Tasks for theour israelis. Among them was creating a sense of security. Also creating a new sense of israeliness. President that would be the hope from all tribes that we have a chance to progress in israel. Although it belongs to one of the communities that are living altogether. Once we understand that, you ,ont have to be for example some programs are led by the president ial house to bring together children from orthodox israeli arab schools, from the general schools, and from national orthodox. Altogether, every month. Thoseeting between all of schools from all over israel. We are doing a lot in order to let them operate to the internet first of all. Then they meet one another. They see, we are all the same. We are living with environment problems. That is not something that goes into the merit of differences of the communities. They find themselves sitting altogether. Peoplesay, some of the are refusing to let children go into meetings between the groups. Especially when we are talking about a Jewish School and arabic school. They are both in israel, nevertheless, when we meet they see they are the same. Toy have the same ability analyze different issues. Was there in connection to the internet, after that they meet. After that they become friends. After that they will go to summer camps together. That can lead to an understanding of every community from all over that it is possible. We are different. We have conflict between nations. We have a real culture war. We have different opinions about how to worship god. Nevertheless, we are one unit. Without the other it is impossible. That has to start from the beginning. From the high school and elementary. Mr. President , you have to make it to capitol hill, we could continue for hours. I will return back. President it is a real pleasure to meet you. I have heard about the Institute Many times. I appreciate and read reports from your sessions. I was very proud, and i am honored to be here. I am very happy, god bless all of you. [applause] germane seated well he leaves. Please remain seated while he leaves. Up, terrorisming and global oil markets. Later, a hearing on increasing the literary effectiveness. Military effectiveness. All the next washington journal, former congressman ray lahood talking about his book, seeking bipartisanship. Then i look at the 1 trillion omnibus spending bill. Washington journal, live every morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on them cspan. You can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. Leaderay, House Minority Nancy Pelosis weekly press conference. Live, on cspan2. She was such an authentic person. I always thought there was more of a story to ladybird than anyone have covered i covered. She became, i think the first modern first lady. She had an important project. She wrote her book as soon as she left the white house. She really invented the modern first lady. Q a,ncer sunday night on she discusses her book that gives an inside look into the life of Lyndon Johnson and his wife lady bird johnson. Those women saw something in those men, the ambition, the opportunity to really climb and make a mark in the world, and they married them in spite of parental objection. She is a good example of that. That is why i wanted to find out more about her. Announcer sunday night at 8 00 eastern. Announcer next, i look at how terrorism is impacting global oil markets, and how isis is using oil to finance operations. This hearing of the senate enerl Resource Committee is two hours. Before we begin, i would like to introduce a former colleague, at a former chairman of the energy committee. As a longtime friend of mine, my father, frank murkowski. Who has placed a keen interest in trying to understand the role , anden oil and terrorism the connect there. It happens he is in town today. We did not do the hearing because of him, but the timing worked out. It is nice to have him before the committee. More than half of Global Oil Production occurs in regions of the world in the middle east, africa, venezuela, they are subject to instability of various kinds including civil war and terrorism. While

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