Need to, and i quote, never 9 11, its mber 11, victims and our First Responders. Members have offered resolutions, theyve given speeches, theyve come to the floor with shocking images that are already seared into our minds forever. And through it all we hear this refrain of never forget. I know ill never forget. I will never forget the friends and the Family Member i lost that day. I have constituents who will never forget. Theyll never forget the phone call they may have received that day of a loved one lost, or the neighbor they saw for the very last time. Station in the bronx, i know theyll never forget. But i also know this is not just about my constituents, not just about my city of new york, not just about my state of new york but this is about the United States of america. I know that americans will never forget the days, the weeks, the months spent or the men and women who worked on the le trying to rescue and save lives. The recovery and the eventually cleanup efforts that took place in lower manhattan. In fact, mr. Speaker, the only people i believe who seem in danger of forgetting are my colleagues right here in the house of representatives. Thats the only explanation i can give for why they let the act adroga 9 11 health expire last week. Theyre forgetting the promise this congress, that our country made to these First Responders, the survivors and other volunteers in the days that followed september 11. We all made a promise to them that they would not be left behind, they would not be ignored, left to fend for themselves. It took far too long for the act to become law in the first place. Those are difficult years to have to keep telling 9 11 heroes, just wait a little longer, well get there. But eventually we did get it done because it was the right thing to do. It will be easy for my colleagues to shrug their shoulders and say they did their part. To think that we wiped our hands of the entire issue, but the need is still there. The pain and the suffering are still there. So we must act and we must act now. A few weeks ago hundreds of First Responders came to washington, d. C. , from all over the country, not just new york, who are affected by 9 11, to look members of congress in the eye and ask them to renew this worthy program. They had meetings, they held press conferences, they even brought a celebrity spokesperson to draw attention to their cause. Toward the end of the day, one gentleman said that he probably wouldnt be coming back to Push Congress on this issue in the future. Now, i wish none of them would have to come back because we would be able to tell them that we took action and permanently established this program, but the reason hes not going to be coming back is because he has stage 4 cancer. Stage 4 cancer as a result of his work on the pile looking for his friends. He may not be coming back at all. Thats what this is about, thats who were talking about, everyday First Responders, cleanup workers and volunteers are struggling with Health Conditions caused by the effects of the attack of 9 11. They have doctors appointments, test, treatment, keep owe therapy and they cant do it chemotherapy and they cant do it alone. Thats why we put this program in place, for those who cant do it alone. To give back to them what they have given to us. These heroes should be thanked every day for what theyve done. They deserve our thanks. They deserve to be honored and applauded and to have floor speeches after floor speeches given in their name. But they deserve more than just words. They deserve action by this house, action that we must not just, should, but must take to ensure that this program will continue to be there for those who need it. Our heroes deserve better. We hear a lot about never forget. I want to suggest that we never use the term never forget here on the floor, never forget 9 11 until we pass a permanent extension of the james sedroga health act. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentleman has expired. The gentlelady from california, ms. Speier, is recognized for five minutes. Ms. Speier thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, im sick to my stomach this morning because we st witnessed the 45th School Shooting this year, and there have been more than 294 Mass Shootings this year and weve only had 272 days this year. I am not going to stand for another moment of silence on joined r unless it is with meaningful action. It is a hallow gesture to act like we care for these families when the truth is we dont care enough to act. 26 times since sandy hook we have paused on this floor. We have paused to give our prayers and our sympathy to the families who have lost loved ones. But what are we doing for the next set of families that are going to lose loved ones . Were going to do nothing. Absolutely nothing. In fact, we create more credibility in the fiction alliesed death panels than we fictionalized death panels schoolchildren, College Students and moviegoers. It is the truth that more preschoolers are shot dead each year than Police Officers killed in the line of duty. 92 americans are shot to death each and every day. 92 will be shot to death today. Do we care enough to do anything . If there were that many people dying each day for due to terrorism, disease, faulty onsumer products, you bet we would do something. But not when it comes to guns. When it comes to guns, we can only muster enough to stand up on this floor and be silent. What a tragedy. Our inaction means that we are killing excuse me we are willing to let thousands of our fellow citizens die so we can prop up the myth that gun violence measures, which the Supreme Court has ruled ironclad under the constitution, will somehow undermine the second amendment. By refusing to adopt the mental alth and backcheck measures supported by 74 of the population and 74 of n. R. A. Members, we are doing the bidding of the n. R. A. Bob yists and the gun lobbyists and the gun manufacturers. We are not standing side by sides of those of charleston and sandy hook and umpqua, were saying, stuff happens. Stuff does not just happen. As you can see on this chart, gun violence is dramatically down in states that have passed strong gun violence prevention laws. You can see the trends in other industrialized countries that have reacted wisely to gun violence. Australia had 13 Mass Shootings over 18 years, but then they ut in strong laws to protect against gun violence and they havent had one mass shooting since then. In canada and norway, they tightened their gun laws and gun violence rates are a fraction today of what they were. These countries are our closest allies. They are not fascist regimes. If they can do it, we can do it. We need to make Mental Health reporting laws umpleufrl and enforce the ones already universal and enforce the ones already on the books. Its shameful that eight states have no Mental Health reporting laws and 13 states have submitted fewer than 100 Mental Health records each to the National Background check system. By the way, Senate Majority whip john cornyn says his measure is the solution. Hes even introduced his own bill but he and his caucus have declined to advance it. We have to make background checks universal by closing the gun show loophole and the loophole for online sales. These loopholes allow criminals and drug abusers and mentally ill people who are already banned from having guns to get guns. Finally, we need to lift the ban on n. I. H. And c. D. C. Research. Mr. Speaker, i will not stand for another one of these hypocritical moments of silence. But i will stand up for any effort we make to pass sensible and genuine gun safety laws. This is a disservice to these families and the next families who dont want our prayers but want the lives of their loved ones back. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the time of the gentlelady has expired. The chair now recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Valadao, for five minutes. Mr. Valadao thank you, mr. Speaker. So today i have the opportunity and honor to represent my district on the senate side in a committee to talk about water , and its to talk about the bill i passed off this house floor just a few months ago back in june. I was very excited to move that forward and excited to see the debate move forward, but this is something that i think we need to talk a little bit more here on the floor, not just on the senate, because i think people need to remember what were talking about. I had this picture taken just last week in my district. When people say a picture is worth a thousand words, you look at this picture and you try to think just a few different words that this brings to mind. You see houses here in the background, but you obviously see shacks here. See a child stroller, a childs toy, cans of food, a box from one of our local food banks. These are people that are suffering today. This is in the United States of america. These are people that so many in this body claim to represent, so many in this body talk about but when we see so any in this body send letters, speak out in opposition to legislation that could help solve this problem. These people are suffering, not because of the lack of will to work, but because were facing a drought and because of legislation, because of laws in place that prevent us from delivering water to these communities. These are people that want to make a difference. A lot of them might be immigrants. Some of them probably people born in this country, but these are people that want to achieve the American Dream. Last a couple weeks ago when the pope was here, he spoke and he said so many things that both sides disagreed with and some things that both sides agreed with but what he said is every man has a right to work, to earn an honest days wage. These people are being denied this opportunity. And just beyond these shacks you see homes. They look relatively new. You see a business here, trucks. Those are all people that have the ability to support themselves, but theyre also people that right behind in their own back yard they dont have that ability to work that honest days wage, to supply for their family, to buy new toys for their kids, to actually afford food that was grown and produced by their own hands. Some of these Food Products might be from other countries. And when we have that conversation here about helping the less fortunate, do we just throw money at the problem . Is that what washington does . Is that what we expect to have here . Is that what builds a Great Society . Or is it people working hard, educating the next generation on what its actually like to grow food, to put in a hard days work, to inspire and to actually show what it is to work hard and produce something for yourself . The pride that comes with earning that paycheck and to purchase that house or to purchase those vehicles, purchase food for your family, thats what we want to provide for the americans. Thats something that i think every Single Person, immigrant or american citizen by birth or been here for 20 generations, whatever it may be, people want to have the opportunity to provide for their families and for a better life. And when you look at this picture, its insane this is going on today. And when people sign and put their names on or trash legislation that could help solve this problem, i think its an embarrassment for this house, its an embarrassment for this country. There was water flowing through this state through the delta that we had the opportunity to pump earlier this year. Would it have solved all of our problems . No, because we are in a drought, but theres still some water there. We missed out on that opportunity because of laws that are in place today. These people dont have to be in this position. These people dont have to live like this. These children dont have to live in knows shacks and play with their toys outside of that home. Think about what type of owe site allows this to happen, allows legislation or laws to take effect that have done nothing to actually protect the species they claim to protect, that species is in decline and it does nothing for these people. We talk about the environment. Is this an environment to raise a family . How are these children going to be successful in school . Ive got three Young Children of my own, nieces and nephews. I would never, ever want to see this happen to them and i would never want them to see this happen to their friends. This is something happening today because of the laws, this place, this building protects. We have to continue to fight. We have to continue to Work Together so we can deliver solutions that actually help these people have that American Dream just like the rest of us want for our children. Today at the end of my speech, i invited the senators to come take some time and spend to go meet with some of these folks. See what its like to actually live like this. And i extend that invite to every member of this house, especially those who speak out in opposition to legislation that can help prevent stuff like this from happening. I want them to come, knock on these doors, and talk to these people and see what they want more than anything. They want a hand out or the ability to produce and to provide for their families and show their children what the next generation should do which is work hard and help build that American Dream for all of us. I want every Single Person that speaks out in opposition to take a good hard look at this and see this is what we have created in the United States unless we speak up and do whats right. Pass legislation that can help solve this problem so we can deliver water for these families, for these farmers, for our communities, and do whats right for our nation and do whats right for the American People. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Green permission to dream. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Green mr. Speaker, mr. Cleaver words cannot explain the singular honor it is to stand in the well of the house of representatives in the congress of the United States of america. Mr. Speaker, stain here today on a mission of mercy and i believe a brief vignette can best explain what a mission of mercy is as i apply it to the circumstances for which i rise. Mr. Speaker, prior to coming to congress i served for more than a quarter century as a judge of a small claims justice court. And i can remember an occasion when a mother testified on behalf of her son. Her appeal to me was along these lines, she said, judge, im not asking you for justice. I know he was wrong. But hes my son. I know he was wrong. Im not asking for justice. Im asking you for mercy. You have within your power to do justice or you can grant mercy. And i beg that you grant mercy o my son was her hugh and cry. Mr. Speaker hue and cry. Mr. Speaker, as i rise today, i rise in support of h. R. 563, sponsored by the honorable janice hahn. And i rise in support of this ill, this legislation, which is filed the honoring our world war ii merchant marines act of 2015. This bill would establish the merchant marine Equity Compensation fund. It would accord each person who served between certain dates, those dates are december 7, 1941 and december 31, 1946. A sum of 25,000. Why should they receive the 25,000 . Well, mr. Speaker, when they served in world war ii they were not accorded the benefits of other members of the various armed forces. In fact, it took litigation to bring them under the purview of the benefits that the other members of the armed forces have received and are receiving. It was in 1988 that they finally after litigation received these benefits. But the benefits were not applied retroactively. As a result of them not being applied retroactively, some of them didnt receive the g. I. Bill benefits. They didnt receive home loans. Any of them still alive can be compensated if we grant mercy. I know that there are those who would say that they have already received their just compensation as a result of the litigation and as a result of being brought within the purview of the laws that allow them to receive certain benefits, but they didnt get them retroactively. I believe, mr. Speaker, they served honorably. As a matter of fact, approximately 9,500 of them died in service. They served their country. They bled the same blood as others when they were attacked and they were assaulted and when they lost legs and limbs and they lost their lives. They are americans, mr. Speaker. And i believe we should show some mercy to these americans. We ought to accord them the opportunity to have these benefits because they were willing to risk their lives so that we could have the quality of life that we have today. So i make this hue and i make this cry, make this appeal. I base it upon mercy not justice. The arguments can be made as to whether just compensation has been accorded, but i believe if we show mercy, we will do the right thing for people who have done the right thing for their country. I thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. All time for morning hour debate having now expired. The house will be in recess subject to the call of the speaker. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in the main attention focused today on the republican conference election of their new speaker, their choice for the new speaker. The conference met this morning early at 8 00 to hear from the three candidates. Well show you some video from that in just a bit. The three candidates again, the majority leader, Kevin Mccarthy, Jason Chaffetz, the oversight chair, and from florida, representative Daniel Webster. All three spoke to the conference this morning in the Early Morning meeting. The conference will meet again shortly after noon. Heres the timetable of the day as woo cover the house here on cspan. Noon eastern they come back in for short speeches. Oneminute speeches. Then the house will go out subject to the call of the chair. Meaning that the legislative business will happen but it probably wont happen for another hour, hour and a half, two hours, maybe about 2 00 eastern the house will come back in. Well keep our attention focused on the election for speaker. The nominees speaking to the conference this morning. That vote happening sometime after noon today. Our timetable is that. Well go to the house live at noon. We are also waiting to hear from Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi in just a bit. Our cameras are all over capitol hill. We covered some of the reaction this morning from the republican conference meeting. We have live cameras outside of the house ways and Means Committee meeting room, over in one of the Office Buildings across from the capitol. Thats where the conference will meet at noon eastern today. But our capitol hill producer, creg kaplan, is following it all and followed some of the comments this morning. A couple of his tweets as members left that early 8 00 a. M. Meeting hearing from the three candidates. Comments here from congressman peter king, a tweet. Pete sessions, chair of the rules Committee Says and from justin amash, hes speaking to reporters outside that meeting, hes endorsing Daniel Webster. That was made known yesterday. The Freedom Caucus making their choice. Heres Jason Chaffetz speaking before a crowd of reporters. Robert costa, with us this morning on washington journal, some of his take of the meeting this morning. Host well show you some of the comments that just happened a short while ago. Well hear from Jason Chaffetz and also from Daniel Webster as they left that meeting this morning. What is the main concern . I dont think there was any concern directed at me. I think there was a good discussion about you how we do deal with certain issues. Thats what you want to do. Im glad members showed up and went as long as it did. More than 100 people in the room . We had other discussions. I hope we got everybody. I dont know that we did in the short amount of time. Between the Republican Study Committee and all that, we met with a lot of people. Mccarthy will overcome whatever doubts thats a mistake we have to move on. Thats not normally what he does. Everybody understands that. The validity of that committee is showing true. Democrats can ask questions. Republicans can ask questions. Ill move on from that. Can you respond to governor huntsman . No. Freedom caucus clearly im an underdog, i get that. I ran because im trying to bridge the gulf and divide thats within the republican conference. Thats what i try to do. And say, hey, its time for a fresh start. My candidacy, all be it an underdog, is about a fresh start for our conference and pick agnew direction on how we share our message and take the message to the American People. How youre going to handle the fiscal cliff this fall . Million chaffetz my commitment is engage the members in a process and figure out how and where we are going to hold the line. Personally i have no interest in just raising unilaterally the debt ceiling. That doesnt solve our longterm problem. My commitment is to engage in a process. In this case you really need the ways and Means Committee, paul ryan, to come up with a bill we can support and take that fight to the senate. You came into this race thinking you can hopefully, as you said, bridge the divide. We know some of those concerns. Yesterday they went out and endorsed Daniel Webster. What does it say about your standing . Mr. Chaffetz i would love to have their support. Again i try to bridge the gulf and divide and thats not just going to end today. They are appealing the need to go on. There are new processes and things we have to do to get the same even more unified than its been in the past. Why werent you able to get that support . Mr. Chaffetz clearly they were did not like the fact that i said i would support the nominee. Under the rules of our conference, whoever gets the majority of the votes is the nominee. And much like the president ial race, i said i would support the nominee. I think they a lot of them didnt like that answer. If the Freedom Caucus dont they the nominee and have to be nominated about the democrats mr. Chaffetz i think there is time to go through that process. I would love to get 247 votes. I guess 246 votes in this case. I would love to get 246 votes up for the speaker. That would put us in the strongest position. They are saying they are going to ban together on the floor and try to deny 218. If that does happen, will you present yourself as a consensus choice on the floor . Mr. Chaffetz i started by saying im trying to be a consensus person. I said i will support and vote for the nominee on the floor. You put your hat in the ring, you fight as best you can, and you make the case. Make the case. If you fall short, then you unite. Its similar to the president ial leaks. Its similar to what donald trump was asked in South Carolina. And im taking a very similar approach. How hard is it going to be for mccarthy to get to 218 . What does he have to do to nail down the votes . Mr. Chaffetz half of our conference here this morning. Again, when i started, kick this thing off just on sunday, this is what i worry about. That the math is an issue. It will continue to be an issue. Given that theres a process here and that if you wanted to run you could step up, i did. Then i think we can yield a good result. What does the process say about where the republican conference is. The deep divisions and if any eventual speaker can unite a party at all at this stage. Mr. Chaffetz i want to engage in some process reform. I think you do that process reform, do you yield a better result. But this is a healthy part of the process. Nobody expected that Speaker Boehner was going to step down, so were going through this in the right way and hopefully we can get united. Do you think there needs to be a shakeup in the other positions in leadership . Mr. Chaffetz , no, no, no. You said over the weekend there will be 50 that will vote against mccarthy. Is that true . Mr. Chaffetz based on the people i chatted with, its part of the reason i offered my candidacy. If they felt like they needed an alternative i could rep that alternative. Is that still true . Mr. Chaffetz it will be interesting to see how many people will take a similar approach to me and say, look, we had the race and this is the result and so well respect that. To be clear, youre still pining if you dont get the votes today, its over for you today . Mr. Chaffetz yeah. Im going to support the nominee. Whoever that is. So well find out in a minute. Congressman mr. Chaffetz all right. Im going to keep going. I think you have enough. Youre still available, right . You still have your hat in the ring in that regard . Mr. Chaffetz im not going to be campaigning or try to do nything like that. [inaudible] mr. Chaffetz i want to serve at some point. I love being the oversight chairman, but its not something ill be campaigning for. If your conference says we cant mr. Chaffetz of course. You would be interested . Mr. Chaffetz its not something ill campaign for. Its not something im trying to do. But at some point if your conference asks you to serve, of course. Paul ryan. Thank you, sir. [no audio] well show that to you later. Leader pelosi started her news conference. Did want to show you this tweet from the Washington Post, their power post says that Speaker Boehner will vote for g. O. P. Leader mccarthy as the next house speaker. The timetable, the speaker, john boehner steps down as of october 30. The whole house will vote for speaker on october 29. And today the republican conference will choose their nominee at noon eastern. Lets take you live and hear from nancy pelosi. Ms. Pelosi creating a crisis in the lives of the American People. As you know this week we yet again had another moment of silence for those victims of gun violence. Its very sad. Its appropriate that we have moments of silence where we come together and pray if we pray, as i do, or just have a moment of silence in remembrance. But every time this happens we have a moment of silence and then silence reigns. We do nothing else. We have become the congress of silence, of inaction when it comes to addressing the crisis of gun violence in our country. On friday, i wrote the speaker asking for the creation of a select committee on gun violence. He has all these select committees, why cant we have one on an issue that is of real concern to the American People . We could confront the epidemic and report back in a short period of time. We can review some of the good work that is being done in some of our states, learn from those at the national level. We could take up congressman Mike Thompsons legislation that kingthompson, Bipartisan Legislation to strengthen lifesaving background checks and to keep guns out of the wrong hands. Mr. Thompson, congressman ompson is the chair of our select our task force, Gun Violence Prevention Task force, and hes introduced legislation to establish that select committee. So we should act, we should do something about it, we should make some progress instead of having moments of silence, however respectful we want to be. Yesterday yet again the republicans voted to waste taxpayer dollars on yet again another of their politically motivated select committees. We call it the select committee to attack womens health. With this committee, republicans are trying to make it easier to shut down government and harder, harder for millions of american women to access affordable Family Planning and lifesaving Preventive Care they need. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of South Carolina struggling with the flooding in their state. We send our prayers. We also send our assurances that congress is here to help them in the recovery of their communities. Any questions . Yes, maam. The republicans are voting for speaker today, and i know you said you dont want to get involved in that. It appears as if Kevin Mccarthy will be the one who gets the majority of the votes. Whats your relationship with mr. Mccarthy like . Pel pelosi well, they have a nominating process today, and they have a ratification, if thats the word, of speaker on the floor on october 29. Then well have a new speaker and we can talk about it then. But were californians. We share that background. I wish whoever is the new speaker well and extend a hand of cooperation to whoever that person may be. You talk about the counterchaos. Democrats have not been immune to the infighting amongst themselves. You had challenges from the blue dogs or whomever else during your time. Do you sympathize at all with the struggle to try and keep a Coalition Built . Ms. Pelosi no, not at all. I actually do not agree with your characterization. We are a democratic party. We are not a rubber stamp. It is the nature of our party to have that vitality and we build consensus. When we build that consensus, we go to the floor and we succeed. And we succeeded very well even working under the leadership of president george w. Bush. We passed the Biggest Energy bill in the history of our country. Practically to date in terms of reducing emissions. Well, i refer you to it as the energy bill of 2007. Siped by the president. The signed by the president. We worked on hivaids and pepfar to make it the biggest plan to meet the president s wishes for pepfar, but we said we wanted big. We passed one of the most progressive pieces of legislation to help poor children when we did our recovery package with president bush and the list goes on and on. We didnt agree with everything. We didnt agree with the war in iraq, and democrats voted to end that war. We didnt agree on privatizing social security, and we stuck together completely on fighting him on that. But where we could find Common Ground we did, and when president obama was elected right from the start, right from the start we had the first bill he signed, lilly ledbetter. Ollowing that schip. State Childrens Health insurance program. The recovery package i stated. Saved or created 4 1 2 million jobs. Im proudest of the Affordable Care act. Right from the start we tried to end discrimination for women in the workplace. And he signed the repeal of dontask, donttell to end discrimination in the military. Doddfrank to address the concerns that we had about excesses in the financial community. We had a very successful agenda. We didnt have unanimity on every vote. Thats not what we strived for. Were striving for consensus. Thats what we got and we succeeded on the floor of the house. We consider it a sign of our success. Like a collide scope. Sometimes people are all together together on one issue who might not be there on the next issue but they all know we are a resource to each other and we dont do harm to each other. So im very, very proud of the dynamic of the democrats that we can accommodate our diversity thats in our caucus. But at the same time get the job done for the American People. What you see on the other side is a calendar of chaos. I dont like what you think about this, that were shutting down government and if you dont agree youre out as speaker. I think thats a big contrast. Yes, sir. Madam, you mentioned guns and as you know a part from Mass Shootings, which are relatively rare. 33,000 americans are shot from gunshot wounds, 88,000 injured. There is a provision tucked in the h. H. S. Appropriations thats been there since 1997 that effectively bars the centers from Disease Control to study gunshot wounds as a public issue. Youre entering into a negotiation with Speaker Boehner and the president and the leaders in the senate over a budget deal and a spending deal, and i wonder if you are going to raise this issue, if you are going to insist in this budget deal. You have an opportunity here to repeal that narrow provision so the c. D. C. Can at least look at this issue. Are you going to do that . Ms. Pelosi well, the appropriators will take each of their subcommittees and come forward with what they come forward with. This issue goes even back farther than just gun injuries. The laborh. H. S. Is one of the committees of appropriations i served on. I was its one of the biggest it is the biggest domestic Agenda Committee in the congress. View, that time, in my probably not on my part innocently, i was saying coming as a mom and not yet a grandmother but a mom, why arent we studying head injuries of children . It was a big thing. They fall off a bicycle, they fall down the steps. Why arent we studying how we can prevent head injuries to children . Its a bigger issue than you might think. Statistically and, of course, therefore personally. And i was getting all this resistance. I said, why are people opposed to us studying head injuries in little children and they said because some of those head injuries could be caused by guns and anytime you go anywhere near any research to document the need for some kind of a remedy that has anything to do with guns its offlimits. The tiahrt amendment, that appeared well, dickey and laborh and other committees has raised its head as well, its appalling. Its such a statement of ignorance. I dont know, i dont care and i dont want to know what this is. In other words, what we want to do is prevent gun violence. But if it happens, you really need to know so we can see if were making progress. You have to know where you are to see how you can and if you are making progress. So its appalling. I dont know if its possible. We are not in the majority. I dont know if its possible to get the dickey legislation out of the bill. Ill beest with you. I thank you for raising it. The public should know that even something as one would think as benign as just knowing and doing the research on gun injury, that would be helpful to the American People. I raised the question to the speaker yesterday or the day before. He pointed out that you had a majority and filibusterproof at the beginning of president obamas term. You didnt repeal it. Why didnt you . Ms. Pelosi its interesting he said that. We had a big agenda. We got a lot dun. And we got a lot done. Let me say in terms of the vetoproof filibusterproof. Ok. We came in in 2009 with president obama. It wasnt until the summer. So take the First Six Months off that we had al franken. Whats he, july or june that he became certified. So there was no 60 votes the first part of the year. And then so were still out 59. Then we get senator specter. When was that . Was that july . I dont remember but, yeah. Ms. Pelosi and then senator kennedy died. Rest his soul. Was that august or the end of july . August. Ms. Pelosi and some few months of congress then. And then in january we had senator brown elected. So you could say that for several weeks in that twoyear period there were 60 votes in the senate. And thats really yes, we would have passed a bill at anytime if it was able to be passed in the senate. So i dont just objectively looking at the calendar, you see there was very little time to get Something Like that done. In regards to the reauthorization bill and the controversy thats going on with guantanamo, most polls say americans dont want guantanamo prisoners to be locked up in maximum Security Prisons here in the United States. That being said, how do you with the conundrum that president obama wants it closed down but says the military ont be funded if the congress shut it down through the defense reauthorization bill, it kind of puts the military in a dangerous spot. Ms. Pelosi i dont think you gave the full picture, with all due respect. The main objection to the defense appropriations bill is that its predicated on a number that depends on o. C. O. And the sequestration number. If that were to proceed as an authorization, it would totally undermine our ability to lift the caps, to end sequestration and to have the investments that we need in our National Security at the appropriations level and in the omnibus bill and at the domestic level dollar for dollar. So the main objection to the authorization bill and main reason members have voted for it, against it or to sustain the president s veto is because of the predicate on which it is built which is one that undermines Everything Else that were doing here. We have voted to sustain the president s veto on all of the Appropriations Bills that have come to the floor because they are they do not enable us to meet the needs of the American People because theyre predicated on a bad premise as well. The senate wont even take up those bills because of that same reason. The guantanamo is an issue. It isnt actually completely factually a case. The people in illinois were looking forward to having some people transferred there. They saw it as economic opportunity, as you may recall. The problem with guantanamo has been the resistance of the republicans to enable that policy to go forward. Just a quick followup. The last gunshop in San Francisco closed down recently. Your thoughts as far as how having the last regal gunshop in San Francisco were where lawabiding gun owners can go to can possibly stop ms. Pelosi its a free market. Over in San Francisco. Pel pelosi im not familiar with the individual. I did see in the news that the shop was closing. It is my understanding that they made a decision, a business decision that it was regulations that shut them down. Ms. Pelosi regulations didnt shut them down. They didnt want to live within the regulations. So they decided to go elsewhere. That was a private sector decision on their part to do that. Im not sure all the regulations they were concerned about have all but passed but they were suggested. Yesterday, a number of democrats kind of criticized the Benghazi Committee being political. Are you nearing the point that youre going to ask members to stop participating in that panel . Is there a discussion about democrats pulling out and not working with trey gowdy and the rest of the republicans . Ms. Pelosi you hear them speak out openly on that subject. Some of them are on the committee. Some of them are not. Im very proud of the democrats on the committee. Elijah cummings have done a spectacular job trying to keep the path to finding the truth where it is. The two adams. I call them. Adam schiff, our Ranking Member on intelligence. Adam smith, our Ranking Member on its a high level group. As you know, elijah cummings, the Ranking Member on government reform committee. As well as linda sanchez, leader on the ways and Means Committee, and tammy duckworth, a veteran, a woman veteran. They have been very strong and very firm. They have their evaluations of whether its even worth it to continue, and i seek their guidance as to when it would be appropriate to walk away from that. As you know, it was a big debate before we even appointed people. Some people said its a joke. Dont go anywhere near it. Others said it is a joke, but going to have subpoena power and probably engage in abusive power and it will be seen by mccarthys own admission it was abusive power for political purpose and for that reason members thought they should be there to keep the path to finding the truth rather than st catering to the ratatattat of the whims of the republicans on that committee. So, again, i take my lead on that from the members of the committee. Just going back to the Defense Authorization for a second. There was a pretty large margin yesterday over in the senate on that, and that raises the question of whether it whether a veto of it could be sustained. How confident are you at this point that you can keep your members in mind to sustain a veto . Ms. Pelosi very. Very. I dont know what question it raised. The senate even thinks they might be able to sustain a veto, but be that as it may, we will sustain the veto in the house and strengthen the hand of the president in the negotiations that are really whats important what comes next. How we, i think, many republicans want to lift the caps to rid our budget process of sequestration so that we can make the proper investments in our National Security as well in our domestic security. We see the strength of our country defined by both. Our military strength and the health, education and wellbeing of the American People. The strength of our infrastructure. President eisenhower did the highway act interstate highway act as a defense issue in the late 1950s. So we see all of that as part of the strength of america, and we look forward to having right now were in the process of getting the payfors, which will establish the top line. Ell negotiate the riders. Hopefully not much in terms of riders. And then the appropriators will go forward to do their work and hopefully we can do it well before december 11 so theres no doubt about christmas or hanukkah or any other holidays. How long before you as a principal you guys have to start meeting daily or in person between yourself, mr. Boehner, mr. Mccarthy . Ms. Pelosi we have to have the three pieces. Our offices a very involved in developing what the payfors are, what the therefore determining the top line. Our goal would have a top line about 76 billion added to taking off the caps, adding 76 billion, 38 billion for defense. But we have to find the payfors. So we find the payfors, establish the top line. The appropriators already have much of their work done. This would be additionality in how they make some changes there, but theyre not starting from scratch, and then to make sure were not having whimsical riders that come down through the subcommittee process but an reement on what they are upfront and then so all of that is happening at the same time and then we go to the table. I dont think it should take very long. These are only decisions that have to be made, and we know what some of the choices are and we look forward to doing it done in a very timely fashion. At the same time, as i mentioned, by the end of october, we have to have a transportation bill. By the end by the first week of november, lift the honor the full faith and credit of the United States of america. Keep mber 11, to do the government open omnibus bill, hopefully sooner than that. And then some overdue, like exim bank, job creator, transportation, job creator, keeping government open, job creator, honor the work of our 9 11 Health Workers by getting that legislation done as well. So there are just a few, but they are the ones on a short fuse, have either expired or will in a matter of weeks and to n have that path progress, our timetable to progress, that path to progress or a calendar for chaos, well see. Im optimistic. That was the last one. Thank you. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] house Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi speaking to reporters in the capitol. The house returning for legislative business this afternoon. Theyll gavel back in at noon eastern but what well expect well hear short oneminute speeches and theyll gavel back out. Thats because the republican conference will be meeting at noon to choose among the three candidates for speaker Kevin Mccarthy, the majority leader. Ersight chair, chaffetz or Daniel Webster. The election, we understand from several sources and reports, could go till 1 00, 1 30 eastern or so. And after that time we expect to hear from Republican Leaders the results. The conference, again, met this morning beginning at 8 00 a. M. Eastern to hear from all three and our cameras were outside the mooting room today, this morning to hear some of the reaction from members and hear from some of the candidates. We showed you a short while ago Jason Chaffetzs comments as he left. Heres what Daniel Webster had o say. Mr. Webster its my first pitch and the first pitch is that i want to change, transform the way we do business. Not have a few people at the top of a pyramid of power make all the decision, but push down that pyramid of power, spread out the base so every Single Member can be effective. The other thing i would do when i did in florida when i was speaker of the house there, pick up the you have plenty of leverage and plenty of opportunities. Those two things. Are you playing a spoiler role at all for Kevin Mccarthy or even in the future . Mr. Webster well, i wouldnt call myself a spoiler. I think im a candidate and i think im a legitimate candidate. Ive been a speaker of the house before in a state thats complex. I know what we did there changed our numbers from about, you know, 10 to 15 famblt to 56 famblt among the favorability among the electorate. We ended on time. We had no meetings at night and took up the most important issues first. Will you continue your bid for speaker if you come in short today but prevent the sitting majority leader from getting to the speakership . Mr. Webster im focused on one thing. That is this election at noon. Im going to im kind of a plotter. I go along. When i get to an opportunity to make a decision, ill make it then. So thats something you might consider later but you dont know if youd consider this or be courted to do it later . Mr. Webster im going to focus on one thing and thats the election today. I talked to you the past couple days here. You said you havent slept much or gotten a chance to eat. Mr. Webster no, i havent. There are too many people to see and talk to and a lot of questions. So i just do that, plus i can think a little better when i dont have something on my stomach. Are you nervous at all . Mr. Webster im not a nervous type. Im usually pretty steady. Im not a roller coastertype person. I just kind of go even. But i would say, yeah, i probably got a little bit of jitters. Last thing here. So demonstrate to me in a concrete term how your speakership would be different than Kevin Mccarthys or the existing speakership of john boehner . Mr. Webster heres what im saying. Im not against personalities. What im against is a powerbased system, not principle, and we dont take up the most important issues first. We lose our leverage and we let things slide and we dont include the membership. We kind of pull bills out of the air instead of using the process, using the rules to allow every person to have an opportunity to be successful. Thats florida congressman Daniel Webster, one of the three candidates to be house speaker. Speaking there with chad, fox news producer on capitol hill. Again, in about half an hour, the house comes back briefly. Theyll gavel back out and then the republican conference will meet over at the long worth House Office Building just across independence avenue from the house side of the u. S. Capitol. Theyll meet in the ways and Means Committee meeting room, and spend their time deciding whos going to be their nominee for speaker. The full house will vote on the speaker three weeks from today, thursday, october 29. About Daniel Webster and how he was received in that meeting room this morning, heres jake sherman of politico tweeting that inside the room webster repeated declines to back g. O. P. Candidate for speaker. Says its a personal decision. This is after all a speakers rates so people are lobbying, and trying to win votes. And this is ian swanson of the hill. Tea party groups hawk mcboehner shirts. Kind of morphed together there. Some news about support of Kevin Mccarthy. Heres the headline. Dick cheney to endorse mccarthy. He wrote this yesterday evening saying the former Vice President is stepping suddenly stepping into the feverish house speakers race to endorse the leading candidate. Saying hes a good man and strong leader. Mccarthy has a challenge in the right in cheneys statement, should help mccarthy with some of the hardliners, in part by giving them conservative cover to support him. Again, the conference met this morning and heard once again one final time from the three candidates. We also heard from members as they left that meeting. And this is a live look at Cathy Mcmorris rodgers, the conference leader, republican conference leader as shes heading into the area there in the longworth House Office Building. But lets hear from kevin brady and justin amash as they left the meeting this morning. How did it go . Mr. Brady Great Questions about the conference. Our candidates are listening very carefully about the conferences agenda which is what we want. Was it a dialogue or did they talk to you and say this is what i promise . Mr. Brady pretty traditional. Opening statements. A lot of questions from the conference. Just a very thoughtful, respectful discussion. Did it change your mind or help convince you what you already decided . Mr. Brady well, i like what i hear from Kevin Mccarthy. I think hes a proven leader. Generational change in the speakership. And on the issues i care most funding our military, cutting taxes, opening up more free trade. Kevin mccarthy has proven. How would you describe this is different . Does this one feel any different . Mr. Brady its the same conversations were having in private with all our speaker candidates. Just a group setting. And theyre Great Questions. Theres lots of ideas about how we operate, you know, how we lead, how we find consensus. All of it is good discussion. What is he going to have to do next . Mr. Brady well, lets hope the conference decides to go to the house floor unified behind the speaker, our nominee. That will strengthen us going into this battle through the fall, because i think the more divided we are as republicans, whether its the house, senate or the country, the easier it is for president obama to continue to take the country down the wrong road. So we got a big challenge, but i think we i think we do better when the troops are united. How would you describe what mccarthys pitch is to you all . Mr. Brady well, hes a proven leader. He has on all our key agenda items, again, from funding our military fully, to getting our republican budget, balanced budget out to expanding economic freedom, cutting taxes. Hes there with us and been one of our reliable conservative leaders. O plus he listens. Its a generational change in the speaker, and as a result our conference will continue to have more power, you know, over the agenda which is what we all want. Whats the level of concern by those of you that support mccarthy that there wont be divisions in the floor vote and he mr. Brady we have time. The good news is we have time to continue discussions. If its positive as these discussions are, i feel optimistic we can unite. Thats kevin brady of texas following the meeting this morning. Republican conference, hearing from the three candidates running for speaker. At this hour were expecting the house to gavel back in in some 25 minutes or so at noon eastern. There will be some short speeches and then they will gavel back out subject to the call of the chair. There is legislative business today. It just wont happen until the republican conference meets again at noon eastern. That will be in the longworth House Office Building to make their selection between the three candidates for speaker. Next up, we want to show you some of the comments of republican from michigan, ustin amash. [inaudible] well assess the situation and we dont know who the candidates will be when we get to the floor vote on october 29. But were supporting Daniel Webster. We expect it to go all the way to the floor. 40 votes, you need 40 votes right now for him . Mr. Amash i dont know what the number will be. But certainly the Freedom Caucus is working together. Whats the end game here because he doesnt have 218 either . Mr. Amash neither does mccarthy or neither does chaffetz. We need to have discussions as a conference and as a house. To get a new candidate, to get more concessions from the leadership, what . Mr. Amash we have to find a compromise, we need to find a way to move forward as a unified group. And with the current approach, which is very power driven, topdown, thats not unifying to the conference and its not good for republicans, from all ends of the spectrum. So what do you need to hear mccarthy say to feel like mr. Amash its not about saying things, its about doing things. We need changes in terms of how the structure of the house works, and, again, we got a long time between now and the elections and lets see if things change in the house and were going to sit together as a Freedom Caucus and ensure that the American People are represented. What about any policy commiments like debt ceiling, do you need to hear that from him . Mr. Amash from my perspective, even though the media likes to take it down this road, its not a policy issue. The problem the problem with our current structure is not policy related. Its process related. And we get bad policies when we have bad process, but we want the process fixed. So conservatives arent asking for the most conservative speaker of the house. What were asking for is a processoriented speaker of the house. And thats better for everyone. Its better following conservatives, its better for liberals or libertarians like me. Its better for the American People. Would you hope, though, that the debt ceiling gets put off until the next speaker or would you want boehner to get it resolved . Mr. Amash as for the timing i dont know. We as a conference have to resolve that. As a libertarian republican, i have different views on that. It is not a speaker that is pushing for any particular view than a speaker who is opening up the process so all views can be heard and we can have an honest debate so that the will of the American People can prevail. So these process changes that youre asking for boehner needs to impose them before he leaves in order to give you faith in mccarthy . Mr. Amash its not imposing them, to be clear. Its about working together as a conference and making those changes. Its not just about conservatives who have these concerns but people from the whole party that have these concerns. So the rules changes . Mr. Amash rules changes. How about following the rules . We pass house rules at the beginning of each term and then the rules are waived every week. And thats unacceptable. You cant have a system where you set ground rules and every week you waive the rules. And you want the [inaudible] mr. Amash we dont think it should be controlled by leadership. Right now its structured in a way that leadership really dominates the steering committee. Its leadership and their allies, and we think it should be more diverse. What has mr. Mccarthy told you about that . Mr. Amash well have those conversations yet . You havent had those conversations yet . Mr. Amash we have had discussions. But with leadership elections in the near future, we havent had a chance to sit down and go through the details. Hes been general, receptive but general . Mr. Amash i think everyone has been general. Weve had a meeting as a conference. Yesterday we had a meeting and talked about some of the rules problems. And thats not going to all right. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Michigan congressman justin amash from this morning following the meeting of the republican conference. They heard, again, from the three men who are running for speaker. The majority leader kevin mckarty the oversight chair Jason Chaffetz and representative Daniel Webster. That election will happen sometime shortly afternoon in about 20 minutes or so. The house will gavel back in briefly. Our cameras are on capitol hill. These are closed door meetings, obviously, but we have cameras outside the meeting room in the longworth House Office Building. Meeting normally used for the ways and Means Committee of the house. Youll begin to see members start filing over for that meeting shortly. Want to let you know, too, were interested in what you have to say and what youre seeing and thinking about the leadership race. Again, republican conference will vote today. The whole house will vote three weeks from today on their choice for speaker. So you can post your comments at facebook. Com cspan. You can also send us a tweet and thats cspan. Well try to read some of those throughout the afternoon. The meeting this afternoon with House Republicans expected to go an hour, maybe an hour and a half. And we hear there will be leader comments after that. We just want to read some comments on facebook this morning. Lots of folks weighing in. So some of the thoughts at facebook. Com cspan. Our cameras will stay live on capitol hill. We did want to show you some of the comments that robert costa of the Washington Post joined us this morning a couple of times and joined us late in the program on washington journal with an update on where things stood after the conference heard from the three candidates this morning. Robert the candidates pitched their speeches but theres been no theatrics, theres been no fireworks. Its been a relatively humdrum gathering. Host who introduced each of the candidates to their rank and file . Robert well, a lot of members didnt even hear some of the introduction speeches. Weve seen paul ryan saying he will give the speech for mccarthy before the vote this afternoon at noon but most of the members were giving their case today on their own. It was a private meeting, about 200 House Republicans showed up and the members gave five to 10minute speeches about their ideas. Host were they able to were the rank and file able to ask them questions . Robert they were. Host so now what happens next, robert costa . Robert now theyll go back to their offices. Theyll gather in the ways and means room, in the rongworth building around noon. Then theyll have a long process of voting who the nomination should be for speaker. Again, this is a party vote. This is not any kind of vote that locks you down. The real vote is on october 29. But theyre going to have an hourlong process. 12 00 to about 1 00 today. Well try to have some kind of consensus and emerge around 1 00, 1 30 and announce who they will have for speaker. Host what about the Freedom Caucus and the role theyll have today . Robert theyll back Daniel Webster of florida. What the Freedom Caucus will do between now and the actual vote on the floor is win concessions from mccarthy who is the likely speaker nominee. They want to have pledges from him that the conservatives will be more included in committee. Theyll have National Party support than when it comes to crafting the legislative agenda theyll have a leadership role, not just be on the back bench. Host and are they likely to get those concessions . Robert coming out of this meeting right now, mccarthy has support but he doesnt have a huge ground swell. If the vote is narrow today, the formal vote within the republican conference is narrow around noon today that means mccarthy will probably make concessions to lock down, to nail down that floor vote. To become speaker of the house, you need 218 votes, a majority of the whole house. Because youre speaker of the whole house, not just republican conference. So mccarthy to secure himself politically will probably make some concessions. The question for republicans is, is mccarthy nod and make suggestions or will he write a memo out . Will he make actual assurances on paper . Host or will he change the rules of the house . Robert there is a push to change the rules of the house. Change the rules to the leadership election. A lot of conservatives think if you run for leadership you should resign your current position. Whether youre in leadership role leader like Steve Scalise or Committee Chairman like tom price who is the budget Committee Chairman for georgia and hes looking to run for majority leader. You shouldnt have the safety of your current position as you run and try to climb up the ladder. Host we heard from one lawmaker on the program this week that republicans are thinking about a rule change that says if you do not vote for the nominee, that you will lose your committee assignments, etc. Is that true, is that Going Forward . Robert i dont think its Going Forward, but its true that idea has been said and it comes from boehner allies. A lot of them are embarrassed of the spectacle of the speaker coupe. Thats why they try to have these party lkses, these party votes because they want to have a united front when they come to the floor. When they dont have a united front on the floor, some members break. A lot of the veteran members, party leadership, they established under the g. O. P. , they say it doesnt look good for the party and there should be consequences if you break from your party on the floor. The counterargument from conservatives is theyre making their open voices heard. They have their own opinions. Just because they dont back he party enthusiastically, they should get punished. Host robert costa, what does the next three weeks mean for legislation on the floor . What likely could happen . Robert baner is going to try to, as he says, clean the dirty barn, empty it out with government spending, with the fiscal cliff, he is trying to get these things off the table. Whether he has the will to do so, whether there are votes there, its a question. For mccarthy to start on a relatively clean slate with a lot of the big votes behind them. Host all right. An awful lot to watch on the house floor and behind the scenes. Robert costa, thank you for filling us in. Appreciate it. Robert thank you. Robert costa. Hes costareports on twitter. cspan is where you can make your thoughts known. Why closed door . Should be on the house floor. There will be a house floor vote in three weeks. The entire house voting for speaker. Todays meeting is just the republican conference. Our cameras are outside the meeting room. The house ways and Means Committee room in the longworth Office Building. Weve seen a couple members come by so far. Well stay here live for a moment or two and see who might be coming on over as the meeting gets under way in about 15 minutes. Youre looking at one of the hallways in the longworth Office Building. Our cameras are here outside the ways and Means Committee room. Thats because House Republicans will be meeting today to choose their nominee for house speaker. The whole house will vote on the speaker and theres representative johnson of texas and others have gone by. The whole house will vote for speaker three weeks from today on october 29. So when you come to washington to visit your representative, this is one of the three Office Buildings, house Office Buildings where members have offices. So its a working Office Building for both the members, their staff and the committees that meet there. So reporters crowding the hallway watching as members arrive for that meeting coming up here in about 10 minutes or so. The house gavels in, again, briefly at noon eastern. Theyll gavel back out. The republicans will meet behind closed doors and we expect some announcement mid afternoon today or so on who they choose as their speaker. For some background on Kevin Mccarthy, the leading candidate for house speaker, we spoke this morning to lisa of the Tribune Bureau here in washington. Host lisa. Who is Kevin Mccarthy . Give us an idea of who he is and what kind of leader he has been . Mr. Gingrey well, hi, gretta, guest well, hi, greta, good morning. Thanks for having me. Kevin mccarthy is the number two in the house. Majority leader. Hes a new generation of republicans. Hes 50 years old. So hes much younger than retiring speaker house boehner by about 15 years. And he recruited as the Campaign Chairman a few years ago. Many of these younger generations, sort of newer, more firebrand conservatives lawmakers that we talk so much about up here on the hill, the republicans that have pushed forward a strong, strong agenda and really tried to challenge president obama over the last couple years. A lot of members of the tea party caucus. He has a very of aable permit. He goes bike ridings with members. He brings them out to dinners together. If you go to his office on the first floor of the capitol, he has it covered with portraits of members in action. You know, all these guys with their Shirt Sleeves rolled up doing their jobs. However, that sort of good will that you would expect to be there is not necessarily there for Kevin Mccarthy, and the problem is hes the number two guy to john boehner. And you know, a core group of House Republicans have been trying to, you know, get john boehner out for a long time. Several years now. You know, you can say in a way they succeeded by spoork boehner announcing Speaker Boehner announcing he will in fact resign at the end of the month because he didnt want to have to put congress through this vote against him. And so republican members of the house, especially this very core contingent of conservatives, many of those again, those lawmakers that Speaker Boehner brought to leader mccarthy brought to washington, you know, say they just cant vote for sort of the number two guy. They tonight want to promote from within. Thats what led to this big uproar and this challenge that is going to play out now in the House RepublicanConference Today and over the next several weeks leading up to that floor vote. Host yeah. As youre talking, we are watching lawmakers make their way in hc5 in the basement where theyll hear from mccarthy and others. We saw Jeb Hensarling walk in moments ago, the chairman of the finance committee. Patrick mchenry right there who is making a bid for majority whip. Also making his way into that closed door meeting. So by congressional standards, talk about Kevin Mccarthys rise to potentially becoming the next speaker. Guest yeah, absolutely. So his rise already has been swift. Its very much reminiscent of what happened when he entered the california state legislature. He had a swift rise as the Minority Party leader, the Republican Party leader back then. He has sort of replicated that here in washington. However, now getting over the hurdle for him is going to be really difficult. As you said in the introduction, what theyre doing today is sort of a i call it sort of a preliminary round. Basically the House Republican conference, these are the House Republican majority, are going to be nominating their choice for speaker. With this with the dissatisfaction over promoting Kevin Mccarthy, other candidates have emerged. So you see sort of this little known, sort of lesser known newcomer, congressman Daniel Webster from florida. He has won the support of the house Freedom Caucus which is a core group of conservatives. And then at the last minute, late last week and over the weekend, we saw this long shot bid by another popular younger congressman, actually a friend of Kevin Mccarthy, whose name is Jason Chaffetz. Congressman Jason Chaffetz came in just a couple years after Kevin Mccarthy, elected in 2008. Sort of a he got himself elected that year. Challenged a sitting congressman from utah, another republican. He primaried him and beat him. And is now the chairman of the House Oversight and government reform committee. People might know him from tv and twitter. Hes been very strong on benghazi and the investigation and some of these other issues that republicans have taken on. So hes trying to sort of make a play for the dissatisfied voters and he readily acknowledges that he doesnt have the votes to win today in this nomination vote but mr. Chaffetz believes that between sort of now and october 29 with all the churn and, again, that sort of dissatisfaction he could rise and become the candidate on the floor vote. Remains a long shot. You know, but has definitely given Kevin Mccarthy even more of a challenge than he would have had were it just mccarthy versus the congressman from florida, mr. Webster. Host what could happen real quickly, lisa mascaro, over the next three weeks to make the dissatisfaction with Kevin Mccarthy greater . Guest two things. Pressure and barn cleaning. Speaker boehner said on his way out he may try to clean up the barn for the next guy. There are a lot of yearend problems facing congress that has deadlines. They need to raise the debt ceiling, continue a highway funding program. Big ticket items that are not easy votes. If Speaker Boehner per sues those, which many believe hes doing it as we speak, and others, that will if those deals are deals that lawmakers do not like, mccarthy will get saddled with that as part of that leadership team. And then on the other side, just real quickly, pressure. The conservatives have said, you know, that they just because they didnt endorse mr. Mccarthy last night doesnt mean he cant get their vote on the 29th. So theres a lot of pressure on mccarthy right now to make some promises to those who want those whose votes hes trying to get to show that he will, you know, make reforms and changes to please them. Thats great for the conservatives who want changes and is scarring and frightening the sort of more moderate members of the House Republican conference who worry that their majority is getting turned over to the hardline guys. Host all right. Lisa mascaro of the los thank times tribune you. We found out from politico that paul ryan will give the nominating speech for Kevin Mccarthy. Also just moments ago in the hallway outside the meeting oom, a tweet from Lisa Desjardins from pbs, chaffetz thumbs up as he walks to speaker election. He may be number three contender. Well take you outside the meeting room. This is the longworth Office Building. The meeting set to get under way in about five minutes or o. Guys, just make sure to keep this open. House republican members continue to arrive for their meeting to select their candidate for speaker. Well break away here as the house itself is gaveling back in. We expect them to be in shortly for oneminute speeches. Gavel back out and then resume legislative business later. Well be back here live shortly. Now live to the house floor on cspan. The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Eternal god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. During these contentious and unsettling days during which an important transition is taking place within the house, we ask your presence in this assembly. Imbue each member with confidence, that they are called not to be successful in any one