Ms. Pelosi good morning, everyone. Thank you for being here. Were honored to have some special guests with us today. Maureen murphy, denise whitejennings, and emily. Youll be hearing from them. Theyre our v. I. P. s, our very important people. Were honored to be joined by them. Were understanding that the republicans want to press forward with their latest version of trumpcare. As they do so they are threatening devastation in the lives of americas families. The latest republican plan to gut essential Health Benefits and protections for preexisting conditions will make it impossible for millions of americans to afford the Health Coverage they desperately need. This is deadly. This is deadly. Trumpcare means heart stopping premium increases for americans in anything from asthma to cancer and the list goes on on the alphabet. No bandaid amendment will fix it. If republicans have their way, americans with preexisting conditions will be pushed off their insurance and segregated into high risk pools where they face soaring costs, worse coverage, and restricted care. Costs, soaring kansases soaring costs, worse coverage, restricted care. Its a frightening future for families who need affordable, Dependable Health care the most. The fight against trumpcare is a fight for children. Youve heard me, many of you, talk frequently about see woe madison lin, born with a congenital heart defect in 2010. She faced her first of three heart surgeries at age 15 hours. By six months old, she was halfway to lifetime limits her insurer placed on her care. Six months old. She faced a grim future not only using up her lifetime limit by preschool, but carrying a preexisting condition that required attention and care for the rest of her life. Under the Affordable Care act, zoe is protected. Zoes rumpcare, its put future in very serious danger trumpcare means, again, just even before we get to the preexisting conditions, ka fast fee that theyre foisting, trumpcare means heeger costs, higher out of pocket costs for american families, more than 24 Million People losing Health Care Coverage. Gutting key protections. A crushing age tax if youre 50 to 64. And stealing from medicare. Republicans offer to raise health care for americas families must end now. This is about health care being a right not a privilege just for the wealthy who can afford it. But for everyone. Its time for the republicans to abandon their moral monstrosity and pull this bill. Let me say this about their latest. Because everyone time theyre in jeopardy of passing their bill, they make matters worse. They have this bill which as i said increased costs, eliminates 24 Million People, age tax and the rest. The list can go on and on, i just named a few of the a few areas of unfairness to americas working families. So then that was 60 of republicans were against that. 17 were for it. They were going to lose the vote set moved to the right and in jeopardy the existing benefits package. Thats a terrible thing. When the American People saw that, they not only disagreed with their bill but with their values about children and maternity care, prenatal care, the list goes on. Now, they dont have the vote so theyre going further to the right and making it look like this is some kind of compromise. Dupe, s is really just they think they can dupe the American People by say, we were going to eliminate preexisting conditions, but now instead were going to to were going to give you 249 give you 200 if you have a preexisting medical condition. I want to welcome a person who has fought for the right of health care, a person who will tell her story and why shes such a fighter for health care, the Ranking Member on the health and Human Services subcommittee, cochair of our Steering Committee a member of our leadership, congresswoman rosa delauro of connecticut. Congresswoman. Ms. Delauro thank you very much, madam leader. I want to thank you all, i want to thank the leader for her championing the cause of everyday americans. In this particular fight for health care which she had been steadfast over the last several years and making sure that we do have an Affordable Health care effort today. Im glad to be joined by my colleagues and especially to say welcome to maureen, to denise, and to emily. We are so grateful that you have stood up to share the impact of the Affordable Care act and the impact that it has had on you and your families. There is a reason the Republican Health care bill went down in flames when they tried to bring it up on the floor several weeks ago. It would have raised premiums and deductibles. It would have imposed an age tax on older americans, making health care unaffordable. It was reckless, and it was heartless. But then the republicans went back to the drawing board. And their new proposal makes a bad bill worse. Because it unravels the protections for patients with preexisting conditions and it eliminates coverage for essential benefits. President trumps claim that people with preexisting conditions will be covered is false. It is false and has lifethreatening consequences for millions of americans, including some in this very room. Before we pass the Affordable Care act to put doctors and patients back at the center of health care decisions, Insurance Companies would revoke care for people with preexisting conditions. Or they would charge them exorbitantly. But because we passed the Affordable Care act, americans who have a preexisting condition or their children who have preexisting conditions can now get the health care they need to survive. Take a cancer survivor. Because of the aed forable care act they cant be discriminated against because of having cancer. It gos further. Because the insurance they get through the Affordable Care act includes coverage for preventive cancer screenings, prescription drugs, coverage of young covers young dulls up to age 26 and does not have annual or lifetime caps the leader spoke about. The same for people with diabetes. They dont just benefit from protections for patients with preexisting conditions but they benefit from screenings and drug coverage. For people with Mental Health or behavioral conditions, or Substance Abuse problems, those are not disqualified. It requires that it the Affordable Care act requires coverage for these. We should make Health Care Coverage affordable. I get my health care through the insurance exchange. And the Affordable Care act. Thats where i get my where most members of congress get their health care. I have a preexisting condition. I am an Ovarian Cancer survivor. I am covered and i can pay for it. And i can get what i need. This is a very personal fight for me. And we will continue this fight. For working americans, the stakes could not be higher. We will keep fighting these attempts to dismantle health care because as the leader spoke about, this is about peoples lives. This is about surviving. And now it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Maureen Murphy from virginia who will share her story with all of us. Thank you, maureen. [applause] ms. Murphy thank you very much for having me here today. My story is very familiar to tens of millions of americans. I experienced an unexpected and shocking medical crisis. I had a stroke caused by a rare blood disorder i didnt even know i had. At the time i was absolutely stunned. I didnt smoke, didnt drink, didnt do drug, i was actually in an exercise class when the stroke happened. Not the typical makeup of someone headed toward a stroke but nonetheless overnight my life suddenly shifted away from finishing graduate school and instead was focused on desperately trying to find access to health care and as quickly as possible. What made that so difficult was that i had been denied the ability to Purchase Health Insurance Coverage after the stroke due to a preexisting condition. Now, i think its important that you all understand the preexisting condition i was initially tagged with was due to my seeking bereavement coubling counseling after the death of my parents. I believe the great majority of people in this country view bereavement counseling as a healthy reaction to loss. Apparently Health Insurers view it differently. Fortunately the Affordable Care act was enacted eight months before i had the stroke. It did not allow Health Insurance to deny coverage or charge more to people with preexisting conditions became the literal lifeline that pulled me through that frightening time. Initially i got coverage through the a. C. A. s preexisting condition plan, a highrisk pool and it was one of my first steps forward. It was expensive and had high deductibles but i was so grateful to get that and at least start moving. In 2014 that changed when the insurance marketplace opened and i was able to purchase my insurance through the exchanges which i have done every year since. There are two critical elements that allowed me to continue to regain my health. First, the medication i take every day to control my blood condition, and secondly, the ongoing protections of the a. C. A. Ensuring i wont be denied access to Purchase Health care again and i will not be charged more because of preexisting conditions. What the a. C. A. Did for me was give me the tools i needed to get my health back under control and back on my feet and it worked. But what i have to say this morning when i came into this room, i did feel strange. I felt like ive been here before. I was quickly reminded of the time i was here four years ago to mark the opening of the exchanges. The cameras in the same place. Audience seated the same. Even many of the same people standing alongside me are the same. So i have to say, weve been here before. Why arent we moving forward . Why are we going backward . Why would anyone want to diminish the quality or access to health care we have been able to create . 24 million americans rely on the a. C. A. To provide access to their health care. Why arent our representatives working to refine the a. C. A. And make it better for all their constituents . The Republican Party voted to repeal the a. C. A. 60 times at a 7 million. Imagine if they had put that money and effort into making the a. C. A. Better for the American People who desperately needed access to health care. There are millions of people like in my home state of virginia who are trapped in the coverage gap because republican politicians refuse to expand medicaid. These hardworking, tax paying individuals, many working two and three jobs to make ends meet, and yet they are blocked not by insurers but by politicians. If the republicans pass this health care bill, not only will i lose my access to health care but thanks to the latest version theyre considering, i may not ever be able to get it again because i have a preexisting condition. And i can assure you the consequences for me are quite dire. The bill republicans are pushing right now would also strip away medicaid for millions and put millions more seniors, people with disabilities, and children at risk of less coverage at a higher cost. So again, i have to ask, why are we going backward . The American People are not stupid and they are not ka ulous nor heartless but most of all they are not foolish. I just hope the House Republicans listen to the people who elected them, not their leadership, and do the right thing for their neighbors, their friends, and their constituents. For many people, like me, this is about life and death. And theres thats not hyperbole. Its terrifying. Thank you very much for listening. I would like to introduce congressman john yarmuth of kentucky. [applause] mr. Yarmuth thank you very much, maureen. The question we have to ask today is, who in the world is better off because of this new version of the American Health care act that we are supposedly going to consider . Ill tell you who is better off. The few politicians in the republican conference who need to have a vote for political reasons. Im not making that up. Budget director Mick Mulvaney made the same comment a couple of weeks ago when he was asked, why so much pressure to get this done . His First Response was, political momentum. The second response was, so we can do tax reform. There was not a reason that was related to anybodys health. And thats why were here today. Because we are concerned with the health of the American People and creating a system that most effectively and efficiently takes care of them. Now, who in the world as a patient is going to be helped . Weve heard from maureen and well hear from others. Ill tell you about anna, a young woman from my district, at 23 years old she is 23 years old, was diagnosed at age 12 with pancreatitis. Her parents had insurance, she was covered under their policy, she was hospitaltized two dozen times between age 12 and now. Her father was so grateful when the Affordable Care act was passed because he knew that with that in place, when she turned 26, she would never have to worry about being insured again. She clearly has a preexisting condition that would have made her uninsurable. Last year her father, at 64 years of age, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Now as he faces the last term of his life, hes worried again that the safeguards that were in place to protect anna will disappear. She is one of 880,000 people in my state of kentucky who would have been denied coverage before the Affordable Care act because of a preexisting condition. 33 of our nonelderly population. So the answer that the republicans have put up is, were going to create high risk pools, let the states do that. Something thats been tried, something thats failed miserably and something that according to the Kaiser Family foundation would result in, for instance, a Breast Cancer survivor in kentucky having her premiums raised by 26,000 a year. This is not an answer to our health care problems. It is an answer to republicans political problems. We need to react and remember at outside of this building, peoples opinions have not changed. I suspect theres still 17 approval nor concept. We know the doctors still oppose it. The hospitals still oppose it. The nurses still oppose it. And every Patient Advocacy group in the country still opposes this. This is a horrible idea that is being considered only for political reasons and we need to stop it. And now, with another story that we cant wait to hear, id like to introduce denise white jennings. [applause] good morning, im glad to be here today to share my story, its actually my daughters story. I hope that stories like my familys story and that of others here will weigh on the republicans minds as they are deciding about whether to vote for this awful health care bill. I hope it makes them prioritize people over political capital. My name is denise white jennings, im from upper marlboro, maryland. Im speaking today as the mother of a wonderful young woman who was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in her sophomore year of college. The diagnosis was devastating and unexpected. Were vegetarian, we exercise, we eat healthy. But fortunately, it was not financially devastating because we were fortunate that she was on her Health Insurance plan when she was diagnosed and she could remain on our plan until the age of 26 because of the Affordable Care act. So her daily medication that she has to take to replace the essential hormones that were lost because of the removal of her cancerous thyroid gland, the regular followup bloodwork she has to have periodically, as well as full body scans that she has to have every few years to ensure that she remains cancer free, continue to be covered because of the Affordable Care act. When her 26th birthday approached last february, we became extremely anxious. Because we knew that she would soon need to seek out her own insurance and if the republicans passed that bill she would be uninsurable. So her father as well as my daughter determined that we would we didnt want to return to those days when she would be uninsurable, when they were denied Health Insurance and couldnt access treatment to keep them healthy or even alive. When people like my daughter would not be able to get insurance. So my daughter is lucky because shes cancer free. Shes healthy. Shes pursuing her dreams of being a lawyer. She was also lucky that when she turned 26, the Affordable Care act was still in existence and we were able to extend her coverage through her present plan and pay for that insurance so she could keep her same doctors and have continuity of care. Although shes covered through yale law school, my husband and i, we did elect to purchase that additional care with kaiser so that there would not be a break in her coverage, hoping that would lessen the possibility of her being kicked off of a plan or charged higher premiums if one of these awful republican bills does pass. We want an Insurance Company to look at her and see a healthy, beautiful young woman, not to only see cancer. No parent should ever have to fear that their childs future or life might be at risk because health care is unattainable or unaffordable, so heres my message today to the republicans in the house. Lets not return to those days. A growing number have voiced chair concern and their opposition, so please place concern for the well being of families over the well being of your careers. Dont cave in to the political bullying that seems to be occurring in a rush to replace obamacare, the Affordable Care act, at all costs, because the human cost is too high. If you must replace the Affordable Care act, to improve it, hold out for a bill thats going to protect our most vulnerable. And to the rest, have the courage to do what you know is right. To make sure that no ones future is clouded by being denied Health Insurance. Work constructively with your colleagues from both parties to improve our health care system, not to destroy it. Thank you. [applause] introduce e to representative scott. Mr. Scott we know that the Affordable Care act has made an improvement. Weve heard those stories one after another. We know that although the costs have gone up, theyve gone up at the slowest rate in 50 years. We know that people with preexisting conditions can buy insurance at the standard rate. We know women are no longer paying more for insurance than men. And we know that instead of millions of people losing their insurance every year when we passed the bill, 20 million more people have insurance. The full name of the Affordable Care act is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act and the patient and there are Patient Protections like no caps on benefits, closing the oughnut hole, for cancer screenings, no copays and deductibles. Those up to 6 can stay on their parents policies. We have essential benefits that include Mental Health. Were Funding Community Health Centers and putting money in education so we can produce more doctors and nurses. Still theres more work to be done but if were going to make a change, we should improve the Affordable Care act, not make it worse. The republican bill makes it worse on every measure. For example, costs will go up, the average, typical family, about 2,000 a year for the older american, as much as ,000 a year. We as much as 7,000 a year. We know that 24 million americans will have fewer americans will have insurance. We know costs go up, costs go down and 24 Million People lose their insurance. We found just yesterday, theres another benefit of the Affordable Care act, and that is personal bankruptcies are down about 50 because people arent going bankrupt because of health care costs. Now one of the most important aspects of this is the one thats most at risk, that is the protection against preexisting conditions. We know that you can have a Health Care Plan that allows people cant have a Health Care Plan that allows people to wait until they get sick before they buy insurance. Because people will wait until they get sick to buy insurance and the average goes up. Fewer people can afford the insurance so they drop out. Costs go up. Healthy people will drop out, sick people have to buy, have to have the insurance so theyll pay whatever it costs. Theres a name for this process, its called the death spiral. New york was in the death spiral when we passed the Affordable Care act and when the bids came in, with the Affordable Care act mandate the costs for individual insurance dropped more than 50 . Washington state tried to cover people with preexisting conditions without a mandate. And after about three or four years, nobody could buy insurance. It spiraled out of control. The idea of high risk pools have been notorious failures. First of all, we need to we always need to subsidize these. If you can have more money in the plan, why dont you put it into subsidies in the present format. Everybodys rates can go down. You can increase the cap on those getting subsidies. So there are other ways of dealing with subsidies. But what is a preexisting condition . Who gets shoved over into the high risk pools . Are there caps . There are always caps so you have worse insurance and the premiums are going to be higher. That is not a good plan, that is not an improvement. We can do better. So if were going to have any changes in the Affordable Care act, we should not go backwards. Were going to hear another story from emily who will tell us the reason on a real life basis why we need to keep making progress and not going backwards. [applause] good morning, thank you for having me here today. My name is emily. In july of 2012, i was offered a great job after months of being underemployed. Like many people my age, i risked not continuing cobra coverage for the 90 tais until my new insurance kick days until my new insurance kicks in. I thought, im healthy. What could possibly go wrong in 90 days . Little did i know that decision would be the worst mistake ever. In october of that year, i had a very specific pain behind my right eye. The pain persisted and became almost unbearable. But i thought to myself, only a couple more weeks, youll have insurance. The eye pain did not go away but instead was compounded bynumness and tingling along the right side of my body and a difficulty walking that resulted in a fairly embarrassing tumble down the stairs in front of hundreds of people. Once november 1 rolled around, i had my appointment with my doctor and that began the countless appointments with specialists only to be diagnosed with a relapsing remitting course of multiple sclerosis at the age of 27. I was devastated. In my first year of care, my insurance was billed over 100,000. Thats important because the speaker mentioned lifetime caps. And this was a disease that is m. S. Is a disease that is unpredibblingtable. I manage it by taking a disease modifying drug that without insurance would cost 6,800 a month. I manage it because i have access to wonderful doctors and care. And im able to have insurance because of the Affordable Care act and leader pelosi and her democratic colleagues in protecting it. Without insurance m. S. Would have the ability to destroy my Central Nervous system, not quickly, but slowly, something that is both agonizing to experience and watch. M. S. Does not just affect me, it affects my loved ones as well. I did not ask, nor did i do anything to provoke this disease. It chose me at random, like it does countless others just like me. So its painful when i see elected leaders such as congressman mo brooks who are trying to take away health care say that we got sick because we didnt take care of ourselves or people as if people got what they deserved. No one deserves to get sick and health care is a basic right. [applause] i speak out about the importance of Health Insurance not to point out how sick i am, but to point out how sick im not. We are faced once again with the possibility of republicans in congress playing games with our health care and we are not laughing. This bill will have disastrous effects for people just like me who are faced with a preexisting condition, allowing states and Insurance Companies the option to extend the right extend us the right to health care. Should this bill pass, my premiums will skyrocket, causing my insurance to be unaffordable and my plan could easily become restrictive, preventing me from getting the care and medications that i need to maintain my current health. Today, i stand before you a healthy, active, 32yearold woman with her life ahead of her. I am somebodys daughter, sister, aunt, friend. If multiple sclerosis can happen to me, i assure you it can happen to absolutely anybody. Thank you. It is now my honor to reintroduce nancy pelosi. Ms. Pelosi thank you very much. Thank you, emily. Thank you, emily, thank you denise, thank you maureen for sharing your stories with us. And i also want to acknowledge the leadership, bobby scott and mr. John yarmuth, Ranking Member on the committees of urisdiction. They along with representative neal of ways and means and Frank Pallone have been leading in this effort to spell out the consequences and find a better way, so thank you, including ms. Delauro, wear manage hats here, including most important of all, a person with a preexisting condition. The republicans started when they started with their bill theyd exempt themselves from any negative provisions of this bill. Imagine that. But let me just say a couple of things as we go forward. The most compelling statements we have here from the experience that maureen and emily and relating have told us. One of the reasons theyre in a hurry is because they need this money to get to give a tax break to the wealthiest people in our country this bill will have the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of our country. Robin hood in reverse. Taking from the middle class and working families in our country 600 billion and giving it to the wealthiest people. That is the goal of their tax bill but they need this money from your health care, your health care, in order to do that. A. B, theyre rushing it without a c. B. O. Report, a Congressional Budget Office report, which they themselves have said never should happen. I have a letter from the speaker when he was chairman of the ways and Means Committee to the c. B. O. s office say, dont let them go forward with a bill unless you have a c. B. O. Report and yet theyre doing that now. Dr. King , he said so beautifully, of all the forms of injustice, the injustice of health care is the most inhumane and shocking. Because people can die. Because people can die. How many times have all of us traveling the country or in our personal experience have heard people say, my child would not be alive , my wife or i would not be alive without the Affordable Care act. So now they again, in order to get votes have made matters worse. Terrible bill. Made worse by putting in doubt the essential benefit package. Preexisting condition, preexisting condition. That is something that is can be so devastating and depriving people of access to insurance but also the cost of it alling into, as congressman scott mentioned, what happens in washington and the rest. This is a very important moment of truth. They are not legitimate. They have made it, put this forth to make it look like, oh, weve improved the bill. No. It doesnt improve the bill. And dont let the this is an insult to the intelligence of the American People. But worse than that, it is an assault on the good health of the American People. With that, wed be pleased to take a couple of questions if anybody has any. I know who you are, but they want to know who you are. Reporter [inaudible] the whip count that everybodys keeping, that the republicans [inaudible] its still unclear if theyre going to bring this to the floor, but there was a meeting at the white house this morning and mr. Upton is now [inaudible] are you hearing anything new about whether or not this bill will be voted on this week . Ms. Pelosi with all the respect in the world for mr. Upton, hes always been a yes. Hes always been a yes. What can i say to you . People will say, well, im a no, ok. Give me some fake reason why i should be a yes and it will look like the bills better. Mr. Uptons always been a yes. Reporter [inaudible] ms. Pelosi no. Well, my staff, they may be talking about scheduling. But what we are the communications we are receiving are from the American People. Calling in to congress and saying, stop, stop. The bill is terrible to begin with. But the assault on the preexisting condition this was one there are two things many things in the Affordable Care act, but two things that have made ita total difference in the lives of the people who may have a diagnosis. One is that a preexisting medical condition will not prevent from you receiving insurance, and also that you can afford it. And two, that the lifetime , asts do not effect how you i mentioned about zoe madison lynn, how that impacts what care you get. So say that seeking bereavement counsel something a preexisting medical condition counseling is a preexisting medical condition. It would say a woman who has been a victim of Domestic Violence has a preexisting medical condition. So this preexisting medical condition is central, it affects over 125 Million People who have a preexisting medical condition. The reason health care professionals, nurses, doctors, health care providers, Community Health centers and in hospitals are against this is because everybody they deal with has a preexisting medical condition. Again, dr. King, because people will die. Reporter [inaudible] ms. Pelosi does anyone else have anything they want to say on that subject . Reporter i know you talked about generally but about this but curious what your specific response is to the that le billion wool poo help offset the cost of people in high risk pools. Ms. Pelosi thank you for our Ranking Member on budget spoke to that. First ill say this. What you would need is probably about 2ds00 billion over 10 years. What they have done is 8 million over five years. If you divide that by the number of people who have a preexisting medical condition, you get about 200 or 3ds00 a year 300 a year. Look at the keizer family foundation, look at some of the experts on the subject. Its a joke. Its a very sad, deadly joke. I yield to the distinguished Ranking Member on budget. I would only add that the history of high risk pools is pretty discouraging. Before 2011 there were 35 states that had high risk pools. They only insured 226,000 people. Mr. Yarmuth most all stateses had high caps on annual and lifetime limits. The premiums were 1 were 150 to 200 to what the standard rate was in those areas. So the experience by and large has been terrible. I know in california, the leader can speak to this more, i think one out of six people who tried to get in the high risk pool in california were actually able to get into it. And all of this, the state flexibility depends on governors and legislatures that are compassionate. I have a governor who, despite the fact that kentucky has insured more people as a percentage than any other state in the country, has reduced its uninsurance rate from 20 to 7 , he wants to dismantle the whole system. So im certainly not willing to say that allowing state flexibility for my governor to take care of the 880,000 people who have preexisting conditions, nonelderly population, im not going to trust him to be willing to take care of that. I think youll find that in many of the states that were dealing with. Ms. Pelosi any other questions . Once again, i want to thank our ests, as well as our Ranking Members, mr. Scott and mr. Yarmuth. And our leader on this subject, congresswoman rosa delauro. And thank all of you. This is about life and death. This is about who gets the money. And thats what you always have to look at the republican bills, its always about follow the money. And this is about money going into the pockets of corporations and the richest people in our country at the expense of the good health of the American People. Thank you all very much. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] for more information about congress, go to cspan. Org. We have a web page that provides a resource for house and senate floor proceedings. Cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. And coming up thursday morning, california democrat congressman raul ruiz will give us an update on the latest efforts by republicans to change the Nations Health care. Also joining us will be new Jersey Republican congressman leonard lance. Well talk about potential changes to the Nations Health care law. Be sure to watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern thursday morning. John b. the discussion. Morning. Join the discussion. He once called for the removal of pluto as a planet and on sunday, author and astrophysicist Neil Degrass Tyson will be our guest on in depth. Allow me to tell that you our moon, as small as it was compared to earth, has five times the mass of pluto. Some people over here, yeah. So pluto lovers never were told that, were you . Yeah. Welcome to the company of informed people. [laughter] all right . Regarding pluto. During our live threehour conversation, well take your calls, tweets and facebook questions for mr. Tyson who is also the director of the planetarium in new york city and author of several books, including welcome to the universe death by black hole, and his most recent, astrophysics for people in a hurry. Watch him live from 12 00 to 3 00 p. M. Eastern on book tv on cspan2. One of the headlines in the the Washington Post today, President Trump expresses confidence in the chances of an israelipalestinian peace deal. But said the u. S. Cant force it. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas visited the white house today, which included a joint statement by the two leaders. Here is cspans coverage of the visit starting with President Trump welcoming president abbas to the white house. President trump its a great honor to have the president with us. Were going to have lunch. Were going to have discussionses and hopefully something terrific can come out between the palestinians and israel. Weve been working on that one a long time. Its been a long, long time. And maybe we can end that journey and start a much better journey, right . Thank you for being here. Resident abbas thank you. President trump thank you, thank

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