[speaking foreign language] welcome to the European Parliament. Welcome you are welcome to the European Parliament, for helmut of europe,ces than former chancellor of the republic of germany. Honoraryty member of europe, former chancellor of the republic of germany. Now, a speech. Your majesties, president s, honorableters colleagues of the European Parliament and the national mrs. Kohl, dear family members, your excellencies, others, today, we are paying a , aal homage to helmut kohl great european, a great giant who a political was able to listen to citizens and look beyond the horizon. Helmut kohl, first and foremost, was a brave man, a defender of , theom and democracy protagonist of the reunification of our continent. He always defended Human Dignity , thewhere, against wars iron curtain, and totalitarianism. Unionunding values of our were the flag that he carried into his numerous battles, the very same values from rich the from which the treaty of union derives, freedom, prosperity, security, and Justice Without borders. His believe in these values, his lie at themanity, base of the deep reconciliation has us europeans that reconciliation among us europeans. Helmut kohl has reconciliation is the champion a generation which devoted their whole lives to a new renaissance the last generation which lived through the nightmare of war itself, but with european unity overcoming nationalism embodied a future of peace. Was also part of that generation. Today, we want to remember her in this parliament, that she was the first to preside over following the first direct elections. Future wasa better the first driving force of those great europeans, the same hope which allowed before them the to heal thehers deep wounds left by warfare. Inks to them, we reemerged from the thanks to them, we and have placed freedom and the dignity of the individual at its core. Kohl undoubtedly deserves a place of honor in the european pantheon. In 1983, addressing members of the European Parliament, he said, anyone who looks at europe can understand what good fortune can be based on friendship and cooperation. He worked tirelessly in that spirit to strengthen the union, to spread it to embrace all of the democracies and to consolidate the alliance. Over his 16 years as chancellor, was always a crucial player in leading events. There is not a single page of european integration which is bravery, andis thanks to that bravery, we have the strengthening of the role of the u. N. Parliaments, the creation of a great area of civil, political, and economic freedoms, the inception of a single and our policy. I met the chancellor when, as a young politician, in 1994, i accompanied the italian Prime Minister on a visit to bonn. I was impressed by the charisma, the clear, farsighted vision, but also his ability to listen and understand other peoples point of view. It was very clear to me then that to helmut kohl, reunification really did mean not a german europe, but rather a european germany. That for him reunification really did mean a european germany. We were a wbeacon of the path towards the market economy, and prosperity. Because europe was not afraid to form its own future. In a few words, there you have the huge heritage that kohl has left us as well as the great responsibility which goes with it. This passing of the baton, just as in a relay race, means we must move ahead. Throughout his life, helmut kohl received many acknowledgments of his contribution to the building of europe, including prizes. But the truth of the knowledge meant is that which history is paying him today. More than ever, his example us continue to provide us with guidance or building our future together, for bringing the european institutions closer to their peoples come to provide tangible responses to their concerns. Today more than ever we must learn from kohl. We must choose peace and put fear aside. That is what our citizens are calling upon us to do. We need the courage to be united and to change. Because europeans are not defined like difficulties or challenges. Rather what defines us are our , abilities to overcome them. Like kohl and other leaders of his time, we must relaunch the european ideal. Change. We must Work Together to relaunch the european ideal. When human rights are called into question or people suffer discrimination for their believes or convictions the world turns to the European Union for hope and support. It must be a europe which is a beacon of freedom which protects rights and is the only continent where the Death Penalty has been abolished. This is a shared sense of belonging. We need to look beyond short term interests. Just like his reconciliation two men, two Nations Holding hands over land where they were once confronting one another. This is a project for hope and prospect for generations to come. For all of these reasons coles memory will live on in the heart of all of those who live europe. Thank you. We will carry your idea of europe with us into the future. Dear friends, today we are taking our farewell of the german and european statesman. I am saying goodbye to a loyal friend whose affection has accompanied me so its not the president of the commission thats speaking here. It is a friend. He was a monument. He tore down for bhom we must lay wreaths. It was his wish to say goodbye here todays ceremony is a european ceremony and also a german one. We are starting this day and we will close it this evening in the cathedral that was very close to his heart throughout his life. He was also a european patriot. He was able to lead things and people and to bring people together. For him there was no contradiction between being german and being european and its europe that must be the french philosopher he said i like things that go together as he had always emphasized he made it his own. Through his thought and action he put this into practical application. There are many examples of this. First of all the collapse of the berlin wall was something that was greeted with joy throughout the world. The german reunification which he believed in did come up. He could do this because he had built up his reputation over years. He was credible and it was clear he was in favor and aspired to europe european germany. He prepared it and he was able to convince others it was the right path for people outside germany. He was able for a moment in time to seize the mantle of god. Not everyone in germany and europe felt the rippling of gods mantle as he did. He also looked towards eastern and central europe. He didnt just look at poland but he did look at poland. He wasnt responsible for the crimes of the nazis in poland but he was aware of the weight of historical responsibility of jer a germany. He contributed to bringing it back together. He is one of those people who brought to an end to the Eastern European division. Also he brought back in Southern Europe as well. He was also a convinced champion. He was convinced and active champion following on and he pushed through the nato decision. Im the only person here in this room who saw him crying at a meeting on the 13th of september. On that day they decided to push forward with the enlargement to the east and to the southeast taking in also ie press. During the lunch he asked to take the floor. It was unusual of him to ask. Normally he took the floor. During the lunch he said in a voes choked with tears that this day was one of the most Beautiful Moments of his life. He, as the german chancellor was able to live through this historical moment. I was something that filled imwith a great deal of emotion. He said that after everything after all of the harm germany visited that it was a great moment for him to live through then he was quiet. He looked into himself and for many minutes he wept. He wasnt the only one. Also when it came to the euro he was the driving force of the euro process. He was a tough defender of german interests for him the euro was his way of making peace in a different way. He respected all states equally, small and large. In his approach he didnt allow exclusively nationalist issues to reign and to prevail. President of the republic finally he was the man who pursued french german reconciliation extending the work. He didnt speak french but he knew everything about his history, about his regions, in particular the region which he loved and visited often and he knew by heart in fact all of the top addresses, top restaurants. History will retain an image of cole which says everything about him and the close ties that he had with france. The fact we are saying far well to him he just a few hundred meters from the river is a gesture full of history. It is a dramatic european gesture of symbolism. He is honoring the memory today, the european. Yes, he was a german and european patriot. It shouldnt mean working against others. It was something you lived through with others. He had a very full life. He would have liked to remember many of the things he did. He knows and we know he made the world a better place. I think now you are in heaven. We would rather have you here but in heaven you dont start starting up a new local cdu club. You have done enough for your party, your country and done enough for our united europe. Thank you very much. That morning you. Rest in peace. You leave behind a very full and rich life and you have deserved your eternal peace. [ applause ] i would like to invite president of the European Council to give his speech. Esteemed members of the family, ladies and gentlemen, guests and friends, as a european, as a poll and as a man in equal measure i consider myself particularly well placed to say a few words of farewell to helmet cole, honorary citizen of the city of. It is not by chance that my city, the city in which solidarity was born decided to bestow that title on chancellor cole. Few people in europe understood how important the uprisings work for the idea of german unity and as a whole. Time and again he reminded us that the first to chip away at the berlin wall were the shipbuilders back in 1980. That is why as well as driving for the unification of germany chancellor cole also promoted access to the eu of former soviet block countries. It historically symbolic that he received news of the fall of the berlin wall when he was there for an official visit. And it was from warsaw that the first words came for the this which which is suffered the worst. In building reck selluation he made enormous contributions. It is thanks to him among others that words like trust and reconciliation became meani meaningful. I can still record to powerful images, Holding Hands and prime anyo minister embracing two days after the fall of the wall. The gestures and decisions which followed laid the foundations for todays europe. Cole put into political practice the words of thomas man. We want a european germany, not a german europe. Yet his vision went far beyond the borders and interests of germany with extraordinary determination he looked for what binds it together without illusions of how easy it would be. We have a united europe because he found partners in this great enter prize. Today the successors to those great heros positive story must as they bow over his con fin, examine their own consciences. The question about a united europe must be given a categorical yes. Yes to the union, yes to freedom. Yes to human rights. At the end of the reconciliation mass chas lor cohance lor cole said let us turn towards a great future for both our nations, polish and german nation and for all of us in europe. May those words remain in our memories. Thank you. [ applause ] translator i call upon Philip Gonzalez of spain kindly to say a few parting words. Translator thank you. Thank you to the president s of the European Parliament and commission and council for granting me together with helmut kohl to say goodbye personally to my friend helmut kohl. Its hard for me. Im glad its only five minutes. Im saying goodbye to helmut kohl from the angle of a friendship which made great sense. We brought confidence together with friendship. Thats quite rare in politics. And it was accompanied by loyalty. He was extremely sensitive to any lack of loyalty. He had a sense of history. Thats why he talked about a european germany so there would never be any repetition of a german europe. And he had a social feeling. Some people forget that. He believed in a social market economy. He never took the view that the social dimension of the building of europe would pose any obstacle to europe joining the globalized economy. Your majesties, heads of state and government, weve lost a great european. And i have the feeling that im losing a great friend with whom i shared decisive moments in history. For germany, spain, europe and the world. M for which he waged a huge battle. I supported him in that right up to the time of the deployment of shortterm missiles. On that occasion he did speak french, just one sentence. He said, its francois the great talking. That was his expression of affection in the European Council. Following those decisions, he helped us. He showed us solidarity in bringing spain into the European Community together with mitterrand and other reynolds we celebrated the signature of the signal act which was the mediate predecessor to the great step forward in the building of european, namely the treaty on the European Union. In the midst of that adventure and these great historic challenges, down came the berlin wall. He was able to govern the process that flowed from east germany so as to bring about a united germany within a united europe. As he said, i want a european germany, never again a german europe. That is what defines him, defines his will. He put his position of chancellor by committing to the euro. It wasnt just a monetary operation. We signed up to an economic and managed union treaty. He knew giving up the mark might cost him the chance lorship. I said to him, helmut, you can govern with millions of votes and you live with the esteem and affection and loyalty of a very small group of friends. Its more important to live than to govern. However important governing is. And you have good friends to accompany you through life. Today one of those loyal friends wants to say goodbye. And i want to say goodbye by saying helmut, youre going to leave a huge political vacuum. It will be filled by our recollection of your determination and leaving a real political record of your achievements. For people such as me, what you are leaving above all is a great vacuum. I shall miss the huge friendship that was so crucial at decisive moments in history and at a time when we need you, but we will never forget you, helmut. You can rely on our friendship. [ applause ]. Translator thank you, minister. I would like to invite mr. Bill clinton, former president of the United States of america to say a word. Micah, thank you for giving me the opportunity to say a few words. Thank you to peter, walter, helmuts family. Its the leaders of europe and the European Union, chancellor merkel, president macron, other Prime Ministers and officials who are here. I ask you to think about something not in my notes. I was looking around this crowd today at all of us who used to be in office. All of us who came. Why . Because helmut kohl gave us the chance to be involved in something bigger than ourselves, bigger than our terms of office, bigger than our fleeting careers. Because all of us sooner or later will be in a coffin like that. And the only gift we can leave behind is a Better Future for our children and the freedom to make their own choices, including their own mistakes. I loved him. Hillary said i loved him because he was the only person with a bigger appetite for food than i have. He came to washington so much, once he took me to his favorite restaurant in the capital of my country. Its still there, i recommend it. Why am i saying this . Because the 21st century in europe, as you see, really began on his watch, because he had really five Big Questions to answer. Which all have ramifications today. And because of the answers he gave, were here. Should there be a real united germany after the berlin wall fell . What does it mean, how much will it cost . It will be a real pain. But we are one people and one country and we should undergo the dislocation and difficulty. Even in his case if it cost him an election. Because it took than could have been predicted. Should there be a real European Union . And should it be expand sed so that germany will never again be on the edge of europe . A source of dislocation and war. The poles, the hungarians, the czechs, the others, can we do this together . Should germany, so long distrusted by its neighbors, take an aggressive posture to end the slaughter in bosnia . Supporting natos first intervention outside the member nati nations and the first deployment of German Forces outside of its own country since the end of world war ii. After all the carnage of the war, finally the berlin wall falls. Should you just heave a sigh of relief or recognize that this has been a terrible experience for russia . And reach out a hand of friendship accompanied by a check and give me the answer to do the same. Should nato be preserved or scrapped . There are a lot of people who thought it should be scrapped. And instead expanded not as threat but as a promise with a special set of partnerships that included both russia and ukraine to guarantee the territorial integrity and cooperation of people in the future. These were really Big Questions. It sounds so easy now. And you say not only was it easy, but look how reality has intervened. Look how Different Things are now. You may think all of us who grow gray look doddering in the face of current realities, but there are no permanent victories or defeats in politics. What matters most is what drives us. I love this guy because his appetites went far beyond food. Because he wanted to create a world in which no one dominated, a world in which cooperation was better than conflict, in which diverse groups make better decisions than individual dictators, in which young people would be free to say that in our time we were wrong, at least what we did is not enough for now. Nothing captured this more than his willingness to the enormous weight of german culture in history and the contribution it was making to the European Union than the willingness to give up the First Leadership of the central bank. It was just natural. We have to learn to share. All over the world today, there is a new uprising of identity politics. Who are we and should we be defined most by our differences or most by what we have in common . Make no mistake about it. Helmut kohl loved being german. I made it possible for him on a state visit to the United States to be more german because i took him to milwaukee, our most german city to a German Immersion School where he spoke german with africanamerican students who learned it all day every day in school. He took the position that in an interdependent world where the borders were looking more like nets than walls, where technology alone made wonderful things possible but also made us more vulnerable to everything from terror to cyber terrorism, that we had to search for common ground. He loved being german. He tried to get me to eat some things i did not want to eat because he loved being german. He loved being a european. But in his big, highly political, often overbear iing leadership, there was the germ of understanding, the answers of the 20th century were all borne of people who believed domination was better than cooperation. Thats why were all here. All of us old guys that used to be wanted to come back and say thank you for giving us a chance to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Thank you for giving us a chance to be a little better, to remember that the polish workers, their lives are as important as ours in the eyes of god. Politics in the end is not about great waves of domination, but about the possibilities of ordinary life for the largest number of people. The richest person in the world will one day lie in a coffin. The most powerful person, whether you kill or preserve life, were all going home as they say in the United States in our africanamerican churches. They call meetings like this home goings. No one loved that more than helmut kohl. So sleep well, my friend. The greatest gift you left us is the lessons that the thing that matters most in life is what we leave our children, the freedom, the peace, the security to build their own prosperity, to chase their own dreams and to believe they can be very big while lifting up, not tearing down. Youve done a good job with your life. And those of us who shared it loved you for it. Thank you. [ applause ]. Thank you, mr. President. Translator i call upon dmitri medvediv to say a few words of farewell. Translator today we bid farewell to helmut kohl. The person not just the architect of the reunification of germany but also the architect of united europe. And to be more straightforward only too well the danger of confrontation and the value of peace. This allowed yesterdays enemies to Start Building relations together based on Mutual Respect and equality. Helmut kohl personally did a lot so our relations should be the most successful, the best in history. And russia values it very much. Helmut kohl achieved the Main Objective of his life. Hes always the main a truly National Leader but he thought and acted in all european and worldwide context. He dreamed not only about united germany but also about united europe and he saw russia as an integral part. It was a dream of the coming home without barbed wire, without fear, without enmity, hostility that divided the whole continent, a dream of peace and security for everybody. When a human being is about nations, borders or states as well as his ideas and common values and trust. In creating such common home, we cannot put full stop, we cannot say thateri everything has been achieved and done ideally. We should do it every day together. Has been brought down and distributed but its idealogical struggles are still all over the world and we should admit that today as a result of our contradictions we are far from implementing the dream of a common home, but we should understand that United States and a prospering europe is our goal. Helmut kohl proved during very difficult times that this goal is achievable to be head of his work is the responsibility that life on the shoulders of all european leaders, ladies and gentlemen, that life the life path of the chancellor of the german reunification and unity will continue to have respect all over the world. In russia, well remember him as our friend, wise and clever politician, an open, sincere person. On behalf of the russian federation, i would like to express the sincere condolences due to the event of the death of the great son of germany, helmut kohl. [ applause ]. Translator thank you. Translator i call upon president macron, president of the French Republic to make his address. Translator madam, members of the kohl family, your excellence of heads of state and heads of government, ladies and gentlemen, representatives of the european institution, your excellences, ministers, ambassadors, honorable members of parliament, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing strasburg, one of europes foremost cities for which helmut kohl felt so much and did so much. Allow me to spare a thought for simone vail who left us yesterday. She was the first lady to be elected president of the European Parliament and who was aware of the price of europe, the value of europe. And we are here today to pay tribute to helmut kohl, to pay tribute to the mark helmut kohl has left on history. Many of you have given us your recollections of moments you shared with him. From my generation, helmut kohl is already part and parcel of europes history. Without that life experience, we couldnt be here. We couldnt do what were doing. Those were bold, courageous, historic acts which our generation wouldnt be in a position to take. Thousands of pages have been written in tribute to what he did, most of all german reunification and european integration. Helmut kohl was a man who took courageous decisions, sometimes against the will of Public Opinion and sometimes he took unexpected decisions that were not particularly wanted. And as president of the French Republic, i wouldnt like his legacy to be reduced to his political career, remarkable though it were. The lesson he leaves us goes much further than that. Helmut kohl was a key vital ally. To france, he was a friend. His relationship with france had its roots in his personal, family and historical memories. It was borne out of a curiosity that he as a reinlander had about his neighbors. As he looked across the river, he was a man who preferred bridges to borders, let alone walls. His relationship was embued with the unconditional respect that is the very opposite of f fanaticism helmut Kohl Extended a hand to us, brushing aside the reservations of some of his ploolitical friends. Later when nationals over europe in particular divided us, his trust never faltered. When the time came for german reunification, he did everything to ensure that far from weakening europe, it strengthened it. And france demonstrates that it was worthy of this loyal friendship. Mitterrand and kohl took up the baton. The two of them were able to overcome the tragic experience of their generation. The nations which had fought each other became true friends. Helmut kohl and francois mitterrand, later Jacques Chirac demonstrated the friendship behind it. After several weeks of doubt about the prospect of reunification, this visit allowed the two gentlemen to take a walk among the pine trees on the sandy soil of the lawn. They took a walk and this walk as companionship opened a path to understanding. Because all too often the destiny of the world comes down to relations between people. Helmut kohl and francois mitterrand also demonstrated that fraternity can lose its luster if it no longer genuinely unites people. It has to be consolidated and that means consolidation through institutions and agreements. Jacques was able to live up to these ambitious plans. And what they built together was unprecedented and its what unites us today. Those who now think that the european institutions and the european treaties are pointless te technocratic constructs, let me say this. The reason you think that is because you have taken the friendship out of the equation. The flame which gave life to them, you have allowed to flicker and die. You have forgotten about the fates upon which they were built. We need to think about the life and the destiny of europe. This is the work of several generations. This is the sum of the work of people who have had the courage to do things which are greater than they are themselves. They have overcome hatred, they have overcome fear. Show me a house that feels like home if theres no one living in it and that is helmut kohls lesson to france and the europeans. Pragmatism is fine, a sense of reality is fine, but theyre not building materials. You need ideals embimbued with friendship and the fullness of a life to give vitality to our projects and make them endure. That is where Angela Merkel and i come in, i hope. I hope we can restore that sense, that fullness. History will judge us one day. It will judge us too and it will judge harshly whenever we slip out of the wish for shortterm gain or National Selfishness just because it seems the convenient thing to do at the time. On the other hand, history will recognize the sincerity of our commitments to peace and reconciliation between nations, of which our commitment to the european project is the proof. It will recognize the friendship borne out of our shared history and our culture so intimately intertwined and the suffering we went through together. And when on occasions we begin to doubt, faced with the enormity of the task, it should be enough top think think of t helmut kohl with all the gratitude we owe him. Let this recall the phrase which sums him up best, today we have no reason whatsoever to give in. On the contrary, we have every reason to be realistically optimistic. For a long time to come, may we draw on his example for what we need to move forward together. Courage and hope. [ applause ]. Thank you very much, president of the republican. Now i would like to call on dr. Merkel, the chancellor of the federal republic of germany and ask her to take the floor. Translator honorable president s, Prime Ministers, your excellences, honorable members, ladies and gentlemen, dear members of the kohl family, today we are saying goodbye to helmut kohl. The chancellor of german unity, the winner of the charlemagne prize. He has now himself a place in the books of history. Helmut kohl embodies an epoch with his domestic policy and his International Policy he has set new standards, linked with many years of economic prosperity. Given all that, he never lost his understanding of the whole picture above and beyond germany. He thought beyond today and he helped to bring about massive changes. He had helped to create europe with germany and he created the europe that we live in today. A lot of things we take for granted now are things we owe to him. The fact that eastern and western europe are now together, that we have a single market, that we have no border checks between european member states. The fact that most of these countries now enjoy a single currency, but the European Union in its present day form is linked to the name of helmut kohl. He has influenced and created an entire generation. Lots of different views about him and some people had a period of friction with him and some difficulties with him. Many of us, including myself. But all of that fades into nothing given the massive achievement of his life. And that is why we even his political opponents have to respect him. What i was impressed by in helmut kohl above all was his very fine feeling for what was politically feasible. His unshakable conviction that always guided him throughout all his decisions. You could rely on helmut kohl. He managed to bring people into his team and some of these people surprised those in his party. In his cabinet for example, he chose them freely and he had much more freedom of choice than people on the outside even realize. I experienced that for myself. Of course it wasnt always to get through to him with your own argument. Sometimes it was impossible to sway him. He always listened to his members of cabinet and he always stood by them as well. Also stood by them in 1992 i had to go through medical care and having broken a leg. Helmut kohl helped people. He helped individuals. He was interested in them. He wanted close contact and close ties with everyone. He achieved that both in germany, in europe and in the world. He created reliable ties and bonds. He built up trust and confidence and he created friendships. He was a world politician but he was interested in people and when he became federal chancellor in 19 82 he went straight away to paris. A representative of mitterrand said later that the french side was very reserved at the beginning, but then gradually, and im quoting, we were immediately getting on like a house on fire. These close ties, these heart felt ties were also part of this relationship. And we remember now and we remember now this picture, this photo of the two statesmen hand in hand in front of this grave, this moment of forgiveness and reconciliation marked a new chapter of joint and shared history. Helmut kohl knew how to build bridges, but had bridges to paris, warsaw, moscow and washington. He worked tirelessly on creating good relations between germany and its neighbors and partners in the world. As a child and a young man, he had experienced the Second World War himself. He saw huge amounts of suffering that germany visited on europe and the world and he also saw the fear of nightly bombings. It was these experiences that propelled him in the early years to join the new democratic union. It was his experiencing also which had an impact on his international that was very clear. We must build a strong europe in which we never again see war. And that thinking in historical terms was part of his political action. What he said and what he promised are something he had to do without ifs or buts. When helmut kohl became chancellor, germany and europe were divided. There was the possibility of war and conflict on soil of europe was still a possibility. At the end of his term in office, germany was reunited and for the first time in its history germany was living in peace and freedom and friendship with all its neighbors. And the enlargement of natos european states was a way that had been cleared to a large extent and the introduction of the euro as a single currency was already decided upon. In 1982 when helmut coal became the federal chancellor i lived in the german democratic republic. I remember his speeches when he visit visited. I quote, the people in germany suffer under the division of germany. They suffer because of a war which expands in the powers and not from each other. If we can dismantle what divides people, then we will actually be meeting the desires of the german people. They want to reach out to each other because they belong together, end of quotation. These words of the federal chancellor helmut kohl gave us hope in the german democratic republic. The Civil Movement in poland and other European Countries gave us courage in german democratic republic. Many people dared to take to the streets to demonstrate for freedom and they managed to bring the wall down. Helmut kohl was the one who wanted unity as others were still hesitating or even disagreeing. He started work on smoothing the path towards unity but always taking into account the thoughts and reservations of our neighbors to deep european conviction and the confidence that people had in him throughout the world meant that he was able to allay peoples fears and worries about a reunified germany. And that will be forever the unique historical contribution and achievement of helmut kohl, working together with partners he was able to embed european unity in european unification. This was a work in favor of peace peace, in favor of freedom and in unity. He was picking up where others had left on. He picked up where other great europeans left off. If generations faced with new challenges, everyone has to find their own answers as to how they make europe safe for the future. Its always a question at the end of the day of helmut kohl made clear we have to rely on knowledge, on history, on farsightedness, on thinking of the longterm and thinking about having closeness to people. You also have to have an idea of whats feasible and what can be expected of others. Today we have the obituary and we also have to think about those who were murdered, the jews murder in the Second World War and the monument created by helmut kohl. Helmut kohl was behind the creation of the monument in berlin to the murdered jews. What he said was its not the next generation, but its our generation that has to build this monument to the fallen jews. We have to build it here, now, today and not sometime in the future. Then it was decided in the federal parliament with a twothirds majority in favor. And ladies and gentlemen, afterwards we will be accompanied helmut kohl back to germany. His way will take him through his hometown once again. That was where he felt at home. For a long time, his first wife who in good times and bad stood by his side. We also remember her in gratitude. And dear mrs. Kohl, youve acomp ne accompanied your husband with devotion and love until the very last moment. I express my condolences to you and to all those who are mourning him in his family. And today the last point of the funeral procession will be in fire. There we will be bringing together again part of france to germany. He was a chancellor of unity and many will remember him for many years as this. Without helmut kohl, the lives of millions of people would have been entirely different. My own life without helmut kohl would have been entirely different. You had a decisive contribution to that becoming possible. Thank you for the chances and the opportunities that you gave me. Thank you for the chances that you gave to many others as well. Thank you very much for the chances which we as germans and europeans have received. Thanks to you, you achieved a huge amount. May you rest in peace. Now its up to us to actually preserve and guard your legacy. I bow before you and your memory in gratitude and humility. [ applause ] [ applause ] tonight on q a im not asking anybody to compromise their values or beliefs, just open their eyes to other peoples so you can figure out your place in this infinite world. Broke gladstone, cohost and managing editor of wnycs on the media. She discusses the trouble with reality. She looks at what constitutes reality today and how that criteria has changed over the years. I set up at the beginning our biological wiring. Show how we had evolved a culture that was us anded to validate not challenge us. Certainly not to contradict us. They gave us the illusion of realies were watertight when really they were riddled with weak spots and places that would crunch in. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. Tonight on afterwards canomeone like steve jobs sell this product in forever be associated with it. That is just a shade of the story. He was handson, had a lot to do with it, but the truth is even the iphone as it was developed at apple never would have happened without scores of people working around the clock. Brian merchant on the creation and open of the iphone in his book the one device. That thef the story is iphone was born as the software interaction paradigm was born behind steve jobs back. Startedw of guys basically experimenting. It was freewheeling research. It was fun, while kind of stuff. They had this crazy projector rig they were using to hack different products together and make become the iphone. Watch afterwards tonight at 9 00 eastern on cspan2s book tv. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up monday morning, dr. Margaret flowers and Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute will discuss the feasibility of a governmentfunded National Health insurance program. Also, Washington Times political editors talk about the trump administrations request for voter information and reaction from state officials nationwide. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern monday morning. Join the discussion. This week on newsmakers we are joined by the president and cto of the American Hospital association, rick pollack. Thank you for being here. Rick thank you for having me. Greta we have anna edney and Peter Sullivan covers Health Care Policy for the hill. Lets begin with the Affordable Care act. Does it need to be repealed and replaced . Rick it certainly needs to be repaired for certain. Anytime you and act legislation of this magnitude over a period of seven years or so, there are things that need to be corrd

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