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Combatingluded terrorism and future relations with the u. S. And European Union. This is courtesy france 24. We going to see the debate translated into english. Here we go. French] time be sure youre given to speak. And how you will be able to follow on various french channels. The selection has given the. Irst word to Marine Le Pen before we move to what they have to say we have a first action for you. We are only four days away from taking office. Our you feeling . I have to say i am very pleased about the way in which the second round of runoff vote is proceeding. The Political Choice the french people will have to make it is clear. Macron is the president of the war against all. The economic ransacking of our large corporations, major interests, sweeping the lower on i think itn [s said yesterday indiscernible] i am the candidate that protects our citizens, borders, projects from Unfair International Competition and the ride of rise of islam is a. Been replaced has by spy marketing strategy, taken over by the socialist party. Smile is being replaced by a grin. Mr. Macron has dropped the mark. I think you have seen his secondround choices are cynical choices. The, the coldness of Business Banker that you never stopped being, perhaps. I think this time and clarification was profoundly useful to the french people to decide. Mr. Mccrone . Mccrone mr. Macron . Thank you. I was not expecting anything from this i want to say you are us of nothe real air only a name, a political party, a whole system that has prospered on the anger of the french for so many years. Im not going to repeat that you claim this heritage because you have been promoting it since you took over the control of this party. The le had for 30 years pens. You will continue as you do today after day. The question our citizens have to answer today is do they want the spirit of defeatism that you promote because you promote the tv doesnt. You explain that globalization is too tough. Europe is too tough. So were going to withdraw. Get out of the euro. At the walls up. That is the spirit of defeatism. Countries are facing this war. You say, no, were going to withdraw. Withdraw the borders. As if that will solve the problem in the face of defeatism. I am defeating the spirit of french conquest. France has already succeeded because her languages spoken on all of the continents of the world. France is civilization is that its reputation is global and today we are the fifth economic power in the world. We are strong in the world. There are a lot of changes that need to be done and i want to introduce changes and if the incapacity or the ability of government for 30 years, i have not been Prime Minister a president. I will do as much as i can to remedy that these deep changes i and which led me to resign from government when i was minister, i will and prevent these reform said the spirit of conquest will triumph. That is the breath i won and the france that resembles us. Gradually will jump right into the debate. First of all, mrs. Le pen, you want to get rid of the socalled increment laws. Ron, you want to reimplement the socalled labor law. Cron we have had max unemployment for 30 years. We are the only country that has not put an end to this. Young that youth unemployment is high. In the face of this, we must give the possibility of grading mark jobs. Gaining more jobs. I want simplicity. A reform i will introduce this summer. Rid of theet contributions. I want the labor law not to be determined by a law that is too rigid. I want to a labor law that can revert to our Agreements Act corporate and company level. A sector level. A company that can negotiate a majority agreement with representatives of the employees do we organize so we will be in a better position. Large companies have saved jobs and this company. Those Large Companies are the abilitys that have the to do that. So pragmatic his own in the face of economic struggles. Agility for businesses and security for employees, workers who are which call for new reforms. Reforms for employment insurance. Reform of vocational changes. Mrs lepen, how do you see this moving forward . What is your vision . We are candidates for five tors, why didnt you allow benefit from your recipes . In the case of a, why are you standing for election . That is your only question we need twice the cause you had a free hand to implement the policy and it was catastrophic. Why . Because you did the only thing you need to do, you helped businesses. The employment tax credit. You gave it to Large Companies. Small and mediumsized businesses who wanted to say lightning of their difficulties, to give them oxygen, you pretended they did not exist because you pretended you did not want to scrap the posted but directive, 500,000 jobs not available to french people because they are filled by foreign posted workers. Default orse who do who do not, you did not would in place a onestop shop with administrative arrangement. Horrifiesatriotism you. Anything it can give an advantage to French Companies you are against because you are france that subjects it self to interNational Competition, the farmers did not see you support them against this unfair competition. A large number of corporations are you vote for the one who was bought out by large u. S. Corporations to the detriment of national interest. Wasole series that problematic with conflicts of interest with the bank are you worked for. You do not have a national interest. You dont think in the form of national interest. Ande is a lot of hardship there are companies that are off shoring. Macron,anecdote, r these are companies youve done this with. Madam leree minutes, discussing her strategy but she does not have one. Ive told you everything. I have one. Ask your strategy is quite simply to lie a lot into list your strategy is quite simply to lie a lot. The tax credit for competitive events most companies. That is why in my project i propose to cut the charges paid by small and mediumsized corporations. Tax. To cut corporation all Companies Including for the Large Companies whereas i give total priorities too Small Businesses. They are the ones that create jobs. You are making life easier for big business. It is normal that your friends drinks, while you have the french deserve better than this. They deserve the truth. Not insinuations. You say you are very well informed but you know reality. I was not minister when ffr belonged to a totally private you told that lie in front of 10,000 people in night debate we had when that question was asked of you. Of course you were minister. Are leading all of these ]cross talking private group. A we are in a state where we respect the private. You are making a lot of mistakes. And it is not helping the country to move on. Nobody wanted to sell fsr. When you have a private group, look in your files. Yes, i will find that for you immediately. I know the files very well. Parliament,5 before the decision have to take a stake le pen, you are not talking about the same subject. That is the reality, why dont you just accept it . Except it . That is what you do best. To break up companies and do and monday. You do that very well. There is no difficulty. You are reading a file which is nothing to do with the case we are discussing which is youre not very well prepared. Generally electric far General Electric fact very hard. You are mixing the files up. Ne makes turbines and in you can sell everything. But not for the benefit of the national interest. Things up. Shake deregulation, etc. That is what you want to do. Does not want to talk about substantive matters. She wants to talk about the past. I propose we need to have more pragmatism. We need to have a policy in favor of investment. This is a indispensable to fight against unemployment. Fatality. O you are not producing anything to fight against unemployment. Files isledge of the very up exit made of. I propose to create files for people in need and Large Companies. I would like to hear your suggestions on something important to the french people. They working we comment seems like neither of you have decided to change the 35 hour working week. N, are you ok with 35 hours working we . I am ok. He once negotiations to take place by company. Fratricidal because of negotiations by company by throwing and pinning Companies Want against the other. Taking unfair National Competition suffering Unfair International Competition. You know full well in the sectors there will be the Large Companies that of course will be able to adjust the working time but not the Small Companies so obviously they will go under. That is your plant. The big easy smile. It is the law of the fittest are strongest. I am opposed to that if it is by sector and not by company. Wants to go toon the power of 10 by executive order, we do not know what is in it. Probably the scrapping of the indefinite Term Contract or the roadmap of the eeo and you are taking the boxes with a great deal of discipline. You are very disciplined and e. U. Cted the eeo of the this breakup of labor laws obviously will be a policy that creates more precariousness, not jobs but additional unemployment is on his we do not change the economic model defendant by the system that is behind you, mr. Acron. Im waiting for your answer on the 35hour week. Anyou are not answering questions. Read you are trying to get us to forget that you were part of a government which implemented the law which made labor even more precarious. Did not create new jobs but higher unemployment since you let the government then when you joined it but i see there that you refuse to accept responsibility for that. I know you do not want to assume that responsibility said the measures you are recommending, ok we see what they are. They are words. I say obviously we must radically turn our backs on that policy and we must have a policy that protects jobs and develops Small Businesses because they are the ones that great jobs in our country. Macron, your turn to speak. What is extraordinary as youre always talking about the past and the people. I am listening to you, you talk about everything and nothing. The questionring which is, and i want to know, what are small and Mediumsize Enterprises asking for. You ask them, they want more visibility. They want whatever their size, im not talking only about large groups. The large groups manage competitiveness very well. The mediumsized, from very small to various large businesses, they won adaptation to reality. Construction sector does not have the same experience as a digital start or in unimaginable Automobile Company with 25 employees. So we must given the possibility to negotiate at corporate level. Only Large Companies can do so today. The shipbuilding yards save jobs by negotiating agreements. The italians . I am sorry you sold them to the italians. I did not sell the shipbuilding yards. They almost disappeared two years ago. They signed an agreement with unions. There was parttime work. They were not sold to anyone. I was in the Residential Campaign at the time. You can attribute me all of the sense for the past 35 years, i have been involved in politics for a much shorter time than you. You have a big problem with industrial issues. You do not know the files. It has been a while since this file. I signed contracts for ships to be built in the shipyards and i say quite simply, they signed those agreements which created more flexibility and preserved jobs. That is what i want for the businesses. Im also in favor, notably for the smallest companies. There should be sectorial and agreements. A business with two employees does not in negotiate or put agreements. No trade unions. Small retailers, Small Business leaders, at the sectorial level we can negotiate more flexibility of labor laws which will allow people to hire people more easily. Our economy needs to make hiring more. Large and small, not just Small Companies. You are also in favor of sectorial agreements but we must allow the small in Large Companies to sign these agreements and that is what will revitalize our economy. Is so you assume it is the Employment Labor code that creates unemployment . That is a strange vision . It is your policy. The policy of unfair competition such that the state strategist does not intervene. The bank if the small. Companies go off seeking lowcost workers as was the case. I am offering them to Tax Companies that relocate. They will no longer relocate abroad if they do not have profits. If they have no effort to go to a country where wages are very low if they are taxed when they reimport there products they will no longer leave. That is the first thing. Secondly, i am going to put in place a sovereign term that will allow us to intervene in cases that have been broken up by vulture funding. The state must intervene. The two qualities the state duration and the private sector yieldsfering reasonable when you consider once again the law of the toughest of the strongest, it is normal that countrys companies we should push forward. There is something called the agency for state shareholding. It was under threat and the state increase its share of the capital to save the company. Interesting this thatis is a Sovereign Fund already exist. Dont play with me. I see you are trying to play with a. The teacher and the people, is not and the pupil, it my thing. You do not respect people. Minutes on the floor of whirlpool. Means tos what it respect people. When you were clinging to the cameras, i was with the representatives of the employees. You and said out, out. My campaign tom rice both about campaign tried to shrine a shine a light some of you had problems. That is a mistake mr. Blonde made with mr. Hollande made with that company. Im going to fight for reinvestment, so that you have you are not really credible on this, mr. Meg ryan mr. Macron do you realize that . We must push forward. I have had a number of victories and a number of failures. Victories and to protect jobs or victories to protect companies that are buying each others out each other out . We have saved lots of companies. Advantagenever taken of the distress of the workers. Hide in a went to room with trade union representatives. I go see the worker. Workers. If you please that is the big difference between us. We cannot hear ourselves think anymore. Opportunities to come back to issues that the french people are concerned about. Many french people are resting their frustration with the current tax system. What is you are opinion . Savings to cutke taxes made by households and companies. Savings, wemake any cannot promise tax cuts. Today has a deficit which is not a good thing for us. Euros to make 70 billion of savings in order to cut charges paid by companies. Reduce the charges made by businesses 10 points lower 10 points lower charges for the minimum wage and to reduce the Corporate Income tax by 25 . I urge households to get rid of the residence tax for 80 of our citizens which represents 10 billion year best 10 billion euros. And thist citizens pay is my fiscal policy. Cautious. 1. 8 growth, i hope we go beyond that, then i will reallocate the savings to cutting income tax for the benefit of households. Missiledefense ms. Le pen, you were the member of the government and generated an additional 35 billion of additional taxes during the fiveyear term but it is not you. I have never been in charge of that. I am happy for that with small residence tax. You want to increase the social contribution by 15 points for pensioners and workers. Pensioners will have to pay more. We need your response to what mr. Macron set. Said. The cut by three points of wage charges of all those who work. Because today when you get your pace with, your gross salary and your social contribution. I will reduce those contributions by three points because i want to go as far as i can. I want into virtual i want universal employment insurance seven every people can have dignities when they are unemployed. The workersid of social contribution and deal chb. It with an increase in Civil Servants, employees, farmers, they will have purchasing power because it will be lower than the charges. The 40 of people who have the lowest retirement will pay less and 60 of the retirees who play the you pay the normal rate it will increase. The wealthier of the wealthiest in order to have a smarter system there is no magic in finance. The four minutes, all the other retirees, this rise will be offset by getting rid of the residence tax. You are giving with the right and taking back with the left hand. Since you are a socialist, you say cost nothing. I am not saying that. Everyone has purchasing power except for the richest retirees. I have very significant measures to boost spending power through a reduction of 10 of the the first three income tax bracket by increasing the which wasor widowers scrapped by the socialist because they could have made overtime hours free of tax. Bonuses for employment of the low 1500 euros. The energy price is a down 5 because there have been excessive hikes that are weighing on the budget of families. The situation for many of them is terrible. We cannot make in meet. They continue to bear the brunt of additional measures and sacrifices. You say we are not going to continue to fund 20 million of these housing benefits. If you reduce that ec there are some who will no longer be able to find a home. Youre not thinking much about the families. By restoring family benefits, family allowance that was cut the member the government you were a member of. The socialist government. The families have had to bear the brunt of all the measures of the government that you took part in on the budget. That is it the principle of universality. I am the candidate of spending ther, you, mr. Macron are buydidate of the power to france, to break it up. Everything is for sale. And sold andught one of your supporters mentioned you only see human relations in terms of what it brings in terms of the dividends can be derived from that. That giving, the efforts that are made by volunteers in associations, helpers, 8 million that we turn to otherwise the 8 million helpers would not be able to bear that cost. The voluntary sector that is one of the key components of our french identity. Not everything is for sale. Not everything is the subject of a financial measure, financial statistic. France is an open civilization with the generous principles. It is not your vision of family, it is what your father repeated two days ago and the constant battle you have fought and the european parliament, cutting credits for family planning, you are not will face to talk about the family. I have a question to ask you. Have you finance all that. I will find savings for you. The eu, 9 billion euros a year. 6 billion, customs duty. You are less technical than what you indicate. We will be going to civics in just a few minutes. Lets talk about tax. We have a long list of generous orms for madame look and madame le pen, but how is she going to finance that. Were going to save money by getting it back to the french people. The European Union, 9 billion a year. 15 billion per year in savings, that was very reasonable in my calculations. As soon as your people will stop cheating and there will be no more tax fraud overnight. Fantastic. I dont want to try and i dont think the french will want to try with you. Do nott taking speak on their behalf. I take the french as adult. I do not lie to them and you lie. Tried toto me you treat them as children. You have a drawn up a long list of reforms and you do not say how you will find them. The day you obtain your 6 billion savings from the eu, we are going to owe the eu. Eu the u. K. Is going to have to pay the eu at the beginning of brexit. Leaving the eu will cost money. We can talk about the euro later. You do not find what you promise. The nonprofit organizations, how will i i have told you how i will finance these tax cuts. And the lowering of charges. You are going to give presence and guess. Gifts. Ents and open ject is not return money to the french people is a present . When you cut taxes expenditure,ot cut either you are going to increase the deficit if they work and of truth and honesty. You are lying like all extremists, by the way. I am not insulting you. Insulting,had been it would have been you. When you say i do not respect the body of a woman by referring and against lways been it is despicable in terms of selling the human body. When you have a child in france, you prefer not to recognize any rights for that child . I believe in generosity. Against commercialization of against a child being made to suffer. You can didnt sit from guardianship. You can benefit from guardianship. The child will be able to die in the street because of they do not have any health. Any help. Lets get back to something very interesting to all of the people watching. Social protection. I would like to know what advances you have in mind for reimbursement in the Social Security system. I want to save the social protections system. This Protection System is in danger. You have seen that the goal isnt to seek to dismantle it. Mr. Macron made a whole set of proposals for reimbursement for eyewear but it remained extremely vague. We will not no more before the election. Savings to reduce the programs andugh the use of Digital Technology with unit selling of medicine. That could be put in place very simply. Obviously we are faced with the difficult of certification and many of our country areas, you have to travel 5060 kilometers in order to find, sometimes a specialist. Sometimes 46 months to get an appointment. Clear measures to be put in place to increase the number of doctors that you did not change when you were in power. We have to find doctors abroad, of course to depriving those countries. We have to put in place six months Junior Doctors who stay in areas that are deprived. Doctorsto cut taxes for to try to encourage them to stay on for a few years. About i clear and teeth replacements, are you going to say were going to get more reimbursed . We can cost the we can cut the cost of medicine and we can use that money to reimburse things today that are paid by our fellow citizens and of course we need to have go headtohead with big pharma on this. To cuthat it is possible the price of the medicine. It was hugely expensive. The price was reduced almost by half. It is all about political resolve. That political will no longer exists because we are in the hands of big pharma, big finance and people with private interest. We saw, mr. Macron, there was a reimbursement of hybrid pleasure high blood pressure. His reimbursement was from one of the biggest lobbyist at the big pharma firm that specializes in fighting high blood pressure. Share some of the recommendations made. 80 of drugs were if you want to tax imports but to increase the prices of imported drugs, there will be a tax. Imports are going to be taxed, so we have abandoned the idea of having french pharma firms . We are not going to cover overnight the imports that you will be banning. In the years to come, if you are elected, all drugs will increase in price, all imported drugs, to show the incoherence of what you propose. Its not true. You can check this in your files. The real problems are the medical deserts. Where there are many counties of france, where there is a shortage of doctors or nurses, we must invest in medical centers. We must reorganize public and private medicine to facilitate Patients Experience so that they can get out of hospital more quickly to go to medical centers to have easier access to specialists, and in order to relieve the accident and emergency department, and im particularly thinking of our territories overseas. There is a need to boost health care in guyana, in particular. Almost all of our overseas territories have an Inadequate Health care offering. We spend more money on evacuating patients from our overseas territories to metropolitan france where we should encourage specialists to go to overseas. There is a huge problem of illegal immigration going on. Youre quite right there is an illegal immigration issue going on in those overseas territories, but there are Health Care Problems i wish to underscore. It would want to reduce what remains to be paid if we want to reduce what remains to be paid, when i talk about classes, i talk about both the frame and the lenses. When i talk about glasses, i talk about both the frame and the lenses. We need to clarify the relationship between Social Security, the Mutual Insurance companies and the professionals and the doctors. The patients have to pay much too much today. We have standard contracts which cannot be modified. We must have three standard contracts for all citizens. A medium contract, and allrisk contract that covers everything, and a minimum contract. Its very difficult today if you compare your Insurance Coverage contract with your neighbors it is impossible to know if you have better coverage than your neighbor. We must all come around the table, and one of my priorities will be to reform, and prevention, i think, is very important. I fully agree that we must it will take years to change doctors. We must improve prevention in schools, health care, nursing homes, in the training of doctors. They must have at least one quarter dedicated to prevention. You have been speaking about prevention. It did not bother you to see that Vocational Health it is called the macron law. Is called the oh, rely it is called the el comerie law. We see clearly in that law that Health Care Protection and protection in companies has collapsed because we are withdrawing the means to do prevention for employees. We cut those resources. That is going to have a very serious consequence on the prevention you discussed. But plainly, in actual fact, you do not plan to prevent. You do not plan to implement. If we can push forward. At what age should the french people be able to retire . 60 with 40 annuities. 60 years when they have 40. No, i commit to have been the case by the end of a fiveyear term. No, it has not changed. I thought you were going to do this within two months of being elected. No, mr. Macron, listen. You do not know what my project is. Let me tell you very clearly, the sooner the better because the idea that we should always our sacrifices from french people by really blaming them, that is your great specialty, objectively. If our Pension System does not work, it is their fault. They are not working long enough. They are not working enough. There was always this business of the blaming the french if they are unemployed. You say it is because you are not accepting the job offers put to you. That is why you want to limit unemployment benefits. And if after two job offers, they have said no, they have rejected them, no more unemployment benefit. That way of blaming the french people, i can no longer hackett. I can no longer hack it. You are quite right. They have the right not to be taken for fools. Talk about your project. Thank you. If the retirement system today is in great difficulty, it is not the fault of the french people. It is your fault, the system that is supporting you that has been in power for years, put in place an economic model leading to mass unemployment. The only way and a good way of saving pensions is to create jobs. Retiring at 60 is 17 billion. Reducing unemployment is 25 million extra income for the state. You were not able to do that because this wild, rampant up of theion, opening borders, competition of all against all that leads to the , mass unemployment we are seeing. Today, we want to break with that model, put in place protection against globalization to rearm in the face of globalization and thereby effectively with economic fabric return to jobs, reduce , unemployment, and to save this Pension System that we are so attached to. You want a single scheme, it has been in the fires of the of the files of the ultraliberals because, in fact, it will be across the board cutting, and it will be the in of additional pensions that is, of course, managers, the private world, this pointbased retirement system. We find it is very similar when putting ultra liberal measures in place. Translator with your suggestion, what will be the return date . Translator first of all, mrs. Le pen prefer thats people should ab loud to retire at 60 and she had initially said she this will cost us 30 billion. It cannot be funded. What was done in the early 80s, they trite to do that at a time when Life Expectancy is ten years lower than it is today. Ultimately, there is no magic retirement pension. So what i believe in the pay as you go system whereby those in actively working pay for those who are retired. Either you have to increase contributions or you have to reduce pensions. You cannot allow toerveeverybody to retire at 60, not those who have physically demanding jobs who work in offices. At 60, its very generous. You can retire. But you dont explain how you finance all that. Of course, you take into account the cut in unemployment. But you dont explain how you will cut unemployment. You dont propose anything. So madam le pens plan is a cut in pension. Lets keep the system we have but to make it farrer, dont lie. Im not proposing a single system. I want the basis we have 37 different basic pension schemes in this country. Its not its unacceptable. People dont accept this inequality. A retailer, a farmer, a craftsman no longer accepts to have to see other people with pension regimes that are much more favorable. So for over the next five for the next mandate, im not going to change the level of social contributions. All those who i will not im not going im going to put in place a system which will gradually come into play. All acquired rights will be maintained. And each person will contribute little bit more each year and we will then decide in a responsible way you are prepared either continue to crease contributions or to retire later . It will be decided. Translator it may be your Prime Minister, in fact. Translator i have an announcement to make, no. Its not the planst employees federation. Translator maybe this isnt the most interesting question. Translator thats a fascinating question to know who will be translator its important to know. Translator mrs. Le pen . Translator were often accused of not going into detail on things. Snag is of concern to the french people. Translator so the pay as you go system is more trabznsparent and fairer. We know how it is funded. Translator on security and terrorism, this is something a great concern to the french people. There are numerous terrorist attacks. There are two laws that came into power. Were still under a state of emergency. What are your propositions given the current context . Mrs. Le pen . Translator security and terrorism is a major issue totally ab sfrenlt your project. Totally abscent. No proposal whatsoever. The physical security of our fellow citizens, the fight against terrorism fundamentalism, you dont want to lead it, no. We have to restore National Borders immediately right away. That is something that i will do immediately before i assume power. We Must Immediately expel the foreigners on the watch list out of islamic fundalism. They will have the stripping of nationalism. Those that display firmness. Translator let me explain my own project. Translator stripped of their national alt and also be expelled. Translator youre going terrorize people, stripping people of nationality this debate has already happened. The president of the republic suggested it. It doesnt solve the problem. Somebody who is attacked by terrorists i will these people committing suicide, these are suicide bombers. Translator so you just waiting for at tack . Somebody who wants to dmit suicide will not prevent somebody from committing suicide. So before they committed at tack, stripping their nationality, expelled immediately . Al those removed from france, policemen can continue to keep a watch on a limit number. Because 11,000 islamic funneled. Allists on the watch list. 11,000. Thats a record of your government. That is shameful. The day after the attack you said, and im not going to invent a program during the night against terrorism. Youre running to be president and you havent even got a program made up, a serious transparent program. Translator im not falling into the trap. Translator let me finish. Translator youre continually insulting. Youre very irritated. Translator im running behind. Let me speak. Translator talk about your project instead of saying stupid things about my xbroekt. I dont react to that. Translator you dont have a product but youre complaisant with islamic fundamentalism. Translator give your propositions mrs. Le pen. Translator because youre interrupting me every ten sbekdzsbekdz seconds. I sense youre irritated. We must attract root problem of evil on our soil. Of course, we must shut down the mosque and expel the preachers of hatred and the associations that support you that ioef, the union of islamic organizations in Islamist Organizations in france because its an Islamist Organization that defends Islamist Islamist fundamentalist ands invited to each of the congresses, people who came to express the hatred of jews of homosexuals, of misbelievers and systematically engaging in hate speak. He is in favor of stoning women supports you. Translator no, its important for the french people to know this. Translator police talk about your project. Translator do you accept the support of oef . No problem, sir. All those that they received in their congress and saying things that are really a call for murder dont seem to upset you. I think thats extremely revealing and extremely problematic or we must address, attack all these associations that are supported by modelling brotherhood, stop foreign funding from countries that mr. Macron knows well. But then you maintain tax breaks for investments by the countries and france and i believe your government granted a republican accolade recently to one of the leaders. We must irrad indicate the ideology of islamist fundamentalism in our country and you wont do it because youre subjected to. They because they hold you. Its as simple as that. Its sad say. It is terrifying. We saw it with this. Clearly you were blackmailed. Either you kept an islamist radical or the oef called for your defeat and you have had to keep that support rather than running the risk of expressing your express condemnation of these abuses that lead to deaths that committed multiple attacks and against which today nothing serious has in actual fact been done because the laws for intelligence laws, for security translator it was voted for by your translator its all total waffle to keep an eye on everyone not to have to keep an eye on those who on the watch list who are dangerous and beyond that, were being soft on the legal front and this daily insecurity today is an unbearable weight not just in towns but also in the countryside. And so there needs to be convictions. These convictions must be applied. We need have 40,000 additional prison places and to free up a number of places. We have to have Bilateral Agreements with countries that the foreigners come from that are imprisoned so that they serve their sentence and n. In their country of origin. There say plan that is Intelligence System which is complete to fight against crime and terrorism. And, of course, you have noticed both today systematically lend thats hybridization. Translator terrorism and terrorist threats are the priorities for the next few years. I want to be the president of the French Republic so i want to be head of the army and in charge of the security of france. That will be my priority. This implies reinforcing Law Enforcement forces before atakdz take place regarding the watch list, this is intelligence. I want to strengthen the measures which have already been taken including imprisonment or detention or which for activities which relate to jihadist activities. The watch list, if you meet a jihadist, you can be listed on this watch list. And theres only a quarter of terrorists since 2012. The priority translator youd rather keep them . Translator he didnt interrupt you. Please dont interrupt him. Translator ive always said a quarter of the terrorists were on the wash list. We have to improve intelligence. We have to strengthen the and in some case swrez to expel people. And im in favor of more surgical intervention rather than general. But i want to strengthen our intelligence, we have dismantled our domestic territorial intelligence service. The press covers the whole of our french territory. So we must focus on all parts of our territory. Strengthening the links with Cyber Intelligence and to coordinate all this, to prevent rather than cure, i would create a task force which would report directly to the president and not another agency that will coordinate the intelligence services. Closing bored serzders are not the answer. I have a since november 2015 we have restored control, border controls to fight against terrorism and over 70,000 people have been arrested. So what youre proposing is powder in the eyes. So we have to identify all those people who are a threat and there are people, intelligence services. We have to cooperate also with other states. We need greater cooperation between Member States of the European Union. There has been some progress. The passenger data control, we can have information. Terrorists fly. There are many terrorists, you voted against the passenger information system. There have been attacks in airports and more than borders. Translator you didnt prevent it. Translator you voted against all reforms by the European Union to fight against terrorism. Translator pointless. Translator so you propose nothing. What you are going to put at the borders . More guard . Are you serious . Translator im very serious. Translator you think customers officers will be able to hold them off . Translator they will control our borders. Translator theyre not trained to fight terrorists. Its not their job. Translator they arrest them. Translator terrorists work on the ibtnternet, they have other means of action. Translator we have a question on this topic. Translator i have a question. Mr. Macron, you said france has a share of responsibility in the breeding ground of terrorism. Can you explain that . Translator first of all, im going to go against the stupid things you said earlier. I have a serious project which ive always taken my responsibilities unlike madam le pen who is very good at talking about the fight against terrorism on the Television Set but whenever there are reforms in the european parliament, she doesnt vote in favor of them. The oif, if this organization invites people or carries out activities which are go against the law, i would have it banned. I dont know the leaders of this organization. I have the party that got them to participate in meetings was the National Front. I have had nothing do with those people. I dont know those people at all. I have no relationships with them. Translator im tell you. They support you and you said he accept their support. Translator either they dont respect the laws of the republic and in that case file a complaint. Take them to court. Translator okay. Translator if im lekted president of the republic, i will forbid, i will dismantle all associations im not president of the republic. I cant do it. Translator do you accept them addss a candidate . Translator are they breaking the law . Translator cynicism. Translator youre cynical. Translator you were invited to the northern uif congress in 2016. Homosexuality leads to the destruction of homosexuals thats why they need to be condemned to death. Translator its wonderful to hear you defending homosexuals. Translator the uif in 2017, im not going back too far, describe the jews as users, felony and its those people who support your accept and you say ill wait until im president . I hope youll never be president. Translator the wonderful merit of this debate is to listen to you expressing compassion for the jews and the homosexuals of this country. Its wonderful. Its very, very ive always protected them, of course. Ive always translator protecting by supporting uif . I hope youre joking. Dont joke with that. Translator dont lie and im not joking. I dont support the iof. And i repeat translator you accepted their support. Translator all associations which call for violence and hatred use in trouble with my appointment. Translator you accepted the support of uif. Translator the uif participated in your meetings, not mine. Translator you sned a show i accept the support of uif. Thats all. Thats all. Translator france has a share of responsibility. Translator who came to a deal . Who came to a deal with uif . It was your people. Translator hut opportunity to answer that with our next question. What should we do with young radicals, homegrown radicals in france . Translator may i answer in a reasonable way . Because these are serious debates. These are we cannot only talk in through insinuations. Im not uncomfortable at all. Why are young french people radicalizing . Translator you said its because of france. Translator i didnt say that. Dont lie. Once again, i said we must ask ourselves when young french people, when young french women born in france who have grown up in france who have been educated in our country when they following fanatics and destroy our own children, we must ask ourselves questions. We have a share of responsibility for this. But the main cause, the jihadisted, the terrorists and thats why i want to wage a war. What is the share of responsibility . May i answer . Translator these are important questions. How can children born in the republic radicalize, some are mentally disturbed. Translator psychiatrically unbalanced . Translator yes, there are some unbalanced people mentally among the radical those radicalized. We need to take preventive measures. Our republic must give every individual his or her place. At the same time, we must fight resolutely, have zero tolerance for terrorism outside our borders and within our borders and make sure that every individual finds his flasplace in our republic. Today our republic does not give all young people a place in society through failure at school, social own economic failure. So we have a share of responsibility. We must examine our own conscience when our own children want to destroy our 01 14 00 own republic. I will be determined. And i will fight in every way against islamist terror. What they expect, the trap is the trap you are going to fall into. Civil war. What the terrorists expect. You should divide ourselves. They want to hear hate speech and the famous academic said this morning, in 2005 in a text said the our biggest wish is that he should come to power in france. He will be wonderful us. Theyre seeking for radicalization Division Civil war. You are proesident obama moting civil war. That doesnt mean giving into their trap. The trap of civil war and that is what the risk that youre running by insulting the french because of their religion and by i will never go down that road, never. Never, never in all my life have i insulted anyone because of his religion or background. But thats an old litany. Young outside and all inside. Because your arguments are twice your age. Translator dont you think you share the responsibility in the hatred that is building accusing france of crimes against humanity, crimes against humanity. That is the most serious crime thats can exist. You went. You who wants to be president. You went to algeria. You went abroad to say france has committed a crime against humanity. You say things about the hatred that a number of young people have towards the country that they live in or some other country of which they have a nationality. Translator what you are suggesting on the fight against the radicalization of young people . Translator its very simple. Radicalization must be managed by the courts. Once again, we put an end to all the association, sports, cultural, that have spread across our territory. Translator so you would have nothing to do with islam . Translator okay, continuing to engage in electoralism, im talking about something that is very important which is the growth of this fundamentalist ideology that recruits by preying on the weakness of our leaders, of the woeful blindness of the number of elected representatives. Lets put a stop to that. Huge number of sports associations whether religious grievances that are unacceptable. And everyone turns a blind eye in companies. And its somewhat thanks to you or because of you, should i say mr. Macron because with the law as it happens, well, you prevent Business Leaders from avoiding Community Based grievances and religious retirements within companies. So all those that backtracking betrayals, those little reasonable adjustments but totally unreasonable, i would say, with this radical islam. Were paying the price for. That were paying a heavy price for. That so its with total firmness that we need to act objectively when i hear mr. Macron go to algeria saying france committed a crime against humanity that he accepts the support of uif. This Islamist Organization that receives preachers of hatred. Justifying the stoning. Translator youre saying stupid things, as usual. I dont know mr. Ramadan. You are saying very stupid things. Youre lying. Translator absolutely not. Go and see. We have the screen shot, maybe you asked him to remove his tweet. That support was given. Nothing. No word to condemn. That im saying that it is very strong concern to see you lekted head elected head of state. Translator those are lies. You raised an important question of that the algerian war. It was dramatic. Manufacture our fellow citizens were affected by the french who were repatriated. Translator they were criminals. You call them criminals. Translator i met all of them. And to wage the war of memories. Translator you reopened those wounds. Translator im not repenting and im not denying. There were warms against humanity that were committed. You insulted a lot of french people when you discussed the what happened during world war ii when the French Police rounded up the jews. We have to look at our past directly. We must tell the truth to all our fellow citizens to reconcile them in order to not to cultivate hatred as your extreme right party has been doing for ten decades. You have done translator were not going to have a legal debate on the roundup here. But i consider that france was in london. Thats my opinion that general dugal had that mr. Meter had today. Translator leave the general out of this. Translator but there is a whole set of people who consider that france wasnt guilty of that terrible horror. But in fact it was the regime that translator thats false. Thats not true. Translator jacques chirac, i mean we dont have to share his view m have a legal vision that is different on the matter. And everything that lightens the responsibility of the regime is in my view unwelcomed. So once again to make that utilization translator you tried to use. That you opened that topic. Its pretty revealing of what youve been doing for a week now. Translator and it certainly hurts our fellow citizens who are jews. Translator but that utilization speaks volumes about you. Translator you talked about it. Its a journalist you probably didnt choose. Translator i dont choose journalists. You can choose them but not i. Translator lets move on to security and n. A broader sense. Youre both saying the same things about zero tolerance. What is zero tolerance . Translator zero tolerance is every time a crime is kmitd, there has to be a penalty. It must ab plied. It is in large part today. Well, sentences can be replaced on a number of measures, the bracelet to have to go see the judge from time to time. He broke his legal control. He was seen by a judge and he said thats not nice. You must not violate. That he was freed by the judge. That is unacceptable. So i think that every time an offense is committed even if it offends, there needs to be a criminal penalty. The judges must be involved. They must receive instructions regarding the scrapping of a return to minimum sentences, for example. They must be trournd their country, the jewel sentence has been scrapped. We have to accept on our soil those who leave prison and who are foreign nationals remain in france. I mean these are things which obviously are unacceptable. For that, we need more judges. Im very sorry there again thats more spending. But i assume that. More judges and more prison places because were in a situation of not only overcrowding the prisons but a huge number of criminals and offenders dont go to prison where theyre sentenced to firm sentences. Translator what is zero tolerance to you . Translator first of all, 10,000 extra Police Officers across france. We need to increase the resources of our police forces. The riot police were tacked by extreme left militants and who were seriously burdened. We need to equip our Law Enforcement organizations better. The day to day security needs to be reinforced. I totally assume this investment. In the field, on the ground, i want zero tolerance against for delinquency. Minor offenses which are not brought to justice. So i want to improve day to day policing by policemen who know the ground, know the field and i will give them two powers, extra powers that dont exist which first of all, the power to impose fines. For minor offenses for which there are no criminal. For example, shoplifting, for example. Shoplifting. I want Police Officers to be able to impose fines as they can already do for truck drivers, for example. Or a Police Officer can impose a fine for shoplifting, for example as we already do translator whos going to go and collect the fine . In other places where the fire brigade dont go in. Do you think bailiffs are going to go in in order to collect the fine thats been imposed . How do we handle that for road traffic . Fine. For road offenses. Translator road traffic offenses offense affect the only citizens that are forced to pay whereas the thugs who live in other areas their fines are not collected. Thats the big injustice that exists in our country. There are milk cows that are really the drivers and others in states under the responsibility of thugs. They can commit all possible crimes and offenses. And the sentence is never applied when its just a fine or even to repair the damage that they committed. So after diverging and interrupting me, you said something which is totally irrelevant to what i was saying. It will be possible for Police Officers to impose fines. What is unbearable for a policeman who stops a young person who owes drugs or shoplifting, he is taken to a magistrate after a long procedure and then he is out in the field again. And you will sol of this problem overnight. And then six months a year later, the offender is called back. And in three quarters of cases the cases dismissed. I want the police to be able to impose fines. And if the fines arent paid, then judicial action can be taken. When young people commit crimes, we the only Law Enforcement Organization Must be able with the authorization of a magistrate with an accelerated procedure, they must be banned from staying in certain places. Translator thats rubbish. Translator im very sorry, its important. Translator let me finish my proposals. So in addition today today policing and more police need new means of coercion. I want our Justice System to be more determined. So all sentences must be executed. And for so you are going to cancel the law . Madam, i was wrong. So going back, just a question. If you could wrap up. I have another question. You wont be able to answer. We wont be able to get to you. Translator take a minute. Policemen are atablgd and we try and murder them as we saw yesterday. Translator i just talked about that myself. Translator thats why im coming back on this. So these groups that the antifar groups that break things up, do you want them to be dissolved . Translator im for the dissolution of all violent groups that have been identified. Translator why wasnt it done . Translator theres a big difference. You are the heiress of a system, a party and a name. Im not i participated in the government for a very short period. I resigned from the government. And the civil service. So you can continually blame me for everything that is done over the last five, ten or 15 years. I will only im only accountable for what i have done. Translator youre the heir, he supports r supports you twice a day as well as all your minister friends with whom youve gotten all the socialist ministers who were your colleagues in government. Translator lets not go back to the beginning of the debate. Translator why dont you accept this legacy . We now call you halan jr. Translator im sure everyone tuned in from the beginning. We dont have to go back to the beginning. Translator i assume my translator we want to move on to europe. Please stop. Translator they wont believe you. Madam le pen, the french are not as stupid as you seem to think they are. Translator no. You left in order to organize your canned da sishgs of that a system to put in place. The conditions to make the french people think that precisely you knew where it was. The candidate chose by the socialist and by the system to survive. Otherwise they wouldnt have been able to survive. Translator there are 30 seconds between you. Lets move on to europe. I fwlef is an important point of contention between you two. Yes, we have move on to the international sphere. There are differences between your two positions starting off with the European Union. You have two completely opposite vusz on the European Union. You could give each your vision for your plan . Translator yes, of course. European union will have leave the sovereign Free Alliance that is the prime initial vision of europe people. That is the freedom to decide for themselves, controlling their borders, deciding who comes in and who doesnt. On the territory, well control the currency to adapt the currency to their economy and in order to avoid ending up with the situation that we now have mass unemployment. There is an unemployment benefit of social protection. Where the representatives of the french people as part of democracy will pass laws. They will have an thors above the directives imposed by commissioners of no one knows their name or their face. And no one has ever chosen above all. And will regain economic sovereignty to give a boost to our French Companies and intelligent protectionism to put in place the locks that are necessary so that production doesnt compete with us through health dumping, social dumping or environmental dumping. And, of course, well have control oufr rover our trade policy. They have serious consequences for farming, for our breeders and also for our industry and also serious consequences in terms of health because production that reach market are obviously not subject to the same Safety Standards of those that apply to our own farmers. And obviously aimed at protecting the health of our fellow citizens. So i want to enter into negotiations in order to bring about this European Alliance to organize a conference of heads of state and government rather similar to the conference to hold a constitutional referendum. That, of course, put to the vote of french people. Do you know when . Constitutional referendum. In september. Specifically in september. Ill indicate that every new law will have a superior authority above european directives in terms of european precedent. In parallel, ill put in place all measures that i can put in place immediately on the economic front, reducing costs, attacks, increase boosting small pensions, et cetera. Not everything depends on the eu but key things are blocking and preventing us from relaunching our economy. They go against european rules when vital interests of the country are at stake. I mean i believe that something that we need to be put in place in order to immediately put an end to the posted workers directive immediately. Because it has serious consequences on jobs and we Must Immediately take that decision and let me end at last after the negotiations. I wont dough do what your socialist friends did in 2005 that, is the french voted no to the constitution and in spite of that, we said yes in their place. Ill turn to the french. Ill present the outcome that happens. This is what i managed to obtain. Do consider it enough. Do consider that its not enough. And on that choice that will commit us for the future, for the future of france, im a european. I want to save europe to wrench europe from the hands of the eu that is killing it. Ill seek the views of the french people. Translator when would the second referendum be . Translator i said six months. Thats an indication, thats an indicative timetable. I dont want to create chaos. I dont want to rush things. Six, ten months it will be ten months. Whats important once again is to obtain the negotiation and just for few more seconds, mr. Macron you gave an interview while back to reuters you said the euro will be dead in ten years. Thats it, dead in ten years. Translator youre not very precise. I said more or less ten years. Translator you say if we dont have a federal europe totally with governments with the loss of our sovereignty, totally with all keys of france, you give an all areas the budget, european tax and the euro wont be able to survive. Thats your solution. Its not mine. I dont think its out of the french people to have this leap forward of federalism, almost a form of european extremism. All the candidates of first round, you were the one that is expressing the most radical position, the most extremist of being subjected to european federalism. Translator maybe we can give the opportunity to mr. Macron to give us the vision of europe. Translator the euro is not a foreign policy. Its not just an abstract subject. Its what we use to pay. Do we leave the euro or stay in the euro . Translator we must return to our national currency. It is key. Translator s is essential. Translator so you propose to leave the euro and return to the , no renegotiate that we can free ourselves from the euro and we transform night a common currency. Thats what it was before it became the currency of france. When we wont translator will we pay with the euro . Translator the Central Banks will pay with euro its they wish. Large companies will pay with euro if they want. Translator so there will be two currencies . Translator not for the french people, not for Small Companies. Translator what is the purpose of the euro . What is the use of the euro . Translator as a basket of currencies. You know. That it existed because it existed. Just before the euro. Just before the euro became a currency, a physical occur ebbcy in france. Oh, yes, yes, yes. It was euro. Already. And before that it was the ecu. Translator so the Large Companies play in ecus . Translator companies could pay in euros. That system worked perfectly. Dont pretend you dont know. That you know full well it worked as part of the ems and it was worked pretty well. But what the french people need to understand above all is that, well, i mean this common Euro Currency doesnt really concern them. Its just a facility between states for Central Banks. It zpt affect them. Theyll have a currency. Please stop interrupting me. Yes, im speaking of you. Youll be able to catch up. So the french will have currency in their wallet to return to a level of economy, to export once again. And have purchasing power of the french people because it tloed a spectacular increase in prices. Translator thank you, mrs. Le pen. Translator will the Large Companies play in euros . Translator they have a choice. Translator we really need you to give us your vision of europe. Translator she is past that question. Translator what is europe translator my europe is the opposite of what madam le pen is. A Large Company cannot pay in euros on the one hand and pay its employees in france in another currency. This is never existed. The ecu was a reference currency nobody used the ecu to pay. Our debts were paid in euro. Will our debts be paid in euros or francs . Translator the project fails coming back. You do it after the time of the brexit. That makes me laugh. Makes the french people laugh. Because before breakfast theres was project fear. Its going to be the collapse of the uk economy, the uk economy has never been in such great shape since the british decided to regain their freedom versus see, it doesnt work. It doesnt work. It doesnt work. Try something else. Translator the uk has never the projects is still the same users. Same arguement said to the british. If ever you vote to leave the eu not to mention the currency, if you leave the eu, it will be terrible. Your economy will collapse. Recession rocketting unemployment, the opposite happened. So the project that is implemented by the financial powers that support you aimed at leaving the system as it is because its to their benefit. The euro is the currency of the bankers and not of the people. Thats why we must wrench ourselves from the currency. I know the whole system will defend it because they have a benefit. Translator what is europe in 2020 in your opinion . Translator im against everything that madam le pen said. Can we have a democratic debate madam le pen, please . First of all, the big fear which you are ma nap litting, youre manipulating the fears of our citizens regarding terrorism, et cetera. The great fear and you are the uk has nothing to do with the euro. It has never been part of the euro. Now, the euro, you propose the french should withdraw from the euro. I think that is a mortal proposal and a dangerous proposal. And your do to yourself system has no meaning. It shows that youre unprepared. What is your vision . My vision is to build a strong europe to i have a european policy that will be powerful and in which ch we will defend the interest of france. Everyone needs to understand the farmer in the region buys his Raw Materials from abroad. He has to pay in euros. You have to pay his employees in francs. A lot of products are imported. And if he is a stock breeder, the italians will buy his products in euros. And he will pay his employees in francs. Translator each country will have its currency. So youre going to decide for the others. You decided for the others. Translator thats the purpose of the negotiation. Translator so youre going to decide for the 19 other states that are part of the euro that they will leave . Translator those who are suffering and what their national currency. Theyre dying from the euro. Translator all of this will not exist. The farmer understands what hes part of. The farmer who grows apples and who sells in euros, he needs the euro as a common currency. Hell no longer have it. The day you leave the euro, how do you finance this . You devalue the new franc by 20 or 30 . The saver overnight will lose 20 or 30 of his savings will lose value. Will drop in value by 20 or 30 . Were part of the euro zone whether we like it or not. Its the reality of the french economy. Translator your economy ministry, youre saying that . Okay. Its pretty worrying. Dont worry french people. Understand why the results were so poor. Its incredible. Translator you had your time to speak. Translator your mobile phone, your files are made in countries that are abroad. And even what is made in france needs the rest of europe. When those of us those would are listening to us in many other parts of france work on the 380 air bus project, air bus and the subcontributors, onethird of the value of the air bus is created in other european countries. Because we are intergrated. We live in an intergrated economy because the germans will be keeping the euro. Well be in francs. We will lose our competitiveness. Translator no we will gain competitiveness. Because the franc will increase in value. Translator i let you argue and give details. So now i would like to you to let me present my point of view. France is not a closed country. Its a country that is part of europe and part of the world. Its not the defeatism that you defend. I am for a strong france in a protected europe. I dont want citizens to lose purchasing power, jobs, competitiveness by leaving the euro zone. Translator since when does it protect . Translator i listened you to. You please listen to me. Your question pro jekt is mortal in terms of purchasing power, competitiveness and in terms of our ability to be strong in the world. What i want, i want france that takes the responsibility that implements reforms in terms of Vocational Training and unemployment. Many countries are doing very well in the euro. Germany. Germany. Translator many other countries. Translator germany. Translator because they have implemented the reforms. And there are some countries that are not doing well outside europe. What you propose is the currency war. The currency war has never helped us, has never translator we have far fewer jobless today. In 2000 we didnt have fewer jobless . Translator we had translator more jobless han today . Translator reforms were not implemented as they should have at the beginning of the translator 2,000 more unemployed than today. Okay. You economy minister right, not i. I mean i know nothing about. That but youre an economy minister. So you know probably know better than i do. Translator fortunately, what you propose there are net users who can check if there were more unemployed in 2000. Translator in the early 1990s, im precise. In the early 1990s, when there was a real currency war and france hadnt started to converge economically, there were more Unemployed People than today. France was not a better state. So i want competitive france and to remain in the euro. The euro protects us. It prevents currency destabilization. It protects the savings of our fellow citizens. I dont want everybody to panic because well have to introduce capital controls as you said. You said i dont want that there will be a panic, a bank panic. I want from the very beginning in europe to change the posted workers directive. As a minister, i introduced a cord that controlled workers in the construction sector to fight against illegal posted workers for the same job, in the same country, people should be paid in the same way. The posted workers needs to be revised. The charges arent the same. Including charges. Translator you going to impose that . Translator i wont. Translator i fought against chinese dumping. Im not just words, a man of words and im proposing miraculous solutions. I am what i propose is clearer, coherent, is to have a euro that provides more protection with european markets at our reserve for 50 for european countries, a strong euro with more european investments, which we need, to have real control over posted workers. We have better control over posted workers and finally to have a trade policy that is more we need european trade policy. But if thats what protects us in the face of russia and china, today we have a markets of 60 million consumers. China has over a billion consumers. At the european level is still the employees in the steel sector know this. We have been able to prevent chinese attacks on our steel industry. I want europe that goes faster, less bureaucratic and we need it in the face of globalization. Translator for 20 years youve been promising this. The mass deindustrialization. Weve seen the collapse of our jobs and massive off shoring. Translator because the reforms were not fully implemented. Translator its not the translator the french peoples is under threat because of europe. Its very important. The listeners must understand. If the strategic state isnt there to put its foot down to prevent the banks from delving into it. If its not i representing this data, no, ill protect presence currency whatever i have to do. Then the french people will have their savings stolten, so its submission from me to you. Translator its completely false. In cyprus and in athens, the threat was the threat of translator let him speak why did the greeks and the sipry aths fight to stay in the euro . The reality is you went to speak to mrs. Merkel. You went to ask for her blessing because you planned to do nothing without her agreement. Its so true. What are you going to do opposite mrs. Merkel. You said i wont be opposite her. I will be with her. Translator of course i want france to measure up to germany. Let me tem you what would happen. France will be led by a woman. It will be either me or mrs. Merkel. Thats the truth. Translator stop all these formulas. Germany has froilt calm down. Let me finish. I youre irritating. Translator stop interrupteding me. They worked together and translator he didnt want that euro. Translator they built the euro that we have today. Kroipt there are other topics we can get to. I come from a region that suffered from the war. I dont want the nationalism that you represent translator you have to include that. Translator you can laugh. You can laugh. I was wondering when you were going to bring that one up. Translator objection. Isolationism, nagsalism. Its the fight against other people. For searchries namlies have suffered in that translator youre mistaken. Translator french culture, not. Translator we dont have the same vision, madam le pen of french history. I hope our fellow citizens have understood it. Its the imbalance between france and germany that are seeds of war. Serving but not subserve yent to germany, war was created by this submission that you replicated because your submission to germany and its very serious. Translator you both have plenty of time to speak. Translator it concerns our sovereignty, our independence but also defending the interests of the french people. Translator we completely understand that. Translator we fully agree, madam. We will agree to disagree. Translator our views, our visions are 01 55 00 the german chancellor will be least. Insulting germany is not good. I understand their interests. Theyre defending their interests. Translator we might have on. The interest of france are not in conflict with germany. Our real competition is china, emerging countries. Translator lets broughten the scope. People often say that fourpoint is not that important. Wed like your opinion as head of state, we would like your opinion as to how we should interact with mr. Trump and mr. Putin. Translator mr. Merkel, you have mrs. Le pen. Translator my policy for france, which i would describe as a mixture of meetterism. Terrorist comes from beyond our borders in libya in africa and because the world is destabilized by the reconsideration of alliances. I want france a country that wants to know how to build peace. My priority will be the fight against islamist terrorism. I will propose to mr. Trump to continue to work where the United States of america. They are partners for intelligence, in terms of sbhejs. They are our partners in the Security Council of the united nations. We need the United States of america and we should continue this work since world war ii was even before that. He had a samp. We had an independent voice and when france refused to get involved in iraq, for example, we need strong cooperation for our security with mr. Trump, i want to continue the work that has started on climate change. He doesnt agree with you. Translator Civil Society doesnt agree with him. Mr. Trump will soon realize it is not in his interest. I would propose to Work Together with him from an economic standpoint. I want to be you want to be credible in the face of the United States of america. We need an sbe integrated strong european market. Real european policy market with public procurement rules. Mr. Putin had put several issues on the table. The ukrainian conflict, we must deescalate, we must favor escalation of this, and in syria, russia is part of the solution, but i will not accept any to have my behavior dictated by mr. Putin. Thats the difference with mrs. Le pen. Translator we will not submit to russia or mr. Putins values which are not the same values as ours. So regarding syria, our priority must be the fight against terrorist jihadism and we must find a shrill solution by getting all the stake holders around the table so the u. S. Will be working partner on a number of regional issues which il discuss with them but we dont have the same values and the same priorities. Translator ms. Le pen, on trump and putin. Translator finishing what you said. You mentioned france. By saying france will be respected if its a large economic power. Chance budget. No. France will be respected of its france if it once again generally becomes france with this particular specific voice that it had in the world, because the world is waiting on france and france has lost that special voice, because its subservient to germany, to u. S. Policy, it must therefore regain its independence. Im sorry to remind you what general de gaulle had imposed on new mexico rusz occasions. The independence of france in the world, in order to secure its under mens, its must not subject itself to the imperialist vision of people, because that creates war. That creates war. The contrary of imperialism is the respect of all nations. I believe france should once again be the state that respects all nations, respects their identity, their culture, respect for of their system of political organization, the moralization, the moralizing, moral lessons, great specialty of the socialist party. You lecture the whole world not the whole world. Thats the problem. Theres always double standards. There are those you lecture by morals and those translator the same as mr. Putin. Translator qatar translator on this subject translator dont interrupt. Translator im interrupting because youre saying stupid things. Translator hear me through. Be courteous. Translator no, no. Thats our job. Translator i didnt you do it when you were minister. [crosstalk] translator your relationship with vladimir putin, if i can just get a word in. Translator you better, feeling better . Translator im fine, thank you mrs. Le pen. Translator i think we need to be ekwe distant between russia and the United States. No reason to wage cold war with russia. Diplomatic trade, strategic with russia. They havent shown any possible hostility against france. I dont care about the relationship between russia in the u. S. In this world that is changing, that is making decisions that are opposite to those of your own, defending their end pens, a form of intelligent protectionism, turning their back on systematic interference. Im the best place to talk to that world. Best place to speak to the india or mahdi, trump of the United States, teresa may, and you said very nice things about the United States and russia. In fact, you rounded with everyone and lectured everyone. Thats not the way to conduct diplomacy, to be heard in the world if we dont regwynn our diplomatic face which is the voice of independence, of p sovereignty, for the defense of people, then france wont make its great return in the world and will continue to be viewed as merkel has viewed us for years. Translator were going to move on to a different topic. The world translator if youre elected the world wont look at us in the same way. Translator great nations, india, russia, the United States translator read what the International Press says. You do not give a good image of france. Translator we will see that. Translator all the great nations follow my line and turn their backs on the theories of ultra liberalism, outright free trade. Translator you want to sweep that aside. Translator clear debate. Translator you have all the economic model of the 80s when there was reagan, plgs thatcher. Translator very sorry. Translator no one admires that old economic model from you. Translator move on to schools. Translator the french people will decide. Lets move on the to a new topic. Translator youre so arrogant. Youve already celebrated your victory before the edged of the second round. Translator the french people are watching us this evening and they want to know what is your project for schools. My questions are concise and i hope your response will be just as concise. Translator my project for the School System is to focus our resources on Primary School. 20 of Primary School children dont know how to read. They will fail in the secondary schools and 150,000 young people will be leaving the secondary School System without any qualifications. We must focus on the Primary School, first of all, by restoring the hours of teaching the french language and the also reintroducing the teaching of latin in secondary school and practical work, in modest families, inequalities are reproduced when well go home. So tu tore yals are important. And quality education yoens. I want to reduce the number of pupils in Primary School classes. Thats where you learn the fundamentals. 12 pupils per class. The 12,000 teaching positions will be created. This is indispensable. Then we must make an effort in the terms of professional advice, orientation, we must get Companies Involved and ax academic institutions must be more involved. They have a diploma, or a baccalaureate but they dont know what to do after leaving school. So at university, i want more transparency involving the results of academic institutions. When you qualify in a institution what jobs did you get . And finally i want to develop apprenticeships. Many young people will not succeed only through academic education. We must simplify the rules. We must build bridges with the world of business and the corporate world and in brief, those are my ideas for for me, the top priority for reconstructing our country is to transform the educational system. Translator mrs. Le pen. Translator school has been ransacked by the socialists, ransacked. Theyre just about everything and nothing. Instead of teaching french reserved, 50 in Primary School to the french language, because its the heart of everything and mor generally to the fundamental skills we put in place, teaching and learning for children of their language of origin, reduce the teaching of grammar, scrap, repeating classes for budgetary reasons, not for the wellbeing of kids, but just for savings we ask pupils to build their knowledge and skill sets. There was no authority by teachers that we must return to a school that transmits and with dispalestinian, that is discipline. In respect for the teacher we must of course enhance vocational teaching, because there again, number of people felt that we wanted to produce intellectual translator you want to end up that system . Translator the selective salting of vocational networks supports you, too. Translator a lot of social iss detroit a lot of people. Translator a lot of socialists want to know how many youll have in your government. Translator this vocational process must be expanded and enhanced. For years and years now that we let our youngsters think that five years out of university theyll have a job where increasingly its not the case. They want university, the criteria to be based on merritt and not just lottery draws. The socialists have decided to its incredibly fair in fact. Its either done through failure or just by a lottery system. It must be merit based and in passing a new university, i want secularism connected with the fail and and im opposed to all visible signs in the company and universities. Secularism must apply. Everywhere, of course, in schools where neutral ityity but also in all public areas and spaces. Today the lower the level of teaching, the more there is selection through money and through birth. What its family is translator lets move on. Translator contrary to the republican ideal. Translator lets move on. Dont want to cut you off. Both of you expressed your desire that the debate doesnt gone on for four hours. You wanted a two to two and a half hour b debate. So some simple questions. Do you believe we should reduce the number of mps and what do you think of People Holding multiple offices at once . Translator yes. I am in favor of reducing the number of parliamentians by a third in both the National Assembly and the senate. I intend to implement the form quickly in my term of office and dont shrewd recourse to the referendum if the assemblies dont trea. Translator i want to reduce by one third the number of parliament tarnism. It will not be possible for the elections in june, but for the next elections beyond june, proportional representation will better represent the public opinion. I am in favor of the law that introduces multiple elected positions. At the same time, and i think we should limit parliamentians to three. Translator youre going to apply to those youre about to address, these multiple offices . Translator were even going to do something that will embarrass you. Not only will they half of the candidates be new, but none of them will have a criminal record. Translator weve done this 20 years. Do you think youve invented sliced bread . Translator im not a member of the scandal party. Translator the Business Party is mine. Be careful with what you say. I hope well learn nothing in the coming kay days and weeks. You can lecture us. Translator a lot of your friends have been looking for translator can i speak . No one understood the explanations you gave regarding your asset. Translator the tax office the taxes have understood perfectly well. Translator a vote was called for in 2012. There was a petition during the rounds. University professor asking you for clarification on 15 points. How you were able to match one minimum wage a day translator the difference between you and me, you are under a judicial procedure. The Higher Authority have examined my file said there was no problem. Independent institution. Translator you are calling it when the judges dont find in your favor, you say they are dishonest. Our judicial system must be translator i hope we will learn the International Bank account in the bahamas. I hope. Translator we know that you underestimate your assets and you are currently going through criminal procedure. Translator im not being pursued by the Justice System. So theres one thing that differentiates. Translator constant interrupting. Translator one of us will have to guarantee our institutions. We all aspired to that. You have threatened civil certificate vantsz. You say criticize imagine tratsz and judges when they dont find in your favor. You are unworsty of being the garn tor of our institution, because youre a threat to our institution. Thats the problem. Translator your problem is that youre in a current con complicate of interest. I was a lawyer for a number of years and i know how the Justice System works and i know how from time to time Civil Servants are asked for things that are not admissible. Theyre sometimes compelled to do that. Its unfortunate. Up want to protect them from the influence of political power and their independence on the way they respect the law. So i know very well what happens and how it happens. One day ill explain to you. Come and see me, ill tell you exactly how its works. Arrogant. Translator the referendum translator i wont go around seek your advice for any reason. Fellow citizens will look to do so either. Translator two minutes. You have shown yet again that youre unworsty by stipulating that the krort france deserves better than you. Translator our judges are totally independent. The judge is of the judiciary union. They armed a wall of translator dont talk about un translator politicize. That situation is unaccept nl but it suits you. Thats unfortunate. Translator dont add your unworthiness to the unworthiness of our institutions. Translator i am not subservient to anybody. Your pain before germany, before the strishry, the powers of money, the banks. Homing i an standing and to be standing, i dont node to dirty other people. You are permanently slandering foreigners, judges, magistrates. Youre slandering everybody. Our country doesnt need slander. We need effectiveness, efficiency, and peacefulness. Translator you mean the work as you call it by is literate, the ones you bought your suits from, the workers that you said were alcoholics that you treated, criminals. Translator ive talked to all those people, i visited all those people. Translator and the nine million voters, mine and shows of nicolai do you upon on, you attempt to sully favor in this last round. Thats millions of french people you showed contempt for during the campaign. Land russ work. I have always rmd them. I have never tried to deliver a lesson to them, a moral lesson. All i have to say translator theyre in the countryside, theyre in the towns, in the social networks. Translator im taking about your party, the party of the extreme rights, the party that you lead, the party of the who rely on the social network. You foster hatred. You molest journalists and you behavior in a very brutal way. Look t a the campaign and several times never. Kroip people have tried to threaten people in my meetings. Its the party of the National Front which is a party of extreme right, which does not resem nl our country. I expect all your voters, because they are angry, because they are disheartened, i come from a town that also voted for you but they dont deserve your anger. You dont have any p answers. You manipulate their anger, madam le pen. Thats all i have to say. Translator you dont want to understand. You dont understand because you dont wand to understand. They deserve better. Thank you both of you. We need to wrap up. You wanted an opportunity to speak, eric, to the french people about the topic topic. Translator weve talked about many subjects and some subjects, we havent mentioned. Ive very briefly referred to our overseas territories. This is over sized territories are mine for that state of our improvement. I would also like to say a word about disabled people. The law that mrs. Le pen wants to repeal proposes Pragmatic Solutions for disabled people in our country. This law, and i will preserve this law to have Pragmatic Solutions. First of all, i will increase the subsidies. The current the handicapped translator no more time. Translator Financial Aid which keeps them below the povrntd line. Second measure, i dont want disabled people not anymore than to have any solutions. So you see, a lot of jobs will be created to help disabled pupils. I will create jobs so that Young Children dont have to go abroad to be treated and i wont ask you to find concrete solutions to support disabled people in companies, in bids or in special care. That would be one of the priorities of my mandate. There are dozens of thousands of fellow citizens who are disabled and who have no solution. They have no help, no support. We dont give any answers to the problems. Mrs. Le pen, youre right. Froilt youre so attached to disabilities, you should look at our project. Because i believe we have the most complete project that takes account of all the issues, because ive included in my project, the proposal of someone to grant a full tax recent for a child with disabilities, because those want promises one doesnt deliver. Notably the law of 2005 that in fact was never applied by any government, not even yours or any of the others. And thats really what people with disabilities are waiting for. You say that we need centers for children with autism so they dont have to go abroad. Thats obvious. For years now it should have been done. But let me tell you that autistic disorders allow many School Children to be in school quite normally. And today the socialist who gives many lessons of generosity in every circumstance leave these children out of school because were told they cant be received. Theres funding for mass immigration, for medical coverage, for illegals who were reimbursed far better than the french people are reimbursed who have contributed all that. Because one out of three french people cant afford health care because we dont reserve National Solidarity to our fellow citizens. The problem is solidarity as if the problem is solidarity, if it is not national, then it disappears. That is what is happening today. Translator excuse me. Immigrationespect is this still your wild card . We have to catch this down to the second. Translator if we give another minute to your chosen topic, we will have to give another minute to mr. Macron. I have no chosen topic. It is a general philosophy, mr. Macron. The france you defend is not friends. Not france. French employees will have to fight for their jobs, companies will have to fight against one another in order to have the lowest wages or the longest working time in order to preserve markets it is not at all my vision. I believe once again in solidarity. I think that france is a nation with the culture, with a people, is the hope oft being able to continue in conditions that are respectful conditions, to trade with other nations of the world, to restore diplomacy. France was thrown into chaos by your friends. Although those that are supporting you in this president ial campaign who more or less have a responsibility to bear for the current situation. It is time to put things back in wonder and make the choice for france, this territory that you want to lead. Thank you ms. Le pen. Macron, your mr. Have more than two minutes, but please stay within exactly the allotted time. Minutes without interrupting each other to wrap up. This was randomized. Say no. Lator we toask you your tactic is dirty the reputation of your adversary, and you lie. You have no project for the country. You dont care about the country. That person is a horrible person he is dirty. Fortification and lying. Your project aims at exploiting lying and fear. That is what noticed your father for decades on the extreme right and has made you what you are. That is why i dont want that for my country. My country is worth much more than that. The france i want will not be divided. We must get out of a system that has the coproduct of the system you criticized. You are a parasite. The policies of the left and the right the effectiveness of the policies of the right and the left is what nourishes the National Front. I can see the anger over fellow citizens. I can hear it. I want indepth answers by both , reforms that have not been implemented for 30 years. You are or translator no, i believe in bottomup construction. Real changes to fight against unemployment, to improve the School System, to transform the country, and to reconcile the country. Is we win the battle against terrorism, unemployment and fight against the divisions. Translator who is calling to vote for you . Translator i worry about the state of our country. You have no project. Our fair citizens can see that this evening. In five years time oftranslator a real renewal france, a real renewal of our country. A real face for our country. Not an extreme right country. Translator for the socialist mp. Translator with policies that have never been implemented, i want france [crosstalk] translator calm down madam le pen. The country deserves the truth. Translator that is the end of the debate. Let me finish very simply. I want to reconcile france, the opposite of what you want to do. I want a france that is really transformed. Translator okay, now each of you will have the opportunity to wrap up. Two minutes without any interruption from the other side. Theranslator clearly french people have been seeing exactly what macrons project was. People might say i am oldfashioned, but i like france as it is. France with its culture, with its heritage, with its language. Borders. If there are no borders, there is no free and independent country. With its people that deserve to be better treated than to be thrown in eight fratricidal war that will allow some to obtain a maximum of profits for themselves. That is the france that you want. That is to say, france that is open to the four winds. You want to close factories, police stations, hospitals. The only thing you dont want to close is precisely the borders. You dont want the french people to have the key. You want friends to be open to want france to be open to resident aggression. Your Business Leader friends w ant depression on wages. That is why you went to algeria, a migratory highway at the hands of communities it is contrary to unity, the union of france and the french people. The plan aimed at the structuring our country, weakening it. It is the work of the financial powers at your side seeking to derive profit from our country to serve themselves. Pen haslator madam le used her entire conclusion to lie about my project without saying what she wants. I dont want that for my france. I dont want people to benefit from the failures and to exploit anger. France deserves better. Is goingour country, through a deep crisis,a moral crisis, which is due to the failure of policies over 20 years. The failure of our ability to unify the country. And some people exploit this anger. I would simply like to say, i have listened to the doubt expressed by people in the anger. I want to answer with courage, the courage to tell the truth. I have never mind. Never lied. I have never donated or made promises things that can never be achieved. Theaintain our school, authority in our School System, to maintain our work, our language. Read my book. I grew up with the french language, with our culture. Which has a global presence. Our country has always been strong in a strong europe and in open world, not a world open to the four winds, but a world in which we can defend ourselves. You will have trained our fellow citizens. We will have a proactive approach. I refuse the spirit of defeatism and hatred. Real reforms and real changes. We will do that together my dear fellow citizens, and being faithful to an open and generous country. A country that is the light of the world, and not obscuring. Thank you. Translator lets not get back into this. Translator this is a tv show. Translator yes, carry on with your tv reality show. Over the preside country. Translator these were your rules. I hope you enjoyed this at home. I hope this provides you with more choice for next sunday. Have a good evening. Welcome if you are joining us on the United States on cspan. We have just been watching the first and only debate between frances two president ial hopefuls, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. A heated debate with macron and le pen showcasing their starkly different visions of this country. Watched by an estimated 20 Million Viewers in france alone. Europe, immigration, the economy and french identity, all key things for that debate in which she calls an arrogant, and a candidate of the elite. While he said her strategy is to lie and sparked a civil war. 4 days away from the second round of the president ial election. This was the first and only occasion for these will us to go headtohead on live television. In previous debates the other candidates also took part. According to the latest opinion alls, macron is hanging onto comfortable 20 percentage point lead over le pen. Public opinion can shift after a debate. From an Agency Consistent with polls we have seen this week. Might those figures change as a result of the debate . Just a few days away from the second round, the second decisive round of that vote. What might change as a result of the debate . He was me in the studio is our french Political Affairs editor. Whate start by asking you you make of the quality of the debate. It was a real fight. There were questions about how the candidates would behave. Would they try to be polite . Absolutely not. It was really nasty, feisty. They kept interrupting each other. They didnt listen to what the two journalists were telling them. They went overtime on some questions. We really saw two different candidates. They really went head to head literally. They were not far from insults at some point. Leling each other, madam lying,. Macron, stop tell the truth to the french. Marine le pen saying essentially that Emmanuel Macron was and still is a socialist. She kept on saying, you were in the government of the outgoing president francois hollande, so you are a socialist. Decided he resigned and to run as an independent candidate, she says this is your fault. She really tries to get under his skin he kept his composure. But also he was must more offensive. Is thewere saying he favorite, he doesnt have to make any mistakes. He went right back at Marine Le Pen, saying she is a threat to france, the spirit of defeat coming back to france. He attacked her on her weak points, the economy and her proposal to drop the Euro Currency. What does it mean concretely for the french people . As a counter attack, she attacked him on the issue of islamic terrorism. On some serious and great accusations. She said essentially that Emmanuel Macron was beholden to some Islamist Organizations in france. This is obviously a very grave attack, at a time when we have seen terrorist attacks in france, and when this thread is still present. Threat is still present. This illustrates how feisty this debate was. These two candidates come from the nontraditional french political parties. It is the first time a far right candidate has taken part in the second round debate. Was marine let pens father, his opponent refused to go on to a debate on national television. This is a significant debate. Not for france, but with repercussions for all of you. Europe. F john Marine Le Pen had reached a second round. The left was divided and did not qualify. This was more of an accident. In the second round, jacques won by 80 . Here it is a different story. Marine le pen is pulling around 40 . There is no way on earth that Emmanuel Macron could refuse a debate with her. Marine le pen is a Political Force and friends. Her party won a number of elections. Local, european elections. There was no way that Emmanuel Macron could refuse that debate. Obviously those work two totally different opposite visions on europe. This is why it will have repercussions, especially on europe. Marine le pens plan is to eventually leave the euro as the also ask the french through a referendum if they want to leave the European Union. In essence if that happens this would probably mean the end of the European Union as we know it. We have seen a major earthquake with brexit. Great britain was not part of the euro. If france, one of the two pillars with germany decides to leave, it is the end of the European Union. Obviously this has lots of consequences. By contrast Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch the European Union through a stronger Tighter Partnership with germany. This is why at the end of the debate Marine Le Pen was quite feisty inciting, fiesty in saying, they can elect two women as president of france, it is either me or angela merkel. He will do whatever she wants. I will make sure friends regains its sure france regains its pride through the military. This is why you should vote for me. Wants to improve the rules of the European Union, on immigration, on tax, on environment, but he wants the European Union to continue and survive. This was a major difference between both candidates. Lets cross to central paris and talk with supporters of the far right leader Marine Le Pen. How do people around you feel that Marine Le Pen got on this evening . Catherine quite a jovial atmosphere at the paris branch headquarters. People listening for about 40 minutes or so. By the end, people seem to be relatively pleased with how Marine Le Pen got on. I spoke to one National Front candidate who is planning to stand in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Welllt that she did pretty all the way through. 1. I got a round of applause was when Marine Le Pen used a phrase that is perhaps more associated with melechon, talking about a submissive france. Or said, submit yourself, kneel down, talking about him being enthralled to the banks and finance of big business. That went down very well with National Front supporters here. They also liked it when Marine Le Pen hits back at emmanuel on the attacking him , marine letigations pen saying, we are clean too. People in the room seeming to agree with that. They would not say there was a more knockout moment for Marine Le Pen necessarily. Host she had some pretty good oneliners as we have been discussing. You mentioned a couple of them. What about the body language, the overall presentation of Marine Le Pen . Say she looksill more president ial but they would say that, wouldnt they . Catherine absolutely. Very much on friendly tories are friendly territory where i am in the national office. However i think there was a little nervousness amongst the crowd. At the beginning Marine Le Pen seems to be a little bit red, a little bit fostered. She kept running her hands through her hair. Those at the debate watching with me seemed to be on edge. Got mored when she in stride. Marine le pen was struggling with her files to find some notes about the selloff of French Telecom company. Yes,uel macron saying, oh you wont find it in your files ms. Le pen. People here were a little bit nervous on that point. Marine le pen pointed out herself she is a lawyer. She is used to this combative kind of talk. She is used to retaining a lot of information. Did seemt seem she to live up to more of that by the end. Host our people going home more confident are people going home more confident that she is going to win . Anyone who turns up at any kind of National Front or Marine Le Pen event, they have one chance. This is a party that feels like it is on the ascendancy. They have reached vote scores through elections. As you pointed out before, this is a historic first for a National Front candidate to be involved in a second round residential debate. John Marine Le Pen got into the second round 15 years ago, but Jacque Chirac refused to debate within. This is a big deal indeed for the National Front. Host thank you very much. At the paris headquarters of the National Front. Here with our french politics editor. Concretely what do you think tonights debate could change . Do you think it is likely to have any particular influence on the opinion polls . I would say no. There is a 20 point margin, which is pretty significant between both candidates. If it was a tight race, then yes, everything has an impact, especially those debates where tens of millions of people tune in. They can really change their minds. There was no clear winner tonight. Those were determined to vote Marine Le Pen will go to war with our for whatever she says war with her over whatever she says. Emmanuel macron held his ground. In previous president ial elections, especially 1974 and two elections televised debates between them it was a very close election. That may have helped sway the election one way or the other. I think there were some moments of clarity, but probably also some confusion. Thatis striking for me is we held a number of debates. There were primary elections in the conservative party, and debates. Primaries in the socialist party, and debates. They were more or less civilized. Tonight that was not the case. The gloves came off. It was really a boxing match. That may be surprising because i did not think Emmanuel Macron would fight back as much. I thought that Marine Le Pen would try to look president ial and not be the attack dog that she has been, that her father was, as a kind of network far right party. Maverick for right party. At some point she said to Emmanuel Macron, i am translating roughly you were the candidate that is flat on his belly, lying before angela merkel, before the bankers, before anyone willing to impose his will. Emmanuel macron said no, i am the candidate standing up. Standing up to the people that are trying to bring france back to its old self when it was isolated from the world, when there were currency wars. This was really something that i did not expect to see as starkly as we saw tonight. Host Marine Le Pen very much went for the jugular with Emmanuel Macron, using his credentials as a former banker against him, calling him a candidate of the elite. Lets listen to an extract of what she said. Translator i am the candidate of buying power. You are the candidate of buying. Or buying and carving up france. It is important to understand the philosophy of your project. People are by themselves. You see human Relations Just in terms of what they yield, in terms of dividends. Host Marine Le Pen attacking Emmanuel Macron for his credentials as a former banker. Terrorism and dealing with extremism was central to this evenings debate. The people of france going to the polls sunday under a state of emergency. This is what Emmanuel Macron has to say about le pens strategy. Closing our borders is completely pointless. Terrorists dont cross the border every day. There in our country, on the internet, building networks. We need cooperation between our countries. This is why we need greater cooperation between the European Union. I suffer every method from the European Union to combat terrorism. Host Emmanuel Macron saying this country under a state of emergency. Term was inevitably going to come up during the debate. It made up a central chunk of the discussion. Marine le pens argument was that Emmanuel Macron has no plan to fight terrorism. I am going to be tough, zero tolerance, throw anyone with suspect out of france. This is the way you do with it, not like Emmanuel Macron, who has a more nuanced response. You can have this argument about all the other issues. He waso said that tolerating the support of an organization in france that is known to be close to the muslim brotherhood. She sent she said those people are supporting you and you are beholding to them, and that is why you are not fighting terrorism. Shes saying Emmanuel Macron wont fight terrorism because he is in the pockets of organizations that may have ties. This is a wildly exaggerated argument. Emmanuel macron was a little bit taken aback. He didnt expect such a vicious attack. Marine le pen knows that given the context, state of emergency, with an attack on a policeman just a couple days before round one, is probably going to help her with her voters. But voters on the moderate right were concerned that Emmanuel Macron was not tough enough on this issue. Host lets go back to central paris. To supporters of Emmanuel Macron. What is the feeling of the people around you . Did macron stand his ground as people hoped he would this evening . Claire the mood around me is pretty good to be honest. Supporters feel their candidate did a good job. There was fear and exciting that Marine Le Pen might overpower him with catchy oneliners and punchlines. Everyone i has been speaking to feels that their candidate did a good job of pushing her back and extending his own ground. A few Emmanuel Macron said i am not pretending i have a magicians howard to magically fix anything, and he accused her clearly his strategy was to show that he was the one with the serious, wellthoughtout, informed program. He was particularly strong when it came to the economy. At times it felt like he was giving Marine Le Pen an economy lesson on how the Global Economy get somed he might criticism for being patronizing, but he was holding his ground, particularly on questions of the economy. One of the things that stood out was one of the last things he said, when he said he wanted a france of light and not obscurity. As always argued he wants france to engage with europe and the world. While we are talking to you, we are looking at pictures of Emmanuel Macron leaving the tv studios and harris. Studios in paris. There is speculation where he might be heading. When you show up where you are . Would he show up where you are . Well there was hope earlier on in the night that he might show up in central paris for the support party going on, but i think those hopes are fading. One of his bodyguards was here earlier on, and that made people think he will come down and say hello, but hopes are fading. We arent sure where he has going, everyone has been tightlipped. It is looking less likely he will make a surprise visit here later on tonight. Hi, mark perlman. Where people surprised that Emmanuel Macron went right back at Marine Le Pen . There was speculation that maybe he would try to not go back, not fight immediately, and be drawn into a nasty fight, because that is what it was. Were there concerns that this was maybe a risky strategy for him . Days,hink the last few but we saw tonight reflects what i have seen on the campaign trail in the last few days, that his language has got stronger, his attacks have got stronger to match those of his rival, Marine Le Pen. The supporters i have spoken to see that despite the fact he notched it up several yeareagean his attacks, he still came forward with the most coherent, serious argument, and that she was constantly on the defensive. Some supporters told me they think he destabilized her, which was beyond their wildest dreams. They didnt think he would be able to destabilize someone like Marine Le Pen, who of course is a formal lawyer a former lawyer, who knows how to argue. The attacks, yes, he rose to the challenge, but the people think he was right to do that. Four more days until the president ial vote, so it is time to pull it out. Indeed. Just four days to go. Thank you so much for that update. Claire williams, at a party of the centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron. Thats it from us. We will be back at the top of the hour. Thank you, mark perlman, our french politics editor. I will see you shortly, dont go away. Announcer with just days to go before the election, Emmanuel Macrons president ial campaign confirmed late friday that it was the victim of an massive and coordinated cyber attack after a large number of females were posted online that will orderly include documents and communication between staffers associated with his political party. The french media is being asked to refrain from reporting on the content of the leaks, now that a countrywide blackout has gone into effect. The blackout is required under french law and intended to prevent politicians and journalists from swaying the vote in the final hours before ballots are cast. Tomorrow we will be following the Election Results and analysis after the polls close, courtesy of france 24. Our live coverage begins at 1 30 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Announcer sunday on q a, chris kappes on the bribery scandal involving Leonard Glenn francis. Completely embarrassing for the United States navy, which shocked the culture of the navy, that people were corrupted to provide defense marines with information about ship movements, but other things as well, in exchange for not much money but lavish lifestyle. Announcer sunday night on q a. Announcer the university of Southern California recently hosted a daylong conference on president trumps first 100 days in office. Part of the event focused on the president s current to messick policy and how it compares to previous administrations. Speakers include ron christie, special assistant to george w. Bush, and former Hillary Clinton Campaign Advisor ron klain. This is just under an hour and a half. My name is morris levy, assistant professor of political science. Thanks to everyone for coming, to unruh for helping set this up, to dennis and bob for their hard work. 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