Movies. Conservatives should use the same techniques. The conservative form of Silicon Valley host this event. It is about an hour and 15 minutes. Ronald reagan once said freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected , and handed on to them to do the same. Make no mistake, we are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our children. The battle for those who would diminish our freedoms. One of the battlefront is our popular culture. Movies, television shows, books, websites, and now social media that entertain our young. At the same time, teach them so much about the world around them. Theres no doubt the left understands this. The attitudes at the least progressives are all over modern popular culture. You could see it in the movies and tv shows being made, marketed, and sold in the. 1stcentury america sometimes it seems you cannot go to the movies these days without being assaulted by left wing propaganda. It is ranked to see film that celebrates america and its exceptional heritage rather than denigrating it and highlighting its mistakes. Or a movie that portrays american soldiers as honorable heroes that they are rather than kille sadistic tillers rs. Is it too much to ask to debate a successful businessman as an important resident citizen in his community . I dont think these are unreasonable requests. I suspect neither does our guest speaker tonight, mr. Adam guillette. He has run a foundation called the moving picture institute or mpi for short. They great films that celebrate such conservative, bedrock principles as liberty, individual rights, limited government, and free markets. Mpi has helped launch the careers or support dozens of independent film makers who are passionate about telling stories about freedom. In short, mpi promotes freedom through film. He is a veteran and ongoing fight for liberty. In 2004, he joined the leadership faculty and spent several years traveling to help the organization in its mission to identify and train freemarket activists. Launchedrs later, he , a florida chapter nationwide Grassroots Organization whose 2. 3 million citizen activists advocate for limited government and for regulatory restraint. Something that is in short supply in the age of obama. In 2011, he joined the moving picture institute as Vice President of development. He has been featured on fox news channel, washington times, National Review magazine, and centeredreliably left your time to generally Pay Attention to conservatives to accuse us of racism or sexism. He has been on the front lines of the battle over popular culture. Im delighted he is here to tell us how conservatives could you storytelling to advance the cause of could use storytelling to advance the cause of liberty. These help me welcome Adam Guillette please help me welcome Adam Guillette. [applause] sir. Ank you, how is everybody doing tonight . The enthusiasm calm down with enthusiasm. Im Adam Guillette with the moving picture institute. We are promoting liberty because we believe film more effectively than any other medium could bring the idea of freedom to life. We do filmmaking. Stuffvideos, all kinds of. It boils down to storytelling. This is a tactic you could do whether you are a filmmaker or not. Effectively advance your believes for more effectively by telling stories them by simply listing the facts. Hasyears since our side been consistently viewed as a quantitative, logical folks, we think if we stack up the facts, we could prove we are right and victory will fall to us like from fruit ripe fruit the vine. Does that work . No. The other side uses emotional appeals and we have been destroyed. We could make an argument of how Big Government health care is a terrible idea. It is a wasteful idea. Stuck up the facts and persuade people it is terrible. The left will come in and say what about that single mother over here. Are we going to do something for her . N entire debate has been lost storytelling, leading with emotional appeals is the effectively to reach people. People make decisions based on emotions and look at the facts to back up those emotions they have made. You choose to go out and splurge on a new car. That is an emotional decision you back up and say, well, i did x, y, and z. I think i justified the car. Unfortunately for young people and low information voters, these are folks who carefully study the political issues before making decisions. These are folks you could reach with storytelling. What is storytelling . What is not storytelling . Storytelling is not interviewing Grover Norquist in an office. Usually policy officials being interviewed. Ive got nothing against offices. But that is not interesting. It is not entertaining. It wont bring in people. Storytelling is not stacking up all of the statistics, facts, and graphs. People will fall asleep. They will turn and walk away. The only way i think you could get this to work is if you distract people like in clockwork orange and forcefeed information. We cannot do that. We are not in favor of that. What do we do instead . We end up ranting and complaining to our friends. We overwhelm them with information and typically come across like these people. [laughter] with apologies to my glutenfree friends in the audience. That is how we end up coming across. I write. I have got the statistic. I know im right. Ive got the statistic. When you go in and start arguing, instinctively the brain releases endorphins and they dig in their heels and they dont want to listen to you. There is a better way. It is storytelling. It is how we have created communicated ideas for thousands of years. Storytellers would travel it traveled from village to village. If that to memorize facts, that would be impossible. Instead they remembered stories and the main events would be conveyed through the stories. That is how ideas came across. Storytelling is a spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine goes down. We would never suggest you ignore the facts and information, but rather leave with a motion, leave with the information and supplement it with facts. Best explaineds by the political philosophy philosopher using food as an example. You could eat a care with an ring [laughter] that is exactly what storytelling is. You are entertaining them. Apturing them emotionally once you have captured them, deliver the ideas. We are not the first to come up with these strategies. This lady anyone seen her before . That is correct. Write,n rand wanted to you couldve written nonfiction. That instead she embraced storytelling. She wrote atlas shrugged, which still sells millions of copies today. She conveyed her political philosophy through a story instead of listing fax. When god wanted to write the definitive statement come he couldve written the 3,255,000 commandments. I dont think it would have spread like wildfire. Instead he wrote the bible and conveyed his Belief Systems through more stories. Becoming so successful it may have spawned sequels depending on who you ask. Even before that, you had things like the brothers grimm and Hans Christian anderson. Fables we learned as kids. They taught us through stories to advance morals. They didnt sit down and say share is good. Stealing is bad unless you are the government. We learned fables and it was conveyed that way and it was much better at conveying the information. This is all obvious to us. Instead in terms of clinical see im sorry had to look at that after you a usage James Camerons and Michael Moores of the world. They are leading in this ideology. I see jims cameron is a much bigger threat than Michael Moore. Michael moore you know what youre going to get in terms of ideology. James cameron makes mainstream films. You does alien, titanic, avatar. ,hile you are there subversively, he delivers his ideology. He delivers his ideology. You noticed titanic, every wealthy person on the boat except kathy bates is greedy, selfish, that people. Every single or person on the the person on the boat is most kindhearted person you have ever met in your life. When you look at alien and avatar, who are the villains . Corporate leaders. American, they may never encounter a big corporate ceo. Theyre not running it to fortune 500 liters on the street. Leaders on the street. When you run a candidate for the presidency who has got a background in business, the guy i would rather live in a world where you have experience creating jobs, you are up five point based on that background. But they have been so powerful [applause] at it is the other way around. That is the power of culture. He complain about hollywood. Rather than ignoring an important tool, we should embrace it. The best person on their side was referenced in the video. One of the most influential people today politically. And that more than half the you have never heard of the guy. He founded ebay. Went on topany that success. Despite creating one of the biggest free markets, this guy ate with us ideologically. Instead of maxing out candidates and knocking on doors, instead of doing that, he created a Hollywood Production Company to reach the masses. These guys churned out film after film. By the way, Promised Land one of the best examples. A narrative film with matt damon. It wasnt a documentary. A film about fracking and how it is awful in all of that. True story. Anyone know who helped finance it . T got abu dhabi what do they do . With anld fund a film alist actor. All of these films to advance his beliefs. It has got explosions. Howas really about mandatory minimum sentences are a bad idea. He does back education reform. He supported waiting for superman. Issues,y all the major he is not one of us. They dont just release these films and hope for the best. No. The great social Action Campaigns for them. After you see an inconvenient truth, they direct you to the website. Takepart. Com. Immediately, they give you action items of what you could do from the comfort of your home to advance your beliefs based on the film you just saw. You could click here to send a message to your elected official and your district about how we need to take on climate change. You could click the policy from the sierra club. They are taking casual moviegoers and turning them into effective activist just like that. Doesnt matter if they were indoctrinated in schools or not. The people watching these films are affected emotionally. When they get home, they are engaging in activism for the other side. They are brilliant at it. I have never met a perfectly good idea that it wasnt willing to make my own. That is what we need to do. Amazing stories to be told on our side. Stories of entrepreneurs being blocked from achieving the American Dream by regulators. Stories of kids in inner cities being denied good Education Opportunities i union bucks. These stories could be backed up. These are the stories that need to be told. That is what i challenge you to do tonight. When you are talking to friends about issues and speaking at an event and knocking on doors, challenger to embrace storytelling. Use those tactics instead of reciting facts. There are some key characteristics i would suggest. It is those great to have someone label. Relatable. Promote operative rights. We backed a film called battle for brooklyn about Eminent Domain. If you say to your apolitical friends some of us have them if you have got them, you say , id like to talk to you about imminent domain. What are they going to say . Ive got ago. No one what ive got to go. No one wants to hear that. Thats a film about a man named daniel. Wasnt a political guy. Wasnt a scholar. Probably a liberal. Big government bureaucrats were teaming up with political crony businessmen to seize his property in brooklyn bit Eminent Domain abuse and give it to a developer to build a basketball arena. Unbelievable story. He was the perfect hero. Authentic. Not a political type. He is an everyman. It works for the same reason letters to the editor a more effective than editorials. We get irritated by editorials. There written by some left wing blowhard every time. Editor are far more widely read than the editorials you are short, to the read than the editorials. Point. E short, to the a film about Property Rights and individual liberty. Do you want to see the trailer . Good answer. It is the next clip. You have no choice. [video clip] he says he will move it into a proposed arena complex right in the heart of brooklyn. You are those who are raising serious objections about the loss of homes and businesses to make way for this arena. It is right here. Moved into the neighborhood because i wanted to live in it for a long time and raise a family. If you cannot fight for your community and help, you are really not going to fight for anything. Metsre going to get the to the brooklyn if it is the last thing i do. [applause] somewhat of a david versus goliath situation. Everyone is jumping up and down about this reality. This is a land grab. We dont want to go. Abuse of imminent domain. You should stay home. You shouldnt go anywhere. This is brooklyns future. We deserve it. Did i imagine i would be doing this . No. We are both obsessed with it. They are going to take our taxes for a basketball arena. That is why this fight is our times. Entityeft to a corporate and the community. Nobody is going to remember how long it took. There are only going to look and see that it was done. They had cops on every rooftop. They are terrified. Asmy life wife and i met activists. We want to teach our child to stand up for ones principles. [applause] you notice what the film didnt say this is an important story about Property Rights. He constitution the constitution. I value the constitution. You value the constitution. You need to use appropriate bait for what youre trying to catch. You got to go out that using a relatable character to make it interesting and exciting. You have to go after them. You cannot you cannot use things that would appeal to us and say it is about Property Rights or the constitution. If you make something that is conservative, it is only going to be viewed by a conservative audience. If you make something libertarian, it will be viewed by libertarian audience. You have to use appropriate bait that doesnt seem like it is necessarily coming from an obvious point of view. For conservatives, it is tough to grasp that. It is rare to have anything and pop culture. We want to put it all out on the table. This is our one chance to get our beliefs in philippine if you make it too political, youll film for the audience but if you make it too political, youll alienate the film for the audience. Last best hope for freedom in america. It was used by elected officials not exactly the last best hope for freedom in america. It was used by elected officials. They requested the film, which is excited. Another great way to get people to appreciate the message, is tor key characteristic have an underdog. Americans love underdogs. We want to support the little guy. When you think of Business Leaders, they are the little guys. They face regulators, taxes. They face awful government bureaucracies. That. Nk of somebody like the average person, do they see steve forbes as an underdog . No. Even though you and i know big Business Leaders have everything going against them. Average person doesnt see it that way. They dont see big Business Leaders as the underdog. When we want to support a film that celebrate entrepreneurship and what makes america great, the filmmakers found ultimate underdog to tell the story of. We backed this film called. Days days in d. C. There a lot of food court vendors. They all have the same crummy selection of foods. That is no accident. All of these food cart vendors store their food carts at the same local businesses. If they dont buy their supplies , they jack up their rent. As a result, they got pretty much the same products. This guy lost his job, but had an idea. Great is this idea. What if i make highend food that i could sell to the food cart vendors they could sell to people . That wasted being only able to offer crummy hotdocs, they could that way instead of being only able to offer crummy hot dogs, they could sell highend food. If there has ever been and under. Com it is a single mother from an underdog, it is a single mother from another country. Who could be against that . Local government regulators. Naturally. Stopped issuing permits to new food cart entrepreneurs. Even as people i bet you they were tired. You dont even issue permits. Every year there are less who carts available. If your guy trying to provide products, that could hurt business quite a bit. We supported this film called dog days. Here is the trailer. [video clip] ive been doing this business almost 20 years. Sometimes i dont have money to pay for the rent. I got fired from my last job. I got a decision to make. Sells whyvendor is that . Food, we couldll make more money. The vendors are living in fear. Part of it is the fear of doing something big. I think i could do it. Ive never started a business. Ive never worked in the corporations. She was a first want to take a risk on me. This is really hard. 5,000. The American Dream is a freedom. Came to this country with a suitcase and passport. Out. Ld has the ability to define you. I o is say it is going to be always sayy day i it is going to be better every day. I hope it is the same glimmer of hope i see. That film was already released. If you would like to see it, all of the thumbs are listed on mpi. Org. You good rent it on netflix, itunes. It is not a film that hits it on the nose that says this is about politics. This is about changing local bureaucracy. No. Who could be against these guys . Why wouldnt we want to let them have their own business. That is how you preach people. Telling everyday stories. This is not anecdotal. There are plenty of entrepreneurs around the country being blocked by regulators. First through the heart then the mind. Humor. Satire. When you argue someone, they dig in their heels. Tentacles are released from their brains. They put up barriers. I dont want to listen to you. Humor is a magical make sure that could break through various. Showder watches the daily with jon stewart or the colbert show, do they share our believes . No. But why do watch them anyway . Why . Because it is funny. His argument to you as that would you like to watch a show posted by a guy who is when july 2 these teeth and savage your beliefs . Now would you like to watch a show hosted by a guy who is going to lie through his teeth and savage your beliefs . No. Here at highest ratings than the cbs evening news. He is the primary source of news for many young people. That is powerful. We complain, but things like john stuart, the ratings are only going up. They are incredibly powerful. Humor is the tool that cuts through everything and gets the police through. That beliefs through. One of our supporters came to us. We have been cultivating a small contrary of funny folks who are improv comedians and stand up comedians. Were working with a couple of them. , used humor as the focal point even when discussing serious topics. You and me about the waste and fraud of the United Nations. Probably would have been a 10 volume dvd series. We still be in the second intermission right now. Instead the filmmaker found a. Ay to keep it under two hours it played in theaters nationwide and allowed normally if we get reviewed by the New York Times or l. A. Times, what do they say . Good or bad things . Horrible things. They savage of us. What do we say . We hold of those attacks like a badge of honor and this was so effective. They used humor to break down barriers so darn well this film was praised by nearly every paper in the country. New york times, l. A. Times, praised thisst film. Allowed me to be a glorious in the cricket even the new york mees recognized allowed nin here is the trailer. I think you will enjoy it. [video clip] hello . Nobody here. Was a joke. We spend millions of dollars to fund the United Nations expecting it to solve the world problems. Does it . Nothing. He said, enjoy the beach. Have beer. I saw you at the club last night. Nuclear activity was discovered. They havent been able to do anything about it. How have you been with Nuclear Weapons . The definition of terrorism is a difficult thing. I brought the webster dictionary. They have a definition right here. That is websters. I found a definition of terrorism in the dictionary. Thank you. Sedan was honored to be sudan was honored. Genocide didnt get in the way. Ill take you on a journey around the world. Two people behind the curtains and expose the secrets of the u. N. Hello . Minutes and make a few friends along the way or not. The film is a couple of years old. [applause] one other great example of humor is with the youtube tv show called econ pot. It is amazing how viewership has changed with generations ink econ pop. It is amazing how viewership has changed with generations. These guys watch all their content where . On the computer. Tablet. Phone. It is distribution. If you have interesting content, you dont need to go through nbc, hbo, amc. If it is good content, you could get people online. It is exciting. Young people watch all of the Network Shows on hulu. Com. A good nbc show is the same thing as a good youtube show. There was a survey done. They asked young people as they were familiar with mainstream celebrities and youtube celebrities. I want you to. I have only heard of iwatch watch youtube. I have only heard of two people. If you have good content, we could put it on youtube. In the current show you could econ pop. To called it brings people in who are house of cards or ghostbusters. We bring them in just from that. We educate them. You have companion podcast. Anyone familiar with podcast . Wonderful. I am in Silicon Valley. Podcasts are wonderful short term radio shows short form radio shows. Ask if they want more information. They could download the podcast. I will show you a brief clip whatmy favorite episode of i think is one of the most important movies of my lifetime. Ghostbusters. [laughter] and when you remember it . Great story of entrepreneurship. There is a quiz at the end. Who was the villain . The epa. The government agency. The epa regulator keeps harassing them and forces them to shut down the machine where they have been storing ghosts and causing all kinds of chaos reigned supreme. Brings on the marshmallow man. Only a big regular could cause a problem that big. And it features great lines about being Small Business owners. He says, you dont know what it is like out there. They expect results. [laughter] great story about entrepreneurship. Here is kind of how the host of the show interjects himself in a little bit of that episode and movie. [video clip] good evening. Listen, we are in a lot of trouble with the epa. If you stick around, we have to fill out a lot of interdimensional commerce forms. If you could relocate to new jersey or maybe canada, you would be doing us a solid. Thanks. Are you a god . On my mothers side. Were not very religious about it. Waling go once or twice a year on holidays. Then [screams] that is the opening bit they do. They discuss the aims of the show themes of the show. It is a great entrylevel way without saying i would love to talk to about economic and they are falling asleep. Another great humor is satire. Make aorted a film film based on the writings of a socialist. Urtrent donovan wrote k donovan wrote a disturbing tale or as liberals call it, and magical dream it takes place in the year when government has made everyone equal things to the work of a general. Beautiful people wear mask. Some people wear weights. Smart people were devices in their ears to distract them. It is a wonderful story poking fun at the government egalitarianism. Wouldnt you know it, it is in 17,000 classrooms. Normally if you told Public School teachers, i have got a great start making fun of Big Government, would you like to show it to your kids . What do they say . Call the cops. Get this guy out of here. If you do it in storytelling and basin off of a story that they use in classrooms anyway and if you dont make the politics too obvious, you can have a lot of success. You could reach kids from watching the short film in their classrooms. Ill show you the trailer for this one. [video clip] i think that was a pretty dance she just did. That dance, i bet it was nice. You must be tired. Why dont you rest your handicaps on the pillows . You are always so worn out. Im a fugitive. Im an abomination. Im an exception. They hope to destroy any any extraordinary that is out of their reach. What was it this time . Loud. Same as last time. That film is being viewed by 17,000 kids im sorry, classrooms every year. The class size, that is about 17,000 kids with the statistics. No, Something Like 1. 5 million. You may be wondering. All of these online videos [inaudible] good question. [inaudible] im subjecting it to Michael Moore and then that. I will never be invited back. A film we did called the cartel was more for elected officials than a general audience. It was about the waste, fraud, and abuse in the new jersey system. As you saw in that promo video, had a great impact. Me theelps mold for final outlines of what i wanted enoughf ever lucky before i became governor. The movie lays out what is going on in the new jersey education system. It does not only informative and has helped me, but is brilliant entertaining on top of it. That is exactly in. We live in a world where elected policy papers. Every them after. They have the analyst read it. You could get people with stories. Stories dramatically change how we frame the debate. Frame the debate, when the battle. If instead as we discussed until the source of poor kid to want a better education come it becomes students versus union thugs. That is a battle we could win, similar with fracking. It is viewed as evil Energy Companies versus government lists have no political agenda and only care about the plants and the trees and the animals. But if you tell the stories of farmers in new york who are being taxed off the property is a crazy property taxes, but theres a moratorium on fracking versus governmental radicals who do not care about the environment, but want to advance their politics, that is a debate we could win. Intoone into great heroes her talking points. Do not just lead with statistics and facts and put people to sleep. Tell them about the Public Policy you know of. Partner withto organizations to do q a and screen films. If are looking for examples of maybe thinke, tanks, opeds. These are the stories that are there. They need to be told. It is up to us to tell them. That is exactly the point i want to make clear. The facts are important. Lead with the story. Lead with emotion. Supplement it with fax. Facts. Thank you for having me. [applause] excellent job. I forgot to mention this is being videotaped by cspan. We will give you more information on tv. Any questions . More fun clips. Questions are interesting, im sure. Ushersa couple of Walking Around with index cards. Right down your questions. Over. Hers will bring them right legibly if you can. That will increase the odds. Good idea. Have got two other clips this is a film that is still in production that tells the story of americans have been impacted by that bad government policy. The to profiles americans in alligator mississippi that is a real town. It does not just policy wonks. It is what happens to everyday americans. Here is the trailer. [video clip] i hate to say it. The neighborhood i grew up in which was once readable is a ghetto now. Weeds are growing over everything. The house is in decay. Businesses are closing all the time. Seems like poverty is like a mean disease. It slowly creeps and consumes. It spreads. Stronghold ac is finance. Drug addictions. Theres a strong depression in the city. Over the course of the last 50 years, we have developed classes that are different from anything we have had before. It is a Cultural Divide much more important than economic divide. Once the Tipping Point has been passed, all things collapse. In every great empire, there a a rise, ap, and a fall peak, and a fall. Falling because we not taken the necessary steps. The cure is not another social program. What our Society Needs to work is for us to be more human and more deeply engaged with one another. We become the architects of our communities. Architects of our future. Change starts with us. Affect a person, the community, the city, the world. That is the first film we are doing a social Action Campaign for. Questions . Supportcould we do to mpi . And the Vice President. Im legally required to say we. Re a Nonprofit Organization if you care about advancing your beliefs, im theres a massive imbalance in this arena related to any other political class. You talk about policy organizations. The left has got think tanks. The right has think tanks. Think of Michael Moore and steven spielberg. Have got jeff school. Then there is us. A big imbalance. If you know talented filmmakers, our goal is to support and cultivate an army of freedom oriented filmmakers at all levels. We take kids in college who share our beliefs and have talent and place them on Major Production Companies to jump start their career. We find people and help them start a production company. They could do this kind of thing for a living. We want to find them and work with them. For your individual selves, using storytelling to advance your beliefs on a personal level is the way to do it. Mpi. Org. We would love any support. Thank you. Next question do you have any projects in the past to ter well have anything immediately in the pipeline. We dont have anything at the moment. One education reform we have got in the pipeline that im really excited about is a narrated film called virginia. A poor africanamerican woman in d. C. She wanted better schools for her kids. She became political. She became a crusader appears she launched a Massive Campaign to enact under george w. Bush a scholarship program. Were trying to get clean latifah to play it. Queen latifah to play in. It is not a documentary. They could see what it is like for these kids in inner cities. Who is on the right side of helping these kids and who is on the side of making union thugs wealthier. Obviously we are against it. Just so were clear on that. [laughter] are you working on any projects dealing with islam . To fiscalwe stick oriented stuff. Entrepreneurship no. We stick to fiscal oriented stuff. Entrepreneurship. Nothing on islam currently. Any thoughts on why so many wealthy entrepreneurs are liberal . , i dont know. In Silicon Valley, the kind of art. It seemsplaces, like many businessmen become cronies a government. Ec people make the Thomas Edison turn where they enter as on spinners and become political onto a nurse and close the door where they dople that Thomas Edison turn would enter as on spinners and become political on spinners entrepreneurs. Uber is starting out to cut deals with local government where they will make regulations. Ubers main competitors lyft idecar. They may start with one political belief, but they are in it for their business first and foremost. I dont like the idea of using government for your business. We are building a little advisory panel. These are people we are seeing first hand. Bnbs d i think it is an interesting time. We could appeal to these people. They are on the wrong side. You might be scared of x candidate, but if you want to advance your business, we are the once want to create the environment in which your business could be advanced. Where would i go to find and watch your movies . Pi. Org. Po it is so simple. After you click on each film, it to get it onre amazon or stream it on netflix or itunes or youtube. Very straightforward. Thempi. Org. If you know some interested in filmmaking, he have all of our programs listed. A question related to the business of movies. What does it take to get a movie into multiple theaters . This is an involved question. It depends on the film. Some good self distributional rights. They will sell it in theaters and get it in certain theaters. Other tense you see something where you will make a deal with the theaters individually or on a train where you will pay in rent out the theater to screen your film. That is necessary for one your film to be eligible for an academy award. The guarantees your film gets reviewed. That is great. Abouteople probably read you and me and saw it was playing in manhattan. The press coverage of your film to be bigger than the film itself. Press coverage is a great strategy. If you pay the theater to show that theater, a lot of the times if they sell the tickets, the theater will carry it over and keep it without you paying for it. They see there is an audience for it. Most of the stuff you do not need to put in theaters. We do some stuff in theaters. If michael isnt to make money, get ideas in front of people, homes,t to get out other go to the theaters, part, find a seat park, find a seat but if you could get the clicks and we are doingne more online content. How do you go about finding the stories you want to tell and finding the film makers we want to tell those stories . Sure. It is word of mouth. We are at the point where film makers are inspiring more filmmakers. Were reallyuys talented guy. He is that good and he is working for mtv and nickelodeon. His real passion is to make videos about economics. We helped him out and start his own production company. He makes brilliant videos. One of the viewers of his videos got inspired. Makeecided she wanted to be a film maker as well. She started making films. She makes pop music video for teenagers about economics. To do theseon theme days. [laughter] shell was reading it so frequent me her friends were teasing her she was in love with him. She goes. Thats it. Im going to make a love song. Video is a pop music video about the dangers of an inflationary monetary policy. It is called fast are you working with any authors who have created childrens books . Sure. We had these animators who worked for disney and were passionate about the american revolution. On an animatedem retelling of the boston tea party. It sounds adorable. She said that if you teach kids characters and themes and relatable ways, it would help them understand it later. With that in

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