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Mr. Tusk thank you. Members of the european parliament, before presenting discussion on the political consequences of the u. K. Referendum, i will first report some of the other results. Because you cannot stand still. The referendum from the u. K. That will relieve the eu of its duty to resolve the Immigration Crisis which has undermined the sense of security for the whole of europe. The euro must also resist the [indiscernible] to this end, in even in the u. K. Referendum it contains few questions as it creates jobs. This is why we have made the decision to work more closely together in areas of digital and capital markets. The decision taken during the summit will have an impact on the lives of europeans regardless of the u. K. Leading leaving the eu. On immigration, the leaders reviewed crossings from turkey to the greek islands. The crossings have now almost come to an on. Since 2015, that border was crossed regularly by 7000 people daily. Now it is around 50 per day. Given this significant lowered influx, we can now officially manage this. This, in turn, should restart the sense of security in europe. Now our attention can focus on the central met at the Central Military and the central mediterranean. [indiscernible] mr. Tusk we are moving to a new way to work with countries to apply the necessary leverage to ensure fast returns of illegal migrants. All illegal economic migrants must be returned to the countries of origin. We also are addressing what needs to be done to stabilize the situation. We welcome to the presentation by the high representative of a new global strategy to guide the Union Foreign security. The leaders thanked the Prime Minister for a professional diplomacy and hard work over the past six months. This includes the arrangement with turkey to stem migration flow through the greek island and the political agreement on a new European Border. I would like to thank this house for your invaluable contribution in helping to achieve this in the necessary timeframe. Let me now turn to brexit. Respecting the role of the british people the leaders recognize the process of orderly exit is now on everyones and especially in the uks interest. The president explained why he is leaving the decision to trigger article 50. The leaders understand that some time is needed to allow the Political Landscape to settle in britain. But they also expect the intentions of the u. K. Government to be specified as soon as possible. We also consider the postbrexit economy situation and the presence of the european to show us about the cooperation of international institutions. The council made clear brexit means substantially lower growth in the u. K. , with a possible negative spillover all over the world. For the second the of our assignment, we met informally without the u. K. Prime minister to discuss our future. Unlike to assure you that the leaders are absolutely determined to remain united into Work Together. We also agreed that there would be no negotiations of any kind until the u. K. Formally notifies us of the intention to withdraw from the eu. It is up to the British Government to submit such a notification to the European Council. We hope to have the u. K. As a partner in the future access to the Single Market means acceptance of all freedoms including the freedom of movement. Marketill be no single on the card. Members, this was the First Exchange after the british. Too early to draw conclusions on our future but it is clear that too many people are unhappy with andcurrent state of affairs expect us to do better. We have ap responsibility to return to that. Meetis why the eu 27 will in september and bratislava. We will take this opportunity to continue our political reflection. Thank you. [applause] now i give the floor to the Commission President , mr. Jeanclaude juncker. Mr. Juncker i wont repeat everything the president of the European Council said the text because i agree with everything he said. Also, you wont find the truth listening to paraphrases, so i will not paraphrase. You will have studied them already so i am not going to repeat everything which has already been recorded in writing following the council meeting. I am particularly leas that the European Council talk to the Commission Chamber of the deepening of the internal market. Im satisfied that the European Council once again has stipulated the right response. I am pleased that the European Council has confirmed its can illusions on the way we deal with the refugee crisis by saying we need solidarity of the Member States. I agree with the European Council when it says that the future should be growth and employment. That is also the major and First Priority of the european commission, this is in line with the priorities i outlined back in july 2014. So i am pleased that the European Council agrees that we should extend the plan for the next three years. The plan which we proposed to the commission and this is a proposal which has been closely monitored by the parliament. I have been impressed by the work of the parliament here and this means we have been able to increase investment by 180 one billion which is not impossible to the investment plan. I agree with all those who say we should not carry on as before, but really, is that what we are in fact doing . No. The parliament and commission have agreed that we need to change our policy but at the same time we are going to stick to our priorities. Do our priorities need revealing . What we are doing is making sure the decisions we take our properly implemented. We should make the eu into a union of europeans. I think we should better implement the decisions we take. We cannot continue as before. Im refused to revise everything. I agree with those who say that now is not the time, not yet for deep institutional reforms. I agree with those who say that now is not the time to revise the treaties. What we need to do is continue to go with the longterm projects which we now need to what we need to do we should accelerate reforms if and when we need them. When it comes to brexit, i have no desire whatsoever to repeat what i said last week in theory. I will just note that the brexit heroes of yesterday are now the brexit heroes of today. [applause] those who have contributed to the situation in the u. K. Have resigned. Johnson and others. They are, as it were, retronationalists. They are not patriots. Patriots do not resign when things get difficult, they say. [applause] mr. Joker that is the reason were waiting for the british notification for mr. Juncker i cannot believe they need months before they know what to do. You would think they had a plan. I totally agree with president tusk, we are waiting for notification. Free who want to have access to the internal market have to respect the freedoms including the one of freedom of movement. This has to be done. [applause] thank you very much. Now, president. In the first few hours, when the commission met under mr. Tusk, everything was about instability and coping with that. Instability on the markets. The economy took a tumble. Everything was unsure. There was fear about jobs and i think everybody needed to keep a clear head and i want to thank everybody who did that during the council meeting. We need to respect the brexit decision and it is clear. Framework for forthcoming negotiations are clear and i would like to thank mr. York for stating there should be no informal discussion on the negotiations. The internal market is tightly linked with the basic freedoms. That was emphasized by the council. It is not acceptable for lorries to be able to circulate freeway freely on our motorways but our citizens to be stuck. That is important. Also, it is not going to happen. We have got to think about how to best deal with the situation and i think, very quickly, we need to realize the u. K. Does not know how to realize what the outcome and they should step back and think about it. But the rest of the 27th should not. It should not stop them from fulfilling their tasks and objectives and also there is a problem in london, dont forget. There is not a problem in berlin or paris. A lot of people are thinking of the referendum and the elections. Scotland is thinking about what to do. The country is facing a lack of leadership at the moment. People need to realize the problem is in london, not the European Union. The chaos has intensified because of the fact that the standardbearers, they have now jumped ship. Perhaps he is on a Tropical Island and joined himself. But i think this is completely cowardly as far as i am concerned. The responsibility of politicians is very important. Credibility is undermined by this kind of irresponsible behavior. We in europe have got to now keep calm and if you look at trade policies today, the commission today for example is going to discuss the Privacy Shield and internet, for citizens and Member States if they gain in terms of sovereignty. Those decisions taken in europe, after all, is not taken without a majority in the council. We are not talking about a lack of democracy. And, everybody here can see that we do not need any help along the lines of helping us to achieve more democracy. This is already here. Sometimes we need time to get together and take decisions but today, this week, we going to be deciding on the European Border and coast guard proposal. That happened very quickly. We only happened to start work on this about five months ago, so we can be quick where the we want to end when it is necessary. ,nd when it comes to brexit banned from even having a view on europe, to say that they are the ones responsible for brexit, that is just a load of bull. Ladies and gentlemen, we need europe and that is my parting thought today. Pointing the finger, that is no way forward. It is no way of solving our problems for the future. We want accountability, responsibility, democracy. And if the council decides to extend the sanctions on russia unanimously, then you wonder why the foreign minister, Foreign Ministers that have been challenging that and criticizing that, why have they voted for that . Are back home and criticized decisions that they themselves have taken. We need people to call each other to account. To take responsibility for their own decisions and not hide behind national concerns when the tory leader one need tory leadership decided to go down that route, we need to ensure that we sure up our democracy. That is the way forward. We need to Work Together to Reach Solutions for the problems facing us today. Thank you. [applause] thank you, president. After the shock of the referendum, and at the summit last week, mr. Tusk, it should have been a relief. There are areas of shade and light. We have made the decisions not to have been negotiation before the official notification is forthcoming from the u. K. , not to consider the European Union as an Ala Carte Menu where you can pick and choose what you like. Working together where it is important and it the u. K. Wants access to the Single Market, they have to agree to Single Movement of the people. Were making progress as a partnership with Different Countries so these are all developments but there are areas that are less favorable. When we had the summit. Now, unity is what we need. We need the 27 to stand together and that straightaway should have been very clear and come up with better integration. But everything has now been put to september instead of taking action straightaway. For this delay, i have to be frank about this, it is once more proof of the not of the European Union, but of en intergovernmental europe. I do not understand where some are coming from. How can he say the intergovernmental way works so well over the years. How can he think that. What about the greek crisis . What happened there . And during the migration crisis, the objected it is quite clear to ensure that the European Union was a driving force in our community. That is what we need to achieve. We do not want to defend the community methods, defending mr. Juncker and the community system. An intergovernmental relaunch is unacceptable. It is very damaging, indeed. So turning to the council, then, i would like to invite them to change tone somewhat but also, the commission, on many points they have done well. Do not be scared, do not worry. You are a courageous person, mr. Juncker. Do not be intimidated, you have got to keep going. The negotiations, you cannot lose ties. Waiting for the conservatives to vote for a new leader, we should be continuing on. And, what he has said. You know, the heroes of the disaster have just left the whole country in ruins. And then they want to come back here to what they define as hell on earth. Why, that is just ridiculous. So we need to ensure that we have got to fight against tax dumping, social dumping, tax havens. Budgetary rules these things are very important. We do not want to be controversial. We have got to be ready to support countries and sanctions and things that do not keep pace with reality. We should not be referring matters, we have got to take action. We should not be resting, sitting aside and observing, we should be taking action and being players here. Thank you. And now for the ecr group. Thankfully last tuesday and wednesday, the ingalls, the heads of government spoke. Cooler and, heads cooler and more calm heads began to prevail. In the eu, it is for their Respective National governments to decide how best to respond to the national referendum. This is the case even now when the netherlands has been given the space to decide its response to the referendum in march. The treaties are clear. Anyone who does not like what the treaties say, they are the authors and signatories, who knows . Maybe one or two of them are in the chamber today. Some are quick to point a finger at others and accuse them of breaching the rules of log while at the same time tossing aside our own rules when it does not suit the majority. To deny reports they are entitled to under the system. Interfering in the internal affairs of the Member States when they do not like who was elected in that country. The more they try to pressure the u. K. , the more they justified the decision the british people have taken. The british referendum was just the latest wakeup call for the eu and many rightly responded by calling for more reforms. The problem is, it is not the reform sought. Instead, it seeks to pursue the 1950s project. To ask why has that not happened already. Donald was right to say people are disillusioned with grand utopian visions of the future. And just want us to come that are with the present. Some, in brussels, different conclusions. Instead of wanting to get on with the friendly relationship of the u. K. , have the hope that heart of the kingdom can remain in the eu, rolling up the red carpet for scotland. Im sure the people would be encouraged to see new leaders and enthusiastic embrace of redetermination. We write and talk about the history but what about the lessons about when leaders become disconnected from their people. Increasingly, decisions in the eu are not being made like that. Especially in that chamber. Decisions are not always made by all across the continent. Decisions are made by five men sitting in a room cutting deals among themselves. This is not democracy. If you want to show you are open and transparent, stop. My group does not want the eu to break up. But it wants to seriously change how it works. Whenever challenged, ignoring the results and referendum and saying that we continue anyway is not a good enough response. The eu has a stake in government. To ask tough questions. That is what the ecl group was created to do. To us those tough questions that people in this chamber dont want to hear. With or without the u. K. , there is a growing number of people across the European Union who want change. My plea to all of you is listen to those who want the eu to meet the challenges of the future. Listen to those who want politicians to start dressing legitimate concerns even where we disagree and listen to those who want their leaders to focus on jobs and growth rather than creating political utopias. [applause] in you are leaving the eu and you are explaining. In my opinion, they do not have any clue as to what should be done. In fact, it is necessary [inaudible] so, i think that probably their colleagues, the last man standing in britain, will be a woman. The only be like a woman is qualified to manage. As we see it today. Second last week was the reaction of the European Council to this. It is what happened in britain. Only reaction i have heard of the Council Members is we should not change any policies. A question i find it shocking. I find it irresponsible. It itthink you find was the referendum or trade agreement in the referendum. What are you waiting for . The next referendum in italy may be when you will recognize that this type of European Union of today, you cannot defend it anymore and it europe needs to be reformed and in my opinion, it isuld be presented but futile because the truth is the european citizens are not against europe, they are against this europe. The proof of that is this is from april. You know its the results are . 82 percent want more action terrorism. 77 are more european in the fight. 75 of european citizens are for more european action in the fight. Europeanfter more pursuit in the european migration. 15 of the questions put forth to the european citizens, a few ks ago people are at the asking for more european action, not less. Haveion has become become the next on the legislation on deciding the amount of toilets. Of watern the amount on toilets and subsidies that the locals received from government. But what they want as citizens, that is what this tells us. A european migration policy to tackle the process. A capacity in intelligence. Andave government in europe a European Army to protect our borders. That is what the citizens are asking. The problem is and inconvenient truth. More of the same will not get us out of this crisis. Want you to work on this. Doing this, what you are doing is sleep walking towards a disaster. 27 other referendums in the future. Let us not the naive. Mr. Patella is right. Loose consideration of nationstates. It does not work. Do notnot recognize and know. And i can tell you, we are going to do our homework. Inliament will be ready october. This is based on three reports of the way forward. To be sure of our federalism integration deepening, widening. Implementation and all of these other buzzwords at the center of discussion. We are going to go back to the ideas of our funding fathers. It is a challenge. Or never. I think the union will change. That is at stake. [applause] i think mr. Etheridge has a question for you. Go ahead. Thank you. Very quickly, i have been confused by comments. Are you aware of how British Parliament works . What happens is that the leaders of the main parties are all on your side. The people voted the other way. When you say brexit has no clouds, the brexit side is not the government side. That is how our democracy works, served. So when you say these assertions you are missing the point of exactly what a referendum is. I was not pointing a finger at the citizens of written. I was pointing the fingers to your leaders in britain. To mr. Johnson and others who today are in the political scene and have no clue how it has to go in the future. Instead of leaving the country with markets in turmoil, that is my question. Rising but your politicians are not. [applause] enoughes and gentlemen, of our attention. Behaving like children. Building a wooden tower of bricks and knocking the holding down on the stage. Children can do that. So reckless. Think those results in such i am not saying what we should be reflecting upon. [indiscernible] we have to carry on with more authoritarian policy with respect to public budgets. We are going to have to send greece and spain through the main goals. With more sanctions. If this goes on, you will have Member States going their own way. Tensions with or without the eurozone will increase and despite the protests of european citizens, mr. Juncker, it is it should not be discussed. I do not know what you meant when you said that. That is undemocratic. Peoples beliefs about the emocratic nature chair nature of the eu when you say that. Lets leave discussions of changing the constitution. As long as we see opportunism and shifts in europe and groupings coming and going, we do not for the time being need confirmation. People are fed up with europe. The question is, what can we do right now. For the Member States of the European Union to stand in termsand to think of devising a european humanitarian aid program, wouldncy programs which send a message to those have suffered most from the debt crisis in recent years that we are trying to do something for them. We want an immediate introduction of an minimum wage above. Worked equal pay for equal in the workplaces. We can do that without changing stacys. Ean we need to alleviate peoples fears of becoming poorer. We can eliminate perceived fears of refugees coming into our countries. These are things we have to do now. Give the unions their rights back. Council andg else, commission, make a statement down for the young generation, say to them even if the u. K. Is leaving, there is going to be a redistribution in the european budget said that there is more assistance for young people to help them get jobs, to enjoy more exchanges from country to country, and make it possible for them to have better training in the European Union said that instead of being the sacrificial s of the European Union i want to ask a question. Ok. Go head. Good friends. Dont you appreciate you have spoken here about this great wooden tower, but isnt this great tower being built on a bed of straw with these two foundations we hear all the time, the two pillars that represent the European Union, freedom and the eurozone, yet italian banks on the verge of another bailout. We see it cannot work. The big issue here is contagion. When your heart of hearts the people of the European Union supported trade but they do not support the illogical union. I did not talk about the tower of babel. Talked about the very poor behavior of some of the leaders in the u. K. , especially the conservative elite who have played with wooden blocks and wooden towers that are being not down. They can kick against the wall and then jump around and laugh about what was destroyed. [applause] force johnson personally, i do know nigel. I was notsay that really surprised with the behavior. Hisfact he has shunted responsibility, i expected him to do that. The situation is a lot more crucial in serious than some of you seem to think. But still, one thing was surprising in the last few days and that was after the brexit decision, in the u. K. , in the you ime that when the was andefeated, there emotional discussion on the European Union. That was the first time. You can see that in the reports from the u. K. Talk about before breaking down in tears about what happened. They talked about how painful everything has been in the loss that people of felt. Ofhave not seen that level emotion in the u. K. , this is the first time. What will happen now, well, that is up to probably the new government in the u. K. But they eu of the 27member state, it will have to assert its right and take into account what the u. K. Wants. But when you look at the u. K. Now as a whole, Nicholas Spurgeon and the demonstrations that took place at the weekend in the u. K. Are quite right. Our doors need to still be open to the u. K. , we need to remain open to them. So, what can we do to establish a link with those who have been demonstrating in the u. K. Now . The people against the brexit decision . What actually happened . What is the underlying background of brexit . There is a lot of talk of neonationalists, antieuropeans of all kinds that have that simply wants to fan the flames of concerns and scares. The fact that they are scared. They dont want to dissipate those fears. They want to contribute to them and keep them burning, these fires. We need to look at other answers. People are in favor of a different way forward, but in london this is an empire of rich people. The lead people. What about the people who have nothing . Where are they in london . What are their roles in london . People are seeing that. We have to provide a response to these people have been left out in the cold. And, not leave it all up to the nationalists. This might be taking it in the wrong direction. We need to look at what we can do with the financial markets, how we can mitigate them. Come with a brand the new deal to ensure prospects can be improved. We have often talked about this in the past, that we need to refine social standards through europe. We need these. Particularly when we see that and countries of the eu, and the Social Security systems are simply breaking up. They are falling apart. What really concern me in the ,ast few days was to see how well, the people are a little bit astounded, how sort of they are perhaps not coming out of this very well. But they have made it an ordinary person vote against their own benefits. That ifrom a background despise people like those of the ordinaryo use it is rabble rousing. Poland,the pis group in how can they look at this because they, the u. K. , they have worked very well together in the past and now they are seeing all of this fall apart. Eu. Ave got to change the yes, but you can only do that if you want to defend the eu, that the only way to stay in stem the tide of rabblerousing and neonazi is him. Neonaziism. Thank you very much, mr. Schultz. You seem to be a bit contradictory in your exposition there because you seem to be know,g that it was, you they eu is a construction in favor of rich people, which i agree with. But they are very rich people at nothing toan you did understand. Do you understand that the people who voted to leave it on the lead in the u. K. , not all, but predominately, were people have been hit hardest by the European Union. The unfair economic and. They do not have jobs, do not have prospects, have seen their Living Standards driven down . Do you understand it was those people who voted to leave and the fact the eu is a construction for very rich people at the top . The big banks and the Goldman Sachs of this world . [applause] any irresponsibility, the central responsibility for what is thepened in london British Government. Precedinger of governments as well, not just the last government. They did not change that situation that all, i am aware of it. All of this antagonism, the fact is, that is not correct. Corporate taxes will be lowered. The social benefits in the u. K. Will be curtailed. That is sure responsibility. That is sure brexit policy taking affect their. Atouncer a look Unemployment Insurance tomorrow economy. Ole in the that is at the center for american progress. Watch live it 10 00 a. M. Eastern here on cspan. Could five g mobile conductivity be right around the corner . Fcc chairman tom wheeler is pushing forward and says the u. S. Must lead the world to develop it. Monday on the communicators, frontiers Kathleen Abernathy talks about five g and what it means for the u. S. She will talk about why it is needed for the internet of things, selfdriving cars, and virtual reality. She is joined by Senior Editor howard buskirk. We have the spectrum, we have the vision thing going about where we want to go with wireless, and were going to push ahead to ensure the u. S. Maintains its Global Leadership in the wireless arena and i think that is terrific for our country. I would argue it is essential because this is one of those areas where u. S. Level leadership has yielded benefits economically from a technological perspective and from a jobs perspective. Watch the communicators monday night on cspan2. The hardfive 2016 primary season is over. With historic conventions to follow this summer. Colorado, florida, texas, ohio watch cspan for the first a majorer to head political party. And the first nonpolitician and several decades. Listen on these two spain radio oron the cspan radio up watch live on cspan. You have a front row seat. Beginning monday, july 18. The processok at for releasing detainees at Guantanamo Bay with two special envoys from the state department and pentagon. They spent part of their testimony at this House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing about discussing a [no audio] this hearing will come to order. We welcome back the obama administrations top officials for closing the Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay. In march, these two gentlemen appeared before the committee to discuss the administrations proposal to relocate the prison and its detainees to the continental United States as well as the process of releasing individuals to four countries. Much of the news from that healing surrounded mr. Lewis words,ion that his unfortunately, there had been american to died because of guantanamo detainees. Month, thet Washington Post reported that the administration believes that at least 12 detainees released from guantanamo facility have since attacked u. S. Or allied forces in afghanistan, killing about a halfdozen americans. That was darling anna. That was startling enough. It was particularly disturbing that upon close examination, these witnesses is made statements that are inconsistent with the documents and inconsistent with information havemay have they supplied the committee. Exhibity that did not an ability to substantially mitigate the risk of recidivism or maintain custody or control of that individual. Woloskys and mr. Assured Committee Members that it had not. Yet, numerous intelligence reports provided by the suggest thatn answers were inaccurate. In fact, it had done so on numerous occasions. The secretary of state has the sole responsibility to negotiate transfers, including agreements to monitor released detainees. Under the law, congress regularly receives information from the Intelligence Community on the return to terrorism rate of individuals released to Foreign Countries as well as assessment of a country possibility to prevent terrorist from returning to the fight

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