Srael and all the time they do not respect, demoralize and do not comply with international, should be treated as other and i told once , they werent listening to us, you should be really concerned from the agreement with iran and the west but not because of the substance of the agreement but because of the mechanism that informs the agreement. This mccannas him, i told them mechanism, i know its not easy o boycott israel and put sanctions on oil but this is the way. I tell you, this is the way. Thats why the work of the media is very important, i know it has some substance and hallenges in the issues that tried to criminalize such work, but this is the way to peace. You have had to overcome and protect yourself and be prepared about other issues, i was asked, im being told i only have one minute of course but the division between hamas, this is a devasting disaster, this this is the worst thing that happened to us. Again, we have to face it by reviving the National Project in the palace still palestinians all over the world. Egypt tried and there are agreements between the two but theres absence of political will between the two parties. In order to create this political realm, we have to revive the palestinian movement, we have to revive here in the states and also the arabs and the israelites playing a very Important Role in that. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for including us on this very busy trip of yours to north america and we wish you best and a safe trip back home and continued service of the human rights and civil rights on the half of the rights and civil rights of the people in palestine in general. Thank you all for being here and we invite you to stay connected with us with the center with regards to our future event, particularly the event on october 14 which will be a whole Day Conference on democracy in the middle east. That will be in conjunction with the university of denver and our friends at stanford university. Thank you for being here again, we will see you soon, byebye. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] i think we can learn a lot about disease if we study Healthy People not just sick people. We talk about sick people and thats great. We need to help the sick people. But i think how you really help sick people is by concentrating on the healthy population and motivating the healthy population from a social impact and social dynamic. And just one quick example. For example, insta gram. It kills me that so many people share so many things on instagram and they dont even think twice about it. Whether theyre on the beach in a bikini or theyre in the bathroom taking a selfie of themselves. They dont think twice about how much private data theyre actually sharing. So what if you can actually anonymously share or donate or monetize your own health data in a various way where its protected . That would be key in getting even the government, for example, involved with that i think would be key as we can see from the nih and all the support from the joe biden and friends of the cancer moonshot. Thats a great example of where our government and other governments around the world are very interested in population genetics. And we have to get over the fact of, oh, my god, is this really private and i dont want to share it . Because were sharing so many other thing that is are way more private, i think. The cspan radio app makes it easy to follow the 2016 election wherever you are. Its free to download. Get audio coverage and up to the minute Schedule Information for cspan radio and television plus podcast times for our popular Public Affairs book and history programs. Stay up to date on the election overage. Now a look at efforts by the public and private sect tor protect the nations power grid. This from the institute for Critical Infrastructure technology which released a report detailing some of the threats the Energy Sector faces. This is an hour, 10 minutes. Good evening and welcome to tonights briefing entitled the Energy Sector hacker report. Authored by james scott and drew spaniel. My name is i am a senior fellow. Im delighted to have you join us. I want to welcome our viewers through cspan. Before we begins tonights briefing, let me share a few words about icit. The institute for Critical Infrastructure technology is americas Cyber Security think tank. We create dialogue with Senior Executives from federal agencies. Private sector organizations who own, operate, and various stakeholders in the house and enate. The foundation of the institute is built on original Research Published by icit and available for download on our website icitech. Org. The institute for Critical Infrastructure technology and our fellows are honored to provide advisors to the legislative community and federal agencies which include initiatives to support and socialize programs and resources coming out of the federal government. Our Fellows Program is comprised of some of the most respected experts in the country representing the most cutting Edge Technologies being deployed in Critical Infrastructures today. Part of our work includes recognizing our most prominent thought leaders. Im thrilled to share with you the Keith Alexander the, the former director of the nsa and tony scott have been selected as our 2016 pioneer and pinacle award recipients. Eneral alexander and mr. Scott will be held at our benefit held in november in washington, d. C. Our program will be thoughtprovoking and eyeopening. Despite the serious subject of our conversation this evening, this is not intended to invoke fear in the audience. Our goal is to have a factbased discussion on the vulnerabilities in infrastructure and to discuss how we must respond to this threat to protect what many consider to be the most Critical Infrastructure of our country. Before we get started, i want to announce the date and topic of our next briefing. They will be entitled hacking hospitals, an analysis of deep web market places for Electronic Health records. We put our original paper this year. Now we know the Health Sector is a vulnerable in a multiple number of ways and many layers of vulnerability with each hospital acting as its own microcosm of vulnerability. This phenomenon has been reported heavily but the coverage seems to focus on reporting the breach and possibly talking about the attack sector that was used in the incident. What we believed to be missing from this conversation is a discussion on what happens to those records and pii after the incident occurs. Where they sold and for how much . What makes one record more valuable than the others . And you are the state actors behind these breaches . How are they purchasing and exploiting our systems . In a paper, our guest speaker will be the acting leo skammen. I want to thank our underwriters and remind you to engage with us on social media. You can use icit. To get it started with tonights briefing to the Energy Sector is considered to be the most Critical Infrastructure we have. Our energy grid is riddled with vulnerabilities which have yet to be exploited in the largescale. Tonight will be discussing the current Security Posture of the Energy Sector, what vulnerabilities exist, and which bad actors are targeting the sector. The first session for the evening is from pete and joyce who will be giving a Public Sector perspective. Pete is from the department of energy and is a member of the icit gala board. Joyce hunter is a deputy cio from the department of agriculture. Please join me in welcoming our irst speakers. Thanks. Pete i appreciate the opportunity to be here. Yeah, two villanova grads. You now know what the v stands for. Good year for us. I am only 9. 5 months removed from the federal government and what is most exciting after 25 years and spending the last 7. 5 at the department of energy was the opportunity to sort of take what i was doing in my role there, and that was working in the nexus of the Critical Infrastructure sectors, the 16 we know exist today, but also on this panel on this conversation we are going to talk about how joyce at the usda and the department of energy, the collaboration needed to talk about this complex ecosystem. My time in government was very rewarding and being on the outside now looking back, this is a topic, Critical Infrastructure, that is appreciate it subliminally but these are the things, that is the consumer element of this infrastructure that i do not think we take for granted but when the light does not turn on or the water doesnt come on, but we rely and depend on this. Maybe there is there is a snowstorm and for two days, the power might be out. But after three, you get a little antsy and you want to get that 5 00 shave going. But you assume things will come back up. What wed like to do and to kickoff tonight and well talk about it later in our second panel is really how the federal government and the role it plays from an oversight, if you will, and the relationship that is happening not only amongst the agencies but also what kind of, the compliant versus the mandate versus what do i need to know to move that pendulum forward around innovation. Because what we will talk about is not so much that the sectors themselves, the Critical Infrastructures are there to identify where we at risk across the 16, the ecosystem itself is quite diverse. But more importantly, what are the threats today that are beyond physical and natural disasters. Cyber security is going to impact our Critical Infrastructures. The human factor, you think about an aging workforce. A Skilled Workforce that knows the infrastructure as it exists today that was purpose built 100 years ago to do a job that it is still doing, but as we address the internet and its impact or the internet protocol, the smart grid which sounds cool but the same concerns that we have in our Agency Business and home networks, we now have to think about those as threats as we make the grid smarter. The power grid and the impact it has on Critical Infrastructure. That is a little bit about my passion and interest. And i am excited to be talking with my colleague, joyce, who is going to paint a picture on the mission not only of what we may think that usda is but its impact and whydont you address some of the things we chatted about but not just what the usda is doing and its dependencies and other sectors . Joyce just as a little bit of background, i was the opposite way of pete. I had been in federal Government Service for 3. 5 years. Spending 25 years in industries and five years with my own i. T. Consulting company. I came from the opposite end of the spectrum. But i think that agriculture is very complex. Im a city girl, urban, born and raised in philadelphia. What did i know about agriculture . Not much. I spent a lot of my time in health care. I knew a lot about health care. I was a very mission focused person. And agriculture is an mission focused organization and with Critical Infrastructure, you have to realize what agriculture we have 29 agencies staff offices. And some of those include various like animal, plant, Health Inspection or Food Nutrition Service or nas, National Agricultural statistical agency. And those organizations are very influential in the marketplace. When you really look at it, it is very complex because we do not only production but we also do processing and delivery. So, production, the farmers, the producers and ranchers. The supply chain also includes areas such as processing. You have tyson foods, you have other processing organizations. Then on top of that you have the delivery, you have the Grocery Stores and then you also have the food chains that also have access to our food supply. When you look at it, any one of those areas could potentially be a target for any kind of contamination. So, we employ a lot of inspectors, meat inspectors, vegetable, egg, chicken inspectors, you name it, we can inspect almost anything. Even added tilapia not tilapia but catfish. Because they are grown in farms. It is of great importance to us because our job is to protect the american people. And to be able to supply those security features and security measures so that we can make sure that the food that is grown from a production perspective, and you look at it, it is more than just the food. It is the soil, what is in the soil. It is the water. It is what is in the water that actually takes care of those plants. Its pests. We have introduced several pests with people traveling as much as they are, we have to admit that sometimes these are not maliciously brought into this country. But they are just traveler, bugs attach themselves and they come along and they come along for the ride. They get free airfare and they come in and lodge themselves in ur citrus organizations. There is a bug destroying the citrus population in florida. And it has, imagine this, it has made its way across the country and it is now in california. We just recently had a hackathon to come up with various measures in which we can try and find this bug and reported as it is trying to grow and develop. So, those are the kinds of things that we are involved in in trying to keep her Agricultural Products safe. Ete that was awesome. You touched on a couple of things that for clarification purposes, when i mentioned that 16 infrastructure sectors, and you can find those five googling them. They are all unique. One of the themes tonight we will address is theres an unintentional silo effect that occurs with each sector or in the case of dhs which oversees the activities in the policies affiliated with several other sectors, so information sharing, the data creation, collection and analysis around each of those sectors as we migrate data to the cloud, as we engage in atalanta switches a hot in analytics which is a hot topic in washington or any business that was to extract value from, whether it is the intellectual property associated with the domain space, there is a theme that is in order for us to build and create a more resilient Critical Infrastructure, yes, it is available today. The light should turn on and may turn on. You could say it is reliable to an extent, that it might be out a few hours. This injection of technology and the analytics associated with the amount of data we create is an agency, as a federal agency, i can tell from the Energy Sector standpoint, the value of turning data into information is. Extremely valuable. And that information sharing to be an effective ecosystem, excuse me, requires collaboration. And i do not mean lets get on the phone and have a Conference Call and talk about what we think is important. That is part of it. You have to be willing to a cross those sectors and across the publicprivate and Consumer Sector to engage in a dialogue that is not always at a 50,000 foot level but bring it down more to talk about maybe some of the data you half you are generating and how you are protecting it is a way i can do it as well at our agencies but also in commercial markets. So, joyce, you hit on a couple things and i think this is worth referencing. The dependency on other Critical Infrastructure sectors. I never thought of food safety and security terms when i was doing a little bit of research into how usda was approaching a. From the Energy Sector, you think about generation and transmission and storage and distribution of energy, but what im eating and the impact of fertilizers. You were recently in Northern California were some of that hackathon, where youre doing crowdsourcing and communicating with the public to look at communication. A water trends rotation systems and chemical sectors, the food and agriculture are impacted by those. And the commercial facilities, the delivery, the supply chain. So, when we think about Critical Infrastructure in the impact that cyber is having and as all bad actors and trojans and worms and all things affiliated with more of an internet or computer or echnology oriented discussion, there is a supply chain for food and agriculture. There is a high chain for the dam sector, a supply chain for the industrial base. Looking at that ecosystem across and having the impact the internet protocol will have come he see that merging that if its something i need to worry about in my infrastructure and data center, it is something i need to be thinking about and have Lessons Learned and translate that out into if you are commercial owneroperator in the case of an electric utility, oil or natural gas, and the production facilities and the fda. So, let me ask you a question. We hear a lot about this tension, regulation and compliance and then in an agency that is the ultimate nonprofit, the federal government. We are investing money in r d. A lot of the federal government pushes money back out. How do you feel that it is balancing meeting that mail and being complied with regulation versus stimulating the ecosystem that the president is talking about when he addresses it in an action plan, which says we have to have a much more not just reliable but more secure infrastructure that is flexible. How do address that . Joyce sometimes the government does not necessarily move at the speed of light. But if we are going to stay ahead of all the things that are going on, like i mentioned before, there are natural kinds of disasters which are omegrown bugs. Then there are the bugs that are inserted from other governments and other organizations that want to get a hold of the information. So having sciencebased surveillance is critical to be able to figure out exactly what is going on. And that means youre going to have to employ and talk to other agencies. We have to have a relationship with energy. We have to have a relationship with transportation. Because, as we are growing more crops in warmer climates like california or arizona or other areas, and they are shipped across the united states, we have to make sure our Transportation Systems are safe and secure. It is a multi Agency Relationship that we have to ave. Surveillance systems are extremely important. We have to determine where the source of the problem is. Remember the avian flu last ear . Being able to work with transportation organizations and farmers and other places to be able to provide that information and ahead of time letting them know that there is a tracking system that allows them to find out where the disease is going to be next ime. Avian flu only starts up when the weather is starting to get. Cold. You have to find have some tracking device on the ird. It is a lot of sciencebased information that you have to mploy that sometimes legislation is innovative. Sometimes it does not communicate with each other. There is a lot of fear and uncertainty and doubt. A lot of people will think that too much of scientific experimentation leads to the frankenstein affect where as it s necessary to inform. It allows everyone to make etter decisions. That is what we use the data for. On how it is going to affect them and what they can do to mitigate it. Legislation sometimes is slow to come about. Sometimes a lot of the directives that come with money. He unfunded mandate. A lot of time when we are thinking that it is not moving fast enough that is because the mandates did not come with any fun. So it is not that we dont want to do it but it is sometimes that we have to figure out how we can do it. On how not to be a burden on the agency that is providing that particular service. You hit on a couple of points which is that there is definitely no service where it represents reference to a lot of the chronology. I highlighted 10 in my notes that i find that builds on one another. For those of you listening and atching, there is a lot of material. It is a de facto portal. What does Critical Infrastructure mean . Its the animals. It is electricity. It is this data that is distributed and that we hear and read about. I like to break it down as they do quite often on what it means to me. A power grid is nothing more then a network. It is an antiquated one that works. The purpose that was built was available to the consumer to provide power. When we think about how we approach that networks of today is that all of that plumbing behindthescenes to review applications and make phone calls that we saw. That freaked a lot of people out. I was fortunate to be in education at the time. I took that bowled by the foreign and made it hasnt. Who doesnt think that i want one bill to take over my pplications. I think that the Energy Sector and i dont want to speak for the agriculture sector, we are seeing a case of being slow to innovate or implement the innovation. There is a ton of innovation happening. There is a big chunk of r d on oil and natural gas systems and in the farming systems using satellites watching it grow. They are combining together to make an awesome effort. There is a linkage that requires Institutional Knowledge of what is a farmer and what it deals with every day. He took aging infrastructure that is not so innovative and said, we need to force that workforce to become more of an expert in the new technology. I dont want to go learn about that voiceover. We are seeing that as more of a challenge. I dont want to gloss over hat. But what caught my ear is that you referenced the information and Technology Available today is being able to make data driven decisions. I made be doing something a certain way but i am going to give you information and need information extracted from your brain where i need to integrate. The smart grid is the hot topic. People were thinking it was going to one day be at my house. I dont know who is watching that data. I embrace innovation but im not saying that i am going to be a doctor. That is incorporating standards. That collaboration cannot be adversarial, we have to bring people together with the oalition of the willing. I appreciate the fact that you emphasize data and analytics. One of the things we all have to understand is that agriculture is no longer beverly hillbillies and reenacres. People out on farms now have gps systems. I was there 2. 5 summers ago out in iowa. I expected some mature man to help me drive a tractor. I was absolutely amazed and floored when one man who had graduated from Iowa State University six months ago wait to me over to the plantar and ot into the cap. He tickets tablet and plugged it into the console. He had his cd changer and plugged it in. He programmed it and said drive. That is where we are. The plantar drove down a prescribed path and turned round. It missed a spot and once it had completed its run, it went back to the spot it had missed and planted the seed. It takes that information from the soil and uploads it to the gps system and sends it out. So that one of the agribusinesses can prescribe a rescription. That information, that is what we are concerned about we are thinking about people getting all hold of that data and being able to use it for nefarious purposes or purposes of their own. One example is we really do protect the information that nas has. They are the ones that in form the stock market. You have the markets of soybean and wheat and if anyone were to get into that they could adjust he market. That is part of the Critical Infrastructure that we need to protect. It is a very complex organization and it is going to involve a lot more data sharing. So that not only we can make decisions but also on what we can inform our takeholders. The transition there as you are speaking got me thinking about the triage of critical hinking. There are many elements of yber security. There is protection response. There is modeling simulation where you can say if something happens prescriptive lady we can be prepared. The report that we know we read before it highlighted all of these. We will have new threats but what i took extracted from what joy was saying. There is a National Disaster threat. How do we prepare when there is changes in climate and there is definitely a Cyber Security threats on whether it is the power grid or the infrastructure center. The information flow, the backandforth of sharing information. It is great that we have people out there having conversations saying we need to be thinking about these things. Actionable intelligence is reat to say. Gain, we as consumers expect our iphones to be communicating and for our information to be rivatized. Information flow, incident response, that is pretty awesome and amazing that days 16 sectors are so intertwined. Yes, they are complex. From an energy perspective, this is what the power grid is today. Just think about this. Approximately 2. 6 million miles of pipelines and 640,000 miles of transmission lines. They handle crude patrol products and more than 40,000 miles of railways that wycliffe i natural gas and coal. Think of that in the consequence of physical stuff. There are folks out there that are shooting guns at physical plants. There are drones that are being sed. They are literally picking things up to try and bring down transmission facilities. That is a physical threat. That is a good example. It can happen. Now with this wireless communication of information sharing, who is projecting that data of my personal information or the data that is being routed to a utility . We need to think about as from the foreign nationstate perspective. That triage is something i want to take away from today that affects all 16 of the sectors. If we look at agriculture, there are too many farms. Approximately 900,000 firms if i could say over five years ago there are things that worry e that worried me. It was true then and is true now. Thank you very much. Can i have our panelists come to the stage . And while they are being settled, that was a great conversation. One of the things i want to show today is the connecting points between this. These are all interconnected. The more we get stakeholders to understand the dynamics within our national ecosystem, more will start to drive these solutions. The final panel for this evening is going to cover the content of the paper and have some experts share their perspective on what was discussed and share some kind of anecdotes there. To my left we have stacy win, former product manager of point. We also have the Vice President of Cyber Infrastructure at parsons. To the left is pete and the far left is the ceo of critical nfrastructure. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us today. I want to give the audience the lay of the land. How will are we doing . I will take that one. As far as the Energy Sector. I think we have increased our awareness. We are taking necessary precautions and policies and uidelines. Specifically for the Energy Sector, it is defined as a series of nine security easures. However one of the areas that we need to correlate is similar to wear safety was 20 or 30 years ago. Cyber security needs to be part of the culture. He greatest thing is the ecurity industry has matured o the point of this. The other point i want to make s specifically level one and level two that is not addressed specifically in the documentation. There are many vulnerabilities and thousands of protocols and manufacturing of those devices. It is not like the i. T. Environment where we have an intel processor. That is about as far as it goes but down at the control level, there is a whole other level of controls. I would jump on today and say yes it is complicated. It a very complicated sector to look at. We all here talking about it and we are all looking at it. Everyone is ready to jump in and that is where it comes in. Lets make sure we are all talking cross agency. So that we can keep all of that Knowledge Base moving. That is one other thing. I think that is really key to have that passion and proactive so they definitely lead the way in my opinion. I would just add that if here is a theme, this risk management, minimizing risk is your goal. Theres going to be Great Technology and i can claim that there will never be a breach in the system. Mitigating that risk through innovation, for those of you for dont know that ecosystem. Amazing people doing amazing work and when you do a Little Research into what these places have on their plates. Taking billions of dollars to how we mitigate that risk. My colleagues here agree that we have to keep pushing that envelope. We have to connect the dots in the sense on what the impact an we. If you can create a bridge where we can ultimately say that information can be shared you avoid this noncollaborative. People are doing research at the earliest level to invent but also to leverage with the rivate sector. Risk mitigation is something we have to have as a team. Host the next question is going to be based on one of my favorite quotes in the paper. The paper states and i quote, the socioeconomic survival appears relies on an energy rid. It delivers energy and supports life, business and Critical Infrastructures. T supports life. We are talking about things that we mentioned earlier that people consider this to be the most critical sector. What are those factors that ontribute to it. 15 to 20 years ago, this was ot accessible. The whole point of plant efficiency has been taken to an extent where we are introducing vulnerabilities. We are broadening the attack services. This was just the Insider Threat and now were open sectors that we have never seen before. That is largelys dammed from phishing emails. Now we have even more that we can get into later on. That service was never there so we have opened that up. We need to take a step back and say how do we take this and ake them relevant. In general, technology and innovation and will seek to better our Services Also leads to boehner abilities. It is unavoidable. T is our responsibility to create a safe environment to continue to deploy those technologies in order to remain competitive. As stated in the reports, we have decentralized all these different aspects tonight. We have got different transmission and these are all separate market. It is not controlled by a lot of different people. The complexity that you added in which has strengthened a lot of it. We have lost control of where things are. The more we get control of that and know what is out there is that we can better mitigate and manage. When youre driving down the highway, you look at these cables and phone lines and you think wow someone actually invented that. Just assume that that is how it works. What is the backup. What happens when a server goes down . That is where the innovation is happening with terms you are hearing about. Istributed energy. The fact of the matter is the grid is growing, it is evolving. There is new technology that we re investing in. Bad things happen in katrina and deepwater horizon. A spawn opportunities to innovate and may be you will not have cities and people dying because there is no food r water. This r d that is being nvestigated. We know that things do not always work. You can take a data center own. Ou are building cyber and then one day it is tiring but you cannot bring down the power grid. It is not convenient so that is what adds to the complexity. You have to push for innovation and say hey wait a minute lets not open up the grade 48 breach. This is that static 20 or so items. There will be more tomorrow. We need to respect the fact that they are allowing it to do that so that the cyber folk is really looking towards delivering that resilient and scalable secure network. It is not the smart grid. One thing that was mentioned is that it creates efficiency but also causes some roblems. It is now becoming a newer concept of that. Lets talk about the phenomenon. What vulnerabilities is it creating . No one is losing their life n these attacks. You have a german stalemate blowing up. Youre talking about the energy grid going down. This is stuff for you really eed to take serious way. But i think the key point is how it can cross over the dmc irewall. On the flipside of that they can come in and then get over he firewall. Where we hear that not really the case. You get a lot of companies that say we are airgap. You can in there and see that there is deftly many ways. Attackers do so we really need o button it out. I want to take that from an entirely different perspective. One thing is that there has always been this battle. We are coming around to accepting that there is a collaborative effort with aintenance and facilities. It requires people in uditing. The convergence implies that there needs to be a convergence in mentality. I completely agree. It is a bunch of folks who have to talk to each other that never had to before. We have to educate all different sides. We have an i. T. Person come in and they are not good to know what they are talking about. I want to shift gears a bit. This may be a common lot. Federal agencies are the ones that have a large enough budget o go through that process. The value that the attribution rocess provides to it. Can you talk about your views on that . I think its to your point. How do you prevent against something where you dont even know the attacker . That is a good question. You have to understand if they are backed by different funds . Is it just the small town group that got lucky. You need to understand your attacker and in turn build your rotection up against that. That is how i would look at it at the surface. To expand on that, it gets back to something as different s a sector itself. You have got the attention of a regulatory body that is viewed as compliance focused and you have owners and operators. It doesnt have the dollars to invest. It relies on each one of those ntities so if it is doing some ompelling staff. Well, i dont want to share my secrets, that is a paradigm shift. It sounds great and then after everyone leaves the room, are they willing to do that . Im talking about sharing information but how are you dealing with site cyber ecurity . This is how we have done it in our utility sector so it sounds really good. The white house pushes it and it is one of the most common threats but some people are doing some great things. It is not doing good if one sector says we are very protected. This is something we have seen the needle move out as quickly as we might like it. Hey have already taken it. They dont always want to. Once we talk to each other, that is much more powerful. Hopefully we can share that with this. I do want to give credit because ive seen enough sharing there. That is the nature of the beast. We move at our pace. The only thing i would add to that is that there is an opportunity to work with our ocal state and federal agencies because they can be that common piece between the different infrastructures. Here is a lot of private Sector Companies that allow themselves to collaborate data back from the customers that are private. We know that we spend a significant portion discussing actions and their motives. Hey obviously do a great job and we are proud so i want to pend a few motions here. Any ideas there . I could go on for this for about an hour. There are two different types of motives there so if you go nto the chemicals there. We are talking about the proprietary data so that is not always about stuff blowing up. If you want to see another jet, we really want to focus on hat. You have the watering hole attacks and you have china there. Axiom is one of the most significant groups we have seen out of china. We also have Desert Falcon out in the middle east. So we have a lot of different sponsors or organizations that re heavily targeting the Energy Sector. S this an act of terror . Sometimes cyber terrorism is an ct of war. The area of bombs in ships is ver. I can take some Cyber Security individuals in a room and take own your power grid. You can destroyed from within and then destroy it outside. Reverse engineering and building our intelligence, that is what we need to do. I just wanted to give Honorable Mention to Insider Threats. One of the higher areas and frankly frankly there is hardening. Some of the practices we can liquidate. I just want to jump in on hat. Recently, some statistics came out. Increasingly malicious insiders target privileged users through social engineering and this has been an increase in 48 over 0 back in 2011. We seeing a much higher percentage with this social engineering. There is also a lack of visibility to determine if you are applying. Is your training working . Yes Insider Trading is so 80s but people are still not listening. We are having an aging workforce. Millennials are coming in and their view of security is completely different so we have to just be aware of that and 57 said organizations do not have capabilities to monitor this. How do you know when they are not doing something they are upposed to be doing . We have to be cognitive of that so it is a different type of insider. Something i have mentioned a few times tonight about the Energy Sector is the most important structure we have. Host do you agree with that statement . Why is an important to reinforce that concept to increase the awareness. Obviously the Energy Sector s truly the backbone because without energies, the critical structures fall. As far as reinforcing, the Energy Sector is one of the few infrastructures that has a policy that is regulated. They do not have any compliances. All the biases are simply guidelines. We have to continue to enhance and to push down deeper into the sector from a controlled spect. We have to continue the whole ulture change. I just want to chime in and that i do not want to steal it. It does identify the Energy Sector as uniquely ritical. From a consumer standpoint, i give a 10 second thoughts about when i switched that switch. We get pretty frustrated these days about things we take for granted. I think the Energy Sector, not to be an alarmist but when a city goes out and people dont have food and panic, you can see the impact on not having energy in our daily lives. The information exchanges that need to happen among regulators. We need to have a bridge for the entrepreneurial individual that is inventing something. Maybe we turned the paradigm upside down. Who is thinking outside of the box . We cannot allow that to be stifled. We know that happens so it gives an opportunity to celebrate innovation and i think we need to do more of that in our country and make it easier for those who have a passion in that infrastructure to have that voice. We have to trust that there can be an exchange of information so that we can really push that and increase the inertia that is needed. Host lets get to the final two questions that we have. We talked about collaboration between the public and private sector and different sectors between different agencies. How can this come to fruition . We said everyone is collaborating but no one is actually doing anything. What does it look like . Is it Innovation Across Industries . Im going to take this one step further. It is extremely key and critical to us moving forward in society. I would like to throw out to security vendors because being able to bed embed not just from a Network Perspective is eally going to be key into squashing any kind of ttack. How do we get down there and that we can ensure that is not being overrun. Another good example that applies here is the whole smart city initiative. There are many cities that are taking this on and it really does exemplify the combination of private entities and

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