This energy must be a pittsburgh thing. Hillary and i are so glad to be with you this afternoon. We came right out of that Great Convention in philadelphia and today huge rally here right the beginning of august, it is so great be back together with 17 days to go. [applause] we are not taking anything for granted in the next 17 days and one of things wanted to do is ask for volunteers. Who has already volunteered . [applause] all right. If you are not volunteering yet and you just have a whole lot of free time the next 17 days. There are folks going around with clipboards, you can sign up to 47426 andther will bring you on board as we make history by electing Hillary Clinton our president. [applause] can i just ask you guys have fantastic reseller in the last debate . [applause] you are right, not just the last debate, all three debates. [applause] donald trump has been talking a lot about stamina, but boy at the end of those debates, he really looks like he was on the ifes and hillary looked like she they had asked for five more debates, should be ready to go. [applause] when the debate finished, Hillary Clinton was excited to get out and keep talking about her plans and vision for the country and donald just couldnt wait to get back to start tweeting out more insults. Thats what he was focusing on. Those debates showed so much. They should hillarys preparation and experience. I think what it really showed was the temperament and compassion and the grace and poise that they want to see in our next president. [applause] i think if you would watch those debates of the sound off, you would still know there is only one person on this stage we want to be president. [applause] you guys all know that pennsylvania doesnt photo until tellion day, but i will you this, and states were early voting has begun, we are our it huge spikes at the polls in activity. [applause] support for the ticket is surging, even in red states like arizona [applause]. Americans have locked on and know that this election is about the country want for our children. They trust the stronger together vision that hillary has laid out for us to this campaign. They have also seen the kind of campaign that donald trump has run and they are wondering how somebody who wants to be president of United States is running a campaign that demonstrates almost every day what low opinion he has about the United States and the voters of the United States. Wife and i have a boy in the marines, donald says our military is a disaster. But hillary got him to admit basically on the stage of the first debate that he doesnt even pay federal income taxes to support american troops. Talk wheres to trash the economy is, but we found out he makes all his products overseas and he has bought chinese steel and aluminum to build his hotels instead of buying American Steel right here in pennsylvania. Reason, hezarre praises authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin every chance he gets and he even promises that he will see political and legal retribution against his enemies if he is president. Maybe he is running for something else. , even the last debate warned you might not accept the results of american democracy. [boos] it was like he ran a campaign and in and he started and he in insulted everyone he could. He has gotten to the end of the campaign and he has insulted every possible group, who is left to insult . He thought why dont i installed the pillars of american democracy. We cannot let this guy be president. [laughter] [applause] i dont know if youve heard this, but he seems to really like this. Especially when the is in pennsylvania that the election is going to be rigged. He is losing and he knows it. He is not a guy who would ever accept responsibility and say we lost an election because i ran the most Divisive Campaign american history. He is not going to accept responsibility so its got to be somebody elses fault, just like when the apprentice didnt win an emmy one year. This guy cant take responsibility for anything. That mr. Khan,es the father of the soldier killed his he protected his lives of his comrades in arms. That mr. Khan was right to ask the question has donald trump even read the United States constitution. [applause] i know we all think this is been a long election season and you can hear from my voice that it has been a long election season. And i only joined the last 100 days. I know that sometimes, and its unfortunate, its a challenge of two embrace, should be have the honor of serving. Sometimes it can seem like during this election cycle that we are seeing the were circa dressed robert. Worst our country has to offer. But what were seeing is the best. Something that bring here tonight. [applause] are seeing something that does not get mentioned nearly enough. It was right here in pennsylvania but hillary and i accept the nomination the democratic party. [applause] after she finished her acceptance speech on that thursday night, that powerful night, the clinton and kane families, we walked on the stage together to that Massive Group of balloons. We have some fans of the balloons here. We were standing out on that stage with our spouses and kids, nieces and nephews, trying to event, i absorb the saw my daughter tried to take in what it meant. N, who has beenn with me through thick and thin try to take it all in and then my mom, kathy, who is 82, who was standing on stage with me and turned to me and said tim, this is the best night of my life. [applause] at least for the next day and a half, i got no criticism or suggestions. I bought myself a little window that night. ,s i was standing there something really start to hit home and i been thinking about it the whole campaign. Ive been in Public Service for 22 years since i ran for the Richmond City council in 1994 and rim at first race. Let me tell you something. I wouldnt have gotten very far, i wouldnt have gotten into my first Office Without a whole lot of really amazing women who let me their strength along the way so that i could be the candidate, i could have my name on the Bumper Sticker on the yard sign of ballot. In philadelphia, i was just thinking about the love and support of the strong women in my family, i was also thinking about Winning Campaign managers, cabinet secretaries, agency heads, staff, volunteers and donors and does anyone women voters who have enabled me to serve because lets not forget, beginning with the president ial election of women have made up the majority of americas electorate. [applause] in other words, while im probably no more free to pat myself on the back than anybody in politics, if i really think about it, i know i got these positions of leadership and responsibility because of that a lot of strong women who are willing to support me so that i could be the person getting to headline in doing the job. When hillary asked me three months ago today, the 22nd of july, if i would be a running mate, i was honored to have a chance to play the role for her that so many strong women have played for me. [applause] make no mistake, women in america have come a long way. Even six years ago, women could get a credit card without a man to cosign on it. They needed a husbands permission to start a business. They needed a husbands permission or cosign to rent an apartment. In some states in our lifetime, women were either barred from serving on juries. We have come a long way. So much of the progress that we have made, progress that we should feel good about is at stake in this election. We shoulding back be doing everything we should be doing everything they could possibly do to keep pushing forward. [applause] folks, it is 2016, is knit time women were paid the same wages . [applause] isnt it time that women should be able to take off work and care for a child or relative without losing your job . [applause] i didnt tell hillary this. I shook some hands and some folks because yesterday on such numbers that summer outside and a Woman Holding a three and a halfyearold daughter in her arms. I said tony but your daughter and she said, when my daughter was born, when i was in the hospital, i got fired from my job because there is no Maternity Leave and she started to cry. We we are going to made a commitment to do something about that not just for women, women and men ought to be able to take off time. [applause] i told her, you may not be able to get into the rally, but because you said that, hillary and i will have even more energy because this is one of these things that we need to fix. After 240 years of american history, isnt it about time that a woman can Service President of United States . [applause] of course it is time. Of course it is time. Guess what . [applause] [hillary chants] i think you can tell from the reaction that it is not only strong women, but also strong men who feel that now is the time. [applause] anybody out in this audience who has tried to do something for the first time . In your house . In your family, in your neighborhood . Tried to do something that hasnt been done before and you know how hard that is . Is there anybody out there that when you try to do that or try to do something hard, you had people say to you i dont think its why do happen, or a dont think the time is right . Or somebody elses more qualified or somebody elses ahead of you. Sometimes the voice of says that to you is the force of an adversary who wants to get in the way and sometimes the voice of a friend who says dont get your hopes up, i dont want you to be disappointed and sometimes that force is needed in next journal voice, its a voice inside because lets face it, we all carry a little bit of doubt and its that moment that we reach for a dreams, that you had when did you cant do it kicks in. Everybody has experienced this. Advertisement but Hillary Clinton, she has heard that her entire life. Lifeas herded her entire heard it her entire life. It repeatedly during this campaign. Guess what, Hillary Clinton has never let that voice stand in her way. [applause] as your next president , Hillary Clinton is not going to let anyone stand in your way. [applause] think about this. Was born before the women have the right to vote chelseaarys daughter will now get to vote for her mom to be president. Of generational country holdsthis for all of us when we do our best work. That is why weve got to our best work for the next 17 days because in just 17 short days, we can forever, and i mean forever, change the way little girls and little boys look at their future in this country because of you can be present of United States, you can do anything. Ist is what Hillary Clinton sending. , my friends here, thats why im so proud to be strong man supporting a strong woman who will be next president of the United States and she will show that in america, we really are strong to get stronger together. Please join me in welcoming our next president , Hillary Clinton. [applause] thank you all so much. Chants] o man, i will tell you, it is so great to be back here in pittsburgh. [applause] i dont think it gets any better than to be accompanied out onto the stage by dan and pat rooney. [applause] admirer of their family and i was so honored to serve with dan when he was ambassador to ireland. The rooney Family Commitment to pittsburgh is extraordinary. It is not just the amazing commitment to the steelers. As special as that is. But to their roots, what they believe in, their values and their deep concern for future generations. To bencredibly humbled supported by dan and pat and the rooney family. It means a great deal to both him and me. Thousand want to thank congressman mike doyle who is here with us. Executivecounty fitzgerald who is here. Mayor tilde judo, mayor john , Pennsylvania Attorney general bruce steamer ruth steamer and all the other elected officials, it means a lot for you to be here with us. If all goes well in 17 days, we are looking forward to working with you on the behalf of pittsburgh. Ms. Clinton some of you know that i have a special place in my heart for pennsylvania. I am excited about helping, in any way that we can, for pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and western pennsylvania to keep moving forward with confidence and optimism about what is possible for the future we want to create together. I am thrilled to be here with tim kaine. [applause] secretary clinton i asked him to be my running mate, because i knew he would be one of the smartest, toughest, most qualified Vice President s we have ever had. [applause] secretary clinton i also knew he had never lost an election. I kind of figured that might rub off on me a little bit. Now that i have gotten to spend more time with him, and with his wonderful wife anne and their family, i am even more confident that he will be such an extraordinary leader for our country. He is not just smart, tough and qualified. Tim kaine is as good and decent a person as you will ever meet. [applause] secretary clinton i am deeply honored to have him by my side in this campaign. Tim and i are excited by all of the energy and enthusiasm we are seeing across the country and particularly here in pennsylvania. [applause] secretary clinton both of us, unlike our opponent, do not believe we can do this alone. We believe that we will do this by working with all of you. We are going to come together in the next 17 days and convince everybody you can to get out to vote. Whatever issue you care about is going to be on the ballot. It may not be listed, but it will be on the ballot. Whether you care about good jobs with rising incomes, or better education, or what we can do to get the cost of Prescription Drug down. Whatever you care about, it is going to be on the ballot. My name and tims name might be the ones on the ballot, but we will be representing everything that we can do that you hope for our country. [applause] secretary clinton and we are going to need help doing that after the election. That is why i hope you will do everything you can to elect Katie Mcginty your next senator. You know, katie is the daughter of a Philadelphia Police officer. I think she is one of 10 children, right . One of 10 children. She has devoted her professional life to protecting working families. I have known her now for more than 20 years, when she was really young, and i have seen that same cando spirit to read spirit. She gets up every day, what can she do to fight for healthier neighborhoods, to keep our kids and healthy, to fight for cleaner air and cleaner water, to help people make the most out of their own lives. Now, she is running for the senate, because, like tim and i, she believes our economy should work for everyone. Not just those at the top. Katie is exactly the kind of partner we need in the senate. More importantly, she is exactly the kind of senator western pittsburgh need in the senate. We have got to get things done for the people of pennsylvania and america. And katie will help us break through the gridlock, make a difference in peoples lives, help us create more good jobs with rising incomes, guaranteeing equal pay for women , defending planned parenthood. [applause] i think it iston pretty clear when you look at katies opponent he still refuses to stand up to donald trump. [audience booing] secretary clinton a lot of republicans have. They have not had the great in grit and thethe guts to stand up and say he does not represent me. But pat toomey heard donald attack a grieving gold star family who lost their son in iraq, he heard donald called mexican immigrants rapists, he heard him say terrible things about women, he heard him spread the lie that our first black president wasnt really born in america. How much more does pat toomey need to hear . If he doesnt have the courage to stand up to donald trump after all this, can you be sure he will stand up for you when it counts against powerful interests . [applause] secretary clinton when i look at this, i am thinking to myself, we have work to do in washington. I know it will not be easy. I understand we have real challenges. I believe we can do it. I would not be standing here, and tim would not be with me [applause] secretary clinton but we need people in washington who put you first, who get up every day thinking about middleclass families, who worry about where you are going to get the money to send your kids to college, how you are going to take care of your mum or dad because they are failing and what are you going to do for them . How are you going to deal with all of the challenges . That is what i try to do my entire life. That is who you should be electing. People who care about you, your families, and your children. Now, as tim said, he asked if any of you watched the debate on wednesday. Well, i will tell you, that was the third and last time i will ever have to debate donald trump. [cheering] [applause] secretary clinton think about this. I have now spent four and a half hours on stage with donald, proving once again i have the stamina to be president. [cheering] [applause] and afterclinton every one of those debates, people have asked, how did you do that . Really, you just have to be of good cheer. You are in front of 50, 60, 70, 80 million people. So, no matter what he would say, i just kept thinking of all the people i have met throughout this campaign. Today, i met henry over there. Henry is on top of his dads shoulders, and henry gave me a note saying he hoped i would be president. You know, i really want to be president for all of the kids in america to do everything i can to help you. Henry]ng i also didlinton have a chance to talk about some of the important concerns people have shared with me. From the first day i started this campaign back in april 2015, people have been telling me what is on their minds. It is one of the greatest honors. You know, sometimes it is just i will be in a coffee shop shaking hands or i will come down and shake hands on a rope line, just running into somebody. That person, that man or woman or that young person, takes a moment to stop and look into my eyes. I can tell they are trying to take my measure, and i am grateful that they take their vote, their choice of seriously, and then they might Say Something like, i have a really terrible problem in my family. My son or my daughter has gotten addicted to opiates or to heroin. What are you going to do about it . Or maybe they will say, my brother has schizophrenia, and we cant afford to get him the kind of consistent care he needs. Or maybe they will say, i am a diabetic. And the drug company has just raised the cost of insulin, and i cant afford it. What are you going to do about it . That is the right question to ask anybody running for president , because at the end of the day this is about you. Going to, we are invest in the middle class. We are going to grow this economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down. [applause] secretary clinton we are going to create more good jobs with rising incomes so that every single person, especially every single young person in america, can go as far as your hard work and talent will take you. Now, ive got to say i believe in hard work. That is how i was raised. I believe youve got to work for what you get in life. But i think we have to not down knock down some of the barriers that stand in the way of people getting ahead and going as far as they should. For me, that starts by believing in our country. You know, there has been no other place in the history of the world that has given so much opportunity to so many. Do we have problems . We have problems. Do we have challenges . Of course, we do. We are human beings. But there is no more blessed place. Donald trump did something the other night that no other president ial nominee has ever done of either party. He refused to say he would respect the results of this election. [audience booing] secretary clinton make no mistakes about this, my friends. He is threatening our democracy. Look, i have lost elections. You dont feel very good the next day, believe me. But we know in our country the difference between leadership and dictatorship, right . [applause] the peacefulnton transition of power is one of those things that sets us apart. Whether you support me or my opponent, together, we must show we support american democracy. And i believe both donald trump and i should be grateful for the opportunities that our country has given us. And the best way to demonstrate that we support our democracy is to turn out and vote. And there is an inspiring story being written by people across america right now. We have just reached a milestone. More than 200 million americans are registered to vote in this election. And you know what . That includes 50 more than 50 million young people. More than ever before. [no audio] [applause] secretary clinton i find that a very hopeful sign. Here in pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands of more voters are registered than were in 2012. What does this tell us . I think it tells us no matter how much negativity is out there, something exciting is happening right now. People are coming together democrats, republicans, independents all to reject hate and division. [applause] secretary clinton in the states where they can, people are motivated to vote early and defend core American Values and embrace a future where every person counts, everyone has a place, everyone can contribute. You see, despite what donald trump may think, most americans really believe we can do better. Most americans really believe women should be respected. [applause] secretary clinton most americans really believe that workers should be paid fairly. [applause] secretary clinton most americans believe that the United States should work with our allies to lead the world and keep us safe. The energy we see in the final weeks of this campaign is about more than winning an election. It is about standing up to the kind of country that we want for ourselves and our children. And it is about the lessons we want to teach our sons and daughters. I want you to know, if tim and i are fortunate enough to be your president and Vice President , we will work with everyone. Now, i imagine here in Allegheny County and if you are from further west, you probably know people who are thinking about voting for donald trump. And here is what i want you to tell them. I want you to tell them that i understand that they need a president who cares about them, will listen to them, and i want to be their president , too. [applause] secretary clinton because whether you agree or disagree with me, whether you vote for me or vote against me, i believe we can disagree without being disagreeable. I have seen that. I know it can happen. I know there are a lot of people here in pennsylvania who have a lot of questions. They want to know, how do we move forward better . They want to know about their town where there are not as many jobs. They are upset what they see about what they see around them. I get that. But anger is not a plan. [applause] secretary clinton and we need to work together. We need plans that will help us deal with the legitimate concerns and questions people have in pennsylvania. I think that is what our whole country needs right now. That is what i will try to do. I am not going to pretend that we can snap our fingers and solve our problems. That does not happen in the real world. But i know we can make progress together. The choice we face in this election is stark, especially when it comes to the economy. Tim and i believe when the middle class thrives, america thrives, and when we invest in working families, in the middle class, and Small Businesses, we can make the economy work again for everybody. I think it is fair to say that both donald trump and pat toomey have a different perspective. They believe and they believe this if you give trillions of dollars and they mean trillion with a t of tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, corporations, it will all trickle down to everyone else. It has not worked before, and it has caused us a lot of messes we have had to clean up. I have been privileged to see president s up close and personal right. Married one, thats right. Worked for one. And here is what i know. When you focus on helping the middle class, you end up lifting everybody. When you focus on helping the top, you help the top. That is not good enough. Donald likes to say he is on the side of american workers, but his actions tell a different story. Yes, he bought cheap chinese steel and aluminum for his construction projects. He should be buying good, americanmade steel that supports good, american jobs. [applause] secretary clinton i would like to hear donald explain to steelworkers, filing for unemployment, why he put chinese Steel Workers to work, instead of steelworkers here in pennsylvania. And for all his talk about putting america first, he has made many of his products in 12 different countries. If he wants to make America Great again, why doesnt he start by making things in america again . We now know he hasnt paid a dime in federal income taxes for years. He says that makes him smart. Well, i dont know how smart you have to be to lose a billion dollars in a year in the first place. Especially answer me this how do you lose a billion dollars when you are in the casino business . Never could figure that out. But what it means is every one of us is paying more in federal income taxes than a billionaire has. That is wrong, and we will end those kinds of loopholes and gimmicks. [applause] secretary clinton it also means that donald has contributed zero for our military, zero for our vets, 0 for pell grants to help young people go to college, zero for our highways, zero for everything. And yet he stands up on stage and criticizes america. Its wrong. With your help, we will make the biggest investment in new job since world war ii, jobs and infrastructure. Our roads, our bridges, our tunnels, our ports, our water systems, all need help, and those are a lot of good jobs, jobs that cant be exported out of pennsylvania. [applause] secretary clinton i believe we can bring advanced manufacturing back to the United States. That is why we will invest 10 billion in a make it in America Partnership that brings together workers and unions and businesses, universities, community colleges. [applause] countryy clinton some is going to take the lead with ion machining. Is going to takes the lead with 3d printing. We invented both of those technologies. We should take the lead, and we should have the jobs. [applause] secretary clinton we are also going to combat Climate Change with clean, Renewable Energy jobs. And we are going to help Small Businesses which will create two thirds of all of the jobs in america. And we are going to defend your right to organize and bargain collectively for higher wages and benefits. Do not let anyone full you, fool you, my friends. Assault on Worker Rights and unions is an assault on the middle class. It is time to say loudly and clearly, right to work is wrong for workers and wrong for america. [applause] secretary clinton i have set some big goals. I am excited about what we are going to do. Its all going to put people to work right here. And sometimes folks say to me, how are you going to get that done . First, i hope we will elect some more democrats. That would be number one. Number two, i think it will be a very simple question. Our members of congress, members of the senate going to be on the side of the rich, the powerful, and the wealthy, and you know what . It they are going to continue to do the work of those already privileged in america, then i want to make sure that they do not come back to washington after the next election. [applause] secretary clinton look, we are in a great, Great High School here. I am so proud to be here. [applause] secretary clinton and so, we are going to do more to be a good partner with education, especially with educators. We are going to start with universal prek. We want good schools with good teachers so every kid gets a worldclass education. [applause] secretary clinton i want us to bring Technical Education back to high school. I think it was a mistake when we took it out. There are a lot of good jobs that you can be prepared for in todays economy coming out of high school, maybe community college, going into an apprenticeship program, and i want to lift up that work. A Fouryear College degree should not be and is not the only way to have a good job with the rising income and a satisfying life. We are going to make public colleges and universities tuition free for any families making less than 125,000 a year. And we are going to help you pay down your college debt. [applause] secretary clinton it is going to be great to help you pay it back as a percentage of your income at your job, so you are never on the hook for more than you can afford. I worked on this with senator bernie sanders, and its going to help save [applause] secretary clinton it is going to help save people thousands of dollars. In fact, while you are here, you can go to hillaryclinton. Com calculator to see how much your family can save. We want you to know we are going to deliver results for you. I mean, ultimately, its pretty sampled. Simple. I think the American Dream is big enough for everybody and i want everybody to have your chance to get your piece of the American Dream. So, theres a lot of work we are going to be doing. We need to raise the National Minimum wage. People who work fulltime should not be mired in poverty. We are going to guarantee equal pay for women. [applause] secretary clinton it is not just a womans issue. If you have a mother, which all of us do if you have a mother, a wife, a sister who is working, its your issue, too. Its good for the entire family. It is good for the economy. So, my friends, there is a lot a lot for us to do and the in the next 17 days. Weve got to get the word out. Weve got to tell everybody what we are doing and why this election is so critically important. That is where all of you come in. If you do know people who are thinking about voting for our opponents, well you may. I hope you will stage an intervention. [applause] secretary clinton and i hope you will talk about the reality versus the demagoguery of what we have seen in this campaign. You know, we need to come together around all of the issues that are important to everybody, and i said in the beginning, whatever issued you you care about is going to be on the ballot. I care a lot about making sure that women and girls are treated with dignity and respect. [applause] secretary clinton i care a lot about making sure that we save Social Security and we ensure that everybody has the benefits that they need in order to be able to live a decent life in retirement. [applause] boy, do iclinton and care a lot about our constitution. I went to 112 countries as you r secretary of state. I met a lot of people who in the us, because we have been so steady and so committed to our constitutional system and our values. What i hope is that you care as deeply as our founders did, as our parents and grandparents did, because maybe they came from somewhere else where they werent treated right. Maybe they saw firsthand what it meant to be deprived of the rule of law. You know, every time donald trump says, he wants to jail his opponent, meaning me, i think to myself, you know, we dont do that in america. We actually have laws and courts and an independent judiciary. [cheers and applause] secretary clinton or, you know, when he blows up at a journalist or criticizes the press and goes on and on and on. You know, i get criticized by the press. [laughter] secretary clinton i know that is part of our democratic system. We believe in a free press. And boy, if you go to countries where there isnt one, you will understand why that is so important. [cheers and applause] secretary clinton and when he says there should be a religious test a religious test for people at our borders, a country founded on religious freedom, you have to ask yourself, who is going to conduct the test . [laughter] secretary clinton are we going to get a quiz . What if the Border Security official does not believe you . Who gets to decide whether you get to come in or out based on your religion . If you havent seen it yet, i hope you will go and look at the extraordinary statement by mr. Khan on youtube in a new video that we have put out. [cheers and applause] secretary clinton you remember, he pulled out a constitution at our convention. And he reveres our constitution. And for good reason. Because he, too, came from a place where the was no rule of law to speak of. So, whatever issue you care about, this is an issue that will be decided by this election, and that is why im reaching out to republicans, democrats, independents, everyone. I know if we bring our talent, our energy, and our ambition to the work of building our country, we are going to see the best days of america ahead of us, and when your children and your grandchildren ask what you did in 2016 when everything was on the line, i hope you will say you voted for a better america. [cheers and applause] secretary clinton so, here we go. Just remember youve got to get out and vote, youve got to get everybody you know to get out and vote. If you do not know where to go vote, please go to iwillvote. Com. You complete your information in and it is the magic of the internet. They will tell you where you are supposed to vote. You can go to Hillary Clinton. Com and sign up to volunteer. You can take your phone out and textjoin to 47246, and if we can get all of you and everybody you know involved in this next 17 days, i will tell you this it is easy to forget how far our country has come. There are a lot of people here as i said, whose parents and grandparents came as immigrants. My grandparent came and settled in scranton. He went to work and retired at the age of 65. He believed in our country. He believed in the kind of future he could get through his hard work. That is what i want everybody in our country to believe again. We are going to unleash the talent, the innovation, the energy that brought people like my grandfather here, but which we will harness for the future. Dont let anybody tell you americas best days are behind us. Dont believe that for a minute. [cheers and applause] secretary clinton we are going to pull together. We are going to make it clear that confidence and optimism, respect for each other, bringing folks together who may disagree but can begin to try and find Common Ground is what has always worked and it will work again. Help us. Help us create that kind of future, and help us prove once and for all that love trumps hate. Thank you all. [cheers and applause]

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