right now on "showbiz tonight," michael jackson movie outrage. >> want to take them places you've never been before. >> explosive new debate about whether "this is it" misleads the public by keeping out scenes showing michael in bad shape. plus, was michael's death announced to his concert team while the cameras were rolling? targeting oprah. one of the trainers from "the biggest loser" slams oprah. why jillian michaels says oprah winfrey is utterly misguided and shackingly misinformed. her words. tonight, oprah under attack. and, it's time for "showbiz tonight" to name the most provocative celebrity of the week. will it be hulk hogan for his suicide confession? rihanna for her racy new picture? or balloon boy dad richard heene for being balloon boy dad richard heene? tv's first most provocative entertainment news show starts right now. hello, i'm a.j. hammer broadcasting tonight and every night from new york city. >> hi there, everyone, i'm brooke anderson coming to you tonight from hollywood and the madness over the new michael jackson movie is building big-time. >> definitely is, brooke. tonight there is down right outrage over michael's movie. it hasn't opened up yet. "this is it" is the brand new film made from footage of michaels final rehearsals preparing for a series of 50 concerts in london. he died before the final rehearsals. tonight, new word from jackson's relatives they are not going to see the film. why not? fans from as many as ten coun y countries are rallying together to slam the film makers behind "this is it" accusing them of hiding the truth of michael's failing health and cashing in on his death. without a doubt, these outrageous claims made for big news breaking today. >> stop right there. ♪ into the nighttime >> it's, perhaps, the last look we'll get of the king of pop doing what he did best. this brand new footage from the upcoming documentary "this is it," shows a dynamic michael jackson rehearsing for his comeback concerts 234 the days before his death. it's clear that seeing michael jackson singing and dancing one more time will be er reirresist for fans still mourning his loss. "showbiz tonight" can tell you some of michael jackson's fans and members of his family are either hesitant or down right furious about "this is it" and may not see it. jackson's mother, katherine jackson tells access hollywood it's too soon for her to see her son on the big screen. >> i don't think i can bear to look at it right now. eventually in time i will watch it. >> are you going to go watch the movie as a whole family? >> in this vid crow from tmz, jackson's sister la toya said the same thing. >> we're not seeing it. we're not seeing it. >> even with the lack of support jackson's family is offering for "this is it" his heirs stand to benefit the most from the family. jackson's estate got a chunk of the reported $60 million sony paid for the rights to the rehearsal footage that makes up the movie. 90% of the film's he knew reportedly goes to his heirs. sony assured jackson's family "this is it" will not show jackson in a negative light. that means don't expect to see any signs of the insomnia and heavy sedative use that caused jackson's death. and you won't see footage of the moment where the cast and crew found out jackson had died. and because of those omissions -- ♪ they don't really care about us ♪ >> some fans don't care for this movie. an online campaign against "this is it," fans are bashing the movie saying its makers ignored jackson's health problems. >> they're upset. they think the people who probably should have been in the position to help michael are the ones that are going to make money off of this movie. >> the film's director kenny ortega was asked about the controversy on the "today" show. >> it's funny anyone would say anything negative has been excluded when no one's seen the film. they don't know what's in the film or not. >> ortega tells "showbiz tonight" why he thinks michael, himself, would have been fine with people seeing him preparing for his comeback. >> he had big reasons behind wanting to go on stage again. i do think michael would have wanted his fans to know what they were. >> if michael's mom, sister and web savvy critics won't be seeing the film when it opens tuesday, looks like plenty of people will. more than 1, 600 snowtimes reportedly have already sold out since advanced tickets went on sale for the movie's two-week run. >> there are fan, people who loved michael jackson their whole life who are horrified by the stuff we have been hearing the past few months about his drug use, his problems. people want to go to the movies and see michael in a positive lugt and see him the way they remember him. ♪ smooth criminal >> hold for applause. fade out. >> is this film really trying to cover up the tragic truth about jackson's life just days before his death? joining me tonight in new york, carolina burr mu dez, "in touch weekly." from hollywood, tanika ray, journalist. let's start off with the controversy today over the website called this is not it.com. the fans are saying the people behind the movie ft this is it" cut out negative footage of michael looking unhealthy. let's say for a moment the film makers did only use footage of michael that made him look good, that showed him in the most positive light. >> i think they're maintaining his integrity as an artist and what he would have wanted them to see. because they're not including the negative footage, that doesn't make it less valuable. he was a legend in his own right and i think he died doing what he loved doing, performing. unfortunately this is the last documentation we have of it. a lot of people really want to see this film. >> it's interesting, you used the word documentation. this is not built as a documentary about michael's death. or a documentary about his final days. it is just showing the rehearsal process and giving people the last taste of what was to be expected at the london shows. the film's director is kenny ortega. he's addressing claims all the negative footage of michael has been excluded. here's what he told the "today" show about that. watch this. >> it's funny anyone would say anything negative has been excluded when no one's seen the film. it's candid, honest, raw, it's real. you know? the cameras were turned on, you know, just a few times, and that's the footage that exists in this film. >> with all due respect to kenny ortega, the cameras were turned on more than a few times. the movie was made from 80 hours of footage. tamika, do the film makers have obligation to show the bad as well as good? >> you know, i don't think so. they have theatrical creative license to do whatever they want. you can't make everybody happy. if they did a documentary on the negative stuff there would have been a legion of fans outraged by that. i'm going to look at it as paying homage to michael jackson and his beautifully amazing creative life we loved so much. we want to see what he was going to do in london for those 50 shows and now we're going to get a chance to get a glimpse of it. i think that's to be celebrated. so i think, also, to the point before about why the family's not going to see it, i think it's too fresh. they're going to see their family member doing what he loves, yes, but i think it's going to bring up a lot of emotions. i think that's why they're staying away. i think they're going to sell all those tickets out in two weeks. >> i think as far as the outrage is concerned, i do understand it. so many fans are just still so angry over the fact that michael died over how irresponsible his death was and the people around him were being. now, this i find fascinating. according to "entertainment weekly" cameras were, in fact, rolling when michael's concert crew got the announcement that michael had died. i mean, that, i can only imagine how powerful that would have been to have seen. now, they didn't include that in the movie. carolina, i'm thinking the critics maybe should give the film makers credit here. i think that shows they weren't necessarily out to simply exploit michael's death and make it sensational. >> absolutely. if they were, they would say, this is the clinker, people are going to come to see this part here. they are taking a chance putting it out there and letting people see the last moments. it's going to be hard for people to see michael jackson as he was anyway. the fact they left that personal side out, because these are people who worked closely with michael jackson over a period of time. i think the >> "showbiz tonight" got a hold at a brand new look at the film today. watch this extraordinary footage of michael doing "human nature" in rehearsals. check this out. ♪ if this town is just a -- ♪ they say why, why ♪ why, why >> very quickly, tamika, i see that and think people are going to be more curious on what's on the other 78 hours? >> absolutely. i had very good friends that danced with michael over the years. they say nothing about kind, beautiful things about a man who gave so much in his humanitarian efforts. all he wanted to do was touch everybody and make everybody love each other. this movie is going to help do that. >> yeah. i think great closure for michael. well deserved. i'm looking forward to it. thanks, guys, i appreciate it. tonight, oprah winfrey is under fire. one of the trainers on the biggest loser is using pretty strong words to describe oprah's weight battle. how about misguided and misinformed? so why is this trainer slamming oprah? i'll tell you. also, an explosive brand new development in the $100 million sexual harassment suit against liza minnelli. what we found out today what liza is being ordered to do. time for "showbiz tonight" to make the most provocative celebrity of the week. plenty of candidates. will it be hulk hogan? rihanna for her racy new photo or balloon boy dad richard heene? stay tuned to "showbiz tonight" to find out. this is "showbiz tonight" on hln. time for the showbiz news ticker. more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news right now. did you see this? the white house has just released this, the official photo of the first family. wow, look at the obamas looks so great. an interesting factoid here. the photographer, famed annie leibovitz took the shot. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." i'm a.j. hammer. >> i'm brooke anderson. hey, a.j., we never, ever flub our lines here at "showbiz tonight." >> oh, no, brooke. we are trained entertainment news professionals. >> yep. did you see this? it has been a week full of down right embarrassing moments for some news anchors on live tv. from a major mixup involving two civil rights leaders to a newscaster who looked like he could have been swallowed up by a killer seagull. it's been so bad i'm suggesting a new warning. caution being on tv could be hazardous to your career. here's cnn's jeannie moos for "showbiz tonight" on why it's been a bad week for bloopers. >> reporter: a pigeon, a giant seagull, a fan falling off a cab, an anchor making a gesture for crazy, and al jesse, jesse al, jesse al, have to do with one another? it's the weekend bloopers and what a week it was. this australian anchor got caught making the internationally known gesture for crazy coming out of a taped sound bite with a senator. it was so quick you might think you're crazy. the anchor later apologized to the senator who laughed it off, saying maybe i am crazy. here's what happens when you get your reverends mixed up. >> joining me to talk about this, and the nation's reel problem of joblessness, the reverend al sharpton. what's your reaction to hearing someone say, when it comes to income unequalty, all's well? the rising tide floats all the boats? >> i'm reverend jesse jackson. >> right. you know, i'm so sorry. the script in front of me said reverend al sharpton. i know who you are, reverend jackson. we all do. >> reporter: good recovery. blame it on the teleprompter. here's a little refresher. reverend al sharpton. reverend jesse jackson. this australian 9 news anchor has a lot of gull. >> i hope someone burdened with information -- >> reporter: the seagull sauntered past the camera shooting the skyline. >> i knew it happened because i could see in the monitor at the back of the studio, this gigantic thing walking behind me. >> reporter: it was this bird that took on the'ses at sunday's televised game between philadelphia and the oakland raiders. a pigeon hung out on the field and joined the raiders' kickoff coverage. talk about a wing formation. the raiders and the pigeon beat philadelphia. the baseball fans celebrated the phillies getting into the world series by dropping the "f" bomb. >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: and falling off a taxi. this guy didn't overtip. he tipped over. >> yikes. i am glad this week is over. so there is no chance of me ending up on that list. that was cnn's jeannie moos for "showbiz tonight." brooke, the showbiz on call phone lines will not stop ringing. people calling in about chris brown and rihanna. >> they are. they're together again. at least in the headlines. chris is doing a fan appreciation tour and rihanna has a new single and racy photo to go along with it. so is it time to forgive chris for brutally beating rihanna? a call in from rene in iowa. >> i don't think it's time to forgive chris brown. you wouldn't forgive somebody out on the street who beats his wife. why should we forgive chris bound so easily? he needs to grow up, do a lot more than he's done and then maybe the forgiveness can start. >> thank you, rene. >> sydney calling in to showbiz on call from illinois has a different take on the situation. >> of course it's time to forgive chris brown. of course we're going to be disappointed in the actions he took that night. we can't brand him the rest of his life as a woman abuser. we have to give him the time to grow and show us he can change. time to forget and let him move on and make better decisions in life. >> we got a call from robin in minnesota who says rihanna has no obligation to be a role model. >> i don't think anybody should be expecting rihanna should speak out. she has no reason to speak out. she doesn't have any obligation to speak out. she was a victim of a crime. we should just leave her alone. >> we appreciate your call, robin. the showbiz on call phone lines always open. >> 1-888-sbt-buzz. 1-888-728-2899. leave us a voicemail so we can play your calls on "showbiz tonight." your calls to showbiz on call also now online on our home page. set your web browsing device to cnn.com/showbiz tonight. oprah winfrey under fight from a fitness guru. trainer from "the biggest loser" using harsh words to describe oprah. why is this trainer reading oprah the riot act? also, it's that time again. time for "showbiz tonight" to name the most provocative celebrity of the week. hulgs hogan for his confessions he contemplated suicide? rihanna for his racy new photo? or balloon boy dad richard heene? also, a close call for actor dennis quaid caught on tape. why dennis and a cop had a little chat after dennis may have had a few drinks too many. this is "showbiz tonight" on hln. time to roll out the showbiz news ticker. more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news right now. tonight, the unbelievable story of hln's very own jane velez-mitche velez-mitchell. see jane every night hosting "issues" at 7:00 p.m. eastern on hln. she's a big-time tv star now but her life was not always so glamorous. tonight jane is sharing her own private battle with addiction. she reveals her powerful story in this fantastic brabd new book called "i want: my journey from addiction." when i sat down with jane i had toing a her when she hit rock bottom and realized she needed help getting sober. >> i was a blackout drinker. i was really lucky. i never got a dui. i would black out literally and not remember what happened. that is so totally frightening, and that is a hallmark of addiction. hallmark of alcoholism when you don't remember wa happhat happe after you have a couple drinks. it was a life or death thing for me. my sobriety has to come before everything else because without that i don't have any of this. >> you also talk about very openly how after you were able to confront and deal with your alcoholism you came out as a lesbian and you were in a love relationship and -- which is such a nice thing to read about and hear about. you said this. i got honest about my alcoholism and then i got honest about my sexual orientation. it sounds like for you, or, perhaps, for anyone, it had to happen in that order. >> well, i had nothing to hide behind. once i got sober. when i have uncomfortable feelings, i would drink them down. when i got sober, i had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. to me, i feel i'm a living breathes example of how sexual orientation is not a choice. i really chose to be heterosexual and tried very hard. i was married. i had boyfriends who i'm still very close with and friendly with but there was a missing component. as hard as i tried to live a heterosexual lifestyle, when i got sober and didn't have any way to drown my feelings i had to acknowledge to myself that i am gay. >> read jane's incredible story in her book. "i want: my journey from addiction to a simple her, honest life" is available now. the showbiz lineup. what's coming up at the bottom of the hour on s"showbiz tonig " tonight." oprah winfrey under attack about her weight. misguided. misinformed. why is this trainer slamming oprah? "showbiz tonight" names the most provocative celebrity of the week. will it be hulk hogan, rayihanr or how about balloon boy dad richard heene? check this out. if a regular whopper isn't whopping enough for you, behold the seven patty whopper. this is "showbiz tonight" on hln. >> the showbiz news ticker. more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news right now. now on "showbiz tonight." oprah under attack. tonight a big-time star lashing out at oprah over her weight. she calls oprah misguided. even misinformed. but why? liza minnelli sex suit. a dramatic development in the $100 million sexual harassment lawsuit against liza minnelli. what she's ordered to do asap. hulk hogan admitted to nearly killing himself. rihanna's shocking song and nearly nude photo. and richard balloon dad heene. who willby name as the most provocative celebrity of the week? tv's first most provocative entertainment news show continues right now. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." 30 minutes past the hour. i'm a.j. hammer broadcasting tonight and every night from new york city. >> and i'm brooke anderson coming to you tonight from hollywood. tonight, liza's sex lawsuit. it is just one of three stories making for big news breaking. >> liza minnelli is ordered to court to testify in a sexual harassment case against her. the 61-year-old star being accused of forcing her ex-driver to have sex with her. that's not all because liza is suing him right back. breaking tonight, oprah gets slammed by a big-time celebrity trainer from "the biggest loser." tonight why jillian michaels says oprah is, these are her words, utterly misguided and shockenly misinformed. our facebook fans fired up over this one today. close call for dennis quaid. a cop saves dennis from himself by ordering dennis out of his car after the star appears to have one too many drinks. with us in new york, carolina bermudez "in touch weekly." in hollywood, pat lalama, an investigative journalist. the liza minnelli sex scandal. liza has been order to a new york court to testify in a lawsuit against her. the ex-driver is alleging he was forced to have sex with liza. pat lalama, you buying this? >> look at this iconic and talented figure. she is that, we can't deny it. liza, herself, says she comes from genetic dysfunction. her ex-husband said she used to beat the living daylights out of him. i don't know if any of that has anything to do with this. the fact is this guy, whether you buy it or not, should have his day in court and she should have to answer the questions in a deposition. >> all right. liza is not taking this lying down, so to speak. she is countersuing -- i just thought of that. a $250,000 countersuit liza is filing, claiming this guy threatened her after she cut his, are you ready for how much this guy made? $238,000 a year to drive her around. caroli carolina, it sounds fishy to me. we've heard of this before. are you buying this? do you think liza is yet another celebrity dragged into the mud because of her celebrity? >> i think this is another celebrity case where somebody needs money. it's a recession, a.j. people are looking however they can to get their money right now. i'm thinking -- wait, did i make a wrong career choice? $238,000 to drive liza minnelli around? unless he was bound and she had to hop on him somehow, i don't believe this story at all. >> i want to move on to the brand new oprah slam tonight. in the new november issue of "health" magazine, jillian michaels, one of the trainers at "the biggest loser" slams oprah winfrey. in the interview, jillian's asked who she would like to take under her wing and train. listen to what jillian says. if there's someone i think is utterly misguided it would be oprah winfrey. she says she had a thyroid problem and ate soy. i'm like, how? where's dr. oz? she's so misinformed. it's shocking to me on a daily basis. soy is terrible for you if you have a thyroid issue. oprah has been burned by bad information in the past. jillian is saying, what other people have said for years, that perhaps oprah needs to stop preaching about thick things she, herself, is not an expert on. do you think jillian has a point here? >> jillian is a healthy woman. she has a very healthy ego. this is what happens when fame and fortune, when it's bestowed upon you, her sense of self-righteousness is very big. however, she may have a little more information in this field than oprah. i don't understand why no one's allowed to attack the sacred anointed oprah winfrey. >> no, no, pat, don't do it. you can't do it. >> sorry, oh my gosh. >> the truth is, i understand her point pen you look at the massive reach oprah winfrey has, if she's setting a bad example to people by her actions. the "showbiz tonight" facebook fans fired up about this all day long. crystal b. is writing this on our facebook wall. as long as oprah isn't going around judging others on their wait, jillian should mind her own business. if oprah is healthy and not afbing jillian's opinion, who cares what jillian thinks of oprah's weight. brooke anderson, we talk about oprah all the time. what did you read here? is jillian judging oprah or, perhaps, making sure people have the right information? >> i'm a fan of "the biggest loser." personally, a.j., i think trainers jillian and bob sincerely want to help people improve their health and happiness. i do not think she was just judging oprah for the sake of judging her. i think she wanted to get the facts out there. sure, she does not mince words. sometimes her approach is offputting to some. she gets results. the truth hurts sometimes. >> it does. listen to what jackie a. writes on our facebook wall. people focus on oprah's weight because she makes it an issue and tries to promote certain diets and jillian is setting her and her fans straight. just when i thought no one would dare take the name of oprah in vain, people are calling her out. pat, you see it's happening. don't you think jackie here makes a great point? oprah does talk about her weight regularly on the show. shouldn't she expect, you know what? she may miss the mark once in a while. if she does, she could get slammed for it. >> what's important here is facts. she is so, so revered, and women and men take what she says to heart. so she's misinformed about a health issue, that's a very important thing that needs to be corrected. with jillian it's her tone. that's what sets people off is it's sort of a tough-love approach. if the information is wrong, oprah needs to know it. >> tough love gets results, though, pat. let us move on to dennis quaid's close call with the cops. this happened early thursday morning. dennis quaid and his wife, kimberly walked out of a restaurant in l.a. dennis got into the driver's seat of his car. at that moment a cop car shows up. here's what happened. >> you the man, dennis. walk this way, dennis. walk this way. >> i know we don't want to drive. pull over right here. step out of the car. step out of the car. >> right, what do you want to do? >> step out of the car. >> can we go into the restaurant? >> yeah. >> a pretty close call for dennis quaid there. you know, if, indeed, he had been drinking. i think, you know, a whole lot of different things got saved there. carolina, do you think his star power had anything to do with the fact that cop saved him from himself? >> that cop was a guardian angel not only to dennis quaid but to others as well. this happens all the time in hollywood, a.j. back in the day when steve voe was caught with a pipe of ma marijuana in front of west hollywood police officers and they didn't arrest him. celebrities get away with everything. if that were you or i, we would have been thrown in the slammer right away. >> he wasn't allowed to drive. maybe this is the time when that's okay. carolina bermudez, patlama. i'd like to know what you think about this brand new attack on oprah. what about oprah's weight loss advice? that is the subject of our "showbiz tonight" question of the day. oprah winfrey, do you trust her weight loss advice? here's where you vote. cnn.com/showb cnn.com/showbiztonight. we're all excited around here because it's friday and that also means it's time to pick the most provocative celebrity of the week. hulk hogan almost committing suicide. rihanna's shocking nearly nude photo. richard balloon boy dad heene. the most outrageous, the most controversial. who will be the most provocative celebrity of the week? also this -- >> i was petrified. i was like, this can't -- this is not happening to me. this can't be happening. >> this is so unbelievable. a big-time rock star opens up about his shocking breast cancer diagnose. and the incredible reason why he kept it a reason for so long. take a look at this whopping whopper. it's not seven, count them, seven pattys. with thing you definitely won't be asking where's the beef? this is "showbiz tonight" on hln. now the showbiz news ticker. more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news right now. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." i'm a.j. hammer. >> i'm brooke anderson. tonight, "showbiz tonight" is naming the most provocative celebrity of the week. will it be hulk hogan who tragically revealed in his brand new book he considered suicide after his split with linda hogan? then there's rihanna's provocative new photo released with her brand new single "russian roulette. "was this the smartest move to make considering this is her first song since the chris brown beating? or is the most provocative celebrity of the week the balloon dad? richard heene? who allegedly put his kids at risk for a shot at fame? joining me tonight in new york, meagan alexander, correspondent for "inside edition." in hollywood, tanika ray, entertainment journalist. there are pretty darn big contenders this week. meagan, what do you think should be named the "showbiz tonight" most provocative celebrity of the week? >> rihanna's cover screamed the word provocative. i'm deeply puzzled by it. if that photo of a real life brianna bruised and bloodied by chris brown wasn't in my mind, i would say this is just art. this photo is too fresh. i quer her entourage and the people around her, why they felt she should be in an overtly sexual and physical photo. if you listen to the lyrics of "russian roulette," it's a scared little girl crying for help and is in a dark place. >> the photo own lyrics are deeply disturbing to me. rihanna has totally vexed some of her fans after releasing this photo for her new single russian rel roulette. tanika, do you agree with her? >> i think it's very provocative. you have two options, you either go with it or completely erase the last image people have in their minds and go the poly anna right? she has decided to go with it. it's definitely provocative. they talk about guns in the song. it's not for little kids. s i don't know if i agree with it. >> no doubt she's going with it. that's for sure. meagan, you do have to admit, though, besides rihanna, richard heene, the controversial balloon boy dad is a good pick this week. he's been painted as a fame monger who will use his kids to get anything. >> i think it's scary when it shows you what somebody would do to get on television, when kids are involved. we're upset to see the way the little boys have been reacting. i hope this is, indeed, showing the public reality television is a lot more scripted than we think and maybe the process will be affected by this real-life scenario of somebody who wanted so badly to get on tv. maybe we'll be changing and having better guidelines on how we set up these shows. people are so hung ry to get on tv. >> this guy makes my skin crawl, if, in fact, he did use his kids in that way to gain fame. before we do reveal the winner of the most provocative celebrity of the week, i want to show you a few write ins. christina r. writes rihanna for sure l. ro man polanski -- tina e. writes, chris brown, enough is a enough. couple of wild cards in there. do you have a wildcard? >> doi. i think it's hilarious this group of young girls that have been robbing paris hilton and lindsay lohan. they're like a group of cheer leaders going out when paris and lindsay are partying and robbing them blind. that was a movie a couple years back. i'm sure it will be a movie of the week in the future. >> they're being called the burglar bunch, not a bright group of people. a number of the suspects have already been arrested. that's a good pick. i have to tell you, there was a fired up debate in our "showbiz tonight" news room about all of this, but the moment is here. who is "showbiz tonight's" most provocative celebrity of the week? the nominees again? hulk hogan, rihanna, and richard heene. and the winner is, in a very close vote, richard heene. you got it. >> oh, no. >> still, so many people disgusted by heene's behavior. tanika, you have to admit, heene is one heck of a provocative man. >> he grosses me out. what happened to the days when young consenting adults just didn't wear pantties to get famous? enough is enough. enough with the reality shows and making any old person that makes headlines a star. it needs to change. i think this will hopefully get there. we'll get a little bit closer to that. fingers crossed. >> maybe so. celine that g., one of our friends at home was all fired up about this. she couldn't agree more. writing, it's heene, i remember because joy behar said it rhymes with weeny. he's a big doody head as joy would say. do you agree? >> brooke, i want to laugh because it's so ridiculous that richard heene has been the talk of the town for so long, because it's so scary what he's doing. to take it a little more serious, i mean, these three people that have been nominated for provocative celebrity have serious issues going on. there are serious problems with all three of them. >> we're going to leave it there. we'll talk next week. meagan alexander, tanika ray. moving on now, tonight, one of the biggest rock stars out there reveals he hid his breast cancer because he was too embarrassed about it. peter criss, the original drummer in kiss had a lump in his breast in december of '07 then got the bad news the lump was cancerous. criss did not tell anyone but his wife because he thought he would be made fun of in the press. listen to what paul chris tells us about when the doctor broke the shocking news to him. >> i was petrified. i was like, this is not happening to me. i went through total shock. i thought, it just don't happen to men. >> fortunately, kriss is cancer free. he has a message for all men out there. breast cancer is not just a women's disease. if you feel something, don't. be embarrassed to check it out. good advice. moving on to a whopper of o story. take a look at this monster burger. it's seven patties thick. you won't be asking where's the beef if you eat this thing. you may be asking for the antacid. time now for the "showbiz" news ticker. more stories from the "showbiz" newsroom making news right now. time now for making it work, getting the secrets from stars on how they make their relationships work. tonight, the view co-host just returned to work after having her third child, so when a.j. stopped by the set, she said one of the keys is to keep the lines of communication open. >> good team work and honesty. if one of us is clearly not up for a feeding at night. i said can we take a walk around the block, you and me, just talk. and i think being honest about the little things about what you need and can't do has helped us. you are, you know, maxed out with a third. and i can't more than that. >> three is a lot. they seem to be handling it very well. this is "showbiz tonight." move over god zil la, there is another massive beast. sit a seven patty whopper at burger king. nobody is saying where's the beef here. this weighs, are you ready? more than one and a half pounds. you can have it loaded up with lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. this was born after microsoft teamed up with burger king to celebrate the launch of the windows 7 operating system. only a few were crazy enough to take on whopper-zilla. you got to check out the guy who wu wasn't up for the challenge. >> i don't know if i could keep all that down. >> my turn. in case you are wondering, 2,120 calories. a whole day's calorie intake. [ applause ] >> you know what? that's just gross. >> making news right now, new develop ms in the jon and kate money battle. jon's lawyer told people magazine that jon is in complete compliance with a court order requiring him to return $180,000 that he took out of a joint bank account. kate's people said they had not received the money. and i am smacking my head and saying oi vey over this one. jon is heading back to temple. he stopped by a family values event to ask for advice on handling his divorce. now jon will be one of the headliners in a debate about fame. is it a blessing or curse? >> if he stays off tv that will be a great step. we asked you to vote. moments ago i was handed the final results. chris brown announces his final tour. that is it for "showbiz tonight." >> you can catch "showbiz tonight" on the 11s. tonight on the weekend wind-up, the decider is going to put his money from his foot usually is, in his mouth. george w. bush takes a gig as a motivational speaker. and charles clemmons will be here to talk about his new book. and the fabulous lily tomlin joins me to discuss her new show opening in las vegas. all this and more. welcome to the weekend wind-up. i'm joined by comedian nick depaulo, comedian carol leifer, author of the book, "when you lie about your age." and selena espinosa. the first story was about this balloon boy, everybody covered it this week, it was all over the media, right? >> what happened. >> you know the story. don't make me go over it again, i have a headache from it. now they're saying that the wife didn't really know. that's the latest. that she was like the heda nusbaum, not aware. what do you think? >> i think the whole thing is an insult to people who work long and hard to get on tv like tori spelling and the kardashians. >> and paris hilton. >> these people have really been in the trenches and -- >> she's right. >> you think so too? >> i have been telling jokes to drunks for 20 years, all i have to do is tie my nephew's leg to a box and call the cops? >> he was kind of creative in a certain, weird sort of way. >> he was also very controlling, if you saw the "wife swap" episode, there was a lot of anger going on there. >> he as a history of violence. here's a sample of his short temper from abc's "wife swap". >> she starts a project and she finishes it and you suck! >> i only have one word to say, loser! >> what's with the air cut? >> why don't you not be so obnoxious, your kids are picking that up. >> your kids are [ bleep ] just like you. >> is he mad today? >> you would think there would be a couple that would make jon and kate look like ozzie and harriet? >> don't you think she should divorce him now? it's enough. if in fact she didn't know anything. she made the 911 call. >> but what about the kids, joy? who's going to buy the kites for the kids? >> how much therapy are these kids going to need? how much prozac? >> probably a deal for a reality show. they'll have a generation of nit wits for the next 20 years to watch because of this guy and his shallow wife that he met in acting class in l.a., by the way. >> the 911 call, she sounded like meryl streep on it. she was so sincere and she meant it. so maybe she did mean it, maybe she's not that good an actress, maybe she meant it. is that possible? >> the story of steve phillips. >> let's change the subject. george w. bush, remember him. >> sure. >> one of the most inarticulate presidents we have ever had? >> yes. >> he's going to be a motivational speaker. he and laura are going on the road, like you, like a comedian. >> houston. >> they're going to houston. i mean he and laura are going on the road and they're going to do motivational speeches. they're going to do three of them and they're making $500,000. what do you think about that? isn't this like the menendez brothers being family counselors? it's ridiculous. >> let's say your company is doing too well, you want your sales to go down, you bring him in. >> i think being a motivational speaker is a lot like asking adam lambert who he likes in the patriots-steelers game. >> that went right over my head. the seminar includes rudy giuliani and colin powell. i thought colin powell didn't hang around with these thugs anymore. >> i think the greatest speech maker ever and he stinks. >> i have to take issue with that. first of all, bush did too many things that were bad, let's face it. i would rather have somebody who doesn't do anything, oh, let's invade a country, let's take your rights away. let's invade a country. >> what rights have been taken away? no rights have been taken away. >> he wanted war and he got a war. he got what he wanted. >> let's go have a war, that's a good motivation. >> that was just on the blow, he had a war for no reason? we're going to go back to that again. >> you know it's true. >> his first speech is going to be in texas, if it were the bordering states, i would be a little worried. >> why? >> that he would invade for no reason? like iraq. >> what about this other case that we have been talking about this week, this sex scandal between this espn analyst, baseball analysts, steve phillips, he's having an affair with a 22-year-old assistant. >> in a balloon. >> no. >> the guy has a wife and four kids. just to bring you up to it. you know, when are these husbands going to learn? >> let's ask you now? what is wrong with these guys, these powerful guys who destroy it all. why can't they put a post it on your zipper, keep it in your pants? >> he's going to -- >> he's going to take a leave of absence from espn, he could lose his job. >> i love how he discusses like it's a monolithic thing, it's just men who cheat on their wives. >> are you feeling picked on? >> i have have been faithful to my wife. i have slipped up twice in 20 years. >> his wife was described in the post as lovey. she kind of looks like the philly fanatic in shorts. i think that makes a difference, if the other woman is a little bit dlugey. it's like if she were a very attractive woman, it's like, hey, okay. >> some guys like girls who look like jack black. but maybe the wife wasn't meeting his emotional needs. because it obviously wasn't a physical thing. >> i think he had an affair in the old days. please, he's a dog this guy. but letterman's girlfriend was not like a beautiful girl and even his wife, she's a regular-looking person. >> yeah. >> no glamazon. >> but he's like a crazy stalker and i like how the glenn close in "fatal attraction" has become the suzanne b. anthony of hollywood stars. >> women have said to her, thank you, that has really controlled my husband. it's just the greater. . >> this guy hundley, the woman hundley. >> she got it right the first time. >> you got me so crazy that she's so not attractive, i think she's a man. she allegedly left creepy voicemails for phillips and his wife and even paid a visit to their house which led to this 911 call from his wife. >> wilton 911 what's your emergency. >> please come to [ bleep ] i have a crazy woman who's involved with my husband and she has come to my house to harm me and my children. >> okay, ma'am, is she outside? >> she's pulling to my door right now, she's in a blue prius. she just pulled past me. >> okay, so you're -- >> she's pulling down my driveway on [ bleep ]. it's a blue car, it's a blue sedan. >> okay was that an overreaction or what? she did have a woman in her driveway and she looked a little dangerous. >> and we have all seen "fatal attraction." >> she's taking my kid to a roller-coaster ride. >> the bunny is in the pot, come quickly. >> so this is just natural for her to panic when this woman comes to her house? >> i've got danny devito in my driveway. >> espn baseball analogist -- why would phillips take the risk as a colleague was fired for a similar act? >> i think men -- these kinds of men don't think they're going to get caught. they think they're above it all. these kind, we know you have established you're not one of those kind of men. you said you've been faithful. his wife had already tolerated another affair. he had been accused of this before. she stayed. he's like this has happened once before and she's in it. >> this doesn't speak well for men and women who want to have it all, a family, a career, but this is having it all for men. >> oh, i see. >> having a young girl on the side, a wife at home. that's having it all. i'm not saying it's rite, but i'm just telling you. >> how about the old-fashioned way? hair plugs and a porsche. >> why can't they go through their midlife crisis just becoming shopaholics. >> you hate us men no matter what. >> we love you and we thank you for coming on the show. you're so funny, we love you. >> and if you're in texas, nick depaulo will be at the houston improv. and coming up next, nick's big man clarence clemmons, what a show. one morning in 1972, he kissed his wife and kids goodbye and headed out on the road with bruce springsteen and they have been together off and on for over 35 years. that's a marriage. just one chapter in the extraordinary career of clarence clemons. his new memoir is "big man, real life and tall tales." it sounds like your ex-girlfriend thought you and bruce were gay, is that a fact? >> that's a fact. from the first time we saw each other, we stayed together for two weeks. we were just inseparable. >> you were in love? >> i was, i still am in love. but it's not a sexual love. it's beyond sex. >> what do you love most? is it his eyes? what is it? >> his dedication to what he does, it's his belief in what he's doing, the energy he creates. >> he works very hard. >> he works very hard. >> and i'm sure you did all those years. >> yes, still do. >> in your book, you talk about your love life a lot. how many women have you over the years in the e street band? >> marriages or? >> just having them for one night. >> he has had quite a few marriages. >> not you, him. but you do talk about the women in the book? >> yeah, i do and i have had my share of good times and it was fun. but now i have really found the person i want to spend the rest of my life with. >> what's she like? >> she's young and -- >> how young, clarence? >> she's younger than me? >> how much younger. >> i think i'm older than her parents. >> you're older than her parents? that's always hairy when you go there for dinner. >> they're russian so they don't speak english. >> they probably don't know what's going on, probably. >> she's very mature for her age and she's helped me through so much. she went through the hard times, went through this whole operation. every day -- >> tell me about that. >> i had my knees replaced and she was with me from day one, every day she was by my side. >> that's night. >> she slept every night with me on the extra bed decide me. because they knew i couldn't do without her. she was there for me. >> you were married five times before, right? >> my ex-wives and i are all friendly. >> that's nice. when you were in the band with bruce, i read that he had two rules for the band, no drugs and be on time. what do you think was harder to stick with? >> being on time i guess was harder. >> and you say that bruce's wife patty likes you? is that true. >> yeah, we're friends. >> you're friends with patty? >> i think people thought there was some animosity because bruce and i were so close, same old, same old. >> maybe she thought you were luring the groupies towards bruce. >> if i was married to a guy who was on the road like you guys were, i would be very nervous. >> if you got a man like bruce or a man like me, you don't have to worry about that kind of thing because we're so dedicated to our music and what we're doing is so important to me. >> but you had time to have five wives. >> that was like my job, just looking for the right one. >> you also had an interesting -- well, you talked about your knees. but the other thing i saw in the book that was interesting to me, red foxx, the comedian red s sox--red foxx, he told you to watch out for bruce because he was a white guy? >> he was being funny. >> oh, i see. >> he was like a lot of the older comedians and actresses, actors, they have this kind of thing of not trusting me. anybody, not just trusting him. anybody, black or white. >> now, you know, bruce has been on countless magazine covers, but this was a recent one that caught my eye. he was on the cover of aarp magazine? >> on his 60 birthday, they celebrated his 60th birthday. >> how did he feel about that being on aarp on his 60th birthday? >> it's kind of like a celebration. >> the tickets were very expensive, but with the senior citizen discount, it was very good. >> thanks very much for coming on. i love you. back with comedian and actress susiestman in just a minute. earlier this week, one of my best friends and the wonderful comedian susiess man stopped by. i had to ask her why she thought -- >> she saw me on the rose. he was casting jeff's wife who he wanted to have a certain facility with language. he called me up and gave me the part. the interesting thing about that is i almost wasn't on the roast. because the fryers club which i had made my bones at, with all their events. >> it's not easy. >> not easy. because you're really dealing with some very heavy duty comics over there. >> legends. allan king, whatever. and so, anyway, so the fryers club fought for me to be on that roast. comedy central didn't want me on that roast because i was not their demographic. and the fryers club fought for me to be on that roast. and to me that was all about how, both of us, how we did our careers for many years, which is just you keep showing up, everybody was knocking us down, and knocking us down and you keep showing up and showing up and doing good work and doing good work. >> and that took you out of your depression, stand up? and you had a lot of therapy, let's not pretend that didn't help. >> i had a lot of analysis, psycho analysis. >> and your life just opened up for you after having years of difficulties and then you got married at the advanced age of -- >> 53. that was the whole thing i have a whole chapter about that in the book. when they wanted to put the wedding announce in the "new york times," they said you're going to have to say your age. and i said i don't give a damn, put my age in there, and then they said the bride, 53 is keeping her name. and then they saidest man, 53. >> "people" magazine is like that. before you go, because i promoted this. you must tell people how they know if they husband is gayed. >> i have a husband called gay, not gay, should be gay. >> just give us the top three. >> he owns five cats and they're all named after characters in barbara standwick movies. he spends an inordinate a lot of time worrying about pillow shams. he rolls his eyes and says whatever on at least three occasion. in hollywood they say if a guy has the photos of the family facing in, he's straight, if he has the family photos facing out, then he's gay. >> the book can called, "what would susie say" and she knows everything. up next, president obama and his fight with the fringe right. stick around. the biggest news in politics this week has been the obama administration's attack on fox news. earlier this week i got a chance to ask jeanine garofalo about that very thing. do you think it's a good idea? >> i don't think that he's picking a fight. and i wouldn't characterize that as blasting. he seemed very reserved there. but i think fox news in general has always been unkind to any democrat, whether they be in the white house or outside of it. i would agree with that. i don't see the value in fox news and going on fox news for those people. it's a very -- >> you don't see the value? >> no, i don't see the value. there's no reason for somebody who has something substantive to talk about to go talk to hannity or go talk to bill o'reilly or fox and friends or really any of their very obvious propaganda machine. having said that most main stream news entities are wanting. most main stream news entities are sub par, and tell versions of stories. >> some people say msnbc has a mission statement from the left, i think you would agree with that? >> and to jeanine's point, i think they all suffer from some kind of bias. but the value of going on fox or msnbc is that you're speaking to a huge swathe of the country and in obama's case, this is the very demographic that he needs right now to get on board with health care and afghanistan. >> do you think they'll ever come on board with obama over at fox? those viewers? i don't even think they would ever come on board. >> if the obama administration would stop condescending and ignoring and insulting those people who don't like a public option, then i think, yeah, they would be more interested in what he has to say, but they don't like being dised, which is kind of like what the white house is doing right now. >> there's con desenation coming from the white house. fox's whole reason for being is to obstruct and to try and make inroads with the average fox viewer is a fool's errand. there's no way. >> as comedians, you don't go in front of audiences that hate us after a while. >> oh, no. >> after a while, you just say no, former bush advisor and current fox news contributor carl rose got his two cents? >> this is an administration that's getting very arrogant and slippery in its dealings with people. they're going to come hard at you and cut your legs off. >> talk about calling the pot the kettle. this is complete hypocrisy on karl rove's part. >> he's absolutely right, you don't silence the opposition. that's just not politically a good move. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for obama to completely sensor an entire demographic or an entire media organization that speaks to a large demographic. >> but karl rove is responsible for possibly firing the united states attorneys who are not loyal to bush. so that's really silencing a whole group of people, isn't that very similar? >> there are some nuances to that story that i don't think we have time to really delineate, really, here? it doesn't matter who's saying it, i think karl rove is right, this is a politically silly move. it doesn't look presidential, it doesn't make the president look serious, it makes him look a little whiney. >> of course we're going to disagree with each other. there's just no two ways around that we will take opposing sides of this. karl rove is the master of silence and he is responsible for the attorney general firings without any nuance. and attacking any dissending of the bush administration. but there is no sensoring going on. saying some of them won't go on that show has nothing to do with sensoring, fox news is a complete propaganda news outlet. that's not to say that other outlets are good. >> they seem to have the intention to be obscuring and obstructing the obama administration. i don't think that that was the intention of cnn or msnbc. >> during the bush administration? i think it was. >> they were critical of it, but there were a lot of things to criticize, really a lot. >> i think fox was critical of the obama administration as a reaction. it's filling a void. it's as a reaction to the lack of criticism, the lack of anything. >> don't call it fair and balanced. >> you're not talking about the same thing, there's opinion shows like hannity and o'reilly. i don't think anyone would call shepard's news show unbiassed. >> i think chris wallace's show. he could have gone on chris wallace's show i think chris tries to be fair and balanced and he has one democrat on the panel and he has some other attack dogs on the panel. but progress sifs aren't just taking on the president. they're now taking on senate majority leader harry reid in nevada. listen. >> i'm your typical swing voter, i have voted for republicans for president and i voted for president obama. i also voted for senator harry reid many times, but in 2010, i'll only be voting on one issue. i'm watching to see if harry reid is strong and effective enough as a leader to pass a public health insurance option into law. >> okay, since reid is in trouble in nevada i think 52% of nevadans are in favor of the public option. is he going to be forced to pub the public option? >> i would hope. i don't understand why some democrats like harry reid are being as obstructionist as the republicans. there's nothing wrong with infighting among parties, there shouldn't be anybody marching lock step with one another. >> the baucus bill hasn't got it in there and i'm wondering how the democrats are going to do in 2010 if they don't get it. what you think? >> hopefully they would suffer for it, as they should. the public option should be in there and there should be like grayson, is that his name, alan grayson, great guy, speaks with conviction and i don't know why there aren't more democrats, there's a lot of great democrats, but a lot of them are too weak in the face of -- >> wussy -- >> that's fine. >> and harry reed is -- >> he's a wuss. >> and in the name of bipartisanship which is a farce. there is no need to pursue bipartisanship with a group of people that will have no interest in bipartisanship, so he should be criticized. >> i agree bipartisanship is really a silly kind of goal. but at the same time, i -- >> why do you think it's a silly goal? isn't that the ideal? >> these are incredibly important issues, people feel very passionate about them. trying to come to consensus is watering down these issues. and no one wins when you try to please everyone. people should stick to their guns. and frankly in nevada inform, i don't know if this poll is entirely accurate. and if nevada wants a public option, as much as i detest it, harry reid should vote for it. absolutely he should represent his constituents. >> sarah palin posted her resume on the social net working site linked in. why does she do this? she's looking for a job, right? >> i guess that makes sense, then. she's being industrious and posting her resume. >> she says she's governor. she's not governor anymore. >> well, she was. >> that ship has sailed. >> i mean was it a joke? >> i don't think she has that great a sense of humor that she would pull something like that. >> she's unconventional. she's on facebook a lot. she twitters and she's reaching out in every way she knows how. people like to say she's crazy, but she generally proves out to be crazy like a fox. >> i don't think she's crazy at all. >> there's people who routinely call her crazy and a whole host of other names. >> would you call her crazy, jeanine? >> i think she's an intellectually uncharactered person with charisma. >> that's very well put. but her very favored popularity rates are going down. is it possible that her 15 minutes are up? >> no, she's been out of the spotlight, she's written her book. >> maybe she wants to be the next paris hilton. >> that's a little cheap and mitt romney has been out of the spotlight and his favorability is down a little bit. and mike huckabee's is up because he's on fox news all the time. when she's out in the public, her favor bltd will go up again. >> i never thought that george bush would ever become president and he did. >> such a young person. i'm hoping you're doing an art installation project. >> i must be joking. >> i'm praying that you are a -- this is a very complex situation, this international -- >> thank you, girls, thank you, ladies. i couldn't say girls. i shouldn't say girls, we're men. back with more in a bit. who's this? >> hi, dr. helder, i'm lindsay thorn, i'm mag give's supervise and she's confused and about to get fired and we just need you to confirm for our records that you're treating a man named david williams. >> what is your medicare id number? >> um, i'm not sure, we're in the process of converting to the metric system. >> well, that was the brilliant lily tomlin in "desperate housewives." her new vegas show "not playing with a full deck" begins at the mgm grand. so lily, you're like a vegas girl now or what? >> yeah, no, i -- years ago when everybody -- people went to vegas to make big money, i wanted to go so badly for the money. but i couldn't bring myself to do it. this is in the 70s, early 80s so i did a big tv special about going for the money. to sort of sublimate the desire. i did character schtick with a message. i was doing this really high, artistic pretentious thing off broadway and so it's all about me going to vegas and corrupting it into a huge motorcycle and diving into the tanks. so now i really am going to vegas and i only wish i could dive in a tank and drive in on a motorcycle. >> call bette midler, she gets anything she wants. in fact bette's going to be there. >> i have seen her there, of course. i love bette, i did a movie with bette, "big business." two of me made movie a movie with her, we were twins. >> your work is considered a big body of work by so many people. you sort of always put it down that you didn't do it, that jane did it, jane wagner, your long-time partner. >> i can potchkey with things, but she brings a certain level to things, an elevated level. >> she's written most of your shows, right? >> she certainly wrote "the search" that was the zenith for me, "the search" the search for signs of intelligent life in the universe. >> even the title is intimidating. >> but this show is not very embracing, it embraces the human species. >> that's when you started screaming, enough with the cake, stop talking about the take. >> that's appearing nightly, that's the teenager, right, but in search of marie, they're grandparents, and it's their daughter's granddaughter who's in "the search" agnes angst. everything grows older except' death ann, she's still 6. >> how long were you with jane. >> 36 years. 39 in march. >> will you get married if california makes it legal? >> i certainly want gay people to be able to be married, absolutely. >> if they want to, yes. >> do you want to? >> the wardrobe alone is an or deal and i would have to postpone the reception because jane wouldn't be there on time, she wouldn't show up. >> she's like that. she's a darling person. >> she's totally wonderful. >> she's a lovely person. >> but she's a southern girl, she has no sense of time, but when she gets there, she's so gracious and people see so little of her because she has no sense of or fear of social obligation. so i go all the time and i'm like such an -- i'm like an old shoe. and then when they find out she's coming, they elbow me aside to get to her. >> she has no interest to be on camera, on stage? >> no. she was an actress too when she was a young girl and got brilliant reviews, she played laura in "the glass menagerie." that was the place, because she was from tennessee of the bartters in virginia. but connie due hurst used to play there. but she's very sensitive, she wouldn't take the stuff you and i take. it was business. >> it's tough because there's a lot of criticism. how do you deal with that? how do you deal with criticism? >> i just cry, cry, cry. i tell you a story, i auditioned once for -- remember when renee taylor wrote "loves never strangers" and it was going to be on broadway and chuck groeden directed it and her boyfriend comes over and for five minutes he tells her why they're not going to get married and at the end, she says, "can you pick up your tux i didn't have any sense of to be an actress just to listen and be in the moment. and chuck pulled a chair up, later, i mean i know him very well and i have done a movie with him and everything, but he pulls up a chair and he says, honey, have you ever acted before? >> oh, how humiliahumiliating? >> i went in the phone booth and i cried. >> how old were you? a kid? >> i was a late bloomer that's why i look so well. >> i'm a late bloomer too. >> i was in my 20s, because i didn't come to new york until i was about 20. >> it's pretty bad, the criticism and the rejection. >> the rejection is terrible. >> still sense a little stage fright? >> yeah. i want to be to glorious. >> carol burnett wrote one time she went out and wasn't nervous and just bombed. you have to be a little scared. lawrence olivia had stage fright. >> it's natural. if you care about what you're doing and want the audience -- it's like a blind date. you want it to be a great, wonderful experience. >> i also think when you're a performer art person, like we are, it's like being a ballet dancer in the sense you don't know how high you're going to be able to leap that night. >> right. >> it's just not in your hands to hold on to. it's -- >> you get inspiration or are suddenly in the zone and just floating somewhere, you know? you can just soar and you cannot soar. >> or you can get sore. we'll be back with more from lily tomlin in just a bit. 30 days for one glazed donut. >> a 59-cent donut. >> if it had been rock 'n' roll she could have thrown sofas out the window. you don't know what kind of passersby at the bottom. when you were playing christian family audiences like we were, you forget to pay for a donut, they throw you out like garbage. i'm back here with lily tomlin. >> i was lucky enough to do five films associated with bob. >> "nashville." >> "nashville" was my first movie. >> you were great in that. >> i got nominated too. >> everyone had a crush on keith in that. he was so cool. women love a guy like that who doesn't pay attention to anybody. >> it's unfortunate, isn't it? >> it's wrong, totally. >> one of the things i read about you one time when you were a kid, you weren't a good student, i take, it were you? >> no -- >> you were smart. i can relate to something you said. you said, if your hair didn't look like i wouldn't go to school. >> out of three years, cumulatively i was absent one year in high school. >> all those bad hair days? >> i was a cheerleader. by the end of the week on friday, my hair started to get in shape and i'd cheer the game and i would get in trouble. mind picture would get in the school paper. one year out of three years i was absent. >> wow. laughing -- we were talking about laughing during the break. who was mean on laughing? there's always somebody who's nasty on those shows. there's one person everybody hates. >> not on our show. >> everybody got along? >> the kids were all great. maybe -- i came in the third year. >> they hated them the first two years? it's what it is. >> who is it? >> i'm not saying. it's too mean. >> was it one of the guys? mel? martin? >> no, no, no. someone else. is this new show in vegas, is it all characters? >> bunch of characters. and, you know, it's not like i'm doing a theater piece. >> no. >> so it's much more informal and fooling around. >> fooling around. it doesn't have the through line and organizing principle to it like your other shows? >> yes. art. >> it has art. oh, excuse me. >> art and a deep commitment to the audience's enjoyment. >> before we go, clear up something about jane wagner. she wrote that famous line that ann richards said about george bush. >> being born with a silver foot in this mouth. >> everybody thought ann richards said it. >> she's never really been credited with it. you know? ann was a very good friend of ours and we were playing at the kennedy center in washington and ann was going to be the keynote speaker that year. jane was faxing lines to her and stuff. we sat down that monday night. i was dark that night. to watch the show. when they said -- we didn't know what ann would pick. that's one of the lines she picked. it was like it exploded. we didn't think it was one of the better lines. we thought it was a good line. >> hilarious line. he deserved it. thanks for coming on. >> my great pleasure. >> good luck with the new show. >> thank you. >> thank you all for watching tonight. good night, everybody. >> good night, everybody. we were able to obtain some physical evidence through some analysis of some of the evidence. all honesty, some written evidence. we were able to develop a person of interest through -- once we reached that person and interviewed them, ultimately they led us to where we have recovered elizabeth's body. we're not going to have a lot to add to it at this time. a profound number of resources both from volunteers that have been here, the vfw, the american red cross, but in addition, our brothers and firefighters as well as the highway patrol, fbi and the police department and certainly the office of the sheriff. we're not able to spend a great deal on it other than to tell you the person that led us to this is also a juvenile. >> as you have just heard from missouri investigators, a heartbreaking end in the search for 9-year-old elizabeth olton. just like 7-year-old north florida girl somer thompson, elizabeth vanishes walking alone just a short distance from her own home and she never makes it. moments ago, police find the 9-year-old's body. i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. thank you for joining us. we're going to bring you the latest developments in the search for somer thompson's killer. let's two to lad egan, news director with cnn affiliate krcg for more on this breaking news. lad, what have you learned? >> hi, jean. it's heartbreak in the capital city of missouri tonight. i just got off the phone with the sheriff you were listening to just a moment ago. he told me interesting facts about how they came to find the body of 9-year-old elizabeth olton. he said that they received a handwritten note. he wouldn't elaborate. if someone brought it to them or they found it. they said that note led them to find a juvenile, who is a person of interest. it was that juvenile that led them to the body in the woods. >> where exactly was the body found? out in the woods, where? >> he said that it is near the home, but we're talking about a square mile radius they were searching. they knew to search in this area because she had a cell phone on her. at&t was able to triangulate the area. they were in the area twice and didn't come to the body until the juvenile led them to the body. >> this is breaking news coming into the newsroom right now. a precious little elementary school student, 9 years old. elizabeth olton. she had visited a friend. she was walking home very close to where her friend was. it was about 6:15 in the evening, wednesday night. she never made it home. her body has just been discovered. matt zarrell, nancy grace producer. you've been on this story from the beginning. what more can you tell us? >> the juvenile is older than elizabeth and also an acquaintance of elizabeth. apparently elizabeth knew this person. we also do not know if it's a boy or girl and do not know if they are going to be charged and if they will be charged, will they be charged as an adult? >> matt zarrell, we also know this person of interest is in custody. he or she is in custody, correct? >> yes, this person is. they led them to the body of elizabeth. >> one other question, was an amber alert ever called out in this case for this little elementary school student that went missing? >> no. an amber alert was never issued. >> let us go out to pat brown, criminal profiler and author of, "killing for sport." you know, pat, we heard about this case when it happened. this little girl in missouri, 9 years old. went missing. didn't come home. authorities said we're not going to call out an amber alert. we have no evidence of foul play. kids go in the woods, they play. and we just aren't sure about anything. this was 6:15 at night. she was 9 years old, not 19. but 9. what do you make of this, pat? >> it always sounds bad. if you are not a police officer, you say, how could they do that? why didn't they rush out to do something? the fact is, they get so many calls and the children show up an hour or two later. oh, i was at my friend's house. oh, i didn't call you, mom. i went to the store. i was playing. they get it so often, they cannot call it an amber alert every single time. the other horrifying fact, when these children are, indeed, attracted or abducted, they usually are dead within 30 minutes to an hour. by the time the alert goes out, almost always, the child is already dead which is really unfortunate. therefore, you have to really decide what you're going to do about those amber alerts. i would like to say we'll put it on neighbor alert, but if the child shows up, you pay for it. i think that's a great response to that. >> march to your legislator. that is a very good idea. to dr. david posey, medical examiner. pathologist of glen oaks pathology in los angeles, california. they just found this little girl's body in the woods. can you describe for us, forensically, what will happen as her body proceeds to the medical examiner's office? >> yes, jean. the first thing that will happen is the scene will be obviously cordoned off and the police and the medical investigators from the coroner's office will glean as much data and as much evidence as they can. the body will then be sealed in a bag with a tag on it so they will be able to identify this body with that bag. it will be taken to the coroner's office where it will be refrigerated until the time of the autopsy which is a standard procedure on something like this. >> once again, breaking news. a little body was just found of this precious, beautiful girl posing in that photo with that telephone. out to the lawyer, susan moss, family law attorney, child advocate out of new york. ray giudice, defense attorney out of chicago. tamara holder, defense attorney out of chicago, illinois. first of all, to susan moss, there is a person of interest in custody tonight. he is a juvenile. they say he was an acquaintance of this little girl. what does that tell you? >> it tells me this wasn't a game of hide and go seek gone wrong. it was ridiculously more serious than that. the fact this juvenile didn't immediately call in and say there was an accident leads me to think this was something way more nefarious than that. we're going to be looking at very, very serious charges and depending on how old the juvenile is, we'll see if he or she is charged as an adult. >> exactly. that's my next question to ray giudice. defense attorney. they're saying this person of interest in custody is a bit older than 9-year-old elizabeth. >> it's a close call, jean. it's very much a sliding scale in juvenile law. the closer that young person is to 9 and farther away from 16 as juvenile court restrictions are, then you're going to have it treated as a juvenile court case. the closer that child is to 16, 17, you're highly likely to have that person treated as an adult, if, a big if there are criminal charges. >> what does it say to you, tamara holder, defense attorney out of chicago? they're calling this person a person of interest. they are not labeling him or her as a suspect. it merely could be someone that is an accessory after the fact that has knowledge that may not be the real perpetrator in all of this. >> i don't think so. i think they knew this kid was the perpetrator right away. i don't believe that there's something called a person of interest. it's a fake term for suspect. they knew this was the kid right away. they went in for him. they talked to him. they got a confession i assume. he led them to the body and they have the guy. fortunately, it was two days later. the evidence and confession are preserved. >> back to lad egan, news director, anchor cnn affiliate krcg. this is a little girl. she's 9 years old, lad. what do you know about her? tell us about her. what grade was she in? what was she like? >> she is a fourth grader, and there's an elementary school that was just built near her home and we've talked with the school as well. there is heartache. this is the news no one wanted. we talked with relatives. they say she was shy, at the same time, outgoing, especially around the family and with her nieces and nephews. she was really just a joy and it's been tragic. when they look at just those four houses that she had to walk by in order to get to her home, home from her friend's home, twilight, wednesday evening, people can't believe this happened. >> lad egan, is it true volunteers wanted to take their time to help search for this little girl and they were turned away? >> yes. there's been outrage about that. i got clarification from the sheriff today. yesterday, thursday, this is, you know, still 12 hours after she went missing, hundreds were showing up at the command post to volunteer. they got around 200 there actively searching and the sheriff decided they didn't need more because they had defined it to this smaller area because of the cell phone, so they weren't broadening out the search at that time. some people were sent away and people were upset about that. at the same time the sheriff said everyone was wearing gps locaters on them so they were seen on a map what area they were covering. they said they covered that area twice, which makes me wonder was the body hidden somehow? this juvenile was able to lead the authorities right to the body. >> the cell phone pings, matt zarrell, nancy grace producer, that they found wednesday evening, the pings from her cell phone were behind the home she lived in in the wooden area? >> yes. it was in the wooded area. what they had done, they had triangulated the cell phone's location using the pings. unfortunately on thursday morning the pings stopped and they believed the battery went dead but they have recovered the cell phone since. >> where was the body found in relation to the cell phone pings? >> cops aren't releasing that information, but we do know it was in the heavily wooded area near where searchers were focusing their effort today. >> all right. near where they were focusing their effort today. they had been in the area of the pings before, it just appears for some reason, they didn't come upon the body? >> yeah. they searched twice in that area. at first, they were looking for the cell phone. they did not find the cell phone. now, they have found it unfortunately, along with elizabeth. >> to pat brown, criminal profiler out of minneapolis, should you turn away volunteers when they're offering to come forward? >> if you get too many volunteers everything gets chaotic and you can't control what's going on. you overlook areas. you can damage evidence. i think they made the correct choice at the time. the other thing about the body, there's two things. one is the possibility, when you have a small body, it's amazing how hidden they can get. the second thing is the body may have been brought back after that area was searched. >> we're in a second going to go to the somer thompson case in north florida. two young girls both alive days ago, now both dead. how does -- how do communities reconcile that? >> if you'd ever had anybody go in and reach inside you and pull your heart out, that's what it's like. she's an angel. investigators in clay county, florida, say none of the registered sex offenders live in her neighborhood are suspects in the death of somer thompson. her body was found wednesday in a landfill in georgia. no one saw the 7-year-old get abducted. on monday. at least no witnesses have come forward. >> please, you don't have to tell them who you are. help us find who this is. i don't want to see another parent feel empty. >> authorities have been checking evidence from a vacant house in somer's neighborhood that's been undergoing investigation. >> they have spent hours meticulously picking through every piece of evidence they can find. crews are looking for evidence in the area where somer was last seen. >> the last person to see somer, appears to have been a little boy who lives nearby. he says he saw her near this vacant house. >> juan was one of the last people to see somer alive when he was riding his bike home from school. >> she was running, so i thought she was excited, but she had a frown on her face. >> the autopsy is complete. authorities will not say how she died. >> my son, when he found out, my oldest, he punched things, he just bawled, he just fell out. for a child, a son, a boy, men don't show emotion a lot. >> i forgive them for what they have done because the lord says i have to. as far as -- as far as what i'm feeling, it's pure anger. wow, there are some really sick people in this world. >> we, all of us, our whole entire family, my friends, everyone, we're devastated. i can't believe that they would put my baby in the trash. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. we take you from missouri to north florida where a killer is on the loose. a murder investigation is continuing into the murder of 7-year-old somer thompson, her body found in a land fill just days ago. let's go straight out to tiffany griffith, reporter with wokv radio. what's the latest on this investigation? >> as you can see right now, we're gathered at one of the major malls in the area. folks are gathering for a rally in support of somer. they want to make sure it doesn't happen to another kid here in the orange park area but nowhere across the nation. here's the new information we know as of 4:00. all sex offenders have been interviewed and stories cleared. there are many in this area who are wondering who this could be connected to. there's a suspect out of jacksonville who apparently was questioned but no arrests have been made so far. they have 900 leads that have come in to their offices. 200 of them still need to be checked out. we are waiting to see if anything substantial comes out of there. they continue to analyze evidence from that gano avenue home. it's being processed by the florida deparent of law enforcement. no new details or anything substantial coming from there or the bag of trash that came from a bathroom at a nearby park. here's what's interesting out of the news conference at 4:00. investigators say they're also looking at the trash that was found near somer's body at the georgia land fill. it's producing information that will help them narrow down where her body may have been dumped. >> to natisha lance, nancy grace producer standing there live at the scene. investigators are very focused on an abandoned home that witnesses say was one of the last places that little, somer thompson was seen. what is that investigation including? >> that's right, jean. multiple witnesses placed somer here the last time she was seen. workers worked late into the night. they had on full jumpsuits. they were looking through a construction dumpster that was on the sight. that dumpster, what investigators are telling us, has not been emptied since the time somer went missing and still has not been emptied. they thoroughly searched the dumpster and the home. it has a bit of a history. there was a fire at the home at some point and time. at that home there was ultraviolet light testing going on. if you looked through the window you could see bright blue lights, bright green lights taking place in there. they worked late into the night. they finished up at 1:00 a.m. and were working at the location tonight. >> is that designated a crime scene? is there tape around that home right now? >> there is. investigators are saying there's no physical evidence that led them to this investigation. what led them there are the witnesses that saw her there the last time she was seen. in the middle of hundreds of people holding hundreds of candles, somer thompson's mom dina, huddled with others in front of the vigil set up for their daughter. >> i'll miss her. >> dina thanked volunteers and offered to pay them back for their efforts. >> i don't know how i could ever repay any of you for helping me and looking for my baby. >> as volunteers, neighbors, and strangers stood in front of teddy bears and a poster of somer, many sang "you are my sunshine," including her mother who said it was her favorite song. >> i'm jean casarez, legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. i want to go out to a very special guest. a member of her family. she's somer thompson's aunt joining us out of graham, north carolina. thank you for joining us. we want to know about somer. we want to know about the little girl we see smiling in that picture. talk to us about what was she like? what did she like to do with her family? what was her favorite subject in school? >> she was such a loving child and so energetic and spunky. her favorite thing to do was run around the yard and play with her dolls and play with her brothers and sisters. she was just so loving. she used to say all the time, "i want a hug, huggy bear." she was just the most loving child. she was so precious. we're heartbroken. >> i don't think any of us can imagine. >> i can't imagine what evil monster did this to such a precious, sweet child. >> i don't think any of us can imagine what you are going through, what you are living. what is so real for you. i want to ask about somer thompson's father. i know he's in north carolina and i heard he recently had pretty major surgery, but yet he's going to make it to florida, right? >> he was in a car accident that damaged his right knees, crushed the bone. he had major reconstructive where they put pins and rods and stuff. so he's not to put any weight on that for three months. he's in a wheelchair. i've been trying to help take care of him, but it's hard for him to get around, as you can imagine, if you can't walk on your -- >> how is he going to make it to florida? >> we have been donated a handicap van, so he can get from the wheelchair to the chair in the van. then back into the wheelchair, again. >> i just want him found. i want someone to have to pay for what has been done to my family. >> is there anything you need? >> my baby back. that's all i can say. ddddd think that when she ran off, she was upset and she got to a point and decided to stop and wait and that this predator was waiting. he had been waiting. that was a perfect opportunity. there was no one else around. that's the only thing i can think. probably told her, i'm going to take you to your mommy. >> the tears are dried up. i'm just -- i'm so angry i can't express with words. >> you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me, you took her from my family and you took her from all these people and you don't do this for a little baby. >> they're disregarding my child like a piece of trash. >> and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. it's not okay. >> there's no measure of punishment that she deserves except the same death my daughter went through. >> i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you and i hope they make you pay. >> i hope they crucify him. >> don't be lackadaisical on this. i told them, if you talk to a stranger, don't talk to a stranger. walk away. don't necessarily have to yell if they are asking you something. if they are trying to coax you into getting into a car, yell. obviously, we see, even that didn't make a difference. please, you don't have to tell them who you are. you don't have to -- you're not going to be in trouble if you give the answers. just help us find who this is. don't let another -- i never thought, in all my life that i would ever have to do this. even know anybody. i don't want to see another parent feel empty. i should have figured out some other way for them to get home, a different job. i don't know. i'm their mom and i'm supposed to protect them and i didn't. one of the things that upsets me the most, because what i feel, i can't verbalize. i never thought -- i wish i wouldn't have to be here and experience this, but i don't think if it wasn't for my friends and my family and these people that i would even be able to get through this. >> i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. a community in fear for the safety of their children. a killer is at large in this north florida community in the murder of 7-year-old somer thompson. i want to go out to ellie jostad, nancy grace producer. ellie, there are multiple crime scene investigations going on, tonight as we speak, in multiple states. explain that to us. >> that's right. in addition to the house on gano avenue, the vacant house where somer was last seen, there's an investigation going on right there right now. the florida department of investigation is combing through that house. while that's going on, we have 55 miles to the north at a landfill in georgia, we have a similar investigation where they are going through painstakingly 225 tons of trash to try to find any sort of evidence at that location where somer's body was found. >> i want to go out to a special guest, laura, the aunt of somer thompson. thank you for joining us under such a trying time, but a time that investigators are trying to find who murdered your beautiful, beautiful relative. when was the last time you spoke with somer? >> a few months ago. >> what did she say? >> over the phone. what? >> what did she say to you? >> she told me that she loved me and we couldn't wait to see each other again. she asked about her kitty that was here, rosy. she loves kitty cats and puppy dogs. >> were there plans for the holidays? >> my husband had already taken two weeks off from work for christmas. we were going to go down and see them at christmastime. we just hadn't got to talk about it and discuss it. now we'll never get to see her again. >> you have such beautiful memories of such a lovely, precious, precious little girl whose life was cut so short. we are so sorry for your loss. >> thank you. >> i want to go to lisa rucab who is a neighbor and a friend of somer thompson and her whole family. lisa, you have helped so much in all of this with support and help with the community. talk to us about the community where somer thompson and her mother, where they lived. what is it like out there in north florida? >> oh, we have a wonderful neighborhood. north florida all together is wonderful. we have a wonderful close-knit community that we live in. everybody usually -- we all watch out for each other's children. we just help each other when they need help. if a parent is not -- picking up a child, it's nothing for someone to pick up a phone and just ask, hey, can you pick her up today, pick him up today? it's no problem. we all share that job. >> have you seen the vacant house that investigators have now designated a crime scene that they are staying at to continue to collect evidence? have you seen it? >> i have not seen the actual house, but know where it is. >> how close is it to where somer lived? how close? >> approximately -- half a mile? >> half a mile. just about half way home. was this the regular route that somer and her twin brother and little sister, the regular route they walked every day after school? >> yes, ma'am. all the children in our neighborhood walk these same -- that's the only way to get there. you have to walk, you have to take that route. straight up one sidewalk -- >> yeah, go ahead. >> excuse me? >> go ahead, please. >> it's straight up one sidewalk, you get to one cross guard, you take a left and it's right down, there's usually a police officer there making sure the children are safe in between the next cross guard. they get past that one and there's another cross guard and you're at the school. >> unbelievable. so susan moss, family law attorney, child advocate. the reason i ask the question if this was a regular route that little somer thompson walked, that could be very important evidence because this is going to be a first-degree murder case. this, i believe, is going to be a death penalty case. we are in florida. there are special circumstances for death penalty case. this fits it. it's a little girl under the age of 12. it could be a felony. a killing during the commission of a felony. but if it's the regular route she walked, this also could be premeditated and preplanned. >> absolutely and that also means the death penalty. the reason they want to know if it's the regular route, they want no know whether this person had been watching her for several days. that might produce more evidence. maybe more witnesses. her body found in a dump will only intensify the hunt. look at this mother. anyone who saw anything needs to come forward. we need to make sure our children are safe. by getting this scumbag off the streets, that's the only way we can to it. >> to dr. david posey, very short time we have, but dna, forensics critically important on this body. i know about the touch dna that now investigators can get when someone touches the clothing of a child like this. >> that's correct. touch dna actually is very important because the last person to touch the object or the individual, that dna will be there. so they will glean that evidence and data and get the fingerprints and have that available. >> that can possibly link them to the killer. it is national breast cancer awareness month. tonight the woman's personal health resource center founded nine years ago by barbara whose mother struggled to find wigs and everything she needed during her battle. they provide product helping breast cancer patients including skin care, turbines, exercise and lounge wear, swim suits. all for mastectomy, lumpectomy, even recent surgery patients. if this battle touches your life, go to womenspersonalhealth.com. together we can win the war on breast cancer. i just want them to know that everything they are doing is not in vain. i mean, i've had grown men over here cry on my shoulder and tell me they feel like they didn't do enough. i don't want anybody to feel like that. everybody did so much. it just was what it was. i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you and i hope they make you pay for a long, long time. i just love her and i'll miss her. >> i just want him found. i want someone to pay for what's been done to my family. we're really a lot alike. she had my same personality. i miss holding her and giving her a kiss and not knowing if i said i love her. i know she knew that but you never know. >> i'm very confident we are going to have a positive outcome and find the people or people -- person or people responsible for the death of this beautiful child. >> you don't take from somebody. you didn't take her from just me, you took her from my family, you took her from all these people. you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. it's not okay. this sick -- i don't know what i'm allowed to say, but this sick man, person, what -- he's not a man, he's not a person, was waiting. he'd been waiting. it was a perfect opportunity. there was no one else around. it's the only thing i can think and probably told her i'm going to take you to your mommy. >> there is a child killer on the loose and that's why we're going to catch this person and bring him to justice. >> watch out, we're coming. we're going to get you. i'm jean casarez of the legal network "in session" in for nancy grace tonight. out to patricia saunders, clinical psychologist. dina, who we have just seen, has shown tremendous grace hours after she found out her daughter was murdered. she has to be in shock. where does she get the strength to go in microphones in front of the country? >> i don't think she's in shock. most people shut down emotionally. they would be numb and feel nothing. they would become passive and withdraw, which is a normal response. what miss thompson is able to do is find the best kind of resiliency. she's talking about her feelings, not just her anger, but her own doubts. she's reaching out to other people and giving voice to probably what the whole country is feeling. having a social network, being a person of faith, having a strong family are those factors that help people live through this worst kind of trauma. >> dina thompson was, this morning, on the "today" show talking again to the country to help find her daughter's killer. take a listen. >> we're coming for you. >> are you confident they will be able to find your daughter's killer? >> i want to be confident, but i was confident that she was going to come home, and she didn't. but i know they're working and doing it and i have faith in them. just how beautiful she was. how sweet and innocent and just wanted to always -- just wanted to be friends with everybody. always, it takes a couple seconds to tell them you love them. tell them you love them. you don't know what's going to happen. just -- just make them aware of stranger danger. i tried with somer. i feel like i failed, obviously. >> nobody would say that. >> if it just helps one. >> that's somer thompson's mother on nbc's "today" show this morning. i want to go to lisa, neighbor and friend of the family standing there live in orange port, florida, near the family's home. you have rallied people. you and your neighbors very quickly, to form a group called moms against predators. tell us all about that group. >> well right now over to the left they're having a different kind of -- the rally's over to our left. there's a lot of people. i'm very overwhelmed that have showed up. basically, we are getting something together where the children are going to know that purple is safe. if they see any of us on the streets in between, they see trouble, any kind of trouble, if they're hurt, they don't feel good, anything, in between the crossing guard and the next step they have to get, we will be someone safe for them to come to. >> purple is good. does that correlate with the purple ribbon that miss thompson had in her hair yesterday? >> yes, ma'am. purple was somer's favorite color. so that is the color we have chosen and everything's purple now. we're going to let the children know -- yes, it is. they're going to let them know that it's a safe color for them to come to. >> to pat brown, criminal profiler. you know, whenever i see you on the air, pat, i stop everything i'm doing and listen because what you have to say about cases is something from experience and everything you've gone through. with everything we've seen now at this point in the case, what are your thoughts? >> i'm concerned about what the police said about clearing the 100 sex offender suspects. there's one way to do it. there's a pastor on a pulpit and you have 200 people in church watching you. another, you're seen on the videocamera sometime around the time of the crime far away or sitting in another country and couldn't get on an airplane. other than that, there's no way to clear these guys. either they have an idea of someone else who did it or they are not telling the truth. it concerned me. everybody out there should be looking at these guys. saying, look, if i saw that guy acting suspiciously, i know that person, he said something weird, done something weird, get that information to the police. don't discount it unless you can prove they weren't involved. >> to ray giudice, defense attorney out of atlanta. do you agree or disagree? you have 90 sex offenders and in a number of hours they've been eliminated. >> a lot of sex offenders are on gps, ankle bracelets and their exact position can be found and they can be cleared. we rounded up all the sex offenders in the previous case in missouri and it doesn't look like they had anything to do with this either. i'm not discounting what pat said, but i mean, this roundup of sex offenders, every single time a child is missing and intense focus on them to really the use of lack of resources on a different type of profile, i think may be a mistake. all right. tonight, "cnn heroes." >> how y'all doing? my name is wycliff jones. at the first annual cnn hero tribute show i had the honor of performing and helping to recognize the great workers or everyday citizens changing the world. as the founder of yearly haiti, an organization that seeks to improve lives in my native country, i'm thrilled to help cnn introduce one of this year's top ten honorees. now more than ever the world needs heroes. >> life after katrina is really hard for a kid. you have violence, the drug life. i'm just tired of it. my aim is to get kids off the street. my name is derrick tabb. i started a free music education program for the kids of new orleans. let's go. horns up. we do more than just teach music. we offer transportation, we offer instruments. i feed you so you're not hungry. i give you tutoring. i call it the no excuse policy. no excuse why you're not here. don't have to have any experience. press down on it just like that. we meet five days a week. we constantly are learning something new. that's what keeps the kids coming back every day. ♪ i don't want to say i'm saving lives. i say i'm giving life. a whole different life of music. a look back at the stories making the headlines this week. you didn't take her from just me, you took her from my family, you took her from all of these people and you don't do this to a little baby and put my baby in the trash like she's nothing. that's not okay. this is not okay. >> we can now say officially that the medical examiner there has positively identified the body that was located in the landfill yesterday as the missing child from orange park, somer thompson. if someone has morgan, please let her come home safely. >> virginia state police are asking for the public to help locate this missing virginia tech student. she is morgan harrington. she has not been heard from since she and her friends went to a metallica concert saturday night in charlottesville, virginia. >> taking your calls live. her mother, jill harrington. ms. harrington, thank you for being with us. >> thank you so much for letting us come on and putting morgan's information out there. oh my god, we have to get my son. >> how many legitimate 911 calls came in that day? how many people needed police, needed sheriffs, needed help? but no, everybody was consumed trying to save this 6-year-old boy's life, up in a balloon. he was never there. law enforcement urgently searching for 9-year-old elizabeth olton. elizabeth vanishes on a quarter of a mile walk from her friend's house to her own home. >> i just want my sister home safely. i don't know who would have done anything, but we all want her home safely. i want you to know that i will not sleep until this person is found. i hope they get you and i hope they make you pay. for a long, long time. >> who would murder this beautiful brown-eyed little cherub and throw her away like trash? before somer's murderer lands in hell, we want this child killer now. tonight, let us stop to remember army sergeant james mcdonald. 26 years old from wisconsin. he was killed in iraq. on a second tour of duty, he was awarded the purple heart. army commendation medal and the humanitarian service medal. he loved football and dreamed of being a firefighter. he leaves behind his grieving parents joan and douglas. james mcdonald, he's an american hero. thank you so much to all of our guests and to you for being at home, being with us tonight. thank you so much, see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, good night, everybody. hello, i'm a.j. hammer in new york. this is a "showbiz tonight" news break. at the top of the hour, michael jackson movie outrage. explosive new debate about whether "this is it" is misleading by keeping out scenes showing michael in bad shape. oprah under attack. why one of the trainers from "the biggest loser" is calling oprah misguided and misinformed. that is your "showbiz tonight" news break. tv's first most provocative entertainment news show. dddd