We are doing our part so it is easier to do yours. Sparklight support cspan as a public service, along with these other television providers. The new mexico governor and her challenger participated in the governors debate. They discussed the State Governments role in education, crime and abortion. The debate is just under an hour. This is decision 2022. Tonight, new mexicos first debate in this years race for governor, featuring democratic Governor Mission look for question. And herbie cook Michelle Lucia jon grissom. Good evening new mexico. We have more than a month until election day. It has been a very Long Campaign so far that will ultimately laid the groundwork for where we take our state. Debates are restored part of new mexicos tradition. One of the few chances voters have to hear candidates. Incumbent democrat and republican challenger. Theyre both joining us here at our studios tonight. Here are the rules our candidates have agreed upon. They will each have 90 seconds to introduce themselves. They will have 60 seconds each to answer our questions. We want to encourage reasonable conversation tonight so they will have 60 seconds for a rebuttal on each question. It is up to us to decide if we move on or dig deeper. Candidates, thanks for being here. We flipped a coin to determine the order of opening and posing statements. Mark ronchetti, you will begin. New mexico is at a crossroads. We have a big choice in this election. We are second in violent crime. Unfortunately this governor has been letting out violent criminals must the past two years. She just stopped doing it over the past week when we called her out on it. Our prison deletion is 20 lower than when she took office. If you think the system is broken, she is the head of the system. We are 51st in education. Three quarters of our kids cannot do math to grade level and almost three quarters cannot read to grade level. If you think the Education System is broken, this governor is the head of that system. So many families struggle to get to the end of the month with enough money. One group that is not struggling as the government in santa fe. They have never been richer. I would ask you, has that helped you and your family . The answer is no so often. The governor will tell you tonight that i have not been in government long enough. But the fact is her 30 years of government experience has us right where we are. We can get better. We can make our streets safer. We can educate your kids better. But we have to change direction. I look forward to laying out the plane tonight. Gov. Lujan grisham, your opening remarks. We have come a long way in four years. We have been through a lot. I remain steadfast in my optimism about what comes next. Despite the challenges of a pandemic and wildfires and floods, we have transformed the trajectory of our beloved state. Unemployment is at a 14yearold record low with 20,000 jobs at a just lets hear. We have invested billions of dollars into the Public School classrooms, to pay raises for teachers. We have strengthened and diversified our economy. We made it easier for more people to access the health care they need. Positive change is truly our destiny. Progress is not promised and the fact going backwards is real. We need to keep rebuilding our Mental Health system. We need to put more Public Safety into our neighborhoods. I want to talk about what is at stake. My opponent wants to ban abortion. New mexico Women Deserve a constitutional right to privacy. To make their own Health Care Decisions. I will protect their access to Reproductive Health care and the right to make those decisions. We are going to go ahead and get started. Can many too many of our viewers it feels like crime has moved beyond the chriss level. We are on pace to break another homicide record in albuquerque. We know drugs, Mental Health and poverty all intersect at the issue. What will be your legislative priority to help decrease crime in new mexico and how do you plan to get republicans and democrats on board . Governor, you will begin. Lets talk about what we have already done. Crime is on the rise nationally. It is also a problem right here in new mexico and albuquerque. Over the last four years we have invested 400 billion dollars into Public Safety. We are given our Police Officers the raises and dignity they deserve. The tools to keep them safe, the equipment and vehicles and a new crime lab. The former governor created policies including one that mirrors Mark Ronchettis plan to cut government. We lost more than 400 officers in albuquerque. We have added more than 317. We increase penalties for repeat and violent offenders. We are making sure we have additional fbi and u. S. Marshal presents. A long list there that is not doing any good. What the governor does not tell you is over the past two years she has released nearly 700 people back onto the streets and many of them have gone back and committed violent crimes. That is a horrible idea and one we have to get away from. When you look at this governors policies, what has she done . We still of catch and release. The governor used to brag that she could get anything through the legislature. We will get catch and release through the legislature because nothing will get through until we protect the people of the state. When we have soft on crime judges, they are turning to bolt back on the street. It is the reason the albuquerque Police Officers association have endorsed my campaign. This governor signed a bill to make it easier to sue Police Officers and now we cannot get them on the streets. I know she gave a pay raise to the state police, but now we cannot recruit people to do this job. There has to be a change. She has not taken crime seriously. We are the second most violent state in the country for a reason. Those are bold words from somebody who has never been to a legislative session. For somebody who is failing to admit that we have 400 fewer officers from his mentor. We talked about lower correction statistics. That is fewer arrests. That is because we have fewer Police Officers. The 72 million we are spending to have more Police Officers is available statewide. That is just false. The last governor had 4000 more individuals release. She wants you to focus on things he cannot do. If we continue to make hold hold people accountable and make sure we are getting the Public Safety resources we need, i have no doubt that violent offenders get off our streets. Lets have a conversation about gun violence. I am happy to have any discussion you would like. It is funny you would say i do not understand it because i have not been to a legislative session. Are you kidding me . Everybody in albuquerque it every day. We left the crime every day. It is the exact reason you are so out of touch with the problems we have. You blame fewer arrests and fewer cops when you make it easier to sue cops so we cannot recruit them. We can do better than this. The fact of the matter is you say hold people accountable. You have done anything but. Your parole board has a mantra, when in doubt, let them out. This is not a partisan issue. Plenty of democrats say we can do better than this. All of us realize we have to change. But it cannot be a 30 year politician that talks about going to the roundhouse for the solution. Lets talk about the pre trial attention of people accused of crimes. Why do you think increased pretrial detention will make a difference . What is your specific plan to keep people in jail . We have to have a presumption of detention. We just continually turn people right back on the street. Unfortunately, the governor has a role in that. Not only people being released by the governors own pen, but by the soft on crime judges who continually use the arnold tool to turn people out. It is a tool used, it is an equation, and he says they should be released. One of the governors biggest benefactors is the person who came up with the arnold tool, john arnold. We have to take this seriously. We have to stiffen the penalties under our three strikes law and expand us penalties as well. This governor has proven that she just does not take it seriously. This notion that it is just this governor. We are going to hear a lot of fingerpointing and name throwing. The root causes of crime has been an issue in the state for decades. I think the pretrial attention reform could make a difference here. It is working for the federal system, it creates consistency, you do not have to use any discretionary aspect. I will keep fighting until we get it over the finish line. I can point to a number of safety investments as Proof Positive that i am the most experienced candidate to get that done. I am a little offended about this whole notion about santa fe and legislative work. It is complicated and hard and ive demonstrated the ability to do that. I have grandchildren in albuquerque and my family is here. I am serious about it everywhere. Governor, thank you. Governor, we are funded because we live in this community. We all realize we have to fight crime and we cannot get the simplest bills through. It is unbelievable. The fact that you get offended over lawmakers getting their feelings hurt while families all across the city watch us go through year after year of record homicide. It is so bad that many people do not bother reporting property crime anymore. If we are thinking about trying to help that and recruit, you have targeted them and made it easier to be a criminal than be a cop. When you look at this, this is what a life in politics does. You sit around the table that tell you empty the prisons will make things safer. We are proof that is not true. Rebuttal. Ok, unbelievable. Look, these are serious issues that require service solutions. It is not just bill reform. Which i am her my appointment opponent never heard of. Not having enough district attorneys to actually prosecute crime or huge issues. His plan is a 35 cut across the board. Do you know why 85 of the budget is . Public safety, health care, education. How many fewer Police Officers, how many reductions in pay, how many fallen officers will not have the best benefits in america because you decided that what you call us who work tirelessly every day, you tell Police Officer who is getting the racist and the training that they deserve that they are not respected today. We want to move to abortion. We agree to these rules. We will have time later for rebuttal. We want to take about abortion. Since the u. S. Supreme courts decision, abortion has become an important issue in this race. Please articulate your position on abortion restriction and explain any legislation you would propose when it comes to reproductive rights or abortion. Governor, you go first. If Mark Ronchetti was governor today, abortion would be illegal. Because i am governor, abortion is legal in the state of new mexico. Just a year ago, i repealed a ban on abortion right here in our state. During his primary when he was debating regulating abortion at all stages, he was literally dancing on the grave of roe v. Wade. If you look on his website today, he flipflopped more on this issue than the weather changes right here in new mexico. Let me be clear. As long as i am governor, a womans constitutional right to privacy, to make her own decisions about her health care and her family, will stay legal. Say anything to get elected, but work toward a national ban on abortion. My opinion on this and my beliefs on this have never changed. I am prolife and i think we need to end lateterm abortion. There are countries that have the governors extreme position on abortion up to birth. They are china and north korea. That is extreme. This is a very personal issue for so many people in the state of new mexico and no politician should make it for you. The governor wants to make it for you. She appropriated 10 million for a lateterm abortion clinic. I think that is overstepped and i think we need to bring it to the people. I think we should have a constitutional amendment that is laid out by the legislature and they should have a chance to write it up. Everybody in the state should be able to vote on it and come up with something that fits our shared values. I do not think any politician should tell you exactly how this should work. The constitutional amendment he is proposing is a ban on abortion. Mark ronchetti wants to vote about a deeply personal decision that i may or may not have to make. Abortions later in pregnancy are usually medical emergencies. The medical advancements today do not make you have to wait that long. I got i did not have to make a decision about whether or not i could have a baby or have my own life saved. A constitutional amendment is so he can decide whether or not you have any access to your own or right to have your own Health Care Decisions. Republicans say one thing when they want to be elected and do another when they are actually elected or appointed. Who remembers Brett Kavanaugh and his confirmation hearings that roe v. Wade is established law and would never do anything to take away a constitutional right. As a trump justice, he did just that. It is very clear in this situation and i think when you look at where we are, lets talk about when we occasionally see something go to the voters. The governor it ok when she brought pay raises to the voters. But this issue, abortion, a sensitive issue, now that one we cannot let you vote on. This fits the playbook she has been operating out of for a long time. When she shut down schools, did you have a voice in that . No. When she went and released criminals onto the street, did you have a voice in that . No. So then we get into abortion and no voice for you. I have a different approach. We want to take extra time with this. 30 seconds for each of you. The fact that anyone should get to vote about my personal Health Care Decision is outrageous. Compare that to legislative pay raises or any other issue that on a referendum can provide guidance or actual decisionmaking come up what else are you going to decide for me . Women do not have the same rights than any motor in new mexico any voter in new mexico if you can make that decision for me. I am not dissenting anything for you. I am not dissenting anything for you. I think you vote on it. Our next topic is the cost of living. It cost more to live in new mexico than it did in recent years. Regular people are having to stretch their dollars for housing and to buy food. What can you do to make it easier to afford life in new mexico and . We have an economic plan on her website. If you make more than 24,000 here, if you pay the second highest tax rate in the state, that has to change. We will cut taxes for working families. Anybody who makes under 100,000 per year will see their overall income taxes cut by 50 . That money needs to go into your pocket so you can provide for their families. We are also proposing an oil and gas revenue program. For every billion dollars the state takes in, each person gets 100. That would mean a family of four would get 3200. The governor has grown government 40 . She has never taken seriously cutting taxes and helping working families out. She cut taxes on 18 1 . Throughout a one time benefit. Governor, same question to you. My record is not being accurately described. We proposed and delivered record tax relief. Inflation does make it tough for families. Food, gas, utilities, housing. Which is why we have provided more than 1 billion in direct relief to new mexico families. 1500 for families just this summer. He proposes it. I already did it. We have also lowered taxes for Social Security beneficiaries. We have done that more than any other governor in the last several generations of governors and more is coming. The child tax credit. The only place in america where that has been extended. Do not talk about taking my own plan. I think i would ask everyone watching tonight have you felt the tax breaks . If you say yes, i can afford gasoline at four dollars a gallon. Can i afford the additional costs at the Grocery Store because we have skyrocketed inflation . It is just ridiculous. Working families are being crushed and Small Businesses are being crushed. During covid, we lost 40 of our Small Businesses because of the way this governor operated. We are going to have the largest Small Business tax cut in the history of the state. This governor does not want to. She says look at all the great things ive done. They are not enough and theyre not getting things done for working families. Inflation is not something governor controls, but a governor can make investments. My opponent is describing investments we have already made. More than a billion and a half to business. A billion to taxpayers. I guess he does not remember when oil and gas went to negative per barrel. If you hitch your wagon to a volatile one only economic plan, you cannot do it. We are delivering. We are doing affordable housing. We have taken away copay for Mental Health services. We are reducing the cost of health care. We are giving you money directly back into your bank account. Thank you. We have arrived at our break. We will continue in just a few minutes. We will see you then. Our next topic is education. Mexicos Education System ranks at or near the bottom. Our students are even more behind with only one in three students proficient in reading and science. Education leaders have said many of the moves we made may not pay off for another decade. Where can we make the most gains the fastest and what is your plan to do so . Lets start with reading. Every piece of Research Says if kids can read to proficiency by third grade they will be more likely to graduate high school. We are proposing a 1500 stipend for first through fourth graders. We will invest in them for extra tutoring and get them up to where they need to be. Right now those numbers are different in some spots. The number is dangerously low for our kids. We are going to invest in connection our kids up. We should have had Summer Learning programs this past summer. The governor did not do that. It was a missed opportunity. We need to continue to invest in kids so they can catch up. We have to make sure we are allowing teachers to get help in the classroom. More money for the teachers is a great start, but too many teachers go into a classroom with 32 kids and did not have an ability to make the difference they could. Governor, you may respond. I appreciate the support by my opponent. We do need smaller class sizes. Now that we have smaller class sizes we added more than 350 educators this year. We have the highest paid Public School educators in the southwest. More are coming. Smaller class sizes and more time in the classroom to Something Else we are funding. This brought investment pays off. I disagree it takes a decade, but it is not an overnight effort. We have a mandatory Literacy Program in every single elementary school. That is what we did over the summer. Really working to make sure kids have the tools they need and the game changer, prek universal. Every three and fouryearold has access. When we look at where we are with education, it is clear what has happened. Because our kids sat out of school, it was devastating because we are 51st in education. That was a terrible mess by the governor and we are still paying for it today. When you look at where things are, we are having trouble catching our kids up and we have to continue to invest in that. When you look at why we did all this, we are sixth in debt in the country. It did not work. Now we have kids who are struggling. We need to of course invest more into Mental Health for our children. We cannot get them to show up to help our kids because we have made it difficult for doctors to practice here. Invest in an Art Education is critical. Investing in our education is critical. My opponent wants to pretend there was not deadly global endemic. Arizona and texas saw a far higher per capita death. This virus caused higher mortality rates. We let the country in testing per capita. We led the country in vaccines. We let the country in vaccines to minority communities. Lets not pretend that. Most of our kids are living with grandparents who are most at risk. I protected teachers, i protected students. 2000 kids in new mexico today do not have parents because of covid. So lets not pretend that this was easy or we just did this because it was politically expedient. If trump had taken it, seriously, we would be in a different position. We stayed the course, and it will make the difference that we need. We want to talk about Early Childhood education. When they vote for governor, should they say yes or no to constitutional amendment one, which would take money from our states fund for Early Childhood education. If yes, how should the money be spent . If no, what is a better plan . Governor, you may begin. I say yes. I campaigned on getting that proposal to the legislator and before the voters. Our Endowment Fund for education is critical. We need investments that will stay the course of time in Early Childhood. If you want to deal with reading, we need our kids better prepared. That means quality prek education. Every threeyearold and fouryearold in those classrooms. That means paying educators more. New mexico had led the nation in getting pay raises. We need to make sure they have professional development and training. 200 million for our Elementary Schools and our Early Childhood education program. I think when you look at the land grant permanent fund, it is created to make sure we have a backstop for one oil and gas is not the major factor that it is right now. When that is the framing, you look at where funding is, we have enough funds for it right now. It would make more sense to wait and see what happens. I personally would not support it, but if you do want to support it, who do you trust on spending that money in a way that it will be used so that it actually makes a difference in your life . A blizzard of programs that somebody who has been in government for 30 years can kick up quickly, but an actual difference in your life is a different story. What i would support is saying we will be much more judicious in the way we handle every single dollar and we will still invest every single dollar to get where we need to go. New mexico is actually leaving the country in investment and strategy for Early Childhood education and investments in our most vulnerable families. We are the only state in america where Child Poverty is going in the right direction. All the other states are going in the opposite direction. Trust the governor who said she would deliver pay raises for educators. Trust the governor for said these investments would lead to more educators. Trust the governor who said tutoring and extended learning were all part of the design and comprehensive package to focus on our kids. Do not trust the candidate who is going to cut State Government by 35 . 85 of the budget as Public Safety, Police Officers health care, doctors and education. Kids and teachers. Trust the governor who has already done that work. Trust the governor who has never spent more money and never gotten fewer results and never put us in a spot where kids are further behind than they are right now. I do not know where this governor gets this slashing by 35 . We have made an economic proposal that is very clear that is on our website. We can absolutely invest in our kids, but we have to make sure we invest in their health care as well. When you go to a doctors appointment, how long do you wait . You wait longer and longer periods of time. Doctors are fleeing the state right now because of bills this dr. Governor has signed. She raised insurance rates for doctors 900 and that is why you cannot get a doctor for her kids. That is why we have so many issues with health care costs. All of these are intertwined and what we can do is invest and bring people to the state who are going to be critical in making sure we get our Education System on track and our medical system too. The next topic is that children youth and family department. Evaluator state caseworkers are overworked and underperforming. It is making children less safe. Governors have not been able to move the middle need much. What are the major problems with it and what will you do to address them . Yes ya think Vulnerable Children too often Vulnerable Children are being put into dangerous situations. This governor never answers for it. We have been called the land of child endangerment. When the governor ran for office she said she was uniquely qualified to handle them and that we should hold her accountable. But what she has done is putting kids in dangerous situations. When they are hurt or killed, there is a coverup. We are going to have a separate unit that will investigate child safety. They have to determine whether that child should stay in the home and we will also empower foster parents, many of them are heroes, but they have been sidelined by this governor. We will stiffen penalties for those who commit child abuse. Every single tragedy involving a child is one track too many. Any governor does not take that personally, is not doing their job. I take that very personally. We have added a few more social workers, we are closing doubled the number of investigations than the last administration, we are working with institutions of Higher Education to train and support social workers. We are lifting up and investing in and providing raises to social workers. You cannot expect to get our workforce if you are not going to respect them and train them. If we want to deal with child youth and family, we need fewer kids in the custody or and and care. Governor, thank you. Mr. Ronchetti, you have a minute. I do not think you take responsibility. When we look at taking more kids and making sure they are not involved in children youth and families care. You have had a hand in that. For people who were on drugs when they have a child there is no longer requirement to be reported as child abuse. That is a mistake. We oftentimes have more investigations that never happened. I do not know if that is the idea. That is not something that is something a politician does to make things look better. Too many good people work under a fear of retribution and they are scared. We can do it if we do not engage in coverups. Those allegations are completely false. I do agree that we need to respect the workers. We need fewer kids under the responsibility of children youth and family services. The number one reason we see kids, drug abuse. Why do we have more back today . Because we had a governor, my opponents mentor, who eradicated any access, deleted it to Behavioral Health for anyone in the state. It was a cataclysmic decision that has created trouble. That is a fact. Building it back as hard, but we are doing it. The issue about reporting, that was reported supported by pediatricians. If you were pregnant and had a drug abuse issue, you could come to us without fear of prosecution if you get the treatment you need. That was it. We want to move on to homelessness. For time purposes, our rebuttals will have to be cut to 30 seconds. Thank you for cooperating. Communities are struggling to handle people who are homeless. Why do you believe we are having problems with homelessness and how can the state must meet the needs of the cities and towns . We begin with the governor. There are three things that contribute to homelessness. Housing, Mental Illness and drug addiction. Right now, new mexico is launching programs to build more than 6000 houses statewide will be affordable. With another 25 million each year after that. We are investing money in transitional housing. We are making sure we have the Mental Health services they need to be available, including substance abuse. We just did the groundbreaking for an inpatient and outpatient treatment facility. We are going to do a little tough love. That will mean more options for mandatory treatment. I plan to propose restrictions on panhandling and trespassing. The governor has a lot of less of things that have been done. What i would ask is how is it working out . Has it gotten worse or better . It has gotten far worse. What we have to do is provide the treatment necessary. Whether that be Mental Health treatment, addiction treatment, there is no doubt those things will need to be done. New mexico cannot be allowed to be somebodys campground. We have seen it in albuquerque. The mayor is proposing putting tent cities all over and we see how that ends. The playbook is in california. They allow these tent cities to explode. You see it in portland and seattle as well. What im proposing is a statewide band band 19 tent cities. I would sign back. We will get the help necessary, but you cannot sleep on the streets in new mexico. They will have to make a choice. A lot of people will make the right choice if we provide the compassion option. Governor 30 seconds. I would have to includes housing. We do not have those 6000 thousands opening up. While we might disguise described as differently. For texans, particularly women or children. Half the people are homeless in albuquerque are teenagers. Doing it better, doing it faster. I agree, tough love about what is happening here and not allowing folks to reject treatment. Governor, thank you. 30 seconds. We look at where we sits now. This is a statewide issue. We have to look at is the governor mentions a lot of young girls are part of this is. This is Human Trafficking that comes up from the border. That has not been addressed. The governor remove the National Guard and we have a major fennel crisis and Human Trafficking crisis. That is feeding the homeless problem. Until we take the border seriously, all these issues will continue to explode. I want to move to our states water supply. Persistent drought is hitting the southwest hard. What is your plan to protect and conserve new mexicos water. I think at this point, what we have to do is realize water is precious and we have to do everything to get as much is we can. And hold on as much as we can. Unfortunately, the governors policies have been lacking. She lost a great state engineer about year ago. Much of the new reports that humans been frustrated because there is no commitment to investing money in our water future. I have a background in neurology. Nothing is more important than water in new mexico. There is no way to cut it. The way we capture water has to change. We get less water flowing off the mountains off the snowpack versus the rain. We have to make engineering changes. We have to go after desalinization, and be a leader in desalinization. The way we transport across the southern portion has to be efficient as we can. We can meet the needs of the people, but it will take significant commitment. To this point has not happened. There are people in santa fe who support having the state engineer not be an engineer. Have him be a politician. Horrible idea. Governor you can respond. My opponent does not believe in climate change. It led to a reification in drying of the state. He does not support the Inflation Reduction Act which is a game changer for water. Not just new mexico but the entire southwest. He has 20 billion to address the lack of water from the colorado river, which is where we get our water. At least surface water in the state. We need conservation, we need better innovation, better management. We think million we have millions of dollars shoring up our infrastructure so desalination, conversation conservation can actually occur. The investments and infrastructure is there to do it. This is a candidate who wants oil and gas to repeal all the protections we have in climate change. Including we require oil and gas to recycle their water. They are not allowed to use freshwater anymore because it of the changes i made in my administration. Thank you. I do not know what the governor means i support oil and gas. Oil and gas cannot repeal anything the governor puts forward. I am not sure where she is going. Climate change is real. I said that and have been clear about it. We can address it without crushing energy sector. The problem is the governors policies are doing that. The last legislative session she supported raising gas prices . 35 a gallon. Because they do in california. That is her playbook. She is trying to get electric cars in mexico to be sevenfold higher in a few years. The average batteryoperated car is 66,000. It will crush families. That is made up response, because we are doing Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy is part of water conservation. A number of innovation was. We are the secondlargest oil and gas producer. When my opponent talks about not working with any industry it is not true. We will work with the other states and federal government to make sure that both surface and groundwater gets addressed to the state for the next hundreds of years. I believe we can practice water and how we deliver are part of the solutions. We actually reached the conclusion of tonights debate. It is time for closing statements. For the rules you have one minute to make your case. There was a coin toss mr. You will go first. Thank you very much. I appreciate you sitting through this tonight. I think you can see different divisions of the state of new mexico. One vision is a vision that put us in very difficult spot in a bunch of different areas. Whether it be sky high crime, our kids not educated, or your pocketbook issues worries have more months than money. What is important to think about is we have to believe it will get better. We can do things better. The worst thing that can happen is to think it is new mexico. We always had high crime. We can address crime. We can address the issues like education. We can address making sure your family has everything it needs to be successful. We have to support change to do it. I would appreciate your vote. You can look at our website at our plans. We have it detailed at any gubernatorial candidate on detailed plans. You deserve them. We have a chance of a new direction and would love your support. Governor your closing remarks. Thank you. While voters in new mexico do have a choice to make. I know that times are tough. I think that new mexicans want an experienced proven leader who can make the tough decisions. Who has the record to make those decisions when we are sending thousands of lives. Whether that is a pandemic devastating wildfires or floods. My record of that investment in the areas that matter most like education, have occurred and will continue to occur. Universal prek, expanded daycare. Higher highest pay educators in the southwest. Free Higher Education. That is not happening anywhere else. What is also on the ballot is a womans right to make deeply personal health care. I will continue to fight to protect women and families by making sure that access to Reproductive Health care is not shuttered and politicized. Not now or ever. I hope i urge your vote again. Thank you governor, and with that our debate has ended. We hope you will join us next month when for new mexicos candidate for congress. Thank you for joining us and thank you for our candidates. We will return to nbcs programming. Good night. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the Senate Returns tuesday at 11 a. M. Senators will begin debating the 2020 three Defense Program and policy bill. The houses back for legislative work after one date november 14. Lawmakers will continue the talks on the house and Senate Floors to fund the government. Current funding is 6 is set to expire december 16. Watch live coverage on cspan. The cspan on cspan2. You can watch our free video app, cspan now, or online at cspan. Org. On q a, former College President and professor shares his book the death of learning. Which looks at the state of liberal arts education. He talks about Political Correctness on campus. Multiculturalism and to the importance of western civilization courses. 1619 project. As long as you have them read thomas payne, jefferson, Martin Luther king abraham lincoln. Everything the liberal arts has to be debates. I believe multiculturalism. The multiculturalism of viewpoints and ideas is crucial. You can listen to q and a on our free cspan now app. Cspan is your unfiltered view of government. Funded by these Television Companies and more, including comcast. Ron johnson and his democratic challenger it participated in the debate for