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[applause] [chanting] and are we united to deliver New Hampshire to the democratic nominee for president in november . [applause] thank you, each and everyone of you, for coming here tonight. Thank you for what you do every day. Thank you for all that you are going to do in the coming months. From the bottom of my heart, i want to thank you. Thank you. Now, those of you who are not familiar, manchester is the home of many amazing things. But one of the most amazing inventions is velcro. Ow, i am familiar with velcro, as were my eight predecessors. When you are a party chair at every level, you are velcro. Your job is to take the hit must stand up there and be strong, and represent the party in the very best. 20 years ago, i think, we came back from this big conference where there were up and coming leaders. I picked her up in florida. I said, oh my god, you are not going to believe who i met. You are going to love her. She met then state representative Debbie Wasserman schultz. On to serve not only the florida house, but also the florida senate. I served with her as a vice chair of the dnc. The most important thing, this is where she calls home. She has a wonderful home where her family comes for nearly every holiday, summer and winter vacations. She is part of the New Hampshire and credit family. I want to tell you one other important thing. When we talk about 2014, how we fought back, i brought that story to the dnc. And because of the support that Debbie Wasserman schultz has for each and every state party, we have invested millions of dollars to build infrastructure of the state party during a grass root level. We have already had a longterm of 1600 people, we are about to start again, for local committee chairs. That is the sort of investment the Debbie Wasserman schultz is doing for every state party, building from the ground up. Please welcome the chair of the Democratic National committee, Debbie Wasserman schultz. [applause] it is a Beautiful Day dont let it get away on the road Debbie Wasserman schultz thank you so much. Hello, New Hampshire democrats. Let us hear it from our two democrats who have the right wing running scared, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. [applause] some incredible enthusiasm throughout this primary campaign cycle. And it is wonderful to be here in the Granite State. You all should be so proud. And i know how proud you are of your first in the nation status. Away fromt days o the first in the nation primary. Round ofself a tha applause. Chairman buckley, you continue to amaze me. Consistently delivering race after race to the democrats. Thank you so much, ray. It is so great to be here, fighting sidebyside with you, every single day. Our candidates and their supporters have come here fired up and ready to go after a hugely successful caucus that we had in iowa. Where we had the secondhighest turnout on record in the Iowa Democratic caucus. Campaign drove more than 170,000 people to the caucuses. Pumped how organized and up our democrats are about the candidates. Three democrats drove nearly as many caucusgoers as 11 republican carnival barkers. S. That is an amazing accomplishment. So, my friends, we have the enthusiasm on our side. You have the energy, dont we . [applause] we are going to show the republicans just how we know how to organize and mobilize leading up to the november elections, and we have the will of seven years of progress under barak obama in our sails. So that we can help carry the democrats all the way to the white house in 2016. But first, it is your turn, New Hampshire. I know that the people who come out to the mcintyreshaheen dinner are democrats. But that is enough. I want to see New Hampshire give iowa a run for their money on primary day when it comes to turn out. You can do that, right . I know all of the supporters to make sure we have a record turnout for this primary in New Hampshire because no matter who you support, that turnout is going to be what propels our nominee to the white house for a historic democratic presidency, following up on the one that we are in the midst of now. Talk to your friends and family. Knock on every door. Call up your aunt, uncles, siblings, family, make sure you get them to the polls. Get people invested in the democrats today. That is how we keep our momentum going into the general election in november. My friends, it is coming faster than you think. These people on the other side of the aisle are playing for keeps. ,hey want to drag us backward to what they call the glory days. That were the bush administration, when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. We exactly. We can all make sure we are united, never going backwards to the days when health care was not a right. But republicans want to take it back to the point where you have bankruptcy to Fund Health Care costs. As a Breast Cancer survivor for eight years [applause] thank you. Sure better than the alternative. As a Breast Cancer survivor for more than eight years now, i am more than the one of 135,000 americans living with a preexisting condition. I can assure you, none of us are going back to win the Insurance Companies could drop you or deny you coverage. We will not be taken back. We will stand up and fight, making sure that every single american understands the choice we have in this election leading up to november. It is so critical, so critical that we focus on making sure we can draw that contrast. Now, at the dnc, we have been working closely with our campaigns to make sure they have every opportunity to connect with as many voters as possible, in person, at town halls, at forums like the one on wednesday. Like the debate last night, which was remarkable. Our candidates have the energy and the strength of vision and the ideas to pursue and build on the progress we have made over the last seven years. Make no mistake. The republican candidates are all promising, that if they step into the oval office, they will start turning back the clock on day one. To drag us back where we were when president bush left office. That is a place we are not going back to. Families right, no way we are going back too many families lost the health care costs. Stake. S too much at and we have come too far to let that happen. And we have more good news today. It is now a record 71 straight months of privatesector job growth. That is remarkable. [applause] of we have a lot to be proud under this president , under the democratic policies. And we have created over 14 million new jobs. That is another incredible piece. We have cut our deficit by andst three quarters, thanks to the Affordable Care act, nearly 18 million americans have Health Care Coverage they did not previously have. And no one can be turned away for preexisting conditions. [applause] oft, that is the progress democratic leadership that is what our candidates are offering the American People. We need to keep moving america forward. America needs to make sure that New Hampshire democrats set the stage for all the primaries ahead. So, let us get out the vote when the polls open on tuesday. Let us make sure that whether , orare feeling the bern that for hillary, we know we must elect a democrat to the white house come election day in november. On to victory for the democratic nominee. Thank you so much. [applause] [cheering] we welcome the governor. Flex thank you. What a great crowd. Thank you. Shaheen, it is so great to be with you this evening. Now, i am told that there are some bernie supporters here. Is that correct . [applause] [cheering] so, i am also told that there are some hillary supporters here. Is that correct . [applause] [cheering] so, i want to thank secretary clinton and senator sanders for i want to thank them both for their commitment to the New Hampshire primary and for running for president. It is a grueling, exhaustive experience. Andthey both deserve credit our deepest appreciation and admiration for what they are doing. Let us give them both around of applause. [applause] i would like to take a moment and introduce my wife, susan. Susan is the longest serving first lady in the history of the state of New Hampshire. [applause] and she has worked so hard, and continues to work hard, to make a difference in the lives of people of our great state, particularly for children. And i want to thank all of you for all that you did to help me during my eight years as governor of the great state of New Hampshire. [applause] together, we weathered many natural disasters, including a financial disaster, as we experienced the worst recession since the great depression. Together, we fought the department of defense and the federal government to keep open the Portsmouth Naval shipyard. [applause] together, at a time when High School Dropout rates are at epidemic proportions and other states which is what they are we genetically reduced our dropout rate, giving young people the opportunity to have better lives and good jobs. [applause] well before the federal together, weted, allowed young adults to stay on Health Insurance plans come until the age of 26. Of 26. L the age [applause] together, in spite of many attacks from different sources, we protected the rights of women to choose. [applause] and together, without a court order, we passed gay marriage in New Hampshire. [applause] i truly believe there is nothing thennoble that we can do to make a difference in the lives of other people. Now because of what we do, other people are better off. And i have seen so many people in New Hampshire making the difference. Our Police Officers and firefighters, who protect us. [applause] our wonderful teachers, who educate our children. [applause] our great state employees and municipal employees, who have worked so hard to deliver services to our citizens. And we especially have to acknowledge our veterans and the men and women serving in the safeary, who have kept us and continue to keep us safe. [applause] as governor, i believe, and i still do believe, that we live in the greatest state in the greatest country of the world. And if we continue to Work Together, we will make New Hampshire even greater. Thank you very much. Enjoy the evening. [applause] [cheering] thank you. Proved that in the Granite State, we are ready to put politics aside and do what is right for the middle class, for Small Business, for students and seniors, for veterans and hardworking families all across this district. I will work with anybody from any party on any issue, if i believe it is in the best interest of the state. And i will always stand up for what i believe in. Please welcome congresswoman anne marie custer. Happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth clap along disappoint,ant to great to be here. Good evening friends and family. What a fabulous night to celebrate New Hampshire democrats with the eyes of the world upon us. In just three days, Granite State voters will show the world, once again, the value and the virtue of up close and personal, grassroots campaigning. Andugh town Hall Meetings, thoughtful, sometimes contentious discussions, friends and neighbors across the state have launched poignant discussions about the issues that matter most to us here in the Granite State. On the national stage, we have shed light on the need for reform for opiate prescribing practices. And the dire need to increase treatment for Mental Health and heroin addictions. We have raised to the very top of the National Agenda important issues, like equal pay for equal work, at long last. [applause] and paid family leave. It is about time. We want to raise workers wages, and we will defend their fundamental right to organize benefitsiate pay and through their unions. [applause] now, the world knows that here in New Hampshire, we support immigration reform. We support criminal justice reform. Support john, we campaignfinance reform. [applause] we want Great Schools with great teachers. [applause] whowe support candidates will protect the safety and security of our communities, from terrorism and criminal gun violence. [applause] and we can all come together to support more Renewable Energy, to create good jobs right here in New Hampshire. And, by the way, save our planet. [applause] all, we haveit stood fast to our core values. Even in the face of heated rhetoric from the far right, we will never, never give up our fight for workers, seniors, veterans, and a womans right to choose. [applause] now is the time for each one of us to make a choice. Tuesday is foron Hillary Clinton for president. [applause] [cheering] , with a shout out to my husband, brad, i promised my 93yearold motherinlaw, as she lay dying, that i would pour my heart out for our first woman president. Be i know that hillary will a true champion for women and girls, for hardworking families, and for every american, for generations to come. Who i do have friends here will vote for Bernie Sanders. And i appreciate your activism, and the process of the first in the nation primary. But regardless of who you support, here is what i know about all of us here tonight. Know, thatwe all come november, we will elect a white house t democrats to the e house. And make america more strong, free, and more equal every day for eight more years. So tonight, we celebrate all of you. The workers, the students, the young people, the volunteers, who fightd officials tirelessly every single day to make America Great for every single american. Old, ofwomen, young and every race and religion. Gay and straight, able and challenged, in sickness and in health, in this and every day. So tonight, i have a tremendous honor. I am the one to present the award to a very special friend of New Hampshire democrats, who has given time, talent, and treasure to make our world a better place for all. As a leader in the New Hampshire business community, this person raised the bar for integrity and social impact in investment policies. As a candidate or higher office, she demonstrated her commitment and compassion and caring for Granite State families and communities. For grassroots advocate candidates, including barack shaheen, and yes kuster, she has knocked on doors, written generous checks, and made countless phone calls. As a member of senator obamas Campaign Steering committee, and a twotime delicate to the Democratic National convention, hampshires of new four votes for the reelection of barack obama in north carolina. Rnd as a devoted volunteer fo the New Hampshire Democratic Party, she has served us all with distinction at the local, level. You know her as smart, funny, compassionate, committed, and loyal. But i know her as the best roommate ever. To thewelcome joanne stage, the 2016 dunphy award winner. [applause] thank you, New Hampshire. Thank you, annie. You are the best roommate, as well. And thank you raymond buckley. I have to say, this room is just amazing. And you have caught me completely off guard. Every me say this to person in this room. It is incumbent upon all of us to make sure, come tuesday, we all go out to vote. We all know that the stakes are way too high. And what we have to assure our asends and our neighbors, annie said, come november, democrats will take the white house once again. Thank you so much for this honor. Thank you, New Hampshire. [applause] [cheering] clap along if you feel like a room without a view clap along if you know that happiness is the truth clap along if you feel like that is what you want to do. [chanting] let us be lovers sanders i am Bernie Sanders, and i approved this message. Please welcome senator Bernie Sanders. [laughter] [applause] [applause] sen. Sanders thank you. [applause] bernie, bernie . Sanders thank you. Whoah, thank you. Thank you very much. Me begin by thanking the great New Hampshire Democratic Party, for all that they do for working families in this state. Let me thank ray buckley for the great job that he does. And let me say a word to every person in this room, regardless of who you are supporting in this nomination process. I want to congratulate all people here for doing what is a difficult thing to do. Spend considerable amount of time and energy trying to make this country a better place in which to live and work. Thank you all. [applause] and let me also say to every person in this room, that on our timesday, we are 100 better than any other republican candidates on their best day. [applause] and let me say a special thanks to the many thousands of volunteers who have worked so hard on our campaign. [applause] [cheering] started, we started this campaign quite far behind. With your help, we have made great progress. And i appreciate all that you have done. [applause] i also want to thank the many unions and organizations, too many to name, for their support. [applause] mention, among many others, the communication workers of america. The american, postal workers union. [applause] and the New Hampshire state employees association. [applause] thank moveon. Org for their support. America, and many other grassroots organizations. Campaign has had a great enthusiasm,gy and and i think i think the reasons are pretty obvious. Issuestalking about the that working families and the middle class are concerned about. Ending alking about corrupt Campaign Finance system. [applause] [cheering] american, american democracy is not about wall street and billionaires buying elections. About oneemocracy is person, one vote. That is what new england is about. [applause] so, here is a promise i make to every person in this arena. If elected president , no nominee of mine to the Supreme Court will get that position unless he or she is very clear. They will vote to overturn Citizens United. [applause] [cheering] bernie, bernie sen. Sanders and we will dddress the rarigge economy that so many people are suffering under right now. [applause] that,not acceptable to me at the same time we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on incomewe also have more and wealth inequality then any other major country on earth. [applause] thea to thi say to billionaire class, we are to create an economy that works for working families. Not just the people on top. [applause] if elected president , we are going to raise the minimum wage hour. Iving wage 15 an [applause] we are going to end the disgrace theomen making . 79 on dollar, compared to men. [applause] and we will have pay equity for women workers in this country. [applause] rebuild our to crumbling infrastructure, and create millions of decentpaying jobs. [applause] we are going to reform our trade our disastrous trade system. And we are going to tell Corporate America, start investing in this country, not just in china. [applause] [cheering] and in the year 2016, we are going to say that public colleges and universities should be tuitionfree. [applause] i want every child in this kids who grow up in families like mine, where my mom and dad never went to college, i want those kids in manchester, New Hampshire and burlington, vermont to understand to understand that if they do their schoolwork seriously, if they do their homework, and if they are serious students, yes, they will be able to get a college education. Regardless of the income of their families. [applause] [cheering] all of those people young andntry, some some not so young, people who are now being crushed by outrageously high levels of student debt, relief is on the way [applause] [cheering] we will give, we will gieve todaymillions of people, of theirpaying 2025 income in student debt, we are going to lower Interest Rates to make your debt more bearable. [applause] citizens ofenior New Hampshire, and of america many of whom are trying to get , 12, 13,000 of Social Security, you understand people cannot get by on 11,000 of Social Security. Colleagues,blican they say we should cut Social Security. [booing] expand socialld security benefits. [applause] [cheering] by we are going to do that lifting the cap on taxable income. [applause] to the large, multinational corporations, who continue to believe that it is ok for them to put their billions of dollars in profits in the Cayman Islands and in bermuda and and other tax havens, we have news for you. [cheering] you are going to start paying your fair share of taxes. [cheering] [applause] ceos on wall street, greed and whose recklessness and illegal behavior drove this economy into the worst recession since the were bailed out by the middle class of this country, who were bailed out because the countries were too today, who but are bigger than when we bailed them out we will establish a 21st century glasssteagall. [applause] six major banks have assets of almost 60 of the gdp of this country, yes, we are going to break them up. [applause] [cheering] and to the pharmaceutical industry , which charges us the highest prices in the world for the medicine we need, who have created a situation in which 1 out of 5 americans are unable to buy the medicine their doctors prescribe, we say to them, your days of raising prices off the charts are over. [applause] [cheering] and to the 11 Million People in our country who are undocumented, who are living in the shadows, who are fearful say weeing deported, we share your pain, and we are going to pass comprehensive immigration reform. [applause] and when this country shamefully, shamefully has more people in jail than any other country on earth, we say there will be real criminal justice reform. [applause] [cheering] we are going to invest in education and jobs for our kids, not jails and incarceration. [applause] aboutwe talk criminal justice reform, we say that we are tired of seeing unarmed people shot down by police. [applause] what we are saying is that a Police Officer who breaks the law, like any other public official, must be held accountable. [applause] must demilitarize local Police Departments. [applause] must make Police Departments all across this country look like the diversity of the communities they serve. [applause] now, i have been criticized because i believe that all of our people in this great country are entitled to health care. [applause] let me be as, clear as i can. I confess, i believe that health care is a right of all people, not a privilege. [applause] [cheering] bernie, Bernie Sanders i believe that the Affordable Care act, which my committee the committee i am on did some extraordinary good things. We should be proud of that. But i believe we can go further. And i believe that we should move toward a medicare for all, singlepayer system. Program. [applause] now, what leadership is about, it is not just swimming with the current. Aboardot just coming ideas when there is majority support for those ideas. [applause] way back before it was 1990s,ble in the early congressman Bernie Sanders opposed nafta and other trade agreements. [applause] want Corporate America to invest in this country, create jobs in this country, not just in china. [applause] when it was not popular, i voted against the socalled defense of marriage act. [applause] that was not a popular vote, at that time. But i believe then, and i alieve now, that people have right to love whomever they want, regardless of their gender. [applause] late 1990s, when all kinds of people in this country, republicans and some democrats, said we should deregulate wall street, what a great idea it would be if commercial banks and investment banks and Insurance Companies could emerge. Merge. I did not think it was such a good idea. I helped lead the opposition to deregulation. [applause] in 19 in 2002, the most important debate in recent ,istory on Foreign Policy george w. Bush, dick cheney [booing] donald rumsfeld, they said [booing] they said it was a good idea to invade iraq. [booing] i listened very carefully to what they said. I did not believe them. Im not only voted against that lead thelped opposition to that war. [applause] [cheering] bernie, bernie, bernie, bernie sen. Sanders leadership, leadership is about standing up and being counted when the times are rough, even when you are in a minority situation. [applause] also producingis the goods, passing legislation that impacts the people of New Hampshire, vermont, and america. Proud that a few years ago, as chairman of the veterans committee, i helped pass the most comprehensive Veterans Health care legislation passed in the modern history of this country. [applause] [cheering] that legislation not only helped millions of veterans all over this country get better access to v. A. Health care, it was a particular benefit to the veterans of the state of New Hampshire. [applause] because we put some special language in that bill to benefit New Hampshire veterans. Proud that as part of the Affordable Care act, we got 12 billion in it to expand Community Health centers in New Hampshire, and in vermont, and all over this country. [applause] am proud we passed one of the most significant pieces of environmental legislation, putting billions of dollars to help communities become more energyefficient and move to sustainable energy. [applause] let me conclude by saying this. Sandersdent, not bernie or anybody else, can bring about the changes that the middle class and working families of this country desperately need. And the reason for that is that the powers that be, wall street, Corporate America, the corporate brothers, theh Large Campaign donors, are so powerful so powerful that the only way we create the change that we need is through a political revolution. [applause] [cheering] and that means, that means, that means that millions and millions of people throughout our country, including many who have given up on the political process, many who think their vote, their voice no longer matters, those people have got to reengage lyrically. Working people, lowincome people, young people. And with a loud voice, a loud voice [cheering] [applause] and with a very loud voice, heard on tuesday in New Hampshire and heard all over this country, the voice which says that this government of our, fought and offended by so many men and women prepared to put their lives on the line, oursgovernment of hour belongs to all of us. Not a bunch of wealthy campaign contributors. Thank you very much. [applause] [cheering] star man, waiting in the sky let the children use it the star man waiting in the sky he told us not to blow it because he knows its not worth children use it star man waiting in the sky us but to come and meet he thinks he will blow our minds there is a star man waiting in the sky he told us not to blow it let the children [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] it is not something you see, it is something you hear. Herhe governor announced decision to run for senate. We spoke to the governor. Have you talked to her . She says she will take the bipartisan approach. She wants to take her experience to the senate. The democratic governor taking on republican senator. I believe we can do better. The Granite State deserves a the bestho leads it. T who leads like please welcome, governor Maggie Hassan. Good evening. Thank you, New Hampshire democrats. Begin, i do want to take a moment to remember our dear friend marty gross. Marty dedicated his life to helping people from all walks of life. He exemplified the spirit of service and collective problem solvers that distinguishes us as a state. He will be deeply missed. [applause] i want to thank our chairman, ray buckley and the hardworking staff. As the eyes of our nation turn towards New Hampshire this week, with suchs such a huge turnout, reflects the great pride we take in our Critical Role in the democratic process. Hassan i would the governors for ensuring the voices of our state are heard in washington. And wasnt a great it great johne the great governor lynch and susan here tonight . Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for our state. And i would like to recognize all of my great partners in the statehouse. Or presented as our senators, and executive counselors. Thank you for your continued dedication to our communities and state. While i am sure he is getting welldeserved rest right now, i want to acknowledge governor martin omalley, and thank him for his strong record of public service, and his deep commitment to our country. [applause] also want to thank senator sanders for his service in the youeight senate knighted state senate, and engaging in New Hampshires first in the nation primary process. It is always a great pleasure to welcome back to New Hampshire, my friend, secretary has Hillary Clinton. [applause] strong record of leadership has proven that she is the right person to lead our. Ountry, and get things done and that is why i am so proud to support her for president of the United States. [applause] and most of all, thank you , New Hampshire democrats, unitede here tonight is in a common purpose. To keep New Hampshire moving in the right direction. Thanks to each of you in this room, and many more throughout the state, we are making progress to build a stronger, more innovative New Hampshire. Where education and businesses drive job creation. Working across party lines we responsible,scally balanced budgets that invest in critical, economic priorities. We froze tuitions at our state universities for the first time in 25 years. And we lowered it at our community colleges. [applause] than 46,000 hardworking granite stators now have the health and Economic Security that comes with Quality Health coverage because we expanded medicaid. [applause] strong andiding a comprehensive approach to the Substance Abuse epidemic. We are fixing roads and bridges across the state, and finishing the expansion of i93. We are seeing the progress all across the state. Our Unemployment Rate continues 3. 1 , which is now is the fourth lowest in the country, and the lowest level in nearly 15 years. [applause] and for the third year in a row, New Hampshire was ranked as the strongest state in the union based on more than a dozen measures of eric economy, the safety of our communities, and our quality of life. [applause] we made progress for our people, and our businesses by solving problems and bringing people together to get things done for hardworking families. Passed time for washington to take the same approach. [applause] the people of New Hampshire Work Together to solve problems every day in their own lives, and they expect their elected representatives to do the same. That is why it is so in frustrating to see what is happening in washington, and why it is time for us all to stand together right now and say, enough. Enough to Washington Special interest that prey on our seniors hardearned Social Security and medicare benefits, while claiming special tax breaks for themselves. Enough to politicians restricting a womans right to make her own health care decision. [applause] and enough to our junior senator who puts corporate special interests ahead of New Hampshire. [applause] despite her effort to rewrite expensive tv ads and sham legislation, we know Kelly Ayottes real washington record. In washington, she has voted with the Koch Brothers nearly 90 of the time. Voted forpeatedly pell uts in telegrams grants that would make college more expensive for New Hampshire students, while also voting against young people being able to refinance their student loans. Voted to turn medicare into a voucher program, while opposing efforts to protect Social Security from benefit cuts. When it comes to our environment , she has repeatedly sided with the Koch Brothers while our beautiful Natural Resources and places pay the price. She has fought to protect tax breaks for big oil. Just recently she was once again the only new england senator to oppose critical clean water protections. Bipartisangainst the bill to exam expand background checks for gun purchases. Opposes closing the loophole that allows known and suspected terrorist to buy guns and explosives. Repeatedly to defund planned parenthood, and support allowing employers to deny women coverage for Birth Control and preventive care. And she has said, these are her words, that she certainly believes that roe v wade should be overturned. [boos] i am ready to change that. [applause] as your senator as your senator i will Work Across Party Lines to support job greeting businesses and expand economic opportunity. I will fight to make college more affordable, and reduce the burden of student loan debt. When it comes to our nations isisse we must defeat and make our country Even Stronger in the eyes of our enemies and allies working with the International Community to keep us safe while ensuring that we use our military might as a last resort. , always standays up for a womans right to make her a home her own health care decision. [applause] help. Need your i cannot do this alone. With your help i will be a senator who fights back against the Koch Brothers, special interested it to special interest agenda. With your help i will be a senator who knows that New Hampshire families and Small Businesses come first, and leave like it leads like it. With your help, New Hampshire will finally, finally have two senators who always put New Hampshire first. Together we can keep New Hampshire moving in the right direction. Thank you all so much for everything you do. Onward to victory. Lets move forward. [applause] you dont know where you are going now tonight, the people of New Hampshire chose to put New Hampshire first. Making a difference for New Hampshire. Helping Small Businesses grow. She is now the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee for Small Business. Her Small Business jobs act cut our taxes. Bringing health care to our veterans. Getting veterans centers. This is something people promised forever for years, but she delivered. Real stories, real results. Taking on big banks that people can keep their homes. Expanding health care for our kids and families. Protecting every womans reproductive rights. A leader in washington. We can count on her. She will fight for the people of New Hampshire. Gaining passage in Bipartisan Legislation to lower energy costs. Working to lower Interest Rates on with student loans, to make college more affordable. The only woman in the nation to serve as governor and United States senator. Putting the hampshire first. Againm so proud to once be able to represent the people of New Hampshire and the United States senate. [applause] please welcome, senator Jeanne Shaheen. [applause] better than all the rest better than anyone metne i ever senator Jeanne Shaheen thank you. Hello, New Hampshire democrats. What a great turnout. You are not tired come are you . All right. Ray buckley and a great team at the New Hampshire Democratic Party for doing such a great job tonight. Are the terrific arent they terrific . [applause] days, graniteur stators will host the New Hampshire primaries. It is our moment in the spotlight. When the country and the world turned their attention to New Hampshire, they get to see democracy at its very best. Start with a very special thank you to the staff and volunteers who are here tonight. Primarywhat makes this and our democracy work. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Now we have already heard from our wonderful congresswoman, and ann mclane kuster. We need her in the house of representatives writing for us. Fighting for us. Lets send carol sheaporter back to the house to represent the first district. [applause] wasnt it great to see governor lynch here tonight . [applause] course our great governor, Maggie Hassan. [applause] i am getting there, just wait a minute. But it like to complain, really am kind of tired of having my vote canceled in the United States senate. Tocan you send Maggie Hansen hassan to join me in november . [applause] she will be a great senator, dont you think . Senate, ing of the just have to give a shout out to two of my colleagues who are here earlier today and here tonight, senator debbie seven now for michigan. [applause] and senator Amy Klobuchar from minnesota. [applause] , today we where the sisterhood of the traveling pants suits. [applause] and i also want to acknowledge martin omalley, and all of his supporters in New Hampshire. For their contribution to this campaign. [applause] now i think you all know that Bernie Sanders is a colleague and a friend. [applause] and i admire the passion that he brings to the issues that he cares about. But Hillary Clinton is my choice for president. Boos]s and thank you. You are getting warmed up, right . I know hillary. And i know her heart. I know that there is nobody who cares more about families. I know there is nobody tougher. Anybody who watched for 11 hours of testimony before the Benghazi Committee knows that. [applause] now, in the democratic primaries and caucuses, we are focused on many of the domestic issue that are so important issues that are so important to us like increasing wages, and making the nomy more fair but based you know one of the things that i really appreciate about New Hampshire is that we are respectful of other peoples points of view. [applause] and so i hope everybody here will be respectful of whatever make in thisof us primary election. Because we need each other come november. [applause] so i was talking about our focus on the economy. On how we increase wages and make this economy fairer. But based on what i see in the on the and i serve Senate Armed Services committee and the Senate Foreign relations committee. I can tell you that the republicans intend to make the general election in november another National Security election. Already soaking ,eoples fears and prejudices and unfortunately we know that too often i can work. We saw it in 2002 here in New Hampshire. We saw it in 2004. In 2014, when my opponent, scott brown talked about terrorist coming across our southern border. We saw that he almost won the election because he made people afraid. Well, we cannot let them do that in 2016. And they will not be a will to do that with Hillary Clinton. [applause] they will not be able to do that with Hillary Clinton. [applause] she will be she will be a commander in chief and a president who knows how to build alliances around the world , because hillary knows how to get things done. And she will build on the progress of the obama administration. [applause] she will make pay equity a reality once and for all, and protect planned parenthood. , and the minimum wage fight to make college more affordable. She will stand up to the climate deniers. She will build International Alliances to take on isis, and work to expand obamacare. She will take on the gun lobby to pass sensible gun laws. [applause] so there is a lot at stake in this election. Just think about president trump. Brown. E president scott about a cabinet secretary, sarah palin. [booing] laugh at themay antics of donald trump, but it is no laughing matter when he proposes a special registry for muslim americans, and sadly it is not just trump. Donald trump, ted cruz, marco rubio, their attacks on immigrants and minorities are attacks on every american. [applause] they are insulting to the very foundation of our great democracy, and we will not let that stand. We will elect a president next fall who will build on the progress of president obama. [applause] no matter which candidate you are supporting, everyone in this building has helped engage voters, and helped communicate the difference between democrats and in doing so you have laid the groundwork for a Democratic Victory next fall. Thank you all very much. [applause] thank you. Honor of giving the Mcintyre Shaheen award. In doing this i would like to invite my family to come to the stage. You all know my husband, billy. [applause] my daughter stephanie, and my soninlaw craig. My daughter molly, and my soninlaw few hugh. My daughter, stacy is not able to join us tonight. Them to come on stage because we are all very honored to have this senate the center named after our family. The Mcintyre Shaheen award was established to honor it new a newire democrat 8 hampshire democrat who has spent their life working on economic and social just. Nominee has fought for the families of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire state legislature for 35 years. She is the one who year after your font on the House Finance committee to make sure health care and other Critical Services get decent funding. She has been the biggest offender in the state house for Early Childhood education and the importance of making sure that children have quality child care. [applause] center thathildcare serves the neediest children in concorde. Pleasure,ery great our whole familys pleasure to be able to recognize and present this years Mcintire Shaheen award to my friend of 30 years, the friend of every struggling family in New Hampshire, mary jane wallner. [applause] [applause] wallner wow. Know i have been on the legislature for 35 years, i am not really a public eager. Speaker. A crowd this big, i want to say, raymond, you know how to give a party. There is no doubt about that. I love being in a room with this many democrats. 6000 democrats in one room. I am sort of used to being in a room where there are 400 state representatives and not even half of us at this point are democrats. Come november, we are going to make a big difference. We are going to take back the majority. [applause] we are going to need all of your help. I think the most important thing is that we all Work Together in november to elect democrats at every level. Representative right up to president of the United States. Thank you come i appreciate this. I want to say thank you to my family. I feel like this is sort of like the academy awards. Thank you to my family who have always supported me. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. [applause] better than all the rest better than anyone metne i ever stomp on your heart hang on every word you say tear us apart get washed away [cheers] the average person who gets elected president is intelligent, hardworking, and honestly tries to do what they said they were going to do when they get there. There is a big difference in who can do and who cannot. Here is what i know about hillary she is the single best change maker i have met in my life. We need a change maker, not a change talker, a change maker. I will tell you a couple of stories. Our court said our schools were not properly financed in arkansas. We were going to have to root refinance the money. I put hillary in charge. She went to every county in the state. She presented it to the legislature. Said it was so good he thought maybe that we had elected the wrong member of our family. [laughter] said. Ing to be nine years later i come to iowa iowa, running for president , telling you the most improve schools were arkansas and South Carolina. She always made something good happen. She went to South Carolina to see why all of these africanamerican teenagers were being in jail were being jailed as adults. 13, 14, 15 years old being in adult prisons. She went back in a change that as well. She had not been elected, but she was making changes. That is just the beginning. I could tell you things until tomorrow morning. The country need somebody who can actually get something done. She comes in one day jumping up and down happy. She said, i was so worried we had six of the 24 poorest counties in america. She said, the kids are going to school, they are not able to learn. There is no kindergarten, preschool, or prekindergarten. I found it, i found a preschool program in israel that teaches people to be their childrens first teachers even if they are illiterate. I think it could work here. I said, what are we going to do . She said, i called the woman who started it and she will be here in 10 days. I amwhat happened going to these graduations for preschoolers. Next thing you know, it is in 26 states, and thriving. There are thousands of people in this country today who have better lives and learn more and grew up just because of her. And they have no clue. She didnt care. She hadnt been elected to anything. She just made something good happen. You are entitled to give all of these remarks but everything i have told you i believe with all of my heart. She is the best person to win the election, and the best person to implement the changes we need. The best person to preserve the gains we have made under president obama. Mostly, i want you to do what is best for you. Most of the people in this audience have more tomorrows than yesterdays. Those of us that have more yesterdays than tomorrows, believe it or not, then most of our time digging about the future. I believe thinking about the future. I believe it would be a gift that would keep on giving. She has made everything she has ever touched better. Thank you very much. [applause] please welcome, Hillary Clinton. [applause] songe back my life this is my fight song [applause] Hillary Clinton oh, wow. Thank you. Thank you so much. You. Thank you all so much. Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you ray much. Thank you very much. Well, i have to tell you i knew that here in the Granite State, a little snow was not going to damper the era the spirits of democrats. Impossible tois express how grateful i feel. For everything that the people of the state have done for me, for my family, for our country over the years. To paraphrase your native son, New Hampshire is a small state, but there are those who love it, and i am one of them. [applause] you know going all the way back to 1992, you opened your homes and hearts to us. Up and you lifted me give me back my voice. [cheers] you have taught me again and again that the only direction that matters in life is forward. Over the past few days some people have looked at the polls that show senator sanders with a big lead here and suggested [cheers] yes, that is a fact. And suggested i should just look past New Hampshire and focus on the next date. State. NeverNew Hampshire has quit on me, and im not going to quit on you. [cheers] i am so proud i am so proud of the campaign we have built here. Thousands of volunteers. I know how hard you are working. Pouring yourate dreams and determination into this effort, calling your neighbors, knocking on doors in the winter cold, going to Hillary Clinton. Com, contribute in whatever you can, because you want a president who will roll up her sleeves and make a difference in your lives. [applause] and this enormous support that rangese demonstrated across the state, many different people, many different walks of life. I want to start by thanking your extra ordinary United States senator, Jeanne Shaheen. [applause] i like saying this because it is just a small way of recognizing her historic achievements, but woman as of now, the only in American History to have served both as a governor and a senator. [applause] hope i hope next november, you will send the second woman to have served as a governor and senator, Maggie Hassan to the senate. [applause] the support and the advice of these two remarkable leaders means the world to me. I have worked with them. I have supported them. I have watched what they have achieved in their public careers. I am just so grateful to New Hampshire for lifting them up, and for giving them the chance to lead and to serve. I also want to thank you for electing, and i know you will send back congresswoman and a custard to represent you annie custer to represent you, and i certainly hope you return carol sheaporter to congress. But in addition to these wellknown people who support me at my backbeen truly and side, there are so many others. Like ava, and overachieving high ,s whosenior in berlin also works most nights at her family restaurant. She still makes time to volunteer for my campaign. Why . Because she is seen so how much the Affordable Care act has meant to her family and their Small Business, and she does knowledge of the that progress ever ripped away. [applause] or another young woman, samantha, who works three jobs in belmont, including a lot of night shifts. She still finds time to volunteer for me. Determined,utely she says, to elect a progressive who gets things done. And if it means if it means also breaking the highest, hardest, Glass Ceiling that sounds pretty good a too. [applause] i also want to thank every elected official, every local leader, all of the members of organized labor, planned parenthood, the human rights campaign, the league of conservation voters, and every other Progressive Organization who are working so hard for my campaign. [cheers] ,ow one thing i know for sure is how seriously the people of New Hampshire take your responsibility as the first in the nation primary. I know that a lot of voters are still shopping. You may have a favorite, but this is New Hampshire. Everyone takes a second look. Maybe even a third or fourth look. I hope you will give one of those looks to me in the next couple of days. [applause] i am going to compete for every vote here. I will answer every question. I will work my heart out to earn your support. In this campaign i have listened to people across New Hampshire, and the country. Share the problems that keep seemup at night, and always to stack the deck even more for those of the top. Drug cubbies are jacking up the price of drugs for no reason other than greed. I have met people whose bills have doubled, even tripled overnight. Powerful corporations are heading overseas, for no reason other than to avoid paying u. S. Taxes, including an Auto Parts Company that lobbied for the rescue of the Auto Industry back in 2008. All of us, all of us taxpayers, helped to save them save them. Now they want to turn their back on america. They call it an inversion, i college it a per version, and we have to stop it. [applause] think of this a governor in State Government in michigan allows children in flint to drink poison water just to save a buck. Notf their lives were were worth that much. Ago a,sk some weeks yourself, would it have happened if they were rich and white, instead of poor and black. We know the answer, dont we. Agree, wenders and i have to stop bad things from happening. We have got to start good things happening again in america. [applause] [cheers] need a bolde National Mission to get jobs sowing, and incomes rising working families can get ahead and stay ahead. We need to pull our country together so there is more justice and dignity, and opportunity for all of our senate citizens. When he to measure our success by how many children climb out how manyty, and families work their way into the middle class, not how many ceos get bonuses at the end of the year. [applause] im running for president because i believe that america cannot reach its full potential when you are held back from rs. Ching euros youi i want to break down all of the Barriers Holding americans back from achieving their dreams. Economic barriers of course, especially those put in place by greed. Reducing inequality. The problems in america cannot the reduced to wall street and washington, as important as the czar. As those are. We also need to break down a barriers of racism and sexism and dissemination against the lgbt community. Immigrants and people with his abilities disabilities. [cheers] quiet, to take on those devastating challenges of addiction and mental illness. We need to help families struggling to care for loved ones with alzheimers and autism. I want to remove the obstacles standing in the way of people and communities that have been left out and left behind from cold country coal country to inner cities. When every child has the chance to succeed, america exceeds. You saw succeeds. When bill the video said something that really stuck with me. He has a way of doing that. He was talking to young people and he told him them you still have more tomorrows in your life than yesterdays. And those of us who have more yesterdays than tomorrows believe it or not spend most of our time thinking about the future. I certainly know that is true for all of us who are grandparents because that really focuses your mind on the future. As if i have the honor of serving as your president , i will spend all of my tomorrows doing everything i can to make your tomorrows better. To give every one of our children the possibility and prosperity they deserve. [applause] [cheers] please, imagine with me, imagine a tomorrow where your heart hard work and rewarded with rising income. Where the minimum wage is no longer a poverty wage. We know yesterday, republicans and concorde said no terror raising the minimum wage. Raising theo minimum wage. Well i know how to get it done. Wegine a tomorrow where produce enough Renewable Energy to power every home in america, and create millions of good jobs doing it. I know how to get that done. [applause] education liste lifts you student up and student debt does not drag you down. Where young people have the opportunities and choices you deserve, and where more entrepreneurs can start and grow new Small Businesses. Imagine, imagine a tomorrow where parents have paid family leave so they do not have to choose between a paycheck and caring for those baby or a baby or a sick relative. A tomorrow where we overturn Citizens United and finally get big unaccountable money out of our democracy. [applause] and, imagine a tomorrow where gun violence no longer stalks our country. [applause] and the gun lobby cannot stand in the way of every commonsense reform. That is the tomorrow i want for us. For a kids. For a country our country. I know how to get that done. We democrats face a big choice on tuesday. I want to take a minute right now to speak to all the young people who are here. Whether they are supporting me or senator sanders. [applause] course i still hope to persuade those who are supporting senator sanders to give me another look, but, i want you to know that i am truly glad that you are involved in this process and in the Democratic Party. You are bringing energy, ideas, and urgency to our shared causes. [applause] and i cannot help but think about how i felt when i first came to New Hampshire in 1968 to campaign for my president ial candidate, Gene Mccarthy to end the war in vietnam. [applause] in the following years i went all over our country, trying in my own way to make things better. I went undercover in alabama to expose racism in the schools. I drove throughout south texas, registering latino voters. I even shocked my friends by moving to arkansas with my then boyfriend because we were in love and so fired up to do good work there. And i learned what you all are proving everyday. You can make change without being elected to anything. You just need to go do it. Respect not i only your enthusiasm, but also your seriousness about helping to make our country what it can and should be. That is why i want to take just a few minutes to make my case for why i believe that this at this time i am the better choice to be a president your president. Senator sanders and i share big, progressive goals for our country. I believe i have laid out stronger plan for how to achieve them, and how to make a real difference in peoples live soon lives soon. [applause] some of the pundits say that the differences between down tooaches comes head versus heart, will i dont see it that way. For me, it is both. We have had a worthy debate about health care in our campaign. Substantive disagreements over issues, as it should be. Compare that to the campaign of insults going on on the republican side. Contrasts wethese do it within the context of both of us understanding, we have to go to the American People, we have to explain what we want to do, and how we will come push it accomplish it. I have fought my entire career to get quality, Affordable Health care for every single american. [applause] is. Ow, i know how hard that the insurance lobby and the Drug Companies spend tens of millions of dollars to stop us. It was disappointing. Placesraveled to so many to meet with so Many Americans so hopeful that finally they would have health care for their families. Thate a million stories tugged at my heart and my brain. One in particular that summed up for me but was so profoundly wrong. It was from a visit i made from to the Childrens Hospital in cleveland. I was sitting in a conference room, talking with parents of very ill children. How were telling me difficult it was to get the medical care their children needed. One man said, look, i am successful. I provide health care for my employees of the business i started. Toody will sell me a policy ensure my two daughters with cystic fibrosis. I dont understand, i have gone askedlace to place, i him, what did they tell you what you say you have the means. He said, will the last person i spoke with listen to me listened to me and said, you dont understand. We dont ensure earning houses houses. E burning this man got tears in his eyes. He said, they called my little girls burning houses. We didnt get everything we want to, but i got back to work, went to work and we got childrens Health Insurance that insures 8 million children today. [applause] that program came a lifeline for those a million kids 8 million kids. And a sense of some security for their families. Never gave upr, i on the dream of universal health care not for a second. 8 million kids was certainly not everything we wanted, but it was real. I could not bear the thought that we would leave children without health care, even a single day longer than we had to. [applause] i think, based on the work i have done over so many years that when you see people hurting , you see them being treated unjustly, discriminated against, and you want to help them to do something that demonstrates that you care, that maybe you can make their lives a little better , try to do it. If that means a quieter success, that is fine. That is why i say with all of my heart, lets build on the Affordable Care act right now. Lets get those outofpocket costs down. Lets tackle the price of prescription drugs. Lets not start a new divisive debate about the shape of our whole system that will just lead to gridlock, and will not help anyone in the health care they deserve. [applause] you know, the people i have met in this campaign cannot wait. They shouldnt have to wait. Spendsng waitress who all day working in a restaurant and all night working in a factory needs a raise. She cannot ways wait. The window i met who had lost her home because her Social Security aim it did not go far enough deserve better. She cannot wait either. The young people i meet who want to start Small Businesses. The entrepreneurs who have dreams, they need our help and support. People to believe in them. They cannot wait. Women across our country deserves equal pay for the work we do. They cant wait. [applause] i dont think any of us can wait. I dont think any of us can wait. You deserve a president who will. Isten to you, fight for you and i will make promises i cant keep. This is the biggest Job Interview in the world, my friends, and you should hold us accountable. I am a progressive who likes to get things done, and i have you have to be both a dreamer and a doer. You have to push forward every single day for as long as it takes. Know a big part of the job i am seeking is keeping our family safe, our country strong, and our troops out of four. War. T of so, youre not just picking a president. You are choosing a commanderinchief. And i know sometimes Foreign Policy might seem a little remote. Thats understandable with the events taking place on the other side of the world, but things that happen overseas can directly impact your life, your job, and your family. Terrorism, obviously, but thats not all. Just in the past few weeks, we have seen problems in china sending stock markets plummeting. Affect your retirement savings. As we sit here tonight, north korea is working on missiles that could reach the United States. We need a president who understands how to deal with that threat. As we sit here tonight, our troops are still in harms way in afghanistan. We need a president who can give them the support and the strategy they need. Russia, iran, isis, these are not issues that we can put to the side. They cannot be an afterthought. We have to be just as present on the desk in the oval office as all the other work we need to get done here at home. I am very proud of the experience and judgment i would bring to this job. I have worked hard on diplomacy. I have spent countless hours advising president obama on the hardest choices and the toughest calls a president ever has to make. If president , any president , has to be able to do all parts of the job. Needmerican people confidence that you can keep them safe, get the economy moving again, and build on the progressive accomplishments we have made under president obama. With your help, that is exactly what i will do. The real not forget, goal here is to defeat the republicans, whoever they nominate. And lets face it, they all disagree with pretty much all of us believe in. They wont do anything to give Women Equal Pay or hold wall street accountable. They will do a lot to turn back the clock on your rights. And i want you to know where i stand. I will protect our rights, civil rights, voting rights, workers rights, womens rights, gay rights, the rights of people with disabilities. I will always defend planned parenthood and a womans right to make her health. Decisions about her health, and whenever i say this, some republican will say i am playing the gender card. Well, if standing up for womens rights, Womens Health and equal pay is playing the gender card, then deal me in. I will defend Marriage Equality and work to end discrimination against the lgbt community. I will stop the republicans from privatizing Social Security, medicare, or the v. A. And i will stand up to the gun lobby, the most powerful lobby in washington. But here is the truth. No candidate for president has all the answers and no president can do this work alone. I know what its like to be knocked down. I doubt there is anybody who hasnt had hard times in their life here tonight. But i learned from my family and but its not whether you get knocked down. Its whether you get back up. And i believe that not only do we individually have to get back up time and time again, because as long as there is work to do and people to help, we cant stop, i think our country has to get back up. I think we have to once again have the kind of confidence and optimism that is part of the american dna. We set big goals. We summon the best of our natures. We Work Together again across all the lines that divide us. , i try toof my life practice what has been called the discipline of gratitude. , that means not just being grateful for the good things, because thats kind of easy. But be grateful for the hard , grateful even for our limitations, because in the end, they can make us stronger. They can give us a chance to. Each beyond our grasp they can also teach us that we are Better Together when we work to find common ground. America is facing a lot of challenges, but i believe with all my heart we can rise to meet them. You see, i believe in the potential of every american to solve the toughest problems, to be resilient, no matter what they throw at us. I am deeply grateful for this country and for all of you. If we can break through the barriers that hold people back. If we can unleash the talent and potential of our people, there are no limits to what america can in chief can achieve. Me anin, imagine with america where your wages match your hard work, where communities are thriving again, where there is quality Affordable Health care and childcare is available to every family. We can build that country. We can make our tomorrows greater than all our yesterdays. Im fighting for the millions of people who cant wait. I fighting for our families and our future. I am fighting for the america i know we can build together. And for each and everyone of you. Thank you all so very much. Thank you. God bless you. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] well, the democrats have wrapped up their club 100 dinner here. We have heard from Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. We are a little chilly because we are standing on the ice arena. There is a lot of in the uzi as him from the crowd. A fervor for both cant a lot of enthusiasm from the crowd. A fervor for both candidates. Who are you here to see tonight . I wanted to hear from both candidates, what their opinions were, what their platforms were, and get an idea of their personalities. Did what you heard tonights way you in one direction or s way you in one direction or the other . I came tonight leaning toward hillary, leaning toward bernie, but i liked the way hillary ended her speech, saying it didnt matter who we chose as long as we came together because havingout solidarity and the democrats win overall. I feel like she would better represent someone who could take further and i believe it is about solidarity. As a New Hampshire resident, excited about primaries in the past . Been in the past, and this time it was hillary, and i guess it was the gender card that really got me. Friends are much more involved than i am and they were the ones that pushed me to come tonight. Thank you for talking to us. Good talking to you. Thank you. You too. Next up, diana and her children. What are your childrens names . Ezra and naomi. And you are not from New Hampshire. Where are you from . We live in new york city. What brought you here tonight . My daughter and i are big hillary supporters. We wanted to do whatever we could to get hillary as many votes on tuesday as possible. We put on the snow boots and took the day off to drive up here to help her win. Have you ever been to a big political event like this before . What did you think . Honestly. It was cool. Seeing everyone speak, hearing different opinions. Your sister is a hillary fan do you have a candidate . I like Bernie Sanders. Why . Us. Think he will help he will make more taxes and help in health care. Whitey you like Hillary Clinton . Why douse shes going you like Hillary Clinton . Because she is going to make every other day better then yesterday. How do you know that . Because she said so. And she said she wouldnt make promises she couldnt keep. Impression ofur this event . It was very loud. Thank you both for talking to me. A largeyou such supporter of Hillary Clinton . Not in my lifetime has there been any candidate as experienced and qualified to be president as Hillary Clinton. There is something very exciting about being the mother of a daughter and a son and seeing a woman, a qualified, smart, capable, competent woman be able to be the first female president of the United States. Long have certainly come a way, but there is still one thing we have not been able to do, and to see a woman is qualified as her run for office is something that is incredibly moving and emotional, and i will do whatever i can to help her get elected. Thank you for speaking to cspan. We appreciate it. Nice to meet you both. Next up is lucas from dairy, New Hampshire. I can tell by your tshirt who you are supporting. Why are you a Bernie Sanders person . There is something about the way he speaks and the way he shows himself that i believe is the most genuine out of any candidate. Who have you supported in past campaigns . Is his vision consistent with your political point of view . Absolutely. I consider myself liberal. I voted for obama in the second election. Night, did you watch the debate . I did. We started to see some real contrast on certain positions. What did you think of how they differentiated themselves . One reason i feel pushed away from Hillary Clinton as i feel like she is changing her views over time, whereas i believe bernie is steadfast in what he a long time. The big question is whether he will keep his voice for the rest of the weekend. Afterost my voice one night, so i dont know how he can keep doing it as long as he has. Anymoreou doing political events . I am going to try to get involved on tuesday, but right now, i dont have anything planned. Thank you for talking to us. Get warm. Inis a little bit chilly here. Absolutely. Thank you. Of this this is susan. Why are you a Hillary Clinton fan . I am an educator and i have been a supporter of hillarys ands 2008. I admire her work for children since 2000 eight. I admire her work for children and families. Our best bet for education going forward. What brought you here tonight specifically . Involved gotten more with the Democratic Party over the years. I am now the vice chair of my towns Democratic Party. The dynamic. I love hearing from Jeanne Shaheen. I expect to be working on maggies campaign. I am all in. Where is that . Pelham, New Hampshire, on the southern border with massachusetts. Tell me how you think your candidate did tonight presenting her message versus senator sanners sanders . Is much more wellrounded. She is absolutely more qualified and foreignpolicy experience. Of has a depth and breadth knowledge and everything she does. As a wellrounded candidate, there is nobody who can touch that. Such a spreade between her and senator sanders in the polls in your state . I look at the young people. I have two sons, one early 20s, 119. One is 19. They are both supporting bernie. And i am happy that he is engaging those people, those kids. There are people who know him personally from vermont. He is our neighbor. To me been pointed out that people from our neighboring states never lose. So thats a big part of it. Im out there knocking on doors myself, making phone calls, trying to make as much difference as i can. What he think tuesday is going to be like . Is going to be interesting. I hear there may be snow. Tom really looking forward seeing what happens. Thank you for talking to us this evening. We appreciate it. Our final person tonight is daphne. She is a supporter of senator sanders. You came tonight for what reason . Both candidates be, to support bernie, to cheer him on. Are you surprised he has gotten this far in the president ial bid . No. I think he has a wonderful message and its something Many Americans want to rally around, so not really. Has been telling us, he has been speaking the same message his entire life in politics, from the 1970s and earlier. Why is it resonating this year . I guess because we have faced a lot of challenges in recent decades. , especially for millennials, that we are being handed all these failures, all these problems to fix. About,ngs he is speaking Campaign Finance reform, tackling the issues, corporate irresponsibility, its something everyone really responds to. Click senator sanders is in the part of the country right now. If he is successful on tuesday, how do you see him faring in parts of the country that are not as liberal . He will express his ideas, and hopefully that will carry him forward. Run continues to other states, do you plan to work for him then as well . I am a college student. I plan to phone bank and do everything i can to make sure he campaign. Essful where do you go to school . Clark university. Im a Community Development and planning major. Its a masters program. Thank you so much for talking to us. We appreciate hearing from you. Of course, thank you so much. Cspan has been carrying tonights event live. We will continue to provide live coverage as the clock ticks primaryNew Hampshires on tuesday. You can find all of our coverage on our website, cspan. Org. Hillary oh, my gosh, i met your grandfather. That was so adorable. We were face timing. Do you know who that was . Hillary clinton. Mrs. Clinton thank you. I need your help. Hi, everybody. High. Thank you. Mrs. Clinton how are you . Lets take a picture. Hillary everybody get out to vote. Hillary everybody crowd in here. Hillary here we go. Want to get a picture . You go. That here we go. Thank you. Thanks for all your help. Im so happy. You are the best. You are the best. Get people out to vote. Thank you. Come in here. Cspans campaign 2016 is taking you on the road to the white house. In iowa, cspan brought you candidate speeches. Meet and greets, town halls, and live caucus coverage. This week, cspan is on the ground in New Hampshire following the candidates leading up to the first in the nation primary. Live election coverage starts tuesday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. Next, republican president ial candidate Carly Fiorina polar fiorina. She spoke to voters at a Campaign Event. This is just under an hour. Are 11,000 years of history in this particular area. We were an architectural company. Now we are hightech. What we did here is rather than go chronologically, we wanted to Campaign Document the campaign through the years. This is 1960. Sident bush [indiscernible] i know there are in dignity is when you run for president , but he fell off the stage. The more things change in manchester, the more they are the same. This really demonstrates the last 60 years of the primary. I love it. Kennedys Campaign Manager was a manchester guy. Are 65 years of history that people have not seen. We also have a teacher in manchester, this is less than a quarter of his collection. Button willg your be on there. Yes, you can put this on your wall. Are very precious. People fight over these. Those are the staff pins. These will go to the museum. We have folks sending us selfies. We know there you have been a victim of that in your campaign. A student sent it to us. Contemporary campaign evolves, we have been using those. Youre on there already. Fantastic. All right. Thank you. Good morning. How are you . Sorry im late. Clinics but you closed all the schools here, so you are not used to it. Hi, nice to meet you. If you like what you hear, vote for carly and she will win. The back some dvds in about carlys life. I would encourage all of you to learn about who she is. Her character. As we know, our character is what guides our decisionmaking. I would like to know what kind of person is making decisions as the president of the United States. I am sure you feel that is important as well. Thank you for being here. It is my pleasure to introduce carlys chairman. Good morning. How is everybody doing today . A fourthgeneration New Hampshire native, its wonderful to bring carly here to the museum. When i was a kid growing up in manchester, we didnt Cancel School for a little bit of snow. Whats up with this . We are telling the candidates around the country who have come here we close school over a few inches. We are at least accommodating them. Thank you for turning out this morning in such rate numbers for carly. Im honored to be her stay chairman. Carly is a principled, passionate, positive conservative and a great leader for our nation and she will be a great president of the United States and what we need to do in New Hampshire, especially now when she has been denied a place on the debate stage, is to send a loud message that we let anybody else tell us how we are going to vote and run our primary. Carly deserves to be on that debate stage tomorrow night, dont you think . [applause] it isnt just about carly. She has earned the right to be there but its about the New Hampshire primary. For the next few hours, a few days, if you like what you see this morning, if you like what you hear, if you can visualize carly as the commanderinchief and our president , please dont only commit to voting for her, please commit to tell your friends and neighbors through social media, after services on sunday, wherever you see people in New Hampshire who are voting, ask them to vote for Carly Fiorina. That how we will make our decision. One voter speaking to the next. That is the way it is done in New Hampshire and we can send a powerful message that in New Hampshire, its the voters who make decisions about the next president of the u. S. , not the National Media for the rnc. Lets make sure we do our job. My job is to introduce to you the next president of the United States, Carly Fiorina. [applause] Carly Fiorina good morning. Thank you. Thank you for trekking through the snow. I just been looking in that museum back there. The museum of how the primary is played out in New Hampshire. I have to say that it is the people of manchester in New Hampshire that have gotten me this far. When i launched my candidacy for the presidency on may 4, 2015, i was 17 under 16 candidates. Out of 16 candidates. Nobody had even heard of me. The pundits wrote me off and the polls wouldnt ask my name. Here we are and there are eight of us left. Ive bested former governors, sitting governors, senators. The thing that is about the debate, its not about me. Its Proof Positive this game is rigged and its why im running for president because we have to take our country back. You may remember when all of this debate stuff started, the media and the political establishment, washington said the voters cant handle somebody candidates so they came up with so many candidates. We have so many candidates. Then they came up with all this criteria to decide which candidates are on which stage. The funny thing happened this week. The people of iowa voted. In that vote, i beat two guys sitting on that debate stage and im tied with jeb bush in delegates. The last thing i knew, votes in delegates counted. Apparently, the political establishment in washington and the Media Establishment in new york city decided votes dont matter, delegates dont matter. The only thing that matters is we established some criteria using some whole in january so back in january, so we will stick to that. They think they get to pick president s. Its an insult to the people of New Hampshire. You pick president s. You are the first in the nation primary and they are taking away your power. You see, i have observed up close and personal how seriously you take this responsibility. Nobody had ever heard of me when i launch this thing but you showed up in living rooms and dining rooms and town halls and museums and you listened. Because you take your responsibility seriously, you listen to all of us over and over again. I have learned the New Hampshire way. I have got to see you five times. Right . I mean i respect that and you , know that even in this day and age of media that there is nothing like looking at a candidate in the eye and asking them a question and understanding how they will respond. Its not the same as an ad, not even the same as a nationally televised debate. I think you can handle eight candidates on the debate stage but the political establishment says you cant. Im counting on you to do your job and pick a president. I said the game is a great and game is rigged, and honestly thats why im running because our country is being taken away from us. Your first the nation primary status is being slowly taken away from you. I decided to run for president after a rotary club meeting in New Hampshire. It was in the summer of 2014 and i was giving a speech at a rotary club. You have lunch in the club does the business of the club and the speaker speaks. I am sitting at lunch. This man comes up to me and says in a not really very polite way im not going to agree with you on anything. He said im a democrat and youre a republican and we are not going to agree. I said you may be surprised. I gave a speech that day not about politics. I gave a speech about possibilities, about the reality that this nation has always in a place of limitless possibility for so many people from so many circumstances from so many parts of the world. I spoke about the possibilities all of us have. All of us have more potential usually than we realize. At the end of that speech, this man said you know carly, we dont think of ourselves as a nation of limitless possibility anymore. And that really landed with me because its true. We dont think of ourselves as a nation will limitless possibility anymore and we are losing the core of who we are. I know this has been a nation of possibility for me. Having traveled and lived and worked on business, charity, policy all over the world for decades, i can tell you it is only in this nation that a young woman can start out the way i did typing, filing, answering the phones for a nine person Real Estate Firm go on one day to become the chief executive of what we turned into the Largest Technology company in the world and run for the presidency of the United States. Thats only possible in this great nation. [applause] but i have to tell you there have been plenty of people to tell me to sit down and be quiet. Dont rock the boat, dont challenge the system, settle for the way things are. Im running because i think the American People are being told sit down and be quiet, just accept the way things are and i dont think we can do that anymore. We are being told to sit down and be quiet about our god come our god our guns, the horror , of the abortion industry. Told towere being settle for a nation where record numbers of men are out of work. Record numbers of women are living in poverty, young people dont know the American Dream even exist anymore. Working family incomes have stagnated for 40 years. We are destroying more small and new and familyowned businesses than we are creating and that matters because small in new and familyowned businesses create two thirds of the new jobs in this country. They employ half the people and we definitely need more jobs. Meanwhile, while this is going on, the rich are getting richer, the powerful are getting more powerful. I think we are being asked to accept a system of government and politics that no longer works for the people who pay for it. Let us consider our government for a moment. It has gotten a good and bigger it has gotten bigger and bigger for 40 years and its bloated, inept, corrupt. 80 of the American People have figured this out. It spends more money every year and never can do anything unless it asks for more. Its an apt. We just learned the department of Homeland Security is supposed to be able to keep track of people who overstay of these but a visa, but they cant and 12 years ago, they were given a bunch of money and a mandate to fix it and they told us last week that they havent fixed it and they still cant keep track of anybody. They are in the planning phase. Why are we settling for this . Why are we settling for a system of politics where honestly, politicians promise us the same things over and over again. You are pretty sophisticated consumers of politics. Ask yourself this. How many president ial elections have you heard the same thing . We will secure the border. We have been talking about that for 25 years. We will reform the tax code. We have been talking about that for 25 years. We will reform Social Security, care for our veterans, get deficit under control, rollback regulations. Has any of that happened in the last 40 years . No. See, its a lot of talk. Its a lot of talk. This game that we got it going on in washington, d. C. Between government and politicians and media executives isnt working for us anymore. Im frustrated, fed up. We can solve our problems and heal our wounds but we cant unless we remember who we are. Ours was intended to be a citizen government. I am running for the presidency because i think it is time to restore power where it belongs, back in the hands of the citizens of this great nation. I think it is time. We have to take our future back, our politics and government back. Im running because citizens, people of New Hampshire, it is time. We must take our country back. [applause] i want to tell you a little story if i may about your power and why we must restore your power and i will as president. Remember the scandal in the va 18 months ago . We learned veterans were dying waiting for appointments and bureaucrats were cooking the books to cover it up. The citizens of this nation were so horrified that you flexed her muscles, use drug power, flooded congress with protest. Congress, based on all that pressure and power, they did something unprecedented. First, they passed a bill in three weeks. It sailed through the senate. President obama signed it. Beyond that, it was unprecedented because the bill said we could fire 400 Senior Executives in the va. Thats a breakthrough. You cant fire anybody in the federal government for anything but you got that done. Then, unfortunately, we all moved on and the pressure stopped and despite all the beautiful speeches by all the politicians, many of whom are running for office, nothing happened. In fact, three people were fired. Two of them are now suing the federal government to get their jobs back. 307,000 veterans have died. Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot settle for this anymore. It is a stain on our nations honor. Our politicians are not working for us and our government doesnt work for us either. We have to take our country back. [applause] so you know, im used to a world where people are held accountable. One of the things we dont do is ever hold government or politicians accountable for anything. Do we hold them accountable for their promises, their performance . No. I have laid out a blueprint for the things we need to do to take our country back. It is on your tears as well. It is not the only thing we have to do, but it is the first and most important things we have to do to get our government under control. I want to talk about some of those things but i want to tell you first why i wrote it down, why i want you to walk out of here holding that paper because i want you to hold me accountable. I dont want there to be any confusion about what i said im going to get done with your help. I want to come back here in a couple years and say how are we doing on this blueprint . I dont want to muddy the waters. I want to clarify the challenge. These are the things we have to get done. Hold me accountable. Let me give one example of one of the items here and how you will help me get it done. Pass zerobased budgeting. Let me tell you what thats about. The government has spent more of our money every year for 50 years and it is also true that no matter what we asked the government to do, with the answer is we need more money. Have you ever notice that . They spend more money every single year and the answer is always we need more. Care for our veterans, we need more money. Secure the border, we need more money. Protect the nation. We need more money. How is that possible . I will tell you. The way to government budget, if you are a government agency, you are given a budget and once you have it, you own it. The taxpayers dont own it, you own it and the only thing you do every year is make sure you spend every dime of that budget whether you need to or not and you ask for more. The fancy word for that is the baseline budgeting. How do you budget . How do we all budget . We examine every dollar. We can cut any dollar. We can move any dollar. Thats how the rest of us budget. Thats the only way you can spend less money overall and still have the money to do the important things. The answer for that is zerobased budgeting. I am the only person running for president who is talking anything about zerobased budgeting and you probably dont know. There is a bill for zerobased budgeting sitting on the floor of the u. S. House. It has been sitting there. No one wants to vote on it, why do you suppose that is . All of the sudden, we know where the money is being spent and we can say we have way too many irs agents and not enough fbi agents. That challenges the system. But youre going to help me get that bill voted on. I will use your power to get it voted on. Do you know how im going to do that . Every week, im going to go into the ov. A. L office and say please take out or smartphone. I have to say, there are a lot of flip phones here in New Hampshire. [laughter] so, you might think about upgrading sometime between now and january but whatever. I will ask you to take out your smartphones and say do you agree with me when he to finally pass that bill for zero based budgeting . Press one for yes. We use technology for foolish things. Im going to use it for something important, to restore power into the hands of the citizens of this great nation. We are going to get all of this done. Before we get all of this done, before we press one for yes, we have to win. We have to win in november. Whether or not youve made up your mind to support me or not, you know you cannot wait to see me debate Hillary Clinton. You cant wait. [applause] if you ever thought the game was rigged, despite the fact that mrs. Clinton has escaped prosecutors and more times then el chapo, she won six point in a row in iowa . Insix coin tossese in a row iowa . Really . You know what you cant wait to see me debate Hillary Clinton . Im going to win. You have seen me as a great debater and a fearless a fighter who isnt afraid to say shes a liar with no track record of accomplishments. [applause] but, you know, the thing is now, its about more than winning. The media covers politics like its a game, like its a sport. Who is up, who is down. But in your bones, you know its not a sport and its not a game. These are serious times, pivotal times for our republic. You need to ask or self now as you consider your is possibility your responsibility on what tuesday, does it take to do the job of president of the United States because the job that needs doing. I would argue you need a president who is actually created a job, saved a job, protected a job, who understand how the economy works. You need a president who knows the world and who is in it. I have more foreignpolicy experience then anyone running. Ive met more World Leaders than anyone with the possible exception of Hillary Clinton. I have private meetings with these people with allies and adversaries. Ive held the highest clearances av. A. Ilable to a civilian. I have chaired the Advisory Board of the cia, advised the nsa, two secretaries of defense. I know our military capability well. I know our intelligence capability well. I know our generals and warriors well. I know when we dont stand with our allies, confront our adversaries, lead in the world, the world becomes a dangerous and tragic place. I will lead. We need a president who understands bureaucracy because thats what our government has become, a gigantic bloated, a inept corrupt bureaucracy. I know the only way to get that under control and cut it down to size is to get control of the money, which is why zerobased budgeting is so important. We need a president who understands technology. Its pretty important. Technology is pretty important. Its a tool i am going to use but its also a weapon. Its a weapon wielded against us by our enemies and we are losing the war in cyberspace. We better have a president that understands that war and knows what to do about it. Funnily, we need someone who understands what leadership is. Leadership is about taking a tough call in a tough time in being held accountable. We have people running for president who have never made a tough call. Being a leader means you have to challenge the status quo because the only way it use all fester and problems, to produce results as to challenge the system. You know how you go from secretary to ceo . You challenge the status quo. You solve problems over and over. The most important lesson i ever learned about leadership is i learned a long time ago, i used to think that a leader was whoever had the big office, the big title, parking space. I got a little older and relies there were people with big offices, big egos and they werent leading. Leadership has nothing to do with the size or shape of your office. It has nothing to do with your title. It has nothing to do with rico. With your ego. A leader serves. The highest calling of a leader is to unlock potential in others. My highest calling is to restore citizen government. To take power out of the hands of a few that has been concentrated for too long. To put the power back in the hands of the many citizens of this great nation. I ask you, do not settle any longer. Stand with me, fight with me, do not accept this system anymore. Do not sit down and be quiet. It is time we take our future back, its time we take our politics and government back. Citizens, join me. It is time. We must take our country back. [applause] raise your hands a high. These lights are a little bright and its hard to see. Redshirt. What can we do with abc news . Carly fiorina i would tell you, flood abc news and the rnc as well with your comments. On twitter, call the president , stand up. Let people know. You can do your job. They arent answering the phone. Carly fiorina keep doing it. The email is shut down. Carly fiorina maybe thats because you are flooding it. Keep it up. I am a fighter. Im not going to sit down and be quiet and im not going to go away. Im going to run this race all the way. I will go all the way. This is not about me right now although i would like to be on that stage. I will keep going. This is about you. You are being told by a bunch of people that somehow you cant handle this. I think you can handle it so flood them. [applause] yes, sir. Im a High School Senior from massachusetts and as you know, massachusetts has one of the best Education Systems in the country so my question is about, core. Common core. A lot of students and faculty members at my school have concerns about, core and about nationalizing education. What are your views on common core and how will you take those views and change them into policy as president . Carly fiorina common core is a really bad idea. [applause] Carly Fiorina by the way, here is the truth about massachusetts and our whole nation. Some kids get a really good education in massachusetts and too many get a really bad education. It has to do with where you are growing up. Thats a problem. Thats not what this country is supposed to be about so lets examine how we got here. The department of education has gotten bigger for 40 years. We have put more money into the department of education. Race to the top, no child left behind you know what they all are . Bureaucratic programs and they have not improved the quality of our education. The more money and power we sent to washington, the worse our Education System has become. And the outcome gap. If you are a poor kid come you are trapped right now in a failing school. Democrats and the Teachers Unions think thats ok. When the Chicago Public Teachers Union struck in chicago. If you get a lousy education, you dont have a chance in life where brainpower is the most important asset you can have. Theres a strike over what teacher accountability in the classroom and the head of the Chicago Public Teachers Union says we cannot be held accountable for the performance of students in our classroom because too many of them are poor and come from broken families. What was she saying . She was saying if you are poor and come from a broken family, you cant learn and we dont have to teach you. Thats not what this nation is about. Let us quit spending money in washington, d. C. On programs like common core written in large part by textbook and Testing Companies who have something to gain. That is called crony capitalism. [applause] fiorina let us send the money to communities and states. Let us give parents real choices so their kids have real chances. Let us make sure parents and communities have the power to shut down failing schools, to make sure every student has whatever choices they want. When parents have choices come the kids have chances. Let us make sure that a great teacher in front of the classroom has all the support and tools and encouragement they need, which is not what they are getting from the Teachers Unions. [applause] first of all, i want to thank you for going to the prolife march in washington. Carly fiorina i am a fearless fighter, folks and we must restore the character of our nation by standing for life and religious liberty. Going back to what the first lady asked, will you go to the debate saturday . Will you show up physically or will you do a fundraiser and say i raised all this money instead . Carly fiorina the short answer is im not sure. If they dont let me on the stage, i dont have credentials. Folks, its a rigged game. We have to take our politics back. We have to take our government back. We have to take our country back. I have been talking about this rigged game since i announced my candidacy. If you ever doubted it was a rigged game, consider what will go on in the state of New Hampshire saturday night. Madam president , manchester is a Refugee Resettlement city and the strain on our city and state resources is huge for schools and all kinds of services for the families that end up here. Some do well and some dont at all. Would you describe us your policies . Carly fiorina its one of the items on the blueprint. Lets start with the basics. We have to secure our borders. A nation that cannot protect its borders cannot protect itself. Is not just the southern border. Drugs are coming across the northern border. My husband and i buried our younger daughter to addiction. I know what the people of New Hampshire are going through and too many people across this nation. This isnt rocket science. We know how to secure a border. It takes money, manpower, technology. But mostly what it apparently takes is actual leadership that is prepared to produce results and be held accountable because we have been talking about this for 25 years. You have people running around for president saying they will secure the border. Where have they been . We have to enforce the laws we have. Did you know San Francisco has been a sanctuary city since 1989 . We have 300 of them in this country. Weve had them for 20 plus years. Number three, we have to fix the Legal Immigration system. I told you that little story about the department of Homeland Security. We dont even know who overstays their visas. Thats ineptitude. We dont know what over state a visa . Its incompetence. We dont have an employer verification system that works so we dont hold employers accountable for hiring illegals. Thats a lack of confidence as well. We have 16 different visa programs. But you better have leadership prepared to be held accountable for getting it done. As far as refugees go, heres my view. If we cant adequately that these people, if we dont know who they are, they dont get to come. We know our government cannot adequately that a lot of these refugees because they are coming from wartorn nations. We dont know who they are and as you have seen, you cannot let anybody in because we have big hearts. Finally, we decide what to do with the people who have come and stayed illegally. You have forfeited your right to citizenship. We cannot say to people who did it the right way, who stood in line, studied our history, took the old, you cannot say there is no reward for following the law and theres no consequence for breaking the law because when we say that, we undermine the character of this nation. [applause] thank you for coming this morning. I am very curious about Social Security. It has been a problem you have referenced. What are some of the things you might consider or the things you wouldnt consider when looking at Social Security . Carly fiorina i appreciate the question and you might notice Social Security isnt on this list not because it isnt important but because until we get these things done, we are not fundamentally restoring peoples faith and trust in the responsiveness and competence and honesty of their government. Until we restore peoples faith and honesty, honest competent government, why would they trust we can reform Social Security . Let me remind you of this. Every cycle, you have candidates run on reforming Social Security. Have we ever done it . No. Never done it. Its not because there arent good ideas. Its just people never get around to it. Let me tell you when its time when we have restored trust and confidence in government, we will get around to talking about a good ideas and i will engage you directly. It will not be a backroom deal because its your money but let me tell you the principles i would apply. Social security is a contract that the government entered into with its citizens. It is a commitment that was made and i dont believe in breaking contracts or commitments. Breaking this contract all the time. Social security recipients are being told you dont get your costofliving increase but we will vote ourselves a pay increase. That is breaking a contract. The politicians do that over and over again. I dont care whether you are 25, 55, or 75, any diamond you have any dime you have put into Social Security is your money. They cannot take it away from you and put it in the general fund. It is your money. It belongs to you and you are going to be engaged in deciding what you want to do with your money. [applause] yes, sir. Years ago, there was a statement made. The schools, institutions, government has come to a place where it is held under content. We had a socialist running for the highest office. The pendulum is on their side. What will you do to cause that to come back without taking away our religious choices and freedom of speech . Carly fiorina thats a great question. In your bones, you know we are losing something vital in this nation. You know we are at a perilous time and it is exactly to the point of the character of our nation, the foundation in our nation. The first thing i am doing is running for president and the first thing you can do is vote for me because we have to have the right leader in the white house. Secondly, on this blueprint, restore the character of our nation. Stand for life and religious liberty. Religious liberty is under assault in this nation. You know, i really was struck by the fact that president obama went to visit the mosque. Good for him. But ive never heard president obama stand up and talk about the endless acts of violence against jewish synagogues in this country. I am never heard him talk about the genocide that is going on in the middle east against christians. In the last time i looked, this ritual government is suing the Little Sisters of the poor in the Supreme Court because they want the federal government through obamacare to be able to tell a set of catholic nuns how to practice their religion. Folks, this is where we have come to. Our own government is suing the Little Sisters of the poor in the Supreme Court because the government thinks they know best how to practice religion. We have to take our country back. But let me assure you, as a person of faith, my faith has seen me through bad times. A battle with cancer, the death of our daughter. My faith has seen me through bad times. I know people of faith, people of sincere faith, whatever their faith people of sincere faith are better leaders because faith gives us humility to faith is important in a leader. Faith tells us that anyone of us can fall and anyone of us can be redeemed. Faith tells us that each of us are equal in the eyes of god, and that gives us empathy and humility, and both of those are important in a leader. Faith gives us optimism as well. We know there is a better way, we know there is a better place, we know people can rise to the occasion. In addition to spending for religious liberty and life, i will stand up and proclaim my faith because i think, folks, we need more prayer in public life, not less. [applause] yes . Ms. Fiorina ok, share my mic. Hows that . You are doing awesome. You wrote it down. How about we read it together . Ok. Ok, this is corda. Awesome job. She has a question you were in charge of a business. What can i do to grow up to be a leader . Corda, that is a great question. Lets hear it. [applause] so, corda, here is the answer. Anyone can lead. Anyone can lead. Because you know what leadership is . Leadership is about unlocking potential in other people. Leaders are made, not born. Anyone can lead. If you want to be a leader, you will be. You cant let other people tell you you cant. You cant let other people tell you to sit down. You cant let other people to tell you to settle for the way things are. Know what you are made of. And, corda, i can tell what you are made of, so aim high. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming this morning. I want to leave a little time so we can shake hands and take pictures, and if you didnt get questions answered, please go on to carlyforpresident. Com. I have a pretty cool search engine, pretty cool website, doesnt look like anybody else. You are not going to see a bunch of policy papers. What you will see is me talking to you because i think that is more accountable and more responsive than some paper written by somebody else. Please come on up so i can meet as many people as possible and take your picture. I want to tell you, i have a little rule it seems fair, i think. One picture, one vote. One picture, one vote. Citizens, stand with me. Weve got to take our country back. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] fantastic role model. Ms. Fiorina fantastic. Please tell everyone you know what happens in New Hampshire. Younger generation [indiscernible] thank you very much. Ms. Fiorina thank you so much. Tell everyone you know. Carly . Ms. Fiorina yes, maam. You are amazing. Ms. Fiorina tell everybody, help me. This was posted on facebook this morning. A teacher. Her son liam. Ms. Fiorina oh, yes, from the parade would you sign it for me . Ms. Fiorina sure. Liam. Best of luck to you. Ms. Fiorina all right, get everyone you know to vote for me. Votes are better than luck. Thank you. Ms. Fiorina thank you so much. Where is your camera . Thank you. I didnt expect a gift. Thank you. Thank you so much. How are you . Say hi to jane, my girlfriend surviving Breast Cancer. Ms. Fiorina hi, jane. She has been your supporter from day one. Ms. Fiorina thank you. Is that all right . You want this one . Ok, votes are better than luck. Keep going. Keep going, keep going. You are going to do great. Ms. Fiorina ok, thats a vote, right . Those are the rules. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the light i think that light is so bright. Can you sign this for me . Ms. Fiorina ok, so thats three votes. You got to go get me 2 more. Go get me 2 more. Thank you, maam. Ms. Fiorina there you go. We need it ms. Fiorina yes, we do. You fight for me and ill fight for you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming. All right, fight out there for me. Got to go on facebook [indiscernible] ms. Fiorina were going to thank you. Ms. Fiorina thank you. Ok, talk to everybody you know. This is for this young lady. Congratulations. Ms. Fiorina thank you. You are going to vote for me, right . And so do we all. Ms. Fiorina yes, exactly, we are going to help each other. Nice to meet you. Ok, weve only got another minute or so. Ok. All right. Here you go. Yes. Ms. Fiorina all right, thank you, pauline. Thank you. All right, help me. All right, thank you. We are ready. Ms. Fiorina all right, thank you. Vote. Thank you. Ms. Fiorina all right, thank you. Hello, how are you . Hey, how are you . Awesome. All right, ive got to see your favorite. Ok . Thank you so much. Thank you for coming. Get the word out. Ok. Sorry, we are out of time here . Can you ms. Fiorina sorry, you are turning into the photographer. Thank you. All right. Can i get my wife ms. Fiorina we can make that work but it would be easier if you got a new phone. Thank you. You know the rules. You got the vote. Thank you so much. Ms. Fiorina youre welcome. All right, thanks. All right, come on. That means a vote from all of you, right . All right. Thank you. Ms. Fiorina thank you, guys. All right, thank you. Nice to meet you. I know you are working hard out there. Signatures first. Ms. Fiorina yes, ok. Corda did so good. Voting for you in the texas primary. Ms. Fiorina is that where you are from . I am from chicago. Ms. Fiorina here we go. Ok, there you go. Thank you, corda, great to meet you. All right, sorry, guys, i got to go. Youve been standing there. Who has your camera . We have got to go. Sorry. Carly. Ad the word about our road to the white house coverage continues tomorrow with republican president ial candidate Carly Fiorina holding a town hall meeting live at 10 00 a. M. Hillary clinton speaking at a get out the vote rally in portsmouth at 7 15 p. M. Eastern. Live road to the white house coverage tomorrow on cspan. The citizens of the Granite State are not easily won. The meeting places are hotbeds of political discussion. In village, town and city voters brave snow and sleet to cast their votes. Thanks to the people of New Hampshire. Good to be back to you have to. Venture. Hampshire. It is great to be back in New Hampshire. One reporter has called the primary the most cherished of americas primaries. Governor, thank you so much for coming to New Hampshire. This is a place where you can observe a candidate in the heat of a dialogue, and the heat of getting tough questions about their positions on the issues. Its not just a place where there is a scripted speech. New hampshire takes its first in the nation primary status seriously. This is one of a whole series of town Hall Meetings we are going to be having. This is my 20th town hall meeting. Townlcome to our 115th hall meeting in New Hampshire. Republican president ial candidate jim gilmore, the former governor of virginia, took part in a Campaign Event at Veterans Park in manchester. This is about 45 minutes. Thank you. Our groupcoming, later. Lawyers make me say our group does not endorse candidates. I have to throw that out. My longtermto see friend governor jim gilmore, president ial candidate, was able to make the trip. I have to give you one quick story that summarizes jim gilm ore. When he was running a Surprise Campaign for attorney general where no one gave him the chance, i used to take them up pick him up in a geo metro. I drove home to several events. 100 or 50 people. And i got to one of then and only two people showed up. My gosh. Mr. Gilmore, im so sorry. A couple of these key people called. 100 people because of the weather and people getting back late to work. Jim gilmore said, if 300 people talked them about my candidacy, this event was a success. This conversation going. I want you to contrast that tossroots out look campaigns now where you have completely separate entities running campaigns that do not talk to candidates. Im thrilled that governor gilmore pulled that upset. When on to be the governor for virginia. Following even though i have not been part of his campaigns. Thank you for making the trip to the president ial state, governor gilmore. [applause] gov. Gilmore good afternoon. It is a wonderful pleasure to be here to speak to this organization, the New Hampshire rebellion. I understand exactly what your goals are and actually i may h ave a conversation with you about your goals and what we need to be talking about. Opportunityiate the as a candidate for president to be able to address you here today. Most of you i think know who i am. I am the former governor of the state of virginia. I also had been elected prosecutor in my home community. I was the attorney general of virginia. The National Commission on terrorism and Homeland Security for the United States. And warned of the dangers of potential terrorist attacks in this country. I was the governor during the 9 11 attack and said the became a war governor when the pentagon was attacked. I had to deal with those kinds of issues. I have the experience of being a United States army veteran. Thishe only veteran in race for United States president. Can you imagine for a moment someone trying to become the commanderinchief of the United States with no experience in National Security, no experience in Foreign Policy and never having served in the military . I cant. Why imone more reason offering myself as a candidate for president of the United States. Im going to talk to you about your issue and im going to give you some additional ideas about bes issue, but let me also really clear with you about what i am talking about on the campaign trail. Nationaltalking about security because i have the unique experience as the only steeped in a person National Security and foreignpolicy issues to address the challenges we are facing from russia, china, north korea, from iran. International guerrilla war we are engaged in from radical islamists. These are the challenges we have to face that i understand. I know what we need to do. I know we need to rebuild the military. I know we need to enhance our intelligence organizations. And i know we need to leave ideas tothe war of make it clear we will prevail with our values in the 21st century. Im talking about veterans andes in New Hampshire across the United States because as the only veteran in the race, i am deeply concerned about the way our veterans are treated. And i will you if i become the president , i know what im going to do. We are going to deal with the challenges we are facing of disrespect for veterans, of falsification of records, of the i want to make sure the veterans have the same standard of care that anybody else does and america. I want to make sure that specific problems and challenges of veterans are address like posttraumatic stress disorder and the danger of suicide and the battlefield types of injuries we have seen in the middle east. I want to make sure there is a repeal process for veterans who today tell me they didnt appealsave a good process. Finally, Second Amendment rights. This is an organization at New Hampshire rebellion is doing with the issue of american liberty and the fear of the power and big money that might supersede american liberty. That is one reason why i accepted this invitation to speak today. I believe in Second Amendment rights. I believe in the right of people to keep and bear arms under the constitution. The cousin to find exactly what we mean by the individual and the repository because it defines what we mean by the trust we put in people to have the empowerment of a firearm and not have that taken away by the state. Those are the issues i have been focusing on. Let me focus on what you are talking about for just a moment because i think it is labeled it is related. This organization is worried about big money and big donors controlling the political process. That is what i am hearing. I heart it all the time. Billionaires are going to control the political process. I understand that. I hear that all the time, by the way, from people in the other party, the democrats, Hillary Clinton is trying to mimic Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders is the avowed socialist is caught up in this old last idea ofidea of, marxist the Class Society in the class of billionaires is going to control everything. But i think that it is a real serious problem as to whether this country is in fact becoming a Class Society. I remember when i got ready to run for president i knew the demands that we placed would financially inme the challenges we would see of trying to pay for the president ial candidacy nationwide. I visited some of the same people you are concerned about. I talked to them and i said, i ought to be the president of the United States and these are the ideas im going to put forward. And i talked to a number of the people who were in fact billionaires who intended to pick a candidate. They were slow to pick a candidate. I wonder what they were waiting for, what they intended to extract from the candidates before they had an opportunity to support them financially. I never got that support. I never got that financial theport or even any of demands that were placed upon me, but some of them have supported other people in this race right now. Let me ask you all a question i will as this question right now. Your concern is about individual candidates who are going to be supported by multimillionaires they are going to extract commitments and promises from them that is contrary to the national interest. Did i just state what the New Hampshire rebellion is all about . I think i did. Ok. Well, what does that mean . Ok for a person of modest means to get the support of a person financially. Ok. Well, what does that mean when we are dealing with somebody like donald trump . Is it ok for him to run . He does not need a billionaire because he is a billionaire. He says he is a billionaire. And he can spend his own money. Youve seen all those free airplanes with his name on a side. Somebody is paying for that hes paying for that. What is the difference between a person running for office who gets the billionaire support and a billionaire . What is it that the New Hampshire rebellion is saying . Are you saying, these are questions i have before i agreed have theere i dont answer to. It is not ok for the citizen to run with no inner support but it is ok for a billionaire to run . Right . Dont knowi just the answer to that. I know this. I know the political system and the finance of campaigns today is really screwed up. I know that. [applause] we got that right. We are all together on this, because of the Citizens United said, i think properly, that free speech and money are the same thing. That is what they said in Citizens United. We left inirdly restrictions on donations to Campaign Contributions and organizations, which means that today that no citizen can contribute more than under federal limits. But you can contribute anything to super pacs, even corporations can to submit money to super pacs in any amount they want to. Veryso you have this strange situation that under the Citizens United ruling, corporations and individuals and so one can contribute any amount of money under the freedom of speech they choose to to a super pac. The super pac cant talk to the candidate. Isnt that strange . . A candidate was to offer ideas and the super pac was to support his ideas and they cannot communicate. Isnt that odd . So that means that all the rest of the citizens read the citizenry can contribute to it a super pac. You can see who contributes. But the candidate does not have freedom of speech. The candidate does not have freedom of speech. Because his contributors can only contribute 2700. The billionaire can contribute 1 million to the super pac. The super pac has freedom of speech and the candidate does not. Im going to repeat that. In America Today for federal elections, the candidate for Public Office does not have freedom of each. Speech, because he does a have the money to promote his ideas. Its unsuitable and it is wrong and it cannot work. It calls out for for reform. Am going to talk to you about bigger issue and then i will stop and answer any questions you might have. Will stop atmise i the bigger issue is what im getting ready to talk about. America is not the same that it long time ago when we had the declaration of independence, the constitution, the first amendment, freedom of speech, and people got ideas from town meetings like we see in New Hampshire and they get t heir information from being part of a political party. That is not really what is going on anymore. America today is a society that is very, very controlled. Its controlled and lots of different ways. Our Economic Freedom is controlled. Its controlled by the tax structure right now that is preventing the Free Enterprise system for working. Eneursreventing entrepr from having the freedom to start businesses and get people employed because of the high tax system, because of burdens in on 8 years that a been put Business People in this country. And there is a lack of freedom to exercise the American Value of wealth acquisition because of the law impinging on people, which Bernie Sanders would double down every day in every way if he could. He tells you he is a socialist. I believe him. If you about the role politics . How about getting on the ballot . Do you think a person who runs for president of the United States who is a former government, former senator, or sitting senator or sitting files and begins to pursue his nomination on to have access to the ballots in this country . We dont. We dont have access to the ballots in this country. Ill give you an example. Maryland and michigan called me up and said they would not include me on their ballots encause they said i had not be recognized by the National Media as a candidate. So, wheres the power here . The power here was the state actually bequeathed the authority for the voters to be able to vote for somebody on the ballot based upon the idea of some producer in the back room someplace at one of the cable or Network Shows that we do not even know. You call that freedom in the United States of america . No. Gov. Gilmore i dont. And finally, i want to come back to this theme of the mass media today. Information to the citizens of the United States today is given media, by the mass the people on the cable shows, the people invited onto, i dont know, pick one. Morning joe. Have you been watching it lately . I watch it all the time to find out what the state of affairs in his spirit how many times do think donald trump has been on morning joe . Almost every morning. How about Chris Christie . Hes on all the time on morning joe. Why is this . Why is that those two candidates would be featured so quickly on the Television Show . Selected that candidates of the mass media are given the opportunity to appear on Television Shows . Im going to give you an id you had not thought about the appearance on these mass media Television Shows are Campaign Contributions. The appearances are Campaign Contributions. And they are worth money. In politics. You are concerned about billionaires giving money to a candidate and sponsoring a candidate. I would suggest you that the mass media, the corporate mass media in America Today that is in complete control of communications, is donating and sponsoring candidates. Thats whats going on. As a matter of fact, dont listen to me. Donald trump said so himself. The other day he taunted people. He taunted his opponents, taunted people in the community, taunted the mass media said, i do not have to spend any amount of money to run for president. I do not have to spend anything on broadcast or advertising because i get it for free. So, let me give you an idea where jim gilmore reform. Have come to understand this as a candidate for president of the United States. I think it is an impingement on American Freedom because it controls the mines and ideas and publicity in communications and information the minds and communications and information that goes to the American People. They may wrap themselves in the first amendment. But they may say they are at liberty to say or do anything they want to do because they are the mass media. That is what they may say. You remember in the law there is a difference between what you say and how you behave. The people in the law they tell you you cannot stand up in a crowded theater and yell fire. Why is that . Its not we are trying to control what a person says. It is what we are. Trying to control what a person does whats going on today is that the mass media people in their conduct have adopted candidates and are sponsoring them, and i want to know why. I want to know why. [applause] gov. Gilmore you in this organization believe in transparency of it you think the public ought to know. Im with you. I think the public ought to know. I think we ought to know. If i become the president of the United States, the federal communications and i are going to have a serious conversation about what has happened in America Today with the emergence of the mass media that is in control of the ideas of this country. We are going to have a conversation about how many times a candidate appears on a show and how many times a candidate doesnt. Then we are going to put a price on those contributions. 20a person gets 15 or minutes which i have seen on a television station, not as a news broadcast they are not reporting the news they are thatng a forum for candidate, that is worth money. Just as much as your billionaire who is sponsoring somebody who then has to buy television time. And im telling you right now we are going to do reform. Thee going to say that public is entitled to know exactly how many dollars worth of value of free tv time they are giving to the candidates of their selection. [applause] then, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to find out why some candidates are givnen those credentials and that money donation in kind to give them the promotion. You think about the implications of what i am saying. The Republican National committee outsourced the nomination to the networks. They said that they were going to put people on a debate stage depending upon what kind of National Polymers they got. How do National Poll numbers they got. How do you get National Poll numbers . You have got to be on the stage. Its all rigged. Bernie sanders is right about that. I believe you are trying to do something about it. I congratulate you for introducing this topic into the public forum. But make no mistake about the reality of money and politics. It is the equivalency of freedom but just understand what the governments and states and the mass media and everything are doing to control the discourse and the politics in this country. You know what it costs be on the ballot in South Carolina . We have a primary system where you go first in New Hampshire and you talk to the people here oneonone the best way you can, that you had better have a ground game. Have you heard that . You better have a ground game in iowa if you are going to proceed in New Hampshire. Did you hear that . We chose not to participate in iowa. Not because we do not love the people. I know them pretty well. To participate in their caucus, you have to hire 30 field people at least organize people across the country and that costs money. And the people out there that have the millionaire supporting them can hire those people and do those things. td the people who dont can but you. Can stillcome to New Hampshire and still participate in this state. If you want to go to South Carolina and communicate to the people you are a real candidate, you had better be on the ballot on the second primary state which is South Carolina. And you know what it costs to get on the ballot in South Carolina . 40,000. 40,000. So, youre concerned about whether or not there is access to the political system, the ability to do that, but yet these its costs money to be able to participate. So what is your goal . Your goalow what is. Maybe your goal is complete freedom to run for office, which means anybody can raise anything they want to at any amount in these federal regulations and limits over candidates must be eliminated in order to give complete freedom. Youre downe there between this artificial strange tax system we have god and the we have got. Break this down and create complete freedom. Or maybe you would like to do the other way around. Maybe you would like to have Public Financing of campaigns. Yeah. Freedom of any kind. Because at that point the state decides how much speech you have, how much liberty you have, the level of ideas you can present, what the amount is in the name of the equality of the candidates. It sure would help me in this en thatlar year, but th is a system where the politicians and the public to not have any freedom. Muchtate decide how freedom and how much ideas and promotion there will be. Ideaaer myself the t that there should be accountability in the mass media. We should know what they are contribute in, what the dollar value of it is and if they are favoring one candidate or another, the public needs to know how much they are in dollar amount, and then we need to have a law that says if that is going on, we must prohibit those candidates or those campaigns from giving any money whatsoever to the Networks Without complete transparency and reporting. Thatu do that, then at point you bring the accountability of our free society into play. Those are my ideas. I spent some time thinking about this. The basis of an actual candidate, real candidate for president. I wanted to give you the benefit of my thinking on this. I want to congratulate you for bringing this discourse forward and these ideas forward. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for the chance to be here with you today. Thank you, sir. [applause] if there is time for questions and answers, i would like to do it. Peter, are we live . Testing, ok. If i could pose the first question, sir. Thank you so much for coming to the New Hampshire rebellion confession convention. You asked a couple times what reforms we call for. I wanted to put one to you that professor richard just described in his new book, taxation only with representation. System of small donor driven Campaign Financing where we the people get to direct the first 50 or 100 our choice. Making everyone other than minimum of taxes giving everyone of us a chance to help support in a sense to vote with the dollars. A candidate whose ideas appealed was whether not they have billions of their own, the ability to run without needing billionaire support. I wondered your thoughts on a bill like that . Jim gilmore we probably dont know enough to know what that would work. Let me give you the benefit of my experience. My experiences a lot of people, regular people wont donate. Tax break they wont donate. By the way, you may now that in todays america if you contribute a Political Campaign it is not taxdeductible. Right . It is not taxdeductible. What that means is if

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