Night, in lookay at the fcc Lifeline Subsidy Program in a plan to include Broadband Access in order to bridge the Digital Divide between higher and lower income americans. The fcc expects to take up the proposal at the end of the month. We will talk with the policy director at the Benton Foundation and daniel lion. We are joined by brandon sasso. Low income consumers need access to broadband. That unclear to me congress would be able to pass a support for directly aimed at low income users. This congress has not been particularly supportive of folks who are in poverty. The conversations that have been on the hill have been hard to decipher. They are putting the cart before the horse or they have not been a study to suggest that these are the drivers keeping low income people from adopting broadband service. We do not know if we need nine dollars a month for 10 Million People or 45 month for 2 Million People. You have to make sure you are employing the money effectively. Fcc has not done that analysis. Announcer monday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan2. Next, Prime Ministers questions of the british house of commons. Then, bill clinton campaigns in arizona on behalf of his wife ahead of tuesdays president ial primary. Later, Bernie Sanders speaks to supporters at a rally in phoenix. The britishhat house of commons, David Cameron responded to questions on the uks Energy Policy and employment numbers pretty also spoke about education and crime reduction. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In addition to my duties in this house, i will have further such meetings later today. Karen lumley. Unemployment falling by 60 . 5,000 new apprenticeships. Im jobs fair in the next few weeks, 25 Companies Taking part. My right honourable friend agree with me making a good start so we must not be complacent and through midlands engine get good quality jobs . Very much agree with what my honourable friend said. If we look at West Midlands, take todays unemployment figures the claimant count has come down in the West Midlands since 2010 by 91,000 people. Im sure the house would welcome an update on unemployment figuring. Employment in our country at new record high of 31. 4 Million People. Compared with 2010, there are now two million 370,000 more people in work than when i became Prime Minister. Claimant count down 18,000 in the last month. Figures im sure welcome right across the house. [shouting] thank you, thank you, mr. Speaker. Could the Prime Minister tell the house how many people will die from the disease as a result of air pollution before this country meets its legal obligations on air quality by to 25 . 2025. I dont have those figures to hand. What i do know we need to make progress and air quality. That is why we have new regulations on diesel engines which is helping. That is why we have steady decarbonization of our power sector which will help. Why we do have very strong legislation already in terms of making sure we have clean air particularly in our cities. Mr. Speaker, if i could help the Prime Minister the sad truth is that half a Million People will die because of this countrys failure to comply with International Law on air pollution. Perhaps he could answer another question. How much does air pollution cost our economy every year . Of course it costs our economy billions because people are being injured. And that is why we have the new clean air zones. Why were seeing emissions from cars coming down. If i give him one example, if we deliver in terms of our carbon Reduction Plan for Electricity Generation were going to see Something Like 85 reduction in carbon between 1990 and 2030. That will give us one of the best records, one of the best Green Records anywhere in the world. Jeremy corbyn. Mr. Speaker, the college of physicians estimates that air pollution cost our economy 20 billion pounds per year. The failure to deal with air pollution is killing people. Only few days ago london faced severe smog warning. His friend, the mayor of london presided over illegal breach of air quality in the capital every day since 2012. Why cant the Prime Minister hurry up action to make us comply with International Law and help the health of the people of this country . It was conservative government in the 1950s passed Clean Air Act. Im sure it will be this conservative government takes further reductions in further clean air zones we have, including lower car emissions, why are we able to do this not only because we care about other environment because we have a economy Strong Enough to pay for the improvements as were just about to hear. Jeremy corbyn. We all welcome the Clean Air Act of 1956. Things have moved on a bit since then. The government, the government now, the government are now threatened with being taken to court for its failure to comply with International Law on air pollution. He is proposing to spend tens if not hundreds of thousand of pounds on public money defending the indefensible. Why not instead invest that money in cleaner air and better air quality for everyone this country . We are investing money in clean air in our country. For instance, we are phasing out use of coalfired power stations far in advance of what other European Countries are doing, blazing a trail in terms of more Renewable Energy. Clean Nuclear Energy were going to be investing in. All of these things will make a difference. Let me say again. You can only do this if you have a Strong Economy able to pay for these things. Jeremy corbyn. Mr. Speaker, if the Prime Minister is so keen on clean energy, could he explain why on monday the house approved new regulations communities on veto on Clean Energy Projects like shore wind . I got a question from angela from lancaster. She asked the Prime Minister this. If i was you, i would listen. Will the Prime Minister offer the same right of veto to her community and communities like her across the country of a veto on fracking . Sir, we have a proper Planning System for deciding these things. If he wants to know, he wants to know what is happening in terms of Renewable Energy, 99 of the solar panels in this country were installed since i became Prime Minister. That is the green record we have. The United Kingdom now has second largest ultralow Emission Vehicle market anywhere in the European Union. Weve seen one of the strongest growths in Renewable Energy. Isnt it remarkable, five questions in, no welcome for the fall in unemployment. No mention of the 31 Million People now in work. No mention of the fact that we got more women in work. More young people in work. That more people are bringing home a salary, bringing home a wage and paying their taxes. Not a word from the party that i thought was going to be party of labour. That is the truth, part of working people, getting people into work is on this side of the house. [shouting] mr. Speaker, the question to the Prime Minister are these. He wants once boasted that he led the greenest government ever. No huskey was safe from his cuddle. Could he explain why the energy and Climate Change select committee has produce ad damning report when it comes to green energy saying that major investors described his policies as risky, as a result of cuts and changes . Why is this government so failing the Renewable Energy sector, clean air investors, consumers and those that work i. Let me say, let me take the Climate Action network, the Climate Action network. They said that britain is the second best country in the world for tackling Climate Change after denmark. That is our record. Since 2010 we have reduced Greenhouse Gases by 14 . Were overdeliverring against all of our carbon budgets. We secured first trially global legally binding agreement to tackle Climate Change, annual support for renewables doubling over 10 billion pounds by 2020. On renewable electricity were on track to renew target of renewable sources by 2020. That happened under conservativeled government. That is the record, were proud of it. Mr. Michael fabricant. Mr. Speaker, there are promising things in the West Midlands economy. Employment in the region up by 140,000 since 2010 and more than 10thousand businesses were created in the region between 2010 and 2014. Thanks to our longterm economic plan for the West Midlands helping to build a strong hs, reform our Education System and give our Police Resources they need. Michael fabricant. Unemployment is down again it my beautiful litchfield. Yesterday was absolute first for the West Midlands when the whole region cooperated to invest 33 investment schemes at International Conference in cannes which will create further 130,000 jobs. What more can the Prime Minister do to support the midlands engine, of course assuring we never get a Labour Government . Im glad by honourable friend chosen to be here rather than cannes. Im relived by that. He is right about the 33 schemes. We had 300 millionpound between chinese investors and a auto tiff to create 1,000 jobs in coventry. Staffordshire, nestle opening a new coffee factory, bringing 400 jobs. Of course we got the Historic Deal with the West Midlands seeing significant new powers devolved to the combined authority and directly elected mayor. Were changing way country is run, devolving power and building great cities and birmingham is second great city of our country. Mr. Robinson. Mr. Speaker, there is widespread reporting, mr. Speaker, that the u. K. Government is about to commit to send Ground Troops to libya to train Government Forces there. Is this true and why has parliament not been informed about this . Well of course, if we had any plans to send conventional forces for training in libya of course we would come to this house and discuss it. What we want to see in libya is the formation of a unity government. There is progress with Prime Minister saraj who can lead the government of National Accord. We want to hear from him what assistance and help should be coming to libya. Countries like britain, like france, like america, like italy will definitely try to help the new government. Right now libya is people smuggling route bad for europe and bad for us. Also you have the growing of daesh in libya which is bad for us, and bad for the rest of europe. If we have any plans for troop training and deployment in the conventional sense we come to the house and discuss it. Mr. Robinson. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The u. K. Spent 13 times more bombing libya than securing the peace after the overthrow of the hated gadhafi regime. And the critics of u. K. Policy even include president obama of the united states. So will the problem give a commitment to bring the issue of any potential libyan deployment of any British Forces to parliament for approval before giving the green light for that to happen . Will he give that commitment, yes or no . Very happily to give that commitment as we always do. Look, i think, im very clear that it was right to take action to prevent that slaughter that colonel gadhafi would have carried out his people in benghazi. I believe that was right. Of course libya is in a state that is very concerning right now. And everyone has to take their responsibilities for that. What i would say is after the conflict the British Government did support the training of libyan troops. We did bring the libyan Prime Minister to the g8 in northern ireland. We went to the United Nations to help that government. But so far we havent been able to bring that government of National Accord that can bring some semblance of stability and peace to that country. But is it in our interest to help that government do exactly that . Yes it is. We should work with others in order to try to deliver that. Byron davis. Thank you very much. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My constituency which is won First Time Ever by the conservatives could be transformed along with the rest of the region by the lagoon, having signed 1. 2 billion deal yesterday. Could the Prime Minister given absolute decision that the government review of tidal lagoons that the tidal lagoon project fits u. K. Energy strategy and further recognize the economic potential this will bring to the swansy bay region . I thank my right honourable friend. I remember visiting him after his victory last year. We went to brewery for mild celebration. He is right the tidal lagoons has potential. We launched a study to better understand the technology. Well work with findings of that review and work closely with the developers to make a decision on swansy. North wales is a Strong Manufacturing and exporting region but its growth is constrained by lack of access to airports in northwest england. Office for rail regulation is currently considering applications for rail paths from north wales. Will the Prime Minister support a cross Party Campaign for fairness for north wales and for access to airports in northwest england . So the former secretary of state for wales, honourable member for west came to see me recently about this because i think there is very strong argument how we Better Connect north wales with the northwest of england to make sure that we build on the economic strength of both. So i will look very carefully what he says and what my right honourable friend says about the potential for increasing rail capacity. Dr. James davis. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Last week a High Court Judge ruled in favor of a cpo of the great twostar listed former north wales hospital in denby. Years of neglect by the offshore company resulted buildings being brought to the point of collapse. Thanks to the groundbreaking work carried out by the county council and Princes Regeneration trust their future would be now safeguarded but what can the Prime Minister do to prevent buildings such as these deemed National Assets falling into those who are not fit and proper guardians and particularly those outside of our judicial system . My right honourable friend make as important point. Im a wire of this case. Heritage is devolved matter, great news these buildings i know how important they are will be safeguarded. My understanding they were bought way back in 199by a company and left completely abandoned. As he says that is no way to treat a great twostar listed building. That is why we have the powers in place for compulsory purchase orders. In this case the council was absolutely right to use them. Councils should have confidence they have the measures and where appropriate should be able to use them. Two weeks ago in front of the Education Select Committee the head of ofsted said school based environment and not in a institution. Come to say that some pupils head up to the institution, do badly, get lost and drop out. Does the Prime Minister agree with him . I think we need a range of settings for a levels and for post16 study. I would say this, there are a lot of secondary schools in our country who would like to have a sick form. I think there are great benefits for particularly the 11yearolds going to secondary school who can look to the top of the school see what girls and boys are achieving, 16, 17, 18, what a level choices theyre making and futures theyre thinking of. For many people it is inspiring to go to a school with a sick form. Lets have a choice. That why academyization of these schools gives them the ability to make choices for our children. Richard graham. I sure the Prime Minister will join my thankses to employers who created 6 1 2 thousand apprenticeships in gloucester since 2010. And all the apprentices themselves, including my first apprentice, laura pierson, youngest ever city counselor. Will my right honourable friend do all he can to hasten introduction of associate nurses who make a difference to the nhs and our Health Sector more broadly . First of all he is right to say, the southwest delivered over 280,000 apprenticeships starts since 2010. Absolutely pulling its weight and welldone to his con straight went for doing that i think he is also right about the introduction of associate nurses. Were working with Health Education england to offer another route into nursing which i can see expansion of our nhs. Nate cowan. Mr. Speaker, according to the statistics provided by the House Library there are estimated 280,000 problem gamblers in the United Kingdom. Can the Prime Minister will take forward the 2010 report of the department of culture and sport, the money from dormant betting activities should support those lives destroyed by gambling . First of all well study this report carefully. We took action in the last parliament to deal with problem gambling in terms of Planning System and particularly fixed odds betting terminals work. I am happy to examine issue and act on the evidence. Ill discuss it with the secretary of state of Culture Media and sport. Gerald warren. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The systemic killing of christians and other minority groups by the socalled Islamic State across the middle east has reached unprecedented proportions. So the action being taken by her majestys government is just but what more will my right honourable friend do working with the International Community to halt this genocide committed against christians by what i rightly call the satanic state . My right honourable friend is right to call what daesh is doing persecuting christians and others, others of other faith and indeed muslims who they take disagreement with. What we must do is keep to the plan. We can see we have shrunk amount of territory daesh have in iraq by about 40 . Were seeing also some progress in syria as well but this is going to take time and we must show patience and persistence to make sure we rid the world of this evil death cult. Thank you, mr. Speak. The Prime Ministers Energy Policy is complete shambles. Wholly dependent upon the troubled and eye watering expensive Nuclear Plant at hinckley. There is barely a plan a let alone a plan b. Is the Prime Minister speaking to build the worlds most expensive power station or the worlds biggest white elephant. Were planning to continue successful Energy Policy seeing Cheaper Energy and lower carbon at the same time. Now the whole strength of the hinckley deal is that there is no payment unless this power station goes ahead and built efficiently by edf. And i think that will be good for our Energy Supplies because if you want to have energy at low cost and low carbon you need to have strong Nuclear Energy at the harte of your system. Kevin olenrich. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Research u. K. Situated in my constituency is the worlds First Charity to tackle antimicrobeal resistance, a looming global danger of disaster movie star proportions. Would the Prime Minister agree to meet with me to see we fund their Vital Research this time no the americans that save the world but the british . A very happy to meet with my honourable friend. He is absolutely right to raise this issue because of growing resistance to antibiotics. The fact in so many cases now antibiotics arent working. We do face a genuine medical emergency around the world. That is why britain put this issue squarely on the agenda of the g20. While it was a large part of our discussions with the chinese when they made the state visit last year. Why were investing 50 millionpound in Innovation Fund working with the Chinese Government to take this forward. I hope that the organization in his constituency can benefit from some of that research. Tim farron. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister will know that his home secretary is once again trying to deport afghan interpreters seeking sanctuary in the United Kingdom. These brave people risked their lives serving our armed forces yet they now are facing to be sent back to the mercy of the taliban or join hundreds of thousands of people rotting in refugee camps. Is this how britain should repay those who put their lives on the line for us . Instead will he do the right thing and do whatever possible to insure theyre offered safe haven here . What we did in the last government in which his party played a role we agreed a set of conditions for afghan interpreters to be able to come to the u. K. And be given sanctuary but we also provided for a scheme so that those who wanted to stay and help rebuild their country were able to do so. I would still defend that scheme even if his partys changed his mind. Andrea jenkins. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My constituents watched her mother joan waste her way in hospital due to inadequate care in a fall admitted by consultant in charge. My right honourable friend, the Health Secretary held a summit on Patient Safety. Announced a new Health Care Safety investigation branch. What more than the government to insure Patient Safety is at heart of nhs an prevent such instances occurring in the future . I think my honourable friend is absolutely right to raise cases like this. Obviously they are horrendous when they take place and should be properly investigated. But as she said we need to learn the lessons from them. I think we made progress. Proportion of patients being harmed in the nhs has dropped by a third over last two years. Mrsa bloodstream infections fallen over half last five years. I think my right honourable friend the Health Secretary to hold this conference and to examine what other industries an practices have done in order to have a 100 , you know, zero accident safety culture. We have seen this in other walks of life and it is time we applied it to the nhs. Dawn butler. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Just eight days ago oliver was brutally shot dead. The community are shocked and Saddam Hussein by this murder of an innocent young man. They have asked for more Community Local policing and more youth engagement. Would the Prime Minister meet with me and some Community Champions to discuss how we can make our streets safer . The lady raises a very important point. I think what weve seen in london reduction in gun crime. Tragic case we refer to. Our hearts go out to the person we are talking about. Better intelligence policing in terms of dealing with gun crimes. We must keep that up. I will certainly arrange whatever meet something best to make sure the voices she mentioned are listened to. Stephen metcalf. Thank you, mr. Speaker. As my right honourable friend will be aware highway england is encroaching on a new lower temps crossing with preferred option will be option c, defer 14 of the traffic from the existing crossing. Will my right honourable friend agree before spending billions on new crossing, but the problems at existing crossing not only helping number of motorists and improv air quality and restore resilience to the m25 Roadway Network and will meet with to discuss these matters further . I think my honourable friend makes important point. We need to tackle congestion and air quality and stationary traffic is more polluting than moving traffic. Sorting out the exists problems at the crossing is important. I think we have to look at options for a new crossing. As i understand it two locations are on the table as result of detailed work. These are the best available options. They looked at both locations in terms of economic and community impact. We look forward to seeing what they recommend. I hope when they do we can make progress. This is vital set of arteries for our country and we need the traffic to be flowing smoothly. On on reflection was it wise of chancellor to bank on theory of 27 billionpound windfall when it has vanished from the last three months. Well hear quite a lot from the chancellor in minute or two. I would say we have economy fundamentally strong, facing a very difficult set of world circumstances but here in britain when you look at it, unemployment at 5 , inflation at virtually zero percent. The unemployment figures today showing unemployment falling again and wages growing at 2 . That is better record than most other countries in the developed world can boast and a lot of that is down to the very clear plan set out by my right honourable friend and followed these last six years. Thank you, mr. Speaker. English tourism week. I was delighted to welcome a International Delegation to promote it as destination for international tourists. Visit london are numbers are up and more we can do to attract people to london and other regions of our country. What can the government to do support more tourism and more visitors to come to como. My right honourable friend, nothing finer and getting out of london and to como and no better place that the pauls beach and sun is setting and waves are big and my phone is working. He is absolutely right. And the daily mail photographer has gone home too. That helps. But what we do need to do is get people who come to our country to visit the wonders of london to spend some time outside of london and that is what some of the new schemes we announced like for instance, the 40 millionpounds discover england fund are all about. I would urge the authorities in como to make the most of it. Angela schmidt. Mr. Speaker, in 2014 we exported 14 billion pounds of Food Products with 73 of that total going to other european states. No wonder that 71 of food and drink Federation Members want us to avoid [inaudible]. Will the Prime Minister state at prospect of improving further the export profile of food manufacturing, will be strengthened by staying in the European Union . Well i think the view from food manufacturers and indeed from farmers and from the wider business community, 81 of hom yesterday said they wanted to say in reformed europe is very clear. Arguments on food are particularly clear. Our farmers produce some of the cleanest and best food anywhere in the world. They know they have access to market of 500 Million Consumers without tariffs, without quotas and without any problems. We shouldnt put that at risk. When we look at some of the alternatives to being a part of the single market, for instance, a canadianstyle free trade deal, we can say there are restrictions. For instance, quotas on beef. I dont want to see that applying to british farmers who have got so much to be proud of. Simon burn. [shouting] does my right honourable friend agree that having an inspirational mentor can provide young people with the opportunities they would never have benefited for from before . Can he tell me how the 14 Million Pounds that the government are putting into a new National Mentoring scheme will be able to benefit some of the most disadvantaged children in our society . I absolutely agree with my right honourable friend. I think one of the most important things that our schools can look to do in the future is to encouragementtores from business, from the public sector, from charities, into their schools to give that extra oneonone help that young people so benefit from. I was at Harris Academy in suffolk yesterday to see how well that is going. Where every child studying gcses who wants a mentor can get them. It makes a huge difference to those childrens life chance. The 14 Million Pounds were putting in should allow extra 25,000 those of those most disadvantaged people in our country to have a mentor. I think there are so many people in business, in the public sector, in charities who would love to take part in this and help people achieve their potential. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The Prime Minister likes to suggest he is champion of localism but today his government is seeking to gag local community with a crassed forced policy that stamps out local consultation and dissent. Can he explain to the vast majority of parents and resident in brighton and holme recently rounded rejected Academy Status for their schools why their opinion counts for nothing in the future. I would argue that Academy Schools are true devolution, wind up with the parent, government, head teacher having full control of the school, able to make decisions about the future of that school. If that doesnt convince her i would say look at results. If you look at primary sponsors academies you can see they have got better records and theyre improving faster. If you look at converter Academy Schools, 88 of them are rated good or outstanding. This is true devolution, making sure every head teacher is in charge of that irschool

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