The two big buzzwords at this convention. Next on cspan, Prime Minister David Cameron takes questions from the british house of commons. At 11 00, another chance to see q a with retired general daniel bolger. At the house of commons, there was an exchange between David Cameron and ed miliband about Health Services. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. This morning i had meetings with colleagues and i shall have further meetings later today. When you say we are all in this together, the you mean it . When they came up with such a vacuous soundbite or before the attempt failed David Cameron you cannot hide from the statistic that poverty is down and inequality is down. Most important, we have created jobs for tenants of thousands of countrymen and women. Today, we see the unemployment statistics with a Record Number of people in work. It his constituency, the claimant count has fallen since the election. Thats how we are beating poverty. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Concerning scrap metal, what more will my friends do to make sure that this crime is reduced further so that there are no more damages and that no more trains get stopped in their tracks . David cameron my honorable friend is absolutely right. This is a crime has been increasing because of the value of scrap metal. The roof on a church in my insurgency we have major scrap metal dealers have to hold licenses. Councils can revoke licenses at any time. We have provided 6 million 6 Million Pounds in additional funding. I will make sure Police Continue to have the powers and ability to crack down on this a borat crime. Abhorrent crime. The Prime Minister promised before the last election no topdown organization. Would you describe this as an over denial or simply as a broken promise . David cameron we took the bureaucracy and we made big decisions. Number one, put more money in. Number two, take bureaucracy out. That is why we have nine and a half thousand more doctors. I can see the chancellor chuckling. We know he wants to be in the kitchen cabinet. He does not know which kitchen to turn up to. Ed miliband i thought he might mention kitchens. At least i paid for my kitchen. [cheering] first broken promise, he said he would refuse to go back to the days where people had to wait for hours to be seen. Now we learn the nhs will miss the target for this year for the first time. What do you make of that promise . Which kitchen he pay for . David cameron i feel sorry for the opposition. He literally doesnt know his next meal is coming from. [cheering] so far this year, 93. 7 of people have been seen within that target of four hours. We will do better to make sure that continues to happen. We made a promise, what does that we would put 12. 7 Million Pounds in nhs. They said it was irresponsible but we invested in our health. Ed miliband that is another broken promise. On cancer, he said they key is hell on people had to wait for treatment. The key is how long people had to wait for treatment. David cameron here are the Council Waiting times for his constituents. 95. 2 of patients with cancer were seen by specialist within two weeks. Target at. 97. 9 percent of patients diagnosed with cancer again treatment within 30 days. Target met. 87 of patients again Cancer Treatment within 60 days. Target met. On the nhs, we put in the investment, we increased the doctors and nurses, and frankly, if he cannot stand he, he better get out of his second kitchen. Ed miliband that was a long way of saying he has broken his promises. He promised a bearknuckle fight to stop the closure of maternity units. He even did photos outside the hospitals where units closed. David cameron i am glad he raised this issue. 70 of hospitals were shot under a labor government. That is how incompetent he is as a leader of the labor opposition. Imagine what a mess he would make as a leader of the country. Ed miliband this is what he said. We will stop the closures of hospitals, and he closed these services. Since the last election, he has broken Health Service promises on waiting time, Cancer Treatment, and organization. He makes a whole series of nhs thomases, why should anybody believe him . David cameron people should believe us because we have a Strong Economy that can deliver it. We promised more money for nhs promise delivered. The promise more nurses, promise delivered. We promised more doctors, promise delivered. We said we would sort out hospitals, promise delivered. Five questions and not one mention of the unemployment figures today. He cannot bear the fact that unemployment late caps on of limit rate is at a record level. There are Record Number of people and women at work. That is what this country is delivering a Strong Economy that built a strong nhs. Ed miliband we are worse off on his watch. That is why we cannot afford another five years of him. Nhs cannot survive another five years of this government. The nhs was built by labor, and will only be safe and the hands of a labor government. David cameron there is only one government in the history of nhs to cut nhs and it was the last labor government because they lost control of the economy. He said there be no jobs, but we have record jobs. He said we would not cut the deficit, and the deficit is down. We have the strongest growth of any western economy. He has made this judgment after misjudgment after every single question. We are changing lives. It is not jobs, livelihood, security. That is will be asked that is what will be on the ballot. We should never trust him with the future of our country. [cheering] thank you, mrs. Speaker. Does the Prime Minister agree that if scotland is the part of a growing united kingdom, the mission to shake this house to its foundation would deny recovery and mortgages to scotland . David cameron my honorable friend makes an important point. Although he said he doesnt want to form a packed with the snp he will not rule out a supply agreement. He will not rule out relying on the snp. Making sure that they would get the advantage of people in england and wales and northern ireland. But we ruled it out. He still could not win. Order. The honorable friend must be heard. Waiting over one week for an appointment, and some are waiting two weeks in my constituency. And yet we have 23 of londons gp shutting in the next five years. The Prime Minister take responsibility for crisis of gps . David cameron nationwide, we have more gps compared to 2010. The Royal College of gps, who is often criticized this government, says now that there has never been a better time to go into general practice. Take you mr. Speaker. The West Midlands has been one of the fastestgrowing local economies of any region in the united kingdom, with more investments in manufacturing new jobs, more exports, more opportunities for local people in my constituency. With a prime agree that is part of our economic plan, the people in this country can be proud of its industrial revival and be proud of things made in the Black Country are slid around the world . David cameron my honorable friend makes an apartment point an important point. The West Midlands have grown faster than any other part of the entire country. If you compare that to the early 2000s when private Sector Employment went down, it shows that we are seeing a genuinely national recovery. Huge credit must go to jaguar land rover, who have tripled their turnover doubled sales and doubled the workforce. Any fracturing in britain is going again and we should be proud of that. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In january, it was announced that there were redundancies. It took two months before somebody from the job center went to see these seamstresses. The response was unsympathetic and anything but rapid. What happened to Rapid Response . And sorry. And why have these workers and let down . David cameron it is important that the job center has to help employees when they are let go by employers. That is what they are therefore. Generally, here good reports. In her constituency, the claimant has come down to the overall picture is good. I would look at this specific case, but the fact is, jobs are being created. The vacancies are there. She talks about seamstresses in the Garment Industry we are seeing russian breeding brought back we are seeing reduction being brought back on shore which is a good thing. [indiscernible] David Cameron todays figures are remarkable. We see unemployment up we talked about creating private sector jobs and it is now 2. 3 million private sector jobs. Another figure is that the youth limit count is now at its lowest rate since the 1970s 40 using a. 40 years ago. We are down by 39 . The plan is working. This is about people get a job, a livelihood, security. That is fully want to keep going. Jim sheridan. Thank you speaker. I hope he will be as disappointed as i am to see the front page showing for snp counselors they escaped discipline but one of them was promoting these actions and his representation David Cameron the honorable general mexico point the smiths agreement was about bringing together different Political Parties to come to the right answer for the future of scotland. It was an excellent report. We all committed to putting it in place. It is disappointing that the snp only want to break up our country would spit the promises they have made. Duncan hayes. Mr. Speaker, i asked the Prime Minister if you would look into child sexual abuse. The home secretary acknowledged that there has in a cover of, and we learned that there have been at least 14 cells identified. Is it not time to address this scandal and highlevel corruption . David cameron i think my honorable friend is right to say how serious this is. It is right that there needs to be an investigation into what happened in the police force but also a separate part of the police carrying out an indepth investigation into what happened and we now have the overarching justice review to look at institutional failings in terms of discovering child sexual abuse. What i would say to him and to others in the house is that we will do everything we can to get to the bottom of what happened. Anybody who is worried about whether people would be prosecuted under the official secrets act should be reassured by the assurances given by the attorney general. It is in everybodys interest that we get to the bottom of what happened and if people should be punished, they should be. The Prime Minister when he answered the Opposition Leader was able to show that the weighting targets have been that in his constituency. They obviously have a very Effective Member of parliament. [laughter] but actually, but the Prime Minister is responsible for the national Health Service as a whole. And he will be aware that nationally, the 62 day wait for treatment for Cancer Patients after referral has been reached in each of the last four quarters. What does he have to say to the over 5000 Cancer Patients, including one in four people with bowel or lung cancer, who are waiting months for treatment . David cameron everybody in this house no siebel who have been affected and have died of cancer. This government puts in a normas effort i will answer the question i will answer directly we have made sure order. Members must here the answer the Prime Minister must be heard. David cameron half a million more people have been referred for Cancer Treatment. Survival rates are going up. It is important to look at constituency figures. I have are figures here. She is obviously an effective at the because in her area, they are meeting all three of the cancer targets. That is with happening in britain. More resources are going and more people are surviving. This can only happen with a Strong Economy. When the labor party wrecks the economy, they wrecked the Health Service. Ed miliband it is the economy it is the economy that makes funding possible. What happened to inflation over the last five years . What happened to the minimum wage over the last five years David Cameron it has increased to over six pounds. After the labor recession, we didnt have increases in the minimum wage and it lost its value. Under this government, you will see the minimum wage go up. The guarantee i can give if we keep increasing the minimum wage at the rate it is being increased now, it will get to the on a pounds eight pounds by the election. It is like so many of the other labor policies like their University Tuition paying policy. It is the first example because of the independent living fund, one of my constituents died. Disabled people and of being institutionalized and not independent. David cameron we have evolved funding and maintained the disability benefits at the disability living allowance which has been upgraded every year. Does my friend agree that longterm economic plans is doing an outstanding job . Unemployment stands as the best performance of any constituency of the country. But he join with me in thanking those firms i visited last week that are running a test fix fantastic apprenticeships and the young people that are joining them . David cameron i am delighted that unemployment is low in his constituency. These latest figures show that the u. K. Employment rate has seen the largest rise of any g7 country over the last year. There is a million fewer people on work benefits and nearly 2 million more people at work and our country. More young people have gone into work in the u. K. Over the last year than in the rest of the European Union and the together. Those of the benefits of having a longterm economic plan, sticking to the plan, and ignoring the hope was advised in the party opposite. Despite the Prime Ministers words and rhetoric, is governments crisis the summer many families in the northeast [indiscernible] Life Expectancy the Prime Minister must apologize to the people of the northeast. David cameron lets look at what happened in his own constituency. The claimant count has fallen by 28 . In the last year alone, a 32 fall. I thought this was the party that said it was important to get young people into work. That is what this government has done. Unemployed and has fallen in every region of the country. If we take the northeast, it has fallen by 21,000 over the last year. We are creating jobs, generating growth, taking the poorest people. The opposite party says called down, that i cannot, down when i see what this suggests. We have 50 days to make sure that the people who delivered this plan can go on delivering the plan instead of the people who will bracket. The manufacturing of military jets, and bringing on ambitious apprenticeships. Will the Prime Minister welcome the investment in this training academy, and will he visit the solace very site next the salisbury site . David cameron there are grateful for the invitation. I was at another site last week as a celebration of National Apprenticeship week. They are hiring for hundred 40 apprentices this year 440 apprentices this year, which is a record for this government. We have 200 apprentices in this government. These manufacturing apprenticeships are particularly vital. I will certainly take him up on the invitation to open up this academy. The Prime Minister spoke at the unveiling of the statue at parliament square. Im certain and conversation with the indian finance minister. Which men offered him the best advice for the election . What budget who is the actor will offer the best tips and the tv debate . David cameron im think for the honorable gentleman was able to attend this ceremony. A great turnout, members of parliament and schoolchildren, to see this statue. I think it is important that gandhi stands alongside churchill and mandela in this square. These are all private conversations so i will not delve into them. I think the new Indian Government and the reforms they are making our own opening up the economy to make our relationship stronger your it. Thank you. Over a four night ago, the secretary of transport visited us and reached the conclusion that almost every resident of the city had a station in need of an upgrade. 80 Million Pounds needs to be invested. Will you make sure that hampton gets the station but that we increase industrialization and the West Midlands . David cameron let me pay tribute to my honorable friend for the work he has put into this campaign. Following the visit, there is 13 and a half million that has been secured for the transport to fund this project. It is because of his hard work that this is going ahead. It is essential that the house benefits from good road, rail, and infrastructure connection so that it can benefit from the growth we see in our country. The Prime Minister has a record of looking the other way when it comes to wrongdoing. He has done it before and he is doing it now with the honorable members. Can the Prime Minister explain why he is being so quick to rule out an investigation into his own party . I would thought, with all of the things happening in the part of the world she represents, she could come up with a better western. A better question. It is in the register of members interest that it is correct. I think she is barking up the wrong tree. While i am here, i am sure she will want to welcome that within her constituency, the claimant count has fallen by 54 . David morris. I want to thank the Prime Minister for steering this country into economic losses never before caused by the previous labor government. Would he agree with me that 765,000 people started their businesses the highest ever since the 1980s. What he agree that the labor market they caused . Cameron 95 of the jobs created have in employees in business as we have seen in our country, a an increase in business is being started up. This is vital, because these individuals will go on to build Great Companies and build our Industrial Base and provide jobs of the future. Yet so often, we talk about our growing economy and never hear one word regret from the people who crashed the car in the first place. Thank you, mr. Speaker. This week it was revealed that a second criminal inquiry into former member of this houses i wrote smith was closed down by police officers. I believe there will be other things other examples of cover up yet to be revealed. Notwithstanding the home secretary, will the Prime Minister please give a castiron guarantee that former Public Officials with knowledge of the coverups are given full whistleblower protection . Cameron i think it comes down to three separate questions. There are concerns as to whether people be prosecuted. As far as people giving evidence the justice is able to ask the attorney general, as has happened with previous commissions, to make sure no one can incriminate himself when they give evidence. In terms of giving evidence to the ipc seek inquiry, the home secretary has given clear guidance on that issue. As far as disclosing to the oppressed, it would be highly unlikely that it would be in the Public Interest for someone who did that revealing wrongdoing, to be subject to prosecution. I dont want to see anyone prosecuted for uncovering wrongdoing in this way. I hope you will take that. Order. You have been watching Prime Ministers questions in the british house of commons. Question time airs live at 8 00 eastern on cspan two. It can watch it sundays at 9 00 eastern on cspan or anytime online on cspan. Org. As the house and senate prepared to debate their budget plans, Home Services midi chair Mac Thornberry will talk about defense spending and other military issues. He will speak at the center for strategic and International Studies at 9 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan two. Later, a look at the supreme courts budget request with Anthony Kennedy and Stephen Breyer testifying in front of House Appropriations subcommittee at 3 00 p. M. Eastern live coverage on cspan3. Chinese premier li keqiang held a News Conference after the closing of the National Peoples conference. He answered questions on both domestic and foreign policy, including Environmental Protection u. S. China relations and the ukraine conflict. This portion is courtesy of China Central television. With huffington post, in under the dome, a documentary the filmmakers complain about Big Oil Companies like petrol china have been a block to the introduction of policies on Environmental Protection and Law Enforcement in this field. For example, in the subject setting of quality standards of gasoline consumed as well as introduction of wider use of natural gas. My question is, if it is, it is it true that these companies are posing an obstacle to enforcing Environmental Protection laws and policies . If so, what steps will the Chinese Government take to remove such an obstacle . Premier li [speaking chinese] translator i understand the focus of all your questions is about tackling environmental pollution, especially smog. This is a concern uppermost on all peoples minds. I want to tell you that the Chinese Government is determined to tackle smog and environmental pollution as a whole and tremendous efforts have already been made in this regard. The progress we have made is still far short of expectations of our people. Last year, i said the Chinese Government would declare war against environmental pollution. We have determined to Carry Forward our efforts until we achieve our goal. Premier li [speaking chinese] translator we must get our focus of efforts right. This year, our focus will be to ensure the full implementation of the newly revised Environmental Protection law. For all act of illegal production and admissions, it will all be brought to justice and held accountable. We need to make the cost of doing so, too high to bear. Once supports will be given to environmental Law Enforcement departments, including capacity building, and no one must use his power to middle with Law Enforcement in this regard. The Law Enforcement department should also have the courage to take charge and fulfill their due responsibilities, laxity in Law Enforcement will be dealt with and dereliction of duties or abuse of office will be handled in accordance with the law. We must ensure that the law will work as a powerful and effective tool in fighting pollution instead of being as soft as cotton candy. Premier li [speaking mandarin] translator to tackle environmental pollution is a systemic project that involves a lot of efforts in various areas. A few days ago, i came across a media report, which said that, in this years government report, the paragraphs addressing environmental treatment came quite in the back. But i want to draw your attention to one big difference in this years government report. That is, Energy Conservation and admission reduction. I have put together, with all these major targets of economic and social development, which come very much early in the government work report, and we also need to see that many parts of the report, be it adjusting economic structure or improving the quality of field used, has something to do with environmental treatment. This will take a process, and requires the joint efforts of the whole of society. It may be difficult for one to change the Natural Environment he lives in anytime soon, but one can always change the way he behaves. Thank you. Question [speaking mandarin] translator with cctv, as Economic Development enters into a new normal, people are also thinking, how we can bring our demographic scale and the growth trend compatible with such new normal state. Last year, married couples can have a second child if one of the parents is a single child. In this years sessions, many are calling for fully lifting the second child restriction. I am wondering if this is one of the goals on the agenda of the government in reforming its Family Planning policy, and if so, is there a timetable for that to happen. Premier li [speaking mandarin] translator about chinas population policy, as you said last year, married couples can now have a second child if one of the parents is a single child. Currently, we are conducting comprehensive review of how this policy has been implemented. Waste on the outcome of this comprehensive review we will also take into account chinas economic and social development situation, and changes in our demographic structure. Both the pros and cons will be weighed, and we will only make improvements and adjustments to our policy in accordance with all of these legal procedures. Thank you. Question [speaking mandarin] translator with japan, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the second world war. I would like to ask your outlook on the history, mr. Premier. Weve also seen more Chinese Tourists traveling to japan, and they have bought a lot of things there. If the same time, the number of japanese tourists visiting china , as well as Japanese Investment in china, have both been on the decline. Howd you see such a situation . And how do you view the possible impact of chinas plan to commemorate activities, including the military parade on the part of the japanese people . Premier li [speaking mandarin] translator this earmarks the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Peoples of the victory of the Chinese Peoples war of resistance against Japanese Aggression and the antifascist world war. Not only china, but many countries in the world have plan to hold diverse forms of commit commemoration entities. The purpose of these activities is to firmly bear in mind the hard lessons gained from the past, and ensure that kind of history will never repeat itself. The purpose is to uphold the outcomes of the second world war, and the postwar international order, and international laws, to maintain enduring peace of mankind. Premier li [speaking mandarin] translator it is true that the current chinajapan relationship is in difficulty. The issue is, how that war and that art of history are viewed. One needs to hold the right outlook on history. And that means one needs to take history as nearer, and at the same time, look to the future. For leaders of the country while inheriting the historical achievements made by their forefathers, they ultimately shoulder the historical responsibility for crimes committed in the past. The war of aggression imposed on the Chinese People why the japanese by the japanese brett brought untold suffering and the average people in japan were also victims of that war. At such a critical moment this year there is both a test and an opportunity for chinajapan relationship. If leaders of japan can face history squarely and maintain consistency in how they view that part of history, there will be a new opportunity for improvement and further growth of chinajapan relations. It will also create a favorable condition for the growth of business relationship between the two countries. Thank you. Question [speaking mandarin] translator since the beginning of last year, cases of financial risk of shadow banking have occurred from time to time. Soon, many local governments need to have a lot of debt being paid. As the downward pressure on chinas economy grows, how do you see these building up Financial Risks . Premier li [speaking mandarin] translator i think our Financial Risks are at the center of all these questions you raised. It is true that there have been individual cases of financial risk in china, but at the same time, we are fully capable of forestalling systemic and regional Financial Risks. Premier li [speaking mandarin] translator chinas economy continues to operate within the proper range and there is a very high savings rate in china. Moreover 70 of local government debts are in the form of investment, which means quite good prospects for fielding returns. We also regulate these local government financing vehicles to ensure that we will keep the front door open while at the same time back the block block the back doors at the same time chinese eggs have high capital provisions. Chinese banks have high capital provisions. Still, the level of mpl in china is quite low international. Premier li [speaking mandarin] translator individual places of financial risk will be allowed. We encourage the practice of banks in a market based way. We need to guard against moral hazards and raise Peoples Awareness of these Financial Risks. This year, we will introduce a positive insurance system and develop multitude Capital Markets and lower companiess race use. This will ensure that Financial Services can better cans serve the real economy. Thank you. Question [speaking mandarin] translator i am with tbs of taiwan. There have been certain developments in taiwan last year, which have affect did the business cooperation between the two sides of the taiwan straits. As the economy slows down, the Business People from taiwan operating on the mainland have run into difficulties. What steps will mellon take to boost business cooperation and ensure people from taiwan can continue to have priority access to the Development Opportunities . Premier li [speaking mandarin]

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