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The Oregon Rare Books Initiative was begun three or four years ago. By a couple of colleagues here at oregon. Its aim is to increase the use of the rare book and special Collections Archives among faculty and students and in the classroom here at the university of oregon. The initiative was founded in 2013. Colleagues, including myself, have been upstairs in the vault where these rare books are stored, along with librarians, including bruce tabb wlorks have helped us to find , who have helped us to find books we did not know we owned. The been a rediscovery of some of the amazing rare and collectible books that have been here often since the early 19th century, and were using them in our research and classes in a way that we hadnt for several decades. When we invite a visiting scholar to come give a talk here, we encourage that person to consult in our collection upstairs and find some of the rare books that he or she has worked on and that are of interest in that field. Books specialty is on the about western exploration, from the 18th and 19th centuries. We have a terrific collection of those and can show you some of these here today. I was interested, as other scholars here have been, in the origins of the name oregon. Many historians had agreed or one traveler at and writer and selfpromoter named jonathan carver, who published a book in britain, in 1778, his travel narrative was among the First Published sources to use the name oregon. And he used it as a name for a river. The river oregon. Which he named as one of four major rivers in north america. So there was the mississippi river, the st. Lawrence river, what he called the bourbon river , which it was probably the sess catch won river flowing out of the Canadian Rockies and into hudson bay. Then fourth was the river oregon. Which flowed out of the rockies westward toward the pacific ocean. So this most likely was the Columbia River, but of course he didnt know the location of the Columbia River at that time. So theres some uncertainty whether it could have been the frazier river rather than the columbia. In any case, there was a lot of interest, even before the 18th century, in finding out what major river flowed west from the rockies to the pacific. Because that was likely to be the major conduit for trade into north america. Just as the mississippi and the st. Lawrence were the avenues of trade into the great lakes and into the central part of north america. Thats now the United States. We go back to the geography of the river, this book by arthur dobbs from 1744 is called an account of the countries adjoining to hudsons bay. So at this time the Hudsons Bay Company based in london had the title to a huge area of what is now canada. The english crown recognized this private company as the owner of this enormous tract of land. And they exploited it for furs that they acquired from native People Living here. So dobbs was kind of an entrepreneur andrable rouser who wanted to and rabblerouse who are wanted to force the Hudsons Bay Company to explore westward toward the pacific. And find a route between hudsons bay and the pacific. So this map in his book shows a number of lakes, including the great lakes, superior and heron. But the lake of the woods, some of these are real lakes. Minnesota, manitoba. Others are imaginary. Or have been based on the writings of explorers who kind of speculated or invented new features. Then it shows, because the western part of north america was unknown to map makers, it shows what it calls an unknown coast. Running from cape blanco, which s in oregon, and still bears that name, just sort of in an uncertain curve from there to hudsons bay in canada. The idea is that an inlet from hudsons bay could lead to the pacific. But all this part had yet to be filled in. And he wanted people to explore it and find out what it looked like. This was part of the collection, you see the cover has broken off, so i can simply hold it up ere. This has the name of william fenton, who was a faculty member and book collector. And the book plate itself has a map of oregon and washington which shows that his special interest was collecting books and maps about this region. En heres the title page and the account of the count of the country, containing a description of lakes and rivers, etc. If we move over here, this is the map in the book by jonathan carver. Its called a new map of north america from the latest discoveries, 1778. Engraved for carvers travels. So, compared to dobbs map, this shows a little bit more of the western coast of north america. It has cape blanco. And then it has a river of the west. Which, as i said earlier, was another name for what was called river oregon by carver. But he did not apply that name immediately to the map that appeared in his book. So, this follows roughly the map the route of the columbia or the snake river, and its origins are near the head of the Missouri River. So later, with lewis and clark, that would be the route that they followed across the continent. To go up the Missouri River and down the snake river. A this book here is by germanfrench explorer and jog reafer geographer. This is very little known and i rarely see it cited in the historical literature, but the map is absolutely stunning. The book and the map are in french. This is entitled speaking foreign language] so that means a new cart of the discoveries made by russian vessels on the coasts distribute unknown coasts of north america. During the 1730s and 1740s, russian explorers, including a dane sailing with the russians, and a number of others, traveled from the west sorry, the east oast of russia or siberia to alaska and the northwest coast of america. So this map shows a number of their voyages. And what i find striking is that siberia on this map is a Dense Network of mountains and rivers and towns, very well known and well mapped. To the russians, right . North america, again, is just empty. But it would have been equally empty on any other map made in this period, in the 1740s and 1750s. And the russians established posts as far south as fort ross in northern california. This shows they knew it was spanish california where they at the ed these posts southern limit of their explorations. Then this river here is labeled the river of the west. Its at the southern limit of flowing out o winnipeg, in what is now manitoba. So they had another theory about how hudsons bay, lake winnipeg, and the pacific were connected by rivers. So this is roughly analogous to what we saw earlier on arthur dobbs map. But this has more detail. Last, i wanted to show you the books and maps by alexander mckenzie. The british explorer, connected with the northwest company, a competitor to the Hudsons Bay Company. And he was the first european to cross the full extent of north america. So he entitled his book, dating from 1801, voyages from montreal on the river st. You lawrence through the continental north america to the frozen and Pacific Oceans in the years 1789 and 1793. So he first went to the frozen or arctic ocean along whats now called the mckenzie river, named after him. Then a subsequent exhibition, he made it to the coast of british olumbia in 1793. So we have three copieses of his narrative here. And they are all illustrated with these beautiful maps that were very important for the history of cartography. And Thomas Jefferson was so inspired by mckenzies voyage and his maps that this helped inspire him to look for lewis and clark and an assign them to cross the continental again, rom the young United States. The name in my of my book is the great war and the culture of the new negro. I decided to write that because i was very interested in world war i and certainly where im from, in england, the kind of literature of world war i is very famous, its very widely read. Its taught in schools. Its part of the national conversation. It seemed like that was not true for literature of world war i in the United States. One of the real gaps in that story was the literature which had been produced by africanamerican writers. So i was really drawn to that. Figuring out what kind of stories africanamericans were telling about the great war. How africanamerican writers thought about its impact for Race Relations in america. And for the long history of africanamerican culture and identity. So africanamericans were caught up in americas entry into world war i just as all americans were. Africanamericans volunteered. They bought liberty bonds. They volunteered to serve in the military. They volunteered to serve as aide workers and nurses. Often with mixed feelings. Woodrow wilson had said that america was entering world war i to make the world safe for democracy. But of course america, for africanamericans, very often didnt feel very safe and it didnt feel very democratic. To ery unsure about going fight for political principles overseas that they were just not receiving at home. So there were those kind of debates. But nonetheless, the majority a large portion of africanamericans decided that the best course of action in the war was to serve, was to do the best that they could in the hope that that service, that patriotism, that kind of energy would be a kind of bargaining chip in a postwar reconstruction, with getting them greater rights. And would also be kind of proof to america at large about the value of their contributions and of their investment in a national project. The earliest kind of fiction that i looked at was a little while after american entry. So some of the first stories that africanamericans are kind of considering is whether is what the attitude to service should be. Pretty soon people are invested in wanting to serve. They wanted one of the earliest controversies was whether there would be africanamerican officers. So it was decided pretty early that the military would be segregated. Black and white units would be established separately. There were two black combat divisions that went across. Although they were officered by white americans in the ranks, it was only africanamericans that were serving. For a while there was controversy about whether africanamerican officers would be commissioned or whether all of the Staff Officers in those divisions would be white. So, there was a kind of political controversy, a lot of the black press were heavily involved in agitating for black officers. Which was a difficult decision because on the one hand, this is a segregated unit. And they didnt want to be seen to be endorsing segregation. At the same time they saw this as an opportunity for kind of black male leadership, which is incredibly important to the politics of the time. They were kind of much more limited there were kind of much more limited avenues for the training and demonstration of that than there would be today. And politically, it being an officer, being someone who experienced combat and had led men in combat, then as it is now is a very politically kind of empowering kind of identity to have. So that was very interested in agitating for that officer training to take place. An account was opened up in des moines, iowa, and there was one graduating class that graduated around 700 officers. So early on, that was going on. Also, in the middle of 1917, there were two very clam to us events, really. One of the preexisting black units in the American Army had been garrisonned in houston and they received such racist and kind of harassing treatment from the folks in houston that one up arms and took went into town and got involved in a shootout with local residents which involved about 150 of those soldiers being court marshaled and 13 of them being ex cuted jumbingts three executed, just three days after their trial. There was also a huge really eastern of pogrom in lewis where east st. Louis, where black workers who came up to east st. Louis, because of the shortage of white laborers because of the war, kind of drawing africanamerican workers north from the south into Industrial Areas like east st. Louis, and basically the black population was tyrannized and a lot of them died in this sometimes called a race right honorable but was a pog rahm. A really targeted vigilanty action against the black community. So the summer of 1917 saw these two horrendous moments of violence. So africanamerican authors were figuring out what to make of that. On the one hand, they were meant to be fighting for freedom. In france and in belgium. But at the same time they were being terrorized at home. And also white politicians were suddenly getting a lot more nervous about training a lot of africanamerican men in warfare. Because they had seen what had happened in houston. And were worried that this would take place on a huge sale. Across the south, many of the training carps were in the south, very worried that this would be something which would happen across the country. Some of the early issues taking place. Only about half of the africanamericans who served did go overseas, and that was true for all american troops. About 400,000 africanamerican troops were enlisted. About 200,000 eight the trip over. This becomes one of the most important things, to think about what Cosmopolitan International experience does. This was something which racists at home. , southern politicians, mississippi senators, white , and there was an violence whenal africanamericans got home. There was an uptake in lynching. Lynchings happened which was a big increase from previous years , and i think 16 of those were servicemen still in uniform who came home. Often these white communities, even the site of an African American in uniform was an raging. There was a conflict when africanamericans came home, but they were welcome in their home communities. Theerms of the effects of war, reforming about how americans thought about Race Relations, i do not think it did. It did not have the impact that africanamericans hoped it would. One newspaper said as reward for their service in the war, africanamericans have been awarded the doublecross. The idea that they had served, many had died, they had asergone enormous hardship part of that service, but the longterm consequences would be very little change. That kind ofed restoration of the franchise in the south, much stricter enforcement of antisegregation laws in the north, and a kind of revised access to skilled trades. Most of this did not occur. So there was a feeling of disillusionment in society on thens one hand, because the immediate political danes they had hoped for the not materialize. From my perspective, one of the major impacts was cultural. It involved a kind of turning out of perspectives to other parts of the world in some cases. So there were new connections forged with african intellectuals which were related to some events that had gone on in the war, and there was a new assertiveness to africanamerican communities, which carried forward. Philip randolph, who later would organize the march on washington, got his start as a journalist in world war i. He ran one of the most radical africanamerican magazines in world war i, and a number of civil rights leaders served in that war, too. It was not the case that the 1960s 1920s was like the 1960s as an era of monumental progress in civil rights, but it sowed the seeds for later radicalism in important ways. What i discovered was that it not for theich first time posed this kind of dilemma about serving your country which so poorly served ambulances ind of which tended to moment inan amazing which political losses, demoralized experiences, to the action of culture, literature, that those, music things could be built into a culture in a way which was trying to salvage messages of ofe, messages of resilience, ingenuity and imagination and of courage, which would be contributions to that culture at large. Writers, artists, etc. , were really setting down a legacy of africanamerican ability, africanamerican service which could be useful for later generations. Legacymixed and comics in some ways, and they did not want to sugarcoat the disappointments that happened in the war, but they wanted to take educationpride and an from being involved in such a modern, such an International War could be for the next generation. Isthe name of the book license to practice, and it addresses a Supreme Court decision rendered in 1889, and that decision enabled the states separately to begin licensing physicians. Most people do not realize how recently doctors have been licensed in this country. Right now the average american cannot imagine going to a doctor that is not licensed. Of course, doctors are licenseds, but that was not the case for a lot of u. S. History. Decisions, the courtenabling decision i write about, the practice of medicine was a whiteopen occupation largely looked down upon. April with some exceptions cannot make a very robust living at it. It was not an era, that if you went home to your dock mother and said you want to be a doctor, she was not happy. It was a low, 30 everybody could purchase thats practice medicine. Ctor in frontdo of your name. People practiced medicine on all kinds of bases. The practice of medicine was wide open. People used very as forms of healing, depending on what they thought might work. A. B. It was something their anddmother used forever they set themselves up as the county doctor and this kind of healing. Summary else uses our nerves, out the water. What ever ise uses at hand. It is that kind of chaotic medical practice that the ama peopleented wanted to get rid of, and it turns out they were right. They felt if they could transform the practice of medicine into a sciencebased statelicensed profession, they could make progress. Their motives are largely selfinterested at this point because they cannot demonstrate that a scientific education makes you a better physician at that point. So they are largely motivated by occupational wellbeing, but they have a profound faith that science will pay off, that we need to get rid of all these people doing whatever they want to do by the which isheir pants, ultimately dangerous to the public. We need a rigorous scientific approach to medicine. That is what they are after in licensing. Was a board passed of health law with a licensing clause. The board of Health Begins in theng physicians 1880s in West Virginia, and the challenge takes place in the 1880s, but it takes a long time to go from the county court through the West Virginia Supreme Court and then ultimately to the United States in court, so it is not until 1888 that the United States Supreme Court hears the arguments, and they do not make their decision until the early months of 1889. So it is only at that point that andes are fully constitutionally authorized to begin licensing physicians on whatever grounds they want. Some of the justices ate it clear, particularly in the West Virginia state level, that they did not think it was a good state law, that there was no basis for it, constitutionally if the state legislature thinks it is in the interests of the public to do this, the state legislature has the constitutional right to do that. The whole practice of medicine in america is transformed dramatically from this wide open, fourpaying, anybody can take a shot added occupation to an elite, welleducated, and wellpaid profession, a profession recognized by the state. The state patrols their marketplace for them by prosecuting people who were practicing medicine without a license. But it does not regulate the doctors. The doctors are free to charge whatever they want. They are free to narrow the gate of education to what we now are accustomed to by the late 20th, early 21st century, with fewer medical schools that had existed earlier. Those schools insisting on very rigorous, lengthy Laboratory Science education. This all flows from this v. West in dent virginia. There were notable people who spearheaded activity. The most influential and successful was a man named james reeves. Reeves was a genuine believer in Public Health and a fanatical lever in science as the future of medicine. He is so fanatical that he would the members off his medical organization to even to talk to physicians that were not medical, that were not amatype doctors. For example, he had one man thrown out of the medical society because the mans fatherinlaw was a physician of a different sort, a homeopathic atsician, and reeves felt family gatherings you must be talking to your fatherinlaw in law, that means automatically you are expelled from our society because youre talking to him. To his credit, he was genuinely committed to Public Health. Foundingounty members of the american Public Health association and politically astute. He is the one more than anybody who engineered passage of this law. He is the one who engineers the alliance with the big railroad, mining corporations. It is important to think of this decision as not creating a National Medical profession, but instead and they blame the separate state legislatures one at a time to license things medical. And americans tend to forget, given the modern debates over what the what our health world ought to look like, we tend to forget it is still a statebystate practice. Doctors are separately licensed in each separate state, and if they go to another state, he have to get recertified in that state, and the requirements for licensing vary from state to state. And some states license all levels of medical care. Some license only some. The criteria are still surprisingly local. Likened the law that was faithbasedsort of bet on the future, that if we allow medicine to transform itself into a profession and base it on science, that you will ultimately help the Public Health of the population. But it does much later than most people realize. There is a debate among radical what benefitout does the average patient with to therage illness going average doctor at what point does the patient benefit from that, and there are different answers. Surgery makes advances as the result of science because they they haventisepsis, developed anesthesia is. Radically transform surgery by the end of the 19th century. Surgical techniques have really improved. Is notng of doctors usually put in the context of the gilded age. It is usually looked at as a progressive step. It is amazing why the country waited so long to license. But the fact is they were licensed for you could demonstrate scientific edison was the way to go medicine was the way to go, and their consolidation, licensing in the 1880s and 1890s parallels perfectly the growth of big corporations to see and consolidations taking place in other parts of the economy. These doctors are reengineering dominican medical marketplace the american medical marketplace like carnegie was reengineering this deal marketplace. Great railroad corporations were reengineering transportation. These doctors were consolidating a new type of medicine which they control. Number of unintended consequences. I think the people passing the law, certainly reeves and his allies, the people passing the law, and reeves got half a dozen of his friends elected to low legislature. They served one term to get the bill passed. They knew what they were doing and they wanted to transform way ite in exactly the has been transformed, to limit the educational they wanted to narrow the gate of education so only highly educated people could practice medicine. That necessarily limits the number of doctors in the marketplace. That allows them to charge whatever they want, and a charge more and more because there are fewer and fewer of them. And consequence that reeves his allies were perfectly happy with an conscious that that instead ofn, thinking of themselves as greedy. They thought of themselves as engineering and move in the right direction. I think the legislatures who fully it did not anticipate the kind of crisis that has now developed by the end of the 20th century and early 21st century in which we are very badly under dr. Underdoctored. We need doctors. By insisting on this way of training physicians, it becomes very expensive to train physicians. And we do not train nearly as many as we would like. Unintendedt was an consequence. I do not think the people who voted for these laws also would have wanted the expense of the tontry on things medical have risen as quickly and dramatically as it has. Outliers inndous the world with regard to what we spend on medicine. Gdp,end, pushing 20 of and the next closest developed nation is about half that, and most of that are about a third of that. Theyre getting, according to statistics, better care for 6 ,r populations spending 7 of gdp, while we are pushing 20 and not doing any better. A partisan issue, not a republican or democratic issue. That is a question of the structural formation that flows v. M the decision in dent West Virginia and the particular type of licensing unique to the United States that was produced by that decision. That is why i was interested in the case. It seems to be a really important underpinning of the modern system that people had not looked at, scholars, that is. We are at the university of oregon campus where in the Night Library in the archives, and at the moment we are in the kaine kesey classroom of special collections. Kesey was he ken an oregonian and attended the university of oregon. He wrote two of the great ne flew overels, o the cocoa two crew nest c uckoos news. Oregonian and an he felt it was the right thing for the collection to be here in his all my monitor. Today i brought out a number of different examples of manuscripts that are included in the collection, and that includes things like his artwork. E, he was not just a writer, but also an artist, so we have examples of his artwork. We have a literary ministry in the collection. We have a diary that he kept when he was an undergraduate at university, which is a fabulous resource about what his experience was like when he was a student at the university. Because he was a student at the university, we have the student yearbook, and he is represented in the yearbook. So the collection is really rich in termsepth and scope of the documents we have in the collection that really illuminate his life and his work, the correspondence. The correspondents reveals what happened to him at the time of the writing. They talk about his relationships with other people in his life. They are a very exciting collection of primary sources that can help the scholar learn more about ken kesey. Had an outgoing personality and that is refunded in the student yearbook. He was involved in a lot of different student activities. From 1955. Oregana he was a performer. Did was he was a ventriloquist, and here is an example of him with his dummy doing a performance. He was involved in other student activities. He was a contributor to the heegon daily emerald, and participated in a number of different student groups as well. He was a member of the of a fraternity, and here he was a member of the student a clubation the druids, of some sort, and here he is at that time, and this is from the 1956 oregana. He was always writing in some form or another. When an undergraduate, he kept this journal, and here it says k. K. And it is very extensive and detailed, so this is really a great primary source for anybody doing research about his experiences when he was a student at the university. Events, talksorts about his relationship with fay. He met her when they were both in junior high. Married when they were at the university of oregon. It was 1956 when they got married. Yeah. 1959, kenraduated in kesey went down to the bait area to bay area to study writing and in the creative writing program. He wrote extensively with his to his friend, and here a sampling of the letters we have the collection. This is an early one from august, summer of 1959. Was anebody who undergraduate at the university of oregon came to our repository in 1998 to read all the letters, and then he did and occasions about each of these letters. Scholar have the access to the original letter, but they have these annotations and abstracts of the letters that tell the researcher detail about who the people are in the letter that ken is talking about. And so this is a fabulous resource for researchers gathering information from the letters. Gathered throughout the letters are details about what he is doing, things that are happening personally to him. A daughter. They had a baby. He talks about faith work in the library at stanford university. Just all different kinds of personal information is presented in these letters. This is a letter that he wrote to ken in the summer of 1959 and he had his dog signed the letter, which i think is really cute. This is the original manuscript cuckoosflew over the nest. This copy begins with page 2. We never received page 1. This is the oldest manuscript for the poor, and you can seek editorial marks and changes to the manuscript. You can see editorial marks and changes to the manuscript. Ken was a graphic artist. I am not sure if graphic artist would be the term, but he knew how to draw and he drew these one flewrs that are in over the cuckoos nest, and this is one of the main characters, randolph mcmurphy, and this is the psychiatrist and these are some of the other characters in the story. Published, ak was psychiatrist named Lewis Bartlett read the book and sent ken a fan letter, and there between correspondence them about mental institutions, psychiatry, and those kinds of details. And in this letter is the first letter that the psychiatrist sent, and he is basically saying i found your book so well written, i really enjoyed reading it, and then ken writes back. Letter, he mentions that he really wanted to know how the patients experienced patients experienced electroshock therapy because he wanted to get his representation he told his friend you wanted to up a treatment for himself and that he actually experienced it, and he concluded it was terrifying, hardball, so he was able to portray that well in his book. Dr. Bartlett writes back, horrified that he actually had done that. And he says come if i understood your letter currently, a friend rigged a therapy and give your treatment . Jesus h. Christ. It gives me the horrors to think about it. It is great that scholars established, as that, Even High School students could come here and read this. They have access to this original material that helps them understand the published book. It is very exciting to think about the kinds of research that can be done on this material that we have. Ey papersin the kes are all the notes the notes that survived when he was writing, sometimes sometimes a great notion, and he is working around the title that he wants to use. Has all these notes that he kept. These have survived in the collection. There are fewer notes for one flew over the cuckoos nest, but many notes when he was writing sometimes a great notion. In this document, it is exciting because he is making a list of things he has going on in the story, and he wants to write them down and categorize them so he knows how he is carrying on the story. Again, more notes over here. I always find this interesting, the story, to figure out later what it means, and how that figured into his process, i am not sure. To give try to make hay up. This is the cry. And heres a document when he is describing the character in more detail there. Says, remember, sometimes, hank and lee and everybody else gets a great notion to jump into the river and drown. Really, the great notion, and people who get this great nation. The river figures large in his story. Here is the earliest minister at four sometimes a great notion, a typed scripts, the people have gone through and he has made changes and corrections on that manuscript. Kesey and the merry pranksters got back from their road trip to new york, they threw a number of parties in San Francisco that became known as the acid test. Y was arrestedese for marijuana possession, which seems quite nowadays, especially in oregon where marijuana is now legalized. Lam towent on the mexico, and spent about eight months there living in mexico. I guess he must have realized that that lifestyle was not sustainable for him because his wife and children were back in the states, and so he surrendered himself. And his conviction was to spend countyive months in the jail. It was really a work camp. He did some there, writing and some artwork. My understanding is that the prisoners were not allowed to have paper, pencil, pens, colors, and paint, and so on, but friends smuggled in those supplies to him. So in the five months he was there, he wrote about his experiences in two sheets of paper, and he created some of the material while he was in the jail, and i call it the jailhouse manuscript. Panels, and as43 you can see they are dayglo, wild colors, so he did some of the work while in the jail, and after he got out, he put them together in this collage form. It is like an artist book in a way. Fayso he wrote letters to that these were pasted on. He talks about what they did during the day, what their work was. He talks about his relationship with the fellow prisoners. Again, my understanding is that this is the first time that he came to terms with his own racism, because most of the other inmates were africanamericans, and people have said that the jailhouse manuscript is really his effort to deal with his own racism. Panelss parts of the that have been published into a but there isg, clearly a lot of research that can still read on on this work. This resource, which measures linear feet of material, which is quite extensive, so what we have shown here is the tip of the iceberg collection. Kesey one of the most important things for people to know is that this collection is an incredibly rich collection in both depth and scope that reflects the life and and thesen kesey, primary sources, the documents that were created at the time, something happened to him or something that he did our essential are essential to scholarship on ken kesey. For peoplevailable to use. Any kind of researcher can come here to use the collection, and we are thrilled when people come to use the ken kesey papers. A person worked on a series of programs, but is best known 700 club. Ost of the it was not a book about me. It was a book about my father, because as i was growing up, i father, who was polish, a war harry o a war hero, with tell us his stories of his heroism. Say,i was a girl, youd one day i will tell my story and one day you will write it. Posthumously, i discovered some tapes that my father actually made about his life. So i was taking the tapes, transcribing them, doing research, connecting the dots on his story and writing the story of his life as i had promised as a little girl. Eventually, the circumstances to realizet drove me i was not writing the book about him at all. It was a book about me. My responses to him and my responses to life in general. Where did you grow up and how was your childhood and how was the family . Northernw up in michigan. My father was a sculptor, who for churchesues and institutions, and he was a great artist. And he was a ski chapter instructor. We travel to places where he could do sculpture in the summer and in the winter where he could skiing instruction. We had a little patch of land, but we had no money. We were living in a circus tent that was donated by a traveling circus, by a ringling brothers circus, donated to the church, and the church gave it to that band of gypsies living in the woods. We were living in this tent for a wild, and it was a big top tent. My father did not believe in chopping down trees, and he said trees are permanent, tense are tents are temporary. We lived in that tent until my dad could build a cabin in the woods with my work mother working in detroit sending up her checks as a nurse. It was a fascinating childhood where we ate over bonfires at night. That was our cooking stove. Dee andenison and anything else myr father could get with a bow and arrow. Rather primitive, wonderful way to grow up as a little girl. Road trip yout described in your book from michigan to alaska come about . At the age of 16, i was raped by a boyfriend. But i could not tell my parents. I specially could not tell my father. I felt so guilty and traumatized why that particular event. So i ended up hiding my pregnancy. New,mother eventually ke but we kept it from my father. One day my mother and father were out in northern michigan, a big snowstorm. I was home alone. My brother was in school. I was in the 10th grade. I had the baby alone in the house. When my parents came home, i father was shocked my father was shocked and disowned me, told me that i was not allowed to even finish school there and i was thrown out of the house. So my mother in order to protect fouryearoldtle brother and my baby son and myself, got a drive away car, man inr that an air alaska wanted, and she got the car from the church, got us in tires, a no snow faulty teacher, and we decided to go to alaska. Neededbecause the airman the car and we were going to deliver it to him by driving there. Itll did we know we were driving through the snow storm of the century. Through ae 4400 miles og,astating storm, ice, f temperatures that were 60 below zero and possibly more, a time when you cannot turn the car off because the engine would freeze. No other people on the road. Yearswas only about 25 old at the time, so it was a rugged, dangerous, treacherous road with no guard rails, no signs, very few asked stations, and welodging areas, drove through that. And my mother just kept driving. And it was one of the most treacherous things i think we have ever done, going under glaciers that were melting, over mounted types mountaintops that look like tipis. What was going through your mind during those times . I was traumatized, quite frankly. A solid did not have thought in my head. I was frightened. I was unsure of myself. I was just following the direction of my mother, who said this is what we are going to do, this is how we are going to do it, and i just followed. As her own,my son and so now my son had become my brother. Her lead. Took my mother had a way of saying, just look forward, never look back, do not even think about it, and that was the way i survived, by not reflecting too much on what had happened in the past. Kept telling me that i could finish school, that i could go to college, that i still had a life ahead of me, and it was through the strength of my mother. Almostmy father and god could replace each other. And as a little girl, i started thinking of my father as this huge, this huge god in my life. And so later on in college, i was still looking for some connection to the divine. I still was struggling with looking for some kind of redemption, even though it was not my fault i was right. My father made me think it was. So i tried all sorts of religions, was all over the map. Who i met a man t avocadoo jesus in an orchard over a margarita. This is when i was a tv host and radio news journalist in san diego. Now i was a bornagain again christian. It felt great. Welcome to jesus. Working in san diego, somebody had sent a tape not me had sent a tape to pat robertson, and i got a letter from them asking me if i would like to be the new news bureau int a jerusalem. And i jumped at the chance. Religionnow steeped in and tv evangelism, and i really was not quite prepared for what i found. When did you officially joined the 700 club . I did not join it. It joined me. I thought i was going to jerusalem, and their cohost at ae time had apparently nervous breakdown. They did not tell me that. They said we have just lost our cohost. Could you fit in for two days, thursday and friday, with pat robertson, and we will get your ticket to jerusalem on monday. I said, sure. I never had seen the show. I did not have any information when i sat down on attempted monday i go in to pick up my ticket to jerusalem. I am still living in a hotel. I am thinking i am going. I walked into the Human Resources department, and there memoso most all are danuta. Lease welcome it was a big learning curve for me because in a matter of weeks, not even months, i was now being asked by churches and christian organizations around the country to preach. Now, i know how to talk, but preaching was a different story. And not only that, i was asked the laying on of hands in the charismatic movement. There is a belief you can pray and lay on hands and somebody could be healed if they had the faith, and they is a power in and there is a power in that prayer. I was astonished how hungry people were. How a lot ofed at the people of, the viewers who watched the 700 club were willing to take the word of somebody on television above and beyond their own sense of faith. Television has a tremendous as if god gotple, cable or something. And so somehow we had become the intermediaries to the lord because we were on television. Behind the scenes, other things were taking place. Pat was deciding to run for president. There was the president ial jets. Some transactions in africa going on with gold mines and diamond mines and the irs was getting involved in money distribution, with nonprofit organizations and political ambitions and super pacs, and all this business was going on, and it was throwing the show and balancehe producers off a bit. It got me very uncomfortable, and as pat is running for president , he finds out from a reporter that my brother is really my son. Pat confronts me about it. He is afraid that the news is going to hurt his political campaign, that his cohost has this past. And so he compels me to tell my son, tell that he is actually my son, and that was pretty uncomfortable. Im not sure he was ready for that information. Just to save a mans political career and destroyed a family unit and to invade that privacy was very uncomfortable. My son took it pretty well, but it was another reason like, i am i in the right place . Should i be doing this . Is all of this as ultra stick as i had hoped all touristic hoped . Tic as i had so i made the decision to leave the program and go back to san diego and pick up my career as a broadcaster there. And i was confronted unexpectedly by three elders from cbn, the christian broadcasting network, that pounded me that i was not supposed to leave, that jesus wanted me there, that i was supposed to stay on the 700 three days they were praying over me and showing the scriptures about why jesus wanted me to stay until i succumbed. I said, ok, i will stay. Cbn fromlater, back at florida, i am fired in the parking lot and told that my services would no longer be needed because pats son was going to take my place on the 700 club. Pat is now officially off because he is running for president in the primaries. And i was sort of standing there wondering which jesus was talking to me. Was it the jesus of the beach in fort myers or the jesus in the parking lot . That put me into a tailspin. And so in order to save my own soul and my own sanity, i decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater, religion and religiosity and got an jesus and everything and start everything start over. I went for a 2200 mile bike ride to clear my head. Tohow did that translate when you found the tapes of your father and you discovered more about him to just now that you felt free . What were you discovering . I met and married my husband, robin. I have to take a backtrack on the question because at the point of being totally empty and having nothing was one of the most powerful feelings i had ever had. It was emptiness was not something to fear, but something to rejoice in, because i could only be filled up. I mean, when your cup is completely empty, nature hates a vacuum, and it was coming. And i felt quite energized by it. And it was during this time when i met my husband, robin, three newspaper ad that i wrote, and we met, fell in love, and within 12 days, he asked me to marry him. And that was 23 years ago. Now i have met the love of planted who managed and a vineyard on his family farm here in oregon. One day he said to me, what is one of your dreams . Go to my dreams is to poland and do research on the book i am writing about my father. He said, theres no such as one day, lets make it happen. He went to poland, and there i discovered all my fathers stories were lies, that he was not a big war hero, that he did not escape from dachau, that he did not win all these illiterate metals for skiing that he did not win all these olympic medals for skiing. This book i was writing was 350 pages of falsehoods, and i realized i was now having to change the story, and the story was about my reaction to all of this. So as i started rewriting the story of my father, i was actually writing my own. What would you want people to take away from this book . There is an art to forgiveness. It is very important that even though you feel you have been betrayed, not to carry that stone in your backpack. Down. Iting you will bring you down. So forgiveness is a very big part of life. I learned to forgive my father, that god in the parking lot. Is terriblyness important. Also do not be afraid of emptiness. Do not be afraid of losing anything. And do not ever think you are stuck. If you feel stuck in life, there is so much life waiting for you out there. Do not be afraid to let go of that those things that are not working for you and to grab on, even if there is nothing to hold on to, hold on to the faith that that potential is waiting for you, and you will be fulfilled. In the ups no place and downs of life. It is an adventure. Has been a wonderful conversation, and thank you for allowing us to cover you. My pleasure. Thank you, johnny. In a pitifulis spot, but it is also a fragile place. People are a bit defensive about that. A former governor shocked a National Tv Audience when he went on air to tell people not to come to oregon. Want, weisit all you love tourists, but forgot say, do not move to oregon. Turns out the earliest known evidence of humans in america is in oregon, in eastern oregon, and the dna they have taken from that, university of oregon paleontologists have done this, our ancestors came from siberia. This is the first proof of the alaska land bridge theory that show that he will actually walked to come to oregon. Descendents are still here. Theres also this tradition of whiteg because the settlers they came on the oregon trail, they do not ride, they walked over here. Today when spring comes on a day like this and you want to get out, cabin fever just rages, because it rains a lot in the ter and you get a life nice day in april, people are hitting the trails, and maybe there is an echo of the oregon trail and the first native tribes walking to oregon that persists here. People still want to get out and walk. I book is called oregon oregon trips and trails. The best hiking trails, the cool cities and hot springs and places to say. It is like those eyewitness guides they have four countries in europe. They do not cover organ, and if they do they do it wrong. That is not what people care as much about. Cool the outdoors and little hideaways. The federal government owns half of the state of oregon. 50 is National Forest or bureau of Land Management land. So that plays a huge role. Pay more inoregon taxes than we get back. Theres some controversy about that. We should getat that federal land and use it and develop it, but a lot of people are saying, the feds are doing a nice job of protecting that. So lets keep it input ownership. That is why there is this Strong Movement for wilderness and preservation in oregon. For my series of guides for oregon, i have five books that cover different parts of the state. Each book has 100 feature hikes, so that is 500. Each book also has hundred more at the back of lesserused, less interesting trails, so that is a thousand trails and organ, and beulah and people have asked me, have you hike them all . Yes. One of my favorites is called the obsidian trail. Volcanoes0,000foot that are in our an hours drive from here. The trio was so pumped the trio was so popular that is one of the few that you have to have a permit, and they only let 20 groups a datatype that trail, but you have wildflower fields, of sitting with black glass, ok craters, glaciers, and this is a fivemile high comics pretty cool hike. Of the toughest trail is one of the ones that goes up south sister. You and i think there is a trail to the top. You do not need a permit. You just have to have a lot of stamina because youre gaining 5000 feet of elevation in about five miles. Be next hardest one would hells. This is on the idaho border. There you are losing 5000 feet of elevation. You start on the rim and hike down to the snake river. That seems easy, but in the afternoon you have got to come back. Welcome to downtown eugene. This is close to where eugene was founded over a hundred years ago, and so is the heart of the city. Youre thinking, wait, this is a Whitewater River with trails and with on either side, but that is what eugene is about. Bridge. Aicle bicycle bridge. Eugene has more trails for bicycles than cars. In this town the score is five to four. You can go through the woods and not even know you are in a city most of the time. Is an extremely bikefrom the city, and this is why design. There are bike lanes and paths all over the city so you do not have to fight traffic, and it makes it handy for commuting. Mayor was the one who completed the trails along both sides of the Willamette River. The crowning achievement for the mayor was to build a bike path. There was a time when the river was full of steamboats, and this was as far as they could come up there. But it no longer is important for transportation, and it was also a huge fishery, with the salmon coming up, and the sort of iconic Oregon Outdoor experiences, the salmon coming up. Then there was a time of real bad pollution, and people were so upset that they declared the entire Willamette River a greenway, cleaned up the pollution, the salmon are coming back, and it is now a canoe routes. You can canoe from here to portland, 150 miles on a canoe route down the middle am at down the willamette. You almost never see a farmer or a house or city. You would imagine you are in the wilderness for 120 miles. Oregon has in a magic name, just oregon. It speaks of mystery and beauty. And i am hoping my book will help people find that part. It is a great place to visit. But maybe you do not want to come here to live. Our visit to eugene, oregon, exclusive. We have traveled to cities bringing then Senior Writer paul waldman discusses how the Democratic Party should respond to the republican agenda. Chris chemerinsky, director of content and activism fort numbers usa, discusses recent Immigration Enforcement actions taken by the truck administration and congress. Then Bloomberg Businessweek discusses her piece on the gender wage gap in the u. S. And how Customers Companies are working. Watch washington journal life at 7 00 eastern on saturday morning. Join the discussion. Tonight on cspan, the president of south korea meeting with resident trump at the white house. Louisiana senator cassidy holding a town hall meeting in that in rouge. Then a look at the weekend in politics with washington journal. President moon taken is in washington d c for meetings with President Trump and other u. S. Officials. Discussions focused on the strategy in dealing with north korea and limiting its nuclear program

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